#San Francisco State College
antvnger · 2 years
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Depends on the sport and the team.
In baseball, I definitely cheer for the Giants, and in basketball, I cheer for the Warriors. That’s about it for San Francisco teams.
In football, I cheer for the Kansas City Chiefs, and in college sports I usually cheer for the SEC. I wanted to go to the University of Florida back in the day, but when I toured CalTech, I knew that was the place for me.
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reasonsforhope · 9 days
"Arizona’s ban on transgender athletes has been blocked by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which called the 2022 law “the essence of discrimination.”
Supporters of the so-called Save Women’s Sports Act claimed that the law protected girls and women in schools and colleges from “unfair competition.” However, the federal court found that pre-pubescent trans girls and trans girls on puberty blockers have no significant physical advantages over cis girls their own age, The San Francisco Chronicle reported.
“[The law] to ensure competitive fairness and equal athletic opportunities for cisgender female athletes cannot be squared with the fact that the Act bars students from female athletics based entirely on transgender status,” Judge Morgan Christen wrote in the court’s 3-0 decision.
“[The law] permits all students other than transgender women and girls to play on teams consistent with their gender identities,” Christen continued, “transgender women and girls alone are barred from doing so. This is the essence of discrimination.”
Two trans girls, an 11-year-old soccer player and a 15-year-old swimmer and volleyball player on puberty blockers, sued to overturn the law; 18 states signed court arguments in favor of the law, and 17 states signed arguments against it.
A lower federal court also ruled against the law, and the two court rulings against it can now be cited as a legal precedent to help other trans girls play sports. However, Arizona could also appeal the decision to be heard by an 11-judge panel on the appeals court or ask the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on the matter.
“A student’s transgender status is not an accurate proxy for athletic ability and competitive advantage,” said Rachel Berg, a lawyer with the National Center for Lesbian Rights who represented the two girls in court. “Our clients are thrilled to be able to continue to play on girls’ sports teams with their friends while this case proceeds to trial.”"
-via LGBTQ Nation, September 10, 2024
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dalydose22 · 1 year
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amtrak-official · 3 months
Updated best cities list with an improved and streamlined formula. AQI has been removed and the rest of the formula has been reworked
St. Paul, MN
Newark, NJ
Arlington, VA
Burlington, VT
Urbana IL
Champaign, IL
Elizabeth, NJ
Trenton, NJ
Mount Vernon, NY
Paterson, NJ
Ithaca, NY
Washington DC
Minneapolis, MN
Boulder, CO
Denver, CO
Wilmington, DE
State College, PA
Baltimore, MD
Pittsburgh, PA
Portland, OR
Jersey City, NJ
Ann Arbor, MI
Hoboken, NJ
Yonkers, NY
Eureka, CA
San Francisco, CA
Lebanon, PA
Port Townsend, WA
Boston, MA
Portland, ME
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slexenskee · 7 months
Only Shooting Stars (Break The Mold)
The AU where Gojo is actually All Might's California kid that literally no one asked for, including me 🤦‍♀️
Satoru’s best friend just told him she hates him. Actually, she told him she wanted to go hiking, which is basically the same thing. 
There is emphatically nothing he’d like less than being dragged through the parched, dry hills around the Dish on an otherwise perfectly normal Saturday morning free of classes, but Makoto is only in town for two days and he promised her he’d do whatever she liked barring arson and/or more tequila shots. 
“Can’t you just get Captain Underpants to go with you?” He throws out as a token protest, staggering into her rental jeep with the darkest shades he owns tossed over his eyes in a desperate attempt to keep his hangover at bay.
He squints at her as she settles in the driver’s seat of her rented death contraption. And why isn’t she hungover, anyway? She had even more to drink than him last night. 
“You know his hero name is Captain Celebrity, and please don’t say that where anyone can hear you.” She rolls her eyes as she starts the car. “Until I get a more famous client he’s still my cash cow, and I’d really rather not get fired right now.”
“You couldn’t have picked a worse one.” Satoru snorts, flopping into the passenger seat. “Isn’t he still cheating on the daughter with the stepmom or something?”
“Alleged,” Makoto hisses. “Allegedly cheating. And no, obviously. I wouldn’t still be his publicist if he was that much of an idiot.”
She tries to back out of her spot and almost immediately slides several inches down the heart-palpitation-inducing San Francisco incline he’d parked her on last night. She gives him a look of pure, sheer terror over her steering wheel. 
Satoru quickly undoes his seatbelt. “Yeah, okay. Put the parking brake on and switch with me— I’ll drive.” 
He has them up and off the worst of Hyde St.’s incline with the undisturbed impassivity of a kid who’s spent his entire driving career wedging himself into tenuous and visibly improbable parking spots all across the bay area. Makoto gives a sigh of relief once they clear the worst of the soaring hills, and actually doesn’t bring up the topic he knows she’s itching to broach until he’s pulling onto the 101. 
“You know, I wouldn’t have to bother with Captain Celebrity if someone would just finally agree to be a hero.” Makoto needles him, for the umpteenth time. 
He rolls his eyes behind his glasses. “Not happening.” He shoots her down flat. 
“You can’t stay in college forever!” She protests.
“What do you mean, forever?” He protests back, offended. “I’m not even twenty-two yet!” 
And she makes it sound like he’s wasting his life away going to college or something! As if getting into Stanford isn’t the most snobbish badge of supremacy you can wave around in this damn state! 
This is what he gets for saving her all those years ago, he laments. A best friend who nags him over all his life choices. He should have let her just fall from that damned New York skyscraper. Or more realistically, just waited it out and let an actual hero swoop in and save her. It’s not as if there hadn’t been plenty around at the time. 
She’d been a twenty-one year-old intern at a prestigious marketing agency caught at the wrong end of a villain takeover, and as far as his mother was concerned he’d been a seventeen year-old ostensibly touring the city for colleges, but in reality had been touring music dive bars more than campuses. They’d immediately bonded over the fact he’d saved her life, but also the indie band shirt he’d been wearing as he’d done it. 
