Skyfire: Oh Starscream, you’re so cute!... (Starscream slashes at his feet!)... Skyfire: (Shrieks in terror!) ⭐
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nylwnder · 6 months
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robuttsinyourthighs · 5 months
what about uhhh screamfire (starscream x jetfire)
I'm assuming this is g1 Jetfire/Skyfire? In which case heck yeah screamfire
Oh man they just smooch all the time. Best smooches, trust me. Starscream is loud and obnoxious to everyone but Jetfire knows it's because he just needs some love behind the scenes.
Any chance he can when they get away from prying eyes Jetfire will give him some affection - be it a pat on the head or a brush of his wing, and if he can manage it he'll bend in and steal a kiss.
Every time, without fail, Starscream will act surprised and confounded but he absolutely loves it, but he always fronts that he's mad - all Jetfire sees is this
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equivocaleternity · 1 year
WIP ask game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descript or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
baby vash stampede
batb au
baby vash 98
healing is a good thing (isn’t it?)
title??? (swerve magnus drinks fic)
swhirl gladiators
swerve tailgate swap
star trek crossover :)
mtmte/regen one crossover
starscream bumblebee something
possession (do back flips)
swerve beats executive dysfunction and completes a task after three thousand years
starscream on the lost light
rewind is a PROFESSIONAL and he cannot let this stand
i want to connect 6
velocity swerve
m. swerve cyclonus
physical therapy (very physical)
titan au?
cognition bomb
time tripping
uh oh shadow weaver
three’s company
just shove him behind the door it’ll be fine
Voted Ship’s Favorite Medic One Year Running
idw starscream in tfp…two!! (now with more cliffjumper, i guess)
nightmare scenario
trio time
tiiiiime travel (life is just one big game and now i’ve got the cheat codes, suckers)
“Starscream apotheosis” is a stupid name
a funny thing happened on the way from hedonia
what it means to know someone
bad day (or two, or three, or)
idiots <3
brainstorm also lives (oh, what a thing is revenge)
regen one
A little blackmail between soon-to-be coworkers
screamfire in pacific rim what havok will they cause
mecha starscream
the life and times of orion pax
rescue mission 3
fades away 2
their melodies reborn in a thousand permutations
disabled king
dominus is dead (very sad)
starscream’s offputting
starrrrrscream (and bumblebee)
regrettable decisions
arranged marriage
starscream on the lost light…2! (now with more bumblebee)
telepath minimus
transformation sequence
rodimags meetcute
drinking buddies
Untitled Document
what’s a little partial dismemberment between friends
autobot starscream
Untitled Document
Broadcast Dreaming
more tfa mins
spark damage
more pharma
Untitled Document
nautica forgotica
try one, try two
lord brainstorm
pharma did it! yay…
time travel gone wrong again
are ghosts visible in mirrors?
ultra magnuuuuus
quark time
sit back, relax (listen to the music)
double ghost combo
titan starscream
robozeni chapter 2
cat martin
neurodiversity in etheria
martin blackwood, accidental almost-murderer
spider martin part 2.0
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Stop and Smell the Roses
(SkyStar Week 2022, Day 5: Memories / Dreams)
(Summary: Starscream is reminded of happier days when he spots a hint of red in the darkness.)
(Warnings: brief mention of physical abuse from Megatron, mild injuries from said abuse, shoving)
(AO3 Link)
The sky shone a radiant blue. Not a single cloud passed them by as Starscream led the Seekers onward, making for the sea of green treetops just up ahead. The forest appeared small from up here, though Starscream didn’t imagine it was that much larger up close; everything on this accursed planet was too small.
The three jets touched down on the outskirts of the woods. According to Laserbeak’s reconnaissance, there was an Autobot base a few megamiles away. The forest would provide ideal cover for spying on them from afar, hence why Starscream and his Seekers had been tasked with constructing a surveillance outpost. Initially, Starscream had questioned his leader’s orders, as the Autobot base in question was small compared to the others they were aware of; in the lead Seeker’s not so humble opinion, the Decepticons would be better served focusing their energies elsewhere. He’d quickly changed his tune after Megatron added a few new dents in his fuselage.
Starscream hissed quietly as his transformation aggravated the new injuries. He was immediately made aware of his mistake.
“You alright there, Starscream?” Skywarp teased, “You wanna rest up while the real Cons get the job done?”
“Silence, dolt,” Starscream gritted out, “Don’t you forget who leads this trine.”
“How could we?” Thundercracker broke in, “You remind us at every possible opportunity.”
Starscream rounded on the blue jet, “And I will keep doing so until you remember your place.”
Not bothering to wait for a response, the lead Seeker forged ahead, “Come on!”
A few microseconds later, he heard the reluctant tromp of his companions. A malicious grin split the Con commander’s face. Asserting his authority never failed to lift his mood.
The woods grew thicker as the three trekked onward. Starscream paid little heed to the darkness or the plant life it shrouded. Once upon a time, he’d have lingered among the greenery, taking samples and cataloguing findings. Those days were far behind him, now. Sometimes he could hardly believe they’d ever been; only the occasional unwanted memory served as a reminder that he’d lived a different life once- one far less lonely and miserable than the one he slogged through now.
Taking in their surroundings, Starscream was now struck by such a memory. It was odd how something as fleeting as a shock of red among the leaves could make him still and forget all else. Skywarp and Thundercracker’s questions fell on deaf receptors as Starscream made a beeline for that hint of red. Unthinkingly, he reached out and plucked the red from its stem.
