#Scarlet Spider Unlimited
holy-shit-comics · 1 year
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thenyougetbackup · 1 year
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big ol sketch dump of things from insta from a while ago
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mig-el-2099 · 5 months
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I've made this last year around October and the best variants of spider society to see within the across the spider verse was scarlet spider's variant who aesthetically looks as cool as him during his early comics but is overtop with edginess lolz and the cartoon peter variants of unlimited and spectacular like I thought we would never see them again in anything well for unlimited it was after 2000 and spectacular 2009 so seeing them again last year was a breath of relieving fresh air hehe
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morgan-reads-comics · 2 years
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Spider-Man Homecoming Prelude (2017)
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emzycore · 1 year
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My favourite spidermen!!!!
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distroyer0g · 1 year
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Drawing Spider-man until beyond the spider-verse. Day 72.
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cnnmairoll · 7 months
Hello. I was wondering if you could you write a platonic angst story where the reader is Blade's child. I was thinking usually the only thing that could calm Blade down when the mara flared up was Kafka's spirit whisper but what if being around the reader was also able to calm Blade down for some reason because Blade barely spends any time with the reader unless it's during one of his harsh training sessions and one night the reader decides enough was enough and started packing their stuff but they left behind their lucky weapon (that's your choice) and Blade found it the next morning.
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A Cup of Cold Tea
Character : Blade Genre : Angst Disclaimer : The relationship between the reader and Blade will be platonic as stated by the request. a/n : This was my first Request, but it didn't take long for me to find out about the anon sending the same request to most of the HSR writers despite their request was closed. I kept it in my drafts since it would be a waste if i just scrap it all out, not to mention my friend helped me out on this one, so I decided, why not just write the final paragraph and post? Things has been quite rough and busy for me so I'm not done with my hiatus, but I hope you enjoy p.s im sorry if he's ooc here, I don't know his chara well
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His blade descends on you, striking downwards in a beautiful arc to cleave your skull.
You dodge within an inch of your life, the after image of his sword burning into your retinas as you fall into a clumsy heap on the floor. Still, you spare no moment for yourself as you scramble up, his sword drawing contact to where you lay as soon as you move.
The minutes blends into hours, time being a concept of little value in the face of Blade's viciousness. It takes everything you have to simply focus on the present, dodging and deflecting when you can. You always stay on the defensive in fights like these; any window you have to strike opens itself for only a millisecond before Blade runs it through clean with his sword.
It makes you wonder how you'd fare if Blade gave it his all. You've seen Blade fight on missions enough times to know that he is much deadlier when he is putting in active effort. In contrast, his movements here are much more sloppy and rabid, fueled only by the unadulterated desire to destroy. It is the madness of his mara in its purest form, though it doesn't make his attacks any less fatal, as proven by the countless wounds that litter your body.
Dead within the first minute, probably, comes the stray thought. It proves to cost you when you earn a gash on your arm, blood spilling freely from your left. You grit your teeth; you need to pay attention. There's never a guarantee for your life when Blade gets like this.
Red spider lilies bloom around you like a garden welcoming death. It sings of carnage, reeking of blood that it greedily consumes, begging for more even if it will eventually wilt away. It feels symbolic, in a way. Out of the two of you, only you are the one who is able to experience true death.
Still, you cannot help but find the blooming sea of red beautiful, even if it is always likely to be your final resting place.
There is a lull in Blade's movements, the manic in his eyes glazing into a dull scarlet as he catches his breath. Immortal he may be, but even he has a limit he will reach. It is a mercy; not only does it signify that his mara has not yet reached a point of no return, it also allows you time to recuperate. Had Blade been given unlimited stamina on top of his self-healing, you would surely have died a long time ago.
Now that the man has tired himself, it is time to bring him back.
"Father," you begin. It comes out as a feeble whisper, your lungs still burning from exertion. Still, you must press on. "Are you okay?"
Blade is silent for a beat, then two. This is fine; you can wait for as long as he needs for your words to reach him. You've gone through this routine enough times to memorize his mannerisms, all of which are currently saying that you are in the clear. So long as his grip on his weapon doesn't tighten again, then you have nothing to be afraid of.
Silence reigns within the room, until you recognize the clarity return to Blade's eyes.
"..You," he grunts, voice hoarse. It's scratchy from his manic screaming and laughter, and you make a mental note to add honey to his tea for his throat.
You nod approvingly. "Yes, Father. Are you okay?" You repeat the question, and this time, Blade manages a sharp nod.
You grin, happy at his answer. You open your mouth to speak again, but Blade cuts you to it. "What happened to your arm?"
The man stares hard at something, and you follow his gaze to find the gash on your left arm. The bleeding has mostly stopped from what you can tell, but it's still an ugly thing to look at. You'll have to wash it soon.
