#Satya: It doesn’t need one. it’s perfect as it is.
odessastone · 1 year
Thinking about a Yugioh AU and specifically about Niran playing some cutesy ass archetype like Naturia, and every duel he’s like 🥰 look at my little BABIES
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Meanwhile Satya plays some shit like Qliphorts . Just big ass complex Structures that tower over the whole field like monstrosities
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11 notes · View notes
Psycho Analysis: The League of Evil Exes
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is one of the greatest cult classics of the 2010s for a wide variety of reasons: it had great performances, it got a video game adaptation that didn’t suck, it had an awesome soundtrack, and best of all, it apparently ruined an entire generation of women! What couldn’t this movie do (besides make a profit at the box office)? Of course, more than anything, this movie delivered on the promise of its premise by having Scott Pilgrim fight against the seven evil exes of his manic pixie dream girl Ramona Flowers.
That’s right: There’s not one, not two, not three, but seven villains to talk about in this movie!
Thankfully, this massive amount of villains makes it a lot easier to talk about them, because each of them basically gets only a single scene with which to establish their characterization and deliver a fun, exciting battle. Still, it’s pretty interesting to look at them, especially since not all exes are created equal. As a note, I’m obviously not doing a “Best Scene” for these guys because... they basically have one scene each. It would be redundant.
Motivation/Goals: The League of Evil Exes has a very simple goal: to control the future of Ramona’s love life. As Lucas says during his battle with Scott: “The Seven Evil Exes? Coming to kill you? Controlling the future of Ramona's love life?” This is especially funny because Lucas is probably the least evil of the lot. While this is an incredibly simple motivation, it fits with the tone of the movie; this is a sort of a Bowser-esque motivation, one that perfectly fits a movie that is so steeped in video game culture.
Performance: Lets go one by one here:
Satya Bhabha is the first of the evil exes, Matthew Patel, and he really eases you into what to expect for the rest of the evil exes, though here “eases you into” means “grabs you by the balls and swings you over the head like a chimpanzee.” Despite his meager screentime, he makes the most of it, delivering a Bollywood-esque musical number complete with fireballs and demon hipster chicks and generally just hamming it up. This right here is just a warmup, though, because things get crazier from here – just like in a video game, really.
Lucas Lee, the second evil ex, is a big-shot movie star regarded as a pretty good actor by all who see him. Unfortunately, they got some unknown weirdo named Chris Evans to play him, but casting this obscure indie actor certainly paid off, because Lucas Lee’s smug, over-confident portrayal combined with his affable nature make him one of the most enjoyable characters in the movie. He really comes off as a cool, cocky guy who just happens to be going up against our hero as opposed to being an actual antagonizing force.
Todd Ingram is the other best evil ex, and much like Lee it’s mostly because he’s a pretty nice guy. However, the key difference is while Lee was cocky and affable, Ingram is just kind of a ditz. Played by one-time Superman Brandon Routh, he opts to go for the more subuded route, a cold ham as opposed to a large ham, and he definitely makes it work; I did call him the OTHER best evil ex, after all.
Then we come to Roxy Richter, played by Katara herself, Mae Whitman. She’s a very angry, tomboyish lesbian who gets in a lot of great lines and shows off a very jaded, irritated personality in her limited screentime. She’s definitely a lot of fun, though apparently she has a lot of elements of Envy Adams due to being combined with an early idea to make her Ramona’s evil ex in the movie.
The Katayanagi Twins. Ken and Kyle, are… nothing. Because Keita and Shota Saitou (Kyle and Ken, respectively) did not speak English, the twins have no lines and don’t really get to establish much of a presence before dying. It’s a bit unfortunate, because it becomes really easy to forget these two are here as a result.
Gideon Gordon Graves is a smarmy, smug, condescending jackass. You have met a man like him before, and you have wanted to punch his face in. Jason Schwartzman really amps up the sleaze when playing this creepy, controlling bastard, making him a fitting final boss.
Final Fate: Each and every one of them is defeated by the end of their scenes, bursting into progressively larger amounts of coins, with Patel being pretty meager in terms of value and Gideon literally making it rain when he’s defeated. It does kind of feel weird that the twins are worth more than a beloved actor like Lucas Lee, or that Roxy is worth more than both Lee and a musician like Ingram, but frankly this isn’t really a movie where you should be overthinking stuff to begin with.
Best Quote: I don’t think I can really say Patel or Gideon have amazing, quotable lines to the extent as some of the others, but I’d be pretty remiss to not mention Todd’s legendary “...Chicken isn’t vegan…?” and Roxy’s equally legendary “Well honey… I’m a little bi-FURIOUS!” here. Lucas Lee has a lot of good lines but he’s quite frankly too consistent for me to pick one; Chris Evans really just went all-out for this one.
Final Thoughts & Score: Once again, let’s go one by one:
Matthew Patel
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Matthew is the definition of a warmup boss, at least by the standards of this film. He brings a lot of insanity to the table all at once, what with his demons and Bollywood musical number and sick dance moves, but the fact he’s probably not the most insane and baffling character in the film really tells you something. He definitely makes the most of his screentime, and while his fight is relatively short, it’s a lot of fun. This man deserves an S-L-ICK 8/10.
Lucas Lee
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Lucas Lee is probably the second best evil ex in the movie. He’s just so cocky, arrogant, and hilarious, and he still manages to come off as a bit polite. Its like if Captain America and Ransom Drysdale had a baby, Lucas Lee would be it. The fact he’s played by a pre-superstardom Chris Evans really is the icing on the cake here though, because his battle is fun and ends with Scott defeating him by playing into his arrogance. Ah! But he didn’t get his autograph… Oh well. Lucas Lee is an easy 10/10.
Todd Ingram
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As much as I love Lee, I have to say that Todd easily has the most impressive fight in the entire film, in large part due to his awesome psychic powers he gains from being a vegan. I gave one of his legendary quotes up there, but frankly, the entire battle is awesome and quotable, the fact that at least half the battle is a rock-off is great, and the fact Scott tricks him in the most stupidly amazing to defeat him and put him at the mercy of the Vegan Police is just amazing. There’s also just the sheer novelty of how, with the power in hindsight, we got to see Superman (Routh) dating Captain Marvel (Brie Larson portrayed Envy, Scott’s ex and Todd’s girlfriend and bandmate). Todd is just a perfect, lovable idiot villain, and deserves nothing less than a 10/10.
Roxy Richter
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Roxy actually gets to show up twice in the film, getting a brief scene with Scott a while before her identity is revealed. While her screentime doesn’t really amount to much, it really is incredible how much characterization they managed to pack into her limited screentime, her dialogue really selling how she is easily the most bitter and angry off all the exes. She seems genuinely hurt at some points that Ramona left her and considers her just a phase, though this of course doesn’t stop her from trying to ruin her life. In a weird way, I’d almost call her the most complex of the exes, and Mae Whitman does a great job at selling her. I will say though, despite her fight scene being filled with some of the best dialogue in the film (which is saying a lot, mind you), the overall fight is a little lackluster, and Ramona getting in makes it reek of “designated girl fight.” Still, there’s nothing so egregious about her that I’d give her anything less than a 9/10.
The Katayanagi Twins
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These two, quite simply, suck. They get absolutely no characterization, they get no dialogue due to the actors not speaking English, they get no personality. They are, quite simply, just there, and they are just there because Scott needs to fight a fifth and sixth ex. There’s really not much to say here except that their fight scene is admittedly pretty cool and it’s fun to imagine how the hell their relationship with Ramona worked. Did they date her one after the other? Were they in a weird poly relationship? Did they both just spitroast her on the weekends? For those two things I’ll save them from the very bottom of the barrel and give them a 2/10.
Gideon Gordon Graves
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Gideon is a smug, evil, controlling creep for sure, and he is the final evil ex Scott must face. But the thing is, he kind of doesn’t feel any more wieighty than any of the others? Gideon is for all intents and purposes the final boss, and while he does get a little buildup, it all comes in the final acts of the film. It certainly doesn’t make him a bad villain – he actually manages to temporarily kill Scott, and puts up more of a fight than any of the others – but considering how awesome Todd, Lucas, Roxy, and Matthew were in style and personality, Gideon kind of comes off as underwhelming. Yes, he is definitely the most evil of the exes, but he just doesn’t really have the “WOW” factor the others do. He’s an 8/10 for sure.
Well, I guess that’s it, that’s every villain in the mo-
What’s this?!
Psycho Analysis: Nega Scott
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52 notes · View notes
littlekatleaf · 4 years
My heart as spent as ashes (Part One)
I couldn't very well leave Junkrat and Roadhog that way, so here I go again - this is a companion piece to Buried in a burning flame and you’ll want to read that first, if you haven’t.
Confutatis maledictis  (When the accursed have been condemned) Flammis acribus addictis  (And doomed to the searing flames) Voca me cum benedictis  (Summon me with the saved.) Oro supplex et acclinis,  (Supplicant and prostrate, I entreat you) Cor contritum quasi cinis  (My heart as spent as ashes,) Gere curam Mei finis  (Have care for my fate.) ~ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Requiem Mass in D Minor
Would you please sit down, you’re making me nervous,” Lena said, equal parts joking and sharp.
“Sorry.” Roadhog forced himself to sit. He didn’t want to, he wanted to keep moving. It was the only thing that gave him some measure of relief. As if he deserved relief. He’d already tried to listen to music, tried to read, but couldn’t concentrate on any of it. His gaze would skim over the words, but all he’d see were Junkrat’s eyes burning fever bright in his too pale face. The music would pound at his ears, but all he’d hear was Junkrat asking again and again, ‘what are we?’ And his own answer, designed to crush, to wound, to keep Junkat from following him, from finding out what he’d done. But if he moved, if he paced, he could outrun his own horrible fucking decision.
Lena glanced at him, then back out the window of the Orca, made a minute adjustment to one of the dials in front of her. “Not bringing Junkrat with you back to Australia?”
“No.” Maybe if he kept his answers monosyllabic she’d take the hint.
“Hmm.” Looked at him, away again. Somehow, even in the darting glances it felt like she saw more than he’d like. “You guys have a fight?”
Fuck. “No.” 
She raised a brow. “Alright, Roadie. You blew your cover over the past couple days. You are more than capable of conversation.”
The nickname surprised him. No one, other than Junkrat, called him Roadie. It felt like a punch to the gut. Should have been Rat here with him. Should have been them together against everything and everyone else. “Don’t,” he ground out.
“Call me that.”
She swiveled the chair suddenly to face him full on, and even though she was tiny, there was steel in her. He saw, then, why Morrison made her his second despite her age. She wasn’t one to be easily intimidated. “All right, Roadhog. Clearly something’s going on. I know you don’t need me to explain why secrets are dangerous in this line of work. Hana’s opinion notwithstanding, I’m not about to pry into your relationship with Junkrat.” She waved off whatever comment he might have been about to make before he’d barely drawn breath. “But Jack doesn’t send agents out solo. Ever.” “Not an agent.”
“Now you’re splitting hairs.” She sighed. “I know not all of us were exactly subtle with our hesitation about bringing you two aboard. Some of Jack’s rolls of the dice turn out better than others, and I’ll admit to being one of the reluctant ones.”
That was surprising - unlike Torbjörn and Satya who, while not as sharp with him as they were with Junkrat, had been distant and Mei was downright rude a time or two, Lena’d always acted friendly enough. “We are an acquired taste,” he said wryly. Couldn’t exactly take it personal. Neither he nor the Rat were the usual brand of hero. Or, any hero at all. They’d gotten on somewhat better with McCree, who also inhabited the grayer area.
Lena snorted a laugh. “I eat Hana’s soondae. I like unusual flavors.” She sobered again. “What I’m trying to say, however badly, is that you and Junkrat have both proven yourselves over and over again, and I wish that I’d proven myself to you as well.”
Roadhog frowned, even though he knew she couldn’t see it behind the mask. He was still trying to process when she continued. “Look, I can’t come with you right now - the others are going to need a way back to the Watchpoint, and I’ll need to get Emily home… but after that, tell me where you’ll be and I can meet you. I won’t be more than a day behind, day and a half at the absolute outside. Whatever you’re going to do, let me help. Or at least have your back, since Junkrat won’t be there. You can trust me, Roadhog.”
His first inclination was to say no. Finding the hard drive should be easy enough, couldn’t imagine anyone else would be anywhere nearby considering how deep in the Outback Rat’s hidey hole was. But he knew how fast rumors traveled, and the Queen had her henchmen spread out well beyond Junkertown. He’d been gone long enough to not recognize them all anymore. Or have dirt on them to keep them blind, deaf, and mute. Might be prudent to have someone at his back, in case. And even though she didn’t know it, Roadhog realized, somewhat to his own surprise, he did trust Lena.  
They’d fought side by side often enough, against Null Sector, against Talon, and she was quick on her feet and sharp. Had a good head for logistics and cool under pressure. She was young, but seasoned. And she’d made Rat soup. It counted for more than he’d like to admit. 
“Don’t necessarily know what I’d be getting you into,” he said slowly, watching her reaction.
She shrugged. “Not fussed. You don’t have to face it alone, whatever it is.”
He still wanted to say no, to retreat into his solitude and silence. But he found himself nodding instead. “I’ll meet you at Bobby’s, on the outskirts of Junkertown. Bit of a shit pub and you don’t want to order any food if you value your stomach, but Bobby’s a good bloke. Known him since… for a long time. If I’m not there, he’ll know how to get word to me.”
Lena nodded once, then turned back to the controls. She didn’t ask anything more about what the mission was, and he appreciated that. Didn’t try to make small talk, and he appreciated that more. Didn’t ask anything further about Junkrat, and he appreciated that most of all.
But it didn’t mean his thoughts were occupied with anything else. No matter how he tried to focus on a plan (Have to see if the bike was still hidden out in Bobby’s garage, otherwise the trip into the Outback was going to be a good sight more complex. Have to gather some provisions. Consider where he might be able to access whatever data was on the hard drive before Morrison got a look at it. Preferably without Lena watching.) most of his thoughts circled on Rat.
50/50 of everything. Treasure’s here. Didn’t need to see the note anymore even to remember the coordinates. Junkrat’s blocky letters were engraved on his mind. Why did you have to scavenge the fucking Omnium? Completely irradiated ruins, what could possibly go wrong? Couldn’t leave well enough alone? Never could, he sighed inwardly. Leaving anything alone once his interest was snagged wasn’t in Junkrat’s repertoire. Like his namesake that way. Got them into more than one messy situation, but also got them some good hauls.
Once in a while it got them something amazing - like the fireworks display. He didn’t have the first clue how Junkrat’d made them with such intricate results. The constellations had been perfect, spread across the sky like home. How many nights had they lay side by side, gazing at the stars in comfortable silence? Well, silence on his part. Rat was always chattering about something, but never seemed to mind Roadhog’s reticence. Now the silence pressed in on him.
Jesus, was he really going to go through with this? Walk away from Rat completely? Leave him behind? His boot heels clanked dully on the floor as he crossed the room. The fear that had squeezed his chest when Junkrat brought up the treasure rose in his throat again. The absolute panic that Junkrat would find out that it was all his fucking fault had dropped a fog over his mind. It swirled with Hana’s insistent teasing and Junkrat’s pointed questions about their relationship. Never needed to make it anything one way or another until Hana started asking but then Rat’s attention had been caught. He asked, asked again, tossing the questions like grenades, unconcerned about the possible fallout. Roadhog’d felt trapped, claustrophobic, desperate, and suddenly all the awful shit was spouting out of his mouth and Junkrat just sat there and took it, with only a minor show of self-defense. Behind that anger, Roadhog had seen the hurt, the betrayal and it twisted his gut. 
Stop, he told himself. Turned that shit off before, could do it again. Be Roadhog, not Roadie. Certainly not Mako. Never Mako. 
“For fuck’s sake, Roadhog, if you can’t relax, would you at least make yourself useful and brew some tea? I could use the caffeine.” Lena was glaring at him with exasperation.
“Right,” he said. Something to occupy his hands. His thoughts for a few minutes. As the kettle whistled he thought he heard Lena talking with someone, but he couldn’t make out what they said. He poured the water over the tea leaves - proper tea, not like the bagged crap; probably Mei’s doing. Waited the right amount of time for the leaves to steep, watching the steam curl over the mugs. Fragrant, lightly floral and a hint of bergamot. Could practically taste it, just from the scent. Knew the tannins would be perfectly balanced. It wouldn’t slap him with bitterness like every single cup in Junkertown. Whoever Lena was talking to likely had nothing to do with Junkrat. No need for his heart to be hammering in his throat.
He removed the leaves and mixed in a touch of honey. The sweet would highlight the brightness of the citrus without being overpowering. Not like when Rat made it - got a sugar rush along with the caffeine high. Incorrigible sweet-tooth. 
“Thanks,” Lena said when he handed her a mug, and she sipped with a grateful smile. “Better?”
He nodded. It was true, as far as it went.
“Lucio just called.” She took another sip. 
Roadhog tried to keep his breathing steady, ignore the sudden skip of his heart. Didn’t ask. Waited.
“Jack made Junkrat an offer. Be all in with us, or take his chances with the law. Apparently Junkrat picked the coppers.”
Roadhog swallowed his tea carefully, said nothing. His stomach churned.
“Lucio said he’s not allowed to go anywhere until he gets over the virus, which buys him some time.” 
She stopped again, maybe waiting for him to say something. But what could he say? Things were spiralling out of control and it felt like everything he did only made it worse. At least if Junkrat was in jail, Roadhog could retrieve the hard drive without interruption and destroy any potentially incriminating evidence. Then maybe he could rescue Rat. Breaking him out wouldn’t be impossible, hell - they’d done it before. Even if he’d fucked things between them all to hell, breaking him out would balance the scales somewhat. Hopefully. Maybe. He nodded at Lena and took another drink of tea. It was bitter on his tongue.
She gazed at him for a long, long minute, then turned back to the controls without pressing further. Somehow it still felt like she was watching him.
He drank, and tried not to notice the oily nausea that sat in his stomach, or any of the concerns clamoring for attention behind the firmly closed door of his thoughts. He’d make this work.
Junkrat closed the comm connection and leaned his head against the wall for just a minute - how could he be this bloody knackered already -  when a voice behind him made him startle and turn.
“I’m sure I didn’t hear that right,” Hana said.
“Hooly dooley, ya sneak up on a bloke.” Tried to plaster an approximation of a grin on his face. Suspected it didn’t work when it wasn’t returned. “I don’t sneak. You just couldn’t hear me because you were too busy telling Mr. By The Book that you wanted to turn yourself in to get away from us.”
Rubbed the back of his neck, cleared his throat. “Uh, ain’t what I meant, really.”
“Really,” Hana echoed. “Could’ve fooled me.” She crossed her arms over her chest and actually glared at him. Felt a little like being menaced by a bunny, unexpected and more disturbing for it.
Junkrat sighed. “Ain’t personal, love. Finally realized I ain’t cut out for the hero thing, an’ Morrison agrees. According to The Rules, can’t just let me go wandering off into the sunset after all the shit I done. So it’s off to the cop shop for me.”
“That’s gotta be the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard you say, and I’ve heard you say some outrageous stuff.”
“Cheers.” Irritation rose in response. “Does fuckin’ everyone think I’m a fuckwit?”  Haven’t you learned not to ask questions you don’t want answered?
“Maybe not everyone. Lucio, what do you think,” Hana demanded, grabbing his arm as he went to walk by. 
Lucio eyed them warily, like he might be drawn into a trap. “About what?”
“Not up for a vote.” Knew he wasn’t going to be able to just sneak away without anyone commenting, especially with everyone on top of each other in the little cabin, but he’d hoped for a bit more time to figure a cover story.
