#Seojin rights period
lgcseojin · 1 year
REEL 'EM IN ✱ @lgcjiho
Seojin was firm in his belief that he must be a country boy stuck in a city boy’s body. The proof was in the pudding, so to speak — or more so in his intense enthusiasm for the great outdoors. Getting his hands a little dirty never seemed to be a fear for him. It initially sparked his "fantastic" and the spontaneous idea of inviting Lee Jiho to spend some time with him, assuming it would be a much needed change from their constant time spent within the walls of their company, seemed as good an idea as any.
It was a risk to ask someone as in high demand as a member of Agito. ( He questioned: how did he even manage to rope him in in the first place considering Jiho's pre-existing interests? ) But Seojin needed to nurture his friendships with as many people as possible, partially given the fact that he did not have nearly as many old friends in the company as he would like to. Many left or fell out of contact with him in between his two separate training periods. Jiho being one of the few.
An activity in the fresh air and a good friend to share it with — Seojin truly couldn’t ask for more. He was grateful for the Earth giving them a little slice of heaven at a secluded, peaceful stream. They were free to be as boisterous as they wanted, speak as they wanted, without any sort of prying eyes holding them to insane levels of scrutiny. Best of all, the incessant sound of traffic dissipated entirely.
The Korean language did not have enough words, metaphors, or idioms to describe the relief Seojin felt simply taking a walk outside. His wild heart belonged here.
“Ahh... Even the air smells nice, y’know?” Seojin tried to keep in pace with Jiho, slowing down his steps every once in a while when his feet got too ahead of themselves. Being overly excited was starting to become a detriment to their little excursion. "Where do you wanna set up our chairs by the shore? We can just chill out while we set stuff up or we can get right into it."
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sweetestlamb · 3 years
Save Me From The Dark
Summary: If I don’t lie to my heart, who will? 
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Author's Note: The feedback to this story has been overwhelming and beautiful honestly, I've never done anything like this for a non canonical couple but so many of you have told me that this pairing makes sense to you too. They are just two lost souls to me and bringing them together is simply destiny. I saw on the timeline that TB was hard to watch tonight for my Seojun lovers,  I thought this might cheer some people up. Sorry for the brevity I’m writing between lesson planning, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
Special huge shout out to @ewolfwitchwisegirl​ who made a header for me, it's so gorgeous and better than anything I could have ever done. This chapter is dedicated to you for inspiring me with this masterpiece!! Everyone who makes a gif set, header or anything because of my story you are loved, thank you. I am honored.
p.s. the burn will still be slow but it’s slowly starting tehe. 
"What? Where is she now?" Su-ah's face scrunches up in disdain as Ju-Kyung explains what she missed while in the nurse's office, the shorter girl looks more enraged than she's ever seen besides when that video of her being bullied was posted. Su-ah and Su-jin came over everyday until she finally caved in and let them in, taking turns crying in their laps. She’d been so ashamed to face them only to end the night teary-eyed with snot dripping from her nose, as they took turns wiping her runny nose. It was disgusting, but in that moment she knew that all her fears had been for naught, they were her friends regardless of what she looked like beneath her foundation. They'd been her saving grace and two huge reasons she could walk back through those doors with her head held high. Suho’s constant love and support only helping to make her feel even more invincible.  She can feel that same protectiveness wafting off the her friend now, Su-ah is fierce when it comes to the people she cares about. She's just honored to be among that short list.
"She's okay. I covered her and brought her to the roof."
"And then you left her? All by herself?! Come on we have to go back she needs us." She staggers as Su-ah grabs her hand forcefully, spinning her in a circle but she digs her heels into the ground interrupting the motion.
Su-ah looks at her baffled, tugging harder. Her eyes squinted into two thin lines. Immediately she puts up her hands, calming the agitated girl.
"She's not alone."
Su-ah tilts her head cutely in confusion, seeming to consider who exactly could be with their friend and conjuring nothing after a short pause complete with a finger on her bottom lip. She puts the girl out of her misery and gives her the answer, "Han Seojun. He's with her."
She'd been just as bewildered when she saw the name flashing on her phone.
Han Seojun.
Sure they were friends, he was also Suho's best friend so they all hung out a few times but he'd never called her prior and she'd almost forgotten they even possessed the other's number. Making her believe that his reason for calling had to be important, since he’d never done it before so she answered without hesitation.
Before she could utter hello, he was barking at her "Where are you? Is Su-jin with you?" She looked over at the other girl, wind whipping her long raven locks wildly around her beautiful face. The frantic raise and fall of her chest was the only thing marring the picturesque sight. Breaking her from her admiration Seojun repeated his inquiry but there was an unusual quality to his voice the second time, he sounded as if he was pleading. She didn't know what was happening but he sounded as if every second not with Sujin was torture. Before he could repeat it thrice, she answered him.
"We're on the rooftop."
His speed reaching them was impressive, before Su-jin could fully interrogate her about who exactly was coming to the rooftop, he was already bursting through the doors and unafraid despite the wrath on Su-jin’s face, she stared in surprise as he called her princess of all things snarkily, she watched them appraisingly waiting for Sujin to sneer at the cutesy moniker but that reprimand never arrived. Seojun seemed comfortable, too comfortable easily pressing into Sujin's space as if he belonged there, as if he wanted to belong there. She felt like she was intruding watching them prod and snap at each other, so she slipped away no longer worried about her friends safety. She seemed to be in good hands.
She snaps back to reality realizing that Su-ah has been bombarding her with questions, "Han Seojun? Why is he with her? Was he the one bullying her, I'll get Tae-Hoon to kick his ass!" She looks at her friend considering her boyfriend, and then Han Seojun, almost in sync they both shake their head.
