#Drop Resistant Scanner
productinsights297 · 1 year
Boost Efficiency and Accuracy with Our Industrial Grade Barcode Scanner
Are you tired of slow and inaccurate barcode scanning in your warehouse or home library? Look no further! Introducing the Pro Extreme Performance Industrial Grade 1D 2D QR Barcode Scanner, a game-changing tool designed to revolutionize your scanning experience.
This powerful wired scanner comes with a convenient stand, making it hands-free and easy to use. Whether you're running a bustling warehouse or organizing your home library, this scanner is the perfect fit for Windows and Mac devices. Its drop-resistant and dustproof design ensures durability, even in the toughest environments.
With plug-and-play functionality, setting up the Pro Extreme Performance Scanner is a breeze. Say goodbye to complicated installations and hello to seamless scanning efficiency.
Get ready to take control of your inventory management and enhance productivity. Upgrade to the Pro Extreme Performance Industrial Grade 1D 2D QR Barcode Scanner today!
Hashtags: #ProExtremePerformance#BarcodeScanner#WarehouseProductivity#HandsFreeScanning#EfficientInventoryManagement#IndustrialGradeScanner#WindowsMacCompatible#DustproofDesign#DropResistantScanner#HomeLibraryOrganization
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
Worth Saving
Plot: When you are on a stealth mission in a rebel base, Obi-Wan must listen from a distance. When you are found out, injured and trapped, Obi-Wan races to save you, even when you tell him it's not worth it.
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Gn!Reader
Prompt: A is alone and hurt badly, they can talk to B through an earpiece/phone. Eventually A stops talking and B thinks they lost them. But they find them alive.
Requested By: Anonymous; this is a really old mystery prompt request lmao
A/n: I don't recall if they've ever even used ear-pieces in Star Wars except for with pilots in their ships, or if they just like...don't exist. But let's pretend they do lol
Warnings: Mild cursing, mentions of blood and death, wounds. Pretty angsty. Lack of a sense of self-worth from reader.
Words: 2.3k
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You tapped on the new piece of hardware hanging over your ear as you walked through the darkened backrooms of the base.
"Is this thing working?" You asked in a hushed tone.
"Yes, I can hear you just fine." You heard Obi-Wan's voice come through with a small amount of static mixed in.
"Oh good, now I can have your voice in my head telling me all the things I do wrong all the time now."
You could almost hear the smirk on Obi-Wan's face at your sarcastic remark before he replied "Perhaps this will stop you from making your impulsive decisions then."
"Don't get your hopes up."
Obi-Wan smiled again as he checked his scanners again. Even in these kinds of situations you could always make him smile.
He was nervous for you, being alone in a rebel base with no real knowledge of what you were actually looking for. And he hated that he was so far away, unable to get closer due to the base's ability to scan for ships.
So you snuck in yourself. Obi-Wan insisted on coming too, but you needed someone to be prepared to get you out fast, besides, if you got caught, there was a higher chance of him being recognized. You had a better ability of blending in, and no one knew your face, you couldn't be tracked back to the resistance.
Obi-Wan's heart dropped when he heard you curse, immedietely sitting up in his chair his hands hvering over the ships controls in case he needed to make his way to you.
"Y/n? What is it?"
"Someones coming, hold on." Your voice was barely audible, but Obi-Wan held his tongue, and his breath.
You snuck into a nearby room and leaned against the wall in the darkness. The sound of people walking past echoed through your ears.
Your heart was hammering as you held the handle of your phaser tightly.
"Y/n?" Obi-Wan's voice spoke softly, worry obvious.
"I'm good." You whispered and you heard an audible sigh of relief.
Looking around the room you had snuck into, you realized it was full of computers and paperwork. Looking closer, you saw drives locked up in a cabinet. Your interest piqued, you inched closer, wondering if the information on the drives might be valuable.
"I found a bunch of data drives"
"Any way of knowing what's on them?"
Breaking the lock, you took as many drives as you could fit in your bag. "No Idea but I grabbed some. I'm going to try and get into their system."
Able to hack in, you were only able to find one file on a potential weapon development for the rebels before you suddenly heard the door behind you slide open.
You dropped down, trying not to be seen, but you weren't fast enough.
"There they are!"
Through the comm's Obi-Wan heard an unfamiliar yell before the sound of weapons fire was heard. Obi-Wan immediately started the ship and made his way towards the base.
Hearing you grunt in pain, Obi-Wan's heart dropped "Y/n?"
"I've been hit" You said with panic in your voice as you fired your weapon at the rebels. Killing one, and wounding the other, you managed to get out of the room.
You raced down the corridors, your abdomen burning from your wound. As alarms started to blare through the base, you looked for a way out, but as the sound of running approached, you felt a sense of dread wash over you.
"I'll be there soon Y/n, can you get to the pick up point?"
"I'll get back to you on that."
Weapons fire filled the comm's again and panic coursed through Obi-Wan. He knew it was too dangerous to send you alone, he hated that he didn't go with you, he hated that he didn't risk the resistance being linked to the mission.
When silence came through the comm's Obi-Wan spoke "Y/n, what's going on?"
He heard your heavy breaths through the comm "I can't get out, they've got the place flooded with people. Obi-Wan, they knew I was here. They didn't just find me, they were looking for me."
Obi-Wan's breath caught in his throat "Are you sure?"
You nodded, forgetting that he couldn't see you "Yes, they knew"
Anger and worry coursed through him, who found out? Or, who betrayed you?
"Where are you?"
"I found a small storage room, I'm hiding in, I don't know if they'll find me. If they do, I'm screwed."
"How are your injuries?"
You looked down at your body and you swallowed. After the first hit to your abdomen in the control room, the ambush of rebels in the hall did more damage. You had been hit in the shoulder, arm and leg. It wasn't good, you already felt your body weakening.
Your clothes were burned from the phaser fire, the wounds were cauterized, but blood seeped from them due to your desperate escape.
"Not good."
Obi-Wan's stomach turned "I'm almost there, just hang on okay?"
"Obi-Wan, don't"
"Don't what?"
"Don't come for me."
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm too far into the base, it's too risky. And I'm too injured. It's not worth it."
Obi-Wan let out a scoff of anger and surprise.
"You mean you're not worth it?"
You always had this mindset. You always threw yourself into dangerous situations so other's didn't have too, because you thought you wouldn't be as missed, that you wouldn't be worth as much, that no one would really care if you died.
And he hated it, he hated that you didn't see your worth. He hated that you didn't see how much he cared.
Your silence told him exactly what he already knew.
"How can you still think that?" He asked, his voice desperate "How can you think after all this time, after all the people you've saved, that you aren't worth it?"
"It's an occupational hazard I guess." You spoke softly, obviously in pain, but he could hear the forced smile on your face as you spoke.
You were never one to want to worry him, so you always made jokes.
"Even if I don't think I'm worth it. It's too dangerous for you. The base is flooded with people, you may be a jedi, but you can't make it through all of them to find me. You'll get yourself killed."
"I'm coming to get you Y/n, nothing is stopping me."
Your heart was hammering in your chest, and you weren't sure if it was because of the pain, panic, or the way Obi-Wan was speaking.
"Is this what it feels like to be you, when I make reckless decisions?"
You heard Obi-Wan let out a soft huff "Yes"
"No wonder you always get so upset with me."
"Occupational hazard" He mumbled as his knuckles turned white due to the grip of his hands.
He could hear your voice slowly getting softer, you were loosing strength.
"I'm getting close Y/n, just hang on."
You could hear the sound of footsteps nearby and fear coursed through you. You pointed you weapon at the door, prepared to fire if needed. Even if you'd die here, you wouldn't let them take you out easily.
The footsteps faded and you felt relief wash over you. You hissed as a jolt of pain shot through your stomach.
"Obi-Wan, it's too late." Your voice was softer now, as your eyelids grew heavier. Your clothes slowly soaked with blood, your wounds aching.
"Don't you dare say that. I know you're stronger than this, so just stay awake, I'm almost there!"
Obi-Wan could feel himself losing to his emotions, but he didn't care, not now. He couldn't lose you, he wouldn't.
"Always so worried about me, always caring so much more than others. Why?" You were mumbling but Obi-Wan could still hear you.
Obi-Wan felt his eyes burning, hearing the pain and worry in your tone "Don't you know?"
"Yes. But If I'm going to die I'd like to hear it at least once."
Obi-Wan shook his head, "You're not going to die. You're going to hold on, and I'll tell you in person. How does that sound?"
"So now you're trying to bribe me into surviving?"
"Anything to make you stay"
You didn't notice your grip loosening and your gun falling to the floor, or the way your body began to slump. You tried to focus on Obi-Wan's voice, to stay awake, but you felt yourself falling into darkness.
"I don't...think I h-have...a choice"
"Y/n? Y/n!"
When you didn't response, and he was only met with silence and static, dread washed over him.
Seeing the base come into view, Obi-Wan began to land his ship. Fear, anger and determination coursed through him. He wouldn't believe you were gone, not until he found you. And if- if you were dead, he wouldn't leave you here, not alone.
Obi-Wan managed to get half-way through the base before encountering rebels. After a fight, and a light wound to his arm, he made his way through the base again.
Reaching out with the force, he felt for your presence, any sign of you nearby. Feeling nothing, he felt his heart clench painfully in his chest.
Suddenly, just for a second, he felt a familiar presence, a sort of warmth washed over him, but then it was gone. But it was enough for him as he picked up his pace, and began running.
Finding a small door sort of hidden in a corridor, Obi-Wan knew it would be the sort of place you would go too. Going in silently, his eyes immediately spotted you at the back of the small room and his heart dropped.
You were still, no movement could be seen. Your phaser was lying on the ground beside you, your hands limp and head to the side. Your clothes were soaked with blood, as phaser burns could be seen.
Obi-Wan ran to you taking your face in his hands. He felt relief wash over him. You were still alive, though barely.
He knew it would e dangerous getting you out. He'd have to carry you, but he was not leaving you. Scooping you up into his arms, he made his way out into the corridor. He could hear the sound of footsteps nearby. Taking a breath, he started to run, to get you to safety, so save you.
--- --- ---
You weren't sure how long you had been in the darkness, lost and numb. But slowly, you started to feel as though there was someone in the darkness with you. Like you were underwater and someone was reaching for you, all you needed to do was take their hand.
"Don't go Y/n."
The voice was familiar, but you had trouble placing it. It was warm, it felt safe.
"I'm right here, we're almost out of this, just don't let go."
Suddenly, like a jolt of electricity you realized. It was Obi-Wan. He had come for you after all. But you were sure you were dead. Weren't you?
No. Not yet.
Darkness swallowed you again, but you felt lighter, as though you weren't drowning anymore, but floating, waiting to wake up.
When your eyes finally fluttered open, the room around you was unfamiliar, but the presence beside you was a comforting one.
Obi-Wan stared at you for a moment, surprised by your sudden consciousness. Relief followed quickly though as he leaned forward.
