#Samara Yew
doodlesink · 8 months
Murder by the Seashore by Samara Yew -- Book Review
Happy Wednesday!  Murder by the Seashore by Samara Yew is the debut of A California Bookshop Mysteries.  Stop by to read my forthright review of this new cozy mystery.  Happy Reading!
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bonefall · 11 months
Clanmew Expansion: Fruits
And the way Clan cats classify them.
DISCLAIMER: For this lesson, I will ask everyone to bear with how these words are approximate translations, and not always botanically accurate! This is so there are some cooler words everyone can use for their OC names <3
A Clan cat's definition of FRUIT is, "The objects produced by trees and bushes that are not leaves or flowers." This concept is quite different from the casual English concept of a fruit, which is a category of food! This is because cats are OBLIGATE CARNIVORES, and it's mostly ThunderClan that is able to taste sweetness at all thanks to a genetic mutation (known as Sweetness Tolerance).
So remember! Clan cats do not believe that trees produce "seeds"! Every solid object produced by a tree or a bush, which is not a leaf or flower, is a "fruit" by Clanmew definition.
Fruit (from tree or bush) = Praw
Seed (not from tree or bush) = Hi'i
This means that their definition of fruit includes MANY things, which are then sorted further into 5 categories.
Below the cut:
Clanmew Fruit Classification
What is a Deathberry?
A nearly exhaustive list of all the berry-producing plants in this region. 26 words!
Here's a little diagram to make this easier!
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[ID: The five categories of Clanmew "fruits."]
Acorn = Kong
Any solid object which could be further ground up into a powder. Most praw contain a kong, but all of the praw of oak trees are kong alone. This could be translated in several ways; Acorn, seed, core, pit, kernel, etc.
Many kong are an active poison to Clan cats, and carefully avoided! A poison kong is called a "deathberry," which will be explained more further down.
Nut = Nekboq
Because of how deadly certain 'kong' are, Clan cats believe that nuts exist to keep them safe from accidental poisonings. A good example of this is the plum pit, which is a hard nut to crack, containing a core that can be ground up into potent cyanide.
Any hard, inedible shell around another component of a praw makes it a nut, by Clanmew standards. To a Clan cat, bananas, avocados, and mangoes would be nekboq if they somehow encountered them.
But, of course, those are tropical fruits! Generally, the nekboq they encounter in nature 'make sense' to us. Conkers, plum pits, beechnuts. So on.
Cone = Krriki
The woody objects produced by conifers, of all shapes and sizes.
A pinecone that's opened up, bristly, and has released all of its pollen or kong is called an Urrk. This word is no longer used in names by the modern era because it has become vulgar slang.
Berry = Lepe
This is what humans think of when we say "fruit." It's a fleshy, usually juicy praw that wild animals like to eat. Unlike English, 'berry' refers to any size of sweet fruit, from huge apples all the way down to tiny rowanberries.
ThunderClan has a high concentration of Sweetness Tolerance, a simple gene that's turned their ability to taste sweet back on, and so are the only Clan that has a culinary interest in berries! This is why Clanmew doesn't have the same 'concept' of fruits that we do.
If you were to say, "Wobe," "Crab Apple," you would be referring to the tree. Not the apples. "Wobe lepe" would refer to the berries on the crab apple tree.
Samara = Frass
A sort of "other" category for anything else produced by trees that doesn't fall neatly into the other categories. Catkins on willows, the real winged samaras that maple trees produce, and the fuzzy streaming bits that birch trees make are all "frass" to Clan cats.
What is a Deathberry?
A deathberry, or a Worrpraw is any fruit that can kill through ingestion. There are LOTS of deathberries, though the bright red, widespread yew is the most well known.
The berry of the rowan, Mabrre, is only a deathberry until it's ripe!
Deathberries are marked in red! Fruits especially valued for eating are marked yellow! Plants with a noteworthy non-culinary use are marked with blue!
Domestic Apple (Malus domestica) = Shobe Not all apple trees are equal. This tree is defined by producing sweet, delicious apples that a ThunderClan cat wants to eat. Nothing else about its foliage is different from a 'Wobe' apple tree.
