#Sammy and Brooklyn especially lol
spittyfishy · 25 days
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I love the Camp Cretaceous kiddos so much!!! And I’m SO excited for the new show to come out later this week!🦖🦕
(The awesome reference for the pose I found was only for five people so let’s just say this is in season 2 before they reunited with Ben and Bumpy lol)
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kingoftheu · 2 months
Just saw the Chaos Theory trailer and I am OBSESSED with their new designs and what they imply.
Brooklyn: fully embraced the blue hair and pronouns. Wearing a “silent dreams” t-shirt to an undercover investigation.
Ben: just left the island, reading on “Dark Jurassic” (lol) dressing like he thinks a hacker should, but is too hunky to pull it off.
Darius: I don’t even know, it’s just too stylish. But in a way no normal person would ever dress. Is he a model now? He absolutely should be one.
Sammy: Farming? In trans colors? In rural Texas? Iconic. Farming? In a sweater? In rural Texas? Somehow even more iconic.
Kenji: living out of a van/camper, stoned out of his godamned mind all day, especially when rock climbing. 100% broke up with Brooklyn before this.
Yaz: Dressed so professionally? Such a clean hair cut? Clearly the most mature one. Is she a lawyer or accountant? Place your bets now!
Bumpy: iconic as ever, no notes.
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falleneunoia · 3 years
havent been feeling well lately so i watched season four of camp cretaceous (a show i love) and uhh..
well okay. my opinion isnt so important that i NEEDED to make a post, but i feel like people might agree with me- and itd be nice to know if people feel the same way i do.
about brooklynn and kenji...
im sort of bummed out. and it isnt just because i ship dinostar and benji. though id be lying if i said it didn't contribute to my feelings about the ship, i dont want this to just be me yelling about those two ships here.
when i started this season (season 4) i was wondering why everything felt kind of dry. ironic, because they were all on a boat. but especially with kenji and brooklyn talking to eachother, it felt stiff and a bit awkward.
you know why i think this is? they had little ROMANTIC buildup. he flirted with her once three seasons ago and then stopped after she shut him down. and yes, they hung out with eachother alone a few times as the show went on, especially in season 3, but heres the thing-
i couldnt sense any romance from those scenes at all and it felt like basic friendship development( like yaz and kenji had, or darius and yasmina, or sammy and darius)
so if i couldnt pick it up, i doubt others did too. it wasnt anything like yaz and sammy, growing to love eachother over the course of four seasons and doing anything to help eachother
or darius and brooklynn, always being on the same brainwave and working well with eachother, devising plans together and knowing eachother exceptionally well
or even ben and kenji, who lacked content in season 3, but had so much potential- theres the way that KENJI was the one to keep bens fanny pack on him, the way that kenji constantly dozed off thinking about ben and had to be snapped out of it, and ben could have learned about how much kenji had missed him, more than the others seemed to, and that could have developed from there- but i wont go into these ships more. i can always make a different post.
my point is, kenji and brooklyn didnt seem like anything special and i could never have guessed that they would end up with eachother.
im still going to keep an open mind. if they make a 5th season, i actually encourage the writers to show me more brooklyn x kenji.. as long as its in a way that makes sense. and maybe we can learn when and how they started to like eachother, and you know what? maybe ill like it eventually.
for now though, im just upset. along with the lack of significant buildup, and barely any hints that they felt that way for eachother, im also sad that kenjis arc from the last season was basically ruined.
instead of him growing to care about his friends and him being mad at darius for putting any of their lives at stake just for dinosaurs, which would have been such good development for him, he got mad at darius because he (kenji) had a crush on brooklyn.
like... hello? if it wasnt brooklyn that was in danger, would he have not snapped at darius like that? or even cared as much? is that what this is saying? what if it was like.. sammy or something instead? would he have been LESS mad about darius' choice? with that in mind, i believe now that kenjis recent development has been erased.
i dont hate brooklyn x kenji , i just wish it was executed a little better if it HAD to be a ship at all. thats all. of course i would have liked my other ships to be canon this season, and i feel like they would have made more sense- but i dont want to be horrible about it, i just wanted to explain why i dont like this ship that much.
