#why did i stay up so late making this post until waiting until morning
equivocaleternity · 1 year
WIP ask game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descript or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
baby vash stampede
batb au
baby vash 98
healing is a good thing (isn’t it?)
title??? (swerve magnus drinks fic)
swhirl gladiators
swerve tailgate swap
star trek crossover :)
mtmte/regen one crossover
starscream bumblebee something
possession (do back flips)
swerve beats executive dysfunction and completes a task after three thousand years
starscream on the lost light
rewind is a PROFESSIONAL and he cannot let this stand
i want to connect 6
velocity swerve
m. swerve cyclonus
physical therapy (very physical)
titan au?
cognition bomb
time tripping
uh oh shadow weaver
three’s company
just shove him behind the door it’ll be fine
Voted Ship’s Favorite Medic One Year Running
idw starscream in tfp…two!! (now with more cliffjumper, i guess)
nightmare scenario
trio time
tiiiiime travel (life is just one big game and now i’ve got the cheat codes, suckers)
“Starscream apotheosis” is a stupid name
a funny thing happened on the way from hedonia
what it means to know someone
bad day (or two, or three, or)
idiots <3
brainstorm also lives (oh, what a thing is revenge)
regen one
A little blackmail between soon-to-be coworkers
screamfire in pacific rim what havok will they cause
mecha starscream
the life and times of orion pax
rescue mission 3
fades away 2
their melodies reborn in a thousand permutations
disabled king
dominus is dead (very sad)
starscream’s offputting
starrrrrscream (and bumblebee)
regrettable decisions
arranged marriage
starscream on the lost light…2! (now with more bumblebee)
telepath minimus
transformation sequence
rodimags meetcute
drinking buddies
Untitled Document
what’s a little partial dismemberment between friends
autobot starscream
Untitled Document
Broadcast Dreaming
more tfa mins
spark damage
more pharma
Untitled Document
nautica forgotica
try one, try two
lord brainstorm
pharma did it! yay…
time travel gone wrong again
are ghosts visible in mirrors?
ultra magnuuuuus
quark time
sit back, relax (listen to the music)
double ghost combo
titan starscream
robozeni chapter 2
cat martin
neurodiversity in etheria
martin blackwood, accidental almost-murderer
spider martin part 2.0
5 notes · View notes
norrizzandpia · 11 months
Lacy (Part 2) (Oscar Ending) (LN4 and OP81)
Summary: It might not be the happy ending he was expecting, but it’s a happy ending nonetheless.
Warnings: language, sexual conversations
Note: guys… this might be the most beautiful thing I have ever read and while I usually dont like to gloat, THIS IS SO FUCKING GOOD GRAB THOSE TISSUES BECAUSE I WAS EVEN TEARING UP DURING THIS bro good luck to yall this is so rough
Note (part 2): ALSO this is the Oscar endgame ending, the lando ending will be published tmrw!!! I just wanted to get this one out first because i know the majority of people are waiting for the osc ending BUT ITS COMING TO THE LANDO GIRLIES I SWEAR <3
Note (part 3): also i will be posting screenshots of the anons I used for this whole storyline in a seperate post so be on the lookout for that after the lando ending comes out
There was never quiet. Quiet entailed her mind not racing with thoughts of Lando and her body to rid itself of the physical pain she was feeling. It was numbing, how hard the hurt hit her. Nothing had ever hurt her in that way. It was a sinking feeling, something that felt so incredibly serious and dark, she was too distraught to get out of bed.
The first few weeks were incredibly hard. She had a hard time eating, sleeping, and everything in between. If it hadn’t been for Lando telling Oscar to go check up on her, probably no one would have thought twice about her. The first time he saw her, the Australian quietly knocking on her door, he was terrified.
Y/n had been the first friend he made at McLaren. Surprisingly, it wasn’t Lando or his engineer, it was Y/n. Maybe it was because she was lonely herself, but the two had grown closer over the time he had been driving at McLaren, getting close enough for her to learn the real reason why he left Alpine in the way he did and him getting to understand the deep mess that was her and Lando. He never agreed with the way Lando treated her, but who was he to say anything? All he could do was sit off to the side and try to subtly comfort her when he made her feel unimportant.
Nevertheless, to walk into her apartment and see the state it was in as well as her dark eye bags and frail frame, Oscar was concerned. That morning he had coaxed her back to bed before making her breakfast, sitting with her on her mattress and making sure she ate every last bit. He had been so worried for her, he canceled his plans that day and cooked her every meal, fed her every snack, and, in between, watched the most outrageous reality TV he had ever seen.
Then, it became a routine.
He would show up at her apartment early in the morning to make breakfast with her before going on a long walk. Then, they’d come back, watch a movie and he’d have to leave, saddening, but not too much seeing as they both knew he’d be back in the night to make her dinner and lay her back in bed when she fell asleep on the couch after their reality TV show binge.
Then, somehow, feelings arose.
Oscar wasn’t sure when they developed, but one moment he was watching her laugh and thinking how happy he was to see that pretty sign of happiness on her face. After he recognized that, he continued to recognize how he always stayed late enough, no matter what time, that she fell asleep on his shoulder and he had to pick her up, wrap her in his arms, and lay her back in bed. He recognized how his hand constantly reached out for hers on walks when cars would fly so quickly past them and, for a split second, he became protective.
He wanted his feelings to stop, to not be real, because of Lando. However, the boy continued to date Luisinha even after everything that happened with Y/n, something Oscar was completely filled in on one night when Y/n began to sob to him about her inner turmoil.
It wasn’t until their feelings truly came out that Oscar realized there was no way he could push them down any longer, not when she loved him too.
It had been a peaceful Sunday night, one without the stressors of racing or work, just the two of them with full bellies glued next to each other on her couch, watching another stupid episode of Love Island.
Her head had been laying on his chest and his arms had been slung around her body, pulling her into him so unbelievably close. When a particular scene came on, the two girls and one guy yelling at each other because he had manipulated both of them into thinking he loved them both, Oscar noticed his shirt getting a bit wet. His eyes averted away from the TV, down to her, only to find her cheeks wet and her hands quickly wiping away the tears.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?” He whispered, hands rubbing her back gently.
She shook her head, sitting up to rest her elbows on her knees, “It’s nothing. Just their situation.”
It took him a moment to realize, but once he did, he was quick to wrap his arms back around her, “It reminds you of you and Lando.”
“Yeah, but not in the way you think.” His eyebrows furrowed at her response.
“What do you mean?”
She pulled away, eyes staring back at him deeply, “It’s just that- I feel so bad for the girl that had to go through all of that. I feel sad for the girl I was six months ago. I’ve moved on from the pain he caused, but I haven’t moved on from how broken that girl had been. She didn’t deserve that. I didn’t deserve any of that.”
He shook his head, his eyes watering at the thing he had been trying to convince her of all this time, “No, you didn’t. You never did.”
Their faces had been so close, with his arms still strongly wrapped around her and hers curled up in his chest. It was inevitable, truly, when he leaned in slightly, silently asking her if he could. When she nudged her nose against his, he let his body do the one thing he had been wishing for for as long as he had known her.
Kissing her was unlike anything he had ever experienced. It was soft and needy, but greedy at the same time seeing as this had been something they both had clearly been suppressing for so long. His hands tangled in her hair, he pulled away just a bit, “I don’t think we should do this.”
She tilted her head, “Why?”
“Because of him. I mean, you’re in a fragile state. I don’t want to take advantage of you.”
She shook her head immediately, “No, Oscar. You’re not. I got over what he did to me and the feelings I had for him months ago when I realized everything I ever wanted was right in front of me.”
Her eyes bore into his, inferring that he was everything she had ever wanted, yet he still seemed hesitant.
Sighing, she linked her hands around his neck, “Do you love me? Because I love you.”
Her words took the air out of his lungs, nodding vigorously, “Of course, I love you.”
Nudging her nose against his once more, “Then kiss me, Osc.”
It was the way she said his name. So gently, with so much love, that pushed him to throw caution to the wind and get his girl. He kissed her fervently, giving her everything he had, as she reciprocated every feeling. It was euphoric, the way they accepted each other, and when they had sex that night, slow and passionate, it was the exact same.
Waking up next to her, Oscar knew that he could never go back.
Lando’s opinion would never matter because the girl curled up in his chest deserved the world and the fact that Lando never saw that, well, that was on him.
I had done this. I had pushed them together. I asked Oscar to check up on her because I was too much of a coward to do it myself.
Oscar’s voice rings in my head like a fucking reminder of everything I missed.
“I love her, mate. I hope this doesn’t change anything between us, but me and her are going to give it a try. Whether you like it or not.” His words spit out, the image of them together the only thing in my head as he tries to break the news.
Putting on my best smile and hoping the regret doesn’t seep through, I say, “Nah, it’s good, Oscar. Have fun with her.”
He’s immediately visibly taken aback.
“That’s all you have to say?” He questions, suddenly my answer feels too informal, as if he hadn’t just taken away the one thing I’ve needed my entire life.
I nod, “Yeah, what else should I say?”
He scoffs, standing up, his demeanor shifting to something I have never seen from him, “Lando, you’re a fucking dumbass. ‘Have fun with her’? That’s fucking slimy. You talk about her like you didn’t almost cheat on your girlfriend with her. You talk about her like you didn’t take advantage of the feelings you knew she had for you. How do you not care about her?”
Standing up, I yell, “What do you want me to say?! Of fucking course, I care about her, Oscar! But, do you want me to say that to you?! You just told me you’re going to date my ex whether I liked it or not! There’s nothing to say!”
He shook his head, “First of all, she’s your ex-best friend, dickhead. Don’t get that shit twisted. You never got to love her like I do. Second of all, there should be something to say. In fact, I reckon you haven’t even apologized to her yet. Where’s the fucking apology?! You toyed with her for years and dropped her like that shit was easy. You completely ghosted her after almost telling her you loved her!”
I exhaled, so fucking tired of being reminded of the ways in which I lost her, of how I treated her. I’ll never be able to articulate it well, the shit mess I created and why, but, at least, I can understand it. I know I loved her. I know I love her. I know that will never change. And I know that I had been so stupidly confused on how in love with her I was, I pushed her away to the brink of loss.
“I’ve taken your relationship announcement well. Now, please get out of my apartment. I’m not interested in hearing another person's disappointment in the way I treated her. I hear it enough from myself.”
Oscar shook his head, keys jingling in his hand as he typed a quick message on his phone and walked to the door, “It’ll never be enough. You can’t be blamed for what you put her through enough. It’s fucking absurd you sleep at night.”
With that, he shut the door.
“I don’t sleep at night,” I mumbled.
Oscar’s hand yanked open the driver’s seat door. Crouching down and getting in the car, he leaned over the console and kissed his girlfriend.
His hand gently on her back, she smiled, “How’d it go with him?”
He didn’t have the heart to tell her the fight he and Lando got into, simply smiling and kissing her again, “It went as well as it could.”
Her eyebrows furrowed as she let out a giggle, “So, not good?”
Detaching from her and starting the ignition, he smiled, “That doesn’t concern you, love.”
She rolled her eyes playfully, looking out the window as he drove away, “I think it does considering it revolves around me.”
He laughed, his hand on her thigh, “The world doesn’t revolve around you,” He said in a singsong voice, joking along with her.
Her head reared to look at his side profile, faux astonishment, “Yes, it does.”
He glanced at her, his charming smile making her blush, “Yes, it does.”
I had to find an escape somehow. I needed a way out of here. I couldn’t be here any longer and watch his hands on her, them being glued to her hips, as she laughed at his jokes and kissed his cheeks. I hate how perfect they are together. I hate how much more he makes her laugh and how much she smiles around him. I loathe how much better of a driver he is, how much everyone loves him, how much she loves him, I hate him because there’s nothing to hate about him, yet he has her, the one thing I had but stupidly lost, so I just detest the sight of him. He has everything I don’t have and more, it plagues me at night. He can give her so much more than I ever could’ve, and yet, I still find myself trying to figure out ways to get her back.
She was mine first, that should count for something right?
Nonetheless, I can’t stand it in this garage anymore. Their happiness, especially after having just broken up with Luisinha, makes me sick.
Walking the paddock, I try to spot the infamous red. Maybe Carlos can talk me out of this deep hole I’ve dug myself, maybe he can bring me back, even though no one has. The only person who could have the capability to build me back up again is her, it’s Y/n.
She’ll always be my lifeline.
I’m close to his room when I hear my name flood through the cracked door of Charles’ room.
“I just don’t understand how Lando fucked up so bad,” He says, words coming out quickly as if they had been on his tongue for so long.
Suddenly, Max’s voice pops through and the Red Bull driver says the sentence that I never wanted to hear out loud, “Yeah, exactly. It was so clear she loved him and he just threw it away because of another girl? Luisinha was sweet, but she wasn’t Y/n, and I sure as hell preferred Y/n to her. Y/n was perfect for Lando and I’m sad they didn’t work out, but have you seen how happy she is with Oscar?”
Their hurtful words continue as Charles lets out an agreeing hum, “Oh yeah. She’s been through so much, specifically with everything between her and Lando, you can tell she really loves him. You can tell he’s really good for her. I think it’s the stability and gentleness he’s showing her that makes the difference. With Lando, it was all up and down like a rollercoaster, but, with Oscar, it’s so apparent he just loves her and shows her everyday, something Lando never did.”
I feel the tears welling in my eyes as I take their analyses in.
He can’t be better for her than me. Y/n and I have always been destined for each other, how can one guy swoop in and change all of that? I will always love Y/n harder, that has to count for something.
It’s the expensive dates. That has to be the reason she’s so enthralled with him.
The pictures I scroll through on his Instagram of their quiet date night make me want to dig my own grave. A photo of his hand in hers; a photo of her smiling at the camera so big it looks as if he had said something sweet to her and caught her genuine reaction, a beautiful candid of a beautiful girl; a photo of them kissing in front of a fountain, her hand on his shoulder as she leans up to meet his lips.
It’s all too much.
I hate how much they mesh together and how big he makes her smile. I hate the fact that he has bigger muscles than me and a nicer car.
I hate it all.
As if to add salt in the wound, Oscar’s smiling face walks through the door, his body plopping down on the couch across from me as he sits next to Andrea and the two start talking.
“How’s Y/n?” Andrea asks, completely unaware of how sensitive I am to her name.
Oscar nods, “She’s great! I dropped her off at work this morning after we had breakfast in her apartment.”
Andrea wiggles his eyebrows, sexual innuendos on the tip of his tongue and I want someone to come take out my brain, so it could stop picturing him pleasuring her like he knows her body better than I do.
“So, you sleep at her house now?” Andrea says, chuckling.
Oscar laughs along with him as my heart tears straight down the middle, “We jump around between each other’s places. Some nights I sleep at hers, some nights she’ll sleep at mine. Really, it just depends on where we go for dinner the night before. If the place is closer to my house, then we end up there and vice versa.”
Andrea nods and smiles, oblivious to my presence, “That sounds like a good time.”
Oscar side eyes him and they both fall into a fit of giggles, Andrea waving his hands in the air as he says, “Not what I meant!”
Oscar nods, “No, I get what you mean. My mind is just dirtier now after spending so much time with her. My girlfriend is not for the pure. Every two seconds, she has some random sex joke ready.”
The words “my girlfriend” out of his mouth is what sends me over the edge.
“Can you shut the fuck up?” I say, standing up and causing a scene.
Oscar’s face hardens as he meets my position, “What’s with you?”
I shake my head, “You’re rubbing it in my face and you know it.”
He shrugs, “So, what if I am? A little guilt does you good after the shit you pulled.”
Pushing him, “I DO KNOW WHAT I’VE LOST.”
He pushes me back, my feet stumbling when he yells, “REALLY? BECAUSE IT SURE AS HELL DOESN’T SEEM THAT WA-”
“ENOUGH.” My dad’s voice cuts through, his hands coming to rest on both of our chests.
His gaze is fiery as he levels us, “This has gone on for two long. You two are supposed to be a team. It’s not good for anyone when you fight this way. So, do everybody a favor and grow the fuck up. Act like the professional adults you are.”
The two of us seem to be scared enough to comply and, as my father walks out of the room, he stops in the threshold to turn around and stare at me.
“And, Lando?”
“Yes, dad?”
“Fucking apologize.”
The knocking at Y/n’s door has her smiling. Feet pattering quickly against the floor, she flings it open.
“Osc! What are you doing he-” Her voice cuts off when her eyes land on Lando.
Her gaze turns icy and she closes the door slightly, “What are you doing here?”
“Please, just hear me out.”
The urgency in his voice has her sighing and opening the door, letting him in yet not letting him back into her heart.
He sets down the flowers he got her on the counter, twiddling his thumbs as his nerves swallow him whole.
“Just say it, Lando.” Her arms cross over her chest as his eyebrows furrow and he truly meets her gaze for the first time since he’s been there.
“What do you mean?” He shakes his head.
“I know you love me and I know you came here to tell me that, to see if you still had a chance.” She says slowly, flashbacks of that night out on that Monaco street falling back into their brains. However, now, the tables have turned.
He nods, “Of course, I love you. I always have, Y/n. So, do I still have a chance?”
A silence falls over them as she stares at him, her eyes seemingly challenging him for whatever reason, before she exhales a breath and says, “Instead of stringing you along like you did to me so cruelly all those years, I’ll be 100% transparent with you. I do not love you anymore. I finally have found someone who cherishes every moment with me, who loves me no matter what. I don’t feel scared everyday that Oscar’s going to wake up one day and decide he doesn’t want to be with me anymore, and I know I’ll never have to be scared of that. That’s what love is, Lando. That’s what I wanted with you a year and a half ago, but you screwed that up. None of that was ever on me. You knew I loved you and instead of talking to me about it, you harbored that information, got a girlfriend, shoved it in my face, and then tried to tell me you loved me when I was at my most vulnerable. How fucking fucked up? It doesn’t matter if you’ve always loved me or if you continue to. I’ve found someone who gives me everything I’ve ever wanted and more without ever having to ask. I won’t take that for granted like you did. I never had any of that with you and I never will, which is okay because, frankly, I don’t want it with you anymore. So, I’m going to do what you should’ve done that night when I was drunk. I’m going to tell you that I don’t love you and that it’s time to move on because we both know our friendship never would’ve worked as anything more than that. You always wanted me to be your friend, there when you needed me, however you needed me. I was never going to be that for you long term and it’s crazy you ever thought I would’ve. But, that’s not the point anymore. The point is I don’t feel the same way about you and, instead of trying to cheat on the man I love the most, the man who never deserves that, I’m going to tell you to get out of my apartment because we were always destined to be over.”
Lando stands, speechless, on the other side of her kitchen table, taking in the words that completely destroyed his being.