Wild Apple (Malus sylvestric) = Wobe We might call this a 'crab apple.' Creates fruits much smaller and more bitter than a Shobe tree, but is generally quite hardy and enduring.
Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) = Bayab The most common and readily used fruit plant in all the Clan territories, also called 'brambles' in English. This plant is used for TONS of crafting purposes, grows readily, and produces some thorns
Plum (Prunus domestica) = Neob
Damson (Prunus domestica ssp. insititia) = Meob Remarkably similar to a plum, but smaller, longer in shape, with a tangier, 'spicier' flavor. Preferred by ShadowClan; an oddity, as most non-Thunder Clans have no interest in fruits.
Pear (Pyrus communis) = Rrobe
Juniper (Juniperus communis) = Raerrai ShadowClan's BELOVED spice, the closest thing to peppers they have. Sometimes described as bearing "Lepekong" for being an odd mix of Acorn and Berry, its fruit is dried, crushed, and powdered before being used to cook. IMPORTANT: Pregnant cats cannot have juniper spice, as it can cause a miscarriage.
Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) = Reyab Makes one of the most delicious and sought-after fruits, especially in ThunderClan. Resembles a red blackberry.
Elder (Sambucus nigra) = Heegyai Edible when cooked but not delicious, and causes vomiting when eaten too much.
Currant (Ribes rubrum) = Mwayaa BRIGHT RED AND POISONOUS. A DEATHBERRY.
Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) = Lupi A deep blue berry that tastes somewhat like blueberries.
Dewberry (Rubus caesius) = Oopri A big, waxy cousin of the blackberry. Known as a more disappointing version, because it's sour even when ripe.
Gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa) = Sspele Sometimes called by a longer name, 'Gawsspelepe,' because this berry is so fat it's often used for ThunderClan jams.
Crowberry (Epetrum Nigrum) = Yayirr A WindClan-exclusive berry that isn't usually eaten, because of its acidic taste and tendency to cause headaches. It's used as a rich dye.
Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) = Urryab A hardy bush that produces tiny, bristly, delicious red berries. Notably, this is a wild type that is much smaller and seedier than what humans are used to.
Cherry (Prunus avium) = Obeo A tree that produces gorgeous blossoms and a dark red berry, but must be eaten in moderation and the pit must ALWAYS be removed. Associated with being a strange mix of apple and plum. A cherry to a Clan cat is the size of an apple to a human.
Salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis) = Awlgoo From a contraction of Sun + Bite + Dewberry. A plant introduced and naturalized, Clan cats find this plant IDEAL for treating all types of burns. Especially because Awlgoo is fire-resistant, and easily found after bad wildfires.
Knoutberry (Rubus chamaemorus) = Soob THERE IS NO BERRY MORE BELOVED IN THUNDERCLAN THAN THIS. It grows primarily in marshy, open territory, and was previously quite rare in the ThunderClan Forest territories. In the Lake, there's a big knoutberry patch on the border between Thunder and Shadow, and organizing clean, honorable battles for this patch became a big consideration in diplomacy between Blackstar and Firestar. It is often kept preserved by ThunderClan through the winter, and fed to sick cats as a health booster. Kits and apprentices will occasionally pretend to be sick to be given a taste.
Sloe (Prunus spinosa) = Mweek'ka In English, this is also called Blackthorn. This plant is used most often as camp reinforcement thanks to its huge thorns and thick branches. The fruits are usually disgustingly bitter, but ShadowClan alone has realized that the fruits can be frozen to remove the horrible taste. They use this to their economic advantage, making sloe jam to trade to ThunderClan during the winter when they can't find any fresh fruits.
Yew (Taxus baccata) = Remwr The most notorious deathberry, one of the only plants that can grow in the understorey of non-native trees like the sitka spruce and beech. All parts of a yew, from needle to berry, are deadly poisonous. Poisoning from yew causes heart failure.
Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) = Palimwr Better known by its common name; Deadly Nightshade. Said to grow in the territory of inexperienced and careless Clerics, or sprouts as a warning to mind their skills. Poisoning from belladonna causes neurological damage.
Cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos) = Ssloop A plant that really likes wet areas. Not particularly delicious or sought-after.
Holly (Ilex aquifolium) = Wask A tree or bush with famously waxy, thorny leaves... and bright red, toxic berries. Like most deathberries, it can be safely eaten by birds, but this tree goes even further by providing birds a place to rest and hide. Clan cats can't hunt in holly.
Lingon (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) = Kroob A hardy berry-producing plant mostly seen in WindClan. Used as a laxative.
Sea-Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) = Remgubu From Yew + Stomach, for its use as a medicine for some stomach and intestinal treatments. Has a similar color to knoutberry, which can result in a disappointing surprise for a young cat who pretends to have stomach issues hoping for a taste of awlgoo
Cotoneaster (Various) = Lepigu From Berry + Bird. Red, bitter berries that attract birds.
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dollycas · 5 months
2023 Reading Challenges - It's A Wrap!
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2023 Reading Challenges - It's A Wrap!
I am jumping the gun a little bit by posting this today. So, I have included the two books I will complete by the end of the week. I am thrilled that I actually completed all, even exceeded some of the reading challenges I committed to this year. It's amazing what you can accomplish when your body stays reasonably healthy. Hopefully, I can do the same in 2024. I reviewed most of the books and each one listed is linked to my review. There were a few I read from my personal bookshelf so didn't write reviews. Those books are linked to Amazon. 2023 Reading Challenge
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LORI has completed her goal of reading 175 books in 2023! hide 202 of 175 (100%) view books
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A. Against the Currant by Olivia Matthews  B. Bookclubbed to Death by V.M. Burns C. Canter With A Killer by Amber Camp D. Dial M for Meow by Ruth J. Hartman E. Engagingly Dead by Michele Scott F. Four Leaf Cleaver by Maddie Day G. The Game is a Footnote by Vicki Delany  H. Hidden in the Pines by Victoria Houston I. The Ivy Tree by Carolyn Brown J. Jasmine and Jake Rock the Boat by Sonya Lalli K. Killer Cupid by Laurien Berenson L. Lemon Curd Killer by Laura Childs M. Murder at Wedgefield Manor by Erica Ruth Neubauer N. The Name of the Rosé by Christine E. Blum O. Of Mushrooms and Matrimony by Amy Patricia Meade P. Pruning the Dead by Julia Henry  Q. Dairy Dairy Quite Contrary by Amy Lillard R. Rivalry Gone Wrong by L.C. Turner S. A Streetcar Named Murder by T.G. Herren T. Tilling the Truth by Julia Henry U. An Unholy Death by Leslie Budewitz V. Viviana Valentine Get Her Man by Emily J. Edwards W. Word to the Wise by Jenn McKinlay X. Madame X by Niobia Bryant Y. Your Time is Up by Kat Jorgensen Z. Miss Zukas and the Raven's Dance by Jo Dereske Complete 12/1/2023 Mini- Challenges January - Seasons - Winter's End by Paige Shelton February - Kitchen -  Four Leaf Cleaver by Maddie Day  March - Girl/Lady/Woman - The Girl With the Dragonfruit Tattoo by Carrie Doyle April -  Flower - Digging Up Daisy by Sherry Lynn May - Royalty -  Earl Grey and the Shattered Graves by Victoria Tait June - Position - Hidden Beneath by Barbara Ross  July - Baseball -  Dame Alice Hits Hollywood by Allie Mahoney August - Sky - The Solace of Stars by Kathleen Ernst September - Territory - Anxious in Nevada by Diana Xarissa October - I Spy -  Pumpkin Spice Peril by Jenn McKinlay November - Compound Word -Bulletproof Barista by Cleo Coyle December - Christmas - Christmas, Criminals and Campers by Tonya Kappes
