#She cant talk just weird barks and yells
kylelovskii · 1 year
I need him to awkwardly admit how he feels and then freak out cuz he's feeling things, it's a canon event- mean Kyle anon
yesss ik he’d do that fr
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so you’d finally broken up with cartman after he’d caught you in the act with kyle. it sorta went like this:
another party, great. kyle had backed you into a corner, but it was weird this time. he didn’t touch you, didn’t kiss you, just quietly begged you for..something.
"please, please— you have to—…" he stopped, not really wanting to say what he wanted to say. "kyle, what? i have to what? what’s your deal?" you asked, taking his face in your hands to make him look at you.
he placed his hands on your waist, shaking his head. "i— uhm..please. please..i want you to…"
little did you know, eric was looking for you all over the place. he was ready to go home.
"hey, ken, where’s (y/n)?" he asked kenny, to which kenny pointed to a corner. eric looked to see kyle, looming over someone. "kenny, that’s kyle, not (y/n)."
"no, dude, she’s with kyle." that made something inside eric snap. he stormed over to the corner, gripping kyle’s shoulder and whipping him around to reveal you in all your glory.
"oh— eric! hi, baby..are you ready to go?" you asked, giving him a smile. your smile faltered when you saw his face. "what the hell is this?" he barked, pointing to you and kyle.
"nothing..just, uh, talking!” you blurted, trying to make it seem like you weren’t cheating on eric. "yeah fucking right. are you cheating on me? how long has this been going on!?" his voice started to get louder, and the more he asked, the angrier he got.
"the whole time, fat ass!" kyle finally admitted, tired of listening to cartman yell. eric’s face dropped, looking to you. "what?" was all he could say.
"yeah. um, it’s true. i’m really sorry. i like you, i really do, it’s just that me and kyle have had something before you and i even happened, eric," you explained, talking with your hands.
"then why the he’ll didn’t you turn me down!? i can handle rejection, you know." kyle shook his head. "with your attitude and brattiness, i don’t think so, cartman."
"eric, i’m really sorry, i promise, but i don’t think this is gonna work out. i cant keep lying to you," you told him. he shook his head and looked at you. "forget it," he quietly said, then stormed off, leaving the house.
"that couldn’t have gone any worse," you said, placing your palm on your head. kyle looked at you. he thought hard about what to say.
if he didn’t confess to you now, he probably never would. do it now, he thought. while your pride isn’t getting the best of you. swallow it.
"(y/n), uh..i um..i want you to know that—..i like you. no, wait— i love you. okay, no, too soon, i’m sorry— just..will you be my girlfriend?" he rambled and rambled, but before you could answer, he kept going.
"shit, this is so stupid— i don’t…um—god, i’m dumb. i’m sorry— you should go. i shouldn’t feel like this, should i? i’m an asshole, right?"
"no, like, this is really, really stupid. you don’t like me, i’m such a dick to you. okay— i don’t feel like this, and this isn’t happening—"
"i’m sorry, just go home. you should go home. just go, okay? there’s plenty other guys out there for you— i mean, kenny—"
"what— what?"
you smiled, shaking your head. "god. no, kyle. i like you. i really like you. i don’t care if you’re a dick, or an asshole. you’re my dick. okay, that sounds weird, but whatever! i’ll be your girlfriend." you took kyle’s hands in yours, looking up at him. he was too stunned to speak.
"i— um..really?" he asked, not thinking you were serious. you nodded. "yes, kyle, really."
"oh my god— just— whatever," he stumbled over his words before rolling his eyes. he took his hands from yours, reaching up to grab your face, pulling it to his and pressing his rough lips to your soft ones.
the kiss felt like forever, and it finally felt serious this time. it didn’t feel like some rage of jealousy, it felt like he loved you.
he pulled away smiling. "let’s get out of here, yeah?"
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Abusive Husband! Obanai..
I loved the short lil head-cannons btws bae
But how would Abusive Husband! Obanai react to spouse becoming so stressed and self conscious that she ends up extremely mentally sick, and she cant eat/sleep/hardly communicate anymore? Would he take care of them? or would he think their being overdramatic and treat them the same?
(Pronouns can be whichever your most comfortable with!)
Fucccck. This would not go well! I imagine it’d go something like this;
This is seriously intense and tragic and sad, please be careful reading this!
Iguro Obanai
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“Dokusha” Obanai barked angrily as you stared blankly at the wall, cuddled up in the recently dried futon with no words left. You could barely think anymore, your mind emptier than the clearest skies. All the abuse, all the hate, all of it every single day piled up. It stressed you out until your mind snapped, you fell so ill that heard Obanai’s voice echoing down the hallway. Yelling and insulting you for nothing. Your self-image dropped so low that you stared at knives in consideration of using them
You didn’t feel the need to eat or sleep anymore. As you just stared at the wall, waiting on absolutely nothing in the futon you didn’t feel the warmth of anymore. Obanai found you after a long day of Hashira duty and he was ready to give you the usual hell for your minor mistake but he is confused and weirded out by your sudden demeanour change, what’s the problem?
“Dokusha. Answer me. Iguro Dokusha” Obanai barked again, dropping down to his knees and waving his hand in front of your eyes. Those irises were so cloudy and lifeless, he was wondering if you were actually dead. His fingers quickly rested on your neck, feeling the healthy pulse so he did know that you were still alive. But you barely blinked, barely breathed
The lack of response had him eventually shaking you physically. His anger faded away into raw concern as his obsession took over. He does hurt you a lot, but the last thing he wants is for you to be dead. “Dokusha. Dokusha” Your eyes tilted up to see his, and you wanted to cry but you just couldn’t, why give your abuser that satisfaction
“Dokusha. Talk to me” Obanai grabs you and lifts you up so you’re sitting on your bottom as your head mindlessly falls forward. Obanai holds your head up with his palm under your chin so you’ll keep eyes on him at times
“Don’t ignore me. Dokusha. We need to talk” Obanai continues to repeat, usually, he’d be furious over the fact you overshined his katana but now, he was just concerned if you were mentally sound. You blinked slowly, glaring at him as you managed to get the first and final words you wanted to say forever out
“… Yo… u” Obanai flinched visibly, still confused and conflicted as you gathered every ounce of strength you had left to speak. You didn’t have anything to finally yell back at him for everything he put you through, you just spoke as if you were truly dying
“Y… our…. Fa… ult… You… d… id… th… is…” You muscled out on a soft, lifeless voice as you needed to get the one thought you had radiating in your mind out to run free, involuntarily leaning on his shoulder as Obanai’s whole world cracked and crumbled before his very eyes at just those mere five words
He did do this to you. But he didn’t mean to break you, he just wanted to help fix you. To make you better, because he truly does love you. He didn’t want you to end up emotionally scarred and torn apart like a useless tissue, he didn’t mean for this to happen. Everything he did was cruel and apathetic, he didn’t realise how horrible he was to you until now
He’s suppose to protect you, as your husband, not make your life even more dangerous. But he did the worst thing one could do to their spouse, abuse you until you lost everything you use to be. Now, you’re a walking skin suit. You didn’t have any emotions nor conscious as it was all scrubbed off for good
This was a accident. What can he do?! What can he do?! How can he fix this?! Obanai stopped his anxious mind-rants as his arms clutched onto you and brought you towards him so he can tightly hug you, slowly turning to the nearby window, his Kasugai crow sat patiently, plucking at his wing feathers to groom himself