The flower was tiny in his massive grip. Even so, its vibrant hue dazzled his optics. He couldn’t look away. He didn’t want to look away. Suddenly, he wasn’t so alone.
Starscream didn’t know where to begin. This planet was dense with plant life of every classification he knew of, plus more he’d need to study further. It was all he could do not to rush in and start recording his findings (they’d need to tread lightly so as not to trample the foliage underfoot).
Without turning away, he called to his companion. Heavy yet eager footsteps moved closer, until Starscream was shrouded in a large shadow.
“This planet is incredible!” his partner enthused, “So much to learn!”
The same excitement sang in Starscream’s spark as he glanced up. Skyfire beamed down at him, his wide blue optics sparkling. For a moment, Starscream almost forgot his own enthusiasm as his spark skipped a beat. Hastily looking away, he attempted to return to the task at hand.
“Yes, well, we’d better get learning then,” He pointed off to the right, where a large clump of petaled plants burst from the ground, “You check those out. I’ll inspect these trees.
Skyfire glanced to the said trees on their left then back to the flowers, “Okay. Call me if you need help with anything.”
“Do I ever?” Starscream scoffed as he strolled off, careful not to step on the various flora.
“There’s a first time for everything,” Skyfire replied with a smirk.
Smiling softly, Starscream made his way over to the trees and listened as Skyfire’s footsteps retreated behind him. Aside from a few animals, it was just the two of them on this rich planet. This may as well have been a vacation rather than a mission. Soft grasses grazed his legs just below the knee as a cool breeze brushed his wings. He couldn’t help a sigh of contentment.
The trees were tall even by Cybertronians standards. The leaves cast dappled shadows over him as he withdrew his scanning equipment and set to work. Behind him, he heard a pleasant rumble as Skyfire hummed to himself as he worked. Starscream thought he recognized the tune, though he was in no rush to place it.
By the time he was finished, the explorer had catalogued three new species of tree. It was incredible how diverse organic life could be. With so much of it out there in the vastness of space, Skyfire and him would be exploring for a long time to come. He welcomed the prospect with open arms, already daydreaming about all that they’d discover. One day, he and Skyfire would be heralded as great scientists. Starscream would make certain of that.
A digit tapped him lightly on the shoulder. Starscream startled with a yelp.
“Sorry, sorry!” Skyfire raised an appeasing servo as his partner whirled around, “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
It took a few moments for Starscream to regain his composure, “Y-You didn’t scare me! I just…”
As he sought a rational excuse, Skyfire merely eyed him doubtfully. With a sigh, Starscream conceded.
“Okay, yes, you scared me,” He crossed his arms in irritation, “Now what is it you want?”
He didn’t mean to snap at Skyfire, though his tone still gave the larger jet pause.
“Oh, well, I…uh…found something.”
“I should hope so,” Starscream said with a vague gesture around them, “What is it?”
Swiftly, Skyfire brought an arm out from behind his back and proffered something to Starscream. Confused, Starscream only stared at the flower in his partner’s grasp.
“What is that?”
“It’s a flower,” Skyfire explained unhelpfully.
“I know that! I mean why are you handing it to me,” Starscream’s gaze moved upward to meet Skyfire’s, “Did you need help studying it? You shouldn’t have plucked it if that’s the case.”
Skyfire looked oddly upset as he shook his head, “No, I just…it’s red and pretty and…” his voice grew hushed, but Starscream still heard him clear as day, “It reminded me of you.”
When Starscream didn’t immediately react, Skyfire ducked his head bashfully, though still resolutely held the flower out for Starscream to take. After a few moments spent processing Skyfire’s words, Starscream at last tentatively reached out.
The petals were a vibrant red - similar to the color of Starscream’s own finish - and formed intricate swirls that captivated the eye. The light of the sun overhead seemed to imbue the petals with a life of their own, almost as if they were lit from within. It was truly a very pretty flower, yet Starscream still dragged his gaze away to look up at his partner.
“It’s okay if you don’t like it,” Skyfire’s eyes remained downcast as he spoke, “I just thought…I mean, I just wanted to-”
He quieted the moment Starscream placed a gentle servo on his arm. When their gazes met, Starscream beamed widely. Acting impulsively, the smaller jet stood on the tips of his feet and kissed the side of Skyfire’s face. It was a quick, clumsy peck and felt more like he’d slammed his face into Skyfire’s, but neither cared.
“It’s perfect!” Starscream exclaimed as Skyfire stared at him with no small amount of awe.
“Really?” he breathed.
Starscream nodded, “Really. I dare say it’s almost as perfect as me.”
The cheeky remark made Skyfire chuckle the way Starscream loved. Driven by that infectious sound, Starscream laughed too.
“Oh, I wouldn’t go that far,” Skyfire’s smile lit up his entire face.
“Don’t be so modest,” Starscream teased, “You have an eye for beauty.”
“I suppose I do.”
As their laughter died down, Starscream watched as the shifting sun overhead made Skyfire’s finish gleam and his blue eyes glow, hinting at the true brilliance of the bot within.
“We both do,” he said with finality. Skyfire regarded him with those soft blue optics of his and all was right with the universe.
“Why, Starscream,” he said with mock surprise, “How forward of you!”
