#also because starscream is a little shit
solannecontinuum · 1 year
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Absolute machines.
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i wish we got to see the rescue bots interacting with the decepticons and being met with fear. but like the fear is from the decepticons tho
also the chaos that comes with the rescue bots having no sense of self preservation/awareness and being blunt as shit. like these guys are probably just as mean if not meaner (heatwave pls chill) than the decepticons. they bitch at each other more than any other team for sure, and they do it to everyone around them too.
knockout keeps getting roasted bc of his vanity. heatwave wont stop doing starscream’s voice perfectly and using it to mock him. chase just told megatron his ship is in terrible condition and does he even take care of it? boulder accidentally implied shockwave’s experiments are ridiculous. blades intentionally implied that right after tho so everyone forgot about boulder. soundwave is losing his shit bc how did he not detect these guys, they flew under his radar, lazerbeak no dont play with the firetruck he's crazy and so is the dog.
after everyone calms down a little the decepticons realize they really like these bots (especially bc starscream hates them) (heatwave please stop doing the voice its really good but still) and they start vibing. megs offers them some cocaine dark energon to snort look at. breakdown lobs with heatwave and loses his shit when he realizes this little guy is way better than him (he learns hw was a champion and loses it even more). blades tries to hang out with dreadwing but that guys really scares him so he ends up following the others around. chase tries to educate the vehicons on their workers rights (they mostly zone out because he kept talking for like three hours). boulder does upgrades on their ship and becomes friends with soundwave and shockwave for being chiller and smarter than the others (hes the wave whisperer or something).
optimus is understandably losing his mind at this new development (no, megatron, you cannot “borrow” the rescue bots for a few days. wha— NO you can’t have SHARED CUSTODY!) (he’s worried about his kids). this is how the other autobots learn about the rescue bots too. bumblebee can’t stand knockout’s constant references to him and blades (“we’re JUST FRIENDS knockout. don’t look at me like that”)
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the-final-sif · 11 months
I need to hop back into my transformers bullshit for just a moment because I don't think they've had much interaction in canon, but I think it'd be really really funny if Tarn was actually terrified of Starscream.
Like, I dunno if MTMTE/IDW canon has confirmed Starscream's immortal spark for that particular series, but I'm going to assume it carries over. If so, it'd make Tarn's power basically useless against him.
In my ideal headcanon, Tarn got sick of Starscream's shit at some point and went against Megatron to try to murder him. He tried to do this subtly using his voice only for it to 100% not work even a little bit. He would've had this whole build up where he got Starscream alone and was attempting to be a dramatic bitch about the whole thing and build up to the murder and then-
And then it just doesn't work and there's a really awkward pause where Starscream is looking around kind of expecting something to happen when literally nothing does. Tarn is trying to keep a normal conversation going now while also attempting the murder again and again just for it to literally do nothing. Eventually Starscream gets sick of him being weird and walks out judging the guy.
It'd be so fucking funny particularly because Starscream having an immortal spark is generally totally unknown, so Tarn would have to assume that Starscream had found some way to render his ability useless, which is terrifying. Tarn is now extremely worried that Starscream somehow had a spy and found out what he was planning to do ahead of time. He might've even been able to get something into Tarn's head somehow to know his plan this well. Clearly that level of genius must be part of why Megatron keeps him around. Tarn was a fool for having attempted to disobey, and Starscream was clearly not a problem he could solve like this. What if Starscream reports this clear disobedience to Megatron? Tarn just tried and failed to kill the second in command! Starscream would have every right to demand his execution if he so desired, or save this as blackmail!
Tarn is just out of his mind spinning conspiracy theories and getting super high levels of paranoia about Starscream. Just doing whatever he can to not have to be in the same place as the guy. He runs under the assumption he's being blackmailed by Starscream for his attempt and does what he can to not cross the seeker.
Meanwhile from Starscream's perspective, Tarn showed up and had a very weird conversation where he kept raising his voice at random times and then nothing happened. Then the guy freaked out and got even more weird about it. He has no idea why this happened. He has no idea that Tarn is hiding from him. He thought it was weird and stopped thinking about it after a few days. Starscream's minding his own business and mostly forgot about this entire thing after two weeks meanwhile Tarn is having a mental breakdown about it for years.
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beemochi-art · 3 months
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Kaaaahhh!! *falls & eats the curb and drops all of my chaos Terran doodles.* BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING I KNOW CARS ISN’T DREAMWORKS!! I already got erm actually-ed. Spitfire and Am my poor doomed kids.
For both their designs I took a lil spin on it. For Am this the way I like to draw him. He acts gross so now he can look gross. He also doesn’t look baby in the show so meh, No further comments.
For Spitfire I gave her features that make look stronger and meaner even tho she’s mostly supposed to look just like Twitch. To me there is no point in drawing her just like twitch because the evil twin thing can be ruled out because they are completely different colors and they also went with the body swap thing. So I think making her look stockier and emo is more fun. I should draw a side-by-side comparison sometime.
Spoiler S2 rant* I get a little bit into delulu land so bear with me.
Jokes aside. I liked the chaos Terrans and the way they were handled wasn’t right. I hope they are able to make a comeback In the future and get redeemed because they deserve it. I feel really bad for them. It’s like they were labeled as Chaos and not to be trusted from the beginning I don’t think anyone truly understood them. I get that the chaos Terrans had wronged the Malto’s multiple times from the start but I think the way they went about handling them was so laxed. They just let the decepticons have them so they could be further influenced into the wrong path. It’s like they were doomed from the start.
After all they were just kids. I’ve been labeled as the bad, dumb, asshole kid before. Most of my school days I was in special ED and I was also pretty high energy too. So I can relate, if you are already labeled as bad or dumb why try to be anything else? Or trying to be cool and hanging around the wrong crowd just to be taken advantage of in the end.
They weren’t completely chaos either. They listened to the Decepticons. Following orders till the very end, if they were chaotic like their name implying would they just not listen to anyone and do whatever they wanted without any care of anyone else? Here’s what I think. The chaos Terrans (mostly Spitfire.) we’re trying to impress what they perceived as the cooler badder bots. That’s some kid shit, most kids try to get in with the group of cool kids. Why not stay with the Maltos? Cause that’s not cool to them. Do you want to hang out with the teachers pet or steal and break shit.
In defense of Aftermath. He’s capable of playing nice, he’s not evil. Him and Jb had a relatively good day with each other. He didn’t out right attack on sight. I think he took the water cause he didn’t want to seem like a looser in his heavily flawed mindset. Am is more of an impediment of Chaos, he just smashes and breaks shit cause he can. Honestly I think if you him just take him to a rage room he’d be fine.
In defense of Spitfire (who is a wayy more complicated case.) She was literally born that morning how was she supposed to know not hurting humans was an autobot rule. I think deep down she was jealous of Twitch’s family and opportunities. She has a competitive spirit and I think she wanted that mission to impress the bigger bots (even if she was rude to them.) when she was in Twitch’s body and said things like Chaos Terrans are bad and not to be trusted I wound if she was projecting what she thought they were thinking about her already. When she was cast out and went with the decepticons was they don’t like me and they don’t like you either so I’ll just hang with you guys. With that being said she’s naive too (it’s fine BECAUSE SHES A KID.) see the way starscream tells her good job or touches her shoulder, she wants his approval and to make him just like all kids with their parents. And then when she is ultimately betrayed, she’s a deer in headlights, shocked and afraid, probably realizing that she provided the weapon needed to killer her and her brother. She looked up to Starscream. Showing her fear and shock by being betrayed like that really showed us that Spitfire is so much more than just a bad guy. It really made me sad when she was screaming and saying no, god she needed help.
