#Sharon Raydor deserved better
kadi219 · 9 months
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The way major crimes ended was a travesty of writing. I’m actually disgusted.
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oh-mydarling · 8 months
Sharon Raydor deserved better and I’ll never be over it
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kate04us · 3 months
Character asks for Sharon Raydor please! (I’m pretty sure I know the answer to the last one…)
Thank you for giving me my favorite badass!
How I feel about this character There are no words to adequately express my love for this badass! She's compassionate and loving and generous and strong and sassy (sadly not as much on MC as she was on TC) and funny and awkward and competent and smart and... I could go on and on, but I'll spare you. 😂
All the people I ship romantically with this character Definitely Andy Flynn! I could also see her with Fritz (because he deserves better than what he got). On TC, I got some "possibly queer" vibes from her, and going with those, I could see her with Hobbs. I know there is a large Sharon/Brenda fandom, but I honestly cannot see that (apart maybe from some ill-advised anger sex) because Sharon would 1000% kill Brenda if they were in a relationship.
my non-romantic OTP for this character I get a kick out of the dynamic between Sharon and Provenza. They have such old married couple vibes, and they have come such a long way over the years. It's very very definitely a non-romantic thing, because while Provenza might appreciate her legs or her tendency to lean on tables while wearing very nice blouses, neither one of them would ever go near that.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon If you think that I wish the season that doesn't exist had ended differently for her, you are 100% right! I wish she had gotten to nail Stroh her way, that she could have known her son was safe (and not shooting seemingly unarmed assholes and getting away with it) and that she could have enjoyed the hell out of her new husband without a bogus heart issue that served no purpose except as a white dude's temper tantrum. I'll stop here before I write myself into a rage. 😂😂😂
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missparker · 11 months
Do you ever think about if Sharon and Brenda had met in season 1 of the Closer? When Taylor filed that conduct unbecoming of a police officer complaint?
i've been thinking of my blorbos from my show continuously since the moment i laid eyes on them. i've spooled out so many scenarios from my smooth, demented little brain that if i had my whole life to write them down, i'd never catch up.
it's so unlikely that those women in their respective positions would have never crossed paths, so it's my hand canon that brenda actively avoided her and purposely sent members of her squad to interact with IA because of her experience at her last police force where she endured a humiliating ethics inquiry as she tried to survive her divorce. i think season one brenda is so damaged, and LA is sort of her last shot at being able to do what she loves. and because she was so visibly damaged, it was easy for fritz to swoop in and make himself a part of her life. you can see her resisting early on and him insisting and because she has so much going on at work, she just kind of gives in, especially when she realizes he's useful to have around because he's FBI.
i don't think sharon and brenda would have immediately gotten along in the early season. i don't think that time would have changed anything about their interactions, because ultimately brenda's goal was to solve the crimes and sharon's goal was to make sure the law was being followed and those two things were always going to be in some sort of opposition. brenda wants the laws to work for her and sharon wants brenda to work within the laws.
what's more important? stopping a killer or following the law? ideally, those two things would be harmonious. the real joy of the raydor character is that she's put there to put brenda on a better path. to keep her safe legally, to rein in brenda's more outlandish, destructive impulses in her ruthless quest for justice. she starts out as an antagonist but it doesn't take long for her to start protecting brenda, both from the system and from herself.
i do think, however, the brenda so desperately needed a female friend to grab her by the shoulders and say, this man you're dating is a walking bouquet of red flags and you deserve better. maybe sharon could have done that for her. i wish someone had.
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captain-coffeebean · 7 years
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“Unable to perceive the shape of You, I find You all around me. Your presence fills my eyes with Your love, It humbles my heart, For You are everywhere.”
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melody92221 · 2 years
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Tried to watch Major Crimes tonight...
Still so very painful. Raw. Not ready.
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blossom--of--snow · 5 years
Guys, I’ve fallen down the Sharon rabbit hole. Somebody help. 
I’m just trying to get this fic together, and I had to watch the promotion scene. So here I am, watching her get her promotion that she worked her whole fucking career for, and to absolutely no one’s surprise, I CRIED. Then, because I’m weak, I watched the proposal. Because I remember what it was like to see Sharon happy without the threat of imminent and appallingly unrealistic death looming over her. And I miss that. 
Anyway. Back to rowing my boat up the river of denial.
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kadi219 · 9 months
Sharon Raydor is living her best fucking life, and I will hear no arguments to the contrary!!
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Spoilers for Big Bang Theory
Watched the Big Bang finale last. Imagine this, Penny wasn’t killed off. Imagine the creator and writers of a show that ran for 13 years honoring their fans with a feel-good finale. Imagine being able to look back on your favorite TV show fondly and with happiness. Imagine being able to watch ALL the season’s re-runs and not having to skip one. Imagine being able to watch those re-runs without a gut check because though you have tried your best to deny it and never re-watch the end, you know in your heart how it ends. I can only imagine that because I and thousands of Major Crimes fans were not allowed that luxury. Instead, we got a slap in the face, a kick in the gut, and a “Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.” I still hate you, James Duff! 
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themushymess · 6 years
I miss Sharon Raydor
A lot.
I miss Mary Mondays.
I miss the way Andy looked at her. The way she looked at him.
I miss the early days of the mothership, before the entire show revolved around Rusty.
I miss her kindness. Her fierceness. Her intelligence. Her very rare but adorable dorkiness.
Anyone else?
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amphoraeimpetus · 6 years
When you are made aware of Mary McDonnell’s shade...
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She’s just as salty as us....except she fucking tags the D 😂 Thanks @blossom--of--snow
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majsmom · 6 years
I came across a new blog today. The person had just started Major Crimes.
They are in love with Shandy, all in for Provenza and just enjoying the show in general.
They don't know anything about the heartbreaking ending or the problematic nature of Sharon's storyline overall.
So sweet.
So innocent.
They will be wrecked.
*closes eyes, puts hand over ears. Waiting for screams of anguish*
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queen0fhell1 · 7 years
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