#Shark puppy album
glittergroovy · 6 months
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sugar water - flower face
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sunsetcurveauto · 2 years
yeah the goncharov phenomenon is crazy but i was there for shark puppy 2019
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fictionalwh0ree · 9 months
Hi! May I please make a Billie request where Billie realizes she has a crush on her best friend and starts acting nervous and shy around her, and Billie decides to go live one day and fans are asking about reader since she's usually always around and Bil's like "guys she makes me nervous cause I think she's super pretty" and basically admits her crush? Thank you 🥹🤗
cocktail night- billie eilish
summary: you and billie became fast friends, but the celebrity lifestyle sometimes interferes with your plans. you two finally have a free night and decide to have a cocktail night. with alcohol flowing through her veins, billie can't help but confess her crush on you to the world.
word count: 1.4k
warnings: alcohol/drinking, mild swearing
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billie eilish was easily your favourite person in the world. despite having met only eight months ago, you guys had developed a bond unlike any other, spending any free time either of you had with each other. you knew you could spend every waking moment with her, and if you could, you definitely would. however, the celebrity lifestyles often clashed and while there were weeks were you could spend every day with each other, there were times where weeks would go by and you wouldn’t see each other. now was one of those dry spells where you hadn’t seen each other in about two weeks. you planned a little cocktail night together when you were both free. the idea had been your suggestion as the last couple of times you had seen your best friend, she had been acting strange. she was flustered and more quiet than usual. you blew it off as some weird way of coping with the stress and work that goes into writing and producing a new album, but thought that a couple cocktails might help loosen her up a little bit.
finally, the night arrived. you unlocked her door with the spare key she had given you and were immediately greeted by shark, who barked excitedly at seeing you. you bent down to pet him as billie ran down the stairs to meet you. with almost as much excitement as her puppy, she wrapped her arms around you in a hug while a large smile adorned her face. once she pulled away, you followed her to the kitchen.
“soooo, whats new?” she asked you.
“billie, we were on call just before i left the house,” you laughed before stuffing a couple chips in your mouth.
“but actually, this guy cut me off when i was driving and the guy behind me honked at me. i was so annoyed. the only thing that got me through the drive was reminding myself i would be drinking soon,” you vented.
“the thought of seeing me wasn’t enough to get you through the drive?” she joked, placing her hands over her heart dramatically.
“nope,” you smiled.
she kissed her teeth and looked away in fake annoyance, but the large smile on her face gave it away. she looked back over at you, your eyes locking, but only for a moment before hers dropped to the ground.
“i did miss you though, for real,” you affirmed.
“i missed you too,” she said.
“stop being so busy all the time,” billie joked.
“says you,” you laughed.
“you know, i think it would save you a lot of time if you had a muse to write about,” you joked, snagging a couple more chips.
“oh really? and who should my muse be?” she said, raising her eyebrow.
“me, duh,” you smiled.
“you’re already my muse,” she said, sending an exaggerated wink your way.
“aww, shut the fuck up,” you said, shoving her playfully.
“okay, come on lets get to drinking,” billie said, switching the subject.
you nodded in accordance and the two of you worked together, gathering everything you would need. as you prepared your cocktails, you downed a couple of shots each, leaving your prepared drinks, which were supposed to be somewhat aesthetic, a very ugly and delicious hot mess. you took your drinks into the living room and billie put on a movie. the two of you were already tipsy before having even taken a sip of your cocktail, and the movie had become background noise amongst your lively conversation.
before long, the two of you decided it was time to change into something more comfortable. thankfully, you had come prepared with matching christmas pj pants which you had bought earlier in the day. you told her to stay in her place, and she waited eagerly for you as you retrieved your bag. you pulled them out with a ‘ta da.’ she matched your energy, shrieking in excitement. she ran upstairs to get changed and as did you. once you were ready, you met her back in the living room, about to sit on the couch before the alcohol finally got to your bladder.
“i’m gonna go use the washroom quickly,” you told her.
she nodded, fidgeting with her phone. little did you know, she was going on live. the alcohol in her system making it seem like a good way to share your matching pyjama pants. she turned it on and within seconds, hundreds of thousands of people had joined. her live had just barely caught the end of your sentence, leading her fans to question where you were. the comments became flooded with comments along the lines of “is that y/n?” and “where’s y/n?”.
“yes guys, it is y/n,” billie smiled, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks as she slurred her words slightly.
