#Seth x caleb
books1311 · 7 months
I'm like 80% in book 8 and I need more of Caleb and Seth!!! They are just 😍😍😍!
I'm impatiently waiting for each chapter from their perspective. 🥰
Book 9 better be worth it. Like them becoming Elysian Mates so their parents can't come between them. Otherwise I'll lose it.
Own up to your feelings, boys!
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bookquotesposts · 3 months
I'm trying to find an angle where I don't have to tell him, but I still get to have him. And especially a solution where I don't have to take any responsibility for it all going wrong if he rejects me."
- Caroline Peckham & Susanne Valenti, Zodiac Academy 7: Heartless Sky
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seraphimaepapus · 3 months
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The boy is mine I can't wait to try him Le-let's get intertwined The stars, they aligned The boy is mine Watch me take my time I can't believe my mind The boy is divine Boy is mine (c) "The boy is mine" by Ariana Grande
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killiansprincss · 5 months
I’m 60% in to ZA9 and Seth and Caleb are moon mates and Lance is going to propose to Darcy at any minute and part of me wants to just stop there because I’m so terrified of anything bad happening
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sethhuseyin · 11 months
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i saw critical role live and my brain’s been flooring it since
(SPOILERS - sorry to fellow essek enjoyers this is not representative of the show but it is representative of my heart)
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musicboxmemories · 3 months
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Turn Week 2024 - Day 2 - Switch Sides (Based on the historian theory that Peggy Shippen was Agent 355)
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mzradyer · 3 months
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blue x starboy
darcy vega and lance orion from zodiac academy by caroline peckham and susanne valenti
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evacrstairs · 5 months
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zodiac academy (altaircapella) headers. like/reblog if you save or use. 🐺🧛🏻
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adrianvokov · 1 year
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headers altaircapella like
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amberlynnmurdock · 2 years
Pairing: Ben Tallmadge x Reader 
Genre: angst, hurt/comfort, violence 
Summary: Ben thinks keeping your relationship a secret will protect you from danger until a red coat appears on camp. 
A/N: Gamble slightly might be a little out of character compared to the show. I was using how Captain Randall is portrayed in Outlander as guidance. I like to think if Starz had produced Turn, we might've seen more violence and cursing in the show, so I applied that to this fic, if that makes sense? Hopefully you all forgive me <3This was going to be my initial submission for the Valen-TURN's event but I didn't finish in time! 
WARNINGS: Kicking, slapping, violence, inappropriate language, cursing.
Archive of Our Own Link 
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Six Months Earlier
It was one of those sunny afternoons where the sun always caught your eye no matter what angle you stood from.
You moved your eyes to the back of the horse you rode on to avoid the sun from hurting them, and doing so caused concern for the man who rode on the horse beside you.
“Benny’s going to be happy to see ya,” Caleb Brewster gave you a knowing smile. “It’s been a while since he’s wanted ya to come to the camp. Safer. Can keep an eye on ya.”
You scoffed in spite of yourself. He wanted to keep an eye on you, but from a distance. You looked up to meet Caleb’s playful eyes, which were just barely hidden under the rim of his hat. The horses trotted along. You heard the sound of leaves crunching under their hooves. A cold breeze passed and you shivered.
“I’m a little nervous,” you say honestly, “it’s been so long since I’ve seen him. I’m not sure he still—“
“Quit it,” Caleb interrupts, “you’ll be staying in the quarters in the main camp, but just on the border of where the followers stay. That was the best Ben could do, so as to not be suspicious. Near Anna, too, ya know. Washington's aware of your arrival and approved your location to be so close.”
“Washington,” you repeat to yourself. “It hardly feels like a reunion if Ben and I can’t even stay in the same place together.”
“It’s more than that, __, and you know it. Unfortunately, some of the men in the camp cannot be trusted, and we don’t even know who is who. Ben can’t risk those people finding out about you and him,” Caleb states matter of factly, but you know he quotes Ben’s words because he has said the same to you. “It’s not like how it used to be.” And Caleb was right. The stakes were higher than ever for the cause.
