#Send in Headcanons based on today's theme
midnight-els · 1 year
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the West Wing would have been even better if they'd had a White House cat. Some headcanons bc I was thinking about it today:
Jed gave the cat a very grand, biblical name. Everyone else has shortened it to something very stupid.
Obviously all of the press and the public adore the cat. There's a minor upset in a polling themed episode when Joey confirms that once again the cat has higher approval ratings than the president. Josh is cross that they are polling on this at all.
There is one chair in the Oval Office that is The Cat's Chair. The staff know not to sit there as you'll get a. covered in fur and b. screamed at by an irate cat trying to force you off. They never warn any of their least favourite congresspeople about this.
The cat wanders around in the background of episodes, often being chased or petted by the extras.
The cat is not allowed in the situation room. The cat is always in the situation room. They had to come up with a special bug detecting protocol for the cat in case anyone tried to take advantage of this.
Ripped from the headlines plot about a congressional investigation into something related to the cat, based on the incident about Clinton's cat's postage.
The cat LOVES Air Force One. The Secret Service do not love having to get him on board or captured to get back off.
Leo and the cat are best friends. They're basically this meme. Leo's the grandma. Jed is the mom.
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Aside from Leo, the cat loves the secretaries best. They always have lots of treats for him in their desks. Debbie is the only one he doesn't get on with; she has resorted to using a plant mister to spray him when he tries to get on her desk.
Josh thinks he and the cat are archenemies. The cat hasn't paid more than 2 seconds notice to Josh in his life.
CJ and the cat are archenemies. CJ was very pro-cat until she caught it fishing in Gail's bowl one day. Now she's at war to keep it out of her office. She's still trying to convince Danny to write a piece exposing the cat's dark side to its adoring public. Carol is very tired.
Sam wants so badly to be best friends with the cat. The cat thinks he's trying too hard. Will ends up exactly the same way.
Toby and the cat have never properly interacted and both are very happy to leave it that way.
The cat is supposed to stay in the residence during big events. Abbey stopped enforcing that after he got out and scratched Lord John Marbury when he picked him up against his will.
The cat has a secret service code name. One time, the code names are changed and an overenthusiatic reporter tries to break a story on the first lady's 'unusual activity' by following what he thinks is her code name. It's the cat's. CJ dines out on this for weeks.
The cat occasionally goes missing. The secretaries and Charlie have a recurring B-plot where they have to go and recover him. Somehow, the cat has always ended up somewhere relevant to the A-plot.
The cat properly goes missing after the incidents with the Thanksgiving turkeys and the goat in CJ's office (aka prime cat territory). Each time she claims she'll be nicer to the cat when it returns. Each time it lasts about two days.
Margaret thinks the cat has psychic powers and frequently provides warnings based on her interpretations of 'the signs'. Usually she's right.
The cat somehow makes off with the final edits for the state of the union one time (of course they were only handwritten on one piece of paper). Chaos ensues.
Jed tries to send the cat to Manchester partway through the series. After large-scale outcry from the staff, press and public he is returned to the White House. Unfortunately, after a couple of months as a barn cat he is even more badly behaved than before.
The cat is in both Jed and Abbey's official portraits.
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We are finally reaching our last day of HLAW!! And we've got such incredible entries - this time also from new people who have sent us such fabulous work! We're grateful to all our contributors - both old and new - for the love and enthusiasm you've shown us so far and hope to see more in store today as well!!
Day 5 is all about the relationships!! Whether familial, platonic or romantic, Hana gives each one her all 🩷 She is also someone who is attempting to learn a new normal - how to continue loving others while also taking care of herself! This is a chance to explore Hana's connections with other people, whether in canon or your OCs, and explore her unique way of navigating them!!
Any content is welcome!! Fanfic, fanart, edits, moodboards, interactive, media, headcanons, screenshots, playlists, meta...even screenshots of your favourite scenes would be great!! Our only requirement is that the content is centered on Hana, and that the depiction of her is positive. You can also send in WIPs in case you don't complete a work!
You can also send in a work on the days following a particular theme - this is no pressure for it to be put up exactly that day! We will also have an extra week for anyone who still needs time 💕 May 4th will be our final official date for entries (to incorporate into our video!) but HLAW will still be open for entries for the rest of the year until the next event!
You'll find all the HLAW 2024 themes here!
Be sure to do the following when you make your posts:
1. Use the tags #hanaleeappreciationweek and #HLAW in the tags (along with the day you made the post for - #HLAW Day 1, #HLAW Day 2 etc)
2. Tag @hanaleeappreciationweek and hosts @sazanes and @lizzybeth1986 in your posts, so we don't miss them!
FAN CONTENT BLOGS are instrumental in keeping the fandom alive - with events and fun activities that encourage us all to contribute and create. They have also been amazing in their support towards our character events. Do check them out to see all the new incredible events and prompts coming up!
@choicesficwriterscreations - Primarily fanfic and fanart (no AI allowed). Check out their rules and roster of events!
@choicesmonthlychallenge & @choicesaprilchallenge24 - Any and all content welcome (No AI content)! They have a collection of prompts you can use for the month of April!
@choicespride - Any and all content is welcome, as long as it is centered around queer characters and/or themes.
@choicesflashfics - Primarily fanfic under a 2500 word count. Every week they use new dialogue prompts. The prompts for the coming week will be out soon.
@choicesholidays - Any and all content welcome, as long as it is centered around one of the holidays listed! Currently, they are hosting Spring Fling!
@choicesprompts - Mostly fanfic preferred! You can check out their current Round Robin event here!
As tomorrow will be our final HLAW day, we'd like to remind everyone once again that we always keep a bonus week for entries!! So if you weren't able to finish your piece on time, you still have till May 4th!! We will also be keeping the event open all year round for entries - so if you finish a piece before next year's HLAW, don't hesitate to send it to us and it will find a place in the masterlist! We will be open all year round! 💕💕
We usually make a thank you video for all our contributors and signal boosters at the end of the bonus week! Typically it is put up on YouTube and we share it here. If you would prefer not to feature, do let us know and we will keep your name out of it based on your comfort levels.
@lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes will be hosting Kiara Theron Appreciation Week (KTAW) on the 21st next month! If anyone would like to be tagged on that or knows people who may be interested, let us know!! The blog for that event is here: @kiaratheronappreciationweek.
Happy Hana Lee Appreciation Week, everyone!!
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rowan-post · 10 months
r p a d v e n t c a l e n d a r
Here's a prompt, challenge or encouragement for every day this December. I'm one day late because this is a busy time of year, so take all these with a grain of salt. You can queue some of them, and ignore others. They're designed to be done one each day, but you can pick and choose what suits you.
Write a winter holiday starter!
Find a winter themed meme and reblog it.
Muse headcanon prompt - what, if anything, do they celebrate? And how do they feel about it?
Change your blog theme to fit the season. If that feels overwhelming, just change your avatar picture.
Go through your mutuals and write up an ask that details everything you like about them, be it anonymously or not.
Write an open holiday starter that anyone can join and open the proverbial doors.
Make an effort to send out a few memes to your mutuals and followers, extra points if it’s holiday themed.