"No, forget that. He can't fight someone like Han Seojun, can you tell Suho to beat him up? Do you think he'll do it?"
She chuckles while capturing the other girl's hands, "We don't need anyone to beat him up. He didn't do anything, he helped us actually. He got everyone to go back to class and stop looking."
Now Su-ah looks positively beaming, smiling that bright wide smile that is definitely the reason that Tae-Hoon can't stay away from her.
"Why? Why did he do that? Are they close?" The girl ask coyly, always ready to matchmake. 
It's not her place to say, she's just a bystander and honestly she doesn't quite understand what's happening, Seojun is always full of surprises. So she tugs Su-ah away, knowing that if pressed Sujin will retract and push Seojun away on principle, she doesn't know what's happening to the other girl but when it all comes tumbling down it's clear that Seojun won't be far behind.
"I think they're becoming friends. Sujin could use some more friends, don't you think?"
He doesn't know what he was expecting, it was a crazy idea. Absolutely insane. But regardless of the insanity of his words, he meant each and every one of them. Standing this close to the crying girl he could see the swell of her right cheek, the same cheek that had been bleeding the night they met. Ran into each other, might be more accurate.
It wasn't a fever dream or a hallucination. It was all painfully real, she was being hurt and nobody else seemed to know. She hid it well, even he could admit that her ice princess façade never cracking at school. She'd always looked like a perfect little doll in her designer clothes, he had imagined that she had a loving perfect family. He of all people knew that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, yet he took one look at her expensive appearance and thought he had her all figured out.
He wouldn't make that mistake again.
So he knows that his suggestion is crazy but that doesn't ease the anger when she pulls away, turning her back to him before answering.
His fists tighten in the balls he has by his side but each quiet exhale that causes her small shoulders to lift up and down, unknowingly calms his rage and he finds himself smothering his own fury to offer another suggestion.
With a deep breath he says, "Ask Ju-Kyung if you can sleep over then. You shouldn't be alone."
She also shouldn't go home. Her words echo hauntingly in his ears, he used a belt. Bile coils tight in his throat, it was her father then he was the one hitting her, destroying his own daughter until she couldn't stand to be touched by others. The urge to fight has never been this visceral.
She sighs as if he's bothering her, he already knows what she's going to say before she says it, so he intercepts her stepping around her so they're face to face.
"I dare you to tell me to mind my business." He growls at her, giving her enough space so he's not looming over her much smaller figure but staring hard enough that she knows that he's serious, he's decided to make this his business she better deal with it.
She stares at him, mouth lax after his deep challenge glaring right back after she regains her composure but her eyes shift away, unable to meet his own now and without a word she huffs before stomping away. He watches her leave, knowing that he's reached the point of no return. He's going to follow this through to the very end.
If she tries to run, well he has long legs.
And a motorcycle.
The pain of her raw water soaked skin grounds her, but the swooshing of the faucet does nothing to drown out her thoughts as she rubs vigorously at her palms, scratching at imaginary dirt that will never be lifted from her hands. Making the water piping hot she hisses at the sting of the water on her bruised hand, she has to punish herself. She almost did something infinitely moronic.
"You almost said yes." She whispers to herself in the grimy school mirror, looking back at her own face in disgust. Feeling the flame of hope desperately grasping for air, yearning to awaken under the boys insistence.
She can't explain her reaction to him, they are nothing; less than nothing she wouldn't even consider him a friend.
Yet, he knows more about her than her best friends. Knows her deepest darkest secret and instead of gossiping or avoiding her, he's chasing her down and demanding to help her.
"He's insane. There's nothing to understand, there's no logic to insanity." She reasons with herself in the mirror, choosing not to focus on the fact that she's having a conversation with herself. His crazy is rubbing off on her, when she put her head on his chest it must have leaked on her.
She can remember the heat that always seemed to radiate from him, maybe that was a result of being loved. He was warm. She wanted to reach out and grab....
What? Grab what? She immediately reels her wayward thoughts back in. 
What am I thinking? 
She needed to stop her train of thought now. That had been a mistake, a lapse in judgement. It wouldn't be happening again. If he was hellbent on following her she couldn't stop him but she knew it wouldn't last, no one was that selfless eventually her pity story wouldn't be enough and he'd realize she wasn't worth the effort.
She tries to convince herself that this is what she wants. Lying to herself has become as natural as lying to others, it’s a means of survival. 
Upon entry to the cafeteria every eye shifts to her or so it seems, time too stops as they all cease their conversations to watch her like she's an animal on display. Her skin prickles from the overwhelming attention before the silence bursts like a bubble and the noise washes over her, people begin to point in her direction whispering not so subtlety to the person next to them.
She almost bolts before she feels a hand on her elbow, her instincts almost make her snatch her arm away but the familiarity of the perfume halts her movement.
"Come on. We've been waiting for you."
Su-ah doesn't give her a chance to decline dragging her over to their table, Ju-Kyung's smiling face greeting them. She's shoved down onto the bench, in between the two like they're trying to shield her. The idea makes her feel warm and uncomfortable so she pushes it to the back of her mind.
She silently eats her food, staring intently at her tray before she finally relaxes as she realizes that no one is talking to her, they aren't demanding to know what happened. She's not ready to talk about it, not yet and they are showing her that that's okay. They will be here for her regardless of not knowing the full story. Under the table she discreetly grabs both of their hands, squeezing them hard. Squeaking in embarrassment when both girls twist and smother her in tight hugs, she pretends to loathe it pushing them both away but they cling to her until she gives in. She's so weak today.