You’ll never forget the first time you saw. He was handsome as ever, for sure, but the sight of him in uniform made the war all too real. And you worried about his life being in danger.
“Then why not just put me far in the camp hidden in a tent where I’m out of sight?” The question comes out more in anger than it does reasonably.
“Don’t be like that, __. Ben needs to have you in his sights, close enough, but far enough to not give anything away.”
Your face softened. Perhaps you were being too harsh. After all, there was a war going on, and Ben was one of the most important men on the rebels' side. Which meant, he had big enemies. Maybe you were too worried about what could happen to you both when you should be focusing on the situation at hand: you were finally going to see Ben.
It was moments like this you wished you could transport yourself into a memory and stay there forever.
You never realized how peaceful the sound of a river current could be until now, too, with your hands tied behind your back tightly with rope, mouth covered by cloth. Lieutenant Gamble was tending to the horse he stole from the camp, but you knew this break from the interrogation would be short-lived. You leaned your head back on the tree you sat against, trying not to squirm against the rough and dry rope. Any slight movement stung your wrists. Your skin began to burn and cut against the rope.
You couldn’t remember quite exactly what Ben said when a red coat soldier appeared on the camp out of nowhere, but you knew now that whatever Gamble told Ben, was a lie.
The questions, the abuse, the threats… you felt as if you were half dreaming. You wanted to give out. You wanted to just let Gamble kill you right then and there because there was no way you were going to give him what he wanted.
One part of this experience felt like a nightmare, and the other felt like bliss. At least, your mind was in another place. Another reality. No, your physical body was shaking against the tree Gamble propped you on, but your mind and thoughts were elsewhere. Images flashed in your mind as you let the sound of the river current drown out Gamble’s movements. Your eyes began to flutter.
Fresh dew-covered grass. A soft, golden sunrise. Horses. A warm breeze. And a tall man, draped in blue and silver, walking towards you, a hand reaching out. Golden brown hair reflects the sunlight and deep blue eyes meet yours. The same blue eyes that never failed to make you feel safe, that say I’ve got you without uttering a sound. For a moment, it’s bliss, because you see Ben before you and a warm rush spreads throughout your chest.
You do think you are dreaming now.  
Ben’s image is gone immediately—taken from you like a toy snatched from a child’s grasp. Gamble’s heavy and dirty hand meets the side of your face with such force you fall to your side again, the nightmare taking over. Only the nightmare is actually your reality.
You keep your eyes closed, imagining Ben’s blue coat, his blue eyes, and his golden brown hair falling so perfectly around his face when it’s not tied back. You hear his words in your mind:
I will protect you. I will protect you.
You had no idea if Ben knew you were taken, though this late in the night, it was likely.
“I’m not going to ask nicely again,” Gamble snarls and grabs your chin in his hand, forcing you to meet his dark eyes.
“Who are the spies that Tallmadge has set up in York City, and Long Island?” He points to a stack of books behind him, near where the fire was. You vaguely recognized them from Mr. Sackett’s tent. Your heart dropped to your stomach at the sight of them.
You looked up weakly, flinching at how close his face was to yours. You could smell the rum from his breath. You shook your head in fear, fear for your life, fear you’ll never be able to make a joke with Caleb again, or laugh with Anna, or hold Thomas, or see the one true love of your life, Ben, ever again. And if that was your fate, as you felt was 80% certain right now, you wouldn’t die selling out your friends, and your country.
“I don’t know. I swear,” you pleaded weakly, shivering at the dropping temperature. You were only in your shift when Gamble kidnapped you. “I don’t talk to Tallmadge like that,” you lied. “I just help around the camp! I do laundry and barter! I swear!” You were desperately wishing he would somehow let you go, but at this point, there was no going back. You were captured.