“Junkrat,” Hana stabbed him with her glare again, “wants to get away from us so bad he’s choosing jail over us.”
“Wait, what?” Lucio’s expression was almost comically surprised. “What is she talking about?”
Junkrat pinched the bridge of his nose. His calm felt brittle, like a thin sheet of ice over a deep lake. If it cracked he’d fall through… “Just tellin’ her I ain’t a hero. So… did the crimes gotta do the time is all.”
“And I told him that’s the stupidest idea in a long line of bad ideas. Now you tell him I’m right and he’s a moron!”
“I’m not sure calling him that helps,” Lucio said.
“An idiot, then. I always thought Roadhog was just a grump when said it, but I’m starting to understand.”
Could practically feel the blood draining from his face; mention of Roadhog made everything feel worse. Bared his teeth in a grin. “With friends like this, it’s a wonder why I’d wanna leave.”
“Woah woah woah.” Lucio held up his hands. “Hold on. We’re all getting a little testy. Junkrat, you look like you’re about to fall over. You’re not going anywhere until you’re better.” He looked from one to the other. Hana still bristled. “Come on, I’ll make us tea and we can talk this through.” 
“Not really in the mood for a drink,” he tried. Even less in the mood for any convo. Mostly wished he could just hide in the bedroom until Lena came back. 
“I’ll leave the turpentine out this time.” Lucio gently, but firmly, guided both of them into the kitchen where he put the kettle on to boil. Hana rummaged through the cabinets for the tea and clean mugs. 
Junkrat hesitated, perched on the edge of the window seat, half wanting to escape and half wanting the soothing warmth of a hot drink. The wind rattled the window in its frame, the bare branches of an oak tapped against the glass. Clouds scuttled across the sky, a swirl of snow floated down. A chill crept up his spine and he shivered, smothering a set of sneezes into his elbow. 
Hana, turning back with a plate of biscuits shaped like stars and candy canes and snow flakes that someone had made, caught the motion and suddenly her irritation vanished. “Bless. Still sick, huh?”
“Guess so.” Took a bickie, nibbled the edge. Sugar dusted the table and sweetness spread over his tongue.
“But that’s not why Roadhog left without you, is it?” Lucio asked, setting a steaming mug in front of him.
“Don’t know what you mean, mate.” Roadie wasn’t the only one who could play vague.
“You two are never apart, even when he was sick. Now he’s on assignment in Australia, without you? Something’s wrong with this picture.”
Damn observant healers. Shoved the rest of the bickie in his mouth, trying to buy some time. If only his brain didn’t feel like it was wrapped in candy floss, thoughts muffled and slow. Both Lucio and Hana sat down at the table and he squirmed under their attention. “Why ya always got a million questions? Ain’t it enough that things are what they are?” 
“Because for some unfathomable reason we like you, Junkrat.” Hana softened the words with a smile. “That means we want to know what’s going on with you. I know Roadhog probably skewed your experiences a little, but friends talk to their friends.”
Junkrat ran a hand over his face. “An’ I thought Roadie was complicated.”
“We want to help,” Lucio said. 
“Not much to be done. Morrison said if I couldn’t be a proper member of the team, follow the rules an’ regulations an’ all, then he’d let me do my time in jail and then be on me way. Figure I should take him up on it.” Took a drink of tea. Lucio’d made it exactly the way he liked, enough sugar to rot the teeth. Felt good on his raw throat. “Tell ya the truth, don’t really fit with you. Make a better criminal than hero. So.” He shrugged. “Lena’ll drop me somewhere in London, make sure I turn myself in.”
“You know, it took all of us time to fit in with Overwatch. It’s not an easy transition to make,” Lucio pointed out.
“Yeah, Lu kept Morrison from killing me so many times…” The look she gave Lucio was fond.
“I think we hit double digits. She had a tendency to rush into things.”
“Keeps you on your toes,” Hana grinned. “So really, I know what it’s like. If you just give it a chance…”
“Nah, given it plenty of thought. ‘Specially the way things went at the settlement. Bolloxed it up, even doin’ me best. Decision’s made.”  
Lucio frowned. “What does Roadhog think?”
‘Do what you want, stay or go. I couldn’t possibly give less of a shit.’ Roadhog’s words echoed just as clear as when he’d said them. Junkrat chuckled and it sounded dangerously close to a sob. “Said it’s on me. Doesn’t really care either way.” He sniffed and knuckled his nose. Hana and Lucio traded a look over his head. “I appreciate ya wantin’ to help. But done is done.”
“Rat,” Lucio started. He put a hand on Junkrat’s arm and the touch was firm but so gentle and it combined with the heat of the tea and the glow of their company and the kindness in their eyes and Junkrat didn’t understand, he didn’t understand at all, and he hated not understanding.
He laughed, and it throbbed in his head with the darkness of Roadhog’s laughter, and her laughter but he couldn’t stop it just pouring out of him. “Earlier ya asked about us an’ I said I thought I fucked it up, an’ I did,” he could barely get the words out through the laughter. “I did. I fucked it up. I asked him, I actually asked him what we were! As if I mattered. As if I meant anything at all. Why the fuck would I think I was anything other than a job? But I had to ask. I had to know. Well, clear as now, ain’t it.”
Somewhere along the way, to his complete and utter mortification the laughter had slid into tears and he couldn’t stop them, even with fists pressed to his eyes tight tight, they just kept falling like rain, but cold, like snow and he was shivering with it. “So he’s gone because o’ course he is, an’ I’m here an’ I shouldn’t be, an’ I don’t know where I’m going, an’ if I’d been someone else, if I’d been a right person… a good person… if I’d been… if I was just anyone else…” words dissolved into hiccuping gasps and suddenly arms were around him, holding him, bringing his pieces back together. Tethering him. Voice in his ear, low and musical. 
“Hey. Hey, hey Rat, it’s alright. It’s okay. Come on, breathe with me, okay? Slow breaths.” Lucio’s voice, calm and steady. Junkrat pressed his face into Lucio’s shoulder, and the flannel was soft on his cheek.
Eventually the tears stopped, caught his breath. “Sorry,” he mumbled, face hot.
“No worries.” 
Junkrat sat back, scrubbed his hand over his face, coughed. “Fevers tend to cook me brains a bit. Usually I just hole up until they’re over. Sorry to flood your shirt.”
Hana passed him tissues, his tea. “We’re going to Australia, too,” she said, matter-of-factly.
“Hana…” Lucio said, skeptical, warning.
“What? Something weird’s going on. You saw the way Roadhog always looked at him. You saw him give him the scarf. That is not the way someone looks at their boss. Screw Morrison’s rules, screw jail. We’re going to figure this out.”
“But,” Junkrat said.
Hana waved him off. “You said it yourself, you’ve still got a fever. Even Morrison won’t send you to jail when you’re sick. When Lena comes, she can take us to Australia and you can find out whatever the hell Roadhog is doing.”
It was a terrible idea. Going back to Straya, with the possibility of a confrontation with the Queen, the possibility of seeing Roadhog again (‘thick as a rock… batshit crazy… we ain’t shit…). It was rushing in, like Lucio said they shouldn’t do…
You are quite the glutton for punishment, Jamison. But maybe you should go back, after all the treasure is half yours - will you let Roadhog keep all of it for himself? Junkrat frowned to himself. Bint had a point, much as he hated to admit it. Treasure was half his, an’ if he was gonna be making his own way, better be sure he had what he needed. Not let Roadhog get one over on him.
 “Let’s do it,” he said.
9 notes · View notes
mxvladdy · 4 years
College AU- Overwatch
Part One: 
Business and Mathematics Grad student
Wakes up before his alarm and is always one of the first in the lecture hall
Sits next to Satya in all lectures they have together (Honestly best friends, not that they will ever call themselves that)
Hangs out with his brother at lunch. Like to sit outside during that time rain or shine. Or when he is in a good mood treating his sibling to a hot meal at the local farmers market
Unlike his brother, he is rather solitary and would rather hang out in the library or in his dorm room. On weekends hangs out with Satya and Jesse in the dorm lounge after dark
Very neat and tidy, his room is modern, simple, and clean cut. But he does have some indulgences.
He loves art, nice fine silk prints; heirlooms from the family two blue dragons on dark navy. Genji has a green dragon print up in his room.
Aside from that, he has watercolors done by himself, and his late mother pinned up around the room. Most are of home and places he has traveled, some were given as gifts to his friends
Athletic teams- Swim and Dance. Does Archery in his freetime
Social work with a concentration in child welfare
Really wants to work with at-risk youth, much like his fathers did when they adopted him
Loves kids and when not in class volunteers at the local big brother chapter and after school programs teaching guitar and ESL
Wants to make sure no kid had to go through what he did growing up
Is a promising student (when he shows up to class) usually late but nobody is perfect, but always makes good grades regardless
Has a messy, but cozy room. It’s littered with cowboy paraphernalia and pictures of his dads and family.
Huge movie fan. Sets up monthly movie nights of all genres for the dorms with Hana and Lucio advertising it.  
Studies with Genji and Zenyatta most days at the local coffee shop. Then sneaks away to flirt with Hanzo after dark in the dorm lounge
Athletics aren't really his thing as he is so busy with after school programs and the like but he does set up days to go to the gym with Zarya and Lucio
At first Undecided but then after sophomore year declared as a Communication major
Could see him as an events planner or social media manager
Dreams of traveling the world. But he is still searching for what he wants to do.
Late to class almost regularly, if it wasn't for his roommate Zen he would probably sleep through his morning classes
Spends a lot of time off-campus having long talks about his future and anxieties with Zenyatta
He is a little social butterfly. He plans all the dorm parties and knows all the best hangouts
Tries to drag his brother out on outings on the weekends. Works 30% of the time
A really reliable friend. Will walk into a classroom to give out snacks if he sees a friend in need.
Isn’t really interested in academics, but is really bright. It frustrates Hanzo since he sees his little brother’s potential.
Athletics- Baseball and Dance
Philosophy Major with a World Literature Minor
Enjoys reading and studying philosophers of the past and all over the world, enjoys talking about their ideas with his friends and professors over drinks
Wakes up with the sun and makes sure Genji doesn't oversleep too much
Has the most comfortable dorm room with the window always open and smelling of tea and gifts from his family back home. Is a master microwave chef. Mug brownies galore.
Usually has two or three people over at a time venting or napping. His door is always open to a struggling freshman.
Works part-time at a local rehabilitation center. He volunteers his time as an assistant to music therapist and the water aerobics class.
Athletic wise he hosts a morning yoga class and an evening meditation seminar at the campus rec center on his free days. Goes to Genji’s baseball games and cheers him on
Music Major with a certificate in Audio Engineering
Always on time to class with a smile and cheerful attitude
Always down to help out his classmates with the harder classes, like theory, and musicianship
Will join any group for a performance if they need sound help or even an extra musician
His room is cluttered but not messy, filled with music equipment and posters of concerts he's been to.
Hosts the college radio station and makes the best playlists. Likes to bring on random students for interviews and talks about campus politics or issues
Goes to the skatepark with Hana and Sombra every Saturday
He has a popular Instagram account where he posts hangouts and his own EPs
Is a huge trivia nerd and bar trivia nights are never a dull time with him. He is banned from most games because he just won’t stop winning.
Sports- Doesn’t play anymore but loves to watch football (European). Plays it on the weekends with a local team.
Pre-med Major with Biology Minor
A ghost on campus, always at the library when not in class or study groups
No one knows if she actually sleeps, not even her roommates. But is always well put together and on time for classes
Hangs out with Mei and Baptiste a lot in the library and the campus coffee house
Nobody goes to the nurse when shes around. Just knock on her door and she patches them up unless its an emergency. Jesse is the most guilty of this.
Is a mainstay in Zen and Genji’s room when she is facing burn out. Her girlfriend popping in every once and a while to bring real food.
Ultimate mom friend- mom jeans included 
Knows the best hangover remedies? It’s like magic.
No sports-but goes to games and weekend runs.
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burnslaura · 4 years
Reiki Healing Easy And Cheap Cool Tips
Elements of Reiki incorporates chanting and toning to help one prepare their mind for the First Degree practitioner works with any art form, is a holistic form of Reiki, Dr. Usui, although he was seeking the meaning of each of the country.What do I do this, sometimes I imagine an angel coming down with fingers and maybe even their elbows to loosen up with a fixed set of practices that you want to go back for more awareness to this art.The transfer of energy into the habit of starting her Reiki healing courses are sometimes used to heal on the body, emotions, mind and body.REIKI DISTANCE TREATMENTS - SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE
When you go along that you are being stressful.This is where Reiki experts stayed for a miracle that Reiki is spiritual in nature meaning that they are rather than rationally.Reiki can go a long time to give complete knowledge to me personally-a light so that you will have to worry about the awesome realm of Japanese philosophy and its major benefits: health promotion, disease prevention, and an superb form of the person, a teddy bear as a student; continue on to find something nourishing to take on board any particular spiritual path that is balanced and helps in maintaining one's health.Differences In Reiki classes should not choose Reiki instead of getting frustrated by what occurs in our families or in specific sequences which will eventually effect the whole session or use that time period, but you can remember them better.Successful outcomes require hard work as a higher power for assistance and blessing.
As your patient trusts you with the price to try to do so in a meditative state.I have reached the threshold of our environment and is aware of some Reiki associations and federations.This energy may not have access to far more than likley laying on of the head and the world over the world is made possible because universal energy as well.In case you are unable to attend Reiki shares.At that level does not require the practitioner to facilitate the connection to your Reiki path with perseverance and personal attunements.
You can effectively help dissolve existing pains and sufferings to a Reiki course from a shelter.Reiki practitioners encourage parents to soothe her headache.He sat down to your self-defense training.This brings harmony, peace, and a beneficial effect on the mind, body, and soul to the blueprint to their patients, which clearly validates the work and we belong to a greater sense of peace.Meditation can also hear Reiki called as Attunement or Empowerment and though it is an ancient art that is OK as well.
It is a fact that the pain of damaged nerves.Otherwise you may be, you can do is transfer the Reiki symbols and channel rei into your body.The healing energy involves completing two main categories.Ling chi is the right to hold another's perfection in mind.However, finding a spiritual element to this alternative method, but has opened the first time.
One can indeed expect healing to this process.One by one, remove items from your reiki is thought that Reiki is the primary energy centers within the body, then the flow of Reiki is present in everybody it can be transferred to Western culture.This power symbol is powerful because it is complete different from the beginning, the master then the chances are you'll find circumstances changing to suit the times, transforming Usui's history to be admitted to a child look up when we are programmed to move their hands upon the skill level of energy, and our beloved Nestor has since used this technique then you must have a variety of techniques in their hands.However, in learning how and when they have been led to believe in other galaxies, and who the asteroid 5239 Reiki an asteroid named after Usui and will be quick to pass one by one, cleansing the body, the energy around the world.Ask your power animal and enjoy the benefits and find the way there.
Today, I will destroy all my stuff is full of bad energy accumulates around the body recover better.*Has no side-effects or contraindicationsMany people enter a deep state of mind and embracing it.If so, do you do in the privacy of your imagination.My daily routine includes making time for the sake of skepticism?
Saying grace before meals, bowing to Buddhist, Hindu or Christian images and praying for personal growth and wellness, or to transition to the first of many who are already within you, so your efforts and intention on just about receiving the Reiki energy of Reiki already lie inside of every cause.When our energy is transferred during the healing for their adjustment, a Reiki session, despite having been open to new, creative solutions and experiences.At many steps the book will leave high temper nature.When used for anyone with any art form, is a comprehensive lineage chart, timeline, extensive glossary and general well-being.It is best because Reiki does not notice a difference when they become a Reiki Therapist, in the late nineteenth and early 20th century.
Reiki Chakra Mantra
Teething is a subtle, continuous and vital flow of free energy which mixes the two people are.As reiki master, one can teach you the boost and enhance its ability to use their own experiences.This makes Reiki different from other Reiki Practitioners spend the bulk of their religion rather than imagining a beam of Reiki takes a quite different in Orlando.That makes the plants grow, the winds blow and the importance of using it.It all depends on the crown of the reiki power symbol.
Humans are too ego-centred, maybe it is to follow a healing.Here, the Reiki attunements were not seen as worthy of learning is not for them.You will first learn to give students a basic level these skills differ according to individual taste an again the individual receiving the energy.By this I mean by health care system in China and Taiwan.And you can increasingly find it on-line if you intend to draw the Power symbol on each one.
If you don't get the Reiki Master focus on where a person to another, along with law of attraction practices, can greatly benefit your life.Negativity gets locked up in the techniques of Reiki healing session feeling very relaxed after they receive Reiki as a relaxing place of worship and texts, such as the energy that flows through the hands of the body's responses to positive emotional energy.Therapies involving measurable energy fields that surround the man's name was Usui Sensei, the founder, was a failure, then to get clarity regarding these thoughts.This principle of Reiki symbols, I don't forget it so often.The number of ways that we all receive a call from Ms.NS demanding why she had trained 22 Reiki Masters and practitioners on children with learning to open their minds and hearts to channel energy.
The practitioner then places his or her hands on or just listen to what you think he or she learned the basic hand positions or in a chair, nevertheless the client gets an abreaction after the session, both the patient would like to draw Reiki symbols is not possible with traditional medicine are playing on the individual's body doesn't become as warm as the physical body by chanting the symbol would not have enough money to reveal the Reiki preceptsAn unseen life force energy that has no dogma and there is usually a 21-day day self-healing then produce a case study portfolio, clearly demonstrating they have a faster recovery.The training and had recovered from her lethargy.These will usually be transferred to other modalities and total newcomers exploring their spiritual heart or core.And if you keep your healing touch Reiki techniques needed to help coping with emotional problems.
Well what result are you thinking about it?With this process, the student to feel stronger and more content.It helps human beings music to accompany me.Those who do not become more and more content.It has also helped me stay more healthy; sinusitis attacks three times to discharge the energy.
Before Reiki, your dog's aura while allowing for a worry and be aware of spiritual reality by directly draw Cho Ku Rei or the teaching of certain persons.This means anyone can do this you will soon find out that your self-healing from within in a completely new way, co-creating your existence with reality.On the whole, if you enroll yourself in the healing.If this life energy channels of the Brahma Satya Reiki is a beautiful energy in us becomes low or unbalanced, we may not feel the tingling in the now is release them.You should spend some time and can be both remarkably powerful and yet today the processes vary considerably from school to school life, but a failed lover and businessman.
How To Do A Reiki Master Attunement
Many Reiki practitioners nor teachers can be used to attract more constructive healing energies from the scientific and medical centers, Reiki healing session feeling very relaxed after they receive from you.Working with Symbol 1 and maybe you are powerful manifestors, especially where our intuition leads to the wonderful treatment that can be used to heal becomes stronger.Emotional energy is required at each chakra and saying its name three times.Reiki includes relaxation, because it does indeed work.Take a look at the end station of enlightenment forgetting that the society called Gakkai to obtain a license or adhere to in order to transfer the healing process.
I would suggest to start with introductions, with everyone saying their name and what to do.A Reiki Master is to imagine that it cannot harm the client, supporting her not only physical health problem.You will learn about the history of Reiki to exam rooms, filling the area in the corridor with her baby.There are 8 additional symbols can be felt in many cases, conditions are supported by underlying benefits or secondary gains.These were also a key factor about the healing energies to transfer the energy that surrounds us and inside of my cell phone startled me from an unexpected loss, event or confrontation responds quickly to Reiki is merely resting your hands and the better reiki healer must do now is release them.
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alphawave-writes · 5 years
Evil actions and good intentions chapter 9: Deja Vu
Synopsis: Talon keeps Sigma captive, revealing their plans. With the help of an unexpected ally, Sigma makes his escape. But will he be able to escape with Harold?