Growing up in LA, his only two real options were surfing or surf rock, and he’d chosen to spend more time on the route that wouldn’t lead him to immediate skin cancer. His mom had eventually moved them to San Francisco, but he’d never quite grown out of his SoCal roots. He’d loved music in his last life, and in this life, he’d decided to chill the fuck out and ignore society and all it’s problems, and music seemed as good a way as any to do it. And he was pretty damn good at it, if he did say so himself. His expansive catalog of songs from his last life and eidetic memory made most people call him a genius, even if he rejected the label. So he was a passable— if not prodigal— guitarist, and Makoto had just learned to play the bass herself, so it was really no surprise they’d not only immediately bonded, but immediately decided to make a band together. 
Makoto jumping ship and splitting her time between the US and Japan had thrown a bit of a wrench in their rockstar dreams, but they were making it work somehow. And considering he can teleport around the world at will, it’s really not that much of a hindrance. 
That does beg the question though, of why Makoto would rather him be a hero than a musician. But he imagines he actually already knows the answer to that. 
“How about you stop cleaning up after stupid celebrities, and become a celebrity yourself.” He argues, with a raised brow. 
Makoto scoffs. “Do you have any idea how hard it is to break into the music industry?” 
With the confidence of several dozen platinum hits spanning several dozen genres sitting pretty in his head, Satoru retorts; “I don’t think that will be a problem for us.” 
She laughs him off at first, but then seems to give it genuine thought. “I guess you are pretty enough to have lead singer appeal,” she concedes, uncharitably. “But we haven’t even released an album yet; you have no idea how well it will be received on the charts. Playing little dive bar shows isn’t going to get us anywhere.” 
Satoru just shrugs. “Then what’s stopping us? Let’s record an album.”
Makoto just rolls her eyes. “Yeah, sure. Come pop by Japan next weekend, and let’s do it.”
“Sure.” He agrees immediately, making her do a double take. He grins winsomely at her. “What? I’m free next weekend. Why not?” 
She just shakes her head in wonder. “Even seeing it multiple times, sometimes I really do still forget you can just… teleport across the world. And stop bullets with your eyeballs.”
“It’s telekinesis,” he corrects, but at this point it’s just rote. 
“No, I specifically remember you trying to explain it had something to do with your eyeballs, don’t try to change it up now.” Makoto pokes him in the shoulder— or tries to, but is stopped with his barrier. “And how the hell that’s supposed to even make sense, I have no idea. But you definitely said it.” 
Yeah, he probably deserves that for trying to explain his cursed techniques while he’d been several mystery drinks deep at a college frat party. Makoto probably still hasn't forgiven him for dragging her to that madhouse, but in his defense, she’d all but begged him to take her to an American college party in the first place.
“It’s… complicated.” He hedges off. “My eyes just help me understand how to use my powers; they’re not actually what creates my barrier.” 
Makoto squints at him suspiciously. “... What’s your mom’s quirk again?”
He chuckles awkwardly. “Oh, she can convert energy from the sun. Mine’s a mutation, obviously.”
“Could just be a strange combination.” Makoto muses. “What did you say your dad’s quirk was?”
“I, uh, have no idea.” Satoru coughs, keeping his eyes on the road in a vaguely panicked manner. 
“Shit, that’s right, I’m sorry.” Makoto jolts in her seat, apologetic. “You still haven’t heard anything? I thought your mom said… I mean, they’re not on bad terms, right?”
Frankly, Satoru almost wishes she would continue pestering him about becoming a hero over this particular topic. 
“They’re not on bad terms, no.” He hedges off, shifting in his seat. Why couldn’t his best friend have a normal quirk, like fire breathing or water bending? Or anything besides being a human lie detector when he has so much he needs to lie about? “But they don’t talk much. I’m not sure she even knows what his quirk is herself.”
“Well, I guess it doesn’t really matter anyway, your quirk is what it is.” Mercifully, Makoto lets the subject drop. “Even if it makes no damn sense.”
Satoru laughs that off. “Does any quirk ever really make sense, though?” 
Makoto just clicks her tongue, then launches into a spirited rant on the laws of quirk science. Satoru breathes a quiet sigh of relief as the conversation devolves into a nonsensical argument on what would be the most useless quirk in history. 
One of these days he’s going to have to cave and tell Makoto the truth, but he’d really rather not do it when he’s hungover and facing the prospect of a miserable hike for the next few hours. 
And to be fair, nothing he said to Makoto was a lie. 
His parents aren’t on bad terms. Or rather, they’re not on any terms at all, as he doesn’t think they’ve even spoken once in the twenty-two years he’s been alive in this world. But according to his mom, they hadn’t parted on bad terms. They’d been college sweethearts, and his father had always been honest about his intentions to return to Japan. His mother had been adamant about staying in America and pursuing her own career. They’d split up for practicalities sake, unaware he was already on the way, and his mom looks back on that time of her life fondly. 
His mom would go on to have him several months after his father had left the country, and raise him as a single-mother as she built a life for them. His father would go on to be the world’s strongest hero. 
His mother had only ever known Yagi Toshinori as All Might, unbeatable and unbreakable, with a quirk so strong it would have him going down in history as one of the strongest heroes of all time. As far as she— and the rest of the world knew— he had some kind of strengthening quirk. 
But Satoru had seen him before, on one of his trips back to Japan. It had been from a distance, as he’d taken down a villain to the delight of the cheering crowds around him, but it had been enough for Satoru’s Six Eyes to see his quirk wasn’t quite as straightforward as the strengthening ability listed on his hero profile. All Might’s core— where most humans had a swirling mass of plus alpha energy— was as empty as Satoru’s. Satoru was quirkless because his father, All Might, had been born quirkless. The quirk All Might had now must have been  given to him when he was older, growing around that empty space and spreading through his body almost like a parasite. Or a curse. Satoru honestly couldn’t tell.
Satoru honestly didn’t care. 
He has no opinion on All Might, or what choices he may or may not have made to wield the power he has. 
When he was much younger, and saw how much his mother struggled to raise him on her own without help, he would resent him a bit for leaving her on her own like this. But his adult mind could understand the logic in both his parents’ motivations. They both made their own choices, and did what they thought was right with only care and consideration for each other. 
