#Samantha wildman
tea-earl-grey · 4 months
thinking about how since Samantha Wildman's husband was stationed on ds9 it would have made sense that she was stationed there too until getting an assignment on Voyager so let's just imagine for a second...
you're a xenobiologist and you and your husband are assigned to a turbulent space station recently freed from an oppressive colonial government. you think "well this post might have some problems but it'll be alright" and then you find out that your immediate boss is a 300 year old worm, your Commander is maybe a god, the station's 'community leader' won't stop trying to scam you, there's a magic portal to the other side of the galaxy, there have been multiple terrorist attacks and political insurrections, there are giant voles in the Jeffries Tubes, and one time all the senior staff got trapped in a fucking board game. so after two years you've just about had it and put in for a transfer to a nice plush starship to get some Real Science done and who knows? maybe your husband can join you soon. maybe you can start building that family you've always talked about. and then you end up on fucking Voyager for 7 years where the crew has all stopped boldly going and instead started punch cards to see how many neuroses you can develop in 75,000 light years.
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evviejo · 3 months
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STAR TREK: VOYAGER // S2E21 Deadlock As strange as it sounds, Captain, according to these readings, another Voyager is right here, right now, occupying the same point in space-time we are.
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avoicefromthestars · 9 months
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this woman's small child six months later: mother i'm obsessed with her. i just gotta follow her around everywhere from now on. sam wildman: uh. okay. we will... have her over for dinner. i guess.
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rhinexstone · 4 months
I love Naomi Wildman I can only imagine how kickass she’ll be as an adult, fuck even among other kids
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She was raised to be cautious of adults if they began acting oddly, and knows adults— even captains— are fallible and able to be under the influence of greater powers.
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Those who raised her have done a fairly incredible job balancing giving her duties and autonomy while letting her be a kid and have fun.
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Not only that but she’s had the most diverse world views and experiences out of any kid in the alpha quadrant and knows that it makes her own world view all the more kinder.
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She knows that sometimes command structure fails, sometimes it’s all that keeps a community alive. She knows just how different other beings can be, yet also knows that there’s a common “humanity” and respect to give them and their identity. She can survive on her own yet fiercely values the ever-malleable definition of what family can be!!!
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catgirljaneway · 6 months
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Voy + Textposts 8 (Reductress Headlines Version 2)
(1) + (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) + (6) + (7) + (8) + (9) + (10)
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traxanaxanos · 2 years
Samantha Wildman is honestly sooo funny as a background character because she’s like...such a normie against the rest of the Voyager crew, who just pops up occasionally to have normal conversations and experience horrors.
Janeway has a martyr complex and is constantly battling the narrative for dominance
Harry Kim has his whole complex where he’s trapped as both the golden boy and the ensign while also dying and being killed and being brought back just a little different every episode
Seven of Nine has her everything going on
Kes and Neelix are weirdos with species-wide trauma and Neelix died
B’Elanna also died and went to hell
Lon Suder
And Samantha is just like, working in the science lab while untold horrors stalk the halls of the Voyager, looking forward to whatever Neelix has whipped up in the kitchen
The few appearances/mentions she has that aren’t Life Threatening Crisis are
really sweet if it wasn’t in the context of a horrifying episode reveal that Samantha devotedly watches Neelix’s little news show every day (neelix superfan). Average woman turning on France 24/BBC every morning and the forecast is never not unspeakable monsters
bumbles into stopping a guy’s suicide attempt by requesting a bedtime story for her child
stereotypical conversation about having to provide new clothes for fast growing child (derailed)
one person on the ship enthusiastic about Neelix’s cooking (#1 Neelix fan)
xenobiologist inexplicably sent on a ship whose mission is to go hunt down terrorists, as if she’s going to get a spare moment to study the effects of long-term space habitation on hagfish or whatever
Like if Voyager had the tone of Lower Decks (animated), the recurring gag would be Samantha just doing her little nematode observations in the background while there’s a five-way borg/hirogen/alien anomaly/kazon/Q incursion going on, and talking to her coworkers about how Naomi’s drawings are like, really really good. Have you seen how good she’s gotten at shading? She’s just an average woman trapped on the most ridiculous and protagonist-laden ship in the known universe. The inherent humor and horror of being a background character in the genre of Epics
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xbcaptain · 2 years
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↳ 5x05   -   ONCE UPON A TIME.
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lesbiangracehanson · 1 year
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she’s been making a blanket for her..... 🥺
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janeway-lover · 11 months
I love Naomi Wildman. I mean, come on, she’s amazing. Here’s a kid who grew up completely aboard a starship for the first 5 years of her life, and then is thrust into life on Earth.
(I’m going off of each season being about a year; Naomi was born end-ish of season 2. Also just a note, this kid grew up remarkably fast. Like, by season 4, she looks elementary school-aged. Like, this girl is 3 at that point. I think.)