Gamble scoffed. He spits on the ground. His ginger hair looked red in the glow of the fire. His green eyes reminded you of a snake. He had stubble on his face. You tried to look away but his dirty hands forced you to face him again. Your heart was beating fast in your chest and you felt yourself begin to panic. Any last bit of hope you had to be saved was now fully diminished, the darker it got.
“You’re telling me Tallmadge gets you into his bed every night, fucks you like the whore you are, but he keeps his work to himself? Ay miss, either you’re dumber than I thought or Tallmadge is only using you to keep his bed warm at night and his pipe hard,” Gamble hissed in a low voice, “I didn’t capture the one weakness I know Tallmadge has just for her to not speak.”
A million possibilities are floating through your mind. How could he know about you and Ben? Did he overhear something? Did someone say something? Was it that obvious? Gamble was held hostage—you didn’t even see him until he barged into your tent and took you.
“So you planned this ambush on me just so you could get some sort of information out of me,” you say out of breath, shaking your head. “Why not capture Tallmadge himself? What am I to you?”
Gamble kneels back. The fire crackles. He squints and licks his lips. You’re anticipating his next moves, but it’s useless. You are a prisoner. His. You have no way of getting out and there’s no way Ben can save you. It’s over, as far as you’re concerned.
“I’m going after his heart to get to him. To surrender,” Gamble simply says. “But how it’s been almost a day already and he’s not here, you must mean nothing to him. That’s the only thing I’m wrong about.”
You shut your eyes tight—it’s not true what he says. It’s not. You know he’s trying to make you have a reason to give in. You shake your head and meet his eyes, an act of defiance—foolish perhaps, but you dind’t care.
“You’re wrong if you think that by the end of this, you’ll be the one alive,” you said in a low voice.
Gamble lunged towards you and roughly placed his hands around your jaw. His movements were sloppy and aggressive, likely from the rum he’s been drinking. You shrieked and sank lower toward the ground as if that would protect you in some way.
For a moment, he holds you there, staring into your eyes. He can see the fear. Feel it against his fingertips. He looks away, and when he looks back, it’s not rage you see in him, but a different hunger.
He walks slowly to the horse and where Mr. Sackett’s stolen documents are in a briefcase. You watch as Gamble flips through the pages for a few minutes until he stops at one page in particular.
And slowly, the realization hits.
Of course, he found the letter you were writing with Mr. Sackett to give to Ben. You had grown a surprisingly close kinship with Mr. Sackett, and he respected your ideas in writing. It was a silly project you and he were working on—writing a love letter to Ben completely in his own code. It was a fun idea the two of you came up with one day; something to lighten the mood for Ben. Now, the whole thing was ruined, and you choked on your tears when you remembered Mr. Sackett was no longer here to help you finish it. Twisting the knife.
You sobbed, turning away from Gamble’s harsh glare.
“You can’t lie to me, miss,” Gamble growled, holding the letter up in one hand. “I will get the truth out of you.”
The Night Before the Kidnapping
You lay on your cot with your hands tucked on the side of your face, staring at the candle on the bedside table. You could hear soldiers outside, drunk and dancing, surely up way past bedtime, but you figured there were no rules here after dark, as long as the men showed up early for their orders.
The soft glow of the candle is the only light in your tent. You can’t sleep. You’re mesmerized by the flick of the flame, hoping that if you stare at it long enough, you’ll fall asleep. You’ve had no such luck yet.
You shiver and pull the wool blanket over your shoulders tighter. The winters in New Jersey were brutal. You found yourself longing for it to be summer—sweltering hot with cool summer nights. You hoped by summer that by some chance the war would be over and the rebels claim their victory, and you and Ben wouldn’t have to keep this a secret anymore.
“Hey,” a voice calls from your tent opening. You shoot up in bed in a panic, reaching for the dagger under your pillow. When you see the familiar silhouette in only a white shirt and white pants, you lowered your fist.
“Ben!” You shout-whisper. “You scared me half to death.” You slipped the dagger back under your pillow.
