#Sannyasa in Bhagavad Gita
Sannyasa in Bhagavad Gita | Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha
Swamiji explains the true meaning of Sannyasa as described in Bhagavad Gita.
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the-hem · 7 months
"The Standards." From the Sannyasa Upanishad. The Exploration of the Mysteries of Exertion.
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2.66. Discarding the idea of oneself and another, taking no sides in worldly happenings and clinging to the Atman, as an adamantine pillar I am steady.
2.67. I remain in my consciousness which is pure and without hopes, freed from desires and non-desires and devoid of both the undesirable and the desirables.
2.68. When shall I get the inward joy while remaining in the state of self-luminosity ? When shall I be in a mountain cave with my mind quiescent ?
The Bhagavad Gita the greatest of the Upanishads states we do have to take notice of worldly affairs and choose sides. How and why we do so, and how we manage to obtain the outcome of our efforts is what matters. From Chapter 315-21:
The duties for human beings are described in the Vedas, and the Vedas are manifested by God Himself. Therefore, the all-pervading Lord is eternally present in acts of sacrifice.
O Parth, those who do not accept their responsibility in the cycle of sacrifice established by the Vedas are sinful. They live only for the delight of their senses; indeed their lives are in vain.
But those who rejoice in the self, who are illumined and fully satisfied in the self, for them, there is no duty.
Such self-realized souls have nothing to gain or lose either in discharging or renouncing their duties. Nor do they need to depend on other living beings to fulfill their self-interest.
Therefore, giving up attachment, perform actions as a matter of duty because by working without being attached to the fruits, one attains the Supreme.
By performing their prescribed duties, King Janak “the king of parents” and others attained perfection. You should also perform your duties to set an example for the good of the world. Whatever actions great persons perform, common people follow. Whatever standards they set, all the world pursues.
When the world sees President Biden allows Donald Trump to just walk down the street after he cheated in the 2016 election or permits the Republicans to meet after they did not follow appropriate procedures in the drafting and passing of a humanitarian aid package for Ukraine, or that he allowed the Russians to hurt them to begin with, little kids and adults receive a clear message “the bad guys always win”.
It makes it impossible for me to write in this forum which extols the Glory of God and explains why decent persons should strive in the manner of saints for the betterment of the world. When this doesn’t happen at the very top of the world, hypocrisy, not holiness is what reigns, and this is why our planet is boiling itself to death. No one has any concept of how to live here anymore because our leaders do not behave as if they are duty bound.
We need to follow the Ten Commandments, we need to obey the law, and arrest Donald Trump, close the Republican Party and put an end to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints which attacked Israel from Gaza on October 7. Should this happen, the world will be take notice of goodness in action and be more willing to recognize God’s Divine Authority in their personal lives.
There is little good in asking the world to sit, close its eyes and willingly accept the goodness of God while it is worried missiles are going to come through the roof or a Mormon is going to rape their family and turn it upside down forever.
The Duty of the White House therefore comes first, because this guarantees all duties for all persons can be performed in safety and complete steadiness.
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'Only Bhagavan, one possessed with infinite powers, infinite knowledge, infinite renunciation, and infinite riches, fame and beauty can declare the imperishable and eternal nature of the Self; and also give the direct experience of the Self to Arjuna in Visvarupa Darshan Yoga and culminate it with Moksa Sannyasa Yoga- the yoga of liberation.'
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prabhupadanugas · 1 year
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sanatancharacters · 3 years
Stages of Human Life
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There are four stages of human life as per Hinduism. Are you wondering what are those different stages of human life?
These four stages are called ashramas and were prevalent in Hindu society as early as the 5th century. The concept stands as one of the strong pillars of Hindu socio-religious thought.
The idea behind this concept is to provide structure and guidance for an individual’s day to day life. So, let’s look at the different stages of human life.