"Oh. Seojun-ah over here!" Ju-Kyung blares in her precious ears, waving rapidly over her shoulder and she feels her stomach dip. Not him again he never ate lunch here and when he did it was with his gang, why was Ju-Kyung calling him here?
Pinching at her vulnerable thigh under the table, she hisses at the other girl "Hey! What are you doing? Don't call him over."
Unfortunately it's too late, she can already feel his aura behind them getting closer. There's barely room on the other side of the bench, then Hyun-Kyu yelps before looking up in their direction, then he swallows and nods as if receiving an order, he presses his glass further up his nose before collecting his lunch and leaving. She watches the interaction confused before turning to look at Ju-Kyung who has an exaggerated look of innocence on her face.
"I guess he was finished eating. It works out though, now Seojun can sit there."
He's slipping into the evacuated space before she can yell at Ju-Kyung for meddling. Huffing she burrows into her food refusing to look up. She’s only been ignoring him for a few seconds before he seems to reach his limit. 
"Give me some."
She watches in shock as familiar hands invade her space and grab her tray, pulling it across the table before lifting one of her sausages to his mouth with his fingers, the uncivilized swine. She's reaching out before she can reconsider or think about how they will appear to others she doesn’t share her food damn it, she reaches to cover his hand stopping him from biting and stealing her last sausage.
"What the hell are you doing? Don't touch my food." She scowls at him, grabbing at her food and humming victoriously when she gets it back. Only to stare wide eyed and flabbergasted as he shrugs before devouring the juicy morsel, directly from her fingers, a brief brush of warm wetness on her finger tips. They both freeze, staring at each other. The air between them charged, almost crackling from their locked eyes.
"Seojun! You're the man! You're a natural flirt, eating from her hands!" Appearing from thin air Seojun's gang boisterously chants his name, clapping him on the shoulder and she physically cannot be in this room any longer. She shoves her tray at him, grabbing her backpack before hopping over the bench.
"I'll see you both later." With a tight smile at her friends, she races from the cafeteria unaware of the eyes tracing her every step.
The rest of the day drags by, she spends it lost in a daydream making sure not to look at the boy behind her. She just wants to get home and lock herself away, this time nothing will get her to open the door. With a sigh of relief, she stands as the teacher dismisses them for the day. Packing up slowly to miss the surplus of students at the door, they are all still looking at her warily spreading rumors about her rudeness and supposed narcissism. Creating explanations for her scene in the bathroom, the majority of them painting her as stuck-up. She doesn't mind it's better than them knowing the truth. Let her be a rich spoiled bitch in their minds better that than a victim.
Like clockwork, Su-ah and Ju-Kyung latch onto her from the left and the right. She lets them pull her out the door and towards the entrance, absently listening to their heated debate of where they should eat today. She sighs out loud, amused but hiding it behind a passive face.
"Why are you even arguing? You know we’re such going to get spicy tteokbokki anyway."
They always do, it's like arguing is their warm up before the noodles because no matter how passionate they both get about the different possibilities they've never eaten anything else together.
Walking out the school gate, they all jump back as a motorcycle suddenly skids into their way blocking them completely. Instantly she's annoyed, breaking their linked arms she storms over to the idiot, shoving at his chest before shouting at him.
"Hey! Are you crazy? Were you trying to kill us?" She slaps at his helmet when he tilts his head at her, the loud knock satisfying as she glares at him. 
Then he reaches up like he's staring in a shampoo commercial and tugs the helmet off his head, hair stylishly falling onto his neck. Instead of looking upset at her rough treatment he smirks, leaning over the handle bar right into her face.
"Since when are you scared of my bike? Don't act so fragile princess." She gapes at him affronted by his unapologetic attitude, then further bothered by his second use of that infuriating nickname. She's nobody's fucking princess. As she opens her mouth to tell him this, he turns away from her before talking to Ju-Kyung.
"Take her to your house tonight. Have a sleepover or whatever you all call it. She told me she really wanted to ask you but she was too embarrassed." He points over at her, lying easily through his too white teeth. She wants to punch that smile off his face.
"Hey when did I say anything like that to yo--!!"
But he's on a roll, bulldozing through her interjections with the same ease he used that night on the highway. Pulling something from his pocket and thrusting it at her.
"Give me your number."
He looks at her like she's wasting his time, rolling his eyes before repeating slower, the asshole.
"Give me your number."
She scoffs at the brazen order, sneering at him before grabbing her friends. "Let's go."
But never of them are budging, so she pulls harder but still they don't follow and she turns to them both annoyed. "Didn't you hear me let's go."
"Give me the phone."
Her jaw drops as Su-ah reaches out at Seojun, he looks as surprised as she does before he shakes himself from his confusion and hands the girl his phone. Su-ah happily taps away before handing the phone back over.
"There you go." Su-ah smiles easily before tugging them all away now, she wants to fight her hold and run back and take his phone, delete her number and tell him once and for all to leave her alone and stop playing whatever game he’s playing.
"I'm hungry from all that arguing, let's get tteokbokki." Ju-Kyung states happily, leading them towards the shop.
She just goes along quietly, feeling outnumbered and indignant. They were supposed to be her friend. She pouts the entire way. 
Seojun watches the three girls walking away, eyes fixated on the figure in the middle until they turn a corner and disappear from his sight. She'd looked like she wanted to kill him, a woman had never looked at him with that particular expression before. She could be quite scary when she wanted to be.
Hooking his helmet onto the arm bar of his bike he finally looks down at his phone, thankfully still in one piece.