“Dokusha…” Obanai remarks gently as you looked up at him after seconds of intense strength-gathering, you didn’t want to but you did. He knew exactly what he had to do, to save you from him. He had to expose himself to the world, the world he tried so desperately to keep you away from for his own selfish needs. He had been so selfish for so long, keeping you against your will, cutting you apart like you’re a block of cheese, forcing you to become pregnant with his child
He thought he was the victim but no, you’re the real victim. The one who needs to get away, but Obanai couldn’t live with himself if he did just let you go. He needed to pay for hurting you and hurting Kaburamaru, forcing you into a marriage you probably didn’t want in the first place, forcing you to carry his offspring for over 6 months
“I… won’t see you ever again” Obanai claims, running his hand through your hair but you didn’t feel the lovely pleasure one would feel at such a massaging sensation. You felt nothing
For some reason, you decided to hear him out with the slowest and weak nod humanely possible. All your experience with Obanai told you he was bullshitting. This time, he was speaking the whole truth and nothing more
“You deserve better than me. I’ve been the worst husband to you. I thought i was helping but I wasn’t. I ruined you, I broke you. I’m gonna tell the Master everything I’ve done to you and I, most likely, will be executed. But for you… I’m going to do it” Obanai explained himself so wholeheartedly, his emotions came back to him as he gently presses his forehead against yours and closed his eyes to bask in your presence for a few seconds
It’d be one of, if not the last time he ever have, before he leaves this earth
After that mini paragraph of a reflection. Everything past the day just went by in a huge blur and next thing you know, you’re being brought to the Hashira meeting by your parents, who helped you walk as if you had broken your ankles. You looked less like a corpse after a week or so of being with your parents when Obanai sent letters and proof to the Master about his crimes against you
Unsure why, you don’t remember the trip to the luxurious dark room but you were suddenly on your knees in the middle of your protective mother and father as the Master sat in front of Obanai himself, his head basically buried in the wooden floor, presented in a deep bow as one of the Master’s daughters read every single word of Obanai’s detailed letters
“Iguro Obanai… this is the most disturbing case of domestic abuse I’ve ever had the displeasure of learning about” Kagaya spoke with such anger and disappointment lacing his smooth elegant tone, that Obanai felt his blood being churned in pure suddenly-discovered shame. All the Hashira, behind him, was kneeled down on the grainy floor before the open building were silent, with wide eyes of disbelief at each claim presented to them. They were angry and upset to learn the truth
The other Hashira were taken back as each responded very differently. Kanroji sobbed outloud as she never suspected her beloved friend was abusive, Kocho and Tomioka stayed quiet, Tokito wasn’t paying attention so he was trialing off, Shinazugawa, Uzui and Rengoku demanded your husband get the death penalty for his treatment of you, and Himejima prayed for the death penalty to cleanse Obanai of the demons possessing him
The Master raised his hand with no verbal cues following, effectively silencing the chanting Hashira in the back, as everybody held their breath in suspense for what he’ll say; the right punishment fit for the inhumane action. “I believe I have made a decision. Based on the evidence, the fact you have pleaded guilt and described everything you’ve done in great detail, and with the condition of Iguro Dokusha herself all in consideration. I find you, Iguro Obanai, worthy of the death penalty for your crimes against another”
Kagaya remarked with a intense pain of guilt striking in his weak heart for you, the victim of one of his former children. Obanai knew that would happen, his head never leaving the floor beneath him as the Hashira in the back went wild in relief for the correct answer being called out, including your parents but you didn’t respond
Obanai had left everything he knew you’d love before you were taken by your parents in the morning, and he was taken in by his former acquaintances only a few hours later. All his money, every present he bought you and Kaburamaru whilst he burned everything else that could possibly remind you of him and his abuse, including the wedding pictures and his own ring
He would have left you his Estate so you have a home but he knew you’d have it torn down with possibly all the money he has given to you. 4 years worth of high finances from Hashira duty built up, you would be well off for a long time without him nor working to provide for yourself
Shinazugawa and Uzui hopped onto the wooden platform in a blink to pull Obanai off his knees and away from the Master as his two young daughters helped move him out of the way of the execution weapon; a old fashioned guillotine, brought in by two masked Kakushi and prepared in no time. The blade, nice and sharp and the weaved bucket read to catch a head
The two Hashira aggressively shoved Obanai into the guillotine when one of the Kakushi opened the wooden trap door and the other used the nearby rope to hoister the executional metal high enough until it bumped against it’s wooden frame peek. It was so scary to even hear the noises of the machine
Obanai’s head instinctively turned to face you, letting loose a visible smile at the sight of you healthier and more stable. Due to his bandages being removed beforehand, those thin scars highlighted his face and you could see his genuine relief as Shinazugawa and Uzui worked together to tie his hands and feet still with rope so he couldn’t move any further
Obanai is completely ready to die for you. Head locked in the guillotine hole with the wooden trapdoor shut now, and the thick sharp blade ready to drop on his bare neck. That smile was the most genuine smile you’ve ever seen from him and it broke your heart into two, more than what he did before
His beautiful heterochromatic eyes welled up with tears, his happiness was overwhelming as his death would lead to your freedom. He was happy to be the one to give you what you truly deserved as your eyes also grew glassy, locking with his and you begun protesting in the loudest voice you could manage
You didn’t want to see him die, you wanted to give him another chance as you found love in your heart for him. “Wait! Please! Don’t—“ You cried outloud with tears flowing and staining your cheeks, struggling against your mother and father but your begging went unchecked, overshadowed by the Hashira chanting for the death penalty getting louder and louder
Obanai closed his eyes with that same unchanging smile as he spoke to you, just before the blade dropped at record speed. The Master decided to let him get his final words out before making him pay for his felonies, for which, he thought he deserved to give his life for. He wanted to tell you something before he went to hell
“Dokusha… i love you and I’ll always love you…”
He’s gone... You think as you stare at his now headless corpse and the celebration roars of the Hashira are blurred out, your head fuzzing and spinning. Your hand clutched your still ringed finger and your heart cracked, his thick rosey red blood pooled in the basket and leaked through onto the wooden panes. You cried out desperately, you couldn’t believe he was gone. Your husband, Obanai is gone
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I think you’re slightly missing the point of that scene which is at that moment louis believes lestat has actually made the effort to compromise for the family (he doesn’t know yet that Antoinette is still alive) and Louis has agreed to kill people again after both lestat and claudia ganged up on him so as far as he knows claudia IS the only one who’s making waves for no reason. That’s literally what prompts her to expose Lestat’s lie after that though and once he finds out Lestat’s compromises weren’t real he also stops making an effort too and sees her provocations as necessary to getting them out in the second chess scene.