You met his eyes before you spoke, your voice soft "You came for me"
He smiled softly "Of course I did."
"Even though I told you not too."
Your eyes wandered to his arm, which was now in a sling. "You got hurt"
He saw the guilt cross your face and he reached out and placed his hand over the top of yours. You met his eyes again as he spoke.
"It's nothing serious. I got off a lot better than you did. You've been asleep for days."
You looked down at Obi-Wan's hand as it encased yours. "I heard you, talking to me. Telling me to hold on."
Obi-Wan smiled softly. He knew what you were referring too. When he finally got you back to the ship, he reached out to you with the force. He knew there was a connection to the force within you, even if you refused to acknowledge it. That was how you could hear him.
"And you did hold on."
You nodded softly, seemingly lost in thought. Obi-Wan squeezed your hand softly and you looked back to his face. Your eyes remained locked in silence for a moment before he spoke.
"You asked why I cared so much for you" He began, his voice uncertain, knowing the things he wanted to say were meant to stay a secret. Knowing he was going back on his own training and beliefs for simply feeling them.
You shook your head, stopping him "You don't need to tell me Obi-Wan"
Silence fell as your eyes remained locked. You knew how he felt, and he knew how you felt. But that was all it could be. And you both knew it.
In a moment of desperation, before you thought you were going to die, you wanted to hear him say it, just once. But now you were alive, safe again. And those words could no longer be said again.
"It's okay." You said softly, your emotion obvious in your voice "I know."
Obi-Wan smiled, but there was only sadness and regret behind it.
He wanted to tell you so badly, but both of you understood the consequences if he let those emotions take hold of him. You smiled at him, but there was sadness behind it. The same as he held onto.
You both knew how you felt, and you both knew that feeling was worth holing onto, worth saving until you could final feel it freely. But for now, it would remain unsaid.
xx End xx
Not sure how I feel about how this came out, but I hope you enjoyed it!
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @rexit-mo, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
Star Wars & Obi-Wan Taglist: @hoeforthefictional, @asgardianhobbit98, @agent-catfish-kenobi, @maellem, @locke-writes, @stargirl-05, @linkxneptune, @skylions-den, @sardonic-the-writer, @emptyflowerpots, @hoodedbirdie, @gatefleet
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deyisacherry · 9 months
Striked by Stars — (DCA -Sun & Moon- x Reader. Cyberpunk AU)
(title might change)
[Just an idea. Possible Chapter 1]
Your foot taps the floor anxiously, you stare at your tired reflection in the vending machine's glass, waiting for the damn thing to work once and for all. Finally, it makes an almost hopeful sound, while you notice how the food package begins to move forward.
You can already imagine the sweet flavor of the cake, satisfying the hunger you have endured for at least 38 hours.
... Yeah, it's not easy to get something to eat in this city. Or anywhere really.
Your illusion is shattered when the package jams just before it's dropped, and the neon lights go out followed by a stupid, pathetic noise.
You kick the huge "box" angrily, without even getting a shake efficient enough to get your snack out of there... dinner? Whatever.
And of course, the great multimillion-dollar company in charge of creating most of the technology in your district had to make sure that the glass was resistant to prevent theft. That's why it was still here, and also why it barely worked. You suspect you're not the only person who's kicked this thing.
You curse every living thing left and give the device one last blow, before turning to leave the alley and walk towards your vehicle.
Wonderful. Another couple of hours you'll have to go without feeding.
Hell, sometimes you wish you were one of those Sentinel robots just so you wouldn't have to worry about eating. Of course, that was the only reason. The thought of becoming a robotic slave with no life decisions of your own made you nauseous.
You had no choice but to go all the way to the west of town to negotiate with some probably bitter and greedy guy. At least you would get some of the leftovers that are still in good condition.
You got so busy planning something that you didn't notice the constant noise coming from the direction of where you left your motorcycle. A worrying crash startles you and you step back before crossing the corner, pressing your back to the wall as your hand travels to the gun in your jacket.
You listen carefully, avoiding anything that could give you away.
Some bastard trying to steal your vehicle? A Sentinel they sent to annoy you? Did you get so careless that someone followed you?
Well, you better get out there and get rid of the problem before it gets rid of you.
You approach the corner very carefully, and activate the recognition scanner in your glasses, turning your head slowly.
Your hand grips the gun firmly when you see movement, away from your bike, thankfully, but closer to you than you'd like.
It takes you a while to make out the figure. A being with almost human characteristics, staggering as it tries to get up. It fell down, that caused the noise. But there are metallic sounds, machinery causing almost silent grinding noises. He's not human. But it's not a Sentinel either.
The being raises its head and you hide better. It doesn't notice you. You look at it closely and... it's a robot. Not one you've seen before, but definitely not one you should fear, or attack.
Its white orbs seem to scan its surroundings with confusion, or perhaps weariness. It doesn't take your "baby" into account and you sigh in relief knowing that you won't have to kick any more metal.
You study it more closely, while analyzing the information that your glasses give you. Humanoid figure, clearly thinner than ordinary. Probably tall if you weren't looking at it half lying on the ground. Yellow casings. A kind of sun rays around its head. A thematic robot, it seems. Definitely with artificial intelligence, it's not controlled by anyone. Half of its face resembles a crescent and...
It belongs to Fazbear. That's what the data says.
But... "Entertainment"? They stopped using that term a few years ago. "Fazbear Enterprises" is how they call themselves now.
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. You know many robots were created by them. Mostly animatronics.
You feel like you should be wary. You have no security knowing by whom it was created.
It looks exhausted. Afraid. Something clearly isn't working with it, and getting up seems like a big stretch right now.
Your hand holds the gun doubtfully. You shouldn't let your guard down anyway, so you stay alert. You clench your lips and fist, thinking of what to do.
You're starving, you can get in your vehicle right away and drive off to try a bite of whatever.
. . .
“Hey.” You speak firmly and as clearly as you can as you emerge from your hiding place, making sure it doesn't see you as a weak human, just in case. The sun-like robot looks up at you, and flinches, recoiling or rather crawling backwards at your presence. Its eyes open in some panic and its mouth that seems not to be able to open showing its teeth in a tense expression.
You raise an eyebrow at its reaction, but given its condition it doesn't surprise you. The information you receive when analyzing it with the glasses doesn't seem to be anything to worry about, yet...
"Who are you? What are you doing in this place?”
The robot doesn't speak, it just watches you and you start to get annoyed. You think you see its rays contract and come out at a rate that resembles breathing. Suddenly, its body tenses in a sharp sound, and it turns its head slightly to the side.
You narrow your eyes and frown. “What's wrong with you?”
You scan your surroundings, but you don't see or hear anything. It seems like you've become less of a threat to it just now.
“...Hey, I'm talking to y-”
The robot gets up with a speed that you don't know where it came from, and takes you tightly in its arms. Not enough to hurt you, but enough so you can't break free. And boy does that make you angry. You can't draw your weapon properly, and there's nothing to kick that will "hurt" it or make it fall. It carries you as if you weighed no more than a feather. You begin to curse and flail violently, until it covers your mouth with its hand. You expected a cold, metallic texture, but it's... Soft? Silicone... And why the hell is this robot so warm?
It moves from where you were in a hurry, you can hear its machinery more clearly. Of course you haven't stopped trying to free yourself or screaming under its hand.
When they reach an unlit alley, your glasses flash, detecting an approaching threat.
Damn, a trap, a fucking trap. You should have known. How dumb, how-
The robot presses you to its body and shrinks into a corner of the alley, allowing you to put your feet on the ground. You could take advantage of the situation to get away more easily and make it scrap once and for all, but...
You hear a Sentinel pass by. The sound of its thrusters becoming clearer and louder as it advances. Your detector would not have alerted you in time. You would have had to fight off guard, and probably come away with injuries, or worse.
The darkness of the place that surrounds you is enough to hide you. Your eyes open intently to the other side, maintaining at least a little hope that the devilish machine will continue on its way. Luckily, you know when it's tracking a target. That nasty, blinding purple light isn't on. Seconds pass tortuously slowly, and then it's gone, until your radar can no longer detect it.
You feel your body relax, and you breathe out in relief, closing your eyes for a moment.
The silicone hands carefully move away from your mouth and body, and you regain your anger at the surprise of the moment, turning sharply and pushing the robot against the cement wall.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! Are you insane?!” You blurt out in an angry whisper, just in case the thing could still hear you. “Why the hell did you do that?!”
The robot looks at you in panic, without moving. Its white optics seem to flicker nervously. It does its best not to touch you at all, both hands raised on either side of its head in a show of surrender.
Its silence makes you start to think that perhaps it doesn't speak, or its voice box is damaged. But... it probably just doesn't have the courage to talk.
As you study its fearful expression better, and the slightly scraped or dirty state of its faceplate and rays, you grimace. You release him and lean back.
... It just saved your life.
You don't understand why, but it did it.
And, damn, you still have enough honor to recognize an act like that towards you. Not everyone is that way these days.
Everyone tries to see for themselves. Even in the resistance. Someone less is just that... one more who didn't get lucky.
You clench your jaw, sighing deeply. You run a hand over your face, looking away. Your recent reaction wasn't the best on this one.
This robot saved you even though it wasn't in the best condition, and you perfectly noticed the fear it feels for the Sentinels.
While it does come from Fazbear... it doesn't seem to want to be related or involved with them. You look at it again, and it doesn't seem to be carrying any kind of weapon. The plates on its arms only look like maintenance accesses.
You soften your expression and hold out your hand towards it. The robot shrinks in fear, its rays retract and you understand that it's a way of expressing its emotions. Your mouth twists once more, your fingers gathering in sorrow. You drop your hand to your side awkwardly.
“... Hey, I'm sorry, I... I didn't mean to talk to you like that. You don't deserve to be treated that way after what you did for me…” You speak softly, watching as it slowly relaxes himself and also drops its arms tiredly.
It continues looking at you despite everything, it doesn't lower its head, nor does it look away. Or well... so it seems. You don't see pupils in its eyes.
Its rays extend smoothly, and you notice how they rotate very gently, just like a windmill. A small smile appears on your lips at that. It must mean it has calmed down now.
You breathe in and adjust your clothes without much effort. “Uh…” Your hand grabs your glasses and pushes them up, letting them rest on your head. "Thank you." You tell it calmly, not trying to approach it again. You understand that it may still be in a state of shock. “You could... you could have just left. Run, and leave me there… Wow, you could've just taken my motorcycle and run away.” You chuckle tiredly. “But you didn't... Thank you.”
The robot's rays make a quick turn to the opposite side, and you think you see him change his tense expression for a very slight smile just like yours.
You take that as an acceptance of your apology and gratitude, and you feel a little better.
A little, because... Now what? You're still hungry, and you're still planning on going for food. But leaving it here... just like that, would be low of you.
Actions, this is how you should show real appreciation for something so important.
“... Do you talk?” You ask simply, not knowing if you were tactful or not when doing so.
