#Scotty AOS
dira333 · 1 year
A little boring isn't all that bad
Scotty x Reader
Request: “Are you SURE I can’t punch him in the face?” “Yes.” “What if I just break his nose a little?”
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Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott has worked with many people through the years. He’s had his fair share of boneheads, may it be teachers that wouldn’t believe in him or his ideas or subordinates who liked to doubt every single one of his decisions.
He’s worked with lots of people. Some of them he liked and some of them he even fancied and when he meets you for the first time, it’s not that special, at least he’d like to think of it that way.
You’re one of hundreds of newbies that have stepped out of the academy and onto their respective Ships. You’re smart, but that’s no surprise. You wouldn’t be on the Enterprise of all ships if it were different. And Scotty likes to make sure that he doesn’t have to work with more boneheads than necessary as long as he is the Chief Engineer.
What makes you stand out from the others, perhaps, is the smile edged on your face as you walk through the hallways. It’s bright and inviting and as you talk to one of your peers, he can see that it’s infective.
Maybe you like new beginnings.
Two months into their mission and three extremely annoying and nerve wracking training courses with the newbies later he realizes that your smile is a permanent feature.
He’s seen you jump out of your room in the middle of the gamma shift for a night training - you had smiled at him, hair disheveled, wearing your shirt the wrong way.
He’s seen you wobble down the catwalk with a hand pressed to a deep cut on your arm. The smile is there, shaky maybe, but still edged onto your lips.
And he can’t help to be intrigued.
But he’s the Chief Engineer and he tries not to pry into the lives of the ones that work under him. He’s never liked it when people tried to do that with him either.
It’s not until five months into their mission that he learns one important clue.
It’s time for a shore leave. Everyone is buzzing with excitement and as he walks down the catwalk for a last check-up, he runs into you.
The smile on your face has light up, something he hasn’t even thought to be possible. You’re practically beaming right now.
“Excited to go on a break?” He asks and your head bobs up and down as you nod.
“I’m meeting up with my significant other,” you ramble as you walk alongside him, “Haven’t seen him in months. Are you meeting family too? I’ve heard Dr. McCoy’s meeting some closer family members. Apparently he’s almost happy today.”
He listens to you talk and feels the weight of disappointment settle in his guts, surprising him with how much he must have hoped for a chance with you.
He forces himself to make small talk with you, ask you questions, smiles at you. He doesn’t want you to notice anything. It’s not your fault that he’s managed to develop a crush on you.
He can only hope that your partner knows how lucky they are to be the one who sets a smile like that on your lips.
He makes it his mission to not spend his break in misery.
He goes out with Keenser and drinks until he no longer cares about the brightness of your smile.
But the next day when he walks out of the little apartment they’ve given him during shore leave, he walks into you. And your smile is gone.
Your eyes are red, your face is pale and your lips are stretched into a wobbly line as if you might start to cry again.
And he knows that not even the shower he’s had has taken away all of last nights smell, that his hair looks like he’s been standing too close to an explosion and his shirt is wrinkled at best, but he can’t just let you walk away when you’re looking like this.
“Hey,” he puts a hand on your shoulder and faces the insecurity in your wide eyes, “Do you want to talk about it?”
You break out in tears instead and he holds you in the small, unlit hallway as you sob, unable to speak.
And later, when he’s managed to get you to eat and drink something - fruits and a cup of tea, even though he would have liked something stronger instead - you start to speak, unable to stop.
It all ends in a broken relationship, a broken promise, a broken trust. And tears. Lots and lots of tears.
He lets out a breath that sounds more like a heavy sigh.
“I’ll punch him in the face,” he declares and it doesn’t matter that the person of question is a highly trained security officer, he’s still pretty handy when he wants to be.
You laugh. It’s short and a little bit strained, but it’s the first step back to that bright smile on your face.
“You can’t punch him in the face.”
“But are you SURE I can’t punch him in the face?”
“What if I just break his nose a little?”
You laugh again, louder this time and you stretch out one hand and rest it on his shoulder and he would be lying if this simple touch didn’t mean the world to him.
“No, Mr. Scott, you can’t even break his nose a little.”
“That is boring,” he tells you with a smile that you reciprocate.