You hum, considering. "It's only a minor cut, Father. I can patch it by myself later."
His eyebrows twitch, his eyes narrowing. "Come," he says simply, walking towards the door.
You let your sword disperse into particles of light before following Blade out of the room. You know there is no arguing with him when he gets like this. Any attempt to reassure him that you can handle yourself will only end with him staring at you with unreadable eyes until you inevitably give in. You're not sure if he does this because he is aware of this fact. Blade doesn't strike you as the type to be attentive to such details, but it's worked every single time, so.
You are both silent as he tends to your wound, cleaning it thoroughly before dutifully bandaging it. Blade even add bandages to the smaller cuts you would've left alone, meticulous in making sure all your wounds are taken care of. You know it is his way to apologize, as he is a silent man who prefers actions in lieu of words. That, and that he's always been awkward when it comes emotions like remorse.
"Get some rest," he says, returning the equipment to the first-aid kit. Blade looks at you, expectant, and it is only when you nod does he leave you alone.
He never calls you by name. It's something that bothered you when you were younger, but it's something you've grown to accept. You're not even certain Blade can recall your name if asked. You know it is his way to cope, to always be prepared for the day when you, too, will leave him. Remembering names are a burden on his soul, so the least you can do is spare him from remembering yours.
Your patience reached its limit. In the dead of night, you quietly packed your belongings and left a note behind. It was brief but carried the weight of your feelings: "I need to find my own path for a while. I hope you understand." You didn't sign it, hoping that the absence itself would convey the message more powerfully.
The moon hung high in the sky as you walked away from the place you called home, your steps determined despite the uncertainty that gnawed at you. You had no plan, no destination in mind. You just knew that you needed time away.
The next morning, Blade woke up to find the room unusually quiet. The absence of the usual sounds—your soft footsteps, the steaming sound of the kettle pot when you made his morning tea—was like a deafening silence. He pushed himself up, his senses alert even before his eyes fully opened. His gaze darted around the room, searching for any sign of your presence.
The sight of your neatly made bed and the note left on the table struck him like a blow. For a moment, he stood frozen, his heart heavy with a mixture of regret and realization. He had been so consumed by his own pursuits that he hadn't noticed the growing distance between you.
His eyes shifted to a corner of the room, where a familiar object caught his attention. There, placed with careful intention, was your lucky weapon. The fiery red blade of the sword gleamed in the soft morning light, its hilt wrapped in supple black leather. The pommel, resembling the closed bud of a red spider lily, held a sense of elegance and balance that echoed the bond between you and Blade.
A pang of guilt and longing gripped Blade's chest as he picked up the sword. The weight of it felt familiar in his hand, a stark reminder of the times he had shared with you. The sword seemed to dance in the air, reflecting both its deadly capabilities and the beauty of its craftsmanship—a reflection of the connection he had with you, one he had been neglecting.
Blade's footsteps were heavy as he left the room, carrying the sword with him. As he went to sit down and process your absence, he noticed a cup of tea placed neatly on the table. The tea, once steaming and fragrant, now languished in its cup, forgotten and neglected. It had been carefully prepared by you before you left, a gesture of concern and care. The faint aroma of the blend, a comforting blend of herbs and warmth, with a hint of honey, still clung to the air around it, a lingering reminder of their intention.
But time had been unkind to the tea, its temperature steadily dropping as it sat abandoned on the table. The steam that had once risen from its surface in delicate tendrils, carrying with it the promise of comfort, had now dissipated into the air. The liquid's once-rich hue had faded slightly, a sign that its vitality was waning, much like the embers of a dying fire.
Blade's eyes fell upon the cup, his gaze drawn to the cold tea that had been left for him. His fingers, calloused from years of wielding the blade, reached out to touch the cup, and he felt the chill radiating from its surface. It was a stark contrast to the warmth he had felt earlier, a reminder of how quickly time could transform something from inviting to forgotten.
As he wrapped his fingers around the cup, he couldn't help but recall the hoarse quality of his voice that had consumed him during their training session. You noticed, as you always did, attuned to the subtleties of his state. The touch of honey they had added was a balm for his throat, a gesture that had been both practical and considerate.
Blade's throat tightened with an emotion he couldn't quite name. The cold tea before him held within it layers of meaning—your concern, your attempt to provide comfort, and a reminder of his own shortcomings.
Regret gnawed at his insides, twisting and churning with every breath he took. Guilt clawed at his conscience, tearing through the facade of indifference he had so carefully crafted. Loneliness engulfed him like a suffocating cloak, reminding him of the void left in your absence. And yet, beneath it all, there flickered a tiny ember of hope—a glimmer of redemption, a chance to right the wrongs he had committed.