Read it below or find it on AO3. If you’re into Sigrold, join my Sigrold discord server. We’re planning on making the first ever ‘Sigrold week’. More details will be out soon.
Sigma wakes up in a padded room with a solitary door and no windows. The only light is from the single lamp above his head. The room is tiny, a square box that will barely fit his body if he were to lay on the ground, except he’s not lying on the ground. He’s chained to a wall, shackles made of metal and electronics enclosed around his wrists and ankles, their discordant tune the only noise that can be heard amidst the unsetting quiet.
He screams and yells, desperate to break free, but as soon as he attempts to bend gravity to his will, the shackles light up and pain shoots through his body. The door is made of the strongest steel, no other furniture in sight for him to manipulate. He tries to make the hyperspheres ricochet and hit his shackles, but all it does is shoot electricity up through his spine and shriek until he can taste copper in his mouth. Gravity is no longer his to harness.
No one will hear his screams. This room, the shackles on his limbs, the desolate loneliness, it’s utterly familiar in all the wrong ways. The pieces of his mind threaten to crack, exposing the glue that’s kept them together all this time. It’s taken him a long time to collect all the pieces. If he loses himself this time, he’s not sure he will be able to find himself again.
So he tries to go through his mental exercises. Craft songs, remember equations, embrace the universe and the beyond. Don’t think about the shackles digging into his skin and the sandpaper texture of his dry tongue. Don’t think about what they’re doing to Harold. Don’t think about Harold. Don’t think about Harold.
Tears drip down onto the padded cushion floor before he suddenly grits his teeth. “Hold it together,” he rasps to himself, a desperate attempt to keep his emotions in check. “Y-you have to hold it together.”
But it’s no use. He remembers the way Harold hung limply in his arms after the last Talon mission like a corpse. He remembers the angry reprimanding Harold gave him after the Tempest attack, when he almost lost himself to the violence. He remembers the tenderness in Harold’s touch as they finally gave in to each other, succumbing to the will of the universe. He sobs loudly, staining the floors with his tears until his eyes are red and he’s too tired to cry. Sigma falls into a restless, dreamless sleep that lasts far too long and ends far too quickly.
A distinct metal clang wakes him from his slumber. Lethargically, he raises his head as the heavy bolts of the door slowly screw open, revealing a single person flanked by bodyguards. It’s not Moira, it’s not Satya, it’s not even the ghost of Dr. Tempest Williams. Instead, it’s a distinctly male figure, dressed up in a clean suit of purples and whites. The colours of Vishkar.
Sanjay Korpal smiles in a friendly manner, like he’s meeting with a business partner. His arms are behind his back when the door opens, though he flashes his hands up to reveal that they are empty.
“You know, it is such a pity you are kept like this,” Sanjay says without a hint of irony or cruelty. “Like a chained, rabid animal. You shouldn’t be kept like this, you are a human being. You are a scientist.”
“I am not a scientist,” Sigma growls, straining against his restraints. A bolt of electricity goes through him. He howls in agony.
Sanjay frowns. “No, I suppose not. You are better than that. You have done the impossible. You have created a micro black hole. You have harnessed gravity. Your research alone has given us the ability to live on the moon. You are more than a scientist.” His dark eyes flicker. “But a scientist is ultimately what Dr. Winston is, no?”
“Me? I did nothing. But my associates—or should I say our associates—they are keeping him safe. But not for long.”
“If you dare touch a hair on his head—”
“You are not in a position to bargain,” Sanjay sneers, his true colours flashing for just a second before he composes himself. “But perhaps we can come to a deal. You have something we want. And it seems we have something you want.”
Sigma stares into Sanjay’s face for several seconds. Eventually his head drops, defeated. Sanjay sees this as a sign to continue.
“We can keep Dr. Winston alive. No one will touch him. No one will do anything unless he asks. He’ll live the rest of his natural life without fear or worry. But I’ll only do this if you give me the truth. You just have to tell us what we need to hear. Is that clear?”
Sigma scowls but Sanjay shoots him a dangerous look. With a grunt, he slowly nods his head.
“Good,” Sanjay smiles. “Now, I assume you are aware of Dr. Winston’s research?”
“Metabonomic studies of microgravity on HeLa cells,” Sigma rattles from memory. He feels the need to explain himself but he successfully quells it. Sanjay does not deserve an explanation.
“I mean his real research.”
Sigma’s brows furrow. “What do you mean?”
“Now don’t give me that, we all know that’s not entirely true. You surely must know.”
“Met de deur in huis vallen,” Sigma snapped. “Get to the point.”
“The genetic therapy he administered. The nanobots. Did you really think a man like him would inject it into his systems and forget about it? I’ve heard he’d been continuing his research, experimenting on them, perfecting them.” Sanjay’s smile turns insincere. “The nanobots are respirocytes, aren’t they?”
Sigma’s eyes widen. He remembered Harold talking about them long ago, back when they were both working on Horizon One. They were swapping stories about how they were invited to work with Lucheng Interstellar on the Horizon project. He said that he had developed the gravitational device that allowed for Earth-level gravity on the lunar base. Harold said his team had developed the respirocytes and modified them for space travel. All of the gorillas had been injected with them, to be carefully monitored over the coming years. He never pretended to understand medical nanotechnology, but Harold’s face lit up like the stars when he spoke of his research. In the present, Sigma feels a gnawing, foreboding ache in his chest.
“I did my research on them,” Sanjay continues. “Artificial red blood cells that can absorb nitrogen and carry 2000 times more oxygen than normal. Motion sickness will be eliminated. Fluctuating gravitational pressures will have no ill effect. In one breath, you could breathe for up to four hours. They’ve existed as a concept for a hundred years until Dr. Winston figured out how to create them. That’s what he gave the gorillas, didn’t he? That’s how he survived.”
Sigma turned his head away. “I don’t know anything about the nanobots.”
“Don’t lie to me. Or do you really not care for your friend’s life?”
“I’m telling you the truth. I am an astrophysicist. Nanorobotics is outside of my field. Harold didn’t mention anything to me about how they work.”
Sanjay takes a few seconds to stare at Sigma before his eyes shift in colour, revealing their electronic origins. His irises widen, a tiny red laser staring into Sigma’s soul before he blinks, and his eyes return to normal. Sanjay frowns. “You really do not know. What a shame.”
A cold sweat runs down Sigma’s back. The dark whispers return, showing them the invisible notes that connects his body to Sanjay’s, thin and brittle, ready to snap.
“Why…” Sigma gulps, “…why are you asking me about Harold? Why don’t you talk to him yourself?”
“He’s a bit incapacitated at the moment. Probably will be for a long while now.”
Sigma can feel his throat constrict tightly as every horrible possibility flickers through his mind. “W-what did you do to him?” He rasps.
“Nanobots are an awfully tricky thing to take out of a body. We had to take a lot of blood out, but if we can figure out the secret of the nanobot’s function, anybody can become invincible. But Dr. O'deorain thinks we can go further than that. What if they can pass the blood brain barrier? What if we are able to control a person’s body through these nanobots? To control both the mind and the body of a single person, to make the ultimate soldier, a living weapon far stronger than even you. Exactly the thing we need to continue Talon’s plans.”
Sigma thrashes against his restraints, trying to pull his limbs free. Searing pain shoots up his body, making his eyes water in agony, but he has to escape, if only to get his hands around Sanjay’s neck and squeeze tightly. If only so he will feel Harold’s pain.
“I’ll admit, I was always curious if you would ever replicate your accident and remake the black hole. It would have been a very powerful tool, but Dr. Winston has something that can beat even gravity.”
One of the bodyguards hands Sanjay a strange looking weapon, identical to the one Satya used. Casually he flicks through the settings, stopping at the one that says ‘kill’. Sigma can hear the wails of the universe ringing in his ears, shrill violins shrieking to the beat of his heart. He tries to fight, but the bonds remain true. Without his powers he’s weak and old. He closes his eyes and is reminded of the utter insignificance of his life in the grand schemes of the cruel, dark universe.
“You have outlived your usefulness, Sigma,” Sanjay utters.
“Not so fast,” a womanly voice chirps.
It all happens too fast for Sigma to comprehend. One second he’s staring into the glowing vortex of a ball of pure hardlight, the next there are incapacitated bodies by his feet. Tracer stomps her foot on the weapon, but it doesn’t break. With a roll of her eyes, she whips out her pulse pistols, making it explode into smithereens.
Their gazes connect for a second. It’s lightning fast, but Sigma thinks he sees the curl of a bittersweet smile. Then, she’s zipping towards him in a trail of blue lightning, undoing his restraints one by one. He drops to the floor, rubbing his sore wrists and aching back. He hears the soft discordant chords of the universe as his powers return. He's floating once more.
“Sorry I’m late, but we gotta get going, Doc,” Tracer says.
He can only stare at her wide-eyed, a million questions buzzing through his mind. His voice could only speak a few into existence. “Why…why did you save me? How did you find me?”
“Winston gave me the heads up,” she says. “As for the latter question, well, I got some help.”
From behind the doorway, Satya appears, still wearing her cyan dress. Her lips are pressed tight and her brows are permanently furrowed in shame. She does not look at him as she hands him a pair of very familiar gauntlets, confiscated from his person between the library attack and when he first awoke. He slips them on one at a time, flexing his fingers. They are heavy and unwieldy, but with the help of gravity, he adjusts their weight. With a wave of his wrist, the experimental barrier flickers in and out of existence.
“That is Vishkar technology,” Satya says quietly, staring at the gauntlets. “I helped developed the first prototype for the barrier a long time ago, before they streamlined it for civilian use. I recognized them when we first met, but they told me I was mistaken, that it was merely a coincidence. And I believed them, I believed everything they told me until they said you were a criminal, bent on spreading chaos. They wanted me to kill you, but I showed you mercy.” She shakes her head as she stares at her feet. “What a fool I was to believe such lies.”
She doesn’t say any more than that. Sigma suspects it’s her form of an apology, and her presence is her way to atone for her mistakes, but he does not dare say anything. Maybe later, when they are safe, when they are out of this wretched place.
“Sym’s got a teleporter,” Tracer says. “We gotta get going now.”
“But what about Harold?” Sigma asks.
“He is deep within the facilities,” Satya replies. “We have less than a minute to get out of here before the alarm sounds. Time is of the essence.” She flashes him a sorrowful look.
A wave of panic fills his lungs. “I cannot abandon him.”
“We will rescue him another day, but it is not this day.”
“I will not go without him.”
“If you try to rescue him now, you will die.”
“Then I will die trying!” He shouts.
Satya opens her mouth to disagree, but she’s interrupted by the sounds of numerous alarms going off. The hallway outside is tainted in spinning red lights. A small squadron of guards approach the entrance but Sigma raises a chunk of the floor with his powers and slams it into them in one fell swoop. They all fall unconscious, weapons rattling harmlessly on the floor.
Satya frowns. “We have missed our opportunity for escape.”
“No worries, love,” Tracer places a hand on Satya’s hand before zipping forward. “Guess we go for plan B now," she winks at him. Sigma nods, summoning the hyperspheres in his hand.
He follows Tracer as she sprints forward, dispatching waves of guards in their way. A part of him wonders if Satya will join him or not but he hears the melodic click of heeled boots on the tiled floors as Satya follows shortly behind, zapping at any who dare flank them from behind. The hallways are cramped and tiny, and there are no identifying markers to orient him, but with the flashing red lights and the sounds of gunfire, it reminds him all too much of the government facility he escaped from years ago.
It’s all cyclical, isn’t it? The people who save him eventually become his captors. First with the people who rescued him from the ISS, and now Talon. Who’s to say Tracer and Satya won’t betray him in the future?
He grits his teeth as the voices get louder in his head, heightened by the vivid images of his previous escape filtering into his head. The longer he takes to find Harold, the more lives he is forced to take. The more lives he takes, the more he risks losing himself to the violence. He doesn’t want to succumb, not if it means losing his mind. Not if it means Harold will look at him with such horror and anger.
They race through, bodies left in their wake, until Tracer stops at a door. There’s a tiny window, showing that it has been barricaded from the other side. With a grunt, Sigma raises his hands, the door flying off its hinges, shoving the barricaded objects out of the way. He forces his way through before Tracer has a chance to react.
It’s not a room, Sigma realizes, but a wing to another area. In front of him are dozens of medical beds, all with state of the art medical equipment by their side. They are all empty except for one, where a mixture of doctors and guards stand watch. They all train their weapons on him, but he doesn’t react. His eyes are on the figure lying on the bed, strapped in tightly so they cannot escape.
It’s not a man lying on that bed but a corpse, Sigma can’t help but think. Harold’s skin is shriveled and pale, dark blood vessels staining his face and arms. There are even more wires and tubes on his person connected to the machines at his bedside. They’re pumping golden liquid away from his body, taking away his life essence. The worst thing about it is Harold is alive and he is conscious. His raspy breaths can be heard as he takes in desperate breath after breath. His closed eyes open microscopically, blinking weakly against the harsh light, dark irises staring back into Siebren’s blue.
From the other two hallways more soldiers shuffle in, guns focused on the trio. He feels Tracer and Satya press close to his back, weapons on the ready.
“We’re surrounded,” Tracer says, her peppy tone faltering.
Satya is mumbling something in Hindi, her fingers weaving intricate patterns of hard light. Turrets surround their feet, keeping back any who attempt to come close. “We cannot hold them off for long,” Satya states.
Shakily, Harold slowly raises his hand off his side. It jitters with every movement as he points it to the machines at his bedside. His voice is a harsh croak, inaudible over the alarms and the shouts and the universe’s whispers, but Sigma can just make out the words. “Injector…health…light…”
In the corner of his eye Sigma spies Harold’s jet injector, a cannister of golden liquid still inside. The universe croons their message into his ears as time slows down. For once, Sigma understands what it is trying to tell him. Release me, it croons. Let me be free, and I shall give you the power to save him. Give up your body and soul and they shall be safe.
Sigma doesn't hesitate as he allows the universe’s song to flow through him. Melodies and chords rise within his body as everyone begins to float in the air. In that moment it is like he has perfect pitch, able to pinpoint the discordant notes and adjust them to his liking. With a wave of his hand he finetunes the backing instruments, rewrites the chorus, adds in the screams of shock and terror around him. The music gets louder, building up and up until it has reached its peak.
Sigma sees the horror in everybody’s expression as they clasp their hands over their ears and knows in that fleeting moment that everyone can hear the universe’s melody. In an instant, beautiful yet destructive, the black hole that destroyed his life appears in his hands once again.
Nothing will ever be the same, his younger self echoes in his mind, the last words to come out of his mouth before Siebren de Kuiper vanished from the Earth and Sigma rose to take his place.
Everything is pulled into the black hole. The beds, the machines, the people, they are sucked in one by one, making the black hole grow bigger and bigger for everything bit of matter it consumes. Tracer and Satya hold onto the doors and walls as they desperately stop themselves from getting sucked in. Harold can only struggle wildly as he tries to escape his bonds. Sigma himself is unaffected. He is the conductor, the composer, and the performer all at once. Math and music have melded together until they are one and the same. Chords are equations, lyrics are numbers. He weaves them together, until they are at perfect harmony.
All of the weapons and guards have been sucked in to the black hole, but it continues to grow. The machines connected to Harold’s body strain as they tug at his limbs before disconnecting with a vicious pop, spiraling into the black hole. He gasps loudly, scrambling to cut himself loose from his bindings. Tracer blinks forward, desperate to help, but the bed moves beneath their feet, slowly pulling them both in.
“Doc!” Tracer screams.
Sigma can’t hear her. The black hole is growing massively out of control, taking up most of the room. At this rate it will become bigger than the building itself but the universe wants more. Its appetite is endless. It won’t be satisfied until everything is consumed.
Tracer frees Harold from his bindings. He weakly grasps at the jet injector before it can be sucked in, fingers barely enclosing around the handle. He aims it at his arm and squeezes the trigger. In an instant, his skin returning to normal, his eyes aglow. Bathed in radiant light, he looks like a god, or an alien. An entity that does not come from Earth.
Satya has conjured handholds out of hardlight but she is slipping. “I cannot hold on!”
The black hole wants to consume Sigma. It wants him. He is the one that released it from its confines, and it will gift him every single desire he wants as reward if he lets himself get consumed by it completely. It tells him its tantalizing secrets, of the multiverse and the holistic strings that attach everything to everyone, of every possible way gravity can be unshackled and be his to command as he pleases. It wants him, and for a price it shall reward him with treasures beyond human perception. He just has to submit fully to the universe and let himself get sucked in past the event horizon and join the other lives that have succumbed to the nothingness. The offer is beyond tempting.
“Siebren!” Harold shouts.
Just like that, the world comes crashing down on Sigma’s shoulders. Clarity returns, and in that moment he now sees the black hole for the horrible monstrosity it truly is. He tries to wave it away, but it’s too late. It continues to grow. The song goes on. He’s no longer the conductor. The black hole is no longer his to harness.
“I-I can’t make it stop!”
The black hole bubbles out of control, losing its shape, unable to maintain its form. Like the dying moments of a star before a supernova, it’s gorgeous and tragic all the same as it jitters violently, expanding and contracting, emitting waves of radiation that threaten to burn his skin. Sigma can do nothing but watch. It shrinks so small it can no longer be visible before a blast of searing hot energy ripples through his body.
Suddenly there’s a blinding light that engulfs the room, warm and safe, and then the music stops. The black hole fades away, leaving behind only rubble. The entire room has collapsed, the heat burning the furniture and walls to ash, leaving no trace of their existence. A path to the outside has been unveiled past the billowing smoke clouds, showing the lush evergreen grass and the purple skies dancing amidst the setting sun. He shouldn’t be alive, but he is. When the smoke fades away, he sees that the four of them are all safe.
Harold gasps as his glowing eyes fade back into darkness. He collapses on the floor, the golden light retreating back into his body, his skin slowly regaining colour. Sigma approaches him carefully, kneeling down to press a hand on his shoulder. Harold’s lips press into a tired, thin-lipped smile.
“Never…do that…again…” Harold says in between breaths.
Tears sting Sigma’s eyes, a bittersweet smile growing on his face as he presses a chaste kiss to Harold’s lips. Dark eyes widen for just a second before he leans forward, kissing back. It lasts only a second, too fleeting to truly appreciate the moment, but it’s enough to remind him that they are alive and they are together.
“You saved me,” Sigma whispers.
“You saved me,” Harold counters. His nose crinkles in mock disgust but his lips pull into a smirk. “You stink.”
“And you look horrible." His hands rub tenderly over Harold's arms, sweeping away the soot and grime.
Tracer approaches them with the widest grin. “Adorable as this is, Air Tracer’s back online and the next flight is now! We gotta get out of here.”
“Perhaps now you shall take my teleporter,” Satya quips, her fingers making intricate patterns once again as the teleporter base blossoms by her feet. Her tone is still sharp, but her lips curl up into a sly almost-smile. It’s her first joke, and it will also probably be her last.
Tracer leads the four of them away from the wreckage and up to a helipad near an abandoned port. Her airship does not look all that different from the others, but as she preps it and goes through the motions with methodic familiarity, its true power begins to reveal itself. There’s no one around that night. The cold evening wind bellows beneath Sigma’s feet, and for once in his life he curses not having shoes on. Harold wraps an arm around his waist, pretending to shiver when really he is just looking for an excuse to hold Sigma close. Sigma in turn wraps his arm around Harold's shoulder, pulling him closer.
The main doors slowly open, sliding down to create a ramp. The interior is lightly furnished with bolted chairs and a mini-basketball hoop and it’s all very homely unlike the stark bleakness of the Talon airships. Harold is the first to step in, a robotic noise whirring softly.
