#Secure Hosting
sakshuchauhan12 · 4 months
Crafting Digital Masterpieces: WordPress Hosting at Its Finest
Embark on a journey of digital creativity and excellence with our unparalleled WordPress hosting services. Introducing "Crafting Digital Masterpieces: WordPress Hosting at Its Finest" – where innovation meets performance, and your online vision comes to life.
Immerse yourself in a hosting experience designed for those who seek nothing but the best. Our state-of-the-art infrastructure ensures blazing-fast loading times, creating a canvas where your digital masterpieces can shine. With a focus on precision and reliability, our hosting platform provides the ideal foundation for your WordPress-powered website.
Security is our brushstroke, and your website's safety is our masterpiece. Benefit from robust security measures that safeguard your digital creation against potential threats. Our commitment to a secure hosting environment means you can focus on what you do best – crafting engaging content and captivating experiences for your audience.
Experience the freedom of scalability and flexibility. As your digital canvas expands, our hosting adapts seamlessly to accommodate your growing needs. From blogs to e-commerce ventures, our platform offers the flexibility to scale without compromising on performance, ensuring that your digital masterpiece continues to evolve with your vision.
Navigate effortlessly through your hosting journey with our user-friendly interface. Streamlined installations, easy updates, and hassle-free management empower you to be in control of your online masterpiece. We believe that hosting should enhance, not hinder, your creative process – and our intuitive interface reflects that commitment.
At the heart of our service is a dedicated support team ready to assist you on your creative voyage. Our experts are available 24/7, ensuring that you receive the guidance and assistance you need to bring your digital masterpiece to perfection.
Elevate your online presence, unleash your creativity, and experience WordPress hosting at its finest. "Crafting Digital Masterpieces" is not just a tagline – it's an invitation to join a community of creators who understand that exceptional hosting is the cornerstone of digital excellence. Choose a hosting solution that mirrors your commitment to craftsmanship – choose "Crafting Digital Masterpieces: WordPress Hosting at Its Finest." Your masterpiece deserves nothing less.
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aturtletotz · 2 months
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Golly! Sun as a kid-friendly game show host. Who woulda thunk it?
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sketchy-tour · 2 years
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Sooooooo...... What if Sun and Moon hosted a family friendly TV program? I literally spent....all day on this. My brain just kinda hyperfixated on this silly idea and I spent my WHOLE DAY getting this done. Especially getting Sun and Moon's designs to look how I wanted them to! Gotta say, pretty happy with the result~ I've had this silly au buzzing in my brain for a couple days now so it's nice to get it on paper even a lil bit!
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Someday, we’ll all take comfort in the internet’s “dark corners”
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me on SUNDAY (Mar 24) with LAURA POITRAS in NYC, then Anaheim, and beyond!
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Platforms decay. Tech bosses, unconstrained by competition; regulation; ad blockers and other adversarial interoperability; and their own workers, will inevitably hollow out their platforms, using ultraflexible digital technology to siphon value away from end users and business customers, leaving behind the bare minimum of value to keep all those users locked in:
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Enshittification is the inevitable result of high switching costs. Tech bosses are keenly attuned to opportunities to lock in their customers and users, because the harder is to leave a platform, the worse the platform can treat you – the more value it can rob you of – without risking your departure.
But platform users are a heterogeneous, lumpy mass. Different groups of users have different switching costs. An adult Facebook user of long tenure has more reasons to stay than a younger user: they have more complex social lives, with nonoverlapping social circles from high school, college, various jobs, affinity groups, and family. They are more likely to have a chronic illness, or to be caring for someone with chronic illness, and to be a member of a social media support group they value highly. They are more likely to be connected to practical communities, like little league carpool rotas.
That's the terrible irony of platform decay: the more value you get from a platform, the more cost that platform can extract, a cost denominated in your wellbeing, enjoyment and dignity.
(At this point, someone will pipe up and say, "If you're not paying for the product, you're the product." It's nonsense. Dignity, respect and fairness aren't frequent flier program perks that tech companies dribble out to their best customers. Companies will happily treat their paying customers as "products" if they think those customers can't avoid other forms of rent-extraction, such as "attention rents")
Now, consider the converse proposition: for younger users, platforms deliver less value. Younger users have less complex social lives on average relative to their parents and grandparents, which means that platforms have fewer ways to sink their hooks into those young users. Further: young users tend to want things that the platforms don't want them to have, right from the first day they sign up. In particular, young users often want to conduct their socializing out of eyesight and earshot of adults, especially parents, teachers, and other authority figures. This means that a typical younger user has both more reasons to leave a platform as well as fewer reasons to stay there.
Younger people have an additional reason to bail on platforms early and often: if your online and offline social circles strongly overlap – if you see the same people at school as you do in your feed, it's much easier to reassemble your (smaller, less complex) social circle on a new platform.
And so: on average, young people like platforms less, hate them more, and have both less to lose and more to gain by leaving one platform for another. Sure, some young people are also burning with youth's neophilia. But even without that neophilia, young people are among the first to go when tech bosses start to ratchet up the enshittification.
