evilgodfuckers · 1 year
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Desecrate the Holy Book, Renounce the Christian God. Deny and Blaspheme the Holy Fucking Spirit. Renounce your Christianity and Accept SATAN as your GOD and SAVOIR. HAIL SATAN!!! FUCK Jesus!!!
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nicklloydnow · 2 months
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“We recall the inadequacy of "facts" at Jim's trial as well as Conrad's characterization of a man like Chester, who, with no blue guitar, sees things as they are. And elsewhere in Lord Jim Marlow, as storyteller, argues for the higher value of "the truth disclosed in a moment of illusion" as opposed to mere factual truth. Marlow's lie is the ultimate act of renunciation on the part of an ascetic who scorns the created world, and it is the ultimate service to the higher truth beyond creation. The ultimate truth is served by the penultimate lie. An appreciation of this point depends on remembering that the god of light is, to the gnostic view, entirely "other," an alien to the laws governing creation. The gnostics, in fact, inherited the Buddhist notion that creation should be viewed as a dream from which one seeks release. In this spirit Marlow dismisses the "truth" about Kurtz, thus protecting the light of innocence that radiates from his Intended—and thus fulfilling his mission as saviour figure, truly becoming the "kind stranger" of gnostic myth.” - Bruce Henricksen, ‘Heart of Darkness and the Gnostic Myth’
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philosophybits · 2 years
Words can be hard to utter: those, for example, with which one renounces something, or confesses a weakness. (Words are also deeds.)
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations
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mountain-sage · 5 months
Q: I have a good mind to resign from service and remain constantly with Sri Bhagavan.
Sri Ramana Maharshi :
Bhagavan is always with you, in you, and you are yourself Bhagavan.
To realize this it is neither necessary to resign your job nor run away from home.
Renunciation does not imply apparent divesting of costumes, family ties, home, etc., but renunciation of desires, affection and attachment.
There is no need to resign your job, only resign yourself to God, the bearer of the burden of all.
One who renounces desires actually merges in the world and expands his love to the whole universe.
Expansion of love and affection would be a far better term for a true devotee of God than renunciation, for one who renounces the immediate ties actually extends the bonds of affection and love to a wider world beyond the borders of caste, creed and race.
A sannyasi who apparently casts away his clothes and leaves his home does not do so out of aversion to his immediate relations but because of the expansion of his love to others around him.
When this expansion comes,
one does not feel that one is running away from home, instead one drops from it like a ripe fruit from a tree.
Till then it would be folly to leave one's home or job.
~ From ‘Be as you are’
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The power of refuge is one of the most important practices through which we connect with Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The best way to connect with Buddhas and Bodhisattvas is to generate Bodhicitta.
As your wisdom grows, your faith will grow too. With better faith, your connection with Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will become stronger. Thus, your power of refuge and your ability to deal with afflictions will strengthen.
From《The Mirror of Causality 19》
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gnosticinitiation · 2 months
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theinwardlight · 2 years
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From Foundations of our faith and calling, the Bruderhof
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abwwia · 3 months
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Maybelle Stamper, Renunciation, 1950, color lithograph on paper, 9 1⁄2 x 7 1⁄4 in. (24.1 x 18.4 cm), Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Marie Kalman, 2001.66
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I have the gift of desiring, of inventing more and more desires, of never knowing satiation and dullness. And I am cursed with the lack of genius for renunciation.
Anais Nin
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“What else can I say?
You don't know your own worth.
Do not sell yourself at a ridiculous price,
You who are so valuable in God's eyes.”
- Rumi
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justana0kguy · 9 months
2024 JANUARY 06 Saturday
"Now too, as then, there are souls who seek God. Unfortunately, not all of them can find him, they do not all look at the star which is faith; Nor do they dare to venture on these paths which lead to him, which are humility, renunciation, sacrifice and almost always the cross."
