#Mary Kay Andrews
book-petals · 8 months
Review: The Homewreckers by Mary Kay Andrews
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The Homewreckers is a breath of fresh air. Some genres are just like that, you find yourself reading some gritty thriller or high fantasy with so much detail you're left satisfied but also with mushy brain. You need something clean and fun to read after, this book is the remedy. It's a nice package; containing a sort of meet cute/enemies (sort of) to lovers, a little mystery and some fun twists, a loveable main character and a trope I've never read before (romcom is a genre I haven't really read a lot of before).
Likes: • A really cute and interesting trope. The setting of this book is in Georgia and the main character finds herself as the leading role in a predicted hit reality show about restoring and flipping homes. • This book doubles as a sort of romcom meets cozy mystery. Two great genres represented well here. • Not really a dull moment. The story had my attention from the first page. • A great story about grief and healing. Hattie has really been through it and within the timeline of this book we get to read about her healing and growing through the process. • The mystery storyline was really good. It could have been a book on it's own, but it felt like the best bonus to The Homewreckers.
Dislikes: • It felt like the characters in this book didn't really have depth. I wanted more emotion and thought with them but it was lacking where it could have been expanded. • Some aspects of the restoration process felt rushed and unrealistic. It was almost like there was a few magic wand moments. • I wasn't really happy with Hattie's romantic choice in the end. She didn't have to choose one or the other and I would have chosen neither, personally. But that also goes back to my first point in dislikes, maybe there was more thought in the author's mind about the characters than what I read.
Overall, I enjoyed The Homewreckers. Mainly for the fun storyline about restoring a home for a reality show and the cozy mystery side story was what made me rate this one higher than I would have without it. Sometimes I start a book blind, so I wasn't expecting it. 
My rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
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jolieeason · 2 months
WWW Wednesday: May 8th, 2024
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme Sam hosts at Taking on a World of Words. The Three Ws are: What are you currently reading? What did you recently finish reading? What do you think you’ll read next? Here is what I am currently reading, recently finished, and plan to read from Thursday to Wednesday. Let me know if you have read or are planning on reading any of these books!! Happy…
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mybookends · 2 years
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The Santa Suit | Mary Kay Andrews | 3 ⭐️
I got this book because I knew it would be cheesy corny cute cringe Christmas book and it was very much that lol. It was a little bit boring if I’m honest like some of it was autopilot reading because anyone could’ve written this storyline, ya know? Like it’s nothing special. I know it sounds contradictory to be like “oh I wanted it to be an obvious book” and then be like “well it was boring” but I was hoping for predictable like The Hating Game was predictable. But still it was cute and easy and if it was a movie, I’d watch it lol
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“He sat up and wrapped his arms around her chest, kissing her neck and shoulders, and she leaned back into his embrace. Finally, the sky was an inky blue black, scattered with stars and a waning crescent moon.”
- Hello, Summer by Mary Kay Andrews
This book was so good! Despite it being 470 pages, I flew through it in a week! There’s a bit of family drama, a ton of mystery and solving a murder, and reconnecting with an old flame. I rated it 4.5/5 stars, so I would highly recommend it! (Ps. TW for attempted kidnapping and mentions of past SA and suicide; though these are very, very brief parts of the book.)
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airplanes924 · 7 months
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Books I've Read in 2023
Number 63
Bright Lights, Big Christmas by Mary Kay Andrews
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bargainsleuthbooks · 9 months
#ARCReview Bright Lights, Big Christmas by Mary Kay Andrews #NetGalley #NewBooks #ChristmasBooks #ChickLit #ContemporaryFiction #StMartinsPress #September2023Books #BookReview
Happy #PublicationDay to #BRightLightsBigChristmas by #MaryKayAndrews! This book was all that I needed to get me out of a reading rut, such a good feel-good story. #NewBooks #StMartinsPress #BookReview #NetGalley #ARCReview #ChickLit #ContemporaryFiction
When fall rolls around, it’s time for Kerry Tolliver to leave her family’s Christmas tree farm in the mountains of North Carolina for the wilds of New York City to help her gruff older brother & his dog, Queenie, sell the trees at the family stand on a corner in Greenwich Village. Sharing a tiny vintage camper and experiencing Manhattan for the first time, Kerry’s ready to try to carve out a new…
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jurassicbooks · 2 years
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August 7, 2022
Went around town to look at some little free library boxes with my grandma today! When we left she said she wasn’t going to take any of the books because she had so many at home, but in the end she brought home four new books lol.
“The Newcomer” by Mary Kay Andrews says it’s about a woman who believes her sister was killed under suspicious circumstances, so she takes her sister’s daughter and runs away to a small town along the Florida coast where can they investigate what happened from a safe distance. I just got back from a visit to the coast so I’m in the mood for books with coastal settings!