And maybe it is boring, how you sit in his room in shared silence for a while, how you move on to spend your shore leave in that same shared sense of quiet comfiness, but he’s happy and as he sees that smile on your face grow and light up again, he knows you’re happy too.
How foolish of him to think that any other person but you yourself could put that smile on your face.
But as shore leave ends and everyone moves to get back on the ship, your paths cross more often than they used to.
And when your hand slips into his one day and he feels your smile on his lips, he thinks, that maybe, just maybe, a little bit boring isn’t all that bad.
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bearsinpotatosacks · 6 months
Another random snippet. This is Bones whump where they're on some mission on a planet where Starfleet officers infamously go missing. Bones is cornered by the staff on the planet, told he needs to go through a cleansing process before diplomatic processes, then put in a pool of water where he forgets everything.
"Just in here, Doctor,"
The alien woman smiled. She was the only one who knew enough about human culture, having come from a long line of Earth Ambassadors.
Her skin shone under the fluorescent lighting, adding a yellow shine to her cyan and purple skin. The navy blue suit, like scuba diving gear, flashed with messages he couldn't understand. Her brow furrowed as she read them, her hands failing to close the door as she grew flustered.
"Anything wrong?"
"My associates are just reminding me that we're on a tight schedule," She jabbed the screen on her arm a few more times. "This I know, but this part of the process is vital,"
He turned around to look at the pool, if it could be called one. The water was thick and black. Churning and swirling like a sentient being, lapping up and down on the stairs as if it was a beach, not a concrete box of a room.
"What is the process exactly?"
She stood next to him and pointed to the pool, "This is the sendepta, it is similar to a sensory deprivation tank on your planet. We use it to clear our minds before major events, especially for diplomatic events such as this one,"
"Does that mean I have to get-" He looked down at his trousers.
"Naked? No," She laughed somewhat emptily. "This pool will not get you wet, but we would like if you could get into our ceremonial dress,"
He nodded and moved away from her side. The clothes were folded on one of the benches on the side. Flowy and black, a combination between a dress and overalls.
"You will bathe for half an earth hour to relax, your friends doing the same before we go onto the dinner,"
She pulled his arm after he stepped into the last leg and pulled up the outfit. The pool seemed to glide towards him, spinning slower as he got closer. Willing him into a trance.
He took his first step into the pool. The concrete spiked his feet with cold yet the black liquid that lapped onto his toes was lukewarm. It felt heavy as he stepped further and further into the pool. There was almost a film on it like custard and a residue pulled away as it receded from the steps.
The woman let go of his arm and let him wade for a moment before willing in to lie down. He fell with a splash and felt his body lift and float on the liquid.
"Have you heard the rumours of this place?" She said.
"Of people going missing?"
"Yes, those ones,"
The sounds of her feet on the concrete echoed around the room, muffled slightly as his ears fell under the liquid and back up again. His body felt calm. This liquid must have a relaxant in it somehow, perhaps an essential oil or some equivalent.
"Yeah, those rumours had me anxious when we first got here, dangerous rumours with a ship like ours is a recipe for disaster," His head felt light, his thoughts leaving it like breath left his lungs. "But I doubt they're true if a society can have a pool like this,"
She stopped close to the steps, just far out of his reach and away from the steps that he could only see her feet if really tried.
"You would think that,"
He lifted his head in surprise. His brain was in a lulled state that stopped him from forming a sentence.
"But those rumours are just the surface, in fact the kidnapping is arguably the least harmful part,"
He tried to get up and swim to the stairs but the black pool clung onto his skin. Any words couldn't form. The relaxing effects of the liquid turned his brain to mush. Limbs felt heavy as he thrashed around in a feeble attempt at escaping.
"You-you can't do this," He manages to choke out.
"But we are," She chuckled. "Though if it gives you peace of mind, you're friends aren't going through this, in fact, they'll never find you,"
His body pulled downwards with the sticky liquid that now clumped into tentacles, wrapping around him. The liquid went from lukewarm to hot, bubbling and burning him as he sunk lower and lower.
"Why- me?" The liquid poured into his mouth as he spoke.
"That's not for you to know, all you should know is that we chose you,"
She stepped closer and lent down to watch him struggle.