When he sees the number he smiles softly before his eyes shift down and laughter bursts out of his chest, he can't stop the bubbling bouts of joy that fall from his lips.
With another chuckle, he pulls on his helmet before revving the bike to life and peeling out of the school feeling lighter than he has in a long time. He doesn’t question his gut, no he’s not someone who overthinks he jumps first and looks later. 
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maneoseojin · 4 years
fated meeting;
Im Seojin was a busy man. He was the CEO of the biggest department store in the Korean peninsula, a stock holder of multiple hospitals and tech companies, and he’s a loyal member of Amaranthine. It sometimes gave the angel a headache but what can he do right? There is no rest for the wicked. Upon closing yet another deal with foreign investors, the young man offered a dazzling smile and a salute to his employees before his chauffeur opened his car for him.
“Where to, Sir?” his driver asked as soon as the engine roared to life. “The usual. Kang’s Kitchen.” Kal muttered dismissively, still reading the files on the recently closed deal. A dinner at Kang’s had been a weekly tradition for the angel already. Something about the food in the said restaurant, brings comfort to him. If he was overseas for even just a short period of time, the moment he landed in Korea his first destination would be Kang’s. As the vehicle came to halt, Seojin dusted his suit and waited for his driver to open the door for him.
The familiar and homey scent of Kang’s immediately brought a smile to the angel’s lips. He looked around and spotted a familiar face sitting at a table near his usual spot. Seojin didn’t know who this person was but they always seemed to be there whenever he arrived for his dinner. Must be another fan, he thought. A smirk curved on his lips, the man sauntered over to the table of his supposed fan. “Fancy seeing you here again,” Jin announced his presence. “Is it fate that brings us together every week or am I that handsome that you just had to see my face on a weekly basis?” The angel took a seat in front of the person and asked for a menu from the waiter. “I’ll consider this our first date then.” Seojin smiled brightly at the one in front of him. “I’m Seojin by the way. You can call me Jin or baby, if you want.”
Im Seojin was a busy man but he was never too busy for a bit of flirting.
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br0ther-theloops · 7 years
Take it Away (My Blood, Sweat and Tears) -- Yoomin, Fem!BTS
Rating: Teen and Up
Ship(s): Yoonmin
Warning(s): brief mention of blood (if you squint), female bts
Jimin has had a rough time with her period, but Yoonji is there to help ease the pain.
here is the link to the fic on ao3~~~
This entire story is centered around the fact that a character is on their period. If talking or reading about menstruation makes you uncomfortable, then I suggest you make your way toward the 'back' arrow, or the 'X' in the corner of your tab. Thanks!
So this is my first contribution (if you can call it that) to the BTS fandom, and of course, it's a sex swap. I just love girls so much.
I can't tell you what exactly inspired this because I honestly don't know. I thought it would be cute for bts members to take care of one another when they're on their period, and instead I wrote up 3k+ of essentially angst. Sorry. It was supposed to be cute ;;;;; 
I changed the names of almost everyone because min freaking yoongi technically has a canon feminine name for his female persona, so I was like asdfghjkl;;; So here are everyone's names, in my opinion, if they were feminine;
Jin (Kim Seokjin): Kim Seojin
Suga (Min Yoongi): Min Yoonji
J Hope (Jung Hoseok): Jung Hyeonsuk
Rap Monster (Kim Namjoon): Kim Namju
Jimin (Park Jimin): Park Jimin
V (Kim Taehyun): Kim Taehyeon
Jungkook (Jeon Jeongguk): Jeon Jeonghye
(also rated t because im positive i swore like twice in here or smth)
Jimin had not been doing well all day, and it was evident whatever it was kicked her ass hard because she was sitting out during practice that day—Jimin never sat out during their practices. It was hard for the other six to not coddle her and just watch silently as Jimin curled up on the couch with her back to them, curling up in a ball and just holding herself. She told each of them on separate terms the day before, Hyeonsuk and Taehyeon finding out first when she woke up to stained sheets. It wasn’t common for them to get their periods; between the dancing, dieting, and medication, their natural menstrual cycles happened less frequent than what was “normal”. It was the grim reminder that they are all, in fact, still humans.
A few of the coordi unnies made their ways in and out of the dance studio throughout the duration of practice, tugging with them water, juice, and snacks to give Jimin as they watched over her for a moment or two at a time. Jimin would thank them softly before balling up again so no one could see her—so no one could see the tears streaming down her cheeks from the cramping in her pelvis, or how pale her face was from the nausea sweeping over her in waves. Jimin looked terribly pitiful, and it killed Yoonji to see her like that.
There was nothing she, or anyone else in their seven-member ensemble, could do to ease the feeling for Jimin, especially not when they in the middle of making sure the dance to their upcoming comeback was without flaw, and it was upsetting to think about. Yoonji would find herself staring longingly at Jimin’s back through the mirror, wishing she could scoop her up and take it all away. Hers had always been worst, leaving the dancer and singer mostly stagnant for a day or so, a stark contrast to her usually excitable personality, and though Yoonji had been noted as the group’s mood setter, seeing Jimin in that state left them all in a somber mood.
Dance practice ended hours later for the members to go about their usual schedule, though it started out unsupervised while their manager drove Jimin back to their dorm for some rest. Yoonji retreated into her studio and slumped down in front of her soundboard and desktop with a sigh, rubbing her face in a stressed attempt to stir her mind away from the young singer’s fragile, sick state, but Jimin was always on the rapper’s mind. Their feelings toward each other had not been a secret between the two, cuddling on the couch and holding hands in the privacy of their dorm, and the others did their best to keep it a secret from the world and their company—even though Yoonji said to hell with it several times that day because she wanted to kiss Jimin over and over again to help make her feel better at practice.