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templepurohit · 3 years
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Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4 Verse 18 - TemplePurohit.com karmaṇy akarma yaḥ paśyed akarmaṇi ca karma yaḥ sa buddhimān manuṣyeṣu sa yuktaḥ kṛtsna-karma-kṛt Word Meanings: karmani — in action; akarma — inaction; yah — one who; pasyet — observes; akarmani — in inaction; ca — also; karma — fruitive action; yah — one who; sah — he; buddhi-man — is intelligent; manusyesu — in human society; sah — he; yuktah — is in the transcendental position; krtsna-karma-krt — although engaged in all activities. Explanation: This verse gives an understanding of the truth of action and non-action. He is intelligent who sees that persons of pure heart fixed in knowledge like Janaka who do not renounce activity, but rather engage in action, in niskama karma yoga, do not accrue karma (akarma); and who sees that one who does not perform actions, renouncing actions as a sannyasi, being of impure heart without knowledge, though talking profusely of knowledge because of knowledge of scriptures, actually obtains bondage of karma leading to misery. He engages in all activities; he does not renounce action even through instructions or association of those who think themselves knowledgeable, talking a lot about jnana. The Bhagavatam says: yas tv asamyata-sad-vargah pracandendriya-sarathih jnana-vairagya-rahitas tri-dandam upajlvati suran atmanam atma-stham nihnute mam ca dharma-ha avipakva-kasayo ‘smad amusmac ca vihiyate One who has not controlled the six forms of illusion [lust, anger, greed, excitement, false pride and intoxication], whose intelligence, the leader of the senses, is extremely attached to material things, who is bereft of knowledge and detachment, who adopts the sannyasa order of life to make a living, who denies the worshipable demigods, his own self and the Supreme Lord within himself, thus ruining all religious principles, and who is still infected by material contamination, is deviated and lost both in this life and the next. SB 11.18.40-41 https://ift.tt/lBEC8ZL
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myastronastrologers · 2 years
How Hindu Rituals are Important in India
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   Hinduism isn't simply a religion in India. It is a way of life. In Hinduism, customs are performed to bring other worldliness into human existence and teach sensations of dedication and legalism. Ceremonies are praised during life as well as go on after death, including internment and incineration rehearses. For Hindus, it is the Vedas - the most seasoned profound sacred texts on the planet - that have molded and affected their ceremonies pooja. The Vedas are an assortment of songs and customs that date back millennia. These invaluable texts were given to a few ages through oral portrayal.
Prior, numerous Hindu customs zeroed in on the significance of playing out the obligations related with one's phase of life. The four phases of life are as per the following:
    Brahmacharya - Acquiring schooling and upgrading one's personality
    Grihastha - Worldly joys and pursuits that incorporate marriage and   profession
    Vanaprastha - Spirituality
    Sannyasa - The existence of thought
There are numerous old ceremonies that are not performed today, as their importance and practice have changed throughout the long term. For instance, during Vedic times, yajnas were connected with Karma and Dharma yet presently they are related with social exercises.
Meaning of Hindu Rituals
For Hindus, getting the endowments of the Almighty is of head significance while playing out the ceremonies. They accept when God is satisfied by their dedication, he offers his endowments to them. The majority of the Hindu ceremonies are performed on blessed destinations like sanctuaries or in nature, however some are acted in the home.
As a piece of the family obligations, a passionate Hindu is supposed to play out specific ceremonies consistently. The wake-up routines might incorporate washing up or actual self-decontamination, offering supplications to the Sun God, or Chanting the Gayatri mantra. The most widely recognized customs rehearsed in all Hindu families are puja, contemplation, quiet supplications, yoga, recitation of sacred writings from Bhagavad Gita or bhajans, perusing strict books, partaking in Satsang (petitioning heaven meets), performing magnanimous work, visiting a sanctuary, and reciting the name of their darling God. It is through these customs, petitions, and sacrosanct services that Hindus pay their adoration to God.
Supplications or Pooja are a basic piece of a Hindu fan's life. They play out these requests under the help or direction of Hindu clerics or Brahmins. After each puja, a sacrosanct contribution (or Prasad) is made to God . Such contributions are intended to be made without guaranteeing proportional benefits as a characteristic of administration to their Almighty pooja. Hindus accept that playing out these ceremonies help in their profound improvement. For more details you can visit Myastron.com.