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A. Amy Patricia Meade - Of Mushrooms and Matrimony B. Laurien Berenson - Killer Cupid by Laurien Berenson C. Amber Camp - Canter With A Killer D. Vicki Delaney - The Game is a Footnote  E. Erica Ruth Neubauer - Murder at Wedgefield Manor  F. Sarah Fox - Six Sweets Under G. Emily George - A Half-Baked Murder H. T. G. Herren - A Streetcar Named Murder I. Ian Moore - Death and Croissants J. Jenn McKinlay - Word to the Wise K. Michelle Hillen Klump - Murder Served Neat L. Laura Scott - Dogged by Death M. Maddie Day - Four Leaf Cleaver by Maddie Day  N. Nancy J. Cohen - Star Tangled Banner O. Olivia Matthews - Against the Currant  P. Paige Shelton - Winter's End Q. Mindy Quigley - Ashes to Ashes Crust to Crust R. Ruth J. Hartman - Dial M for Meow S. Michele Scott - Engagingly Dead T. L.C. Turner - Rivalry Gone Wrong U. Lisa Unger - All My Deepest Impulses V. V.M. Burns - Bookclubbed to Death W. Michele Pariza Wacek - Murder Among Friends X. Diana Xarissa - Anxious in Nevada Y.  Samara Yew - Murder at the Seashore Z. Chad Zunker All He Had Left Complete - 10/5/2023
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Alabama - Read the full article
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nnjzz · 8 months
MARDI 10.10
chez TREIZE 24 rue Moret 75011 M° Couronnes
P.A.F. 6€
20:00 portes 20:30 action !!!! [ ( 22:30 fin ) ] OUI il s'agit d'un + ou - EARLY SHOW venez à l'heure car on commencera vraiment relativement tôt pour pouvoir terminer au plus tard vers 22:30 MERCI pour votre compréhension !
MARCIA BASSETT & SERGEJ VUTUC us nyc bih paris Marcia Bassett - que nous eûmes déjà plusieurs fois le plaisir d'accueillir - est une artiste sonore et visuelle prolifique, active depuis de très nombreuses années. Membre co-fondatrice de plusieurs groupes importants dont GHQ ( avec Steve Gunn et Pete Nolan), DOUBLE LEOPARDS, HOTOTOGISU ( avec Matthew Bower), ZAIKA ( avec Tom Carter ), elle joue aussi fréquemment en duo avec Samara Lubelski, solo en tant que ZAIMPH ou sous son nom civil et continue divers projets collaboratifs.Parmi ses travaux récents, citons " Midnight Xpander " enregistré dans les fameux studios Elektronmusikstudion EMS à Stockholm ou " À la maison ", fruit d'une résidence parisienne de plusieurs jours avec Ursula Sherrer à la Maison Printing, entité fondée par Cécile Maycec et Sergej Vutuc avec qui elle performera le soir du 10/10.
Boucles de Buchla, home made electronics, field recordings, voix, guitare âpre... Entre drone caverneux, lacérations soniques, dissonances et nappes épaisses et stridences, elle crée un univers claustrophobe où l'on se meut comme happé par un mauvais trip éveillé.
" De la musique psychédélique qui sonne et qui nous évoque un Klaus Schulze lo-fi voire le meilleur des Cosmic Jokers. Élégant, cradingue et lysergique." ( Metamkine )
Nombreuses sorties - entre autres chez Hospital Productions, No Fun, KYEmais aussi sur ses propres labels : Yew Recordings, Heavy Conversation and Heavy Blossom.
Sergej Vutuc, ami de longue date de Marcia est un artiste pluridisciplinaire (photo argentique / musique / dessin / performance ) & nomade, né en "ex-Yougoslavie" - - vit & travaille actuellement à Paris.
IGNATZ / be bxl Alter ego de Bram Devens, talentueux musicien flamand néanmoins bruxellois... En groupe ( The Beautiful Band, Ignatz & De Stervende Honden ..) et surtout en solo, avec une guitare électrique mais le plus souvent une guitare acoustique amplifiée et passée à travers quelques effets, il se spécialise dans un idiome d'Euro-Blues, nourri de l'improvisation.