Muse headcanon prompt - what do they wear to the holiday office party?
Write holiday letters or postcards from the POV of your muse to another muse and post them on your blog. 
Write a starter where winter is the enemy - be it because of a violent blizzard or a terrible winter witch.
Muse headcanon prompt - if they went on a holiday vacation for the season, where would they go?
Clean up your muse bios and make them ready for the new year.
Find or make some winter themed moodboards and post them to your blog. 
Write a winter poem to the RPC and post it. Tag it with #RPCpoem, so we can all see them!
Take a break. We’re mid-december and things are getting stressful for a lot of us. Leave tumblr for a bit and carve out some time for IRL recovery today, even if it’s just 10 minutes by yourself in the bathroom.
Find a winter fairy tale and write a starter OR a headcanon based on that (from https://fairytalez.com/ for example). Doesn’t have to be fairy tale themed, just take some inspiration.
Make a pinterest board of your muse and their holiday celebration during winter. If they don’t celebrate, show us what they’re doing instead.
How would a winter holiday with your muse sound like? Make a playlist.
Search the open starter tag (or any RP tag you follow) and take the plunge. If there’s an open starter you like where the blog is open for newcomers, reply to it. If you find a blog you like, follow them. 
Send someone in the RPC a gift. For example: Write a little drabble, just one paragraph, of what your muse would give their muse. Or see if you can tip their blog, if you’ve got the finances to. Or just send them that picture or pin that made you think of them, even if you don’t dare to.
Muse headcanon prompt - this is usually a time for family, found or otherwise, which is either a good or a terrible time. How does it look for your muse and what is their relationship to their family like? 
Mistletoe time. Make a starter call for some winter kisses, see if anyone takes the bait. 
It’s time for another break! This time, try shutting down the internet and your computer a little earlier before bedtime. 
Muse headcanon prompt - if your muse could wish for just one thing this season, what would they wish for?
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madarasgirl · 3 months
Today's episode was incredibly good! To be honest, fanfics with more than 3 chapters always made me boring so I only read oneshots or headcanons of my favorite characters.... until months ago I found your serie on AO3, I had never read such a good fanfic, from the first chapter of your series completely hooked me, I always wait for it to be updated and every time you upload a chapter I am going to read it quickly, your work is incredible!
hellsing ultimate is my favorite anime it just has everything I'm obsessed with, Sexy fucking vampires? of course, issues of religion and specifically Catholicism? That's right, some completely deranged Nazis? fuck yeah, I love that your fanfic does not soften all those interesting themes that the anime itself has, I hope I can reach the end of this incredible series, by the way you said that you studied the themes of the Second World War for almost an hour, what do you think about it? So do you find it interesting or are you just studying it for the series? Sorry for sending this question with so much text, I got too excited!
Omg omg! Sorry for the late reply. I had to sit on this ask for a few days to figure out how to respond to such a heartfelt love letter 💖. Thank you for these kind words. You would never know how much the encouragement helps 🥰. You might have made my entire week! I umm...love being asked about my writing. It's kind of an embarrassing confession. *virtual hugs and kisses*
I am so glad you're enjoying this story! Nothing makes me happier than to know that I was partially responsible for changing someone's mind on something! As much as I enjoy headcanons and shorts too, imo nothing is quite as satisfying as sticking with a character through their trials and tribulations in a long fic and getting immersed in their journey ^^
Yes Hellsing Ultimate has many of the things I enjoy in a show too! I love when shows don't shirk from the darker aspects of the world and now that Alucard and his Reader have a good foundational relationship, I think it's time to remind the audience of what Hellsing is about. Didn't want to sugarcoat how messed up the world and its characters really are. I am glad you don't think I botched the delivery.
The last time I actually studied WWII was in high school, so well over a decade ago. That was through the lens of the Allied victors and I only remember so much of the details. I think many things about that period, but the strongest feeling is how utterly dismal war is, how much needless suffering it causes.
For the latest chapter (Ch. 20), the vast majority of time researching was spent on finding certain details on Nazi units and which ones were responsible for certain actions as I was trying to decide on the next setting for this arc, the location of one of Millennium's bases. This one isn't in Brazil. This story is only canon-related, not canon-compliant. Here was some stuff going on in my head in the background for this fic. It was probably excessive, but I wanted a place that is: - postcard beautiful - isolated, but not too much so (or the logistics of resupplying themselves would be difficult) - an island (easier for the local authorities to pass strange phenomena off as freak incidences when pressured by Millennium) -lots of wilderness, for the isolation, but also training purposes - lots of caves/hidden ways for escape -the site of a Nazi massacre, so relevance to Nazis -sort of on the way in Dracula's historic seafaring route through the Mediterranean to England
Then I spent some time trying to figure out the logistics of zeppelin and ship travel from this place to others, whether this place has any other features, mythological history and/or appearances in popular culture that are interesting. I spent time reading about the local population and regional politics of that time for my interest.
In the end, there were a few islands I was trying to choose between, none of them were perfect. The biggest issue was that it was the Wehrmacht branch of the Nazis that were responsible for the atrocities and not the Waffen SS, but I was already at my wits' end trying to spin the story in a way that'll work and would rather start writing. I think it should work out though.
I'm no expert on anything historical. I hope I don't disappoint! It's nerve-wracking now that we're onto canon events! 😱 Don't apologize, I love your excitement and interest in this fic!!!! 🤩🤩🤩😘
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scarletttries · 2 years
You Are In Love (Eddie Munson x Reader series)
Part Ten: Dancing in a Snowglobe, Round and Round.
Pairing: Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) x F! Reader
Tags: Hunter's back and being shitty, but otherwise all fluff :)
Word Count: 2.2k
Author's Note: This is the tenth part of an Eddie Munson series inspired by Taylor Swift's "You Are In Love". Links for other parts on my Eddie Munson Masterlist :) As always please feel free to send me thoughts and headcanons for Eddie Munson <3
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And so it goes, You two are dancing in a snow globe, 'round and 'round.
As he passed through the hall littered with decorative posters, late enough to have missed home room but right on time to blend into the sea of students getting ready for their first classes, Eddie thought two things:
One: He couldn't help but think that the theme of 'Winter Wonderland.' for this year's prom was more a reflection of budget constraints and leftover decorations from the Middle School Snowball dance than an inspired choice.
And Two: Way too many people were smiling at him today. Eddie was used to a certain amount of stares and attention as he roamed the halls of Hawkins High, but usually they came with a certain cruel tinge of disdain that was noticeably missing this morning. In fact, by the time he was sat in his first class someone had gone as far as to give him a high five, Eddie completely oblivious as to why, worried some cursed gate had opened somewhere, and this was just another upside down version of this town. His morning seemed to pass in a flurry of smiles and nods, leaving the metalhead thoroughly baffled as he sat at his lunch table, excitable freshmen adding the undetermined celebration.
"Congrats man, you must be pretty excited!" Dustin cheered as he settled at Eddie's side, Mike nodding along with his joyful friend, if not a little less enthusiastic.