Yoonji should be finishing the songs for her mixtape, she should be pulling up the programs on her laptop to run through the mixes to make sure they were what she wanted, but instead she leaned further back in her chair and ran her fingers through her faded mint hair—which was more or less a platinum mass of gummy strands—mind staying on the young singer and her wellbeing. Was she going to be at the dorm by herself, suffering all by her lonesome? She could imagine Jimin curled up on her bed, hugging a pillow with a heating pad covering her groin and abdomen area, shoulder length orange hair splayed out around her head like a ray of light. Yoonji could imagine how beautiful she looked though pained, her makeup free eyes clod and plush, pouting lips pressed into a firm line as she tries to act tough...
Yoonji grabbed her jacket as she stood to leave her studio, pulling out her mobile to phone her manager. If she couldn’t focus on being productive in her studio (her studio of all things—curse you, Park Jimin), then she would be productive elsewhere.
  Jimin was miserable. How could she let herself get like this? Her unnies had no problem when it came to practicing with her periods (even though she knew that was false. She has seen Seojin crying in the bathroom during her cycle when they had practice), so why couldn’t she just suck it up and just practice too? She felt a sob catch in her throat as she closed her eyes and held the heating pad tighter to her stomach in an attempt to dull the pain some. Her pelvis throbbed and contracted in anger, maybe in revenge for suppressing her body’s natural cycle, and pain stabbed at her uterus like it were a game. This had to be some sick game…
She gulped down the sob as best as she could, but even her own saliva was making her nauseous, and her head swayed, and oh god, their choreographer was probably going to yell at her for missing the entire review session and fuck, she’s going to have to make up so much. She could feel tears starting to make their way down her cheek as the negative thoughts bombarded her. Jimin felt disappointed in herself for sitting out and letting this get the best of her. She felt disappointed for showing her weakness when they were so close to a comeback—god, what would they think of her? What would Yoonji think of her?
That was honestly what Jimin felt most ashamed about; Yoonji had to see her weak, which is something she could never be proud of. Jimin took pride in being strong when things got tough for their group, and that was something Yoonji admired her for. She was so weak today, though. Would Yoonji want to look at her again? Would Yoonji still want to be with her when she was nothing but a cry baby at practice?
There were a series of soft taps against the wooden door of her room. Jimin blinked slightly and turned her head toward the door, wondering if she had imagined those taps. She sniffled slightly and lifted one arm to wipe at her face.
“Y-yeah?” her voice croaked unpleasantly.
When Yoonji opened the bedroom door, the first thing she took in was Jimin’s small being on the bed resting overtop of the comforter, cleaning her face with the smooth skin of her forearm. Though her lips were red and swollen, most likely from crying, and half of her face was hidden behind her arm, Yoonji felt her heart sputter and slam against her chest, throbbing at the sight in front of her. Aphrodite had nothing on the beautiful Park Jimin. It took a beat for Yoonji to stop drinking in the beauty that was Park Jimin and licked her lips slightly. It took another beat for her to open her mouth and choke out a ‘hey’ before the younger looked up to take in the figure in front of her.
Jimin’s small eyes glistened with wetness in the dim natural lighting entering the room as she stared up at Yoonji, who, in turn, stared right back at her. Yoonji could just look at Jimin for days and conjure up a few dozen albums worth of songs. Her beauty was inspiring—even now with tears staining her cheeks and lips puffy from sodium passing over them.
Yoonji smiled softly—Jimin looked so pure like this—and lifted up a bag of goodies from a local convenient store, the slight rustle of plastic sounded over the younger’s sniffles and huffs for a brief moment. “I got you some stuff.” 
Jimin whimpered pitifully and threw herself back down against her pillow, not before Yoonji caught a glimpse of her giant frown and fat tears rolling down her cheeks. She opted not to say anything as she made her way to the bed carefully and sat next to the singer, and her heart broke as she watched and listened to this child weep. Oh, how she wished she could take the pain away from her. How she wished she could make Jimin feel better. Jimin clutched at the pillow her head rested on as she cried, embarrassed that Yoonji was seeing her like this, embarrassed that Yoonji felt like it was her duty to take care of her. She really was weak... 
Yoonji carefully rubbed at Jimin’s lower back and watched as she sacked slightly at some of the tension being released in her back, and she leaned down press a kiss onto Jimin’s side, humming lightly. She wasn’t going to pry at Jimin open up, but she wanted her to know that would be there if she felt okay enough to talk to her. She was in a fragile state then, and Yoonji didn’t want to push her and be the reason for more tears.
“W-why are you here, Unnie?” Yoonji blinked at Jimin’s question, sitting straight up to look at the singer whose gaze remained trained on the bedding beneath her, and the elder’s mind raced with different interpretations and answers to the simple, yet heart breaking question—what exactly was she asking?
“Sh-shouldn’t it be obvious?” Yoonji asked carefully as she reached up to run her fingers through the tips of Jimin’s hair.
Her shoulders hunched in response as Jimin hid her face, and the elder tried to calmly swallow the lump forming in her throat at the thought of her royally messing this—whatever they were—up. Neither of them put a defining mark on their status, so it was hard to distinctly refer to the other as their girlfriend, but they didn’t care. They didn’t care because when Jimin reaches for Yoonji’s hand as they wait back stage, Yoonji squeezes it back; and when Yoonji comes home late from the studio, Jimin is always waiting on the couch for her, smiling and opening her arms for cuddles after particularly grueling sessions. In a way, what she was doing now, combing at Jimin’s hair and holding a bag full of various chocolates and snacks was Yoonji’s way of wanting to take care of the younger…Because she—
“Y-you shouldn’t have to take care of me,” Jimin whimpered through soft sobs, though everything was partially muffled into the pillow.