" ( ses ) chansons découlent d’un cadre folklorique dépouillé, clairsemé, toujours limpide et émotif. Toujours hors des clous, le spectre sonore d’Ignatz navigue dans une sorte de primitivisme à la dérive, quelque part entre le Velvet Underground et Henry Flint. La touche froide voire sombre qui peut s’échapper de ses compositions révèle en réalité une chaleur étouffée et profonde." ( Sonic Protest )Plusieurs albums à son actif dont la plupart chez KRAAK, mais aussi chez Fonal, Feeding Tube Records, Okraina Records ou Ultra Eczema. .
EVE ABOULKHEIR / fr Musicienne électroacoustique prélevant les " bruits du réel " et jouant avec dans ses performances ou installations sonores. " Elle construit ainsi un univers onirique et artificiel, suspendu et hyperactif, à la fois vortex électronique nous aspirant et ballet mécanique développant ses arabesques autour de nous, piégés et fascinés par ces volutes de sons qui se fractalisent comme un kaléidoscope dans lequel sont plongés nos yeux-oreilles. " ( INA / GRM )
Fly - Jo L'Indien
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therealimintobooks · 8 months
Murder by the Seashore by Samara Yew @samarayewauthor @dollycas #giveaway
Murder by the Seashore (A California Bookshop Mystery)by Samara Yew About Murder by the Seashore Murder by the Seashore (A California Bookshop Mystery)Cozy Mystery1st in SeriesSetting – CaliforniaCrooked Lane Books (October 17, 2023)Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 256 pagesISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1639104933ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1639104932Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BSKSHZF5 Perfect for fans of Jenn McKinlay and Ellery Adams,…
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skinnyazn · 2 years
Pls send me femshep samara content
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lailoken · 2 years
Offerings of the Hollow Hills:
Being an Index of Propitiations Beloved by the Gloaming Folk
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What follows is a catalog of sorts, which I compile with the aim of using my own knowledge and experience to produce an index of offerings that have proven themselves especially effective in propitiating the Gloaming Folk. This is based only upon what I have witnessed personally over many years of Gloaming Intercession, and as such, it is in no way meant to serve as a definitive guide. However, each thing listed herein is something I have directly observed the Twilight Brood accept, not just with recognition or gratitude, but with zestful relish. The oblations in question may be separated into several makeshift categories, which include:
Botanical Offerings;
Blessed Thistle,
Wood Anemone,
Lily of the Valley,
Wood sorrel,
Chamomile blossoms,
Aconite blossoms
Saffron Crocus,
Witch Hazel flowers,
Daisy chains,
Poppy blossoms/pods
Lotus blossoms/pods,
Dandelion root,
Mandrake root,
Bryony root,
Iris root,
Viburnum root,
Wild Onions/Leaks & their blossoms,
Yew Cones
All manners of Moss,
All manners of Lichen,
All manners of Fungus (especially Amanitas, Psilocybins, and Polypores,)
All manners of Ferns (particularly Moonworts, Staghorns, and Maidenhairs,)
Fern Dust (fern spores,)
Tobacco Leaf/Flowers
Sweet Wormwood (Artemisia Annua,)
Mint (especially blossoms,)
Holly berries,
Belladonna blooms/berries,
Hawthorn blooms/berries,
Rowan blooms/berries,
Blackthorn blooms/berries,
Elder blooms/berries,
Cherry blooms/fruits,
Crabapple blooms/fruits,
Hazel blooms/nuts,
Elm blooms/samaras,
Maple water/samaras,
Horse Chestnuts,
Oak galls,
& Radishes.
Culinary Offerings;
Whole Milk,
Raw Butter,
Welsh cakes,
Freshly gathered Eggs,
Damiana Liqueur,
& All freshly gathered Berries.
Personal Offerings;
Hair (especially whole plaits,)
& Bones (such as teeth.)
Zoological Offerings;
Animal bones,
Animal skins,
& Iridescent insect casings/wings.
Telluric Offerings;
Wild Quartz,
& Tektites.
Intangible Offerings;
Music (beautiful singing in particular,)
& Vows.
