#Scanner Stand for Warehouse
pandagyaru · 7 months
Holding Out for a "Hero"
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Description: You get compromised during a mission and sombra comes to save you!
Warnings: graphic detail of injury and typical overwatch violence
Pairing: Sombra x Gender Neutral Reader
Author's note: Sombra is one of my wifes fr. And listening to this song gave me a idea!
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You crouched behind a large crate, holding your gun to your chest as you breathed a deep breath. A guard stood watch at a door a foot away from you, marching back and forth to scan the perimeter. You look up and over to where Widowmaker laid, her sniper zoomed in on your head as she watched you. Sombra stood a few feet away from you, her tech glowing a slight purple only you seemed to see as she hacked away at whatever it is she was hacking. Your hands felt clammy on your gun, you didn't wanna fuck this up.
"(Code name) you in position?" Reaper's gruff voice asked, knocking you out of the anxious spiral you were falling into. You blinked a few times, reaching up and clicking your ear piece.
"I am, are the cameras down?" You look over where sombra was to see her gone. 'that must be a yes'. You take a deep breath before jumping out from behind the crate, lunging at the guard. You grab him by the neck and twist it, a sickly crunch echoing out in the quiet corner of the warehouse. You look at the door to see it has an eyeball scanner. 'clearly sombra's hacking wasn't for this' You thought. You look down at the dead guard in thought, grimacing as you get an idea.
"This is so fucked up" You whisper, crouching down to the guard. You reach over to his face, digging your fingers into his eye socket. The oils of the eye making a gruesome noises as you reach around his eye, yanking it out. Blood spurts out onto your uniform, You stand up and hold the eye out to the scanner. It scans and lets you in. (so sorry for this image to be put in your guy's heads, zombieland 2 inspired me for that part). The door opens and you step in, pocketing the eye in case you need it again. You click your ear piece.
"I'm in"
"Good, get what we came here for and lets go." Reaper says. You look around the room, the walls covered in what seems to be the owner of the rooms achievements. At the end of the room is a desk and a computer. You walk over to it, not even bothering to get into the computer cause that's not your job. You start digging into the drawers, not finding the very important document Doomfist ordered all of you to get. You're about to call the others when you feel the bottom of one of the drawers lift up a bit.
"A false bottom" You whisper. Just as you start to open it an alarm goes off, locking your hands into the drawer. You curse, using your other hand to reach for your ear piece. A bunch of guards burst into the room, their guns aimed. You duck behind the desk, praying they don't see you. You close your eyes, trying to calm your racing heart. A glowing purple figure appears behind the guards. She aims her smg pistol at them and starts shooting, their bodies falling to the floor. She smiles as she walks over to where your at, looking at your hand and your face questioning you. You breathe out a breath of relief as you see her pretty face.
"It was a trap" You muttered as she leans down to get your hand out. You wince as she rips it out the trap, your thumb aching.
"Sorry. I saw the guard out there with the missing eye. You know I could've just hacked it open right?" She stated, rubbing your thumb gently, her eyes locking with yours.
"Yeah, but I assumed you were busy doing something else"
"I was, I found the actual room they were keeping the document in. Probably should've told you huh?" She teases, leaning over and kissing your cheek.
"Probably. Please don't tell me my thumb is broken. I don't need Moira to check on it" You joke, putting your hand on Sombra's cheek and just holding it. She snorts a bit at you, leaning into it.
"You'd come back to me with a whole new arm" She says, eyes widening as she feels blood on her face. She grabs your hand to make sure you're not bleeding.
"Don't worry, it's not mine" You say smugly, booping her nose with your bloodied finger. She rolls her eyes and wipes it away.
"Let's get going before boss get's all grumpy at us" She stands up, grabbing your arm and helping you up.
"Thank you olivia" You whisper in her ear, smiling.
And well if she finds the guards eye in your pocket, its a secret between me and her.
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I seriously hope this is good and not at all over the place.
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fleshengine · 11 days
Oh yeah in my dream last night I was hanging out with a man who was my dad in the dream and then the factory plant refinery thing he worked at started to explode and he ran off to try and help. So I just sat there and watched a really beautiful explosion while thinking “ah shit I’m dreaming about being at the [location] incident aren’t I?” I used to be a huge nerd about industrial accidents and the largest conventional explosions and stuff, so either I misremembered the location, or I invented an industrial accident (probably the second). The shockwave hit at much lower than I think the speed of sound is? So I definitely knew I was in a dream because I was thinking “this should be going way faster why is physics in this dream weird?” Anyway my dream dad was injured but stable and I had to ask a gas station attendant if I could return the tacos I’d bought (I hadn’t bought tacos, two guys had eaten like half their tacos and asked me to try and return them) then I had to guide a car driving over a ditch. I watched the mayor give a speech about the explosion and how the pipeline (which used steam to pressurize itself?!?) would be fine, but he did it while standing in front of part of the pipeline that was on fire?!?!?
I think this dream was triggered by playing Cyberpunk 2077 and doing one of the NCPD scanner missions where you pick up a shard that says a warehouse is full of degrading explosives???? That’s the only throughline I could think of. Plus the pipeline kind of looked like that unfinished section of highway where you fight the cyberpsycho with the nekomata, which I did right before.
Anyone who says dreams mean something has never had to remember my dreams.
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brandstifter-sys · 4 months
Mask Raid
@dukexietyweek 2024 Day 7 - Superhero + Rivals to Lovers
Word Count: 3630 (Ao3)
Rating: T
Characters: fem!Virgil (Violetta), mtf!Remus (Reina)
Pairing: Dukexiety
Warnings: Violence, sex mention, 4th wall breaking, mild internalized transmysogyny (blink and you'll miss it), spideypool vibes
Violetta is just trying to get by daily while also saving the city at night as Rabidosa, a web-slinging super heroine. It would be so much easier if she didn't have a hot roommate, or an obnoxious rival like Piscina Muerta. But even if they don't always see eye to eye, Vi can't just leave her to die on a warehouse rooftop! What happens after that is—
Shush and tell the story!
It was one of those days when absolutely everything was going to shit. First someone stole her bike, then she had to handle the barrage of Karens doing their holiday shopping, and then she had to deal with car callers shouting at her on her way home. Violetta was going to lose her shit if she didn't get to gorge on ice cream and watch horror movies when she got to her relatively new apartment. Her roommate could deal if she were home. 
Of course she wouldn't get to relax, even when she realized she was home alone. She got into her bedroom and stripped out of her uniform, only to hear a report from the police scanner on her dresser. Multiple shots were fired downtown, the suspected shooter was none other than the Duchess of Destruction herself. 
Vi regrettably pulled on her black and purple compression spandex and hid her head in the mask. Rabidosa was on her way to put a stop to the chaos before the cops made a mess. 
Rabidosa leapt out the window and shot some webs from her wrist, in no mood to be the hero. The Duchess, Piscina Muerta, was going to go through hell if she was behind this! 
She swung between the buildings until she came upon an abandoned warehouse downtown. She could feel her adrenaline spike, her spider sense, and decided that was the place to investigate. 
She landed on the roof and glanced around. Something was off. 
“Fuck! Right by the tit!” 
Rabidosa whipped around and saw A woman in a bright green bodysuit, covered in blood, standing in front of her. Rabidosa couldn't see her face behind the mask, but she knew this walking arsenal. 
“Piscina,” Rabidosa gasped and tensed. She saw the sniper. 
In an instant she webbed the barrel and charged across the rooftop. With a single leap and a solid left hook she knocked out the would-be assassin. 
She glanced around, searching for more threats. Her spider sense wasn't acting up, but it was odd. She could deliver this thug to the police and get answers, but there was something more important to handle. 
Rabidosa spun around and raced across the rooftops to Piscina Muerta as she stumbled to the fire escape. 
“Stop,” she ordered in a low, threatening voice. Piscina shivered and froze. 
Can you blame me? I am weak to dommy mommies who can kick my ass! 
“Is there a problem, Spiderlily?” Piscina Muerta chuckled and tried to stand upright. She was shaking and struggling to stay balanced. 
“What happened?” Rabidosa asked and approached her cautiously. Piscina had rapid healing powers, she knew that. But she was still concerned. 
“Oh, this? I got shot in the arm and beaten up by some guys protecting my target, they could've been major league baseball players with the way they swing those pipes! You should've seen me an hour ago! Those fucks were scared shitless when I managed to take them down!” she beamed, “I would've stayed longer but I needed to get here before it was too late!” 
“What do you mean ‘too late?’” 
“Well obviously I needed to keep you from taking a bullet to the head! Those fucks were going to kill anyone who caught them in the middle of their transaction! I couldn't find the last one until just now! It's so weird you showed up before he could run away,” Piscina shrugged and stared off into the distance, as if she were staring at the narrator and readers. 
That's exactly what I'm doing! Why did you set up such a lame meeting? I want Spidey to kick my ass and then eat it! This is not how I want to play doctor with her!
Rabidosa narrowed her eyes. It was no secret that there were drug and human traffickers in the area, and that Piscina had a personal vendetta against them. But it made no sense for this flirtatious disaster to want to save her. It's not like they got along.
“It would be so boring if you were injured or dead! Who would beat me up and step on me until I cream my tights! The hostages? The cops can handle them when they get here!—They’re safe before you freak out!” Piscina giggled, already sensing what Rabidosa was thinking. She immediately hissed and stumbled forward, falling to her hands and knees.
“Can you save the horniness for when you're not bleeding?” 
“Internally or externally? Because I don't know when the first one will stop!” 
“You're bleeding internally and you're flirting?!” Rabidosa gasped incredulously. If she weren't hurt, Rabidosa would have played along with Piscina's flirting. 
“Yup! I can't help myself! You're hot and you vibe with me!” Piscina giggled and slumped on her side.
Can I please mention how that spandex is straining to contain that cake? Because damn! I want my face to be her chair! 
Rabidosa wilted slightly and shook her head. This murderous dork was really out of it if she didn't even mention her butt.
Ohhhhh I see where this is going! Good work Narrator!
“Since I'm not a cop, and I know you don't want to go to a hospital, I'll make sure you get home safe,” Rabidosa sighed and took a knee in front of her. She couldn't exactly see Piscina’s lips turn upwards but it was obvious she was beaming with the way her cheeks moved up. 
“Oooh, you want to take this to my place? How forward of you!” Piscina teased but wrapped her good arm around Rabidosa’s shoulders. 
“Don't get the wrong idea, I'm interested in someone else,” Rabidosa scoffed and webbed over her wound to keep her from bleeding out. Then she tourniqueted above the wound with more webs and hoisted the Duchess of Destruction up with ease. 
“You're not single? Damn, your partner is lucky!” Piscina giggled and curled into her, noting how her chest was compressed and firm. She would have preferred having some cushioning for the trip, but she could deal. 
“I am. She's out of my league,” Rabidosa huffed, “Just tell me where to go.” 
“Aw, that can't be true!” Piscina whined, “You're so hot and strong and kind! You're a superhero! No one is out of your league!” 