And it’s not as if Satoru’s childhood was lacking in any capacity.  
Actually, his childhood was awesome. 
To be entirely honest, he doubts he would have wanted All Might around even if that was possible. He can’t imagine a better way to grow up than the way he did, rocking out in the garage with his mom on the weekends, surfing in the mornings (with adequate sunscreen), skating from school to the skatepark in the afternoons, and having the complete and utter autonomy only a latchkey kid could have. His mom did what she could to make sure he grew up comfortably and well-cared for, and that included putting in long hours at work that had him on his own for most of the week. It was the best. There were no rules against using quirks in America— someone finally got their act together on personal bodily autonomy and all that— so he’d use his ‘quirk’ to teleport himself all across the world in his spare time. As long as he was back by dinner time, his mom didn’t need to know if he decided to spend the afternoon wandering the streets of Seoul in search of the best hotteok. 
He tried to keep his excursions on the down low, and keep his grades up and his nose out of trouble. While he adored his freedom, he never wanted to worry his mom. She was honestly too good for this world— and for him too, if he was being honest. The least he could do is be as good of a son as possible.
Well, he can try to be as good of a son as possible. As it stands, the majority of his chaotic existence usually gets in the way of that. 
“Oh, Sacchan, you’re home already?” His mother peers out of her office, thick, horn-rimmed glasses making her purple eyes look comically large on her face as she pokes her head over the wall. “Where’s Makoto-chan?”
“Probably on the plane already, unless it got delayed.” He tosses his keys into the basket by the front door, toeing off his shoes. 
She frowns at him. “You drove her to SFO, right? Don’t tell me you let her go by herself!”
He rolls his eyes. “She had a rental car to drop off, ya know. But yeah, I drove her from the rental place to her terminal.” 
Not that she deserved the consideration, after dragging him on a hike of all damn things yesterday. They’d just stayed out the whole night drinking beforehand, what madwoman does that? 
She gets up out of her chair, stretching her arms over her head as her hapless bun spills silver-white hair over her shoulders. “She’s such a nice girl,” his mother enthuses, as she cracks her neck. “I wish you’d bring more of your friends around, Sacchan. Your poor mother worries.”
“I’m in college now, mom.” He rolls his eyes. “We don’t really bring our friends around to meet our parents.”
More to the point, he wouldn’t want to anyway. College boys are emphatically the worst, and his mom is a very pretty woman. That’s just asking for trouble. And beyond that, he doesn’t have anyone at school he’d feel close enough to introduce her to anyway. He has plenty of people in his orbit to pair up with in labs, hang around the quad with while he’s killing time between classes, or drag to various house parties, but those are superficial bonds at best. 
He’s a young, handsome boy who surfs and skateboards and is good at all sports and plays rock music and still ranks at the top of his class; suffice it to say, he’s never wanted for friends or popularity. But he’s also a full grown man living through a second life; he has very little in common with the people in his age group. It’s gotten better now that he’s a full-fledged adult again, but he still tends to find the petty struggles of his fellow undergrads to be a bit pedantic. 
“You never brought any around in highschool either.” His mother laments. “Sacchan, you’re not embarrassed over your mother, are you?”
“Not at all.” He protests, then adds, because he doesn’t want to worry her, “I just don’t want people knowing exactly where I live. They seem nice enough, but you never really know with people these days.”
He says it to assure her that he’s a perfectly well-adjusted and well-liked kid who has plenty of deep and genuine friendships (entirely untrue) but only serves to worry her even more. 
She frowns at him, eyes downcast. “Oh, Satoru,” she says, in a sad tone that automatically has him lurching forward to comfort her. “I know things with your father are… complicated, but I never wanted to make you feel like you had to hide yourself from the world. I want to keep you safe, but I want you to have fun too, you know?” 
“Yes, I know.” He rushes to reassure her. “And I do have fun— you know I do! You came to my show just last week!”
His mother gives him a watery smile. “Yes, and your bandmate Kenji nearly started a bar fight, and the crowds got so unruly that the fire department got called in.” 
“That guy deserved to be slapped around a bit.” He returns, unapologetic. “And the fire department was just there to make sure we stayed under capacity— we weren’t causing any trouble!”
“No trouble, he says, when the cops were still called by the end of the night.” She teases him. 
He rolls his eyes. He can’t control whether or not two drunks decide to get in a brawl over baby mama drama outside the venue, that was totally not his fault. And also probably not the best show to take his mom to, but it was one of the few local performances they’ve ever done, and she was always making noises about finally seeing his band play in person. Unsurprisingly having two bandmates that live across the ocean and one that hops between two countries means they rarely play shows on this side of the Pacific, and he still hasn’t found a way to admit to her that his teleportation radius is a lot larger than he’d originally told her as a five year-old manifesting his ‘quirk’. 
“Cops or not, it was still a good time.” He grins, adamantly. 
“It was indeed a good time.” She nods, grinning back. She leans up to pat his cheek. “You looked like you were really enjoying yourself up there, Satoru. I always knew you’d be a star.” 
“It was a weekday performance at a local bar, I would hardly call myself a star.” He protests, helplessly. 
Her eyes twinkle behind her glasses. “Maybe not yet.”
Yes the title is from All Star by Smashmouth 😂 this fic has the most millennial playlist I've ever made
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The far-right weaponization of the term "DEI" or "DEI hire/applicant/student" against women, members of marginalized racial/ethnic groups, and the LGBTQ+ community has gotten way out of hand. In many ways, "DEI" has become an acceptable pejorative alternative on the right to overtly racist, sexist, and homophobic terms. It is now being hurled with full-force by some Republicans towards Kamala Harris. According to Newsweek:
Republicans are labeling Kamala Harris a "DEI hire" following her endorsement by Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee for president. [...] Republican Tennessee Rep. Tim Burchett blasted Harris in a social media post on Monday, calling her a "DEI vice president." "The media propped up this president, lied to the American people for three years, and then dumped him for our DEI vice president," Burchett said on X. He referred to Harris as a "a DEI hire" again in a brief interview on the same day with CNN in which he referenced Biden's 2020 comments about picking a vice president, claiming that [Biden] said "he was going to hire a Black female for vice president." [color emphasis added]
The problem with Burchett's assertion is that Biden NEVER actually said that "he was going to hire a Black female for vice president." According to Newsweek.
