#Sean’s OCs
aninklingof · 1 year
Tickle Charts for my OCs
I spent SO. LONG. On these. Like a stupid amount of time.
Anyway, here are the tickle spot charts for Inkling, Zero and Harper.
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Please don’t flop this it took too long. Please.
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Original chart by @fluffomatic (so sorry again)
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chez-cinnamon · 1 year
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Indeed they do, same with designs!! Meet the Emo Kids Devin, Taffy and Lynk, three out of four alt kids who basically live at the mall; the fourth is called Sean and belongs to my lovely moot @muppetsbunker who is shown below in the following doodles:
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They found Frank having a meltdown outside the bathrooms and took him with them to the cafeteria to calm down!!
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They immediately took to their new friend!! :D
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 3 months
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They are friends, your honor
Also the full piece cuz why not
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Sean my boy you could fix them (it's impossible actually)
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arthursfuckinghat · 17 days
The dialogue for the missions in red dead online are so fucking funny to me because 90% of them are like
Npc: Hey you, looking for work?
Your oc: •_•
Npc: Not much of a talker are ya? Well I need you to kill this guy, can you do that?
Your oc: •_•
Npc: Good, I'll pay you for your troubles. Come back and see me sometime yeah?
Your oc: •_•👍
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bornwholocker · 5 months
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I know I should have some semblance of consistency in what I post but also I don’t care very much
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desire-mona · 6 months
what wilson really needed was a lesbian in his life i think
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balloonboyismyson · 7 months
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"You know... you're the colours of the aurora borealis."
Examples under the cut :o)
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Ghofur Rohim/Shutterstock
Denis Belitsky/Shutterstock
Chalermkiat Seedokmai/Getty Images
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honeyzephyr · 2 months
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my half of an art trade w/ mischief.maari on ig!
(also ppssssttt… moots my trades are open to all of you)
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gigireece16 · 1 month
i think as i get older, i feel myself becoming more like gregory house.
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mini-minish · 3 months
nsfw-ish art under the cut so tumblr hopefully doesn't ban it ✨
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couldn't decide which of my current hyperfixation pairings i wanted to draw in this composition so i drew three of them <3 i call it my "elves getting it" collection
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prettyyoungandbored · 4 months
Sick - Dr. James Wilson
Pairing: Dr. James Wilson x Fem!OC
Summary: Wilson’s wife gets sick and he takes care of her.
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Wilson was happy to get off work early. Odette had called him afternoon to let him know her fever broke, easing his worries that she may have to go to the hospital. He knew it was just the flu, but even then it was always a possibility considering there had been a crazy flu spreading around.
He came home to find Odette lying on the couch with a blanket over her and their cat, Sarah, lying on her legs.
“You moved to the couch?” he asked.
“I washed the bedding,” she said, her voice stuffy.“It’s still in the dryer. I’m just too tired to deal with it.”
He hung up his winter jacket on the coat rack, placing his bag on the chair beside it. He looked down to see Sarah trotting towards him, meowing. He knelt down, picking up the ball of white fluff.
“You’re supposed to be taking care of your mother,” he cooed at her.
“She’s been an excellent nurse,” Odette remarked. “I would recommend her to Cuddy.”
Wilson placed the cat down on Odette’s legs as he sat on the ottoman across the coach. He leaned down to kiss his wife’s forehead.
“I know you said the fever’s broken but how are you feeling?” he asked, stroking her hair.
“Meh, still can’t breathe through my nose and my throat hurts,” she said. “And before you ask, I did take medicine today. I was planning on taking my last dosage before bed.”
“Good girl,” Wilson chuckled.
She licked her lips, trying to ignore how Wilson remark made her thighs clinched. Still, she wasn’t going to let him ruin her chance to get what she wanted. “Buuuut…”
“But what?”
“I will only take it if you cuddle me with me,” she smirked, eyes twinkling mischievously. “A cuddle with you in addition to my medicine will help me rest and make me feel better. So you see, Dr. Wilson, it’s medically necessary that I get a cuddle tonight.”
He chuckled. “You’ve done research on this?”
“Then I guess, because it is medically necessary, I can’t deny you.”
He kissed the tip of her nose. “Let me set up the bed. You want dinner and a shower while you wait?”
“I’m ok. I showered earlier.”
“Have you eaten?”
“Just some soup. Still hard to eat when I can barely breathe through my nose.” She threw the blanket off. “I can order you some food though.”
“Lay down, sweetheart,” he ordered, gently.
She pouted. “But you need to eat too.”
“I had a big lunch.” He got up. “Let me take care of the bed. You just lay down and relax.”
After Wilson finished setting up the bed, he changed in his McGill shirt and plaid boxers. While Odette was in the bathroom brushing her teeth, he padded to the kitchen to give Sarah her medicine and refill her food and water bowl. He also grabbed two water bottles from the fridge.
