#September 21st 2022
milfmatsu · 1 year
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randomnameless · 2 years
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There is no villain route there was never a time in fire emblem where we sided with evil character including conquests the point was to save nohr and go against their father the only outright villainous characters in three houses is the agarthans even rhea and seteth can be friendly and aren’t pure evil and do some good though rhea does need to be removed from power three houses and hopes has reinforced this that rhea was doing wrong like propagating crest system propaganda suppressing tech That cost people their lives withholding information like land development advice for faerghus which always had problems with food and land but only when rhea is taken in does she give advice to the king dimitri and when she could have given the advice for sooner azure gleam has the worst outcome for fodlan rhea hasn’t learnt anything and I roll my eyes at rhea apologists who try to claim she did nothing wrong when she had the game acknowledges she has and shows it
You know, reading this makes me think of a six years old who learnt the poetry he is supposed to recite by heart, and delivers it without pausing, in one breath, talking really really fast.
But it's not because you talk really really fast that no one hears your mistakes or blunders!
There is no villain route there was never a time in fire emblem where we sided with evil character including conquests the point was to save nohr and go against their father
Yep, never before Tru Piss did we have a Fire Emblem game where we sided with a "Lord" who was also the red Emperor, who sided with Izuka and made use of his Feral Ones.
Never before in Fire Emblem we sided with a Lord who invades countries to make theirs great again, or disses on a race calling it incapable of having human feelings.
To be honest, this is why I first picked Tru Piss in FE16, I wanted to see what IS was going to do, and, well, I received the rat scene and "uwu drawing" instead.
I was pretty disappointed.
the only outright villainous characters in three houses is the agarthans even rhea and seteth can be friendly and aren’t pure evil and do some good
The Agarthan, just like the Grima Cult (i forgot its name for all i care about it) is a modern take on the Loptyr cult and even Duma's faithful, where everyone belonging to that group is bad/evil, and responsible for "a majority" of things going bad in their respective worlds.
It sucks, and I really miss the FE5 Loptyr goons who are just "I was only there for money" or "sorry I promise I'll become good now" randoms.
Are you sure Rhea and Seteth can be friendly though? I mean, in the game, they are in charge of a giant orphanage and charity institution, I'm not sure it can be called something good.
though rhea does need to be removed from power three houses and hopes has reinforced this that rhea was doing wrong like propagating crest system propaganda suppressing tech
Damn I forgot the /s
Nopes reinforces that Rhea helps Supreme Leader when Supreme Leader asks for her help and Supreme Leader in turn wants to terminate her because she still has pointy ears. And Clout? Wants to get rid of her because "yolo", being stupid enough to think Supreme Leader will stop her war if Rhea disappears, on top of forgetting that the main responsible for Fodlan thinking Almyra sucks is Almyra itself.
Rhea does not propagate crust system, you see no pizzas in Garreg Mach.
And the Highest Member of the Knights, who later becomes Captain, isn't Thunder Catherine with her Major Charon Crest, no, it's Alois the Crestless average Joe.
As for suppressing tech, this is related to the meme from above, Rhea doesn't remove it, she lets human discover it at an "acceptable pace". Now, she is the one deciding what is "acceptable" from what is not, and it has a lot of questions and interrogations I'd love to discuss with someone who is at least able to use comas and dots.
That cost people their lives withholding information like land development advice for faerghus which always had problems with food
Ah, the famous "Rhea made people starve" take, I thought it was dead and long burried, but Nopes resurrected it!
Maybe you come from a country that has an imperialist history, or some kind of "interventionism", but generally speaking, when you are dealing with States, you do not "impart" them your "knowledge and civilisation" if they don't ask for it.
Does Rhea know about the Galatea food issues?
"She must" well no, because, Faerghus is its own sovereign state, and as shown by Matthias after the Miklan debacle, some people just don't like to ask for help for fear of being trapped later on. Faerghus isn't Garreg Mach's satellite state, no. Also, if Rhea, the Church, suddenly started to help Faerghus gain more grain and food, how would Adrestia and Leicester react? They do not receive the same "help" and, say, if Faerghus suddenly doesn't need to import Adrestian wheat or Leicester fruits, wouldn't they lose economically speaking?
Billy actually reveals what was Rhea, and the devs's solution about this issue : Rhea/The Church won't come to impart civilisation on people, but if they ask for help or even visit Garreg Mach - which is open to everyone - they will be directed to books which might help them.
So there is no "withholding" information, but rather putting it in the continent biggest library, accessible everyday by everyone, provided they don't come to the Monastery to kill its leader of inhabitants.
but only when rhea is taken in does she give advice to the king dimitri and when she could have given the advice for sooner
And yet Ingrid, if she can talk to Billy and spend time in school, can read a book about those issues and learn how to solve them.
Has Dimitri even asked her about his agricultural issues earlier? Have earlier Faerghus Kings asked her how to maximise their harvest before? I don't think so.
For all reasons explained above, Rhea cannot give advice on something unless she's asked about it.
She's not here out to bring civilisation to Faerghus and its people, she did it once for Adrestia and look at how it ended.
azure gleam has the worst outcome for fodlan rhea hasn’t learnt anything
Well, I disagree, Rhea learnt that she has allies and can rely on them again, without placing all of her hopes for a better future on Billy's shoulders because worshipping the player's joystick is that important in FE16.
roll my eyes at rhea apologists who try to claim she did nothing wrong when she had the game acknowledges she has and shows it
In France we have a saying that someone must roll their tongues seven times in their mouths before speaking else they'll speak shit - sometimes I wonder if the same saying can be applied for "typing" on the internet, but maybe if you roll your eyes enough you'll finally learn basic grammar?
I don't really know who you are vaguing about, but in a serious discussion/conversation, some people acknowledge that Rhea did "some things wrong". Context is important though, something that some devoted people on this website, but on social networks in general, elude because it requires to think a bit and not to give a "gut reaction" to the first 3 words they read.
The game acknowledges it... but forgets to tell what it was that she did was so wrong, what other path she could have walked and ultimately, what she is acknowledging - bar not seeing Billy as their own character, but as... something akin to her worthless Mother.
Rhea's wrongdoings are, oddly, never the ones she's derided for in the fandom, so maybe Rhea apologists ignore that part of the game, but they're not the only ones, her detractors too, ignore that part of the game.
And ultimately, as everyone pointed out after Nopes, FE16 was a game meant to make the player feel good, no matter their choices. The plot warped itself around this concept, and another concept which is as important if not more important : the need to sell Hresvelg Tea.
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bryan360 · 2 years
🇵🇷Me: My P-pal really did his birthday artwork to celebrate our old friend that we knew about from the past. At least knowing that I got mine to finished in time, but gonna take a break by checking this art post that my P-pal shared first. I had to say….it was pretty amazing! 😉
🐰🖌Maxwell: Yeah! As always when wearing their clothes, that includes the large pillow bed to make it as a bounce house-like bed. Except it wasn’t look like any bounce house of sorts, but hoping they got the point when jumping stuff. Anyways, we wish you having a good birthday to our old friend, Mieko! It’ll be fun to join in. 🙂👍
🐰👊💥May: Yup. Don’t worry as we bringing our creator friend’s birthday art that we sure you’re gonna like it.