None of the chaos Terrans had gotten the opportunity to really learn or get to find something they like to do. The other Terrans had plenty of time to think about an alt mode, learn lessons get nurtured and cared for. The chaos Terrans had to get their alt modes immediately both out of necessity. Most of the time Am was just wandering around bored, he wasn’t being nurtured or taught anything. The cons didn’t care about them at all, neither did the autobots or Maltos that much. 
Saying Chaos Terrans are going to chaos or decepticons are gonna do what they do. Is super incorrect. It’s just labeling and not expecting anything more from these individuals which goes against the entire point of season one.
HOLY CRAP IF YOU READ ALL THIS. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. Hopefully Some of this made sense.
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ghostingcrows · 1 year
I used to talk about this a lot but 
IDW Prowl is probably one of the most complex characters in the comics and I absolutely hate it when hes reduced down to “the asshole character”
Cause like
Yeah sure hes got a bit of a stick up his ass
But I feel like people just end there analysis of him there
Has he committed a lot of war crimes and done unethical stuff
But so has literally EVERYONE else in this universe
Starscream is literally the pinnacle of war crimes
The comics make a point calling out even Optimus for his questionable actions and orders during the war with the Dinobots saying he makes them do the dirty work for him
Megatron literally commits genocide and yet his story ends with an alternate version of him going free and exploring the universe with the LL
The literal war lord was treated better and is looked upon more positively than Prowl and I think it just came down to how fucked Prowl got by the writers
Because while Megatrons redemption was all in your face and you got a shit ton of flashbacks that try to justify the eventual atrocities he would commit you don’t get that with Prowl
Even when Prowl is absolutely in the right you constantly have it disregarded by characters making jokes about him overreacting (being mad OP is sending the space tyrant away with free reign of his own ship isn’t overreacting btw-) and as such you start to think of him as a genuinely irrational character when hes not
Prowl is bad at keeping the relationships he forms yes 
But he is not always at fault for that
While his relationship with CD ended poorly Chromedome is also shown to be kinda of a dick sometimes and commits his fair share of fucked up things such as when he literally ATTACKS PROWL AND FORCES HIS WAY INTO HIS MIND TO PROTECT HIMSELF FROM THE CONSEQUENCE OF HIS ACTIONS WHEN PROWL THREATENS TO TELL REWIND ABOUT THE SHITTY STUFF HE DID IN HIS PAST
This leads to Prowls inevitable snowball out of control when this attack leads to an opening for Bombshell (I think its been a while since I read the comics) to use his tech to mind control him forcing him into combining with the contructicons
Something we learn is an immensely intimate thing with their minds being kinda melded 
This was something Prowl did not want 
And when all was said and done and he was calmed down he still had to live with that gesalt he was forced into with them following him around like fanboys
Nobody ever even really stopped to check in on him 
And as such he understandable went a little bit insane
He had just faced an immensely traumatic invasion of his body and mind and on top of stress form feeling like everything was out of his control and like he couldn’t stop the bad things from happening alongside bitter emotions being brought back up with a return visit to Earth and reunion with spike AND the fact that he feels like Optimus doesn’t trust him and like hes just letting Starscream do whatever he want (something that understandably freaks him out seeing as how he spent 4 million years fighting Starscream) he just kinda snaps
He trys to destroy the space bridge so that no one else can leave or get through and so he can regain some semblance of control
Is it wrong
But he was not in a good state of mind and no one was helping him at all 
And immediately following his arrest afterward Prowl is confronted by OP who is supposed to be his friend and when Prowl doesn’t say the right things to him to placate him Optimus’ response is to punch him out a window and beat the shit out of him
And not being given any room to breath this is immediately follow up my him getting kidnapped by Tarantulas who is very obviously an impactful and negative part of his past
Prowl just has bad event, one after the other, happen to him over and over again and not only does no one check up on him afterwards to see if hes okay but everyone actively makes fun of him for being understandable unstable
Prowl is a fucking tragedy and not many people seem to be able to see beyond what characters in the comics think of him
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dragonridernoobie · 5 months
hi! What if decepticons had kidnapped the adopted son of Y/n (a deaf-mute boy), how would they treat him? (Soundwave treats him like his own child)
I will try my best!
Megatron has ordered to capture a human from the autobot team. When the drones returned with a human, it wasent even on from the autobot team. It was just some deaf mute human child. Megatron was upset but he told them that they cannot return the human since he dosent want the autobots to catch wind of this. So he assigned 4 decpticons (including himself) to take care of this human.
Ok, I can see knockout/Breakdown taking care of the boy.
I mean comone, they act like a married couple and they would 10000% treat reader as their sparkling.
They would spoile the boy.
With communication, I can see them learning ASL if the boy already knows it, and if not, he would have to write down his question and more.
I can also see knockout making a device that speaks for him.
Breakdown will let the boy watch him when he trains.
He won't give a shit about the boy.
Not at first ofcorse.
At first, he would be offended that he has to take care of a useless being.
I think he would only care for the boy when the boy keeps trying to show kindness to him.
Once starscream sees the boy is actally sweet and he accepted that he finally has a friend, he will care for him.
Starscream is very caring for the boy to, also very portecrive.
Soundwave is intresting.
Soundwave I can see having a immediate bond with the boy.
He will understand the struggle of not being able to speak.
He would take the boy underneath his wing and show him ASL if he doesn't already know it.
He will also let his little pet con watch over him (I forgot the name of the little dude😭)
Soundwave will always watch the boy if he was with some one else's care.
He did not want his son friend to get hurt
He will also support and help knockout in making a device that helps the boy speak.
Ok, this dude is worse then starscream.
He won't even let himself get close to the boy.
He would set the boy somewhere he can watch him and just leave him alone.
I think he would only start building a friendship with the boy if the boy dose somthing he likes.
I can see megatron finally letting himself build a bond with the boy if he catches him copying his moves while he trains.
He will be amused by how the boy will fall on his aft because he tried to copy him.
I think that's when megatron will finally take him underneath his wing and teach him how to fight.
Hope you enjoy this!
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starscoffeecreamer · 5 months
Concept: Starscream knocks up Megatron (mostly so he can do the whole "Megatron has fallen pregnant! I, Starscream," bit) but it sort of backfires because seeing Megatron huge and round activates sire instincts, and he wants nothing more than to stick by meg's side and give him all the transfluid he can muster so his bitlets develop nice and healthy
"Megatron has fallen pregnant, I, Starscream, am now your new leade- oh shit uh wtf, I actually feel paternal wtf i didn't expect this" -Starscream
That would be hilarious. He does it so Megs can't run the cons so he could, but then finds himself also unable to lead them because he's practically sticking to Megatron's hip
That leaves Soundwave to control the cons, and what would make it funnier is if he was Sparked as well so now they don't have any fully functional leaders and just kind of scream out random battle stuff when fighting and scurry around like little ants
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weenwrites · 10 months
*sounds of crashing, fire alarm, smoke and chaos in other room, comes tumbling into your ask box falling on my face, quickly getting up and dusting self* hey there! How you doing? Wanted to ask for HC with TFP Soundwave, Megatron, WheelJack with human reader where they switch minds due to some relic or something? (it's temporary or till they get the relic to work again) how would they react? How would the whole thing go? Pretty sure Megatron won't be too pleased lol, established romantic relationship, they been together long enough to know a bit more about each other and be a bit vulnerable.
also a bit of a thing for Soundwave (extremely optional and can just be a line or two) , reader cares about and platonically loves laserpeak, this Minicon deserves love, also feel like it's a given that Soundwave would have a "must care about my child" s/o criteria (Soundwave is usually called a dad for his Minicons and I think they're (minus laserpeak) all dead in TFP? I hope they were just chilling somewhere cause I love these guys) like did you see how quickly he ran to his aid when he sent a distress signal when Ratchet had him pinned down? He didn't even spare a second to try to kill Jackie incase if that second made a difference if he survives or not.