“Get used to it,” Starscream said with a grin as he hugged the flower to his chest.
The dense canopy of trees overhead afforded little light. The thin rays that managed to pierce through illuminated the small flower, imbuing it with life. For all its radiance, it was still such a fragile thing. Even now, it wilted in Starscream’s grip. Filled with sudden disgust, the Seeker held it at arm’s length. Without the light, it was nothing but a dull mockery of what it had once been. It was pathetic and small and alone in this vast woods.
Starscream didn’t deign to watch as he let it slip from his grasp. Turning, he was met with the sight of Skywarp and Thundercracker eyeing him with open confusion and disdain.
“What’s gotten into you?” Skywarp dared ask.
Striding forward, Starscream shoved past him and Thundercracker, sending them both reeling.
“Nothing!” he cried, “Let’s just hurry up and finish this! I’m sick of these woods!”
The shadows strengthened still more as Starscream ventured further into the forest. By the time Skywarp and Thundercracker hastened to follow, he’d been swallowed completely.
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smilingdawn · 2 years
Why isn't the shipname for Starscream x Skyfire "Screamfire"? That perfectly encapsulates their relationship more
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witblessed · 7 years
like, there are a lot of reasons I wish mr. sanderson hadn’t had lopen regrow his arm, and the least important is that it doesn’t make canon sense (lopen clearly sees himself as a one-armed Herdazian, so stormlight wouldn’t give him two arms???) and the most important is that it has the “magically making a disability go away” thing going on, and having lopen have only one arm is important 1) for amputees and 2) for all disabled people, because having representation is Important, and Lopen is awesome and happy and funny so it was even better and having it be “healed” ??? with stormlight was like...mmmkay mr. sanderson, disabled people don’t exist to be “fixed” and on a more personal note I have really bad tendonitis and so the whole area from my wristbone to my elbow frequently feels like screamfire frozenhammerknives (or, if you get migranes: imagine one of those but in your forearms) and I really liked pretending me and lopen could be lack-of-functioning-upper-appendage bros
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freelancerwizard · 7 years
i still got no idea what the most popular ship name for Starscream/Skyfire is. StarFire? SkyScream? StarSky?? SCREAMFIRE??!
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Jetfire and Starscream fusion? They’re such an adorable and such a pure fusion!
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Ah yes, a G1 fusion! Here's my boy!!!
Since Starscream and Skyfire are both emotionally and socially symbiotic, they turn into the most balanced and happy fusion. He's capable, content, and very very excited about science. Of course, he's a lot more bitter and unstable after Skyfire joins the Autobots...if the fusion ever happens again...
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When the Wind Roars
(I can’t believe I finally finished this!!! This story was originally intended to be much shorter, but...obviously I got a bit carried away. Expect lots of angst. There’s some fluff, too, but mostly ANGST.)
(Plot Summary: In the past, Starscream and Skyfire made quite the team, but even then, that partnership was put to the test. In the present, Starscream and Skyfire do battle, as Starscream tries to rid himself of their shared memories once and for all.)
(Warnings: violence, guns, injury, a bit of disturbing imagery, death mention, lots of vengeful thoughts)
The wind roared deafeningly at the peak of the mountain. It had only picked up in intensity in the few cycles they’d been stationed here, bringing with it a relentless rain that blanketed the world in hues of grey. Starscream scowled as he hastened to catch a stray bit of metal before it went tumbling off the mountainside, his feet nearly slipping out from under him in the sea of mud. He hated this weather. It was cold and wet and impossible to work in.
Of course, Starscream had faced far worse weather than this, but that was of little comfort.
Rumble was also fed up. After face planting in the mud for the fourth time, the minicon threw down his supply of metal beams with a cry of outrage.
“This is stupid!” he exclaimed, “How does Megatron expect us to build anything up here?!”
Starscream scowled at him, “I did not say you could stop working!”
Rumble’s small fists balled up at his sides, “What are you gonna do about it?”
Starscream didn’t like to be challenged. Without hesitation, he chucked the piece of metal he’d been holding at Rumble, who toppled over once more.
“I said work!” The other Decepticons hastened to comply as Rumble crawled out from under the metal, studiously avoiding Starscream’s withering glare.
In all honesty, Starscream was just as furious as Rumble, though his frustration was more because he was forced to work up here on this Primusforsaken mountain; he should be leading an attack on the Autobots, not laboring in the mud. This was far beneath him.
Despite his demand that everyone keep working, Starscream paused to look up at the sky. It was grey and murky but a ray of light shone through, reaching only so far as to give a hint of warmth.
He was reminded of another planet he’d visited millions of years ago. It was just as wet and windy as this one; just as meddlesome. He hadn’t been alone then, either, nor was he alone when he’d first visited this accursed planet.
A few rain drops splattered on his optics and Starscream violently wiped them away, an irritated snarl escaping him.
“Starscream!” It was Thundercracker.
“What now?!”
At first, Starscream didn’t believe him. There was no road up to this mountain. The wheel-bound Autobots would be unable to make it up here; even by foot, the journey was too perilous. The only way up was through flight.
Starscream’s optics widened. He lowered his servos from his face to find the mountainside cast in shadow. His gaze flicked upward.
Above him, in a halo of light, hovered a large, white jet.
Starscream felt sudden heat swell within him despite the cold.
“Shoot him out of the sky!!!”
A distant planet, millions of years ago...
“This is very likely a bad idea.”