He seems to drown in his tears as his mouth opens and closes, searching for something to say.
“How can Oscar be better than me?” He questions, the inquiry falling from his lips before he has time to realize he doesn’t want to know the answer.
Her answer is quick, “He loves me openly.”
Nodding, Lando leaves the flowers he knows are her favorite on the surface, opting to make his way toward the door as quickly as possible seeing as he’s on the verge of a breakdown.
When they reach the door, she opens it and gives him a soft smile, “I’m sorry for what you’re about to go through. It’s absolute shit, but you’ll get through it. I did. And, maybe, you’ll be as lucky as me to find your soulmate in the healing process.”
“For what it’s worth, I’m so sorry for everything I put you through.” He states, genuinely.
She smiles back at him, “Thank you.”
His tears freely fall down his face as he memorizes her face. It’s so at peace, he finally sees why Oscar is perfect for her. In the time he was with her, Lando never saw her this calm, this happy. Oscar brings out a side of her, a healthy side of her, that he never could have, something he would just have to come to terms with.
His walk back to the elevator after she gently sent him away is heavy. His chest feels constricted and his hands feel sweaty as the steel box takes him down floors. When he reaches the first one and steps out, his eyes catch the infamous papaya colors to his side. What he finds is Oscar standing, waiting for an elevator a few ways down with flowers in his hands. Her favorite ones, the ones Lando had just brought to her. His leg bounces as he eagerly waits for it to open and, when it does, he bolts into it.
No matter how hard Lando finds it to breathe, the knowledge that that is the man he leaves Y/n to is comforting.
Truly comforting.
A/N: Thank you for all the love on Lacy. It truly means everything to me when it comes to the support you guys show my writing. I want to become an author, so the love helps build my confidence with the idea of showing the other, non-fanfiction works I have to publishing companies. Truly, truly, truly, truly, truly, thank you.
Tags: @cxcewg @luvrrish @f1enthusiastsstuff @loxbbg @allabouthappiness @mirrorball-6 @mineandneveryours @tpwkstiles @gaypoetsblog @itsjustkhaos @n7ytiri @eviethetheatrefreak @hood-jabi @ushygushybaby @dessxoxsworld @minkyungseokie @prettyisntprettyenough21 @what-is-happening-helpp @im-an-overthinker @buendiabebeta @milena2928-blog @amalialeclerc @hiraishua @scopeiguess @oosnapitskat
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sweetbans29 · 1 month
Pups - CC
Tumblr media
Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: You and Caitlin just keep missing each other until she decides it's been long enough (based on THIS request)
Warnings: just fluff
Word Count: 2.8k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: I am switching the request up a little to make it fit a little better since it is set post-college for Caitlin and Kate, I hope it makes sense when you read it!
When you moved to Indiana for work, the first thing you did was head to the local animal shelter. It was your first time living alone and you hated the idea of being truly alone. You walked in expecting to come out with a sweet pup and ended up walking out with two, Pebbles and Bam Bam. When you learned they were surrendered together, there was no way you were going to separate them.
Bringing P&B home was nothing shy of eventful. The second they walked through the door, they were already making it their home. They are the reason your single ass upgraded from a queen bed to a king bed, ensuring the three of you would all have enough room to sleep comfortably together. Considering they were both medium sized dogs, you didn't really understand how you all didn't fit on your queen but your love for your two fur-babies was enough to make the switch.
Your two companions were the sweetest. They typically don't bark inside and are excellently trained.
Since you live in an apartment and work from home, you take them out often to make sure they stay active and so you don't go stir crazy. It works out well. You have found several local restaurants that love Pebbles and Bam Bam and have even met several people who frequent the same places as you. They have helped you build a little community in a place that is starting to feel like home.
It is late Tuesday morning when you take P&B out for their second walk of the day. As you set outside of your door you feel a immediate tug on Bam Bam's leash. You have just enough time to close your door before you are being guided in the wrong direction.
"Bams, chill out," you say as you gather yourself and adjust their leashes.
"Why hello there," a voice says. You look over to see a young man standing holding a trash bag. Bam Bam at his feet sniffing his shoes. Pebbles is much more reserved and looks at the man as if she doesn't quite know what to think.
"Hi," you say thinking the man was talking to you. You quickly realize that his full attention was on Bam Bam who is now running in circles greeting him. The man looks up and smiles lightly at you.
"Hi," he says, attention now on you. "I'm Colin, I believe I am your neighbor."
Colin looks to be a few years younger than you. Your first impression is that he is well-mannered and doesn't shy away from conversation.
"Hi Colin," you say and then introduce yourself. You extend your hand to shake his and you see P&B sitting politely as if they were waiting for you to introduce them.
"Your dogs are very well mannered," Colin says looking down at them.
"They are. I don't know how I was able to end up with them but it was almost as if they chose me when I walked into the shelter," you say with a little laugh. "This is Pebbles and Bam Bam."
"May I pet them?" Colin asks as he sets the trash bag he is carrying down and squats in front of P&B.
"Oh yes! Of course! They would love that," you say.
Colin puts his hand up to let the two dogs sniff it before he begins petting them. Bam Bam being the friendlier of the two has no problem with Colin right our the gate. Pebbles on the other hand, is still friendly but is more skeptical about the new person in front of her. She sniffs his hand but just stares at him.
"The one on your left is Bam Bam, he loves everyone and will be your best friend. Pebbles is on your right and she takes a little longer to warm up to people but once she does, she is a sweetheart and won't leave you alone," you say as Pebbles looks up at you.
"Are they Australian Sheppards?" Colin asks giving all his attention to Bam Bam who is eating it up.
"They are," you say. "I was surprised to see them in the shelter but they weren't there long. They were surrendered just a few days before I went in - sounded like their previous owner passed away."
Bam Bam now has Colin sitting on the ground while he sits right next to him, absorbing all the pets. Pebbles is still sitting at a distance but has laid down, now just observing Colin. You let them interact and watch at how much Bam Bam loves him.
"Bams is a fan of yours," you say. "Give Pebbles a few meetings then she will be just like Bam."
Pebbles stands and stretches as she hears her name, looking at you as if she is saying she is ready to walk.
"I sure hope so! They are already my favorite out of everyone I've met in the building," Colin says and you pretend to be offended. He laughs.
"I can't blame you, they are my favorite too," you say as you both head to the elevator. The two of you talk on the ride down and only part ways after Bam Bam says goodbye to his new friend.
You get back to work when you return from your walk. It is only Tuesday but your week has started off to be a good one.
Caitlin gets home and is exhausted from morning work-outs. When she enters the door she sees dog hair by the entrance and is curious as to where it came from. She just cleaned on Sunday.
"Colin!" Caitlin yells as she makes her way to the kitchen. "Why is there dog hair in the apartment?"
Colin emerges from his room with a smile on his face.
"It is probably Bam Bam's," he says as if Caitlin should know what that means. She gives him a questioning look.
"Bam Bam is the Australian Sheppard that lives next door. He has a sister, Pebbles but she hasn't quite warmed up to me yet. She will be in no time though." Colin says.
"Pebbles? Bam Bam? What are the Flintstones living next door or something?" Caitlin asks.
"Ahhh! That's why the names sounded familiar. I remember when mom and dad would put that on before school," Colin says. "And no, their owner was not apart of the Flintstones."
Caitlin laughs.
"You would love Pebbles and Bam Bam," Colin says. "They are the sweetest. Their owner was also pretty cute too."
Caitlin raises her eyebrows at her younger brother. "A cute neighbor?"
"Ya, not my type but she is cute. Honestly seems more up your ally but we only talked for like 10 minutes," Colin says.
"I don't have a type," Caitlin says with a little scoff. Now it is Colin's turn to laugh.
"You so have a type," he says as he makes his way back to his room.
Caitlin stands at their kitchen island and thinks on if she has a type. She wouldn't say she does, she doesn't feel like she has dated enough to have a type. Colin is just instigating. Yeah, that's it - her brother is just trying to get in her head about the cute neighbor. Caitlin tells herself that before heading into her room.
The next time you run into Colin is on your way back into the building. It is a few weeks after your first encounter with him and Bam Bam goes crazy.
"Bams!" You yell as your pup takes off sprinting to Colin. Both you and Pebbles follow closely behind.
"Bam Bam1" Collin says with the same excitement Bam is greeting him with. Colin immediately sets down his bag and pets Bam.
"I've missed you buddy," Colin says as Bam wiggles his butt in excitement. Pebbles also goes up to Colin, sniffing his knee then looks up at him. Colin takes notices and holds one hand to meet Pebble. She sniffs him as her behind starts to wiggle a little in excitement. Colin begins to slowly pet Pebbles and she lets him for a little before making her way to sit right next to your foot.
"Well that is nice progress," you say with a little laugh. Bam still going crazy over seeing his best friend.
"Hey, I will take what I can get with her," Colin says.
The two of you talk on your way back into the building. He talks about how he is only here until his school starts up again and you talk about what you do for work.
"Is your apartment empty when you aren't here?" You ask as the elevator reaches your floor.
"No, it is actually my sister's apartment. She is here full time, I am only here when I am on break," Colin explains.
"Ahhh, I see. Well don't tell Bam Bam that, he is going to be really sad when you head back to school," you say.
"Just one more semester and then I will be here full time!" Colin says with an innocent excitement. "So he doesn't need to be without me for long!"
You laugh.
You end up inviting him on a Saturday hike with the pups which he immediately accepts. He mentions how that is something his sister loves to do but has work the Saturday that's planned. You mention having her join next time and he agrees.
The two of you build a friendship and you find yourself really enjoying Colin's company. Almost as much as Bam Bam does but you don't think anyone could match the excitement Bams has when he sees people he loves.
Pebbles, like you said, warmed up to Colin. She still greets him with hesitation but lets him pet her and love on her.
Colin tells Caitlin all about you and your pups. Little to your knowledge you are a hot topic in the Clark household. Every time Caitlin gets back from practice, Colin is quick to talk about your most recent outing. He starts off by talking about something cute that Pebbles and Bam Bam did then always goes into how cool you are as a person. It has Caitlin's desire to meet you grow into something she thinks about everyday when she passes your door. She will sometimes slow down in front of your door to see if she can hear you talking to your pups. That is when she realizes that she might actually be jealous of the time that Colin is spending with you. Hell, she hasn't even met you and is jealous. She blames Colin for saying that you are her type after first meeting you.
During Caitlin's next off day, she is determined to meet you. That isn't hard to do considering Colin has plans to go on a walk with you and the pups and she has every intention of crashing it. When Colin calls out that he is going for a walk, Caitlin immediately pops out of her room ready to join.
"I think I will join you today," she says already in athletic shorts and a t-shirt.
"Great!" Colin says. "Bam Bam will love you, he is the softy when it comes to meeting new people. Pebbles will be skeptical at first but just give her some time and she will warm up to you."
Caitlin nods and follows him out the door. Colin walks up to your door and give it a special knock.
"It's open," you yell from the inside and Colin moves to open the door. Caitlin didn't realize the two of you were on such close terms. Leaving your door unlocked for anyone to enter is wild to her considering she has to take so many precautions being who she is.
Once they step through the door, they are greeted by who Caitlin believes to be Pebbles and Bam Bam. Bam Bam makes his way directly to Colin and starts running in excited circles. Who Caitlin suspects to be Pebbles, sits and waits for Colin to come up to greet her.
Once Colin is done saying hi to Bam Bam, he make his way over to Caitlin. Caitlin crouches down and begins to pet the fluffy pup who is excited to meet her. She can't help but fall in love with him on the spot. Pebbles, like Colin said, was much more reserved. She sat at a distance from where Cait stood and just observes her. It is almost as if she is interrogating Caitlin and seeing if she is worthy of knowing her human.
"I'm ready," you say as you pop out of nowhere but head straight to the kitchen. Caitlin barely catches a glimpse of you before you are out of sight again. Colin is already putting Bam Bam's leash on. It's as if he has done it several times before, which he has.
"My sister is coming with us today, if that is okay," Colin says as he struggles with Pebble's leash as she looks at him knowing his struggles.
"Awesome! I finally get to meet her," you say as you grab water for the pups. You finally make your way to the front door with a big smile on your face. Caitlin reciprocates it when she realizes how beautiful you are.
"Hi! It is so nice to finally meet you," you say.
"Same to you, I have heard so much about you and these two little ones for months now but Colin has been keeping you all to himself," Caitlin says and wishes she could have met you sooner, a hint of jealousy reveals itself as she eagerly shakes your hand.
"Wait," you say stopping dead in your tracks. "You're Caitlin Clark."
Caitlin's smile widens at the fact that you know who she is, something she usually tries to avoid when she goes out to preserve any sort of normalcy she can. But when it comes to you, it makes her heart jump.
You turn to Colin and hit him on the shoulder.
"You didn't tell me your sister was Caitlin Clark!" You say to him and he puts his hands up in surrender.
"It is not something I usually go around announcing," he says.
"I don't blame you," you say after thinking for a second.
"Well it is so nice to meet you Caitlin Clark," you say as you reach out your hand to shake hers, introducing yourself. She smiles and repeats your name and it is in that moment that Colin knows he was right about his older sister having a type.
"I see you have already met Pebbles and Bam Bam," you say looking down at your babies. Bam Bam is still getting pets from Colin and Pebbles is sitting in between you and Caitlin while she stares up at her.
"I have, Colin has given me the run down," Cait says with a laugh. You join her with a laugh.
"Good, Pebbles will get there eventually - she is just very protective," you say and Caitlin looks down to see how Pebbles has made it clear that she will be staying in between you and Caitlin.
"Well, I look forward to earning her trust," Caitlin says.
The three of you head on the walk. Colin is holding Bam Bam's leash and is a few steps ahead of you, Caitlin, and Pebbles. Pebbles walks right in between you and Caitlin, only moving to sniff something and relieve herself.
You and Caitlin talk the whole time causing Colin to whisper to Bam Bam, 'I told you they would hit it off'. When you get back to your apartment Caitlin wishes the walk was longer.
"Would you and the pups like to come over for dinner?" Caitlin asks, surprising both you and Colin.
"Are you sure about that?" You ask, knowing some people don't like having animals in their home because of the hair.
"Ya, I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't sure," she says. You nod.
"We would love that," you say with a smile.
"Great," Caitlin says matching your smile. "Why don't you come over around 6ish."
"Sounds great," you say as you enter your apartment. "We will see you tonight!"
Caitlin and Colin head into their apartment and Colin gives her a look.
"You hate when I bring dog hair into the apartment," Colin says. Her inviting you and the dogs over will surely be a cause for there to be more hair than ever before.
"A little dog hair never hurt anybody," she says as she begins to go through the cabinets and fridge to see what she could whip up for dinner.
"Mmmhmmm, I'm pretty sure I remember you saying how it was going to be a 'pain in the ass' to clean when I first started bringing it in," Colin says teasing his older sister.
"Ya well, it's worth it," Caitlin says thinking about the way you eyes smile.
"It's worth it or she's worth it?" Colin asks.
"She's worth is," Caitlin says without hesitation.
AN: Okay but this is absolutely adorable and if you think otherwise, you are wrong. But still, let me know what you think! And as always, thank you for your love and support
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weneepie · 2 months
missing hours w/ wolverine rules | m.list
note. hiii it's my first time posting in here so please be nice with me :( I had this idea with logan for a while so, I hope you'll enjoy it!! please feel free to request <3
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The Wolverine. He was a legend, one of the XMen ; actually, he was the XMen. A rude man who lived thousands of years and who seemed to not care about anyone or anything. And there he was, completely pathetic at this bar. Sitting at the counter, he was drinking and making himself miserable. The reason was simple : you weren’t here anymore. It was more than enough to drink until he couldn’t think straight anymore. 
Logan never thought he would care enough about someone to go this far, but apparently he was wrong. God knows how many times he laughed at Scott’s face because of his relationship with Jean ; and yet he was no better himself. A long sigh left his lips as he closed his eyes, your face almost immediately coming back to his mind. You were like a virus invading his brain. 
You were sleeping when you heard your phone ringing. You cursed silently at your own stupidity for not turning it off, grabbing the device to answer the call without even looking at who was calling. “What is it?” You asked, voice half asleep, slowly rubbing your eyes to try to emerge a little. 
When he heard your voice from the other side of the phone, he felt his heart pounding in his chest. He almost forgot how soft you sounded when you were waking up. He stayed silent for a while, maybe a bit too long because you started to talk again, waiting for an answer. 
“It’s Logan,” he said, and it made you stop in a second. A sigh left his lips before he kept on explaining himself. “I don’t have a reason… Guess I needed to hear your voice, bub.” The silence after his words made him feel a hint of embarrassment. He felt a bit stupid right now ; maybe calling you wasn’t a good idea. Well, of course it wasn’t but… 
“You shouldn’t be calling me,” you started, and it broke his heart. He knew you were right. It was more than obvious that he should not have called. Not tonight, and not ever. Yet, he wasn’t able to forget you. You were occupying his mind all the freaking time and it was driving him crazy. He cleared his throat, to make clear that he was still on the other side of the phone. 
“You’re drunk, Logan,” you said, way too softly for him to handle it correctly. “You’re going to regret this in the morning.” This time, your words hit him like a truck. Regret? No, it was impossible. It was the last thing he could ever think about it towards you. “Never. There’s no way I’d ever regret talking to you.” 
It had no sense, all of this. This situation was far from making any sense. How did you end up with your ex boyfriend sitting on your couch, drunk enough to do any stupid decision passing through his mind. You were sitting next to him, the air thick and the tension more than present between the two of you. You didn’t even know what you offered him to come so late. 
Logan cleared his throat before his eyes met your profile, taking a look at you. It’s been so long since he saw you from this close, it was almost like a fever dream for him. “Listen, I…” He started but, when your eyes met his gaze, the words got caught in his throat. 
“I miss you. Every single day, and every single night. No matter what I’m doing, I just miss you all the time.” You started to say, and he felt a hint of hope inside of his chest. So he wasn’t the only one with those feelings? You were living it just like he was himself? So why does something felt so off? He couldn’t understand it. 
“But we can’t do this anymore. We’re hurting each other Logan, and you know it,” you slowly grabbed his calloused hand between your two delicate ones. He could tell how you felt just by looking into your eyes ; he was reading you like you were an open book. It was way too obvious for him, so hearing those words coming out of your mouth was a pure torture. 
Logan seemed to be searching for his words. The so confident Wolverine was a mess when he was trying to make up things with you. “We were too young, and…” You didn’t give him the opportunity to finish his sentence, a slight chuckle leaving your lips. “Young? You know damn well that the problem isn’t here.” Oh yes, he knew itt. You yelled at him more than enough to understand where it was ; but he wasn’t able to do anything about it. 