🦊⚽️Sam: Mhm! Now get this party started, shall we?!
🐰🖌Maxwell and 🐰👊💥May: You bet ya! 😁
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project-sekai-facts · 10 months
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Tsukasa and Rui are known collectively amongst their classmates as "Oddball 1-2 Finish" (in the JP, KR, and TW servers. The English localisation calls them "Weirdo Wombo Combo"). Due to this, they are frequently asociated with the numbers 1, 2 and any combination or variation of the two (12, 21, etc), both individually and as a duo.
In terms of cover songs, there's Telecaster B-Boy, where they sing the counting part at the beginning. Tsukasa says the number 1, and Rui says the number 2. Tsukasa is Oddball 1, and Rui is Oddball 2.
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There's also a lyric in Oki ni Mesu mama sung by Tsukasa, that goes "Waiting for the "1, 2..." signal, holding hands with you is an act of courage for me". Whilst the lyric itself is entirely coincidental, having Tsukasa sing it was very likely intentional. The cover supposedly represents the growth in trust between Tsukasa and Rui, so with that context in mind, one could view the lyric as a reference to Tsukasa reaching out his hand to Rui at the end of the main story, a significant step in the development of their mutual trust.
There's also a few instances of staff releasing content for them on the 21st of a month. Examples include the Fixer 2DMV, which released on September 21st 2023, and their 2022 Summer Memorial illustration releasing on the 21st of August that year. This was also the 12th illustration in that series.
Coincidentally (or maybe not), A Story Where You Are the Star released on the 22nd of November 2023, or 11/22, and featured them both as 4* cards on the accompanying gacha. The event was announced the day prior, on the 21st again.
Rui's 3rd Anniversary Countdown illustration depicted their pillow fight from A Once-In-A-Lifetime Pandemonium!?, an event focused on their relationship, and was released 12 days before the anniversary.
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The OST that plays during their Romeo and Juliet rehearsal in KAMIKOU FESTIVAL!, Ma・Ai no Theme ~True Love Song~, was later reused in A Song of Vows for You, Dressed in Pure White and released on the 2nd OST Album alongside the other music from that event. However, instead of being listed with the other tracks from that event on the album, it's listed as track 12.
Them being in class 3-C is a pun based on their status as Oddball 1-2. C is pronounced as "shi" in Japanese, which is the same as how the Japanese word for four is pronounced. Tsukasa and Rui being in class 3-C makes 1 2 3 4. Additionally, 1+2=3, and if you apply A=1, B-2, so on, then this also applies to A (Tsukasa's original class) + B (Rui's original class) =C.
There's also various smaller references, such as the full combo for KING on expert being 1002, Tsukasa growing 1cm and Rui growing 2cm at the 3rd anniversary, as well as Tsukasa telling Rui in the main story that he'll put 12000% into any role Rui gives him. The 12000% quote was also referenced in the 2DMV for their Dappou Rock cover.
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acesandwords · 1 year
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A while back I created two guides on how to use Tumblr, which can be found here [1][2].
This will be a beginner guide to the references and holidays of this hellsite.
References Dashcon(2013) - The Infamous Tumblr convention [1][2][3] Children's Hospital [1] Horse Plinko [1] Crab Rave - used for celebration [1][2] Do you love the color of the sky? [1] Bug Race - Polls got released [1] Vanilla Extract- userbase failed to make a cake [1] Mishapocalyspe (April 1st 2013) [1][2] Goncharov- A fake Mafia movie created by the users [1] Dracula daily [1] Queen Elizabeth [1] Origin of giftable crabs - April fools 2022, we had a crab button [1] I like your shoelaces- a way to find out who's on tumblr [1]
Holidays Cousin Oskar (Daylight Savings) [1] Ides of March (March 15) the stabbing of Caeser🗡️ [1][2][3] Tomorrow is Halloween, no it's March 28th [1] Neil Bangin' Out The Tunes (April 13) [1] It's Gonna Be May (April 30)- NSYNC Day [1][2] Hallowe'en IT'S JUNE (June) [1] 21st Night Of September (September 21) [1] It's October 3rd (October 3rd) [1][2] Halloween (October 31) - That's it, it's just the holiday all month Destiel-Putin-Election Day (November 5th)* It's December 10th! (December 10th)[1] Tomorrow is Halloween, IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE [1] Nobody smiles in February(February) [1]
*Nov. 5th was a wild day in 2020, we were waiting on the US election results, Destiel became canon, and there was a rumor that Putin was going to resign. The state of anxiety and joy was indescribable.
Please add more! There are so many and I know I didn't get them all.
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thelibraryghost · 5 months
A Young Person's Guide to 18th-Century Western Fashion
unabridged version at blogspot
General info Cox, Abby. "I Wore 18th-Century Clothing *Every Day for 5 YEARS & This Is What I Learned (Corsets Aren't Bad!)." YouTube. May 10, 2020. Cullen, Oriole. “Eighteenth-Century European Dress.” In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2004. Glasscock, Jessica. "Eighteenth-Century Silhouette and Support." In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2004. Accessories Banner, Bernadette. "Women's Pockets Weren't Always a Complete Disgrace | A Brief History: England, 15th c - 21st c." YouTube. April 10, 2021. Colonial Williamsburg. "#TradesTuesday: Men's Accessories." YouTube. June 13, 2021. Murden, Sarah. "The Georgian era fashion for straw hats." All Things Georgian. December 6, 2018. Cosmetics & hygiene Cox, Abby. "I Followed an 18th-Century Moisturizer & Sunscreen Recipe & it kinda worked??." YouTube. February 21, 2021. Cox, Abby. "We tried making *5* different 250 year old rouge (blush) recipes || [real] regencycore makeup." YouTube. August 29, 2021. JYF Museums. "Hygiene in the 18th Century | From the Farm to the Army." YouTube. August 21, 2021. Décor Heckscher, Morrison H. “American Rococo.” In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2003. Munger, Jeffrey. “French Porcelain in the Eighteenth Century.” In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2003. Formal wear SnappyDragon. "This dressing gown changed fashion forever : the feminist history of going out in loungewear." YouTube. April 15, 2022. Stowell, Lauren. "The Many Types of 18th Century Gowns." American Duchess. March 15, 2013. Zebrowska, Karolina. "Cottagecore Style Is Much Older Than You Think." YouTube. June 30, 2021. Hair care Cox, Abby. "I made 250-year-old Hair Products Using Original Recipes (and animal fat...)." YouTube. November 7, 2021. Cox, Abby. "I tried a 300-year-old hair care routine for a year & this is what I learned (it's awesome!)." YouTube. January 23, 2022. Cox, Abby. "What's the Deal with 18th Century Wigs? (and why Bridgerton really messed this up)." YouTube. June 1, 2023. Laundry Cox, Abby. "Making 300 Year Old SLIME for Laundry Day." YouTube. June 15, 2023. Townsends. "Historical Laundry Part 2: No Washing Machine, No Dryer, Hit It With A Stick?" YouTube. June 3, 2019. Outer- & working-wear JYF Museum. "Getting Dressed | Clothing for an 18th Century Middling Woman." YouTube. March 18, 2021. Major, Joanne. "The practicalities of wearing riding habits, and riding ‘en cavalier’." All Things Georgian. March 12, 2019. Rudolph, Nicole. "What did Pirates ACTUALLY Wear? Fashion at Sea in the 18th c & Our Flag Means Death Costumes." YouTube. May 8, 2022. Shoes Chin, Cynthia E. "Martha Washington's Shoes." George Washington's Mount Vernon. No date. Murden, Sarah. "18th-century shoes." All Things Georgian. December 15, 2015. Rudolph, Nicole. "Real 18th century Shoes? Historical Shoemaker Examines an Antique." YouTube. December 13, 2020. Textiles Cox, Abby. "18th Century Printed Cotton Do's & Don't's." American Duchess. December 23, 2019. Stowell, Lauren. "Fabrics for the 18th Century and Beyond." American Duchess. June 14, 2021. Townsends. "Oil Cloth - Waterproof Coverings for Your Campsite." YouTube. July 30, 2018. Undergarments Major, Joanne. "Quilted Petticoats: worn by all women and useful in more ways than one." All Things Georgian. November 20, 2018. Rudolph, Nicole. "Making 18th century Stays for the Ideal Body Shape : Historical Undergarments." YouTube. August 12, 2023. SnappyDragon. "RUMP ROAST : Ranking historical fashion's wildest fake butt pads." YouTube. October 27, 2023. Townsends. "Sewing Histories' Most Popular Garment - The Fabric Of History - Townsends." YouTube. September 3, 2022.