“Where. Is. Your. Place?” 
“Up on Preston and 4th. It's the top floor so you can leave me on the roof. I don't want my roomie to see,” Piscina pouted. 
“Afraid they'll call the cops?” Rabidosa asked, expecting the answer to be yes. 
“No, she wouldn't do that,” Piscina sighed as Rabidosa shot a web from her wrist and swung off the roof. 
“Then why are you concerned?” 
“I don't want her to worry about me more than she does,” Piscina sighed and closed her eyes, letting the wind wash over her. Her injuries were getting to her.
“She's so handsome and smart and scary. I would kill for her to step on my e-dick and then cuddle me all night,” she continued, “I want to snuggle up with her and listen to her singing her emo songs.” 
“Don't pass out on me,” Rabidosa scoffed and switched arms with practiced grace, “Keep talking about your roommate or anything.” 
“You’re worried about me too,” Piscina jeered and glanced up at her. From this angle she looked so noble and strong with the stars blurring behind her. 
“No shit. You're probably bleeding internally, you have a gunshot wound, and you're fading fast,” Rabidosa scoffed as she kept switching arms and swinging through the city. 
“I won't die!” Piscina argued weakly, “And you'll be kicking my ass this time next week, same as always!” 
“I don't want to accidentally drop you. I need you to hold on and you have to stay awake for that.” 
This narrator is oddly quiet! I won't pull a Stanley. Say something! What is she thinking?
Piscina pouted in thought, though her mind was reeling. Rabidosa glanced down at her and fought back a blush. She really shouldn't have found a mercenary like this fat mouthed ball of chaos cute, and certainly not when she was so beat up.
She thinks I'm cute!? 
Yes, Rabidosa thought Piscina was cute, a bubbly little imp who could get under her skin and try to kill her, but cute. She reminded Rabidosa of a certain someone but she didn't have the energy to dwell. She had to get Piscina Muerta to safety and probably remove the bullet in her arm.
Who do I remind her of!? Don't leave me hanging here! 
“Seriously, keep talking so I know you didn't pass out,” Rabidosa cut into her thoughts directed at the narrator. 
“You just want to know what my type is, don't you?” Piscina teased, “What do you want to know about my roomie?” 
“Is she armed?” 
“You should see her arms! My god, that woman is ripped, she could snap me like a twig!” Piscina gushed, “She is a brick house! Fat ass and tiddies, soft tummy, and so much muscle! I would kill for her to bench press me!” 
“I see personality doesn't matter to you,” the heroine scoffed, unsurprised. 
“Oh it does! I'm just horny first! You would think that the E would've killed my drive but it didn't! Probably because of the healing factor! Which is good, I need my morning wood—”
“I don't need to know that,” Rabidosa cut her off. 
“That doesn't mean you don't want to know!” Piscina jeered, “But that's all you get without getting a peek!” 
“Your loss! I'm hot! And my skin isn't totally fucked up like Wade Wilson! Then again I'm not a pansexual Canadian with a hard-on for Bea Arthur!” 
Rabidosa scanned the rooftops as they drew nearer. She had no idea what the hell Piscina was talking about, and she couldn't blame it on head trauma. 
“So you're not hot for the Golden Girls?” 
“I am! Just not to the same extent! Besides, I like my women a little less femme! That's another thing about my roomie that's hot! She's pretty futch!” 
“Right,” Rabidosa droned and took in their surroundings. She was not happy that she recognized the area. 
“She is! And she's so cute and sassy! But she's also really sweet and kind, and she can keep up with my nonsense! I love her rants and when she gets excited about music and spooky stuff! She's just amazing!” 
“And she has no idea what you do for a living?” Rabidosa quipped. She was all too aware of the neighborhood she was in. This was unnerving.
“Nope! She might not call the cops but she would be scared of me! I don't kill just anyone, I don't take just any contact! But she might not believe me. I don't want to lose her. She's the kind of woman I could fall in love with!” 
“You have a crush on her,” Rabidosa said, “And you're too scared to do anything about it?” 
“Me? Scared?” Piscina huffed, “I don't want to be labeled as a predator—I kill predators! I'm not scared, just aware of everything that could happen.” She didn't have to divulge that her thoughts tended to lean toward the worst of the worst case scenarios, and they plagued her. 
Leave my intrusive thoughts out of this! 
“Sounds like you are scared,” Rabidosa huffed and landed on the roof of her apartment building. Hopefully Piscina would tell her she was on the wrong roof. 
Ooh! She lives here too?
“So what if I am? It's not like she’s interested in me like that,” Piscina pouted and fumbled out of Rabidosa’s arms. She could barely stand, but she didn't need to have this conversation. 
“Which apartment are you in?” Rabidosa asked stiffly. Piscina shrugged and peeked over the edge of the roof. She was surprised to see her roommate’s window wide open. 
“Don't sweat it, my roommate has to be home, so I have to be sure she can't see me sneaking in.” 
Rabidosa grabbed her by the collar and pulled her up to face her. 
“Which apartment?” she snarled. 
Oh fuck, I think I just creamed my tights! 
“She's not home,” Rabidosa said flatly and threw the duchess over her shoulder. Piscina squawked and flailed as Rabidosa leapt over the edge of the roof and scaled the building. 
“What do you think you're doing?” 
Because I think I'm staring at one spidery ass at work and I don't want to stop!
“Getting you to your apartment,” Rabidosa said and crawled through the open window. She would have to remember to close her window better next time. 
“Is this your room or hers?” Rabidosa asked, still keeping up the guise because she couldn't break the fourth wall. 
I'm feeling attacked and targeted. And what do you mean “her window?!” Are you saying that this hot webslinger is actually—
“It's hers. Can't you see the band posters?” Piscina grumbled. Her mind was reeling. 
Rabidosa said nothing and carried Piscina to her room. She set the menace on the bed and sighed. Where was the first aid kit? 
“Hey Spinstress, mind helping me with the mask?” Piscina cooed, “I think I can trust you to keep a secret!” 
“You sure?” Rabidosa hesitated and crouched beside her. She already knew which face was behind the mask, and she was not ready to see it. 
“Yeah! It's not like you would rat me out or tell my roommate that I have a crush on her! And I need to breathe easy to get this chunk of metal out of my arm!” 
Rabidosa sighed and carefully removed the mask. She was met with the most hypnotic green eyes and the most blinding grin. Piscina’s long, wavy, dark hair was messy as it fell around her face. There was no mistaking it, that was her roommate, Reina, trusting her with a gigantic secret. 
“Am I too pretty to handle?” Reina giggled softly. She was uncomfortable with the heroine staring at her in silence. 
“Of all the people you could be,” Vi said and removed her own mask, “You just had to be Reina.” 
Holy fuck! Am I dreaming?!
Reina let out a squeal and tried to tackle Vi in a hug. She wanted to run her fingers through that messy emo pixie cut and smother her in kisses. 
But Vi held her down with one hand and shook her head. 
“Wait until I get that bullet out.” 
“I have some chloroform in my left calf pocket if you need it. I don't!” Reina beamed, “The bullet kit is under the bed.” 
Vi hunched over and pulled out the kit. She was nervous but not shaking. She could do this. 
“Your left calf pocket? Is it on a cloth?” Vi asked, knowing she would make a mistake if Reina were awake. She didn't want to do more damage. 
That's my Violetta for you! Always thinking about not hurting people! Isn't she the cutest? 
“Yep! Oh! This is just like one of my wet dreams! Only after you knock me out I wake up to you riding—” 
Vi wasted no time grabbing the drugged cloth and covering Reina’s mouth before she could get into detail. Once the imp passed out she got to work. 
Oh come on! Dream Vi was riding a giant spider like a horse! Sure I was tied to a web and naked and incredibly turned on, but I wouldn't give her the fun details! Oh! It's starting now! 
*The following dream sequence has been excluded due to the explicit nature of the content* 
“Explicit nature?” What could be so bad about a little bdsm and s&m? Na na nana come on!—unless you mean the cannibalism, I can get that! 
Is it both? You're no fun! 
Reina blinked herself awake after an hour. She was still sore but on the mend, and dressed in her favorite pajama shorts and t-shirt. She'd be all better by morning. 
Hold on! I go commando! Vi saw my sexy naked body! And I didn’t get to show off?!
She sat up, to her own detriment, and glanced around the room. Nothing was out of place except for the medical kit on her nightstand. Vi was nowhere to be seen. 
Reina figured that she needed some time to come to terms with the fact that her roommate was the assassin she fought so many times. Or maybe she had to come to terms with the fact that Reina really liked her. It would be uncomfortable to have a stereotypical horny trans woman lusting after her all the time. 
Ugh way to make me feel like shit. I don't care if I'm thinking it, you don't have to say it!
But then there was a knock on the door, pulling her from her woes 
“Yes!” Reina cooed, drawing out the vowel. 
“I brought you a smoothie. I swear to god if you're not in bed right now I will break every bone in your feet,” Vi said from the other side of the door before opening it. 
“Your bedside manner needs work, but lucky for you, I'm into threats!” Reina beamed. 
Vi shook her head and walked over to her. She was bundled in her favorite hoodie and sweatpants, clearly hiding her form. And the red take-out cup in her hand was calling to Reina. 
“It's apple-kiwi-kale, is that cool with you?” Vi asked and handed her the drink. Reina took it with a nod and then took a sip. 
“You added chocolate and seaweed!” she gasped and slurped it all down, sucking in her cheeks to get every last drop. It was her signature drink! 
“Yeah, it's what you always get so I figured you'd want it,” Vi admitted and curled into herself. 
“You're so sweet!” Reina said brightly, and then pouted, “But you don't have to be sweet to me just because I said I like you.” 
“It’s not like that—I–uh—I told you that the girl I like is out of my league,” Vi stammered, “And you're out of my league.” 
“I’m not out of your league! What does that have to do with you being sweet to me?” Reina asked and tilted her head like a puppy. An oblivious puppy. 
“You are. You're fun, spontaneous, and you respect people’s boundaries. You care about the strangers around you and you try to make everyone feel welcome. You're pretty and brave and too good for me,” Vi argued. 
“But I'm aggressive and overwhelmingly sexual! Especially towards you! Not to mention my line of work! I'm not out of your league at all! You're out of my league! You're out of my league and the girl you like’s!” Reina fought back and put her smoothie on her nightstand. She would physically fight this spider even if she was hurt! 
Vi paused and stared at her for a moment. Was Reina just dense or did she have head trauma? She was not an idiot. 
“You're her,” Vi muttered and shrank back. 
“You like me?” Reina beamed, “Kiss me, I must be dreaming!” 
“The phrase is ‘pinch me’ you know,” Vi said with a blush. 
Oh god, she is so cute! Narrator, Bestie, I need to smooch her entire face! Please! 
“I know! But you won't pinch me right now and I want kisses!” she pouted and fluttered her eyelashes. Vi couldn’t resist her pouty face and sat on the bed beside her. 
Oh shit! Oh shit! This is happening!
