#AJ audios
asmrrpaddict · 1 month
Favorite characters from favorite VAs
Some will have more than others if I can’t decide or they have a larger catalog of characters. Sorry if I spell names wrong. This actually turned out much longer than I expected, but have you seen my name? I like a lot of them! And this barely scratches the surface of my subscription list. Nothing is in any order.
Nomad Tales and Audio:
Caleb, Deacon, Conner, Caltraxus, & the unnamed Werewolf from the Werewolf x Werewolf series
Redacted Audio:
Sam, David, Caelum, Gavin, & Vincent
Joseph Holloway:
Ivan, Grom, MJ Jarrod Tillus, Casper aka The Inquisitor
Good Boy Audio:
Hades, Yargwyn, Devlin, Kalimos, & Hipswitch (Ok, so I know Devlin and Hipswitch are voiced by Zsaku and Yuurivoice, but they are still GBA characters.)
Reverie Audio:
Law, Desmond, Neo, & Cyril
Ethan, Darrin, Jedidiah, Sammy, & Magnus
Escaped Audio:
Jean, Crow, Ivan, & Fletcher
Seth, Alphonse, Charlie, & Aizawa.
Jouska: sadly a lot of his don’t have names, but I’ll come up with something Vampire (Vampire/Cupcake), Morph(eus), & Bounty Hunter or Cosmic??? from (Stardust and Cosmic)
Siren’s Son:
Thresh, Bek, Bren, Abul, Duke, & Faceless
Icey ASMR:
Damon, Nico, & Tatshiro
Scythe Audio:
Hunter, Dark, Kreed, Marcus, L, V, & Jay Jay (Again, L isn’t voiced by Scythe, but she is one of his characters.)
Shining Armor: Robert, Ellion, & Officer Ellis Knight
Nyxmoon Reads: Adam, Henry, & Aiden
Ycey Narrates:
Zach, Oliver, Edlin, & Morgan
AJ Audio
Alistair, Prince Yvan, King Atticus, & the dragon shifter from Eternally Madly Yours
(Yvan is voiced by Siren’s Son, but on AJ’s audio.)
Xanthus, Zaros, & Ellis
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angelfirewalker · 1 month
I have heard that a few people are actually worried that they won't understand Macbeth when they go to see it in the Autumn/fall.
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Can I make a suggestion to you all.That you read the play while listening to this BBC Radio 4 play version that David Tennant performed.... it will make you familiar with the story and what is actually going on.
* edit* Just used a book of Macbeth to read along, the radio play jumps about... obviously the staging for radio... but it is still OK to follow along with.
I have always loved Shakespeare, but as a Dyslexic I struggle too... so I do my home work. I do it so that I can actually enjoy the live performances without much confusion.
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Macbeth production photos from the Donmar Warehouse.
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I am really looking forward to it.
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I hope the recording helps.... or you will be pulling faces like Crowley... as it's one of the Gloomy ones..lol.
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GIFS BY @crawley-fell
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Here are some links to help understand the prose.
With modern translations.
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capitalisticveins · 5 months
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boombox-fuckboy · 8 months
I don't suppose any of you can spare a podcast? One with body horror and friendship?
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draagonfruiit · 1 year
@ajfromabove here you go sweetling.
In any conversation FL has they’ll always end up talking about Gavin
FL loves when Gavin calls them my love.
Gavin loves to trace FL jaw and shoulders after they fall asleep.
FL used to feel like they couldn’t talk about how they felt after the inversion because of Gavins experience but Gavin immediately put that out of their head.
FL did that trend once where you hide under the bed and grab your partners foot, Gavin refused to kiss them for 4 hours after that.
Gavin, as revenge did that trend where you pretend someone is pulling your hair from the backseat of a car, FL pissed themselves laughing.
FL had this thing that when anyone is whispering or talking quietly around them they think that person is talking about them, Gavin noticed this early on and would reassure them that, that was not the case.
FL loves to study with Gavin, even if it ends with smexy time and they don’t really get anything done.
Gavin loves to read to FL.
FL loves to watch Gavin and Caelum interact.
FL is totally sane and normal about Gavin.
Gavin once brought home a pack of cute and fancy markers for FL, no one other than FL is allowed to use them.
FL almost jumped the exam proctor with Damien for Gavin.
FL is insane and not normal about Gavin.
FL is a Sims4 lunatic and Gavin once tried to get into it, but discovered that FL made themselves, Caelum, and Gavin in the Sims.
Gavin cried for 3 consecutive hours after finding the Sims family.