“i came on here to show you guys our matching pj pants but she went to the washroom,” she continued.
her fans quickly picked up on the fact that she had been drinking and they had noticed the blush that got stronger with your mention.
“ouuuu she’s blushing,” one comment said.
“her cheeks r so red rn,” another one read.
“guyssss,” billie whined.
“who’s got you blushing like that 👀 👀” someone commented.
billie read it, mumbling the words slightly, before giggling.
“guys if i tell you this you can’t tell anyone okay?” she smiled, multiple fans agreeing and promising.
“y/n makes me nervous cause i think she's super pretty,” she confessed, giggling like a schoolgirl and throwing her phone. she shrieked into a nearby pillow, not fully recognizing what she had done. she picked up her phone hastily when she heard the bathroom door open. the comments were flooded with excitement and support from her fans, and of course, a lot of teasing as well.
“shhhhh, she’s coming back. remember the promise,” she said, turning back to see you a couple feet from the couch.
“what’re you up to?” you said skeptically.
“nothing,” she said innocently, widening her eyes at the camera to remind them to stay quiet.
“uh huh,” you laughed.
“i went on live to show everyone our matching pyjamas,” she said.
“well show them then,” you said.
she set her phone down against her empty cocktail glass and got up, standing next to you.
the two of you backed up until the camera captured you two fully donning your matching pants and white tank tops. she ran back to her phone and sat on the couch.
“why are you acting funny?” you smiled at her, tilting your head.
“i’m not,” she laughed.
“okay billie,” you laughed back.
you sat down next to her, setting your head down on her shoulder, causing her to blush again.
“my parents 😫😫😫,” someone commented.
“this is too cute,” another one read.
“billie u need to tell her,” one said.
“what’s up with your comments?” you asked billie, looking up at her.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, looking away.
you shook your head and looked back at the screen.
“billie said you made her nervous because she thinks you’re REALLY pretty,” a comment read.
you barely caught it as billie pulled the phone up above your face.
“you guys are snitches byeee” she said, ending the live hastily.
you sat up straight, looking at her in the eyes.
“i caught that, y’know?” you said.
“they weren’t supposed to say anything,” billie mumbled, a shy smile playing on her lips as her eyes locked on the couch cushion below her.
you laughed softly.
“so whats this about?” you asked gently, trying to coax her attention back to you.
“you read the comment,” she said, voice just above a whisper.
“say it,” you said, lifting her chin with your fingers, “tell me.”
she took a moment to meet your eyes, your faces now only inches apart as you leaned forward.
“i think you’re really pretty,” she whispered, “and i think i might like you, in more than a friend way.”
you finally leaned forward, linking your lips in a tender kiss. she leaned towards you and you leaned back until you were barely upright against the armrest. she pulled away for a moment, looking at you with a cheesy smile.
“you’re so stupid, y’know that?”
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gh-woah-st · 1 year
Kitty Dew Tidbits
Some important little things @sphylor, @divine-misfortune, and I have said that probably won't make its way into a post on its own.
This got long so there's a second post with puppy Mountain here
So Sphy did end up talking about the hats thing but I had already compiled this list so instead have some pictures of kitty Dew's hats
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Also mentioned in that post is the shark onesie, which kitty Dew LOVES. It was originally Rain's so it's a bit big on him, but that makes it even more perfect because it smells like Rain and the sleeves are long enough to flap around
This one is a direct copy and paste because no summary will capture it correctly
Rain does that thing where he'll stick his tongue out a little when he's focused and Dew always mirrors it "oh its time for bleps now? ok!!" Rain: :p Dew: :p
Dew is captivated by videos of birds at bird feeders and sits as close to the TV as possible to bap at the birds
(one time they had to replace the TV because he tried to pounce on a bird and broke it)
(The first time he saw a bird outside the window he nearly got a concussion by pouncing at it head on)
Rain and Dew also sometimes watch ocean documentaries in bed on Rain's laptop, and Rain has to keep his arms around Dew to keep him from trying to attack the fish. Maybe also to hold a cuddly kitty, but mostly to keep him from pouncing... definitely
Speaking of sleepy kitty Dew, he has a very specific bedtime and if he and Rain aren't cuddled up in bed by that time he will meow incessantly at Rain, even herding him to their room if he's tired enough or Rain takes too long
He also never sleeps normally. There's a shared photo album with all the ghouls specifically for pictures of Dew in the oddest, most uncomfortable looking positions ever. Conversations in which Rain says "idk, I've gotten used to it" or Dew says "ooohh. So that's why my back hurts so much" are very common
He likes to sit in freshly made laundry, just napping the day away. It's warm and smells like his pack, so why wouldn't he nap there?