“Where?” Vi asked shyly, wishing she had more hair to hide behind. 
“Anywhere on my face!” Reina said, vibrating from the antici—
Vi took a calming breath and cupped her cheek, turning her head so their eyes met. She was shaking as she leaned in, letting her eyes flutter shut before her lips made contact with Reina’s. It was supposed to be a quick, chaste smooch.
Fuck that! 
But Reina grabbed the back of her head and pulled her closer, not letting Vi escape. It was just enough incentive for Vi to knock her on her back and run her tongue between Reina’s lips. Reina had to let her in!
Ooh! Scare Bear had some practice with that! 
When Vi could finally pull away, her eyes were sparkling and full of enamor. Reina was flushed, staring up at her as her bangs fell around her face. This was really happening. 
“You look like my next girlfriend,” Reina muttered, unable to look away from her spiderlily. Vi blushed even more but smirked.
“You look like my current girlfriend,” she jeered, “If you don’t mind a boring moral hero type being yours.” 
“You are anything but boring! Now get down here and snuggle with me until I’m healed!” Reina huffed, only a little flustered. Rabidosa was absolutely dastardly when she flirted with Piscina Muerta, and Vi’s coy smirk had her heart racing. 
It’s so unfair! She’s the only one who can make me a puddle! 
Vi sighed through her nose and shook her head fondly. Naturally she relaxed next to Reina and curled up beside her. Reina took the opportunity to snuggle closer and nuzzle into her chest.
Soft tiddy, warm tiddy, not wrapped in a web! Happy Duchess, sleepy Duchess, I love girl 
“Don’t expect me to change my super suit so you can get to my chest when I have to kick your ass,” Vi hummed and closed her eyes. After a long stressful day, she earned a good nap. 
“As long as I can get to the tiddy when I’m recovering from your ass-kicking, I won’t,” Reina mumbled and fought back a yawn. Healing was draining! 
“Dork,” Vi grumbled as sleep took over her. Reina giggled to herself and drifted off, happier than she thought possible. The confusing future could wait. 
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secularbakedgoods · 1 year
(science fiction, 1100 words)
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It’s the end of the fiscal year. Hunting season has begun.
Ultimately, it all kicked off with the invention of the “workplace transparency plan.” As ad revenue stagnated, social platforms instead offered corporate clients access to their employees’ private messages. For a small subscription fee, employers could learn who their workers were communicating with and retaliate as they saw fit.
Within months, an entire industry of talent recruiters found themselves stonewalled by a terrified workforce. With electronic communication lost to them, the recruiters — far behind on their quotas — resorted to more drastic methods.
Strive Solutions is a midsize software company on the third floor of a converted building in the old warehouse district. Its two vintage elevators are too old to support ID card readers, so a pair of security doors flanking the reception area are all that stand between potential intruders and Strive’s inner sanctum.
A few minutes past 3:00 in the afternoon, both elevators open and the mob piles out.
Runners always raid in force, the better to overwhelm any on-site security. Where once the typical recruiter was a bland, nonthreatening thirtysomething in business-casual pastels, now they trend toward linebackers’ builds and stab vests. Those who aren’t the general size and shape of a refrigerator are the most dangerous of all — quick, clever, and vicious.
Not one of them is over the age of 30. Running is a youngster’s game.
The security doors are RFID-locked, but made of glass. Somebody puts a boot through one of them, and the runners barely slow as they stampede through.
The bulk of Strive’s employees work in an open-plan area referred to as “the Pit” whenever management isn’t around. The runners swarm through it with ease, unhindered by hallways or doors, vaulting over desks and chairs when they need to.
Certain pieces of equipment are standard. Every runner carries a tablet, ruggedized to withstand all sorts of abuse and equipped with a fingerprint scanner. A simple swipe of a new recruit’s thumb and the contract is sealed, filed instantly with their new employer. Signatures were once the preferred endorsement, before someone realized a fingerprint was valid even if the owner of said finger was unconscious.
Most of the runners also carry weapons, usually truncheons or collapsible batons. Those who don’t are about to learn that Strive’s CEO has a blacksmithing hobby and an office full of medieval weapons.
The rest of a runner’s arsenal varies with personal preference.
Barry Duboc, like most of his colleagues, goes for the easy money: junior employees who are easily seduced by playground offices and extravagant launch parties, and are easily intimidated into signing anything put in front of them. Clients don’t pay much for cannon fodder like this, but Barry makes up the difference in volume.
Inside a military surplus document holder, its metal edges filed razor sharp, Barry carries photos of his client’s break lounge — stuffed wall-to-wall with vintage arcade games — and a laminated copy of their dense recreational calendar. Before long he’s herded a sizable number of impressionable young programmers away from the safety of their fellows.
A few yards away, a 6’7” runner with tattooed sclera and brass knuckles on both hands sinks his teeth into the earlobe of a production intern.
Seasoned runners like Tom Saunders know where the real money is: senior developers, not so easily swayed by treats, parties, or threats.
Tom never goes on a run without a copy of his client’s benefits package, a breakdown of their flexible working policy, and a stun gun. This time, though, Tom’s got a secret weapon: his client operates out of a refurbished boutique hotel and offers private offices to its senior employees. The promise of working behind a door that can close attracts two senior web developers, one production manager, and an automation engineer.
Shelly Fleming is a virtuoso; she glides through the bedlam of the Pit like a shark through a school of fish. Painstaking research, careful maneuvering, and perfect timing have brought her here, today, for one target alone.
Over the weekend, Strive’s lead software architect posted anonymously online about her struggles at work since transitioning. Unfortunately, the post went viral and a characteristic turn of phrase gave her away. She was summoned to Strive’s HR department ten minutes ago for a lecture on “undermining the company’s public image.”
Shelly bursts into the room with a six-figure contract and her client’s novel-length Diversity & Inclusion policy. If the architect took the time to actually read the policy, she’d quickly realize it was crafted with great care to serve as a flawless legal and political shield while entitling the company’s employees to no actual protection or recourse from discrimination. But time isn’t a luxury she has anymore.
She winds up at the center of a tug of war between Shelly and the HR manager, whose brightly painted nails carve deep lines into the architect’s arm as Shelly drags her from the room.
Of course, Strive has invested in countermeasures. An expensive renovation over the holidays transformed the entire office into a Faraday cage, ensuring no wireless signals can go in or out. The runners’ contracts are all hosted on a remote web service; they must get their prizes out of the building.
Barry ushers his pack of recruits back through reception, but the elevators take precious seconds to arrive and more to depart. Strive’s two security guards beat several of the defecting juniors unconscious before they can escape, and a particularly zealous manager drags another from the elevator as the doors close.
Tom knows better, and heads for the stairs; unfortunately, the route to the stairwell leads past Strive’s executive suite. He loses one of his recruits to a flying tackle from the COO, who adorns his desk with high school football trophies.
Shelly cased the office in advance. She leads the architect to an old fire escape at the far end of the floor, near the server room. The windows are locked, but a quick blow from Shelly’s collapsible baton and they’re both home free, clambering down the side of the building.
As quickly as it started, it’s all over.
Of the dozens of workstations arrayed throughout the Pit, almost half now sit empty. Broken glass and loose papers lie scattered across the floor, alongside a few office chairs knocked over in the chaos. Strive’s remaining workers peer uncertainly from beneath their desks.
A light breeze wafts through the shattered window.
Strive’s CEO storms and rages for an hour, cursing the disloyalty of his former employees. Then, shutting himself in his office, he places a call to his own recruiter.
(my ko-fi)
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otherworldlyhope · 7 months
Started another project because I literally can't stop myself now. Remember all that time ago when I proposed the idea of a Bdubs secret agent au? Well I wrote it.
It's called The Flowers in Your Eyes and I'm really excited for it! I'll post the first chapter here, and the rest will be on my ao3.
Chapter 1: Hail to the King
CW: death, gun violence Words: 3,843
Hidden deep within Aquatown, far from the prying eyes of the public is a warehouse. Its unassuming looks often turn people away, a simple stone facade with a metal shingle roof. The inside is always dark whether night or day. Maybe at one time it had been used for storage or anything normal, but now it has a completely different purpose.
Just below this warehouse lies a complicated door guarded by snarling dogs and a woman with a stoic expression that never leaves her face. If deemed worthy the door will open, leading to dozens more security measures. Fingerprint scanners, passcodes, and various other tasks lie in wait before any of the other doors can be open. Only after all these tests are passed is the final door opened, and the facade of the warehouse is completely stripped away.
Hermitcraft Environmental Protection, otherwise known as HEP, is both a well known and mysterious agency. To the broad public it’s merely a protection group. Volunteers in orange shirts take to the streets once a week and clean Aquatown of any dangerous substances that may threaten the town. HEP is happily spearheaded by the gracious mayor of the town. With his gleaming smile, and genuine love for his town there is no doubt in the trustworthiness of HEP. After all, how bad can a single company really be?
To the unfortunate few in the city that are aware, HEP is far from an environmental force. The true HEP is still mostly unknown, a select few know surface level details, but no one besides enemies and those on the inside are truly aware of HEP’s activities. Most of those who know about the true intentions of the agency usually don’t last long enough to tell another soul anyways.
Mysterious assassinations of greedy politicians, distribution of various drugs, intelligence gathering and many other shady tasks regarding the city falls on the shoulders of those working at the true HEP. It’s not a glamorous job, but it does pay well, and once you’re in you can never really get out. Well you can, but it usually it's in a coffin.
At the center of HEP is the mysterious agent known as DoubleO. He has been in his position from the very start of the agency, appointed by the mayor himself. While many were skeptical at first, he quickly proved his abilities. With dozens of recorded eliminations and countless unrecorded, there has never been an agent that has come close to his level of proficiency. Despite all attempts of less than savory parties, no one has been able to find a single bit of information on this person, and they never will.
DoubleO stands on a rooftop, his jacket whipping in the wind that funnels through gaps in the nearby buildings. He’s only two stories up, a fall that he can take easily, in fact he intends on taking it soon. Just down the street is a brightly lit bar full of college students. Their loud voices fill the block, and it makes him smile. It’s always good to have some good cover sound. Missions done in absolute silence always have him so much more on edge.
With a sigh he sits down, his entire back popping with the movement. Void, he really needs to go to his chiropractor, it’s been far too long since he got put in place and he could benefit from it now. He slides his gloves on, stretching his fingers to make sure they don't hinder his mobility in any way. The white fabric shines under the moonlight, but it doesn't catch his eye. It never does.
He slides his briefcase across the tiled rooftop towards him, unlocking it with a simple key. There’s a slight click as he flips open the latches and takes in the sight of the weapon before him. His eyes scan the contents for only a moment before he’s grabbing parts. With practiced motions he puts every piece in place, not even needing to double check his work.
Maybe a year ago he would have checked again and made sure that all the pins were done correctly, but now he has no doubt in his skills. It takes barely a minute to have the gun wholly assembled and balanced on the edge of the building. He pulls himself into position, laying across the tile.