Blade couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of despair that threatened to consume him whole. For in that moment, he realized that the hardest battle he would ever face was not against his enemies, but against the demons of his own making—the ones that whispered of his failures and shortcomings, echoing relentlessly in the caverns of his heart.
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nightmareinfloral · 4 months
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Speed- Where to Read?
Tommy Shepherd, also known as Speed, is a mutant and one of Wanda Maximoff’s reincarnated twin sons. He is a speedster and possesses a powerset very similar to Pietro Maximoff, including superhuman speed, stamina, strength, and molecular acceleration. Below the cut is a complete list of Tommy’s appearances updates as of May 2024.
Young Avengers (2005) 10-12
Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways (2006) 1
The Amazing Spider-Man (1998) 534
Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways (2006) 2-4
Civil War (2006) 5
Civil War: The Initiative (2007) 1
The Mighty Avengers (2007) 1
Civil War: Battle Damage Report (2007) 1
Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America (2007) 5
Young Avengers Presents (2008) 3
Secret Invasion (2008) 2
Secret Invasion: Home Invasion (2008) 3
Secret Invasion (2008) 3
Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers (2008) 1
Avengers: The Initiative (2007) 15
Young Avengers Presents (2008) 6
Secret Invasion (2008) 5
Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers (2008) 2-3
Secret Invasion (2008) 6
The Mighty Avengers (2007) 18, 21, 23-24
Dark Reign: Young Avengers (2009) 1-3
The Mighty Avengers (2007) 28
Dark Reign: Young Avengers (2009) 4
The Mighty Avengers (2007) 29-30
Dark Reign: Young Avengers (2009) 5
The Mighty Avengers (2007) 31
Nomad: Girl Without a World (2009) 4
Siege (2010) 2-3
Siege: Young Avengers (2010) 1
Siege (2010) 4
Avengers (2010) 1
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (2010) 1
Uncanny X-Men (1981) 526
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (2010) 2
I Am An Avenger (2010) 1
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (2010) 3
Avengers: Prime (2010) 5
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (2010) 4
I Am An Avenger (2010) 5
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade (2010) 5-9
Young Avengers (2013) 6-7, 14-15
Original Sin (2014) 0
The Astonishing Ant-Man (2015) 1, 6
The Vision (2015) 7
Scarlet Witch (2015) 8
Marvel Knights 20th (2019) 3
The Astonishing Ant-Man (2015) 13
Scarlet Witch (2015) 13
The Vision: Director’s Cut (2017) 4
The Unstoppable Wasp (2018) 7
Marvel Comics (2019) 1000
True Believers: Empyre - Hulkling (2020) 1
Road to Empyre: The Kree/Skrull War (2020) 1
Lords of Empyre: Emperor Hulkling (2020) 1
Empyre (2020) 4-5
Empyre Aftermath: Avengers (2020) 1
X-Factor (2020) 7-8
Marvel’s Voices: Pride (2021) 1
X-Factor (2020) 10
Marauders (2019) 23
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) 1, 3
X-Men (2021) 5
X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) 4-5
Who Is… The Scarlet Witch Infinity Comic (2022) 1
Free Comic Book Day 2022: Marvel’s Voices (2022) 1
Marvel’s Voices: Pride (2022) 1
Marvel’s Voices Infinity Comic (2022) 5, 9-10
Love Unlimited Infinity Comic (2022) 25
Alligator Loki Infinity Comic (2022) 13
The Avengers: War Across Time (2023) 5
Free Comic Book Day 2023: Marvel’s Voices (2023) 1
Love Unlimited Infinity Comic (2022) 49
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic (2021) 100
Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver (2024) 1-3
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king-gob · 1 year
Ben Reilly Reading Order
A friend asked me for a reading order for Ben Reilly/Scarlet Spider, and it turns out that is easier (MUCH easier) said than done.
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Four and a half hours later, here it is. I figured I’d share it here as well, for anyone who might want it.
