#Satan has great taste in: Merthur
quietlysatan · 5 years
Happy Holidays Volume 2. Chapter 30.5
Link: Here!!
Rating: M but like in a 
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“Is it?” way
Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Warning(s): God they’re both so fucking stupid. Neither realizes the other is gay/bi (Arthur will always be bi in my head but I can’t remember if that was mentioned in the fic) and the ensuing 20 seconds angst from that happens until Merlin kisses Arthur on impulse, but it’s okay because Arthur kisses back, and also they dry hump, and there’s the beginning of a blowjob so
Take that as you will
Gif Aesthetic: Merlin/Arthur “But does he like Like Like me or?????”
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(I just love the way the knight is just like, used to their loving gaze of gay longing)
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quietlysatan · 5 years
Happy Holidays Volume 2. Chapter 30.
Link: Here!!
Rating: G
Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Warning(s): Arthur technically has amnesia for like half the fic, but not in a bad way, in a Doped To The Gills way. That’s all... unless you count the fucking toothache I have now
Gif Aesthetic: 
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quietlysatan · 5 years
Happy Holidays Volume 2. Chapter 31. The final chapter of this volume, feel free to click through the # for more reviews
Link: Here!!
Rating: G
Pairing(s): Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Warning(s): God they’re just, so fucking stupid. They are both dumbasses. It’s fucking mutual. Just so, so, so fucking dumb. They’re soulmates and idiots and Arthur is a dumbass that can’t tell when someone is lying and telling the truth at the same time in a way meant to confuse you. Merlin is feeling rejected completely on his own. They are so goddamned dumb. Why is it these ones that are always my favorite?
Gif Aesthetic: Merthur: “He probably doesn’t like me though”
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Just so stupid
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quietlysatan · 5 years
We'll Be a Dream - Sarageek16, AO3
Link: Here!!
Rating: T for Teen and Terrible But At Least Well-Meaning Parenting
Favorite Quote(s): Cause this is important
And I feel like crying, but I don't, 'cause I'm not a girl.” Arthur folded his arms.
“Boys cry,” Merlin pointed out. “I cry. Like when I'm hurt or something.”
“You're different,” Arthur said stubbornly. “You're allowed. I'm not, 'cause crying never solves anything.”
Merlin stared. “But it feels good to cry. That's really stupid, Arthur.”
“Whenever you want a hug, I'll hug you.” Merlin promised fiercely. “I'll give you the best hugs ever, even if you are dirty. I promise.”
Listen, she may be a bitch, but I’m convinced she had her own way of showing her care. Regardless she wasn’t a good mom. And I do love when the unmentioned things that probably happened happen. 
“That's alright,” Nim said. She looked up at the gray sky and smiled a little. “Go to the car, boys.”
“But what about--” Arthur started.
Nim's eyes flashed. “I don't like to repeat myself, Arthur,” she said coldly. “Go.”
Corny best friends are the best best friends
Arthur certifiably growled. “Shut up. Dick.”
“My name's not Richard.”
“Damn it, Merlin, you know I hate it when you say that.” Arthur pulled a face. “It's so corny.”
“Which is why I say it.”
Because these are the best kinds of jokes
Then, he smirked. “Besides. It would only be fitting, seeing as Papa Merlin is magic too." Merlin scowled. “If she starts calling me that, I will hurt you.”
Been there before
Merlin's middle finger twitched. If Caroline turned away just for one second...
I love Merlin
Oh my God, Merlin thought, kind of horrified, we look so gay.
Words & Chapter(s): 33,278 words in a one-shot
Summary: “My mommy's name is Nim. I'm Arthur. Like the king of Camelot,” Arthur bragged.
Merlin gasped in excitement. “My name's Merlin!” he said, beaming. “And my mommy—she says Merlin was a wizard and King Arthur's best friend!”
Arthur frowned in thought. “D'ya think we should be best friends, then?”