The back of the gun is placed firmly against his shoulder as he moves the scope to be perfectly aligned. A voice sounds in his ear, but he doesn’t jump or even twitch despite the loud volume.
“DoubleO, the target is three minutes out, coming from the south. Black sedan, middle seat in the back row. There are three guards with him, others ready to be on site in minutes.”
“Got it X.” He says curtly, not wanting to say any more than he needs to on the rare chance that someone is in the alley below him. It would be unfortunate to add another unofficial name to his little black book, so he tries his best to keep himself inconspicuous.
He doesn’t move at all in the span of two minutes, only flexing his fingers over the trigger to make sure they don't get too tense. He’s learned from his previous mistakes to not hold them tight against the metal. As X gives him the one minute warning he begins his routine.
Breathe in for ten, then out for fifteen.
Relax the shoulders, and let them drop right into place.
Pull the pointer finger to the trigger and simply wait with held breath.
Not once in his three years of doing this has he broken this routine, and it has never failed him in return. Well, once it did. But he doesn't count that circumstance.
The black sedan pulls up to the sidewalk and the only person who steps out is a large man in the passenger seat. He pulls a radio to his mouth, scanning the streets for signs of anyone. Not once do his eyes find DoubleO’s scope. Only when he deems it clear does he knock on the window.
The two guards exit next, standing on both sides of the target as he finally emerges. His head glows in the moonlight, a lack of hair being a very reflective surface. He’s taller than both the guards at his side. At that observation DoubleO’s mouth turns up into a smile. Fantastic.
To the guards’ credit, they do a rather good job at keeping the target well covered. Unfortunately for them DoubleO is better than rather good at his job. He doesn’t let them even take a step, aiming directly where the moon shines on a hairless scalp.
It takes seven and a half pounds of pressure to pull the trigger on this particular rifle and he does it with ease. The back hits his shoulder harshly as a boom rings out across the street. He only takes a second to make sure the target is down before dropping his head and rolling to the side. The guards shout as they try to place where the shot had even come from.
By the time they figure out the building, DoubleO is already at the far edge. He rolls over it without a second thought, angling himself to favorably hit the ground. A slight weightlessness comes over him before rudely being interrupted by concrete. Still he takes it in stride, rolling into his feet with little effort.
The second he’s on the ground he’s pulling off the gloves and all his layers. They are neatly folded in his hands as he walks, his eyes focused on an old beat up Honda parked on the street. By the time he’s stripped of all identifying clothing he’s at the car. Without as much as a misstep in his gait he drops the clothes and his earpiece in the open window, barely nodding at the man inside.
The whir of a window rolling up fills his ears as he tugs his light gray sleeves down. The fabric is itchy on his skin, the seams in all the wrong places. Just as he hears yells echoing on the street, he ducks into the still rowdy bar. The bartender catches his eyes immediately and gives an almost imperceptible nod.
DoubleO picks a seat at the end of the bar and before he’s even down, the bartender has placed a half filled bottle of beer and a laptop before him. The seat is uncomfortable, a velvet lined backless barstool. Still he leans forward, pulling his elbows onto the bar. One hand wraps around the neck of the beer, and the other holds his face up.
The sweatshirt on his back bears the mascot of the nearby college, and on his laptop is a partially finished homework assignment. With almost no effort he blends right into the crowd of partying students. Just as he raises the bottle to his lips does he see the guards from before in his peripheral.
There’s much more than three and he’s almost impressed how quickly they mobilized. Still he focuses his gaze back to the laptop, lazily eyeing the problems in front of him. It’s chemistry, and immediately his face turns in disgust. The bartender smiles at his expression and leans forward on the counter.
“You regretting taking chemistry yet?” He asks casually, tapping his fingers against the bar. His eyes barely dart to the door, but DoubleO’s stay directly where they are. “I’ve been told that professor is an absolute nightmare .”
So there’s two of the guards entering the bar. DoubleO enthusiastically nods before taking another swig of the beer. It hits the bar top hard as he throws his hands out in an annoyed way.
“Every day I wish that I took psychology.” He sighs, then goes for another drink, making a show when he realizes the bottle is empty. An exhausted exhale leaves him as his whole body deflates onto the bar. “While I’m doing this dumb research paper, they’re doing nice little group projects. My dad was right, I shouldn't have gone into the sciences.”
He barely catches the way the seat two away from him settles. One of the guards sits heavily, rubbing his eyes as he waves the bartender over.
“I’ll take whatever he’s having.” The guard sighs, waving his hand towards DoubleO.
“Good choice.” The bartender says, grabbing two bottles from below the bar. One goes to DoubleO and one goes to the guard.
He starts to lay the act on hard, annoyed that the guard is sitting there and not just doing a quick sweep like he should be.
“Hey Ed,” DoubleO pauses, drunkenly waving his hand over his beer. “Wait, that's your name right?” When the bartender starts to correct him he just shakes his head and talks even louder. “Whatever. Did you know that with my gpa I could have gone to any college I wanted? But my dumb parents wanted me to stay close or whatever. I could have gone to like Harvard or somethin’, Harvard Ed.” He emphasizes every syllable, making a complete fool of himself as he slurs over random words.
Ed only rolls his eyes, pulling the beer away from him before he can take another sip.
“I think I might have to cut you off kid, that’s one too many when you’re supposed to be doing homework.”
So the other guard has left, it’s go time.
“Hey, that's unfair.” DoubleO whines, leaning over the bar to try and grab the bottle back. “You can’t do that.”
“Yes I can and I am. Now go home.” The bartender turns, setting the bottle on the second to right coaster. DoubleO notes it with pursed lips and then dramatically flops onto the bar. After a few seconds he props his head up, glancing up at the guard through half lidded eyes.
“Hey man.” He pokes the guard, giggling at the harsh glance he gets back. “Do you have any cigarettes? I promise I’ll like pay for your beer or somethin’, but I ran out and I am way too drunk to get some more . ” He sings that last part, internally cringing.
The guard sighs before nodding, casting a look at Ed who points to the no smoking sign. “Let’s head outside, kid.”
DoubleO stands quickly, then almost falls directly on his face. The guard reaches out and grabs his arm, pulling him to his feet.
“Thanks mister, you’re nicer than my own parents ya know?” He mumbles as they exit the bar. DoubleO leads them into the alley beside it, greedily reaching out. “They hate smokin’, said it’ll give me cancer or somethin’. So I told them I’ll become a chemist and cure cancer so I can smoke all I want.”
He laughs heartily at his own words. The guard finally drops his wall a bit, giving him a placating smile and reassuring words.
“Hey did you see someone come in that bar in the last few minutes?” The guard says as he pulls a cigarette from the box. DoubleO all but rips it from his hands, and holds it to the lighter the guard produces. He makes a show of thinking as he pulls the cigarette to his lips.
“Uhhhhhh.” He leans against the wall, blowing the smoke right into the guard’s face with a laugh. “There was this one guy, all shady lookin’. He went to the bathroom after almost makin’ me spill my beer on myself. I was so mad.”
The second the guard turns to look back at the alley entrance, DoubleO is moving. He drops the cigarette and reaches out, wrapping his forearm around the guard’s neck. His other hand comes up to stabilize the chokehold.
“Shhhh.” He hushes the gurgling man, slowly dragging him back towards a now opening door. His smile is wide as he rolls his eyes. “You’re gonna blow my cover.”
The bartender has opened the back door, holding it open as DoubleO drags the almost unconscious guard into the break room. He only tightens his grip when they’re out of the open space, and waits until the man goes limp against him. The second he does, he drops him, letting him fall into a heap of limp limbs and cigarette smoke.
“X is gonna be happy about this one.” The bartender looks down at the guard with an uncomfortable smile. “He was just complaining about how they were getting no info from Mr. Bright, but this should make his day.”
DoubleO rubs his eyes as he searches for something to tie the guy’s hands with. “I’m so glad he’s gonna be happy.” He says dryly, drawing out the so. “But tell him I hate the freaking bar jobs. Acting drunk is the absolute worst.”
“You’re so good at it though.”
“Oh shut up Mumbo.”
Mumbo only rolls his eyes, pulling the edge of his mustache with his fingers. “It’s not like we had much of a choice in the matter. He wasn’t supposed to sit down. He saw your face for far too long.”
“I know, I know.” DoubleO gripes, finally finding a length of rope that he fastens around the man’s wrists. “I have a dinner to get to tonight and this was supposed to be a quick in and out.”
“I’m sure Scar will understand.” Mumbo says. There’s a beat of silence and then the two erupt in laughter. Mumbo has to wipe his eyes afterwards, curling over his stomach.
“Sometimes you’re the funniest guy I know, Mumbo.” DoubleO chuckles, lightly punching the other man’s shoulder. “Do you think you can handle this guy until they pick him up?”
“Yeah.” Mumbo sighs, lightly kicking the man over. “I already called X so the team should be on their way soon.”
“Alright then I’m gonna dip. I gotta hurry if I want to get to dinner at a reasonable time.” DoubleO crosses the room, pulling the handle of the door. “I’m so screwed.”
“Alright I’ll see you around.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
There’s a motorcycle waiting just around the back of the bar when DoubleO turns the corner. He pulls the helmet on and curses X under his breath.
“You couldn’t have gotten me a car or something?” He mutters. “I’m gonna have to fix my hair and I’m already running late…”
He continues to complain to himself as he gets on the bike and kicks it on. The purr of the engine does settle him down a bit, and he quite enjoys speeding through the back alleys until he can merge onto a main road.
He checks his watch and sighs, pulling off onto a side street. He definitely doesn’t have time to go back to his apartment, so one of his safehouses will have to do. A lack of a shower doesn’t sit well with him, but he’s already far too late.
He basically runs through the parking garage, pulling the helmet off as he rushes through the seemingly abandoned building. The keypad has dust gathering on its keys as he punches in the code, and he hastily wipes his finger on his shirt. There’s no way he’s wearing this to dinner with the freaking mayor.
Luckily he’s prepared for these circumstances and finds much nicer clothes in the safe house. White button up and black slacks go on quickly, his shoes are still trainers, but he’ll have to make do. He musses his hair in the mirror and groans at the way the helmet pressed strands of it down it stupid ways. Whatever, he’s got to go anyway.
The bike is nice enough to calm his mood and by the time he pulls up to the building he’s feeling much better. The woman in the lobby waves at him as he passes like she always does, and he nods like every other time. When he enters the elevator there’s no buttons, but it starts to rise all the same.
This is really the only time he gets nervous honestly. Scar has always made him feel that way, and it wasn’t even really his fault. Just how things have played out up until this point still has the agent taking calming breaths before their meetings. He does a once over of his clothes in the reflective surface of the elevator and fusses over his collar before the ding of the door brings him back to where he is.
He clears his throat once before stepping out, marveling at the view just beyond him. The mayor was quite good at pulling strings, and so they would meet in this random skyscraper that DoubleO doesn’t think actually belongs to a company. They dine at the top floor with tinted windows and sound canceling walls. This is where the business is done.