ORIGINAL CLONE SAGA Amazing Spider-Man #139-151
CLONE SAGA PRELUDES "Shrieking" - Amazing Spider-Man #390-393 "Live and Let Die" - Web of Spider-Man #113-116 "Beware the Rage of a Desperate Man" - Spider-Man #46-49 "The Predator and the Prey" - Spectacular Spider-Man #215-216 "Son of the Hunter" - Spider-Man #50
CLONE SAGA: ACT I (OF III) "Power and Responsibility/The Double" - Web of Spider-Man #117 - Amazing Spider-Man #394 - Spider-Man #51 - Spectacular Spider-Man #217 "The Exile Returns: Part One" - Web of Spider-Man #118 - Spider-Man #52 "Back from the Edge: Part One" - Amazing Spider-Man #395 - Spectacular Spider-Man #218 "Second-Rate Choices" - Spider-Man Unlimited #7 "The Exile Returns: Part Two" - Web of Spider-Man #119 - Spider-Man #53 "Back from the Edge: Part Two" - Amazing Spider-Man #396 - Spectacular Spider-Man #219 DETOUR: "Separation Anxiety" - Venom: Separation Anxiety #1-4 "Web of Life/Web of Death" - Web of Spider-Man #120 - Amazing Spider-Man #397 - Spider-Man #54 - Spectacular Spider-Man #220 - Amazing Spider-Man #398 - Web of Spider-Man #121 - Spider-Man #55 - Spectacular Spider-Man #221 "Behind the Terror" - Spider-Man Unlimited #8 "Funeral for an Octopus" - Spider-Man: Funeral for an Octopus #1-3 "Smoke and Mirrors" - Web of Spider-Man #122 - Amazing Spider-Man #399 - Spider-Man #56 "Puppet" - Spider-Man: The Clone Journal #1 "Players and Pawns" - Spectacular Spider-Man #222 - Web of Spider-Man #123 - Amazing Spider-Man #400 (Also Part 1 of "The Parker Legacy")
CLONE SAGA: ACT I (ACT II) (OF III) "Aftershocks/The Parker Legacy" - Spider-Man #57 - Spectacular Spider-Man #223 DETOUR: "Carnage Unleashed" - Venom: Carnage Unleashed #1-4 "The Mark of Kaine" - Web of Spider-Man #124 - Amazing Spider-Man #401 - Spider-Man #58 - Spectacular Spider-Man #224 - Spider-Man Unlimited #9 DETOUR: New Warriors #59-60 "Lives Unlived" - Web of Spider-Man #125 "Crossfire" - Amazing Spider-Man #402 - Spider-Man #59 - Spectacular Spider-Man #225 DETOUR: Spider-Man 2099 Meets Spider-Man #1 "The Trial of Peter Parker" - Web of Spider-Man #126 - Amazing Spider-Man #403 - Spider-Man #60 - Spectacular Spider-Man #226 "Planet of the Symbiotes" NOTE: If you read this (and you should), you should also read the Venom detours above. - Amazing Spider-Man Super Special #1 - Spider-Man Super Special #1 - Venom Super Special #1 - Spectacular Spider-Man Super Special #1 - Web of Spider-Man Super Special #1 "The Lost Years" - Spider-Man: The Lost Years #1-3 NOTE: There is an issue #0 but it's all reprints of stuff earlier in this list.
CLONE SAGA: ACT II (OF III) "The Jackal Files" - Spider-Man: The Jackal Files #1 "Maximum Clonage" - New Warriors #61 - Maximum Clonage Alpha #1 - Web of Spider-Man #127 - Amazing Spider-Man #404 - Spider-Man #61 - Spectacular Spider-Man #227 - Maximum Clonage Omega #1 "Exiled" - Web of Spider-Man #128 - Amazing Spider-Man #405 - Spider-Man #62 - Spider-Man Unlimited #10 DETOUR: At this point, Ben joins the New Warriors. He will be involved with them until issue #71, four issues before the end of the volume. The Maximum Clonage prelude in issue #61 is the only one that really matters for the Clone Saga so read those or don't, depending on how comprehensive you want to go and/or how much you enjoy New Warriors. - New Warriors #62-71 "Time Bomb" - Spectacular Spider-Man #228 - Web of Spider-Man #129 "The Greatest Responsibility" - Amazing Spider-Man #406 - Spider-Man #63 - Spectacular Spider-Man #229 "The Parker Years" - Spider-Man: The Parker Years" DETOUR: Spider-Man Team-Up #1-5
CLONE SAGA: ACT III (OF III) "You Say You Want an Evolution" - Scarlet Spider Unlimited #1 "Virtual Mortality" - Web of Scarlet Spider #1 - Amazing Scarlet Spider #1 - Scarlet Spider #1 - Spectacular Scarlet Spider #1 "Cyberwar Part One" - Web of Scarlet Spider #2 - Amazing Scarlet Spider #2 INTERLUDE: Green Goblin #1-3 "Cyberwar Part Two" - Scarlet Spider #2 - Spectacular Scarlet Spider #2 NOTE: The next several issues aren't a "story arc" in a traditional sense, but just follow Ben settling in as the One-And-Only Spider-Man. - Sensational Spider-Man #0 - Amazing Spider-Man Annual 1996 - Spider-Man Holiday Special 1995 - Amazing Spider-Man #407 - Spider-Man #64 - Spectacular Spider-Man #230 - Spider-Man Unlimited #11 "Nightmare in Scarlet!" - Web of Scarlet Spider #3 - New Warriors #67 - Web of Scarlet Spider #4 "Family Plot" - Spider-Man/Punisher: Family Plot #1-2 "The Final Adventure" - Spider-Man: The Final Adventure #1-4