“You say that about everything.”
“No, I only say that when a situation seems hazardous...this situation seems hazardous.”
“Honestly, Skyfire, you can be so cowardly sometimes,” Starscream transformed back to root mode as he touched down on a muddy precipice. He scowled as his feet sank into the muck but kept a chipper tone as he addressed his partner, “I can barely feel the wind!”
Skyfire set down beside him. The sudden weight of the two jets shook the cliffside, sending a few boulders tumbling over the edge. Skyfire watched their descent and frowned.
“You’ve seen the weather report, Starscream,” he said quietly, “The storm could pick up any moment now.
Starscream waved a flippant servo. Raindrops spiraled off his digits, “If it does, we can handle it! We’ve suffered through far worse, you and I.”
“Perhaps,” said Skyfire, “But nothing which hampered our ability to fly away.”
Starscream shook his head; he loved Skyfire, but sometimes he was a real pain in the afterburner. They’d been on countless exploration missions before and faced plenty of unsavory weather conditions; floods, earthquakes, they’d survived them all. What was a little storm to them?
“If you want to go, fine!” Starscream started walking, “I’ll complete this mission myself.”
He’d barely taken two steps before Skyfire was at his side, as Starscream knew he’d be. The smaller jet grinned up at him and Skyfire sighed.
“Let’s just get a lay of the land and go. We can come back for those crystal samples we’re supposed to investigate when the storm lets up.”
Starscream heaved a dramatic sigh, “That could take ages, Skyfire, and we’re on a tight schedule! We’re meant to be returning to Cybertron soon.”
Skyfire glanced away at that. Starscream narrowed his optics.
“What is it?”
Fiddling with his portable scanner, Skyfire shook his head, “It’s just...Cybertron has been so...contentious of late. Part of the reason I volunteered for this expedition was because I wanted to get away for a while.”
“I thought you volunteered because I volunteered,” Starscream said with a slight smirk.
Skyfire glanced at him and smiled, “I do have a mind of my own, you know.”
“Yes,” Starscream agreed, “And it’s smart enough to follow me.”
A laugh escaped the larger jet, “Or dumb enough.”
“Nonsense! We’re highly intelligent bots, Skyfire,” Starscream ruined the sentiment by tripping over a boulder, but Skyfire righted him before his face hit the mud. Coughing slightly to hide his embarrassment, Starscream continued,  “That’s why we work so perfectly together.”
Skyfire still kept a hold of Starscream’s arm as he considered his partner’s words. At last, he let his servo drift down to clutch Starscream’s hand.
“Interesting hypothesis.”
Starscream’s processor seemed to momentarily short out, but it came back online as Skyfire regarded him fondly with those brilliant blue eyes of his. Flustered, Starscream only stared, until eventually he managed to connect his processor back to his voice.
“Interesting fact,” he corrected, squeezing Skyfire’s hand, “That we shall prove now!”
He pointed up the mountain with his free servo. High above, the faintest gleam, as of polished metal, twinkled in the faint light.
“Those are the crystals.”
Skyfire squinted up at them and raised his scanner, “Hmm...they definitely have a high energy output. Akin to energon.”
“We need a sample,” Starscream broke away from Skyfire so he could take flight. Skyfire laid a hand on his shoulder before he could.
“Starscream, look at those clouds,” Skyfire gestured up at the - admittedly - ominous sky above them, “I would not advise flying.”
“So what, we climb?” Starscream had to shout to be heard over a sudden gust of wind.
“No, we wait until the weather becomes more favorable.”
A burst of lightning and a rumble of thunder punctuated Skyfire’s words. Starscream couldn’t deny the sudden thrill of apprehension that shot through his system, but he wasn’t about to be bested by a mere storm.
“I’m going for it!”
“Don’t!” Skyfire’s grip on his shoulder was more insistent, “The wind is picking up. You could get blown into the mountain side or crash to the ground. And those crystals are brimming with unstable energy! We shouldn’t get too-!”
“I am a scientist, Skyfire!” Starscream shook free of the other jet, “I know how to handle dangerous substances. And I know how to handle myself, thank you very much!”
Skyfire opened his mouth but whatever he said was lost to the wind.
“What?!” Starscream shouted.
“I said, we must seek shelter!”
“We’re on a cliff! Where-” Starscream’s response was cut short as a large rock tumbled down from above, forcing the smaller jet to leap out of the way. Scowling, he glanced up to where the rock had come from, and his optics widened as he saw still more crashing down.
“Move!” Skyfire yelled. As one, he and Starscream dove off the cliff and transformed back to jet mode. Instantly, Starscream felt the wind buffet his wings, threatening to splatter him against the cliff side. Okay, he conceded to himself, Maybe the weather is too much.
The rain poured down in earnest, now, blanketing Starscream’s windshield to the point where the world became a hazy, grey blur. A bolt of lightning arced down. It was far, far too close for his liking, and Starscream instinctively swerved away.
Extending his long range sensors, he sought a safe place to land below. Skyfire would be doing the same, he knew. His sensors probed the sky around him, trying to pinpoint the white jet so they could touch down together.
Something within him froze. He extended his sensors further, as far as he could. His engines faltered. The wind pressed in around him, rattling him to his very core, but he paid no heed.
In a moment’s frantic decision, Starscream transformed back to root mode and scanned the landscape with his optics.
Even as he plummeted to the ground, he called out desperately.