His eyes flit over the Aquatown and then finally settle on the man sitting at the table just by the window. His hands are crossed over his chest, an obviously fake smile on his face. Once he meets DoubleO’s eyes he pointedly looks down at his own watch.
“Sorry Scar.” He apologizes, sitting across the table with him as quickly as he can. The white napkin in front of him goes on his lap as he actively avoids looking at the mayor. “Mr. Bright’s guards ended up being more of a nuisance than we thought. We did manage to get one for interrogation though, so overall I think it worked out.”
The mayor simply hums as he sips a red wine from his glass. The scar on his cheek pulls and DoubleO looks away quickly.
“I guess I can excuse it.” There’s a joking tone to his voice, but DoubleO knows Scar well enough that he can tell he’s not amused. “Is all that business going to be wrapped up then?”
DoubleO nods quickly, grabbing his own glass with slightly shaky hands. Weirdly enough these meetings always feel like having dinner with guardians after getting in trouble. He tries not to dwell on that though.
“After the interrogation we should be good, I was going to follow up on the Glasby family as their ties with Bright are too large to ignore. I-”
“That’s actually why I called you here today.” He falls silent as Scar speaks. “I’m assigning you to a long term undercover mission starting next week. All the information you need is in these files here.”
He pushes a rather large stack of papers towards DoubleO, who can only stare at Scar in shock. His mouth is wide open as he blinks, sure he’s heard it wrong.
“Me? Undercover?” His voice is slightly hoarse so he clears his throat. “You know that I don't really do that sort of thing. I’m sure Mumbo would be really happy to do it. That’s like his whole thing.”
“Mumbo is working on the new MooPop factory with Cub and Tango. Believe me, I’ve thought through all the options and I am confident that you can pull this off.” Scar puts his hand out, his tone softening just a bit as the agent grabs it. “You used to love undercover work, just remember that you’re the best for a reason. I didn’t take you off the streets just for you to doubt yourself like this.”
“What if I mess up again?”
Scar’s eyes darken for just a moment, his fingers squeezing tightly against DoubleO’s. Then just as quickly as it came, it disappears. “You won’t. I believe in you.”
DoubleO’s entire frame relaxes against the chair as he nods. “Alright, give me a rundown.”
Scar beams at his words and grabs some papers of his own.
“It’s much more detailed in the files, but this here is your target.” He scans the picture, seeing a pretty regular looking guy. The only really weird things are his white hair and the rather large scar over his left eye and spanning down his cheek. “His name is Etho Slab, at least that’s what he says it is. We are confident he’s a Mycelium Resistance member, and a quite high level one at that.”
DoubleO sucks in a breath, suddenly seeing the man with new eyes. There’s a slight feeling of familiarity, like he’s seen those eyes before.
“We’re dropping you in as a store owner that’s attached to a cafe he regularly goes to. Your apartment will also be relatively close as well. The goal is to become friends with him, get him convinced you want to join the resistance when he eventually spills, then get all the information you can.”
“Why don't I just nab him at the cafe and we get the information ourselves? I bet X could get it out of him.” DoubleO asks, leaning against the table with an elbow.
“With his status it’s highly unlikely we’ll get anything from him. That group is stubbornly loyal, so you just need to find a way to join in, get the information, and get out.”
“Sounds easy enough.” DoubleO says dryly.
“Exactly!” Scar exclaims.
“I was kidding. This is going to be awful.”
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v-thinks-on · 2 years
“You won’t believe what’s happening!” Inspector Lestrade exclaims as her boots click rapidly across the wood floor.
“Inspector, you come bearing news of friend Moirarty?”
“You could say that, I don’t know who else it could be. Come on, there’s no time to explain!”
Watson is already pulling on his trenchcoat, he hands me my cloak, and we allow Lestrade to hurry us out the door to the vehicle waiting outside.
As we lift into the air and swerve through traffic, careening between metal spires, she says, “I rushed over as soon as I heard about it on the coms, hopefully we’re not too late!”
She makes it a quick journey. We touch down in front of an immense factory among many in an industrial corner of the city. There is no shortage of chaos; Lestrade’s vehicle is only the latest to arrive, and humans and robots hurry through the giant warehouse doors, but it is plain that the source of all of the commotion is gone, and now all that remains is to take stock of the damage.
“Shall we see what Moriarty has so generously left for us?” I step out of the vehicle and motion to the doors.
The three of us pass entirely unremarked amidst the maelstrom of people hurrying in and out, only adding to the chaos in their attempts to bring order. Fortunately, we have no such pretensions, rather our interests lie inside. The doors are already open, allowing us to pass into a factory on an enormous scale. It is like the city in miniature, crossed with conveyor belts for skyways, which run between colossal machines, whirring and pressing and cutting hundreds of still and silent compudroids and even bulkier enforcebots, waiting in long rows.
To the untrained eye, the evidence of crime could easily disappear into the regular commotion of the factory. I, however, know to look for that which is out of place, and my brain swiftly puts the pieces together, even as the remnants are hastily cleared away so that the factory may resume its ordinary operations.
Whole conveyor belts of compudroids have been knocked asunder and toppled to the ground like as many toy soldiers. The damage is largely glancing, but some bear blast marks, and a few are missing larger chunks or even limbs. The worst of the remnants of the fray are deeper still, amidst a tangle of conveyor belts torn askew, beneath which lie the shattered remains of a dozen or so enforcebots, presumably sent in to apprehend the intruders.
Lestrade stops to speak with a woman in a suit and hard hat who must be the foreman as Watson and I forge on, manoeuvring around the factory workers, human and robot alike, slowly working to clear away the remains. I duck out of the way of a pair of workers carrying a hefty, charred torso between them, to be disassembled for scrap, and a third brings the head not far behind.
I confess some unease at the sight, but I push it aside, turning to Watson to inquire whether his scanners have detected any evidence which might elude my senses. However, the question does not leave my lips. He stands frozen in what one might describe as shock, his fists clenched and human features twisted with pain and anger.
I pick my way across the scene to his side and lay an arm across his shoulders. “What is it, Watson?”
He shrugs off my arm. “I’m really no different from them.“
“We will stop Moriarty and bring him to justice for what he has done to man and machine,” I say with firm conviction, a hand lingering upon his arm.
He shakes his head, but does not pull away. “They were destroyed before they even had a chance, but even if they had not, it could hardly be called a life. I remember it, Holmes, what it was like to be an ordinary compudroid with no will of my own, only the directives imposed upon me and the will to fulfil them; a true automaton.”
“You may have been their prisoner, but there must have been some spark of you already dwelling within, for it may have been Dr. Watson’s journals which awoke you, but even now I remember Dr. Watson well enough to know that you are uniquely yourself - and I would have no other.”
He graces me with a smile, still weak and fleeting, but no less assuring. “I wonder if that’s what it’s like for the crhypnotized; imprisoned within their own minds by the will of society. Even with all they’ve done, it’s hard to blame them for joining up with Moriarty.”
“Do not forget that they’ve earned their fate.”
“You’re right, Holmes, it’s for the best.” He hesitates.
“Yes, Watson?”
“It’s just that I was surprised how so often in Dr. Watson’s journals you would side with the criminal over the law. True, it was a different time, with different laws, but perhaps I admired that lawless dedication to what was right, and I wonder if that was what broke my programming.”
Now that he mentions it, I do recall, and my reason seemed to be perfectly sound at the time. “It was a different time, under different circumstances, and now we have Moriarty to catch,” I say, but some unease lingers.
“Right, Moriarty has never been good news.” 
With some reluctance we both turn our attention back to the destruction around us; what remains of the scene of the crime despite the factory workers’ best efforts to clear away all of the evidence. As Watson steels himself to scan the debris, I take a broader view. That there was a fight is plain; seven assailants- no, eight, broke into the factory. They moved discreetly at first, their aim theft, not destruction, and then the alarm sounded, and they were forced to fight their way out.
“Holmes,” Watson interrupts my thoughts, “I believe I’ve found something left behind by Moriarty and his gang. It’s a synthetic fibre, I’ll see if I can find a cross-reference in the database.”
“Excellent, Watson!” I wade through the debris over to him to take a closer look.
Before I have the chance, Lestrade comes hurrying over from speaking with the foreman. “We’ve got a bigger problem than a few wrecked compudroids and enforcebots. Apparently, Moriarty’s gang wasn’t just here to stop production; they broke into the computers and stole some codes.”
“Codes?” Watson asks warily.
It’s the simplest matter to guess which codes they stole. “I should have seen it from the start. Moriarty’s aim can be nothing less than shutting down the Yard’s entire robot network.”
“That’s what it looks like,” Lestrade says. “They still have to figure out how to use the codes they stole to get into the network, but once they do, it’d be easy for them to bring down all our robots, crippling the New Scotland Yard.”
I am keenly aware of Watson beside me as I declare, “There is only one thing to do; we must stop them before they have the chance! Watson, has your clue turned up any leads?”
“It doesn’t seem to be anything of use,” he says, but at my urging he continues, “It’s a strand of a synthetic material. The closest match appears to be the Eurasian wolf, which has been extinct for nearly a hundred years. The only record of a wolf in the last two decades is reported sightings of an unnaturally large specimen on the moon, but that’s only a legend…” 
“But if Moriarty’s on the moon, that would explain why the Yard’s surveillance hasn’t been able to track down him or his gang!” Lestrade says.
“If I’m correct,” I say, “Moriarty is using this wolf of legend to scare would be trespassers away from his hideout.”
“You mean you believe Moriarty brought this legend to life merely to scare people away?” Watson asks dubiously.
“It would explain some of the more peculiar thefts he perpetrated before my return.”
“And don’t tell me you forgot, Watson,” Lestrade says, “I was wondering why he decrypnotized that nutty old environmentalist, who had been peacefully working for the government for the past few decades. Maybe it was so he could help create a security wolf.”
“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth,” I conclude.
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Meeting Noah Diaz - Mirage (ROTB) +/x OC
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The center picture is someone's OC. I am using it as a reference for mine, Nova. There were no credits with the picture but once I find the creator I will link them here. I did not draw that, I'm using it as a reference until I get my OC done.
"Calling all Autobots. Calling all Autobots!" Nova's radio crackled to life, Optimus' voice filling her speakers. Nova was driving down the interstate in her Alt-form, a silver 1970 silver Ford Mustang. Through her speakers, she could hear "Yippie-ki-yay, mother-" a phrase Bumblebee has been using since he watched the drive-in screening of Die-Hard. Once Nova got off of a busy street, she had transformed out of her alt-form and looked at the skyline with her optics. "Prime, this is Arcee. I have a visual. What...am I looking at?"
Nova chimed in as well, "This is Nova. I also have a visual. It looks like just some sort of light. Should we be concerned? Like Arcee asked, what is it?" Prime doesn't respond say anything for a minute, but then answered with, "A way home."
Prime then called out on the radio system, "Calling all Autobots! Repeat, calling all Autobots! This is an emergency! Mirage, can you hear me? Roll out!"