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starlitangels · 1 year
His Mama’s Boy
More Mama AJ Shaw being a good mama for her baby Davey! She’s mine now, Erik 1.5k words
Crying in the nursery, also audible over the baby monitor, jolted AJ out of her sleep. She took a deep breath as she woke up and slipped out of bed. Gabe stirred, but didn’t wake. Creeping quietly, AJ slid his bathrobe on over her pajamas from where it had been discarded on the armchair in the corner of the master bedroom and went to the baby’s room.
She opened the robe to feed David, sitting in the rocking chair and pushing it gently with the ball of her foot.
“It’s okay, Davey baby,” she whispered. “Mama’s here. Mama’s got you.” She bounced him lightly, soothing the crying, while she fed him.
In the past several months since he’d been born, his eyes had cleared up and become obviously the same color as Gabe’s. Vibrant, deep green. In all honesty, apart from having AJ’s darker hair, Davey looked a lot like Gabe already. Including his wider nose.
AJ hummed while her son fed, running the backs of her fingers down his soft cheeks, kissing his forehead.
Once he was done, she draped a burp cloth over her shoulder and adjusted him before patting at his back, still humming softly to herself. Sleep clung to her eyelids and occasionally she paused to yawn, but the warmth of her baby boy in her arms was always enough to keep her awake.
He seemed to calm down a little after being fed and burped, but was still fussy and squirmy.
Instead of simply humming, AJ sang the lullaby her mother used to sing to her as a kid. Soft enough to not wake Gabe, but loud enough for Davey to hear her. She held him close, making sure his ear was close to her heartbeat to soothe him as she kept gently bouncing him and rocking the chair. His wriggling slowed and stopped as he fell back to sleep. AJ made sure he was bundled nice and warm before putting him back in his crib. She smoothed his wisps of thick, dark hair off his forehead and kissed it.
“Sleep well, Davey,” she whispered. “Daddy will see you in a couple hours when it’s his turn to give you a bottle.” She reached for his pacifier and wiggled it against his mouth. He opened it immediately and let her slide it in, sucking on it once it was secure.
Smiling gently, she straightened up and went back to the master bedroom, slipping out of Gabe’s robe and putting it back on the armchair. She circled the bed and climbed back in as gently as she could so she wouldn’t wake her mate.
The second she was settled, Gabe rolled over and wrapped an arm around her. He pulled her across the mattress until she was snuggled up close to him. “Hi,” he whispered.
“Hi,” she replied.
“Davey okay?”
“He eat good?”
“He ate well, yes.”
“Heard you singing on the baby monitor.”
“It calms him down when he’s fussy. He doesn’t get fussy often, but when he does singing soothes him.”
Gabe hummed and buried his face in her neck and shoulder. “Why do you always take my robe with you when yours is right there?”
AJ nuzzled her nose into his soft hair. “His Core won’t activate for a long time, but he’s still a wolf. I want to make sure he knows both our scents together. So that he knows the smell of home. Of his Mama and Papa who love him and want to keep him safe.” She took a deep breath. “My dad was an alpha too. He didn’t get as much time at home as he wanted. If that happens to us, I just wanna make sure he knows you too since he’d be spending more time with me.”
Gabe grunted. “I’ll make time for both of you so he never sees me as absent. I love you both and I want to spend as much time with you and Davey as I possibly can.”
“I know, Gabe. And I hope it works out like that. I want to have you around as often as I can too.” She kissed his head. “I kinda like you and wanna keep you.”
He chuckled and kissed her collarbone. “You’re the best mate a man could ask for, AJ.”
“And you’re probably the only man who believes that,” she replied. “I cannot imagine any other man in this world, shifter or not, would wanna be my mate. My claws and teeth are too sharp for most of them.”
Gabe “Hmph”ed. “They’re all blind and stupid then. But I’m glad I got to be the lucky wolf.” He sighed. “Go back to sleep, baby. I’ll wake up next time Davey needs to be fed.”
AJ snuggled closer to him and closed her eyes with a sigh. Usually when she fell asleep, she’d found she preferred not to be touched, but she was so tired that Gabe’s steady warmth and firmness comforted her right into sleep. She took a deep breath and sighed long and slow as unconsciousness claimed her.
The smell of pancakes woke AJ up the next morning. downstairs, she could hear Gabe’s version of baby-talk. Which was essentially just him talking to Davey as though he was a full-grown person who understood everything Gabe was saying. “—told Marie a hundred times that I’m a grown man who’s older than she is by a good year but she still lectures me like she’s my mother. As if my own mother doesn’t lecture me enough,” he was saying. AJ grinned and got out of bed. Her purple bathrobe with its white polkadots was missing from it’s usual pile on the floor. Confused, she slid out of bed and went downstairs.