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badulescuradu14 · 2 years
Who Is A Real Sannyasi
“The Supreme Lord said, To give up the results of all activities is called renunciation [tyaga] by the wise. And that state is called the renounced order of life [sannyasa] by great learned men.” (Bhagavad-gita, 18.2) Download this episode (right click and save) काम्यानां कर्मणां न्यासं सन्न्यासं कवयो विदु: । सर्वकर्मफलत्यागं प्राहुस्त्यागं विचक्षणा: ॥ śrī-bhagavān…Who Is A Real Sannyasi
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kailasaslovenia · 3 years
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Drop everything and surrender. This is the gist not only of this final chapter of Bhagavad Gita, but it is also the essence of the entire Bhagavad Gita. In addition, throughout the ages it has been the basis of the teachings of all the spiritual Masters.
Krsna concludes the Bhagavad Gita with one subject: drop everything and surrender. Beautifully He says:
sarvadharman paritajya mam ekam saranam vraja
aham tvam sarvapapebhyo moksayisyami ma sucah
Drop everything, whatever you know as dharma , whatever you know as life, whatever you think you know, just drop it. Drop everything and surrender. Whatever you know is only your knowledge, it is just what you know. It is not what is.
In fact, wisdom and truth are about what we do not know That is all! What we know cannot lead us to the ultimate Truth. Knowledge of the mind, that we take so much pride in, functions like blinkers that we wear to shut out the truth of Existence. The mind is not the scale of measure of Existence. What we are has nothing to do with our thoughts. What we are is beyond our thoughts. If our thoughts alone could define what we are, we would be nothing more than a biomechanical machine.
Humans think. That is the problem. Our great Sages, the ancient Rsis declare, 'Drop your mind and you will be complete. You will realize your true potential as a human.'
SPH JGM HDH BHAGAVAN Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam
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La razón de la aparición del Señor Ramacandra.
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Hoy celebramos la aparición del Señor Ramacandra, líder ideal y Suprema Personalidad de Dios. El Señor le dijo a Arjuna que "para proteger a los piadosos y aniquilar a los impíos yo aparezco milenio tras milenio". Eso se cumple a rajatabla. Sólo por recordar esta frase nuestros líderes deberían representar de la mejor forma a los intereses del Señor.
No es así.
Llevamos años alejándonos de los objetivos establecidos por los acaryas previos y estableciendo prácticas y estilos que causan vergüenza entre los semidioses. Cuando no hay introspección, se rechaza la historia y se degrada la espiritualidad el resultado es exactamente el que hoy vivimos.
Hagamos un poco de historia:
Los programas en el movimiento tienen tres clases de lideres: los expansivos, los ventajeros y los destructores.
A comienzos de la década del noventa, Ragunatha dasa (presidente del templo de Montevideo) propuso una maratón para comprar el anhelado templo propio. En ese entonces el equipo de sankirtan era notable y tenía algunos de los mejores devotos nacidos al este del Río Uruguay. Cuando lo propuso en la junta de Buenos Aires se le rieron en la cara. Hoy Uruguay lamenta y sufre una crisis cada vez más honda y peremne gracias a la gigantesca falta de visión de los líderes porteños. Me deja tranquilo que desde el mismísimo comienzo del desastre seguimos manteniendo al mismo líder gbc. ¡Gracias GBC! ¡Gracias Mayapur!
Curiosamente en la tierra de Olmedo y Maradona no se privaron de aplicar esta misma receta. Moraleja: Cuando hay bonanza hay que asegurar el futuro. Nunca pidas permiso para hacer lo correcto. Quien obstaculiza tu servicio no es tu amigo.
Hace poco Kesava Swami me comentó una cita de Acaryadeva: "En la miseria no hay progreso". Es obvio; los oportunistas buscan una posición para arreglar su vida y entonces se establece una burocracia. Esto explica la gigantesca podredumbre actual que maquillada de tilaka se muestra más fuerte que nunca.
Hay disfrutamos un cuerpo ejecutivo del gbc, miembros del gbc, diputados gbc, cuerpos regionales administrativos, juntas locales y
nacionales y ministerios de toda clase; los hay de hijos de devotos, de mujeres, de protección a las vacas, de lo que se te ocurra. A mayor burocracia menor desarrollo.
No existe devoto que pueda nombrar a todas las autoridades que están por encima de él. La línea administrativa es tan compleja como un nudo gordiano.
La soberbia y la mezquindad caracterizan a un grupo tenebroso que se aprovecha del sistema, generando una casta de soberbios que están por encima de los pocos que aún reconocen su autoridad. Ellos son los capataces, el resto la masa sin nombre que aporta servicio y donaciones.