“I’m sorry,” Ben says sheepishly with a soft grin. He walks over to you and sits on the edge of your bed. His hair is loose, falling just above his shoulders. He looks tired, and you wonder why he’s come to visit you so late.
“Are you alright?” You ask him.
He nods his head a little and looks at you with a thoughtful expression. The candlelight reflects off his face perfectly. Half of his face is in the light, the other half dark. The light makes him look vulnerable, somehow. You’re used to seeing him so poised, so in control. Tonight, he just looks like Ben. The one you knew before he wore blue and silver.
“I wanted to come to check on you,” Ben tells you. He looks around your tent thoughtfully. “To makes sure no soldiers wandered over here. And now that we’ve got two prisoners on site, everyone is riled up. I wish this tent had more security.”
“I don’t think anyone would dare come to my tent knowing thee Major Tallmadge’s tent is right down the path,” you smirked. Ben let out a soft laugh.
“It makes me feel better to see you in bed safe.”
“I’d rather much be in yours,” you tell him, reaching up and twirling a piece of his hair before you place the palm of your hand on his cheek. He closes his eyes and turns into your touch, kissing the palm of your hand. He wraps his fingers around your wrist and holds you for a moment.
“I know,” he says lowering your hand to his right thigh, “eventually.” The way he said the last word with caution annoyed you a bit—like he was just saying it to keep you strung along.
“Eventually,” you repeat, taking your hand away from him. He looks at you like you’ve just snatched a prized possession from him, concern immediately filling his blue eyes. To be a soldier was to be reactive, and sometimes you hated how much of an effect you had on Ben. He was so quick to your emotions—and normally you appreciated it, but other times, like tonight, you wish he would stop pretending he didn’t know the reason why you got upset when you’d bring up your…situation.
His concern about something he could easily fix was getting under your skin.
“What’s wrong?” Ben asks, furrowing his brows.
“What’s wrong is, every time you ask me that question, I give you the same answer, and you still ask me the same God-forsaken question thinking I’ll give you a different answer,” you say, exasperated. “Sometimes it just feels like you’d rather it be this way.”
Ben turns more so he’s facing you. Worry is etched all over his face, and confusion. His blue eyes grew wider and he parted his lips. He had a disoriented look on his face, completely surprised by where the conversation was going.  
“I—you think I want this? To pretend that I barely know you, that I don’t love you and would lay down my life for you? I don’t want this. I keep you here to protect you. Protect you from the enemy, whether it be in this camp or out there. I told you I will always protect you no matter what that may mean,” Ben pleads, grabbing your hands and kissing your knuckles. “Sometimes, we have to make sacrifices we don’t like to make sure everything goes to plan,” Ben, trying to reason with you, tried to touch your hands but you jerked away from him to his affliction.
“And am I just another player in your plan?” You ask quietly, doubtful as you look at your hands. You feel a rage grow in your chest, perhaps one you’ve been burying deep inside for too long, and it’s moments like this you can’t help but unleash it.
“I don’t know what you say to other people, other women when you are out there in Philadelphia and… and York City. I don't know. You have no problem being out in public with the socialites of those cities, with them at your arm, at a dance, but with me, I have to be tucked away in a tent at the bottom of the map!”
“That’s not—”
“It’s true, isn’t it? You have to play the part with them but what part do you play with me? Am I another piece in your chess game? You tell lies to everybody, how do I know you're not telling lies to me?”
“Because—I love you! Christ, __, what have I done to make you think otherwise? Do you think I want this for you, for us? You believe I want to have you in this tent away from me not in my arms every night? You think I don’t wish to have you on my arm when I have to go to those parties?” Ben could feel his heart pounding against his chest, anxious he upset you in some way, and hurt by your reaction to all this.
“Parties that I am obliged to attend, might I add, to ensure the protection of His Excellency. Do you think it’s easy for me to make these decisions, or that I even want to?” Ben stood up from your bed now, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
You pressed your lips together and closed your eyes, knowing you’d unleashed a tidal wave of emotion from the both of you, and there was no stopping it. It was your fault. Your eyes felt heavy with tears—Ben needed to leave you be.