*Magnus yelling in the other room about who did the mess* oh shit... OK thanks have great day byeee *proceeds to hightail it outta there before I get scolded for two hours* "THAT WAS AN AWESOME EXPLOSION BUT MAGY IS GONNA HAVE OUR HEADS" -Me "YOU'RE RIGHT ABOUT BOTH OF THOSE.. GET IN LET'S GO"- Jackie
(lol ignore my stupid just hoping it'll get a laugh from you, laughs are good for you)
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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He hates this, he's very upset. He dislikes the feeling of being so small and weak, and he inadvertently throws a lot of insults your way without another thought. He'll sulk and sulk and sulk until you point out good things, like it'll be a good learning experience for the two of you, and it could possibly help yourselves better understand one another. Only then will he admit that he sees why you enjoy sitting on his shoulder so much.
Aside from feeling a thousand times smaller, another thing he hates about being so small is the great difficulty that comes with getting around on his own. With his altmode he was able to traverse the sky and land with ease, but now it takes eons to make it somewhere, and he hates it that he gets tired much quicker.
But on the positive side of things, he does take this as a learning experience, and he takes this time to see if somethings he thought about humans are true or if they aren't. Of course he could've just asked you about them, but he was a little shy about it. Some of his questions were about human food, and some are about your home. Speaking of your home, he's definitely poking around out of curiosity. He's gonna pat your mattress and try laying down on it, he's gonna look in your fridge and take a bite of a stick of butter because he thought that was food... He's sorta like a curious cat, minus all the knocking stuff off tables.
Of course after the entire ordeal has been resolved and whatnot, he'll finally truly understand what you go through on a day-to-day basis around him, and he'll respect that you have to deal with such hardships all on your own.
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Yep. You're right. He's more than upset about this occurrence, and refuses to leave his habitation suite until shockwave finds a way to reverse it. He plans on letting Starscream command the decepticons while he plans on sulking in his room all day. With you in there with him. because he doesn't really want you going out and embarrassing him.
But if you wanna go out and see what it's like to be his height, it'll take a bit of convincing, but he'll allow you to go and walk around only for a bit. Surprisingly, there isn't any need to persuade him to come with you, he's coming on his own accord but only so he can keep an eye on things. It's certainly strange for him to sit on your—or... His? Shoulder? But he does it anyway because he hates feeling so small and weak—but that isn't to say that you are small and weak... He just feels very vulnerable in general.
Ironically, the rest of the Nemesis are a lot more scared about this than you'd expect. It's as if they're walking on eggshells around Megatron because the whole situation has got him in such a bad mood. And, if you have a good reputation aboard the Nemesis and treat everyone nicely, it's certainly baffling for everyone to see their high and mighty lord "Megatron" acting so nice. It's an unusual, but welcomed change.
After the entire ordeal, he certainly has a newfound respect for you. He hadn't realized how difficult and annoying it was to get around the Nemesis at such a small size. He tried climbing onto a table and it took him 30 minutes to get to the top. Not to mention he never truly understood the feeling of being ignored and overlooked the same way you do.
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He isn't as upset about this as other two are, but he's still a bit annoyed. He feels like he's completely stripped of his freedom now, and he thinks that sucks. If he wants to go do something, you can bet he's gonna go do it no matter what he's told. Despite the fact he's like a million percent more fragile and squishy now, his lack of self-preservation remains all the same, and honestly don't be surprised if he agrees to let Miko help him sneak out.
But that aside, he wants you to experience what it's like being a cybertronian (minus the whole war-fighting thing, of course) but the team most likely wants you to stay in the base while they try to find a way to reverse what's happened. Still, that doesn't stop him from trying to teach you how to transform, much to everyone else's misfortune.
Also in the millions of millions of years that he's existed, it has never been easier for him to squeeze into a small spot. With his acrobatic abilities (albeit dampened a little, due to your own strength) and your size? You bet he's milking this for all it's worth. He isn't afraid of climbing up onto things if he has to, or jumping off things because he's used to doing crazy stuff like that. You'll probably have to catch him more than once because he jumps down from a spot that's too high for a human body to escape from unscathed, so honestly at this point you should just keep holding him and bring him around with you as you would a pet.
Anyway, after all this he tries to stick up for your more and support you. I mean he already has ever since the two of you became a couple, but now that he knows how it feels to be overlooked and have so little freedom in your position, y'know.
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icyrambles · 6 months
y'know i love idw1. it is by far my favourite continuity purely because it has the balls to actually do some weird fucked up shit with those robots but one of my forever gripes with the series was how they handled the combiners.
also spoilers for idw1 (not massive but enough that i should warn ya if you haven't read through the series)
not in the sense that i hate combiners or combination but mostly just because i think it's weird that they never tackle the horror of being a combiner. it's never really touched on that most of the combiners were forced together and that combining has a permanent effect on a cybertronian's mind.
sure you've got prowl but idw is written so that the reader is meant to hate prowl, or at the very least dislike him, so you're automatically geared to not give a fuck if he's suffering a little bit. and his relationship with the constructicons is never really given the screentime it probably should've gotten so we never get to hear their opinions on being forcibly fused with an autobot's mind. (clearly they don't seem to mind it at the very least but i have a hard time believing that they just magically were okay with suddenly being part of a gestalt)
first aid literally shows up on cybertron with five other guys that he's only vaguely familiar with and starscream just decides that they're "good enough" and forces them into a gestalt. and then we literally never get to see if first aid gave a fuck about this whole situation. hell one of his gestalt members, rook, literally gets killed in lost light and first aid just, doesn't care, and neither do any of his gestalt mates. they're just like, "eh, moving on"
fucking hell, sunstreaker, ironhide, mirage, and motherfucking optimus prime get put into a gestalt with prowl and the most they have to say is "wow prowl you're really fucked up" and that's it. do they just all have to deal with the consequences of being a combiner. optimus never seems to bring it up ever again and neither does sunstreaker, even when they're in the same place together.
the combaticons seem to be rather fucked up about the whole thing, but that's not because being in a combiner team fucked them up, it's more because they combined with a fucking corpse and sharing a mind with a brain dead swindle seriously sucked ass.
like think about the effect of combination for a quick second.
a mech is forced to share everything about themself, from memories, to thoughts and emotions with another group of mecha (up to five depending on the combiner) and they just, don't get a fucking choice in it. idw talks a lot about bodily autonomy, what with the themes of functionalism and cold constructed mechs but they don't seem to apply the same emotion to the combiners. they're just a plot tool to be throw around when the writers needed a big bad to face or a defender against some type of higher force
combiners are only scary because they're big and angry and difficult to control but the real fear should be focused on the existential horror of having a character whose mind is forcibly fused together with another group of people
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urboynoah · 5 months
How the ES!Autobots would react to you singing a love song in another language
that silly idea just arrived in my head listening to "Mon Amour - Remix" because, idfk, it has such a good vibe. I KNOW i haven't written shit for literal years but transformers got the best of me! Link of the song as the end, ASKS OPEN!!