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digimonarchive · 2 months
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Digimon in all animated media - Anime, Movies and OVA
1st pic = Digimon Adventure anime (Japan: March 7, 1999 - March 26, 2000; USA: August 14, 1999 - June 24, 2000)
2nd pic = Digimon Adenture 02 anime (Japan: April 2, 2000 - March 25, 2001; USA: August 19, 2000 - May 19, 2001)
3rd pic = Digimon Tamers anime (Japan: April 1, 2001 - March 31, 2002; USA: September 1, 2001 - June 8, 2002)
4th pic = Digimon Frontier anime (Japan: April 7, 2002 - March 30, 2003; USA: September 9, 2002 - July 14, 2003)
5th pic = Digimon Savers / Data Squad anime (Japan: April 2, 2006 – March 25, 2007; USA: October 1, 2007 - November 2, 2008)
6th pic = Digimon Xros Wars / Fusion anime (Japan: July 6, 2010 - March 25, 2012; USA: September 7, 2013 - August 16, 2015)
7th pic = Digimon Xros Wars: The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms anime (a.k.a Digimon Xros Wars part 2) (Japan: April 3, 2011 - September 25, 2011; USA: March 8, 2015 - August 16, 2015) **
8th pic = Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time anime (a.k.a Digimon Xros Wars Hunters or Digimon Xros Wars part 3) (Japan: October 2, 2011 - March 25, 2012) ***
9th pic = Digimon Adventure Tri OVA (Japan: November 21, 2015 - May 5, 2018; USA: September 15, 2016 - September 20, 2018)
10th pic = Digimon Universe Appli Monsters anime (a.k.a Appmon) (Japan: October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017)
11th pic = Digimon Adventure: (a.k.a Digimon Adventure 2020 or Digimon Adventure reboot) (Japan: April 5, 2020 - September 26, 2021; USA: November 19, 2022 - April 13, 2023)
12th pic = Digimon Ghost Game (Japan: October 3, 2021 - March 26, 2023)
13th pic = Digimon Adventure (Movie) short film (Japan: March 6, 1999; USA: October 6, 2000 as the first segment part of Digimon The Movie)
14th pic = Digimon Adventure: Our War Game! movie (Japan: March 4, 2000; USA: October 6 2000 as the second segment part of Digimon The Movie)
15th pic = Digimon Adventure 02: Vol. 1: Digimon Hurricane Landing!/Vol. 2: Transcendent Evolution! The Golden Digimentals movie (a.k.a Digimon Adventure 02 Vol 1 and 2) (Japan: July 8, 2000; USA: October 6, 2000 as the third segment part of Digimon The Movie) ****
16th pic = Digimon Adventure 02: Diablomon Strikes Back / Digimon: Revenge of Diaboromon movie (Japan: March 3, 2001; USA: August 5, 2005)
17th pic = Digimon Tamers: The Adventurers' Battle / Digimon: Battle of Adventurers movie (Japan: July 14, 2001; USA: October 16, 2005)
18th pic = Digimon Tamers: The Runaway Digimon Express / Digimon: Runaway Locomon movie (Japan: March 2, 2002; USA: October 2, 2005)
19th pic = Digimon Frontier: Revival of the Ancient Digimon!! / Digimon: Island of Lost Digimon movie (Japan: July 20, 2002; USA: October 23, 2005)
20th pic = Digital Monster X-evolution movie (Japan: January 3, 2005; USA: August 1, 2020)
21st pic = Digimon Savers The Movie: Ultimate Power! Activate Burst Mode!! movie (Japan: December 9, 2006)
22nd pic = Digimon Adventure 3D: Digimon Grandprix! short film OVA (Japan: July 20, 2000)
23rd pic = Digimon Savers 3D: The Digital World in Imminent Danger! short film OVA (Japan: July 8, 2006)
24th pic = Digimon Adventure 20th Anniversary Memorial Story Project OVA short films (Japan: November 22 2019 - December 25, 2020)
25th pic = Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna movie (Japan: February 21, 2020; USA: September 29, 2020)
26th pic = Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning movie (Japan: October 5, 2023; USA: November 8, 2023)
** This is the 2nd part of Digimon Xros Wars saga with Taiki, Kiriha and Nene on their adventure while Akari and Zenjirou are left out.
*** This is the 3rd part of Digimon Xros Wars saga with Tagiru, Yuu and Taiki as the protagonists. This 3rd part has the overly long title so we fans prefer to call it 'Digimon Xros Wars: Hunters' or 'Digimon Young Hunters'.
**** Yes, this movie has an overly long title. I had a hard time deciding whether to highlight it in bold or not.
Happy Digimon Day!