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copias-sewer-rat · 7 months
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Second part of this recommendations thingy! This time, I tried to expand the recommendations to other areas and platforms. Please go check everyone out! They deserve the best!
previous part | my masterpost
As always, check the tags and if you are a minor do not interact with +18 fics. All these writers are amazing and deserve so much more recognition, please go read their stuff and follow them!
@ghulehunknown follow also on Ao3 please go read Caught by Papa, Punished by Papa, Cardi Confessions and everything she has written because it is so fucking hot damn!!!!
@dewymorningstar I leave you with their masterlist, please go read their scenarios with the ghouls, they are absolutely adorable.
@youwouldntlietopapa Ao3 CannedBread: Fiore ???!!!! PEEPAW PEEMO WE LOVE YOU!! And all the Secondo ones... oof!! (My Secondo) go read them all pls.
@fishwithtitz I also leave you with their masterlist and Ao3, but please go read The Five Times I Hooked Up with Mary Goore (and the One Time I Couldn't) because I WANT TO EAT THAT FIC like *nom nom* it is so good.
@angellayercake Ao3 Angellayercake GO READ Banchetto, When True Love's Kiss AND The Diary of Cardinal Terzo I ASSURE YOU THEY ARE SOME OF THE BEST THINGS YOU ARE GOING TO READ. (Especially if you love Terzo).
(needed break so Tumblr doesn't freak out on me)
@m0rbidmacabre I leave your with their masterlist BUT PLEASE GO READ THEIR KINKTOBER STUFF and ongoing series, heck, read it all, it is all so good! Check her out!
@themratts I followed them for their art until I realised they had an Ao3???? And I instantly started reading and I fell hard for their OC Alena *gently holds*. Please go read Dear Red Biretta and the rest of the fics for their oc, it is absolutely fueling my days.
@deetz-ghuleh is a mastermind???? No Lies is one of my fav fics ever? Secondo yes please? and Reverence??????? *screams so hard she goes to the moon*
@sweatandwoe I found them on Ao3 first and they have so many amazing spicy fics, my personal favs: Blasphemy, Life Eternal and Forever Yours.
@mastercopia I needed to add her because That Little Coffee Shop was the first Ghost fic I ever read and I remember it with such love... But please, go read anything of hers, she is so skilled and talented, you won't be disappointed.
Other platforms (please if these people have a Tumblr or any other social media, please, let me know.)
@/CardenalPlushia on Ao3 and x, lovely ghestie, so creative, go read her Who's Your Daddy? oneshot, please, red-haired freckled CC has my fucking heart.
@/casstayinmyass I found them on Ao3 as well, and there is a user on Tumblr with that name, I am not sure if it is the same because they don't have their Ao3 linked or anything (if anyone knows please let me know and I will edit this). I was recommended one of their fics a while back and I wanted to reread it, I still love it lol: When In Rome (but they have SO MANY GHOST FICS it is insane).
@/SoleraLove on Ao3 also has a fic I wanted to reread: Since Eden in need of hurt/comfort? Go read it asap.
@/Keggy_Chaos on Ao3, if you want a lengthy Ghost fic, go read Stay and Burn, you'll love it.
@/luciferscowgirl on x and Wattpad, another dear ghestie that has amazing Copia nsfw fics, go check her out!
I am in love with all these beautiful artists, please go follow them all and support them with likes and reblogs, they all deserve it!)
@themratts (again because I love their OC art so very much)
@samdunn aka the amazingly talented artist behind so many official ghirts designs (insane stuff, so talented!!!)
lastly, a mention to my dearest ghestie @/lilchopin1 on x because I adore her and her art is so cute and nice and I love her so very much, go check her out! (AND HER COVERS ARE ALSO BEAUTIFUL PLEASE I ADORE HER)
@panthermouthh please go read The Descent, it is incredible!
* GIFs - Do you want to see your favourite Papas/ghouls moving, shaking their ass and being horny on main? Follow these lovely creators who us such beautiful gifts (pun intended)
@ghuleh-recs you want more fics to read? Go follow! GO GO GO GO GO GO!!!
@resin-popia - an amazing project of our dear cardi, the dedication that goes into it is insane, be sure to follow because it is insane and gorgeous!
@/conclaviconterzo or CnClaviCnTerzo; another of my dear x ghesties she posts there and on tiktok and she is SO FUNNY, please check her out for unhinged Ghost content!
