#Senior's Safety
christhomecare · 4 months
At Christ Home Care, we understand the importance of enabling senior citizens in Tennessee to live safely and comfortably within their own homes. Part of this mission includes ensuring their living environment is well-maintained. However, keeping up with home maintenance tasks can become increasingly challenging for aging adults. This article explores effective strategies for seniors and their families to navigate home care in Nashville, Tennessee.
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carouselhomecare · 1 year
As we age, the idea of losing our independence can be daunting. However, with assisted living, seniors can maintain a high level of independence while receiving the care and support they need. In Forsyth, Georgia, personal care homes like Carousel Home Care provide seniors with the personalized assistance they need to live their best lives.
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As we get older, our need for medications tends to increase. Unfortunately, many seniors struggle to track their medications, leading to missed doses, incorrect dosages, and serious health complications. Truvine Homecare Services, Inc., a provider of home care in Ardmore, Pennsylvania, can help seniors with medication reminders to ensure they take their medications as prescribed.
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dignity-senior · 2 years
Learn the advantages and services Dignity Senior Living Home offers to find out whether you need it or truly need it! Many seniors have already experienced holistic and high-level care from us.
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Don't let republicans fool you with their national populism cause they do not give a single care for veterans who died and suffered for America. They would hollow out the VA and fill it corporate and political stooges who would blindly follow the GOP's bidding. Our government doesn't care enough for veterans and here we have Republicans confirming it, remember it was Biden who passed the CARE act. So remember a future where our soldiers suffer more than they already do is what the Republicans want.
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
Paradox, baby. Can I call you Mr. Darcy? I'll call you Fitzgerald. Fitzy, are you sure you want Deadpool in the main timeline? Really? Has the mothers and fuckers of this honorable jury forgotten what happens to every other fish when you put a lionfish in their midst?
The lionfish eats them all.
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snoopythemage · 1 month
i think people think when i say that i feel stupid in my major it’s because it’s science and it’s hard but it’s because, all around me, people seem to have this ease of just knowing what’s going on?? not without studying or working at it but they know what to study, they know how to work at it, and i feel like im trying to search and find my way while blindfolded and handcuffed. and i would think it’s my own fear or something if i didn’t have that same sort of ease with english and literary analysis. i know that ease exists when you have some kind of connection or care for the subject; i just don’t know how to get that connection or care with computer science
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I do think it'd've been fun if the family episode focused more on trying to shove the main trio into a nuclear family situation. Like I do think it would be cool if it culminated in a black and white 1950s sitcom except they keep shuffling through the various roles.
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blametheeditor · 1 year
Incident 8786-1
Content Warnings: Cursing. Mentions of death and murder. Mentions of others treated being lesser than and inhumanely. Darker themes and tone.
SCP-8787's file
True best friend's don't care if you're an SCP
Jeremy had been asked a few times why he worked for the foundation. 
While it was a little hurtful to be asked by so many people, most of who were senior researchers who took one look at him before blurting it out, he kind of understands it. 
He’ll jump at every shadow that seems to move on its own. He’s careful not to get assigned to medical emergencies where the patient is nearly impossible to save. He wrinkles his nose whenever his colleges comment about D-Class personnel like they’re below dirt. 
Jeremy is not made to be in a facility where impossible to understand entities exist and are two minutes away from breaking out of containment that could cause numerous casualties within seconds. But that doesn’t mean he can’t help. 
If anything, he’s actually the one medical staff who attends to anyone’s anomalic injuries. At least, those that don’t require any surgery, because he never received a degree for such complicated procedures. But he ensures everyone is examined after encountering an anomaly while on site or when field researchers and agents return. And that includes D-Class personnel. 
He never understood putting a limit on who got to even see medical after interacting with anomalies. Especially those who interact with them almost daily! Wouldn’t they want to have a report even if there seemed to have been no effect or there was no ‘true’ interaction? Jeremy might just be an examiner, but even he can say that interactions can be purely psychic and therefore should be documented. If not for caring about a human being, then there’s at least more research to put into the file to better understand that specific SCP. 
But no, Jeremy had to fight for D-Class to get examined after every encounter. It didn’t stop there, because even researchers weren’t happy about stopping by his office after entering a containment room. 
It took him managing to complete five different reports for five different anomalies after examining five separate D-Class for the site to realize it should be a requirement. Again, if now for their health, then to better understand what is being researched. 
So he knows every D-Class at the site he works at. He doesn’t like to think about when someone is no longer in his files. Nor does he linger on why certain names seem to replace the others. 
It meant getting nasty looks from his other coworkers when their procedures had to be updated. It meant getting yelled at by certain senior researchers for making ‘progress’ with a certain anomaly go even slower than before. It also meant people he thought of as friends decided they weren’t.
But that’s how he met Mike. 