~ Saint Raphael Arnaiz Baron, Spiritual writings Jan. 6, 1937
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Look at Jesus, he was not a humble person at all. He was not an egoist, but not humble either. That created the problem, that led him to the cross. He was not humble at all. And now many psychologists say that he was neurotic, and they have a point. Many psychologists say that he was an egomaniac; they have a point. If psychologists study Buddha and Mahavira they will conclude the same things—but they have not studied them. They should have been studied very minutely. So they say he was an egomaniac. Why? You can find reasons—because he was not humble. He used to say, ‘I am God,’ or ‘I am the son of God. I and my father in heaven are one.’ To the egoist mind this will appear like ego. And nobody can say that this man is humble who claims that he and God are one, or who claims that he is the son of God. It looks like a claim to us; to Jesus this was a simple fact. And he was not claiming that you are not the son of God: claiming that he is the son of God, he claimed for you all. It is Christianity which claimed the wrong thing; Christianity started to claim that he is the only son of God. That is absurd, that is egomania. But Jesus was saying a simple fact: if the whole creation is out of God, the whole creation is the son, God is the father. He was saying a simple fact with no ego in it, but this disturbed people. They thought a sage must be humble. He used to say, ‘I am the king of the Jews.’ This has been said many times, but to people who were more wise than Jews. Jews were offended that this man who was just a beggar on the street, no more—just a vagabond, just an old hippie—that this man claimed, ‘I am the king of the Jews.’ But he was not claiming anything, he was in a state of mind where there is no ego. Kingship comes into being, but that is not ego. And that kingship doesn’t belong to any worldly affairs, it is not a claim to rule anybody. That kingship is just felt as an inner nature.
Ram Teerth, an Indian mystic of this century, used to call himself Emperor Ram. He was a beggar, but nobody took offense in India because we have known so many beggars saying that, and we know that that happens: a moment comes when a person becomes an emperor without any kingdom. Really, a person becomes an emperor only when there is no kingdom. He went to America, and the American president invited him to visit. The American president felt uncomfortable because Ram Teerth always used to say ‘Emperor Ram.’ Even while talking he would say, ‘Emperor Ram says this.’ So the president humbly asked, ‘I cannot understand this. You don’t seem to have any kingdom, why do you claim that you are an emperor?’ Ram Teerth said, ‘That’s why I claim—because I have nothing to lose, nobody can defeat me. My kingdom is of the eternal, you cannot take it from me. Your kingdom can be taken, your presidency can be destroyed. Nobody can destroy me, I have nothing to lose. I am an emperor because I have no desires.’
If you have desires you are a beggar. So there are two types of beggars, poor beggars and rich beggars. When Jesus said, ‘I am the king of the Jews,’ he was saying this. But people got offended. They said, ‘This is too much. This man cannot be tolerated—he must be crucified, he must be killed.’ But Jesus was a humble man, humble in this sense, that even humbleness was not there—egoless, egolessness was not there—truly humble. But then one starts saying facts. And you live in a world of ego, you interpret because of your egos. So people thought, ‘This man is claiming something—that he is the son of God, he is the king of the Jews—and he is nothing, just a beggar, a vagabond!’ In India nobody would have taken any offense. India has seen so many Jesuses, nobody would have taken offense.
In India every sannyasin is called SWAMI; swami means the master, the king. We call a man swami; swami means the lord. When he leaves everything, when he doesn’t claim anything, when he has nothing, then he becomes swami, then he becomes the lord. Jesus was claiming something Indian in a country which was not India; that became the problem.
— Osho (Vedanta: Seven Steps to Samadhi)
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onlyhurtforaminute · 8 months
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errantabbot · 10 months
On Renunciation and Life’s Tragedies
Life is ultimately tragic. There is so much to life that will break and devour us. Amidst all of the magic and mystery, there’s functionally unlimited chaos and absurdity. The gratitude, wonder, and ease that contemplation can render really is hard won, and it’s simply not won apart from the wounds of being that befall us all, de facto.
Many of the world’s wisdom traditions, confronting this reality, have sought to distance their adherents from life’s wounds through renunciate trends- when not holding out carrots of heavenly postmortem schemas that await those who can somehow be inspired to endure.
Without a doubt renunciation (like endurance) is a well of wisdom itself, and, within that well there is significant fermentation going on, the fruits of which can minimally get you a little buzzed, and more problematically might even leave you drunk and blind.
When renunciation beckons us to simplicity, clarity, and focus it is wise. When renunciation tries to abandon humanity (individually or collectively), to prize any way of life as particularly holy, or to render sacrifice today as currency for a better tomorrow it misses the mark and is folly.
There’s no escaping the tragedy of life, there is only understanding (and thereby accepting) it, making meaning from it, and integrating it into our psychic and physical bodies in tolerable ways.
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mountain-sage · 4 months
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The vow of never to commit negative karma again doesn't necessarily need to be spoken out. The key is that you should make a firm determination in your heart to never commit it, and then silently pray to the Guru and the Three Jewels. This kind of resolution is the best.
From《The Mirror of Causality 18》
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