Ben cursed to himself, rubbing his hand on his jaw like he always did when he was frustrated and things weren’t going his way—when things were out of his control. Ben was doing all he could, and still, all he could wasn’t enough.
Ben turns around to see you wiping your tears away. He sighs deeply. Arguing with you wasn’t worth it. He whispers your name.
“You have to understand—I do this to protect you—“
“I don’t need your protection tonight,” you cut him off, meeting his glassy blue eyes. “I need sleep.”
As painful as it was to leave you like this, it was clear you didn’t want him around right now. Ben took one last look at you as you got under the covers and closed your eyes.
He left—but not before tying an extra knot on your tent.
The next afternoon
If there is one thing anyone should know about Ben, it’s that he is always in control of everything he promises. He is Washington’s eyes and ears. He ensures the safety of messages being passed between the Culper Ring. Ben takes care of everything that is assigned to him, and the satisfaction of a plan going accordingly is what keeps him sane.
But this. This was not supposed to happen.
At first, Ben was in disbelief. And then the cold wave of reality hit him so hard in the face, he couldn’t help but feel nauseated at the sight of your empty bed.
After he found Mr. Sackett with his throat cut open, Ben thought it best to make sure you were secure in your tent and to stay there until the perimeters of the camp were searched. It would be hard to break the news to you, but the sooner you knew, the better.
As he rushed down the path toward your tent, Ben had an odd feeling grow in his chest. But for what? He knew there was no way you had even left your tent yet because your shift at the cart didn’t start for another hour, and any doubt that ever crossed his mind was quickly put to rest because Ben was good at planning, and there was no need to worry. He would never let anything happen to you and his plans would never cause you to be in such a situation.
But still—there was always that tiny feeling of doubt.
He specifically put you in this tent to be safe from the ongoings in the camp. He specifically had you at the border of where the followers stayed to blend in. This was absolutely not part of his plan, and it disproved how this was all supposed to happen.  Your bed was as empty as the most reasonable explanation Ben could come up with.
Gamble had gone to be interrogated by Mr. Sackett, and unfortunately, it was too late to stop him and arrest Gamble. It was too late to catch Gamble…
It was too late. Ben was too late.
“No…no….,” Ben softly whispered, brows furrowed, mouth parted open as he touches your empty, cold bed. Sweat forms on his forehead. “No… it’s not possible.” His heartbeat was in his ears and Ben could feel his hands cramping with anxiety. Sweat began to trickle down his chest as he rubbed his jaw with his hand. Suddenly, everything felt too hot and too cold all at once.
He felt as if he was walking in slow motion around your tent. Your books were on the ground–a sure sign of struggle. Your shoes were left here. Your dress was still hung up to be worn. Looking under your bed, the gun he gave you to protect yourself was still in its compartment. Your dagger was half under your pillow like you tried to reach for it but were too late.
No, this can’t be. No.
“Ben,” the sound of Caleb’s voice pulled Ben from his thoughts. “Ben—oh shite, ‘e got her.” Caleb walked over to his friend, knowing he was drowning in his thoughts. He patted Ben’s cheek in a brotherly way.
“C’mon, Tallboy, no time to self-loathe!” Caleb exclaimed. “We’ve got to find her! One follower saw ‘im exit south with her—he stole a horse!”
Caleb was right—while Ben was coming up with every reason under the sun why he shouldn’t have let this happen, how wrong he was for bringing you to this camp for his own selfish reasons, and how upset he had made you the night before—there was no time to waste. He needed to find you.
He needed to find you.
Gamble wasn’t letting up on swigging rum, and he wasn’t letting up on you yet. In his drunken state, he tied the rope on your hands even tighter, which ripped your skin open and caused your skin to crack and bleed. Your shoulders began to ache from being tied behind you for so long. And his tactics were getting more violent the more he drank.