Yoonji gulped, her throat drying more at the sounds coming from Jimin’s mouth. Poor, poor Jimin. She opened her mouth to speak, to rebuttle, “Jimin ah, it’s not like that—”
“Y-you or any of the other unnies should’t have to take care of me…” she sniffled and wiped at her eyes and nose. “I-I’m supposed to be strong and take care of myself. I shouldn’t be like this, and yet, here I am! Being so weak and so selfish…”
Yoonji hated how broken Jimin sounded as the younger trailed off until her voice just stopped working, like she let the entire world down and now carried that burden on her shoulders and chest. She could feel her heart breaking bit by bit at each crack and strain of Jimin’s voice. Jimin had always been regarded as one of strong members when it came to emotional and mental stability, always being to the one to go to when situations got tough. Yoonji had to admit, it was one of the things that allowed her to fall fir Jimin, but what made her fall hard was the fact that Jimin wasn’t always like that. Jimin had her moments of vulnerability where she needed assurance, and it made Yoonji’s heart swell whenever the younger would turn to her for guidance. Jimin was so small, so gentle, so fragile. Yoonji just wished she could stop beating herself up over those rare moments of weakness.
Yoonji shook her head and scooted toward her head so she could lean over to press a kiss to Jimin’s cheek. It was a soft, timid kiss, careful to avoid further upsetting her. Jimin sniffled and leaned into the kiss, turning her head to look at Yoonji, who was pulling back and smiling lightly. Jimin had a look of vulnerability plastered over her typically gummy smile exterior, and as she blinked up at Yoonji with her wide, teary brown eyes, the elder felt herself melting into a pile of goo. How did Park Jimin, of all people, have this power over her?
“Jiminnie…” Yoonji’s voice was soft, matching the fragile atmosphere, and she rubbed at Jimin’s shoulder, dropping another feathered kiss against her skin. From this close proximity, she could see the flush on Jimin’s cheek and the slight smile trying to tug onto her trembling lips. Yoonji couldn’t tell if she was smiling because of the kisses (because Jimin loved it when Yoonji kissed her cheeks and shoulders and every inch of her being) or because Yoonji called her ‘Jiminnie’ (because Yoonji only called her that when she felt the most in love, and it would leave Jimin swooning).
Jimin turned her body some, hand moving to hold the heating pad against her pelvis as she exposes more of herself to Yoonji, shivering at the feeling of the elder’s cold hand cupping her warm cheeks. She felt safe, comfortable, but it didn’t stop the intrusive thoughts from jabbing at her esteem. 
“Jiminnie,” the elder started again and noticed how Jimin swallowed slowly as her gaze wandered all over her face, hands aching to touch Yoonji, “I’m here because I want to be.” Jimin opened her mouth to protest, a whimper leaving her throat before Yoonji hastily continued. “I’m here because I know you’re beating yourself up over this.”
She watched the younger close her mouth and avert her gaze as if she were ashamed. Yoonji caressed her cheek with her thumb to let her know that it was okay…Jimin was okay.
“I-I shouldn’t have sat out today…” Jimin’s voice was delicate, quiet. Yoonji was sure if anything else made noise she wouldn’t have heard what Jimin said.
Yoonji shook her head and continued rubbing her thumb over her cheek, feeling the slight swelling of acne beneath the padding of her finger. “No one is mad or even remotely upset at you for sitting out.” Yoonji smiled lightly at her, her grin matching the love dripping from her gaze. “We would have made you sit out anyway if you tried to push yourself too much. You’re human, Jimin. A woman.” Yoonji leaned down to gently knock her forehead against Jimin’s, humming. “I know you don’t like being like this…” she pulled back slightly when Jimin started whining and had moved to start pushing her hair away from her face. “You’re not weak for being like this, and I’m very,” she pressed a kiss to Jimin’s forehead for emphasis, “very proud of you for letting me see you like this.”
Jimin sniffled in response, hot tears spilling out of the corners of her eyes, as she watched the face hovering over top of hers. “W-why?” her voice came out hoarse. “I’m supposed to be strong. I’m supposed to be up helping with the dances. I’m not supposed to be like…this…”
The elder sighed softly and rested her head against Jimin’s shoulder, this stupid, love sick smile hanging loosely on her lips. “Yeah, but…” she put the bag from the convenient store on the group and moved to spoon Jimin, wrapping an arm around her waist, “even I can’t be strong all of the time. You don’t have to be strong all the time, especially when you’re on your period, baby.” she moved locks of orange hair out of the way so she could kiss the back of the younger’s neck. “This time sucks…It’s hard and you feel gross, I know. You’re brave, Jiminnie, really. We’re all proud of you.”
Yoonji heard soft whimpers and sniffles coming from the younger, but Jimin’s hand came up to cover hers, squeezing it lightly.  She hummed softly as Jimin’s leg slide back between Yoonji’s, and the younger curled herself back against her as she calmed down. There were no words exchanged between them, and there didn’t need to be, not when Jimin felt so loved and so nice in just Yoonji’s arms. Her arms were always safe, warm, and it felt okay to be weak and vulnerable. Yoonji made her want to knock her guard down. Jimin wanted to take off her armor and shed her skin to show the elder everything she had to offer. She wanted to strip down and watch Yoonji trace and count every blemish and mark because she was so in love with her, so in love with Min Yoonji, the soft, bad ass rapper of their group.