Every once in a while, really just often enough for it to not lose its novelty, if someone accidentally runs into kitty Dew, someone else will recite the Miette post for Dew
That's normally only when Dew didn't even notice he was bonked into. When he does, he puts on the biggest show of being hurt for attention, kisses, and cuddles. He does that every time he falls over, plays too hard, or anything else that could "hurt" him. If they had to pay infirmary bills Dew would be the cause for all of them from that alone.
Every time he goes outside, kitty Dew finds a rock to add to his collection. These rocks range from a piece of sidewalk that chipped off to something actually beautiful, and they are equally important
He also likes to steal buttons off people's clothes without them noticing. He stashes them under his bed, then after a while (when he remembers about the stash) Dew will put them in a box specifically for his buttons
The abbey only has door knobs, which kitty Dew can't figure out how to use, so Rain installed a handle for their bedroom door
"How to interact with Kitty Dew," a guide for new kids (Phantom)
1. Actually get close to him and let him cuddle up to you 2. He likes being scratched behind his horns 3. If you can't tell what he wants just sit or lay down and let him curl up to you, entertain himself, or direct you to what he wants 4. If he stretches to expose his belly this is NOT an invitation to pet him there. It is actually a dastardly trap (Proof: Swiss has scars) 5. DO NOT upset him you might actually die 6. Stop tensing up whenever he goes near you he's literally a cat what is he actually going to do 7. He really likes trying to catch your tail if you swish it across the floor 8. You gotta let him catch your tail eventually though otherwise he'll get stressed and WILL bite you. Also make sure to give him lots of praise when he catches it 9. Do not give him caffeine. He will get zoomies² and you will move up on Rain's hit list (Proof: Swiss has scars from that too)
He tried to fight the tinsel on the Christmas tree once. He was found with the smuggest face and tinsel everywhere on him
If he's feeling extra silly he likes to roly poly around (links to twitter)
Dew constantly bonks Rain's mouth to ask for kisses then just looks up at him expectantly. After he gets his kiss he holds little mousey out so it can get a kiss too
Sometimes when Rain goes to kiss Dew he will lightly bite Rain's nose instead, giggling like crazy when he pulls back
Rain reads to kitty Dew a lot. Mostly kids chapter books so that Dew can follow along
Rain often wakes up to kitty Dew staring at him, inches away from his face
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Though if Dew gets tired of waiting for Rain to wake up, he'll start playing with Rain's plushes and slowly start batting them closer and closer to Rain's face to "accidentally" wake him up
Sometimes when Dew plays with his toys he makes quiet chirping sounds to himself, like he's talking to them or making them talk
Mountain going puppy triggers Dew's kitty brain and vice versa. This causes a lot of problems when one of them has work to do
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baeddelicto · 1 month
i nwver realized what your pfp actually was til just now lol
Oh ya the puppy! I believe its a zombie coyote encircling the moon. Iv had basically since iv been on here switched to others then back a time or two i think im gonna retire it lik i didn't still listen to them that much even whn i startn usin it.
Its actually the album art for all of them witches by arroyo deathmatch who i like less thes days musically... thr lik fun acoustic hardcore... its p hit or miss which songs i lik of theres these days sum of them r p bad nd hav pol msgn i disagree w but man sum of the lines r fuckn funny lik the str8 edge song "jagged edge"
"The scenes a party, Anarchys a fad.
Hand me a beer, im just like my dad." iirc lol
Which lik has the backdrop of alcohol use in anrchy scenes and how that can render them ineffectual but also the intersection of alcohol dependce and native populations and his dad... "urban graves for fetal sharks" is abt his father trying to stop the USA from improperly disposing of nuclear waste on native land and... how that went for him and his life afterword.
Idk its funny bc its a gut punch and ya as a person w alcoholism in my fam and whos lik seen the type of scenes he means...ya
I still like the words to "famine" off through the fear of it and will quote them from time to time.
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wasppilled · 2 years
i have to ask: 13 and 69 (nice)
13 - Catamaran by Bear vs. Shark! An old favorite from an album I really like, probably got here due to it being one of the first songs on a playlist for one of my star wars ocs :-)
69 - Assimilate by Skinny Puppy. That's also a classic i do love that song
Thanks for sending some!!