“Nothing makes sense if you’re not here. Come on bub, don’t tell me I’m wrong.” Of course he wasn’t wrong. In fact, he had never been more right in his entire life. You came a little bit closer, not thinking too much as you left a kiss against his cheek. The moment after, you were standing up from the couch. You looked at him, and the soft smile on your lips destroyed everything in his chest.
“You can sleep here tonight,” you told him, and Logan understood that the conversation was done for the night. He took a sip of water from his glass before looking back at you for a moment, the corners of his lips slightly rising in a discrete smile.  
“Good night bub,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “Good night Logan”, and at those words, you disappeared from his vision in a second. It was easier that way. He was way too drunk to have any serious conversation anyway. So you left him on the couch without saying anything more. 
He thought about it, about you until he fell asleep. He didn't know where it would be going, but he had this hint of hope in the heart. Who knows, maybe tomorrow was another day.
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thank you for reading!
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I Think He Knows
pairing: remus lupin x reader
warnings: slight angst, fluff, remus being stupid, the marauders being the marauders
wc: 1.9k
a/n: when i come out of hibernation and post a fic 🫣
absolutely DO NOT steal my work and post it on other platforms. DO NOT feed my work to AI fuck that.
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It wasn’t uncommon for you and Lily to be gossiping late at night in your dorm, however, it was uncommon for Remus to be stopping by to borrow a book this late at night. Usually he would wait until the morning, but something pulled him towards your dorm.
Your dorm room door was slightly ajar and he could hear the soft whispers and giggles coming from yours and Lily’s side of the room. He knew he should’ve knocked, but he couldn’t help himself from overhearing your conversation.
“Lily stop!” A string of giggles followed your comment. He listened in closer at the sudden remark from you.
“Okay, okay! But I know you have a thing for him!!” Remus’s heart sunk to his feet, of course you’d like someone else.
“Of course I do! You know I do! He’s just *so* perfect, Lily, not to mention gorgeous,” he just barely heard the last part, but if Remus’s heart could sink any further than it had, then it would. Even though he’d hoped that you would have any kind of romantic feelings for him, he didn’t count on it.
Now here he was, standing outside of your dorm like a creep, just trying to get some kind of contact with you.
He did not end up seeing you, in fact he doesn’t really want to see you right now.
He turned around to leave when he heard another shrill giggle.
“You think his pranks are funny?!”
“As much as I hate to admit it, I do. But how can you not??”
“It’s so childish!!”
Pranks. It’s James. You’re in love with James. Why wouldn’t you be? Captain of the quidditch team, prefect, gorgeous, and apparently show stopping hilarious.
Remus knew coming to your dorm was a bad idea in the first place and now he really regrets doing so.
His book can wait until tomorrow or quite literally never. How is he honestly going to talk to you ever again? He walked back to his dorm with his head sunken and his heart even more.
He walks slowly to his bed, now in a pissed mood.
“D’you get your book, mate?” Peter asks innocently from his side of the room, while arranging his blankets, however he seemed to have caught Remus in a funk, because Remus sends a pillow flying, hitting him in the head.
Remus lays down and covers his head with a blanket, not speaking another word to anyone.
Back in your dorm, only seconds after Remus booked it out of there, you and Lily are still gossiping, “Lily, I know he doesn’t feel the same way,”
“Remus is just shy, that’s all, I’m not sure he would be too confident to tell you about he feels, that’s why you need to say something.”
You huffed at her, “But I don’t want to, he’s just so amazing and perfect, I don’t know, just talking about this makes me want to die of embarrassment.”
“Stop, it’s not embarrassing,”
Marlene, from across the room, chips in to the conversation, “It is embarrassing how loud you lot are being right now, shut up and go to sleep.”
You and Lily rolled your eyes and shrugged her off before beginning to get ready for bed.
As you slipped under the covers, Lily whispered one more thing to you, “Tell him!”
It’s safe to say you would be overthinking until you fell asleep.
The next morning you knew something was up. Remus wouldn’t look at you or even stay near you anytime you came up to him.
He knows. He has to know. And now you’ve ruined your friendship with him because of a silly crush.
At dinner later that night, you walked into the Great Hall to where you normally sit. Remus was sitting across from James and Sirius and next to Peter. You sat down next to Remus, trying to rekindle your relationship with him.
Unfortunately this was also a spot across from James.
“Hey, I haven’t seen you all day,” James said through a mouthful of food.
“Yeah, I was running around school trying to figure out this potions project,”
Remus stands abruptly and storms out of the Great Hall.
James, Sirius, and Peter all share a confused look.
“What was all that about?” Peter looks at you.
“I don’t know, I think he’s upset with me, he’s been like this all day,” you shrug your shoulders and hang your head a little.
“Oh don’t I believe it, I’ve been caught on the wrong end of his attitude. ‘Bout chopped my head off over me asking to borrow a quill,” Sirius rolls his eyes.
James thinks, “Are we missing a full moon?”
“No, it was only 2 weeks ago,”
“I think he knows, you know, about my thing for him, why else would he be avoiding me?”
“I promise you he doesn’t know,” Peter comforts you, “He’s too oblivious to know, you could have your tongue down his throat and he would still think you lot are just friends.”
“I’m so embarrassed,” you put your head in your hands.
“You’re fine, he doesn’t know,”
“I don’t know, I should go after him. Should I go after him?”
“Maybe we should just let him be for a minute.”
A minute turned to hours, hours turned to days, days turned into a week, and any of you barely had any contact with Remus.
Until Friday night before the quidditch match, Remus hadn’t spoken a word to anyone and avoided you at all costs.
Before the game he stopped James as he headed into the team’s tent.
“Hey, mate, see you’ve finally come to your senses and came to talk to me,” James said with a tinge of sass. To say James was upset at Remus was an understatement, James hated to be shut out by his friends.
“Just shut up and listen. She has this huge thing for you and you should know that, just in case she tries something tonight at the party, just be gentle with her,” Remus shoots out quickly, talking about you.
James looks at him like he’s batshit crazy.
“James I know you’re smarter than you look, you know who I’m talking about,”
“Yeah, I do, but there’s no way,”
“Yes there is, I heard her and Lily talking about you when I went to borrow that book,”
“Okay… are you sure?”
“As sure as the day is long.”
James pulled a face at him, “Okay, mate, yeah. Whatever you say.” He patted Remus on the shoulder as he walked into the tent.
Why was James being so sarcastic with him? Remus would do anything for your attention and affection. Remus brushed off James’ attitude and went to find a seat in the stands
He watched as the Gryffindor team came out of the tunnel and began the match against Hufflepuff.
Both you and James were chasers, Remus sat slumped in between Lily and Mary as he watched you and James fly close together.
In the air, far from the stands, James absolutely unloaded to you about what Remus had said to him before the match.
“I’m serious, I think he’s actually dense,”
“James be nice, he’s probably just not thinking straight,”
“I’m serious, he held me at the tent, telling me how much you are in love with me and how he overheard you and Lily,”
“Oh? What?”
“Yes when he came to borrow that book or whatever,”
“When? I haven’t even seen him all week?”
“It was Sunday night I think.”
Sunday? Sunday. You were talking about Remus. Not James. Merlin, he really is dense.
Neither of your attentions were really on the game anymore and the two of you had just been circling around the pitch passing around the quaffle.
You had Remus stressed. Why were you and James just talking? What are you talking about? This is the worst match he’s ever been to, he should’ve just stayed in his dorm.
Marlene circled around you and took the quaffle, “If you’re going to fly circles around the Hufflepuff players, at least score us some points. Talk about your gossip shit on the ground,” she shouted out.
Finally snapped back into it, you centered your focus on the game around you. How are you going to make this right?
The game ran longer than normal because of the close score, but Gryffindor had ended up catching the snitch, abruptly ending the match.
You and the rest of the team showered and headed to the Gryffindor common room, just ready to conk out on the couches, but alas, the Gryffindor common room never sleeps.
When you arrived, there was a bustling party. James, Sirius, and Marlene jumped right in, some of the other players went up to their dorms, but what could it hurt if you stayed down a bit longer?
You scanned the party for your close friends, mostly Lily. When you had found her, you dragged her off to a quieter part of the room and told her everything James had said on the pitch.
“I agree with James, he’s actually dense,” Lily rolled her eyes.
“Why would he think I have a thing for James? That’s outrageous!!”
“I don’t know, maybe you should talk to him,” she pointed over to where Remus was sitting on the stairs alone, only observing the party, swirling a cup of who knows what.
You approach him, but he didn’t seem to register it; he was lost in his own world.
“I heard you’ve been spying on me,” you say gently, but loud enough he could hear you over the music. He looks up at you and then down at his cup, his cheeks flushed.
“May I?” you point to the spot next to him and he nods.
“You know I think you really are dense,” he snaps his head at you.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. How could you possibly think I like James?”
“You said- you said he was gorgeous and perfect and his pranks-“
“Yeah, I did say he was, but I didn’t say James was,”
“So it’s Sirius or Peter then?” He thought hard next to you, everything you said applies to all his friends.
“Merlin, you really are stupid.”
You roll your eyes at him and grab his shirt pulling him in closer to you. Your lips collide with his softly and he’s shocked, but gives in.
You pull away and he looks at you dumbfounded, “So you said all those things about me?”
“Do I need to make myself clear again?”
“Actually, I do think so,” he says with a smug grin.
You pull him in for another kiss, it’s safe to say he doesn’t think you like James anymore.
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bitethedustfools · 8 months
TWST Story Idea (6)
Inspired by a post from a long time ago, but I don't remember their name.
Twisted Wonderland with Yuu, who is not scared of meeting beastmen, ghosts, or fairies, not because they're brave but because they've already seen horrors that Twisted Wonderland never saw before.
Yuu was at first amazed and wary of the existence of magic and those who are not human. They were rather dismayed at living in a ramshackle dorm and were reluctant to accept Grim, though Yuu eventually accepted that it was better than being alone.
However, days of staying with Yuu made Grim learn something about Yuu, and that Yuu had rules. It's not just normal rules like "don't make noise after 10" or something, nor were they stupid rules like Heartslabyul.
No, it's so much different than that.
'Don't step outside after dark', 'don't go to the woods alone and make noise', 'don't answer anything until you feel certain it's a person', 'don't jinx', and so on.
Well, it is stupid like Heartslabyul, but the way Yuu looked at Grim just makes it sound ominous, and it doesn't help that Yuu followed these rules to a T.
One day, not long after Grim settled in that house, he almost broke a rule.
It started late at night where he heard knockings on the door. Grim woke up, blearily and upset for ruining his good sleep. He thought that a certain three ghosts was playing tricks on him.
They were always trying to prank him, and this was the last straw. He shouted at the ghost to stop, and the knockings ceased.
It was quiet indeed, just like Grim wanted, but Grim couldn't get rid of the horrible feeling creeping up on him.
The knocks continued, this time followed by a voice.
"Can I come in?"
Grim jolted awake, fur bristling. It sounded like Yuu, but it couldn't be Yuu. It sounded so weird and scratchy, like it's his first time talking, and Yuu is right here in this room with him, so who is behind that door?
"Grim, can you let me in?"
It knows his name.
The door knob budged repeatedly, growing aggressive as time goes by. Yuu had locked every door and window that leads inside dutifully, and this room is no exception, but Grim feared that it's going to break from how loud it's turning.
Grim tried to wake Yuu up, but Yuu didn't show any slightest hint of stirring awake, too deep asleep. Grim hit Yuu again and again to no avail.
Grim is alone, and the monster won't leave him alone.
The door creaked, and something peeked through the cracks. Grim cried to leave him alone, and the monster merely responded by getting closer, inch by inch, red eyes locked on Grim's shivering body.
And then, Grim woke up. Sweats covered his paws, and Yuu hovered above him with concern. Grim sniffled, the bed sheet, and some part of his fur wet with tears. He was glad to know it's only a nightmare until Yuu said,
"Which rule did you break?"
It was on that same day that Grim followed the rules with devotion, fearing the same thing to happen. These rules don't limit to Grim and Yuu only but to the guests as well.
Ace was first; he knocked on the door of the ramshackle dorm somewhere late at night, wanting to sleep here instead.
He knocked and knocked, but no one answered. He decided to loudly yell for them instead. This proved to be the right choice since he could hear woods creaking and shuffling from the inside.
The door opened in a matter of seconds, and Ace would greet casually like he just didn't come here late at night with a collar but stopped at the panicked look on Yuu and Grim's faces.
"Stop screaming!" Yuu hissed.
He didn't have to say anything since Yuu grabbed him by the tie and dragged him in. He found himself in their bedroom, awkwardly standing as Yuu explained the rules they have on the house.
Ace huffed wearily, saying how he got tired of the rules courtesy of Riddle, but Grim's reaction was very out of character, to say the least.
Ace would ask why, and they said to wait till morning. In the end, they all went on the same bed. Ace doesn't even bring up about sleeping in their bed; it was Yuu who wanted him to, so who was he to deny opportunity?
Ace tried to sleep, but the collar is just so cold and it's digging on his neck. He tossed and turned, and his eyes laid on a curtained window.
Weird, he thought. Almost everyone he met slept with opened windows and parted curtains to let moonlight and the coldness of the night in. The curtain in this room was closed tightly, and sleeping on the bed with another two is already hot enough since the fan is slow.
Ace made up his mind to open both the curtain and the window. However, tonight moonlight is bright enough that there's a distinct shadow behind the curtains in the shape of a person.
'But this is on the second floor,' Ace will gradually realize. He will reason that it's someone using the broom to fly, but the shadow is completely still.
At this point, Ace remembered some of the rules that barely got into his brain.
'Do not look outside at night.'
'Do not acknowledge or respond to it.'
'Do not make noise.'
'Pretend you didn't see it.'
Ace quietly got into the bed, closed his eyes, and went under the sheet as he tried to make sense of what he saw. He had to wait until tomorrow; there's only a few hours before morning, but his will is tested with the scratches on the windows.
Ace couldn't tell when he got to sleep, but he woke up with a gasp as sunlight shone in his face, and Yuu staring at him.
"You'll get used to it."
Deuce was the next victim. Despite what happened that night, Ace is still willing to sleep in the ramshackle dorm or maybe he doesn't have a choice because something is following him and yuu knows how to deal with it. Deuce, however, didn't know any better until Yuu explained the rules.
Deuce, being dumb, will then say, "Huh? You mean ghosts? We see them all the time, don't we?"
A look of horror crossed their expression, and then there's laughter in the hallways that most definitely don't belong to them.
Deuce's instinct was to fight in the adrenaline moment. Just as he stood up, he immediately fell down and got dragged out of the living room down the hallways right before their eyes.
The lights flickered, showing them a horrifying shadowy figure holding Deuce by the ankle. Deuce screamed as he was dragged into one of the rooms, and the door slammed shut.
Deuce yelled as he banged on the door repeatedly. The others tried to open it to no avail until Deuce kicked it off its hinges, face pale and full of sweats while his eyes kept darting back to the empty room.
Deuce wished to go back, but Yuu didn't allow him to do so.
"If you leave, it will follow you. Stay here; I'll protect you."
They weren't the last. Those who became friends of Yuu were now well aware of these rules but not before experiencing the horrors.
Trey is concerned about the rules, but he always obeys them anyway, so there shouldn't be any problem until he borrows the kitchen and witnesses dishes pushed off the table and breaks them. He also hears an indescribable noise that's a mix between moaning and growling from one of the rooms in the ramshackle dorm when Trey is passing by, as though something is trying to attract his attention.
There was also a rule that said to avoid using a camera in the dorm. Cater didn't like that much, seeing that a haunted ramshackle dorm sounded like a good way to attract more likes on Magicam. Cater didn't give any thought when he tried to take a picture of himself when suddenly, the square thingy used to identify a face is multiplied and scattered all over the screen.
Riddle once came unannounced, and the entrance door opened, so Riddle invited himself, though he found it suspicious that no one is inside. He thought it was Ace and Deuce who tried to prank him and shouted to stop it at once. There was silence until Ace's voice said, "You got us, Riddle."
Riddle instinctively tried to reply, "It's Housewarden Riddle for you," before shutting his mouth when he realized that the voice sounded weird, and Ace still hadn't popped out yet.
"I'm right here," Deuce said this time, slightly echoey and out of tune.
He tried to come closer, trying to discern where the voice was coming from, only to be pulled back.
"I was looking for you." Yuu's voice was calm, but there's a sense of urgency on his face, which Riddle finds out later when he meets with Ace and Deuce.
Similar things happened to the rest, with Vil seeing his reflection move, Epel hearing something following right behind him, and Rook feeling watched but unable to find who.
Kalim saw his doppelganger and attempted to follow him into the woods alone, or that time he was talking to someone, but there isn't someone there at all. Jamil had bruises in the shape of hands and whispers in his ears as he lay in bed.
Idia saw his dead brother, and he almost jumped to his death. Ortho, who is in full battery, would just drain in a matter of seconds. Any attempt to scan would be glitched and met with errors.
As for a certain merfolk and beastman, they are suddenly sensitive to the ramshackle dorm and attempt to avoid it. Jack, however, despite his reluctance to sleep in the ramshackle dorm, proved to be a great asset. Since he's a wolf beastman, closer to dogs, naturally, ghost attacks lowered down to almost nothing. This means beastmen are rarely bothered, mostly just being watched.
For certain Diasomnia members, these types of ghosts are rare and dangerous and cannot be destroyed. They didn't even knoe they exist amyway and magic cannot destroy spirits, no matter how strong they are. Though, just like Jack, ghost attacks will drop down with Lilia and Malleus around, though not to zero. They both will get harassed as well as the other two.
Yuu has a third eye, so they see things. Yuu's spiritual power is so great it affected the ramshackle dorm, waking up/attracting ghosts. Those who get closer to Yuu will inevitably have Yuu's power lingered on them so they can see as well.
So basically, they got 'cursed' unintentionally by getting close to Yuu. Those who can't see ghosts won't get bothered with serious stuff; they only get to deal with ransacked rooms or broken dishes.
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gambleofstars · 8 months
Electrician Reader as Vox's Assistant (Pt. I)
₍ ⌨ ᶻᶻᶻ gambleofstars is typing ... ₎
↳ ❝ [a/n: I actually left an ask of this concept in another writer's blog in here anonymously but I felt enough energy to write it now, so if you see some similar posts, that's why] ¡! ❞
Pt. II
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⋆♡*  When you arrived in hell, the first thing going through your mind was: man that hurt like a bitch. Dying from electric shock was not the way you wanted to go but eh, fuck it. Not like your life was going anywhere far.
⋆♡*  Great news though: you're immune to electricity related risks!
