#Seo Dong-joo
k-star-holic · 1 year
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Kim Byung-man "My mother who died catching shells, I can not save her." Captain America: Civil War Kim ⁇ Season 2
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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tawus · 11 months
New chapter!
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Fandom: Strangers From Hell (TV) / Hell is Other People (webtoon)
Pairing: Seo Moon-jo x Reader, Seo Moon-jo x You
Synopsis: After the accident last year your life turned upside down. Your career came to mean nothing, you lost all your friends, and your marriage was on the verge of falling apart. And the worst thing about all of it? You didn't care. Ever since that day you ceased to live – you merely existed, counting hours, counting days. Unhappy. Numb.
Until one night in a vacant parking lot you witness a gruesome scene and something shifts in you irreversibly. From the moment you met him you knew you could never go back to who you were.
Tags: Moon-jo is his own warning tbh, stockholm syndrome, corruption, sadomasochism, blood and injury, gore, murder, torture, dubcon, violence, prostheses, referred past trauma, car accidents, cannibalism, afab reader, manipulation, nsfw, darkfic
Status: in progress (let's pray in a karaoke room that the updates will be more or less regular)
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Your handbag fell from your hand with a dull thud when he and you locked in eye contact all the way across the parking lot. The mannequin of him came to life with a wave of invigoration that visibly rolled from his knees up to his shoulders, which straightened and squared to you. He began walking, each step shortened by his long legs, as he stalked like a leopard towards you, the prey, which was seemingly too petrified to even attempt escape. With each measured step, the distance between you grew infinitesimal while the well-blacks of his eyes grew infinite.
The man came to stand before you and graced you with a once-over from head to toe, before reaching into his pants pocket for a new vial and filling up another syringe – this one just for you. One of his large gloved hands curled around your neck as his other hand brought the tip of the syringe to the side of it. The tip of the needle, hungry to pierce, swelled with liquid Articaine and dripped a single drop of it onto the collar of your blouse – when the man’s assurance in his actions unexpectedly faltered.
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Read it here:
• Chapter 1
• Chapter 2
• Chapter 3
• Chapter 4
• Chapter 5
• Chapter 6
• Chapter 7
• Chapter 8 >>
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mgsapphire · 1 year
A tragedy is not romantic
Ok, I've been watching Dr. Romantic 3 and since last week, I've been meaning to comment on it. First of all, I know most kdrama discourse has moved over to tiktok during my absence. But I need to say this. And for a drama to make me regain my passion for meta essays is awesome.
I absolutely love Ahn Hyo Seop performance in this season. It's been literally a year since a performance moved me so much. I spent days still feeling the chills whenever I remembered the episodes of disaster relief.
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Having said that, I want to emphasize on this week's episodes. Some people think the main issue is the jealousy Seo Woo Jin seems to have against Kang Dong Joo. But, in my opinion, these episodes are not aimed at settling the fan war about who the better doctor is, but at master Kim's realization that both of his brightest students are flawed, because they've pursued his teachings this far.
Seo Woo Jin literally can't imagine resting because it means, for him, that he's wasting time not saving lives. His hand is not worth the same as the lives being lost. Doctor Seo has proved time and time again that his main problem is that he fails to put himself first. This has been persistent since we first met him. He is reckless in his pursuit of saving lives.
On the other hand, Kang Dong Joo, ever since we first met him, has pursued recognition. Because that's the way he thinks he can save the most lives. This is not a flaw on itself, but in this episode we saw how he has trouble asking for help. He could have called Master Kim at any moment, but feared that he would fail in Master Kim's eyes, even though Master Kim himself said he could reach for help at any moment.
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Doctor Seo and Doctor Kang have always been meant to resemble each other, because they are meant to pursuit resemblance to Master Kim. Neither is better than the other, because when Master Kim walked into that Trauma Room, he did not see Doctor Kang as more brilliant, or Doctor Seo as more determined.