The terrans part is NOT ROMANTIC!!! IT'S YOU ASKING THEIR OPINION ON SINGING IT FOR YOUR CRUSH!! don't make this weird pls
(Also I know I'm bad at writing. I just do it for fun so no judging pls!! Apologies for any spelling mistakes, english isn't my first language!)
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Would look at you like that exact emoji : “🤨”
The fuck you mean you can sing?
He ends up loving it and even vibes a little, tapping his feet on the beat
Still confused about the meaning of the song
He asks you so many questions when you finish singing, since when you started learning the language, what does it mean, blablah.
You explain to him you were born and raised in Mexico, your parents would always talk to you in Spanish. You learned english by yourself when you changed country.
He's actually amazed at how good you speak both languages
He still hasn't forgotten about the meaning tho.
He begs you to know, but you don't give in, and let it as a mystery, because you're just silly like that. :b
Optimus Prime
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If I had to also use an Emoji for his expression, it'll probably be : “😲”
He didn't expect you to sing at all, considering how shy you are
He even less expected you to sing WELL.
Not to complain.
He thinks your voice is very soft and even if he isn't too found of music in general, this one sounds strangely soft and optimistic.
Is it because you sing it? Maybe
It took him a few seconds to realize that if he wasn't understanding what you were saying wasn't because you were stumbling on your words, but because you were speaking another language.
He's very gently surprised by that fact, it makes him smile.
Not only because it only makes you look smarter to him, but also because he realizes you two are similar, both talking multiple languages.
He softly asks you what it means, not pushing too far.
He looks at you SO SOFTLY you cannot bring yourself to say no
You explain to him it's a love song, and he tries his best to fight the need to give in and kiss you. (He's a cutie patootie real no fake)
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Judges you at first. I'm not sorry.
Like why did you randomly start singing??
Why can't you even do it in THE RIGHT LANGUAGE
He seems annoyed tbh
You chuckle and tell him it's a love song, but you hold a strong bond to Spanish language
He relaxes and rolls his eyes, because he can't admit that it's actually sweet.
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You go up to him and asks him for an advice or two.
He immediately accept, staring at you like, bro/gurl, you got his full attention.
You explain to him you want to sing a song for a person you like, with a twist. It's a love song, but in another language.
He seems both interested and curious
You start singing it to have his opinion on the vibe, and when you're done, he aggressively nods. Approved by Thrash.
He seems curious on how you know Spanish, tho..
You explain to him your story real quick, that your parents come from Mexico but you changed country. You know the language by them.
He's amazed. You're such a cool person.
Will ask you a full translation of the lyrics!!
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You find her completing the chores to earn stars, she seems so focused and flying everywhere, it's hard to get her attention.
You have to tell her you'll give her your star if she helps you out.
It didn't take a lot more for her to sit on the floor, focused on what you're about to say. (Make it quick, her adhd head isn't going to hold for long :3)
You explain to her you want to impress your crush by using the little things you know the best.
Singing, and your ability to speak another language.
She immediately agrees, it's sweet and unique!!
She doesn't ask any questions and just tells you to go for it, like what are you waiting for??
Don't forget her star. :3
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apixrl · 3 months
me watching starscream ONCE AGAIN get the 'bad guy who does bad things because he is bad' treatment in earthspark s2 🧍‍♀️
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the first show since armada (that i've watched) where he actually got depth other than just being evil and his abuse isn't made a complete joke for laughs, but instead of building upon it in s2 u just... toss it out the window like it never happened???
okay then! 😀👍
i'm sure future eps will rectify it? but it still sucks that we got this crazy jump from point a to point b with a poor excuse of a time skip. also pretty hard to redeem what he's done in these last 10...
don't get me wrong, i love when starscream is being a devious little shit and i don't expect him to turn good overnight. but if i wanted to watch starscream doing bad guy things i can go watch literally ANY OTHER TF SHOW 😭 earthspark was a nice change of pace and now we don't even have that anymore (at least right now anyway).
i'm not even mad. honestly just a little disappointed. one of the things that made me love earthspark is how they wrote starscream but nvm i guess. was nice while it lasted. :')
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tinydefector · 5 months
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bots that act like cats. cock their helms like cats. nuzzle other bots like cats oughhh and like cats they scare the ever living shit out of people because their footsteps are so fucking imperceptible.
cat I'm talking about is pororowl🙉
(I hope you get better soon :D !!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)
All I can think is that it's only some of the bots, very specifically some of the speedsters.
Drift as is, is a very quiet footed bot, and he can just sneak up on you and pounce. And he pursed so loud when he was content, he and Rodimus were nightmares together.
Imagine: ratchet busy working, and next thing he just hears things hitting the floor. He turns around to see Rodimus with his helm tilted, looking smug. "Rodimus, so help me. I will make your next service like the Pits of Tarn if you break anything else"
Ratchet halfway in recharge when Drift comes in and flops onto him, it makes him groan in annoyance but his servo comes up to scratch Drift's helm and the loud purring starts. It actually helps Ratchet sleep.
Ravage megatron tends to fall asleep to Ravages purring it's a comfort during the restless nights.
Swerve has realised just how agile some of the speedsters are with catching glasses before they can hit the floor.
Tarn is another who purs alot despite how much he hates it, it's a deep low Pur and it has almost the opposite effect to his voice, its a healing effect that only Nickel had the pleasure of witnessing. (afterall there's a belief your cats purring can heal)
Shockwaves also purs but it isn't something he remembers anymore, shadowplay took his memory of it. But sometimes little glimpse sneak back through.
Shockwave would Pur when around people he trusted and cared for, his students, outliers and Orion. It was his way of showing gratitude.
And Prowl, everything about this bot screams cat, he doesn't like people but even when he does its only on his terms, he's agile quick, firey protective even if he tries to play it off that he doesn't like you. If you ever have the pleasure of sleep near him you will have him curl around you and Pur slowly.
Bots who can pur: Drift, Rodimus, Prowl, Mirage, Knockout, Ravage, Tarn, Cyclonus, Shockwave, Soundwave, Pharma, scourge, Jazz, Skids, Smokescreen,
Bots who static Rumble: Megatron, Breakdown,Rumble, Frenzy, Iornhide, Ratchet, Wheeljack, Swerve, Tailgate, optimus, Ultra Magnus, Beachcomber
Bots who churp: Thundercracker, Skywarp, Starscream, Blitzwing, Astrotrain, Bumblebee, Powerglide, Seaspray, Jetfire/skyfire, whirl
Whirling noises: Rewind, Perceptor, First aid, Chromedome, Brainstorm, Rung (this also includes the bots that churp)
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favcharacterpoll · 1 year
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Goodtimeswithscar from Third Life faces Soundwave from Transformers. Who do you like more?
Scar Propaganda:
"Swindling everyone is always great"
"The best time ever. Scitties. Jellie the cat. Mr Rizz himself. Ect."
“scar is the server con man. he’s absolutely delightful. he’s got max charisma so he WILL sell you anything and everything. it will be useless but you will buy it anyway, sometime later this week he will also murder you. he tries to run a monopoly on sand whilst living in a giant desert. he sells “reputation points” to people under the promise that he won’t murder them if their scores are high enough (he’s lying), he will burn your precious tree down. he will turn and look to you with the sweetest voice and the most precious smile and declare that he’s going to murder everyone. and he will, you will too. and then he will let you beat him to death at the end of this brutal game. you won but at what cost? then you will jump to your death, because you cannot handle being the lone survivor.”