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harryphotographs · 2 months
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Harry on stage in New York City, NY, Night XV. Love On Tour, September 21st, 2022. © Nikki Marie
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violetthekiller · 4 months
do you care to make a tz pda timeline for us 🫣
let’s see if i can do this off the top of my head lol
2nd July 2021: Car make out pics
August ‘21: TZ attend a friends wedding and are seen holding hands, leaning on each other and having a little kiss in the background of videos. 1 HD pic of them leaning heads
1st September ‘21: My MJ post
October ‘21: Dune 😍 post
25th November ‘21: Naaaa Stop it 😍 post
November-December ‘21: NWH press with many pda moments in interviews and at photo calls
14th Dec ‘21: NWH Premiere. Mask cheek kiss after the premiere and cross body hand hold when leaving the after party
January 2022: Pap pics in London with Z holding Toms waist. pics of the two at a pub looking loved up are posted by locals
15th February ‘22: Valentines Date in NY. Papped arriving at and leaving the restaurant holding hands/holding onto each other.
18th Feb ‘22: NY Uncharted Screening. Arrive and leave holding hands
C. 20th Feb ‘22: TZ attend a Rangers ice hockey game and spend the whole time canoodling
April-September ‘22: TZ weekends in Boston, NY and Budapest while filming TCR, Challengers and Dune. pics almost every weekend of the two in the cities holding hands and having dinner dates
1st June ‘22: The one who makes me the happiest post
C. 2nd October ‘22: Louvre Date in Paris. TZ looking loved up and koalaing the entire time
15th December ‘22: TZ visit Zs old school in Oakland and we see bodyguard Tom in action
C. 12th-18th December ‘22: TZ in Bay Area. multiple pda pics supposed ‘my butterfly’ story
January 2023: Carribean vaycay
14th February ‘23: Valentine’s day date in Monaco
March-May ‘23: LondonDaya pt.1 with Richmond Park pics beginning
C. 30th March-4th April: TZ in India. some blurry pda pics
28th April ‘23: Usher Concert
2nd May ‘23: TZ in Malibu having lunch and leaning on each other
5th May ‘23: Warriors game. Arm stroke, embarrassed Tom and more
16th May ‘23: TZ in Venice. Cheek kiss and hand up shirt pics
20th May ‘23: More Venice pics of the two leaving lunch holding hands
1st June ‘23: Zs birthday post for Tom
18th June ‘23: Ass grab pics in London
27th June ‘23: Beyonce Warsaw and Love on Top video
21st July ‘23: Escalator pda in John Lewis
3rd August ‘23: Brothers Trust event. TZ holding hands whilst taking pics with guests
Summer ‘23: More London days pics at lunch etc.
25th-26th August ‘23: TZ in Oakland. Basketball game with multiple story posts from Z and plenty of pda
1st September ‘23: My Birthday Girl post
4th September ‘23: Beyoncé LA
1st October ‘23: TZ in Paris. Tom buys Z a vintage Piaget watch whilst she leans on his shoulder
5th October ‘23: TZ visit Battersea dogs and cats home and Tom posts SoftDaya on his grid
8th October ‘23: TZ walking in Richmond park canoodling and playing with a dog. Hand kiss from Tom
16th October ‘23: TZ visit Hampton Caught and we get the beautiful shadow pic
12th November ‘23: video of TZ signing NWH posters for TBT and getting all competitive
14th December ‘23: TZ visit a children’s hospital and look super cute whilst taking photos and videos with the patients
22nd December ‘23: Theatre trip. holding hands in the audience
24th January 2024: Tom posts Z at the Schiaparelli show on his story with a video of her to Cupids Chokehold by Gym Class Hero’s stating that it was made for him
15th February ‘24: Dune Part 2 Premiere in London. TZ leave the after party together
18th March ‘24: TZ at Indian Wells. holding hands whilst walking round and Hypeman Tom
10th April ‘24: Challengers Premiere London. TZ have a little kiss in the screening
12th April ‘24: TZ looking giddy af in a car in London. One of the greatest TZ photos ever
28th April ‘24: Tom posts the Challengers Poster on insta
7th May ‘24: Tom posts Z at the Met Gala
10th May ‘24: TZ on a lunch date in London
23rd May ‘24: Z attends the Opening Night of R&J and the two leave the theatre hand in hand with Z snapping a pic of Tom in the car as he gets in
4th June ‘24: Selfie of tz at the R&J after party with their heads squished together
And scene.
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
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In loving and everlasting memory.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, 21st April 1926 – 8th September 2022.
via The Royal Family
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capitalisticveins · 1 year
Missing Characters:
Caelum (Last seen: 1 year ago) (August 16th, 2022)
Morgan Kyne (Last seen: 8 months ago) (January 21st, 2023)
Ivan (Last seen: 9 months ago) (December 14th, 2022)
Regulus (Last seen: never/j 6 months ago) (March 21st, 2023)
Eric (Last seen: 1 year ago) (August 2nd, 2022)
Kody (stay gone bitch)
Camelopardalis (Last seen: 1 year ago) (September 10th, 2022)
Echo (Last seen: 11 months ago) (November 4th, 2022)
Marcus (Last seen: 1 year ago) (May 21st, 2022)
Aggro Greer (Last seen: 1 year ago) (May 17th, 2022) (Last known location is with werewolf shifter Marie Greer)
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henarten · 7 months
Transition Timeline!!
(Picture of my cat edited to the post because honestly im tired of 17yo me being on the top of my profile)
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I dont have many images of me for obvious reasons but still I tried one for every year since I came out
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Left to Right:
April 2019, 17 years old (2 years pre hrt)
May 2020, 18 years old (11 months pre hrt)
February 2021, 19 years old (2 months pre hrt)
November 2021, 20 years old (7 months on hrt)
September 2022, 21st birthday (1 yr, 5m hrt)
Sepember 2023, 22nd birthday (2 yr, 5m hrt)
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imtoodizzy · 7 months
links included, of course! — with the help of a list created by jsb777 on discord, i will be creating a masterlist of EVERYTHING we have gotten shown about snow day so far. i’m doing this in honer of the london showcase happening in 8 hours! i may have gotten a few things wrong here or there, or missed something that happened, but i’m pretty happy with what i’ve done.
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• August 6th, 2021
- Matt Stone & Trey parker, while discussing their 900 million dollar deal with Viacom, mention a 3d game in the works
• January 5th, 2022
- Question games shares a job offer for a lead multiplayer level designer. Game Informer created an article on January 7th which talks about it
• August 12th, 2022
- Randy teaser releases from THQ Nordic event.
• August 11th, 2023
- THQ Nordic event reveals a Snow Day trailer
- This marks the day Snow Day’s title was revealed, as well as a 2024 release date
• September 12th, 2023
- Amazon listings go up, featuring new images
• November 22th, 2023
- New gameplay trailer released
• December 21st, 2023
- New release date trailer released
- Collectors edition/Digital deluxe reveal
- Of course, this is when the March 26th, 2024 specific date was revealed
- Pre-order underpants gnome cosmetics bonus revealed as well
• February 21st, 2024
- Nintendo switch releases a trailer
- These were at some point available on South Park’s social media accounts, but on a date I don’t know and for unknown reasons, it has been wiped clean.
• February 27th, 2024
- Best Buy adds a second print of Snow Day’s collectors edition.
- THQ Nordic also releases the second print
• March 1st, 2024
- London pop-up event announced
• March 4th, 2024
- South Park announces the second print of Snow Day’s collectors edition
• March 5th, 2024
- IGN releases an article with Matt Stone talking about Snow Day.