Miscellaneous Offerings:
Sacred Waters,
Found Arrowheads.
Irreplaceable items of emotional significance,
& Anything homegrown and/or handmade, which was thoroughly imbued with earnest care and effort—especially when it is synchronized with the seasonal rhythms of the world (ie. Pumpkin pie made by hand, from scratch, using homegrown pumpkins, during the Autumnal window best suited to your harvesting of such gourds.)
Art Credit — Alexandria Dvornikova
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positively-multiple · 4 years
Hi, do you do name suggestions? I'm new and I really want a soft deer like name but I can't find any good ones 🦌
Here are somethings I’ve thought of or found around! Some are 100% related to movies and/or books.
Sorry if this is too late, we’ve had very little spoons lately due to stress with school. If it’s not, then I hope these help!
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Hôtel Padoue in Lourdes, France (Europe). The best of Hôtel Padoue in Lourdes Hotel. Welcome to Hôtel Padoue in Lourdes, France (Europe). The best of Hôtel Padoue in Lourdes. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN Common services included will be: wifi available in all areas. canoeing, golf course (within 3 km), fishing, cycling and hiking. In the section of bar we will be able to enjoy: chocolate or cookies, restaurant, packed lunches, breakfast in the room, kid meals, bar, special diet menus (on request), wine/champagne and room service. With regard to transport, we have secured parking, bicycle rental (additional charge), accessible parking and street parking. For the reception we will be able to have ticket service, luggage storage, tour desk, currency exchange, safety deposit box, 24-hour front desk and newspapers. Within the related areas we will enjoy terrace, sun terrace and shared lounge/tv area. The cleanliness of the facilities will include daily maid service, dry cleaning and laundry. If you travel by business matters in the accommodation you will have fax/photocopying and meeting/banquet facilities. shops (on site). We will be able to highlight other possibilities as visual aids: braille, toilet with grab rails, soundproof rooms, designated smoking area, heating, wheelchair accessible, family rooms, higher level toilet, lift, non-smoking rooms, non-smoking throughout, lower bathroom sink, facilities for disabled guests and air conditioning [https://youtu.be/YF0Icspj-mA] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2LNdkIW You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2vsXPuL We hope you have a pleasant stay in Hôtel Padoue Other hotels in Lourdes Hôtel Roissy https://youtu.be/A0_i9ygi7Ds Best Western Plus Hôtel Le Rive Droite & SPA https://youtu.be/HnceZXPaoQY Hôtel Alba https://youtu.be/lOxf3K9aVZw Hôtel Astrid https://youtu.be/VUxnnfXAHlQ Other hotels in France Ibis Madrid Alcorcon Tresaguas https://youtu.be/LqvBzDbG3hQ Other hotels in this channel Protea Hotel by Marriott Port Elizabeth Marine https://youtu.be/zJ3l8Fkpn3I Spring Hotel Bitácora https://youtu.be/bPALSEvNCLM Stamford Plaza Auckland https://youtu.be/bIFd1Jb5TcA Lotte Hotel Samara https://youtu.be/qMKTRkqo1Ew Glendale Hyde Park Hotel https://youtu.be/02eezIQMsB4 La Fragua II https://youtu.be/rM2u5ZYx-nk Bungalows Fuertesol https://youtu.be/sAPJhWtVXuk Centara Grand Mirage Beach Resort Pattaya https://youtu.be/9BsHhK7m2Hc Hotel Zlatibor Mona https://youtu.be/rE6VafPtZMw Hotel Waldhaus https://youtu.be/eDrYfLv6_1Q Hotel Stara Lika https://youtu.be/EfbxAIzaf-E Makkah Clock Royal Tower, A Fairmont Hotel https://youtu.be/rMFll9GYeKo Hotel Insula https://youtu.be/TVwu882Lzgk Yew Lian hotel https://youtu.be/ns-mcX3Mxe0 Rixos Seagate Sharm - Ultra All Inclusive https://youtu.be/yzCnJKTYKkM In Lourdes we recommended to visit In the France you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Santuario de Lourdes, Basílica de Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire, Valle de Ossau, Castillo de Lourdes, Funiculaire du Pic du Jer, basílica de San Pío X, Jardin Massey, Musée de Lourdes and Musée de Cire. We also recommend that you do not miss Le Cachot, Musée du Petit Lourdes, Maison Paternelle Sainte-Bernadette, Musée de la Médaille Miraculeuse, Pyrénées Animal Park, Massabielle Grotto, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Hôtel Padoue and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in France based in Hôtel Padoue Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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jolieeason · 8 months
WWW Wednesday: October 18th, 2023
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme Sam hosts at Taking on a World of Words. The Three Ws are: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you think you’ll read next? Here is what I am currently reading, recently finished, and plan to read from Thursday to Wednesday. Let me know if you have read or are planning on reading any of these books!! Happy…