ship what you want, i dont know. its fine. this season was pretty good if you look at the main story and not the romance subplot. i still want a fifth season. three cheers for awesome dinosaurs and also for dave and roxie lol
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pink-cosmic-kisses · 3 years
just some uhh um post show headcanons
THESE GUYS ARE ALL I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT LATELY so i'm going to share some headcanons for the characters after they finally get home haha
- very chill and easygoing, yet somehow still very alert to his environment
- doesn't care for his appearance much anymore, much to his mother's dismay. his hair is constantly messy and, rather than collared shirts and khakis, he opts for more comfortable clothes when he can, like t-shirts and sweatpants
- has severe nightmares about his experience in jurassic world
- joined an art club in school and takes drawing classes in his freetime
- also joined track because he has a lot of built-up energy that he needs to burn in healthy ways. also, i reckon he really looks up to yaz and enjoys competing with her, which is why i think he'd do track lol
- tries to talk to his father more often, but they still bump heads a lot
- still lazy, but is working to improve his grades and such since being with the others helped him realize his issue with procrastination
- constantly convinces his dad to pay for trips so the camp fam can meet up often
- took up piano for fun and realized he really enjoys playing. he got his dad to sign him up for lessons and can play quite a few songs by memory already
- still struggles with keeping his feelings bottled up, but is slowly learning to open up with help from darius and sammy
- his mom and brother are a LOT more protective over him now, which can be a bit exasperating for him to deal with
- adopted a pet dog to help cope with trauma, probably named it a dinosaur pun or something stupid like that
- tries to avoid a lot of his directly jurassic world related interests, such as the video game he used to play all the time, but still loves dinosaurs and such all the same
- very irritable, his family will talk to him and he'll lash out for no reason whatsoever. he often needs to talk to brand for comfort
- even though his dad's death still hurts, he's come to a better standing with it and is learning to move on. he finally painted the model dinosaurs in his room and is more open to talking about his death with his family
- likes to draw the camp fam a lot, especially sammy. when they have group calls, she gives them little sketchbook tours
- she gives ben a lot of art tips in individual calls, and lowkey loves seeing his drawings even though they're not that great
- her hurt ankle still affects her, and she's started wearing a brace to help quell the pain during competitions and practices. it sucks, but she's very grateful that it isn't worse
- cut her hair short after she got home
-after getting closer with brooklyn, she has a newfound interest for makeup and fashion in general. she likes to practice when they meet up, although she's not very good at it. ben jokes about it sometimes since she jokes about his drawings so much
- still travels around the country for her channel, and whenever she's near where her one of her camp friends live, she insists that she must visit them before they go back home
- started doing ballet, but has a lot of trouble keeping up with the schedule due to her youtube filming schedule
- went on hiatus on social media for the first couple months that she was back home, but has since gotten back into the groove with encouragement from her friends
- kenji and her are especially close, and they love doing stupid youtube challenges whenever they're together (i/e chubby bunny challenge, friend does my makeup challenge, etc)
- loves singing, but only does it for sammy and darius at the moment
- she constantly apologizes to her family for leaving home without permission, but they've definitely forgiven her. no matter how many times they say that she's forgiven, she still feels horrible
- loves baking!! whenever she's with the camp fam, she makes them baked goods to share during their activities
- very into hockey and american football
- joined show choir and has performed a lot of shows ever since. she absolutely loves the rush of dancing and singing on stage, and it's especially nice when the camp fam comes to watch her
- made them all friendship bracelets and mailed them to everyone :D
and that's it for the headcanons so far! i want to write/draw something for a couple of these but i might not since i'm lazy lol
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weirdlyfitting · 3 years
Forgive me for being so late eheh, I couldn't figure out who's who or what's what from the list plus being busy irl BUT HEY! Finally I can join this countdown!
Ok so I'm gonna do like from day 1-recent
Favorite Character
Darius Bowman & Kenji Kon
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TBFH I LOVE ALL CAMP FAM CHARACTERS. They all had great character development plus clear motivation on why they did what they did. Those stuff got handled so well and ugh it made me so hard to choose ahaha.
Anyway, I love Darius because he's such a dino nerd. Plus his "never give up" spirit that inspired me as the audience to stay strong when things do fall apart. He's such a precious boi 🥺
And then Kenji. *sigh I hated, HATED this boi since he got introduced. But then as the eps kept going, I realized that he's just a teen that made mistakes and learn from them. The scene in S1 ep 6, when the kids were doing kayak river thing and Kenji told Brooklyn to stop bothering Sammy? Yeah, that's when I doubted my hatred . In S2 I started to actually love his character! He's just so....dumb and innocent lmaooo. The thing is for a comedic character I loved how he also has depth and development :D
Favorite Friendship
CAMP FAM! (Darius, Ben, Kenji, Yaz, Sammy, Brooklyn)
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First they're uh- reminded me of the losers club from IT *cough Ben and Eds *cough- especially
Anyway the dynamic and chemistry are awesome! I really hope in S3 there will be more deep convo like in S1 ep 7 (at the monorail, before Ben's near death fall). Them bonding with knowing and understanding each other's feelings is just 🥺😥😭💞
Favorite Ship
Dave & Roxie
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Hmm I'm not into shipping but the closest that I really had interest with are Dave & Roxie and Darius & Brooklyn. But Dave & Roxie is just so cute and fun lol. Like the cool uncle and aunt that genuinely cared even if yes, they did made a lot of mistakes while doing it.