• March 6th, 2024
- IGN shares the footage of said interview.
- Genuine gameplay footage!
• March 7th, 2024
- IGN’s first preview of Snow Day
- Image of the London pop-up shared!
• UPCOMING: March 8th-10th
- The first play of Snow Day will be happening during the Snow Day pop up event in London.
- Merch & games will be available to everyone without a ticket!
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i tried to include everything i could think of. i may have missed a detail or two… or three, even, but i think my list is pretty good! i will share any new information to come from london today through sunday, so stay tuned if you’re interested! though this is mostly for me anyways. thank you again to jsb777 for setting up a guide for me to follow to create this masterlist!
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copperbadge · 2 years
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Pictured above: the Amerigo Vespucci, a three-masted tall ship, encounters two US aircraft carriers: the Independence (black and white image, 1962) and the George H.W. Bush (color image, 2022). 
Built in 1930 for the purpose of sail training, the Italian Training Ship Amerigo Vespucci is designed after 18th century 74-cannon "ships of the line”, naval warships common to the Age of Sail. She carries a standard crew of 16 officers, 70 noncoms, and 190 sailors; she has an overall length of 101m/331ft and a maximum width of 15.5m/51ft with a steel hull and a top speed of 10 knots (19km/h). The masts are steel but carry traditional canvas sails and use only hemp rope; mooring lines are synthetic per port regulations. Currently she carries both diesel and electric engines. More details and specifications at Wikipedia. Her sister ship, the Cristoforo Colombo, was given to the USSR as war reparations after WWII. 
There is a commonly-repeated story that when the Amerigo Vespucci encountered the USS Independence in 1962, the Independence signaled the Amerigo Vespucci to ask, “Who are you?” 
The ship replied, “Training ship Amerigo Vespucci, Italian Navy.” 
The Independence then is reported to have responded:
“You are the most beautiful ship in the world.” 
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Well, they weren’t lying about that. 
Wikipedia’s only truly useful citation for this encounter is a YouTube video of the USS George H.W. Bush meeting the Amerigo Vespucci in 2022.  
This encounter was also documented in a US Navy press release from September 2022, which has better information for the initial exchange. The 1962 photo leaves no doubt the Independence and the Amerigo Vespucci did encounter one another, but the exchange of communications does not have strong visible documentation. The press release states that the NHHC website has a record of the encounter, but does not link to it. 
The NHHC website, which is a massive pain in the ass to use, has a records page for the black and white photo above, but that appears to be the extent of its documentation. Presumably there’s a logbook for the Independence or the Amerigo Vespucci or both, but that’s beyond my ability to locate. I have not been able to find a record that isn’t embedded in 21st-century documents which don’t have strong citations. There is no record of who on the Independence felt the need to compliment the Amerigo Vespucci, or how the ship responded. The Italian Navy’s history of the Amerigo Vespucci, now available only through Archive.org, does not mention the encounter.
The earliest record I could find of the Amerigo Vespucci referenced as “The most beautiful ship in the world” comes from a post at VisitVenezia, which Google believes was posted in 2004 (there’s no date on the post itself). The earliest reference to the actual meeting of the two ships is a vague reference in a blog from 2012, which merely states that “another ship once radioed, you are the most beautiful ship in the world.” There is no citation for the story’s origin at that post. If the exchange did happen, the story of it appears to have surfaced to civilians only in the 21st century. Most other records 2012-2022 eventually trace back to Tumblr, actually. 
The USS Independence’s Crew Book for 1962 has been digitized; reading through it there is, as they say, a lot to unpack, but despite numerous pages dedicated to the sights of the Mediterranean, there is no mention or photo of the Amerigo Vespucci that I could find. It does list the two commanders of the Independence, Melvin R. Etheridge and Bob J. Robison, as well as the full 1962 crew. And if you like men in uniform, 60s military technology, or poorly printed photos of Europe in 1962, it’s a fun way to spend an hour or so. 
In any case, the Navy says it happened, and it’s a great story. We do have documentation, both in the video above and in the September 2022 press release, of the 2022 encounter. The USS George H.W. Bush, captained by Capt. David-Tavis Pollard, asks via radio, “Sailing vessel on my starboard side, please identify yourself.” 
The ship responds, “This is Italian Navy ship Amerigo Vespucci.” 
The US ship asks, “Are you the one that sailed by the USS Independence in 1962?” 
To which the Italians reply, “Yes we are. We are the senior national vessel in active duty.” 
The US ship responds, “Amerigo Vespucci, you are still after 60 years the most beautiful ship in the world.” 
To which the Amerigo Vespucci answers, “George Bush, we are flattered and express fair winds and following seas for your deployment.” 
I’d love to know who sent the original messages, and where it might have been recorded; if folks have access to documentation or know sailors who served on the Independence or the Amerigo Vespucci in 1962 who might remember it, please feel free to let me know. After all, I’d like the story to be true. 
And she is, then and now, a beautiful ship.
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thelibraryghost · 7 months
A Young Person's Introduction to Late 19th-Century Western Fashion
hello fellow youths
General information Banner, Bernadette. "Exposing Victorian Influencers Who 'Facetuned' Their Photos. (Photo Manipulation was EVERYWHERE)." YouTube. July 17, 2021. English Heritage. "Fashion Through History: Episode 1 – Victorians." YouTube. February 9, 2023. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "100 Years of Fashion // The Fashionable Plus Size Silhouette from 1820-1910." YouTube. June 5, 2021. Victoria and Albert Museum. "100 Years of Fashionable Womenswear: 1830s – 1930s | V&A." YouTube. July 18, 2023. Zebrowska, Karolina. "Victorian Fashion Is Not What You Think It Is." YouTube. March 19, 2019.
Accessories Banner, Bernadette. ""Afro-Victorian": Bringing Historical Black Women's Dress into the 21st Century w Cheyney McKnight." YouTube. October 20, 2021. Cox, Abby. "A Fashion Historian Explains the History of the Handbag." YouTube. January 26, 2023. Rudolph, Nicole. "Dangerous Things in Victorian Pockets : Mens Pocket History." YouTube. March 2, 2024. Rudolph, Nicole. "The Controversial History of Color Season Analysis." YouTube. November 4, 2023. Zebrowska, Karolina. "Disgusting and Creepy Victorian Fashion Trends." YouTube. October 17, 2018.
Bustles and hoopskirts Donner, Morgan. "Weirdest Victorian Invention: The Bustle-Chair (and we made one)." YouTube. November 20, 2020. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "100 Years of Underwear // The Changing Plus Size Shape from Regency to Victorian to Edwardian." YouTube. May 1, 2021. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "All About Bustles! A Deep Dive into 1870s Fashions." YouTube. December 26, 2023. Rudolph, Nicole. "Why were Victorian Hips Controversial?" YouTube. September 12, 2021.