⋆♡*  Soon enough, you got the hang of how things were run down here and it wasn't that different from the overworld (isn't that just food for thought) and adapted. You weren't above scheming and using people on earth, so why would you hold back on it in hell? There was a reason you were here, after all.
⋆♡*  You did some random jobs: cleaner, courier, the whole nine yards to scrape some money together and move out of the shitty hostel - of which you tricked the owner of to let you stay.
⋆♡*  After that, it wasn't long until you got into your groove again with the exact thing that got you killed - Electrical work.
⋆♡*  At first, it was just fixing little things, like TVs and phones for much cheaper than their manufacturer would. You knew it would bite you in the ass sooner or later because the big companies in hell (much like on earth) don't play nice when it comes to their money.
⋆♡* And the day arrived one hellish morning when you were promptly dragged to the HQ of Voxtech with not even a coffee in your system.
⋆♡*  Didn't take too long until you got a job here. Not any job, mind you; you were now the personal assistant of the most annoying CEO ever - Vox.
⋆♡*  You're pretty sure the reason was the fact that when he got into his usual hissy fits, throwing around monitors and overcharging every corner of the room, you had no problems withstanding the voltage.
⋆♡*  This manchild will look you straight in the eyes and froth at the mouth of how he hates the radio at least 5 times a day- oh- oh wait....... Make that six now.
⋆♡*  (Of course you signed an NDA, don't be ridiculous)
⋆♡*  Every day fell into a routine. You were out of the house by 7:00, signing in at the front desk by 7:32, by the coffee machine by 7:45 and standing with a double shot espresso in front of Vox's office by 8:00 sharp.
⋆♡*  He didn't shy away to let you know he appreciated the punctuality and if you were late in the future it would be showing accordingly on your next paycheck.
⋆♡*  The other Vees find you amusing, if anything. Maybe because you don't get intimidated by your boss' tantrums and stand unfazed, with a, now fizzy, coffee after them
⋆♡*  Valentino will pick you up like a ragdoll with all his four limbs and use you as a meat shield when Vox wants to bite his head off because of another PR nightmare he will have to deal with.
⋆♡*  (Of course he asked you to perform in one of his... movies, but the only answer he got from you was a dead stare and a loud sip of your coffee) (He did want to tear you apart after that, but you were called to Vox's office)
⋆♡*  Velvette, on the other hand, uses you as her personal mannequin whenever you're on your lunch break. Standing wearing the latest fashion items while eating your sesame bagel is a normal occurrence at this point. Don't spill anything though, or she will ask Vox to add after hour work for you (she has done it before).
⋆♡*  She does enjoy having someone to listen to her yapping when Vox doesn't want to (or when he's having a monologue of his own) even unwillingly.
⋆♡*  Finally, in the after hours, when the otherwise empty office is only illuminated by only your computer, you'll go out on the balcony, in the windy night of the pride ring city, light a cigarette and close your eyes for a bit.
⋆♡*  Just for a second, this feels like home.
⋆♡*  Better than home.
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hihi, first time writing here and hopefully not messing up haha 💋
signing off, gamble
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scary-grace · 7 months
Enough to Go By (Chapter 2) -- a Shigaraki x f!Reader fic
Your best friend vanished on the same night his family was murdered, and even though the world forgot about him, you never did. When a chance encounter brings you back into contact with Shimura Tenko, you'll do anything to make sure you don't lose him again. Keep his secrets? Sure. Aid the League of Villains? Of course. Sacrifice everything? You would - but as the battle between the League of Villains and hero society unfolds, it becomes clear that everything is far more than you or anyone else imagined it would be. (cross-posted to Ao3)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Chapter 2
When the ER doctors ask you how you got hurt, you lie. You know you shouldn’t lie, know that Tenko’s dangerous, know that his quirk, whatever it is, is deadly on contact. Some part of you thinks you should be scared of the possibility that Tenko will come back to finish the job. But at the same time, you know you’re the one who chased him. You’re the one who wouldn’t let him go. If you hadn’t run after him, none of this would have happened.
This, it turns out, is a wrist that requires a specialized healing quirk to fix, and a bruised larynx that makes you sound like you’ve been deepthroating a lead pipe. “Whoever you’re protecting, you shouldn’t,” an old, sort of grizzled nurse says severely after the fifth time you’ve repeated your lie. “Another few pounds of pressure on your throat and you’d be dead.”
Tenko was fine with killing you, at least at first. You’re not sure what changed his mind, or why he let you go, and in spite of the fact that he gave you injuries severe enough for an overnight in the ER, you can’t help wondering what happened to him. The friend you knew was nothing like that. He got frustrated sometimes, like everyone else, but he was kind. And hurting people? He wouldn’t. His older sister did more playground fighting than he did. In fact, when you think about it – you close your eyes against the fluorescent lights in your hospital room and try to fend off the memory. You can’t quite do it, because it’s crystal clear. Tenko spent more time getting hurt than doing the hurting.
If Tenko and Hana got out the door first on school days, they’d wait outside your house on the sidewalk for you to come out, so you could all walk to school together. If you were ready first, you’d wait for them. One morning you were waiting, tapping your feet, fiddling with your umbrella because the weather looked like rain even if the forecast didn’t say so, when you heard voices. One raised grown-up voice and one small anxious one, from inside the house.
You didn’t want to eavesdrop, but you didn’t know how not to. Hana had a cold, so she was staying home. Tenko had wanted to say goodbye to her before he left, but their dad said no, and when Tenko stuck his head in the door anyway, his dad yelled. And was still yelling, over whatever Tenko was trying to say, until Tenko stumbled out onto the sidewalk, without a raincoat or an umbrella and scratching the skin around his eyes.
Or wiping his eyes, maybe. He started scrubbing at them frantically when he saw you. “Don’t look –”
You turned around, and as you did, you felt the first drops of rain. “Are you okay?”
“Hana’s sick.” Tenko sniffled. “I went in her room when I wasn’t supposed to.”
I heard, you almost said. But you didn’t. You just asked again. “Are you okay?”
“We have to walk or we’ll be late.” Tenko started walking, past you, and you followed him. The rain was falling harder, spattering Tenko’s shirt and his backpack. “It wasn’t supposed to rain.”
“Here.” You put up your umbrella and hurried to catch him, holding it over both your heads. You didn’t have a choice but to look at him now, and you saw how puffy his eyes were. “I bet Hana was happy.”
Tenko nodded. He wiped his nose on the back of his hand and sniffled again, and when his hand fell back to his side, it brushed against yours. Tenko cringed. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you said. You linked your pinky finger with his. “I swear.”
Tenko’s finger hooked tighter around yours. “Only since you swore.”
He had a cold the next day, and so did you. You cried until your mom went over to his house to apologize for you getting Tenko and Hana sick. So this isn’t the first time you’ve lied to protect Tenko. It might just be the first time you’re getting away with it.
You’re out of the ER at eight in the morning, and by nine-thirty you’re at work. You’re a medical assistant in a network of urgent care clinics that serve low-income people, uninsured people, or people who don’t want to risk going to a standard hospital. Your friends call your workplace Villains, Inc., and you’re not going to say you haven’t met your share – but you also meet a lot of people, and you think it’s good for you. Sometimes it feels like there are two Japans, sharing space in the same territory. One full of pretty, shiny heroes and happy, law-abiding civilians and uncomplicatedly evil villains, where everybody has a quirk and everybody’s always doing their best. And then there’s the other Japan, populated by everybody who doesn’t belong in the first one.
They say one in five people are quirkless, but you see at least fifty people a day at work, and the number of quirkless people on your side of Japan is a lot higher. Quirkless children have the school system to nominally protect them, but there’s no such system for quirkless adults. A lot of them are pushed to the margins, losing jobs to those with quirks, even if their quirk is useless for the jobs in question. Even when quirkless people can get work, it’s at a lower level than a quirked person could get. Your applications to nursing school were rejected, even though your grades matched the standard. You’re lucky that you’d already found an apprenticeship, in a workplace willing to sponsor your education and train you on the job.
You’ve been working here for two years, part-time as an apprentice and CNA in high school and full-time since you graduated. You’re a medical assistant now, which means you can do a whole bunch of things – take history, check vitals, draw blood, give vaccines. You have a specific exam room you work out of, and the newest workers, the ones still in high school, bring patients from the waiting room to you. From there, you figure out where to route them. To an exam room with a nurse or a physician, to the lab for blood tests, to Imaging, to the ER if their injuries or illness are too severe to be treated here. You’ve only had to route somebody to the morgue once.
You’ve just delivered your most recent patient to an exam room with a doctor, and you’re in the process of documenting it in the chart when a message pops up from one of your coworkers at the front desk. FOF. Can you handle it?
FOF – freak out front. You don’t love that acronym. How F are we talking?
Creepy-looking + mean. The new kid messed up, but not that bad.
You’re not in the mood for difficult patients today. Your throat is sore and your wrist is itching and the turtleneck you’re wearing to cover the bruises on your neck is a little too tight. But you’re the most senior medical assistant working today, and even if you weren’t, dealing with difficult people is sort of your specialty. You did a great job last night right up until you decided to chase after Tenko.
Nobody’s perfect, and you learned your lesson, didn’t you? You sigh, wincing at how it feels, and respond. Send them over.
You go back to your chart, trying desperately to finish it before the new patient arrives, and you’re just about to send it to your supervisor when the CNA knocks on the door. “Come in!”
The door opens and the patient steps through, shutting it behind them. “Just a second,” you say, deciding you’re going to finish your documentation if it kills you. “You can have a seat and I’ll be with you as soon as I just –”
“Your voice sounds weird.”
You almost choke on your own spit. You look up from your computer and find Tenko staring at you from across the exam room.
Between the fluorescent lights of the convenience stores and the shadowy darkness of the street, your encounter with Tenko last night had the sense of a fever dream or an acid trip – shiny around the edges, not quite real. Seeing him in broad daylight in your dingy exam room is unnerving beyond words. He looks even more like your best friend than he did before, but there are more differences, too – a scar over Tenko’s mouth, another scar over his right eye. Whatever skin condition he had around his eyes as a child, it’s gotten worse, so much worse that it’s obliterated his eyebrows and spread to his forehead. He’s wearing a black hoodie, maybe the same hoodie he was wearing last night. And he’s staring at you.
You thought there was no way he’d come back to finish the job. You thought you were safe. You thought wrong. Your voice comes out in an airless whisper, like you’re still sprawled on the concrete with his arm across your throat. “What are you doing here?”
“It says outside you have to treat everybody. Is that true?” Tenko’s voice is abrupt, bordering on rude, and he doesn’t wait for an answer. “Your voice sounds weird. And that shirt is stupid. You wouldn’t sound so weird if the collar wasn’t –”
He’s reaching towards you, and you’re frozen, even as your mind screams at you to get out of the way. Tenko’s index finger hooks into the collar of your turtleneck and pulls it down. His eyes narrow at first, turning his expression sharp and mean. Then they widen once more, past where they were before, until he looks more like the Tenko you knew than you’ve seen yet. “Who did that?”
You don’t remember your best friend being this stupid. “Who do you think?”
“I didn’t do that,” Tenko says, but his eyes dart to one side, the way they used to do when he knew he was wrong. A second later he changes his tune. “You made me do it. If you hadn’t chased me –”
You shouldn’t have chased him, but he didn’t have to choke you and burn the skin off your wrist. You look Tenko over and change the subject. You don’t want to argue. You don’t want him to get mad. “Aren’t you missing something?”
He gives you a puzzled look, and you mime a hand covering your face. “Father,” Tenko says. He calls it Father? That’s – weird. “He’s here.”
He unhooks his finger from your collar, reaches into his hoodie pocket, extracts the hand, and secures it over his face. It should look ridiculous, but instead it’s terrifying. “I can’t wear him in daylight. Master says he’s too recognizable yet.”
None of those words make any sense, and you’ve lost your ability to speak. “It says you treat everybody here. You have to. Right?” Tenko asks. You nod wordlessly. “So treat me.”
“Um –” You get the syllable out of your mouth, watching Tenko’s shoulders stiffen at the sound of your voice. “Do you have your intake form? They would have given it to you when you checked in.”
Tenko’s mouth twists. “The brat at the front desk didn’t give me anything. She said she could fill it in herself, since she knew I was here for dermatology.”
You think back to your coworker’s message. You’d say the new kid messed up pretty bad. “I’m sorry. She shouldn’t have made that assumption.”
“You did too. Didn’t you? I bet you thought I came in here for help with my disgusting skin.”
“No,” you say. “I think you’re probably coming in for your wrist.”
It’s the only thing that makes sense to you, short of him tracking you down to finish the job, and when he’s reached for you or taken the hand out of his pocket, he’s used his left hand. If your memory’s correct, Tenko’s right-handed. “It looked like you hurt it when you fell,” you continue. Tenko stares at you. “Are there any other issues you’d like us to investigate while you’re here?”
Tenko shakes his head. Okay. Nineteen-year-old male, here for suspected injury to wrist. What’s next in your exam workflow? A process you run through at least a hundred times per week has exited your mind completely. You glance around the room uselessly and your eyes land on your blood pressure cuff. “Okay. I’m going to take your vitals.”
“Why do you need those?” Tenko looks suspicious. “Stay away from me.”
“I need your blood pressure, your pulse rate, and your pulse oxygen level. None of those are invasive tests.” Not usually, anyway – given how Tenko reacted the last time you came anywhere close to touching him, you’re pretty sure that pushing the point here could get you killed. “Or just the pulse oxygen. That goes on your finger.”
You take it out, only to remember about Tenko’s quirk. Tenko notices your hesitation. He sneers behind the hand. “Don’t worry. It only works with all five fingers.”
Good to know. You clip the pulse oxygen monitor onto his middle finger and turn back to your computer. Even without looking at his wrist, an x-ray is standard protocol, and you need to get Tenko into the queue right away. The less time he spends here, the less danger everybody else is in. It might be too late for you already.
“What do you think?” Tenko asks. You look at him. “The quirk.”
“You’ve got one.” You’re not really sure what else to say.
“And you don’t. Still?” Tenko raises his eyebrows. You nod. “And you still don’t care.”
“No,” you say. “I never cared about not having one. Only about how people treat me.”
“I bet they treat you like shit,” Tenko says. He sounds gleeful, but his expression doesn’t match his tone of voice. It’s weird. “If I ask you why you’re here instead of some fancy clinic on the nice side of town, you’ll probably lie and say you love it here. But you’re here because nowhere else will take somebody who doesn’t have a quirk. Isn’t that right?”
“I do like it here.” You aren’t lying. The pulse ox monitor beeps and you take it back from Tenko, recording the reading on your computer. “And I’m here because nowhere else will take me. Let me see your wrist.”
Tenko’s had his other hand in the front pocket of his hoodie this whole time. He draws it out slowly and extends it towards you. You’re not qualified to diagnose anything, but you can see that it’s bruised and swollen, and the skin is hot when you touch it. Tenko hisses as your fingers make contact. “What are you doing?”
“Trying to see if there’s an obvious break.” You shouldn’t – he’ll be headed to Imaging no matter what – but you don’t want anyone else to come into contact with Tenko unless they have to. Tenko’s wrist is swollen to the point that you can barely feel anything beneath it. “Were you resting this last night? Or using it?”
“I had games to play.”
Tenko’s a gamer now. Huh. “That’s probably why it’s so sore. And so swollen. No more gaming with that hand until it heals.”
“You’re not a doctor. Don’t tell me what to do.”
“The doctor’s going to say the same thing.” You glance away at your screen, checking your position in the Imaging queue. There’s a chest x-ray ahead of you, with a sick kid, and those always take a while. “I’m going to get you some ice for this. It’ll help with the x-rays if the swelling goes down. Stay here.”
“No.” Tenko gets to his feet, pulling his wrist out of your grip, grimacing as the motion jars the injury. “You think I don’t know what you’ll do? You’re just dying to go to the cops.”
“I had a chance to go to the cops. Last night, when I went to the hospital for this.” You gesture at your throat, and Tenko’s expression twists behind the hand. “I didn’t go then. Why would I go now?”
Tenko stares at you. You hold his gaze. You’ve never lost a staring contest in your life, and you’re not planning to start today – and after a long moment, Tenko averts his eyes. “You can go,” he says shortly. “But I won’t use it unless you get some for your neck.”
Does he feel guilty? Is that why he’s saying that? You decide not to think about it too hard. He’s your patient right now. If this is what it’ll take for him to ice his injury, you’ll happily slap a bag of ice on your throat.
But once you’ve brought the ice back, and you’re holding yours to your throat while Tenko applies his gingerly to his wrist, you’re out of other things to do. It’s just you and your best friend, who tried to kill you last night, sitting in a room together. Tenko still has the hand over his face. Your wrist is still itching. Before last night, when you still had the luxury of imagining what it would be like to meet Tenko again after all this time, you didn’t imagine it would be like this. It makes you sad.
You’re expecting silence until Tenko gets called back to Imaging, but to your surprise, Tenko speaks up. “Your parents had three more kids,” he says. You nod. “Why?”
“To be fair to them, they thought they were only having one.” You don’t like being fair to them about this, given what happened afterwards, even if there’s no way they could have known. “It was triplets, and they were pretty sick. They got the same kind of quirk as the rest of the family, so they made us all feel how they felt. Which was – bad.”
Tenko doesn’t say anything. You shouldn’t be talking about your family, not when his family is dead. Does he even know what happened to his family? You’re not going to ask. “Sorry.”
“Did you have to take care of them?”
“The stupid triplets. Did you have to take care of them, too?” Tenko glares from behind the hand. “I remember you always had to before. You never stayed as long as you wanted to.”
“Oh,” you say, startled. “No, um – I had to get home. I wanted to.”
“My birthday party. Your mom came to get you early and you said you weren’t crying but you were.” Tenko is still glaring at you, and you find yourself shrinking back in your chair. “I remember. Don’t lie.”
“You didn’t remember last night,” you say, but he must have remembered something, or he wouldn’t have spoken up when you mentioned how many siblings you have. “Tenko, what –”
“That’s not my name. Anymore.” Tenko scratches at his neck lefthanded. “Master gave me a new one. Tomura.”
“Tomura,” you repeat. “Is that what I should call you?”
Tenko – Tomura? – keeps scratching, clawing up red scrapes in his skin. Then his hand falls back down. “Tenko. You should call me Tenko.” He averts his eyes from yours again. “You knew me before.”
Before what? You can’t decide whether to ask, and Tenko makes the decision for you. “I knew you before, too. When you were a kid whose parents wouldn’t let her stay long enough at a birthday party for a fucking piece of cake.”
“You brought me some. The next day.” Your voice is small. “I remember that. It was the nicest thing anybody ever did for me.”
