#Sara is Bethany
baelacult · 14 days
hotd fandom AND production team does not deserve the black actors (specifically the black women) in the cast at all bruh . making characters black just to absolutely butcher their plots isn’t inclusive btw!! they absolutely butchered laena and rhaenyras storyline, completely erase nettles and DONT even get me started on those fuckass wigs they keep putting on bethany and phoebe omg. and the way the fandom treats them and their characters?? like second or third thoughts?? black actors and characters on this show deserve more
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eschercaine · 1 month
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The question is: did the writers listened? No. And that’s when another dumpster fire of a show after Game of Thrones is born.
I’m so sorry, girl. At least you tried.
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cxce15 · 2 months
Im actually extremely happy that they did not go through with the Sara Snow story line. I hope that they don't even hint at it but in the meantime
Can I get some Baela & Jace romance
Nothing sexual cause that would be weird they're literally considered minors in the show like in the books so let's not do that
but at least a kiss or something we know he's gonna be gone in like a season or 2 (unfortunately)
So please give him & her something to at least be happy about in this horrible time for them both
In my opinion it doesn't seem like they like each other, of course they're just doing what is expected of them
But I don't think they are in love which is why in the books they did Sara Snow
& in the show it seems like they are more friends which is why there isn't any romance but also of course because everyone is focusing on the war
I don't know I just like them together and would like to see at least one thing of them just being awkward teenagers who happen to be betrothed
( I'm not hating on Sara Snow btw - I don't know much about her
Her storyline with Jace just wouldnt make sense if it was put in the show )
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inlovewith-icecream · 6 months
Pretty Little Liars: Ten Theories on the Mannequin Family
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1. Vivian Darkbloom’s family.
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Vivian Darkbloom is Alison's alter-ego, her fantasy self when she’s living another life: “Don’t you wish you could just be someone else?” Charlotte later takes on her identity, fleeing to Paris.
She’s supposed to be what Alison and Charlotte then want to be, and that includes the perfect “model” family, sharing “cherished memories” and “warmth and laughter” that Charlotte didn’t get.
2. Alex Drake’s wealthy family.
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Alex Drake was sold from Mary Drake and Dr Cochrane to a wealthy British family that abandoned her at an orphanage when she was four.
Her adoptive parents along with adoptive siblings that were kept and loved, unlike her. The handprints on the wall are the mark of Alex who was abandoned by her adoptive family and lived a terrible life, even if they’re still living in their perfect model family.
3. Sara Harvey’s family.
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Parents and a little brother, the blonde little girl can be either Sara or her sister instead (similar to number two where Alex is missing from the family dolls).
We learn Sara came from an abusive home in early S6. This could be related to the handprints on the wall.
4. More standard - Charlotte’s family.
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Of course there could be a more standard answer to this question: simply Jason, Charlotte, Jessica, Kenneth. This is when Charlotte was still with her family. Jessica is pregnant with Alison.
After Alison came into the world Charlotte’s life changed not only by the bathtub incident but the boundless love she’d always have for her sister.
5. Bethany’s family.
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Related to Charlotte giving (via Black Widow) condolence flowers to Bethany Young’s parents? Maybe or maybe not. The handprints on the wall are in three different colours. Three different Dilaurentis’s (the family of puppet masters) had its hand in affecting that family, and not for the better.
First - Jessica having an affair with Mr Young.
Second - Charlotte either trying to hit Bethany the night she died or digging up her grave, maybe there’s more we don’t know on Radley…
Third - Alison was supposed to be the target, but the hit ended up being made on Bethany. A fatal mistake…
6. Archer Dunhill’s family.
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The reasoning for why Charlotte would have a mannequin family of Archer’s family (presumably casting him as the young boy) is dubious. However since he was her love it’s not implausible to assume she’d commemorate him in some way - and what better way to do that other than the other thing she loves the most; dolls?
7. Wren Kingston’s family.
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Same with Archer especially since he was a major part of Charlotte meeting her sister and he seemed to know about the Dilaurentis-Drake-Hastings family drama back in *season 5* according to 7x20. Is it really a stretch to suspect a bigger role from him?