What he saw was his best students, and specifically doctor Seo who sees him as a father figure, break themselves in the pursuit of medicine. He saw doctor Kang unable to ask for help when he most needed it, and doctor Seo unable to rest when he most needed it.
Medicine is meant to be romantic, and while self-sacrifice is romantic, it can easily turn into a tragedy. The older student broke his own expectations, and the younger one put his tools at risk, because they so desperately wanted to be like their idol.
Like doctor Kang said, only Master Kim can be Master Kim. They don't need to resemble him, they need to become doctors with their own set of ideals, who know their own limits. Master Kim has come to the realization that he may have pushed them too far without realizing. That yes, they are brilliant, but oh, so human.
This is just another knock of reality that Master Kim keeps receiving ever since Woo Jin injured his hand. His teachings are not dangerous, we can see how other doctors have coped better with them. It's just that these two particular students are stubborn and think in extremes, they want to be the best doctors they know they can be, but are pushing themselves to the edge without taking a break.
A teacher is meant to nurture those gentle and fragile sides as well, and Master Kim is trying his best, but the foundations for their mentalities started way before he instilled gentleness in them.
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mugglebornstuff · 2 years
Fantasy kdramas 🍂🌿
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stuff-diary · 9 months
Night Has Come
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2023
Night Has Come (2023, South Korea)
Director: Im Dae Woong
Writer: Kang Min Ji
I've been obssesed with the Mafia game for years, so I was really excited when this sort-of-adaptation was announced. But tbh, it's nothing extraordinary. While it's very fun and it keeps you glued to the screen, it's also very silly. What's more, pretty much all the characters are incredibly dumb and frustrating. Although I have to say that's part of what makes the show fun. You just can't help but stick around to see how these characters mess things up even more. Hell, they make so many stupid decisions that I actually found myself screaming at the TV more times than I'd like to admit. Some of the twists did catch me by surprise, but the ending was... not good. I had already guessed the writer would pull something like that, but it was actually worse than I expected. Anyway, Night Has Come isn't good, but I had a fun watching it and it kept me entertained, so that's something.
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myromancedramas · 2 years
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MAY I HELP YOU (2022) - the kiss
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smthcoolgoeshere · 2 years
WHY did no one tell me THERES A KISS in the FIRST EPISODE of DR. ROMANTIC. And not just any kiss but THE KISS ?!?!?!!
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realllllmew · 10 months
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Believer 2
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korelist · 8 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb: 8,8 Benim Puanım: 9
Love in the Moonlight Team:
Park Bo-gum, Kim Yoo-jung, Jung Jin-young, Kwak Dong-yeon, Chae Soo-bin
Itaewon Class Team:
Park Seo-joon, Ahn Bo-hyun, Kwon Nara, Ryu Kyung-soo, Lee Joo-young
The Sound of Magic Team:
Ji Chang-wook, Choi Sung-eun, Hwang In-youp, Ji Hye-won, Kim Bo-yoon
Üç farklı dizinin oyuncularının bir araya getirildiği bir Variety show’du. Love in the Moonlight , Itaewon Class, The Sound of Magic dizilerinin sevilen karakterlerini doğal halleri ile izlemek çok keyifliydi. Karışık takımlar olarak çeşitli oyunlar oynadıkları bir yarışma formatındaydı. Her birinin ilk etapta inanılmaz utangaç olduğu, ilerleyen dakikalarda ise birbirlerini tanıdıkça kendilerine yakın kişilerle arkadaş oldukları bir ortam düşünün.
Hepsinin kendi özelinde ünlü olduğunu biz biliyoruz ama onlar bunun farkında bile değillerdi. Ne kadar ünlü olduğunu bilmeyen pırlanta gibi insanlardan oluşan bu yarışmada bir kez daha Koreli oyuncuların ne kadar alçak gönüllü olduklarını gördüm.