Back in the bedroom, he placed one bottle on her nightstand and the other on his.
Just as he got under the covers, Sarah jumped up and meowed at him.
“Oh, you want snuggles too?” he chuckled softly as Sarah laid on his chest, purring. His fingers stroked her white fur. “You’re just as spoiled as your mom.”
“I’m spoiled, huh?”
He looked up to see Odette grinning as she closed the bathroom door behind her. Her eyes fell to Sarah.
“Oh you’re such a sneaky girl,” she cooed at the cat, scratching her behind her ears. “You just wanted to get in on the action, huh? I can’t blame you.”
She kissed the top of the cat’s head and then went over to her side of the bed. Sarah moved off James’ chest and down to the edge of the bed.
“Thank you,” Odette giggled as she grabbed the medicine and the water bottle from her nightstand. She took the two pills and chased it down with water.
“Good girl,” Wilson remarked softly.
She turned her head, face scrunched. “Don’t start. We’re just cuddling tonight.”
“I’m just being ecouraging,” he defended playfully. “Not my fault my encouragement gets you going.”
She rolled her eyes, setting the water bottle on the nightstand. She rest the side of her face on Wilson’s chest, basking in his warmth. Wilson’s arm moved around her as he rubbed her forearm.
She hummed in delight. “Oh, I’ve been missing this,” she yawned. “How have you been enjoying the guest room?”
“I don’t know if I would say I’m enjoying it,” he said. “I sleep better when I’m with you.”
She glanced up. “You do?”
He nodded. She licked her lips, the next question already tasting like vinegar.
“Did you feel that way with your last two wives?”
She was afraid of the answer, but her desperation to know was stronger.
Wilson shook his head. “I have a level a comfort with you that I’ve never had with anyone else except maybe House. You’re a calming presence in my life. I didn’t have that with them. First wife, we were young and didn’t think it through. Second wife, I was going through the motions. With you? It’s unconditional love. It’s real, but it’s comfortable.”
His eyes met her. “It’s home.”
Tears pooled in her eyes as he kissed the top of her head.
“Third time really was the charm,” she joked.
He chuckled. “It sure was.” He glanced down. “Get some rest. The sooner you get better, the more we can do this.”
She closed her eyes as Wilson rubbed the top of her head.
She was right. Third time was the charm.
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aninklingof · 2 years
To Calm a Starshine
This is a fic with my OCs Zero and Inkling (intro post here) in FNAF security breach. For slight explanation, Inky is basically in a kind of simulation where he’s playing the game and Zero is a hologram in the world. He can’t interact with anything or anyone. Now, onto the fic 😅
Lee! Inkling, Ler! Sundrop
Warnings: slight panic attack ✨platonic✨
“Zerooooo!! I don’t wanna!!” Inkling whined as he stared down the colorful tube slide anxiously.
“You have to, darling!” The hologram of Zero encouraged from beside him. “You have to get down there and wait for Freddy like he told you to!”
“But— like this is obviously some kind of trap! There’s no way that there’s not some sort of animatronic down there,” the ravenette exclaimed while gesturing wildly to the daycare area down below.
Zero held back a giggle at his partner’s hysterical reaction, because yes— there was something down there. He’d both seen Dream play the game (much to the masked man’s dismay) and Zero himself had also played it.
“You’re being ridiculous Inky. Freddy wouldn’t send you somewhere dangerous. Just go down the slide!”
Inkling huffed exasperatedly before approaching the slide and going down it. After zooming through the colorful tube he slipped feet-first into a large ball pit. Hologram Zero was standing on the side looking down at the elf boy as he waded through the pit.
Suddenly a loud laugh echoed from above, causing Inkling to whip his head to face the noise. Up on a balcony stood a tall animatronic that looked like a jester with a sun for a head, who’s name was fittingly Sundrop. The daycare attendant then took a graceful swan dive into the ball pit.
“Holy shit!!! I need to get out—“ Inky began panicking and started to scramble towards the stairs that led out of the ball pit.
“HELLO!!” Sundrop popped up and scooped Inky up, holding him by the underarms. “New friend!! What’re you doing up so late? Are we having a slumber party?”
“ZERO!!!” The ravenhead cried in fear, kicking his legs frantically as the animatronic lifted him out of the ball pit and carried him to the center of the daycare.
“Inky calm down!!” Zero called, holding back his laughter.
When Sunnydrop set down the smaller man he immediately curled up in a ball on his side, shaking with quiet fearful sobs. This took both Sun and Zero by surprise.
“New friend, are you okay?” The tall animatronic asked, his voice significantly softer as he sat criss-cross next to the ravenhead.
Zero too knelt beside the boy. He wished he could hold him to comfort him, but the way the VR hologram system worked didn’t allow him to touch him.