Tenko’s shoulders stiffen. “That’s pathetic.”
“It was the nicest thing back then,” you say. “Nicer stuff has happened since then.”
Has it? It probably has, but right now your mind is full, all your memories of Tenko flooding to the forefront. There aren’t many. Not nearly enough. Three years at most – your memory is good enough to pick up some things from when you were a toddler, and you and Tenko met when you were barely old enough to speak full sentences. But you talked. You always talked. You talked to each other about everything. Right now it feels like there’s nothing in the world you could say to each other, and it breaks your heart.
Your computer pings, snapping you out of it and giving you something else to fixate on. “They’re ready for us in Imaging. I’ll walk you.”
“What, you think I can’t walk by myself?”
“I want to keep an eye on you,” you say, and Tenko scoffs. “Come on.”
He takes the hand down off his face and tucks it away again before exiting the exam room. He pulls his hood up, too, shuffling along at your side too close to be a shadow. You pass more than a few of your coworkers, all of whom give you pitying looks. They feel bad for you, but they don’t know enough to feel bad for the right reason. It makes you angry, just like it made you angry to hear Tenko’s father shout at him, a useless anger that felt too large for your tiny body. You couldn’t protect him then, and he wouldn’t let you do it now, but the urge is there, as insane as it might be. He almost killed you last night. And here you are wanting to save him.
The x-rays go quickly. A few different angles, and then you and Tenko stand there while the doctor on shift interprets them. “No fracture,” he reports. “Just a bad sprain. We’ll send you home with a brace to wear. Just take it easy for a few days.”
Tenko jerks his chin downwards. It would be charitable to call it a nod. The doctor makes a quick note in his chart and turns away, trusting you to dig up a brace and conclude the visit. Tenko won’t ask, so you will. “What about for pain?”
The doctor turns, raises an eyebrow. “The patient didn’t ask.”
“The patient wouldn’t have come in if it didn’t hurt.” You’re insane. You must be, to help someone who hurt you, except you’re not thinking of last night, you’re thinking of today – of your best friend, who’s not your friend anymore, but remembers you enough to be angry on your behalf. Who brought you a slice of birthday cake the next day because you couldn’t stay long enough to have one. “What would you recommend?”
“Ice it at least three times a day, and double up on NSAIDs,” the doctor says finally. “The OTC brands will be fine. If you rest it properly it should be healed by next week. Is there anything else?”
You glance at Tenko. Tenko shakes his head. “Feel better soon,” the doctor says. “Come back for a follow-up if anything worsens.”
Tenko trails after you as you retrieve a brace from the supply cabinet. “What the hell were all those acronyms?”
“NSAIDs – nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,” you explain. “Things like ibuprofen and acetaminophen. OTC means over the counter – things you can buy without a prescription. Any convenience store should have them.”
You find a brace in the correct size and turn to find Tenko already holding out his arm. It surprises you, to the extent that you freeze for a moment, but then you snap out of it and secure the brace around his wrist. It’s simple to avoid his quirk, now that you think about it. All you have to do is make sure all five fingers don’t touch you at once.
Tenko grimaces as you fasten the last of the Velcro straps on the brace. “It’s tight.”
“It needs to be tight to support your wrist,” you say. “If it hurts, loosen it a little bit, but not so much that it slides. Do you have questions about anything else?”
Tenko shakes his head. “He didn’t say I couldn’t play games.”
“He said you had to rest your wrist,” you say. “You can play point-and-clicks. With your other hand.”
Tenko snorts. “I’m not playing point-and-clicks.”
“Better than nothing.” They’re the only type of video game you’re good at. Sometimes you and your friends make a drinking game out of them, doing a shot every time you find a clue or solve a puzzle. “If there’s nothing else, I can go ahead and walk you out.”
It’s quiet for a second. Tenko is looking at you, and you look back, unsure of what else to do. Part of you wants him gone as fast as possible, but it’s a smaller part of you than it should be. The rest of you wants your best friend, who remembers the things you don’t talk about, who saw you through the smile you knew to paste on even at five years old. You want to find out what happened to him. You want to know where he’s been. You want to know if he knew you were here, if that’s why he came to this clinic instead of any of the others. You want to know if it’s going to be another fifteen years before you see him again.
For a moment you think Tenko will say something, will come up with something else to stretch this out. Instead he glances left, then right. “Which way do I go to get out of here?”
“I’ll walk you out,” you say again. You lead him down the hall to the door that opens onto the street, fighting the lump in your throat. There’s a spiel you’re supposed to give to patients as they leave, but you can’t get it out of your mouth.
Tenko stands there a moment, then pushes the door open lefthanded, and something inside you snaps loose. You catch his sleeve and he turns to stare at you, a sneer already beginning to twist his features. You’ve got maybe three seconds before he hurts you again, and you have to use them wisely. “I won’t ask about the rest of it. I’m not going to follow you again,” you say. “I know we won’t see each other after this. I just need to know. Are you okay, wherever you are?”
You’re expecting him to mock you, but instead the sneer falls from his face. He looks like himself again, the part of him you knew best. He doesn’t ask why you care, and you realize it’s because he knows. He knew last night when he let you go instead of killing you. You’re his best friend. Of course you care.
“Yeah. I –” Tenko coughs, clears his throat. His voice is back to its usual rasp when he speaks. “I’m okay.”
You know he’s lying. You think he might know that you know, too. But he pulls his arm away slightly, not yanking it from your grip but making it clear that he wants to leave, and you let him go.
The door swings shut behind him, and you turn and head back to your exam room, working on documenting his visit in the chart until your eyes go blurry. You didn’t sleep at all last night. You won’t sleep well tonight, either. You know already that you’ll be up late into the night, retracing every second in your head, trying to figure out what went wrong. Trying to guess what happened. Wondering, like you always wonder about Tenko – if he’s alive, if he’s all right.
You have answers to the first two questions now. Other than that, the things that keep you up tonight will be the same as they’ve been since you were six years old. Other than the scar around your wrist and the bruises around your throat, nothing’s changed at all.
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thewritergremlin-rae · 5 months
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Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall - Who's the Most Alien of Them All?
Pairing: Loki x Reader Characters: Loki, Thor, Brock Rumlow, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Frigga, Heimdall Rating: T Words: 3229 Content: 2nd person, kidnapping, chloroform, manipulation, soulmate AU, Hydra!SHIELD at work, set during/post Avengers 1 Summary: You'd never thought there was anything strange about your soulmate in the mirror, apart from how handsome he was, but as fate would have it - he's trying to invade New York. Ao3: HERE Notes: I am an absolute sucker for Soulmate AUs so here we are! I'm thinking of using this same AU for some others (Bucky and Steve) but I'm not sure if it'll be in same universe
In this AU, you see your soulmates face as your own reflection~ THIS IS A REPOST OF MY OWN WORK I accidentally deleted the original post so the read more doesn't work on my own blog 😭
Banners by cafekitsune
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Something considered normal would rarely be considered wrong. 
So, registering your soulmate’s image via looking in a mirror at 18 and having a photo snapped had never worried you.
Everyone did it.
It was normal.
It was safe. 
It was how most people found their soulmates, and even then some just didn’t.
This early spring day started as every day usually did. You got up and ready for work, took public transport to the office, and logged in at 9 a.m. 
Lunch came and went, spent with the coworkers you got along with best, all venting about the small annoyances of the morning. You all returned to the office and the afternoon crawled by.
Last minute, your boss asked you to finish a report now rather than tomorrow morning and you waved goodbye to your co-workers with a shrug and a put-upon smile. They’d all been in your position at one time or another. No-one found it strange.
The report dragged on for a few hours and you had no idea why it couldn’t wait until tomorrow, but your boss was hardly known for his patience. He at least had the decency to stay behind too. 
You sighed and printed a quick copy before knocking on the door to your boss’s office. 
He called out and told you to come in, taking the report when you handed it over. His eyes barely scanned it before he spoke again; “Hey, I know it’s late, but we have a visitor in the conference room. Go keep them company, will you? It will just take a couple of minutes.” 
You bit back the sigh and the roll of your eyes, knowing both could lose you your job. Stupid, tight ass boss. “No problem, boss,” were the words that came out of your mouth, a false smile before you turned and left - heading to the conference room.
You took the liberty of rolling your eyes hard before you plastered the smile back on and pushed the door open. “Hello.” You stepped into the room and held out your hand as you gave your name. “Mr. Dickson is sorry to keep you waiting, but how can I help you?” 
Not the normal sort of client, if a client he was. Most clients showed up in suits or some sort of business attire, but this man wore a black T-shirt, combats, and a jacket certainly not of the suit kind. 
“Brock Rumlow.” He smirked over at you and you saw the way his eyes gave you a once over. Slowly. Urgh. Double ugh when he continued with; “No problem at all, sweetheart. Don’t suppose you could get me a coffee?”  He nodded over to the machine as he eased back into his seat. 
“Of course, sir,” you answered with a smile.
“Feel free to grab yourself one, too. Your boss sent you in here to keep me company, huh?” 
“Something like that, Mr. Rumlow.” The pot only needed warming before you poured two cups and offered him one, taking a seat opposite the man.
“I hope he doesn’t make you stay this late all the time, I hate it when my boss makes me work overtime.” He snorted and rolled his eyes as he took a sip of his coffee. “Do this, do that, clean up some mess, collect an alien’s soulmate, kill that politician, clean up more mess. Not a day’s rest I tell ya.” 
You nodded politely, staring down at your cup as you fully processed his words. Aliens, soulmates… killing politicians? You didn’t know which was the most out there. “I-’m sorry I’m not sure I follow…” 
He only looked more delighted at your confusion and the way your body had stiffened. “Well, you see, sweetheart, there’s this guy, Loki, who showed up outta nowhere and, see, he talks a big game about taking over the Earth and we figured, seeing as you’re his soulmate, that he might rethink those big ideas if we offer you up instead.” Brock shrugged as if this was just casual conversation and didn’t have you frozen in your seat. “’Course, if that doesn’t work, maybe threatening to harm ya will change his tune. But what do I know about aliens? I’m just part of the STRIKE team.” 
Brock smiled, as though he hadn’t just threatened you or spouted what sounded like absolute bullshit. A beat passed as you stared into the cup in your hands, eyes unseeing. “So why don’t we-” 
He growled angrily as you threw the coffee and the cup containing it at him and jolted to your feet, running for the door, pulling it open-
Your short-lived escape attempt ended when another similarly dressed and built man stepped into view. His hands clamped down on your arms and the panic really set in as you protested and tried to escape. “Let me go!” You kicked and thrashed, hoping the noise might cause your boss to call the cops, but that small slice of hope was soon ripped from you. He appeared from his office, face like thunder. 
“You said this would be quick, hurry up before someone hears this racket.” 
Brock huffed from behind you, fingers sliding into your hair and tugging hard to drag your head back. “We coulda done this the nice way, bitch, but that’s off the table.” He pressed a cloth to your mouth, harder than necessary.
The thought of not breathing hadn’t even crossed your mind before the fumes entered your body and you soon slumped into unconsciousness.
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You woke already knowing you weren’t at home. Everything felt off and you hadn’t even opened your eyes yet as you laid on what felt like a bed. You took a shallow breath, trying to remember, but everything before falling asleep stayed fuzzy at the edges. 
You had been to work and… right, your boss had made you stay late and there had been coffee and…
Your eyes snapped open but so far it seemed like you were alone. The edge of the bed wasn’t far from the wall and you hesitated before rolling over. Good. No-one there either and this side of the wall had windows.
You shuffled over to them, eyebrows furrowing at their size. Small and curved at the edges. you slid the blind up to be met with the sight of clouds and uninterrupted sky. 
You scrambled to the edge of the bed and the one door that led in and out of the room. “Hey! Hey!” you yelled, banging on the door, fear skittering through you. How long ago had last night been? What time was it now? Where were you now?
“Quit ya banging!” A stern thump that made the door rattle had you stumbling back and falling down to sit on the edge of the bed. “We’re nearly there, no need to get your panties in a twist, bitch.” It sounded like the man you’d met in the office… Brock if you remembered correctly.
He’d certainly changed his tune, but you had thrown coffee at him. Bastard deserved it. 
“Where are we going?!” You had no idea if he would answer, if anyone would. Did it even really matter?
You were to be offered up as some consolation prize to an alien invader in the hopes he might go away. 
You weren’t convinced of the plan; who would change their plans for the mere idea and appearance of their soulmate. You probably wouldn’t if you were in Loki’s position. 
“New York,” came the answer before you heard footsteps leave the door. 
You sank to the bed and flopped back on it, unsure what to do with yourself or for the rest of the flight.
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You sat in what had to be some kind of interrogation room, a bit rich considering these guys had kidnapped you. A window made up much of the wall in front of you; the blank expanse of glass left you with nothing to look at but the reflection of your soulmate. It hadn’t changed for several years, but you’d noticed recently his hair had grown longer and it didn’t seem as well kept as before.
The sharp lines of his face had always left you flustered, but now they left you worried at the gaunt paleness that clung to him. What had happened? You couldn’t possibly know, you didn’t even know his name. Well, you hadn’t.
Loki. An alien. An invader. 
You continued to sit silently in the chair, not knowing that an agent and your soulmate’s brother were busy deciding your fate.
“Father will not be pleased. Midgardians are not welcome to our realm and Loki is likely to remain in prison the remainder of her short life.” Thor spoke calmly but firmly. “Besides which, you tell me she is dangerous? A criminal? Why should Asgard take a criminal of Midgard to the golden realm? I do not think our prison is the best place to introduce them.” Thor couldn’t be certain, but he doubted the two would get along from what SHIELD had told him. 
His brother would likely perceive another criminal as a threat or he would keep his guard up. Loki was not one for letting people in so easily. Especially not now. Whether she deserved kindness or not, he doubted Loki would afford her any.
“What if your brother wants to bring her?” 
Thor’s eyes narrowed, giving the agent a sidelong glance. Hardly normal to accept a prisoner’s request… but he did love his brother fiercely - despite his recent tricks. “If,” Thor stressed, “Loki wants to bring her… I may agree,” Thor conceded. But he doubted such a thing would happen. “I will speak with him.” 
Neither you or Thor knew the thin thread by which your fate hung.
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The car rumbled through central park, you seated in the back wearing handcuffs and some gag like thing over your mouth that stopped you speaking. You still wore the bright orange scrubs and white shirt as though they’d plucked you from a prison somewhere.
You were free of Rumlow at least, you didn’t even know if the agent driving knew that you hadn’t been picked up from a penitentiary. This new one aligned more with what you imagined an ‘agent’ to be. Black suit, white shirt, sunglasses. Very Men In Black, which, ironic, since you were about to meet two aliens. 
The car came to a stop and you looked out at the people milling around. You only recognised two for sure - one of them being your soulmate. Tony Stark confused you, for a moment, before you recalled his shift into heroism the last few years. 
An equally tall, blond man held your soulmate's arm just above his elbow, so you had to assume this was the brother you’d heard murmurs about. 
Your car door opened and a hand grabbed similarly below your elbow to help you out. Curious eyes turned on you and all you could do was silently, desperately, plead for someone to step in. Someone to take the gag off. You just needed one of them to be curious. 
“Er… I don’t remember any plus ones going out to this little party.” Tony Stark gave the agent at your side a look over the top of his sunglasses, his gaze briefly sliding to you. 
“She’s Loki’s soulmate,” the agent replied, no judgement but not much other emotion in his voice. He turned and marched you towards the pair of aliens. 
“Now, hang on a minute.” A different voice objecting this time and you craned your head behind you to see a blond dressed in a check shirt and a brown jacket. You thought you might have seen his face somewhere before, but you weren’t exactly firing on all cylinders and you couldn’t place him. “She might be a criminal of some kind, but you’re going to send her to another planet?” 
“I’m sorry, Captain, but it seems she may be more dangerous than a Midgardian prison could handle,” Thor answered. “My brother told me he has made many a visit to her on Earth.” Fucking news to you! Your eyes flicked to Loki, brows furrowed, but he didn’t meet your gaze. “I do not think he could have taught her many of the tricks he uses, but SHIELD assures me that they have indeed met before.” 
Now you understood the reason for the gag. Can’t contradict made up bullshit if you can’t speak. You were about to turn a furious gaze on the agent that brought you out of the car when the soft clinking of a chain drew your attention.
Loki curled a chained arm around your waist, grip firm, and tugged your back flush against him. The action forestalled anything you had been about to do or say and you attempted to catch his eye. He ducked his head and you felt the cool press of his own gag to the top of your head. 
The gesture had you stilling in surprise and seemed to only cement the story that Thor had been spun.
You felt eyes on the two of you, studying intently, before Loki’s little stunt seemed to be accepted as proof and preparations began again. You assumed for travel to this Asgard, but how exactly? There weren’t any space ships nearby and you were fairly certain the car you’d arrived in wasn’t about to escape Earth’s atmosphere.
Something with Loki here?
Thor reappeared in your line of sight holding one of two handles of some canister. A blue cube glowed inside, but it didn’t make any more sense than it had a few minutes ago. He caught your eye, his look intense and serious. “Make sure you do not let go or you will be lost to space as Loki was before he came here.” 
You felt like meaning lay beneath the words, something you were supposed to glean from them, but still struggling to process what had happened the last few days you simply nodded and took hold of the other handle. Loki’s hand settled beside yours, overlapping slightly. Unsure if this stemmed from kindness, or an attempt to be sure you didn’t let go. or something else to drag you further into the fiction and lies that had been created around you... Well, you had no way to protest, anyway.
You hoped nobody would spend too long looking for you. Maybe the local police had already told everyone you were dead, covering up the act that you still couldn’t quite understand. 
You wondered if you would ever see Earth again after this.
Your hand unknowingly reached for Loki’s at your waist, gripping tightly in fear of what was to come and in sorrow that you didn’t know what mess you were leaving behind. 
Silence as Thor turned the handle, anticlimactic, but you felt it as your stomach dropped similarly to when an elevator descends too quickly and you were pulled upwards. The blur of colours was almost too much for your eyes to bear as your vision blurred, but soon enough your feet settled on solid ground once more. 
You desperately blinked back the blurring at the edges of your vision to take in the bright gold that lined the room you had landed in. Or maybe an observatory of some kind.
“Welcome home,” a deep but firm voice greeted, your eyes drawn to a man in gold armour whose eyes glowed just as brightly as the metal. He sheathed the sword into the metal stand in front of him and approached the three of you.
You thought you could see something sad in his gaze as he touched the metal on your face, drawing it easily away from you and returning your ability to speak. “I am sorry you were dragged into this mess, miss.” 
“How did you…?” 