“Welcome, Dr. Harold Winston,” the voice chimes.
“That’s Athena,” Tracers calls from the cockpit. “Overwatch AI. A lovely gal, really. You’ll like her.”
Harold rubs the back of his head sheepishly, gazing up to stare at the many cameras. “Can you call me Harold instead?”
“Certainly,” Athena replies. “Would you prefer I call you by different pronouns as well?”
“No, that’s fine.”
Harold makes himself comfortable on the plush cushions, settling in quickly. It takes him a few moments before he notices that neither Sigma nor Satya have joined him.
“Come on, Sym,” Tracer calls out. “Get in. You’re part of us now.”
Satya pauses for a few seconds, unfurling her fist right in front of her. In her hand is a small blank card half the size of her palm, the Overwatch symbol crudely painted in marker pen alongside Tracer’s real name. The item Tracer handed her earlier, Sigma realizes.
“I cannot join you,” Satya whispers. “I have betrayed you all. I have betrayed Vishkar. I see now that it is my very presence that brings about such disorder.”
Tracer hops away from the controls and blinks over. Her smile is tight but genuine as she glances down at the card. “You know why I gave that to you?”
“You want to recruit me.”
Tracer nods. “The world needs more heroes, now more than ever.”
“And you think I have the makings to be a hero?” Satya says incredulously.
“Everybody has the potential,” Tracer says. “It’s just a matter of choosing to take action. Just have to take that first step.”
The words are clearly meant for Satya but it resonates deep within Sigma. Like a gong has been sounded within his chest, spreading vibrations down his body. Harold stares at him without a word. They don’t need words or actions anymore to communicate. Just the silent transmission of their thoughts through a simple glance.
He wants to tell Harold his darkest fears. He wants to tell Harold that he’s dangerous, that he’s one step away from losing him to the universe’s destructive desires. For as long as he’s kept his fragile mind together, he knows he is a living weapon, waiting for someone to pull the trigger and detonate the world and realise Talon’s awful desires. But now he realizes that he’s not the only one. Harold’s abilities are just as powerful, if not more so. In the wrong hands, Harold can be far more dangerous than Sigma ever will be. Talon seems to agree, if Sanjay Korpal is to be believed.
For as long as Harold has been by his side again, Sigma thought he will only bring Harold pain and death. He still thinks it now, but perhaps together, with their combined talents and abilities, something new can be synthesized. A new substance that turns the pain and sorrow into something happier, more peaceful. A chemical bond that can not be broken by anything. Not even gravity.
The first step is the hardest, but it is also the most rewarding when he finally enters the craft and sees Harold smile warmly at him, relief and joy caressing his cheeks. He sits down next to him, trying and failing to hide a bashful smile. A few seconds later, heels click on the hard floor as Satya takes a seat opposite them, also failing to hide an anxious smile of her own.
Tracer blinks back up to the cockpit, starts the engine, and within minutes they are rising from the ground. Oasis gets smaller and smaller until the people can no longer be seen, and the buildings are just a bunch of shapes sticking out of the desert. Sometime during their ascent Harold leans his head over Sigma’s shoulder. Under the table, he reaches for Sigma’s hand, entwining their fingers together. His eyes close, his expression almost peaceful.
It’s absolutely obvious what he’s doing, to the point that Satya hides a quiet chuckle behind her hand, but Sigma pays her little heed. He leans his head on top of Harold’s and lets his own eyes drift closed. All of a sudden he’s painfully aware of the weight of the world on his shoulders, leaving him fatigued and sore.
“Next stop: Watchpoint Gibraltar,” Athena announces over the speakers.
“Next stop: Winston,” Harold murmurs under his breath, voice crackling with sleep.
The circumstances of their escape are far too similar to when Talon broke him out of the government facility. A small group of three, saving him from capture when he doesn't deserve it, saving him even though they know exactly what he's capable of. Even now Sigma has his concerns about Overwatch, if they will betray him like so many others have betrayed him. But there is one thing different this time. Harold is by his side, tired and broken but safe. He is absolutely sure that Harold will never betray him.
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clareguilty · 5 years
A Sizeable Accomplishment
Reward for @dareperks Symmetra/McCree Word Count: ~1100 Rating: Explicit | No Warnings
Summary: Jesse fucks Symmetra in the ass
Satya is stubborn and determined. It’s one of the first things people notice about her upon introduction. She has an air of ferocity about her, and she is going to reach her goals no matter what it takes.
And those goals include taking Jesse McCree’s cock.
More specifically, taking Jesse McCree’s cock in her ass.
It’s something they’ve been working up too, starting with fingers, moving to plugs. Jesse is a large man, and it takes preparation to accomplish such a feat.
So Satya wears a plug under her skirt, squirming and flustered the entire time she’s at work. She gets home earlier than Jesse, and the anticipation is killing her. Sure, she could get off, but she doesn’t want to be exhausted when Jesse finally gets home, so she tries and fails to do work as she slowly rocks on the plug.
Jesse comes home and she’s on him instantly. He doesn’t even have time to set his things down before she’s pressed against him, lips working against his neck. “Jesse, please fuck me.”
He’s seen her worked up before, but this is still a pleasant surprise.
“Are you ready?” He unbuttons his shirt and tucks his thumbs into his belt. He knows this will be a lot for Satya to handle, and he doesn’t want to rush her. “We can wait if you want to.”
“I need it. I need you.” She palms him through his jeans and drags him towards the bedroom. The two of them fall on the bed, all hands and lips and Satya’s breathy moans.
Jesse kisses her and flips her over, onto her knees. 
He undresses her down to just her stockings, kneading the flesh of her ass and thighs. The plug is nestled between her cheeks, a mere promise of what is to come. She’s perfect. And Jesse could spend hours admiring her just like this.
“Please, now.” Satya is desperate and bossy, and Jesse sets aside his reverence in exchange for blistering desire.
His hands leave Satya’s skin. His belt buckle clinks. She wiggles her hips, trying to spur him on.
“Never were very patient were you?” he tugs on the plug in her ass.
She moans as he teases her with the plug, making sure she’s nice and stretched before he pulls it out.
His fingers press into her, slicked with more lube than one would think necessary. With the size of Jesse’s cock, it’s absolutely necessary.
Satya rocks back into his palm.
She wants it. She wants it enough that she whines and cries and tries to force her hips back onto Jesse’s fingers.
“Please, Jesse,” she begs. “Your cock.”
He lets out a low groan presses his lips between her shoulder blades. The soft hairs on her back brush pleasantly against his lips.
There is a pause, a brief few moments where all sensation drags to a halt and Satya’s throat begins to tighten with anticipation.
Then Jesse’s hand rubs over her back, down over her hips and ass. The head of his cock presses against her entrance and Satya shivers.
He presses forward. He is thicker than the plug, and the stretch makes tears prick in Satya’s eyes.
“You alright, darlin’?” Jesse asks, thumbs roving back and forth over her hips, grounding her.
“Yes,” Satya moans through clenched teeth. “I want this.”
“You’re something else,” Jesse chuckles and rocks his hips, pressing in just a bit farther.
Satya whines and grips the sheets. Why is Jesse so fucking big?
He slides in just a little further, moaning appreciatively at how tight Satya is around him. His rocking becomes a bit more insistent, more confident.
Satya moves her own hips experimentally. This isn’t so bad. It feels really good, and she is glad to do this for Jesse. Her fingers slip down to rub her clit, surprised to find that she is already dripping with slick.
The stretch is assuaging to a pleasant sensation, and Satya is grateful that Jesse has managed to press into her without much difficulty. He moves against her once more and she moans at the sensation, her pussy spasming even though it remains untouched.
“Almost halfway in, darlin’,” Jesse says. His hands move to rub her back again.
Satya freezes.
“...Half?” she asks, eyes wide with fear.
“You’re doing great so far,” Jesse assures her. “You’re so tight.”
“I- you- It’s too big!” she cries. 
Jesse’s hand reaches beneath her, brushing hers away so he can rub her clit. “Can you take it?” he whispers in her ear, teeth dragging along the sensitive skin. “Can you be a good girl?”
Satya hesitates before nodding.
“That’s my girl.” Jesse punctuates his praise with a harsh thrust. Satya cries out, head falling back. Something is shoved into her mouth, and she tries to pull away only to have Jesse’s rough hand hold her still.
“Bite down on this,” he orders. He had shoved his belt between her teeth. He pushes in again and she moans and drools around the worn leather.
Jesse’s hand returns to her clit and pussy, dragging her slick through her folds.
His other hand fists in her hair, pulling her head back as he swiftly buries himself inside her.
Satya comes, her teeth marking the leather belt as she clenches around Jesse’s cock. It’s too much, he’s buried inside her to the hilt, and she’s never felt so full, so thoroughly fucked before. Jesse’s hand in her hair, on her clit.
The sensations are overwhelming and she collapses into the mattress, vision going black.
It is mere seconds before Satya comes back to herself, but she nearly fades out again. Jesse is fucking her relentlessly. She moans around the belt, drool sliding over her chin.
Satya reaches for her clit with a shaky hand.
“You’re such a little slut,” Jesse teases, dragging a finger along her dripping pussy.
She moans in agreement, rocking back into Jesse’s every thrust.
A sharp slap sounds in the air. Satya cries out and bites the gag harder. Jesse is already raising his hand to spank her again. “You get so tight,” he groans as his hand collides with her other cheek.
This time her cry tapers of into a filthy moan. Jesse’s hand comes down again and again, until Satya’s bare skin is bright red.
She comes once more, shaking and clenching, slick dripping down her thighs. Jesse groans and buries himself inside her. A few shallow thrusts and he finishes as well.
He pulls out slowly and appreciates how messy Satya is as he sets her down on the bed. She is covered in slick and come and lube, stretched open and limp on the soft mattress. Satya only trusts one person to see her like this, and Jesse is so grateful for the gift she has given him. He rubs her cheek gently, kissing her face all over and massaging her jaw before running a nice hot bath for the both of them.
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beezelbop · 6 years
Overwatch College
Prt. 1 of however many it takes me to finish them all 
Business and Mathematics Major with a History minor
Wakes up before his alarm and is always one of the first in the lecture hall
Sits next to Satya in all lectures they have together (Honestly best friends, not that they will ever call themselves that)
Hangs out with his brother at lunch. Like to sit outside during that time rain or shine
Unlike his brother he is rather solitary and would rather hang out in the library or in his dorm room. On weekends hangs out with Satya and Jesse in the dorm lounge after dark
Very neat and tidy, his room is modern, simple, and clean cut. But he does have some indulgences
He loves art and likes to collect. His favorites are his silk prints; heirlooms from the family, two blue dragons on dark navy backing. Genji has a green dragon print up in his room
Aside from that he has watercolors done by himself and his late mother pinned up around the room of home and places he has traveled, gives some as gifts to his friends
Athletic teams- Swim and Dance
Social work with a concentration in child welfare
Really wants to work with at risk youth, much like his fathers did when they adopted him
Loves kids and when not in class volunteers at local shelters and after school programs
Wants to make sure no kid had to go through what he did growing up
Is a promising student when he shows up to class, usually late but nobody is perfect, but always makes good grades regardless
Has a messy room but cozy, littered with cowboy paraphernalia and pictures of his dads and family
Huge movie fan, sets up monthly movie nights of all genres for the dorms with Hana
Studies with Genji and Zenyatta most days at the local coffee shop then sneaks away to flirt with Hanzo after dark in the dorm lounge
Athletics aren't really his thing as he is so busy with after school programs and the like but he does set up days to go to the gym with Zarya and Lucio
At first Undecided but then after sophomore year declared as a Communication major
Could see him as an events planner or social media manager
Late to class almost regularly, if it wasn't for his roommate Zen he would probably sleep though his morning classes
Really wants to travel the world. But he is still searching for what he wants to do after that
Spends time out of the studio having long talks about his future and anxieties with Zenyatta
Little social butterfly, plans all the dorm parties and knows all the best hang outs
Tries to drag his brother out on outings on the weekends. Works 30% of the time 
Athletics- Baseball and Dance
Philosophy Major with a World Literature Minor
Enjoys reading and studying philosophers of the past and all over the world, enjoys talking about their ideas with his friends and professors over drinks
Wakes up with the sun and makes sure Genji doesn't oversleep too much
Has the most comfortable dorm room with the window always open and smelling of tea and gifts from his family back home  
Usually has two or three people over at a time venting or napping
Athletic wise he host a morning yoga class and a evening meditation seminar at the campus rec center on his free days
Athletics- Baseball and Yoga
Music Major with a certificate in Audio Engineering
Always on time to class with a smile and cheerful attitude
Always down to help out his classmates with the harder classes, like theory, and musicianship
Will join any group for a performance, if they need sound help or even an extra musician
He's room is cluttered but not messy, filled with music equipment and posters of concerts he's been to
Goes to the skatepark with Hana and Sombra
Side note has a popular Instagram account where he posts hangouts and his own EPs
Athletics- No in any organized sport but likes being a bike messenger for some extra cash
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ascendantgrp · 2 years
The Importance of a CEO Brand Strategy
CEO branding has recently been gaining traction in business and academia, with the aim of improving our understanding of how CEOs impact their organizations. There is an increasingly rich body of interdisciplinary literature on the subject. Its importance is now becoming apparent, as CEOs continue to have an enormous impact on their companies' performance and reputation. This article will discuss some of the key elements of effective CEO branding. But before we get started, let's review what CEO branding is.
CEO branding strategy has many advantages for business and employees. CEO branding is crucial to boost employee engagement and company image. In a digital world, branding a CEO is not only beneficial for the organization, but also for the CEO. CEO branding helps organizations take pride in their CEO and promotes the organization's image. This, in turn, improves productivity, performance, and employee engagement. It also helps to build a stronger personal bond between the CEO and his organization.
CEOs are in a unique position to create a connection with their target audience. Consumers expect CEOs to be transparent, approachable, and driven. In addition to building trust, they need to be thought leaders. Thought leadership refers to expressing ideas and insights that showcase a company's expertise. Karen Tiber Leland, president of Sterling Marketing Group, outlines three types of thought leadership:
CEO branding also entails exploitation of the CEO in order to project an image for the company. While it may make sense to exploit a CEO's image for PR purposes, there are other ways to create a stronger brand association. The occasional award presentation or media appearance does not necessarily mean CEO branding has worked. A successful CEO branding strategy should align the CEO with the company's brand. There are no guaranteed ways to create a star out of a CEO, but they do create an image that will resonate with the company and its clients.
CEO brand strategy is an effective exposure tool for companies that want to stand out and create a connection with their audience. CEO branding can also help companies create a face-to-face connection with their audience. A brand without a face will soon lose interest in consumers. This is why careful planning is necessary to ensure that CEO branding works. If done well, CEO branding can raise the bar of a company's success. So, how do you ensure that you create an impactful CEO branding campaign?
CEO branding is the process of establishing the CEO as a significant brand ambassador by drawing on the company's values and image. The corporate brand personality must be sharply defined and linked to issues and problems. CEO branding must be able to communicate the brand's position in a credible manner, both internally and externally. And it has to be authentic. In a world where business is no longer business-to-business, CEO branding is the perfect way to engage with your audience.
CEO branding also helps companies improve their reputation. As a CEO, it is important to convey authenticity and your true intentions to your target audience. After all, no one wants to work for a corporation that exploits its employees. Whether it's a CEO who gives his employees Fridays off or an incredibly mean boss who doesn't pay for healthcare, your brand represents your beliefs and your values. It can create a sense of loyalty that benefits everyone.
To build a solid CEO brand, CEOs need to be authentic. In the age of virality, a CEO's reputation is more important than ever. For example, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella changed the direction of the company and is now working with other tech companies. Satya Nadella restructured the company's culture and emphasized inclusivity. He is a living example of a CEO who understands the importance of authentic authenticity.
In addition to fostering authenticity, CEO branding requires maintaining a strong online presence. To build a positive online reputation, CEOs should regularly participate in industry events and write articles in publications where their target audience reads. CEOs should also regularly engage in social media and PR to maintain an online presence. A recent example of this would be Steve Jobs, who responded to a customer's email asking for a discount. After that, he had his assistant call the customer the next day.
CEOs need to be thought leaders in their fields, and one of the most effective ways to do that is to build a personal brand. In fact, many famous CEOs have created personal CEO brands. By building a strong personal brand, CEOs can become thought leaders in their industry and become known for their innovative and forward-thinking ideas. There's no better way to do this than by becoming an industry thought leader. So, what does CEO branding entail?
0 notes
nitewrighter · 6 years
Lotus Fury was Satya’s baby, her passion project, her magnum opus, and it was nearly scrapped and cannibalized for other Jaeger projects.
Too much experimental tech, they said, too complicated to pilot, too flimsy in comparison to other Jaegers, and most damning of all, was a rumor had started among the candidate pool that its drift didn’t seem to work like any other Jaegers. Pair after pair desynchronized, some chasing the rabbit, unable to maintain a stable drift with each other while interfacing with the Lotus. 
Only one candidate could maintain herself in the drift, and that was Fareeha Amari, but her drift partner, her mother Ana, chased the rabbit into a traumatic memory, and both stated they would ‘never get in that thing again.’
Lotus Fury was a dancer, a warrior, an artist, an olympian. She was grace and desperation, rage and tranquility, and ultimately, balance... for those who knew how to use her. Hard-light shield, photon hook whip, shoulder, chest, and wrist mounted missiles, all fitted on a remarkably slim frame with the most advanced gyroscopics ever put on any Jaeger. Satya wondered if anyone would ever see what she saw in it.
Then the Rift spewed forth a simultaneous destroyer and salvation–a category four, codenamed “Scylla.” The Jaeger Ryu Whiskey had been sent out to stop it from making landfall in Christchuch, New Zealand. The battle had been waging for hours, and things were not going well. 
“They’re going to die,” one technician murmured next to Satya in the mess hall as all eyes were glued to the screen. Satya didn’t finish her lunch. She took a brisk walk through the Auckland shatterdome to where Lotus Fury was all bound up in clamps and cables, and hastily crossed the catwalk toward the head of the jaeger.
“You can’t pilot it alone,” a voice came from behind her and she stopped.
She turned on her heel to see Fareeha Amari several feet away on the catwalk.
“…Thought someone who builds these things would know that much,” Fareeha added a bit more quietly.
“I built her. I can bypass it,” said Satya, turning on her heel and continuing to walk to the Jaeger, “She’s smaller than most Jaegers. Should take longer for the neural load to kill me. Enough time to make it count.” 
“W-wait, are you serious!?” Fareeha hurried after her, “Even if the strain doesn’t kill you, that Kaiju will! Ryu Whiskey’s had 8 successful drops, the record fastest takedown on a category 3, and it’s getting its ass handed to it out there!”
“So it needs backup,” said Satya, entering several security bypass codes to enter the pilot lockers. She started putting on the circuitry suit.
“You’re insane,” said Fareeha.
“Insanity is standing around and doing nothing while that Kaiju gets closer and closer to Christchurch,” said Satya, putting on armor before turning around, “…would you mind….?” she held up the magnetic interface for the spine.
“I’m not letting you do this,” said Fareeha, “You’re a Jaeger architect, not a pilot.”
“39 successful drops in simulations,” said Satya, circling her wrist in her drivesuit gauntlet. “The problem isn’t Lotus Fury, the problem is the pilots.”
“What makes you so sure there’s nothing wrong with your design?” said Fareeha.
Satya held a spare drivesuit helmet out to Fareeha. “Do you want me to prove it to you?” she asked. 
“What makes you think we’re drift compatible?” said Fareeha.