The robot takes a few seconds and nods. Oh, well... so it was just afraid to talk. Well done, you metaphorically "cut out its tongue" by being so defensive.
“Were you going somewhere?... You don't look... Well- you look...” You try to choose the best words, twirling your hand in the air. You click your tongue, straight to the point. “Do you need a ride? Anything?"
Another few seconds of silence. It seems to hesitate, and this time it lowers its head a little.
“… Uhm- You don't have to answer if you don't want to… I'm just trying to-”
“The underground shelters.” Finally it... he answers you, and this time you stay silent, waiting for him to continue. “I must... get to the underground shelters.” He says, his voice soft and slightly interrupted by static. His voice box, in fact, does sound a little defective.
“... Whoa, to the- to the other side of town, huh?” The robot nods, almost ashamed.
You and him internally recognize that in his conditions he wouldn't have gotten there on his own.
“Well…” You put your hand in one of the pockets of your jacket, and show him a small control, shaking it slightly. “You're in luck. I’m going to the west too.” You say with a friendly smile, tilting your head.
He mimics you, his head leaning to the same side as yours. Or maybe he's just confused to get your help back.
Either way, you have a feeling this robot was designed to entertain.
His confused expression changes to a cheerful one, his eyes turning animatedly into crescents.
"Thank you..." He tells you softly.
“It's the least I can do.” You say lifting your shoulders simply.
The robot stands up shakily. Not out of fear, but out of the clear weakness of his metal body. You inevitably approach him quickly and help him remain stable. He doesn't flinch, or push you away. He looks down at you with a tired smile. Doesn't he have any batteries that need to be recharged as well? You start to wonder how long he's been sneaking around the city to get to his destination.
“Do you have a name… a- nickname, or something?” You question, letting him place one of his arms on your shoulders.
The robot nods once more. His expression seems a little out of it, as if he was thinking about something else. Like he's remembering. “Sun.”
You sigh with a smile at the obvious coincidence, and adjust his arm tightly over your shoulders, your free arm wrapping around his torso firmly. You tell him your name confidently, and he looks at you, spinning his rays once more. You laugh softly and gently pat his forearm.
With your free hand, you lower your glasses onto your face again, just to make sure you don't run into any more inconveniences. The radar tells you that you're safe, and you sigh heavily. Good, because your stomach is starting to kill you.
You may have had a very small glimmer of regret when helping the robot walk to your motorcycle. Even if he's just leaning on you, putting his arm around your shoulders, he's heavy as hell. Envy growing in your chest as you remember how he picked you up like it was nothing a moment ago. And he was tall, very tall. If he wasn't hunched over, you would barely reach halfway up his torso.
But, leaving him here with the excuse that he was too heavy, would be beyond rude of you.
It's not like you wanted to either. You were serious when you offered to help him.
You both reach where your "baby" was left. Intact, without having been of importance to the Sentinel, and that takes a great weight off your shoulders...
Bad inside joke.
You let him hold on to the vehicle while you get on, so he can stay upright, and also keep your motorcycle stable. You settle into your seat and then turn to look at him, motioning with your head to tell him to get in too, while you start putting on your helmet.
Hesitantly, his eyes flicker a few times and then you see him physically relax, as if sighing. He climbs up and takes a seat behind you, avoiding as much as possible to touch you, you deduce. It's fair. You've just met, in a not-so-pleasant situation, and it's completely normal for him to be nervous or uncomfortable.
You remember how he flinched when you extended your hand to him.
When you saw the fear in his body language, the brief thought that perhaps he was attacked or mistreated crossed your mind.
You don't like that.
It is true that you prefer to go on your own in general, but it doesn't mean that you don't feel complete rejection of the injustices towards the innocent beings that survive in these times.
This robot is one of those beings. Your doubts are scarce.
Your hand turns the accelerator and causes the angelic sound of your motorcycle ready to go. You feel and see from the mirror how Sun stirs uneasily at this. He clearly hasn't been in a vehicle like this before, and that makes him even more nervous.
Another clue is how his hands hold tightly on the edges of the seat, on either side of his legs.
"Hey." You catch his attention and he raises his concerned gaze from the ground to you. “You're not going to fall, don't worry. "I know how to handle this old beauty, okay?" You tell him in a comforting tone, before lowering the front shield of your helmet and directing your gaze forward. “Ready to go for a ride, 'Sun'?” You ask out loud within the safety of the helmet.
He shrinks slightly in his place, his rays retracting again, in that anxious gesture.
You don't wait for an answer. Using the accelerator again, and with complete naturalness, you step on the pedal to start, leaving the solar robot silent of any thought he had wanted to express.
You had already gotten used to the small push generated by the start, so much so that you no longer even noticed it. But Sun... Sun gripped his hands on the fabric of your jacket, on both sides of your torso.
You laugh softly, barely noticeable because of the wind crashing against your body, your amused smile being blocked by the dark visor covering your face.
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hey! Hope you’re doing great 🥰 and feeling well
Love your writing! and I was thinking of an AU where Hunter’s chip activated instead of Wrecker on Bracca, with a fem reader and omegas reaction…of course if you feel comfortable with it.
Have an amazing day!
Aloha! I'm doing okay, thanks for asking :)) Hope you are doing well too!
Interesting request! Let's look into it!
Hunter x Fem!Reader One-Shot - You Are In Violation Of Order 66...
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Warning: Angst / Canon Typical Violence / Inhibitor-Chip Trigger In Hunter / Hurt
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It shouldn't really be a surprise. You came here for a reason. Hunter had been having frequent headaches and exhibiting conspicuous behavior sometimes. That's why you're here today on Bracca in the junk Jedi Cruiser. The guys should all have their chips removed.
Hunter is supposed to go first, but when Tech goes to sedate him, it happens. The chip asserts itself and activates. Hunter's hand jumps out and grabs Tech's wrist to keep the sedative away from himself.
Tech's expression is shocked and worried.
The other hand reaches for Tech's neck.
"Hunter!" croaks Tech.
"You are in violation of order 66…"
You hear the words and your stomach wants to turn upside down. You hurriedly push Omega behind you to protect her. Your gaze jumps frantically around the room. Rex and Wrecker are outside, still on their way here. Only Echo and Tech are with you.
"Go and hide", you whisper to Omega.
Echo's gaze briefly meets yours, but then you're distracted, Hunter knocking Tech off his feet with a kick and knocking him out.
As Hunter's head whips around and looks in your direction, your blood freezes in your veins. His gaze is cold and fixed. That's not your Hunter there. Then he notices Echo heading for his blaster. They have all taken off their equipment because of the scan and the treatment that was to follow.
Both men rush at the same time to get to the blasters. Hunter is faster. You don't really think, before Hunter can turn the blaster on Echo, you leap forward and kick his wrist. The blaster falls out of his hand and slides across the metal floor under a cabinet.
You should have seen it coming, yet his fist hits you like a steam hammer, right on the sternum. You stagger back and gasp for air, that would definitely hurt for a while. Staggering back, you bump your back against a wall.
At first, you can't breathe, the blow has driven the air out of your lungs and knocked you off balance. Adrenaline and panic flood through you. Omega had hidden as you had asked her to. You can't see her anywhere, that's good, then Hunter can't see her either, but you don't doubt he'll find her if no one stops him.
But right now, Hunter is focused on you. He charges at you, and at first you can't help but reflexively raise your arms in front of your body and close your eyes, waiting for him to attack you. But nothing happens.
Instead, you hear a commotion. You open your eyes and see Wrecker wrapping his long, strong arms around Hunter from behind, Echo holding his legs, and Rex picking up the sedative Tech dropped to inject into him.
Within seconds, Hunter's resistance wears off, and finally he is unconscious. Wrecker lays him on the scanner's stretcher.
Your heart races, your muscles tremble. With a trembling hand, you rub your sternum. Taking a few deep breaths, you turn to Tech, who is just coming to, and help him to his feet.
"Are you all right ad'ika?" asks Echo.
"Yeah, sure, just a little shocked," you say somewhat absentmindedly.
"What about Tech?" asks Wrecker.
Tech says with a groan, "It's okay, a few bruises, nothing earth-shattering".
Omega comes storming out of hiding and wraps her arms around you. She looks distraught and is shaking.
"It's okay," you say softly, stroking her blonde hair reassuringly. "That was just the chip, we're going to remove it now, and then we'll have our Hunter back."
You sit at Hunter's side. The procedure took longer than expected, and he has been lying still for a while now. Omega has fallen asleep in Wrecker's arms.
You are about to fall asleep yourself when Hunter finally stirs. Nervously, you watch him. He rubs his eyes, moans softly and slowly straightens up to sit. Hunter looks at you and his expression becomes soft and sad.
"Cyare," he says softly, "I'm so sorry."
He gently reaches out and places his hand on your chest, right where his fist had hit you before.
"I hurt you"
You smile and say softly, "It wasn't your fault. Just a bruise, nothing bad".
He sighs and gently pulls you close, wrapping his arms around you. You don't tell him how much you've frightened yourself, you don't want him to blame himself even more, you know he already feels bad.
"How is Omega?" he asks softly while still holding you in his arms.
"She wasn't hurt, she was scared, but she's fine".
You point to Wrecker, who is holding Omega in his arms.
Hunter kisses your temple.
"Good thing you stopped me, I think I would have killed Echo otherwise".
You swallow, the thought has crossed your mind too.
He gets up from the stretcher and pulls you to the side with him.
He says sternly, "We should get moving, so something like this doesn't happen to another one of us."
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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Underling: Standing Watch
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Word count: ~1,200
Blithe has been out of communication with Commander Echo for nearly a standard galactic year.
Read the back story on this post by @imperial-strategist
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Blithe stood sentry duty on the fourth moon of the third planet from the center of nowhere.
She adjusted the breather on her face, trying yet again to fit it snugly enough to keep out the sulfurous stench of the surrounding swamp. The breather had been designed for a near-human species, so it almost—but didn't quite—fit.  No matter how much she fiddled with it, it was going to leak. She knew this from experience, but the impulse to try to block out the nauseating smell was like an itch you can't resist scratching. Still, breathing the fumes wouldn't kill her, so an ill-fitting breather was better than nothing.
As she scanned the trees for anything out of place, Blithe ran through some simple practice motions with her electrostaff, working the stiffness out of the old injury to her right arm. They were alone on this mud ball, other than the local non-sentient life forms, the most common of which was the tooka-sized amphibians that hooted in the trees from dawn to dusk. So, security was light. Just one sentry at a time by day, and two by night when the larger of the planet's carnivorous fauna were out and about. Standing watch was more about deterring the wildlife from wandering into the cave system that hid their base than fear of detection. This planet was so far off the beaten path, it took a standard day at sublight to reach the nearest hyperspace lane. And the mineral makeup of the caves blocked all traces of what took place within from scanners, should anyone actually think to look here.