8. Charlotte and Archer’s future family.
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With how much Charlotte cares about family it isn’t out of the picture that she’d want one with her true love Archer. The black haired mother Charlotte could be the Vivian Darkbloom disguise she continues donning after she runs away with Archer after being in Welby.
9. Not loved ones but lost ones.
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The woman is Marion Cavanaugh, the man is Darren Wilden, the little girl is Bethany Young, and the little boy is “Charles” Dilaurentis.
It’s not a family, it’s the ones Charlotte has lost along the way, for better or worse, by outside forces or by choice (Side note: The handprints represent who they are survived by, one person with each colour. Maybe Marion is red or Wilden is or Bethany is green, could go either way. Either way none of them are for “Charles”).
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10. Alice’s family.
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No deeper meaning, but could this be the third reference to the mysterious, almost ghost-like, little blonde girl?
(In my view, this seems the most likely theory.)
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artcinemas · 3 months
why is fandom by consensus so weird when it comes to the black actors in that hotdog show....like do you even hear yourself 😭😭
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dark-elf-writes · 3 months
Me: I’m going to do something different for my next dragon age playthrough
Me: *starts another dalish elf/rogue Hawke playthrough*
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thehungrycity · 2 years
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Okay I'm doing it.
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selfdiscoverymedia · 2 years
BB23-04. Bethany Meadows is an Experienced Mompreneur.
Building your business with Sara Troy and her guest Bethany Meadows, on air from January 24th For business owners who also are also called mom, finding both success and striking the right balance can be challenging. In this episode, we will dive into the insights of an experienced mompreneur and find out the secrets she uses to find success without compromising her focus on family. Bethany…
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banannabethchase · 2 years
This week's BTE has a hard focus on the Clippers game which serves to remind me I got kicked off my basketball team in third grade because I was...really really bad. Why was I bad?
My hand eye coordination is mediocre on its best day
I kept getting distracted by a pretty girl on my team
I was too busy daydreaming about my Chronicles of Narnia self insert fic
All of the above
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comradekarin · 2 months
bethany and steve talking about how their scenes and lines were cut out and they had to quite literally beg and advocate for their inclusion in the show. nevermind the treatment rhaena is getting in the show that just… is insanely off track from the treatment she got in the books. characters with little to no relevance are given screentime and have scenes that should have gone to other characters, actors experiencing racism and hate from the gp, and poc characters either being scrapped or reduced to a fanfiction version of the writers fantasy. mind you, baela and corlys are in my top five favs on the show, and here i am being told that despite their importance in the narrative (especially baela’s) they are either reduced to the background, sidelined or cut out completely? but they have enough time to film olivia cooke taking a fucking bath every episode? phoebe even mentions they’d get disappointed looking at the script knowing they wouldn’t have any lines. not to mention, other canon poc characters like nettles go erased and merged into other black characters, and it’s STILL not done with a manner of intention and care. it feels intentional to have these characters be played by black actors and then do this to them. fucking KYS ryan and sara