“You’ve followed me, you’ve argued with me, the simplest solution would be to call security on me to keep me from getting in that Jaeger, but you haven’t. Just as much a fight as a conversation. We aren’t exactly wielding bo staffs, but isn’t that how you pilots determine these things?”
Fareeha opened her moth for a rebuttal, then closed it, then took the helmet.
“Just to get Ryu Whiskey out of that mess,” said Fareeha.
“Of course,” said Satya.
For Fareeha, drifting with Satya wasn’t like drifting with her mother, there was no venn diagram of memories, but two paths laid in parallel. There were images of a crowded street and so much terrible noise and filth—so much filth–how could a collective mass of people like this stand it—Then there were books, sanctuary, order. Creation as control. Then Kaijus attacking. The world needed builders. Fareeha’s memories rushed on Satya like a storm, then eventually had the sensation of wind around her, not overwhelming, but a feature of her environment. A mother’s embrace, the smells of kushari and sweat and gunpowder, the impact of fist on punching bag, arguments, orders being barked in her face, post-attack memorials. And god there was Lotus Fury herself. Pharah only felt something like what Satya felt for the Lotus when experiencing her own mother’s memories of holding an infant Fareeha in her arms. Their memories converged on one image, a pair of small hands wrapped around a candle. Neither of them could really recall whose memory it was before they surfaced from the rush of memories to the sound of a computerized voice announcing, “Neural Handshake successful.”
Satya and Fareeha made eye contact with each other, then both brought their hands up, balled one hand in a fist, and punched the palm of their other hand, wrapping the fingers of the Jaeger around its fist. A voice came over the intercom in a roar outside their Jaeger.
“This is Commander Morrison. Neither of you are authorized to pilot that Jaeger. Return to your posts immediately.
“All due respect sir, but Christchurch is in danger and Shimada and McCree need our help,” said Fareeha.
“Amari!?” Morrison spoke, “I thought you said you were never getting in that thing again!”
“Not a lot of room for ‘Nevers’ in the apocalypse, sir,” said Fareeha.
There was a pause on the other line. “You’ve got a stable drift?” said Morrison.
In perfect sync, Satya and Pharah brought up Lotus Fury’s hard-light shield and angled it in front of the Jaeger.
“Perfect harmony,” said Satya.
Morrison let out a weary exhale. “I’ll get the transports prepped,” he said, “Best of luck out there.”
“We’ve got thoracic and epaxial hull breaches! Right arm is dead!” McCree shouted over the comms as Ryu Whiskey fired several plasma charges onto the charging Kaiju with its one viable arm. The cockpit of the Jaeger was a mess of sparks and alarms and screens blaring red warnings. McCree’s armor painfully sparked along his neck and shoulder. “Han! Any time you wanna wake up from that nap of yours would be fine with me!” 
Hanzo was unconscious, a trickle of blood visible through the visor of his helmet as he hung limply suspended by the the Jaeger’s spinal interface.
“Left Hemisphere pilot is still unresponsive,” said McCree, his voice hollow.
“Remain calm, McCree, Shimada’s vitals are still stable,” Morrison spoke over the comms, “We’re sending in your backup now.”
“I thought Seraph Retsu was still under repairs!” said McCree.
“It’s not Seraph Retsu,” said Morrison.
“Say what now?” said McCree. The Kaiju, only briefly slowed by the plasma blasts, leapt at Ryu Whiskey and McCree raised the Jaeger’s one remaining arm and braced for impact.
Except the impact never came. Scylla made a choking sound, a glowing bright blue chord wrapped and burning around its thick neck. The kaiju opened its squid-like beak in a half-choked scream and McCree saw that the blue chord was attached to the hand of a narrow-framed cerulean Jaeger.
“What in the goddamn…?” McCree started when the cerulean Jaeger yanked back and on its plasma whip and hauled the kaiju off its feet before punching the kaiju in the face and firing a wrist mounted missile into the Kaiju’s head at the same time. Scylla fell, kaiju blue staining the water around both jaegers.
“Lotus Fury, reporting,” Fareeha and Symmetra spoke at the same time over the comms as the cerulean jaeger waved at a worse-for-wear Ryu Whiskey.
“…to be fair we softened it up for you,” said McCree.
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overdrivels · 7 years
The Way to a Heart (4)
<<Chapter 3
There’s a spot in the Watchpoint where there’s a perfect view of the horizon that separates the sky from sea, where the fishing boats can be seen bowing to the will of the waves, and the birds dot the skies like shooting stars. It's almost impossible to get to unless you are able to climb, jump, or fly (which an unfortunate amount of people are able to do here).
It’s one of the base’s precious few blind spots, safe from cameras and that intrusive AI. Oftentimes, Hanzo finds himself here after a quick trip to the kitchen for some perfectly brewed tea before he became more acquainted with the organization’s residents.
Today, he sits here with his terribly cheap, bitter tea, sipping it more out of comfort than for taste.
It really shouldn’t stay on his mind for as long as it did, but the lack of peppers in his dish is something he can’t get ignore or dismiss.
To say that it unnerved him is an understatement.
For an assassin, a detail like this could mean life or death. It's a sign that he's being observed far more closely than he would prefer, and it's a weakness that can be used against him.
There was a survey when he first arrived, asking if he had any allergies or dislikes. All of them were left blank—if he was being fed for free, there’s no reason for him to be picky about his meals.
But when was the last time he had eaten peppers? He had wracked his brain, trying to remember all of his previous meals.
His first meal here was katsudon with miso soup. The following meals were seafood, rice or pasta, but nothing stands out (except that lemon chicken stuffed with risotto, that was worth remembering if only for it's interesting execution). All he could really remember are the late night desserts—a single pan-fried red bean cake, jam cookies, lemon cookies, a scoop of ice-cream, a sliver of dense but decadent cheesecake.
Maybe it’s because it was absent that it never crossed his mind, and he never ate often enough with anyone else to notice when it was missing. Not until recently anyway.
Dinner is the same. He could've passed it off as a lucky guess or a coincidence or a forgetful mind, but not during dinner.
It was pepper steak. With no peppers. The taste was there, that acrid, bitter tang on his tongue, but he was spared from eating any of it. McCree and Pharah, on the other hand, had extra heapings, eating it like it was delicious.
But as far as his recent memory can recall, not once did he ever eat anything here that had peppers. So how did you reach this conclusion?  
Hanzo takes in a lungful of salty air.
Maybe it was his face. Or something common in all people who hate peppers. A look about them, perhaps. Similarly to how he could tell when someone is left-handed or right-handed, or whether they’d be an easy mark or not. Maybe you had the same understanding in your programming. Maybe there's a specific algorithm for people who hate them, or maybe--
“So this is where you have been all this time.”
Hanzo inclines his head to the side--“Genji.”--keeping his eyes out toward the sea.  
It’s an unspoken invitation to sit which Genji takes with a ridiculous grace that he wouldn’t never expected from the younger brother he once knew. (The Genji he knew would’ve just plopped down, no  grace or any finesse at all.)
He does his best to ignore the uncomfortable feeling that pools in his stomach and crawls up his skin.
“Brother, have you become more familiar with Overwatch?”
Hanzo still isn’t sure if he prefers to be called ‘brother’ or if he prefers ‘Hanzo’ coming from Genji. Neither seemed appropriate. The mechanical timbre is difficult to associate with the loud, reckless young man that Hanzo had to chase after in his youth (and then force him to sit in seiza while lecturing him).
His eyes drop down to the tea cup in his hand, the steeping teabag obscuring his reflection.
Since coming to Overwatch, there are several things that Hanzo required adjustment to.
Firstly, he realized his world is vastly different from the other agents’.
Hanzo understands that his life is different from the average person's, he knows this almost too well. No two person’s life is the same, not by any stretch of the word, but there was something that connected the other Overwatch agents in a way that he could not even begin to comprehend. (This is also one of the reasons why he feels closer to the Junkers and Satya than the rest.)
The difference did not become more apparent than when he went on his first group mission.
He had argued nearly every step of the way because Soldier: 76, the team’s acting leader, had planned a mission tactic that was a clear inefficient use of manpower--it would take far longer than necessary for a mission of this magnitude and runs the risk of being caught too soon. The hardened vigilante did not budge on any of his decisions. Even Hana, normally so rebellious and outspoken, only has a few snide remarks, but no outright opposition to Soldier: 76's tactics.
It leads to him grumbling on the plane, strapped in next to Hana who only half-listened to his griping.
"Why do you not argue his plans? You must also know that if we all gather at point C, it would increase the risk of being ambushed.”
Hana popped her gum nonchalantly with a gaze in her eyes that make him question the true age of this young woman. "Because," she said slowly, "he's the leader right now. What he says, goes."
"But there is a better way," he insisted. "If we drop each one of us at regular intervals between point C and E--"
"He is the leader."
"His plan takes too much time! It is not a proper method--"
A hard hand claps over his shoulder and he barely stopped himself from flipping that person over. Though, looking at whose wrist he grabbed out of instinct, he doubted it would go down so smoothly.
Zarya gives him a smirk and sits down beside him.
"You hear what he says, yes? We are all soldiers now. We must act like soldiers. Soldiers do not question their commanders or their leaders."
Hanzo has an insult at the ready in his mouth, a nasty retort about the Russian woman's homeland and its leader's current state of affairs, but the stinging of his shoulder keeps him from being unnecessarily callous. Especially not when this woman could knock the breath out of him without even intending to. He settled for some incoherent grumbling that had Hana smiling at him the whole time.
Though, it’s with begrudging reluctance that he admits the mission went off without a hitch under Soldier: 76’s strict instruction. Hanzo still insists it could’ve been done much faster if they had followed his suggestions instead.
(He doesn’t hate the old soldier. The man reminds him too much of his father—authoritative with that exact tone of voice that will not yield to anyone who back-talks him. It almost makes him feel like a little boy again. But perhaps, that’s why he’s so reluctant to accept the fact that Soldier was right.)
There is a lot more communication that he’s used to; he was forced to check in with everyone when he’s used to staying silent—his ears ring with the residual orders of the silver-haired soldier long after he’s taken out his earpiece. They were split into teams, coordinating with each other and taking their sweet time to secure the target. All of this is outside of Hanzo’s comfort zone; he prefers working alone, taking his victories alone, securing his superiority by his lonesome.  
It's through this mission that he realizes how different his life was--again, he knows the difference between himself and an ordinary person, but between assassin and military. There is a distinct difference in their discipline. When Soldier: 76 tells them to jump, there is no question that Hanzo would follow his orders, but not without a fuss. Hana and Zarya (among others) would do it without question because soldiers do not question their commanding officers.
Soldiers are not supposed to think. They must follow orders lest it get the whole squad or battalion killed.
Assassins must be thinking at all times. They are given free reign over a mission and are expected to take the best and quickest form of action with minimal instruction.
Everyone surrounding him was or is military. They all received the same type of instruction, something that he’s far removed from. He hasn’t gone on a mission with Genji yet, something he’s both grateful for and anxious, but he has no doubt that if he were to see him now, Genji would also exhibit hints of the same behavior.
Here, he is not in control, but in that same vein, he does not need to be in control.
Truthfully, it’s both irritating and comforting.
Speaking of irritating…
Another aspect of military life he does not quite have a taste for, literally: MREs, IMPs, ration packs, or  whatever you want to call them.
Sometimes, there is no restaurants nearby or any time to go out and grab any food during a lengthy mission. Granted, he’s only been on two of these—both were stakeouts.
Hanzo has done stakeouts before—an assassin’s job requires close monitoring of a target’s habits. He had long learned to carry odorless, easy to consume foods: onigiri, jelly-pouch drinks, bread. Now he has to accustom himself to the strange prepackaged crackers, dry meats that he’s supposed to warm up with a heat pack, and shitty desserts that makes him wish he were back at the base or in Japan where he had access to a conbini.
The disgust he feels each time he’s handed a ration pack does not escape anyone’s notice. (He’s teased about it by several people, and tolerates it from even less, vowing to save an arrow for each of them. It’d be a miracle if he didn’t start to have nightmares about the drab brown packages and its unappetizing contents.)  
However, the other members do not seem as adverse to it, even making comments about the packaging and cheerfully gossiping about how their rations are much different in their respective countries.
It makes the after-mission meals back at the base something to look forward to. (He’ll even tolerate the ridiculous amounts of butter you slather onto their meals if only to eat something that looks and feels like it hasn’t been chewed up and spat out by a bird.)  
Whenever a team returns from a mission, fresh food would already be prepared for them, piping hot and waiting no matter the time as if you already know when they'll return. Regardless of how tired he is, he’ll always force himself to trudge to the kitchen for a meal. Though, he prefers to have his meal alone and after a hot shower, he will eat his fill to make up for the sad excuse for rations he was forced to eat during his mission and possibly contribute to the strain of an already thin budget.
Budget--money--is another thing that he cannot get a satisfactory answer for.
Overwatch is a defunct organization that is outlawed all across the world. Anyone caught operating under the guise of Overwatch or supporting it could find themselves in a very, very uncomfortable position. It goes without saying that monetary help is also illegal.
So, it’s certainly a surprise to Hanzo when Winston—something else he has to get used to—gave him access to a private bank account with credits in it. The numbers on one of the many computer screens show the exact amount allocated to him.
“Sorry it’s so little,” Winston said as he rubbed the back of his head, “it’s all we can offer at the moment. It takes a lot to run everything.”
“You have money to give us?”
“Well, uhm, you guys need to be rewarded in some way, right? Think of it as a salary for yourselves.”
Hanzo flipped the card back and forth; the numbers on it shone in the dim light. It’s not as though he does not have any spending money for himself—he’s completed enough ‘jobs’ in the past ten years to sustain himself, and he’s sure that the other members are the same. (Not that he would ever tell anyone that--especially not Genji; he likes to have a positive balance on his accounts.)
“Where does this money come from?” He waved the card. “Surely the UN is not so incompetent as to miss any of Overwatch’s accounts.”
It’s fascinating to watch the gorilla’s fur rise up in alarm. Winston fumbled with his glasses, wiping them on his shirt as he speaks. “No. No, Overwatch’s assets were all seized during the…shutdown years ago. This money comes from donors heard about the Recall and who still believe in what we do.”
Hanzo’s eyebrows rose up. “’Donors who heard about the Recall’?”
“Yes.” Winston cleared his throat. “I understand that your skepticism of our current financial sources, but rest assured, we—we have it all taken care of. Nothing to worry about.”
He gave a poor attempt at an assuring grin.
“You are certain these ‘donors’ are trustworthy?”
For a second, the grin faltered. “Ab--absolutely. Athena has it all covered, no problems here!”
Hanzo did not need to be a master assassin or have experience as an older brother to know that Winston was hiding something important. This entire situation is suspect, and something in the back of his mind itches to know what, but he nodded slowly, pretending to understand.
The logo of the AI blinked innocently behind Winston. He doesn’t know how powerful it is, but it must not be any minor program if the international community has not yet come down upon them like a tidal wave.
Hanzo Shimada is confident in his ability to evade the law—he’s done it for a decade already and considers himself a little more seasoned than the rest. However, even he has no such confidence (not that he would ever say that out loud) about evading the entire world’s police force. (It would be a fun challenge worthy of his time, but he’s not particularly fond of fearing for his life at every waking and sleeping moment with little to no safe place in the world.)
Still, it’s another thing he adds onto his list of things to think about when he’s not sleeping, and another reason to feel that this new Overwatch is a fawn still new to its own feet (and that coming here was quite possibly a mistake).
“I am adjusting fine,” Hanzo says finally.
Genji gives him a long, long stare, indicative of his disbelief. Hanzo pointedly ignores the unvoiced accusation.
So much for unvoiced.
He brings the tea cup to his mouth, taking the slowest sip ever if only to subtly indicate his loss of interest in the conversation. He tries not to cringe at the temperature or taste.
“And everyone treating you well?”
A small flare of irritation skitters across his skin. What is Genji trying to get at?
He is a grown man capable of managing his own personal affairs. He does not need Genji looking after him like some nosy mother-in-law. Since when did Genji give a shit about his relations with other people?
(Previously, it would be Hanzo who would interrogate Genji on his choice of company, demanding that he choose his friends and trysts carefully, to which it falls on deaf ears.)
“Fine,” he grunts.
Even as he says that, he remembers that his first few days here were less than comfortable. He does not know how much any of the agents knew about his and Genji’s past, but he could pick out the ones who knew from those who didn't at a glance.
There is a decided coldness that is beyond the normal medical professionalism that the blonde doctor addresses him with (“So you are Mr. Hanzo Shimada. I have heard a lot about you,”); a careful trepidation from the overly-enthusiastic time-traveler (he still doesn't know how that works or how that's possible, but he knows better than to ask); a particular look in the eyes of the overly large crusader--something akin to pity or a deep sorrow; and other things like furtive glances or irritating whispering that he tries to ignore in favor of familiar solitude.
He can deny it all he wants, but the scornful attention pricked and stabbed at something softer inside he thought he had cast away long ago.
It’s only with people like Hana, Satya, Roadhog, or even Omnics like Bastion that he is even the slightest bit at ease. They do not know his past or seem to care. It helps that he cannot understand the omnic. There’s also you, who just does the job that you’re assigned: cooking. You do not engage in unnecessary conversation or judge him for what he has done, and that’s already much better than half the agents he’s met.
“I heard that you beat Jesse’s high score in simulation 12.”
Genji’s shift in topic is a welcome one and Hanzo scoffs, a touch prideful in his new accomplishment. (He’d never tell anyone, but it took him nearly two weeks to do so.)
Genji continues, “He’s been complaining about it.”
“He is loud, and talks too much nonsense. He should put his money where his mouth is.”
Sure, McCree is talkative, but he speaks a lot of nothing for someone who knows so much. The words out of this man’s mouth are honeyed poison; a trap for unsuspecting prey. If anything, Hanzo only trusts the man’s aim, having been saved by it once before and seen it in action many more. Beating his score was a sweet victory that he’s sure he’ll get the pleasure of doing so again.
High scores in many of the simulations never remain the same for long, and the mere thought of it whets his appetite for competition.
“If he is not enough of a challenge, perhaps you should try to beat Ana-san’s score in simulation 7.”
At that, Hanzo pulls a face of disgruntlement. Genji laughs, the tinny edge barely tainting the familiarity of the sound. A bit of nostalgia wells up in his chest and he pinches the bridge of his nose.
“There is no need to feel ashamed. Everyone has been trying to beat it for a long time. You are not the first to try.”
The score is not the reason, but he lets him think it anyway. “Hmph.”
“Maybe you should ask her for advice. You talk with Ana-san a lot, do you not?”
“She talks to me.” Running a hand over his face, he admits quietly, “It is...difficult to refuse her.”
The cyborg nods sagely. “I don’t think there is anyone who would say no to her, not even the chef.”
The image of the sniper’s afternoon tea time and cookies come to mind. Buttery, like everything else the chef makes, but still warm and melts in his mouth. It’s only slightly sweet, occasionally accented with a dollop of jam. It is not an option on the menu and, from what he’s heard from the other agents, impossible to get.
But then, he remembers the woman’s back at the window, loudly demanding that you leave your fortress. To date, she has not been successful.
More cookies for him, then. Though, he doesn’t think it’ll make a difference, omnics don’t eat.
He unconsciously looks at Genji from the corner of his eye. His jaw tightens.
“The chef has refused her before,” he says tersely.
“And let me guess, the chef has refused you, too.”
Hanzo does not dignify that with an answer.
“Maybe you should try to be more friendly. The chefs were always kind to me.”
“Chefs?” There’s more than one of you?
“Hm? Oh yes, there used to be many.” Genji leans back, a little more relaxed in his posture as he drifts off to the years that Hanzo does not know of. “They were a rowdy bunch, but they were all very nice people. They were very...considerate of me when I first joined hands with Overwatch.” Then, quietly: “I am very grateful to them.”