The liquid pushed his head down. He tried to pull up to gasp but failed again and again. The liquid almost becoming acid as it scorched whatever skin it touched.
He tried to think of a way out but couldn't. Could he call someone? Who could he call? He had friends, he knew he did. But what were their names?
He felt himself spin and churn as the liquid turned to a whirlpool. Every movement was heavy. His muscles were fatigued as fighting got harder and harder.
The voice in his head drifted off and told him to stop. There was no point. Give in to the fatigue. You can't even remember Jim, let alone call him.
Wait? Jim. His golden haired boyfriend. The Captain of the Enterprise. Wonder boy of the Federation.
He pushed himself up against all complaints of his body and took a great gasp of air and bellow, "Jim! I'm in here, help!"
He pushed the guard further up the wall. His arms trembling with adrenaline and his hands loose with sweat.
"Where is he? Where's Doctor McCoy?" He yelled.
"Captain, come on, we don't even know if he's gone for a bad reason," Scotty said as he tried to pull Jim off the man.
"You heard what Spock said, it's what the evidence suggests and I'm not losing my boyfriend and CMO to the infamous planet where Starfleet officers go missing," Jim turned back to the guard. "Now where is he-"
The man fell to the floor as they all turned their heads to the right towards a call.
"Jim! I'm in here, help!"
"Oh, well, you were right Captain,"
They left the man on the floor and sprinted towards the call. Three doors waited for them but all they needed to do was nod as they slammed themselves into them again and again until they fell open.
"Captain, McCoy's in here!" Sulu called as they entered the room and restrained the women who'd taken.
Bones tried to call again but the liquid, a thick, black soup, pushed him down and filled any whole it could. His skin was red and blistered. Tears streamed down his face. As his body went lax.
"I need to go in, I need to get him," Jim said as he stripped off. "Hold on Bones, okay, we're going to get you out of there, just hold on, I love you,"
He tried to follow Jim's orders but he was already pushing his strength when he called. There was no energy left. All his mind and body were melting away as he forgot their faces. Forgot what he was struggling for and who he was.
Everything was turning to mush. Falling apart. He lost where he was as his eyes drifted shut. Body floated in the black abyss as he spiralled downwards.
Why are you fighting? You don't know them.
You want to give in.
It's so easy and soft.
You want give in.
Everything's going to be better.
You want to give in.
You don't know them, you want us, you're so tired, we'll give you rest.
You want to give in.
You want to give in.
His eyes glimpsed open as he saw the blond, what was his name again, struggle against the arms of the one with pointed ears. Tears streamed down his face as the blue woman mouthed words.
"You're too late, he's ours now,"
The liquid, or whatever it was, chanted over and over again.
You want to give in.
Everything's going to be better.
You want give in.
You don't want them.
You want to give in.
You want us.
You want to give in.
You're so tired, we'll give you a rest, we'll give everything you deserve.
You want to give in.
You want to give in.
He opened his eyes again and made contact with the blond as his body grew heavier and heavier. Everything was sunken under the liquid. Blood seeping from the burns but the melted relaxation made him smile as the pain took over him.
You want to give in.
You want to give in.
He managed to lift his head from the liquid and faced no resistance. It left his mouth and nose as the light left and the concrete room faded away.
You want to give in.
He smiled at the blond, "I want to give in," and the concrete room faded away as he fell beneath the liquid.
The tentacles pushed and pulled him as he struggled for breath. His body pulsed as he ran out of oxygen. Electric shocked him as everything went blank.
The electric pulsed through him as his body went past fatigue and left him a shell, alone in the abyss. All that was left was pain, the burning and shocks as he tried to recall his name.
Leonard? Jackson? Karl?
His mind broke somewhere in the endless darkness. Eyes falling shut as he forgot him. As the pain melted away and left him a husk. Empty. Cold. Drifting deeper and deeper into unconsciousness until it caught him and split him apart in its grasp.
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There's no way that in the Star Trek (AOS) movies that Kirk, Spock, Uhura, and Bones aren't all just sort of dating each other. You can't convince me otherwise.
And then there's Scotty, who is just trying to do his bloody paperwork but keeps getting disturbed by one of the others barging into engineering to vent.
