nichtschwertart · 10 months
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Sometimes you ask a guy who's clearly struggling to join your therapy group and it goes really poorly.
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swordscleric · 1 year
The Rain Road as Gaeilge
I am by no means a translator, but I do speak Irish fluently and have played trad for years (although I've lapsed due to college and work), so when the fireside chat mentioned having the Rain Road in Irish I had to throw my own spin on it. I may also record a version of it in Irish but we'll see. Shoutout to @franavu for also inspiring me with their Dutch translation!
An Bóthar Báistí
[First Verse/Céad Véarsa]
Áit go mbíonn na tonnta ag lapadaíl Ag an gcoill cois fharraige Airímis casadh an taoide Le grá chomh daingean le crainn
Leag do drúcht-sa ar croí na coille I dtost na dtoinn nach madhmann a thuilleadh Fáisc mé le d’ucht, roimh m’imeachta Ar bhóthar báistí, slí na mara
An gcuirfear fuacht sa talamh? An bhfágfar muid gan samhradh? An gcuirfidh stoirm muid, ó bhealach Scartha ón gcladach, ‘gus ón gcoill
Is mise an drúcht ar croí na coille ’gus tost na dtoinn nach madhmann a thuilleadh Fáisc mé le d’ucht, a ghrá, sula bhfágaim go deo Ar bhóthar báistí, slí na mara
Ar bhóthar báistí, slí na mara
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robynshaikucorner · 1 year
Bhínn ag lorg aoibhneas i rudaí as an ngnáth.
Anois, tá mé á lorg sa mbliain taobh thiar dhom,
Na rudaí beaga, bhíos cinnte go dtarlóidís.
Na comhráite beaga, an cogarnaíl,
Agus na géibhinn a fuaireadar!
Bíonn athruithe iontacha ann,
Ag fás anuas, do chéad grá,
An lá deireanach den bhunscoil,
Ach bíonn cinn níos... measa ann.
Cosúil leis an gcás seo...
Ó na rudaí beaga siúd.
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vocaloid-as-gaeilge · 7 months
Na Deirí is Faide (Saihate)
Ceol & Liricí: Kobayashi Onyx
Bunteideal: サイハテ (The Furthest Ends)
Amhránaí: Hatsune Miku
Cén cineál áit a bhfuil ann thall ansin?
Má tháinig tú ann go sábháilte, ba mhaith liom scéala uait ar a laghad
Ag oscailt an doras, féachaim i do threo i bhfad i gcéin
Má shroichfeadh mo ghlór ag canadh agus mo ghuíonna duit, beadh sé sin deas
Cosúil nach bhfuil aon scamall amháin ann, tá an spéir glan beagnach trédhearcadh
Tá sé chomh brónach inniu, ag scaradh in aimsir gheal
I mo shaol coitianta, ag teacht le chéile mar dath dearg
Ba grá mín é, ba grá mín é
Go dté tú slán
Má chreidim go bhuailfimid le chéile arís lá éigin,
Ligfidh mé na laethanta as seo freisin dul thart gan athrú
Má dhúnfar an doras, beimid scartha mar seo
Agus éireoidh d’anam scamaill nó báisteach
I mo shaol coitianta, ag teacht le chéile mar dath dearg
Ba grá mín é, ba grá mín é
Go dté tú slán
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pandolfo-malatesta · 2 years
Lá Róúil Lá róúil, lá róúil, déanfad lá róúil, Lá róúil, lá róúil, déanfad lá róúil, Lá róúil, lá róúil, déanfad lá róúil, Ní fada go bhfeicfidh mé arís thú.
Tógfar ár spiorad s'ár gcroí Beidh orainn athas an tsaoil Tógfar an cian mór dúinn Is ní fada go mbeidh muid mar a bhí.
Scartha ní bheidh mé go deo, Ó do lámh, ó do mhuirneadh is ó do thaobh, Sinn a bhí lúcháireach lá, Is ní fada go mbeidh muid mar a bhí.
A Great Day A great day, great day, I'll have a great day, It won't be long till I see you again.
Our spirits and our hearts will be lifted, The joys of life will be upon us, The great grief will be lifted from us, It won't be long till we are as we were.
I won't be separated forever, From your hand, from your embrace, from your side, We, that were happy once, It won't be long till we are as we were.
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paimaniagalaxia · 2 years
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New marvel oc! Matilda Moody, a shadow power witch based avatar to Scartha of Celtic origins .3.