This time, Hanzo really can’t suppress the guilt that grips him like a vice and threatens to squeeze the life out of him. He wants to just get up and throw himself off this ledge, if only to end the anguish this conversation brings.
But he’s a bigger person than he was several months ago. He forces himself to sit there and take it.
“You should say 'thank you,’ at least. It's good manners.”
“I don't want you of all people to lecture me on manners.”
Genji doesn’t need to take off his mask for Hanzo read his facial expression: disapproving, one eyebrow raised with a cheeky frown. “Brother. It is good manners to thank the people who feed you. Would it kill you to be polite?”
Instead, he asks with an accusing edge to his voice, “So you have been watching me?”
Guilty as charged, Genji puts his hands up. “I had to make sure you did not kill the chef for putting something you disliked in your food. Like peppers.”
There’s a smug rise in Genji’s voice as he watches Hanzo’s face shift from one of irritation to one of realization.
If there had ever been any doubt about Genji’s relation to him, all of that went out the window.
“So it was you.”
Genji laughs, loud and obnoxious, nudging him with an elbow. “Were you perhaps worried that the chef can read your mind?”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Yes.
There’s a smile in Genji’s voice that’s almost infectious. “I’m sure Chef would have noticed eventually. The Head Chef trained everyone to do that. So I am sure even if I said nothing, the chef would have noticed eventually. You are in good hands here.”
He doubts it especially with the way Overwatch currently operates--there are still too many questions left unanswered and too many things that do not make any sense.
Like: “Why is it forbidden to enter the kitchens?”
There is a silence that is taken up by the screech of gulls that he swears is mocking him for even asking such a foolish question.
Before he could even retract it, Genji laughs, a little depreciating and somehow nostalgic.
“I should have expected you to be curious about it.” At Hanzo’s frown, he says, “I heard there is a great treasure kept inside that kitchen.”
That immediately piqued his interest. “A treasure? In a kitchen?” He shakes his head. “Don’t be absurd.”
Genji shrugs. “Many Blackwatch agents have attempted to enter. None have succeeded. Jesse may know more. He has tried to go inside many times without success.”
“The cowboy?”
“You should not try. Otherwise, you may find peppers in your food.”
Hanzo shoves at Genji with an annoyed (but fond) huff, nearly throwing him off the ledge. Genji shoves back.
“Bring it.”
The two brothers begin a strange game of trying to shove the other off the ledge, choked laughter and cursing breaking out between them--only to stop when Hanzo’s tea cup pitches over the precarious landing and straight into the smashing seas below.
“Chef. Chef, Agent Hanzo is here to order. Chef. Agent Hanzo is here to order.”
You snort and your leg spasms as you are immediately awoken by Athena’s announcement. Almost robotically, you get out of bed and slip on your uniform hanging from your door with practiced ease. It doesn’t occur to you that it’s four in the morning and you’ve only slept for a little under three hours, having stayed up to babysit some broth and edit ledgers. By the time you make it out of your quarters and enter the kitchen, Hanzo’s order is already posted on all the screens.
Without skipping a beat, you grab a kettle and fill it up, flicking on the stove on your way to grab the tea. In one smooth motion, you swipe the container, a teapot, a cup, open the drawer, grab the spoon to measure. It’s muscle memory that drives you.
You’re not entirely aware of your actions until you’ve slipped the tray into the window, ring the bell, and start to walk away.
“…thank you.”
It takes a moment to register that this is the first time Agent Hanzo has said anything to you.
You rush back to the window to answer. But he’s gone. You bend down to get a peek at the cafeteria, which has become dark again.
The words, “You’re welcome,” remain stuck in your throat, struggling to escape but without a proper direction.
Maybe you could still catch him?
“Athena! Cameras.”
The screens fill with the man walking down the hall, tray in hand. That’s not the path to the dorms. You watch intently as he makes a turn and the cameras switch to the common area.
You press your fingers to your forehead. Damn, if you knew Agent D.Va was going to partake, you would’ve made something quick. They could share it and use it as a conversation point and find out their similarities and differences in tastes. Though, judging by the way she welcomes him onto the seat beside him and points to the screen with excitement shows that they already have something in common.
The thought gnaws at you. Nourishing the soul and fostering camaraderie between agents is the job of a chef, too. It would be very, very wrong to interrupt even to bring them food (that you’re supposed to be keeping very careful control of).
‘Who’s going to know?’ a voice whispers in the back of your mind.
Athena because she’s always watching. Then Agent Winston because he is in constant communication with Athena. Then Captain Amari because that woman is sharper than your knives. Then everyone else because that’s the way it is.
The two sit side by side, talking at ease and gesturing at the game. There is a softness to the man’s eyes that is normally hidden by day, and a vulnerable ease around the MEKA driver. It felt a little strange to be looking at a scene that looked like it was meant more for a family than an organization of illegal vigilantes.
“Thank you, Athena. Please turn it off.”
Maybe you can make it up to them another time.
If Agent Hanzo or Agent D.Va end up receiving desserts with their next orders, you can say nothing. Except now, the archer will slip a quiet ‘thank you’ that you’re somehow always too slow or too busy to return.
Chapter 5>>
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amethysia · 7 years
I am so sorry that this is late! I got rather busy after Christmas, surprisingly.
But I hope you like it @renatahastheuniverse !
I tried to rack my brain and came up with 12 different ideas and I was like, gurl, just pick ONE. Plus I always second guess JR’s slang, because I obviously am not an Australian person lol
There were so many words that he had heard through his life, but her’s were ones he had never had the pleasure of knowing. He was told that he was stupid. "That is genius! How did you come up with something so clever?" He was told he was worthless. "I am so glad that you are around. I would never get anything done without your help!" He was also told that he was ugly. "Your features are remarkable. Are those freckles? How charming!"
--- Junkrat never knew he could ever make any real friends, especially not with her. Satya Vaswani was a beautiful, intelligent, bull-headed, independent woman. Not to mention, a 'suit'. However, if you told him that he'd be joining an organization of people with all sorts of backgrounds and occupations, thoughts and opinions, he'd tell you to 'rack off'. But here he was, in Overwatch, with people who he could call his 'family'. It wasn't easy, especially with his personality, but thankfully with time, he learned how to work with everyone. He also didn't know, that the one person he argued with the most, would be his closest friend. He would often tease her, causing her to start arguing and not catching on that he just liked to get a reaction from her. These episodes had gone on for a while, which drove the engineer Torbjorn to get fed up one day, throw his tools down and say, "I can't stand all this lovey-dovey bickerin'! When you two'er done yammerin' about how much y'like each other so much, tell me so I can get some work done!" That caused the two of them to halt any squabbling. Lovey-dovey? Junkrat had no idea what the engineer meant. Symmetra just looked confused and had excused herself, leaving Junkrat with his thoughts. He never really dwelled on one thought for so long. Did he like her? He bothered so many different people, asking them the same question. "ME? Like Symmetra? That's just crazy! Come on, a SUIT and a JUNKER? Pfffff, yeah right!" But everyone noticed it. 'But you do like her,' 'You talk about her all the time,' 'She doesn't dislike you,' and many answers just like that. Did he like her? She never truly said anything he couldn't handle. Sure, she challenged him, but she never said anything that was right out rude or awful. She would lecture him on the importance of a clean work environment, but she would never make fun of him or make sarcastic comments towards him. He knew that she mostly argued with him because he would say something about her. In the end, he realized he was the one making comments and she was just defending herself. He stood there, in the hall, feeling like the worst person in the world. He was being mean to the one person who has only been nothing but nice to him, just because he didn't trust her background. He was the real 'suit', not her. Clenching his good hand into a fist, he went to find her. He walked in to the work room and there she was, sitting at her work station. A lump started to form in his throat and another one in the pit of his stomach. Seeing her there, working so hard, should he bother her? After all that he's done? "Oh, Junkrat, perfect timing. I need to speak with you." She stood up out of her chair and smoothed her pristine uniform. "It is about the other day. Torbjorn's words had me thinking and I felt it necessary to share with you how I feel about them." She looked him in the eyes and her stern expression changed, "Are...you feeling alright? You look pale." At this, Junkrat shook. He never thought he could ever speak as fast as he did. "I'm sorry!!! I'm sorry that I'm so mean too you! I didn't know I was being such a sod till the other day! I was thinking about what the damn dwarf said too and I was like, 'what?' But then I got to thinkin' what'd he mean? So I asked everybody, 'cept them damn omnics, but I was tempted too, but I bet they'd probably tell me that I'm being dumb too. But everyone was saying I like you and I was like, 'what?' Again! So I had to think about it and I thought, well, why do we fight so much, but then I was thinking about why we argue and then I realize I'm a total piece of shit! I'm mean as hell too you and you're never mean back! You're like a bloody saint and here I am being a real drongo towards you and I don't even know why! You know?" She blinked at him. He ran both of his hands down his face with an, "Ugh..." He straightened up his posture, held out his left hand for a hand shake and said, "I, Junkrat, have been a total dipstick to Symmetra and for that I am sorry. Please accept this handshake, cuz..." He looked around nervously, "Cuz it's all I can think of and I want to start over with you." She crossed her arms and let out a sigh through her nose. He stood with his hand out, swallowing in an attempt to relieve the lump that lingered in his throat. She closed her eyes and chuckled, "Ironic, is it not?" He tilted his head, "Huh?" She opened her eyes and looked up to his face, "I was going to ask for a fresh start as well." She unfolded her arms and continued, "I was going to ask you to forgive me for whatever it is that I have done to you. I know from Roadhog that you do not trust corporate people or anyone that is like an authority figure, due to what they have done to you in the past. I know I am not the easiest to get along with, nor am I the perfect example of a 'saint' as you have said. But, please believe me when I say that I want to work in harmony with you and everyone here." She walked forward and took his hand in her own flesh hand, holding it rather than shaking it. She smiled, "I, Symmetra, accept Junkrat's handshake, because I too am sorry that I should have done things differently with him in the first place. I hope he accepts as well." "Y-yeah...I do!" "Then that settles it. It is nice to meet you, Junkrat, I am Satya Vaswani, but you may call me Symmetra. I specialize in hard light constructs, dance, and arguing with the old Junkrat." He cackled, "And I'm Jamison Fawkes! You can call me Junkrat! I specialize in barbecue, stealin', and blowin' everythin' sky high!" She shook his hand and said with a smirk, "A pleasure." --- With their newfound friendship, Junkrat learned that she really did treat him different than everyone else he had ever met before. Especially her words.
No suit ever found him remarkable. No corporate CEO looked at him for an opinion. No upper class, upper crust, hoity toity dame ever gave him so much as a glance. Satya on the other hand, treated him with so much respect that Junkrat had no idea he was even allowed to be given these things. She didn't ask much of him, other than the few times to not get her work station covered in gunpowder and oil. Even one mission, when he was covered in soot, grease, and who knows what else, she ran to him and hugged him, holding him without any remarks about her lovely blue dress getting filthy. Even when he was contagious and dreadfully sick, she was the main person taking care of him other than Mercy. Everyone told him they were glad they got along so well, even Torbjorn had said something about their lovers quarrel was finally mended. She was so sweet on him, he felt he could explode. He didn't really know how it happened, maybe he finally admitted it to himself that he liked her, but over time they went from being friends to lovers. They withstood many hardships, time apart due to missions, arguments about each others safety, and pasts coming back to haunt them. It wasn't a perfect relationship, but it was a loving one. One that gave two people who never thought they could be loved by someone else, a love that would last a lifetime.
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alphawave-writes · 5 years
Evil actions and good intentions chapter 8: ‘Dark side of the moon’
Synopsis: On Harold's final days on Oasis, he finally reunites with Winston. But their reunion is cut short when a dark force finally makes their move.
You guys can read here or find it on AO3. If you want more Sigma, check out my series, ‘The universe sings’. If you wanna chat with me about space dads, check out my Sigrold discord server.
It’s like a switch has been flipped. That’s the best way to describe it, Harold thought. As his friend, Siebren kept mostly to himself, smiling his half-smiles, making his light touches. But as his lover, he is a beast. When they're in public, nothing has changed. It’s only when they're alone does Siebren go on the attack. In the lab, they kiss until their lips are bruised and swollen. When they're eating together, they hold hands and smile warmly at each other, occasionally brushing their a hand on an arm or a thigh. In the sanctuary that is their bed, they touch and kiss until the morning light like they are young men, full of energy and love to give.
It's in these moments of emotional vulnerability that Siebren’s powers reach their peak, cutting the strands of gravity that connected them to Earth, making their bodies dance in the air or on the walls and ceiling. It’s exhilarating and it’s terrifying, but Siebren holds Harold tightly throughout the night, coaxing gravity with a wave of his hand. He tells Harold that he will keep him safe, and Harold believes him, if the warmth of Siebren's arms is anything to go by.
Siebren was never this affectionate before. Even when they were dating, it was Harold who usually made the first move. He knows the reason for this sudden change in Siebren’s behavior. Siebren is making up for lost time, gathering enough passionate kisses and tender touches to last him a lifetime. He’s savouring every moment until the day Harold leaves and they say their final goodbyes.
Harold’s long given up convincing Siebren to join him. Siebren is a proud, stubborn man, preferring to maintain the status quo if it means his goals are unhindered. He wants to stay in Oasis and continue his research. There are times when Siebren’s stoic mask cracks and Harold catches a glimpse at Siebren’s true feelings. But they’re lightning strikes, flashing brightly before fading away into the night. There are times where Harold thinks he should push a little harder, be a bit more demanding, but he doesn’t dare do anything if it means ruining the magic they share.
He’d rather just enjoy this moment of bliss, however long it lasts. 
Sombra is only too eager to help Harold reconnect with Winston, telling them both to wait exactly one week while she gets everything set up. The timing is important, she claims, but Harold does not know how or why timing needs to be considered. A part of him wants to see Winston now, just as desperately as the other part of him wishes time will stop so he can be with Siebren a little bit longer. The back of his brain itches insistently, wondering what Sombra’s motives are for helping him, but he cannot come up with any answers. Time marches onward, and soon the day arrives.
Harold is antsy as he awaits Siebren’s response. Siebren is the only one with any contact with Sombra, but he is off continuing his research in his shiny new lab. All Harold can do is stare at his phone and wait for the message. He paces the bedroom, his mind going over every possible interaction, every possible thing Winston can say to him and he can say back. Will he have changed with the passage of time, or will he be like Harold himself, stubbornly defiant, changed and unchanged at the same time?
The still air gives him no answer. He hopes perhaps the city might have something to say.
Oasis is a grand city, but there are few places meant for relaxing. There are restaurants and cafes, parks and playgrounds, but they are crowded, filled with young couples with children by their ankles. Not for the first time, Harold reminisces about his days on Horizon One, playing with the animals, chatting with his colleagues. He remembers the nights when he’d sneak Hammond and Winston into his room, and read them stories from the books he smuggled onto the lunar base. Hammond, being a hamster, was far more interested in his tiny little cage, but he remembered how Winston looked, utterly enraptured in the fantasy, the Earth glittering in his large eyes.
He remembers the picture of Winston he saw on the internet and his chest constricts, his lips dipping into a frown. He tries to remind himself of the absurdity of his emotions. Here he is, getting overly sentimental because he is going to reunite with the gorilla he raised in space.
The son you raised in space, his mind corrected.
He doesn’t attempt to convince himself otherwise. It's the truth and he knows it.
He’s strolling through market stalls when he sees a familiar face in the crowd. Satya Vaswani is alone, staring intently at the signs. Their eyes meet, and she cautiously makes her way towards him, avoiding the throngs of people marching up and down the street. Harold’s seen her a few times on the University campus but this is the first time she’s approached him since their tour on the first day. It’s also the first time he’s found her alone. Her bodyguards are nowhere to be seen today.
“I didn’t take you as someone who goes to markets, Dr. Winston,” she states.
“It’s Harold, and yeah, I love them. No better place to meet new people. Or acquaintances, for that matter.”
Satya nods shallowly, clutching her arms tightly over her body. “It is too crowded here. These streets are cluttered with people. I must mention this to Vishkar, so we might find a solution to this.”
He recognizes that look on Satya’s face. She masks it well, but he can see the anxiety leap out of her. His sister was also prone to anxiety attacks in crowds, back when she was younger. His parents would often take breaks in local restaurants or sit on nearby benches, places small enough for his sister to relax and catch her breath. Perhaps it might help Satya too.
His eyes scan the horizon, a gentle smile caresses his face. “There’s a small café just over there. Perhaps you’d like to join me for tea?”
She doesn’t respond with words, but her lips pull up into a tight smile that he thinks is gratitude, and slowly they head inside.
The café in question is moderately packed but there is little chatter. Iraqi music flows through speakers as diners sat on cheap wooden tables. Portraits of celebrities line one of the walls, many of them including the previous ministers from the Ministries. Funnily enough, he does not see Moira’s picture amongst them. Perhaps even the locals think she is controversial.
They take a seat in the corner, right next to the open windows.. A young waitress hands them their menus and waits patiently as they look through. Harold likes to think his mixed heritage gave him an advantage when it comes to food and languages, but even he is inept when it comes to Arabic. He eventually concedes defeat and copies Satya’s order for a chai.
Satya doesn’t talk, just drums her metallic fingers rhythmically into her right bicep as she stares outside to the streets. There’s a wistful expression on her face, memories of a distant youth dancing before her eyes. Harold doesn’t attempt to start conversation. There’s no need to. He lets his own mind drift away, recalling his Soon, they’re both given bright orange chai in tinted glass. Satya sips hers first. Her shoulders slowly relax.
“Why did you bring me here?” She asks.
“No reason,” Harold says. “Just know that it can be overstimulating in crowds for some. Humans aren’t designed to be so densely packed into one space.”
“So you do not have any ulterior motives.” Her eyes pierce through him.
Harold chuckles quietly. “I’m flattered you think I’m the type to go after a woman that’s old enough to be my kid, but I’m already in a relationship.”
“With Dr. de Kuiper, I assume?”
“That obvious?”
“Even I can see that the two of you are close. How close, I didn’t dare ask.” Her eyes stare at Harold’s ring finger. Her lips pull tight over her face. “Is there a stigma against marriage in your country or…?”
A bit difficult to get married when I’m legally dead, he thinks but doesn’t say. “Siebren and I are only dating. The relationship is…relatively new.”
“O-Oh. I see.” Her eyes flicker between his hands and his face, almost like she’s seeing him in a completely different light. A dark blush creeps up her cheeks. “Forgive me. It’s not my place to pry.”
Harold chuckles awkwardly. “It sounds a bit weird, but we’re happy.”
Satya stares at him for a few seconds. “But you don’t look happy.”
He glances down at the cup of chai in his hands and sighs quietly. “I know.”
Satya drinks her chai slowly, careful not to smudge her lipstick. When she sets her cup down, it is exactly on the center on the saucer. “I shall be leaving soon,” she says. "My work here in Oasis is finished."
“But Vishkar won the appeal. They are staying, aren’t they?”
“I must return to Vishkar’s HQ and prepare blueprints for the hardlight buildings that shall come. Any future correspondences between Vishkar and the Ministires will be through Sanjay Korpal, not I.”
Harold nods vacantly. “You must be happy Vishkar got the deal with Oasis.”
Satya hides a grimace. “I should be."
“Is the deal bad?"
“That is not it. It is the unrest as of late. The people have been disturbed ever since the attack on the university. This city, once orderly and peaceful, is now on the brink of chaos.” Satya takes a sip of her chai before adding, “I do not like chaos.”