Energy bolts lit up the gloomy mountain as the Decepticons opened fire. As if sensing the sudden hostility, lightning split open the sky and a deep, resounding rumble followed soon after. Starscream’s optics were momentarily dazzled by the stunning displays surrounding him, and when they adjusted, three Autobots had leaped down from the sky to stand before him.
He recognized their leader, of course. Optimus Prime leveled a weapon at Starscream, though the jet paid little mind. Even as the Prime spoke, his voice deep and commanding, Starscream didn’t heed. Instead, he watched as the large, white jet above transformed and fell to the mountain top just behind Prime.
Something within Starscream burned as he locked gazes with Skyfire. Blazing red optics met piercing blue. They sliced through Starscream, as cold as the ice Skyfire had rested in for millions of years. Starscream didn’t recognize those eyes. He couldn’t even recall what they’d used to look like, though he remembered how they’d made him burn with a fire entirely different from the one raging within him now.
Prime shouted something. The Autobots charged. Two of them - Ironhide and Prowl - rushed to meet Thundercracker and Rumble. Prime defended himself against an emboldened Skywarp. And Skyfire, stance steady despite the shifting mud, raised his gun at Starscream.
The seething rage within him ignited and Starscream opened fire. Despite his immense size, Skyfire dodged, nearly trampling a terrified Rumble. Starscream didn’t let up, even as Skyfire took aim and forced him to launch off the ground to avoid the blast. Transforming into jet mode, he streaked through the air, null rays zeroed in on Skyfire’s bulky frame.
Skyfire fired off a few more shots, forcing Starscream to alter his course. His flight took him close to the other battling Autobots and Decepticons. Ironhide fired a few bolts at him and Starscream hurried to avoid the crossfire of his and Skyfire’s weapons. The distraction infuriated him and Starscream took a moment to fire on the red Autobot. Suitably cowed, Ironhide returned to his tussle with Rumble, leaving Starscream to focus every bit of his ire on the white mech firing on him from afar.
Their battle grew removed from that of the others. With each attack, they drew further away, further toward the edge. Starscream didn’t care. He refused to be beaten by this mountain or the wind and rain that assaulted him. He wanted Skyfire dead. That was all that mattered.
He streaked through the air. He was close now. Skyfire stood no chance. Sudden giddiness grabbed hold of Starscream as he imagined Skyfire offline at his feet. The traitor would die a traitor’s death; there would be no mercy.
But Starscream’s perceived victory was short-lived. Before he could even slow down, Skyfire dove forward, managing to come up under him. A servo closed around his wing and Starscream shrieked as Skyfire swung him into the ground. He landed painfully and it took a moment for him to recover enough to shift back to root mode. When he did, Skyfire stood over him, gun leveled at his face.
All was quiet, as if the increasing downpour had muted the world. The wind that howled so relentlessly before had petered out. The battle raging behind them was a distant nuisance, almost inconsequential. For all Starscream cared, the world consisted of only him, Skyfire, and the gun between them. The shaking gun.
Starscream’s gaze flicked to meet Skyfire’s. Those blue eyes stared back with a wavering resolve. For a moment that seemed to stretch across millions of years, neither made a move.
The wind sprang back to life, the distant battle drew nearer, and Skyfire still hadn’t fired. What are you waiting for? Starscream wanted to shout, Finish it!
But Skyfire didn’t, and this, more than anything, sent a surge of loathing through Starscream’s system. It fueled his null ray as he raised it in one deft movement.
Skyfire had no time to react. The force of the blast sent him careening back, his feet slipping in the mud, gun falling from his slack hand. There was no time for him to regain his balance.
Starscream watched him fall over the edge. He didn’t react for a few long moments after. All he could do was stare at the space Skyfire had occupied.
He’s gone, Something within Starscream’s spark shrank in on itself, I can’t see him.
His processor fixated on that one thought. I can’t see him. I can’t see him!
He stumbled forward, a desperate cry escaping him.
Not even the relentless gale could slow Starscream’s descent. He tore through the air, the wind shrieking as if in protest, his limbs flailing uselessly. He knew he needed to transform; if he didn’t, he’d be nothing but a mound of smashed metal and circuitry. As the image flashed in his mind, he couldn’t help but envision a similar corpse, this one much larger and a stark white against the dark landscape.
Starscream quashed the thought as soon as it arose. Skyfire wasn’t dead. He couldn’t be. Those were two differing thoughts, Starscream knew, but his processor couldn’t help but bounce between them. He’s not dead, because if he is then...There was no conclusion that Starscream dared consider, so he focused his processor, attempting to ignore the threat of his imminent demise.
He felt his transformation cog whir to life, though the transformation was made clumsy by the unconventional circumstances. The mess of green below drew nearer, serving as an unnecessary reminder that he needed to pull up fast.
Acting purely on instinct, his engines rocketed him forward. He felt leaves skim his wings as he struggled to pull upward, making for the murky grey of the clouds above. The wind was a constant assailant that threatened to dash him into the trees or the mountainside. Lightning split open the sky over and over, closer and closer.
Was that what happened? Had Skyfire been hit by a stray lightning bolt? The concept forced Starscream to tax his engines harder than he ever had. With a burst of speed, he shot upward, letting the trees be swallowed by the mist once more. Again, he extended his sensors and cursed his lack of visibility.