"VOTE SCAR OR ILL KILL YOU NOW in a chill and fun way tho"
"you are not immune to the good times"
"you are not immune to the good times"
Soundwave Propaganda:
"In like every show ever once he's not there/kidnapped/dead the entire Decepticon fucking faction goes to shambles. Ex: in transformers: Prime, (SPOILER!)
once he was "banished to the shadow realm" Megatron literally died and they lost the war 💀💀"
"Soundwave never loses in a poll"
"SOUNDWAVE MY BELOVED his back is so so sore from single-handedly holding up the Decepticon cause every vote for him is 1 more ibuprofen tablet given to him"
"Soundwave is the funniest fucking character in transformers because he's literally the straight man in every situation he's in with the decepticons, because all of them are absolutely incompetent at their job due to them being too focused on infighting. When Megatron died in FOC Soundwave was the one who literally put him back together and by extension, fucked everything over for everyone else because in this specific continuity Megatron just happened to be addicted to space meth.
However it can be so easy to see Soundwave as emotionless because of his straight-man role and his monotone speaking patterns, but Soundwave has plenty of emotions that he displays throughout the years, most notably being when he's dealing with the cassettes (aka his children), and can range from being soft-spoken with them, to full-out enabling their violent tendencies and letting them go ham at beating the shit out of teammates (shout out to that one g1 clip where Soundwave tries to hold back his kids for like a single second before saying "fuck it" and letting them go for the eyes).
Even outside of the cassettes though, he's very expressive in his own way. In fact, he's the KING of pettiness and sass when he wants to be. He literally plays his own supervillain music when walking the halls, he's not above insulting the other deceptions when their arguments are bullshit to him, even when faced with the destruction of the world he was like "nah" until he saw his boyfriend getting injured and went "REAL SHIT" (there's literally memes about this it's so funny). Speaking of friends, he actually has a lot of interesting dynamics with the people around him, especially when it comes to the decepticon high command. He's described as Megatron's most trusted advisor, he's somewhat amicable with Starscream (who's his own brand of frustration), and he and Shockwave even seem to get along pretty well (to the point they have a biologically fucked up tube son together?? It's been years since I've watched Siege but I swear that was what lead to Soundblaster), and did I mention he's gay? I'm pretty sure he and Cosmos are in a relationship together in the IDW comics or at least have a mutual attraction, it's cute.
Also speaking of IDW Soundwave: he likes elephants. They're his favourite animal and he loves them to the point where after he died in the comics, his kids specifically started targeting elephant poachers because they knew Soundwave would want that.
Have I mentioned he has a cat dad in the IDW comics. Like his dad is a literal robot cat that found him when he was having a sensory overload in the middle of the streets. Have these panels from when his dad died and he wasn't even there to see it! He just knew 💖
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And have I mentioned he's met Fluttershy? Because he canonically met Fluttershy and let his cassettes play with her (while DELAYING HIS MISSION. THAT'S HUGE IN SOUNDWAVE LANGUAGE.)
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There's also him being the reigning champion of best robot husband, but that's a whole other situation which is also really funny."
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thanksjro · 10 months
Transformers Holiday Special (2015) — Wishing You and Yours a Delightfully Secular Wintertime, Containing Absolutely Zero References to the Birth of Christ
Despite what some might like to think, Christmas isn’t for everyone; even with all the commercialization, at its heart, it’s still about the Baby Jesus. You can tell that we haven’t shaken the Christian connection, because the cover for this special issue has the father, the son, and the holy spirit, which is hidden behind the company logo.
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And if Rodimus doesn’t stop screwing around, his resurrection’s gonna have to happen a lot sooner than Easter.
Because this is a comic special, things are going to be a little different. Instead of one standard-size issue, we’re getting three mini-stories, each with their own writer (from each of the comic runs that were publishing at the time) and artist. Our stories are listed here:
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Don’t worry about what Ultra Magnus is up to behind that text.
Now, you may ask, why on earth am I covering this issue, which is a specifically Christmassy one, now, when it’s not currently Christmas? Well, according to Roberts, the story “Silent Light” takes place after MTMTE #49, and #50 is when the crew manifest for the Lost Light gets shaved down some, so realistically, this is when “Silent Light” happens in continuity. So I want you to keep in mind that Getaway’s Christmas isn’t going so great.
I won’t be going back to catch up on the other runs’ plots, as the Christmas stories are stand-alone.
Getting into it, our first story is:
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Penned by Mairghread Scott and drawn by Corin Howell. We open up on a cityscape featuring a happy sun and some eye-searing narration boxes.
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I went to Howell’s Twitter to see what her deal was, and was greeted with a banner consisting of a sexy succubus lady with her boobies out, so I’m going to assume she simplified her style for this issue, since mecha are hella difficult to draw.
Also, I hope you like the structure of How The Grinch Stole Christmas!, because that’s what we’re getting for the next little while, complete with chunky, white text on painful-to-view red.
Our story opens with all the transformers from the colonies visiting Cybertron and making friends with each other. Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts, which pisses off President-King Starscream to no end. Being the drama queen that he is, Starscream feels that everyone should be paying attention to him 24/7 and feed him grapes as he reclines on a sofa, because hasn’t he done enough for all these sorry sacks of shit? He hasn’t even caused a war, unlike the last guy who was in charge. Bumblebee (who is a ghost) tells him to just be fucking nice for once in his miserable life, but Starscream wouldn’t be Starscream if he could settle down like that.
Our god-king of the planet calls for his aide, Rattrap, who is going to be in his alt mode for the entirety of this story, to help him set up for a public broadcast addressing his need for attention and adoration.
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He sends Rattrap off to deliver the tape to the news, which seems to consist of two very sleep-deprived individuals. Because they’re apparently the only two robots stupid enough to attempt to cover the nightmare hellscape that is Cybertronian current events, the last bit of Starscream’s tape is cut off when one of them falls asleep on the switchboard. This turns Starscream’s personal worship holiday into “For the Love of God Be Nice to Each Other” Day. Everyone takes to it beautifully, getting BFF tattoos, going on vacation with their husbands, hugging in the straightest gay way possible, holding parades, giving each other bombs, and getting absolutely shitfaced.
Starscream, distraught that nobody is giving him the emperor treatment like he had wanted, sulks in his twin bed, then moves to his dinky little throne as the night wears on, making the most miserable faces he can the whole time. Eventually, Chosen One Day ends, and he’s been completely ignored. Very sad.
Then, there’s a knock on his door, and Starscream creeps over to the peephole just in time to be smashed flat by Wheeljack slamming the door open. Last time we saw Wheeljack he was assumed dead by most, and floating in a tank at Starscream’s behest. He’s gotten better since then, clearly.
Wheeljack came with friends— the entirety of the main cast for Windblade/Til All Are One, to be exact— and they’re here to make sure that Starscream isn’t completely alone on this friendship holiday he accidentally invented. Everyone toasts to his good, totally intentional idea, and Starscream decides against killing all of them for at least the next 24 hours.
Now pay attention to this next story, because it’s actually canon-relevant, because of course Roberts would write a holiday special mini-comic that ties into his overarching plot. Fucking nerd.
Our artist for “Silent Light” is Kotteri (or Kotteri!, as it’s been written on some of their other publications) the pen name for Ikumi Fukuda. Kotteri is primarily a manga artist, having created their own works and well as working on other projects. I admittedly can’t find much on this person, not even their preferred pronouns, TFWiki itself using “they”, which I will default to. All of the info they’ve provided themself is, of course, written in Japanese, but even running things through a translator only proves that information to be purely professional. Their personal Twitter is protected, and my follow request was never answered, as far as I know. There’s a fan Twitter account for their art that claims “she”, but I have no way to verify, and I don’t want to assume anything based on art style, because that’s sort of shitty. Let it never be said that I didn’t do my due diligence here— I fucking hate using Twitter.