Favorite Funny Scene
S1 Ep 3, when Ben was the one who drive the gyrosphere (idk if this spelled right lmao) and Kenji being the passenger
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There are many memorable funny scenes but THIS ONE was the first ever scene that made me wheezed (looking back, I used to think that CC wasn't that good oop- so yeah doubted it but hey look at where I am now!). Kenji's face and Dave and Roxie just "smile and wave" I remember holding my laugh so no one can get disturbed (the first time I watched CC was at night time lol)😭🤣
Favorite Sad Scene
After I rewatch S1, I changed my mind on Ben's near death fall and choose the convo in the monorail.
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This isn't really a sad scene but to me when rewatching it, it made me cry. Like seriously real tears what-
"now that it's over, what are the odds if we'll see each other again", everyone is silent then Jurassic World/Park theme played YO I STARTED TO FEEL SO EMO ESPECIALLY WITH THE THEME PLAYED 😭
And then "My dad used to say this place was Allosaurus in the bag of chips" gosh when Darius' voice cracked it broke me- yes I crieeeeeed
Favorite Episode
S2 Ep 8
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Ugh this episode and finale is much much better than S1 (it's not that I hated s1's finale it's just s1 was wayyyy more depressing man :( ). Camp fam is together again and Darius completed his arc here (he has serious guilt issue since Ben's fall and I'm glad it got resolved here). This episode was sooooo fun with the actions! And the cliffhanger? I was terrified of what'll come next, but overall I really really enjoy it ahaha 😁💖
And bonus : Kenji learned to ride a motorbike made me so happy when the first time I watched it. I relate so much because that time I was learning to ride one too haha.
Favorite Quote
"We're not GIVING UP! I get it. It's scary. This wasn't how today was supposed to be. Things aren't always going to go your way. Life is messy and sometimes, things fall apart. But that's okay. Because when that happen we pick up the pieces and keep going. And we never give up!" -Darius Bowman, S1 Ep 4
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Ahh since I hear it I used this whenever I had a bad day and so many negative thoughts going in my mind. This quote is my comfort quote along with what Tulip said to One-One in The Unfinished Car from Infinity Train 💕
Okay so that's all for now. What's left is free space + season 3 airs! I'll use my free space for making edit from these lists and if I don't have time maybe I'll try to share my s3 review? Idk but I'll make sure I'm on time for the last list ;)
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oliviacs · 4 years
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『 candice king. thirty. cis female. she/her. 』 oh heavens, is that OLIVIA JAMES from FAIR LANE i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them -BOSSY & -STUBBORN. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool OWNER OF THE PASTRY PLACE and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been +LOYAL & +CARING. i hope i see them around again!  @mapleviewstarters​​
hehehehe here i go again  ! ! 💕 tbh i really felt like we needed at least  /one/  semi-wholesome muse here with happy domestic vibes so may i present to u my 2nd baby  💕  
basics ;;
FULL NAME:  olivia marie james  NICKNAMES:  liv , livvie  AGE: thirty DATE OF BIRTH (ZODIAC):  march 24th ( aries ) BIRTHPLACE:  mapleview, nc. OCCUPATION: owner of the pastry place  POSITIVE TRAITS:  loyal , caring , organized , valiant  NEGATIVE TRAITS:  bossy , stubborn , workaholic , control freak  MUSE INSPO: monica geller ( friends ) , haley james scott ( one tree hill ) , caroline forbes ( vampire diares ) , lorelai gilmore ( gilmore girls ) , prue halliwell ( charmed ) , amy santiago ( brooklyn nine-nine ) , leslie knope ( parks & recreation ) , claire dunphy ( modern family ) , dorothy zbornak ( golden girls )  LOVES:   coffee,  pastries , red wine, celine dion, cooking, movies, rain showers, scented candles, cold beer, people who make her laugh, corny pick-up lines, cinnamon hot chocolate, romantic gestures, sunrises and sunsets, bikram yoga, old disney movies, french fries, cuddling and hugging, being in charge, honesty, football, 80s music HATES:  being kept out of the loop or nor knowing stuff, liars and cheaters, anyone who hurts those she cares about, when people are in her kitchen and don’t need to be, oatmeal raisin cookies, feeling weak or helpless, death and funerals, secrets
background ;; tw:death
olivia has always been the quintessential girl next door during her youth and adolescence. born & raised in mapleview in a family who , for the most part , got along , she truly didn’t have a bad childhood. sure , they were never rich but they never truly lacked anything. 