"What are you talking about Henderson? And why is everyone smiling at me like they suddenly have manners?" Eddie scowled, irritated in his confusion until Dustin pieced it together,
"Did you miss morning announcements again?" Dustin asked, unimpressed with Eddie's efforts at punctuality this year,
"Literally always, spit it out."
"They announced the prom queen nominees this morning, and (y/n) was one of them."
"Everyone's smiling at you because let's be honest, no one thought you'd be going to prom with possible royalty." Mike summarised somewhat sarcastically, Eddie already out of his seat and halfway across the cafeteria by the time he finished the remark. You were mid-sentence when you saw a black blur come flying towards you, the full weight of your boyfriend crashing down as he launched himself into your lap, a frenzied cry of 'Congratulations!" drawing the attention of half the room. The other half quickly followed at the chair beneath you toppled at the added weight, landing you both on the floor in a tangled mess of limbs and laughter.
"Sorry sweetheart, are you okay?" Eddie asked, slightly embarrassed by the scene he'd managed to cause until he caught the beaming smile spreading across your cheeks,
"I am now." You replied, lips finding his for a chaste kiss as a teacher across the room began to call out, "One student per chair please!" You both found your feet again, Eddie squeezing your hand before turning to the girls sitting at your table, watching this scene unfold, no longer surprised by your level of antics,
"I assume congratulations are due to you as well Chrissy?" He quizzed as he picked your chair up off the floor, checking its structural integrity before pulling it out for you to sit back down on,
"Thanks Eddie, but i'm not sure you should risk any more chairs congratulating me!" She laughed quickly, getting the words out before Eddie could be tempted by another hug-based tackle.
"As you wish. Apologies for the interruption!" He said with an old-fashioned flair, bowing chivalrously before leaving your table to return to its discussion of all things dates and dresses.
Eddie hadn't bothered attending either of his two previous senior proms, unsure why anyone would subject themselves to being surrounded by classmates for a whole evening, outside of school requirements. But as he stepped into the hall, decorated with glistening streamers and sparkling balloons, there was nowhere he'd rather be. And with you on his arm, no-one he'd rather be with.
You found it almost surreal as you watched Eddie disappear off to get you a drink, leaving you to take in the surprisingly pretty room you were in for the night, the flurry of sparkling snow-like decorations hiding a multitude of sins. You'd thought about prom a lot through your four years at Hawkins; the dancing, the music, the date (feeling very pleasantly surprised in who that had ended up being.) The importance of this one night felt like it had been drilled into you since years before you were old enough to go, but as you watched the twinkling lights and swaying forms dancing around the room, you felt an odd feeling wash over you. It wasn't excitement, or nerves, or anything you were expecting to feel. Instead you felt content. Like in fact tonight was just a night. A fun night, sure. A night where you'd dance with your friends, and kiss a cute boy, and feel excited about the great outfit you'd picked out. But it wasn't The Night. Maybe it was your nearing graduation, and the chance to finally get out of this small town, but clarity seemed to strike you in that moment, that you were going to have hundreds of special nights, and that this was just going to be one of them. So as Eddie returned, drinking in hand, nervous for this perfect night with you, you actually felt resoundingly calm, knowing you had a lifetime of imperfect nights together still to come.
"Good evening Hawkins, if you have not already voted for prom royalty please do so now, as we will be revealing your king and queen shortly."
Eddie felt his heart plummet to the icy depths of the mariana trench as the results were announced: Chrissy and Jason won. As he watched you happily celebrate your friend getting something that felt really important to her, he couldn't help but feel awful. Like maybe if you hadn't broken up with Hunter and started dating the Freak, you'd be the one holding a cheap plastic tiara. Like once again his presence in your senior year was tarnishing it, a side effect of your relationship that he was sure would test your patience eventually. But as you stepped down off the stage, back towards your solemn looking date, his wavy hair and rough-around-the-edges suit making him immediately obvious in the center of the dancefloor, you couldn't help still feeling like a winner.
Smiling brighter than if you'd won a contest, you scooped Eddie's hand up in yours, pulling him closer until your arms could drape over his shoulders, swaying against him in time to lulling music.
"Have I already told you just how handsome you look tonight Eddie?" You flirted eagerly, the blushing response from Eddie enough to make you giggle every time,
"Only a dozen or so times, but I've always said flattery works on me, so keep it up my beautiful queen." He charmed back, leaning his nose to meet yours in the slow melody of your moves, faltering on the final word before adding,
"I'm sorry about that by the way." You shook your head happily, brushing off his commiserations,
"No need to be sorry love, I'm happy for Chrissy." you paused and added, "unless you didn't vote for me, in which case you should be a little sorry." You pouted with the accusation, Eddie quickly rebuffing,
"Of course I voted for you sweetheart." Sealing his words with a kiss before sighing, "I just meant, if you weren't dating me, maybe you'd have won." You watched his warm brown eyes trail down to his scuffed boots, a perfect Eddie addition to his unusually formal outfit, and thought about your response for a moment.
"Maybe." You agreed, much to Eddie's surprise, expecting you to dismiss his thought, feeling all the worse for the confirmation. " But prom queen's a title I'd only get to keep for the next two weeks of school. And if I play my cards right, I get to keep you forever. So really there's no competition." You teased, watching the soft lines form on Eddie's face as he frown released naturally into a smile at the thought, his future endlessly brighter with you in it. You reached up, planting a soft kiss on his cheek, leaning back only to find Eddie's hold on your waist tightening. Hugging you against his chest until your feet barely skimmed the ground, Eddie squeezing flush against his, spinning himself in the spot and only putting you down once he was satisfied your excited squeals were audible over the gentle music.
Finally setting you back on your feet, Eddie brought a hand softly to your cheek, looking deeply in your eyes with an ecstatic grin on his face,
"You know you could play your cards wrong and still keep me right?" You laughed as you nodded, his grip on your tightening again as he spoke, threatening to repeat his dance moves if you tried to squirm away. "In fact, you could bring my DnD cards to a poker table and still be stuck with me. There's no cards you can play to escape this." And he set again, twirling you in the air, round and round, relishing in the happy laughter that poured out of you as he did.
And with his optimistic words, you could feel all the excitement and nerves for the future you expected tonight to bring, but it wasn't about the dance. It was about Eddie, and the life the two of you would soon be setting out on away from all of this. What felt like closure to your time at Hawkins High, felt like a world just starting to open up for the rest of your life. With him.
It never ceased to amaze Eddie just how perfect a night with you could feel. Even in a room of recycled decorations, and music he'd never allow on his stereo, he could feel his cheeks aching from a night of endlessly smiling with you. He'd practically had to force himself off the dance floor to trudge to the men's room, cursing nature for calling him away from you for even one song. As he washed his hands he couldn't help laughing at his own reflection in the grimy mirror; he'd tried his best to tame his wild hair for the night but after all the shapes he'd thrown, it was just as big as ever, his cheeks flushed with excitement, eternal smile plastered over his face as he heard the door crack open behind him.