CLONE SAGA: ACT IV (OF III) "Media Blizzard" - Sensational Spider-Man #1 - Amazing Spider-Man #408 - Spider-Man #65 "The Return of Kaine" - Spectacular Spider-Man #231 - Sensational Spider-Man #2 - Amazing Spider-Man #409 - Spider-Man #66 "A Show of Force" - Spectacular Spider-Man #232 "Web of Carnage" - Sensational Spider-Man #3 - Amazing Spider-Man #410 - Spider-Man #67 - Spectacular Spider-Man #233
CLONE SAGA: ACT IV (ACT II) (OF III) "Blood Brothers" - Sensational Spider-Man #4 - Amazing Spider-Man #411 - Spider-Man #68 - Spectacular Spider-Man #234 - Sensational Spider-Man #5 - Amazing Spider-Man #412 "It Begins with a Bang Not a Whimper" - Spider-Man #69 DETOUR: Venom: The Hunted #1-3 "Who Did Spider-Man Murder?" - Spider-Man Unlimited #12 NOTE: The following issues follow a loose storyline of Ben fighting villains while Peter slowly becomes sick. - Spectacular Spider-Man #235 - Daredevil #354 - Sensational Spider-Man #6 - Amazing Spider-Man #413 - Spider-Man #70 - Spectacular Spider-Man #236 - Sensational Spider-Man #7 - Amazing Spider-Man #414 - Spider-Man #71 - Spectacular Spider-Man #237 "Redemption" - Spider-Man: Redemption #1-4
CLONE SAGA: ACT IV (ACT III) (OF III) "Onslaught Impact" - Amazing Spider-Man #415 - Spider-Man #72 NOTE: Some more filler. Editorial problems at this time caused the Clone Saga to majorly stall out. - Spider-Man Unlimited #13 - Sensational Spider-Man #8 - Spectacular Spider-Man #238 - Sensational Spider-Man #9 - Amazing Spider-Man #416 - Spider-Man #73 - Spectacular Spider-Man #239 - Sensational Spider-Man #10 - Amazing Spider-Man #417 - Spider-Man #74 - Green Goblin #13 (end of this run; Ben is there) - Spider-Man Unlimited #14 "Revelations" - Spectacular Spider-Man #240 - Sensational Spider-Man #11 - Amazing Spider-Man #418 - Peter Parker: Spider-Man #75 (title change from adjectiveless SM)
CLONE SAGA: EPILOGUE - Spider-Man: The Osborn Journals #1 - Spider-Man: 101 Ways to End the Clone Saga #1
POST-REVELATIONS "Who Was Ben Reilly?" - Amazing Spider-Man Annual #36 - Amazing Spider-Man #608-610 "Scarlet Spiders" (Spider-Verse tie-in) - Scarlet Spiders #1-3
THE CLONE CONSPIRACY - Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #16-18 - Captain America FCBD 2016 (B story) - Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #19 - Clone Conspiracy #1 - Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #20 - Clone Conspiracy #2 - Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #21 - Clone Conspiracy #3 - Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #22 - Clone Conspiracy #4 - Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #23 - Clone Conspiracy #5 - Amazing Spider-Man Vol 4 #24 - Clone Conspiracy: Omega
BEN REILLY: SCARLET SPIDER "Back in the Hood" - Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #1-6 DETOUR: Secret Empire "Death's Sting" - Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #7-9 "The Slingers Return" - Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #10-13 "Bad to the Bone" - Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #14
DAMNATION - Doctor Strange: Damnation #1 - Doctor Strange #386 - Doctor Strange: Damnation #2 - Doctor Strange #387 - Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #15 - Doctor Strange: Damnation #3 - Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #16 - Damnation: Johnny Blaze, Ghost Rider #1 - Doctor Strange #388 - Iron Fist #78-80 - Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #17 - Doctor Strange: Damnation #4 - Doctor Strange #389
BEN REILLY: SCARLET SPIDER (ACT II) "Untitled Mysertio Arc" - Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #18-19 "Deal with the Devil" - Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #20-25