Marco Aurelio dijo: "La mejor manera de defenderse de ellos es no convertirse en lo que son ellos" (Meditaciones, VI).
¿Cuál es nuestro espejo o referencia? ¿Bajo que propósito estamos siendo entrenados? ¿Qué busca la institución de nosotros?.
La congregación se ha acostumbrado a que reine el desorden, a la perpetuidad de la crisis.
Pero no sólo el drama es institucional. A nivel individual muchos han aceptado que los votos no son para siempre y que lo sagrado puede profanarse si la necesidad es acuciante.
Tuvimos grandes líderes que enfrentaron crisis por no estar bien rodeados, orientados y protegidos.
¿Cuando el primer sannyasa brasileño nieto de Prabhupada cambió de maestro espiritual no se sabia que eso iba a terminar mal? ¡Todos los sannyasis que se casaron en Brasil terminaron mal!. Todos. Y los que dejaron la responsabilidad por escándalo o cansancio tampoco la han tenido fácil. Si el movimiento no protege a sus líderes, ¿Podemos esperar que cuide de nosotros?.
Un favor que se hace por compasión nunca tiene que ser devuelto. ¿Nuestro liderazgo es realmente compasivo y emp��tico?.
Desde hace años todos practican un sálvese quien pueda.
¿Cuál es la razón del reinando del toma y daca en la institución?.
¿Hay que seguir celebrando el tráfico de influencias, la nepocracia, la kakistocracia, la corrupción y la incompetencia?.
Las cosas bien hechas se sostienen y lo que no perece.
Este movimiento no está hecho para durar; lo vemos en Sudamérica donde los avances terminaron hace más de veinte años. Muchos programas enfrentan comunidades destruídas, desventuras económicas y un liderazgo excepcionalmente dañino. Esto con Srila Prabhupada jamás hubiera pasado.
Nos volvimos buscadores de lo anecdótico y de lo risueño como si todo eso bastara para satisfacer a nuestro fundador acarya.
El movimiento ganó cierta atención presentandole a Narendra Modi la Bhagavad Gita más grande del mundo. Aplaudimos como focas. ¡Los libros gigantes resulta que eran la clave! ¿El tamaño es lo que importa o lo es la calidad?. ¡ Conseguimos el record Guinness a la actividad de yoga más grande del mundo!. Está bien, era hatha, no bhakti, pero la diferencia es una pequeñez. No importa que algunos digan que Srila Prabhupada jamás promovió eso en su vida. Somos capos, la tenemos clara, somos adelantados que le mostramos el camino al que se ponga por delante. ¡El mundo es nuestro!.
Si antes Food for Life era un programa querido por Srila Prabhupada ahora ese mismo programa lo desconoce. En la página web de ellos no existe una sola foto de él ni de Krishna. En eso se transformó el programa que impulsaba el prasadam y ahora se acaramela con el veganismo.
Spiritual Sky desapareció cuando en la década del setenta movía millones. Los hindúes nos adoran; ellos ahora manejan el mercado que antaño abrimos nosotros.
Hay demasiados proyectos de Prabhupada que hoy están desaparecidos o corrompidos. Es una locura.
No se salvan ni sus libros; el BBT antaño imprimía obras de gran calidad y excelente papel. Ahora abundan los libros de calidad ínfima impresos en China. La autonomía de las oficinas desapareció. El BBT se volvió centralista, justo lo que Prabhupada combatió siempre en todos los niveles.
El panorama es penoso. La mayoría de los devotos activos deben fortalecer su entendimiento para sostenerse en un mundo adverso.
En tiempos de confinamiento y pérdidas, tenemos mucho más oportunidad para analizar y comprender nuestras vidas y lo que nos rodea. Las prioridades son claras, y es muy fácil distinguir quien está de nuestro lado y quien no.
Si alguien no se preocupa por ustedes no es amigo. Si desconoce su existencia no es bienqueriente. Si los perjudica una vez es karma, si es dos veces ustedes son los responsables. No somos Brahma para entregar ocho mejillas. No podemos ser idiotas. Siendo ignorantes jamás llegarán al mundo espiritual.