No response. Starscream knew he wasn’t thinking straight as he veered closer to the mountain, seeking any hint that Skyfire may have crashed. His wing clipped a jutting boulder and he nearly smashed into the cliff face himself as he went careening off course. He was forced to climb higher in a desperate attempt not to meet with the rocks below.
Where is he? He couldn’t think. Couldn’t see, Where is he?!
Something glittered nearby, almost like…
Metal. Starscream threw himself forward, heedless of the risk, “Skyfire!!!”
The wind pulled at his wings, trying to drag him down. The noise was cacophonous, forcing his engines to roar all the louder. He would not be bested. He was so close…
The glittering material suddenly sharpened into focus. The hope glittering just as brightly within him dimmed.
In the faint light shimmered the very reason for this accursed mission. The energy crystals. No sign of Skyfire.
Starscream’s spark sank. He was sure it would drop right out of his fuselage and shatter on the jagged rocks far below. Maybe another spark was already waiting for it.
Thunder continued to growl overhead. Lightning tore through the darkness and illuminated the entire cliff side in brilliant white. An instinctive part of Starscream knew what was coming, but there was no time to react. He could only stare as the lightning zigzagged down and struck the shimmering rocks.
The crystals exploded. Shards smashed open Starscream’s cockpit and embedded themselves in his battered frame. He may have screamed, but he couldn’t hear it. Stabbing pain coursed through his entire being. It overwhelmed him, so much so that he didn’t realize he was falling until he smashed into a jutting, sloped cliff. The impact jarred loose a faint recollection.
Those crystals are brimming with unstable energy! We shouldn’t get too-
Skyfire had warned him. He’d warned him about everything, and what had Starscream said? Honestly, Skyfire, you can be so cowardly sometimes.
He felt himself sliding slowly toward the edge. Desperately, he forced himself to transform. His cockpit grated over the rocky terrain and another dizzying bout of agony washed over him. He could hear his scream this time.
Legs dangling into nothingness, Starscream sought for something to grab onto. His servos dug into the mud, clutching at nothing but loose pebbles. The cliff was too unstable and his body too heavy. The inevitable outcome to his struggles became alarmingly clear.
I’m going to fall, he stilled and felt himself slip further, I’m going to die.
There would be no saving himself this time; he’d smash to pieces on the rocks below before his taxed transformation cog could even come online. His vision flickered as his cockpit continued to grind over the rocks, bringing him ever closer to his doom. All Starscream could manage now was a faint whimper, his screams spent.
He knew he deserved this; it was his fault that he and Skyfire had been caught up in this Primusforsaken storm on this Primusforsaken planet. His fault that Skyfire was likely a shattered corpse on the mountain side. Still, as he began his final descent, a voice - a shameful voice that refused to be quieted no matter how much he tried - shrieked in his head, clamoring to be heard above all else.
I don’t want to die!
Terror seized his spark, shocking his limbs into one last, frantic attempt at salvation. It was futile.
He fell. Opening his mouth, he let out a final, broken scream.
“I’ve got you!”
As suddenly as the fall had begun, it stopped. His arm pulled taught and lances of pain pierced through it and his cockpit. The world disappeared, sapped of everything but a cold blackness. After countless moments, warmth and color seeped back in, as a familiar voice, the one that had called to him, spoke again. It was insistent, desperate, as were the arms clasping his limp form. Starscream’s optics fritzed a bit before coming back online. He was in some kind of cave. He could see the deep grey of the sky just beyond and feel the wind and rain graze his wing. It was all remote though. He was more aware of the arms wrapped protectively about him, the feel of someone large and sturdy holding him close. Above all else, he saw brilliant blue optics staring down at him. He watched them soften as a quiet sigh reached his auditory sensors. It was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.
“Thank Primus,” Skyfire breathed, “Starscream, can you hear me?”
Starscream wanted to respond but he couldn’t. All he could do was stare, drinking in the sight of the bot before him. Skyfire was alive. Somehow his mind couldn’t yet process it. He was here. They were together again.
Skyfire’s anxious voice broke in on his thoughts, “It’s okay, Starscream, it’s okay,” It was only then that the smaller jet realized he’d started babbling.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” he gasped, “I’m sorry!”
“It’s okay,” Skyfire repeated, “We’re okay.”
Starscream couldn’t stop, “We almost died! I-I almost killed us!”
“But we’re okay now,” Skyfire replied gently, “I’ve got you.”
He rested a servo on the back of Starscream’s head. The touch snapped Starscream back to his senses and he shoved him away. The movement sent shards of pain through him and he clutched a servo to the mangled cockpit situated over his chest.
“Don’t,” he hissed as Skyfire reached for him. He was still shielded by the cave, but he could feel the wind lap hungrily at his wings as he moved backward.
He stopped -  afraid to move any further - and met Skyfire’s worried gaze.
“How...” he began, pausing for a moment to gather his strength, “How can you...This is all my fault! I should have listened to you! Skyfire, I...You could have died because of me.”
“I didn’t.”
“Stop saying that!”
Skyfire regarded him helplessly. Starscream hated it.
“Why aren’t you mad?” he prompted angrily, “You should be furious! You should be...Stop looking at me like that!!!”
He didn’t. “Do you want me to be mad?” Skyfire asked quietly.
Yes...No. “I don’t know!!! Just-” he had to pause before the pain overwhelmed him.