“I dunno. You're kind of mean.” Merlin told Arthur matter of factly.
“Well your ears are weird.”Merlin's hands flew to his ears. 
“They are not!” he squawked.
“It's okay,” Arthur assured him, “this makes us even. So are we best friends?”
Arthur and Merlin literally collide when they are five years old. From there, they slowly, stumblingly grow into their connected destinies as the king and his wizard. Written for Paperlegends 2013.
Score: 13, I would literally read this over twice in a row it’s so good
Pairing(s): Merlin Emry’s/Arthur Pendragon, background Gwen/Lance, Arthur dates other people occasionally before Merlin and he get together.
Different mentioned non-con, Arthur is potioned, but technically willing...?
Forced homophobia and one actual homophobia incident that’s handled
Bad Parenting. Not like hitting your kid bad, but, still...
Uther is still a bitchass. He slaps someone for no reason. Or rather. Because he’s a bitchass.
I promise this story is not nearly so dark as these warnings make it seem.
Pros: This story is so sweet and well written and honestly I'm Completely in love with it. I especially like the part where Arthur first finds out Merlin is gay and starts watching nothing but lgbtqap+ movies, it's great and adorable and funny and nice.
The writing itself is lovely and easy to read and, as someone with ADHD, I didn't skim read once during this.
I really like the take the author has on a modern world with magic, it's essentially what I've been looking for all along really and I'm happy to have found it.
I hate what happened to Arthur during That Time, but what he got out of it was fantastic and I love it.
Aesthetic: First love, discovering yourself, dyeing your hair for the first time, trying food from a culture you've heard of but never actually tasted before, dancing alone wild and free, singing That Song with your best friend, knowing someone has got your back always, living in one another's pockets and not realizing it for years, saying stupid things you didn't mean and crying about it afterward, falling for your best friend and loving them completely, and somehow managing to make it mutual.
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quietlysatan · 6 years
Public Service Announcement
A few things
If I don't like a fanfic I will not review it, depending on things I MIGHT recommend it in a group list
If I make a group list I will list the warnings, never fear
Unless there isn't any but I digress
If I ever say anything mean I meant for it to come across as a joke, I am not a nice person, I am, and embrace being, a sarcastic asshole. Regardless of what my friend says. HOWEVER, if I ever say or do anything at all that I need to be called out on I WILL listen, always, and if I don't agree I will tell you why
I have a lot of issues so I'm gonna be honest, sometimes I'll read and thus review several fics with sexual assault, childhood abuse, etc. as the theme, I will warn you beforehand though.
I have a lot of issues pt. 2 I will sometimes go ages without posting, or even logging in, I do not mean to, I just have depression and several other things
I do not often review paranormal stories because being possessed, or even the idea of it gives me panic attacks.
I am even less likely to review kidnapping fics.
The last two posts can occasionally be overridden, but not often.
If you send me a fic I will decide whether to read it and depending on its Score, most likely post it
I will read NoTPs if the story itself is interesting, but that only depends really, I might not ship Derek Hale x Lydia Martin, but I’ve seen a few interesting ones
That’s all really but thirteen is my lucky number, uuuh, No cheating fics??? Usually??? 
All my fic recs have tags for their ship so feel free to look through them. #Satan has great taste in: [Insert Drarry, Sterek, Malec, Merthur, etc] I’ll try to get a master list up soon!!
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quietlysatan · 6 years
31 Days Of Happy Holidays!!
Day Twelve’s Link: Happy Holidays!!
Warning(s): This is a hurt/comfort fic, but Merlin is fine
Word Count: somewhere over 11k
Pairing(s): Pre-Arthur Pendragon/Merlin Emrys
Enjoy the next 20 days of happy holidays with random, but amazing fics hand selected by me as the very best. Ever fic with the tag #Satan has great taste in: The Happy Holidays is rated at 13, the highest number I actually score fics(Unless their in my top 3 list, which is different)
Gif of the fic:
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