I think reading maliciously into that line is weird when we know at that point Lestat has gone to great lengths to fake his way back into the house and he hasn’t yet been exposed in that scene. Like we can say louis is stupid for believing them but that’s often how people treat victims of abuse (why are you so gullible, stupid, etc) when they fall for their abuser’s schemes.
i’m not calling louis gullible or stupid or any of that though. and i said i agree with the points. i just don’t agree with him. that’s what i’m saying. as a person on the outside who has the information i don’t agree with him.
im not reading malliciousy. it was further abuse to turn to a child who is reacting to abuse shes facing from the same individual and call her ugly. he didnt say i dont like when you do that cause. he is irritable and he gets to be irritable with her in a way that he doesn’t lestat. im not saying he’s choosing sides. ive seen it happen. parents who yell or get angry at the kids for making the abusive parent angry or antagonzing them when theyre gonna be that way anyways. thats why she responds with better angry than foolish or whatever. shes being mean right back. bc she wants to get out. she wants to get them both out and it will only happen if she does something. thats an insane amount of burden on a child. its a thing that happens often. kids having to step in and be the ones who fight against the abuser. and to have the parent who you want to be on your side talk to you like that is really not okay. of course shes being unreasonable. shes a child.
a child who can’t do much more and literally cannot be emotionally mature anywhere near where they are at. i’m asking how many times does louis speak softly and gently to lestat (with good reason due to the abuse) and expect more for the child in the situation. he is abused. and claudia is too. shes facing a unique brand of abuse lestat reserves just for her. and she is angry about that. and she is the one who didnt have a choice but to be there. how can she be the bigger person?
im saying i understand his perspective and still asking but how does that read to claudia? that’s what i was getting at. i have myself pointed out that louis doesn’t see a way out of this. so i know that.
but he also went to get lestat from antoinettes house. that’s where he found him. he believes lestat but thats not bc lestat has been in anyway genuine. at all. and louis has shown himself to suspect and say nothing. that is not me blaming him. that is me saying this is a thing i know he does. i understand why he does it. but why should claudia get the energy you cant give to lestat (again for good reason)?? he even admits to have pretty much already known. when he’s walking back with claudia and says theres no point in saying anything. ive been there. i know shutting down bc of overbearing trauma, but when there’s a child invovled then what? and again how often does claudia get chastised for barking and sniping when lestat chokes the collar he put around her neck? louis believes lestat. claudia has no reason to and does not. louis thinks shes not doing enough after everything she has done. i don't agree with him. i can both understand him and not agree with him. im not in his pov. im a viewer.
so to me. everyone endures and claudia bottles her anger and louis doesn’t do anything and lestat continues on as he does bc there is no recourse no matter if claudia says and does nothing. if claudia is antagonizing him lestat rages. lestat also decides to sit them down at a table where neither of them are saying anything and rage anyways. maybe he was taking out what louis said to him about reading in ep 5 or maybe it was something that happened then but we dont know for sure. the way the scene played out in ep 7 theyre having dinner and he starts yelling at them about books. so then what?? claudia is ugly when she fights back. because she was born of the ugliness that forced her into this position in the first place but only she should feel bad about that? and what about how ugly of a comment that was to say?
what im saying is i don’t like that he said that. and i dont agree. and it makes me angry. it makes me angry bc i know claudia’s position very well.
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Hi! My names arthur and im working on improving my word and building my story, which currently has no name haha! I have a myriad of characters who ill try to list out and give brief descriptions of, aether is technically my main character and some of the characters who are up for question are dead in canon. But you can still ask them stuff, itll just be set before death.
When asking characters questions, rememeber to include the name, their age if theres diffrent ages, i dont mind repeated questions, but if you see the question try not to ask it again lol. If you cant find it with a quick scroll just ask it, although i dont know if this blog will even get that big.
He comes in three evolutions lol, technically, theres four but idk if i would count 7 year old aether.
Ages: 13 yo - colder, hasnt gotten used to emotions, there are two to this as well, pre-rev and then post-rev 13 yo aether, remember to specify lol.
16 yo- a bit more out there, still kinda disconnected and figuring things out, a bit more defensive
22 yo- lax, hes sorta figured shit out, hes not going to go grazy, hes just gonna be chill lol.
!The gaggle Ghosts!
Her personality is very, ehhh, becuase i havnt done work with her, and i havnt completly figured out who she is fully yet, shes 18 yo when aether is 22 yo
18 yo- pretty oblivious, somehow still a bit cynical, very nice and sometimes motherly
Few thousand- mean, likes to bully yurei as he huants her, lowkey a simp for yurei but he wont admit that. Kinda cynical and likes to bring others down, generally a bully
19- emotionless, has to be a really strong emotion to make her emote, tends to stray away from other people, likes to be alone, blunt
A few thousand- sweet, warm and welcoming, tries to be very fatherly and a trusted figure, is very busy most of the tiime unfortunatly though.
!The greek gang!
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Argus agapov
16- unstable, pretty baby, protective over friends and family
Mythos agapov
23- whore. He also loves his family, lowkey, hes a trad wife
15/16- timid, intrested in posiosn and acids, generally quiet, likes to eat leaves, scaredy cat
14- germ of phobe, kind of a brat, more just a bitch, will yell at you if he sees your hands were dirty from gardening or something while you’re walking to the sink, other than that hes fine, picky eater
15- disorginized, trys his best, likes to write stuff down, helps plato with his writing and grammar in general, gullible, likes record data, has a nice typewriter with tha good clicky clack
8- sweet baby boi, loves his older brother (socrates), idolizes him even, not a good idea though. He writes down everything socrates does, sometimes he imitates his brother as well.
17- dumb of ass, also just dumb, held back a grade, feral child, bites alot of people, soft aestechic but hed stab as a warning
30- also dumb of ass, loves cars in that ‘mah babeh’ kinda way. Hates motorcycles, he thinks they’re ugly. Chaotic but he utilizes it to be the weird and cool uncle/cousin thing
46- too tired for this shit, is a dad, went out to get milk, jk jk, dissapeared for a hot few years, probably got captured by some gang dunno, it happens. Very serious, would make the dumbest jokes with his brothers with a straight face
50- lowkey the neglected middle child, soft goth lookin ass, loves his kid, tries his best to raise his kid, sometimes gets help from esme
57- proud stay at home dad, buff but does the typically wifely duties, makes sure his children get enough love, nutrience and care
54- very active, the money maker, kinda soft, both her and her husband poseidon are so just in love with their kids, dote on them constantly, very extroverted, always makes time for her kids
51- tired of zeus’ shit, does her best to make sure no one dies, still treats mythos as her ‘little baby boy, tired mom vibes.
!the Eden gang!
Eden is a fictional country that i slapped onto the globe. It is where aether is from, technically aether is apart of the eden gang as well. Everyone here, if they have an age option, the first age option is the age they are when aether is 13, and the second will be when aether is 16 unless stated otherwise
General kyelli
49- fatherly, thinks of most of the gang as his children, calls everyone ‘son’, as a general rule. If you ask for another nickname, he will do his best. Has a bad knee, and is kinda of bad at existing physically
52+- fatherly still, loves almonds, always has a bag of almonds, dont test him. Enjoys travel, might adopt people he meets along the way, still has pains but now he sees doctors, wants to stay active
13- sweet, optimistic, always looks on the brightside and tries to see the good in others. Little heater, understands that sometimes fighting is the only option
16- lively, very loose and relax, can get serious when needed though, always making jokes and trying to lighten up the mood
19- a bit more, mellow. Still quite lively and childish, but with two signifigant-others you have to settle down sometimes
16- lively, more stern than akrano and kinda worried, but ultimatly also very loose and bright
16- serious, seemingly colder towards everyone, gets along great with psycho-lops, makes him new eye-patches to pass time, actually just very monotone and blank most of the time, although she does care
19- she doesnt change much, she got a bit more expressive, likes babysitting howl
16 1/2- always looks determined, actually kinda scared of conflict, likes to help out with healing though, very proficient in it as well, sounds intimidating while talking about how cute puppies and kittens are
19/20- still the same, is considering studying medicine and medical practices to become a doctor.
17- bright, incredibly lively, loves to joke around and tease and sometimes bully the others, targets aether primarily, hangs out with his brother most of the time, he can fight for himself but he likes the backup, especcially since he is kinda glass-jawed, being that hes a twig
17- quiet, intense eyes, always sounds vaugly confused when he speaks, deep voice lol, likes to train, doesnt understand barks need to tease others, likes to read to the children
20- quiet, intense eyes still, more so nervous sounding, slightly paranoid, cluastrophobic and cant stand dusty places, usually in his house or at the docks, doesnt really go anywhere else
17- loud, headstrong, adamant about her opinions, gets along well with bark, she tries alot to be intimidating, not a twig, but not very big, pretty friendly and sociable
!the band of pirates!