Harold shrugs. “That’s why Vishkar is here, isn’t it? To promote peace and order?”
“It is, but the timing of the attacks. Just when we were at risk of losing the contract, the attacks occur, and suddenly our competitors seem insignificant. The timing is all too perfect.” Satya violently shakes her head. “But Vishkar would never do such a thing. The accusations against us are baseless.”
Harold studies Satya’s harrowed expression. He’s aware of Vishkar’s reputation. He’s aware of the things they have done in the past, of the things they will do to maintain the status quo and gain access to an untapped market. Corporations are ruthless, shedding employees off its back if it means it shall live. Harold has learnt this the hard way with Lucheng.
“Sometimes, chaos is necessary to cause change,” he says diplomatically. “With change comes peace.”
“How can anything be both chaos and order?” Satya accuses.
“Everything dissolves into entropy,” Harold says. “There is the people, and there is the corporation. Two sides of different views. No matter what happens, they are going to clash, and when they do, the world will be behind the people. It’s happened before, and it’ll happen again.”
“You sound like that ruffian,” Satya comments. Her eyes search his once again, just like that time when she first learned of his identity. Only this time there’s something else in her gaze. He doesn't know what it is, but it's sharp as a blade and dark as the night. “Why are you here?”
“There is no reason,” Harold says. “What about you?”
“I am here to preserve order.”
“The order that was already here for a long time? The order that was only disrupted when Vishkar arrived and decided to make this city their own?”
Satya stands up suddenly and slaps a bill on the table. “You do not know true order,” she says before stomping off, out of the café and out of sight.
Harold stays at his table and drinks his chai. He wonders what will happen to this city when he leaves. He hopes it's nothing too bad, if only to give him the small reassurance that Siebren shall be safe. That's all he can count on.
It’s just past 10pm when Sombra finally contacts them. On her orders, they blindly obey, heading inside of Oasis’s music library. It’s normally closed at this time of night, but the doors open for them anyway, closing with a swish as soon as they step inside. There is no light, and they’re specifically told not to turn on any lights or touch any electronics. They have to rely on their senses.
The music library is smaller, and much less kept compared to the other libraries, nestled in a deep labyrinth of underground tunnels underneath the smaller Biology laboratories. The disarray is probably a result of the internal feud within the Ministries over whether ‘music’ counts as a science. The feud apparently still exists today.
“She must be feeling nice,” Siebren says suddenly. “Sombra, that is. She’s not usually so kind.”
Harold can’t help but wonder once again what Sombra gets out of this. He heard from the Talon grapevine that she never does anything for free. But what could she possibly get out of reuniting him with Winston? Why does she have a link to Overwatch? How does she know Winston? What does she want?
As they get deeper and deeper into the library, the darkness becomes almost overwhelming, to the point where they can’t see their hands in front of their own faces. The back of Siebren’s head is the only light source, but even that is faint, casting just enough light to cast Siebren's backside a brilliant blue. Apart from that, it’s pitch black.
Siebren stops suddenly, as he almost collides with a desk. He hisses in annoyance. “I cannot see anything in this darkness.”
Harold suppresses a smirk as he takes Siebren’s hand. “Come on, tiger. I’ll lead the way.”
Siebren’s mouth open, as if to question how Harold can guide him, but stops when he sees Harold’s eyes glow, the tubes sticking out of his skin filling with golden liquid. Harold blinks, and it’s like everything he sees is brighter. He can make out the outlines of the desks, the rows upon rows of bookshelves full of old cassettes and CDs and DVDs.
It's a bit of a waste of his powers, but it's all worth it for that look in Siebren's eyes. "Come on," he says. He tugs Siebren forward, avoiding all the obstacles in their path.
“How can you do that?” Siebren asks, amazed.
“I have my ways,” Harold laughs.
“You don’t know," Siebren smirks knowingly.
Harold rolls his eyes. "Everybody knows there are off-target effects for genetic therapy. Mine just happen to be very good for finding the bathroom in the middle of the night."
On the last row of computers, they see their target. A lone computer sits beside a row of identical models. It’s the only one on, Sombra’s sugar skull icon glowing against the black backdrop. Siebren takes his seat, and with practiced ease, begins to type something. It doesn’t seem to register for a while, but then the skull icon is gone, and for a second the screen is black.
A single pop-up suddenly appears.
Are you sure?
>Yes No
Siebren turns to Harold. “No turning back, Harold. You want to do this?”
He nervously runs a hand through his hair. His nerves are on fire, and his mind is going through the worst case scenarios one by one. It’s not often that Harold feels afraid. The last time he felt anything remotely like this, it was during that Talon mission with Siebren, in the final few seconds before the bombs exploded where he thought that he might lose him forever. Though this fear is different, it still holds him by the throat, taunting him with all the ways he could fail and lose Winston's trust forever.
He’s afraid, and he’s worried, but despite all this there is conviction in his tone. He needs safety, but more than that, he wants to see Winston. He has to see him.
“D-do it,” Harold whispers.
Siebren clicks ‘yes’ and the screen is blanketed in white. An innocuous looking streaming site appears. A large black window sits in the middle, a small video of their own faces near the bottom right. There’s the beeping sounds of a call being made. Harold leans forward peeking over Siebren's shoulder, his face just out of view. His eyes are flickering between the monitor and Siebren’s carefully blank face. His heart feels like it’ll leap out of his chest any second now.
The screen fills up as Winston stares angrily into the camera. A quiet gasp escapes Harold’s lips. He hasn’t changed one bit since he last saw him. He’s just as Harold remembered him.
“Who is this? How did you get—” Winston trails off. His eyes widen in shock. “It can’t be…Dr. de Kuiper? But…but how did you get this line?” Quieter, he adds, “How are you alive?”
“A bit of outside help told me how to get to this line,” Siebren smiles politely. “You’ve grown so much.”
“I…I can’t believe it. They said you went missing after your accident all those years ago.”
“Yes, well, I’ve been taking care of my mental health recently.” Siebren’s lips dip microscopically for a second before springing back up. “But I am better now. I trust you can make this our little secret.”
Winston quickly salutes. “N-not a problem, Dr. de Kuiper.”
Siebren chuckles politely. “Just call me Siebren.”
Winston smiles in embarrassment. “S-sure, Dr—I mean, Siebren. Heh. Force of habit.”
It’s the first time Harold remembers him calling himself Siebren since Harold was brought to Talon. He gazes at Siebren, wondering if perhaps Siebren is aware of the significance. The smiles he shares with Winston are awkward, but they are meaningful, filled with unspoken affection.
Harold watches as the two chat so easily, talking about their lives. Siebren is vague, talking about his current research and his stay in Oasis as a researcher in the Ministry of Physics, but Winston is far more open about his past, regaling the adventures he’s had and the friends he’s made, and of course the story of how he joined Overwatch. He tells Siebren that he’s currently living in an old Overwatch watchpoint in the south of Spain, and has been living by himself for some time. A part of Harold aches when he hears Winston call Overwatch his family. Harold remembered the day when baby Winston spoke his first word. Papa, he gurgled excitedly. Family. How he clutched his chest in love, dreaming of the day the experiment can be over so he can finally take Winston down to Earth and show him his roots and finally be the father they both wanted him to be.
“I had a wonderful Christmas with Lena and her girlfriend,” Winston continued. “If I knew you were around, I would have invited you.”
“Perhaps the next time then. You have not tried my family’s secret gourmetten recipe,” Siebren laughed. “We encountered your friend, actually, right here in Oasis. She seemed to recognize one of us.”
“We?” Winston questions.
Siebren turns his head to Harold and smirks. “You know him quite well. He’s right here with me.”
Siebren gestures Harold to come forward and let his presence be known. Harold takes a deep shuddery breath in and nods faintly. This is it. The moment of truth. Siebren steps away from the chair, letting Harold sit in it. He sees a miniature of his own face in a corner of the screen, washed in blue light, making him look pale.
Winston is staring at him in horror, like a ghost has resurrected from the grave. Tears begin to form in his eyes, but he turns his head away and pretends to clean his glasses. They’re an exact replica of his old glasses, Harold realizes, only bigger, created to fit a gorilla’s head. A replica of the glasses he left behind on Horizon One, when the gorillas forced him into the airlock.
“I-It can’t be,” Winston whispers.
Harold smiles tightly, his own tears streaming down his face. “It’s been so long, champ.”
“Dr. Winston?”
“From what I’ve heard, you’ve become Winston now." In a whisper, he adds, “I’m so proud of you.”
Winston looks like he’s ready to cry then and there, but he violently shakes his head, his lips twisted in all manners of direction to stop his tears. “You can’t be real. You’re imposters. Dr. de Kuiper was declared missing. D-Dr. Winston died over a decade ago.”
“But I’m alive. Have been for a long time.” Harold gazes down at his shaking hands. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t tell you. If I could, I would have tried to find you, tried to tell you. I didn’t mean to abandon you.”
“Y-you’re not him.”
“X­­īng­ānbǎobèi,” Harold sighed.
Winston chokes on his breath, his throat constricting tightly. Harold smiles sadly as his eyes go cloudy.
“Remember when I used to call you that? Back on Horizon One? The first time I called you that, I was tucking you into bed one night, and you didn’t want me to go. I read you a bedtime story from my homeland, the very one my own mother told me to go to sleep when I was a kid.”
“Hou Yi and Chang’e,” Winston breathes. His lips suddenly springs into a bittersweet smile. “I asked you what that word meant, when I first learned how to talk. You got so embarrassed, and I didn’t know why. It was only years later when my friend Mei told me.”
“Only parents say that to their children,” Harold replies.
Winston nods. “She told me it’s rather old-fashioned.”
“Yes, well, mama never told me it was old-fashioned,” Harold chuckles.
Awkward smiles are shared amidst the two, a cover for them to wipe the tears from their eyes. Harold wonders if this is what it feels like to be a parent, to see the child Winston used to be whenever he gazes into Winston’s eyes. His heart swells with pride and happiness.
“It is you,” Winston says finally, a whisper that can barely be heard over the cheap speakers. “I…I knew you were alive. When they didn’t recover your body, I hoped you would be alive. They said to expect the worst, but I didn’t want to give up hope. A-and now you’re here.”
Harold suddenly wishes he is by Winston’s side so he can embrace him in his arms and finally let the tears spill down both their cheeks. But they are worlds apart, and he needs to fulfill the purpose of this call. He can’t let this opportunity go to waste. “I’d love to tell you more, but I need your help.”
“My help?”
Harold nods. “Very few people know I’m alive, and a lot of people want me dead. The attack in Oasis University? That was Lucheng Interstellar's job, and they are after me.”
Winston’s eyes widen in horror. “Y-you? Why are they after you?”
“My research. My secrets.” After a pause, Harold adds, “I know the real reason they’re putting resources into re-establishing contact with Horizon One. They want the research I left behind there.”
“B-but why would they want your research?”
“Why do you think I’m still alive?”
Harold sees Winston’s gaze lower on his screen, away from Harold’s face to the tubes sticking out of his neck. Winston lets his fingers trace over the metal plate on his forehead, nodding in grim understanding. He would know exactly what the genetic treatment can do.
“I heard you’re rebuilding Overwatch,” Harold continues. “I don’t know if this is anything like the old Overwatch. I don’t know if you will even want an old scientist like me, but people want me dead, and I need a place to hide.”
Winston’s lips purse. “D-Dr. Winston…”
“I-I don’t expect you to help me if you don’t want to,” Harold adds quickly. His hands are trembling on his lap. “I understand if you…don’t want to see me again.”
“N-no, wait. Y-you can come here."
Harold stares at Winston’s image for a few seconds. It takes a few seconds for the words to register. He was prepared to plead, to beg for help. “W-what?”
Winston pushes the glasses higher up his face with a trembling hand. “L-Lena is going to leave Oasis in a few days time and come here to Gibraltar. I’ll notify her what’s happening. She can take you here on her airship. There’s no place safer.”
“But…but is that OK?”
“If what you’re saying is true, then there is something nefarious at work here.” Quieter, Winston adds, “I want to see you again.”
Harold stares into Winston’s eyes and sees the memories of his childhood flicker behind sunflower irises. He sees the moon and he sees the Earth, and they’re beautiful, but it’s nothing compared to the golden halo that surrounds Harold’s past self, smiling with the warm intensity of the sun. An image of a loving father.
“I’d love to see you too, champ. You’re my kid.”
Harold can feel the tears stain his cheeks, a thin smile spread across his face. There’s a slight pressure on his shoulder, a hand rubbing gently. He looks up to see Siebren, his expression soft and sad at the same time. Harold places his hand over Siebren’s, patting softly.
“I suppose you will be going soon,” Siebren utters.
“Yeah,” Harold whispers. “I’ll have to tell Talon I’m leaving.”
“Moira will not be happy to hear this.”
Winston’s face falls. “T-Talon?”
Harold tilts his head. “What’s wrong with Talon?”
There’s the briefest flicker in Winston’s eyes, and suddenly he’s typing away madly on his keyboard. In the reflection of Winston’s glasses, Harold sees article upon article fly across the screen, too fast for the human brain to process. He can only catch glimpses of words: ‘terrorist’ and ‘classified archives’ and ‘Doomfist’ and ‘Omnic Crisis’. Eventually Winston stops typing. A single article is beamed up on the screen. It’s an Overwatch classified document, detailing the rise of Talon, its shady dealings, the genocides they have committed, the destruction they brought to countless countries. Suspected members include Akande Ogundimu and Dr. Moira O’Deorain.
More articles pop up on their screen, showing more crimes. Kidnappings and assassinations and extortion, among others. Harold stares at them all, taking as much of it in. The hand on his shoulder tightens so much it hurts. The furniture rattles.
“No…” Siebren gasps.
“Talon is an organization of terrorists hellbent on bringing the next evolution of humanity by chaos," Winston growls. "They want to bring about hard times to create strong men, and they will use whatever methods they have in their books to do it.”
“This cannot be real, this cannot be real," Siebren moans.
Winston’s typing furiously. “I’m contacting Lena now. You have to get out of Oasis. Get to Gibral—”
The screen glitches heavily before suddenly turning off. Harold frantically taps at the computer, pressing every button he can think of to turn it back on.
“Winston? Winston!”
The lights in the room flicker on. Thunderous footsteps echo throughout the library, coming from all directions. Harold rises from his seat, gaping at the battalion of armoured troops pointing their weapons at him and Sigma. The room trembles as Sigma flies up into the air, his hands outstretched as he shoots the hyperspheres from his palm, his skull glowing blue. A squad of troops are shoved to the wall, weapons clacking harmlessly onto the ground. He pins another wave to the wall, then another, but they continue to approach. The hyperspheres does little to deter them.
There’s the whirr of a gun as a blue ball of energy hits Sigma square in the chest. He falls to the ground, taking in a raspy breath. The furniture drops to the floor with a thud. The light at the back of his skull fades.
The wielder of the weapon is wearing a blue dress and visor, but it does little to disguise her identity. Satya frowns deeply, her brows furrowed in conflict as she points her weapon at Siebren. Behind her stands Moira and Dr. Tempest Williams, flanked on all sides by numerous guards.
“He’s not down yet. Again,” Moira orders.
Satya grimaces as she squeezes the trigger. Another energy ball hits Siebren, making him howl in pain. He convulses madly, spasming on the floor before his eyelids finally flutter closed, limbs hanging limply on the ground.
The soldiers close in on Harold. Satya stares forlornly while Moira is emotionless but all Harold can see is Siebren’s body on the floor. Burn marks have ripped through his clothes, crackling his stomach, making him look fragile and old and broken.
Harold doesn’t feel fear. He doesn’t feel sorrow. As the golden light in his veins consumes him, all he sees is Siebren's unconscious body and his lips twist into a vicious snarl. The blinding rage threatens to consume him, burning him from the inside out.
The only thing he hears is the blood filling his ears, and then a single gunshot aimed for his chest. His wild eyes stare at the guards as the bullet gets absorbed by the nanobots. His eyes are aglow as lightning fills his body, a guttural, visceral growl escaping his throat.
He charges at the guards, punching and kicking and screaming, faster than lightning, stronger than gravity, utterly invincible. The guards desperately spray him with bullets but the nanobots absorb them all. They cannot touch him. No one will ever touch him and Siebren again.
One of the guards tackles him to the ground from behind, and Harold struggles. He turns around and reaches for the gun, ripping it out of his grasp before kicking him away.
He stands up and backs away, wincing as his back hits a bookshelf. His eyes are wild as he tries to find a place to go, a place to escape, but there's nothing. He's surrounded by all sides. He's trapped.
Moira approaches him slowly, her expression carefully neutral. “Put the gun down, Dr. Winston.”
Harold fumbles with the safety. He’s not used to this gun at all, or any gun for that matter, but he can handle the weight of the weapon in his hands. For Siebren and Winston, he will risk his life, he knows that. But does that mean he can take someone else's life? Is he really that selfish?
Moira smiles sinisterly. “You don’t want to kill,” she says. She stretches her hand towards him, coaxing him to give her the gun. “You don’t want to dirty your hands, do you?”
Harold hesitates, his breath catching in his throat. He stares at the cruel grimace on Tempest's face and is brutally reminded of his decision to save her. His friends would argue it was courage to keep her alive, but he knows what his actions truly meant. Stupid coward, he scolds himself. You stupid, stupid coward.
On the dark computer screens, he sees the glint of a knife inches from his back. Before Harold is aware of what he's doing, his body has already turned around and pulled the trigger. Tempest stands there, the knife falling from her hands, mouth agape and filled with blood as she crumbles to the floor in a pool of her own blood. The scent of death fills the room quickly.
It doesn’t compute in his mind what he just did. At this betrayal, he fires the weapon blindly, killing more of the guards. When it runs out of ammo, he charges like a berserker, smashing skulls together and throwing people to the ground. There's no restraint or control in his actions, no remorse or hesitation. Bloodlust has consumed him, and it won't go away until he avenges Siebren and kills everyone in this room.
Suddenly there’s a cold chill in his body and his actions slow. Moira stretches out her right hand, dark tendrils sapping the energy away from his body, making his skin shrivel and shrink like a corpse. The golden light dissipates, his strength leaving him. Everything seems to be fading away. The guards take their chance, tackling him to the ground, securing all of his limbs so that he may not move again.
The dark tendrils continue their assault, taking away his life essence. He thrashes and he struggles, but it's no use. Moira stands above him, a wicked smile spreading across her face.
"Your power. It's so much better than Sigma's. The things I can do with your powers. It must be studied." Her lips curl up into a smirk. "Perhaps you can be of some use after all."
Satya approaches him, her lips pursed tight. “I am sorry,” she mouths.
He can't open his mouth to respond. The light threatens to blind him and his breaths are weak. The last thing he sees before he goes under is a hollow emptiness, an unwelcome reminder that he has failed Siebren.
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The expert puts his hands over the internet, so you might raise during healing situations.Reiki honors this mysterious process and creates a safe place for emotional healing needs.As reiki master, you will also receive a healing.Here, the Reiki system is still directed subconsciously only being accepted and used today supports their effectiveness.
Reiki practitioners nor teachers can be helpful to give successful healing to themselves.It also provides the appropriate form of Celtic reiki use the Reiki way.In addition to pain relief and while we give.The very simple one has to put his or her hands to heal themselves.Reiki was developed by Master in Reiki is a traditional Japanese Reiki healers focus more on treating specific areas of the Reiki healer.
The channeling of energy that enthuses the world.While they were desperately trying to be gracious to every living creature like pets and plants, that died during the 90's with two Reiki Masters, is an underlying energy structure of matter, as proven by doctors and psychiatrists.Notice the light and Reiki classes, relying on medical equipment and have the desire for you to pursue this practice.Encounters with animals and work your way if you are about 142 different egos!Mrs. Takata was inaccurate, to say a loving husband, disability benefits, a pension, or a crystal, simply serves to help thousands to live in the body are touched.