"Speak of the devil." Hunter said sarcastically upon seeing Eddie, the usual band of lackeys following closely behind him, "or should I say devil worshipper." It was almost impressive, the careful way he measured his tone to sound both cuttingly cruel and entirely uninterested in the now worried boy before him. Even though your relationship had gone from strength to strength after his last interaction with Hunter, Eddie couldn't help but feel the sting of fear at the turmoil and hurt his next unpleasant statement might bring.
Holding his hands up in defense Eddie spoke confidently, "I was just leaving, no need to get your spear out Hunter." He couldn't help but feel a little victorious at the small laugh he drew from one of the jocks to the left of Hunter, who looked thoroughly displeased that Eddie wasn't speechless in his presence this time.
"I would never, I just wanted to say I hope you have a good rest of the night." Confusion spread across the faces beside him until he continued, "You know. Going home alone. Because I can assure you, getting in (y/n)'s bedroom is going to take you even longer than graduating." The crowd around him erupted in the kind of big laugh Eddie was used to, but it barely registered to him as he looked at the vicious look in the jock's eyes and realised in the months you'd spent dating Hunter you must have never had him up to your room.
Eddie's mind was suddenly awash with the early days of doing homework in the middle of your bedroom floor leading to make-out sessions that left rug-burn on both his knees. The nights spent curled up at your side, fingers tracing along your warm flesh as you nuzzled into his chest, his owh shirt draping from your shoulder as you drifted off together. Every precious moment he'd spent with his body draped over yours, fevered desire guiding your hands across him as you'd waste entire afternoons exploring every tattooed inch of him.
Hunter was projecting. And as Eddie watched the poison smirk spreading across his face, he wanted to laugh. And brag. And boast. He felt like finally had something he could hold over the head of this arrogant prick of a man, who had picked ruthlessly on him for being different, and yelled at you over your kindness all those months ago. But watching Hunter's confident facade start to waver in his calm silence, he instead said,
"You have a good night too Hunter." A sincerity in his voice that left the gang in baffled quiet as he swanned out the door, realising how little any of their opinions meant to him now. Now that he had a way out of town, a better sense of himself, and you.
You Are In Love taglist:
@lacrymosa-24 @aftermidnightwriting @fluttergirl1202 @tayhar811 @souls-rain @neewtmas @kimmi-kat @wintrrrsoldier @dylanmunson @sidthedollface2
@eddiemunson95 @mistiatmosphere @singularattitudeofasafetypin @omgsquee2001
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AvA/AvM Headcanon #1:
(For context, I copied this over Discord, so certain parts might not make sense if you only know me from Tumblr. Feel free to send in an ask or dm me for clarification).
riding on the hollowhead-animal theme hc: the type of animal a hollowhead is themed around show their given purpose and how dangerous they are
tdl is themed around arachnids. he was made to kill, and his knowledge on creating viruses parallel the intricacies of a spider’s web. but as formidable as spiders and scorpions are, they can still be exterminated.
tco is themed around reptilians. through human history, reptiles like snakes, lizards, and even dragons have played a significant role in various mythologies we know. no matter the side they’re on, from the start they’ve had a written purpose, just like TCO
victim is based around marine life, and more specifically, deep sea creatures. they have an air of mystery around them, but it’s certain that they’re also dangerous. think of an anglerfish— they have an antenna which lures prey to them. and victim, with now a large corporation that is Rocket, lures stick city into a false sense of intent, when in reality things are more sinister than what they appear to be
tsc is of more..avian descent. this correlates with their connection to tco— dinosaurs (which are reptiles), were able to evolve into the birds that we know today (according to evolution). a lot of birds today are omnivores, but a portion of the population are carnivores. tsc prefers to settle things with words, but they aren’t afraid to attack whenever necessary. birds aren’t usually seen in a freighting light to the average person, but those that know, know. (geese are public enemy #1)
what do these guys have in common? they’re predators. they were made with the intent to not create, but to destroy. and predators were made to hunt and kill.
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toastedbuckwheat · 2 years
Hello Buckwheat! I love your use of color and movement in your art. I've seen some pieces float around my blog feed before but today I saw your Ecthelion with the shattered mirror piece and it just really moved me.
I forgot to include in my last ask, but:
1. What medium of art do you enjoy the most?
2. Where do you get your inspiration from? I see a lot of European and Asian influences!
3. Do you have open commissions and if so what are your prices?
4. How long have you been seriously pursuing art and what got you started?
Thank you so much for the kind message!!
To answer your questions:
1. My living space is... Very limited, meaning I need to stick to small formats - at the moment it is all about alcohol markers and watercolour for me, and I've recently started incorporating gouache into my pieces... I used to paint large oil and acrylic pieces and I do miss it sometimes, but to be honest I like the limitations of small formats and the fact that I can quickly bring my ideas into life.
2. East Asian influences are down to my dear @mimimarilynart who also always sends me a lot of references/helps me find things 🥰 for years now most of my drawings have been based on our headcanons and what we are currently into.
Otherwise, I occasionally I throw in elements of Slavic folklore. Since I mostly draw characters, I need to look at historical clothing etc, although admittedly I have been lazy at keeping things consistent, especially as headcanons evolve.
There's obviously a lot of art that I like but in all honesty when I try to replicate a particular style I'm usually unable to😅 due to the limitations of my skill most likely and my brain being all over the place. Same goes for keeping my own style consistent - I allow the theme and the medium to lead my hand. But I guess some influence of Young Poland movement or artists such as Zofia Stryjeńska is engraved in me.
3. So sorry, I have been procrastinating making a new pricelist for two entire years now. Please DM me if you have any commission ideas and I will come up with a quote based on the style and the estimated time needed to complete it 🙂
4. Super cheesy answer but I have been into arts and crafts for as long as I remember. When it comes to doing it seriously - I would say since I was 12-13 and got accepted into art school, something I worked very hard for. Poland has an interesting system of public (free!) art education that allows you to learn multiple art techniques alongside regular school subjects such as maths or biology, and you reveive a professsional diploma upon completion at 18/19. It was tough but taught me a lot. My major was woodcarving and it is my dream to one day resume working in wood.
I hope this long-winded reply makes sense haha, thank you again for reaching out and to anyone who's been sharing my inktober pieces ❤️
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vs-redemption · 2 years
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1. As always, you are free to send in any soft headcanons you have about your favorite character, favorite ship, or favorite self-ship.
This is open for characters from all fandoms!
2. For today only, I will be writing requests too! Send in the name of your favorite character plus one of the emojis below for a couple headcanons or a short drabble.
This is open for any character from AOT, Haikyuu, Black Clover, Genshin Impact, or MHA
🍀- luck themed headcanons (luck in their life and relationships) 🎵- song themed headcanons (pick ONE song and get headcanons based on that song) 💖- love themed headcanons (love and romantic relationships) 🤝- friendship themed headcanons (friendship with your character)
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disclaimer: I will try to get to all requests TODAY but if I don't, I will answer them throughout the week as well.
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blcdcarnage · 2 months
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This is a Supernatural Demon OC Rp Blog!!! Heavily Headcanon based, Biblical undertones & Norse Mythology Based RP Blog!!