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jolieeason · 8 months
WWW Wednesday: October 11th, 2023
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme Sam hosts at Taking on a World of Words. The Three Ws are: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you think you’ll read next? Here is what I am currently reading, recently finished, and plan to read from Thursday to Wednesday. Let me know if you have read or are planning on reading any of these books!! Happy…
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dollycas · 8 months
Cozy Wednesday with Samara Yew - Author of Murder by the Seashore (A California Bookshop Mystery) #AuthorInterview / #Review / #Giveaway - Great Escapes Book Tour - @crookedlanebooks @samarayewauthor
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Welcome to Cozy Wednesday! I am so happy to welcome Samara Yew to Escape With Dollycas today!
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Hi Samara! Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
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Hello! I’m a cozy mystery author who lives on a small acreage in BC, Canada with my husband, son, and two sweedy dogs (that’s sweet but needy.) Murder by the Seashore is the first book in the California Bookshop Mysteries, and I wrote its first draft during National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) in November 2020. What are three things most people don’t know about you? 1. Most people reading this are probably pronouncing my name wrong. It’s okay; I forgive you. But it’s pronounced Sah-mare-rah. The mare rhymes with air not car. 2. My family loves to travel so much that we realized our son has been to eleven countries and he isn’t even three years old yet. I’ve been to twenty-three, so he still has some catching up to do. And yes, traveling with a toddler is extremely exhausting, but we’ve made some amazing memories. 3. I love green bananas. They are so much better than ripe bananas. What books/authors have most inspired you? The Library Lover’s Mysteries by Jenn McKinlay for the gorgeous setting and humor. The Secret, Book, and Scone Society Mysteries by Ellery Adams for the strong friendships and quaint bookshop. The Seaside Café Mysteries by Bree Baker for the quirky characters and page-turning mysteries. What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book? I don’t do a lot of research, but I do make an outline. I usually spend a few weeks on it before I start actually writing. But then I totally go off-outline. Sometimes I’m not even sure how my books get written because the process can be all over the place. Do you ever suffer from Writer’s Block? Not really. I suffer from “Not Very Much Time To Write,” so the odd hour or so I get to sit down and write, I have so much built up in me that there’s no time for Writer’s Block. What advice do you have for someone who would like to become a published writer? Read lots, especially in your genre (hey, it’s considered homework!) When you are not writing what do you like to do? I love to read, travel, swim, and bake. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why? I’ve honestly been fortunate enough to check most places off my bucket list of places to go. Two places I would love to return to are London and Tokyo because I didn’t get to spend enough time in either. What is next on the horizon for you? I’m working on book two of the California Bookshop Mysteries. It’s been fun to be back with Scarlett and the Palm Trees and Page Turners’ gang as they get into more mischief around Southern California. Thank you, Samara, so much for visiting today. Keep reading for my thoughts about Murder by the Seashore.
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Murder by the Seashore (A California Bookshop Mystery) by Samara Yew
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dollycas · 8 months
My Reading Itinerary Monday! – Week #41 – 2023
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Welcome to My Reading Itinerary Monday!  Where are your books taking you this week? I will be traveling to Florida, California, and New York! Here’s what I read and what I have planned for this week. Escapes Completed
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Pumpkin Spice Peril (Cupcake Bakery Mystery) by Jenn McKinlay Release Date - April 28, 2020 Setting - Arizona My #FlashbackFriday Read! My Review
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Slashing Through the Snow: A Christmas Tree Farm Mystery by Jacqueline Frost Release Date - October 12, 2021 Setting - Maine My Review will be up tomorrow!