“You okay Inky?” Zero repeated.
Inkling didn’t respond besides giving a feeble shake of his head. Sun turned to look at the eyeball-headed man worriedly for some sort of direction as to how to calm the elf boy.
Zero made a hugging and a head patting gesture, to which the daycare attendant nodded. “Hello Inky, may I touch you?”
He sniffed and nodded, and Sunny moved to gently pet Inkling’s back. “I’m sorry I scared you.”
“Hey,” Zero whispered to get the animatronic’s attention. Sun looked at the eyeball man and the ladder held up his fingerless-gloved hands, wiggling his fingers slightly. The daycare attendant understood immediately and a smile grew on his face.
“May I hug you?” Sun asked Inky, who nodded slowly. He lifted the crying man into his arms and hugged him, the ravenhead’s tiny arms wrapping around Sun’s small waist.
They sat like that for a moment, Inkling’s hiccupy breathing quieting down to the occasional sniffle, until suddenly he flinched with a squeak. Nimble metal fingers wiggled gently against his side, and when he looked up at the animatronic he flushed red with a nervous smile at the large mischievous smirk that shone down at him.
“Did that tickle starshine?”
Quickly Inky was flipped so his back was pressed to Sun’s torso and Sunny began to spider his fingers all over Inky’s tummy, causing the man to burst into hysterical giggles. Zero melted at the sight and watched on fondly.
“Ehehehe!! S-Suhuhuhunny!!!” Inky squealed as he felt the metal fingers travel up his jumper to tickle directly on his skin.
“Yes friend? What’s so funny?” He teased seamlessly.
“Ihihihit tihihihickles—!”
The daycare attendant gasped dramatically. “It does?! I had no idea!!” His evil fingers scribbled at the sides of Inky’s belly, which made the ravenette squeal and stamp his feet in ticklish glee.
“N-nahahahat thehehehere!!” Inkling cried, his face scrunched with a wide grin. “Suhuhuhunnyyyy!!”
“Not here? Not riiiiight here?” The animatronic’s spindly fingers slid just above the giggly man’s hips and gently pressed there, sending the poor elf boy into a round of silent laughter.
“Sun, be gentle. That’s Inky’s sweet spot,” Zero spoke up for the first time in the past five minutes, having noticed his partner’s stamina dwindling.
Sunny slowed to a stop and Inkling melted into a puddle of gasping breaths and residual giggles. The animatronic saw the boy’s face and noticed how the edges of his cheeks that weren’t covered by his thick black bangs were red and slightly wet.
The daycare attendant gently brushed back his bangs to see big beautiful icy blue eyes that were glossy and happy with almost-tears. He stared up at the Sun animatronic with a blissful smile and the robot almost melted himself.
“Feel better Starshine?”
“Yes, thanks Sunny.”
The two shared a hug for a few moments before the large doors to the daycare creaked open. Poking through the door was Freddy. His eyes landed on the two and he waved his signature jolly wave.
“I have to go Sunny. Thanks for the tickles,” Inkling said, standing and starting over to the bear animatronic.
“Bye new friend! Come back soon!”
Zero joined Inkling’s side in a blink and leaned down to the short man. “See? Told you it wouldn’t be that bad.”
“Oh shut up.”
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funnymothguy · 2 months
Errr sorry guys, I died for a few days anyways here's an artdump 😁😁😁😁
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 3 months
Now I can't stop thinking about Perky using ye olde terms and words XD
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They absolutely do, and everyone else gets 9 thousand psychic damage from hearing them
Sean has made it his life mission to teach them modern slangs
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frenchfry99 · 11 months
Look who's back from yet another flight! 🌈✉️
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Also him and his wifey as humans lol
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(plus Daria being silly :3)
Being more of a background character, Sean would mostly be shown in some educational pieces of the show (mostly geographical themed) and a sort of "arts and crafts" lessons with Eddie, telling about all the lands, cultures and puppets Sean had a chance to see (and various fun stories from his flights too!).
Sean may come off as rather shy, but he's as energetic and talkative as his wife, who oftenly would join him on his part of episodes.
His job as a pilot is to fly puppet travelers on his plane from the neighborhood and/to all other places of colorful puppet world and/or delivering mail, which could include anything from various personal requests of neighbors, to new goods for bodega and to letters as well (maybe that's why he gets along so well with the neighborhood's mailman and bugdega owner?). So he's quite the busy bird I'd say!
Sean always has a joke or pun up his sleeve - this guy sure likes to have a good laugh!
He's transmasc, bi & poly
I'm super burned out and dry on ideas lately so I'll infodump more abt him later 💔💔 local himbo pilot my beloved-
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Template by @/cloudysunflowr
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grupheetie · 6 months
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object doodles featuring mushy girlfriend @lillipopshop content and our. object sonas :D
also my jester oc! its jesting!
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