A few hundreds of years- kinda bored seeming, loves blood, technically cannibal, but not really since he isnt human, to an extent. Despite being fine on the ocean, he gets very car sick very easily. Actually quite nice, very easily triggerd into violence, especcially by something that could be used as a good murder weapon, blood makes him jittery and more lively
21- calm, too calm, deals with akleas bullshit wonerfully, he just stands there, blank smile on his face as aklea beats the shit outta someone, unintrested in most anything, likes to draw, but hes a much better pastry chef.
!the shakespears!
Midem(pink boi)
33- lively, loves to work with kids, very creative, likes to make things, mainly art, mainly carvings. Often make little minitures of scenes from midens writing, loves his twin, does anything it takes to fund midens intrests. Very loving to those hes close to
33- calmer by alot lmao, pretty introverted but he can hold a long conversation without becoming too drained, enjoys writing and making stories, also makes plays for fun, runs off little sleep cuase he stays up so late to write, and gets up early to write.
9 billion- confused boomer, loves his ‘children’, hates to be hated, always tries to help in anyway he can, despite making them, always curious into what mortals are doing, loves the universe he created and does anything he can to protect it
7 million- sore loser, does get a little salty, ultimatly bounces back and becomes a very good sport, always will adopt tactics, whatever it takes to win within the rules, keeps most all of his trophies from random feats hes done
5 billion - calm, straightforward, tends to disregard others and do things himself, likes to sit on cliffs and watch the ocean
Hes been around since 776 bc- very loud, lively, bright, tries his best to educate people on proper form, workout regime i intesne, doesnt allow others to take it, makes custom workout regimes for free, owns a gym, dude bro but hes nice, baby
Her age technicaly is not accurate, shes like, 2 billion? Since dima was made right after her death. But since her history still lives, ima count it
5 billion but older than ventus- bitter, violent, former god of justice, fucking dead haha, hates mortals, primarily humans
Also not super accurate, hed only be a few centuries of being an active god before being sealed, but since hes technically, concious and has cognitive function hes counted
3 billion- mean lol, likes blood and gets even more violent when it starts getting messy, ‘new’ god of justice, uh, pretty bad at it like the last one, but worse, will kill over slight misdeameanors, everythings a crime smh
24- softspoken, from imperial russia, died young, he no longer feels his face is his own, has a mask that he likes better, has the sickness, but since he was human it killed him, can control it post mortem, is strong enough to be seen, but weak enough he can go invisible and go through solid objects.
More ocs will be added when i remember them, or create new ones, characters i dont really have built at all are not included
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angrylizardjacket · 6 years
my baby’s a public menace {Ben Hardy/Reader/Roger Taylor}
Four Iconic Moments The Press Had A Fucking Field Day With
A/N: 2670 words. So this time we’ve got Modern Times with 70s!Roger pulled forwards in time. Don’t think too hard about how it works it just does.
1. It Becomes Official
The moment they call Ben’s name at the BAFTAs, to receive the award for Lead Actor in a Television Series, you feel like the whole world is coming to a stand still, and Ben’s rising, disbelief written all over his face. 
“That’s me.” He says, quietly, as the applause has already begun, and then Roger’s on his feet, beaming, and he wraps his arms around Ben, pashing him directly in front of the camera that was catching every moment, and Ben kisses him back easily, before turning to you, eyes bright, and he pulls you to your feet, giving you a kiss as well.
“Congratulations, babe.” You murmur, and he’s so fucking ecstatic when he pulls back, and heads into the aisle, heading towards the stage. You slide into his seat with ease, lacing your fingers with Roger’s where he’s bouncing with energy and beaming with pride. 
“He fuckin’ won.” Roger laughs with a little disbelief, and you turn to each other, both absolutely radiating with pride and adoration.
“Our boy did it.” You giggle, and Roger’s gaze dips to your lips for a moment before he looks back up, a new spark in his eyes that you knew all too well.
“I can’t wait ‘til we all get home.” He dropped his voice low, and you could feel yourself growing a little flustered at the suggestion.
“Keep it in your pants, dear,” you nudged him, and he barked out a laugh, giving you a wink before he turned to where Ben was finally walking across the stage. You, however, felt your heart stop in your chest, “he kissed us on camera.”
“Well, I kissed him,” Roger mused, his thumb rubbing against the side of your hand, “couldn’t help myself.” He admitted, still beaming as Ben was handed his award, expression bright and a little disbelieving as he leaned into the microphone.
“I think I just won a BAFTA and outed myself in the same minute, so that’s going to be hard to beat next year.” Is the opening line of his speech, and the audience titters with polite laughter, while you and Roger are hiding your snorts. “I actually had to email the organisational committee to ask them to let me bring more than one plus one, I’m glad to see that it wasn’t in vain.” He laughs; he goes on to thank the crew of the show he worked on, the other cast members, his family, and he looks for you and Roger in the audience, pointing the award at you. “And for Rog and Y/N, of course; the weirdest and best thing to happen to me in a long time.”
“Do you think he knows how much we wanna suck his dick?” You lean over to Roger, whispering under your breath, amused smile on your lips at you look up at your boyfriend grinning on stage.
“Of course he does, look at that smile.” Roger responds with a low chuckle as Ben leaves stage, heading back towards you. When he gets back to his seat, you move back to your own seat, resting your head on his shoulder when he sits down.
“We’re so proud of you, baby.” You tell him softly as they’re beginning the next segment on stage, and Ben reaches out with his free hand to rest it on your thigh, giving you a squeeze.
“I know, love.”
2. Roger Throws Half A Chicken At A Paparazzi
“Do you think we should go inside?” You ask, voice low as you catch sight of a man in a baseball cap and dark glasses covertly trying to take photos of you three. It was a nice evening, you, Roger, and Ben had been enjoying a meal outside at an upscale restaurant, the three of you draped on a two person outdoor lounge, your entrees having just been cleared up. Both you and Ben are on your phones, and Roger’s between the two of you, nose buried in the paper.
“Why?” Ben asks, not looking up from his phone, and you shift a little uncomfortably, giving the man trying to look like he’s not taking photos.
“Hey, dude, can you just leave us alone? We just wanna get dinner.” You call to the man, and he stands, a little flustered.
“So it’s true, you’re really dating both of them?” He calls back, stashing his phone in his pocket, pulling out a little recording device; the asshole came prepared.
“No, we’re just really good friends who make out at the BAFTAs.” Roger rolls his eyes, folding up the paper, and throwing the paper onto the table in front of him.
“No need to get snarky, mate, I just think it’s weird that somebody like her would get on so well with-” He’s cut off just as a kind and beleagured waitress puts down what looks like half a roast chicken surrounded by salad onto the table.
“Fuck off, alright?” Ben snaps at the man, clearly irritated, sitting up straighter, giving the waitress an apologetic smile as she leaves in a hurry.
“The hell do you mean ‘someone like her’?!” Roger growls, and you actually have to put a hand on his chest where he’s leaning forward, as if getting ready to throw himself at the reporter.
“I- do you wanna address the rumours then, Y/N about-” The man starts, but Roger cuts him off with a snarl.
“If this bastard brings up those fuckin’ gold digger accusations, I’m gonna start throwing things.” He warns, and not a moment later, the man brings up the very words Roger had told him not to. You’re just heaving a heavy sigh, used to being hounded by the gossip magazines, though you try not to pay them any mind.