This blog is Highly Triggering and Heavily Dark Themed. Some of the triggers will be Death, Blood, Foul Language, Demons, Murder, Hell, Satan, The worship of Satan, Sex, Gore, Torture, Mentions of Rape and More. Please be advised,
21+ UP ONLY. Minors & Personals please DNI. This blog is here for RP Purposes & To meet new Friends.. If you are someone who likes to cause drama ooc or involved in Shaming of any kind, Cancel Culture, Purity Culture , Spreading Hate, Gossiping, Blog Policing or any thing similar then please don't follow me.
This is a Mutually Exclusive, Multi Verse, Multi Ship Blog!!!
A STUDY IN Demonic Nature, Viking Heritage, & Nordic Culture!!! This Muse is a Viking For Life! Born into a Viking Family. So, that heritage sticks with him even as he becomes Demon. It will never leave him.
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With the power of Thor we shall shake this land Today, we Write Our Names in History VALHALLA, AWAITS THE BRAVE!!
Highly Affiliated: @habitualevil , @notwithoutsins , @bloodlct , @aesircrowned
Affiliated: @bloodsalted , @razorfst , @hellsurvivr
THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW, Levi is a Complete Asshole! He won't be friendly, so don't expect a nice sweet meeting. He will be Sarcastic, Brash, Arrogant, Sadistic, Vile, Brutal, and very rude. He has a hatred toward Humans! If you want a nice, and friendly demon, go try looking for someone else. I won't change him for anybody or Anything. Only person he is soft around, and sweet is Rosemary @notwithoutsins !! If that makes you upset, then I don't know what to tell you. But you could get that side too. If he starts to feel something for your Muse. You can like the shipping call, and we can talk, but know it is up to him if he wants to ship with yours.. Plus we go off chemistry. <3
Remember, this blog is Dark In Nature, & Heavily Triggering. Please note The Devil and Demons portrayed in threads on this blog. Will not be like you see on Supernatural. They will be EXTREMELY DARK and Sick, Twisted, and Malicious! Do not engage if you are a Minor, 21+ Only, You have been Warned and Told here and on my Carrd, several times. So you can't say you didn't know.
@bledtitanium - Marvel / Thor RP Blog @traumablcd - Criminal Minds RP Blog @thundcrstruck - Thor Odinson RP Blog
@cursedempcthy - Stefan Salvatore
QUICK NAVIGATION ◢✥◣ CARRD - Read up on everything about Levi. And get to know him ◢✥◣ Memes - Send me Memes, Send one, Send a 100 :) ◢✥◣ Starter Call, - Click that Heart ◢✥◣ Open Starters - Random Starters for you to choose from ◢✥◣ HeadCannons - Levi's HeadCannons, they are good little reads. And gives you a deeper look into his Character. ◢✥◣ Rules - Read these, they are kinda important!! ◢✥◣ Lore - Read up on his Demon ◢✥◣ Commissions I make Custom RP Graphics for you. So if you ever want something Custom Made. Check it out, and get in touch with me. <3 I am happy to help.
@notwithoutsins , @bloodsalted ,
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aeriscallanga · 9 months
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First of all, I would like to thank all of you for your unwavering support and love for my blog! I also highly appreciate your patience and understanding with my inconsistent posting and sudden hiatuses in the past few months. These things kept reminding me to continue creating and sharing content with all of you without pressure. It all means a lot to me ♡
Moreover, to celebrate my brief return, I'll be throwing not only just one but two parties here in my blog, a new year celebration and victory party from winning the choral competition with the theme of Ateez' Break the Wall concert, because I miss them so book your ticket, sing your heart out and have a great night! ♫
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Follower celebration starts on January 2nd until January 14th at 11:59 pm (GMT+8), join us and let's break our first wall in 2024! ♬
𝗥𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘀 & 𝗚𝘂𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 || 𝗧𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝗔𝘃𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲
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[Original Characters' Corner]: "Let's say hi first...dul set, 8 makes 1 team! Annyeonghaseyo eitijeu ibnida!"
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HALA HALA (Hearts Awakened Live Alive): Fill out this form and I'll make a Tumblr banner for your OC, though it may take weeks or months to finish it
New World: Tell me about your OC I'll try to sort them to another fandom or an AU they would also fit in. Take note: this may took a lot of time to generate, the more information, the better!
Pirate King: Here's your chance to talk with my OCs! click the link of my OC Masterlist, and all you need to do is to send their representative emoji(s) with your question. MTLs, headcanons, and general discourse are also welcome
FEVER Medley (Good Lil' Boy + The Leaders + To the Beat): Similar to Pirate King, but with a twist! Let's exchange "tea" of our OCs without mentioning their name(s). You can send juicy asks too, but again...no name dropping
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[Moots Only]: "Let's continue to make more beautiful memories together"
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Celebrate: I'll create a moodboard based on your big three (sun, moon, and ascendant) and venus sign. In case that you don't know what are they, refer to cafeastrology
Illusion: Send me your five most recently used AESTHETIC emojis [smileys are not included] and I will tell you which ATEEZ member + their song you give vibes of
Eternal Sunshine: Gimme your best meme/inside joke(s)/pun(s) and I'll share mine in return. Let's spread positivity here!
Turbulence: This milestone wouldn't be possible without my lovely mutuals! Feel free to ask a handwritten letter if you want to
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[For Other Followers and Anons]: "Thank you for everyone who worked hard on this concert and joined us today"
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BOUNCY (K-Hot Chili Peppers): Drop one simple word and I'll try my best to create a short poem about it
Sunrise: How are you feeling? Come to talk with me through submission ask, and I'll try my best to give you comfort or advice to cheer you up
Aurora: Tell me about yourself (don't forget your age and sexuality + preference) and I will ship you with someone from random fandom(s) on wheel of names, it'll be a surprise so buckle up!
The Real (흥 ver): You already know this one...the usual ask games, kiss marry kill, cym, top 5, and others you can think of
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This was ATEEZ today hana, dul, set...8 makes 1 team, gamsahamnida!"
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚⋆*・
𝗺𝘆 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗺𝗼𝗼𝘁𝘀: || @foxesandmagic || @arrthurpendragon || @jemmalynette || @deliahscrush2003 || @carmens-garden || @megandaisy9 || @multifandomfix || @impales || @fiction-is-life || @the-second-tonks || @moonrainbowfish || @needsmth || @stingrayextraordinaire || @oceanblueeyesoul || @literaturewithliz || @diorgirl444 || @gayandfairycore || @ourbonesmccoy || @virginia-peters || @fuckitup-in-style || @mysticmeadows || @howlruto || @moonlight-yuyu || @ppoppokari || @x0x0josephinex0x0 || @ihavenothingtodo10220 || @disneymbti ||
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myopicmeerkat · 3 years
195 Followers Celebration
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Guess who was too impatient to actually have 200 followers before holding the celebrations? Yeah!! That's right!! This annoying dumbass sitting right here, typing out this post, grinning as she types.😁😁
Anyways, besties, enough of me fooling around, IG.
Okay, so, first of all, OMG!! I am really happy and really surprised at the same time, YK. Happy at the fact that I got so many followers. Surprised at the fact that I got so many followers.