Si de verdad deseamos honrar al Señor Ramacandra entonces aprovechemos Su ejemplo y enseñanzas. El defendió lo honorable a costa de cualquier precio, combatió la injusticia y celebró una victoria que millones de años después sigue siendo homenajeada. ¡Jay Sri Rama! ¡Feliz Ram Navami a todos!
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the-hem · 2 years
“Faith: The Means to Liberation.” From the Maha Narayana Upanishad, the Exploration of the Mysteries of the Creator.
Liberation, also called Realization and Salvation is not what you get during the Showcase Showdown against other religions if you guess the Right Price. 
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So long as there is suffering on this world and preponderance towards it, a love for all the rhetoric, politics, dogma, excuses and convictions suffering is here to stay, and life on earth ebbs, the Liberation of Souls is not taking place. 
The Goal is to subtract these using the intellect leaving the barest hints of desire self in order to expose the Great Empathy of the Self. So long as there is delusion about the Holy Impetus of God, there will be disconnection from Him and salvation shall not take place. 
So how do we end our fascination with the Game Show and find the Ever Present beneath and do the real work, which does not entail guessing the price for long life and happiness? 
LXXVIII-8: Some one devoted to the Vedic religion says that the Vedic Fires are the means of liberation. Therefore the Vedic Fires must be consecrated. 
Vedic Fires = the quest for the Nature of God through the study of the Script. Veda means to accumulate knowledge. So the more knowledge we accumulate the better. People get those panty hose in a bunch over the Quran and the Bhagavad Gita and the Torah without understanding they were written by men who wanted to help us fathom God and be happier than we have ever been. 
Each one lived in a different place and time and watched humanity devolve and did their best to record their observations. We are not so successful and happy to be here we can afford to ignore what God said to them. 
 LXXVIII-9: Another person devoted to the Vedic religion says that Agnihotra is the means of liberation. Therefore some seekers of the highest delight in the Agnihotra sacrifice. 
Agnihotra is an elaborate religious ritual that is second to the Seven Sacrifices Moses instituted in the Torah. They are designed to take the mind on a journey away from all selfish and petty things and lean them towards the Supreme. Holy Communion, Baptism, Shabbat, these are all but hints to the mind to focus elsewhere, they do not confer hope or salvation on their own. 
LXXVIII-10: Others devoted to the Vedic religion say that sacrifice is  the means of liberation. Verily gods have attained heaven by their own prior deeds of sacrifice. Therefore seekers of the highest good delight in the performance of sacrifice. 
Sacrifice is austerity, which we have talked about. The Sacraments hint at happiness comes from God alone, sacrifice puts this to the test. It is a must. 
 LXXVIII-11: Some wise people consider that inward worship is the means of liberation. Therefore wise people delight only in inward worship. 
Inward worship, prayer is not the vomiting of nonsense into the air about people who are dead, the dying, spelling tests and Miss Behavior. 
Prayer and worship tune the mind to the wavelength of the Supreme once sacrifice has been performed. Sacrifice includes sitting on your butt to meditate, it includes saying no when you have often said yes. 
 LXXVIII-12: Brahma Hiranyagarbha “golden womb” considers that Sannyasa “the taking of vows” is the means of liberation. Hiranyagarbha is indeed the Supreme. 
The Supreme alone is Hiranyagarbha (although he is a personality). Certainly these austerities set forth above are inferior. Sannyasa alone surpassed all. To him who thus knows the all-transcending excellence of Sannyasa precious knowledge (has been imparted).
Sanyas is a commitment to the aforementioned, to the creation of a society that has foresworn religion, dogma, tradition, all politics and persons that contribute to the delusions that poverty, scarcity, corruption, abuse, neglect, depravity, and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit are normal and allowable. 
We teach these things to our children and they teach them to theirs. In the Torah, God stated firmly, “The sins of the fathers must not visit the sons.*” 
In the Gospels, the mob that convicted Jesus disagreed and said “Let his bloodshed be on our hands and also the generations.**” 
Thank God Christ rose from the dead, and His Blood was washed away. 
This is how we must think about the upcoming Golden Era if we are to liberate ourselves from all this agony, to foreswear bloodshed and end the habit we have of teaching blasphemy to our peers and successors.
We start as the Upanishad says with Great Devotion to God, what we call “faith.” 