Beyond young people, there are others who tend to jump ship early, like sex-workers:
Sex-workers' technology changes are only incidentally the result of some novelty-seeking impulse. The real reason to change platforms if you're a sex-worker is that the platforms are either absolutely hostile to sex-workers, or profoundly indifferent to the suffering their policy changes rain down upon them.
The same is broadly true of other disfavored groups, including those with out-of-mainstream political ideologies. Some of these groups hold progressive views, others are out-and-out Nazis, but all of them chafe at the platforms' policies at the best of times, and are far more ready to jump ship when the platforms tighten the noose on all their users.
This is where "dark corners" come in. The worst people on the internet have relocated to its so-called dark corners – privately hosted servers, groupchats, message-boards, etc. Some of these are notorious: Kiwi Farms, 4chan, 8kun, sprawling Telegram groupchats. Others only breach when they are implicated in waves of unthinkably cruel and grotesque crimes:
The answer to crimes committed in the internet's dark corners is the same as for crimes committed anywhere: catch the criminals, prosecute the crimes. But a distressing number of well-meaning people observe the nexus between dark corners and the crimes that fester there, and conclude that the problem is with the dark corners, themselves.
These people observe that social media platforms like Facebook, and intermediaries like Cloudflare, DNS providers, and domain registrars constitute a "nexus of control" – chokepoints that trap the online lives of billions of people – and conclude that these gigantic corporations can and should be made "responsible" for their users:
From there, it's a short leap to conclude that anyone who isn't in a position to be controlled by these too big to jail, too big to fail, relentlessly enshittifying corporations must be pushed into their demesne.
This is a deal with the devil. In the name of preventing small groups of terrible people from gathering in private, beyond the control of the world's insufferable and cruel tech barons, we risk dooming everyone else to being permanently within those unworthy billionaires' thumbs.
This is why people like Mark Zuckerberg are so eager to see an increase in "intermediary liability" rules like Section 230. Zuckerberg's greatest fear isn't having to spend more on moderators or algorithms that suppress controversial subjects:
The thing he fears the most is losing control over his users. That's why he bought Instagram: to recapture the young users who were fleeing his mismanaged, enshittified platform in droves:
A legal mandate for Zuckerberg to police his users is a legal requirement that he surveil and control those users. It's fundamentally incompatible with the new drive in competition circles to force Zuckerberg and his fellow tech barons to offer gateways that make it easier to escape their grasp, by allowing users to depart Facebook and continue to socialize with the users who stay behind:
Remember: the more locked-in a platform user is, the harder that platform will squeeze that user, safe in the knowledge that the cost of leaving is higher than the cost of staying and tolerating the platform's abuse.
This is the problem with "feudal security" – the warlord who lures you into his castle fortress with the promise of protection from external threats is, in reality, operating a prison where no one can protect you from him:
Rather than fighting to abolish dark corners because only the worst people on the internet use them today, we should be normalizing dark corners, making it easier for every kind of user to find a cozy nook that is shaded from the baleful glare of Zuck and his fellow, eminently guillotineable tech warlords:
Enshittification is relentless. The collapse of the restraints that penalized tech companies who abused their users – competition, regulation, interoperability and their own workers' consciences – has inculcated every tech boss with an incurable enshittification imperative.
Efforts to make the platforms safer for their users can only take us so far. Fundamentally, these vast, centralized systems that vest authority with flawed and mediocre and frail human dictators (who fancy themselves noble, brilliant and infallible) will never be safe for human habitation. Rather than focusing on improving the platforms, we should be evacuating them:
Online communities that control their own moderation policies won't always get it right. But there is a whole host of difficult moderation calls that can never be adequately handled by outsiders overseeing vast, sprawling platforms. Distinguishing friendly banter from harassment requires the context that only an insider can hope to possess.
We all deserve dark corners where we stand a chance of finding well-managed communities that can deliver the value that keeps us stuck to our decaying giant platforms. Eventually, the enshittification will chase every user off these platforms – not just kids or sex-workers or political radicals. When that happens, it sure would be nice if everyone could set up in a dark corner of their own.
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Name your price for 18 of my DRM-free ebooks and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with the Humble Cory Doctorow Bundle.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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gum-iie · 1 year
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divorce selfie
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soupdweller · 8 months
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some whiteboardfox doodles :D
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silver244 · 1 month
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Game show au by: @aturtletotz
I can’t wait to read about this lil guy 😭
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pastellhunny · 1 year
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My two favorite things combined in one😌
New Tik Tok is out y’all should see it 👁️👁️
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deutsche-bahn · 6 months
Ich habe gerade den letzten Zug vom bar crawl in der Großstadt meiner Wahl nach Hause erwischt. War nur leider der Zug, den sich auch die größte, betrunkenste Geburtstagsparty-Gruppe der Republik für ihren Heimweg ausgesucht hatten. Fick mich ins Knie, Vorfreude kommt auf.