for twelve years that she attended school , she was fairly popular , kept good grades  &  unlike her older sister that was a polar opposite , actually was a nice girl . 
howeveeeer , she was never short on spunk & wit despite the fact she “ played by the rules “  basically all her life. while she was always homely & friendly , she was also the girl that cut her hair short as a statement against femininity & only wore heels because she hated to feel small. 
along the time when she finished high school , she decided to use her college fund to travel outside her little hometown  &  see places until she eventually decided to enroll herself in a cooking/baking class & take over the pastry place from her grandma. 
however, tragedy struck when her older sister passed away , leaving the family in a total wreck - especially her niece penelope. since then , liv has always kept her close , kind of taking a role of her older sister. 
currently still lives in mapleview , is happily ( one of those annoyingly cute couples u love but hate at the same time ) married to the love of her life for about 7 years now , has a beautiful daughter named emma who just turned 4 , owns a ( new ) family house in fair lane ( moved from saycamore way ) , also owns a golden retriever called sammy ( american cliche what can i say )   &&&  is about eight months pregnant with ANOTHER baby girl !  
cute headcanons that we love ;;
i’m not gonna lie she’s totally based off monica geller from friends & i regret nothing y’all. 
also huge coffee addict ( surprise , right ? lol )  &  has insane amounts daily . probably smells of freshly made coffee everyday ksdfneg.
her leg shakes or her foot taps on the ground when she’s stressed. 
wears glasses for reading or when she needs to handle paperwork.
cleans when frustrated !!!! 
she’s the mom friend of every group so .... probably has a ton of people over every friday where she always cooks more than necessary. 
doesn’t tolerate nonsense & is quick to give you a smartypants comment to a stupid question heh
really ,  reaaaally affectionate with her loved ones . 
likes to sleep in her husband’s shirts ??? i mean who could blame her right
does not take too well to criticism or admitting she’s in the wrong 
famous lines include  “ you did not just say that “  &  “ i told you so “ 
can do her makeup even drunk ;))
still cries like a baby when mufasa dies & susan forgets about narnia
likes having a glass of wine every night before bed to calm her nerves lmao
goes crazy during superbowl season bc ..... she’s a hc football fan
a total mamma bear  &  will hurt you if you hurt her family.
extremely competitive in .... p much anything 
wanted connections that i’ll just give u my heart & soul for ok ;; 
childhood best friend aka the rachel to her monica !! <3 
a group of  FRIENDS  ( see what i did there rfneg ) give me ross , phoebe , joey & chandler ! <33
neighbors that often barbecue together on the weekends  
friends & enemies from school / high school 
maybe her first love ??  like a guy she dated when she was 14  & it was totally cute n innocent 
frenemies , coworkers , protective friendship , sibling like friendship , unfaithful friends , babysitter , unlikely friends , friends who used to be enemies , ex best friends , friends who balance each other out , competition , rivarly , friends by association , family friends , her husband’s friends :))  
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fogsrollingin · 4 years
I have some awesome spn fics I’ve read recently that I love 😊 For my full catalogue of fic recs, click here And now without further ado...  Rolling Wheels by Lucablue, rated PG-13, (very hard)gen, 7k words. Summary:  A dark road, a raging storm, and one too many drinks… and then Sammy's back. It's always been a story about two brothers. Set six months after Swan Song – but in this fic, Sammy never appeared at the end of that final episode. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6285777/1/Rolling-Wheels OMG Dean’s angst and pain trying to live knowing Sammy’s in the cage with Lucifer is some fantastic prose before we ever get to the REALLY good part where he gets his baby brother back. It’s only 7k but it packs a helluva punch. This fic is begging for a post-Swan Song curtain-fic-y traumatized!Sam reclist, but I haven’t created one yet (😭), so it shall be found in my miscellaneous genfic reclist The Only Twenty-Four-Hour Bookstore in Brooklyn by tsukinobara, rated NC-17, Jared/Jensen, 38k Summary:  Jared is the proprietor of The Moose and Mayhem, New York City's only twenty-four-hour bookstore. It takes up most of his brain but he loves it – the employees, the customers, the shelves and shelves of books. Jensen is co-owner of Two Brothers Bar, Red Hook's finest purveyor of bourbon, beer, and country bands. It takes up increasing amounts of his time but he loves it – the bartenders, the customers, even line-dance nights. Jared's