Why they were here, rather than closer to, well, anything at all was above Blithe's pay grade. Story of an underling's life, she thought.
A scurrying sound to her left snapped Blithe’s attention into focus. She cocked her head, her brows furrowing as she strained to focus past the ambient swamp noises. The source of the disturbance was behind an oversized cargo container a dozen paces away. Too big to fit through the cave entrance, it had been left under the canopy of an especially gnarly, vine-draped tree. You could fit a half dozen stormtroopers inside that crate with enough room left over for a small dewback, if you had a mind to. So it could easily hide any of this world's predators. If this had been a night watch, Blithe would have called for reinforcements before investigating further. But it would be some time yet before the scary things woke up.
The scurrying changed to a rhythmic scraping, giving Blithe the clue she needed to identify the visitor. She crept toward the crate, hefting her staff in both hands. It sparked fitfully when she switched it on, taking longer than it should to light with the blue glow that showed it was working. Blithe had bodged it together from spare parts, and it was anything but reliable. But she was much more skilled with a staff than the blaster on her hip. And, besides, if she was right about what her target was, the blaster would make a disgusting and dangerous mess.
"Come on. Come on. Stay with me,” Blithe whispered encouragement to the weapon. Then, pausing for only a moment to check for signs she had been detected, she stepped quickly around the crate, electrostaff at the ready.
The source of the noise wasn't on the ground, where Blithe expected it to be. It had climbed halfway up the crate, stuck to it by its many sucker feet, a pair of which sprouted from each of its gelatinous body segments. Alerted to her presence now, it swung its carapaced, eyeless head toward her. Caustic saliva dripped from its mouth-parts as it loomed above Blithe, the drops narrowly missing her arm. The beast was a good two meters long and as thick as Blithe's thigh, with hooked, orange mandibles as long as a human hand. It chittered menacingly in her general direction before returning to munching on the crate's welded seams. 
"Oh, no you don't,” Blithe waved one of the staff’s electrified ends at it, trying to distract it from its meal without actually touching it. “Get the fierfek down from there!”  These creatures - they called them “raspers” for lack of an official name - could wear away solid durasteel remarkably quickly. But they also dropped off bits of themselves that melted into a noxious goo when injured. That was no fun to clean up.
"No, no, no, no,” she dodged as it waved its head toward her again, "Go that way. Don't make me hurt you, kark it.” She blocked its path, repeatedly, herding it toward the ground, all the while cursing and cajoling. While it could clearly sense the humming energy of the staff, Blithe didn't know if these critters could actually hear. Regardless, a bit of cussing was good for her morale. 
As it scrambled back up the metal wall of the crate, the creature's movement became increasingly erratic and Blithe imagined the rasper was getting as frustrated as she was with their game. With an abrupt lurch, it reared a third of it's body away from the crate and nailed the staff's glowing end with a glob of acid spit that sizzled on impact. Energy arced wildly from the power nodes as they failed, shorting the whole staff out.
"That's karked it!” Blithe shouted at the rasper, which tried again to ascend the crate now that the electric foe no longer threatened it, only to be blocked as Blithe clocked it on its armored head with the dead electrostaff. "E chu ta! I just got this fixed.” Blithe smacked it again, pulling each strike just enough to avoid actually injuring it. She really didn't want to be this close if it dropped one of its segments.
"Now,” she deflected a lunge from the rasper and shook it free as it tried to latch on to the weaving staff with its mandibles. "Move, you kriffing blob of bantha snot, with your too karking many legs!” 
Blithe swung the staff behind the beast as it curled back on itself, preparing to strike at her. Then, with a heave, she swept the weapon up and away from the crate with all of her strength, launching the rasper off the durasteel surface, toward the base of the cliff. A jolt of pain shot up her bad arm with the effort required to dislodge the creature, but Blithe felt a victorious rush as the suckers lost their purchase with a dozen wet pops.
The hindmost of the rasper's segments broke free with a squelch as it hit, splattering slime harmlessly on the rocks. Defeated, the creature skittered up the sheer cliff face, acidic brown goo dripping behind it.
"Ugh! So. Many. Legs.“ Blithe panted as she watched the rasper retreat to be certain it was actually leaving. 
A rapid, sharp clapping behind her made Blithe spin around, staff raised for another fight. Two armed rebels - a human man and a twi'lek female - stood between her and the cave's entrance, applauding her performance.
Biting off a final curse, Blithe stared them down and said through gritted teeth, “Couldn't be bothered to lend a hand?”
The twi'lek rebel gave Blithe’s back a companionable slap as Blithe stalked past her, inert staff over one shoulder. 
Her watch was over and her relief had arrived. 
Shit like this never happened back on Coruscant, she thought sourly, adjusting the breather mask again, pointlessly. Well, ok, it sometimes did, she allowed. But at least there, she knew Commander Echo had her back.
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superfanficnatural · 5 months
The Son: Chapter 3
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Male!Reader (The Son)
Summary: You’ve finally broken free of the forces controlling you at a great cost, though the cost of doing so was even greater than you thought. Now, you fight for the antithesis of what you had been representing, and have to grapple with finding your own place in the galaxy while grappling with the person trying to find their way into your heart. Will The Son choose the light? Or the dark? Whatever the answer may be, may the force be with us.
A/N: Chapter 3 is here everyone! I really hope you’re enjoying this series so far as I am loving writing it. As always, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Mentions of Suicide, none others.
Word Count: 2,291
Italics are your thoughts
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As your ship came out of hyperspace, you came face to face with a planet the navigation console called Yavin 4. As soon as you dropped out, you felt her presence. She was incredibly powerful and had a deep connection with the force, you could almost feel that the midi-chlorians loved her. You were appreciative of this presence as it allowed you to understand which part of the planet to pilot down to. As you were just entering the atmosphere, your center console began beeping and you realized that you had an incoming communication. Reaching over, you pushed the button that opened the communications channel. 
“Unidentified ship, identify yourself and state your purpose,” you heard a voice play overhead in the bridge.
“My name is Y/N Y/L/N, and I come looking for a woman named Leia Skywalker,” you responded swiftly. 
There was a slight pause on the other end, “What do you want with- You are not cleared for landing, turn your ship around and leave immediately or be blown out of the sky.”
You sighed, “Please, I am not with the First Order, I come in peace. I need to see Leia Skywalker.”
Your scanners picked up four other ships in formation behind you.
“This is your last- what?” you heard a slight commotion on the other end before they spoke up once more, “You are clear for landing, land at these coordinates.”
Your console beeped with the incoming coordinates which you promptly entered into your navigation computer and eventually set down your ship at. Exiting the ship, you were immediately met with a welcoming party, four soldiers with blasters at the ready, two people who looked like they worked communications, and Leia.
“I heard you were looking for me?” she asked as you descended the ramp.
“Indeed, you were the source of the light in this galaxy, and I knew that I had to come,” you responded as you walked up to her, keeping a slight distance so as to not alarm the guards.
She looked at you inquisitively, “You’re a Jedi? I can... feel your energy, it’s strong.”
You decided to spare her the details, at least for now, “Not quite, but... becoming. I have my crystals but no sabers.”
“Have you come to join the Resistance?” 
You thought to yourself for a moment, “I believe so. Though I must first speak with you, privately.”
“And why is that?” one of the guards asked.
You didn’t remove eye contact with her as you tried to convey your intentions to her. It seemed to work as she waved her hand at the guards, “It’s alright. Mr. Y/L/N and I have things to discuss.”
She turned and headed towards the main building, her entourage following as you caught up with them. After a series of hallways and a few people walking past your group, you ended up in a large room with a circular technological table at the center. Walking up to it, the group dissolved around the table and Leia guided you further across the room to a door, a smaller adjoined room behind it. 
Once the two of you entered, she walked up to her desk and turned to you, “What is it that you need to tell me?”
“It’s more of what I require of you, but I can also give you answers to questions you might have,” you responded.
“Who are you?” she questioned.
“I knew you would start with that, it’s my energy right?”
She nodded, “I can sense that you’re extremely powerful yet... it’s like I can’t sense anything at all at the same time.”
You sighed, “You are correct. I am currently suppressing my force energy as I fear if I unleash it all it could throw the galaxy into chaos.”
“You didn’t answer my question,” she solidified.
You looked her straight in the eyes, “I was once known as ‘The Son,’ a cosmic being and emblem of the dark side of the force.”
You were expecting her to have a reaction at what you had said but she stood unmoving, intently listening to what you had to say.
“My sister, she was known as ‘The Daughter,’ she was the emblem of the light side. My father, he was known as ‘The Father,’ and he was the one who held control over me and my sister, and by extension, the light and dark sides of the force.”
Leia made no moves to interrupt you and her aura was warm and inviting, allowing you to speak freely without judgment.
“When I was,” your throat began to swell as the memories of what you had done had returned. “When I was the emblem of the dark side, I was a slave. I had no control over myself as I had no sense of myself. In my anger I killed my sister and nearly killed my father. Though, he ended up doing it himself,” you had to stop yourself from speaking as your words began to turn to whispers, your throat tightened as you tried not to cry. After a moment and a deep breath, you gathered yourself, “After my father died, his powers transferred into me, and with the help of... your father, I put myself into a slumber to ensure the balance would stay stable in the galaxy. I was only to awaken once a nexus event in the force occurs. Though I’ve come to find out that I am to assist this nexus event to occur instead, it should be sometime within the next two years.”
She responded immediately as she had intently listened the entire time, “My father? What do you mean?”
“Anakin Skywalker, my father had invited him to the palace for him to take over as the controller over my sister and I, as he was getting old and was going to pass away soon. We might have had immortality, but our father didn’t. That is when all of the events I told you about conspired. I swore him and his companions to secrecy, which I assume he kept, even though he turned to the dark side.”
“And now with your fathers powers, you’re able to feel both sides? Have control over them? Is that why you’re now able to control your own thoughts and actions?”
“Very astute, Leia. That is precisely my situation,” you responded with a smile, happy someone like this was in the galaxy. 
“You asked to speak to me privately,” she turned and began to walk the room, “which means that you don’t want anyone else to know about this.”
You nodded, “That is correct, as far as anyone else is concerned, I am a force sensitive pilot who has little knowledge about the mundane and wants to fight against the First Order.”
“Little knowledge about the mundane?” Leia turned to you.
“I’m afraid that I am unfamiliar with the rituals that humans go through on a day to day basis, and usually find myself befuddled at situations I haven’t been in... which is just about anything outside of a tropical climate or random acts and things I’ve seen through the force. Once I pick something up, I can see its history and its inner workings, but I have to do that for just about everything because I know nothing,” you tried to explain as best as you could. As you were speaking, a piece of your grown out hair fell into your face and you pushed it away, “I’ve never had hair before to shape, nor a beard to groom.” You also took a look at the large glass pane that let you see into the other room to look into your reflection, dirt all over your face from Utapau, “I’ve also never gotten... unclean to need cleaning.”
Leia sighed and closed her eyes, “So you’re a newborn baby aside from your emotional and mental maturity?”