"Did you see the stunt Jim pulled?! It could have gotten him killed, or worse." -Bones
"It's like the Captain never hears anyone but himself, and on occasion Spock. Anyone else tries to speak to him it's like speaking to a brick wall." -Uhura
"Mr. Scott, could you spare a moment?" -Spock
"Do you ever feel like everyone on this ship is conspiring against you Scotty? Or is that a feeling unique to me?" -Kirk
If you listen closely you can actually hear Scotty's productivity crying in the background
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trek-tracks · 6 months
Kirk (yelling over the communicator): Scotty, beam us back, quickly! There's a lion storm!
Scotty: Aye, Captain, but don't you mean an ion storm?
(a loud roar in the background)
Kirk: no
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kirkhasakink · 29 days
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It took me WAAAAAAAAY too long to draw the AOS crew.... Thank my patrons for suggesting me to draw them! AOS Scotty will always be my fave <3 Btw, for those who've been asking, I'll put for sale all the movie artworks I've been doing after I finish all the pre-order stuff. I want to be organized. Store Patreon Ko-Fi memberships
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okaylokii · 10 months
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They are on a bus fr
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ech-e-sketch · 3 months
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More stupid star trek doodles woohoo!!
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pinazee · 1 year
Kirk had to be rescued 30 TIMES in TOS, usually by a distraught vulcan and a raging doctor.
He just keeps getting kidnapped/ taken hostage. i thought he was the Fred of the group but hes really Daphne.
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foxprints · 1 year
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As with most of my other Murderbot art, there's a long headcanon that goes along with this piece. This one can be summed up as: ART has an unexpectedly difficult time performing system maintenance on its engines using its repair drones after the alien synthetic incident. Murderbot steps in to help out and then continues to periodically help out because they both find that time together soothing.
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magnetic-rose · 6 months
i get that karl urban is a beefcake but bones is not a fighter, ok? he's not violent, he's not getting into bar fights, he's not physically strong, he barely knows how to shoot a phaser, he's not working out at the gym, he's not punching people. it doesn't matter if bones is being played by deforest kelley or karl urban - he'd lose an arm wrestling match against an eight year old.
leonard mccoy is barely passable in a fight and fighting would be his last resort anyways. the man is a staunch pacifist. don't let his grumpy nature fool you into thinking otherwise.
some aos fics tend to write mccoy as a badass action hero-esque army doctor and that's just not him. leonard "just an old country doctor" mccoy is not john wicking it up in a crisis. he's gonna throw a wimpy punch that's gonna miss and then get his ass wiped. i'm sorry. it's just how he is and i love that about him. literally every other tos character throws down more than bones.
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dira333 · 1 year
Act my Age - part 11
Scotty x reader - masterlist
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“Lieutenant Y/N!” Lieutenant Parks slips out of the group of security officers leaving mess hall to greet you when you enter. She slaps you on the shoulder softly, her own laid-back version of a hug. “I met Haylee this morning. Tayla told her that she’s allowed to work on the samples.”
“Oh yes, and she’s doing great. T’Leer had to keep an eye on her in med-bay to make sure she’s not back to work before her arm’s completely healed but the progress she made in one day is astonishing. You’re fine as well, I assume?”
Parks laughs. “Still a bit rattled from the crash, but Haylee has offered to teach me a bit of piloting to get over it. I’m sleeping a lot better since I understand what she did and why it worked out.”
“That’s good to hear. I don’t want to keep you from your work, but after our success, Spock has asked me to plan the next mission, with the outcome of an intact shuttle, preferably. So far I only know that we will have to bring supplies down to a colony and the Captain wants to go with us. I could use a security officer I can trust.”
Parks is unable to hide the proud smile and bids you goodbye with another clap on your back.
You get yourself lunch, walking over the back of mess hall where the tables have emptied again. The new samples keep you at work longer, but you don’t mind the distraction.
It has been four days now since you’ve come back and so far you haven’t seen or heard anything from Mr. Scott.
Figures, you think, and bite into the sandwich you’ve replicated, chewing carefully.
Yes, it hurts. But as your brother had assured you, heartbreak won’t kill you if you don’t let it.