weird year begins on No-Pants Day with the unusual presence of people riding the subway in their underwear in January. Jensen's weird year begins with an impulse to cross the river into Manhattan at three in the morning to see if the tall Texan guy he met a week ago is as cute as he remembers. But neither of them is expecting the challenging year that follows, and they'll need the things about New York that keep them sane to help them survive it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/4576272 This fic was utterly, absolutely unparalleled in charm. Like just such a relaxing, sweet, wholesome read combined with equally amazing artwork from petite madame. Genuinely wanted to either work in a bookstore or live in NYC after reading this, lol. This fic has been added to my miscellaneous J2 fic reclist  Pandora’s Box by ratherastory. rated R, Jensen/Jared, 97k. Summary:  The Avatar fusion fic in which recently-paralyzed Marine Jensen Ackles goes to the distant moon of Pandora, meets the love of his life Jared, and discovers everything that's truly important to him. https://archiveofourown.org/works/222196/chapters/335644 I barely remember the plot of this movie I saw once in 2009 when it came out, so reading this was absolutely tremendous, especially because it was just mildly familiar, with really just the incredible visuals from the film my most distinct memories, all padding the fantastic writing and nuanced romance that Avatar truly failed to convey. I think there was an empowering alteration in the plot where it turned out to be Jared (or the girl Navi in the movie) who is encouraged to embrace prophecy and his role that the film didn't have and I ADORED the way it went down in this story. It wasn't predictable, and the sign Jared interpreted was a sign to find a love who believed in him. The world-building was shocking, bc I'd already seen the movie and I hadn't been completely sold on the world of Pandora but holy shit, I am now. The narrative structure can be just so much more effective in describing soul-deep peace and unity versus visual storytelling. Ratherastory was an artist, or perhaps a translator to a reader like me, sharing exactly how magical this universe was in a way I could better understand (she made it so I could see! get it?! haaa). I’ve added this fic to my “SPN... IN SPACE!” reclist 🚀🤩
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winchesterandpie · 5 years
Holiday Baking (Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1129
Warnings: Nothing but tooth-rotting fluff
A/N: Yoooooo!!! More December Drabbles with everybody’s favorite Winter Soldier. Not that you have more than one to choose from, lol. Also, the next installment may be a little later than Monday, because my final exams are starting and I’ve procrastinated a massive paper....... but I’ll try to have a new one! ANyways, hope you enjoy! Gifs aren’t mine.
December Drabbles Masterpost
Every year, in early to mid December, I go on a baking spree. Pies, cookies, and cakes were the main thing, but there were always chocolate-dipped pretzels and other things that made it into the mix. This year was no exception, and the kitchen counters were covered in bowls, pans, and a light dusting of flour. 
Natasha, Steve, and Tony were frosting the most recent batch of sugar cookies while I was rolling out a second pie crust, and FRIDAY kept a good stream of festive music playing over the compound’s speakers. The rest of the team was out doing something - I hadn’t really paid attention as they were on their way out the door earlier that morning.
“That’d better be another pumpkin pie,” Sam announced as he entered the room. “I still need a slice since y’all decided it would be funny to eat it all while I was in the gym.”
“To be fair, we were just helping you watch the calories so you wouldn’t feel the need to work them off to impress that woman in accounting - what was her name again?” Tony chimed in helpfully, a raised eyebrow completing his smirk.
“It’s none of your… Not…”
“What, cat got your tongue?” The Brooklyn accent announced Bucky, who spoke as his arms slid around my waist from behind while I laughed. “She must be somethin’ special, then, Sammy boy.” 
“Can it, granddad. All I’m saying is that you’d better be making me a replacement pie.”
“Sorry to disappoint, Wings, but this one’s a pecan pie.” I broke the news to him, a slightly sheepish grin on my face as I turned away from the crust.
“You’re joking, right?” 
“Nope,” I said, popping the ‘p.’ Bucky’s chuckle rumbled deeply, traveling through my back where it was touching his chest. 
“I’m sorry, you’re making a pecan pie. When you could be making pumpkin? Who’s cruel enough to force you to do that?”
“Pecan is so much better, Wilson, and you know it,” the dark-haired super soldier voiced his opinion as he rested his chin on top of my head, watching as I transferred the crust to the pan, preparing it for a blind bake.