THAT'S IT FOR NOW, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU KNOW OF MORE CREATORS THAT DESERVE MORE RECOGNITION OR IF YOU WOULD LIKE FOR ME TO CHECK YOUR STUFF FOR FUTURE ENTRIES! (I am planning on expanding this to more areas such as cosplayers and interesting profiles on other platforms, so please let me know your fav Ghost related content creators!)
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honigimohr · 11 months
And that point is, it doesn't matter how long you've known somebody. People change. Or you don't really know them as well as you thought you did in the first place.
Summer Rental, Mary Kay Andrews
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lovely-lauren-arts · 7 months
Can I have a list of all your characters
For Obscured Eyes? Here they are so far:
Protagonists 👤
Beatrice (main protagonist)
Isabella Leveen
Madeline Leveen
Daisy Nightshade
Penelope Wiske
Elizabeth Kurai
Audrey Diyad
Oliver Diyad
Claude O'Nell (last name changed slightly. Was formally O'Neil)
Dolly Duncan
Kev Wyley
Frederick "Freddie" Mussio
Catherine Velvet
Sophia Velvet
Chester Velvet
Cult 🌀
Mary (Mother Mary)
Seth Turvy
Facility 🧬
Elmer Nightshade (Dr Nightshade)
Scarlet Nightshade (Madame Scarlet)
Zeki Fraiser
Bite Sight (Joel and Ollie)
TV Head (Eric)
Beastie (Sunny)
(rest of the experiments have no determined names or designs yet)
Aster Nightshade
Bellis Nightshade
Cosmos Nightshade
Emilia Nightshade
Felicia Nightshade
Gerbera Nighshade
Parents 👫
Abigail and Ernest (Isabella and Madeline's parents)
Nathan and Harriet (Claude's parents)
(Rest of parents/guardians do not have names yet)
Siblings 👥
Taffy O'Nell
Toby O'Nell
Dot O'Nell
Fillip Mussio
Francine Mussio
Finley Mussio
Felicia "Fei" Mussio
Tami Kurai
Avery Kurai
Maria Kurai
Maddison Kurai
Amina Kurai
Other characters 📌
Trinity (Isabella and Madeline's nanny)
James (Penelope's friend)
Anna (Penelope's friend)
Some characters have not been listed because they are secret.
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fairytale-poll · 6 months
It is time to announce the LOSER'S BRACKET!
The Loser's Bracket is meant to give some love to characters who lost early, so anyone who has made it to the Quarterfinals and farther (even if they lose there) has gotten far enough they don't really need the love of the Loser's Bracket. During our last tournament Red Riding Poll, the Loser's Bracket winner was a character who hadn't even made it out of Round 1! This is for all the characters who might have been less recognizable but still awesome, to all the characters that got overshadowed by others.
The rules for nominations:
The Loser's Bracket will be either a 16 or 32 single elimination bracket, depending on the amount of nominations that are sent in.
Unlike the main tournament, where the polls each lasted a week, the polls for the Loser's Bracket will last only a day. That means the entire Loser's Bracket will probably last around a week.
Nominate as many characters as you want, but don't nominate the same character multiple times. Be mindful that the most nominated characters will be the ones that will make it to the bracket. Also nominate characters one at a time.
Propaganda from the Main Tournament will not appear, but feel free to submit any propaganda you want for why the character should win the Loser's Bracket!
Nominations open today and will close on the 15th of January, the same day the Quarterfinals of the main tournament loses.
Be respectful! Just because your fave didn't make it as far as you wanted in the main tournament or the Loser's Bracket, doesn't mean that the other contestants aren't worthwhile either! Remember, every character in this tournament have people who love them just as much as you love your fave, so please be courteous!
Under the cut is a list of every character who has lost & which round they lost in. Feel free to consult the list if you want to jog your memory on which Cinderellas you might want to nominate.
Preliminary Round Losers
Danielle de Barbarac (Ever After novel by Wendy Loggia)*
Danielle de Barbarac (Ever After the Musical)*
Julie Andrews as Cinderella in Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella (1957)**
Leslie Ann Warrens as Cinderella in Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella (1965)**
Various Actresses as Cinderella in Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella the Musical (2015) **
Cinderella (Hey, Cinderella!)
Pigerella (Muppet Babies 1984)
Peter Parker / Prince of Arachne (Spider-Man Fairy Tales)
*Not to be confused with Danielle de Barbarac from the movie Ever After (1998), which has placed in the quarterfinals of the main tournament.
**Not to be confused with Brandy as Cinderella in Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella (1997), which lost in Round 1.