Die Herren sind alle relativ jung, tragen bei sechs Grad Außentemperatur nur Tshirts und singen Geburtstagslieder mit einer Lautstärke, die ich sonst nur von der Hauptbühne des Hurricane-Festivals gewohnt bin. Dabei kennen sie meist nur die erste Strophe der Geburtstagslieder. Danach zerläuft sich der Gesang kläglich, zumindest für ein paar Sekunden, bevor das nächste Lied mit neuer Begeisterung angestimmt wird. Repeat for 20 minutes.
Irgendwann wird das Singen scheinbar doch langweilig. Die Jungs pöbeln das Geburtstagskind an, dann sich gegenseitig, dann schubsen sie sich durch den Raum, der eigentlich zum Abstellen von Fahrrädern gedacht ist. Irgendwer wirft eine Flasche nach mir. Sie landet zwischen den Sitzen. Ich bin irgendwie selber zu high und betrunken um zu realisieren was gerade passiert ist. Dann brüllt einer den Flaschenwerfer an: "Ey, spinnst du, da ist Pfand drauf!" Jetzt nehme ich es ihnen übel.
Der Zug entleert sich an der Endhaltestelle auf den Bahnsteig, einer von ihnen murmelt mir zum Abschied eine homophobe Beleidigung zu. Cool. Ich freue mich auf die vier Kilometer Heimweg.
Ich bestelle mir lieber ein Taxi, stehe zwanzig Minuten am Bahnhofseingang herum und rufe dann erneut bei der Taxizentrale an, frage nach, wann besagtes Taxi denn bitte komme. "Kommt noch nicht, is keiner frei". Auf Nachfrage erfahre ich, dass so schnell auch niemand frei werden wird. Ich liebe Kleinstädte. Währenddessen sehe ich erneut meine allerliebste Geburtstagstruppe, die gerade einen Abstecher zum Döner-Fassen gemacht hat und jetzt wieder Richtung Bahnhof wankt. Großartig, cool cool cool cool. Ich verpisse mich in die andere Richtung. Nach Hause laufe ich. Der einzige Vorteil ist, dass ich somit um vier Uhr morgens bereits mein Schrittziel erreicht habe (bitte öffnet an dieser Stelle nen Sekt für mich).
Ich komme nach Hause, schlecht gelaunt, irgendwie desorientiert. Idk, ich würde gerne ne witzigere Anekdote daraus zaubern, aber irgendwie fehlt mir da die Energie für. Keine Pointe, nicht mal 'ne Pfandflasche, ich gehe jetzt schlafen.
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... does haruhi even realize that since ouran is made up of rich heirs that any connections/grudges made there have long-lasting effects
since they befriended the host club they're set up for life
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nightmare-foundation · 11 months
Honestly the fact that there's a fucking SCOOPER in the fnaf 6 location is making me go insane. Michael did you learn NOTHING. Bitch made white and pink plastic animatronics with a scooper. Dude is projecting his trauma WAY too hard
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four to doomsday is a funny serial because it’s objectively kinda dull but it’s so SO good at showing us what makes fivey and his friends tick
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aturtletotz · 2 months
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Just some scrap metal that was tossed aside. Nothing you have to worry about.
🌙 ⚠️
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thebananwithaplan · 3 months
Well, as is with Hollywood, the show must go on. To cancel any showings at such a short notice would mean that the Dancing Banana was afraid. And by which would also mean the Noise-imposter would have his way with scaring off any competition in regards to being the only gameshow standing.
Notably, for the first time, it was not a full house of audience members, with visible empty seats per round. Nobody could blame them - they probably did see a giant frog thing get shrunk down and blended into a pink smoothie with such ease. Now imagine if that were to happen to any living food being?
It was of utmost importance that there was not a single sign of any terrified, wall-breaking lemons in the studio today.
Other than that, the episodes today went on as intended. Until...
👮‍♂️ 🍩 "Heya, folks!" The studio security guard called out. "I know you've got a thing going on here but if I could just make an announcement real quick that'd be just swell!" As expected, the pink donut rolls out a wanted poster.
But instead of a odd-looking, three-fingered fruit that totally did NOT resemble any infamous banana hosts in particular...
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👮‍♂️ 🍩 "We've got a dangerous wanted criminal on the loose. Have any of you seen this man?"
That, unfortunately, got the remaining crowd mumbling with even more uncertainty.
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"...No, sir. Haven't seen him around here." Not long enough to catch him. DB may be keeping his usual composure here, but even that caught him off-guard. At least whoever was 'that other guy' is no longer a threat.
The bad news is that someone else is.
Even when he's not here, he's still being the goddang center of attention.
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👮‍♂️ 🍩 "....Alrighty then! Sorry to take up your time." The poster was finally put away, after what felt like a long minute of pondering. "Please resume."
That's right. Just resume.
The show must go on.
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dread-red-queen · 4 months
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Michigo Arasaka introducing Goro and Raven to there new office from my Fic Present & Future.
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synelven · 3 months
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tell me im a bad man kick me like a stray
(ceres when she was 16 and 32)
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