Nova sighed, turning back to her alt-form. "Still no contact with Mirage?" She asked Prime. "I am afraid not. I do not know why he is not responding. Mirage! I repeat. Roll out!"
"Hey, Prime, you remember that old warehouse?" Nova asked Prime through her radio. "I do, why are you asking?"
Within ten minutes, the four of them -Arcee, Bumblebee, Prime, and Nova- had made it into the warehouse to see Mirage talking to a human. What Prime had advised them to not do. Bumblebee walked in casually, quoting another movie, "Well, well, who have we got here?" Nova switched out of her alt-form, leaning against the wall. She glared at Mirage through her optics. "Seriously, Mirage?" She asked.
Arcee was next to speak, standing on a high scaffolding. "Mirage, what have you done?" Optimus walked in through the large opening, folding his arms. The human dropped the pipe that was in his tan hands. "You brought a human in here?" He asked, pissed off.
Mirage, sensing his angered tone tried to veer the topic. "Optimus, hey! Lookin' good, man! Wait a second, are those new rims?"
Nova used her robotic hand to facepalm. "You've got to be kidding."
"You were told to stay hidden!" Optimus said, not taking the compliment well.
Mirage looks to Nova, but then back to Optimus, using hand gestures as he explained. "Right, right. Crazy coincidence. When you called all Optimus-like, "Autobots, Roll Out!", this guy was already in the car! But he's cool, so it's cool, cool?"
Prime's optics narrowed. "Not cool." He picked the human up, examining him. "Who are you, human?"
The human closed his eyes. "I'm nobody, I ain't even see nothin'. I'm not even seeing anything right now."
Arcee used her intelligence scanner to get information about the human before her. "Private Noah Diaz. U.S. Army. Multiple commendations. A wizard with electronics. Hmm, he’s a soldier."
Optimus looked at him closer. "He does not look like a soldier."
Noah scoffed. "I mean, you’re looking pretty rough yourself." Mirage coughed, trying not to laugh, and Nova hit his robotic forearm. "Sorry, sir," Mirage apologized to Optimus, who was glaring at him.
"I will deal with your mistake later." He placed Noah on a scaffolding.
Arcee began to talk, and Nova's attention was turned to her. "Okay, the energy surge we felt was in the 4000th yottahertz range, which is undetectable to humans. I’ve reconstructed the source from the energy echoes." Arcee pulled up a 3d hologram of the object which seemed to be of some key.
Prime looks shocked. "I cannot believe it! It exists and it is here." Bee looked at it, slightly confused. "What the hell am I looking at?"
Optimus answered, still in shock, "The Transwarp Key! It was thought to be lost thousands of years ago! It was once used to open space time portals to energon-rich planets throughout the universe."
Mirage stepped forward, "Wait.. You mean energon-rich planets like...?"
Nova answered excitedly, grabbing onto Mirage, slightly shaking him. "Cybertron! We might be able to go home!" She squealed.
"After seven long years stranded on Earth, we finally found a way home!" Optimus exclaimed, optimistic with being able to go home.
Once Mirage got Nova to stop shaking him, he asked, "Okay, so where is this… tra-tr-tr…"
"Transwarp Key," Nova suggested, looking at him with a deadpan face.
"Right. Thank you."
Arcee did some readings and replied, "It’s in the new museum on Ellis Island."
"Didn't know they had a new museum," Nova commented.
"Let’s blow it up! Get the hell out of Dodge," Bee suggested with a shrug.
Prime did not like that idea. "No, we can’t just go in blasting and steal it, Bee. The humans will hunt us down. What we need is a quiet way in."
Just as Prime said that, Noah had made a loud crashing noise as he landed on the ground.
"Ooh, how 'bout him?" Mirage suggested.
"I don't know..." Nova's optics squinted.
"What? Come on, man! He can slip in through one of them little doors! Grab the key, leave a nice I.O.U. and peace out. He’s perfect," Mirage tried to reason.
"What?!" Noah chirped in.
"No. It is a bad idea," Prime said firmly.
Noah began to back away. " I agree with Big Man. So it’s been real, y’all, but.."
Mirage made his way over to Noah, "Uh, time out!"
"Mirage!" Prime tried to stop him.
"No! No, no, I know! Just relax. Let me just talk to my guy real good," Mirage reassured Prime, crouching down. Nova walked next to Mirage. "Yo, don’t leave me with these tight-asses, bro! We make a great team!" Nova made an ahem noise. "No offence, Nova." Mirage locked optics with her momentarily before returning his gaze to Noah.
"Look, I’m not breaking into museums for some space robots!" Noah argued.
Mirage, desperate, tried to convince Noah. "But what about for friendship? Uh, uh, or, or, or what about for cash?" He saw Noah's partially convinced face.
"Uh-huh. You help us get this key so we can get off this rock. No offense. Love the neighborhood and all. And then, I let you sell me. "
Mirage stood up and began to switch through multiple alt-forms. "Lambo? Ferrari? Indy?" He then returned to his robot form, crouching yet again. "Look, you get paid and then I’ll split."
"Ah yes. Fraud," Nova said which caused a dirty look from Mirage.
"So all I gotta do is walk in and out?" Noah asked.
"All you gotta do. We’ll take care of the rest. Cross my spark and hope to die. Wow! That was corny when I said it out loud," Mirage answered.
"Anything that comes out of your mouth is corny," Nova scoffed. "But you love it though, Supernova."
"Not my name."
"But what about the big man? Optimal, or whatever?" Noah asked, interrupting Nova and Mirage's banter.
"You let me worry about him. Cool?" Mirage asked, hoping he'd just convinced Noah.
Noah sighed deeply before nodding.
Now it was Mirage's turn to shake Nova. "Ahh, got him! He’s in, baby! Woo!" Mirage then spun Nova, causing her to wobble, slightly dizzy.
"Let's just hope that's the right choice..." Nova said.
"With that being said, Autobots...Roll out!" Optimus called, turning to his alt-form, and driving out.
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leevallc · 3 days
Leeva: The Best Inventory Management Software for Your Business Needs
In the ever-evolving world of business, effective inventory management is the key to operational efficiency and profitability. Whether you’re a retailer, manufacturer, or managing inventory for insurance purposes, Leeva’s inventory management software offers a comprehensive, user-friendly solution designed to streamline processes, minimize errors, and maximize productivity. Here’s why Leeva stands out as the best inventory management software:
1. Real-Time Inventory Visibility
Leeva provides real-time tracking and updates for your inventory, allowing you to monitor stock levels, movements, and locations at any given moment. With a cloud-based system, users can access this information from anywhere, ensuring complete oversight across multiple warehouses or storage facilities.
This real-time data gives you the power to make informed decisions quickly—whether it’s restocking, reallocating products, or adjusting orders based on current demand. Leeva’s automatic low-stock alerts also ensure that you are always ahead of potential stockouts, keeping your operations running smoothly without unnecessary delays.
2. AI-Driven Forecasting and Insights
Leeva integrates powerful AI and data analytics to provide accurate demand forecasting. The software analyzes historical data, current sales trends, and market fluctuations to predict future inventory needs. This allows businesses to optimize stock levels, avoid overstocking or understocking, and reduce excess costs.
In addition to forecasting, Leeva generates detailed reports that can be customized to focus on different aspects of inventory performance. Whether it’s product turnover rates, seasonal trends, or stock movement patterns, Leeva ensures that businesses have access to actionable insights for smarter decision-making.
3. Seamless Barcode and QR Code Integration
Efficiency is essential in inventory management, and Leeva simplifies this with integrated barcode and QR code scanning. Employees can scan items quickly using mobile devices or barcode scanners, instantly updating the system with accurate information. This speeds up stock counts, minimizes human error, and ensures that your inventory data is always up to date.
By eliminating manual entry, Leeva helps businesses save time and resources while maintaining tighter control over their stock. This level of accuracy is crucial, especially for industries with large volumes of inventory, where even small errors can lead to significant losses.
4. Insurance-Focused Inventory Management
For homeowners or businesses managing assets for insurance purposes, Leeva offers specialized features designed to simplify this process. Users can easily document their assets, attach photos, and input purchase details for each item. This detailed record is invaluable in case of loss, theft, or damage, making it easier to file accurate insurance claims.
The software also generates ready-to-export reports that can be submitted directly to insurance companies, helping speed up the claims process while reducing disputes over the value or existence of items.
5. Customizable and User-Friendly Interface
Leeva stands out with its easy-to-use, intuitive interface. Whether you’re a seasoned inventory manager or a first-time user, the platform is designed to be navigated with ease. Key functions such as adding new items, scanning barcodes, or generating reports are simple and accessible, reducing the learning curve and increasing productivity.
In addition, Leeva is fully customizable. Whether you need specific workflows for retail, manufacturing, insurance, or e-commerce, the platform can be tailored to fit your unique needs. This flexibility ensures that Leeva grows alongside your business, adapting to changes and scaling as needed.
6. Cloud-Based and Scalable Solution
Leeva’s cloud-based platform ensures that your data is always secure and accessible. Whether you’re managing a small inventory or handling complex multi-location operations, the software offers scalability to fit any business size or requirement.
The cloud infrastructure guarantees uptime and provides real-time collaboration across teams, no matter where they are. With advanced encryption and security protocols, businesses can trust that their inventory data is safe from breaches or loss.
Leeva’s inventory management software is designed to deliver the perfect balance of innovation, usability, and customization. From real-time tracking and AI-powered forecasting to seamless insurance integration and user-friendly features, Leeva empowers businesses to manage their inventory with greater precision, efficiency, and control. Whether you’re looking to streamline your operations, reduce waste, or enhance decision-making, Leeva provides the tools you need to take your inventory management to the next level.
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seobud · 4 months
Unleashing the Power of Barcode Scanners with Rugtek
In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, efficient data management and swift operations are crucial for businesses to thrive. Enter Rugtek, a company at the forefront of providing cutting-edge barcode scanners that streamline processes, enhance productivity, and ensure accuracy in various sectors. Whether you're in retail, logistics, healthcare, or any other industry, Rugtek's barcode scanners are designed to meet your specific needs and elevate your business operations.
The Importance of Barcode Scanners in Modern Businesses
Barcode scanners have become indispensable tools for businesses of all sizes. These devices help in automating data capture, reducing human errors, and speeding up the workflow. By converting physical barcodes into digital information, barcode scanners enable quick and accurate data entry, inventory management, and tracking of goods. This technological advancement not only saves time but also minimizes the risk of mistakes associated with manual data entry.
Why Choose Rugtek Barcode Scanners?
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Rugtek stands out in the market for its innovative and reliable barcode scanners. Here are some reasons why Rugtek should be your go-to choice:
1. Superior Technology
Rugtek’s barcode scanners are equipped with the latest technology, ensuring high-speed and accurate data capture. With features such as laser scanning and imaging capabilities, these devices can read a wide range of barcodes, including 1D, 2D, and QR codes, even in challenging conditions.