Round 1 Losers
Ella (Disney's Cinderella live-action)
Hello Kitty as Cinderella (Hello Kitty no Cinderella)
Vasilisa the Beautiful (Russian/East European Fairytale Variant)
Rhodopis (Greek Fairytale Variant)
Eun Ha Won (Cinderella with Four Knights)
Mireleh (The Way Meat Loves Salt by Nina Jaffe/Louise August)
Leila Takashiro (Hime Chen! Otogi Chikku Idol Lilpri)
Hoshizora Miyuki / "Cure Happy" as Cinderella (Smile PreCure / Glitter Force)
Isabell Heartwell (Cinder's Ball)
Cinderella (Mary Skelter)
Ella of Maidenvale / Cinderella (The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani)
Eleanor / Cinderella (The Wide-Awake Princess by E.D. Baker)
Vassa (Vassa in the Night by Sarah Porter)
Cinderella (Fables)
Rose Cinderella (Regal Academy)
Maria Aparecida "Cida" dos Santos Souza (Cheias de Charme)
Ella of Frell (Ella Enchanted 2004)*
Danielle Whiteshore (nee de Glas) (Princess series by Jim C. Hines)
Jess Parker (The Cinderella Society by Kay Cassidy)
Fairy Tail - Rella (Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG)
Cindy (How to Save Your Tail by Mary Elizabeth Hanson)
Cinder Edna (Cinder Edna by Ellen Jackson)
Elle Wittimer (Geekerella by Ashley Poston)
Sophie Beckett (An Offer From a Gentleman by Julia Quinn)
Cynthia "Cyn" Robinson (Cinders) (Sapphic Fairy Tales by Cara Malone)
Lucina Jarvis (Grimm)
Mary Santiago (Another Cinderella Story)
Cinderella (Cinderella 2021)
Cinderella (Bad Cinderella)
Cinderella (The Slipper and the Rose)
Threadarella (Monster High: Scarily Ever After)
Popelka (Three Wishes for Cinderella)
CinderElmo (Sesame Street: CinderElmo)
Minnie Mouse as "Minnie-rella" (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse)
Brittany Miller as Cinderella (Alvin and the Chipmunks)
Cinderella (Sabrina: The Animated Series)
Fella (CinderFella)
Cinderella (Swing Shift Cinderella)
Yasmin as Cinderella (Bratz: Kids Fairy Tales)
Cinderella (Collector Plates)
Touya Kinomoto as Cinderella (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Reki Kyan as "Cindereki" (Sk8 the Infinity)
Cinderella (Stand of Aya Tsuji) (Jojo's Biazzre Adventure Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable)
Dulcie Hastings (nee Duveen) aka Cinderella (Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie)
Scarecrow as "Scarecrowello" (D'Ocon Mumfie)
Cinderella (Girl Genius Fairytale Theater Break: Cinderella)
Cendrillon (Cendrillon by Telephone)
Morgan Philips (Disenchanted)
Cinderella (Dimension 20: Neverafter)
Brandy as Cinderella (Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella 1997)
Cinder Fall (RWBY)
Cinderella / Princess Ella / Ashley Boyd (Once Upon a Time)
Cinderella (Kingdom Hearts)
Cinders (Cinders)
Cinderella (SINoALICE)
Cinderella (Sid Story)
Xing Xing (Bound by Donna Jo Napoli)
Clara (Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by Gregory Maguire)
Kate Kassell / Nate Ganymede (After the Ball)
Shindou Rei (Boku wa Ohime sama ni Narenai)
Haine Otomiya / "Seashore Cinderella" (The Gentleman's Alliance Cross)
Ghauri (Azure Striker Gunvolt)
Cinciarell Winchestion (Don't Call Javotte an Evil Stepsister)
Cinderella (Blood Bank)
*Not to be confused with the original book Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine, which has placed in the quarterfinals in the main tournament.