Skyfire moved closer. Starscream told himself not to, but his whole frame ached and trembled and he yearned to be back in Skyfire’s arms, so when Skyfire reached again, the smaller jet could do nothing but melt into him. He cursed his weakness.
“Starscream,” Skyfire’s voice pierced through the turmoil within him. Defeated, Starscream could only listen.
“I’m not angry with you. I don’t think I could ever be angry with you. Don’t ask me why; I don’t know either. What I do know is that I lost you in the storm and assumed the worst, so even though you’re upset, I’d like to just hold you for a while, if that’s okay.”
It was far too easy to comply. Already relaxed against Skyfire, Starscream let himself be pulled closer. The larger jet took special care not to aggravate his injury. It would need to be dealt with, but not now. Right this moment, all Starscream needed was the surety of Skyfire’s arms around him. All his guilt and shame still burned within him, but he couldn’t focus on it if he tried.
They were safe. They were together. That was all that mattered.
“I’ve got you,” Skyfire murmured again, “I’ve always got you.”
The edge of the mountain was shrouded in rain and mist. Even as Starscream dove toward it, he couldn’t be certain he hadn’t flung himself off. His arm extended into nothing. His feet dug into the mud as he felt himself fall forward, just barely managing to snag a jutting rock.
As his entire frame came to a jarring halt, Starscream’s processor seemed to rattle with it. What was he doing? He couldn’t think. The image of Skyfire’s frightened face as he tumbled over the edge was seared into his mind. It was all he could focus on.
I’ve got you. I’ve always got you.
“Skyfire!!!” The call reverberated through Starscream’s spark, splitting it open as forgotten feelings and buried dreams clawed their way out. He couldn’t halt the flood; it washed over him, drowning him in memories.
That voice - as it always had - snapped him from the mire of his mind. He peered downward. Just below him, hanging by a crumbling ledge, was Skyfire.
For a moment, it was Starscream hanging for dear life, crying out for rescue. He blinked and the roles reversed again. 
As his precarious handhold collapsed beneath his digits, Skyfire desperately tried to bring another servo up to help. He was forced to stop as the movement only made him slip faster. Rain hissed over the place where Starscream had shot him and he grimaced as smoke blended with the mist. He looked up, blue optics shining in the gloom. Starscream nearly lost his grip when they focused on him.
He recognized those optics. They were the very same that used to look at him as if he were the most lovely thing in the universe. Even when they’d explored new, vibrant planets, he’d felt those optics gazing at him with a fondness that made him want to both laugh and scream. He wasn’t sure which he did now, but from the way the blue of Skyfire’s eyes widened with recognition of his own, he figured it was laughter.
“Skyfire…” he reached for him.
Eyes shining, Skyfire’s servo lifted to meet his, “...Starscream?”
His handhold crumbled even more but neither paid any heed. The storm and the clash of Autobots and Decepticons became remote. This time, though, the world didn’t seem to shrink until it was just the two of them. It seemed to grow. Starscream felt a heavy weight in his spark start to lift. His servo reached past millions of years to seek out that familiar yet forgotten touch. He wanted it more than anything, just a hint at what they once were and could be again.
In the faltering light, the insignia affixed to Skyfire’s chest gleamed.
The world shrank. The weight in Starscream’s spark settled back down until he almost felt it would drag him over the edge.
He snatched his hand away just as Skyfire’s digits grazed his own. The touch was like electricity arcing through him. It was tantalizingly, achingly familiar. It promised love and security and everything that had been denied him for millions of years.
It was a convincing lie, but Starscream couldn’t be fooled that easily. 
As he stood up slowly, Skyfire’s round, wide, and impossibly blue optics followed him. Starscream wanted to plunge his digits into them until the Autobot started screaming. The flicker of horror he felt at the thought died instantly as Skyfire spoke again.
“Starscream?” he repeated, his voice wavering.
It was his voice, and for the first time in his long, painful life, Starscream was not consoled by it.
“You…” His voice should have been lost to the wind but somehow Skyfire heard and grew deathly silent.
Memories collided within Starscream’s mind. Skyfire holding him, speaking softly to him, laughing with him, exploring with him, rescuing him...
They were all lies. Skyfire betrayed him. Starscream had circled half the globe searching for him, carried the weight of guilt for so long that it had become as familiar as flight, suffered in silence for cycles upon cycles, all for what?
“Starscream,” the Autobot begged, “Please.”
The plea was music to Starscream’s auditory sensors. He let it play, let Skyfire try to sway him again, enjoying every moment of the Autobot’s agony.
Skyfire’s voice grew quiet, “Don’t you remember?”
Starscream hesitated. He did remember. All of it. His fists clenched as his foot stomped downward.
Helpless, Skyfire could only give a strangled cry as Starscream’s foot crunched into his upturned face. The Decepticon watched his enemy fall, his own face lighting up with a terrible grin.
Skyfire barely managed to slow his descent by digging his servos into the muddy cliffside just enough to crash into a protruding ledge. He lay there motionless for countless moments, his recent fall marked by dents in his fuselage and muddy stains dimming his crisp white. He looked broken. Starscream couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this happy.
When Skyfire at last came to, his gaze was unfocused. The clear blue of his eyes were crusted with dirt and likely cracked by the impact of Starscream’s foot. The steady rain did a poor job of washing all the muck from his frame, only succeeding in making it bleed into the remaining white. His optics turned upward and somehow found Starscream in the hazy mist. He almost seemed to know where the other jet was without needing to see.