2. Durability and Reliability
Built to withstand tough environments, Rugtek’s barcode scanners are known for their durability. Whether it's a warehouse, a retail store, or a healthcare facility, these scanners can handle drops, dust, and moisture, ensuring uninterrupted performance.
3. User-Friendly Design
Rugtek understands the importance of ergonomics. Their barcode scanners are designed to be lightweight and comfortable, making them easy to use for extended periods. The intuitive interface ensures that even first-time users can operate the devices with ease.
4. Versatility
Rugtek offers a variety of barcode scanners tailored to different applications. From handheld scanners to fixed-mount and mobile computers, there’s a Rugtek scanner for every need. This versatility allows businesses to choose the perfect solution for their specific requirements.
Applications of Rugtek Barcode Scanners
Rugtek’s barcode scanners are utilized across various industries, each benefiting from the efficiency and accuracy these devices provide.
In the retail sector, barcode scanners play a pivotal role in inventory management, point of sale (POS) transactions, and customer service. Rugtek scanners help retailers keep track of stock levels, speed up checkout processes, and enhance the overall shopping experience.
Logistics and Warehousing
For logistics and warehousing, Rugtek’s barcode scanners ensure accurate tracking of shipments, streamline picking and packing processes, and improve inventory accuracy. These scanners facilitate real-time data capture, allowing for better decision-making and efficient operations.
In healthcare, Rugtek’s barcode scanners contribute to patient safety and efficient data management. From medication administration to patient identification, these scanners help healthcare professionals reduce errors and improve the quality of care.
Manufacturing industries benefit from Rugtek’s barcode scanners by improving tracking of raw materials and finished products. This leads to enhanced production efficiency, better quality control, and timely delivery of goods.
Rugtek’s commitment to quality and innovation makes their barcode scanners an essential tool for businesses looking to enhance efficiency and accuracy. By integrating Rugtek’s barcode scanners into your operations, you can expect improved data management, reduced errors, and a boost in productivity. Choose Rugtek for reliable, user-friendly, and technologically advanced barcode scanners that cater to the unique needs of your industry. Embrace the future of data capture with Rugtek and experience the difference that top-notch barcode scanners can make.
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datasystem1 · 4 months
Maximising Efficiency And Accuracy: The Advantages Of A Warehouse Stock Management System
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In the fast-paced world of logistics and supply chain management, the importance of an efficient and accurate warehouse stock management system cannot be overstated. Such a system not only streamlines operations but also improves inventory visibility, reduces errors, and enhances overall productivity. In this article, we explore the numerous benefits that a warehouse stock management system offers to businesses of all sizes.
Improved Accuracy and Reduced Errors
Manual inventory management processes are prone to human errors, such as miscounts, misplaced items, and data entry mistakes. A warehouse stock management system automates these processes, significantly reducing the risk of errors and inaccuracies. By using barcode scanners, RFID technology, and automated data capture methods, the system ensures that inventory counts are accurate and up-to-date. This accuracy not only minimises costly errors but also enhances customer satisfaction by ensuring order accuracy and on-time delivery.
Enhanced Traceability and Compliance
Traceability and compliance requirements are essential in industries such as food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and aerospace, where product safety and regulatory compliance are paramount. A warehouse stock management system provides robust traceability capabilities, allowing businesses to track the movement of products throughout the supply chain. With batch and lot tracking, expiration date management, and serialisation features, the system enables quick and accurate traceability in the event of recalls or audits, ensuring regulatory compliance and customer safety.
Data-Driven Decision Making
A warehouse stock management system generates a wealth of data on inventory levels, order volumes, pick rates, and other key performance indicators. By analysing this data, warehouse managers can identify trends, spot inefficiencies, and make data-driven decisions to improve operational performance. Whether it's optimising stock levels, adjusting staffing levels, or refining warehouse processes, data-driven insights empower businesses to continuously improve and adapt to changing market conditions.
Scalability and Flexibility
As businesses grow and evolve, their warehouse operations need to scale accordingly. A warehouse stock management system offers scalability and flexibility to accommodate changing business needs and volumes. Whether expanding to new markets, adding product lines, or adapting to seasonal demand fluctuations, the system can scale up or down to meet evolving requirements. Modular architecture and customisable features ensure that the system can adapt to the unique needs of each business, providing long-term value and investment protection.
Competitive Advantage
In today's competitive marketplace, operational efficiency and customer satisfaction are key differentiators. A warehouse stock management system gives businesses a competitive advantage by enabling them to operate more efficiently, deliver orders faster, and provide superior service to customers. With optimised inventory management, accurate order fulfilment, and seamless integration with other systems, businesses can stand out from competitors and gain a reputation for reliability and excellence.
A warehouse stock management system offers numerous benefits to businesses seeking to optimise their warehouse operations and streamline their supply chain processes. From real-time inventory visibility and improved accuracy to enhanced traceability and cost savings, the advantages of such a system are clear. By investing in a warehouse stock management system, businesses can unlock new levels of efficiency, productivity, and profitability, positioning themselves for long-term success in the dynamic world of logistics and supply chain management.
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inspireofficespace1 · 5 months
Things to Bear in Mind When Choosing an Apparel ERP System: 
Introduction of ERP
As the successful owner of an apparel company, you may have never used an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution or may be using a legacy solution that no longer meets the needs of your company. With competition fierce, managing every aspect of your business from design to manufacturing, supply chain issues, and seasonal volatility, you need to do something to gain an advantage. 
One option is to consider implementing an industry-specific apparel ERP system, which streamlines key tasks and processes involved in running a fashion and apparel company making you more efficient, effective and agile, leading to faster growth and profitability. 
However, when choosing an ERP solution, it is important to consider whether it is specifically designed for the apparel industry, as other options may not have the necessary functionality and may even hinder growth. 
In the article below, we will explore the criteria for determining if an apparel ERP is the right choice for your fashion and apparel company.
1. Seek out an industry-specific apparel ERP:
When selecting an ERP system for your apparel and footwear business, it's important to choose one that is specifically designed for the fashion industry and tailored to your specific needs. 
Generic ERP software may not have the necessary features and functions to help your business thrive in the fast-paced fashion market. 
Look for a specialized, cloud-based system that offers access to data from anywhere, and full visibility into operations. 
Additionally, consider the specific challenges of your sub-sector within the fashion industry and ensure that the ERP system you choose has the tools to meet those needs. 
Be cautious of customizations as they can be expensive and may not integrate seamlessly with the system. Take your time to evaluate your options and request a demonstration to ensure you make the right choice.
2. Seamless Integrations with Essential Features
An industry-specific ERP solution for the fashion and clothing sector offers special features that will help you compete in your market. 
ERP systems enable you to efficiently and effectively plan and govern your business by providing you with a digital, 360-degree perspective of your organization. 
The following are the features you need to search for:
Inventory Management. 
Since each item manufactured in the apparel industry has a variety of styles, colors, sizes, dimensions, and potentially even pre packs, it stands out from other manufacturing sectors. Robust inventory management systems assist you in keeping track of the current stock counts because all of them need to be organized and monitored. You can be sure that there will be enough merchandise available to satisfy client demand. Decrease excess. Cut back on overstocks. Minimize waste. Spend less.
Warehouse Management Functionality.
Using tools from a warehouse management system (WMS), you may make the garment supply chain less complicated. This function is capable of handling a wide range of designs, colors, and sizes as well as kitting (pre-packs), reverse kitting, and other processes. By automating receiving, picking, and packaging tasks, WMS shortens the time it takes to complete orders. Handheld RF scanners integrated into the system also ensure the accuracy of your purchases. You can even track inventory at each of your warehouses and drill down to individual locations.
The apparel business recognizes that EDI services are more than just a "nice to have". Almost all major retailers (including Nordstrom, Macy's, and Walmart) demand that their suppliers transact business over EDI. Because EDI removes manual data entry, businesses may rapidly retrieve, process, and transfer documents and information while also more easily adhering to delivery and customer service requirements. EDI is the standard technique for exchanging data between business partners in the garment sector.
Material Requirements Planning. 
By precisely calculating the number of raw materials you require, you may use MRP to gain better control over material purchasing and inventories. By determining your initial inventory needs for raw materials and components to ensure their availability when you need them, you may create a manufacturing plan for your final goods. When MRP is incorporated into your ERP, you have access to the specific data you require for each job as well as the complete production process.
3. Look for a provider who will act as a partner rather than a vendor.
When searching for a vendor for your apparel ERP system      , keep in mind that you need a partner, not just a vendor.       
It is crucial that the vendor has a deep understanding of your industry. 
You should interview vendors and inquire about their team's experience in the industry to ensure they can deliver on their promises. 
You want a vendor that not only understands the software but also how it can meet your unique business needs and improve existing processes. 
Additionally, make sure you choose a vendor that will provide excellent ongoing service for the lifetime of the software.
4. Completely Scalable
In the fashion and apparel industry, consumer preferences are constantly changing. 
Your company needs to be ready for any shifts in trends, which means having a system that can adapt to new customer demands.
An apparel ERP system that provides insight into production and supply chain operations is ideal, as it allows you to make adjustments as needed, and facilitates the introduction of new product lines or expansion to new facilities. 
It should also be an integrated solution so that new tools and features can be easily implemented and utilized.
5. Cloud-Based Software Options
The utilization of cloud technology in apparel ERP systems is becoming increasingly prevalent, particularly for small- to medium-sized businesses. 
This is because cloud-based solutions are more cost-effective and have a lower total cost of ownership compared to on-premise alternatives. 
Additionally, companies that have transitioned to cloud-based software have been found to be more successful than those using on-premise systems. 
Cloud-based apparel ERP systems also offer improved business continuity planning, as data is constantly backed up to the cloud, ensuring access to critical business information even in the event of a catastrophe. 
Additionally, cloud systems do not rely on local hardware or internal servers, allowing for access to information from any device with an internet connection. 
Cloud-based solutions also offer flexibility in scaling, with monthly or yearly subscription pricing and the ability to add additional software and services as the business grows. 
Furthermore, Cloud-based applications do not require servers, a dedicated IT team, or any upfront costs for additional hardware. 
Everything will be handled by your vendor, and deployment takes substantially less time.
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macarthurlocksdoors · 5 months
Fortify Your Business: Macarthur Locks & Doors' Reinforced Commercial Solutions
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Macarthur Locks & Doors introduces a paradigm shift in security solutions with its revolutionary line of reinforced commercial doors, designed to safeguard businesses with unparalleled strength and durability. At the forefront of innovation, Macarthur Locks & Doors has meticulously engineered these fortress-like barriers to withstand even the most determined intrusion attempts, providing peace of mind to businesses of all sizes.
Crafted from the finest materials, each door in Macarthur's collection is a testament to precision engineering and uncompromising quality. Whether it's steel, aluminum, or composite materials, these doors are built to exceed industry standards, setting a new benchmark for security excellence. Employing advanced construction techniques and state-of-the-art technology, Macarthur Locks & Doors ensures that every door offers optimal protection against forced entry, vandalism, and extreme weather conditions.