“Seems like you like to be kicked,” Gamble spat on the ground next to you. His words slurred. You were out of breath from the blow he just gave to your stomach. You coughed uncontrollably, dirt rubbing into your cheek.
“Please—stop,” You managed to say between coughs. Gamble laughed and mimicked your voice. He bent over his knees, holding the bottle from its neck.
“If ya don’t talk, the next rope I tie will be ‘round your neck,” Gamble growled in a low voice. “And if you still don’t speak then, perhaps the methods Tallmadge uses on you will get you to speak. Or scream, at least.”
You were too dazed to understand his meaning. Your head pounded, and your stomach felt tight from bracing yourself from his hits. Suddenly, you were being pulled up by his dirty hands. He shoves you so hard against the tree you feel sharp pieces of wood dig into your back. He grabs your jaw with his right hand.
“Look at me!”  Gamble shouted in your face.
There was no point in his interrogation— you were convinced that in his drunken state, he was only doing this to scare you, and perhaps he was enjoying his power. You made it clear by taking the abuse and intimidation you were not going to give him any answers he wanted. What was his purpose now? When would this madness stop? When was he going to take you to the enemy camp?
You suddenly felt like your situation was catching up to you—the dehydration, the pain, the unsettling realization you may never see any of your friends ever again—a sudden shock rippled through your body—you were shaking from the cold, and then you became rigid in his grasp. Your heart started pounding in your chest, and suddenly you felt numb from the pain. A ringing sound filled your head. You watched as Gamble fell to the ground.
Something had happened but you watched in slow motion as you fell to your side, unable to move.
Gamble clumsily stood up, dropping the bottle of rum.
A man with a beard and dark hat was holding a gun—you couldn’t make out his face from your angle, and you couldn’t move your head. And then suddenly, another man appeared—tall, in a blue and silver coat. You could only see both their silhouettes. He attacked—no, he lunged for Gamble, throwing him to the ground. The man began to furiously punch Gamble in the face, so much you saw his own knuckles start to bleed. The man in the hat pulled the man off of Gamble.
“Enough! She needs you!” He shouts.
Caleb shoots Gamble directly in the head.
Ben falls to his knees. His bloody hands are trembling with rage. He’s breathing heavily as he rushes to your side.
You are still numb, laying on your side, shaking. You feel a warm hand at the small of your back as you are gently moved to lay on your back. You immediately lock eyes with Ben. He’s hovering over you. A tear from his eyes falls on your cheek.
“Benjamin,” your voice quivers, “Ben—” your whispers come out in huffs. You felt a heavy blanket being wrapped around you as Ben assisted you in sitting up.
“Shh,” Ben cooed, wrapping the blanket snugly around your torso. He made attempts to stretch out your legs that had been stuck like you were in a fetal position.
“She’s in shock and she’s freezin’ out here,” Caleb spoke to Ben. Ben kept his concerned eyes on you, a spurn look on his face. He nodded in response.
“Keep looking at me,” Ben softly spoke to you, following your gaze. You met his eyes and slowly began to nod with him. “You’re with me. I have you.”
Your eyes grew heavy all of the sudden, and your breathing slowed, as your world turned black.
The first thing you felt when you woke up was a cramping pain in your abdomen. With your eyes still closed, you squirmed in discomfort. You smelt something fresh in the air—something minty and eucalyptus. You shrieked in the cot you lay in as you put a protective hand over your stomach. That’s when you felt a cold washcloth on your head, and your eyes flew open.
At first, you thought you were in the infirmary, but by the size of the tent you were in, and the lack of other cots in the tent, you were wrong. It surely wasn’t your own tent—you didn’t have that desk across from you and your cot was supposed to be tucked in the left corner of the tent. This cot was on the right side, and the cot itself was much bigger than yours.
You looked down at your stomach. You were in a clean white shift, but through the fabric, you could see bandages on your stomach, and bandages wrapped around both your wrists. You groaned at the sudden movement. You wanted to take the washcloth off your head, but when you moved your arms, you hissed in pain at how sore they were.