Jimin held the heating pad against her as she turned over to face Yoonji, who welcomed her with a gentle smile. The elder reached up to wipe at her cheek, and the gesture was so pure, but it made Jimin’s stomach flutter. So much so, she couldn’t stop herself from curling her fingers into Yoonji’s shirt and pulling her into a kiss. It was a soft, but needy kiss, and each time the younger’s mouth touched hers, Yoonji could feel her breath leave her. There was something euphoric, relieving about kissing Jimin—like all the tension in the world vanished without a trace.
There was nothing better than Jimin’s lips; how her pillow soft, puff ones fit so nicely over top of Yoonji’s own smaller ones. It was nice that they were so used to exchanging these touches that they knew when to move, to pull back and start again. Each kiss in itself was like a touch of heaven, and Yoonji was on a cloud, soaring high until Jimin was there to ground her, to catch her, to love her. She pulled back to give Jimin a wide grin and let her own hand curl behind in the younger’s faded orange hair, to which made Jimin let out a small whimper as she opened her eyes to look at Yoonji—but she was smiling. There was an actual smile (a closed mouth one, but a smile nonetheless) on Jimin’s face, and the elder was ecstatic.
Jimin hummed and leaned forward to nuzzle her nose against Yoonji’s, loosening her grip on the elder’s shirt to hold her waist instead. Jimin was so in love, it was sick, but being in love with Yoonji allowed her to see the completely sappy side event the fans didn't get to see. What an honor, really. She pecked her lips a few more times before letting out a soft moan and adjusting her hips, pain shooting through her pelvis area like a missile.
Yoonji sat up some and grabbed the bag from earlier. “I got you some chocolate and chips. I also got you that milk drink you really like and some…” Yoonji was rifling through the bag as she spoke, and Jimin couldn’t help but to laugh out of love as she watched her.
“Unnie,” Jimin said softly, and the elder frozen for a moment before looking up at the girl she was so in love with, blinking in confusion as Jimin grinned in triumph, “I’ll only accept all of this if you tell me you love me and cuddle me for the rest of the day!”
Jimin laughed more at the seemingly unamused look that immediate told hold of Yoonji’s face. It was comical, this whole thing and how they were with one another, but they were so in love. There was no rhyme or reason why they worked so well, or why they put up with one another. Yoonji set the bag in between them and leaned down and put her arms down on either side of Jimin’s head, caging the younger beneath her. To Yoonji, it didn’t matter because they had each other—even if they never put a name on it.
“You already know I do,” and she sealed it with a kiss.
this is unbeta-ed and cross posted onto ao3
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ericmun · 7 years
170127 Report on “3 Meals’s Goodwill Pledge (Lee Seojin, Shinhwa Eric, Yoon Kyunsang)
As posted in December about the campaign collaboration of “3 Meals A Day - Fishing Village” cast & production with CJ Donors Camp to provide special meals and gifts to the alienated youth in the fishing villages, here is the update from 3 Meals (see also the tabulation for this campaign).
Thanks everyone who helped spread the words, liked, commented, and shared the 3 Meals’ FB post.  YOU made this winter warmer for these kids, and YOU put a smile on their face. 💝  Thanks again!
Report on Three Meals Goodwill pledge! Thanks to the warm Facebook fans sending Likes/Comments/Shares, 20 youth centers around fishing villages received special meals during the winter vacation period! We've received heart-warming letters from the children, which we are sharing here along with the pictures from the scene Don't forget your Three Meals this holiday, and make sure to have only one bowl of rice cake. Happy holiday ~~!!
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Three Meals Fishing Village X CJ Donors Camp
<<<From left to right>>>
● Hello, I’m Jeong Hyeon Wung. Thank you for the tasty foods. Thank you for the BBQ, ice cream, nacho, shrimp fried rice, cheese, salad, madeleine, candies, and the tropical juice.
● Hello, I’m Yang Sa-hin from Sengil-do. I heard we received meals, and they were from Three Meals, which made me happy. I watched Three Meals farm series and it was great! I’m sure it costs you a fortune judging by all the goodies in the bentos! Thank you so much! Thank you! Happy new year! Thank you!!
● Three Meals Campaign producers! Hi. I’m Lee Ju-wan. Thank you very much for delivering such tasty meals. Thank you again. Thank you.
● Hello. I am Park Se-min from Life Youth Center. BBQ pork ribs were the best. Thank you, I’ve only had vegetables these days.
● Hello, I’m Jo Hye-seong. I enjoyed the meal. It must have cost a lot. Thank you and stay healthy.
● Hello, I’m 15 year old Kim Da-eun. I really enjoyed the meals you sent us. We made memories and enjoyed the delicacies, since we hardly get a chance to eat those on this island. We built friendships over the candies you gave us, sharing them with teachers and friends. Thank you so much for the tasty treats, I was so full. The ice cream was so delicious as well. I had an amazing time making memories and enjoyed the meals. You are such good people for helping us out and giving us a good time. God bless you all!!! Thank you!!
● Three Meals A Day - Fishing Village 2 Hello. Thank you. I wrote that above. I really enjoyed the food. salad, nacho, ribs, shrimp fried rice, ice cream, candies, all so delicious. Three Meals, my favorite TV program.
● Hello, I’m Yang Shi-young. We finished all the foods you sent us. Nothing’s left. We shared the candies with our teachers as well. I will grow stronger thanks to your food.
● Hello, I’m Kim Se-bin from Life Study Class. I enjoyed the food from the last time. Ice cream was the best since I hadn’t had a chance to get my hands on one of those. Thank you so much for sending us delicious foods!
