#Says Wordsworth
marsafter-dark · 6 months
If Gale were alive now, who would his favorite poet be and why? Wrong answers only
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seaofolives · 6 months
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necromancy-savant · 5 months
Ohhh it was Contrapoints who made me think of Spongebob as Mozart and Squidward as Salieri. The Simpsons is the cartoon I actually saw parody Amadeus
She's right and I hate it
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anghraine · 1 year
I got my complete response to my dissertation chapter from my advisor, and he says it's well-written, impressive in scope, and full of bright ideas (:D), especially my readings of 'Tis Pity and Mansfield Park (:D :D). He did point out where it jumps too much and some missing nuances/development wrt Wordsworth, but still .... I liiiiiive.
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kkshowtunes · 1 year
does anyone have a video of Mike by Will Wood? I see it on genius lyrics but I can’t find it
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felix-the-lemon-king · 3 months
Double checking all my reblogs to make sure I didn't accidentally just tag everything twst as usual 😔
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romanceyourdemons · 1 year
it’s kind of strange to think that i handled the original document i’m writing my capstone on, i have touched the very photographs and pages first touched over 150 years ago by the photographer and publisher i am writing about, and then i proceeded to write twenty pages about how their work sucks. wish those guys could see me now
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gothiclit · 1 year
i am afraid that if i do a romantic poetry contest ozymandias will win just by virtue of its accessibility. and i say this as someone who knows the poem by heart and has run around in circles because of it before
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ah0yh0y · 1 year
i say dear god now
jonathan harker has permeated my vocabulary
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 months
It’s so upsetting when job websites are advertising for thee coolest jobs possible but it’s stuff I can’t do. Like what do you mean I’m not qualified to be a casual zookeeper. That sounds fucking amazing
#i thought about applying anyway but the person specification is all like ‘animal husbandry level 2: required’#and i’m like. i mean. i have level 2 food hygiene. is that anywhere close? i’m trained in coshh. 🫡#it was like ‘please tell us about any relevant qualifications you have’ and i was sitting here deadass thinking#‘is my master’s in english lit going to help me out here in any way’#i was about to say i could tell the llamas about wordsworth but i can’t even do that because i skipped class when we were learning#about wordsworth because i had a vicious uti and had to go to the walk in centre to get antibiotics because my gp hung up on me#you really couldn’t do shit mid pandemic. the doctors were like ‘brother you can just die’#oh to do it all again. maybe i COULD do a level 2 in animal husbandry#the thing is it’d cost money and i’d be in a class full of nauseating 16-19 year olds#i have nothing whatsoever against teenagers. well actually i do. well like.. okay ideologically i don’t#some people are just born later and that’s not their fault. time is against them and that’s why their prefrontal lobe is lacking#it’s just the fact that i have taught that age group and i think studying with them would be fucking weird lol#and then i’d get the qual and there’d be no more zookeeping jobs available in my area#it’s not even a fucking zoo. it’s just llamas and goats. it’s a petting zoo#what do you MEAN level 2 animal husbandry. i can tell you right now what llamas and goats want: food and to not be manhandled#personal
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This is a small free write analyzing the similarities, differences, and intertextualities of Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey" and Kendrick Lamar's "i"
Something I find really interesting about these two pieces is the way in which scenery or setting has a large impact on the two speakers. In Wordsworth's poem, the speaker has an immensely deep and special connection to nature which is shown through pantheism in the uplifting tone within his imagery. Nature is represented as a guiding, powerful force, which has a presence and power in everything. Interestingly, Kendrick Lamar’s “i” delves into the significance of a higher figure, in his sense the literal Christian God, but similarly to Wordsworth that God isn’t very traditional. It’s heavily influenced by the generational adaptation of Christianity in African American culture. The setting and scenery in “i” contrasts from the self-love that Lamar is preaching. There’s “a war outside” or “a bomb in the street” “mobs of police” and “lines for the fiend.” This scenery presents a negative atmosphere that is being actively contested against the speaker's ideas of loving oneself, finding confidence and reason, to combat those harsh realities. The necessity in loving oneself would not be there if not for the difficulties within his setting, proving its importance, and making a greater statement on what one can control (ourselves) and what one cannot control (others).  In contrast with Wordsworth, Kenrick Lamar’s “i” represents finding a strength within oneself to fight against the corruption of the world around you. In “Tintern Abbey” it’s the opposite in which the world, or more specifically nature, fights against the corruption of the mind. 
Wordsworth speaks of opening up to the power of nature, displaying its superiority over the human world by describing an emotional suffering which occurs within urban, city environments that does not occur in nature. In fact, the speaker gives credit to nature for developing his character. He describes himself when first visiting Tintern Abbey, not giving credit to its beauty,  to be like an animal. As in not thinking deeply, and purely acting and thinking within basic instinct. Now returning, he has found nature, as though he has found God, through an experience of self discovery in which nature has reclaimed him and shown him protection against selfishness. Lamar’s “i” goes through a very similar progression of development. Rather than the speaker giving credit to nature for his self discovery, he gives it directly to himself as the one spreading knowledge. The speaker goes to “war” and begins to speak of self dependence and perseverance. Such as “don’t nobody call a medic / I’ma do it till I get it right” after years of “letting them annihilate” him. This act of self perseverance after such experiences of annihilation is an empowering one and is a direct reflection of the speaker in “Tintern Abbey” finding his meaning from nature. In “i” nature is oneself, and the empowerment of oneself is a fight against the selfishness of the world. In “Tintern Abbey” the self is inferior to the power of the world, or nature, and by recognizing the beauty of this higher power, the self reaches a higher place as well, away from selfishness and corruption. 