“My name is Heimdall and my duty is to watch over the Nine Realms. While I cannot see all at once, and some have managed to evade my sight in the past,” At this he gave Loki a look before returning his gaze to you - eyes softening once more, “I have kept an eye on your journey these past few days.” 
“Heimdall, of what do you speak?” Thor asked in utter confusion. 
But you found the words and breath to speak first. “They lied to you, I’m not an inmate! I’ve never even gotten a parking ticket!” you protested, courage mounting with every word you got out. “I was just doing my job like always and a couple of thugs came to the office and kidnapped me.” A squeeze at your waist reminded you of Loki’s presence and you pulled out of his grip, turning your annoyance on him. “And we have never met! I’ve only ever seen his reflection.” 
“Loki-” Thor growled at his brother, but received only a simple shrug and a look that lacked all remorse in reply. “Why did you-?”
Warm hands took your wrists and distracted you, your gaze drawn by watching Heimdall break the cuffs on your wrists as easily as if they were made of paper. “My apologies, miss. I had no way of letting anyone on Earth know of the misconception.” He didn’t smile, per se, but he seemed genuine and his greeting kind. 
He took a step back and you breathed with relief to finally be free of all your chains. “At least someone knows what’s going on.” Though Loki had to have known too, so why had he lied to Thor and SHIELD? “How exactly am I supposed to get home?” you asked, looking between the two brothers as if scolding children. 
“Heimdall is to use the Tesseract to restore the Bifrost and once it’s fixed, he will be able to send you home. If I can, I will return with you and explain the situation to the Avengers - they’ll be sure to help,” Thor rushed to assure you.
To be fair, they had tried, but Thor had been so convinced by SHIELD… Well, he just seemed to have gotten all mixed up in all of this so you nodded. “So, I’ll just have to wait until the bridge is fixed?” 
Thor smiled brightly this time, like the sun bursting through on a cloudy day. “Yes, just until it is fixed. I’m sure Mother will be happy to provide hospitality.” 
“I see my son is already volunteering me.” Her voice sounded light and happy despite the situation, drifting over from some as yet unseen doorway off to the side. 
“Your Majesty.” Heimdall bowed to her and you quickly followed suit - you didn’t want to end up in the dungeons for however long it would take to fix the Bifrost. 
You straightened up to find her gentle smile turned your way, her beauty and motherly face stealing your breath. “I’m glad to finally meet you, though you are such a familiar sight that I feel as though I know you already.” Her arm settled softly around your shoulders and she started to steer you along the beautiful bridge you stood on. 
Loki huffed behind you and you wondered if he might be embarrassed? No, probably not.
“I’m sorry you were brought here under such circumstances, but welcome to Asgard.” Weird space travel and spy stories coming to life aside, maybe spending some time in the golden city laid out before you wouldn’t be so bad. 
Want to be tagged in future parts or future Loki fic? Go here
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mitsuyaya · 10 months
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[ househusband’s gripe ] okkotsu yuuta
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contains: 512 words. fluff, reader and yuuta are married
summary: Like all the things in this world, being a househusband has its pros and cons — and the biggest detriment in yuuta's case, is keeping you in his arms for a long time.
end note: cross posting 4/6 of my yuuta's bday bash from ao3. i just missed him sry 😔
jjk masterlist
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Without any other complaints, Okkotsu Yuuta loves being a househusband.
It may be because of the simplicity of taking care of his spouse, the home he'll spend his eternity with the person he loves and his little bundles of joy, a product of his love and devotion for you. And possibly, because of how easy it is to dedicate his life, time and effort to something other than exorcising curses.
If the Okkotsu during his teenage years, one that was devoid of warmth and comfort, were to be asked – he would've never seen himself be a househusband, let alone be married to someone other than loneliness.
To be cladded with nothing but the responsibility of keeping the house stable, keeping the home the both of you would live in until your last breath, be filled with comfort, passion and serenity.
It's an unbelievable occurrence that he'll willingly do over and over again – because he knows, it's worth it. Serving you and the family he meticulously crafted is worth it.
Especially when at the end of the day, the house that was barren, that you can almost see a weed tumbling like in an old western movie, would be filled with noises he longs to hear after an exhausting day.
“Darling, I'm home! Did you miss me?”
It's your voice that'll fill the house, that'll fill the emptiness he felt the moment you stepped out of the house and bid him farewell.
But despite the contentment he feels, there's one thing he has a complaint on, there's one thing that makes him irritated — how his job as a househusband meant he can't keep you in his arms for too long.
Maki and the other's said that he's dramatic, complaining about how unfair it is for you to spend all day on your job: leaving first thing in the morning, that sometimes you two don't meet, and returning late in the evening, that oftentimes, he's already asleep.
Call him childish but honestly, he doesn't care. It's unfair, at least to him that is – all he wants is to be cuddled in your warmth or to cuddle you for as long as God would let you both. All he wants is for you to be in his line of sight all the time, to be only filled with your presence and nothing more.
Yuuta, your husband, wants time to stop the exact moment he had you in his arms. He wants it to stay that way, be interrupted by nothing and no one else. He wants to be drowned in your love and attention – it's what he deserves, it's what he needs, it's what he yearns for.
“Darling, why are you so quiet? Don't you want a hug hm?”
It is unfair, it is worth the complain,
but if it meant that it's him you'll be coming home to,
it's you he'll wait for at the front door,
it's him you'll praise for doing a good job,
it's you he'll wake up to —
“Welcome home, pretty. I miss you.”
then, he wouldn't mind, one bit.
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its-in-the-woods · 4 months
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Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 6
Chapter one here, two here, three here, four here , five here
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating/Warning:  As always minor get out.  Little angst, lots of fluff, handholding,kissing, Very Fluffy, Pinch of Angst, Relationship Development, Hurt/Comfort, Older man/ Younger(30s) women, Alternative universe, fictional work (IDK WHY BUT I AM PUTTING IT) Probably more as I go.
Synopsis: Working in film as a make-up artist is hard enough, but then Walton Goggins requests you, well it's way too easy to fall down the rabbit hole.
Note: they are both single, all for fun.
I think I may have an ending now. Posts will continue to be 2-3k long. Every other day more than likely. The whole fic will be around 30k words.
Thank you all again and again for taking the time to read the stories I put out.
Your phone hasn’t stopped buzzing, your head is a little fuzzy but not nearly as bad as you’d experienced. Opening your eyes you flip the phone over to see it’s nearly twelve-thirty in the afternoon. Blinking a few times you make yourself sit up in bed flipping your phone on to see a deluge of text messages. Groaning you turn your phone off and stretch. Before any messages were answered you need coffee and maybe a shower. 
Showered and suitably caffeinated you finally flip open the text messages. 
9 am: So what happened?
9:1 5:Hello?
9:30: Look do I need to call the police?
10:30: It’s been hours….
10:32: You never texted me when you got home
11:01: Okay it’s after eleven. You never sleep in. 
12:45: I am coming over in thirty minutes if I don’t hear from you. 
You reply:
I am fine, I just got home super late. I hope you’re not coming over
You scared me! 
Why didn’t you text me back?
How late were you out
Wait did you go back to his place?????
You groan squeezing your eyes close and drinking a healthy swig of coffee.
We went for sushi, then went down to the beach. 
That’s all you're giving me! What kinda 1950s dating scene is this?
You chuckle replying:
We stayed at the beach until 3 am. 
Trevor: Wait did you have sex on the beach
It’s an important question. Don’t want to find out on the gossip train.
why can’t I have nice things TREVOR. No there was no sex in PUBLIC, we kissed and held hands. Can I not do that????
Trevor: Are you secretly asexual? There is nothing wrong with that. I think it’s romantic. 
I am going to become asexual if it means you stop asking me these questions. 
You could almost hear him laughing at you. 
You like it! 
You snorted and switched messages.
10 am: Hey beautiful, wanted to check in. See how you’re doing this morning. 
11 am: I was wondering about maybe going out to bar a city over next Friday? 
11:10 am: Promise I am not trying to kidnap you.
12:20 pm:  Thought you never slept in?
Hey handsome, sorry I actually slept in. Kept me out past my bedtime.
I would love to go out with you next Friday, fingers crossed they don’t keep us late
You set your phone down, pondering if you still trusted the milk in the fridge to make pancakes. Getting up you get a refill of coffee, phone buzzing. 
If they do we can always go out saturday? Can’t be keeping you up so late. Got make sure you can keep up with this old man. 
Oh I am sure I can keep up with you 😉
Careful little lady, I might have to come by and test that theory.
Your face goes bright red and that heat coils low in your belly. 
You: Promises, promises, 
If I didn’t have a zoom meeting in ten minutes 😠
Maybe next Friday. 
You’re not sure why you’ve become a tease, but you’re enjoying winding him up. 
Monday will be more like it.
😜 Your trailer or mine.
Yours just so Trevor will stop texting me.
You let out a laugh, seemed like Trevor was also enjoying winding him up. You spend the rest of the day chatting with both of them. Sunday is a bit quieter, more zoom calls for Walt and Trevor had gone to Decon’s. 
*** Monday goes by in a blur, Walton keeps his hands to himself when others are around. But it doesn’t stop him from following you behind the food tent to steal kisses. You are now sporting a permanent flush and some of your co-workers are raising eyebrows. You are ever grateful that Trevor has kept his mouth shut. Liz is as pissy as ever but seems to be letting it lay. Katie has slowly warmed up to you again, why you weren’t sure. 
The rest of the week is pretty similar. Early mornings bleed into later evenings, the endless weeks have worn on you. Then Walton slides into your chair with his latest story and you feel like a weight is lifted off of you. The man once more touches you gently and gives you lingering cheek kisses as he goes over to set or costumes.   
Friday night rolls around and it’s going to be a long one. You fiddle with a few of your brushes when the door opens quickly. 
“We are being released. There was a fire on stage, and it looks like we are out at least until Monday,” Liz rolls in looking flustered, her normal perfect facade gone. She looks haggard and frazzled. 
“There was a fire on set?” You ask sitting up and feeling much more awake. Panic shoots down the back of your neck.
“Yep, green sparky left a light on too close to set.” Liz sat in the chair grabbing cleaner. You had stayed in the trailer to start tucking things away as Walton was off-screen for the first three setups. You are out the door before she has time to say more. You stop at costumes knocking at the door. 
Rebeccas opens it and looks down at you, she looks flustered but still has a smile on. “Hey, I am guessing you heard about the fire?”
“Yes, I did,” You say trying not to sound panicked, even though your mind is racing. The thought of him being hurt makes you nauseous. “Umm -is.”
Rebecca looks into the trailer, “Walt. You almost done in there?” There is a bunch of commotion going on in the trailer, with people moving back and forth, and different actors in various stages of undress.
You looked at her puzzled at how she knew you were looking for him. 
Rebecca turns back to you, “He never shuts up about you, so figured that’s why you are here,” She replies, and you immediately feel flustered, clearly rumors are moving again. 
“Oh- umm- Yeah. I just wanted to make sure he was okay.”
Walton pops his head above Rebecca his fingers nimbly button up his shirt. “Be right out.”
You blush and look away, “Sorry, I should probably go.”
Rebeca waved her hand at you, “Your secret is safe with me,” she winked. You wonder not for the first time if you were the only one who was never included in the rumor mill. 
Walton pops down the stairs, and has on grey button-up sleeves rolled up, navy wash jeans. He tilts his head when he looks at you. You let out a sigh seeing him unscathed. 
“You okay?” He asks, his hand touching your shoulder. You nod your head, turning to walk back towards the makeup trailer. You really don’t want to make a scene right now, there were way too many eyes on you both right now. 
“I know I said we should go to the bar tonight,” Walton says, his fingers brushing against yours. You try not to grab his hands, just to know he is still there. “But maybe we should get take out at my place?”
You get to the trailer, unable to stop looking around. He looks right at you, the way he could focus on you was both flattering and unnerving. Especially as you are trying to keep things under wraps. 
“Have to stop and grab a few things first.” You say trying to keep your voice from carrying. “Have you pick me up again?”
He smiles, “I would pick you up any day.”
You are bright red, as you open the door and follow the man into the trailer. 
A large paper bag of Chinese food was acquired, along with a couple of bottles of wine. You both devest at the door, slipping off your shoes, and placing the wine on the counter. You watch him move around the kitchen. Practice ease, you watch his muscles move under his shirt. You were tired as anything but being in his kitchen, waiting to eat greasy Chinese food couldn’t have been more perfect. 
You grab plates from him, laying out the smorgasbord board of different food. The two of you scooped a little of everything, before sitting down at the table and pouring some wine. 
“I feel like I should apologize for having you over instead of going out somewhere,” Walton says taking a sip of wine. “I don’t want you to think I am taking advantage of you being here.”
You chuckle, “Don’t know what you mean Mr. Goggins. I thought you invited me to your place to play some chess and listen to swing jazz.”
Walton nearly loses his food at the comment, his hand covering his mouth. “Swing jazz? How old do you think I am?”
“Oh you got to be at least in your seventies,” You tease back taking a bite out of your spring roll. 
Walton coughs, “I didn’t realize you where into grandfathers.”
You choke a little, “Well to be fair,” You wave your hand, “I am usually good with trying anything once.” 
Walton sips on his wine eyebrows raised, “Anything?”
You nod your head, a smile spreading across your face. “Can’t say I don’t like it unless I try it.”
He puts his glass down, watching you carefully as you finish your cup. “I could make some coffee while we clean up.”
You grab his plate stacking it with your own as he grabs the glasses. You two make it over to the kitchen, there is tension in the air as you clean things up. He grabs a French press out of the cupboards aswell as some coffee and cups.
You slide over to the counter and sit on top of it. Feet kicking back and forth as you watch the man ready things.  Flicking the kettle on to heat the water. He comes over and moves himself in between your legs.
“Have I told you how beautiful you are?” He whispers, placing hands on either side of your hips. Face inches from you.
You wrap your hands lazily over his shoulders, opening your legs to let him in closer. 
“No, you haven't today.” You lean in to kiss him, kissing him will never get old.
“You are stunning.” He whispers against your ear. Sending shivers down your spine. The kettle clicks and he's moving away from you. You watch him pour grinds and then water into the press. 
“Why did you wait so long to ask?” You inquire, moving your feet back and forth. Letting yourself briefly wonder if maybe the question was too forward.  
He turned to look at you, bottom lip caught in his teeth. “Umm-”  
Leaving the coffee he came over to you. Cheeks slightly pink, he tucked his hair behind his ear. 
“I - ahh. I didn't think you'd want to go out with me.” 
Your mouth falls open, “Are you serious?”
He shrugs, fingers fiddling with the outer seam of your jeans. You take his hand in yours using the moment to drag him back between your legs. Once he is there, you tip Walton’s head up to look right at you.
“You're so dumb,” You grin leaning in to kiss him. He chuckles and leans into the kiss, strong arms wrapping around you. “I am also dumb, 'cause I thought the same thing about you.”
Walton pulls back looking at you, eyebrows scrunched. “Didn't you just call me dumb? Seems like we both may have missed the sign somewhere along the way.”
You grin one hand finding its way to rub along his jawline. “Took us long enough.”
He smiled, “Trevor is never going to let us live this down.”
You let out a groan, “He is beyond impossible. I am gonna have a small textbook of text messages.”
Walton’s eyes glint, and he pulls his phone out. “Why don't we give him an update.”
You can't help but laugh, “Oh absolutely!” 
Walton flips his phone on turning on the camera he flips it to the two of you. You lean in and kiss him deeply as he clicks the button. The phone is placed on the counter as you wrap your legs around his waist. You pull out a deep moan that rumbles out of his chest when you bite at his bottom lip. It doesn't stop you from pushing your tongue in. Rocking your hips a little, the room feels hot. 
Walton pulls away, breathless, “If you keep doing that, I am liable to forget about our coffee.”
You let out a sigh, “I suppose a little coffee couldn't won't hurt.” You unwrap yourself from him. 
He moves down the counter as you slide off it. He mixes your coffee just the way you like it, handing you the cup as he fixes his own. You wait, watching him work, he turns and gestures toward the living room. You make your way over to the couch.  
Folding yourself up on the end of the sofa, tucking one leg underneath the other. You sip on the coffee, it is delicious and beats any store bought. Walton comes over and sits beside you, taking a long sip of his drink. Looking out the windows you can see part of downtown and the north shore. The lights still dazzling, as the evening wore on. 
“I know, before, I said I wasn’t sure you would want to go out with me,” He said looking out at the window as he spoke. “I tried, unsuccessfully to give you space. But the further I got away the more I missed being near you. Then when we went out for sushi, it all just kinda clicked. This isn’t conventional.” He gestures between the two of you. You hold your cup listening intently. 
“I am, ahh, older than you. And my life is not exactly straightforward. I don’t take relationships lightly, not that this is that. Or.” You can’t suppress the smile as he tries to explain himself. “I am terrible at this. I don’t want to move too fast, but also. I can’t stop thinking about you.” 
You put your cup down, and gesture for him to come closer. He places his cup down beside yours and moves over. Patting your lap, he slips down and lays his head on your lap. You run your hands through his hair, his eyes close and he hums softly against your legs. 
“I can’t tell you what's going to happen,” You say softly, “I am also not good at this, but I am willing to try. However fast or slow you want to go. As for the age thing, I don’t care, it’s never bothered me.” 
Walton’s breath slows and his hand slips under your thigh holding you close. You sit there a while longer, letting him just relax against you. Again you are struck by how simple it is, to just sit here with a warm cup of coffee and the city lights. You could get used to weekends like this. But as always he is moving sitting up and smoothing out his hair, grabbing his cup of coffee and taking a sip. 
“Would you like to come to bed with me?” He asks, you turn away from the lights. His eyes fixed on you, not hungry but curious. 
“I would like that a lot,” You say licking your lips and heart pounding in your chest. 
Walton stands up offering you a hand, which you take, pulling yourself to your feet. The coffee is left on the table as you follow him. Fingers laced together like they are two puzzle pieces. You pass by the guest room and there is a door at the end of the hallway. He opens it and you walk into the large room. There are floor-to-ceiling windows looking out over the sea, a large king-sized bed on a wooden platform. The room is sparse, with two side tables with lamps. A large walk-in closet to your left along with a bathroom beside it. You wonder for a moment how often he has brought others back here. The thought lingers in the back of your mind as you wander over to sit on the edge of the bed. Walton has disappeared into the bathroom.
“I think I have another toothbrush in here,” He calls out, poking his head around the corner. 
You smile and move towards him, “I thought you wanted to take things slow?”
He’s blushing again and handing you the unopened toothbrush, “I–I umm. Just figure I’d offer.” 