But imagine, you’re going to school, and the teacher introduces the new kid, who’s much younger than the rest of the class but doesn’t really look it, but she’s half Ktarian, so it makes sense, you suppose. Her spikes are pretty cool, and she smiles when you tell her that. 
Then the teacher asks her to stand up in front of the class and tell them a little about herself. And you find out that she’s from Voyager, that ship that got lost and had a big party when it returned. Your cousin is in Starfleet, and you remember how happy they were about the ship coming home. That’s pretty cool, you think to yourself. 
She’s smart as a whip, you find out after she asks to join your group for a project. When you ask her who her teacher was out in space, she just smiles. “Everyone, really,” she explains. The rest of the work time is filled with stories of holograms and Borg, and somehow the project still gets done.
And then comes the day when the school goes on lockdown. No one had expected it, nothing like this had happened in decades anywhere, and no one knows what to do. There are protocols and rules, which the teachers are doing their best to follow, but it’s clear they’ve never truly been trained for this to be a reality; it’s a distant concern, a worst-case scenario. For everyone except for Naomi Wildman.
You watch in awe as she takes charge of the situation, helping the teachers get everyone to safety, keeping an eye and an ear open for every possibility. You’d never thought a tennis racket would be any good off of a court, but she holds it like a weapon, one she is prepared to use.
(You ask about the racket, later when all the fuss has died down. She explains that Captain Janeway (Captain Janeway!) had taught her how to play.)
You also ask her, once everything is all over and the intruder has been caught and everyone is safe, how she knew what to do. And she just smiles. “That’s just how it was growing up, I guess. Something could always go wrong, so I had to learn how to stay safe. And I learned from the best.” She says all this with that smile on her face, and it makes her look like she’s nostalgic for something. And you decide, right then and there, that Naomi Wildman is a badass. 
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hauntedmoonchaos · 1 year
Random Star Trek Voyager headcanons?
Janeway created a program that could detect if Voyager were overrun with Borg and the ship would destroy itself if they were. Because after freeing Seven from the collective the thought of her crew being assimilated is unbearable and death would be better than that. Only she and the Doctor know about it's existence.
Every 3 months the crew receive a little gift from a anonymous member of the crew. It's Harry. He thinks it will brighten up people day, give them something to look forward too.
Tom spent a month creating a fun hologram program for toddler Naomi Wildman for her birthday party...she preferred playing in a box
Whenever it's dull on the ship Chakotay ensures Janeway can't get any coffee just to see the chaos unfold.
Tuvok misses his children greatly which is why Kes and then Seven become like his surrogate daughters. He actually teaches Seven stuff he taught his daughter and stuff he'd like to teach her.
B'Elanna has a favourite jefferies tube. She hides her snacks there from Tom.
Neelix on purpose often messes up food dishes to give the crew something to bond. Especially when things are very tense between members of the crew.
Seven can't actually remember what her favourite colour was a child. She said red because she thought it would please Janeway at the time. She eventually learns her favourite colour is blue but never tells anyone.
Naomi learnt a bunch of swear words, in different languages from the computer when she accidentally used one in front of her Mother she blamed Tom for teaching her
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homewrecking-lore · 1 year
"Mortal Coil" doesn't end with Neelix having a spiritual experience that reaffirms his faith, or dismissing faith entirely, or Neelix saving the day which proves his worth. "Mortal Coil" ended with Neelix's friend looking for him because she trusts him with settling her child. It ends with Neelix choosing to live because he wants to tuck Naomi in and tell her bedtime stories, because she looks for him and loves him. It ends with Chakotay saying faith is a journey and it doesn't need to have an answer and he's there to talk to Neelix when he needs it. This fucking episode wrecks me every goddamn time. Neelix didn't need a miracle or a big victorious adventure, it was friends and love that got him through one more day 😭
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phantomstatistician · 2 years
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Fandom: Star Trek 
Character: Seven of Nine
Sample Size: 2,737 stories
Source: AO3
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spockvarietyhour · 5 months
Did we ever talk about Samantha Wlidman's trauma of losing her newborn baby in Deadlock and a few hours later heeere's baby, yep it's yours. All good now, see you next week!
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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WIP Big Bang 2023 Round Starting April 1st!
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Please read our FAQ/check out our schedule for more details.
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giffingthingsss · 1 year
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raurquiz · 1 month
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#happymothersday #startrek #tles #amandagrayson #beverlycrusher #kheylar #troi #lwaxanaytroi #helenaroshenko #jennifersisko #keikoobrian #kasidyYates #ishka #moogy #7of9 #samanthawildman #seska #belannatorres #drmarcus #winonakirk #uhura #gabrielleburham #raffi #lrell #georgiu
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