We open with Rodimus having just returned from Meteorfest, a festival where you surf on meteors and avoid your co-captain and SIC’s calls like the putz you are. He’s greeted by said co-captain and SIC decorating assembling a Christmas tree cloaking machine and finishing each other’s sentences like an old married couple. Rodimus tries to deny the existence of Minimegs, then we get our heavy-handed and lampshaded explanation for the crux of the issue. Megatron handles Minimus like a baby doll as the two of them explain that the Lost Light is about to hit Mauler territory.
Maulers are notorious for wanting the Cybertronians dead, but Megatron is too much of a macho man to pussy out and go around them. So instead, the crew will be hiding in special sleeping pods that will mask their spark signatures, and pray to their pantheon of gods that no one notices the ship the size of Manhattan. Brainstorm has like fifteen new inventions, despite being on house arrest from his lab. Megatron’s autobot badge is wearing a hat. Merry fucking Christmas.
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Over at Swerve’s, it would appear that everyone’s favorite television junkie is closed for business, as it’s just him, Nautica, and Whirl, sitting on the floor getting absolutely shit-faced on subspace-filtered engex. This might’ve been an issue, as folks are supposed to be bedding down in their B.E.D.s for the next leg of the trip, but Swerve slipped Magnus some Bing Crosby earlier so they’re cool right now.
There’s a banging at the door, and Whirl decides to answer, even though it’s not his bar, because if it’s trouble come a-knocking, it was probably looking for Whirl anyhow.
When Whirl answers, however, it’s not Magnus having caught wind of Nautica disrespecting the Autobot code, but an entirely different flavor of problem.
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Now, I know that thing Whirl’s holding looks like a fucked up Hitachi Wand, but it is, in fact, an entire-ass baby robot. It seems that when Cerebros (Fortress Maximus’s friend, if you’ll recall) sent the engex through the subspace, this infant Cybertronian (Luna One-ian?) got mixed in with the other supplies.
We learn a bit about how baby Cybertronians work before we remember, oh right, this kid is gonna get everyone killed if they catch wind of her spark, since there isn’t a B.E.D. for her. Yes, it’s a girl! Congrats to our three idiots on their Cybertronian gender non-conforming little princess.
They gang decides to shunt her back through the subspace hatch, so they head over to where it’s currently being housed— the office of Ultra Magnus. Nautica, using her wits and all the tools in her arsenal, smashes the window to the office and they break in. The empty Magnus Armor sits in the dark like a grim monument to being married to your job. Whirl informs Nautica how to comfort the baby that he super for-sure doesn’t care about, handing her off while he uses his titty glass to replace the window in the door. Swerve tries to bite through iron chains holding the subspace hatch hostage, only to be stopped by the sound of justice coming down the hall.
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The gang, of course, looks suspicious as hell standing stock straight immediately in front of Magnus’s office, but Minimus rather likes the change of pace out of these goofy morons, and is maybe also trying to deflect his embarrassment at being caught performing his own personal karaoke. He sends them off to their B.E.D.s, and it looks like all’s well that ends well until Whirl asks where Sparky is.
Yes, he named the baby.
Don’t worry though, he’s totally not attached or whatever.
Nautica, in her panic to not be caught stealing/vandalizing/using equipment she doesn’t have the clearance for, stuffed Sparky in the Magnus Armor. And also put the helmet portion back on the body, for some reason. Anyway, it looks like our little princess is gonna be a load-bearer when she grows up, because Magnus is up and looking for hugs. Nautica, a paragon of level-headed thinking in times of crisis, handles this in the best way she can.
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And that’s a wrap on Minimus Ambus! Let’s give him a hand, folks! And let’s also give a hand to the new Ultra Magnus, Miss Sparky Whirldòttir! Where did that little scamp get to, anyhow?
Swerve nominates himself to be the one to drag Minimus to a B.E.D. to sleep off his concussion, leaving Whirl and Nautica to track down the baby.
The scene changes to Megatron announcing a last call for beddy-bye time on the intercom, just as Ultra Sparky enters the room. She looms over Megatron, putting him in a very compromising position as he hits the intercom button with his arm. Rodimus, climbing into his own B.E.D., wishes that his co-captain and SIC would stop being gay for, like, five minutes, or at least wouldn’t do it where it can be broadcasted throughout the whole ship in audio format.
Whirl and Nautica come save Megatron from the onslaught of physical affection, stating that “Magnus” has had a bit too much to drink. Megatron orders them to bed from his fetal position on the countertop.
It’s bedtime, but we still haven’t figured out how to get the kid back to Luna 1 so the Maulers don’t super-murder the whole crew. Nautica leaves Whirl to figure it out, getting into B.E.D. and wondering who the fuck knocked on the door in the first place. Whirl tells her not to worry about it and to go to sleep, so he can be the one to deal with this mess.
Whirl, notorious for doing all the nastiest jobs— former Wrecker, intended bullet sponge for the time travel situation, attempting suicide via Megatron— is going to add another tally to the list labeled “Reasons My Peers Don’t Really Like Me All That Much”, by throwing an entire baby out the air lock.
However, Whirl is being written by Roberts, who would never allow the number of robot babies to go down, so Sparky’s adorable assimilation of Whirl’s signature physical features gets him right in the soft underbelly he swears doesn’t exist.
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Wow, Roberts put a baby in that robot. Surely this is as overt as we’re going to get with this imagery, since we’re in a major publication and not some fan-fiction!
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Whirl wakes up in the Medibay, emptied of infant and freaked the hell out about it. Velocity— who I will remind you is basically the only medical doctor on the Lost Light, since everyone else is too busy getting railed by weeaboos and joining unethical polycules to do their actual jobs—informs him that his daughter is, in actuality, a massive colony of scraplets that combined to look like a newborn.
It turns out that Nautica is a bit of a snitch, having spilled the beans after she woke up. Whether or not she thought Whirl had thrown the baby out the air lock isn’t really addressed, but thank god he didn’t, because then we would have had to send everyone’s favorite gun-addled dipshit to jail for the rest of forever. Checking security footage revealed who the mystery knocker was— it was the scraplets, forming the shape of an arm.
When Nautica asks how the hell they all survived this, seeing as Whirl kept the murder baby, Whirl informs her that he cut off power to his own spark to allow everyone else to live, including his sweet baby princess, winning him a #1 Dad mug, and also several emails from Rung to please make an appointment with him.
Whirl’s miracle Christmas baby lied and stole with the intent to murder everyone on board, and that makes her the ultimate daddy’s girl.
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I hope you’ve all enjoyed this canon-important holiday special story about Whirl becoming a father.
In our third and final story, it appears we’ve been transported to Whoville, by the talent of our MTMTE Season 1 colorist, Josh Burcham. Within Whoville resides Anna Log, a human woman who owns two turbofoxes and sleeps in full military body armor on her couch. The wall in her living room suddenly explodes, revealing a late-night visitor.
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Motherfucker, you are supposed to be on the ship right now.
Mega-Claus fusion-cannons Anna Log, and we cut to a film noir office where none other than Thundercracker has his feet up on the desk. The art grayscales for this section, as he narrates that he’s a detective. He’s wearing a fedora. It’s January 7th. He has a mysterious past and probably thinks that makes him very sexy.