Cosmetics Birchwood, Vasi. "1800s Makeup Is Not What You Think." YouTube. July 21, 2023. English Heritage. "Queen Victoria Makeup Tutorial | History Inspired | Feat. Amber Butchart and Rebecca Butterworth." YouTube. May 20, 2019. Zebrowska, Karolina. "I Used Only Victorian Cosmetics For a Week." YouTube. July 26, 2023.
Fabrics Rudolph, Nicole. "Did Silk Spontaneously Combust in the Victorian Era?" YouTube. August 8, 2021. Rudolph, Nicole. "The History of Elastic." YouTube. July 4, 2021. Rudolph, Nicole. "The Truth About Arsenic in the Victorian Era." YouTube. January 24, 2021.
Gowns Bullat, Samantha. "Dress Historian Analyzes Victorian Mourning Clothing of the Mid-19th Century." YouTube. March 14, 2021. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "All About 1860's Fashion // What did Civil War-era fashion look like?" YouTube. November 12, 2022. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "How did fashion evolve from 1850-1859? // 1850's Fashion Deep Dive." YouTube. October 1, 2022. Rudolph, Nicole. "Victorian Fast Fashion? The Truth about the History of Disposable Clothing." YouTube. February 6, 2022. SnappyDragon. "Were the Pre-Raphaelites painting accurate medieval dress . . . or Victorian fairtytalecore?" YouTube. April 26, 2024. Zebrowska, Karolina. "19th Century Fashion - How To Tell Different Decades Apart?" YouTube. November 17, 2017.
Hair care and styling Banner, Bernadette. "Following a Victorian Home Made Hair Care Routine (1889)." YouTube. September 11, 2021. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "Getting Dressed in an 1888 Daisy Costume // Easy Bustle-Era Hair Tutorial." YouTube. November 13, 2020. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "Getting Dressed in the 1870s & 1874 Hairstyle Tutorial." YouTube. February 23, 2020. Rudolph, Nicole. "Why did Victorian Women Cut their Hair Short?" YouTube. December 18, 2022. Laundry and housekeeping English Heritage. "A Tour of the Laundry - The Victorian Way." YouTube. September 6, 2019. English Heritage. "How to Wash Up - The Victorian Way." YouTube. March 18, 2021. English Heritage. "Laying the Table at Christmas – The Victorian Way." YouTube. December 14, 2022. Walkley, Christina, and Vanda Foster. Crinolines and Crimping Irons: Victorian Clothes: How They Were Cleaned and Cared for. Peter Owen Limited: London, 1978.
Outerwear and working wear Birchwood, Vasi. "What Irish Working Women Wore in the Late 19th Century | I Made the Clothing of My Irish Ancestors." YouTube. June 23, 2023. English Heritage. "The Real Mrs Crocombe | Part Four: A Victorian Cook's Outfit." YouTube. July 5, 2018. Stowell, Lauren. "It's Hot: Let's Look At Some Bathing Suits." American Duchess. August 18, 2023. Rudolph, Nicole. "The History of Jeans, T-shirts, and Hoodies: Time Travel 101." YouTube. March 20, 2022. Zebrowska, Karolina. "The 1851 Women's Pants That Made The Victorians Go Crazy." YouTube. March 2, 2020.
Shoes Rudolph, Nicole. "100 years of Antique Boots." YouTube. February 10, 2024. Rudolph, Nicole. "How to Make Regency & Victorian Shoes: Beginner Shoemaking." YouTube. June 27, 2021. Rudolph, Nicole. "The Myth of Tiny Feet "Back Then"." YouTube. September 26, 2021.
Undergarments Banner, Bernadette. "I Wore a (Medical) Corset for 5 Years. How do Victorian Corsets Compare?" YouTube. November 7, 2020. Banner, Bernadette. "Making Some Frilly Victorian Underwear || 1890s Combinations." YouTube. February 9, 2019. Birchwood, Vasi. "What Victorians Wore to Bed." YouTube. May 5, 2023. Cox, Abby. "I made weird Victorian underwear (it's a knit onesie) & a pretty 1890s corset || historical sewing." YouTube. March 21, 2021. Lady Rebecca Fashions. "How 8 Different Historical Corsets Affect the Same Plus Size Body." YouTube. December 12, 2020. Rudolph, Nicole. "100 Years of Corset History: How 8 Corsets affect the same body." YouTube. November 29, 2020. Zebrowska, Karolina. "How Did Victorian Ladies Stay Warm in Winter? || THE EXPERIMENT." YouTube. January 22, 2021. Zebrowska, Karolina. "How Did Victorian Women Deal With Their Periods?" YouTube. October 17, 2019.
116 notes · View notes
asystol · 2 months
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         ᯓ FILE 000. — LEE, NICOLE ๋࣭
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  BIRTH NAME.     nicole lee
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  KOREAN NAME.     lee nakyung
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀HANGUL.     이나경
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  ALIAS.     nikki ❪ given by julie, origin from her birth name ❫⠀ ⠀collie ❪ ‘ pronounced cole-lee ’ given by belle, origin from her birth name ❫⠀ ⠀nana ❪ given by natty, origin from her korean name ❫⠀ ⠀뿌 ppu ❪ given by haneul, origin is 뿌 is a cute expression like the ‘ 😁 ’ emoji ❫⠀ ⠀naky ❪ given by daniel, origin from her korean name ❫⠀ ⠀ttokki ❪ given by fans, origin from her representative emoji ❫ ⠀ ⠀nakorita ❪ given by haneul, origin from the pokemon chikorita ❫ 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DATE OF BIRTH.     april 1st, 2001
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  AGE.     23 years old
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  ZODIAC.     aries
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  CHINESE ZODIAC.     snake
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PLACE OF BIRTH.     toronto, canada
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  NATIONALITY.     canadian
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  ETHNICITY.     korean
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  RESIDENCE(S).     port hope, ontario, canada ❪ 2001 — 2013 ❫⠀ ⠀chungcheongnam-do, south korea ❪ 2013 — 2015 ❫⠀ ⠀seoul, south korea ❪ 2015 — ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  LANGUAGES.     english ❪ fluent ❫⠀ ⠀korean ❪ near fluent ❫⠀ ⠀spanish ❪ advanced ❫⠀ ⠀japanese ❪ intermediate ❫⠀ ⠀thai ❪ beginner ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  GENDER IDENTITY.     cisgender female
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PRONOUNS.     she/her
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  SEXUAL ORIENTATION.     bisexual
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.     homoromantic
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  RELATIONSHIP STATUS.     single
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  HEIGHT.     163cm (5’4”)
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  WEIGHT.     —
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  BLOOD TYPE.     a
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  EYE.     brown
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  NATURAL HAIR.     black
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  BODY MODIFICATIONS.     lobe piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀upper lobe piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀industrial piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀helix piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀conch piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀belly button piercing⠀ ⠀‘ i am the somebody ’ tattoo ❪ right rib ❫⠀ ⠀strawberry tattoo ❪ left hip ❫⠀ ⠀koi fish tattoo ❪ behind right ear ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FACE CLAIM.     nana of wooah
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  SPEAKING CLAIM.     nana of wooah
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  VOCAL CLAIM.     juria of xg
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DANCE CLAIM.     yuna of itzy
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  RAP CLAIM.     rei of ive
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  STAGE NAME.     NAKYUNG (나경)
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  COMPANY.     pledis entertainment ❪ 2015 — 2022 ❫⠀ ⠀off the record entertainment ❪ 2018 — 2021 ❫⠀ ⠀axs entertainment ❪ 2019 — 2021 ❫⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀swing entertainment ❪ 2020 — 2021 ❫⠀ ⠀s2 entertainment ❪ 2022 — ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  TRAINING PERIOD.     five in total ❪ skipping 2018 — 2021 ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  SURVIVAL SHOWS.     produce 48 ❪ 2018 ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  OCCUPATION.     idol