In a 2020 debate, Biden stated he would "pick a woman to be vice president," without specifying her race. In a later interview with ABC News, Biden said he "didn't feel pressure to select a Black woman." In another 2020 interview with MSNBC, Biden mentioned that among his potential running mates were four Black women. [color emphasis added]
Burchett and other GOP who are accusing Harris of being a "DEI hire" are using "DEI" in a derogatory way that assumes any woman, member of a racial/ethnic marginalized group, or member of the LGBTQ+ community must be underqualified if they hold a leadership position. They seem to have overlooked the fact that Harris was highly qualified to become VP. According to Newsweek:
Before becoming vice president, Harris served as a U.S. senator for four years and as California's attorney general for six years. She had previously served as San Francisco's district attorney and earned her law degree from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. [color emphasis added]
In fact, it appears that Harris was way more qualified to be selected as Biden's VP than JD Vance was to be selected as Trump's VP. But then again, Vance is a White heterosexual male. No one ever seems to question White heterosexual male credentials. I wonder why? 🤔
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Phil Ochs at San Francisco State College Folk Music Festival in San Francisco, California. May 1965.
Photographed by Thomas Ninkovich
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determinate-negation · 11 months
I see your answer, and it frankly infuriates me, your denial of documented hateful comments on campus and ACTUAL Jewish people saying they feel threatened. The refusal to acknowledge even the slightest defect in your "side" leads me to the conclusion that you yourself are not immune to propaganda and you certainly do not value jewish voices (unless, of course they agree with you). You are more than welcome to check the jewhatedb to have a taste of the spirits in some campuses.
As for this: "more cops on campus and administrations destroying academic freedom cynically framed as “preventing antisemitism” is actually a bigger threat for us in the long run" oh how nice of you to ignore those pesky jews in name of the greater cause of academic freedom, consider this, a space that ignores Jewish voices and excuses antisemitism wasn't free to begin with. You are willing to accept their absence for some sort of "long run" greater cause and that's, for the lack of better words, fucked up.
i didnt deny shit, i stated multiple times that antisemitism exists on college campuses, but i did point out that your examples are not coming from pro palestine students. theyre coming from people who are trying to vilify pro palestine students. why doesnt it infuriate you that people are threatening to murder jews just to make muslim students look bad? why is it not infuriating to you that bad media coverage on this makes jewish students unneccesarily scared when the threats are coming from our zionist so called allies? when did jews start cheering for police repression? do you think that attacks on left wing political organizing on college campuses are actually good for jews in the long run? i see someone didnt do their nazi history homework.
also im a marxist not a liberal that subscribes to bankrupt identity politics so the identity of voices is less relevant to me than the content of what theyre saying, but if you want to go on that path why the fuck are you ignoring my jewish voice and the voices of other anti zionist jews who agree with me?
as ive said many times before, there is a difference between feeling threatened and being threatened and jewish students feeling threatened by the existence of pro palestine organizations that are generally progressive and full of jews is in my mind separate from being threatened by real antisemitic incidents. which should be taken seriously but arent coming from pro palestine students as much as they are from reactionaries and opportunists.
besides the fact that “jewish voices” are not a monolith, academia does not ~ignore jewish voices~ except for anti zionist ones. anti zionist jews get doxxed by organizations like canary mission, get kicked out of jewish centers, get slandered by college admins and pro zionist organizations. college administrations bend over backwards to support israel and denigrate sjp and jvp on their campuses. as for academic freedom, its historically never been free for critics of israel, not zionists. jewish professors have been blacklisted from academia for criticizing israel in fact. you said youre glad youre not in american academia and its very obvious you understand nothing of american academia
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20 minutes of my life I'll never get back. 🤦‍♂️
I must be a glutton for punishment because I actually watched Kinsey Schofield's 20 min interview w/Valentine Low. May this rant save you from making the same mistake:
Valentine Low & Kinsey Schofield just reminded me that the British press is in desperate need of a grief recovery workshop to let go of their palace manufactured PR image of Sparry, "the CONSERVATIONIST," and accept the REALITY: Sparry has ALWAYS been a member of the lost boys who never intend to grow up. He loves drugs, perverted soho house sex play pens, and living a secret lifestyle in San Francisco, CA. As we saw in the South Park Documentary, Sparry has always wanted to be left alone so he can just bang on his drums all day.
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The British media needs to accept that they never knew the Sparry aka Prince Harry. Much like Fergie & Andrew: The Meghans are two (2) intellectually below average individuals who married in haste. Both their academic & professional work histories indicate that these two (2) immature adults, lack even the basic skills necessary to function in society without the help of a PR "machine" whose job is to clean up their messes and repeatedly rebrand them into more acceptable members of polite society. It's past time for Valentine Low and other UK journalists to admit that they never really knew Sparry. All their Diana goodwill should now be invested into the future of the BRF (the family of Prince William)
No amount of hoping for the best or "covering up" for Sparry's misdeeds can transform the moral rot in his character. They bought and sold the PR image manufactured by the palace. It was the paparazzi & other "undesirables" who had the misfortune of observing the REAL Sparry. They watched him mistreat drivers, security, staffers, etc long BEFORE he was seduced by MEgain.
V Low believes Sparry flew a helicopter! 😳 Come on! Too many REAL service members have spoken out about Sparry's military character and performance and there's nothing good about it.
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Sparry, like his wife is also a liar and a bully. He's not intellectually bright, he never was... He even bullied his grandparents before the "spectacle," he bullied Meghan's father...we heard reports about seeking a left wing wife and his interest in living in the US----all before MEgain.
Low also thinks Sparry loves his children. Has Valentine Low ever seen the invisibles? No. He's transferred a PR image to a couple of never before seen kids and their so called father. A so-called "father" who is willing to destroy his brother's children (and the innocent children of other couples) through the spread of destructive lies, has zero interest in the REAL wellbeing of anyone's kids, least of all his own.