You squinted your eyes and raised your eyebrows, “...yes? Though I am also fairly new to emotions outside of the scope of the dark side.”
She gave you a once over, “Well, no offense, but your appearance corroborates so I believe you. Now, what do you want from me?”
You straightened, “Information really. I don’t know much about what’s going on currently in the galaxy other than the control of the First Order. I need information on how things work, processes, the day to day in the life of a Rebel. I assume you are in charge which is why you are the best source of information to get this from.”
“That sounds like it will... take a while, I’m not sure I can accommodate you.”
You took a step forward, “I agree, while spoken word is the most comfortable way to convey information, there is an alternative.”
She looked at you questionably, “What is the alternative?”
You smiled lightly, “It’s nothing to fear, it’s simply a bit invasive as it requires me to search your memories and acquire the information that way.”
“You mean look into my mind? My memories?” she responded.
“Precisely. It will almost be like I would live through the events myself, it is the easiest way for me to acquire the information I need,” you stated.
“Why couldn’t you do this with anyone else? Why me?”
“Good question. Your connection with the force makes it easier for me to reach into your mind than most others. Additionally, while I enter your memories, I become vulnerable to influence from the person I do it to. I know that you do not have any ill intentions. To add to all of that, your memory will be the most educational,” you explained.
She thought to herself for a moment, “How is it that you are able to do this?”
“To be honest,” you rubbed the back of your neck, “I haven’t fully figured out how either. I was able to show people events of the future and even see it myself but I lost that ability after my fathers power entered into me. Now, I can only see flashes, nothing solid to make out. I suspect that the dark side of me has yet to fully accept me after turning from slave to master, or perhaps there is an individual who is blocking me.”
“Is there someone powerful enough to do that? Based on your story, you should be one of the strongest force users to ever live. I can feel it coming off of you,” she retorted. 
You sucked in a breath, “I’ve been suppressing myself in order to keep the balance of the galaxy. I suspect I will only be able to wield my true power at the time of the nexus event. Though what or when that is, I currently have no idea. Until then, I’m afraid I only have about the same level of power as your father, though with a few more... tricks for simplicity's sake.”
She pushed a button on the table which clouded the glass in the wall, visually cutting the room off from anyone else, “Very well, let’s just get this over with.”
“I appreciate your trust in me, you truly are filled with light, Leia Skywalker,” you said as you approached her.
“Enough with the formalities, I can sense your intentions as well, I know that you’re here to help us,” she finished.
“Apologies, I am unfamiliar with a more... lax way of speaking, your father had warned me of it before but it seems I must work on it,” you said as you reached your hands up to her head and closed your eyes.
As you reached out to her mind, you gave the force a command, let me live through her.
To the outside world, only mere moments had passed, though, you had lived years of memories through her. You maintained her privacy and only lived through events that had multiple people in it, the events of the war she took place in against the Empire, growing up with her family on Alderaan, the recent events of the war against the First Order. After you had seen what you deemed necessary, you released yourself from her mind and took a step back.
“I felt you inside... it was like reliving all of that once more,” she commented as she regained her bearings.
“I apologize if I submitted you to any past traumas, that was not my intention,” you apologized.
She shook her head, “Not at all, a fresh reminder was nice actually. Have you learned everything you’ve needed?” You nodded, “I should have enough information to go off of to live and fight.”
As you responded, your stomach growled and you realized the dull pain you were feeling was from your stomach.
“Hunger, something new?” she asked, understanding what was going on.
“I... think so, if this is any indication,” you chuckled nervously.
She gave you a kind smile, “I’ll set you up in some quarters and get you some food. Though, I’m afraid I cannot lie to my own people about your identity.”
You sighed defeatedly but she kept going before you could respond, “I will keep the personal details personal, but they have to know that you are a Jedi, and that you’re here to support the Resistance.”
“That’s acceptable, but please, no one can know my status as ‘The Son,’ I do not wish to sow dissent or create any kinds of issues, Leia,” you conceded.
“I can agree to those terms, and by the way, it’s Leia Organa, but you’ll be calling me General Leia,” she corrected.
You smiled, “Apologies, I only learned of that after I saw your memories.”
She smiled in kind and walked over to open the door, “Welcome to the Resistance, Y/N.”
Next Chapter
Forevers Tag List: @magssteenkamp @shadowsinger11 @donnaintx @flamencodiva @impalawrites-blog @talesmaniac89 @malfoysqueen54 @writercole @hintsofhoney @lassie-bird @never--doubt
Male Reader Tag List: @myybebe @denim-devil @spnfanboy777
The Son Tag List: @brymalibu
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wixelt · 2 years
Was refreshing my memory on everything with the au when I found where you mentioned scenes that would go very differently if a hermit had a totem, and perhaps the Hermethius has a reserve stache of them or something
And that got me thinking through a very likely scenario
Consider: the Hermethius is programmed to drop emergency supplies on each hermit's last known location should something go catastrophically wrong and they're left stranded. This is a bit of a special scenario, where that information does not exist. But it has its own Grumbot and Pilots to resolve oversights.
The Hermethius begins mapping the planet and scanning for player activity, and, when it's finally completed months later, launches 26 supply drops to the areas with the highest centers.
The hermits honestly weren't even expecting the supplies to come, but they do recognize what those twenty odd shooting stars spanning out from a single point are.
They do have parachutes that deploy, so they shouldn't cause too much damage, but they quickly realize the problem when one lands near their location.
They may not know exactly why they're landing where at first, but they figure it out quickly.
You see, it's not until the resistance is already under way that the supplies drop. Only one drops on the revolution base. Beef estimates that one landed in Cub's custom biom, another seemed to be landing near Bdub's mountain, he thinks two landed near Pearl's and False's houses respectively, one fell into the ocean,
And one landed in Newtopia.
So Andrias knows what the drops were.
And now it's a mad dash to try and keep each other from getting those resources.
When I mentioned the Totems of Undying on the Hermithius, I was thinking about The Hardest Thing, but this is a fun scenario as well, so here's some thoughts on that.
Normally all the Hermits have some sort of signalling device on their person in case there's a genuine emergency. This is what the Hermithius uses to identify drop sites for supplies, but with the ship half-functional - the wash of dimensional energy blew out a lot of key systems - it wouldn't be able to complete this task, even if the Hermits had been carrying signallers when they were scattered, which they weren't.
As is, Renbob & Goatman have been trying to patch up the ship's engines as best they can while using momentum to help the onboard Grumbot - disconnected from the hive after past fiascos - navigate into orbit of the planet Xisuma's suit transponder's pinging from.
Unfortunately, the ship's damage prevents them from getting a clear fix on X - if he's even still on Amphibia by the time the vessel arrives (either late Season 2 or very early Season 3).
So they resort to doing things the more time consuming way. Grumbot runs an algorithm through the geology scanner - X usually uses it at a "Season" start to identify strong "spawn" candidates - focusing on any land activity/structures that match certain Hermits.
After weeks of searching & double checking, it gets 26 verified hits.
Some are clustered together, whilst others are more distant, but they're enough to work with for now. By this point, the pilots have had time to repair the supply drop mechanism to enough accuracy to set the emergency boxes - bespoke for each Hermit's needs - down where geographic evidence would indicate they're likely to find it.
They can only work with the limited information they have, though.
One night midway through Season 3, while listening to Sasha run through a plan, Tango's attention's stolen as 26 stars rain down from a single part of the sky, dropping all across Amphibia.
A sight he knows all too well, & that fills him with hope.
Several drop close enough that the Resistance finds them in a matter of minutes. False's house is nextdoor, & Grian & Pearl's is nearby, among others.
One drops over South Tower, though, & another near Quareller's Pass.
One drops on the coast, near-directly where TFC will emerge from tunneling under the ocean, several months from the present.
One drops over Cub's massive structure, & another near BDubs' artificial mountain.
And more still fall in places both known & not.
Only one drops over Newtopia, but Andrias & the Core are smart enough to put the pieces together about the same time Beef does about what they contain & where they'll land.
And so the race begins...
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noodleblade · 2 years
Chance and Unlikely Circumstance 1/6
AO3 Link Next Part
A very self indulgent fic of these two being friends despite faction ties. I just like the idea of Smokescreen having a bit of hero worship over KO.:) uhhhh Enjoy?
Smokescreen knew he was probably disobeying orders but, in all fairness, he was bored . How much danger could a completely deserted open stretch of asphalt really be? He knew that line of question was asking for trouble, but it was the eighth dull patrol run he’d been sent on with no activity. He felt it was safe to assume the risk of danger was resting at the predictable zero percentile. 
See, Ratchet , Smokescreen thought bitterly, I do use my processor.
When he had joined the Autobots and Team Prime, a not so small part of him thought “this is my moment.” He had been hoping for it, counting on it ever since he was hand selected for the Elite Guard. He was destined for greatness…one day! It just hadn’t come yet, but surely now a member of Team Prime, his moment would come. Smokescreen had thought he was finally going to get a taste of the action, to be able to throw himself helm first into the fight. 
He hadn’t considered the fact that their numbers were so few on this organic planet and anonymity amongst the native species was crucial. He hadn’t realized how vulnerable their position was, how necessary discretion was. Still, he was willing to play by their rules and learn…or at least try.
Ratchet had not been happy with his selected vehicle mode. “Flashy racers,” the medic had grumbled as he scanned the alt for his database. Smokescreen would have been offended if the medic actually had taste. 
What was actually offensive was the medic’s insistence that he not use his alt for its intended purpose unless strictly necessary; something about speed limits and law enforcement. Why let the gage go that high if he wasn’t allowed to actually push it there? Smokescreen was finding that he was never going to understand the organics of this planet and their contradicting rules. Why make something if there was never an intention to use it for such a purpose?
Bee at least sympathized, knew the urge he felt to spin his wheels as fast as they could. He offered to spar instead, it just wasn’t the same. But Smokescreen ducked his helm and played along. His entry to the team hadn’t been as smooth and welcoming as he had hoped and he didn’t want to ruin his chance to be a part of something great, to help get their home back.
It didn’t mean temptation wasn’t there and patrols were the worst source. Alone on the road with no one around, Smokescreen could feel his resistance wane. 
One quick joyride couldn’t hurt, right? There was no one around, hadn’t been since the start of his patrol. He’d clock 120 in a matter of nanokliks and then he’d hit the brakes and no one, Autobot or human, would be the wiser! It was his best chance to burn off a little energy with almost no repercussions and the threat of being caught was basically non-existent. 
Smokescreen swept the area twice more for bots and humans, both visually and with his adaptive scanners. The most readings he got were the teeny-tiny furry ball creatures Jack called desert mice and they certainly weren’t going to rat him out. He grinned at his pun, knowing Jack would find it funny. Immediately, his grin dropped in realizing he’d have to keep that one to himself if he wanted to keep in good graces with the rest of the team. 