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  GROUP(S).     IZ*ONE ❪ 2018 — 2021 ❫⠀ ⠀KISS OF LIFE ❪ 2023 — ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DEBUT DATE(S).     october 29th, 2018 ❪ IZ*ONE ❫⠀ ⠀july 5th, 2023 ❪ KISS OF LIFE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DEBUT AGE(S).     17 years old ❪ IZ*ONE ❫⠀ ⠀22 years old ❪ KISS OF LIFE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DISBANDMENT DATE.     april 29th, 2021 ❪ IZ*ONE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DISBANDMENT AGE.     20 years old ❪ IZ*ONE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  POSITION(S).     vocalist, sub rapper, visual ❪ IZ*ONE ❫⠀ ⠀vocalist, center ❪ KISS OF LIFE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  REPRESENTATIVE EMOJI(S).     🦋 butterfly ❪ IZ*ONE ❫⠀ 🐰 bunny ❪ KISS OF LIFE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  INDIVIDUAL FANDOM NAME.     nakyorita ❪ origin from chikorita + nakyung ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  INSTAGRAM USERNAME.     nicolee ❪ public, 11.4m followers, 14 following ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DISCOGRAPHY.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀COLOR*IZ.     october 29th, 2018
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Suki to Iwasetai.     february 6th, 2019
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀HEART*IZ.     april 1st, 2019
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Buenos Aires.     june 21st, 2019
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Vampire.     september 25th, 2019
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀BLOOM*IZ.     february 17th, 2020
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Oneiric Diary.     june 15th, 2020
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Thirteen.     october 21st, 2020
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀One-reeler / ACT IV.     december 7th, 2020
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀D-D-Dance.     january 26th, 2021
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Stardust love song.     march 6th, 2022
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀KISS OF LIFE.     july 5th, 2023
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Born to be XX.     november 8th, 2023
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Officially Cool (with BANG YEDAM).     february 9th, 2024
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Midas Touch.     april 3rd, 2024
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Sixth Sense.     may 25th, 2024
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Sticky.     july 1st, 2024
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  KNOWN FOR.     placing second in produce48, the ‘listener’ for the yapper best friend (julie), her duality, accidentally kissing chaewon during a live, everyone’s parents loving her more than their own kid, the switch in concept between iz*one and kiss of life, her vocals, slapping/patting her members’ butts for no reason, belle recording her crying over the finding nemo movie, being the biggest moomoo, her stable cover of bad news while drunk, openly being a ‘gleek’, affectionately being called a loser in a hot body by fans, her sanrio themed room
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MBTI TYPE.     intj-a ❪ assertive architect ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀ANALYZING.     an assertative architect tends to have more self confidence than a turbulent architect, particularly when handling life’s ups and downs. if things do go the way they expect, an intj-a is not likely to second guess their initial actions or experience regret.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  POSITIVE.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀rational.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀ambitious.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀self-assured.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀adventurous. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀observant. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀efficient. 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  NEGATIVE.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀arrogant. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀impulsive. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀impatient. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀nosy. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀withdrawn. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀rigid.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAMILY.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀joshua lee ❪ father ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀angie lee ❪ mother ❫  † ❪ 1975 — 2021 ❫
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀daniel lee ❪ brother ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀ciara lee ❪ sister ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀kim seoyoung ❪ maternal grandmother ❫ † ❪ 1955 — 2018 ❫
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀park hojin ❪ maternal grandfather ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀park jaewoo ❪ maternal uncle ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀park sooyoung ❪ maternal aunt ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀lee jihyuk ❪ paternal grandfather ❫ † ❪ 1950 — 1994 ❫
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀jung yeonhee ❪ paternal grandmother ❫ † ❪ 1954 — 2011 ❫
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀lee eunbyul ❪ paternal aunt ❫ 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  HISTORY.    
 ⠀⠀  ⠀nakyung was born on april 1st, 2001 as nicole lee in toronto, canada. she grew up in port hope, ontario, canada with her older brother, daniel, and younger sister, ciara. her mother, angie, worked as a middle school music teacher and her father, joshua, was a construction worker.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀she became interested in music early on, her mother teaching her how to play guitar and piano as soon as she was old enough. when nakyung wanted to be a singer “just like stevie nicks” at eight-years-old, angie put her in vocal lessons.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀after being persuaded by her best friend, she joins the free ballet classes at her school with her. she starts to take dance and her vocals more seriously, finding it more fun than instruments. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀when she’s thirteen, her parents tell her and her siblings that her mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer the year before. they wanted to wait to see if chemotherapy would help. angie had gotten laid off from her job, leaving joshua the only financial support. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀for more financial stability and emotions support, the lee family moved from canada to south korea to stay with angie’s parents. nicole didn’t even have time to say goodbye to her friends.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀nicole, now going by nakyung, didn’t make very much friends in her new school and kept mostly to herself. she got a job under the table as a waitress to help her parents with bills, telling her family she was at a dance studio by her school.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀while working, she was scouted by pledis entertainment. despite her parents thinking it was sketchy and cult-like, she auditioned and was accepted. as her brother was going to seoul national university, she moved to seoul with him to train at pledis.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀in 2016, nakyung’s parents announced that angie was in remission. she started working as a teacher again after becoming healthier.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀nakyung was in the final line-up for pledis’ upcoming girl group, but was pulled out due to ‘not being ready’. she almost left the company until her mother convinced her to stay and become better.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀with no news of a new pledis girl group, nakyung volunteered herself to join mnet’s survival show, produce 48. she would end up placing second in the last episode and debuting in temporary girl group, IZ*ONE, in 2018.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀in 2020, nakyung’s parents announced that angie’s cancer had came back— being part of the 10-20 percentage of ovarian cancer recurrence. angie would not try chemotherapy again, wanting to be with her family and go to new zealand. due to the pandemic, the family would ultimately stay in korea and not fulfill angie’s wish.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀in 2021, her mother dies and IZ*ONE disbands. nakyung is not seen for a long time, not even by her IZ*ONE members until her OST song for kdrama ‘twenty-five twenty-one’, stardust love song, was announced. she would, again, disappear.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀in 2022, it is assumed nakyung left pledis around this time as she later joins S2 entertainment after lee haein offered her a spot in ber upcoming girl group.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FATHER.     joshua lee was born march 13th, 1973 in daegu, south korea as lee jaehyun. the day he turned eighteen, he left his house and moved to canada with his best friend and legally changed his name to joshua lee. he met angela park in 1994 and would go on to have three children with her. the first being daniel in 1997, nicole in 2001, and ciara in 2004. he doesn’t want to be in korea when they have to move but does it for his wife. when angie dies in 2021, he completely barricades himself in their room. one day, his number is changed and all of his belongings are gone. we never find out what happened to him but he either killed himself or changed his name again and started a new life. he is referred to as ‘dad’ or ‘deadbeat’. (non affectionately)