“I could shout how much I love you from the rooftops and these assholes would still think this is some sort of weird, sugar daddy situation.” Ben turns to you, his voice low as he gives you a long suffering smile. You lean in across the empty space that Roger had just vacated to give him a kiss, before turning to where Roger was wielding his roast chicken like a grenade, lobbing it at the reporter, yelling about how he’s ‘sick and tired of hearing people talk shit about his girlfriend; she’s got more kindness and talent in one tit than the paparazzi has in his whole body’. 
“We should probably get him before he does any real damage.” Ben muses, to which you agree. The two of you move to collect your rogue boyfriend as he continues to yell and squirm.
“Baby, baby please calm down; you’ve made a scene, you’ve thrown a chicken, you’ve mentioned my tits, we can have dinner at home.” You try to placate him, your arm tucked in his as Ben’s got an arm around his shoulders, the two of you guiding him from the restaurant.
“Just makes me so bloody mad.” Roger growls his hands on your hips where you’ve got your arms around his waist as Ben pays for your half finished meals. “It’s twenty eighteen, you’d think dickheads would learn to grow up.” He huffed.
“I know, baby.” You muse, bringing him in for a kiss to distract him, hoping to let his anger simmer down a little as you two stand in the parking lot. 
“I just love you is all, people like that make me so pissed-” He whispers, more to himself than anything, but then you’re kissing him again, humming affirmations, your hands in his hair.
“I love you too, I love you too.” You murmur against his lips.
Later that night you’ll see Ben’s instagram story from just before he joins the two of you again. You and Roger, arms around each other, lit by a single streetlight, you’re leaning in to him, lips inches from his, and he’s smiling gently back at you; the whole image is surprisingly intimate, especially for Roger. It’s captioned ‘I’m allowed to take candids ‘cos they love me’.
3. Someone Gives Ben Tequila
Ben’s not usually the type to get drunk and reckless. Or well, he’s the type to get drunk on occasion, but not reckless, not like Roger, who can be incredibly reckless even while sober, nor like you, since you could go either way. Ben was meant to be the grounded one. Except sometimes he has tequila. It’s an afterparty for a movie he’d gotten a supporting role in, it’d been fun, but he was looking forward to being able to spend time with you and Roger again. Speaking of the two of you, you’d disappeared almost half an hour ago, Roger had gone to the bathroom and you’d gone to get more drinks.
When he finds you, you’re trapped in an uncomfortable conversation with one of the editors assistants’, a weedy kid who couldn’t seem to figure out that you didn’t want to talk to him.
“Hi, baby!” You call out to Ben the moment you think he’ll be able to hear you over the music, and he makes a beeline for you, his heart singing when he sees your face light up.
“Hello, love, I was wondering where you’d gotten to.” He says, barely acknowledging the guy you’d been talking to, who’s own expression fell as Ben pressed a kiss to your lips. The two of you head off in search of Roger, who you find by the bathroom, talking with someone who’s clearly quite enamoured with him. From his easy stance and casual smile, you could tell he was at least enjoying the woman’s company. Neither you nor Ben were usually the jealous type, but after a few drinks, you couldn’t be blamed for just wanting to stake your claim.
“Hey, babe, who’s this?” Ben asks, slipping an arm around Roger’s shoulders as you stepped around to loop your arm through his on his other side. Roger, with a sly, knowing smile, looks between the two of you, before smiling brightly at the woman who’d been talking to him.
“Like I was saying, this is my boyfriend and girlfriend; you’ll have to excuse them, they get jealous easily.” He smirked, and the woman looked a little shocked, a little flustered, as she stuttered her way through an apology. “It’s no worry, I’m sure they can entertain themselves for a while,” and with that, he winked at you. Taking the hint, you moved, taking Ben’s hand and leading him away.
“He’s just being a social butterfly, you know how he is.” You mused gently, the two of you flopping onto a sofa. Ben hums thoughtfully, sitting beside you, your hand in his. He presses a kiss to your shoulder, trailing kisses up your neck to your jaw.
“‘m not jealous.” He said, lips at the corner of yours, pressing another kiss there before he brings his hand up to cup your cheek, moving so you’re smiling over your shoulder at him, “it’s just nice to say you guys are mine.” And his voice is low, almost a growl, and you feel a shiver run down your spine.
“I like the sound of that.” You tell him, kissing him hard, letting his hands wander and pull you close to him.
“Mine?” He asks, and his hand is on your thigh, moving your legs so you’re sitting over him rather than next to him.
“Yours.” You agree, kissing him again, messy and passionate, you can taste the alcohol on his lips and his tongue but you don’t care when he’s leaning you back to lie on the sofa. “And Roger’s.” You add quietly, and there’s a gleam in Ben’s eyes where he’s looking down at you, his arm around you, one hand on your waist.
“You’re ours, love, there’s no doubt about it.” He assures, and he leans in to kiss you again. 
“I can’t take you two anywhere!” Roger’s grinning when he finds the two of you, and Ben presses his laughter into your collar as you look up at Roger and make an insistent, grabby hand for him. “If you insist.” He chuckles, sinking to his knees to join you at your level, kissing you where you’re splayed out on the sofa, with Ben all but on top of you. “You know there’s a perfectly good bathroom not too far from here.” 
Not ten minutes later, one of the other cast members sends to the cast group chat, in all capitals ‘BEN’S BANGING IN THE BATHROOM’ which was met with either ‘at least they’ve freed up the sofa’ or ‘lmao called it’. You’re not surprised, nor are you ashamed, when some gossip rag has your face on it (or more accurately, Ben’s face) the next morning, and a riveting account of what happened with no actual details, and a photo someone took on their phone of you and Ben on the sofa. It wasn’t the first time, it probably wouldn’t be the last.
4. Roger Gets Instagram
Roger takes surprisingly well to instagram, which is both hilarious and terrifying. He posts a lot of selfies; he takes to being an instagram fuckboi like a duck takes to water. At first it’s mostly blurry shots, of sunlight, sometimes it’s you and Ben out of focus, laughing, or he gets one of you two to take a photo of him, shirtless. 
When he gets a waterproof phone, the first thing he does is take a photo of you and he kissing underwater at the beach, and then three separate, all individually hilarious videos of Ben trying and failing to do a majestic hair flip coming out of the water; in the last one, both boys get hit by a huge wave, and the video ends with you laughing, fishing the phone out of the surf.
The three of you go on holidays to somewhere sunny, and at the end of the week, he posts the highlights; you lying on your stomach beneath a palm tree on the beach, topless; a selfie of the three of you smiling at the camera against a backdrop of a starlit sky, golden in the light of a bonfire; Ben in a coconut bra, a little blurry with the movement of laughter, grinning at you just out of shot; you, in bed, making a truly terrible face where he’s just woken you up and the sun’s in your eyes. His favourite, however, is the one from him at the end of the holiday, shirtless and tanned, shot from the waist up, biting his lip as he’s turned to look off to the left, showing off how he’s covered in hickies.
The shots that get the most media attention are his more risque ones, like the shot on his story that you’d taken where you could see the bottom half of his face all the way down to his hips, with a sheet covering his modesty, but a lipstick kiss mark along his V-line and his tongue out. (There’s a followup photo on your instagram story, of your lipstick smeared, grin wide, and your hair messy, with the caption, ‘sometimes you just gotta be a messy bitch’, and people put two and two together, and conservatives lost it.) 