Round 2 Losers
Hatsune Miku as Cinderella (Various Songs) (Vocaloid)
Ye Xian (Cinderella Fairytale Variant)
Hamupipőke (Hungarian Fairytale Variant)
Cendrillon (Otogi-Juushi Akazukin)
Cinderella (Grimm Notes)
Elegant "Ella" Herringbone Coach (Disenchanted: The Trials of Cinderella by Megan Morrison)
Vasilisa "Vasya" Petrovna (The Winternight trilogy by Katherine Arden)
Cinderellis (Cinderellis and the Glass Hill by Gail Carson Levine)
La Cenerentola (La Cenerentola (La Cenerento Laossia La Bontà in Trionfo)
Imogen Keegan (Damsel Distressed by Kelsey Macke)
Cinderumpelstiltskin (The Stinky Cheese Man by Jon Scieszka/Lane Smith)
Bronwyn Murdoch (The Prince Who Loved Me by Karen Hawkins)
Queen Cinderella (10th Kingdom)
Katie Gibbs (A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song)
Ella (Happily N'Ever After)
Ashlynn Ella (Ever After High)
Baby Gonzo as "Gonzo-rella" (Muppet Babies 2018)
Chuckie Finster as "Finsterella" (Rugrats)
Betty Boop as Cinderella (Betty Boop: Poor Cinderella)
Ella (Total Drama: Pahkitew Island)
Mettaton as Cinderella (Undertale)
Cinderella (Once Upon a Crime)
Ella Brown (Just Ella by Margaret Peterson Haddix)
Cinderella (Cinderella by The Cheetah Girls)
Linh Cinder / Selene Blackburn (The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyers)
Carrie White (Carrie by Stephen King)
Lucette Riella Britton (Cinderella Phenomenon)
Cinderella (TAISHO x ALICE)
Aisling "Ash" (Ash by Malinda Lo)
Euphemia "Effie" Reeves (Ten Thousand Stitches by Olivia Atwater)
Cinderella (Cinderella Monogatari)
Itsumi Tachibana (You Are My Princess)
Round 3 Losers
Cinderella/Aschenputtel/Cendrillon (German/General European Fairytale Variant)
Settarah (The Persian Cinderella by Shirley Climo/Robert Florczak)
Giselle Lai (Cinderelle)
Mia Basile (Cinderella the Cat)
Cinderella / Prinzessin (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters & TCG)
Cindy (If the Shoe Fits by Julia Murphy)
Sam Montgomery (A Cinderella Story)
Ella (The Glass Slipper)
Scrooge McDuck as "Scroogerello" (Ducktales 1987)
Popeye the Sailor Man as "Cinderfella" (Popeye the Sailor Man: Ancient Fishtory)
Cendrillon (Persona of Sumi Yoshizawa / Violet) (Persona 5)
Harper Finkle as "Harperella" (Wizards of Waverly Place)
Cinderella (Into the Woods)
Rin Hoshizora as Cinderella (Love Live!)
Cinderella (Burn the Witch) (Bleach)
Ashley Vans (A Wicked Tale of Cinderella's Stepmom / I Raised Cinderella Preciously)
Round 4 Losers
Cinderella (Disney's Cinderella)
Cinderella "Cindy" Baxter (The Sisters Grimm)
Cinderella (Cinderella Penguin, or, the Little Glass Flipper)
Ella (Cinder Ella) (Black Trans Fairy Tales)
Barbie as Cinderella (Barbie Dolls)
Saki Hanajima as "Cinderella-ish" (Fruits Basket)
Cinderella (Shrek)
Miyo Saimori (My Happy Marriage)
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galathynius · 1 year
2023 reading log
the uncensored picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde / jan. 2-9 / 4 stars
buzz saw: the improbable story of how the washington nationals won the world series by jesse dougherty / jan. 9-11 / 4.5 stars
proposal by meg cabot / jan. 17 / 3 stars
sidelined: sports, culture, and being a woman in america by julie dicaro / jan. 12-17 / 4 stars
remembrance by meg cabot / jan. 18-19 / 3 stars
how sweet it is by dylan newton / jan. 19-20 / 3 stars
daughters of sparta by claire heywood / jan. 21-22 / 3 stars
highly suspicious and unfairly cute by talia hibbert / jan. 22 / 4 stars
gentlemen prefer blondes: the diary of a professional lady by anita loos / jan. 23-26 / 3 stars
hell bent by leigh bardugo / jan. 26-31 / 4 stars
all about love: new visions by bell hooks / jan. 22-31 / 4 stars
daisy jones & the six by taylor jenkins reid / jan. 31-feb. 2 / 4 stars
everything i know about love: a memoir by dolly alderton / feb. 2-9 / 4 stars
emma by jane austen / feb. 11-19 / 4 stars
fake it till you bake it by jamie wesley / feb 19-23 / 3.5 stars
my dark vanessa by kate elizabeth russell / feb. 23-26 / 4 stars
throttled by lauren asher / feb. 26-28/ 2 stars
the locker room by meghan quinn / mar. 1-5 / 1 star
come as you are: the surprising new science that will transform your sex life by emily nagoski / feb. 17-mar. 5 / 4.5 stars