You move into the bathroom grabbing some toothpaste off the counter and leaning against it, “I appreciate it, besides don’t want to have coffee breath. Would you happen to have makeup wipes?”
Walton thinks for a moment before he scoots you out of the way, as you brush your teeth. He pops up with a bottle of cleanser and a fresh hand towel. “I knew I had it here somewhere.”
You grin and thank him, he brushes his teeth before disappearing again. You take the moment to clean off your face and neck. Looking into the mirror you got a permanent smile on your face. Letting out a happy sigh you finish up, telling yourself not to put the cart in front of the horses. You walk out and Walton is standing there shirtless, blinds drawn. He slips into a grey cotton t-shirt, that you currently hate, and black sweatpants. Sensing you staring he turns around to see you. 
Chapter seven
*tiny cliffhanger. I always need at least one 😜*
*As always if you'd like to be tagged let me know! *
*reblogs, likes, and comments appreciated! *
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iamknicole · 3 months
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Flashback #2
A/N: Hey yall! I been missing for quite some time but I just can't seem to finish this upcoming chapter (I've been tryna finish it since I dropped ch. 12) so I'm probably gonna start the chapter over. And some stuff happened that quite frankly made me a lil apprehensive to even continue this fic but ima keep going. In the meantime, I was able to write this flashback for yall. Let me know how yall like it. ⭐⭐LIKE, REBLOG, COMMENT, SHARE⭐⭐
Warnings: Cursing, arguing, typos, 18+ MINORS DNI
Do not copy my shit & post it anywhere else or take credit for my hard work!
Chapter Twelve
Hassan rubbed his throbbing temple as he listened to his ex-wife go on and on. From the moment Nadine picked him up from the airport, all she had done was rant about Moriah sneaking out with Zilla, wanting to find out how long the two of them had been doing so and exactly what the two of them had been doing together. Knowing that if he said anything, he would lose his temper and that was something he didn’t like to do and rarely did. All he wanted was to get his daughter.
“I hope her little ass enjoyed herself because it’ll be a cold day in hell before I let her go out without me again,” Nadine sassed as she eased into a turn.
Hassan looked around then at her. “Where are you going?”
“Home, Hassan. Did you hear what I said?”
“I heard you, I’ll get to that in a minute.” He answered quickly. “Why are we going to the house?”
Nadine glanced at him from the road, a confused look on her face. “Are you not staying at the house?”
“We need to go get Moriah, Nadine. You know that.”
She scoffed. “It’s damn near midnight, Hassan. They are not gonna let her out right now and even if they would, her ass would still be sitting in there until the morning.”
Leaning his head back against the headrest, Hassan took slow deep breaths trying to calm his nerves. Once he found out that Moriah hadn’t been abducted, he was relieved but it didn’t last long. His ex-wife waited until he informed her that he’d switched his flight for a later one to tell him that she had their daughter sitting at the detention center.
“Nadine,” he called out to her in a soft tone, “If you knew they wouldn’t let her out this late, you should have gone and got her sooner.”
“And what would she have learned? Nothing.”
“Being put in handcuffs, riding in the back of a police car and being booked did enough. Do you know what kind of kids you put her in there with?”
She chuckled. “I sure do. That was the point. She’ll learn that jail isn’t where she wants to be.”
Opening his eyes, Hassan turned to look at her trying to keep his anger at bay. “You know like I know that sneaking out with Zilla is the extent of everything. She hasn’t done anything else.”
“And that is supposed to make it okay? That bad ass boy is rubbing off on her. I need to nip it in the bud right now.”
“What if somebody does something to her in there?” He asked.
She shrugged. “The girl knows how to fight so she better fight back.”
His brows rose in shock. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Wow,” he scoffed, “And what if this does the opposite of what you want? You know she starts actually doing bad things. What then?”
“Hassan, just drop it. She is going to learn her lesson this time and that’ll be it.”
“For your sake, you better hope she isn’t harmed while she’s in there.”
“No, she better hope that the judge goes easy on her and just gives her community service.”
Those words triggered Hassan and got his blood boiling. He couldn’t contain his anger anymore. 
“Nadine, we are not pressing charges! She is our daughter for fucks sake! Just like I told you when we spoke earlier, charges are not an option! Am I being clear here?”
“She’s my child, I have custody of her so if I wanna press charges then that’s exactly what the hell I’m gonna do, Hassan! I am not a little girl, I do not need your permission to discipline our child!” She screamed pulling into the driveway. 
She snatched her seatbelt off after killing the engine then jumped out with her purse and keys trying to get to the door before him. Choosing to get his bag later, Hassan followed closely behind his ex-wife and rushed in behind her, slamming the door closed. 
“She lives with you but I have sole custody of her! Or did you forget? I let her stay because I did not want to uproot her so yeah, you do need my permission!”
Nadine tossed her things aside, going to get in his face. “I don’t need a got damn thing from you, Hassan! I am her mother and I will decide what’s best for her!”
“Don’t piss me off, Nadine. You don’t wanna do that.” He firmly stated in an eerily calm voice. 
Taking a chance, Nadine leaned up on her toes to kiss him, catching him off guard. He pulled away, taking a step back from her giving her an incredulous look.
That was all he said before going back outside to retrieve his belongings. 
The next morning, Hassan and Nadine went to pick their daughter up. He insisted on driving, not wanting her to make unnecessary stops or the long route. Their drive was silent aside from Nadine trying to make small talk.
While they waited for Moriah to be brought out to them, the officer from the prior day approached them.
“Good morning. Am I to assume that I can close this out?” He asked looking more to Hassan than Nadine.
“Yeah. Get rid of it. We not doin that.” Hassan informed him.
Nadine sucked her teeth. “How long can we think on it?” She ignored Hassan staring at the side of her face, keeping her eyes on the uncomfortable officer. “Well?”
“24 hours but ma’am, I don’t think that’s a good idea. She seems like a good kid and she had a really rough day and night yesterday. I think she gets the point.” He explained. He hoped she listened or Hassan would make her listen. 
“Rough, you say? What happened?” She pushed with a small smirk.
Before he could elaborate, another officer came from the back with Moriah. She looked worn out, her hair was a mess and there were tear stains on her face. Seeing her made the smirk on Nadine’s face grow
“Daddy,” Moriah sobbed softly. She walked into his arms, breaking into a full blown sob as soon as her head hit his chest. 
Fire rose in his chest feeling his daughter’s sobs shake her body as well as his own. This was something that he wasn’t going to let go as easily as he knew Nadine was hoping. The officer took Hassan’s answer as the final answer and handed Nadine some paperwork before bidding them a good day. 
“Are you hurt? Are you okay? Did they bother you?”
Upon getting back to the house, Hassan carried his daughter to her room and sat on the side of the bed talking to her. She moved around her room to get a change of clothes so that she could shower.
“My side and back hurts,” she answered softly, trying not to cry. “They wouldn’t leave me alone. They took my pillow and my blanket too.”
“I’m so sorry, Rye. What happened to your side and back?”
“They had these bunks in there for us and they put me on the second. The girl under me,” she paused to wipe her tears, “She wanted to be on that bunk and told me to move. I told her no because I didn’t wanna get in trouble and because Zay said not to let them punk me.”
Hassan chuckled a bit at that. “I’m listening.”
“She kept telling me to move and I kept telling her no then she pushed me off the bunk to the floor.”
His brows furrowed. “What? What did the officers do?”
“Nothing,” she cried, “They just said to stop playing around. One girl in there was nice to me though. They bothered her too.”
Hassan tried to hide his anger from his daughter, not wanting to upset her more. “I’m glad you’re outta there. And don’t worry about nothing, I’m not gonna let your mama press charges. Okay?”
Moriah nodded solemnly.
“Good. You shower and take a nap. When you get up, I’ll take you to see Isayah and get you some food. Sounds good?”
“Yeah. Thank you, Daddy.”
“You’re my babygirl. You never have to thank me.”
As soon as he heard the shower running, Hassan went to the master bedroom where Nadine was lying across the bed on the phone and watching television. She rolled her eyes, muting the television.
“Can I help you, Hassan?”
“Hang up the phone.” He demanded calmly.
“For what? I’m talking to my sister.”
Hassan took a deep breath. “Unless you want your sister to hear me chew yo ass out, I suggest you hang it up.”
Nadine’s frown deepened hearing her sister laugh which was the only reason she hung the phone up. She sat up, moving to the side of the bed. “If you think you’re gonna chew me out about the charges then you’re mistaken. Might as well turn back around and leave my room. I don’t give a damn what you say, I’m doing it.”
“So you think I’m gonna let you do that to her? Is that what you think?”
“It's not what I think,” she sassed with a smirk, “It’s what I know. She’s gonna learn her lesson.”
“At what cost, Nadine? They pushed her off the top bunk! They took her shit and would not leave her be! That was only 24 hours in there!”
“Good!” She screamed jumping up. “Good! And I hope they lock her ass up for a whole year so them girls can do worse! Her ass deserves it!”
Hassan’s nostrils flared and his heart sunk at her words. He started to pace back and forth, keeping his eyes on his ex-wife. He took notice of her trembling hands and the way she nervously switched her weight from hip to hip.
“Just cause she cried to you, you think she learned her lesson and she didn’t. She just knows that a few tears will get you to lay off but that don’t work on me!”
“You pushing it, Nadine! You really pushing it!”
Nadine approached him, jabbing her finger into his chest. “Yeah and what are you gonna do about it, huh? What is Hassan gonna do about it? I do what the hell I want and there’s nothing that you can do or say about it!”
He grabbed her hand, roughly pushing her away from him. “If you press charges after I told you not to, I’m gonna take her with me and you’ll never see her again. I’ll make sure of it.”
“You can’t take her!”
Hassan caught her hand just as it came up to slap him. “I can and I will. If I have to move back here or fly her back and forth to see her friends every other weekend then I will if it means she’s away from your ass. Try me.”
“You’re really gonna take her away from me?” She asked with tears in her eyes. “She’s my baby. All I have left since you left me.”
Hassan again roughly let her hand go. “Oh now you care? You only want her for selfish reasons so keep the water works to yourself.”
“The only reason I did any of this is because I care about her well-being and how she turns out, Hassan!” She cried. “I care unlike the rest of you!”
“Bullshit,” he spat. “But you heard what I said, if you do that I’m taking her with me and you know I will.”
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While their parents spoke, Zilla and Moriah went to his bedroom to talk. As soon as he closed and locked his door, he went to his best friend wrapping his arms around her tightly, letting her cry on his chest. He never knew what to say in these situations but he knew that giving her physical comfort was the next next thing. They stood in their embrace for a few minutes before she pulled away, he pulled her to sit on his bed with him. 
“You ain’t let them hoes bother you, did you?” He asked, making her smile a little.
“I tried not to. It was hard.” She admitted softly.
He sucked his teeth. “You know what I told you, Fat. What they do?”
Moriah told him the same thing she had told her father earlier. “But I’m okay, Zay.”
Ignoring her words, he lifted the sides of her shirt and the back to check her out. Gingerly, he touched the small bruise on her left side making his hiss and move away from his touch.
“You ain’t okay, that shit hurt, Fat. You ain’t beat they ass?”
“No,” she frowned, “I didn’t wanna get in any more trouble and have to stay even longer.”
He sighed heavily. “I get that but if your mom stay on that bullshit then you goin back in there and they gon remember that you ain’t do shit about them fucking with you.”
“My dad said she’s not gonna.”
“But we both know how she is, Fat.”
She huffed lying back on his bed. “I trust him, you need to trust him too. I’ll be fine.”
He rubbed her thigh trying to comfort her. “Aight, Fat. You gon call your new friend? What was her name?”
“Her name is Dreka. I gave her my number to call me. She’s a runaway too.”
“Too?” He asked, laughing. “You get caught sneakin out one time and now you a runaway. Yeah aight, Fat.”
She pushed at his back laughing. “Shut up. I been locked up, Ima thug now. I’ll shank you.”
“Ooooh, I’m so scared.” He joked.
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“Hassan, I really am sorry about this. Don’t worry, if I have to make him sleep in my bed I will make sure they don’t do that again.”
Hassan waved her off taking a drink of his soda. “No, no. You don’t gotta apologize. It was Rye’s choice too. The person that should be apologizing is Nadine.”
“Can’t argue with that,” she chuckled. “‘Please tell me that she’s not thinking of pressing charges still.”
“She’s not and if she does, she knows what’ll happen.”
Leata raised a brow, interested. “And what’s that?”
“I’m gonna take Rye with me and she’ll never see her again.” He answered with a straight face. 
Leata was conflicted. She would be glad to get Moriah away from Nadine but she’d miss the girl and knew her son would. And she wouldn’t want Hassan in any trouble.
“You think she’d let you just take her like that?”
He smiled at her. “She doesn’t have to let me do anything. As far as the courts and the system is concerned, I have sole custody of Moriah. Not joint, not none of that. Sole custody.”
“Wait … what?” She laughed. “How the hell did you pull that off? When were you gonna tell me? And why the hell is she not with you?”
He laughed heartily at her reaction, giving her a shrug. “She wanted certain things in the divorce and I had a counter for each of them. In this case, she wanted to keep living in the house and I got sole custody of Rye. She’s not with me because she didn’t want to leave her friends, school and Zay. She said she could handle four more years with her. So that’s why I didn’t tell anybody. But Nadine knows so she should act accordingly.”
“Wow … gave up custody for a house.” Leata shook her head, thinking. “Albeit a nice house but you said live in, not own.”
“Yup,” he grinned, going to take another sip, “She wanted me to keep paying the bills and figured if I gave it to her outright I wouldn’t pay them.”
“She thought she was playing you but she played herself cause there’s no way you wouldn’t pay the bills if Moriah was still there.”
“Exactly but here we are.”
“I always told her that she was too smart for her own good,’ she chuckled, “So where do we go from here?”
Hassan rubbed through his beard. “I’m gonna talk to Zay, you’re gonna talk to Rye and hopefully get them both on the same page with us about everything so that we can all have some sort of peace. Cause I’m getting too old for this shit with her.”
“I hear that but okay good plan. Also, I wanted to share something with you.”
“What’s up?”
“After we got home yesterday, I talked to Isayah to see how long the two of them had been sneaking out and everything,” she explained in a low tone, “He said it’s been about four or five months. I asked him if they were having sex, he told me no and he didn’t get an attitude or anything when I asked so I believed him. He said they only kissed one time.”
Hassan could sense the other thought lingering in the air.
“I’m not entirely sure how long that’s gonna last. They’re coming around to the fact that they like each other and find each other attractive. If you don’t mind, I was going to have a little talk with Rye because I know Nadine isn’t and if she does it won’t be helpful.”
Hassan nodded thinking about her offer. “Yeah, yeah … that’s fine with me. I’ll slide that into my talk with Zay. You think we’ll make it outta these high school years without a baby?” He joked.
Leata laughed so hard she started to cough. “Hassan, I hate you but honestly we’re probably not getting out of them without a baby or a baby scare and God help us all if there’s an actual baby.”
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bloody-cupcakes · 22 days
Jason Dean x yandere/dark! reader; you surprise him with slushies for breakfast
Tw: yandere/dark content, gender neutral reader, suggestive stuff/frank sex talk as well as implied sex/smutish activities, mentions of insomnia, implied murder, the reader is very clingy and affectionate with JD (almost to a smothering amount but he doesn't mind), this is one of the more tame things I've written tbh
A/N: this is a twist on the "one character gets a blue drink and the other gets a red so naturally their tongues become purple by making out" trope. I literally wrote this in thirty minutes so I could have something posted for heathers day, which is September 1st, so if this sucks then that's why and I'm sorry (and then I got distracted and forgot so it's a day late oops)
JD used to think he hated sleeping in general, but after meeting you he just realized he hated sleeping alone. Laying in bed after downing half a bottle of melatonin gummies while waiting for sleep to kick in wasn't exactly his idea of a good time. Lucky for him, you had plenty ways of resolving that issue.
Admittedly, they did a pretty good job at working effectively given that most of them involved you physically wearing him out. Whether it was with murder or sex, either way certainly made it easier for him to slip into a state of exhaustion and conk out as soon as his head hit the pillow.
He didn't mind much. In fact, the act of you tiring him out as quickly as possible once he complained about being unable to sleep was one that he quite enjoyed. He preferred to stay with you anyway. There was nothing at his house that made it worth sticking around other than the few vague personal effects of his, and most of them he'd transferred over to your place already.
The sun was already starting to peek through the blinds when he woke up, which signified he must've slept for a good long while. That didn't surprise him given just how late the two of you had stayed up the night before, but what did surprise him was your absence. Usually you waited until he woke up to leave the bed, or at the very least told him if you were going to get up.
Thank god you walked into the room a few minutes later, because otherwise he would've started to panic, and that was definitely not something he wanted to be doing so early in the morning.
"Hey, baby," you greeted as you kicked off your shoes and set two large Styrofoam cups you'd gotten from the 7/11 near your house on the nightstand. "Did you sleep well?"
JD could practically feel his heartbeat start to slow back down once he saw you. You hadn't abandoned him, you just went out to get some slushies. No problem.
"Mh, yeah," he mumbled groggily as he sat up in the bed, watching you slip off his trenchcoat and toss it to the side. If he had been more awake, the sight of you wearing his clothes would've given him an instant boner, but the drowsiness he still felt was currently cancelling that out.
"Good, I'm glad." You sat down on the bed next to him, gently smoothing his messy hair back from his face before handing him one of the Styrofoam cups. "Here, I know how much you crave slushies the night after sex."
He gladly took the cup from you, immediately taking a big sip. "Thanks." It still felt weird, having someone being so affectionate and loving with him after everything he'd been through. A huge part of him felt like he didn't deserve it, but he knew you'd never leave him even if that was true. Something about how attached you were should've been unnerving, but JD was pretty unnerving himself so he wasn't bothered by it.
"Did you seriously wear your pajamas to go get slushies?" He asked after a moment, his brain finally catching up as he began to wake up more. The cold, sweet drink in his hands certainly helped matters.
"Well, I wasn't going to put on real clothes," you insisted lightheartedly before drinking some of your own slushie, which just so happened to be the opposite color of his. "Besides, we both know they're not going to stay on much longer anyway."
"Oh god," he muttered under his breath, though he was unable to keep the faint smirk of amusement off his face when you said that.
"Here, lemme have your drink for a moment." You placed both cups back on the nightstand before grabbing his face and pulling him in for a hungry kiss. He suddenly became very aware of the fact that he was only wearing a pair of boxers as he hadn't gotten properly dressed yet.
"C'mon, I wasn't finished," he complained with a slight huff even as he let you push him flat onto his back with no other protest.