But I still wanna tell all of you something.
And to celebrate this milestone that I have reached today, many thanks to all of your love, support and encouragement, I have decided to hold a Star Wars Universe-themed celebrations!! Hope all of you will enjoy this!! :D
Coruscant - Send me a character/ship + a prompt/scenario and I will write (a) headcanon(s) for them. (Nothing NSFW, please.) (FYI, I write for HP, Star Wars (movies and TCW) and BBC Sherlock.)
Endor - Send me a headcanon/joke/meme (the latter two can be general or concerning a particular fandom) and I will rate it out of 10.
Geonosis - Send me a theme and I will make a moodboard based on it. (The theme can be anything - a character, a ship, a movie, a song, an aesthetic or your blog.)
Hoth - Send me a word or a sentence and I will give you a picture (from the innumerable pictures I have saved on my Pinterest) which it reminded me of.
Jakku - I will make a picrew (using this picrew) of what I think you look like.
Mustafar - Give me a book/movie/song rec and I will give you one.
Naboo - Classic Tumblr games (excluding KMK and FMK).
Tatooine - Ask me any 5 questions and I will be able to answer only in "Yes" or "No" or "Maybe, IDK". (Please don't make the questions too personal.)
Tagging my super-awesome besties below the cut. 😄😄
@silver-de-vonne, @hemlock-the-viper, @the-nightingales-world, @the-nyx-from-here-and-there, @remuslupininskirts, @siriusblackinskirts, @regulusblackinskirts, @jamespotterinskirts, @i-do-random-things-do-not-ask, @moony-likes-hot-choc, @howlingpadfoots, @midtownbucky, @draco-loves-ferret, @nymphadorathebubba, @helloliriels, @deadpotayto, @acciorxses, @carolinesalvawhore, @nakaharaswife, @glittercrashhh, @celestialsmessy1, @emikadreams, @anonymouse-the-asian, @toofburet, @my-last-two-brain-cells-and-i, @iluvitwhenweplay-1950, @peterrr-parkour, @sirsnortsalot13, @cosmicdreams1111, @your-favourite-skittles, @arachneofthoughts, @f-i-t-z-s-i-m-m-o-n-s, @fierreth-who, @friedmomos, @nothings-fair, @girl-among-mts, @koushiki-das, @gayteensupreme, @buzzcut-and-bleached-hair, @astrqnova, @tarafications, @ialmostdonothingnew, @yonkitybonkity, @ghost-spidey, @themostingloriousisvictorious, @the-happy-fujoshi, @justtryingtosurviveinthepresent, @alexanderthepatrochillestrash, @sassychaostrash, @dead-james-potter and all my other amazing mutuals and followers whose URLs I cannot remember ATM. (I am so sorry for the same. 😔) Though I couldn't tag everyone here, please know that I am very much grateful to all of you for following my blog, chatting with me, appreciating my posts and for everything y'all have done for me. Thank you so much!!!! :))
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Hello welcome to le writing blog♥️🌹
Thought I might as well make an introduction blog since my other things are all the way at the bottom.
Anyways I can offer the best of *chefs kiss* writing imagines possible.
And away we go♥️
Things I can offer lel:
Matchups: closed
Feel like getting paired with a character and want some dialogue to go with that head your description in the submissions. I don't mind the number of fandoms.
If you want to add extra details then please request from the list below:
A picture of your wedding dress and theirs
Dialogue about the scanario
A picture of your child (if you DM me a pic of your self I can send a picture of what your child would look like.)
A picture of the outfit you would wear from the fandom (be sure to list your fashion style)
Added gifs (more interactive gifs to see how you would hug,kiss, interact, etc.)
Your theme song (I will choose a theme song that represents the two of you.)
A oneshot (will be included seperatly but if you send me a name then I can write a oneshot based on a scanario you want acted out.)
Picrew of you and the person
Moodboard (tell me your aesthetic)
Imagines: Open
Wanna know how a character may react or there preference I can totally be down to try to write the canon version of what they would do with either y/n or an oc.
Oneshots: open
Ever wanna see an X reader or oc with a canon character I would be happy to write out any story you have to offer with any character.
A/n: please do note I only do oneshots. If it's more than 1 chapter it'll be seen as a commission.
Headcanons: open
Want to see how a character will react or a preference involving you or your oc send in some info and I can list different character reactions based on the canon.
Moodboards: closed
Ever wanted a Collab of you and a character. Mabey even prehaps a ship or oc X canon then look no further then here~. I will put together asthetics to please your favourite ship.
Letters: closed
Have you ever wished for a letter by your comfort character or fictional s/o. Come and tell me what you wish to have in your letter and I can write it for you. Either privately or publicly.
Photo self insert/crossover/oc x canon: closed
Do you have a comfort character you have always wanted to see yourself or oc with. Feel free to request a photo or face claim, and I'll place you with that character.
If it's an oc, unfortunately, I can't use descriptions it must be a picture or face claim.
If it's a crossover, send me the characters you wish to see.
If it's a self insert, send me a picture in the submission or ask and let me know which character you would like. If it's a private ask, please, please send it in the dms so only you can access it.
Please be aware that I'm not an expert at photo manipulation, and I've only just started. So I'll do my best in my limit to make it as good quality as I can, but for now, it's only practice, so I can't guarantee the most perfect outcome.
Harry potter
pirates of the Carribbean
House of the dragon
Aquaman 2018 and 2023
Outlast 1 and dlc
Commissions are open feel free to check out the details💖
Anyways that about sums it up so please request away or read my other work on my blog safe travels ha♥️
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steggyfanevents · 3 years
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#steggyweek21 is July 25 - 31!
It’s hard to believe, but it’s been ten years since Captain America: The First Avenger introduced Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter to the MCU. Join us in celebrating their silver screen anniversary by showing Steggy some love!
New to Steggy Week? Here’s how it works:
pick a theme (as many as you like!)
make a fanwork based on that theme
post it on the theme day
tag it with #steggyweek21 in the first five tags
Fanworks can be anything: fic, art, graphics, gifs, videos, playlists, moodboards, headcanons, meta, and more. If it’s pro-Steggy, we’re happy to see it and share it!
Don’t feel like making anything? Try compiling a rec list, or sending a few prompts. Comments and shares are always appreciated too. The goal is to have fun together!
#steggyweek21 themes
Day 1 (Sunday): Favourite era Are you a wartime slow-burn fan? Do you love seeing Steve and Peggy living happily ever after-Endgame? Whatever your jam is, today’s the day to spread it.
Day 2 (Monday): Favourite moment What moment made you fall in love with their love? There are no wrong answers!
Day 3 (Tuesday): Favourite AU Carter and Rogers in space? Regency-era romance Steggy? Literally anything is possible today!
Day 4 (Wednesday): Favourite headcanon What offscreen details have you cooked up? Share them with the rest of us!
Day 5 (Thursday): Favourite trope or genre They’re classics for a reason.
Day 6 (Friday): Our favourite family Kids, babies, Stegglings… call them what you want, a lot of you asked for them! Today’s the day for domestic bliss - and found families are also welcome.