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ abel. acher. achille. adam. adrien. adélie. aelin. alaida. alexis. alice. alya. ambroise. amelia. amour. ana. anahera. andras. angaile. ange. angel. angela. angelesse. angelette. angelica. angelina. angeline. angelique. angelissa. angelita. angeliza. angella. angelo. angelus. angelyna. angie. angé. angélique. anna. antoine. apolline. ariel. astrid. aurora. aurore.��azazel. baal. behemoth. berrie. bethany. blaise. blanche. blanchesse. blanchette. blushe. bowette. cain. caleb. camille. capucine. carmen. cary. casimir. cassandra. cassiel. castiel. cathy. celeste. celestine. celine. cerberus. cerise. charmeine. cher. cherie. cherub. choirette. christian. christine. chérie. cielo. claire. claude. cloud. cloudisse. cynthia. cyril. daisy. damien. damon. danni. dina. divina. divinesse. divinette. divinne. donovan. dova. dulcengel. eden. elena. elouan. elysia. emmy. engel. enzo. erebus. eryn. estelle. esther. evangelina. evangeline. evangelista. eve. faith. felix. fiacre. fleur. fortune. francette. francis. gabriel. gabriella. gaby. gemini. genesis. ghoul. giselle. godefrey. grace. gwenaël. halo. heartette. heather. heaven. heavenelle. heavenesse. hel. helena. henri. hera. honoré. hyacinthe. icha. isaac. isabelle. isidore. jacques. jade. jennifer. jin. jocelyn. jordan. joseph. josephina. julia. kage. karine. kasdeya. katie. kenzo. keres. kilian. lacey. lambise. lamia. laura. leila. leilani. levi. leviathan. liam. lightion. lilia. lilin. lilith. lola. louis. lucia. lucien. lucifer. léo. madeleine. madeline. malachi. malvina. mal’akhi. marc. mare. marie. marin. marine. mary. mateo. maxime. melantha. michael. michelangelo. michelle. minerva. mirabelle. morgan. moros. nadia. narcisse. nazaire. nicholas. noah. noelle. octave. océane. odin. olivia. onyx. ophelia. orpheus. pheobe. pinkette. pinkion. piérre. priscilla. prosper. rainier. ramiel. raphael. ravana. raymond. robin. rogue. rosaire. roxxane. ruby. rue. ruelle. rémi. sabel. salome. salomon. samael. samuel. sara. sephora. sephtis. sera. seraph. seraphim. seraphina. seraphine. serenity. seth. skye. soan. softetta. sol. sonata. sophia. soraya. strawbette. sugarette. sylvain. sylvianne. séraphin. tatiana. theodore. timothee. tristan. uriel. ursula. valentine. valerie. venetia. vera. victor. victoria. victorien. vionetta. virtue. vivian. vivien. willow. wingette. wolf. xavier. xela. yann. yasmine. yvette. zacharie. zoe. ángel. ánxela. éloi. étienne.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ abo/above. adore/adore. ae/ae. ae/aer. an/angel. angel/angel. angelic/angelic. arch/angel. archangel/archangel. arrow/arrow. aura/aura. ay/aym. ballet/ballet. beau/beau. beauty/beauty. being/being. beloved/beloved. black/black. bless/bless. bless/blessing. blessing/blessing. bloom/bloom. blue/blue. bow/bow. broke/broken. bun/bun. celeste/celestial. celestial/celestial. cher/cher. cherub/cherub. cherub/cherubim. chirp/chirp. choir/choir. clou/cloud. cloud/cloud. cold/cold. cross/cross. crown/crown. cu/cupid. cupid/cupid. curse/curse. dark/dark. deity/deity. delicate/delicate. div/divine. div/divinity. divine/divine. dove/dove. drift/drift. empty/empty. er/ero. ero/ero. ethe/ethereal. ethereal/ethereal. ey/eyr. fai/faith. faith/faith. fall/fall. fall/fallen. fate/fate. faun/fauna. feather/feather. flight/flight. float/float. flower/flower. fluff/fluff. fly/flight. fly/fly. glow/glow. gold/gold. grace/grace. gra/grace. grudge/grudge. hae/haer. ha/halo. halo/halo. harp/harp. he/hym. hea/heaven. heal/heal. heart/heart. heaven/heaven. heaven/heavenly. hell/hell. hol/holy. holy/holy. hush/hush. hx/hxm. hy/hym. hymn/hymn. id/idol. ix/ix. kind/kind. kyr/kyr. lace/lace. lamb/lamb. life/life. light/light. lo/love. lyr/lyr. lyre/lyre. melancholy/melancholy. metallic/metallic. mirror/mirror. mist/mist. misty/misty. mon/mon. moral/moral. omen/omen. peace/peace. perfect/perfection. pink/pink. pure/pure. pure/purr. radiant/radiant. ribbon/ribbon. rose/rose. sacred/sacred. saint/saint. scept/scepter. self/self. ser/seraph. seraph/seraph. seraph/seraphim. shimmer/shimmer. shine/shining. shx/hxr. silk/silk. sin/sin. sing/song. sky/sky. smite/smite. snake/snake. snow/snow. soar/soaring. soft/soft. somber/somber. sorrow/sorrow. spark/sparkle. spirit/spirit. sugar/sugar. swan/swan. sweet/sweet. taint/taint. tether/tether. thorn/thorn. thxy/thxm. thy/thyn. tru/trumpet. unholy/unholy. unknown/unknown. vae/vaer. val/valentine. vio/vior. water/water. white/white. wi/wing. wing/wing. wraith/wraith. wrath/wrath. yellow/yellow. ðe/ðim. þe/þim. ȝe/ȝim. ☀️ . ☁️ . ⛪ . ✨ . ⭐ . 🐑 . 👁️ . 👼 . 🕊️ . 🕯️ . 😇 . 🤍 . 🦢.