SPIDER-GEDDON - Edge of Spider-Geddon #1-4 - Spider-Geddon #0 - Superior Octopus #1 - Spider-Geddon #1 - Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #311-312 - Spider-Geddon #2 - Spider-Girls #1 - Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider #1 - Spider-Force #1 - Vault of Spiders #1 - Spider-Geddon #3 - Vault of Spiders #2 - Spider-Force #2-3 - Spider-Geddon #4 - Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider #2 - Spider-Girls #2-3 - Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider #3 - Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #313 - Spider-Geddon #5 - Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider #4
DETOUR: BATTLE FOR THE SERPENT CROWN NOTE: Cameo from Ben in this Conan team-up book. - Conan: Battle for the Serpent Crown #1-5
DETOUR: IRON MAN BY CHRISTOPHER CANTWELL NOTE: Ben is one of Tony's "Space Friends" that join him in his crusade against Korvac. He drops out of the book around issue #19, when the group disbands. - Iron Man Vol 6 #1-19
SPIDER-MAN: BEYOND - Amazing Spider-Man #75-78 - Amazing Spider-Man #78.BEY - Amazing Spider-Man #79-80 - Amazing Spider-Man #80.BEY - Amazing Spider-Man #81-85 - Devil’s Reign – Spider-Man #1 - Amazing Spider-Man #86-87 - Mary Jane & Black Cat: Beyond #1 - Amazing Spider-Man #88 - Amazing Spider-Man #88.BEY - Amazing Spider-Man #89-92 - Amazing Spider-Man #92.BEY - Amazing Spider-Man #93
DARK WEB DETOUR: Hellions #1-18 DETOUR: New Mutants #25-28 NOTE: These detours will set up the Madelyne Pryor half of the Dark Web scheme. Completely optional for the purposes of this list, but recommended (They are good!) - Spider-Man/Venom: FCBD 2022 - Amazing Spider-Man Vol 6 #14 - Dark Web #1 - Amazing Spider-Man Vol 6 #15-17 - Dark Web: X-Men #1-3 - Amazing Spider-Man Vol 6 #18 - Dark Web: Finale #1 NOTE: I would read Hallows' Eve, as that book is about to circle around back into ASM for Ben plotlines. Might be a good idea to watch the upcoming Dark X-Men, as well.
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Most of the spider people in the Across the Spiderverse
Miles Morals
Gwen Stacy
Peni Parker
Peter B. Parker
Mayday “May” Parker aka Spider-girl
Spider Noir
Miguel O’Hara aka Spider-Man 2099
Pavitr Prabhakar
Jessica Drew aka Spider-women
Hobie Brown aka Spider-Punk
Ben Reilly, aka the Scarlet Spider (he’s a clone)
PlayStation Spider-Man
Spider-Man Unlimited
Spider from The Spectacular Spider-Man
Takuya Yamashiro Spider-Man from the live action 1978 japan show
Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man
Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man
Insomniac PlayStation Spider-Man video games. (There 3 different version of re-color skins)
Spider-Armor MK 1, MK II. And MK III
Mary Jane Watson-Parker aka Spinnerette
Annie May Parker aka Spiderling
Maybelle Reilly aka Steampunk Lady Spider
Werewolf Spider-Man
Spider cop
Mangaverse Spider-Man
Superior Spider-Man, (who is actually Doctor Octopus possessing Peter)
Anya Corazon aka Spider-Girl aka spider bitch
Julia Carpenter aka Madam Web
Armored Spider-Man.
Kaine Parker aka Tarantula aka Scarlet Spider (he’s also a clone like Ben)
Earth-X Spider-Man (??? Not 100% sure)
Spider monkey
Spider cat
Spider t-Rex
Bombastic Bag-Man (it’s Peter Parker who in a different outfit because an issue with the venom suit left him without a outfit)
Cyborg Spider-Woman
Doppelganger (another mother freaking clone)
Iron Spider (outfit made by Tony Stark)
Margo Kess aka Spider-Byte
Captain Spider aka Flash Thompson
Spidercide (you freaking guess it; another clone)
Spider-Man 2211, aka Dr. Max Borne
Patrick O’Hara aka Web-Slinger and Spider-Horse
LEGO Spidey
Malala Windsor aka Spider UK
Peter Parkedcar
1967 Spider-Man (aka that one Spider-Man point meme is from)
Charlotte Webber aka Sun-Spider
The Last Stand spider-man from Earth-616 (alternate universe were he’s bad)
Web-Man (mirrored duplicate of Spider-Man created by Doctor Doom)
Peter Porker aka Spider-Ham
Peter Parker From Earth-199999
A Spider-Man in the Tron costume
Metro Spider-Man ( Metro Boomin’s sona. He is the production of the Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse soundtrack)
Future Foundation Spider-Man
Bullet Points Bruce Banner (from a what if comic were Bruce and Peter swap roles)
Ultimate Tarantula (clone)
Dormammu-Verse Spider-Man
Prince of Arachne
That’s all the one I could find! I mostly likely miss a lot…
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age-of-moonknight · 9 months
Hello , just wanna ask if you know more comics where he appears as Mr knight?