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Murder by the Seashore (A California Bookshop Mystery) by Samara Yew Release Date - October 17, 2023 Setting - California The Great Escapes Book Tour starts here this week for Cozy Wednesday!
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Purrder, She Wrote: A Detective Whiskers Cat Cozy Mystery by Chris Abernathy Release Date - September 12, 2023 Setting - Florida My Review will be up on Thursday!
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Currently Reading
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Wreathing Havoc (A Garden Squad Mystery) by Julia Henry Release Date - September 28, 2021 Setting - Massachusetts My #FlashbackFriday Read!
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Scheduled Escapes
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Her Secret Protector (SOS Agency) by Bonnie Vanak Release Date - October 24, 2023 Setting - Florida The Great Escapes Tour stops here next Tuesday!
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Brush Up On Murder (Aurora Anderson Mystery) by Sybil Johnson Release Date - October 10, 2023 Setting - California The Great Escapes Tour stops here next week for Cozy Wednesday!
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The Exchange: After The Firm (The Firm Series) by John Grisham Release Date - October 17, 2023 Setting - New York For Review
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Future Escapes October 8 - 14, 2023
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Click Here to check out my Current Giveaways! Please Share Your Reading Itinerary in the Comments below! Happy Reading!!
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Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent Read the full article
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dollycas · 8 months
My Reading Itinerary Monday! – Week #40 – 2023
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Welcome to My Reading Itinerary Monday!  Where are your books taking you this week? I will be traveling to Maine, California, and Florida! Here’s what I read and what I have planned for this week. Escapes Completed
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Joy to the Wool (Clear Creek Mysteries) by Rebecca McKinnon Release Date - October 5, 2023 Setting - Rocky Mountain Town The Great Escapes Tour stops here tomorrow!
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Murders of a Feather: A Veterinarian Cozy Mystery by Eileen Brady Release Date - October 3, 2023 Setting - New York I will feature this book this week on Cozy Wednesday!
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Darjeeling and A Deadly Disappearance: A British Cozy Mystery with a Female Sleuth (A Waterwheel Cafe Mystery) Release Date - September 8, 2023 Setting - Cotswold, England My review will be up on Thursday! 
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An Unholy Death—A Novella: A Food Lovers’ Village Mystery by Leslie Budewitz Release Date - August 29, 2023 Setting - Montana I still need to get this review written.
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Currently Reading
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Pumpkin Spice Peril (Cupcake Bakery Mystery) by Jenn McKinlay Release Date - April 28, 2020 Setting - Arizona My #FlashbackFriday Read!
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Scheduled Escapes
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Slashing Through the Snow: A Christmas Tree Farm Mystery by Jacqueline Frost Release Date - October 12, 2021 Setting - Maine For Review
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Murder by the Seashore (A California Bookshop Mystery) by Samara Yew Release Date - October 17, 2023 Setting - California The Great Escapes Book Tour starts here next week for Cozy Wednesday!
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Purrder, She Wrote: A Detective Whiskers Cat Cozy Mystery by Chris Abernathy Release Date - September 12, 2023 Setting - Florida For Review
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Future Escapes October 1 - 7, 2023
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Click Here to check out my Current Giveaways! Please Share Your Reading Itinerary in the Comments below! Happy Reading!!
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Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent Read the full article
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therealimintobooks · 9 months
Murder by the Seashore by Samara Yew @samarayewauthor #bookreview
My Thoughts I recently finished the first book in the California Bookshop Mystery series, Murder by the Seashore. The narrative and its characters held my attention throughout. The author’s writing style made for an easy-to-read but entertaining book. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves a good cozy mystery. Thank you to Lori at Great Escapes Book Tours and the author for giving me the…
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