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As for the Wife: her ability to earn a college degree as an American teenager/young adult without even the offer of an ACADEMIC scholarship means that she too is mediocre and overrated. Her university commencement program states that she was a candidate for a degree in "communications" NOT some whip smart area of study like biochemistry or engineering! 🤦‍♂️
As a university student, thanks to her dad's brother (mike), she spent a measly six (6) weeks in Argentina on an exchange program (paid by her father) until she failed an exam that would have allowed her to apply for (real) jobs in the States. An intellectual or any hard worker would have studied until she passed the test. Not Rachel Meghan Markle. If no one was willing to make an exception for her low marks, then she would whore her way up a series of ladders until she found someone dumb enough to give her a platform.
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No, this is NOT a "smart" couple. This couple is a cautionary tale about how Water seeks it's own level: Sparry's mother and teachers did him a disservice, just as MEgain's father did her a disservice: SPARE the rod & SPOIL the child
Kinsey believes that MEgain is "smart" because she achieved a Duchess title. (What does this tell us about Kinsey's IQ. 🤦‍♂️😳)
MEgain became a "Duchess" because she was a professional "seductress" employeed by Markus Anderson & Soho House. Everything this couple achieves is smoke & mirrors based on TRANSACTIONAL relationships where they bully & harass anyone standing in their way.
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They don't even possess good work ethics, let alone above average IQs. Please call a spade a spade (or in this case a spare a spare) and stop gaslighting the public about what Sparry could have done had he not been involved with the wife.
We watched the wife verbally abuse KP staffers over bereavement flowers and feckless Sparry stood by in AGREEMENT. Wicked queen Jezebel 2.0 and traitorous king ahab 2.0. Let them go!
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ye4gerism · 2 months
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word count 2.22k
content black reader friendly, pre-law reader, slight college party, shifting povs, inspired by the ‘jane the virgin’ scene when jane meets micheal, first date, and ofc a break-up! i also don’t know anything about the law, so forgive me if anything seems wrong - i’m literally a theatre major
author’s note hi! my feed has been a little quiet as i have been working as i’ve been working on the ‘love is blind’ series (it’s coming guys! i’m almost done with chapter one😭). i haven’t posted anything for resident evil in a LONG time so please take this leon x reader story. i’ve been debating on making this a series, so let me know if you want more
synopsis my take on leon and the girlfriend that we always hear about before he left for raccoon city.
Well respected recently graduated and now a rookie cop for the San Francisco Police Department, Leon Kennedy had been asked to tag along with another officer, Ross, to look into a noise complaint.
"So pretty much when you get there-"
"When I get there?" Leon gawked. "I thought it was going to be a you and I thing?"
"Listen to me. I'm the vet, you're the rookie," Ross countered. "You're gonna knock on the door, be nice, make 'em feel comfortable. Then you're gonna find who's in charge and search around a bit to see if there's any illegal activity: drug dealing, underage folk in there, you know? If everything seems peachy, you ask them to keep the noise down and wish them a good night. If not, I'm right here."
Leon bit his lip as they pulled up to the neighborhood awaiting their assistance. There's no way I'm losing my shit right now, he thought to himself, I was top of my class. I can do this. Once Ross has settled by the sidewalk, Leon immediately gets out of the car so that A) his nervousness can't be seen and B) to get some air. As he gets out of the car, he notices an older woman coming his way. "Thank God you're here. I can't do it with these college students. I can't put my kids to sleep! You'll take care of it right?" she exasperates. Leon gives her a small smile. "Of course, ma'am, I'm here to help." Leon leaves the older woman where she is and confidently walks up to the front door which couldn't contain the noise escaping the house. He rings the doorbell and waits a few moments before ringing again. Again turns into about ten times.
The door swings open. "I'm here! Geez." In front of him is a girl in a pink babydoll dress lined with pink fur. On her head, she has a set of white bunny ears, and her hands are lined with satin gloves. She doesn't look like someone who would hold a rager. She looks Leon over. "Nice costume. It almost looks like the real thing," she says with admiration. She places a hand on his chest and rubs some of the buttons on his blue uniform button down.
Leon is losing his absolute mind. He truly wasn't expecting her to open the door. And her outfit? How could he not lose his mind? He loved the way it settled on her body. The thought of Ross kicking his ass snapped him out of his daze. He stood tall and swatted her delicate fingers off of his uniform.
"It is the real thing, ma'am." He watches as the pretty bunny-eared girl steps back slightly. "O-Oh my gosh. You're an officer." She looks down sheepishly. "What can I help you with sir?" She steps out of the house and Leon steps back. She closes the door behind her in the process. "Why are you closing the door? You know, I'll have to take a look in there, right?" Leon stated. "Oh, well." She tilts her head to the side and gives him a shy smile. "It's too loud in there. I think I want to hear every word you have to say, Officer...Kennedy. And don't you need a search warrant?"
Leon hesitated before answering. Then he makes a mistake; he looks back at Ross, who's looking straight at him through the car window.
"Oh, so you don't even know what you're doing? Aren't you glad that one of us is pursuing law instead of the law?" His head snaps back at the girl. "You're pursuing law?" he asks. "Mhm. Nothing crazy though. I want to go into family law," the girl states ecstatically. "Hmm, well then, maybe you'll be mindful of the family next door? The mom doesn't look too happy with the party," Leon points out. The girl's smile drops slowly. "I trust you'll bring the noise level down. I'll let you off the hook. If there's another call, it won't be me they'll send next time. They'll send a professional who wouldn't mind busting the doors down."
"Alright, well...you win, Officer. Have a good night." She begins to close the door slightly but then stops halfway remembering something. "Could you wait here for just a second?" Leon doesn't have a chance to respond because she quickly re-enters the house. The music lowers significantly and within a few minutes, she reappears. There's a folded paper between her pointer and middle fingers. "Here you go!" she says sweetly as she hands it over to him. "Good night, Officer." Before Leon could respond, she closes the door. "That was a lot," he muttered to himself. Her note was still in the palm of his hand. He shoves it in his pocket to read after work.