*see Parsha Nitzavim: 
22 Your children who follow you in later generations and foreigners who come from distant lands will see the calamities that have fallen on the land and the diseases with which the Lord has afflicted it. 23 The whole land will be a burning waste of salt and sulfur—nothing planted, nothing sprouting, no vegetation growing on it. It will be like the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, “burn and drown” Admah and Zeboyim “Place of Gazelles” AKA young woofies, which the Lord overthrew in fierce anger. 24 All the nations will ask: “Why has the Lord done this to this land? Why this fierce, burning anger?”
25 And the answer will be: “It is because this people abandoned the covenant of the Lord, the God of their ancestors, the covenant he made with them when he brought them out of Egypt. 26 They went off and worshiped other gods and bowed down to them, gods they did not know, gods he had not given them. 27 Therefore the Lord’s anger burned against this land, so that he brought on it all the curses written in this book. 28 In furious anger and in great wrath the Lord uprooted them from their land and thrust them into another land, as it is now.”
29 The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.
Salt = the covenant. 
Sulfur= the scourge caused by tyrants who turn production away from the people, and make them insecure. 
When sulfur accumulates in water and soil, it burns everything and is very hard to get rid of and it takes forever for the ground to recover. Just like when corrupt politics prevail. 
**see Matthew 27:25.
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prabhupadanugas · 2 years
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Shri Vishvarupa Mahotsava Visvarupa was the name of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's elder brother. Gaudiya Vaishnava authorities say Visvarupa was not an ordinary living being but an avatar of the Supreme Being. Visvarupa renounced family life in his teens to live as a traveling preacher of Krishna consciousness. Today marks the observance (mahotsava, or festival) of Visvarupa's acceptance of sannyasa, the renounced order of life in the Vedic social system. Image depicts Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (as a small child) telling His parents He dreamt of Visvarupa taking sannyasa More: Visvarupa in the Chaitanya Charitamrita: Adi-lila 10.106, Purport - here Srila Prabhupada mentions Visvarupa's dates More on Visvarupa in Chaitanya Charitamrita, Madhya-lila 9.300 - news of Visvarupa's departure from this world reaches Lord Chaitanya Chaitanya Charitamrita, Adi-lila 13.74 - an explanation of Visvarupa's spiritual identity Audio about Visvarupa Mahotsava: Sivarama Swami.com - Sivarama Swami also speaks on the significance of sannyasa Further info on Visvarupa Mahotsava: Giriraja Swami.com - from a transcribed lecture by Giriraja Swami Link: https://krishna.com/event/visvarupa-mahotsava https://youtube.com/c/HearSrilaPrabhupada https://www.bhagavad-gita.us/famous-reflections-on-the-bhagavad-gita/ #bhagavatam #srimadbhagavatam #vishnu #vishnupuran #harekrishna #harekrsna #harekrishna #harekrisna #prabhupada #bhagavadgita #bhagavadgitaasitis #bhagavadgītā #srilaprabhupada #srilaprabhupad #srilaprabhupadaquotes #asitis #india #indian #wayoflife #religion #goals #goaloflife #spiritual #bhakti #bhaktiyoga #chant #prasadam #picoftheday #photo #beautiful #usa https://sites.google.com/view/sanatan-dharma https://m.facebook.com/HDG.A.C.Bhaktivedanta.Svami.Srila.Prabhupada.Uvaca/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CiVUqtuM44v/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Bhagavad Gita Chap 5 L1 080920
Purushartha: self effort
Four Motivation: phisiological biological development is accompanied by maturity in consciousness.
Brahmacharya: Kama: sensual, emotion, desirious self
Grihastha: Artha: egoistic security society
Vanaprastha: Dharma: internal discipline
Sannyasa: Moksha: seek for grafication and truth.
How can i help.