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thecountesstribe · 3 months
I always say I hate getting into a fandom because of the inevitable discourse. You shippers remain some of the absolute worst part of the fandom. I'm not saying all shippers btw. The shippers who draw art of their favorite couples and “ship” different characters but also respect other people's “ships” cause y'know it's fiction and stuff at the end of the day, y'all are cool people. Just wanna say I love your unproblematic asses. You see the others, please go bite the dust. Why the fuck are you so mean? These people are NOT REAL!!!! The new season of hotd hasn't even started and y'all are already back on your bullshit. Being racist and sending death threats towards the cast and other people in the fandom and just overall being fuckin vile human beings because “your ship doesn't make sense or have chemistry or yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah” STFU!. LEAVE THE ACTORS ALONE, LEAVE THE PRODUCERS AND THE SHOW STAFF ALONE. LEAVE OTHER PEOPLE ALONE!! GO OUTSIDE AND BREATHE THE FRESH AIR, THE SHIT IS NEVER THAT SERIOUS. SEVEN FUCKIN HELLS MAN. Let's use Beth and Harry for an example, the stuff that comes from some of your accounts are absolutely vile and I wish you the fuckin worst. Then y'all love quoting “but they're not following the source material” to justify y'all being racist and nasty towards them. I have some news for you. If you read the books and not just gloss over what you wanna read you'd know that their characters were inevitably endgame had everything went right, there was no such thing as “BROKEBACK WINTERFELL”, as fun as that plot would've been, Jace and Cregan had a brotherly relationship and “Sara Snow” was just Mushroom only account and he wasn't even near or in Winterfell, so it was probably just his “fevered musings” she probably 100% didn't even exist, it was a campaign to slander Rhaenyra and her children and that's canon. Calling Bethany all sorts of vile things cause you're not in the writers room and can't write your headcanons is sick. Sending death threats to Harry is absolutely mental. Seek professional help!! Not just them alone but you get the gist. Please just try to be decent people. You don't have to like something everybody else probably likes but you also don't have to be a CUNT for no apparent reason. IT'S JUST FICTION. LET'S JUST WATCH THE SHITSHOW AND HAVE FUN.
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horizon-verizon · 4 months
Its so wild to me that the showrunners actively chose to include the worst, nastiest parts about Aegon II (the rape, the child fighting pits, the harassment of women, mistreatment and neglect of Helaena, deadbeat dad who tried to run away & abandon his children) and then they constantly go on interviews to talk about how sympathetic and minsunderstood he is. No tf he’s not, he just deserve to be killed in the most painful way possible.
I think TGC was saying that Aegon was "misunderstood" not in that he rapes bc he's been abused or anything like that, but that people misunderstand Aegon's...determination to lead or to fight or to make his own decisions. Because he says Otto wants to control him and underestimates how insistent Aegon is, which is actually true from the orig canon. Bk!Aegon straight up dismisses Otto and makes Criston Cole his hand. But elsewise, I think he's leaning into his character bc his rewatch with Ewan shows him hating on Jace and his posture in a more blank-faced tongue-in-cheek way. I'm not sure though bc he keeps his face mostly blank for all this. And I only watched these two clips from him so maybe I'm just misinformed-- but that's it for now. Did I dislike it being promoted as his "noble" determination to fight, sure, but that's how Aegon the character would see it and again, idk if he's just promoting a character as the others are. With Bethany, however, you can really see that she both believes as her character does in Aegon not being king, and not only is she just correct I love her enthusiasms, which is itself still promoting her character and the show bc it gets you hyped.