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NOTE: Feel free to make any original content based on this album description if you want to! (lyrics, songs, art, edits, memes, etc.) I love them a lot and they warm my heart. My only request is that you give credit and tag me in the post so I can see what you made! ❤️
Traumatized is an EP that shows off the band's calmer side. There is a almost lofi feel to the album not previously done by the band. Shark Puppy is known for changing up their style frequently, so this isn't surprising, but it was still received with critical acclaim. It seems that this band can truly do it all and do it well. The EP has songs written by each member about their childhoods, bullying, and coming to terms with who they are. Each band member has said this is a very personal EP and it took a lot of discussion to be able to put it out there.
Track List
1. The New Kid written by Ben Hanscom. Hanscom, in a departure from his usual romance songs, sings about his struggle with his weight when he was in middle school and high school. This track is soft and has very sweet whistling, which Hanscom recorded himself. He talks about the bullying, the failed diets, and the days alone in the library. But Hanscom picks himself up, makes friends, and loses weight not for the bullies or his friends but for himself. "This one is for all the kids who only got called hot when they lost weight. I was handsome before, but only the important people noticed back then." Vocals on record by Ben Hanscom.
2. Dirty written by Beverly Marsh. The sound is more upbeat, but agressive. This song is about all the terrible names Beverly used to be called as a child. Bullies would spread rumors about her sleeping around and even once threw trash on her. Beverly sings about how she used to be scared of breaking societal norms or breaking rules, but now she has found freedom and joy in it. Marsh is quoted saying, "Fuck anyone who doesn't like this song. It's funky as hell." Vocals on record by Beverly Marsh.
3. Let Down written by William "Big Bill" Denbrough. This song is a more somber tune where Denbrough lets out his fear that he's failed those he loves. Denbrough has previously written and spoken about the tragic death of his younger brother Georgie, but this song also mentions him feeling like he isn't enough for his parents or his friends. That if he can't lead them properly and be perfect, he'll let them down. Denbrough has now moved past that thinking and now lets down his guard so he can be himself around his friends and his fans. Vocals on record by William "Big Bill" Denbrough.
4. Breathe written by Eddie Kaspbrak. Kaspbrak sings frantically over calm music about his worries. He then remembers to just breathe without going back to unhealthy coping mechanisms. Kaspbrak has been very vocal about his experience with anxiety and wrote this song "to show people that recovery from trauma is never linear, that you'll have bad days. But you push through them to get to the good days. And you never punish yourself for it. Because we're all human." Vocals on record by Eddie Kaspbrak.
5. Alone written by Mike Hanlon. After the release of the EP, Hanlon spoke out about a time during college when all of his friends had moved away, leaving him alone in his hometown. "It was the loneliest couple years of my life. But I think I learned more about myself in that time. And when everyone reunited, we were closer than ever. Now I know that even when I'm by myself, I don't have to be alone." the tune can be described as like honey and lofi, but a bit country somehow. Vocals on record by Mike Hanlon.
6. Don't Say It written by Richie Tozier. Tozier has frequently discussed his struggles with finding out about his ADHD and depression. The music is erratic, but suddenly halts and slows at certain points. He left home at eighteen for college. He talks about meeting new people at college and in the entertainment industry who didn't accept him for who he was, who told him to not talk so much. Tozier has been very open about his past addiction problems and sings in this song about using it to become someone more palatable, more marketable. After reuniting with his childhood friends some years later and forming Shark Puppy, he "eased back into being himself, went to therapy, and started running my mouth again. Now they can't get me to shut the fuck up." Vocals on record by Richie Tozier.
7. Disappointment written by Stanley Uris. A more acoustic sound than the other tracks, with birds singing in the background. Uris sings about growing up as the son of a Rabbi and never being enough for his father. Always being the disappointment of the family. He came out as pansexual at seventeen and was promptly kicked out of his home, told to never come back. "My father didn't like that I didn't fit his idea of what a son should be. I had to learn the hard way that he wasn't my idea of what a father should be. Now he's my disappointment." Vocals on record by Stanley Uris.