The thing about D-Class personnel is that they’re rarely out of their own quarters, and usually only come to the upper floors when certain experiments were needing to be conducted. It wasn’t until Jeremy received orders to examine them after every anomaly exposure were they allowed onto the upper floors much more frequently and freely. Even allowed access to the researcher’s cafeteria if they had to stay in medical for a while. 
He learned quickly that most of them were nice as long as you were nice. Which he can understand considering their role when it comes to being D-Class on site. There were only a few that, despite being helped from a trained medical personnel who’s only job was to help, wanted nothing to do with him. Which again, he can understand! But when it came to trying to attack him is when all his sympathy left. 
Jeremy can count on one hand the number of times it happened. But the one time a security officer wasn’t in the immediate area to help, another D-Class personnel had come to his aid.
They originally were resting after being exposed to an incredibly odd form of radiation. It was fatal, but not contagious, and therefore was given a cot to be closely monitored. The last time Jeremy checked on them, they had been unresponsive to his question if anything was needed, tucked into a tight ball with their eyes firmly closed. 
And yet it was that same person who burst into the examination room the second Jeremy screamed for help after he barely dodged a fist attempting to strike him. 
His attacker had been effortlessly shoved aside, unable to try and land another punch before getting kicked out into the hallway, a voice snapping at the nearest researcher who had been walking by to find a security officer. 
“You okay?” was called back to Jeremy as the two stood off in the hallway, nether making another move. 
“Uh, y-yeah,” was all he could say. “Th-Thank you.” 
It was only when a security officer arrived when his savior walked back into the room, looked Jeremy up and down, before walking over to the cot and flopping into it to curl into a ball again. 
Jeremy had cancelled the rest of the examinations for the day. Because not only was he going to be much too shaken to get accurate information, but he wasn’t going to force someone who helped him move to the other room. 
He did use the rest of his shift to look up the man’s file. Learned his name was Mike. Realized he was one of the original five D-Class personnel Jeremy examined in order to finish the reports for five different anomalies. 
Actually, Mike’s name wasn’t permanently taken off the list because Jeremy’s treatment allowed him to be healthy enough to continue working as D-Class instead of being no longer usable. 
Jeremy was hoping Mike didn’t help him while in pain from radiation because he technically saved the other and therefore felt obligated. Didn’t bring it up until the man managed to survive an anomaly with a 75% fatality rate and was given a clean bill of health. 
“Y-You didn’t have t-t-t-to-” was all he managed to get out before his hair was being ruffled, Jeremy too stunned from his previous curls getting messed up. 
“See ya.” 
Jeremy saw Mike a few times after that. The man was quiet, and would act like a severe wound didn’t hurt as much as it did, but he was always friendly. Would ask questions about what techniques were being used when stitching or be genuinely curious what medicine was given and why despite having drank said medicine without hesitation only a few seconds before. 
Jeremy liked to think they were friends.
It had definitely taken a while, but he was even told about the scars on Mike's head from the very first encounter he had with an anomaly. An encounter that actually had been the reason why the man was a D-Class in the first place. And after that, Jeremy had even earned a nickname he was greeted with. And despite the fact seeing Mike meant he was put into interactions with anomalies fairly constantly, he was always happy to see the name come up on the list for examinations that day.
There were even times when Mike would sit with him when recovery took longer than usual, either in his office or during examinations. Became Jeremy's shadow for a week, even if he was supposed to be resting. His medical supervisors didn't need to know. Not when this particular D-Class personnel was sought after the most considering he survived more exposures than anyone else and could give full detailed reports on the effects.
Mike deserved a break. Especially because again, if Jeremy didn't argue D-Class should be examined as well as interviewed, they wouldn't have the man for such informative research.
And after all of their interactions, it seemed like there wasn’t anything the man would hide. 
Yet Jeremy could immediately tell he wasn’t being told everything when Mike walked in with a file labeled SCP-8786. Because for once he didn’t hop onto the examination table when asked. And he knew it wasn’t because the man was hurt, because he managed to do that the time radiation was raging through him. Or the time when his leg was a bit...destroyed.
“How do you f-f-feel?” 
“Fine,” Mike shrugged, hands in the pockets of the standard D-Class uniform that always reminded Jeremy of prison uniforms. 
Jeremy glanced at the report that was handed over to him and made a worried noise in the back of his throat at reading what could only be described as panicked scrawl when usually he had typed reports for each D-Class examination, or at the very least extremely well printed notes. 
Never had he been given one with the large words ‘Location Of Anomaly: Unknown’ before. 
“What h-happened?” he asked. Tried to keep himself from panicking. Because not knowing where one is was completely different from a containment breach...right? 
For the first time, Mike refused to meet his eyes. “There was a...portal.” 
“Y-Y-You can curse.” 
Mike finally smirked like normal before he rubbed his head nervously. “There was this goddamn portal, and some asshole said I needed to fucking touch it. So, I did, and then the fucking thing vanished.” 
“Did it h-h-hurt t-to touch?” 