“Of course you take her side, Robo-cop.”
“Well she’s right about pecan pie, so….” Nat trailed off pointedly. Sam looked around the room for support in the other team members. 
“Don’t look at me for help - I love any and all pies, especially when Y/N is the one baking them.” Tony put his hands in the air with a shake of his head. Bucky leaned over to press a kiss to my cheek before releasing me so that I could put the crust in the oven. 
Around an hour and a half later, I was ready to eat some pie and the debate over which pie was superior had yet to be settled. The remnants of the discussion were still going around, though they had quieted substantially when the treats came out for the annual “Stuff Yourself With Desserts For Dinner” night.
I deemed the pies sufficiently cooled from their time in the oven, getting up from my spot on the couch to cut and hand out slices. Bucky followed, moving to get plates as I started to cut through the pies.
“Doll, these smell incredible.” One of his arms slid around my waist after he set the plates next to me. I hummed in response as I leaned into him, resting my head against his shoulder. “Bet they’re gonna taste good too, hmm?”
“Are you fishing for an early taste?”
“No.” He was positively beaming when he looked down at me. “Unless it’s working.” I couldn’t help but laugh, bracing my arms against the counter to keep me upright despite the force of my laughter.
“I think it’s working.” He wiggled his eyebrows teasingly as he said it, causing me to clutch my ribs as I laughed even harder. Bucky barely held his own amusement in, and soon the two of us were wheezing and gasping for breath. 
When we finally recovered, I picked up a fork and got a bite of the pie on it, reaching up so he could eat it. 
“This…” he started with his mouth still half-full, then paused to finish chewing and swallow, “this is the best damn pie I have ever had in my 100 years.” 
I smiled, inordinately pleased, but then Bucky just stopped. He stopped moving, he stopped speaking, and I could swear he stopped breathing too. His sudden stillness worried me. I saw his eyes flicker from mine down to my lips and back again. That was the only warning I had. Barely a moment later, Bucky’s hands cupped my cheeks and his lips were on mine, soft but insistent. I could taste the pecan pie in his kiss. 
His hands lifted from my cheeks, finding my hips instead to lift me onto the counter. My arms wound around his shoulders, fingers tangling in his hair. The smell of him enveloped me, the taste of him intoxicating and I knew I would never get enough.
Eventually, of course, my lungs complained for air and I was forced to pull back from the kiss. Still, I kept close to Bucky, resting my forehead against his as we slowly caught our breath. My eyes slipped shut, content to stay in that moment and shut the world out. 
“You’re still sweeter than any pie, L/N,” he murmured, nudging my nose with his, causing me to giggle. “And heaven knows I’ve got a sweet tooth.”
“You’re such a sap, Barnes.”
“You love it.”
“Damn right, I do.” We stayed, frozen, in that moment for a little longer before I broke the silence. “We’d probably better take the pie out before the five year old throws a temper tantrum.”
As if on cue, Sam called from the other room, “Is that pie coming before Steve’s funeral? Or should I go buy some before we waste away?”
“Just as smart as you are beautiful,” Bucky chuckled, pulling back and lifting me down off the counter. I took hold of the pies while he grabbed the plates and we made our way back out to the dining room, where we were greeted with a chorus of enthusiasm for the pies. 
As I dished out the pieces of pie, I heard Sam mutter under his breath, “Pumpkin is still better than pecan any day.”
“Alright, anyone who thinks pumpkin is better than pecan can eat on the damn floor.”
I couldn’t stop the snort from bursting out at the way Bucky was glaring at Sam. In the end, their rivalry was going strong, and Sam didn’t eat on the damn floor, but he did glare right back the entire time.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed! Happy Holidays!
Forever tags:
@riddikulus-obsessions​ @addictionmarvel​ @peppermint–teas​ @mercedesbarnes​ @javapeach​
If you want to be added to the tag list, either permanent, for specific characters, or just for the December Drabbles, shoot me an ask or a message, and I’ll be happy to add you!
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flippyspoon · 4 years
hello girlyy 💞 i was hoping you could help me i’m trying to expand my mind & all that during quarantine, could you give me some of your fav book recs? thanks ;))
OK. Well, these are probably tragically obvious but oh well lol:
The Raven Cycle by Stiefvater: Blue has spent the majority of her sixteen years being told that if she kisses her true love, he will die. When Blue meets Gansey’s spirit on the corpse road she knows there is only one reason why - either he is her true love or she has killed him. Determined to find out the truth, Blue becomes involved with the Raven Boys, four boys from the local private school (lead by Gansey) who are on a quest to discover Glendower - a lost ancient Welsh King who is buried somewhere along the Virginia ley line. Whoever finds him will be granted a supernatural favour. -That summary does not do it justice. Trust me. if you haven’t read it yet.
