#Share in my cringe
coy-lee · 2 years
Hmmm I was workin on this one but don't like how it turned out. Just outside of my comfort zone. Their real faces are flat (well, not spherical) , but i don't like drawing them flat. That's a me problem...
Its not necessarily done but I am done with it... I think...
For now...
But I may as well share it. Don't wanna keep it from ya! 😸
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“I Didn’t Have a Glow Up and Neither Did You”
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theolddivorcedzukka · 2 years
aang continuing to restore balance to the world after the war as the avatar and working to preserve his culture 💕💞💕 katara rebuilding the water tribe with sokka and her father and eventually becoming chief 💞💕💞 sokka traveling around the world and dabbling in a bit of everything 💕💞💕 toph setting up more earthbending academies and becoming an architect / inventing pro-bending 💞💕💕 suki and ty lee going back to kyoshi island to train future kyoshi warriors and soon being joined by mai 💞💕💕 azula getting proper treatment and living an easy, tranquil life in ba sing se 💞💕💕 and zuko and the never-ending tragedy of leading a corrupt nation ft. the life he could’ve had as a playwright 💥💥💥
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drinkinggblood · 2 years
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a chipper young fellow
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mangoes-and-mothman · 2 years
cole headcanon: he loves watching the high school musical trilogy. his favorite is the second one (*cough* because its gay *cough cough*)
bonus: he watches them with zane and zane gets confused at the I don't dance scene
"why is he insisting he doesn't dance while dancing?"
"because it's a gay allegory- now shut up and watch the movie."
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heavensong · 2 years
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“Please, don’t do this… I don’t want to forget!”
Every time he forgets, his life gets worse. How can you move forward when you keep being pulled back? Once a Fae’s time on earth is up, they have to lock away the memories of any human they may have made a strong connection with, as part of the transition of power from one court to the next. Their rules about human knowledge of fae existence are more lax than Fairies’, but they all must return to the Fae realm and let go of their attachments on earth. It’s not always easy 🙃 Some Fae rebel against their court’s orders and choose to remain on earth, losing most of their magic in the process and having to hide from any agents of the court they abandoned. A Fae can reignite the memories of a human who’s had their mind tampered with, but it’s forbidden in most cases. Depending on the strength and nature of the attachment, the memories will be dormant but residual emotions will linger. They typically fade with time, but sometimes the remaining feelings can trigger personalities prone to… obsession. 👀
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call-of-the-ocean · 2 years
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something something there's cops on tiktok making very cringey thirst traps. some friends and i decided daisy and basira at their most evil would have a tik tok account too.
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trishabeakens · 2 years
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So... I have a Rock Dog OC...
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kumeramen · 3 years
Hello there!! I saw your Shisaku detective AU art and I really loved and laughed out loud when Sakura said she'll use her magical fist. Speaking of fists, I had this weird dream about Shisui and Sakura (immediately thought of you >.>) Shisui's Hokage and Sakura's head medic and a somewhat international relations operative. There's growing tensions between shinobi nations and Shisui is prompted to go for Diplomacy rather war and violence but then Sakura's like "Diplomacy? That's a weird name to call my fists"
I dunnu man cringe or not that's been stuck with me since that dream. I imagined Shisui's reaction will be like the one where he blushed in your Medic and Samurai AU. What do you think?
What do I think?? I think of thisss 👊💪✨
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transphilza · 2 years
this is so stupid like actual mental illness posting but do any other dsmp artists genuinely feel afraid of publicly putting your art out there and potentially gaining a following for something other than dsmp stuff out of the fear that at some point people will viscerally hate and attack you for liking/having liked the dream smp or is my anxiety disorder just fucking ridiculous
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eddiemunsn · 2 years
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more joe & co. !! 😊❤️
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Overnight transformation
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shining-m00nlight · 2 years
Ned *mumbling: To hell with Jaime Lannister the Kin~ayer
Cat: I didn't understand that. Did you mean Kingslayer, a Kinslayer or a Kinlayer?