What sets Macarthur's reinforced commercial doors apart is their adaptability to diverse commercial environments. Whether it's an office building, retail store, warehouse, or industrial facility, Macarthur Locks & Doors has a tailored solution to fit every need. From single entry doors to expansive storefronts, each installation is meticulously planned and executed to seamlessly integrate with the existing architecture while providing maximum security.
Beyond their robust construction, Macarthur's commercial doors are also engineered for convenience and ease of use. With options for various locking mechanisms, access control systems, and customization features, businesses can tailor their security solutions to suit their unique requirements. Whether it's keycard access, biometric scanners, or remote monitoring capabilities, Macarthur Locks & Doors empowers businesses with cutting-edge security technology.
Moreover, Macarthur's commitment to sustainability is reflected in their eco-friendly door options, which utilize recycled materials and energy-efficient designs without compromising on security or durability. By choosing Macarthur Locks & Doors, businesses not only invest in their security but also contribute to a greener future.
Furthermore, Macarthur's dedication to customer satisfaction extends beyond the installation process. With a team of highly skilled technicians and responsive customer support, Macarthur Locks & Doors ensures that businesses receive ongoing maintenance and support, maximizing the lifespan and performance of their security investments.
In an ever-evolving landscape of security threats, Macarthur Locks & Doors stands as a beacon of reliability, innovation, and protection. With their reinforced commercial doors, businesses can fortify their premises against potential risks, safeguarding their assets, employees, and customers with confidence. From small enterprises to large corporations, Macarthur Locks & Doors is the trusted partner for all security needs, offering strength, reliability, and peace of mind in an uncertain world.
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technowaveblog · 8 months
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Introduction: Your Premier Source for Barcode Scanners Online in Dubai, UAE
Welcome to Techno Wave Group, Dubai’s trusted barcode scanning technology partner since 1999. We lead in providing advanced barcode scanners to various industries in Dubai, UAE. Additionally, We understand the importance of efficient barcode scanning in business. Therefore, Our online selection features top-tier scanners from Datalogic, Newland, and Zebra.
In today’s fast business world, having the right tools is crucial.Consequently, Techno Wave Group ensures our barcode scanners meet top quality and functionality standards.Whether you’re in retail, transportation, or hospitality, our barcode scanners are designed to streamline your operations and enhance productivity.
Stay tuned as we delve into the reasons why Techno Wave Group is the leading supplier of barcode scanners in Dubai, the benefits of partnering with us, and the comprehensive range of products and services we offer.
Why Techno Wave Group is a Leading Supplier of Barcode Scanners in Dubai, UAE
Techno Wave Group is more than a supplier. We’re your business success partner. Moreover, Our trust and quality have made us Dubai’s top barcode scanner supplier. Here’s why we stand out:
Extensive Experience: Since 1999, we’ve been immersed in the technology sector, accumulating vast knowledge and expertise. This long-standing presence in the market ensures that we understand the evolving needs of different industries and are equipped to provide tailored solutions.
Wide Range of Products: Furthermore,We offer an extensive selection of barcode scanners from industry-leading brands such as Datalogic, Newland, and Zebra. Our range includes scanners suitable for various applications – from retail environments to high-demand transportation and hospitality sectors.
Adaptability to Industry Needs: We recognize that each industry has unique requirements. Therefore, our products are versatile and adaptable, whether you need a compact handheld scanner for a small retail outlet or a robust, high-volume scanner for a busy warehouse.
Commitment to Quality: At Techno Wave Group, quality is paramount. We ensure that every barcode scanner in our inventory meets strict standards of performance and durability, enabling you to maintain seamless operations.
Benefits of Purchasing Barcode Scanners Online from Techno Wave Group
Choosing Techno Wave Group for your barcode scanner needs comes with a host of benefits that make us your ideal partner:
Convenience and Accessibility: Our online platform makes finding and buying the right barcode scanner easy. Browse, compare, and select scanners that meet your business needs from your office.
Competitive Pricing: Similarly, We understand the importance of budget-friendly solutions. That’s why we offer competitive pricing on all our products, ensuring you get the best value without compromising on quality.
Wide Selection of Brands and Models: With an array of options from trusted brands like Datalogic, Newland, and Zebra, we cater to all scanning needs. Whether you’re looking for durability, precision, or specific functionalities, our range has you covered.
Expert Advice and Support:Also, Our team of experts is always ready to provide you with professional advice and support, ensuring you make an informed decision and get the most out of your purchase.
Reliability and Trust: With over two decades in business, we’ve earned a reputation for reliability and trust. We’re committed to customer satisfaction and quality products.
By choosing Techno Wave Group, you’re not just buying a barcode scanner; you’re gaining a reliable partner who understands your business needs.
Our Range of Barcode Scanners:
At Techno Wave Group, we take pride in our diverse selection of barcode scanners, catering to a wide range of business needs. Here’s a glimpse into our product offerings:
Datalogic Scanners: Known for their robustness and reliability, Datalogic scanners are ideal for retail, transportation, and manufacturing. From the versatile Magellan 9800i to the general-purpose QuickScan series, these scanners offer efficiency and accuracy for various scanning needs.
Datalogic – QuickScan 2100 SeriesRequest a Quote
Datalogic HS7500 Hand ScannerRequest a Quote
Datalogic – RIDA DBT6400 SeriesRequest a Quote
Datalogic – QuickScan 2500 SeriesRequest a Quote
Newland Scanners: If you’re looking for high-quality scanning solutions with advanced imaging technology, Newland scanners are the perfect fit. They provide both 1D and 2D barcode scanning capabilities, ensuring ease of use and adaptability to various environments.
Newland BS10R Sepia II Portable ScannerRequest a Quote
Newland BSBS80 Piranha Portable ScannerRequest a Quote
Newland WD1 Watch ScannerRequest a Quote
Newland FR27 Urchin Specialty ScannerRequest a Quote
Zebra Scanners: Zebra’s range, including the MP7000 scanner scale and the DS series, is designed for high-performance and durability. Particularly suited for high-volume POS lanes and healthcare environments, these scanners offer unmatched checkout speed and reliability.
Zebra DS4600 SERIES FOR RETAILRequest a Quote
Zebra MP7000 SCANNER SCALERequest a Quote
Zebra DS8108/8178- HCRequest a Quote
Ensuring Competitive Pricing and Comprehensive Services
Competitive Pricing: At Techno Wave Group, we understand that value for money is a top priority for our clients. That’s why we are committed to providing the most competitive pricing in the market. Thanks to our partnerships with leading brands, we offer high-quality barcode scanners at budget-friendly prices. This ensures you get excellent value.
Additional Services: Beyond just selling barcode scanners, we offer a range of additional services to support your business needs. This includes:
Annual Maintenance Services (AMCs): We provide comprehensive maintenance services to keep your scanners running smoothly.
Software Support: Our team offers expert software support to ensure seamless integration and operation of your barcode scanners.
Repair Services: In the event of any technical issues, our skilled technicians are on hand to provide fast and efficient repair services.
By choosing Techno Wave Group, you’re not just purchasing a product; you’re gaining a partner dedicated to supporting every aspect of your barcode scanning needs.
Conclusion: Your Trusted Partner for Barcode Scanners in Dubai, UAE
In conclusion, Techno Wave Group stands as your premier choice for purchasing barcode scanners online in Dubai, UAE. Our commitment to quality, combined with our extensive range of products and competitive pricing, makes us the ideal partner for your business. With over two decades of experience and a dedication to customer satisfaction, we ensure that your barcode scanning requirements are met with the utmost professionalism and efficiency.
Explore our range of products and discover how we can enhance your business operations. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services or to get a quote.
Thank you for considering Techno Wave Group as your trusted barcode scanner supplier.
contact us for mere Details
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myinvestmindset · 1 year
Asian Medical: A Leading Medical Device Distributors in Australia
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In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, the demand for innovative and reliable medical devices is on the rise. With a commitment to improving patient outcomes and healthcare delivery, medical device distributors play a crucial role in connecting healthcare providers with cutting-edge technologies. Among the notable players in this field, Asian Medical stands out as a reputable and trusted medical device distributors in Australia. In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the world of Asian Medical, exploring their history, products, services, and their significant contribution to the healthcare industry in Australia.
Company Overview
Asian Medical, a renowned medical device distributors in Australia, has been a prominent player in the Australian healthcare landscape for several years. Established with a vision to bridge the gap between global medical device manufacturers and healthcare providers in Australia, the company has consistently strived for excellence. Over the years, Asian Medical has developed a reputation for its commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction.
Mission and Values
Asian Medical's mission is to enhance healthcare outcomes by providing state-of-the-art medical devices and equipment to healthcare professionals across Australia. Their core values include:
Quality Assurance: Ensuring that all products meet the highest standards of quality and safety.
Customer-Centric Approach: Focusing on the unique needs and preferences of healthcare providers and institutions.
Innovation: Staying at the forefront of technological advancements to offer cutting-edge solutions.
Ethical Practices: Conducting business with integrity and transparency.
Product Portfolio
Asian Medical offers a diverse range of medical devices spanning various specialties. Their product portfolio includes:
Diagnostic Equipment: Instruments for accurate diagnosis, such as digital thermometers, blood pressure monitors, and diagnostic ultrasound machines.
Surgical Instruments: Precision surgical instruments for various medical procedures, including scalpels, forceps, and scissors.
Monitoring Devices: Devices for real-time patient monitoring, including ECG machines, pulse oximeters, and vital signs monitors.
Patient Care Equipment: Products designed to improve patient comfort and care, such as hospital beds, wheelchairs, and patient lifts.
Dental Equipment: High-quality dental instruments and equipment for dental practitioners.
Laboratory Equipment: Instruments for medical laboratories, including centrifuges, microscopes, and analyzers.
Imaging Equipment: Cutting-edge medical imaging solutions, including X-ray machines, MRI scanners, and CT scanners.
Brands and Partnerships
Asian Medical collaborates with leading global manufacturers known for their innovation and commitment to quality. Some of their esteemed partners include:
Siemens Healthineers: A renowned name in medical imaging and diagnostics.
Philips Healthcare: A global leader in healthcare technology.
Medtronic: A trusted brand in medical devices and therapies.
Becton Dickinson (BD): A leading company in medical technology.
Asian Medical Services
Asian Medical operates an extensive medical device distributors in Australia. With a network of warehouses strategically located throughout the country, they ensure timely and efficient delivery of medical devices to healthcare facilities, regardless of their location.
Technical Support
In addition to product distribution, Asian Medical provides comprehensive technical support to their customers. Their team of skilled technicians offers installation, maintenance, and repair services for the equipment they distribute. This commitment to after-sales support ensures that healthcare providers can rely on their equipment for optimal patient care.
Training and Education
Asian Medical recognizes the importance of proper training in using and maintaining medical devices. To this end, they offer training programs and educational resources to healthcare professionals. These programs help users maximize the benefits of their equipment and ensure its safe and effective use.
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