Keyifsiz bir dönemdeyseniz, kesinlikle ilaç gibi gelecektir. Park Seo-joon benim çok beğendiğim bir aktördü. Yarışma boyunca ne kadar haklı olduğumu gördükçe keyfim yerine geldi. Liderlik yapmak istemese bile takımını koruyup kollamadan duramaması, diğerleri için bir adım öne çıkması, kriz yönetimi gibi davranışları bir kez daha beni hayran bıraktı.
Ahn Bo-hyun ise Itaewon’un kötü adamı rolünde izlediğimiz bir oyuncuydu. Yarışmaya sonradan katılmak zorunda kaldığı için o geldiğinde herkes çoktan kaynaşmıştı. Buna rağmen o kadar kibar ve olgun yaklaştı ki, benim bütün ön yargılarımı yıktı geçti. Çok ısındım kendisine ayrıca sevdim.
Iteawon ekibindeki Ryu Kyung-soo ise, dizideki o sert mafya duruşuna göre son derece utangaçtı. Onu utangaç tavırları içinde göreceğimi hiç düşünmemiştim. Diğer dizilerin ekipleri ile tanışacakları için o kadar gerildi ki komik bir görüntü ortaya çıktı.
Park Bo-gum… Sen ne kadar güzel kalpli bir çocukmuşsun. Öncelerde de kendisini çok naif ve alçak gönüllü buluyordum ama bu kadar düşünceli, bu kadar temiz kalpli olduğunu bilmiyordum. Her durumda yanındaki kişiyi ön plana koyması, yeni tanışsa bile tavrını deği��tirmemesi beni etkiledi. Hele yemek yerlerken kendisi ne kadar aç olursa olsun ilk önce odada ki çalışanlara ikram etmesi çok şık bir davranıştı.
Kwak Dong-yeon, my brother… Vincenzo dizisinden beri benim için onun adı “brother”.  Show boyunca sergilediği sımsıcak tavrı ve heyecanı görülmeye değerdi. Herkesten daha sıcak herkesin arkadaşı gibiydi. Çok sevdim. Daha çok sevdim.
Ji Chang-wook, ekibin en büyüğüydü sanırım. Değilse bile o kadar “benim burada ne işim var” havasındaydı ki öyle hissettiriyordu. Sanırım tek hayal kırıklığı yaşadığım aktör oldu. Üzgünüm ama eblek bakışları beni çok rahatsız etti. Sürekli mutsuz, sıkılmış bir tavrı vardı. Halbuki kendisini çok beğenirim. Ayrıca kendisinin kötü tercih yapılmış dizilerde oynadığını düşünüyorum. Her rolünde o bakışları sabit, yeni bir karakter yaratmasına alan tanınmıyor.
Hwang In-youp, utangaçlığını gizleyemeyen bir diğer oyuncuydu. Herkesten çekinip, her şeyden utanıyordu. Tekrar tanıştığıma çok memnun oldum.
Showdaki kadın oyunculardan hiç bahsetmemiş oldum ama doğruyu söylemek gerekirse, Magic ekibinin kızları gerçek hallerindeyken de ilgimi hiç çekmedi. Itaewon ekibinde ise esas kızımız yoktu. Gelenlerde ise Kwon Nara ön yargımı yıkmayı başardı. Oldukça anaç, cana yakın bir kızdı. Lee Joo-young ise favorimdi. Dizideki o cesur duruşu, doğal tavrı tam düşündüğüm gibiydi. Moonlight ekibinin kızlarına gelirsek; Kim Yoo-jung, adeta bir maskot gibiydi. Takım lideri seçilmesi ise hepimize sürpriz oldu. Bütün o sevimliliği ile ekibin sorumluluklarının altından kalkmayı başardı. Chae Soo-bin ise diğer bir hayal kırıklığı oldu. Genel kültürü, el becerisi, konsantrasyonu hiçbir şeyi yoktu maalesef. Unuttuğum biri kaldı mı diye bakıyorum… 
O kadar keyifle izledim ki, tavsiye ederim.
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aetherialpiplup108 · 9 months
First time editing! Chose some random screenshots from Doom at Your Service. Original is on the right, edited is on the left.