As for the showrunners that you were actually talking about...looking at you Sara Hess, a writer--who said that he "didn't know" he was SAing girls 🙄. We live with a global patriarchal film industry, what can I say? Where actors OR writers and producers will be compelled or actually believe that a male character is just "misunderstood".
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wiispywitch · 4 months
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Old MerMay with my OCs🩷🐚🦈 {2022~}
I can't keep up with trends so here's an old Mer-May drawing while I work to motivate myself to draw a new one^^
♡Tay Schuyler, Joanna Elytis, Bethany Sawyer, Sara Weber- my OCs; Mel Oglethorpe- @simpingslutt
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isefyres · 4 months
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𝔐𝔬𝔰𝔱 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔭𝔢𝔯 𝔢𝔯𝔞:
CONQUEST ERA. aegon i targaryen, rhaenys targaryen, obsidia celtigar, torrhen stark, brandon snow, thorea stark.
JAEHERYS ERA. alaric stark, alyssa targaryen, baelon targaryen, viserra targaryen, saera targaryen, alarra stark.
DANCE ERA. laena velaryon, jacaerys velaryon, rhaena targaryen, serafia celtigar, kermit tully. floris baratheon, cassandra baratheon, heleana targaryen, criston cole, aemond targaryen, daeron targaryen. viserys i targaryen, rhea royce, lea tyrell, aliandra martell, lyandra saan.
POST DANCE ERA. viserys ii targaryen, jaehaera targaryen, myrmadora haen.
REBELLION ERA. rhaegar targaryen, ser arthur dayne, ashara dayne, elia martell, ned stark, catelyn tully.
MAIN ERA. osney kettleblack, balerion blackfyre, orysa baratheon, cersei lannister, tywin lannister, joanna swyft, laena longwaters, gendry baratheon, shireen baratheon, alynne connington, jon connington, vera dondarrion, rolland storm, shyra errol, daven lannister, addam mallister, elyra brax, jeyne westerling, joy hill, edmure tully, barbara bracken, eleanor mooton, liane vance, bethany blackwood, astor sunderly, gyselle goodbrother, wallace waynwood, myranda royce, lyn corbay, mya stone, bryanna coldwater, harrold hardyng, jennis templeton, catelyn stark, jeyne poole, mara mormont, jorah mormont, wylla manderly, alys karstark, beth cassel, brandon cassel, freyia knott, sigorn of thenn, howland reed, ellaria sand, edric dayne, gwayne dayne, addam whitehead, quira qorgyle, trystane martell, harmen uller, jeyne fowler, willas tyrell, elinor tyrell, desmora redwyne, megga tyrell, eleana vyrwel, bayard norcross, taena merryweather, tommen costayne, irri, doreah, lysandro orthys, narcyssa orthys, ezzara, sariah, cahira, malakai veltheos,
bold: most likely to respond faster and high need to write. italics: testing or wanting more interactions. nothing: can go either way.
*note: jacaerys velaryon, willas tyrell and maybe ashara dayne will get single blogs possible but they remain here. you can request things from solo blogs here or on my discord: caliofhousestark
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rohirriiim · 2 months
jacaerys and baela being the #king and queen of being done BUT IN MATCHING OUTFITS AND LOOKING SO CUTE
it's HAPPENNING!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm interested to see how they portray him switch his name this season! if they shake it up from the books? I'm also wondering if Sara Snow will actually be a character or if they'll change that like they did with Robb/Jeyne and have Jace/Baela be otp until the end. Screenrant did an interview and one of the writers said " show is focused on the Targaryens' POV, so season 2 couldn't invest its time in other characters like Sara Snow"
there were no announcements of sara snow so i'm hopeful. we have the slow burn on our side and the fact that most of the cast/crew seems to be for it (plus harry and bethany got to do press together) let's keep our fingers crossed.
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