Gabe was standing in front of the griddle with Davey in a table-top bouncing bed off to the side on the counter. Gabe had put their son in a black onesie with Mama’s Boy in bold letters on the front and a pair of baby jeans.
Gabe had AJ’s bathrobe draped over his shoulders like a cape, but was otherwise in a Superman T-shirt and jeans. Apart from the blond hair, he fit the Superman build ridiculously well.
“Gabe, honey?” AJ asked.
AJ wrapped her arms around her mate from behind. “Why are there socks on Davey’s hands?”
Gabe fidgeted with the spatula in his hands. “I, uh… apparently didn’t swaddle him tight enough after I got up to feed him,” he said. “When I got up this morning he had a little scratch on his face where he’d scratched himself in his sleep. So I put socks on his hands to make sure he wouldn’t do it again while I made breakfast.”
AJ chuckled. “Fair enough,” she said. “So… why are you wearing my bathrobe?”
He shrugged. “So Davey knows both of our scents together or whatever sweet thing you said last night.”
That made AJ laugh. “You’re cute,” she said.
Letting him go, she went over to Davey so Gabe could focus on flipping the pancakes.
“Good morning, my sweet baby boy,” she greeted, kissing Davey’s forehead. He was busy realizing he had a tongue that could feel his lips but his eyes watched her intensely. She touched the pad of her thumb to the tiny, angry red scratch on his face. Closing her eyes, she focused on her magic.
There was a pulse of magic and the scratch on David’s face disappeared.
Gabe twisted to stare at her. “Since when do you know how to heal?”
She brushed her short hair out of her face. “Alpha’s daughter, remember? I took a couple healing classes when I was, like, twenty in order to better serve my pack; at the, uh, behest of my dad. And now I can use it to serve my mate, his pack, and my precious baby boy.” On those last three words, she kissed the spot on David’s face that had been scratched and brushed the tip of her nose back and forth across the tip of her son’s.”
Davey smiled.
AJ gasped quietly.
“What is it?”
“Gabe, he smiled at me.”
Gabe grinned. “Did he now? Good. I’ve been telling him he better smile at you first.” He took the pancakes off the griddle, unplugged it, and stepped over to wrap an arm around AJ’s waist. “Because his Mama works so hard to make sure her boy is happy and healthy so she should get the first smile.” He pressed a kiss to AJ’s temple. “Because his mama is the best mama a little wolf pup like him could ever ask for.”
AJ laughed and leaned against Gabe while watching Davey bob up and down in his bouncer. His big eyes flicked between both of his parents while he continued to explore the discovery of his tongue against his lips.
“Davey, has your dad been telling you to smile for me?” AJ asked with a big, dopey happy smile on her face.
Their son smiled again, this time spluttering a little in what almost sounded like laughter.
Gabe chuckled. “I think I picked the right onesie for him. He is definitely his Mama’s boy.”
Tag list: @zozo-01 @thegoldenlittlerose @shellssstuff (is this good enough David for you?)
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the animation is out of beta B)
yt link // original post
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thinkingaboutjaedyn · 5 months
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Artists compiled using last.fm based on plays listened to since I started using last.fm mid-last year.
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digitalmp3 · 2 years
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morphogenetic · 2 months
dgs case end of 2-3 spoilers MAJORLY please do not click this if you haven't played this game ok thanks
a) this is the funniest way to learn 2 separate things at once
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CUTE........forces them to hug
c) I FUCKING CALLED KAZUMA'S DAD BEING TERRIBLE LMFAOOOO seems this is just a game about shitty dads again
d) i really am enjoying how barok warms up to us. Obviously racism bad but I appreciate that there's like. nuance to it
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ajeckaea · 3 months
look i'm sure tara is a talented and lovely candelabra but mairead was a stick of elfin pixie dynamite and there just is no comparison
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capitalisticveins · 1 year
Imma need yall to stop this Cutie slander
They’re innocent, they’ve done “no” wrong. But yet there’s people out there who don’t like Cutie and it just like really irritates me? If I ever meet somebody who says they don’t like Cutie I distance myself away from them cause something’s not right.
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ayaan-9x · 7 months
Just give me one second longer 'cause, baby, I'm tired of counting on you
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catzgam3rz · 1 year
Depending on my energy levels I’m thinking I’ll do an animation stream on Saturday to work on map parts :0!
(Either Underground or Serpent and the Stars not sure yet)
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it was pretty hard to find audio for this one
yt link
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