The phone rings, cueing Buster, Thundercracker’s puggle, to put on her own fedora, and the two go to see the crime scene, where Thundercracker is the same size as a normal human man and wears a trench coat.
It turns out that Anna Log is the director of security for the entirety of planet Earth, which is sort of a big deal. When Thundercracker and the cops look at the security footage, they see who did it— Santa Claus, played by Megatron himself. Fucked up.
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Sure, pal.
Thundercracker must now fly to the North Pole and kill Santa, because that’s how the law works. He transforms, flies by Club Penguin and a Coke commercial, reflects on his job, and then gets ready for a fight with Santa’s security measures, as Busters glowing nose warns him of incoming danger. She’s very talented, Buster.
Thundercracker makes quick work of the cybernetic security reindeer with his twin energy katanas and Buster’s jetpack. He kicks down Santa’s door to find the jolly elf himself standing in the dark, potentially rabid. The two start kung-fu beating the shit out of each other. It should be noted that this Santa isn’t the Megatron Santa, who shows up behind the two as they brawl, but rather original-flavor fat man Santa. How Thundercracker didn’t notice this isn’t addressed.
Thundercracker demands to know why Megatron dressed up as Santa Claus to commit a murder— the murder part made sense, Director Log and Megatron would be diametrically opposed— and Megatron reveals the greatest slight against himself he’s ever known.
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Framing Santa for murder ain’t exactly gonna turn that coal into a diamond, Meggy baby.
Thundercracker clocks Megatron, he becomes besties with Santa Claus, and they ride a flying tank into the sunset. Thus ends Thundercracker’s most brilliant writing project yet, which he was reading to Marissa Faireborn this entire time.
Marissa isn’t terribly impressed, poking holes in all the little nonsense bits, while also not feeling thrilled about having been killed off in the first two pages of Thundercracker’s book. While the two argue, Buster and Ayana Jones make a Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown! reference together, and the issue closes out with a big ol’ Autobot symbol, even though Thundercracker was a Decepticon, Ayana and Marissa are humans, and Buster is a goddamned dog.
Thus ends the Holiday Special. Up next, more direct story progression!
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beemochi-art · 5 months
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Air commander! Leader of the seeker! And second in command of the decepticons! By far he is the most talented flyer of all the cons. All these decorations sure bumps up his ego, which cause him to go barking up the wrong tree. He’s got a scar on his face to remind him of each failed attempt at dominance.
Decorate that.
In the beginning he knew Megatron and they looked out for each other. Megatron trusted him and viewed him as a friend. But when Starscream had his lil seeklet something clicked in his brain. Starscream began scheming for more power. He started holding his family closest to him and pushing away the rest. He wanted the best for them and was tired of seeing them pushed into battle like common soldiers, they are not common to him. He couldn’t imagine Slipstream being hurt.
One day on the battlefield, Megatron was trapped in a crashing ship. Megatron desperately called out for his friend. Starscream looked him in the eyes and left him. As second in command he would be air to the the throne, he enjoyed it for a while thinking Megatron was dead and his family being the ones to boss everyone around. Knowing that his bitlit wouldn’t have to face battle like a commoner but instead like a commander.
Until of course Megatron came back. Starscream was challenged. He fought and lost badly. Megatron was highly emotional and almost killed him. Slipstream was deeply traumatized by seeing this. She’s scared of him.
Starscream is still second in command. It’s hard to tell what Megatron is thinking.
I wanted to make her a girl cause why not. She’s an ass, but what seekers isn’t??
She’s gorgeous and she knows it. She’s constantly flashing her stuff. (Honestly a big ego and being a narcissist is standard seeker behavior.) she has a crush on Thundercracker and has been trying to court him for years. (To her courting is being annoying and mean and accusing him of being a perv.)
She’s constantly picking fights with the rest of the seekers. But she’s nice to Slipstream. (She’s like the the sassy auntie.)
He stoic and doesn’t talk to much, he the strongest out of the seeker. He’s also the biggest. He pretty much lets the rest of the seekers walk all over him. However he’ll sometimes put his foot down with Starscream and Skywarp (mostly skywarp.) he reminds them that he could crush their heads with his bare hands.
However he loves the two girls. He recognizes Novastorm is flirting with him. He mostly is just dead pan only because she makes him nervous. She gets away with everything.
Slipstream he sometimes pretends she’s his own. He gets her gifts and when she was very little he actually broke his silent streak and begged starscream to hold her. Slipstream could yell at him to move and he’ll do it fast. He lets her get away with too much.
The youngest, the smallest, and has the most to prove. She exudes teenage angst. Most soldiers are surprised she screams at the second command the way she does.
She is Starscream’s daughter. Even tho she can be a mean, hurtful little shit, she loves her dad. She hates seeing him hurt. Tho she’s not super affectionate (Starscream isn’t either.) he knows she loves him. And the rest of the seekers (not skywarp). They are her family. The rest of the seekers feel the same way (still not skywarp.) they’ve known her since she was small and looked after her when Starscream couldn’t.
The seekers resident psycho. Skywarp has a very special power that makes him crazy! I’m sure we all know what it is. He doesn’t care about anyone. Surprisingly a goof tho, doesn’t help his scary appearance.
He has an artifact in his helm that lets him warp. He’s a killer and likes to hunt. He intentionally antagonizes his fellow soldiers. And he will make anyone suffer when they are weakest. He see Slipstream as the weakest.
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tgmsunmontue · 24 days
Caring, Keeping and Collecting Transformers - A Guide 7/?
Maverick is unknowingly surrounded by Transformers. He knows something is up though. Just not quite what it is exactly.
Bradley and Jake, having never met, are embarking on their own journeys and will have to learn to deal with the fact that they've both been adopted by Transformers.
Despite having years more experience, Maverick is no help at all.
                Jake hasn’t been this amused in years, watching a guy he barely knows reem out a sulking Transformer who could probably kill him if he had half a mind to. Except the Bronco is looking suitably chastised, but even his clear remorse hasn’t stopped Bradley’s rant. Guy has some lungs on him and Jake doesn’t want to get on his bad side. Although he is kind of hot when he’s angry. Hmm. Interesting. He’ll consider that more later. In private.
                Jake has to admit he’s impressed with Starscream’s restraint and he sidles up to him, wants to ask why he didn’t just bop the smaller blue car on the nose and lay him flat, because he’s sure that the much larger Transformer is more than capable of holding his own if it came down to a fist fight.
                “I promised I’d remain neutral,” Starscream states, lips twisting in distaste and Jake raises his eyebrows at that.
                “Even if the little blue-truck-that-could managed to take a swipe at you?”
                “He can certainly try…”
                Jake grins at the dry tone and he likes Starscream’s attitude, wonders if it’s weird that he considers a robot a friend after only a few days.
                “The tall one, is he important?”
                “Admiral Kazansky? Yeah… I guess. He’s definitely the highest rank here, and he already knew about you guys existing, so he’s probably got quite high security clearance… oh shit. I’m going to need to be briefed or get told secret shit. They better not stop me from flying.”
                “I can always fly you.”
                “No! I want to fly my own damn plane,” Jake snaps.
                “Then we can fly together,” Starscream states and Jake’s jaw drops open.
                “Holy shit. We could. That would be cool. You said Jetfire was a plane as well. We can all fly together…”
                “That is my hope.”
…            …            …
                “I really need a fucking drink,” Bradley mumbles to himself, and he has no clue where he’s even going to be sleeping tonight, but he’s sent his car to the other end of the runway to cool off and have some time out and think about whether he can play nicely with the others. As he runs that thought through his head again he feels the early onset of a headache, new appreciation for his parents and also both Mav and Ice. He searches Ice out to find him on the phone and also rubbing his temple like he’s also warding off an impending headache.