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templepurohit · 2 years
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Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18 Verse 66 sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaḿ śaraṇaḿ vraja ahaḿ tvāḿ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ Word Meaning: sarva-dharmān — all varieties of religion; parityajya — abandoning; mām — unto Me; ekam — only; śaraṇam — for surrender; vraja — go; aham — I; tvām — you; sarva — all; pāpebhyaḥ — from sinful reactions; mokṣayiṣyāmi — will deliver; mā — do not; śucaḥ — worry. Meaning: “Am I supposed to perform this meditation and offering along with my varna asrama duties or without them?” “Giving up all all duties of varna and asrama (sarva dharman parityajya), surrender only to me.” One should not say that parityaja means sannyasya, to adopt the sannyasa order, because Arjuna was a ksatriya, not qualified for sannyasa. As well it should not be said the Lord used Arjuna just to instruct all other people who are not ksatriyas to take sannyasa, for Arjuna was qualified to be the recipient of the Lord’s instructions, which could not be taught to others. Nor should one explain the meaning of parityajya in this verse as merely “give up all the results of activities.” For it is said: devarsi-bhutapta-nrnam pitrnam nayam kinkaro nayam rni ca raj an sarvatmana yah saranam saranyam gato mukundam parihrtya kartam Anyone who has taken shelter of the lotus feet of Mukunda, the giver of liberation, giving up all kinds of obligation, and has taken to the path in all seriousness, owes neither duties nor obligations to the demigods, sages, general living entities, family members, humankind or forefathers. SB 11.5.41 martyo yada tyakta-samasta-karma niveditatma vicikirsito me tadamrtatvarh pratipadyamano mayatma-bhuyaya ca kalpate vai A person who gives up all fruitive activities and offers himself entirely unto Me, eagerly desiring to render service unto Me, achieves liberation from birth and death and is promoted to the status of sharing My own opulences. SB 11.29.35 tavat karmani kurvita na nirvidyeta yavata mat-katha-sravanadau va sraddha yavan na jayate As long as one is not satiated by fruitive activity and has not awakened his taste for devotional service by sravanam kirtanam visnoh [SB 7.5.23] one has to act according to the regulative principles of the Vedic injunctions. SB 11.20.9 ajnayaiva gunan dosan mayadistan api svakan dharman santyajya yah sarvan mam bhajet sa ca sattamah He perfectly understands that the ordinary religious duties prescribed by Me in various Vedic scriptures possess favorable qualities that purify the performer, and he knows that neglect of such duties constitutes a discrepancy in one’s life. Having taken complete shelter at My lotus feet, however, a saintly person ultimately renounces such ordinary religious duties and worships Me alone. He is thus considered to be the best among all living entities. SB 11.11.37 The meaning of the word should thus be explained using all these statements of the Lord with no contradiction. The meaning can indeed be understood correctly by the prefix pan which means “completely.” “Surrender only to me (mam ekam saranam vraja).” This means that there should be no worship of devatas, astanga yoga, jnana or dharma or other elements in that surrender. “Previously I have said that you were not qualified for ananya bhakti, the highest type of bhakti, and that you were qualified for karma misra bhakti, when I said ‘Whatever you do, whatever you eat, do it as an offering to me.’ But now, by my great mercy, you have qualification for ananya bhakti. That ananya bhakti can only be attained by the causeless mercy of my ekantika bhakta. Though that is a rule 1 myself have made, I am now giving the mercy myself, breaking my own vow, as I did in the fight with Bhisma. “And by following my orders you should not fear some loss on your part in giving up nitya and naimittika karmas. The order to perform these nitya karmas was given by me in the form of the Vedas. Now, I am ordering you to give them all up completely. Is there sin in not performing your nitya karmas? No, rather the opposite, in performing nitya karmas you will commit sin, because of disobeying my direct order.” “But if someone surrenders to another person, he becomes dependent, like an animal purchased for a price. He does whatever you make him do. If you put him in one place, he stays there. If you offer him food, he eats. These are the characteristics of surrender.” “But the Vayu Purana says: anukulyasya sankalpah pratikulyasya varjanam raksisyatiti visvaso goptrtve varanam tatha nihksepanam akarpanyam sad-vidha saranagatih Anukulya means conduct pleasing to the Lord and according to the scriptures. Pratikulya means the opposite. Goptrtva means to think of the Lord and no one else as ones protector. One should have faith (visvasah) that in times when ones own existence is threatened, the Lord will give protection, as in the case of Gajendra or Draupadi. Nihksepanam means employment of ones gross and subtle bodies for Krishna’s service. Akarpanya means that one