It was there, atop that war torn peak, that Skyfire first looked upon Starscream with fury. No, not fury. Hate.
“Skyfire!” Optimus Prime’s booming voice echoed across the mountain, “Where are you?”
Starscream turned. The Autobots stood on a field of victory, the remains of the Decepticons’ machine scattered amongst its fallen creators. He scowled and turned to confront his foes, when he felt a sudden whoosh of air blast past him. Looking up, he watched as Skyfire sailed over his head to land heavily on the mountaintop.
Without hesitation, Starscream opened fire, only to hit the dirt when the other Autobots returned it. By the time he tentatively lifted his head, all three Autobots had retreated into Skyfire’s fuselage. NO! Starscream rushed forward, his guns vainly attempting to bring the cargo plane down even though he knew he was out of range.
“NO!” he shrieked into the mist, “COME BACK, YOU COWARD!”
But Skyfire had already been lost to the grey sky, leaving Starscream alone. Again.
He continued to stare at the space where he’d last seen Skyfire, unable to look away. He felt as if he’d been awoken from a cruel dream. It took every bit of his willpower not to scream his agony into the sky above. All he wanted in that moment was to hunt Skyfire down and make him suffer. He wanted to hear his screams of terror as he at last cornered him and slammed him into the dirt, gun pointed right between those too blue optics.
How could you do this? He’d scream, Did any of it matter? Did I matter?
Starscream knew the answer already. He turned to face his forces, who all looked to him for guidance.
“Decepticons, take flight!” Without waiting to see if they followed, Starscream transformed and took to the air. To his dismay, there was no trace of the Autobots. They’d be back, though; they never stayed down.
One of them will, Starscream vowed, That traitor will die by my hand.
The rain continued to pour as three jets - and one passenger cassette - returned to their base, leaving the mountain top to be shrouded in mist once more. All they left of their battle were the remnants of an evil machine and a singular gun that had slipped from a foolish Autobot’s hand.
Epilogue- Past
The flight back to Cybertron felt like it lasted millions of cycles. Crouched in Skyfire’s fuselage, Starscream lamented as much to his partner. Skyfire’s only response was an exasperated yet fond sigh; Starscream could tell he was just glad to hear him speak without wheezing.
The damage to his cockpit was extensive but not life-threatening. After a thorough inspection, Skyfire had determined as much. He’d carefully removed some of the smaller bits of crystal from Starscream’s frame and left the larger ones to be handled by a medic. Starscream had wanted to appear brave, but he hadn’t been able to stifle the quiet whimper that escaped him. Luckily, Skyfire responded by wrapping him up in another hug, which had instantly soothed the smaller jet.
When they at last returned to Cybertron, Skyfire was quick to usher him to a medic. In fact, Starscream’s feet barely touched the ground before Skyfire scooped him up and rushed into the medical facility. The hospital was just one branch of the science center that had been built there. For the most part, the civil unrest that had broken out over Cybertron had not affected the science community. It was only a matter of time, though.
Starscream and Skyfire were meant to report to their superiors in the Scientific Exploration department. After much convincing from Starscream, Skyfire had at last agreed to leave his side and speak with the higher-ups, taking a few samples of crystal with him, also at Starscream’s urging. It was what they’d been sent for, after all; it shouldn’t matter that they’d ended up having to gather it from Starscream’s mangled cockpit.
The procedure to repair his cockpit was fairly long but luckily Starscream was in stasis for most of it. When he awakened and examined himself, he was pleased by the results. He didn’t think he’d ever seen his windows shine quite so brightly. He couldn’t help but hope Skyfire would notice, too.
Skyfire was pacing in the waiting room when he emerged. The moment Skyfire spotted him, he almost seemed to teleport to his side.
“Are you okay? I was worried something had gone wrong.”
“Don’t worry, Skyfire,” Starscream said with a slight smile, “I am the picture of health.”
Skyfire looked him up and down, “You’re certainly...shinier,” he said with a bit of awe.
Starscream beamed internally, “Thank you for noticing.”
The two walked out side by side, arms brushing. Starscream wanted to savor the moment, but his curiosity got the better of him.
“So, what did our bosses have to say?” he asked, barely hiding his disdain. He didn’t like having to report to superiors; he’d rather make his own decisions than comply with someone else’s. Maybe one day…
“The crystals seem promising, though they’ll have to perform further tests,” Skyfire replied, “In the meantime, there’s another planet they want us to investigate right away. It’s uncharted, as of yet. There might not even be intelligent life on the surface, though long distance scans hint to a great energy source.”
Ordinarily, Starscream would have leaped for joy at an assignment such as this, but as he watched Skyfire speak, he couldn’t help but recall how close he’d been to losing him. They were lucky to stand here together at all.
Sensing his hesitation, Skyfire favored Starscream with a concerned frown, “What’s the matter?”
“You know what’s the matter,” Starscream huffed. He didn’t mean to take his anger out on his partner - especially since he was really mad at himself - but it was difficult. Skyfire didn’t respond in kind, though. He never did.
“It’ll be okay, Starscream,” Skyfire reached down to grasp his servo firmly, “So long as we’re together, we’ll be okay.”
And because Skyfire’s voice never failed to console him, Starscream believed what he said. He squeezed his servo back and smiled up into Skyfire’s brilliant blue eyes.
“Together, then.”
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