#Severin Moran
consultingking · 2 years
Sebastian: The Boss broke up with me again.
Severin: What happened this time?
Sebastian: Jim asked me if I’d still love him if he was a worm.
Severin: …And what did you say?
Sebastian: I told him I’d step on him.
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anothershipper26 · 1 year
Richard: Severin, I'm sad. Severin: * Holds out arms for a hug* It's going to be okay. Jim: Sebastian, I'm sad. Sebastian, nodding: mood.
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jim: they found prints.
sebastian: was he in a little red corvette?
severin: under the cherry moon?
jim: FINGER prints!
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teenbasher · 8 months
fuck, y’all will never understand how badly I miss the twins. Like I know Alex doesn’t exist in canon & Seb doesn’t have a twin & if he does, people usually make Severin his twin. Who doesn’t actually exist either in canon, but feels way more real because of all of the thousands of people who head canoned him. & don’t get me wrong I LOVE Severin. But in my head obvs he is the responsible, respectable older brother who despite how much of a mess Sebastian may be, he doesn’t give up on his little brother & I love that for him.
Severin is Sebastian’s rock when he is at rock bottom & I like to think that it is because of Severin that Sebastian gets his act together (at least partially lol) & gets into the army after he gets cleaned from the drugs & eventually ends up to live into adulthood & meet Jim.
But the whole story of Alex & Seb being the bestest of friends and inseparable as twins tend to be. Having Alex be Seb’s first ever source of love, companionship, care & encouragement during the twins formative years & equally losing him in such a traumatic & heart breaking way, still during those formative years, to not only go on to be eaten up by guilt from his own, under developed child minded perspective & blame himself, but also be blamed & hated by his father for it the rest of childhood & see first hand how his mother fell apart because of it. is particularly poetically tragic that it makes me long for the sweet, fleeing moments of innocent childhood happiness the two had for the short years Alex was alive. & sometimes I like to imagine how nice it would have been for seb if his brother had grown up with him & maybe softened the harsh environment Sebastian grew up in, practically alone & abandoned since Severin was sent off to school shortly after the accident, having him being much older than the twins in my head canon.
dang. I meant to write this as a reflective pice about the twins relationship because I miss Alex but now I just made myself sad 🥲
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moranandsons · 2 years
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Indie Roleplay - Augustus and Severin Moran - Sherlock BBC - Headcanon Heavy - Canon Divergent - Multimuse - Crossover Friendly - OC Friendly - semiselective
bio guidelines contact
Previously @notasoldierseverin
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dadukos · 2 years
a starter for @perdefinitio​.
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𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐫, 𝐦𝐨𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠. looks no paler than any other day, but he’s slouching more — from her side of the counter he’s dripping over, a half crescent moon just about to set. she can’t tell him, of course, that it breaks her heart to see him this way — she can only imagine the half haunted look he’d get in his eyes, the way he’d jerk away and bolt as if suddenly shocked awake. or worse, bark back things she knows all too well anyway: how it’s none of her business. how she was never asked to care anyway. how she’s one to preach. but it takes half an hour before she can’t take it anymore, and when all the customers are served, and he’s still moping, his sadness leaking all over the counter and mixing with leftover whiskey stains and peanuts, fred slams her head down on the counter and leans over: “ will you tell me what the hell’s going on with you, or do i have to get it out of you by force ? ”. it’s unrelenting, her gaze on him: this is no invitation, but a demand.
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miranda-mundt-art · 2 years
I think i remember reading that is Athalie did marry something from another family and had dual blood children it would have been the Moran. Which got me thinking. Would Moran/Severine children potentially be blood benders??? Similar for a dual blood child with Moran/Moreau could they heal people like water benders?
I mean ... tbh the severin family is basically blood benders already. They restrict themselves by doing seals and rituals but in reality there is nothing stopping them from learning how to just.... Do that if they chose to. But they don't train themselves to ... FEEL in the same way that you see most other witch families feel. Like how basically every other family can operate their magic with gestures. The Severin family regulates/restricts/represses themselves because they have it in their head that's how to do it. The symbols they make is more like a mental conduit that helps them focus their intentions, and if "I don't do it perfectly it will not work" when it's just ... ya know. Not true LOL it's part of why dendro and cam's whole process of teaching her how to use magic is so strange to her because Dendro's like "... ya know. Just... feel it." and Cam's like "??? ?"
And I don't think they could heal in the same way as water benders necessarily - but they do know how to do blood transfusion spells and they can fix things like if you had a blood infection of some kind, they could fix that but. Ya know.
LMAO - Every witch family @ the severin family
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loving-family-poll · 9 months
devastated I found out about this bracket too late to fight for/offer propaganda for the inclusion of MorMor4 (James Moriarty/Richard Moriarty/Sebastian Moran/Severin Moran)
Anon you would've been their only warrior I've never seen this ship before in my life 😭
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anothershipper26 · 5 months
Severin: Wake me up…
Richard: Before you go go!
Sebastian: When September ends…
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richard: you guys believe in karma, don’t you?
sebastian: we do, but that’s cause we’re karma chameleons.
severin, nodding: we come and go.
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dumb-butt-with-a-sword · 10 months
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.Found family.
(Work in progress.)
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teenbasher · 8 months
anyone want to do a Severin/seb centric, or Augustus/Seb centric Plot? Hell eveb Alex/Seb. I just want to hurt sebby a while.
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fangsforhire · 10 months
Anonymous asked: Who is the most annoying human you ever met?
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‘Do you want a list?’