I had read the 2014-15 run, and the Lemire run, the 'deadpool kills marvel again' (mk got killed too early :/) and the 'marvel comics present' issue 4, I am also reading the current moon knight run,
(sorry bad English)
Hello! Thanks for sending an ask and there's absolutely no need to apologize for your English (yours is great and goodness knows that it's an absolute charlie foxtrot of a language/I kark it up often enough myself)! Looks like you've definitely read the main comics that feature Mr. Knight and can skip the first three bullet points below, but here's a compilation of appearances I scraped together where at least some variation of that all-white three piece suit is present, i.e. in some of these, he might have the mask and/or suit jacket off, but it's still pretty clearly the Mr. Knight suit. Just let me know if you'd like a list of variant covers featuring Mr. Knight as I would be happy to make that as well! I hope there might be some potentially new material in here for you/this might be of use and happy reading! Moon Knight Comics
Moon Knight (Vol. 7/2014), #1, #3-9, #11-15, #17
Moon Knight (Vol. 8/2016), ("Lemire Run" in brackets) [#1-5, #8-14], #188, #200
Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #1-7, #9, #13-18, #20, #22-25, #30
Devil’s Reign: Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2022), #1
Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood (Vol. 1/2022), #1-4
Ms. Marvel & Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2022), #1
Moon Knight Annual (Vol. 3/2022), #1
Moon Knight: City of the Dead (Vol. 1/2023), #5 Other Comic Series
Secret Avengers (Vol. 1/2010), #19 (Special mention: the name "Mr. Knight" isn't used, but it's the first published instance I've tracked down of the iconic white suit + mask combo)
Doctor Strange: Damnation (Vol. 1/2018), #1-4
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider (Vol. 1/2017), #15-17
Marvel Comics Presents (Vol. 3/2019), #4
The Avengers (Vol. 8/2018), #33
Strange (Vol. 3/2022), #5
Doctor Strange (Vol. 6/2023), #2 Other Continuities
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again (Vol. 1/2017), #1-3 Cameos
Deadpool’s Secret Secret Wars (Vol. 1/2015), #1
Doctor Strange (Vol. 4/2015), #387-388
Deadpool: Assassin (Vol. 1/2018), #4
Daredevil (Vol. 5/2016), #612
Avengers: No Road Home (Vol. 1/2019), #10
Crazy (Vol. 3/2019), #1
Avengers Unlimited (Vol. 1/2022), Infinity Comic, #33 Additional Special Notes
Soldier wears the "Mr. Knight" suit in Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021) #11 and #12
There's a pretty cool (imo) variation on the Mr. Knight suit in Moon Knight Annual (Vol. 4/2023), #1
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holy-shit-comics · 1 year
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thenyougetbackup · 7 months
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me when i find really neat spidey cosplay accounts:
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thequiver · 2 years
Who is.... Kevin MacTaggert | Proteus? - A Reading Guide
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Kevin MacTaggert, also known as Proteus, is the son of Moira MacTaggert (the former leader of the Muir Island X-Men, longtime ally of Professor X, and co-founder of Krakoa). Kevin is a reality manipulator who mostly inhabits an energy form (a psionic being composed of energy that has a vaguely human form with no physical characteristics) but he requires a human host to sustain himself, wearing through victims the more he uses his powers (which only grow with each victim he possesses). He currently inhabits soulless Charles Xavier clones to sustain life. He's best known currently for having terraformed Mars, being on The Five, and for having been an enemy of the X-Men.
Under the cut you'll find a complete list of all 79 of Kevin's major appearances (as of 17. 2. 23) in chronological order
X-Men Vol 1 #119, 125-128
Classic X-Men Vol 1 #32
New Warriors Annual Vol #1
X-Men Annual Vol 1 #15-16
X-Force Annual Vol 1 #1
X-Factor Annual Vol 1 #8
Excalibur Vol 1 #72-73
X-Man Vol. 1 #12
Star Trek/X-Men Vol 1 #1
X-Force Vol 3 #19
X-Necrosha Vol 1 #1
X-Men: Legacy Vol 1 #231-233
Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 #4-11
House of X Vol 1 #5-6
Maruaders Vol 1 #3
X-Men Vol 5 #7
Marauders Vol 1 #9-10
X-Factor Vol 4 #1
Marauders Vol 1 #11
Hellions Vol 1 #7
X-Factor Vol 4 #5
S.W.O.R.D. Vol 2 #2
Excalibur Vol 4 #18
Marauders Vol 1 #18
X-Factor Vol 4 #8
S.W.O.R.D. Vol 2 #4
Way of X #1-2
X-Men Vol 5 #21
Planet-Size X-Men Vol 1 #1
Cable Vol 4 #11
X-Factor Vol 4 #10
Excalibur Vol 4 #22
Way of X #5
Trial of Magneto #1
New Mutants Vol 4 #21
Trial of Magneto #2
Onslaught Revelation #1
Inferno Vol 2 #2
Marauders Vol 1 #26
Trial of Magneto #4-5
Who is... Scarlet Witch Infinity Comic Vol 1 #1
Immortal X-Men Vol 1 #1
X-Men Vol 6 #10
Knights of X Vol 1 #1
Immortal X-Men Vol 1 #2
X-Men: Red Vol 2 #3
X-Men: Hellfire Gala Vol 1 #1
A.X.E.: Judgement Day Vol 1 #1-2, 4
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 6 #9
A.X.E.: Judgement Day Vol 1 #5
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic Vol 1 #62
Immortal X-Men Vol 1 #7
A.X.E.: Judgement Day Vol 1 #6
X-Men: Red Vol 2 #9
X-Terminators Vol 2 #4
Immortal X-Men Vol 1 #10
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!!!!! I got ahold of Chess Collection #73!