pucked by helena hunting / mar. 5-11 / 3 stars
legendborn by tracy deonn / mar 12-23 / 4.5 stars
unadulterated something by m.j. duncan / mar. 23-25 / 4 stars
the fifth season by n.k. jemisin / mar. 26-apr. 15 / 4 stars
how to fake it in hollywood by ava wilder / apr. 16-19 / 3.5 stars
sharp objects by gillian flynn / apr. 19-22 / 4 stars
the homewreckers by mary kay andrews / apr. 22-25 / 3.5 stars
the kiss curse by erin sterling / apr. 25-26 / 3.5 stars
the wedding crasher by mia sosa / apr. 26-27 / 3 stars
let’s get physical: how women discovered exercise and reshaped the world by danielle friedman / mar. 25-apr. 27 / 4 stars
mile high by liz tomforde / apr. 27-may 6 / 1.5 stars
happy place by emily henry / may 6-7 / 5 stars
carrie soto is back by taylor jenkins reid / may 7 / 4 stars
the spanish love deception by elena armas / may 8 / 2 stars
neon gods by katee robert / may 8-9 / 1 star
love in the time of serial killers by alicia thompson / may 9-11 / 4 stars
the bodyguard by katherine center / may 11 / 4 stars
the intimacy experiment by rosie danan / may 11-12 / 3 stars
upgrade by blake crouch / may 12-13 / 4 stars
by any other name by lauren kate / may 13 / 3 stars
the dead romantics by ashley poston / may 15-17 / 4 stars
the ballad of songbirds and snakes by suzanne collins / may 19-28 / 3.5 stars
so many ways to lose: the amazin’ true story of the new york mets—the best worst team in baseball by devin gordon / may 13-jun. 4 / 4 stars
iron widow by xiran jay zhao / jun. 5-7 / 3 stars
the grace year by kim liggett / jun. 7-8 / 4 stars
the last magician by lisa maxwell / jun. 9-11 / 4.5 stars
little fires everywhere by celeste ng / jun. 12-14 / 4 stars
not a happy family by shari lapena / jun. 14-17 / 2.5 stars
the familiars by stacey halls / jun. 17-21 / 3 stars
the girls i’ve been by tess sharpe / jun. 21-22 / 3.5 stars
once more with feeling by elissa sussman / jun. 23 / 3 stars
the cheat sheet by sarah adams / jun. 24-25 / 1 star
how to sell a haunted house by grady hendrix / jun. 26-29 / 3 stars
little thieves by margaret owen / jul. 1-3 / 4.5 stars
this is how you lose the time war by amal el-mohtar and max gladstone / jul. 3-6 / 3 stars
the very secret society of irregular witches by sangu mandanna / jul. 11-12 / 4 stars
the lies of locke lamora by scott lynch / jul. 13-27 / 4.5 stars
seven days in june by tia williams / jul. 28-30 / 4 stars
bloodmarked by tracy deonn / jul. 31-aug. 2 / 4 stars
something wilder by christina lauren / aug. 3-4 / 3 stars
howl’s moving castle by diana wynne jones / aug. 4-5 / 4 stars
dark matter by blake crouch / aug. 12-13 / 3 stars
eat up! food, appetite, and eating what you want by ruby tandoh / jul. 30-aug. 14 / 4 stars
the silent companions by laura purcell / aug. 5-18 / 4 stars
mr. wrong number by lynn painter / aug. 19-20 / 2 stars
romantic comedy by curtis sittenfeld / aug. 20-21 / 4 stars
the last tale of the flower bride by roshani chokshi / aug. 21-23 / 4 stars
the hating game by sally thorne / aug. 23-25 / 2 stars
lessons in chemistry by bonnie garmus / aug. 25-26 / 2.5 stars
the godparent trap by rachel van dyken / aug. 27 / 2 stars
i’m glad my mom died by jennette mccurdy / aug. 27-29 / 4 stars
the atlas six by olivie blake / aug. 29-sep. 9 / 3 stars
wordslut: a feminist guide to taking back the english language by amanda montell / sep. 1-9 / 4 stars
practice makes perfect by sarah adams / sep. 10-11 / 3 stars
all systems red by martha wells / sep. 13-14 / 3 stars
do i know you? by emily wibberly and austin siegemund-broka / sep. 14-16 / 4 stars
same time next summer by annabel monaghan / sep. 17 / 3.5 stars
Ounder the influence by noelle crooks / sep. 18-22 / 4 stars
burn for me by ilona andrews / sep. 22-23 / 4 stars
the littlest library by poppy alexander / sep. 24 / 3 stars
the neighbor favor by kristina forest / sep. 25-27 / 3 stars
satisfaction guaranteed by karelia stetz-waters / sep. 28-oct. 5 / 3 stars
the ex talk by rachel lynn solomon / oct. 5-7 / 4 stars
change of plans by dylan newton / oct. 8-9 / 2 stars
coraline by neil gaiman / oct. 9 / 4 stars
you, again by kate goldbeck / oct. 9-11 / 3 stars
mrs. caliban by rachel ingalls / oct. 12 / 3 stars
summer sons by lee mandelo / oct. 12-19 / 4 stars