"You can finish later. For now, I say we take the blue and red from our drinks and make purple." Your voice came out in a low tease when you spoke, your body hovering over his as you leaned down to capture his lips in another kiss.
Both of your tongues were successfully colored purple and your drinks were no longer cold when you were done, but it was so worth it.
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junkiepunkie · 1 month
Whats that? You want a sneak peek of the next chapter in my wolfstar fic that'll be posted in a few hours? Sure! Here's a flashback scene that comes to Remus in a dream...
December 24th, 1976.
It was getting close to midnight, to the day Sirius and Remus would finally get to join the rest of their friends at the Potter house for their annual Christmas celebrations. Remus had been going since third year, and Sirius since fourth, so they knew the drill. They'd go by flu early the next morning and music would be blaring while presents were being flung from Dorcas to Mary and from Mary to Pete and so on. This year it was even rumoured that Regulus Black may make a brief appearance under the guise of some meeting with Barty. The whole thing always had Remus' nerves working overtime, especially considering the moon was only a day ago. What if he was just as tired as he was now? What if he killed the mood with his new wounds? and how could he explain Sirius'. 
It had all gone wrong. Remus was meant to spend the full moon alone, content with enduring some nasty injuries if it meant not seeing Sirius until he absolutely had to. It had only been a month since the prank, and the boy still weren't on talking terms, but Sirius -stubborn as ever- had decided somehow that it would be a good idea to surprise Remus by staying behind for the holiday and joining him on the full moon. The wolf had freaked out, the betrayal in Remus' head over the prank overriding their usual bond, and clawed Sirius' dog form across one leg. The dog fought back on instinct of course -getting a good few bites and scratches on the wolf's torso- and so suddenly there was a fight. Lucky for Sirius, the wolf had heard some distant cry and got distracted after only one more scratch that wrapped around his lower waist and up his back. The dog had fled by the time the wolf refocused, and the rest of the moon played out almost normally. 
When Remus had woken, Sirius was asleep and just outside the shack, curled up in a ball shivering like Remus always had to on the nights he spent in the decrepit building. Both boys were covered in blood and cuts. He had carried Sirius upstairs and dressed his own wounds while he waited for the boy to wake up. Sirius eventually did, but not until late afternoon, when his gashes were expertly bandaged by the taller boy who'd caused them.
That took them to where they were as the clock closed in on midnight, sitting, record player up loud as they drowned in Bowie record after Bowie record, neither talking at all. The song switched from suffragette city to rock and roll suicide, causing Sirius to snap. The boy stood suddenly, teary eyed and wearing nothing but a vest and a small skirt Remus had handed him from the lost and found so he could wear something that wasn't tight against the bandages on his inner thigh. 
"dance with me." he whispered, so quietly Remus barely believed he'd heard it at all.
Remus looked up at him blankly.
"why?" he scoffed
"because I need you to-"
"yeah? well I'm still not over you trying to murder snap-"
"I DON'T NEED YOU TO FORGIVE ME REMUS!! I JUST- I just need you... us to dance."
The second the first tear streamed down Sirius' cheek Remus was out of his seat and holding him, swaying as easily as most people breathed. He hated Sirius, he reminded himself, but seeing him cry? That wasn't torturing Sirius that was torturing himself. Sirius wrapped his hands round his neck and sobbed into his torso and for a moment their common room was the whole world. 
That world got smaller as the next verse of the song began and Sirius maneuvered his head to be laying on Remus' shoulder, and gently pressed a kiss to the taller boys neck. Remus felt a shiver run up his spine. They had been snogging back and fourth for years, but this was further somehow, more intimate than a kiss on the lips, his head fell back to give Sirius more access to his scarred skin. Sirius allowed a sad smile to be felt against Remus neck as he sucked on the boys pulse point. Remus almost jumped.
"What're you doing?" he asked cautiously "Sirius we aren't..."
Sirius' wet, sad yet beautiful face looked up at Remus "shh... we aren't together, you hate me... I just- I want to give you one happy injury. One good scar." 
It was Remus' turn to cry as he felt Sirius go back to creating a hickey. Remus pulled away, scaring Sirius into thinking he'd overstepped for a split-second, and raised a fingernail to his new mark, without hesitation tearing his skin with it, following the shape of the risen skin.
"there," he sighed wiping any small traces of blood that came from the shallow wound. "werewolf's touch means its permanent."
Sirius began crying again and rushed back into Remus' arms. Remus held him, allowing his hand to run under the thin fabric of Sirius' vest and caressing the edges of the boys new scars, the parts that weren't hidden under a layer of gauze.
Sirius spoke, his words muffled against Remus' skin "bite me."
The music, everything, stopped. Remus hunched to Sirius' level and locked eyes with his icy blues. The smaller boy just stared back, his eyes stinging and tinged red.
"I think- I think that's the only way you'll forgive me. You know? If I become one of you. If I feel the pain." 
Remus laughed gently. "oh baby no. No... I love you too much for that."
The air thickened around them. That was the first time he'd said that he loved Sirius. Everything had been passed off as being "between friends" up until this moment. Sirius didn't answer with words, he just pulled Remus' face down to his neck and held it there. Remus smiled,
"this doesn't turn you into a werewolf you know? It just makes you a little more like me."
Sirius pressed his head down farther, "I would die for you. To be with you. Please."
It wasn't a question, it was a demand. Remus did as he was told. Sirius sank to his knees, dragging Remus down with him and then it all flooded back in. The music, the world, the future. Remus broke away and flopped to the ground, laying down inches from the fireplace, and Sirius followed suit. 
"forgiven?" he pleaded.
Remus shook his head. "loved."
Sirius giggled. "I think I can work with that."
Remus turned to face the man he loved, brushing their noses together sweetly. 
Sirius grinned, placing a hand to the new bite on his neck and another on Remus' new mark. He met Remus' eyes peacefully.
"Moony, one day i'm going to marry you."
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kaeyas-beloved · 2 years
Class 1-A with reader who's a high school detective? Or rather, UA's secret high school detective? Kinda like with Detective Conan! She helps the police solve cases, which she always gets right not through any Quirk but through logic and smarts. It's possible that she has a lot of excuse notes if she's ever late for school, or if she has to leave early to help with an extremely serious case. I bet a bunch of kids will be jealous until they figure out the reason behind her absences,
Characters: Class 1A
Genre: General/Humor/Fluff + Fic/Bulletpoints
CW: gn!reader (you/your/they/them)
a/n: 1) I've never actually watched Detective Conan (yet)! Is it any good? 2) This idea kinda grew on me when I started writing this, I think it's a really cool idea. Thank you for requesting anon, I'm really sorry for the long wait and I hope you enjoy! (and sorry for any OOCness, it's been some time since I watched BnHA but I still wanted to finish this)
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Class 1A w/ a Secret Detective Reader
"Heyyyy it's (L/N)! On time for once are ya?" instantly your head snapped up at the cheerful call, blond hair with a streak of black catching your eye. Finishing off a note within the margin, you straighten and stretch for the first time in what felt like weeks. Both hearing and feeling that oh so satisfying pop you relax, offering the male and the group behind a tired smile. Briefly, you couldn’t help but wonder how Kaminari (and honestly everyone else) had so much energy this early in the morning. Though, upon remembering that they don't spend hours pouring through case files you brush the thought away quickly.
"Hmph, that's a first," the spiky, rough-around-the-edges ash blond tuts. You pay his comment no mind, something between a tired huff and a laugh passes through your lips, it's not like he's wrong.
"Heh, the world must be ending." Though you spoke in nothing but a mutter most heard your follow up. Good natured laughter fills the room, you included in its chorus.
It’s no secret that you're tardy more often than not. At the beginning, most didn’t know how to interpret your routine of a flimsy excuse notes in hand and a rushed apologizing. Were you not used to early morning classes? Traffic hold you up? Are you late on purpose perhaps?
“No, no and no,” you reassured one afternoon. Then why? someone asked, to which you left them with a flamboyant “I'm saving the world!” Everyone was quick to drop it back then - not out of respect, but because they knew if they're getting a dumb, zealous answer like that then they can kiss a real answer goodbye.
Of course, behind the scenes many were dying to know your real reasons. They theorized, sharing their thoughts with one another when you aren’t around. Hell, Kaminari, Mina, Sero and a select few all going as far as to make a post it board, red sting tying info together and all. After all, if Aizawa is always there, ready to deliver a quick and light scolding the second you try to sneak to your seat mid-lesson, it can't be that bad, right? Unfortunately, to this day your secret remains shrouded in mystery.
Your sly joke from mere moments ago sparked a large, seemingly never-ending conversation with the class. In your defense, you did try to stay on task, but really, how could you not spend some time with your friends? Not to mention that it's been far too long, the police and UA keeping you busy. A break is just what you need to stay in tip-top shape.
Attention pulled far from your gloomy detective work, the atmosphere felt light, carefree within the room as everyone talked and had fun. A welcomed change.
The rolling of the classroom doors puts an abrupt stop to the merriment. Being around long enough to know the routine, every teen made their way to their respective seats.
Aizawa said nothing at first, standing dead in his spot in the doorway. No one dared to whisper their concerns about if something happened, but it was safe to say everyone felt on edge.
Finally, he speaks, "(L/N)."
At once their world came to a screeching halt, twenty pairs of eyes darting between yourself and the teacher. Other than when you're late, you never get called out right off the bat, never mind the tone used.
Silence stretched on for several agonizing seconds, not one soul making a sound. Tension only rose when a few caught sight of the police chief out in the hall, additional officers on either side.
Shock morphs into fear. What's happened? Are you in trouble? Have you done something wrong? Got mixed up with the wrong crowd? With each new thought that pops up in their minds a disgustingly familiar feeling grows, threatening to consume them whole. Just as a group of students open their mouths to finally say something, defend your innocence, demand answers, the squeak of your chair being pushed back cuts it all off.
…How are you so calm?
Clear as day you appear unbothered. As if it doesn't appear that your arrest is upon you. So, is it just a cover? A way to hide the fear pumping through your system?
As you stand and walk further and further away from them all, Aizawa hot on your heels, the class is left to wonder if history is repeating. Are they about to be so paralyzed that they'll fail to protect a friend once more?
"Don't do anything stupid. We'll be back shortly," Aizawa's gruff voice says and the door shuts.
-- --
They're already planning your prison break, the sweethearts <3
Most rationale has left the room since no explanation makes sense other than worst-case :/
It's Bakugou - who just so happens to sit next to you - and all his smarts that loudly demands everyone to "calm the hell down", quickly adding that "they're not going to jail you cry-babies, they work for them."
Of course that does nothing to remedy the situation. What does Bakugou know? It takes the ash-blond shoving your discarded case documents into everyone's unsuspecting faces for them to believe him.
Cue a loud chorus of "THEY'RE A DETECTIVE!?" Which is true, you are in fact a detective. Or, a part-time one at least, if the scrawled Detective Work in your writing was anything to go by. Safe to say some of your closest friends are somewhat hurt you didn't tell them. Don't worry they get over it quickly, they've plenty of time to harass you, seeing as you’ve just walked back into the room.
And seeing how everyone is staring at you, multiple papers scattered between the group it's not hard to piece things together.
"The cat's outta the bag I suppose," you get ready for the storm that's coming your way, sitting back down and taking a deep breath.
No teaching was done that day.
Like most reveals that happen, things settle back to normal after a week. Now instead of getting asked why you were late your friends are asking for all the juicy details of your case (none of which you can actually tell them). Doesn't stop some from asking every time though,,,,
Feel free to talk to them seriously. You might not be able to tell them much, but if you're in a slump and need to talk it out with someone they're more than willing to listen. You'll either figure it out on your own or they'll end up saying something that makes everything click :)
You're no longer just UA's detective but Class 1-A's personal super sleuth now. Something's missing? Better call Sherlock Holmes. And with this bunch, you're going to get called a lot. You could make a profit if you started to charge them :|
I can definitely see them bringing you snacks/meals and something to drink if you're stuck working long hours or late into the night <3 Like they'll see your light on and they'd make sure to stop by the kitchen just so they can drop off something for you on their way back.
Stressful or upsetting case? These guys are the best at distracting you. Bakusquad will drag you out to play some video games in one of their rooms or at an arcade. If that's not something you're into or you're not in the mood you can always train with someone and let out some steam that way. Or or or the girls will gladly take you out shopping with them!
Many are more than willing to help you catch up on classwork. They understand that balancing class, being a detective for the school and an internship is no easy task
If you're ever gone for a long period of time because your work takes you out of town or something be ready for a warm welcome back and hugs the moment you walk through the door :)
Oh, and you're absolutely right Anon, no less than 80% of the class is jealous you get to leave early and they remain that way even after learning why lol. "Oh to be a detective and get to leave early!" Literally all of them at one point or another with their own way of saying it.
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jvnluvr · 2 years
in the rain; scara ♡
school au, scara x f!reader
author’s note: the amount of time i take in between posts is horrifying, i deeply apologize. i’m here to make content based off my own soft thoughts, i hope you guys enjoy them. <3 as always, please enjoy this late night fluff.
- school; 7:45am -
“scara! wait up! for- for someone so short, you walk really fast.” you say, panting as you finally caught up to him at the end of the hallway. he turns around, looking at you with that very demeaning aura.
“and you’ve got a lot of nerve for saying that, when you’re shorter than me, love.” your eyes widen slightly as you look up at him, but the only thing visible on scare’s face is a wide smirk. clearly you are taken aback by his remark, so you quickly turn around and walk back to your locker down the hall- well, at least that’s what you try to do as he grabs your wrist to turn you back.
“what’s wrong? cat got your tongue? you just love to speak to me with such an attitude right? then how come you get so cut-.. flustered when i say something back? hm?” all you can feel is your ears turning red as he interrogates as you look down, only to realize that his hand is still on yours.
“huh.. his hand is so warm.. i kind of want to stay like this…” you think to yourself until you feel scara lifting your chin up with his finger.
“uh..! you can’t just call me those nicknames you know! i tease you like any normal person, but when you call me that it feels like my heart is gonna explode! it’s not the same!” your eyes widen again as he stares at you. coming to terms with what you said, you quickly tug your hand back and run. you keep thinking about what you said and your face feels hot. there’s no choice though, whether you like it or not, you still have to go through school.
on the other hand, scara is still stuck in the same spot you left him. “..hah, she’s so cute sometimes. what did she say? her heart will explode? hm.. if only she realized what she does to me everyday. oh well, it’s hopeless.” he sighs a bit and walks off to class too.
- lunch; 11:56am -
“i can’t believe i said that to him! what does he think of me now?” all of your friends chuckle as they hear you whining and complaining about your encounter with scara in the morning. your head is on the table, you fear that if you look up you’ll either be tomato red or scara will show up around you.
“i think you’re just overreacting [name], i mean, even if he theoretically found out you had feelings for him, i think he would say he likes you back.” one of your friends say, laughing as another one chimes in.
“yeah, [name]! i really don’t understand why you’re so worried. have you even seen the way he looks at you? you look up at the comment that your other friend just made. you saw everyone agreeing, while you sat there in confusion.
“what..? saw the way… he looked at me..?”
you and scara have known each other since school started. you both had a love hate relationship with each other. at least that was the best way to describe it. he would keep bullies away from you while also doing things that your bullies did. you always found him.. so confusing yet so fascinating. something about him grew on you. was it his eyes, his face, his hair, his hands, his warmth..? he treated you like you were special, like you were worth something. you just had to hide your feelings though, there’s no way scara would like someone like you.. he was.. you didn’t think he would like someone at all.
“oi. why are you staring into space? [name]?” you finally snap out of it when you see scara staring at you again. you quickly turn away in embarrassment.
“scara?! what are you doing here?” you yelp and you could have sworn you heard a soft chuckle from him.
“i’m taking you somewhere stupid. sure know your friends wouldn’t mind me stealing you for a little, ain’t it right?” all your friends giggle as they comply to sacra’s statement. you try and refuse but one of your friends is already pushing you into scara’s arms.
“we’ll see you afterschool, [name]! have funnn~” you can’t even form coherent words as scara grabs your wrist once again and dragging you out of the cafeteria.
-library- 12:07pm-
“why are we even-” the only time you’re able to form words is when scara has you pinned against a wall.
“you’re acting weird today.” he states. you look up at him and he has that same blank expression as he usually does. sometimes, you wish you could even try to comprehend his thoughts.
“i could literally say the same for you. why have you dragged me here, scara?” you gulp a little after saying that. your stomach is starting to fill with butterflies, you feel nervous. what if it’s bad news? what if he-
“can you relax, pretty? i’m not gonna hit you or anything.” your body tenses up again. why does he keep calling you these nicknames? it’s just making you more nervous. not to mention your bodies are barely centimetres apart.
“w-why do you keep doing that? can you just tell me what you want already?” it sounds a bit harsh coming from you, but you’re honestly dying to hear what he has to say.
“i like you, stupid. god. for someone so smart in school, you tend to utterly fail when it comes to human behaviour.” you can only giggle a little when he says that.
“i think this is the part where i say i’ve liked you for as long as i can remember.” he smiles softly after seeing your wide smile. scara loves seeing you happy, it’s so adorable.
“now i think this is the part where i kiss you.” he says leaning down. you wrap your arms around him as the distance closes between you two. the air is heavy but it just feels so right. like you have waited for this day. it was the one thing you were yearning for.
“you- hah- can no longer stay more than 5 centimetres away from me.” scara says while kissing your cheek.
“protective much? i much rather just be hugging you all day and everyday.” you retort and you can feel his smile against your shoulder.
“that would be been better.”
“shouldn’t we head to class now?”
“yeah, but meet me outside the side entrance right after class ends okay?” he says and you’re a bit confused by the specifics.
“alright then..? i’ll see you later.” you stand on your toes to give him another kiss. you hold hands until you depart to your separate classes, while your heart yearns to stay by his side.
-after school; 3:06pm-
you carry your bag as you open the door to the side entrance. you see scara sitting on the stair railway. then you notice that the sky is gloomy and the rain is pouring down. you wondered why he was sitting in the rain so normally.
“scara? why are you sitting in the rain?” his eyes immediately dart up as he sees you standing there, starting to take your umbrella out.
“leave the umbrella, come sit with me.” he says, grabbing your hand as he leads you to sit next to him.
“today has been.. amazing. i’m really glad things turned out the way they did. i know me acting like this isn’t normal, but get used to it. i cant wait to treat you the way you have been deserving of it, princess.” he says while turning to you.
you are more than glad that is raining right now, cause the tears falling down your face are easily concealed by the rain. not for scara though.
“why are you crying, love? was it something i said?-”
“i love you. i love you so much.”
“i love you more.”
some people feel the rain- others just feel wet.
but with you,
as long as rains, my love for you will only increase.
- in the rain.
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