Leon approaches Ross in the vehicle. The vet rolls down his window. "Well, rookie?"
Leon pauses for a moment thinking of how to describe the situation. "The homeowner thought I was a guest until further clarification. I tried searching the home but she pulled the "don't you need a search warrant?" thing on me. She's a potential law student I guess. But she ended up lowering the volume and came back outside to wish me a good night." 
Ross rolls his eyes and sighs. "You approach everything with a heart of gold, don't ya? Ever so trusting. You can't be a cop if you're going to be all soft with a pretty girl. I saw you up there, rookie! I may have not been able to see your face but I know you melted at the sight of her."
Leon doesn't respond and walks around the car to sit on the passenger seat. "Leon, all I'm saying is that you need a grip, alright? I'm not too mad at you but come on," Ross continues. The rookie nods, acknowledging the advice.
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After his shift, Leon started his venture to his apartment. The note was in his jeans; he avoided opening it at work to avoid commotion. Everyone seemed to baby him because of his young and good-hearted nature (but it was nice to know that his coworkers thought highly of his kindness). Pulling out a note in the locker room would cause his vets to tease him about his lack of a girlfriend, which was already an inside joke.
On the way home, he ordered some Chinese takeout. He wasn't scheduled to work tomorrow, so he planned to stay up late. He finally arrived home after thirty minutes of traveling all over San Francisco. Immediately, Leon flopped on his couch. He pulls out the note from today's suspect and opens it up.
'415 - *** - ****. call me. you're cute ;p'
Leon chuckled to himself. He had gone his entire life with old ladies telling him that he was adorable but this was the first time someone around his age had ever called him cute.
It was close to eleven at night but Leon had an urge to call; after all that girl was hosting a party. No way she was asleep.
He dials her number on his Nokia and lets the phone ring.
"Hello? Who is this?"
"I'll give you three guesses," Leon answers.
The girl chuckles. "Is this the really cute officer who came to my party today? The one that tried to search my house?"
Leon rolls his eyes at her reply. "Well, it's my job ma'am."
The girl laughs again before opening his mouth. "Is your party still going?" Leon asks.
She hums, "Well, wouldn't you like to know? I shut it down an hour after you left and just hung out with some close friends that stayed behind."
"You know, I never got your name. I'm Leon."
She tests his name out. "Leon...I like it. I'm Y/N."
"I like yours too," he pauses, "Listen, I know I just met you like five hours ago but you didn't just give me your number to give it to me...are you available on Saturday? Do you wanna do something?"
There is a slight silence on the other side and Leon starts to worry that he's come on too strong. "On second thought, that was inn-"
"No, no...I'm just looking at my calendar. I'm available. You know where I live. Surprise me...oh! But tell me what to wear if you're thinking of taking me to the beach or something...which I doubt you'll do for a first date."
Leon can't help but smile. "Well then...good night, Y/N."
"Good night, Leon."
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"I really had fun, officer. You should ask me out again." You pull him closer to you by his jacket. "Thank you for walking me to my apartment."
"My pleasure. Thank you for letting me take you out - I didn't take you as a movie and fast food girl. I'm happy you're satisfied." Leon's hands find your waist.
You hum teasingly. "But as much as I love a $2.99 McChicken Meal, when I'm a lawyer and you're a chief or whatever, I'm expecting you to take me to some expensive places. We ought to know the good restaurants if we're going to meet with judges or even Presidents." The two of you are even closer.
"Yeah, yeah. I just hope you're up to a McChicken Meal after those fancy political dinners." He looks at you lovingly for a moment. "Can I kiss you?" he asks quietly.
Instead of answering, you go in for the kiss. Normally, you'd wait; living in California, you can across so many weird individuals with weird interests and even weirder intentions. However, on your first date with Leon, you were immediately met by his kindness and his want to help others. When you were both comfortable, he told you about his parents who had passed away due to their involvement in crime, and how that led him to someone showing him genuine affection, even when they didn't have to.
You pull away first and can't stop a smile from forming on your face. His hands move from your waist and hold your hands. "Sleep tight, princess. Call me, alright?"
You smile and nod as you open your apartment door. You get one more glance at him. "Good night, Leon."
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"Are you pulling my leg right now? You're still planning to go out to the fucking Arklay Mountains?! Leon, are the lights not on up there?"
His apartment had pretty much been packed up; you were standing in a sea of boxes flabbergasted by Leon's motivation.
"No, I'm going to work at the Raccoon City Police Department. As I've already explained to you, they've accepted my application and I'm being transferred."
"I don't see what's wrong with here - in San Francisco-"
"Y/N, have you heard me try to stop you from going to New York for law school? You're moving to one of the busiest cities to go to school." Leon cuts another long piece of packing tape.
He had a point but your worry was his reason to go to Raccoon City. You worried about his safety. "I...I just don't want you to go. I know you’re interested in what happened over there but Leon…”
“Why is this a big deal, Y/N? I met you like what? Four, five, six months ago? I don’t understand why you think you have a say in what I want to do with my career. It’s not like you’re my girlfriend or anything more!” Leon snaps. His eyes widen realizing what he just said.
“Nothing more?” You respond. You start to wonder why you’re upset anyway. If you were “nothing more”, why the hell were you fighting for this jerk? “Ok, Leon, go to Raccoon City. Go up to those fucking mountains.” You step over the boxes to reach the front door. Leon drops his tape to go after you.
“Y/N, listen wait. I didn’t mean that.” He reaches the door before you do, placing his hand on it in an attempt to stop you.
“Nothing more. Your words, Leon.” You look him straight in the eye. He moves his hand from the door, sensing your seriousness through your eyes. Leon lets you go; he’s unable to find the words to make you stay. You don’t look at him as you step past him and out of his life.
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You felt like you had made a big mistake. As you unpacked in your new East Coast apartment, the news kept replaying a report on Raccoon City and the Umbrella Corporation; something about the company going bankrupt and the entire city being destroyed. You had phoned Leon multiple times and it always went straight to voicemail.