the death of jane lawrence by caitlin starling / oct. 19-24 / 3 stars
house of hollow by krystal sutherland / oct. 25-29 / 4 stars
white hot by ilona andrews / oct. 28-nov. 2 / 4.5 stars
twice shy by sarah hogle / nov. 4-5 / 3 stars
sexed up: how society sexualizes us, and how we can fight back by julia serano / nov. 2-10 / 4 stars
artificial condition by martha wells / nov. 11-14 / 4 stars
wildfire by ilona andrews / nov. 14-16 / 4.5 stars
between a fox and a hard place by mary frame / nov. 18 / 3 stars
revolting prostitutes: the fight for sex workers’ rights by molly smith and juno mac / nov. 18-20 / 4 stars
emily wilde’s encyclopaedia of faeries by heather fawcett / nov. 21-24 / 4.5 stars
love and other words by christina lauren / nov. 24-25 / 3 stars
the boyfriend candidate by ashley winstead / nov. 26 / 3.5 stars
the seven year slip by ashley poston / nov. 27-28 / 5 stars
how to fall out of love madly by jana casale / dec. 3-10 / 3 stars
ordinary monsters by j.m. miro / dec. 10-21 / 3 stars
rogue protocol by martha wells / dec. 22-23 / 4 stars
what you wish for by katherine center / dec. 25 / 3 stars
the blonde identity by ally carter / dec. 25-26 / 2.5 stars
just my type by falon ballard / dec. 26-31 / 2 stars
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🔎 YA Under the Radar Part 6 🔍
for a long time, I've been keeping (and eventually posting) lists of YA books I read that have received less attention than they deserve. it's been more than 12 months since I posted the last list in this series but I finally hit 50 the other day so here it is, the latest instalment of my YA Under the Radar series 😊
all of these books have less than 15,000 ratings on Goodreads, give or take, and were books that I thoroughly enjoyed and recommend. I've marked ones with queer rep with pride flag emojis and ones with disability rep with wheelchair symbols. be sure to check them out!
Vampires Never Get Old (ed.) by Zoraida Córdova & Natalie C Parker 🏳️‍🌈 ♿️
Hometown Haunts: #LoveOzYA Horror Tales (ed.) by Poppy Nwosu 🏳️‍🌈
How to Excavate a Heart by Jake Maia Arlow 🏳️‍🌈
This Poison Heart duology by Kalynn Bayron 🏳️‍🌈
All These Bodies by Kendare Blake
Slipping the Noose by Meg Caddy 🏳️‍🌈
Into the Crooked Place duology by Alexandra Christo
The Scapegracers series by HA Clarke 🏳️‍🌈
Lakesedge duology by Lyndall Clipstone
Clean by Juno Dawson 🏳️‍🌈♿️
Meat Market by Juno Dawson 🏳️‍🌈♿️
Wonderland by Juno Dawson 🏳️‍🌈
Stay Another Day by Juno Dawson 🏳️‍🌈♿️
The Last True Poets of the Sea by Julia Drake 🏳️‍🌈♿️
The Witch King duology by HE Edgmon 🏳️‍🌈
The Not So Chosen One by Kate Emery
Ghost Bird by Lisa Fuller
Girl Mans Up by M-E Girard 🏳️‍🌈
At the Edge of the Universe by Shaun David Hutchinson 🏳️‍🌈♿️
The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza by Shaun David Hutchinson 🏳️‍🌈
The Past and Other Things That Should Stay Buried by Shaun David Hutchinson 🏳️‍🌈
Social Queue by Kay Kerr ♿️
Kiss and Tell by Adib Khorram 🏳️‍🌈
Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger 🏳️‍🌈
What They Don’t Know by Nicole Maggi
Fix by J Albert Mann ♿️
The Holiday Switch by Tif Marcelo
The Killing Code by Ellie Marney 🏳️‍🌈
Lakelore by Anna-Marie McLemore 🏳️‍🌈♿️
Fraternity by Andy Mientus 🏳️‍🌈
Sick Kids in Love by Hannah Moskowitz 🏳️‍🌈♿️
At the End of Everything by Marieke Nijkamp 🏳️‍🌈♿️
Lycanthropy and Other Chronic Illnesses by Kristen O’Neal ♿️
The Woods Are Always Watching by Stephanie Perkins
Wider Than the Sky by Katharine Rothschild 🏳️‍🌈
Trouble Girls by Julia Lynn Rubin 🏳️‍🌈
Crown of Coral and Pearl duology by Mara Rutherford
Surrender Your Sons by Adam Sass 🏳️‍🌈
The 99 Boyfriends of Micah Summers by Adam Sass 🏳️‍🌈
Improbable Magic for Cynical Witches by Kate Scelsa 🏳️‍🌈
Market of Monsters trilogy by Rebecca Schaeffer
Windfall by Jennifer E Smith
Field Notes on Love by Jennifer E Smith
Arden Grey by Ray Stoeve 🏳️‍🌈
Definitions of Indefinable Things by Whitney Taylor ♿️
Stars in Their Eyes by Jessica Walton & Aśka 🏳️‍🌈 ♿️
Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White 🏳️‍🌈 ♿️
The Chaos of Stars by Kiersten White
Henry Hamlet’s Heart by Rhiannon Wilde 🏳️‍🌈
Where You Left Us by Rhiannon Wilde 🏳️‍🌈
More of my rec lists can be found in my "book recommendations" tag