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queer-cosette · 5 years
Anyway if Heathers was set in the Monster High universe the characters would be called Heather Fangler, Heather Spook, Heather McClawmara, Scareonica Sawyer, Jason Doom and Scartha Doomstock
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briosca-sa-speir · 5 years
An Prionsa Beag - caibidil 2.2
An chéad oíche mar sin chuaigh mé a chodladh ar an ghaineamh míle míle ar shiúl ó chónaí daonna. Bhí mé chomh scartha amach le duine ar briseadh a long agus é ar rafta i lár na farraige móire. Samhlaígí daoibh féin mar sin an t-ionadh a bhí orm, ag breacadh an lae, nuair a mhúscail glór beag aisteach mé. Séard a dúirt sé:
— Le do thoil, déan pictiúr de chaora dom!
— Cad é?
— Déan pictiúr de chaora dom.
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rafta = raft
samhlaigh = to imagine
ionadh = surprise, astonishment
múscail = to wake
aisteach = peculiar
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toinghaeilge · 6 years
Separated or Welded?
In my introduction to the Munster dialect, I mentioned synthetic verb forms, where verbs have personal endings instead of being accompanied by separate pronouns. I also mentioned that this form is partially adopted in the standard (for first person verbs).
For example, instead of tuigeann mé, Munster Irish would favour the synthetic form tuigim. In Irish, these forms are called foirm scartha and foirm tháite respectively. You may see them referred to in textbooks as the analytical form and the synthetic form. 
It’s much easier to use the Irish “separated” and “welded” to help understand what’s going on:
Scaradh means “separated”, while táite means “welded”. Scartha and táite are the genitive cases of scaradh and táite (no change). The genitive case is here used because there is a modifier: a noun modifies another noun. 
Separated → separated form Scaradh  → foirm scartha
Welded → welded form Táite  → foirm tháite
Recall that ‘sc’ in scartha cannot adopt a séimhiú.
You may also see textbooks refer to the forms as briathra scartha and briathra tháite—analytical (separated) verbs and synthetic (welded) verbs.
In usage, it’s pretty simple to tell them apart:
Separated (Analytical)
Chonaic muid Bhí muid Téann muid
Welded (Synthetic)
Chonaiceamar Bhíomar Téimid
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toingaeilge · 6 years
Separated or Welded?
In my introduction to the Munster dialect, I mentioned synthetic verb forms, where verbs have personal endings instead of being accompanied by separate pronouns. I also mentioned that this form is partially adopted in the standard (for first person verbs).
For example, instead of tuigeann mé, Munster Irish would favour the synthetic form tuigim. In Irish, these forms are called foirm scartha and foirm tháite respectively. You may see them referred to in textbooks as the analytical form and the synthetic form. 
It’s much easier to use the Irish “separated” and “welded” to help understand what’s going on:
Scaradh means “separated”, while táite means “welded”. Scartha and táite are the genitive cases of scaradh and táite (no change). The genitive case is here used because there is a modifier: a noun modifies another noun. 
Separated → separated form Scaradh  → foirm scartha
Welded → welded form Táite  → foirm tháite
Recall that ‘sc’ in scartha cannot adopt a séimhiú.
You may also see textbooks refer to the forms as briathra scartha and briathra tháite—analytical (separated) verbs and synthetic (welded) verbs.
In usage, it’s pretty simple to tell them apart:
Separated (Analytical)
Chonaic muid Bhí muid Téann muid
Welded (Synthetic)
Chonaiceamar Bhíomar Téimid
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nichtschwertart · 3 months
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Scarthas why do you even have that shirt?
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The ousting of Anthony Scaramucci
A chara, – Scaramucci scartha amach. Is mise, CIANA CAMPBELL, Ennis,  Co Clare.
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nichtschwertart · 3 months
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Aaaaaaaaaa I just had an idea that I can't believe I didn't have sooner! Okay here goes:
People aren't usually surprised that Scarthas Gadhra always seems to have claw marks all over. After all, the mysterious hermit has all those cats in their mansion outside town. After all, whenever a new cat comes to prowl the island it's only a matter of time before Scarthas will attempt to capture it, usually bare-handed. The claw marks make sense.
Closer scrutiny, however will reveal this as a fundamental misunderstanding of the matter. If you watch closely, you will realize that a cat's attack never leaves a mark on Scarthas' skin. Any visible claw marks you can see were already there, somehow. But if a cat cannot leave a mark on Scarthas Gadhra, why are they always, always covered in scratches? The answer is in the Eide.
A Strategist's appearance is not simply a matter of their physical make. Rather, it is a reflection of what they dream themself to be, which is in turn informed by how others view them. The claw marks aren't there because cats often scratch Scarthas¹, they're there because among other things, Scarthas is 'that person that keeps getting scratched by cats'. They're there because Scarthas knows themself to be 'one who reaches out to help even though it often hurts'.