His reasons for holding back dwindled to nothing and Smokescreen tuned out Ratchet’s whiny voice from his processor. 5 kliks, that’s all it would be. No harm, no foul and no one had to know.
He floored the gas pedal. His wheels squeaked, struggling to grip the sandy road for a moment before the traction caught and he was off. The flat, straight road left no resistance, letting Smokescreen gain speed quickly. Internally, he was cheering; his field wide and giddy as his speedometer ticked past the double digits and toy with the triples. The dry, chilled desert air whipped past mirrors, whistling along his spoiler. His spark soared. 
Of course , that’s when his scanners picked up another presence. Great .
Twin headlights appeared in his rear view. Smokescreen hastily slammed his brakes to a more acceptable level, sending a quick prayer to Primus that it wasn’t one of those police officers Ratchet had hounded him about. He had received an audial full and was haunted by mental images of “the boot .” Miko had promised she’d bail him out if he ever got impounded but the very notion of being stuck in his alt and unable to move sounded like a hell worse than offlining. 
The headlights were approaching…quickly. They were gaining on him, especially now that Smokescreen had slowed himself to the appropriate speed, even going 5 miles slower than the speed limit to be safe. It was clear whoever was behind him was going much, much faster than the sensible 55 mph. He pulled himself to the right lane to allow them to pass ( yes, he had been paying attention to Jack’s driving lessons!!!). 
They didn’t look like police; glossy red finish with gold accents, not at all the matte white and blue he’d seen of the police vehicles of Jasper. Even the vehicle type was different, lower to the ground, more streamline…speedy. It was missing the obnoxious overhead lights too, though Ratchet had insisted that was not a sure-fire way to identify the local law enforcement. Perhaps they were just civilian humans on a joyride. That, at least, Smokescreen could approve of. Especially with a sweet ride like that.
The vehicle pulled up beside him, lowering their speed to match. The windows were tinted and Smokescreen couldn’t tell how many humans were inside. His alt only accounted for 5 which seemed typical but Jack had told him about some humans that liked to pile double the amount in even if it went against the safety guidelines. 
The engine revved and the humans flashed their headlights in a taunting gesture. Smokescreen couldn’t help but grin to himself. Organic or not, Smokescreen knew that universal request to race. 
Gleefully, he let his engine rev back, speeding up a touch before pulling back to their synced pace. Ratchet’s warnings fell to the back of his processor, a gentle whisper that easily was drowned out by the sound of twin revving engines. The red vehicles headlights flashed twice and that was all the warning Smokescreen got as it sped off. Smokescreen, left in their dust, could hear a mocking double beep of their horn, laughing at him. 
Well, two could play at that game. 
Smokescreen floored it, chasing after the red vehicle. The humans straddled the middle lane, making it impossible for Smokescreen to pass as he caught up. Mockingly, the humans tapped on their breaks, forcing Smokescreen to slow as they resumed their breakneck pace. They did this a couple of times, each time Smokescreen felt himself getting more and more frustrated. Maybe he should stop brake checking the citizens of Jasper, it was annoying. He pulled back a few feet, allowing some space between him and the humans blocking his path. 
Stuck behind them, Smokescreen eyed the emergency pull lanes. They were crumbled with red sand and debris littering it. He’d probably do more damage to himself than have an actual hope of successfully passing. Still, he weaved as if that were his plan, the red car before him following to block him. Quickly, he spun his wheel in the opposite direction, gunning it for the opening left. He managed to pull alongside, the humans just barely stopping themselves from clipping him as they attempted to swerve back into the middle. Smokescreen had to guess they paid a pretty penny for a car like that, not to mention the maintenance. For drag racing in the desert, the finish was immaculate. 
Smokescreen was astonished by the humans’ skills. For a few kliks, they stayed neck to neck, neither of them quite able to pull the lead from the other. Despite this, Smokescreen felt exhilarated. This was exactly what he needed. Already, the tension was leaving his frame, stress melting away as adrenaline took its place and for the first time since he crash landed on Earth, he was having fun .
A slight curve in the road was approaching and Smokescreen cursed to himself. It was curving to the left, forcing him in the inner lane. It would mean his opponent would be able to maintain a faster speed to still make the turn but Smokescreen would have to slow down, even just a few degrees. He wasn’t exactly sure when they would call for the “finish line” but Smokescreen knew he couldn’t risk putting even a few feet of distance between them. 
Recklessly, Smokescreen sped up , pushing himself faster than before as the red racer slowed to safely make the turn. Hopefully, if he timed it right, he would be able to pull ahead and then cut the brakes to make the turn safely. 
Unfortunately, the turn was approaching too quickly. He could get in front of the other vehicle but slowing down would be dangerous. Smokescreen knew he’d be fine. Ratchet would be pissed but ultimately, the damage to his frame would probably be quite minimal and could be repaired with ease. 
The humans were a different story. 
As part of his education , Ratchet had forced him to watch through an hour of human traffic accidents. It hadn’t been pretty. Car frames and Cybertronian frames were completely different and the metal of Earth was very thin and very fragile. Smokescreen could still remember the horrible crunch of the video as the cars crumbled like tin. Not to mention, human bodies were even more fragile and even if the crashes weren’t fatal, the injuries themselves could be grave enough to affect a human for their entire lifespan. 
He couldn’t risk that to the humans behind him. No just for his purposes of staying disguised and not causing trouble, but all he could picture of Jack, Miko and Raf in the car, crushed up, broken beyond repair. 
Smokescreen hit the brakes hard, the loose sand on the pavement making him lose traction and skid for a second before he regained control. The humans in the red car had no issue, overtaking him on the turn and zipping past him. As much as he hated losing the distance and knowing he probably couldn’t pick it back up, he knew this was the best decision. Everyone would be safe and Smokescreen could withstand a bruised ego, despite what Arcee might think. 
Ahead of him, Smokescreen watched the humans slow suddenly. Their brake lights flared brilliant red as they drifted, spinning 90 degrees until they came perpendicular on the road. Beside them, planted in the dirt was a green sign, making the Jasper City limits and unofficially marking the finish line.
Smokescreen pulled himself to a slow stop. With the humans blocking his path, he would have to wait for them to move before he could make an exit. Internally, he groaned. If they were anything like him and Jack when they pulled their little stunts around Jasper, then he knew they were going to be smug afts about it.
The windows of the red vehicle went down an inch, not enough for Smokescreen to catch a glimpse of who was in the car but low enough for their voice to carry. 
“Nice try, kiddo,” the human practically purred in self-satisfaction. “ Try being the operative word. I’d say you almost had me worried at that turn but you chickened out. Quite sad really, you might have had potential but-”
Irritation blinded Smokescreen. It was trash talk- trash talk by humans no less -and he knew it should affect him. And yet it did. 
“You only beat me because you cheated!” Smokescreen snapped, revving his engine threateningly. “Round two you won’t be so lucky.”
There was a pause from the human and Smokescreen for a moment grinned victoriously. That was, until, the human let out a bemused, “Oh my.” Then, he raised and lowered his window in a demonstrative measure.
Smokescreen realized his grave error immediately. His windows, unlike the humans in their car before, were still rolled up tight. Smokescreen may not completely understand humans, but he was pretty sure none of them had the ability to talk through a car’s closed windows. 
Fear gripped his spark as panic flooded his systems. He screwed up and he screwed up bad . Without a second thought, Smokescreen put himself in reverse and floored it, spinning around and taking off.
If the humans in the red car responded, he didn’t hear them over the wind whipping against his frame and his inner panic screaming in his audials. They didn’t follow and Smokescreen took it as a small blessing in this horrible scenario crafted from his own hubris. All he could do was pray that no one at base found out, that the human in the red car would think he was just a figment of their imagination and nothing more. 
Knock Out watched bemused as the little speedster scrambled away.
Young, dumb, and rebellious. Reminded him a bit of himself in his younger days, though not with such a tacky paint job. There was little doubt in the medic’s mind that the kid had aligned himself with the Autobots. There was no way he would have survived too long otherwise; too naive, too trusting. Knock Out knew he probably should report it, alert Megatron of Optimus’ newest recruit. It’d certainly earn him some brownie points and with Breakdown…absent, Knock Out was in need of some allies. 
Then again- Knock Out narrowed his optics at the fading tail lights -it had been a long time since he had a racing buddy. Maybe he could wait on that report for a bit, let himself have a bit of fun before passing him up to high command. 
Knock Out slowly pulled away from his parked spot, turning the opposite way the kid sped off too. He should be returning back, before his absence was noted. Not that it matters , he thought bitterly as he peeled off. If it was the grounders missing, then there was no reason to worry. Afterall, Breakdown had been missing for nearly two weeks and not a single mech aboard the Nemesis had even bothered to question why.
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The door in front of Elix hissed open as they held up a room key to the scanner and stepped inside. Another hiss indicated that the door shut behind them and for the first time in their life, things were quiet. All they could hear was the rumble of the spaceship’s engines as they pushed through space.
Elix looked around the room taking in everything. It wasn’t in great shape but it was still decent and much cleaner than their house ever was. The floor had a rough worn carpet with a few snags and stains here and there but still, the fact that they had a room all to themselves was so amazing they didn’t even care. They dropped their one bag next to the bed and walked over to the window.
Staring out into the star speckled space they saw their home planet hanging in place. They finally let out a sigh of relief as they sat in the windowsill. They’d be jumping to blue space soon enough and then all of the mess of this old life would be behind them. They closed their eyes unable to resist the urge to drift off. No regrets.
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blocksifybuzz · 1 year
iPhone 15 Pro: A Glimpse into the Pinnacle of Smartphone Excellence!
The iPhone 15 Pro is Apple’s latest and most advanced smartphone, released on 22 September 2023. It boasts a stunning 6.7-inch OLED display, a powerful A16 Bionic chip, a triple-camera system with LiDAR scanner, and a ceramic shield front cover that resists scratches and drops. Here are some notable features: MagSafe accessories support 5G connectivity Face ID The iPhone 15 Pro is a premium…
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junkydrawr · 1 year
OK, this isn't much of a scene but I haven't posted in a while. I'm working on a scene with Bunnie so that'll be next.
Anyway, in this scene, this is soon after Snively has let Naugus out of the Void. Naugus used his magic to temporarily bring his generator back online. It tired Naugus out so Snively had him brought to the infirmary.
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(image is a SatAM screenshot with a filter, I didn't draw it)
Snively stepped into the infirmary. Naugus lay in the nearest bed.
Immediately, Snively was surrounded by the medibots, their cold hands reaching out to access him.
"Ugh. Get away. I don't need help."
The Head Medi, a robot taller and slimmer than the others, insisted on running a handheld scanner over him. He sighed and allowed it, staring over at the wizard.
Naugus had his eyes shut, an IV running into his hand atop the blanket.
"You do not require assistance at this point, Sir."
Snively pushed past and stood near the wizard's bed. "He still looks rather peaked."
"The patient refused nanites, Sir."