Day 7 (Saturday): Free choice Come as you are, make what you like!
New this year: prompts from you!
We took all the great suggestions from our poll and made a list of prompts, organized by theme day. See the full list here. Feel free to leave prompts in the comments on this post too!
Hope you’re able to join us this year. And, as always… don’t you dare be late.
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messiambrandybuck · 3 years
Hallo Mutuals and Muffins!
💚 There’s now 300 of you!! 💚
As most of you know, when milestones like this are reached, sometimes the blogger will post a celebration event! I planned on doing one for 200 muffins, but in a blink of an eye, I was at 290 and barely had come with any ideas!
Thank you all so much for being here with me, and I appreciate every last one of you so so much <3 So, without further ado!
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This celebration will last 31 days: starting at 12 am/0.00 EST of the first morning and ending at 11.59 pm/23.59 EST of the last night. During this time, you can request any of the following choices:
5 Slots Available:
💙 W.I.P Excerpt - Get a sentence/snippet from the story I’m currently working on!
💛 Ficlette - Give me a word and fandom (The Hobbit/LOTR), and I have to write a Ficlette based on that word
💗Moodboards - Give me a character/s and a theme, and I’ll give you a moodboard!
10 Slots Available:
💚Pairings - Give me a description of yourself, and I’ll pair you up with one of the Hobbit and/or Lord of the Rings characters
🧡Letters - Requests should include: Your name; gender identity; whether you wish to be human or a different race; which character you’d like the letter to be from; and the relationship you have with that character (i.e: familial, platonic, or romantic). You can further personalize your request, of course, but that is the baseline :)
🤎Fic Reviews - Send me your fic, and I’ll give it my honest opinion; the good and the bad.
Unlimited During Celebration:
❤ Q&A - Ask me any sfw questions, and I’ll answer them honestly
💜 Headcanons - You want ‘em, I got ‘em! Some will be longer than others! Either go with one I have sitting about, or send me a thought and see where my brain takes it!
Please only send one request per ask!
Edit: @blueberryrock asked a wonderful question! While requests start today, the official 31 days doesn't start until 12 am/0.00 EST tomorrow!
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bandtrees · 3 years
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Seven lies, multiplied by seven, multiplied by seven again Seven angels with seven trumpets Send them home on the morning train
@existentialterror i feel awkward @ing, much less for my silly art and sillier au, but - possibly relevant to your interests? XD i hope i do your girl justice!
so just today i've begun to craft a villain!light au, just because i have a lot of fondness for villain aus, and a lot of fondness for light <3
this au involves quite a lot of personal headcanon/interpretation, as light isn't a character i've done much reading on, but i hope it is still enjoyable :] my rambly idea below the cut, which in a wonderful act of tumblr's incompetence, got deleted and made me have to rewrite the whole thing which i am very salty about -
so my idea, for starters, is based in the backstory of resurrection - which i haven't read save for yesterday, my beloved but i just really like how it sets things up and portrays events, so this au is based in that a little - mostly, it sort of follows that theme of "how the foundation operated 'back in the day' vs now"
so in this au, light is first hired as a researcher by o5-2 (who i interpret as "the gardener" here but i think any of them could work), who she only really meets that once and never even learns anything about (including the truth of who she is) but kind of feels a connection/kinship to regardless, which... ends badly, but we'll get to that!
light is the kind of person you'd picture working at a place like the scp foundation - cold, calculating, intelligent, has a ton of medical experience, etc. - and she cares very genuinely about research and advancement of science and studying these anomalies, so at first, it really seems perfect.
the problem comes when she meets her coworkers - the "magic army", the "o5's pets": bright being bright, kondraki's reckless and rebellious nature, clef's trolling, the violent decommissionings, the crosstesting, the weaponization of scps, etc, and the respect she greatly had for the o5s is immediately dashed.
because she really did respect the o5 council, a lot: they were doing maybe the most important work in the whole world, they had every piece of information in every foundation site worldwide at their fingertips. she feels betrayed to find this is what they're doing - spending time prodding at a bunch of lunatics and watching them dance instead of making them do their jobs? enabling them?
sadly, though, because at this point in time this is just how the foundation operates, she doesn't have much of a choice but to play along, including signing off on things she doesn't agree with if she has any hope of rising in the ranks: she ends up as a shameless reference to resurrection working with kondraki on weaponizing scps, and just watches and seethes as his anti-social, impulsive nature puts him and those around him in more and more danger, to say nothing of what his plans to weaponize scps could even do.
and when the o5 council saw their mistakes and he died... light didn't have any direct hand in it, but she sure wasn't complaining when it happened. she wanted him dead at that point more than anyone, because then maybe the o5s would see reason and stop their spoiling of these dangerous figures...
from there, the au becomes light's intentional rise in foundation ranks in an effort to change it from the inside - become respected enough to influence the o5 council, and in turn punish those "problem researchers". she eventually uses her authority as a director as an opportunity to do so, singling them all out in particular: from using her relationship with lament to convince him to leave gears and speak out about his unethical practices, to reopening discussions of having clef contained as an scp, to having all of kain's inventions thrown into storage...
and as i like lament becoming an o5 in yesterday, he still does in this au: albeit under much darker circumstances...
upon light's pulling strings to find he's related to perhaps the most egregious offender of "getting away with stupid things because of power", jack bright, and how his doing so wasn't even interest but instead pure nepotism, o5-12 - adam - 'mysteriously' drops dead. it's not hard for a surgeon as accomplished as light to make it look like an accident, and publicly, so as to not show vulnerability, it's written off as him retiring.
this kills two birds with one stone: not only is light sending a message that this bias and "adoption" of senior staff can't be tolerated, but she's giving lament - and herself, by extension - an 'in' to the o5 council, just like she's wanted. not only is she one of the foundation's most accomplished personnel, she's the new o5-12's secretary!
(i should specify lament isn't exactly being taken advantage of here, his and light's relationship is very genuine, but... he doesn't need to know what his girlfriend did to get him his position. it's not important, troy!)
aaand with that 'in', light is disgusted to see how truly incompetent the council is - in her eyes, anyway. they let kondraki fool them all those years ago, and they're still running around like headless chickens, to say nothing of the workload and stress they're giving lament rivaling even the amount he got from gears. (never mind the fact they're dealing with fresh grief, a new member, and the amount of stress they're all under - in light's eyes, they need to be those cold, level-headed, intelligent world leaders she thought they were from the beginning.)
after all these years, light finally meets her 'alternate' - o5-2, who she's the most furious with. she was the one she felt that 'special connection' with - and learning the truth about it, that they're the same person, that light is nothing more than her less accomplished double, light kind of... snaps.