“No, cold as hell.” Mike glanced around the room before looking at Jeremy. “I trust you, Jerber.” 
That immediately had the shorter beaming with pride. “Th-Thank you!” 
“Do you trust me?” 
Jeremy was nodding his head before he really thought about it. But, he did trust Mike. He kept the other safe from getting punched. He also always made sure Jeremy was never at risk of being near anything that was contagious after each anomaly encounter. There were even times Mike snapped at any or his medical coworkers who attempted to degrade him. 
“I’m the fucking portal.” 
...that was not what he was expecting. 
“Oh." Jeremy hesitated before looking for any obvious wounds from what sounded almost like a fusion, though he didn't go any closer with how worried Mike looked. "Uh...are y-y-you h-h-hurt?” 
Mike seemed to relax completely after that. Nodded his head before reaching toward the pen on the counter. 
“No. Don’t feel any goddamn different. But when I push shit-” 
The pen was nudged with one finger, and immediately disappeared into thin air. But before Jeremy could complain that was one of his good pens, it reappeared in Mike’s grasp and offered. 
“I can take shit in and out of the portal.” 
“...a-and you’re s-scared,” Jeremy realized as Mike threw his hands up. 
“Yeah! Those bastards throw me at everything!” the man exclaimed. “Now that I’m a fucking monster, they’ll get even worse, and you can’t fucking talk shit with me anymore!” 
That was when Jeremy confirmed they were friends. Friends who healed the other from fatal injuries inflicted by anomalies. Friends who didn’t tell the researchers who put your life in danger they became an SCP and instead only tells the other. Who is mostly upset they won’t be able to talk anymore because anomalies don’t need medical examinations when exposed because they are what others are exposed to. 
“I-I can still talk to y-y-y-you,” Jeremy began. “Y-You’re still human. A-And because y-you're always exposed, I’ll have to w-w-write reports.” 
Mike hummed in thought at that. 
“A-And they’ll be n-n-n-nicer. They can’t l-let you get hurt b-b-b-because they want to kn-know everything,” Jeremy continued, unable to help but become more confident because Mike can’t be taken off the list anymore. They can’t throw him at another anomaly without precautions or else completely lose SCP-8786, because it sounded like the portal was altered completely from its previous form. 
“And if they learn every goddamn thing?” 
“They d-d-d-don't h-have to know everything.” 
Mike snorted before he burst out laughing. “Thought you did every-fucking-thing by the goddamn book!” 
“I wouldn’t t-t-t-treat D-Class if I-I d-did,” Jeremy huffed. 
“Alright Jerber,” Mike grinned. “We’ll fucking tell them. But I see your ass every fucking week.” 
"B-B-Because you c-c-c-constantly f-feel cold and d-don't know if it could g-g-get worse.” 
Mike offered a fist Jeremy admittedly was confused about until it bumped with his own fist. “Fuck yeah. If you want, I’ll hold you goddamn hostage too.” 
“Y-Y-Yeah- what!”
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seniorsingleslove · 11 months
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SeniorMatch - top senior dating site for singles over 50. Meet senior people and start mature dating with the best 50 plus dating website and apps now!
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baked-bread · 1 year
"i am fairly certain that my coworker thinks that i'm homophobic because i told another coworker that i wouldn't want to wear the company pride shirt at work for my own safety because of my appearance" sounds like a plot for a sitcom episode, but it's a real dilemma that occured and here we are
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Ahhh, this is scaring me. Changsheng talking about how all he can do is trust his big brother. We better not lose Dongfang Wuqiong. I will cry bloody tears if he ends up truly having to sacrifice himself. He was the only one who wasn’t supposed to be there in the original plot. That in itself is ominous enough.
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The dazzling lit up hair makes it look like Changsheng intends to go all out. Everyone must survive the secret realm! They gotta find the exit safely.
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peachyteabuck · 2 years
🚩 I’m tryna hear the tea
this professor calls students who have attendance issues/low grades/need accommodations "special students." which, as a struggling student who has accommodations, makes my skin crawl. these aren't 5 year olds who need a pick-me-up, these are grown adults.
send me an emoji and i'll tell you a red flag from my shitty job
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hopehomecareservices · 15 hours
Proper medication management is crucial for maintaining optimal health, especially for seniors. Senior care in Vermont plays an essential role in ensuring that individuals adhere to their medication schedules, promoting better health outcomes, and preventing complications.
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Aging in place has become an increasingly popular choice for seniors who wish to maintain their independence and live comfortably in their homes. However, it comes with challenges that can make daily living difficult. That’s where personal care attendants play a crucial role.
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genuinehomecarellc · 3 days
Maintaining a clean home is crucial for the well-being of seniors. For those receiving home care in Lewiston, Maine, a tidy living space can significantly impact their health and happiness. Let’s explore why a clean environment is essential for seniors and how compassionate caregivers are.
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