Doesn’t mean you wouldn’t like to have your brother’s company now, or that of any other friend.
“Is that seat taken?”
You shake your head before looking up and freeze when you do so.
Mr. Scott smiles down at you gingerly, waiting for you to take back the offer.
You sigh and wave your hand and he sits down across from you, putting his tablet down in front of him.
You look down at the content of his plate and wish you could smile as easily as you would have a week ago. The two of you have ordered the same things. The Sandwich of the day and a cup of strong black tea.
“I’ve heard ye’ve made some interestin’ discoveries about anaerobic bacteria this month, is that right?”
You put down your sandwich, looking at him for a long moment, before speaking.
“Why are you doing this?”
He looks down at his still untouched sandwich before looking at you again, as if he had to break eye contact to gather his courage.
“Because I’m a stubborn old man who has no idea how to properly flirt with tha’ new science officer who is too smart and too cute to be interested in him.”
“What?” You suddenly find it very difficult to breathe, yet speak.
“Ye asked me what I would have done if I would have been in yer position. It took me one day to find the answer, one more to be able to confess my wrongdoings to my friends and two more to gather the courage to try and set this thing between us right. To ask for a second chance.”
“And what’s the answer?”
There’s a smile on his lips, a small, hesitant one, but it’s there.
“I have done exactly the same. I have seen all those details hinting towards a truth I did not want to see because the truth I’ve managed to make myself believe meant that I could see ye every week and talk to ye about something I know everything about. That wasnae really fair to ye, I guess because I could stay in my comfort zone while pulling ye out of yers.”
“And what are you planning to do now?” You ask, breathless and knowing you will have to go over his words a few more times for the bubbles in your stomach to calm down.
“Well…” he looks down at his plate one more time, “I thought it’s time that I got out of my comfort zone and let ye explore yers. Ask ye… well, ask ye if you’d like to call me Montgomery…” His voice breaks when he says his name and he has to say it again, cracking a smile at himself.
“And if ye want, I’d like to take ye out on a date. I can offer ye the observation deck or the cozy inside of a Jeffries tube.”
“I liked our study dates,” you tell him, pausing before adding his name, “Montgomery.”
“Ye did?”
“You’re a good teacher.”
“I heard ye’re one as well.”
“Are you asking me to teach you Science?”
“Should I?” He smiles, you smile. Who would have thought it could be so easy…
-Weeks later -
“There’s something I have to ask you,” you mumble before moving your hands over the desk, zooming in a particular set of bacteria, “Do I know the friends you talked to about, well, us?”
He looks up from the PADD you’ve given him to jot down everything.
“Well, I’m sure ye know Kirk and I did see ye talking to McCoy.”
“You’ve talked to the Captain… about us?”
He looks surprised.
“Well, I guess he’s more my friend that he’s my Captain. Besides, he said he had told ye to tell me everything, so… ye talked to him about us too, right?”
“I didn’t… I meant… He…”
Montgomery gives you one of that smiles that tells you he’s trying very hard not to laugh at you.
“On the other hand, I have to ask ye if you’ve told your boss that me meeting you here has a whole different meaning now.”
“If you think I told Commander Spock that you’re using these lessons as an excuse to kiss me, you’re wrong.”
“But you told him we’re in a relationship?”
“I told him that I did not find you irritating anymore. Which was a mistake, I think.”
“Hey!” He lunges forward, dropping the PADD on the desk and catching you easily, despite your efforts to get away.
He kisses you, sloppily at first, because he’s teasing you, but it grows softer as soon as he realizes you’re not planning to go anywhere.
You move your arms, sling one around his shoulders to pull him towards you, pressing yourself into him to enjoy his warmth and closure, when the door swishes open with that familiar sound.
“Yuk, you’re disgusting!”
You pull back to glare at your brother, Montgomery’s head leaning against your shoulder. His own shoulders are shaking, telling you that he’s not ashamed, but trying to hide his laughter.
“You know, you should really learn what the word privacy means.”
He grins. “And I’ve just come to tell you that Spock is looking for you. I figured you didn’t want him to find you making out with the Chief Engineer, but hey, I’ll just go back to work and mind my business, you know.”