“You’re awake,” a light, airy voice gasped. Startled, you turned your head to see Anna rushing to your side with a hot kettle. She sat the kettle down on the table next to the cot you were on. Anna smiled, but her eyes looked sad. She took the washcloth off your forehead and placed the back of her hand on your cheek.
“Your fever’s going down, I think,” she simply stated. “How do you feel?”
“Achy…all over,” you answered slowly. “Tired. Where am I? This isn’t my cot.”
Anna sighed, looking down at you. “It’s Ben’s.”
“Ben?” you looked around making sense of your surroundings.
Suddenly, Anna perked, “Speaking of, he said to alert him as soon as you woke. Let me get him.”
Before you could answer, Anna was already on her way out. You started to get nervous, looking around Ben’s tent. It was dark outside. How long have you been out? Why did Ben put you here? The more questions you came up with, the more your heart beat faster.
Ben opened the flaps of his tent, ducking inside before standing up more straight. He was wearing his uniform—all clad in blue and silver. His hair was tied back with a few pieces loose in the front. He looked anxious as he rushed to your side. He knelt at the side of the cot and took your bandaged right hand in his.
Your eyes began to swell with tears when he held your hand to his head, putting his head down, and said a prayer under his breath. His hands were cut up and bruised, and flashes of Ben punching him in the face came to your mind. When Ben was done, he kissed your hand and opened his eyes.
For a moment, there is silence. Ben keeps hold of your hand in between both of his and caresses your knuckles, running his thumb over them. His deep blue eyes looked tense at you. He didn’t know what to say.
“I’m sorry,” Ben finally spoke, his voice sounding like it strained to speak. “I am so, so sorry.” He laid your hand back down to rest. When he did so, you drew your breath in quickly from pain. Ben jumped at the reaction feeling like his heart was being ripped from his chest. You should have never been hurt. It should have been him, was all he could think.
“It’s not your fault,” you argued, “there’s no discussion about that.” You whispered. You barely had time to process what had happened, including how your capture even happened.
“Mr. Sackett…” you trailed off as tears rolled down your cheeks. Ben wiped them away with a his thumbs. He nodded in understanding.
“I know, darling,” Ben murmured, “it's terrible. It’s my fault. I should have been the one to—“ looking at your bandaged stomach and hands, Ben cut himself off. This was no time to talk about the things that happened out of his control. What truly mattered was that you were here, in his bed, safe and sound. He nearly lost you and he was never going to let that happen again.
“How do you feel?” Ben asked instead.
“I…” you didn’t know how you felt. All you knew was that you were thankful to be alive and with Ben again. “I thought he was going to kill me, Ben.”
Ben clenched his jaw and took a deep breath. He closed his eyes for a moment before looking at you again.
“I thought I’d never see you again," you confessed. “And to leave like that, what happened the night before, Ben, I’m sorry—“
“Shh,” Ben hushed, running his fingers down the length of your jaw, over your collarbone, and down your arm. He laced his fingers with yours. “You’ve nothing to be sorry about.”
He whispered your name, “I felt hollow when I saw you were missing. I felt… I don’t ever want to feel that emotion again when I saw you weren’t in your tent. Christ, I was—I was sick about it. Thinking of what he—never mind. I wasn’t going to stop until I found you.”
You didn’t want to talk about the pain and the hurt anymore. It was obvious this situation hurt both of you, physically and mentally. What was the use of dwelling? What mattered was you were safe back in camp with Ben. He was right here, looking longingly at you, holding your hand.
“Ben, why am I not at the infirmary? Or my own tent?” You asked him, curious.
“There’s no point in being afraid of risk,” Ben simply stated, “I thought I was protecting you by keeping us a secret, by keeping you tucked away—and I was wrong. When you were captured, it made me realize that our time is precious, and I can’t control the unpredictable. I failed you. I did,” Ben turned away, taking another deep breath.