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Billy Knows the Devil - Shark Puppy
“I think this album really took us back to our childhood. We spent a week in Derry and were so inspired when we started writing. We almost coudn’t stop.” - Beverly Marsh 
Bill’s Demons
Now he’s staring down the barrel  Of a gun he’s pointed at himself  Are you strong enough to beat the devil  There’s no angel here to help  You can pull the trigger Bill  But I hope you never will
I’ve traveled the world  From Kenya to Peru  Stood on mountains, walked through cities All because I’m being chased  By a nightmare that came true  I’m gonna need something stronger than Hennessy If I’m ever gonna forget this place
Not afraid of who I am Not when he’s buried  Six feet underground Could you still love me When you see who I’ve been hiding  Six feet underground (six feet underground) 
He’s standing in the field Watching in silence Tell me the secret To beating the gods Give me a dagger to wield I’m fighting a tyrant Without any weakness
We’re all just paper boats Drifting out to sea Crashing into walls of drainage gates Battered and bruised (battered and bruised) Ripped and torn (ripped and torn) I want to go back (I wanna go back) When the only paper boats Are the ones I made with you
Skateboard Safety
It’s coming to an end We’re running out of time Take my hand and make the jump Unless you want to be condemned To a life a rules and caution ‘Cuz there’s no such thing (no such thing) As skateboard safety (as skateboard safety)
Meet me at the movies Pretend that there’s no monsters I’ll be waiting on the balcony An old yo-yo in my hand I’ll kiss you in the dim light Or underneath the marquee If you’ll meet me at the movies
Running with a Shotgun
Dont leave me behind I can’t do it on my own Another casualty of this town I’ve got a broken bike And your dad’s old shotgun But staying here is suicide 
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clairenvk · 5 years
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SUMMER 1989 - © 2006
1. swimming with friends in a quarry 2. loser/lover 3. silver (beating the devil) 4. the barrens are ours 5. teenage (the aladdin) 6. i just wanna (pinchyourcheeksthey’resocute) 7. interlude - rock war 8. power of us 9. sunlight on red 10. safehouse 11. for you 12. kissing bridge // kissing bridge 13. i swear bonus tracks 14. winter fire  //  winter fire 15. eddie, my love
flat version of art here ( click images for better quality | song lyrics in the booklet by @reddies-club​ and trashofthething | album idea from here , my own version inspired by this. both by @notfine-mp3​ | any songs not linked here or mentioned in René’s og post i made up | packaging template from here | @sharkpuppyofficial​ @sharkpuppymusic​ )
check out all the creators tagged and/or linked on this post and shoot them an ask + rb if you appreciate their content! reblogs are appreciated!
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So... maybe i learned how to use garage band solely to do this because i want to fucking cover this song and shark puppy.....
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glittergroovy · 2 years
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Sugar Water - Flower Face
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itchapter3 · 5 years
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Lyrics for Climb In My Window, the eighth track from Shark Puppy’s 2016 Album, This Album Kills Monsters written by Eddie Kaspbrak and Richie Tozier.
Inspo from @reddiemorelikeredyee
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billdenbrough · 5 years
ok whenever i read ‘shark puppy’ in my head it always reminds me of ‘SHARK BAIT OOH HA HA’ from finding nemo but idk why and i’m not saying richie shouts ‘SHARK PUP OOH HA HA’ randomly during concerts or whatever but that’s exactly what i’m saying
jkfjkhs i showed this to @benverlesbians and she was like, “richie warms up the audience by doing a bruce impression and yelling "shark pup ooh ha ha" 400%” which is absolutely correct. it’s always fun to see like, who opens a set at a shark puppy show, because they all set the tone so differently. richie comes out with the bruce impression (often the set opens with something they’re all Quite Involved In, and richie sneaks on stage before he’s meant to just to warm the crowd up that way, and one time he drags eddie out with him, bc eddie’s arm is broken (again) and he’s like, “let’s hear it for my boy EDS! smashed his wrist smashing the patriarchy but still here to smash the keytar for you lucky fucks!” and eddie is blushing but the crowd goes absolutely fucking wild with cheering), but stan like.... depending on the song, he often hypes them up with like... absolute stillness, and then. the lights slowly coming up, and the music starting (either the bass sounds or birdsong or the wind instruments loop, depending on the song) and building building building—until he’s centre stage with a spotlight and starts to sing right as the sound has reached its highest point and then it’s his voice singing out and the crowd goes feral.