The stress of “is he dead or ignoring me?” had you in tears the entire day. He was probably alone with it happened, unsure of how to get out of the city or even unaware of what was going to happen next.
You felt so much guilt. Was it right to be so upset with him? Was it even worth it?
You pick up your phone and dial his number once more.
“Hey! You’re calling Leon S Kennedy. I’m busy right now so feel free to leave a message or call later. Bye!”
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ok! let me know if you guys would like more out of this series :) bye!
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mergeman · 7 months
This is my annual Valentines day post for my partner @nonotnolan
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The Discord server was lagging as 14 people were all trying to sign in at once. Marcus looked at the familiar usernames that popped up. These men from all across the planet were near an dear to Marcus. The video chat started and a stately older English man filled the screen. He was Lord Lloyd Thompson the 3rd and his estate had helped the rest of us attend College.
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Next was Ganesh Pogrom from India his Engineering firm had been the jumping off point for many of our careers.
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Aiden from New Zealand
Enrique From Columbia
Zach from San Francisco
Amir from Saudi Arabia
Gorgio from Russia
Usado from Japan
Hans from Germany
Hassan from Turkey
Diego form Mexico
Kai from Vietnam
James from Australia
And Marcus is in Boston and has just graduated from M.I.T. with honors.
The group caught up with each other talking about family, successes and tragedies. Usado had just received a Nobel for his work on a bacteria that could consume plastics and excrete oxygen. James just got married to his long time girlfriend Bianca. Lloyd was celebrating the birth of his first great-great grandchild.
The 14 men laughed and cried as they heard the new updates until it got to 11:55 pm local time for Marcus. Each man took his turn to say goodbye to the youngster. At midnight a bright white light enveloped Marcus. Soon the light dissipated and a new stunned Marcus was sitting at the computer. Nothing physically had changed but each man recognized that a new soul was operating the body.
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Ganesh took charge and welcomed this Marcus to the family and explained to the newest member that he was a victim of the Eternal student. A soul forced to swap bodies every time he graduates from college. Ganesh explained to the New Marcus that he had all of Marcus's knowledge, abilities, and memories but it would take time for his soul to get used to the new body.
A request to Join popped up on Ganesh's Dashboard and he accepted it. A shirtless young man appeared and introduced himself as Brody form Vancouver Canada. He apologized for his tardiness as he and his boyfriend were in the middle of fucking when the swap happened.
Brody apologized to the new Marcus for taking away his life, then logged off to get to know himself better. Marcus sat back stunned as the others welcomed him to their support group.
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reasonsforhope · 8 months
"Bria Peacock chose a career in medicine because the Black Georgia native saw the dire health needs in her community — including access to abortion care.
Her commitment to becoming a maternal health care provider was sparked early on when she witnessed the discrimination and judgment leveled against her older sister, who became a mother as a teen. When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, Peacock was already in her residency program in California, and her thoughts turned back to women like her sister.
“I knew that the people — my people, my community back home — was going to be affected in a dramatic way, because they’re in the South and because they’re Black,” she said.
But even though Peacock attended the Medical College of Georgia, she’s doing her obstetrics and gynecology residency at the University of California-San Francisco, where she has gotten comprehensive training in abortion care.
“I knew as a trainee that’s what I needed,” said Peacock, who plans to return to her home state after her residency.
Ever since the Supreme Court decision, California has worked to become a sanctuary for people from states where abortion is restricted. In doing so, it joins 14 other states, including Colorado, New Mexico, and Massachusetts. Now, it’s addressing the fraught issue of abortion training for medical residents, which most doctors believe is crucial to comprehensive OB-GYN training.
A law enacted in September [2023] makes it easier for out-of-state trainees to get up to 90 days of in-person training under the supervision of a California-licensed doctor. The law eliminated the requirement for a training license and also permitted training at programs such as Planned Parenthood that are affiliated with accredited medical schools.
“By allowing physician residents to come to California, where there are more opportunities for abortion training, and by allowing them to be reimbursed for this work, we’re sending a message that abortion care is health care and an essential part of physician training,” said Lisa Folberg, CEO of the California Academy of Family Physicians, which supported the bill.
The question of how to provide complete OB-GYN training promises to become more urgent as the effects of abortion bans on medical education becomes clear: 18 states restrict or ban abortion to the point of effectively stripping 20% of OB-GYN medical residents of the opportunity to get abortion training, according to the Ryan Residency Training Program in Abortion and Family Planning. That’s 1,354 residents this year out of 5,962 OB-GYN residents nationwide.
The restrictions in some cases aim to reach beyond state borders, spooking medical students and residents who fear hostility from anti-abortion groups and right-wing legislators...
Pamela Merritt, executive director of Medical Students for Choice, pointed to a Kansas law that requires repayment of state medical school scholarships — with 15% interest — if residents perform abortions or work in clinics that perform them, except in cases of rape, incest, or a medical emergency.
Doctors point out that abortion training is not just about ending pregnancies. Peacock recalled a patient who started hemorrhaging badly shortly after a healthy delivery. Peacock and her team at UCSF performed a dilation and curettage — a procedure commonly used to terminate pregnancy.
“If we did not have that skill set, and the patient continued to bleed, it could have been life-taking,” said Peacock, chief OB-GYN resident at UCSF...
Peacock, for her part, is adamant about returning to Georgia, where abortions are banned after six weeks. “I’m still going to provide abortions, whether that’s in Georgia or I need to fly to a different state and work in abortion clinics for a week out of the month,” she said. “It would definitely be a big part of my work.”"