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January 13th 2017
● Tasty BBQ, ice cream, Nachos, all good. Thank you grandma who prepared the foods for us. Thank you.
● BBQ was the best. Nacho was good and had the candies and ice creams as desserts. I was happy ★★★★★ - Lim Seongmin.
● I agree. Ice cream was the best, so were the candies. - Kim Sumin
● The chips were good and the ice cream. - Minsu
● I enjoyed the ice creams the most. Thank you so much for sending these. I enjoyed the meat as well. - Younghun
● Thank you for making such large and tasty food. Thank you.
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CJ Donors Camp ♥ Thank You Notes For Three Meals Goodwill Campaign ♥
Thank you so much. Really delicious Thank you. Haha. Taste so good. Thank you very much. Had a good meal. Thank you. So delicious. Hehe. Very tasty. Candy hehe. Want more. Thank you. Thank you for the delicious meal. I want more. Thank you. Very good. Thank you. Thank you. You made me happy. It was very delicious, thank you. Very delicious. Thank you. Thank you, that was good. Thank you, it was delicious. Thank you for providing us the delicious meals. It was so good. Very well cooked Thank you. Thank you, tasty meals. It wasn’t that good I want more Ribs were the best. Thank you and it was delicious. The best. Thank you, I had a good meal.
Source: 3Meals FB + Translation by EricMun.tumblr
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ao3feed-hamilton · 4 years
by Siwoowrites (Shiokami)
Seojin, Taehee and Jungkook are out of the palace. Namjoon hasn’t slept in a week. A certain Jung Hosook comes knocking at his door. He lets him fall into her arms only to receive an unexpected proposition (or is it a threat) from her lover.
Seasons later, a scandal has taken over the palace and Namjoon happens to be right in the middle of it.
A fic inspired by "Say no to this" and "The Reynolds Pamphlet" in my Bangtan meets Hamilton series - Hamilbang: A Joseon period drama. Please check tags before reading!
Words: 4023, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Hamilbang: A Joseon Period drama
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, Hamilton - Miranda
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Min Yoongi | Suga
Relationships: Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM/Min Yoongi | Suga, Jeon Jungkook & Kim Namjoon | RM & Kim Seokjin | Jin
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Historical, Historical Inaccuracy, Established Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Namjoon | RM-centric, Female Kim Seokjin | Jin, Family, Songfic, Child Jeon Jungkook, Parents Kim Namjoon | RM & Kim Seokjin | Jin, Alternate Universe - Fusion, Inspired by Hamilton, Namjoon as Hamilton, Seokjin as Eliza, Jungkook as Philip, Hoseok as Maria, Yoongi as James, Summer, Vaginal Sex, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Rough Sex, Oral Sex, Dubious Consent, Slut Shaming, Feminization, Threesome - F/M/M, Dancer Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Musician Min Yoongi | Suga, Cheating Kim Namjoon | RM, Cheating, Bottom Kim Namjoon | RM, Top Min Yoongi | Suga, Woman on Top, Light Bondage, Extremely Dubious Consent, Bribery, Infidelity, Consensual Infidelity, Objectification, Angst and Porn, Porn With Plot, Female Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, WE DONT SUPPORT CHEATING, Joseon Korea
from AO3 works tagged 'Hamilton - Miranda' https://ift.tt/3eheIN9
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lgcseojin · 4 years
╰ be side,
Seojin consistently tried his damnedest to disallow nerves from breaking him. He tended to have a rather strong resilience when it came anticipatory things ㅡ even scoffing a bit at the idea of being anxious over something that could or might end up happening. Do first, think later. Of course, as time went on and mistakes caught up to him, this mentality shifted into something more mature. Especially when it came to anything revolving around Jueun.
Their rekindled relationship thus far hadn't experienced many hiccups aside from working around their schedules. Both of them knew what they were getting into; though, they had yet to have a serious discussion on the topic. Only when the reminder of Project Origin's fan meet tour schedule released did it cross his mind. One could say he was finally hit with a reality check. The time apart for such a prolonged period would be something of a trial run for what was to come in their future. 
He was certain if he could survive his girlfriend ( and his sister and friends ) being away for a month and a half, he could survive anything. Right. It was all about mindset, as terrifying as the idea alone was. On the upside, none of them would be truly on their own for the entire duration of the trip. He could take some form of solace in that.
However, their more recent activities did a good job of keeping them apart for a good few weeks. Her with preparing for debut and small part in a web drama and his own constant training to hone his vocal skills and pray for a break out sooner rather than later. He wanted to invite her over to his house for a nice dinner and some quality time in a more comfortable environment. One where they wouldn’t have to worry about being monitored so heavily.
The tiredness on Jueun’s face was more prevalent in person. Over their frequent messaging and video exchanges, he felt she did not seem as lively as he was used to. ( He hated to assume the worst but his worried nature toward the people he cherished took precedence over logical explanations more often than not. ) So, as they stepped up to his house, he tightly grabbed onto her hand in attempt to reassure her whether or not she felt negatively in any way.
“My parents are pretty excited to see you again, uh... but we don’t have to hang out around them all night. The backyard’s all cleaned up now, so... yeah.” He cleared his throat, free hand fumbling for his house keys. It was obvious he already wore the flustered color of a young man unprepared for the situation he was getting into. When he cracked open the door, the scent of dinner assaulted his senses. How long had it been since he had a home cooked meal that wasn’t of his own making?
He kicked off his shoes, then immediately greeted by his enthusiastic dog. Without hesitation, she sniffed Jueun to make sure she recognized her, only letting out one of two sharp barks. “Stevie, be nice. You remember Jueun, don’t you?”
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