The Captive Prince series by C.S. Pacat: Damen is a warrior hero to his people, and the rightful heir to the throne of Akielos, but when his half brother seizes power, Damen is captured, stripped of his identity, and sent to serve the prince of an enemy nation as a pleasure slave.Beautiful, manipulative and deadly, his new master Prince Laurent epitomizes the worst of the court at Vere. But in the lethal political web of the Veretian court, nothing is as it seems, and when Damen finds himself caught up in a play for the throne, he must work together with Laurent to survive and save his country.For Damen, there is just one rule: never, ever reveal his true identity. Because the one man Damen needs is the one man who has more reason to hate him than anyone else… 
-Some people have trouble getting through the first book because everything in book 1 is sort of reframed in book 2 but in 1 you’re very much like…this dude is so evil how…It’s kind of genius how everything later turns upside down.
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon:
  A young escape artist and budding magician named Joe Kavalier arrives on the doorstep of his cousin, Sammy Clay. While the long shadow of Hitler falls across Europe, America is happily in thrall to the Golden Age of comic books, and in a distant corner of Brooklyn, Sammy is looking for a way to cash in on the craze. He finds the ideal partner in the aloof, artistically gifted Joe, and together they embark on an adventure that takes them deep into the heart of Manhattan, and the heart of old-fashioned American ambition. From the shared fears, dreams, and desires of two teenage boys, they spin comic book tales of the heroic, fascist-fighting Escapist and the beautiful, mysterious Luna Moth, otherworldly mistress of the night. Climbing from the streets of Brooklyn to the top of the Empire State Building, Joe and Sammy carve out lives, and careers, as vivid as cyan and magenta ink.
-It’s been a long time, I’m due for a reread. But this is probably one of my favorite books. Especially great if you’re at all interested in comics history which I’m not especially and it’s still one of my favorite books.
The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro - This is Kazuo Ishiguro’s profoundly compelling portrait of Stevens, the perfect butler, and of his fading, insular world in post-World War II England. Stevens, at the end of three decades of service at Darlington Hall, spending a day on a country drive, embarks as well on a journey through the past in an effort to reassure himself that he has served humanity by serving the “great gentleman,” Lord Darlington. But lurking in his memory are doubts about the true nature of Lord Darlington’s “greatness,” and much graver doubts about the nature of his own life.
-This is in my top 3 of all time.
The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang - Stella Lane thinks math is the only thing that unites the universe. She comes up with algorithms to predict customer purchases—a job that has given her more money than she knows what to do with, and way less experience in the dating department than the average thirty-year-old.It doesn’t help that Stella has Asperger’s and French kissing reminds her of a shark getting its teeth cleaned by pilot fish. Her conclusion: she needs lots of practice—with a professional. Which is why she hires escort Michael Phan. The Vietnamese and Swedish stunner can’t afford to turn down Stella’s offer, and agrees to help her check off all the boxes on her lesson plan—from foreplay to more-than-missionary position…Before long, Stella not only learns to appreciate his kisses, but crave all of the other things he’s making her feel. Their no-nonsense partnership starts making a strange kind of sense. And the pattern that emerges will convince Stella that love is the best kind of logic…
-A romance so good I was once trying to read it while in line for rides at Disney Land lol.
A Room with a View - E.M. Forster - A charming tale of the battle between bourgeois repression and radical romanticism, E. M. Forster’s third novel has long been the most popular of his early works. A young girl, Lucy Honeychurch, and her chaperon—products of proper Edwardian England—visit a tempestuous, passionate Italy. Their ���room with a view” allows them to look into a world far different from their own, a world unconcerned with convention, unfettered by social rituals, and unafraid of emotion. Soon Lucy finds herself bound to an obviously “unsuitable” man, the melancholic George Emerson, whose improper advances she dare not publicize. Back home, her friend and mentor Charlotte Bartlett and her mother, try to manipulate her into marriage with the more “appropriate” but smotheringly dull Cecil Vyse, whose surname suggests the imprisoning effect he would have on Lucy’s spirit.
-One of my books since I don’t know…8th grade or something.
Hope this helps!