They're there because Scarthas has learned that to render aid is to make oneself vulnerable.
¹ Though they do. They do do that.
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nichtschwertart · 10 months
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A little ways outside Beach City on a rocky hill in the forest lies the old Vandenberg estate complete with a two-story mansion, stables and an iron fence around the property. The current owner — a strange and troubled Hermit — moved in about twenty years ago, filled the house with cats and has let the grounds go to weeds. The forest is reclaiming them bit by bit.
The Hermit arrived the day the previous inhabitant's last will was executed. The evening before, when the sun was just sinking below the waves, a couple fishermen returning to port with their catch witnessed a stranger in dark dress walking out to sea off the mainland coast, as if walking on the water. The morning after, a dock worker spotted the same person stepping off a pier at the harbor.
The very same day the newly inherited Vandenberg estate was sold. Nobody involved in the deal will speak of it openly, but the Vandenberg heir - previously deep in debt - left the island a wealthy man.
The way the locals used to tell it, sometimes desperate, cursed people arrive on the island by boat ever since. They ask about where to find “the bodhisattva” and enter the old mansion, never to be seen again. This is an exaggeration. Usually these people are seen in town while staying at the estate, though it is indeed true that most people who come here looking for instruction and an answer to their suffering do eventually vanish without a trace.
Nowadays, the Hermit of the Vandenberg estate is quite a bit less mysterious. They have emerged from their den and shown their face around town with greater and greater frequency. So while cursed strangers still come every now and again and still disappear, the locals are almost comfortable with the Hermit’s presence.
They are the Rider Scarthas Gadhra and mostly harmless. Quiet, soft-spoken, gentle and melancholic, they have an air of great wisdom and great burden. It is understood that one should avoid deeper conversation with Scarthas, lest they begin dismantling the very foundation of one’s most ardently held beliefs. This is not difficult advice to follow. Scarthas struggles to hold a conversation even on a good day. Asking about the cats is pretty safe in any case.
It is ALSO understood, that the bodhisattva must be protected. They are clearly, demonstrably a sacred being and any who would allow them to come to harm will be consigned to Hell immediately. It has happened before (though, miraculously, everybody returned from Hell soon after and recovered in fairly short order)
There are no stray cats on the entire island. Scarthas has adopted all of them. This has done a lot to solidify Scarthas' public image as 'harmless crank' rather than 'local serial killer'. The vet in town can attest that the cats are alive and well cared for.
Someday, when the Hermit is long gone and the mansion torn down, they will marvel in horror at the many human remains underneath the foundation that by all accounts should predate the bones by centuries.
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nichtschwertart · 10 months
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Scarthas Gadhra, Fated to die
I am wing-shuttered wind in your heart’s fine halls: I open wide the gate to final shores.
Sometimes, I fall back into a bad habit. I fall into the trap of thinking I am somebody. My attention slips and suddenly I am Scarthas Gadhra. Sometimes I'm someone else. I forget that nobody is Scarthas Gadhra and Scarthas Gadhra is nobody. At those times, when I am lucky, I forget the true me, or at least what it means. I am simply Scarthas and I go about Scarthas' life. Other times I am not so lucky and while associating with identity, I retain my understanding of what it means to be Scarthas Gadhra: It means that I am not real, a mere facade for something deeper, something dark and violent and unknowable. It means that I am fleeting, subject to that deeper thing's needs and whims. The moment it is no longer useful to that primordial darkness to play at being Scarthas Gadhra, I will cease to be, replaced by someone else or no one at all. This should not be frightening. After all, my true, deepest self remains unchanged, but at those times it is terrifying. I know… even then I know on an intellectual level that not being is my destiny, my most deeply held wish, my salvation at the end of it all. But I am then too mired in the habits of humanity to discard the fear of death. I always snap out of it eventually, remember that there's nobody there and there's no reason to be afraid. The dark violent nothingness that may wipe me out: that is me. The true me. The truest me there could ever be.
I suppose in writing this I am also falling into this habit. I am using the pronoun "I". Though I feel at this moment like I am nothingness, Scarthas a mere facade and I am not exactly afraid, there is a light anxiety about the "who". Who knows they're a facade? Who is afraid of the cruel, sacred void within? Who is afraid to die in those moments?
Am I just confused? Am I drifting from myself and imagining to be someone I'm not? Or is someone Scarthas Gadhra? And am I murdering them every time I decide to be someone else?
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nichtschwertart · 7 months
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