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MOTHER.     angela ‘angie’ lee was born on october 29th, 1975 in jeju, south korea as park jangmi. she goes by angela or angie now because she likes the name. she was studying abroad in canada when she met joshua. in 2012, she is diagnosed with ovarian cancer. together, they decide to bare the news on their shoulders alone and decide not to tell anyone unless chemotherapy doesn’t work. it begins to work, but it’s too expensive and she’s laid off. they have to move to seoul to be near her family for help. she hates the person she is while on chemo, and turns to god in her sickness and health, even when she’s in remission in 2016. she begins working again. in 2020, the cancer come back, but angie doesn’t want to be on chemo again. she wants to be with her family, in new zealand. but then they can’t go and she dies in korea. she is referred to as ‘mom’.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  BROTHER.     daniel lee was born on august 15th, 1997 in toronto, canada. he grew up teasing his younger sisters, ever so mean to them during puberty but there for them when they were upset. his relationship with his parents wasn’t so great, always noting a difference in the way they brought him up compared to his sisters. when he was eighteen, he left for seoul national university in 2015 with his sister. he now works as a cyber security engineer. he is referred to as ‘daniel’, ‘danny’ or ‘dumbass’. (affectionately)
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  SISTER.     ciara lee was born on november 3rd, 2004 in ontario, canada. she grew up wanting to be everything like her sister, wanting to be around her constantly. she slightly grew up in nakyung’s shadow, but that didn’t matter to her— it just made her want to be her even more. she wants to become an idol just like her older sister— and she will. she currently lives with their aunt, sooyoung, and her girlfriend, bora, in busan, south korea. she is referred to as ‘chaeyoung’ or ‘cee’ or ‘ciara’.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER.     park seoyoung was born on january 19th, 1955 in busan, south korea. she met lee hojin in 1972 and shortly married him a few months later the same year. they would go on to have three children, one boy, two girls. in 1996, seoyoung and hojin moved to chungnam, south korea and settled there for the rest of their lives. in 2017, her health begins to decline. in 2018, she dies in her sleep peacefully. she is referred to as ‘할머니’ (halmoni).
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MATERNAL GRANDFATHER.     park hojin was born on may 12th, 1949 in ulsan, south korea. after his father died during the korean war, his mother moved them to busan. he met seoyoung in 1972, marrying her and having three children with her. in 1996, he and seoyoung moved to chungnam. in 2001, he suffered from a heart attack. he is currently retired, but used to work as a contractor.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MATERNAL UNCLE.     park jaewoo was born on february 21st, 1973. he is currently a businessman, living in new york.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MATERNAL AUNT.      park sooyoung was born on september 27th, 1977. she is currently living in busan with her girlfriend, bora, and her niece, chaeyoung/ciara. she works as a hotel secretary.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PATERNAL GRANDFATHER.     lee jihyuk was born in 1950. he was verbally and physically abusive to his son, jaehyun, which was one of the leading factors of why jaehyun left forever at eighteen. he died in 1994 of a heart attack.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER.     jung yeonhee was born on july 1st, 1954. she never tried to protect her son from her husband, but joshua was soft on her and it took a lot of him to leave her behind. after jihyuk died in 1994, she tried to find jaehyun, as she knew him, but failed. she later settled in jeju, south korea in 2000 and died of a car accident in 2011. 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PATERNAL AUNT.     lee eunbyul was born on december 28th, 1981. her brother was nine years older than her and never cared enough to talk to her, despite the two having more in common than he thought. she was relieved when their brother left and then her father died. when her mother tried to look for her brother who never even wanted them, she grew angry and began to resent her mother and her brother even more. 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  HABITS & MANNERISMS.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀making sound effects, making sweater paws, switching from english to korean in a sentence, constantly organizing and reorganizing things, talking in aegyo, sleep talking, mumbling to herself, makes up lies about random, unimportant things for no reason, pouting or puckering her lips, sleeping in late, using ‘like’ constantly in a conversation, gesturing while talking, checking her phone, laughing in serious situations, poking haneul’s cheeks, slapping/patting her members’ butts for no reason, talking about stars, getting overstimulated with too much noise under stress, bursting into songs and choreo, being jumpy.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  HOBBIES & SKILLS.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀singing, writing, playing the piano, playing the guitar, watching old and new cartoons, gardening, seeing how far she can push her members, vlogging, watching tiktoks/being on her phone, sleeping, shopping, collecting her bias’ photocards, journaling, collecting rubber ducks, doing mindf*ck games.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  LIKES.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀sleeping, music, shopping, reading, strawberries, rubber ducks, learning, butter pecan ice cream, astrology, stars, science, organizing, candles, dramas, the season fall, color purple, swimming, gentle rain, night time, puzzles, talking about her mother, ice skating, museums.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DISLIKES.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀alcohol, the color orange, loud noises, hot weather, clowns, thunderstorms, liars, mint flavor, horror movies, assumptions, being vulnerable, repeating herself, being active besides dancing, chronically late people, wasting time, camping, cemeteries, family dinners, waiting, dirty fingernails, sundays, cheese, cleaning, world ending conspiracy theories/far stretched conspiracy theories.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PHOBIAS.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀heights, blood.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAVORITE COLOR(S).     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀lavender and pink.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAVORITE SEASON.   
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀fall.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAVORITE ANIMAL(S).     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀bunnies, dogs.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAVORITE NUMBER.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀seven.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀anywhere but home, seulgi. gibson girl, ethel cain. rhiannon, fleetwood mac. spring day, bts. teeth, enhypen. out of the woods, taylor swift. take a bite, beabadoobee. liquid smooth, mitski. bye my neverland, kiss of life. left alone, fiona apple. black madonna, cage the elephant. you know i’m no good, amy winehouse. 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  CLOSE FRIENDS.   
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀former iz*one members. ryujin and chaeryeong, itzy. aespa. yunjin, le sserafim. miyeon and shuhua, (g)i-dle. nagyung, fromis_9. gaeul, ive. heeseung, enhypen. mark, chenle, haechan and jaemin, nct. sungchan, riize. yiren, everglow. yeonjun, txt. chuu. keeho, p1harmony. tsuki, billlie. soojin. matthew, zerobaseone. lily and haewon, nmixx. isa, stayc. park jihoon.
inspo from @m3loria
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