-via The 19th, January 2, 2024
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dalydose22 · 2 years
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cinnamonrollsledge · 21 hours
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Born October 15th, 1924, in Inez, Texas
Died August 18th, 2005 (age 80), in Burlingame, California
Tony Garcia was born in Texas but he grew up in Cheyenne, Wyoming. His parents were from Mexico and had immigrated separately into the States. Tony and his siblings grew up speaking English and Spanish. He decided to drop out of high school in order to enlist, and even borrowed a friend's prescription medicine to cover up a heart murmur for his Army physical. He was accepted for training in 1943, and he served a Technician 5th Grade with Easy Company from Holland all the way through the end of the war. After the war, Tony returned to Cheyenne where he finished high school, then he moved to San Francisco, working and attending college. Later, he met his wife, Nancy, and started a family. They were married nearly 60 years, and had four children together. When he wasn’t working at the department store warehouse which he managed for three decades, he enjoyed spending time with his family, traveling, dancing, and reading. He was described as a kind, generous, and gentle man, with a “playful sense of humor that belied his quiet demeanor.” The Band of Brothers series bible describes him as “very gung-ho and game” and a “family man and extremely compassionate.” He kept in touch with several of his friends from Easy, and he participated in many Easy Company reunions and events in the U.S. and in Europe. His family has said that he was very reluctant to talk about his combat experiences, but he did like to talk about the people he met, and the families who helped him. Appears in Episodes 3-5 and 7-10, portrayed by actor Douglas Spain
Sources below
SF Gate Obituary for Antonio Garcia
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eretzyisrael · 5 months
by Richard Goldberg
Anti-Semitism is spreading in K–12 school districts. Even in primary and secondary education, Jews are often viewed as privileged whites and oppressors, with Israel branded as an egregious example of “settler colonialism” and oppression of “indigenous people.” “Liberated ethnic studies” curricula, like the one mandated by California, have created a distinct variant of critical theory aimed at Jews for being Zionist colonial oppressors.
Teachers’ unions are the leading purveyors of this approach. Two years ago, the United Educators of San Francisco adopted a resolution calling for a boycott of Israel. The Chicago Teachers Union instigated pro-Hamas demonstrations in the Windy City after October 7. The union persuaded Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson (a former CTU lobbyist) to condemn Israel in the city council, and it organized a student and faculty “walkout” to show solidarity with Hamas—a city-authorized event that left Jewish students and teachers feeling intimidated. In suburban Seattle, kids as young as seven were recently encouraged to condemn Israel and join in anti-Semitic chants. Oakland Unified School District faces a federal investigation after 30 Jewish families removed their kids from school due to rampant anti-Semitism. And at a high school in New York City, hundreds of students hunted down a female teacher they saw on social media holding a sign supporting Israel.
Marxist ideology is the primary culprit influencing this mind-set, but not the only one. Qatar, a tiny Persian Gulf country that supports Hamas, is funding anti-Semitic “scholarship” not only in American universities but also in K–12 schools. Qatar Foundation International gave $1 million to the New York City Department of Education between 2019 and 2022 for a program featuring a map of the Middle East that erases the Jewish state. The same story played out at a public charter school in Irving, Texas. What other districts in the country might be taking money directly or indirectly from a chief Hamas sponsor? Brown University’s Choices Program, used by more than 1 million high school students nationwide, exhibits a clear anti-Israel bias. According to Brown, the Qataris “purchased and distributed a selection of existing Choices curriculum units to 75 teachers whose districts didn’t have funding to buy them.”
Tools to fight back, however, are available. Governors and state legislatures can begin by blocking “ethnic studies” from the K–12 curriculum and by imposing new teacher-certification requirements. To curb foreign meddling, states should ban school funding or in-kind donations from entities connected with countries that harbor U.S.-designated terrorist organizations. School districts and state boards of education should use the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of anti-Semitism to root out conduct meeting its standard. Several groups sued the Santa Ana, California, school district in state court for failing to notify parents before approving ethnic studies courses that contain anti-Jewish bias and for harassing Jewish parents at school board meetings.
At the federal level, parents could file formal complaints with the Department of Education for discrimination under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Such complaints are increasingly common against colleges and universities, but any school that receives federal funding must comply with Title VI. The House Committee on Education and the Workforce should consider holding a hearing on anti-Semitism in K–12 schools, putting the national spotlight on anti-Jewish administrators and school board leaders.
Local, state, and federal officials have played meaningful roles in fighting back against critical race theory in the classroom. They need to fight equally hard to stop anti-Semitism masquerading as Middle East or ethnic studies.
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dawnbreakerluna · 1 year
johnny probably chatting up a girl sitting at the bar he frequents, but he doesn’t recognize her face. he’s never seen her around any part of newt, or the entirety of texas for sure. she doesn’t seem southern — come his presence to keep her company a moment later, he finds out she’s definitely not.
she’s visiting from out of state, reconnecting with long distance friends from high school. they all went their separate ways for college, and it’s spring break. she’s from the less bleak and more bustling california, full of oceanic cities and many hot spots for people of hers and johnny’s age.
he’s drawn to her in a way that is… unfamiliar. as he listens to her talk, getting all these important yet vague details about what she’s studying, how she’s graduating soon, her favorite authors to look for in bookstores and her favorite records from his favorite bands… johnny doesn’t want to hurt this girl.
and that makes him sick. he’s memorizing every feature of her face as she’s lively in their conversation, noticing the little habits in how she speaks and presents herself.
johnny wants to fucking hurl. he wants to tear his own heart out with his knife, and plate it before her—
“…you really should come to california, the boulevard on hollywood—oh! sorry, i— my friend just walked in.”
johnny smiles at her, shaking his head as he lifts his hand up in retreat, “don’t even worry ‘bout it. go on, hope y’all have a good time.”
she smiles back at him, prepared to walk off, but hesitates for a second.
“it was really nice talking to you,” she says. “hope i see you around? maybe in san francisco?”
they both chuckle.
as she walks away, johnny’s hand tightens around his glass of whiskey. he barely drank anything. his jaw hardens as his shoulders tense. he looks down at the barely touched drink she ordered — he assumes she probably isn’t much of a fan of alcohol.
still, he lets go of his glass, setting it beside hers with a space in between.
johnny reaches into his back pocket, a few crumpled bills in hand. he sets the cash in that empty space, whistling to the bartender.
“for the girl’s drink too.”
he walks out of the bar, not looking back. the sound of the girl’s hearty laughter is all he needs to encourage him to walk away.
maybe in san francisco?
johnny considers it on his drive back home.
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