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the-forest-library · 9 months
September 2023 Reads
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Reign - Katharine McGee
Kissing Kosher - Jean Meltzer
Skip to the End - Molly James
Every Duke Has His Day - Suzanne Enoch
The Plus One - Mazey Eddings
Meet Me at the Lake - Carley Fortune
The Love Plot - Samantha Young
Maybe Meant to Be - K.L. Walther
Cleat Cute - Meryl Wilsner
Sammy Espinoza's Last Review - Tehlor Kay Mejia
The Borrow a Boyfriend Club - Page Powars
Lost in the Moment and Found - Seanan McGuire
Thornhedge - T. Kingfisher
Men at Arms - Terry Pratchett
Just One Damned Thing After Another - Jodi Taylor
Climbing the Stairs - Padma Venkatraman
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks - E. Lockhart
Fangirl, Vol 3 - Rainbow Rowell, Gabi Nam
The Witch's Hand - Nathan Page
King-Cat Comics and Stories #73 - John Porcellino
King-Cat Comics and Stories #76 - John Porcellino
King-Cat Comics and Stories #78 - John Porcellino
King-Cat Comics and Stories #79 - John Porcellino
When Sharks Attack With Kindness - Andres J. Colmenares
We Are Starlings - Robert Furrow
Wild and Precious: A Celebration of Mary Oliver - Mary Oliver
The Book of (More) Delights - Ross Gay
Bones of Belonging - Annahid Dashtgard
White Women - Regina Jackson, Saira Rao
The Country of the Blind - Andrew Leland
When You're Ready, This Is How You Heal - Brianna Wiest
While You Were Out - Meg Kissinger
Trauma is Really Strange - Steve Haines
Young Forever - Mark Hyman
The Pegan Diet - Mark Hyman
Bold = Highly Recommend Italics = Worth It Crossed out = Nope
I hope Ross Gay continues to write about the delights he finds in the world for years to come.
Goodreads Goal: 324/400 
2017 Reads | 2018 Reads | 2019 Reads | 2020 Reads | 2021 Reads| 
2022 Reads | 2023 Reads
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calisources · 1 year
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COBRA KAI BASE ICONS : A MASTERLIST. this post will be updated as I go through other characters from the show. as usual, if you find these useful, please like but specially reblog the post. Cobra Kai is a show that began in 2018 and it's currently on production of their last season which will air likely at the end of the year.
RALPH MACCHIO AS DANIEL LARUSSO: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
WILLIAM ZABKA AS JOHNNY LAWRENCE: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
MARY MOUSER AS SAM LARUSSO: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
TANNER BUCHANAN AS ROBBY KEENE: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
XOLO MARIDUEÑA AS MIGUEL DIAZ: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
PEYTON LIST AS TORY NICHOLS : season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
RON THOMAS AS BOBBY BROWN: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
THOMAS IAN GRIFFITH AS TERRY SILVER: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
MARTIN KOVE AS JOHN KREESE : season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
COURTNEY HENGGELER AS AMANDA STEINER: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
ROBYN LIVELY AS JESSICA ANDREWS: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
YUJI OKUMOTO AS CHOZEN TOGUCHI: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
SEAN KANAN AS MIKE BARNES: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
SELAH AUSTRIA AS PIPER ELSWITH: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
HANNA KEPPLE AS MOON: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
ANNALISA COCHRANE AS YASMINE: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
ELISABETH SHUE AS ALI MILLS: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
VANESSA RUBIO AS CARMEN DIAZ: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
TAMLYN TOMITA AS KUMIKO: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
ALICIA HANNAH KIM AS KIM DA-EUN: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five |
DIORA BAIRD AS SHANNON KEENE: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
JACOB BERTRAND AS HAWK MOSKOWITZ: season one | season two | season three | season four | season five
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