"Huh." Snively wondered why. The microscopic medical robots quickly repaired injuries and illness, with minimal side effects.
He examined the wizened wizard. What an ugly creature, he thought. He'd never seen a Mobian like this before. The mage seemed cobbled together from leftover parts. A horn, a claw, a human-like face but ears like a goblin. I wonder if he's even from Mobius originally. An alien, like me.
Julian's words needled him. Snively, you pathetic fool! You should've killed him! Uncle was right, of course.
He stroked the laser pistol at his side. The Securitybot behind him could make an even bigger hole with that laser cannon. With his eyes on Naugus, he clutched the pistol's grip, starting to withdraw it.
I can't take a chance. You don't seem the type who will be happy playing second fiddle.
Maybe Naugus wouldn't mind, though? As long as he was given a place to stay and do his magical research? He could be a fine weapon against the furballs.
I don't know what his goals are. And he's powerful. A threat. I can handle the flea-bitten scum myself.
He nearly had the gun out, his jaw set, when the wizard's eyes fluttered. He let go of the grip as Naugus peered up at him.
"Small One. You've come to check on me?"
"Yes." A fake smile, but not too overdone. "How are you feeling? The nanites work wonders, don't they?"
"Do you mean those invisible machines, injected into one's bloodstream?" The wizard sniffed haughtily. "I do not trust such things."
Snively didn't bother to surpress an eyeroll. "Or maybe you thought I was shooting you up with something else."
"Are you planning to shoot me up, Small One?" The orange eyes dropped to Snively's gun side.
"Of course not."
"Mmmm. The eternal honesty of the Kintobors." The wizard smiled slightly, showing just a peek of those jagged teeth. "You do not trust easily. But we will benefit from each other. I wish to do my research. You wish to rule Mobotropolis free of rebel resistance. I can help you, and you can help me."
Snively was quiet a moment before intoning dryly: "It's Robotropolis."
"Oh, you have not changed it to Snivotropolis?"
"Gods no. That sounds ridiculous."
The shark teeth showed more now. "You have more sense than Robotnik. I implore you, Small One, give me a chance. You could kill me anytime, I know. But you will be tossing aside what will be a great partnership."
Snively kept his face perfectly blank. His patented poker face. He'd heard the bullshit before. Trust me. Greatness together.
"What exactly is your research going to entail?"
"I am intrigued in testing my magic on the body and mind. Testing my own limitations. If I could borrow some of your myriads of prisoners, of course."
Snively didn't answer that. Naugus must not know their prisoners were all metal-plated.
"And there is still much to learn of the Void. I fear my crystal affliction is not completely resolved."
"You have Robotnik for that first use." Snively smiled crookedly. "If you don't damage him too badly, he'll last you a while."
"Oh, yes. I intend to use him. And he can work for you as well. He can take the daily menial burdens off you."
Snively didn't like this. The acquiescence inside him. Don't be stupid, Uncle hissed in his mind. Eliminate him!
Perhaps he spoke to defy Robotnik. Perhaps there was a chance this teamup could work. Perhaps he was just lonely.
"I haven't ended our partnership. You may stay here, and I will assist your research within reason. And you will do the same for me?"
"Of course, Small One."
Snively sighed. "It's Snively, actually."
A/N: that's it for now! I don't really want to post all the Robotropolis Sniv stuff at once because it has some 'plot points.' Lol. Even though a kindergartener could write a better plot than me.
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kprciffdw · 1 year
Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: Another Sitch in Time-Part 30
They continued to make their way towards the maintenance sector of the space station. From there, they entered via a trash compactor. It was a truly repulsive situation at the very least. Kim: “Oh, so gross.” Qwark: “Here we are. The final showdown between good and evil.” Kim: “Uh…yeah…a trash compactor. Epic. I only hope that your "ingenious” plan is nowhere near as anticlimactic as this place.“ Rufus: "Oh, yuck!” Qwark: “Can you smell that, kids? That’s drama!” Ratchet: “I smell something and it’s definitely not drama.” Kim: “Uh, yeah, it's…far too rancid to be drama.” Qwark: “Hey, look on the bright side, you 2. At least we’re not being squashed to death by the piston.” Computer voice: “Trash compactor initiated.”
Suddenly, the walls started to close in on them. Computer voice: “Prepare to be compacted.” Ratchet: “Well, so much for that.” Kim: “The walls are closing in on us! What’ll we do?” Qwark: “Cover me, I’m about to do something impressive.”
As the walls shifted closer towards them, Qwark began to push on both sides, stopping them completely. Qwark: “Muscles…aching! Arms…burning! Calves, looking good.”
A scanner dropped down and scanned the entire place. Computer voice: “Blockage detected in trash compactor 714. Shutting down compactors.”
And with that, the walls pulled back. Qwark: “I did it, guys! Wasn’t that incredible?” Kim: “Hm, I have to admit, that wasn’t the first time you’ve impressed us. (Whispering to Ratchet) Surprisingly, it wasn’t even the second.”
Ratchet giggled. Clank: “The troopers will be here any moment. We have to keep moving.” Kim: “Yes, of course, we have to get out of this…garbage shoot…ew…” Rufus: “Oh, yeah! Yuck!”
Qwark then proceeded to kick down the door that led straight into the facility. They arrived within a hallway. Qwark: “The maintenance sector is crawling with Nefarious’ goons. This might call for a little finesse.” Kim: “Oh, no, please don’t tell you’re doing what I think you’re doing.”
Soon enough, 2 robots were approaching near to where they were standing. Qwark: “Watch and learn.”
He walked up to the robots. Kim: “Oh, please, no, this can’t be happening. Tell me this isn’t happening.” Ratchet: “This isn’t going to end well.”
Qwark then approached the robot. He spoke in a fake female voice. Qwark: “I’m Nurse Shannon and these fine young people over here are interns/engineers. Dr. Nefarious is expecting us.” Kim: “This is so embarrassing…” Robot: “You are not authorized. Prepare to die, Nurse Shannon.”
The robots began attacking. Kim: “Heh, so much for "escorting” us through this place.“ Ratchet: "What did I tell ya?”
Rufus groaned out loud in a greatly agitated manner. As the robots attacked, Qwark ran off to take cover…again. Qwark: “Dang it! How did they not fall for that?” Kim: “Uh, because it was stupid?” Qwark: “Could you be a little less blunt, young lady?” Kim: “Sorry, hard to resist.”
The entire run through of the place consisted of one vicious battle after another. Nefarious’ troops were on them constantly. It made the trek through the corridor seem even longer than it really was. For each conjoint section, they were met with these battles. A few time, they required Rufus’s assistance with deactivating the securities. The fight through dragged on for a good chunk of time. Thankfully, they were very tenacious and they were able to fight against the robots without any major issues. The fighting kept on until they were able to reach the duct that they were looking for. From there, Clank crawled into it and made his way toward Dr. Nefarious’ private quarters.
Upon arriving, he was able to spot the maniacal doctor, himself, exactly where they intended him to be. Dr. Nefarious: “Computer, take dictation.” Computer voice: “Go ahead, doctor.” Dr. Nefarious: “Things to do once the clock is under my control: #1-Double-cross remaining Valkyries and retire Lord Vorselon! #2-Re-establish vendetta against organic life forms! And #3-Iron socks!”
Clank managed to scan Nefarious without raising any suspicion. Clank: “Holo-imager complete. I’m returning to the rendezvous point.”
Shortly afterwards, Clank reunited with the group. Qwark: “Good work, little buddy. Now to switch on the holo-guise.”
He attempted to activate it, but for some reason, it wasn’t working. He made many attempts to turn it on, but still, nothing. Qwark: “Darn it! Why do these things not work when you need them to?”
Just then, they heard the chime of the Kimmunicator. Qwark: “Eh…what’s that noise?”
They looked towards the device on Kim’s chest as it was blinking. Kim tapped on it once. A holographic image of Wade was projected from it. Wade: “Perhaps you should let me handle this one, guys.”
With a few clicks of his keyboard, a very realistic holographic image of Dr. Nefarious appeared before them. Kim: “Whoa.” Clank: “Oh, my.” Ratchet: “Nice going, Wade.” Qwark: “Ah! It’s Dr. Nefarious!”
He pointed his blaster at the holographic image. Wade: “Relax, Qwark. It’s just an authentic-looking image of him. Pretty cool, huh?” Ratchet: “I’ll say, it looks so real.”
Rufus giggled then gave out 2 thumbs up. Rufus: “Cool.” Ratchet: “Aright, let’s do this, you guys.”
They made their way towards an elevator. There, they utilized the hologram to summon the elevator and went into it. It took them all the way to the control hub at the top floor of the station. From there, they sent out the hologram as a diversion while they snuck in. The hologram then approached a somewhat familiar Terachnoid. It was Pollyx. Kim: “What? Pollyx? I don’t believe this!”
Pollyx soon turned around and noticed the image. He had easily mistaken it for his superior. Pollyx: “Dr. Nefarious! I didn’t expect to see you here so soon. What can I do for you, sir?” Dr. Nefarious: “What is the status report of the master plan?” Pollyx: “Well, the Hypernova Defence Laser is operational, the fleet has been dispatched and the Orvus Chamber is being analyzed thoroughly. Everything is primed and ready for you to utilize the clock for your own personal use.” Dr. Nefarious: “Excellent. There’s just 1 problem: I’m not really Dr. Nefarious…”
The hologram then converted itself into a projected image of Wade. Wade: “I’m Wade, a young super genius from the planet Earth who works for the famed hero, Kim Possible.” Pollyx: “Eh! Wha-!?”
Soon enough, Qwark, Ratchet, Kim and Clank emerged directly near Wade’s projected image. Each of them had conceited smiles on their faces. Kim: “Hello again, Pollyx. Remember us?” Pollyx: “Ah! It’s you guys!” Ratchet: “That’s right! Prepare to get seriously messed up!”
And with that, they began wrecking havoc on the entire chamber. Robots were dispatched to put a stop to it and eradicate the group, but they were very formidable fighters as always, so it was to no avail. They destroyed a lot of the machinery within the entire place. Rufus did a lot of messing around with much of the machinery from the inside. Their pandemonium, however, had caused them to be locked in. From that, Kim tapped on the device on her chest. Kim: “Wade, can you deactivate the security of this place?” Wade: “Give me one second…there!”
The security was shut off. Kim: “Great job, Wade!” Ratchet: “Let’s go!”
They ran back towards the elevator and descended back towards the lower levels. Qwark: “You know, often times when I say this, it ends in catastrophe, but what the hey? Mission accomplished.”
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Gear Up for Success: Essential Chiropractic Equipment Available for Sale
Investing in essential chiropractic equipment is crucial for the success and effectiveness of a chiropractic practice. From diagnostic tools to treatment tables, the right equipment can enhance patient care, streamline workflow, and improve overall practice efficiency. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the essential chiropractic equipment available for sale, highlighting their importance, features, and benefits.