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sourpatchwatermelon · 4 years
ASK: all questions (1-25) :)
okay so first off, thank you for the question, I’m sorry I’m getting to it SO LATE. I tried answering it via mobile like a week ago and i got like 3/4 of the way through and then THE APP CRASHED, so this is the first chance I’ve had to use a computer to do it. Without further ado, here ya go:
year end questions!
Song of the year?: Juice - Lizzo (this was TOUGH but this song was really there for me through it all this year)
Album of the year?: Father of the Bride - Vampire Weekend (just gave me such VIBES this year)
Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?: Sammy Rae (I got to see her in concert too!)
Movie of the year?: Either Rocketman or Knives Out (I don’t see a lot of movies but I thought these were both extremely good)
TV show of the year?: Fleabag (but also The Good Place, Killing Eve, Dead to Me, Barry, Black Mirror, idk I just love tv)
Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?: Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 Episode 9 - The Golden Child (not only is it a great ep but I also related to it SO HARD - Amy’s struggle to win approval from her parents and constantly being one-upped by her over-achieving sibling?? I felt that)
Favorite actor of the year?: Andrew Scott (his performances in Fleabag and Black Mirror are unparalleled) - also I noticed there’s no actress question so JODIE COMER (her work in Killing Eve deserves all the awards)
Game of the year?: ultimate goose game (I never played it bc I don’t really do games, but literally how iconic)
Best month for you this year?: probably August (although that’s depressing bc what made it so great was my new relationship, my work friends, and my success at my job - all of which don’t exist for me anymore since it was just a summer job and I got dumped...so yeah)
Something that made you cry this year?: I cry all the time but definitely a lot of tears were shed when I got dumped...rip. It’s sad bc it was only a three-month-long relationship but I genuinely thought we were like soulmates and we had talked about moving to Vermont together after graduation so it really came out of the blue for me and was very depressing.
Something you want to do again next year?: experience love lmao
Talk about a new friend you made this year: she joined concert choir at the start of spring semester and she’s super adorable and funny and stylish and cool. She’s only a sophomore so I feel a bit protective of her in a way lmao but she’s so sweet and always happy to see me so she’s just a really good egg
How was your birthday this year?: one of my better ones tbh! I was super busy that day but I managed to get to all 3 bars on campus and I got to spend time with some good friends (the memories are just slightly tainted bc I spent lots of time talking to my partner but when we broke up I found out that they had wanted to end the relationship for a few weeks but just didn’t want to break up with me on my birthday, so it kind of puts the whole day in a bad light)
Favorite book you read this year?: I don’t read a ton of books for fun anymore bc I read so many for school but some good reads from this summer were Dark Places - Gillian Flynn and Into the Water (and The Girl on the Train, of course) - Paula Hawkins
What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?: idk if this is a new habit or if it just got incredibly pronounced this year but I’ve had a ton of trouble with procrastinating my schoolwork over the past year, to the point of turning assignments in over a week late for no reason other than I just didn’t want to do them so I really gotta fix that
Post a picture from the beginning of the year: will do this in separate post
Post a picture from the end of the year: will do this in separate post
A memorable meal this year?: my first staff night at CCE! I had just raised the most in the office (and the most I ever would again lmao) and we went to this pizza place but I was a rebel and got mozzarella sticks lol. It was just so fun to get to know the people that would end up becoming such huge parts of my summer and also to be praised for my work too lmao
What’re you excited about for next year?: I’m excited (but also nervous) to graduate college!
What’s something you learned this year?: I learned a lot this year, but probably the most important is that I love fast and hard, but that doesn’t mean it’s forced or fake. If people don’t want to accept my feelings or see them as too big or too much (this is very Lorde Melodrama Liability of me lmao) then they aren’t worth my big-hearted feelings
What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?: well I moved into my first off-campus apartment this year! It’s just my roommate and I, so that’s been an adjustment from dorm living, especially now that I’m cooking for myself because I don’t have a meal plan or an RA to monitor stuff or a study lounge to go to when my roommate is being loud lmao
Favorite place you visited this year?: I didn’t do a ton of traveling this year, so probably my favorite place that I went this year (that I had never been to before) was when I went to canvasser conference in Kentucky (although that memory is also tainted by ex-partner stuff but oh well it was still a super fun experience)
If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?: hang out with your friends more and don’t let your partner be the only thing you pay attention to!
Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?: I didn’t really make any but still no bc I did not keep any of my nebulous goals like ‘eat healthier’ and ‘exercise more’ so rip to that
Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one: I don’t do a lot of character creation but I did create a pretty baller character on MySims kingdom LMAOOOOO
Thank you again for the questions, and sorry again for the massive delay in response :)
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