“Thank you,” you grumble, slipping out of Montgomery’s embrace who’s calmed down enough to look back at your brother.
“You know, you’re my boss and all,” he says and you turn around to look at him, still standing in the doorway, hands now put on his hips as he tries to look more intimidating, “But you should know that I’m watching you. In case you hurt her and all.”
“Oh Gosh, just leave,” you tell him, “You’re embarrassing yourself.”
He sticks his tongue out at you before turning and leaving and you sigh when Montgomery leans forward, slinging an arm around you and pulling you close.
“You know, sometimes I’m wondering if he really is the older twin.” He mumbles into your hair and kisses your temple.
“He’s not the only one who does not act his age.”
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bearsinpotatosacks · 1 year
Star Trek Beyond AU where Jaylah gets captured by Krall before the events of the film. She knows the Enterprise and has a true sob story, so is sent under threat of her own life to go and find the Enterprise and bring the Abronath to him.
The Enterprise crew have their shore leave on Yorktown and only get disturbed when the USS Franklin, seemingly lost to time and the vastness of space, appears being manned solo by Jaylah. The Federation immediately hound her with questions but Jim manages to get them to stop. She doesn't open up to them at first, just says she got attacked years ago, fixed up this ship and managed to escape. She tells them that she wanted to get supplies before she went out to find more of her people again, not exactly a lie but a far off dream for if she manages to survive this whole Krall business.
They offer to help her find her people, she agrees, hoping to lead them to Altamid, but part of her does want to know if she can find anyone she used to know. She decides not to lie fully, she must have come from somewhere near Altamid to crash there. It's not that she was young when they crashed but rather the trauma of losing her entire family in a death camp and having to survive by herself on a strange planet meant that she has some trauma induced memory loss.
She bonds with all the crew reluctantly. They think it's her trauma and being in a strange new culture that's making her standoffish, not the fact that she's double-crossing them.
They find a trading conference in non-federation space, after she tells them she was a trader, and find out what a family of her people.
Then Krall arrives, he thinks Jaylah's trying to escape. Everyone scatters, they don't have a chance to talk to Jaylah's people or get her a chance to join them again. They transport back to the ship fast only for Krall to follow. They have no idea who he is or what he's doing, but he goes straight for Jaylah.
They speak in another language. Jaylah emotional, angry and crying at the same time, trying to fight. Scotty goes to help but Krall pushes him away. Jim intervenes only for Krall to tell him they've been defending his spy and she's not been very good. Accompanied by guards, Jaylah and Spock get the Abornath.
Uhura manages to get a distress call to the other traders before they all disappeared and Jaylah's people (called Tyrakhean apparently) reply. They manage to go the Tyrakhean's home planet but immediately regret it when they realise what the Abronath is a part of. Jaylah's pissed off at them, they're pissed off at her.
They don't want to work with her at first, thinking she's always worked with Krall, until she tells them of what happened. She knows what that weapon will do and the only way to stop all of her people dying is to destroy it. They work together with her people to stop Krall and give her the option of staying but she decides to stay with the Federation.
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batnardomcfly · 9 months
*Leonard McCoy walking into a debriefing*
Jim: Thanks for joining us Bones
Bones: Alright before we start I just want to let everyone in here know I haven’t slept in 96 hours, and these hands ARE rated E for everyone so no one start shit with me, thanks.
Spock: Doctor is such language really necessary
Bones: I’m gonna stab you in your sleep
Scotty slowly handing a $20 to Jim: We didn’t even start the meeting yet
Jim taking the $20: Still counts :)
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boo-trekking · 5 months
Liking Star Trek TOS is just slowly developing a crush on every member of the bridge crew, I don’t make the rules I just follow the law!
Like why am I LUSTING after this silly fucking guy rn???? It’s just what happens!
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trek-tracks · 1 year
Bones (materializing on the transporter platform after a diplomacy mission to secure medical supplies from a greedy regent): Hi.
Scotty: Oi, how'd it go?
Jim: Did you sweet-talk him??
Bones: What's the opposite of that?
Jim: Sour-yell.
Bones: Yeah. I did that.
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thyllas · 2 years
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leftover star trek charms avaliable!! 12USD for spirk and 10USD for individual crew members ✨ -> etsy
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