one time they’re having technical difficulties, and like. richie’s the crowd-pleaser, the trashmouth with a deep-seated need to have the attention on him but in a way he can frame (they’re all more well-adjusted in this world, but like. that fear of being Perceived didn’t come from the clowncident) and protect himself with, so you’d think maybe he’d take the mic, or maybe stan, with his absolute dry wit and absolute willingness to march to the beat of his own drum, or even bev, with her brazen attitude that comes out on stage, that sheer sense of belonging and ownership with the band, because they’re hers, they’re hers, and it’s a hard-won feeling, even if the fans don’t know it—-
but instead, it’s eddie. richie gives him the mic, and eddie’s like, what, and richie's just like, do your thing, eds, and eddie’s like, what, and bill just calls out from where he and ben are frowning at one of the amps, entertain them! and eddie looks at richie, like, like.... like he’s looking for help, or an answer, like he always does, because eddie’s the one who thinks things through (richie is smarter than him, eddie knows, but eddie also knows richie is built of dreams and ambition and a magnetic spark so bright he thinks he could die from it, charm and charisma and a knack for saying the exact right thing eddie needs to hear, even though he’s always had a reputation for saying the exact wrong thing, and eddie thinks sometimes richie might not just want him around, but like, actually needs him, because he balances him, and eddie has a complicated relationship with the idea of being needed, but it doesn’t come with any strings from richie, just laughter and actual care abt what eddie thinks, and eddie thinks maybe it’s okay to be needed, when the only things they need from you are things you’ve always wanted to give) but richie’s the one who always comes up with the plan, resourceful to his bones.... but richie just, like, winks at him, and shouts out ‘coming marsh!’ in response to bev’s cuss-filled demand for his assistance, and eddie’s just. shoved in the spotlight, holding a mic, staring at a huge fucking crowd, and he kind of wants to die.
instead, though, he talks about cars. because he knows cars, he loves cars, and it’s just... easy. and then he starts talking about how mike’s the only one he actually would advise anyone gets into a car with, except for himself, obviously, and then he starts talking about all the losers, and how bill just doesn’t know road rules and like, sometimes eddie catches him about to indicate by shoving his hand out the window like you’d indicate on a bike, and yeah, you all thought ‘silver (beating the devil)’ was a joke, huh, well, joke’s on you guys, and then he starts talking about the Great Nipple Instcident, and then he’s back on the patriarchy, and by now, the rest of the losers have gotten everything sussed with the tech guys, but eddie’s on a roll and the crowd is eating it up and it’s just... so fucking nice to see him get to talk like this, be like this, just lose himself in something he cares about, and he’s got this happy flush to his cheeks and his eyes are bright and he’s so animated and one of the roadies takes a polaroid of richie looking at him with like, the most fondly amused expression on his face, which stan pockets in a mix of best friend rights and also to gently tease richie with later
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pinisaplyn · 5 years
What are you looking for? Written by E. Kaspbrak
1 out of 2 songs on this Shark Puppy Ep
Music and lyrics by me:
I press down
A rush of air
I imagine your fingers tangled in my hair
Oh Eddie
What are you looking for?
I breathe in
Clean your wounds
Why does it feel different with you?
Oh Eddie
What am I looking for?
You never learned how to shut the fuck up
But I love to listen
I push you under the water in the quarry
Watch the droplets on your shoulders glisten
what am I looking for?
Oh Eddie
What am I looking for?
Large glasses
And your grimy hands
I pretend to understand
What I
What I’m looking for
Throw jokes my way
And call me Eds
I pretend it doesn’t repeat in my head
Oh Eddie
What am I looking for?
You never learned how to shut the fuck up
But in my head your voice is on repeat
Even if my lungs were burning
I’d choose you over my inhaler in a heartbeat
What am I looking for?
Oh Eddie
What am I looking for?
I know there’s more to you than just a Trashmouth
I got my truth told to me in that house
One day I’ll tell it to you
One day I’ll tell you the truth
What am I looking for?
Oh Eddie,
What am I looking for?
What am I looking for?
What am I looking for?
What am I looking for when I’ve already found you
When I’ve already found you
@sharkpuppyofficial @sharkpuppymusic
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trickstump · 5 years
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@billdenbrough​ gave us all a gift and i’ve been on 24 hours shark puppy lockdown
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hoziertozier · 5 years
Featuring 3 already released Shark Puppy tracks, plus 3 more original Pat songs! I’m also setting up a BandCamp so if you wanna donate for the album you know where to go <3
Thank you so much to everyone who has been so supportive and loving over this crazy past month of creation. I love everyone so much!!!
EDIT: BandCamp is being finicky so no on that, if you still wanna donate just shoot me an ask for my paypal <333
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