Crikey did they expect him to actually choose? Many mortals infuriated him no end, providing endless headaches and frequent whiplash. The human race believed themselves to be superior, walking the planet as though they owned it, and when they didn’t understand something? They would pull it apart to see what made it tick. ( Worse, they deemed everyone but themselves monsters, but were always the ones to go off the deep end. Just how many wars had he started? ) He’d fought in the trenches, knee deep in horse shit, and seen the destruction with his own eyes. Humans were a disaster waiting to happen, and despite it all, they still managed to to worm their way in. To set his world on fire and challenge him as though he wasn’t capable of ripping them apart. 
‘Fuck, uh. You really gonna put me on the spot huh? That’s really damn hard to decide, okay? There’s Moriarty, who thinks he shoots rainbows out of his arse. There’s that prick Severin who just winds me up the wrong way, Stiles fucking whatever his face who can’t decide whether he wants to block me or bed me, Ruby Moran who is just the biggest brat to brat, like half of females who think they can flutter their eyes and I’ll fall head over heels - oh sorry is that sexist? Anyway… there’s My-cough who thinks he’s above it all, every human who’s ever tried to psychoanalyze me, like purlease, darling. Give up. There’s that Jawn guy who just can’t see to keep up… yeah I can’t pick. Sorry. Just assume if they’re human, they’ve annoyed me at some point.’
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james bond never has to put up with this sort of shit. {From Severin!}
a meme / for @samhlaiocht + severin moran
"James Bond wore fancy suits all the time, you fucking bet he dealt with this shit."
It was the fourth suit that she had forced her soon-to-be brother-in-law. Despite promising it would take less than an hour, they had already been here for two.
Celia sits crossed-legged on the silk-lined fainting couch, sipping her third glass of champagne. Dressing other people comes in a close second to dressing herself. She gets all the enjoyment of new shiny things without having to get half-naked in a little room with a curtain. Actually, to be fair, most of the shops she buys from do have proper dressing rooms. "Anway, you said you were up for spending some time together. What happened to our sibling bonding time?" She gins, cheekily.
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The editor tilts her head and considers. "Mm, nah, I liked the second one better. Do you need a plus one to the wedding?"
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gunmetalgrey · 11 months
Note: over the last ten years, @epiitaphs and I have worked together to create a shared Moran Family. I am always open to writing with other Morans and would love to do more in general, however if you do not write a Moran then THIS is the events in Alex’s canon. If you would like to understand more or plot familial ties with Alex, please know my IM’s are always open. And to @epiitaphs, Alex the muse will always hate you for making Alex the cat.
Sebastian Nikolai James Moran was the eldest of the Moran children, and Alex’s hero. They always struggled with a weird and uneasy relationship, given the age gap. He and Severin liked to pretend Alex was invisible for several years while she was small until as an unruly and hellish teenager she had a sense of rebellion that could outshine his own. They were alike in some ways, and vastly different in others. Over the years there were phases of talking and not talking, which became worse in the early 200’s when Sebastian officially cut off the entire family.
Struggling with undiagnosed PTSD and a dishonourable discharge that his father had managed to get him rather than the prison time he had been due to serve, Sebastian turned to opiates. And murder as a means of earning enough to keep up the habit. Alex didn’t know of this until much later, she herself was injured in the line of duty in November 2010. Despite all the friction between them, his last known number was her emergency contact and he had been the one to nurse her back to functional health. It was during this time she learned of what she had missed in his life, and when forced to take her own discharge on medical grounds, asked to help him in his new found criminal career as well as helping him stay sane and sober. Seb was clean since November 2009, and planned to stay that way.
It wasn’t an easy fit, in February 2014 Alex faked her death and forced an unknowing Sebastian to identify the body. This is the last time she existed as Alex Moran, and any other relatives believe she is buried somewhere near Bristol. She showed up in Sebs flat two weeks later with little to no explanation. And worse still, they fought physically in March 2014 when Alex tried to leave to work alone.
Sebastian is the one who had a relationship with Moriarty (known as M) in whatever twisted way that could be understood. Alex didn’t know much about their deal until March 2015- when Sebastian made a further bargain with M. For nearly 18 months, Alex had been captured and tortured by Georgian terrorists and when learning she was alive, Sebastian made a deal for her freedom. She too would work for Moriarty to earn back her ransom.
Alex did not agree to this and wasn’t aware of the promises made till much later (when it was far too late). She had always resented and hated M, and generally does not deal with him at all. Sebastian in the middle man- or he was. In September 2017, Alex was finally pushed too far.
She was asked to kill a family of 5, including three children. Up to this point, Alex had been able to live with herself by counting the lives she had ended as for the better, usually criminals or those wishing to bring harm. But she has always had a rule about children. And she told Moriarty that this was too far. He could end their deal, he could take her life, but she would not hurt a kid. Ever.
Alex believed her defiance had been heard and maybe even respected. She was sent on another job out of town for a week, and out of contact. She returned to London to find news of the family in Sweden found massacred in their home, and knowing it had to be Sebastian who had committed the horrible act, she went to his flat to confront him.
Instead she found him dead of an apparent overdose.
To her dying day, she doesn’t believe he would have relapsed. She is left with his cat (Also called Alex, as a sick in joke) and a mountain of grief she cannot begin to process. As well as the same employer she believes is responsible for his death. Sebastian’s body was found in his apartment, his indoor cat rehomed to a happy family and the tabloids having a small field day over the third dead child of the MP Thomas Moran. It took a week for Alex (the human) to trap Alex (the stray black cat) in order to make sure she wasn’t a nuisance for other neighbour and to have the last connection to her brother. The apartment was sold, the media moved on and everyone else forgot about the junkie son of a House of Lords politician.
Except for Alex, who finally understood there was no safety while M was alive.
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