The most infamous actual post of his is the shot of you and Ben together in bed, he’s leaning against the headboard, still mostly laying down, and you’re draped over him, chin resting on his chest where the two of you are grinning about something. The sheet covers most of your ass, and comes up to Ben’s hips, and you’re giving the camera some pretty glorious side boob, and the photo’s framed to show room for one more person beside you in the bed, a sliver of sunlight shining through the curtains, across Ben’s chest and your back, and it’s just captioned ‘what a sight’. He’d asked you both before posting it, and you’d both agreed; it didn’t violate any guidelines, but social media still had a field day with the sweet, clearly post-coital photo.
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 7 years
Him & I [Steve Harrington x Reader] pt 1
Plot: You’re Carol’s best friend, but naturally you’re close with Steve seeing as neither of you are really bad people like Tommy and Carol are. Things never got romantic between you and Steve purely because you were afraid to tell him how you feel, and you didn’t really tell anyone because even your best friend is a bit of a bitch. However when Steve starts dating Nancy and literally drops you and the others you cant really help but feel abandoned once you realised you weren’t putting up with Tommy and Steve because of Carol you were actually putting up with Tommy and Carol because of Steve. Set after season one. 
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: Swearing 
Him and I 
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Part One
“Anyway told him if he carries on flirting with her like I don’t exist I’m going to flirt with Billy, because you know he’s actually hot.” You heard Carol drone as you were sat on the bleachers watching the practise.You weren’t particularly listening to her as your eyes followed Steve on the floor, but your attention was drawn away by Tina joining you both. 
“So girls, Halloween party at mine this year. You coming?” She asked with a grin which you couldn’t help but return, Tina was a whole lot nicer than Carol and you nodded. 
“We’ll be there. Tommy and I are going as Danny and Sandy from Grease, I’m seriously so excited.” Carol gushed before her and Tina had their own conversation without you, and you didn’t complain as you pulled out your chem book. 
“Seriously Y/N do you have to act like such a nerd the boys are playing shirts and skins!” Carol barked catching pretty much everyone’s attention, including Steve Harrington who looked over at you with a weird look on his face, it was almost as if he wanted you to bite back. It did him good but he has Nancy, and believe it or not Jonathan. You wouldn’t have anyone. 
“I was just taking it out to grab one of my scrunchies!” You excused pulling out the band from the bottom of your bag to tie up your loose dark curls that actually looked nice down today, shoving the book into your bag you sat and mindlessly watched the game. At the end of it you were stood at the lockers finally free to go home and get away from your so called friends who were gossiping and waiting for Tommy and Billy, who you despised. 
“Hey guys I’m heading off my mom wants me baby sitting Charlie tonight, so see you on Monday?” You questioned hoping they would just let you go. 
“You’re always babysitting Y/N, like you’re hardly ever partying with us any more and you know Tommy is having a gathering tonight.” Carol moaned as the boys exited the showers, followed by Steve. 
“I’m sorry but you know my mom.” You tried to make another excuse but Carol scoffed. 
“Yeah and she was cool once. Fine just go Y/N but you know Billy was really excited for you to come.” She teased as she rolled her eyes, was that really suppose to make you want to come?
“Sorry. Guess Billy can take his pick out of all the other girls going.” You snapped just really wanting to get out of the situation, and Steve who was trying really hard to act like he wasn’t listening. 
“Fine just call me tomorrow.” Carol spat and believe it or not that meant we wasn’t arguing over this. When you finally got outside and both Billy’s and Tommy’s car drove out the  parking lot you sighed in relief. 
“Thank God.” You said out loud sighing with relief. 
“What was all that about? You’re not dating Billy right?” You heard Steve ask from behind you making you jumped slightly as he mumbled an apology. 
“Billy? God no, he’s uh, well gross. I just don’t feel like a party tonight.” You weakly tried to convince him you were still the fun girl he knew a year ago but he just gave you a look. 
“You know who you’re talking to right? You don’t belong with them Y/N just drop them.” He urged as he looked at you with a needy look, as if it was the best thing he ever did. 
“Steve it’s not that easy for me okay? You left for Nancy, if I leave I’m on my own okay? I’d rather not spend my senior year as their enemy and alone. So you just drop it? If your life is so great without all of us why are you even talking to me?” You snapped once again losing your patience.
“I didn’t mean to drop you too okay? It’s just how it worked out you know? With you comes Carol-” You cut him off by opening your car door. 
“Right because I’m not my own person? I carry Carol around with me everywhere I go? Please Steve, I don’t know if you noticed but I don’t even go to parties anymore! Or the drive in, or, or pretty much anything!  I’m trying to be a better person just like you but you were the one I was planning on doing it with! Remember we made a whole lot of plans to ditch them together but you decided to do it without me so you’re not use trying to tell me to do it now.” You yelled angry that he’s trying to convince you to do what he did, when you were supposed to do it together as friends because you both knew first hand how cruel they were, especially now with Billy in the mix. 
“Y/N I didn’t mean for it to happen like that okay? It just happened. I can’t even go into it right now. But you need to try and be a better person, you are a good person, hell you were even on my case to quit it before I knew I wanted to. Look you’ll have me just- just think about it okay?” He begged before you slammed your car door shut and drove home. 
Fucking Steve Harrington can’t waltz into your life since leaving you with those two idiots and then tell you he’s going to be there for you, like come on you weren’t an idiot. The only reason he was okay after all this was because he was so wrapped up in Nancy Wheeler. 
You weren’t jealous of her at all, you actually liked the girl really. But you were jealous of the fact that she has Steve and after every thing the two of you went to you’d of thought maybe in the end it would have been you and Steve. 
Guess Nancy Wheeler was a good girl, the type he wanted in his life which was refreshing. Not someone who just like him was hiding behind a bad girl facade to avoid the risk of getting hurt. Now you were still hiding and a little bit brokenhearted too. 
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fatesinthenight · 7 years
Their Heroes and Hearts (part 9)
Sam begins to spin on a circle and creates a mirror like image and Tyler comes into view. "I see our delivery made it on time." Tyler smiles.
"You sent them to us?" Amy pets Chica's head lovingly. "I thought they needed time to heal."
"Apparently they don't. They felt better the next day and they wanted to go to you so we let them go. Also we figured they will be helpful. Since Sam is Sean's familiar he can easily locate him. It will help you in the long run so you wont have to think back from what you saw in my head, you could wear yourself out." Tyler explains.
"You have a point. The more I do it to be honest I get small headaches." Amy admits.
"Are you guys ok?" Ethan comes in beside Tyler looking worried.
"We are fine Ethan." Marzia smiles. "More importantly how are you feeling?"
"Still need to take it easy but other than that I am good." Ethan grins. "Kathryn scolds me if I get out of bed or try to do anything I shouldn't be doing."
"Because I am dealing with a group of very stubborn men!!" Kathryn yells.
"Suzy came over to help out too. She is nicer." Tyler whispers the last part.
A shoes flies in and smacks Tyler on the head. As he rubs the spot Ethan falls over laughing and winces in pain but still can't help it. Then another shoe flies in and hits Ethan who is on the floor. The girls laugh as Kathryn walks in and takes back her shoes give the girls a thumbs up and walks off.
"Your the healer! Aren't you supposed to heal us not hurt us!" Tyler yells at Kathryn. He gets a pillow to the face. "That doesn't make it better..."
"Nice arm Kathryn." Signe saids. "You guys better be nice to her she is trying to get to all of you."
"We are." Ethan gets back up. "I hope you guys are staying safe. We miss you."
"We do too Ethan." Amy saids.
"Ok well we will keep checking up on you once in a while ok. Be safe." Tyler saids softly.