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Some of these are definitely over-edited and the original screenshots themselves are of low quality but ah, oh well. Tips are appreciated!
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passionforfiction · 9 months
Dr. Romantic: The Way to a Dream Come True
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Dr. Romantic is made up of three seasons with a lapse of 4 years between the Season 1 and Season 2 and a 3 years lapse between Season 2 and 3. The first season we are introduced to the regular Doldam Hospital and new arrivals: Kang Dong Joo and Yoon Seo Jung. Master Kim helps these two young doctors and his regular staff to sharpen their skills and find realize their dreams. We see their growth as professionals and as human beings, while healing people and fighting to keep the hospital open. This first season ends with Kang Dong Joo and Yoon Seo Jung heading to new challenges but leaving a hope for their return.
Second season, Master Kim and his regular staff are still healing people while fighting to maintain the hospital running. We are introduced to three new doctors: Cha Eun Jae, Seo Woo Jin, and Yoon Ah Reum. In this case we have doctors returning and a doctor from a capital hospital, Park MinGuk becomes Holdam Hospital director as part of Chairman Do's attempt to take Master Kim down. But at the end we leave the hospital with a secure standing (no one can touch the property) and Dr. Park decides to partner with Master Kim and work together towards making Master Kim's dream come true - have a trauma center in the hospital.
Season 3 seems to be the conclusion to his story. Now they have the trauma center building connected to the old part of the hospital and they are about to open, but they need government funding to help run the center since this is a non-profit hospital. The staff is divided into two areas and those working at the trauma center will need to deal with their new director. Master Kim's Plan B - Dr. Cha Jin Man, who is also Dr. Cha Eun Jae's father and later Plan A - Kang Dong Joo.
I must admit that I was so excited to see Kang Dong Joo back and to see that Yoo Seo Jung returned, along other doctors that were part of the staff in the previous two seasons. It is satisfying to see Master Kim's dream come true: have the trauma center ran by his students.
You would've thought that he would want to run the center - after all, it was his dream - but he decided to stay in the old part of the hospital and have the another person run the trauma center. I loved the love stories and the new young characters. It was a really sweet way to bring this story to an end.
This story is one of my favorites on the doctors-drama category. A most watch, the three of them. I would watch them back to back, that way I would catch on things I probably missed since I saw them when they came out and time has past between each viewing.
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k-star-holic · 10 months
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Seo Jeong-Hee, Younger Person Recognizes Hot Love...Broadcast Public Release
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tawus · 11 months
Seo Moon-jo who has a canon(!!) habit of dragging you into enclosed spaces and shutting the door whenever he's about to fuck you up
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may8chan · 2 years
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Believer - Hae Young Lee 2018
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cercasinomeworld · 2 years
30 Days Kdrama Challenge
Day 10 - Favourite second lead couple
Seo Dae-young x Yoon Myeong-Joo (Descendants of the Sun)
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Lee Gang-mu x Jang Han-na (Snowdrop)
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Grim Reaper x Kim Sun (Goblin)
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Ha Jong-ho x Oh In-kyeong (Little Women)
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Ji Seo-joon x Song Hae-rin (Romance Is a Bonus Book)
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Gu Seung-joon x Seo Dan (Crash Landing on You)
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Choi Yoon-hyuk x Dan Moon-hee (Touch Your Heart)
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Choe Hun x Oh Ga-rin (My First First Love)
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From Now On Showtime. 8.5
Story: 9
Acting: 10
Chemistry: 10
Comparable to: Bring It In Ghost (kdrama) ; Hotel Del Luna (kdrama)
The drama for me took a few episodes in to fully get hooked into. By episode three though I was totally engaged. It’s one of those dramas that actually get better with each episode. The cast is also what makes it so wonderful. Everyone is exceptionally talented and get along perfectly. It’s hilarious, lite, and cheesy. If you’re a romcom fan this will definitely be a delight.
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