You knew he was using all his strength to not break down right there. “I can’t control the unpredictable, but I can do better, and go onward. I want you to stay with me here. It wasn’t right I kept you separate. I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused you, to make you think I don’t care about us. I love you, my darling. And I’m done keeping it a secret.”
Ben moved closer to you, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear.
“Before I was afraid of people finding out about us, and then when you were captured, I had a new fear that they’d never even know about us. And that scared me more,” Ben sighed. “I couldn’t lose you before we could even start our life together. There’s no reason for us to put it off. I want to start our life together here, now. In this camp. In this war.”
Ben looked at you earnestly with his eyebrows raised. You smiled in spite of yourself. You nodded, feeling a weight lift from your chest.
“Yes, let’s start it now.”
Ben smiled in return, a single tear falling down his cheek. He leaned over you and slowly descend his lips to yours. His soft lips felt like a cloud. His nose brushed on your cheek and he leaned his forehead on yours as he pulled back.
He changed out of his uniform and soon joined you in his cot—no, the cot you now shared—and tucked his head in the crook of your neck, carefully placing his arm across your chest to avoid any of your wounds. Finally, you were in his arms.
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books1311 · 5 months
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Zodiac Academy 9: Restless Stars
I loved chapter 117!
I laughed so hard and fell in love with both of them all over again. ❤️❤️❤️
They were the best part of the book!
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userlaylivia · 1 year
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marrissacooper · 2 years
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I love the holidays. Just...bringing everyone together.
The O.C | 2x06 “The Chrismukkah That Almost Wasn't”
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takenmooon · 1 year
got bored and binged books 1-6 of zodiac academy in 5 days
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zacwuv · 2 years
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Caleb x Seth from Zodiac Academy, Patron request & exclusive! 😇 uncropped on Patreon👁
I do weekly patron requests + more!
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asmrrpaddict · 5 months
Favorite characters from favorite VAs
Some will have more than others if I can’t decide or they have a larger catalog of characters. Sorry if I spell names wrong. This actually turned out much longer than I expected, but have you seen my name? I like a lot of them! And this barely scratches the surface of my subscription list. Nothing is in any order.
Nomad Tales and Audio:
Caleb, Deacon, Conner, Caltraxus, & the unnamed Werewolf from the Werewolf x Werewolf series
Redacted Audio:
Sam, David, Caelum, Gavin, & Vincent
Joseph Holloway:
Ivan, Grom, MJ Jarrod Tillus, Casper aka The Inquisitor
Good Boy Audio:
Hades, Yargwyn, Devlin, Kalimos, & Hipswitch (Ok, so I know Devlin and Hipswitch are voiced by Zsaku and Yuurivoice, but they are still GBA characters.)
Reverie Audio:
Law, Desmond, Neo, & Cyril
Ethan, Darrin, Jedidiah, Sammy, & Magnus
Escaped Audio:
Jean, Crow, Ivan, & Fletcher
Seth, Alphonse, Charlie, & Aizawa.
Jouska: sadly a lot of his don’t have names, but I’ll come up with something Vampire (Vampire/Cupcake), Morph(eus), & Bounty Hunter or Cosmic??? from (Stardust and Cosmic)
Siren’s Son:
Thresh, Bek, Bren, Abul, Duke, & Faceless
Icey ASMR:
Damon, Nico, & Tatshiro
Scythe Audio:
Hunter, Dark, Kreed, Marcus, L, V, & Jay Jay (Again, L isn’t voiced by Scythe, but she is one of his characters.)
Shining Armor: Robert, Ellion, & Officer Ellis Knight
Nyxmoon Reads: Adam, Henry, & Aiden
Ycey Narrates:
Zach, Oliver, Edlin, & Morgan
AJ Audio
Alistair, Prince Yvan, King Atticus, & the dragon shifter from Eternally Madly Yours
(Yvan is voiced by Siren’s Son, but on AJ’s audio.)
Xanthus, Zaros, & Ellis
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