Ned: Yes
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selkiebard · 2 years
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look at my new doll!! its the new Shadow High line and im rlly rlly in love with her. they say her name is Natasha but she looks more like a Natalia or Katerina imo! I plan on getting Shanelle and Heather next!
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bellamygateoldblog · 2 years
me telling my sister that will is gay and she goes. which one is that. the main one? the one with the black hair. him whose with that girl. n im like NOOOO that's mike!!!! and then she's like oh so who is it then... oh the one that went missing is will? and I'm like yea they confirmed he has a crush on mike and she goes 😳😧 ooh so I'm like I don't want will to get rejected so I want mike to be gay too and she goes well they've got to have SOMETHING gay in it haven't they im like why she's like that's the Thing now init im like she's a little homophobic but she's got spirit! and she as a casual viewer assumed mike was the gay one which is just funny and I consider it a win
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Just a Creative writing exercise from class
Had to burst write for twenty minutes in class and then share it. Was shaking the WHOLE time and v embarassed as I had to explain the premise. The prompt was to write about how A ghost can be real or metaphorical. I explained it as the “ghost” of who the man once was because if i said “a ghost possessed her husband and is romancing her” i would have been laughed out of class. Got ZERO response from my class and wanted to die lmaoo. 
To anybody else, Lilith would sound insane. 
“You aren’t my husband.”
He was loving, attentive, compassionate. He kissed her sweetly every morning when he woke up and sang their daughter a lullaby every time she cried out from her crib. He held her in his arms and swayed in the dim light of their kitchen with a love she had never seen in his eyes before. 
This wasn’t him. This wasn’t her husband. 
Her husband wasn’t loving. He didn’t smile at her when she came down the stairs or kiss her every morning or whisper “I love you” into the crook of her neck as she drifted off to sleep in his arms. 
This love was foreign, it was a force she never witnessed in the ten years of their marriage. It was soft and welcoming and terrified her to her very core.
He frowned and then laughed. “I'm sorry?”
“Who are you?” Her voice trembled. 
He stood at the sink, razor raised up to the stubble of his cheek halted against his skin as he looked at his wife. 
“What are you talking about? Did I do something wrong?”
The razor clattered against the sink and tears welled up in her eyes. 
“My husband doesn’t hold me.” she told him. Her voice was strained. Cracked and raw as if she had spent the last decade of her life screaming. “He doesn’t kiss me, he doesn’t hold our daughter, he doesn’t ask me how my day was. He doesn’t love me.”
Her fingers curled into the bedding, nails digging into the loose threads that threatened to snap just like her. “You aren’t my husband.” 
“Lillith.” he approached her slowly, with caution in his voice like he was apprehending a stray animal. “You're scaring me.” “You aren’t my husband-”
“Lillith, please-” “Who are you?” 
His arms wrapped around her as tears ran freely down his own face. Soft mumbles of ‘You’re not him’ slipping from her mouth like a chant. 
She was crying. She was crying because he loved her and she didn’t know what to do. Her husband never loved her, he wasn’t capable of it. This wasn’t her husband. It couldn’t be. Who was this man? Was he real?
In his arms, she felt safe and suffocated all the same. 
The phantom let her shake and sob into his chest while he stared at the nightstand. He noticed their wedding photo, frame discolored and covered in a thin layer of dust over the years. Even then, on their wedding day, he didn’t smile. There were no photos of him kissing her with passion or tears of joy running down his face. Just a limp hand holding hers and glassy eyes that stared at the camera.
All these years. 
Had he truly been that cruel to her? 
“You're not him, you can’t be.” 
“My husband never loved Daisy, my husband never loved me. Who are you? Why are you here?”
“Lillith.” He pulled away to look at her. Even now, he looked so sad and broken, her husband was never sad, he was never guilty. “Please.” 
Calloused hands gently cradled her face. 
“I love you.” He promised. “I love you and I love Daisy and I always will.”
She stared into his eyes like a skeptic looks at a painting. Looking for a clue, a meaning, a specific brush stroke that would let them know what it all meant. But all she saw were the sad brown eyes of the man who slept in her bed and rocked their daughter to sleep each night. 
She nodded numbly, head falling against his chest. 
“I love you too.” 
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