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The Importance of Essential Chiropractic Equipment Essential chiropractic equipment serves as the backbone of a chiropractic practice, enabling practitioners to deliver high-quality care to their patients. These tools and devices are essential for conducting diagnostic tests, performing spinal adjustments, and administering therapeutic treatments. By investing in quality equipment, chiropractors can enhance patient outcomes, improve practice efficiency, and ensure a professional and comfortable treatment environment.
Key Equipment Categories
Diagnostic Tools: Diagnostic tools are essential for assessing spinal health, identifying musculoskeletal issues, and developing tailored treatment plans. Common diagnostic tools used in chiropractic practice include X-ray machines, MRI scanners, digital imaging systems, and orthopedic testing equipment. These tools provide valuable insights into the underlying causes of patients' symptoms and guide practitioners in providing appropriate care.
Treatment Tables: Treatment tables are a fundamental piece of equipment in chiropractic practice, providing a stable and comfortable platform for performing spinal adjustments and therapeutic interventions. Chiropractic treatment tables come in various designs and configurations to accommodate different treatment techniques and patient needs. Features to consider when selecting treatment tables include adjustable height settings, tilting mechanisms, drop piece features, and cushioned surfaces for patient comfort.
Therapeutic Modalities: Therapeutic modalities are used to complement spinal adjustments and promote healing and pain relief. Common therapeutic modalities used in chiropractic practice include ultrasound machines, electric muscle stimulators, cold laser therapy devices, and traction tables. These modalities help reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, improve circulation, and enhance tissue repair, contributing to overall treatment effectiveness.
Rehabilitation Equipment: Rehabilitation equipment plays a vital role in supporting patients' recovery and rehabilitation efforts. This equipment includes exercise balls, resistance bands, balance boards, and therapeutic exercise machines designed to improve strength, flexibility, and range of motion. Rehabilitation equipment allows chiropractors to prescribe tailored exercise programs to help patients regain function and prevent future injuries.
Patient Education Materials: Patient education materials are essential for empowering patients to take an active role in their health and wellness. These materials may include brochures, posters, videos, and interactive presentations that educate patients about their condition, treatment options, and preventive measures. Patient education materials help improve patient compliance, enhance treatment outcomes, and foster long-term patient satisfaction and loyalty.
Selecting the Right Equipment When selecting chiropractic equipment for sale, it is essential to consider several factors to ensure that you choose the right tools for your practice:
Quality and Reliability: Invest in equipment from reputable manufacturers known for their quality, reliability, and durability.
Compatibility: Ensure that the equipment you choose is compatible with your practice's workflow, treatment techniques, and patient population.
Features and Functionality: Consider the features and functionality of each piece of equipment and choose those that best meet your practice's needs and preferences.
Budget: Establish a budget for purchasing chiropractic equipment and prioritize investments based on the equipment's importance and potential return on investment.
Essential chiropractic equipment is essential for providing high-quality care and ensuring the success of a chiropractic practice. By investing in diagnostic tools, treatment tables, therapeutic modalities, rehabilitation equipment, and patient education materials, chiropractors can enhance patient outcomes, improve practice efficiency, and create a professional and comfortable treatment environment. When selecting chiropractic equipment for sale it is crucial to consider factors such as quality, compatibility, features, and budget to make informed decisions that meet the needs of the practice and its patients.
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michaelcosio · 6 months
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Officer Involved Shooting on Campanile Leaves One Dead in Rio Linda
March 23, 2024
by John Todd
At 8:05 am this morning, Sacramento County Sheriff officers were dispatched to Campanile Way in Rio Linda, after a 911 advised that there was a possibly suicidal subject on scene. The callers advised that the subject was in the bathroom, bloodied and armed with a knife.
Upon arrival, Sheriff Deputies attempted to call the subject out of the garage. Once he responded, he advanced toward the sidewalk, still armed with a knife.
Sacramento County Sheriff Public Information Officer Amar Ghandi says that multiple “less-lethal” rounds were fired at the subject, but were ineffective.
Eyewitnesses say that the subject continued to advance, but failed to heed officer warnings. Two officers fired three shots, and the subject was pronounced dead on the scene.
We observed multiple homes in the area with security cameras, and Deputy Ghandi said that the body camera footage of the incident would be released.
Sheriff Jim Cooper arrived later to observe the investigation.
Speaking to the victim’s sister briefly, (She was grief-stricken, obviously), she said that her brother was schizophrenic and mentally ill, and she had called multiple times over the past week to get him some help. Speaking to Medi-Cal, they said it would have been over a month to get him into any kind of care.
The scanner audio is interesting. The call went out to deputies (Units 15 Boy and 17 Boy) at 8:05 am, and were on scene less than 10 minutes later.
at 8:28am, 12 Sam, (A Seargent) asks one of the responding units to call him on the phone.
At 8:30, just 2 minutes later, 12 Sam, seemingly agitated that he wasn’t acknowledged before, says “12 Sam, I copy the updates, units on scene back off from him and give me a call please.”
At 8:32, the shots fired call went out, along with “Suspect down”.
(Update) Th Sheriff PIO sent out this media release the next day:
At approximately 8:15 AM on Saturday, March 23, 2024, Deputies responded to a residence on the 6500 block of Campanile Street in Rio Linda for a suicidal subject. The caller reported that her brother, later identified as 38-year-old Christopher Gilmore, had schizophrenia, was armed with a knife, and was cutting himself in a bathroom. Prior to Deputies arriving on scene, all family members had exited the residence, and Gilmore was inside by himself. The Sacramento Metro Fire Department staged nearby until Deputies could arrive.
When Deputies arrived, they attempted to call him outside the residence, but he refused. Per one of Gilmore’s roommates, Gilmore made statements that he wanted to die by “suicide by cop.” Deputies learned Gilmore was on probation and had just been arrested six days earlier (March 17, 2024) by another agency for PC 69 (violently resisting an officer) and other charges, including vandalism, DUI, and drug charges. The courts had since released him on his own recognizance as a pre-trial release.
Approximately 10 minutes after Deputies arrived, Gilmore opened the garage while holding a knife. Deputies backed away toward the sidewalk and street while directing him to drop the knife and exit toward them. Gilmore refused as Deputies continued to attempt to give him directives. Approximately five minutes into this interaction, Gilmore exited the garage while still holding the knife and began advancing toward Deputies. One Deputy deployed multiple less lethal shotgun rounds at Gilmore to try and stop and disarm him, but they were ineffective. Despite multiple directives to stop and being hit with multiple less lethal rounds, Gilmore continued to advance and came within just several feet of a Deputy while still holding the knife before the Deputy shot him with his service weapon.
Deputies administered first aid on the scene, including applying tourniquets and a chest seal until fire personnel arrived. Unfortunately, Gilmore was pronounced deceased at the scene. The investigation into this incident is still ongoing and will be conducted by the Sheriff’s Homicide Bureau and Professional Standards Division, which is standard practice for any officer-involved shooting that occurs in the Sheriff’s Office’s jurisdiction. An independent review of the incident will be conducted by the Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office. In accordance with the Sheriff’s Office policies and procedures, the Deputy involved in the shooting will be placed on administrative leave pending the investigation.
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shobujtech1 · 9 months
Honor X50 GT Launched In China l Specifications l Features: Honor introduced a Chinese smartphone, the Honor X50 GT. The gadget replaces the X40 GT from the previous year. The current version brings minor improvements. It is a mid-range Snapdragon 8-series phone.  Details About The Honor X50 GT  The Honor X50 GT has a 6.78-inch curved screen with a centre-aligned punch-hole cutout. OLED displays have 1.5K resolution and 120Hz refresh rates. It has a fingerprint scanner. The smartphone has a circular back camera module and a vertical running strip like its predecessor. Drop resistance is five stars from SGS.  The Honor X50 GT boasts 108MP and 2MP rear cameras. 3x lossless zoom is claimed for the primary sensor. The front selfie camera is 8MP. The Honor X50 GT has a Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 CPU. It supports 16GB RAM and 1TB storage.  The gadget has a 5100mm² vapor chamber for heat dissipation. The phone has a 5,800mAh battery with 35W rapid charging. The top software is Android 14-based MagicOS 7.2.  Honor X50 GT  Price The 12GB + 256GB Honor X50 GT costs CNY 2,100 ($309). The 16GB + 256GB and 16GB + 512GB models cost CNY 2,399 ($337) and 2,599 ($365). The top-end 16GB + 1TB model costs CNY 2,899 (~$408). Midnight Black and Star Wing God Of War are smartphone colors. Pre-sale begins today, with general sales starting January 9.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Shibarium transactions were on the decline after hitting their all-time high. SHIB was on a consecutive uptrend as the price increase continued. A few days ago, Shiba Inu’s [SHIB] L2 platform, Shibarium, experienced a surge in transactions, reaching an all-time high since its restart. Nevertheless, this initial excitement appears to have waned somewhat. Has this had any impact on SHIB’s price trend? Is your portfolio green? Check out the SHIB Profit Calculator Shiba Inu’s L2 sees decreasing transactions Following its restart after an initial setback, Shibarium recently experienced a surge in transactions, achieving a historic high just a few days ago. Data from its Shibariumscan indicated a consistent upward trend, with daily transactions peaking at over 200,000 on 11 September. However, at the time of this update, the transaction volume had slightly decreased to approximately 183,000.  Furthermore, the scanner reported that the cumulative number of transactions on the platform had surpassed 2.6 million, and the total number of wallets had exceeded 1.2 million. SHIB 24-hour burn rate declines Over the last 24 hours, Shiba Inu’s native token SHIB experienced a significant decrease in its burn rate. Shibburn’s data revealed a nearly 50% reduction in SHIB’s burn rate within this timeframe. Furthermore, over the past 24 hours, an impressive 31 million SHIB tokens were burned, contributing to a cumulative total burn of over 410 trillion as of this writing. Shiba Inu’s addresses become less active The Santiment metric tracking 30-day active addresses for Shiba Inu indicated a consistent decline in active user engagement. This trend commenced with a notable decrease in active addresses around July, and it has continued to trend downward since that initial drop. As of this writing, the number of 30-day active addresses stands at approximately 79,000. Source: Santiment SHIB detaches from the downtrend In the daily timeframe chart of Shiba Inu, there was a noticeable trend of consecutive upticks over the past four days. During this period, SHIB has witnessed a cumulative increase of over 4%. As of this writing, it continued to trade with a price increase, albeit less than 1%. Source: TradingView The chart also illustrated the significance of the short and long Moving Averages, represented by the yellow and blue lines, respectively. These Moving Averages served as immediate and long-term resistance levels for SHIB. How much are 1,10,100 SHIBs worth today? However, it’s worth noting that despite these consecutive uptrends, Shiba Inu has not managed to escape its overall bearish trend, as evidenced by its Relative Strength Index (RSI). As of this writing, the RSI remained below 40, indicating a bearish sentiment. Nevertheless, there were signs of an emerging uptrend in the indicator. Source
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