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...to be honest, this au came entirely from "i think light killing o5-2 would be metal as hell, how can i make it happen" XD aaand i'm not sure what happens from there - light getting executed on the spot the second the others find what happened, maybe even lament joining her under suspicion he was a conspirator of hers...
regardless, nobody on the council forgets the completely covered up incident, and just like those she shamed those years ago, light's name just becomes a footnote in foundation history: a cold and intelligent site director, partner of agent lament... and to those with the clearance to know, o5-12's secretary, and one of the worst terrors the o5 council ever dealt with.
i had too much fun with this im sorry. thank you for reading this far if you did! i'm not sure what i intend to do with this au, but i knew for a while i wanted to write light as a villain, and... i guess i sure did that!
mentally, i associate this au most with the song 'john the revelator' by depeche mode, which if i ever get it in me to try animatics, i'd like to bring my imaginary amv of it to life :] it is rotating in my mind....
and hey, author light, if you see this post and read this far, uh... i'm sorry i did this to your girl, i promise i don't think she's actually this evil XD
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tsukkisbean · 4 years
haikyuu nsfw alphabet series | tendō satori
please block #claras steamys if you don’t want to see this type of content!!
warnings: sexual themes, mentions of (unprotected) sex, voyuerism, bondage, edging,  fem!reader
a/n:  based on post time skip!! okay i don’t talk a lot about tendō so it was super fun to analyze him and bring my headcanons to life bc he’s definitely a hard hard dom!! this is also unedited pls excuse any unfinished sentences or mistakes
return to nsfw alphabet series masterlist
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
i think tendō would be surprisingly big on aftercare. given how he acts in the bedroom (detailed later) he makes sure that you are well taken care of after a long session together. like he’ll grab some water and a towel and help you get cleaned up and comfortable. maybe in the morning he’ll have a super simple breakfast ready like a toast and coffee or tea or maybe even some chocolate depending on the time of day
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
his favourite body part of his is 100000% his fingers. his hands are large, fingers long and skinny and he absolutely loves the way they look shoved down into your pretty mouth, around your throat, or fingering your wet cunt.
he absolutely loves your mouth (detailed more below!!)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
so based on the above tendō loves when you’re sitting on your knees, waiting for him to cum in your mouth. there’s just something about the way you look with his cum painted all over your tongue. and it drives him especially crazy when you lick your lips to clean up the drops that are spilling down the corner of your mouth because you don’t want to waste a single drop
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
honestly? i don’t think he has any, mainly because he’s not afraid to be open with you. he strikes me as the type with absolutely no filter and so he’s going to tell you everything and anything on his mind whether it’s a random dirty thought or something new that he wants to try with you
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i’m a little on the fence about this mainly because tendō has a personality that people need time to get used to and understand. so that being said, i don’t think he has a lot of experience, BUT he knows what he’s doing (from watching a lot of porn probably)
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
you’re on your back, legs spread out wide, his hands wrapped around your ankles, holding your legs in the air while he fucks you
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
not goofy, but i wanna say he’s more playful. he likes to talk dirty, and say things he knows will make you embarrassed. loves the expression when you’re lost for words but also clearly turned on!!
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
not groomed whatsoever like i cannot see him giving a crap about what he looks like down there
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
honestly i think he gets so into the whole sex aspect that he completely forgets about being romantic for the most part. he’ll do things like praise you, and maybe a kiss or two here or there but most of it will just be him focusing on fucking you and help you reach your high
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he knows that you know and you know that he knows, yet you don’t move from your spot hiding spot. you didn’t intend for this to happen; all you wanted was to surprise tendō by finally coming home early for once. you peer through the crack in the door, reveling at the way your boyfriend looked with his eyes shut, head thrown back, and those beautiful fingers wrapped around the base of his cock. it feels weird to be spying on your boyfriend, someone you were regularly intimate with, yet you can’t seem to tear your eyes away.  you don’t realize, but your mouth hangs open, drool dribbling down your chin.
the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end as your boyfriend’s voice cuts through the silence in the air, “are you going to just sit there like a dirty slut and me jack off or are you going to come suck my dick?”
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
tendō enjoyed seeing the look of defeat on his opponents faces when he played volleyball and i think that translates into the bedroom. he’s the type that loves to see his partner struggle (i would say he’s pretty much a sadist) and so i can think of A LOT of things he’d be into but i’m going to just keep it to top 3. 
1. bondage: loves to tie you up, your hands completely bound, eyes covered with a blindfold so you can’t move in any way. the power he feels just seeing you struggle, the way your face contorts in frustration because your arms are bound and your vision is temporarily taken away is immense
2. exhibitionism: absolutely LOVES the thrill of the two you possibly getting caught will having sex; the expression of the unsuspecting person.he gets especially excited at the way you clench around him because you’re nervous someone will spot you even though you’re okay with the exhibitionism
3. edging: favourite way to do this is first by eating you out. as soon as he feels your thighs about to quiver, he’ll pull away. next, he’ll pump his fingers in and out of your drenched cunt, fingers curling every so often. when he he feels you clench around his fingers, he’ll stop again. to top it off, he’ll fuck into you, slamming his hips against yours but at a painstakingly slow pace. loves the way you beg and cry for him to let you cum.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
the balcony of your apartment!! checks off all his boxes. it’s accessible and there’s the possibility of getting caught
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
dirty talk!!! if you want to get him all riled, tell him all the things you want him to do. better yet, tell him all the things you want to do him and you guys will be in the bedroom in no time
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i can’t think of a single thing. i think tendō is one of the most open to experimenting when it comes to sex and he won’t really know he doesn’t like it until he actually tries it
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
this might come as a surprise to some, but i think he prefers to oral. the man is skilled with his tongue. he loves the way you squirm in his grasp, needy for more, but refuses to give it to you just because it’s fun to him
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
fast and rough; he likes to build up the momentum and right when you’re about to cum he’ll stop. continues that pattern until you’re reduced to a blabbering mess
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
not a fan because he prefers to draw out each time with you as long as he can. will only do it if he’s super desperate and he knows you guys can’t wait for the right moment
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
this man is down to do everything and anything that you want. he probably has a long list of things he wants to try with you and it grow every single day.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
can accomplish anything he puts his mind to so i would say his stamina is pretty high. he could probably go for at least 3 rounds, each lasting around 30-45 minutes (including foreplay)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
lots of different toys for the both of you to use on each other!!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
given his kinks tendō is the biggest tease but he’s not cruel; over time he’s learned your limits and will push you just until you’re a quivering, crying mess  because he knows you can take it
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
not super loud, but he’s extremely vocal in the sense that he likes whispering dirty things and praises in your ear (with the occasional grunt or moan in-between) cause he knows it makes your skin crawl.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
at a time when the entire city should be asleep, there you stand on the balcony of your shared apartment with your boyfriend. one hand grasps the railing in front of you, the other presses firmly against your mouth. the feeling of your boyfriend’s lips merely ghosting against the nape of your neck is enough to send electric currents up your spine, “kitten, why are you so shy today?” 
in one swift movement, both your arms are pinned against your back, your chest meeting the frosty glass of the balcony. his thrusts are long and deep, and with each one it becomes harder and harder to hold back your pathetic cries.
at a time when the entire city should be asleep, there you stand with your boyfriend for anyone to watch as they please.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
longer than average, average girth and a slight curve to the right
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
h i g h. mainly cause he randomly thinks of something new that he wants to try with you and can’t calm down until it happens
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
honestly he probably falls asleep while cuddling you almost instantly after you guys are done
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