should not make a show of ones own humility. Surrender (sarana gati) consists of performance of these six items in relation to the Lord.” “Then starting today, if I surrender to you, I should then do whatever you say whether good or bad. If you make me perform dharma, then I will not worry at all. But if you engage me in adharma, since you are the Supreme Lord and can do what you want, then what will happen to me? Please tell me.” “I will free you from all sinful reactions, from whichever reactions exist from the far past and recent past, and whichever ones arise from acts I will make you perform in the future. This is not impossible for me to do, though it cannot be done by anyone else you surrender to. Taking you as the means, I am giving instructions to the whole world. Do not feel grief for your own welfare or that of others. May you and all other people, giving up all dharmas, your own and everyone else’s, absorbing your thoughts and actions in me, surrendering to me, remain in contentment. I myself have accepted the burden of freeing you from sin and freeing you from samsara.” ananyas cintayanto mam ye janah paryupasate tesam nityabhiyuktanam yoga-ksemam vahamy aham But I carry the burden of supply and maintenance of those who desire constant association with me, and who, thinking only of me, worship only me. BG 9.22 “Do not lament thinking ‘Oh, I have thrown my own burden on my master!’ It is no strain at all for me, who am most affectionate to my devotee. Nothing else remains to be instructed.” https://ift.tt/tuvckUb
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ANCIENT AGE MASTERS (AD) Adi Shankara Life Period : 788 - 820 | place of birth : Kaladi, present day Kerala, INDIA Parents : Shivaguru, Shivataraka(Aryamba) Nationality : Indian | teacher/guru : Govinda Bhagavatpada Website : www.kamakoti.org Adi Shankara also known as (Adi) Shankaracharya and Shankara Bhagavatpada, was a Hindu philosopher from Kaladi in present day Eranakulam district, Kerala, India who consolidated the doctrine of advaita vedānta. As a child, Shankara showed remarkable scholarship, mastering the four Vedas. At the age of 8, he was inclined towards sannyasa, he then left Kerala and travelled towards North India in search of a guru. On the banks of the Narmada River, he met his guru, Govinda Bhagavatpada the disciple of Gaudapada at Omkareshwar. After this, Adi Shankara began a Dig-vijaya "tour of conquest" for the propagation of the Advaita philosophy by controverting all philosophies opposed to it. He travelled throughout India, from South India to Kashmir and Nepal, preaching to the local populace and debating philosophy with Hindu, Buddhist and other scholars and monks along the way. Adi Shankara held discourses and debates with the leading scholars of all these sects and schools of philosophy to controvert their doctrines. He unified the theistic sects into a common framework of Shanmata system. One of the most famous debates of Adi Shankara was with the ritualist Maṇḍana Miśra, who held the view that the life of a householder was far superior to that of a monk. This view was widely shared and respected throughout India at that time. Finally, he answered all questions put to him and Maṇḍana Miśra accepted sannyasa, as per the agreed-upon rules of the debate. Adi Shankara wrote Bhashyas on the ten major Upanishads, the Brahma Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita. Adi Shankara, in order to bring unity among various Hindu sects of those times, wrote five pancharathnam stotras for each of the following prime deities. The deities were Shiva, Vishnu, Shakti, Ganesh and Surya. Those five stotras are Ganesha pancharathnam and Lalitha pancharathnam. Follow fb for more
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valerie-r1b · 8 years
Bhagavad Gita Ch 18 Reflection
In the last chapter of Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna finally understands the meaning of Krishna's words. In chapter 18, verse 2, Krishna says, "To give up the results of all activities is called renunciation [tyaga] by the wise. And that state is called the renounced order of life [sannyasa] by great learned men." His meaning is explained in that he believes people should perform "acts of sacrifice, charity and penance" as mentioned in verse 5, but they should not expect rewards or any sort of results from such actions. Instead, people should renounce performing acts for selfish reasons that stem from the desire to be rewarded with the fruits of the action and instead, perform such acts devotion to Krishna. By renouncing the urge to perform selfish acts, one recognizes that it is an impulse and should not be followed.
I found this quote particularly relatable because in modern society, when one is shown kindness by another, it is typically expected that the act of kindness is returned. Thus I found that the meaning of this quote was very powerful because it brought awareness to how we perceived kind actions in today's world and how we expect fruits of the action, which is making the kind action have selfish reasons attached to it.
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