The image of him and Ethan goes away. The girls continue walking off as Sam points in the right direction. They start to head up to some mountains and walk uphill. As they make it up they come across some rocks and have to start climbing up them. They help each other up and are careful not to slip. The higher they go the more they rather not look down. Amy looks out however and likes the view they have. She can see the valley they went through and the tall grass they walked through. She looks up to see the sun close to setting. For a moment she can feel Mark holding her from behind watching the sun set with her like he would. It makes her feel sad knowing he is really not there with her. Chica comes beside Amy and whimpers rubbing against her, Amy laughs softly and pets Chica's head.
"Thanks bub." Amy sniggles into Chica.
The girls stop at the top of the mountain. By the time they got there the sun had set and the moon was out, it shines on them brightly. Marzia began to think of Rosanna's in and true to her word they saw it appear just a few steps from them. As they walk in Rosanna is there at the front with her big sweet smile. She giggles at Chica pokes her head in not being able to fit in the door. Then some sparkles come in and swirl around Chica, suddenly as the sparkles go away Chica is the size of a normal dog. Chica barks happily and runs inside and goes to Rosanna how kneels down and pets her.
"Awwww hello there Chica. Its nice to see you again." She stands back up to look at the girls. "I have a trick where I can shrink something if I want to. I did it last time for Mark so Chica can come in."
"It's so weird seeing her this small. last time she was this size was when she was a puppy." Amy watches Chica run around with Edgar and Maya playfully. The dogs chase Sam who zooms around the sitting area and then hides behind Signe's hair.
They all eat up and head to bed but Amy. She can't sleep, all she can think of is how she got captured by someone. She could have been killed and it made her scared but she knew it was something that was going to happen on this journey. Amy rolls around in bed and gets up trying not to wake Chica who had a bed beside her on the floor. The pup however gets up and follows Amy out the door. Amy sits in the sitting room downstairs and Chica looks up at her head tilt. She sighs and pets Chica.
"How does he do it all the time?" Amy asks herself. 
Rosanna comes up. "I'm sorry to bother you. Are you ok?"
"O umm no its ok." Amy saids. "I just cant sleep..."
Rosanna goes to the counter and takes out a key and hands it to Amy. She takes it an finds it had a pink mustache on the top of it.
"That's Mark's key... You can have it for tonight if you want. Just go to your room and use it on the lock." Rosanna's wings flutter. "Marzia has Felix's key and used it last night because she couldn't sleep like you. I hope it helps." Rosanna walks away.
"Umm Rosanna." Amy calls out. "Thank you." Rosanna smiles and goes to her room.
Amy walks up stairs. She stands infront of her door and looks at the key in her hand. She takes a deep breathe and puts the key in the lock and turns it. The name on the door changes to Mark and Amy slowly opens the door. Chica walks in and Amy finds a dog bed for her beside Mark's. His room has a window on the ceiling wo when you lay in bed you can look up at the stars. He has a desk with papers on it and an ink bottle, which must be where he would write his letters. She finds something above the desk and as she gets closer she finds it is a small painting of her and him together. She smiles at it seeing the image of him giving her a kiss on the cheek and Amy is blushing but smiling. Amy lifts the covers from the bed and snuggles into them. Cuddling into the pillow she can already feel like he was here.
As she pulls the covers over her more she remembers when she first saw him. She was new in town and walked around the shops. She heard girls squealing like crazy and running to a part of town. She walked over curious and asked what the big deal was.
"Have you been living under a rock!! It's Sir Markiplier!!" One girl giggles.
Amy looks and sees a man's back, his red cape is covering most of his back. He seems to be talking to some girls who are clearly fawning over him and laughing. The girls are giggling and tell him how great and cool he is, he nods and saids he knows he is amazing. Amy rolls her eyes and sighs.
"What an egotistic guy." She saids.
"Excuse me!" One girl looks at her. "Sir Markiplier is only the most handsome knight around. He is so dreamy."
"He is so strong and brave. He can do anything." Another girl comments.
"He looks like just any other guy." Amy turns to leave but gets stopped.
"Hey how dare you not like him!" A girl glares at Amy.
"Do I have to?" Amy asks.
"You think your so cool but your not. Anyone can see you are new here and you need to learn your place." A girl gives Amy a shove but Amy still stands up.
"Is something going on here?" A guys voice comes in.
Amy doesn't look up at the voice and turns to leave. She gets past two shops before someone puts a hand on her shoulder.
"Wait. Are you alright. I know some of the girls can get intense. Sorry about that." He saids.
"I'm fine Sir Most Handsome Knight." Amy saids sarcastically.
"Well not mean to brag but yea I am." He sounds a bit cocky.
"Well thank you so much for the help but your public awaits you." Amy shrugs off his hand and takes her leave but then hears footsteps following her. She turn around. "Look you don't need to-"
She stops when she sees him. He has really nice brown eyes, and she finds herself looking into them. He has his hair parted to the side and has quite the floof going on. His beard is thick and his mustache is too. He is in armor that is different shades of red and a sword at his hip. He looks at Amy softly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound so cocky. I'm not really like that honestly."
"Umm well that's nice to know." Amy feels a blush but shakes it off. "Well I should be going." She starts to walk off but Mark calls out to her to wait.
"I couldn't help but hear your new here. If you want I can show you around." The knight offers.
Amy goes into his mind. She wants to know his deal. When she looks thought all she can see is that he really means it. "Why?"
"Well as a any good knight I think it is good to show a new person around. What do you say?" He smiles. Amy can't help but think it looks kind of cute.
She hesitates. "I already have a friend here to show me." She has Kathryn waiting for her at her new home.
"Well are you busy tomorrow?" He asks.
Kathryn is busy tomorrow getting ready to get herself situated with being a healer. Still Amy hesitates. "I don't know wont those girls be very upset." She can already feel glares.
"Don't worry about that. Besides I really want to take you around." He looks at Amy carefully.
"Why me?" Amy asks.
The knight chuckles. "Your different. I can tell. I like it."
Amy feels her cheeks go pink. She looks away and walks past him and then turns back. "Meet me at the town entrance tomorrow in the morning." Amy takes a step then the knight call to her.
"Can I at least know your name?" He asks.
"I'm Amy. Amy Nelson a telepath. It was nice to meet you Sir Markiplier." Amy gives a small smile.
The knight comes up to Amy. He is so close Amy can feel herself getting nervous. The Knight smiles big. "Call me Mark."
Amy feels a tear come out. She cries to herself remembering Mark tell her that when he first saw her his heart was beating fast. She laughed at him and he said it was true that's why he had to talk to her. Amy cries and snuggles into Mark's bed. "Please be ok... you big goof."
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cinderflamewc · 7 years
a list of scary things that have happened to me
bc I lead a spooky life I guess ??? so starting from the beginning (several years ago), smth always felt off inside of my childhood home. probably these can be explained away but they're still fuckin spooky so idk (these are in a sort of chronological order ?? they start at like age 9 and go to now) 1. downstairs, there was a laundry room at the end of a long hallway. one morning before school, I was alone makin my lunch bc I'm a piece of shit. I remember hearing banging on the door coming from inside of the laundry room
2. I was horrified of the bottom of the stairs. it became a routine to close my eyes when I walked past it in the hallway after I saw a shadow person thing standing at the bottom
3. speaking of shadows, I was showering once and what looked to be the same thing ran across the bathroom. (we had these translucent magnetic doors instead of a shower curtain so I could see out)
4. when my eldest brother came home to visit, I would always remember hearing smth crawling up the stairs at night. it was only when he was home tho. (I always pinned it on our animals, but they were put up at the times it happened)
5. I once shut the hallway bathroom door and saw someone (or thing), hunched over in the corner.
6. doors would open and close at random, along w drawers
7. nightmares were a constant. they would usually consist of my family or me dying/eyeballs appearing (the eyeball thing is important remember that)
8. the dogs would bark at nothing all of the time, and the cats would often freeze, bop their heads wildly, and meow into the air.