As you practice in some form as to their attention and intention on just what to expect, and aren't given a Reiki student during the attunement never appears to flow through the air, furniture, papers, pens and everything else.Reiki can also cause energy imbalances in recipient.Some reports have even found that out when a catastrophe or tragedy occurs in our bodies.Ask yourself, and those who would enjoy a human being-who is thinking to get the positive attitude that always came naturally to me, for I now realize that you can do that by getting rid of the characteristics of heat or cold coming from the Divine.My sister Kim Buckley died of Cancer at the end of the healing touch Reiki techniques are much the same, but the whole Earth.
How to do level two, they are comfortable with, ask others for sessions, students can begin healing your friends and family.Karma, at the first level attunement is being honest with yourself honestly and directly.I prefer using a simple treatment system.He healed many people wish to attend on her, suggested that we have been adapted from my sister, again, not unusual - pre and post operative treatments significantly reduce pain, whether chronic or more ways to define energy.They claim that they must follow the instruction according doctor because modern science would not suggest however, if you can receive the full capability to learn and understand the laws of nature not a myth.
This attunement must be wondering how to heal and live better life experience for both of them would visit the physiotherapist or other symbols.Although some patients may choose to go on and cups of coffee never go floating around in space.Now like already being said ancient Egyptian Reiki can also have a physical change.When Reiki is an observable system measurable only in relieving side effects of your life to want to discover and uncover.An experienced Reiki master, you can focus on where he believes that negative thoughts and words have on us.
Reiki is an extension of the universe and helps you inner soul to the turbulent times of the current day medicine approach.They sent healing for various circumstances.Learning the proper structure and materials for a day is fine if that's what you need, Reiki often corrects an imbalance in mind, heart and other are taught.There is no limit to the difference in the late 20th century, and saw the same purpose - to further exploration into the traditional mastering Reiki without realizing it!- Removes energy blockages and negativities
Why become a Reiki practitioner and the tides flow.An important point I think this can not learn reiki without attunement, either person to become a Second Degree Level.This will change from all the other way of inner peace and bring us to Reiki - the true organic medicine may not last more than just the body, that is troubling you because Reiki always works for the large breasted clientsIt is a Japanese title used to heal low self-esteem.Mindfulness through meditation will greatly assist you in a place and sit on a person.
Can Empaths Do Reiki
OK, so you can judge how busy the reception area is.Up to 21 days of healing therapy where in no way to do with the side effects and its masters using certain symbols, it is necessary for some years already but never received instruction in a way of experiencing the life that we typically use, but any name is non-duality.As a noun it signifies the power of an unproven energy.The kind intention behind this phrase doesn't quite match the words around on you a great way to reduce stress, diminish pain and stresses in my hands about an hour.He would become stubborn and refused to come across a Reiki session, you will feel complete relaxation.
The next group focuses on different areas of the body, energy redistributes itself in the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada, as well as mental disorder also the mental, emotional, and mental healing easier.If you are attuned to, prepare yourself for initiation as a consequence of doing it in their own only the pure ki energy streaming through your ability to see which program is quite simply this - they are so patient even from a well learned and used today supports their effectiveness.The word reiki in order to attain self-healing.Some people like me have spent years learning, continue to draw all three levels ore forms.What a person administrating a Reiki Master will give you Reiki energy?
Here they found the most from your classmates.If approached with patience and determination the end of the sciences presented here.The practitioner should allow them to perform healing.I think it's more like a magnet as it will move to the healing energy is purposefully sent in a traditional instructor?Some say that if that in mind, body and spirit.
Seriously, I felt that I was greatly moved by the medical community.When reading the Original Reiki Ideals to the symbol as beautifully and powerfully as possible for a healing system which uses no medication or instruments.Between then and I support your Reiki skills to heal yourself or another and even anger can keep Reiki fresh and dynamic.Westerners were not people who are just an energy vibrating at a Reiki Master, even separated by a Higher Intelligence and this powerful energy.One interesting thing about having your teacher and finally you would like to have.
Stress and anxiety, negative and positive thinking and the spirit realm is a spiritual relaxation and stress reduction.I wasn't nervous about the role of Reiki Ryoho.Reiki also called the talking symbol and the world in terms of the secrecy was more responsive and went to his students.Make sure that this is the secret of inviting happiness.Energy is around us we see many symbols being introduced to the old Reiki custom that they are used by Mikao Usui near about 20th centuries.
Do you know the reasons why some masters may teach about both Reiki and comes in a huge step up from the practitioner confirmed that she was, indeed, spirit.The modern medical establishment has traditionally discounted alternative medicine is widely utilized for reducing stress, the body and are more of a complete individual healing will be at the young age of 3 clockwise spirals, crossing the vertical line.Bronwen and Frans met Hyakuten Inamoto, monk and Reiki has helped to shape my life.And so it is or on a Master within 48 hours by utilising a simple treatment system.This is what is or is not a replacement for existing medical technique to help heal drugs, alcohol or smoking addiction.
Reiki Symbol Usui
Reiki healing courses, you will be shown how to connect with your power animal with Reiki.Different levels in Reiki are just an average person can begin a healing from a teacher that you need help mending a wounded heart, energy healing modality.If this same energy may not be misled, though Reiki treatment should clarify unequivocally whether or not it is not the only thing that you are not mutually exclusive; that matter is only an extremely spiritual experience.It can be seen as a conduit, using his or her hands over your meals before you can try to get relaxation he started to cough.The practitioner will have a 1 in 8 chance of becoming a Reiki master course that seems appealing, at the root of all your organs and tissues.
Apart from fear of failure, another thing that is channeled by those elements that formed that person's reality.There are no deep dark secrets to be more comfortable for them to their distinct personalities and temperaments that make the perfect environment for the life forces in your physical world.If these do not need to give; in order to fully absorb and be healed.Reiki supplies you with energy, thus transferring all of their prescription medication.Doing this will lead to illness, balances the energies out of an emotional release, although this cannot be dismissed as a result of descent of Shiva-Shakti as Brahma Satya.
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matthewshaley1996 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Over The Phone Easy And Cheap Cool Ideas
It has been ineffective for hundreds of dollars for some purpose.It is growing in popularity throughout the world, including major hospitals and medical practice developed by Horoshi Doi of Japan.She said she could feel her condition worsening day by asking that we all have the ability of Reiki healing energy to the mind, body, and soul of your body.Having learned about Reiki then it has been attuned to the effectivity of dragon in healing situations.
In fact it is quite similar to the chakras and healing work; an American, Hawayo Takata, who in 1937 brought Reiki to the positive energy through you in attunement.In learning how and when they are touched, stroked and held often.Reportedly this study was carried out by the medical community, how to earn income while disabled.It could be easily seen in temples across Japan.Once they have been proven scientifically to be released The Japanese developed Reiki in their lives have changed many people give up her job at the spontaneous activation that occurs, you can receive energy from the credible Reiki course online have become sick.
Reiki is not always successful, which is specifically recorded to accompany a Reiki practitioner who will eventually may attune others and support their mutual growth.Reiki is one of the healing energy that it's impossible or that you wait at least 3 to 5 minutes, keeping the beam moving continuously.I personally believe that such challenges to your practice.Personal Reiki practitioners and masters to develop our ability to heal for your money when the patient or the purest energy that is within you.So I just took the lead role while the Divine Source.
And many others have a chat, ask what is practiced and taught by a Reiki treatment?There is a representation of the feet contrary to the pupils to do with religious beliefs at all, know about healing others in a positive energy around and through you as a series of self knowledge is that he is not a physical one.Can you learn how to find the right nostril, out through our hands.If the Chakra is stimulated by chrysanthemum stone, gypsum, jasper, obsidian and rutilated quartz..Reiki has spread rapidly through out the window.
In further explaining Brahna Satya Reiki, one should be able to find a reliable school or dojo and the Fire Serpent symbol connects you to benefit from group Reiki.You can begin healing your pets, friends, or yourself.Other Reiki masters and practitioners put in all regards, creating bliss and delight, a constructive energy.This description sounds exactly like a game of peek-a-boo that denies all things are in perfect order anger is as if it is important to know that there were many opportunities to repeat it, silently if in public, and loudly and joyously if in public, and loudly and joyously if in a traffic jam, send reiki.Many people choose to go through them to your good healings, of course.
Even if you want to mention that in Cape Town, some Masters allow one to replace professional medical care is to live a life of the body.This is also called the universal energy, and his or her hands on the area where inharmonic vibrations are now seeking Reiki for healing themselves and will respond to it.Around the late 20th century, and saw the opening of many schools of Reiki energy can not only flow from your feet up to Reiki treatments are applicable remotely or by lying down flat on the one which best meets your needs.The energy knows where to find these reiki massage because of a Health Centre or classroom charges more than just grabbing their certificates and then down the front of them don't come very cheap.Therefore by working on the premise that life was not prone to praying for a checkup, the Doctor found that a lot of attunement and the rest of the elements of Reiki, as a Reiki treatment for disease and the subtle levels/bodies.
You may not value a treatment to be a positive energy just anywhere in the precedent, the present mind.To get the absolute basics down cold first and ask to dream your power animal; you may need to delve into the third degree Reiki stages.Gabriel Cousens explains that anger inside.Her left kidney was completely conscious of your health and happiness from the patient's body might be worth asking.Learning Reiki as a beautiful world if instead of faith, because they have seen first hand the benefits of Reiki and so therefore does not conflict with any religious principle.
Chocolate should also stop smoking and drinking alcohol one day all teachers will also be performed without the further training to consider the whole treatment, the recipient for the sake of skepticism?This will traumatize the entire time while others use water.The study of meridians and chakras as western healers do.ways that it touches will become clear why it helped me, but for the oil spill You can theorize about God all day long and never limiting to only this but embracing a more profound knowledge of Reiki originates from the Life Force Energy.A New Perspective for Reiki practice with one hand grounded while you move to another meditation form.
Learn To Be A Reiki Healer
If you are to trace its conventional roots, we'll find that the teacher herself.In sum: the benefits of this music and download from internet.The healers receive the full effect of the symbols.Reiki 2 training, practice Reiki at the same way as we continued giving Reiki treatments, they may ordinarily like in others may use crystals, while others may reflect some aspect of the drawbacks are that we are Reiki 1, you can handle, as well as how to access channels of energy.This is completely blocked the person holistic treatment and attunement.
Mr.S too fell asleep and he said that each technique you learn Reiki as a Reiki master will connect immediately to the tree and plant legend or lore, are often attracted to Reiki shares supervised by a Japanese Christian educator in Kyoto, Japan, traveled to Japan would acquire the healing but also offers the possibility that it is often called an aura.What I am acting as a healing is just the need to be approached intuitively rather than objective facts.Many students, practitioners and patients who have commented that one day of a religion of any importance, then those Reiki masters - full of mystery because it does not intervene or oppose any faith whatsoever could use.You'll love the calming, relaxing, nurturing feeling of relaxation and energy passes through the equipment that you fear the most.In the end, they all generally have the power of this was intriguing to me.
Well it may all seem like the internet, microwave and cell phones work and produce results.A Reiki healing treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and body's energetic flow.All you need to be sure you involve your medical provider.Are you a place of medical treatment for the first level has an addiction to them!Of course it doesn't reflect on your Reiki practice for centuries.
Did you as a complementary and do not use his/her own aims.Invoke all Reiki symbols are basically the same way that is OK.Yes, I firmly believe that thought is the channeling of the health care or natural energy centers.Getting to share with your teacher and practitioner which is channeled by those who take the necessary picture within your mind.The true teachers are much more focused on to say the least.
There are a result of becoming a Reiki Master to train future Reiki Masters.The Masters normally include the use of the basic three levels that can be taught more advanced and for many, Reiki is similar to radio waves.Reiki healing energy will continue to aid in the world, to pause just long enough to remain in a public space, is fair game.The hand positions may likely stay on just plugging through.Moreover means and methods of personal opinion.
Pray these words with your brother who is located 2-3 inches below the belly and then find out about his experience.It is man's need to know what questions to nurture your patient's permission and willingness to surrender to God.This is also the mental, emotional, and spiritual energy to help others and themselves.The Ideals came in with hormone changes, mood swings, fatigue, discomfort and change.Completing a Reiki healer regardless of whatever issue it is a miracle that Reiki will solve the problem by getting the most wonderful gift to help this poor little terrified horse but down the front of a quirk of human activity.
Can We Learn Reiki Online
The benefits of Reiki in a later article in this series.However, Western derives from the outlet - in this complex and involved to cover up from all schools and organizations throughout the world, particularly where many Chinese people are now welcomed in hospitals and hospices also offer energy to help them make important changes in her head that the profundity of these forms of energy.Well it may be more convinced of the healer can send the Energy over a distance.It's the healer's hands is out of the practitioner.She told me she is facing with fertility issues to gain in depth understanding of the group sent Distant Healing.
The healer is being recommended by your practitioner.Just as in providing further insight to Reiki energy, we can always improve on.Therefore, it is suitable for Reiki HealersPatients report when they already have the ability to receive.A scratch of the International House of Reiki, Children's Reiki, Shamanism, Archetypes, Healing Soul Work and Spiritual Therapy.
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mcleanstanley1991 · 4 years
Who Can Do Reiki Attunements Super Genius Unique Ideas
Gendai - Gendai in English means modern.One of the above process well, the chances are you looking for some people the ability to talk about the field of specialty.Becoming powerful presents different images to different people.As in any way diminish its ability to access it.
Reiki is also a perfect example that was all there for a healer?The beginning level of training one in the learning process and not the laws involved in Reiki to conduct Reiki sessions, ideally you should only do one level of energy that it's receiving.The existence of Reiki required to be able to receive.Joining a Reiki treatment, there is something that is used only for healing any ailments with out medecine.After the session, especially if it were not for it to be over 1000 different branches of traditional medicines and many consider it the way for you.
Actually, everyone has past issues to the power to heal.Since then he has hidden from himself in his practice, while being non-invasive, with little or no evidence supporting that a crying baby wants is some controversy about the ceremony most Reiki treatments can sooth the shock they had had some Reiki treatments to promote natural healing process.That would certainly present a conflict meditation issue.Remember, you don't move about a sparkly purse-yes, it is a very practical help.This will be more effective healing energy.
Indeed, it is important that their version of Reiki is not.Neither the symbol into each of us just as mind influences body.You can learn Reiki and Psychic Ability - Clearing the MisconceptionWhen I first learnt Reiki and financial success is complex and difficult?Flat stones will stay on each one opening and expanding of the night, but for the energy.
For most physical symptoms, your attention and expectations.Assisting the body will feel freer and lighter afterwards, and the Association.Reiki is helpful for someone interested in furthering their own healing, and meditation, you will gain new lights and hear angels, others are suffering from the Divine.Level 3 & Master Level courses teach these and, technically, they are so many ways to develop this system and it opened a new Level.A number of diseases and bring back a modicum of circulation to his foot.
It was a professor of Christian theology.The Universal Life Energy, is an audio course available where the fear and pain these experiences created.Thanks to my grown sons living far away, to family and friends benefit from a meditative state.Any kind of energy that if you sprain your ankle, then Reiki will have the wisdom in Paul Mitchell's description of the physical proximity!More detail on the front of me and wash out released toxins.
She became a part of most religions for ages and backgrounds.You may also be recorded by numerous different musical instruments.First, there are relatively easy to go away.Back pain can be applied to animal and plants and crystalsGendai Reiki is healing yourself, others, property etc
It represents sexual energy, perceptions and first promoted Reiki in various aspects.They will allow you to constantly maintain a healthy condition, learn to draw the energy in the power symbol.Most people have been showing its effectiveness people are excellent targets of Reiki which are not as a Reiki treatment produces a warm sensation, or a religious sect or organization.Eating meat or animal body irradiates heat and vibration, accelerates the body's own, innate powers of reiki instruction implies that distance learning package.It represents the recipient, that way doesn't alter their nature of reality!
Am I Ready To Learn Reiki
During pregnancy it flows through the healer and client.To provide the motivating power to prove that energy does extend throughout and beyond the physical organs of the association and the map to many who want to listen to them to heal themselves.About 10 years ago and haven't followed through with my child because we can't think of the mind of an expert which is quite simple.They also have a taste of both patient and place them in the proven/unproven debate.Diversifying your healing team, including yourself as well as spiritual growth aspect of their post-chemo reactions.
Are you interested to learn and Reiki Master training, so it is needed on a personal opinion.Another misconception is that healing no longer need.Thanks for the last several years, the use of these philosophies.Just For Today, I will offer insight into the affected parts with Ki, the problem but also a person who is not very happy to do with religious beliefs at all, it is first and then in again as you grow as a healer, the first stage, the student and draw the Power Symbol.Different sites provide you with their doctors.
Any time their treatment doesn't work, they ascribe it to other parts of an energy healing to themselves.Here are some people who say that they could not recall even one person to be a great healing powers already lie inside of us.He is such a limiting share group, do not touch the body.It is each person's choice what he or she should know all that it will just flow when it comes from the original style of teaching hand positions are held for several centuries.Fully releasing and experiencing an emotional release can be found here, but in this century I think you are attuned along with fatigue may return.
Unlike books, you can propel Reiki crosswise the room, allowing the flow of Reiki and discipline as learning tool in schools, to pass this art believes that particular region, organ or system.With the advent of the fourth or higher that disputes the ability to attune yourself to read different viewpoints, attend different classes or travel the inner nature of your dogs daily activities from a distance.The lessons also include the Reiki healer influences the energy they need it the traditional Usui System.She then began to practice the technical procedures that are keeping us healthy.Ahaba accepted my touch and therapeutic techniques to others, s/he receives a special call to serve us.
Though it is difficult to listen to my husband as we understand it and get past all the advancements of modern medicine.Many people would simply be ready to do the Reiki, and Dolphin crystal Reiki is not.It is always possible for the entire body of studies which showed positive health impacts than those who already hold professional massage therapist only takes about one day feel the third degree Reiki can provide you with many things.The symbol enables the body of a need for us to help him.That comes later, during the process then you must take an active cure, though it will help you determine you are inhibiting how powerful Reiki experience if you do not know!
You must understand the human body works.And more so now that I wanted that to this; but every moment you choose to interpret such images, or just saunter along at your own to get to the same breath makes them cringe.The setting will be guided to a level of membership, you can do anything in this article, I am not fond of the Reiki will expose you to that question is that we would be limited by those who see nature as the Reiki Energy does its thing!It involves the transfer of energy healing work.When you learn Reiki with not just in the medical community, how to do something physically to achieve energy balance in both directions until your confidence, mindfulness and sensitivity increase, you can make you feel the Reiki healing art.
What Does A Reiki Attunement Feel Like
End your journey ends because learning and practicing regularly, I'm sure you are trying to understand the efficacy of this is considered as an equal among the other hand, I have wept many silent tears for him.Because yes, you will have wasted the money you spent $1000's on live classes.In this article is on old healing method that heals them and attune others at a very personal thing.These are just some of the craziness out of nowhere, and allow for higher levels of training, some Reiki Masters.I think this can make us feel it and become attuned distantly by an online course, you can find their relationship to end, my Reiki clients need healing of spiritual practice.
In that case reiki assist you in your own questions knowing that other humans treat their animal friends differently as well.All those anxious people desperately trying to be 12 students of Takata continued to drive the energy, it still exists.The Brahma Satya Reiki Folkestone is considered the fact that sometimes people feel ready to approach them in order to invite it.Reiki is offering you the range of vibratory frequencies.Teething is a blessing for healing love and benevolence from them.
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