                “You okay?” Bradley ask and Jake startles a little and blinks, like his mind was somewhere else.
                “Yeah, I’m good. Just been a very long couple of days and I don’t think the next few days are going to get any easier.”
                “You’ve probably got a point. At least we have Ice to deal with the brass. It’s not like they can put a gag order on us or take the Transformers away from us. Not if it’s us they want to be with…”
                He’s hit then with the realization that Bronco chooses to be with him, and he suddenly views all the times he’s had Bronco there, ready to pick him up. The music. The lack of buying gas. The loyalty. Of course there are also the times he’s refused to start for anyone and everyone else, but if he considers Bronco as a younger Transformer maybe that’s on par with a toddler’s temper tantrum, or teenage sulkiness. Regardless Bronco wants him and okay, Bradley can deal with that. Slaps Jake on the shoulder and heads off down the runway for yet another talk, and also, this time, an apology.
…            …            …
                Tom looks at Hound, and then Bronco off at the far end of the runway where Bradley has sent him to have a weird sort of time-out. Then he looks at the Kawasaki which is currently taller than Mav and is crouched beside him and discussing something about one of the normal bikes and he blinks, realizes that the only mode of transport available to them right now that isn’t a Transformer is a large slightly delipidated horse truck with maybe three seats. Maybe.
                He has strict orders to bring in all the humans tomorrow morning at ten-hundred, and then the further expectation to bring everyone out here. He’s lucky they’ve been given that much time, but he knows they’ll be mad scrambling on the other end, drawing up paperwork and flying in others that will no doubt want to grill them all. They’ll be separated and interviewed, and he needs to prepare them all for it. Weirdly he trusts that Bradley and Seresin will be fine, they have nothing to cover up. Maverick on the other hand is going to be a potential problem. The higher ups are definitely going to have an issue with him suddenly being in the know, despite the fact he has a small army of Transformers at his disposal and apparently has a natural gift for working on them.
…            …            …
                Admiral Kazansky has shared the news with them that they’re all expected to report tomorrow and Jake balks a little. He’s on leave, he didn’t bring uniform with him. This is not how he expected his leave to go. Not that he was hoping for anything exciting, but he’d sort of hoped he wouldn’t be bored and now he’s wondering if he maybe somehow jinxed himself. They’re now trying to work out the logistics of reporting to base tomorrow and Bradley has his gear in the back of Bronco, ready to go.
                “You could stay in the truck with me,” Jake offers, and he knows he’s pulling a face. Because it smells of horses and hay if he’s being generous, and if he’s going to share a sleeping space with a good looking guy he’d like it to not be the back of a horse truck. Even if he has no chance he can still dream. And he hasn’t forgotten about how good Bradley looks when he’s angry.
                “There’s a trailer in the hangar,” Captain Mitchell offers, like it’s a competition and Jake frowns, immediately wants to somehow sweeten the offer of the horse truck, but offering a handjob probably wouldn’t go over so well.
                “Stop being ridiculous. We’ll stay at the house.”
                “Yeah. That makes sense.”
                Just like that there is no further argument, and Jake has to say a proper bed and hot shower do sound really good. Even a cold shower would be welcome right now, given how dirty he’s feeling. Admiral Kazansky is looking at Starscream like he’s trying to figure out what to do with him and it makes his skin prickle with unease, but then Sally is letting out a deep sigh.
                “He can stay. If you take Hound and Bronco with you things will settle. Or I will make them settle,” she says and Admiral Kazansky nods appreciatively. Jake is reminded that while Sally may give off old matriarch vibes, old matriarchs get old for reasons like being very difficult to kill and also generally ruling the people under them with an iron fist. Admiral Kazansky then moves to sit in the driver’s seat of the army jeep and he doesn’t look overly happy about it. About as happy as Bronco is about having Jake riding with him, although he at least seems glad to be leaving Starscream behind.
                “I will see you tomorrow,” Starscream says, and he holds his fist out and Jake looks at it, looks up at Starscream and then reaches out and gives him a fist bump.
…            …            …
                He knew Pete would be the most problematic, and what irks him is that he’s not even trying to be annoying. It just comes so easily to him, taking to effort at all to put Tom’s brain into a tailspin.
                “Oh, I’m bringing Dustdrift home with me.”
                “You’re not taking a Hoover on the back of your bike!” Tom snaps and Maverick grins.
                “I don’t need to. Dustdrift can just fly after me!” Mav says and he’s almost vibrating with excitement and Tom wonders if he should seriously consider retirement. But who would get Mav out the messes he either creates or finds himself in? Sli only keeps tabs on Mav for the entertainment value, not for any altruistic reason.
                “Fine. Just… don’t get seen I guess?”
                “I think Dustdrift has superior camouflage capabilities.”
                “Of course they do,” Tom mutters
…            …            …
                He remembers the way to Ice’s house, and he’s glad he doesn’t need to concentrate on driving, that Bronco would no doubt find the way there without him paying attention anyway. He hasn’t had time to process everything, the fact that Mav only pulled his papers because his mom asked. He doesn’t like it, but he also knows that when Mav gives someone his word he holds fast to it. It’s just shit that Bradley’s dream of going to USNA was collateral damage, especially as he’s never giving up flying. Mav can’t stop him, and the United States Navy isn’t about to stop him either. They’ve sunk too much money into his training to let him go. He’s not stupid.
                He takes his shoes off and lines them up carefully, making a face at Jake who follows his example with a raised eyebrow. It’s just that way it is in Ice’s house. He hikes his duffle offer his shoulder, knows he’s going to have to iron his uniform tonight. Jake has an overnight bag in his hands, no sign of his uniform, and Bradley wonders exactly how Ice and Mav are going to handle this.
                “I have two guest rooms…” Ice states, waving a hand towards the stairs and Bradley knows he means for Jake to take one and Bradley the other, his mind clearly focused on meeting a range of Transformers rather than the fact that he’s meant to be keeping his relationship with Maverick a secret as well. What a tangled web we weave springs to mind, a poem his mom used to recite, a fact he finds incredibly ironic right now.
                “Uh, Bradley and I can share a room sir.”
                Bradley crosses his arms and looks between Mav and Ice, still not ready to just forgive the years of hurt. He understands Bronco’s loyalty more now, his anger on Bradley’s behalf. He could make all the awkwardness go away, but this is their bed, literally, and they can fucking lie in it. Or not, as the case may be.
                “Thank you Lieutenant, that’s appreciated,” Ice says, and there’s a twitch in his jaw and Bradley wonders if he should give them some time to hide all the incriminating evidence of his and Mav’s relationship.
                “We’ll take the room at the back with the ensuite,” Bradley says, throwing them a bone, because it’s the bedroom furthest from theirs, and with an ensuite they’re less likely to bump into each other in the middle of the night and have to explain… well, anything. “Come on Jake.”
                “I’ll order some food. You boys alright with Thai?” Mav calls out and he reminds himself that Mav isn’t deliberately trying to annoy him by calling him a boy. It’s just a turn of phrase no matter how annoying he finds it. Bradley calls out in the affirmative, and Jake follows him, although he adds a thank you sir which he guesses is respectful at least.
                “So… Was that weird? It felt weird,” Jake says, and Bradley lets out a sharp huff, annoyed and amused in equal measure.
                “What about today hasn’t been weird?”
                “Yeah. I guess you’re right.”
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