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spohkh · 9 months
my brit lit professor fully unironically literally definitely has ADHD and i am afeared for how this class is going to go. bc holy shit you cannot teach a class on the 18th century being that all over the place. please im begging you slow down. sit. sit down. why are we listening to a bob dylan song. stop writing random words on the whiteboard. stop interrupting students reading passages to go on a 15 minute rant. please please please for the love of god. why are we listening to bob dylan AGAIN.
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halfassaultedbrain · 11 months
I am quite certain this has been discussed before or something along the line and yet—
It's about how Wordsworth said poetry is "spontaneous overflow of powerful emotion—recollected in tranquility" talking largely of those happy, blissful moments that him and other such Romantics preferred to live again and again and Eliot calling poetry essentially an "escapism" from emotions but not the joyous kind. He was a man of highly chaotic and rapidly transitioning era, the modern world gripping people in excruciating, unalterable clutches, something people couldn't fathom escaping from and neither was it easy for people to fit proportionally into the structure, so why wouldn't artists, who tend to see beauty in the world, or the many predecessors they followed did, use their art as an escape which brings to question was it Eliot who set this trend of escapism into art or was it Keats with his Nightingale and it's song(not that other poets didn't, but sir played finely with his subjectivity) and how many writers these days write recalling in tranquility blissful, powerful emotions and not merely to escape; its not just fantasy we escape to but the contemporary plots where everything turns out well enough by the end or if not then, atleast satisfying enough.
Back to my point, Wordsworth and Eliot both present their grounds with equal rationality considering the historical context and how it has affected literature since then.
Did Pope not write to escape his own thorns by stinging other people? Wasn't Austen in a way trying to construct her perfect HEA amidst her social satires and criticisms? Did not Donne meant to transcend into an alternate world of love beyond the physical realm? (I've got more but this should do for now)
Anyway back to the point.....or not, I forgot what was I............
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rocket-candy-heart · 1 year
I LOVE going to bookstores. I HATE hearing people talk in bookstores.
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thesneezyunicorn · 2 years
made a new years resolution to read a chapter of a book every time i see a bad take online. that number of chapters has sky rocketed tonight
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lesamis · 7 months
1810s dashboard but it's niche drama
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💛 heartofanna Following
imagine cancelling someone for saying war is bad
🧵 sharethewoe Follow
#didn't expect better from w*rdsworth but some people i rly thought i could count on…… #anyway we will live to see this empire fall. can't stop history lol (via @heartofanna)
speaking as someone who was press ganged at the age of 17 to serve in his majesty's royal navy i couldn't be more grateful for your poem. young men like me are cannon fodder and you spoke for so many of us. fuck napoleon but fuck parliament even more.
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stable forgiving virtuous flourishing in my lane definitely not buying poison moisturized unbothered never been better
me when i lie
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🏛 mynoseisfine Follow
Settling this once and for all. What does the public actually think about the Parthenon marbles debate:
🦉 realminerva Follow
lol i know it’s you lord elgin
🦉 realminerva Follow
like we joke and all but fully aside from the fact that removing the sculptures from greek soil was vulturine and opportunistic etc, it’s really just the tip of a frankly gigantic mountain of imperialist bullshit. let’s not pretend we haven’t been brutally killing hundreds who resisted oppression in india, LITERALLY BOMBED A NEUTRAL EUROPEAN CAPITAL, and embarrassed ourselves in the charge against napoleon for years now. pathetic ass empire & evil as hell to boot. @mynoseisfine the greeks who carved your marbles millennia ago would kick your tory ass so hard
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🎀 emmawoodhousestan Follow
how do i still keep seeing thomas chatterton's final post being reblogged, wtf is wrong with you freaks??? he was seventeen it was tragic and horrible and happened ages ago. he was a kid just let him rest
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🍎 masque-off Following
callout post for @castleyeah @lordsidmouth @officialcoe @parliamentofficial: they oppress, murder and famish the british working people & also suck majorly
⛪ castleyeah Follow
sour cuz you’re unfit to have custody of your own kids huh
🍎 masque-off Following
proud to be the dad of a newborn who could already rend your pudding spine asunder with a mere glance
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🦆 mallardturner Following
finished this today 😊
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😎 chadeharold Follow
why is it always “you’re risking your life and legacy & will get yourself killed before the age of five and twenty” and never how was swimming the hellespont the hellespont looked fun was it fun
🎭 loved-joanna Mutuals
ohhh my god you swam the hellespont five years ago?? wooow should we tell everyone?? should we throw a party?? should we invite famous hero of greek myth leander who swam the hellespont
😎 chadeharold Follow
@loved-joanna look we never had any beef & don’t have to start this now. it’s cool that you’re sticking up for my ex, you guys were friends first, but just know that i’ve always trusted your opinion on my work & genuinely respect and admire you & would still be up for a collab whenever.
🎭 loved-joanna Mutuals
yea sure why don’t your lips collab with my ass
😎 chadeharold Follow
on it boss
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#literally call me. down if you are
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🍂 endymion Follow
sorry is it me or is the assassin who stabbed german bootleg wordsworth kinda…… 🥵
💄 biprincesscharlotte Mutuals
JOHN KEATS????????
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#i'm p sure this is the author of lamia thirstposting on main??? help
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🌾 huntsmanx Follow
romanticism this romanticism that why don’t you romanticise universal suffrage and rights for labouring people
🌾 huntsmanx Follow
anyone else in jail for seditious libel
🏹 axelaidtotheroot Mutuals
lmao i'm one of the “anyone else”s and i know you’re enjoying family visits and apparently some kind of cushy armchair situation, plus tons of books. try being in here as a spencean dude they won’t even let me learn how to write. worst of all some evangelical came by yesterday just to proselytize & put me “on the right path” fml
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🗻 mounttambora Follow
y'all i don't feel so good :/
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