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Went to a new (for me) comic book store and they had Kaine’s chess piece and the accompanying comic book! And for real, criminally cheap too! Now that I have the chance to flip through it, I see that it’s more of a guide book. But!!! it’s a guide book all about Kaine, which for me personally is very exciting.
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I might object to their assessment of Kaine not sharing Peter’s humanity, but I appreciate them wrestling the “superior” title away from Octavius.
The issue itself is a bit larger than the average comic book and over all is a little warped from age, so it’s a little hard for me to get good pictures or scans of it, but if anyone would like to see more of it, just let me know and I’ll see what I can do!
It offers a highly respectable overview of Kaine’s admittedly complicated history up until what had been published at the time, even managing to make sense of all the machinations surrounding “who’s the original Peter???” during the Clone Saga and ending with Kaine’s involvement in Scarlet Spiders. Accordingly, there’s nothing here from the Clone Conspiracy nor Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider, but that makes me wonder if this chess collection had been released later, if they would have made a piece for Ben, as opposed to, say, the Living Brain (????!?? hahaha).
My only other comment would be that my inner academic wished that they had included citations for all the comics they reference (because they reference a lot of comics and if I were a new fan, I would be completely lost) but I completely understand the reality of space limitations. They do offer an “essential reading” list which includes the “Mark of Kaine” arc from the Clone Saga (Web of Spider-Man #124, Spectacular Spider-Man #224, Amazing Spider-Man #401, Spider-Man #58, and Spider-Man Unlimited #9), the first five issues of Scarlet Spider (Vol. 2/2012), and Scarlet Spiders, which is,,,,,,an acceptable list, I guess hahaha.
Over all,,,, I just thought I’d share, because I got excited.
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ben-talks-art · 1 year
Things I hope to see in Beyond The Spiderverse
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Now that Across The Spider Verse established that they can pretty much do anything they want, I was starting to wonder what are some cool fanservicy things I would like to see in the next movie.
These aren't "the plot needs to be told this way or it won't be good! 😤" kinds of things, but more like stuff that would please my nerdy side.
(Possible spoilers for Across the spider verse)
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Spiderverse 2 had a massive list of cameos, even showing characters I didn't know existed like a Spider T-Rex, but there were still a few characters that I wish had gotten just a tad more screen time.
Characters like Silk, Ultimate Jessica, Scarlet Kane, or Araña in her classic costume (I think I saw her in her new costume, but I like the old one more).
They don't need to be speaking roles, just need to get about as much focus as Spider-Man Unlimited got in this movie.
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It would be cool to see one of the originators of the idea of a spiderverse getting a callback by having some sort of scene with Miguel, Noir, Peter, and either Miles or a Spider-Man with a venom suit in the same room.
They don't even need to talk, just need to give me one cool shot together so I can save it as my wallpaper 🥰
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Gwen with the venom suit is one of the coolest venom designs I've ever seen, and Spider Gwen herself was already a really solid design.
It would be awesome if they had some scene where they need to break some kind of emergency item and reveal it to be a symbiote that Gwen uses in order to show her comic design.
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I love Into The Spiderverse and Across The Spiderverse, but neither of the two managed to really give me the true final boss fight with the villain I was waiting for.
The fight with Kingpin in the first movie was neat, but not really that excitement since the opponent was basically just a big guy that punches really hard.
The second movie had much better action scenes, but it still wasn't really a fight when it came to the Miles and Miguel confrontation, it was just a tag game.
I'm hoping that with Miles Prowler we actually truly get a really cool, really exciting, really well choreographed fight scene.
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These two are my favorite voices for Spider-Man, and I would just scream if they had a scene just exchanging lines.
Doesn't even need to be a plot-relevant line. It could be the most throw-away sentence ever, just anything to have an excuse for these two to talk. I seriously love their voices.
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And that's pretty much it, I think 🤔
I'm sure whatever they do with the movie will end up being a 10/10 experience, but these are just the things that could make it go from a "nice" 10/10 to a really freaking solid 10/10.
2024 can't come soon enough!
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