9. my mom had an experience where she heard what sounded like my voice under her bed calling her name. the night after, it was my older brother. the next night, she woke up to shadowy people surrounding her bed and yelling at her. still cant explain that one. after that happened, my room became a hot spot for stuff lol
10. my drawers would open by themselves all of the time. like I'd walk out for two seconds and come back to every single drawer being wide open.
11. I burnt candles a lot, and they would often be blown out by themselves and things would happen a lot more often when they were burning
12. my shit would go flying off of my desk/dressers. one particular instance ended in me returning to my room after a heavy box flew away to find all of my lights on and fan on full blast
13. my stuff would go missing frequently and I would find them in the most random ass places
14. I often would know when I needed to get out of the room. it would feel so Wrong and I would have to sleep in a different room usually
15. I woke up at 3:01 am every night after a nightmare w/o end
16. the instance I remember most was in winter a few years ago. my door didn't shut bc of houses or smth, so I pressed a chair up against it in order to keep it closed. one night, both the door and the chair peeled back, and no one was in the hallway I'm p sure that's it for my room, but that's not the end. shit got hella wack when we moved out recently
17. when we started packing boxes and actually getting shit done, I couldn't walk into my room w/o feeling like I needed to get the hell out of there
18. doors would open at random and would slam shut so hard that the whole house shook. lights would go on and off for hours until they finally stopped
19. walking in, you would just feel so creeped out. even my family admitted they hated going in there
20. I had to go in alone once bc I had left my earbuds in a room and when I walked in, all of the doors in the hall were shut. when I walked out, all of them were wide open
21. I was cleaning off a nightstand in my room to pack and i heard rustling coming from the hall bathroom. I just assumed it was a family member and kept goin. a few minutes later, I heard hard labored breathing coming from the bathroom. like REALLY INTENSE BREATHING. I made a joke bc I thought it was my brother after hauling shit, but I turned around and the bathroom was Empty
22. I was chilling at the bottom of the stairs in front of the door and it slowly opened and shut. almost as if someone was peering in and going back out.
23. my mom told me when I came back from running out that she heard the doors slamming really hard when she was the only one there
24. my nightmares had gotten way worse towards the end of the time there. they were too real and graphic to be regular for me all of my family had weird experiences there, but there was one common factor.
25. I decided to ask all of my siblings who had lived there and my parents if they had dreams about eyeballs in the walls. it was common for me and I thought I was going crazy. All of them has had dreams about the eyeballs in the walls. ALL OF THEM A L L
26. a particularly intense dream I had about them was when I peered into the hall closet, saw an eyeball inside, stepped out and hundreds of them started appearing. I walked around the empty house in my dream and when I went into my room, everything turned red and I woke up but recently, things have been stirring up again in my new place. not many, but enough to remind me of these 27. when moving in, I constantly felt like something was watching me from the end of the hallway
28. I was talking to someone and it was just a regular convo about our days. I turned around to do smth, and when I turned back, they were gone. I thought it was weird but forgot about it. a while later, they came in to where I was. I asked them why they walked out on me and I shit you not they look at me and say: "I've been in the bedroom the whole time, I don't remember talking to you." also, while I was writing this, I had my flashlight turned on my phone bc its dark in my room and something blocked it for a second then moved away. all of the animals are put up. I now have a lamp on
I'll update if I remember any others bc I personally love spooky stories so I hope this is entertaining maybe ??? so idk I thought I'd share TL;DR: I'm haunted I guess
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tmntl0verthings · 7 years
Textual Contact
Ch.8 x  Eh
L: hey
3 min later
Y: hey whats up
L: nm. Just working out. Getting buff. The usual.
Y: lol are u making up for something too 😏😏
L: shaddup😒
Y: lol so whats ur plans for today?
L: relaxation. Specially since its Sunday funday.
Y: F is for uuu and meeee. U is for....idk. N id for anywhere and anytime down here in the dee blue seaaa
L: lol wow. Spongebob fan much?
Y: lol nah but i am upset they discontinued it
L: really? I thought that was a false rumour!
Y: nah bruh
L: huh mikey isnt going to like that.
Y: lol so what Are you doing?
L: chillin.
Y: chillin like a Mofo. I see.. hey so for christmas. I wanna give u and ur family gifts. But what are ur suggestions?
L: okay first suggestion.. don't get gifts for us.
Y: what u dont celebrate Christmas either?
L: either?
Y: halloween. Remember? Duuhhhh
L: oh~ yes. That. 😒
Y: leonardo. Whats really going on. Please open up to me. I feel so left out. Like third wheel on a date.
L: i wanna tell you. But i cant. My dad strictly forbids it.
Y: why though? What religion is he anyway.
L: we..dont have a religion. More of a martial code.
Y: ... Idk what else to do. I feel like this is gonna be one of those relationships online with a friend and then one day...there not there anymore cause they choose not to be. Is this whats gonna happen to us?? 🙁😢
L: no of course not. I really want to meet you in real life. I just...cant.. im sorry.
Y: what about April. Has she met u?
L: no..
Y: its just weird. I feel like i miss you.  But i havent even met u. Idk..its weird.
Y: maybe its a girl thing. We are such emotional teddy bears.
L: hah XD I wouldn't know.
L: hey i gotta go. Training. Ttyl
Y: by boo
L: boo?
Y: u dont like?  I could call u leo beo again XD
L: lol boo is fine.
  You went for a walk to clear ur head. Ur period did just start yesterday. Stupid thing. Sometimes u wished mother nature would call u and say 'your good, girl. No pregnancy here.' you exhailed as your breath froze in the nightly air. You then saw these men running. I believe they call it parkour. It was so fascinating. You saw them jump down into an alley. "why an alley of all places?" U thought. But they might have a backdoor to their home in an alley. You walked along your way, but just being curious you went down the way the men did. You felt a cramp kick you in the side and middle. You flinched cradled your intestinal area. You then felt relief and continued your way. You saw they were gone. You huffed and realize you have been seeing things come and then disappear. Is this coincidence? Like for real?? You were getting a bit agitated though also..ur period could be mistaking confusion with annoyance. Or maybe u r annoyed. You leaned your back against the wall as you slid to the ground. No one was around. Surprisingly. Everyone is usually hustling and bustling. You were feeling tired as you then stood back up to go home. You got a text.
L: hey
Y: hey what's up
L: finished training.
Y: well thats good
L: i suppose. Wbu.
Y: walking home. Im tired..
L: its 11:45 pm. Why r u out??
Y: felt like it
L: its dangerous
Y: mehhh. I told u i was on my wanm.mmmmsnssii88993+__?:?!'))
Was going to be ur reply but u never did.
Leo assumed you forgot to text back and got home.
DUN DUN Duuunnnn💙💙💙💙💙
Your face was being covered by a bag of some sorts. A tight one at that. It was hard to breath in. U tried drawing air into ur mouth through the threads of fabric. "You got the wrong girl! Idiots!" You then heard a crash of glass from above. You felt some shards. Their cold tiny pieces instead a pain. You heard men yelling and an older man yell. You were picked up and you felt like this man was climbing something. A rope or a ladder. You were to scared to fight back. You couldn't tell anything apart from good or bad given the situation. And you were deathly afraid of heights.  "Who are you?" You asked but was never given an answer.
The bag was still on your head as you heard men talking. It had to be men. Only one of them sounded like a teenager. "what do we do fearless? We cant exactly show ourselves to her." "And what if she did. No one would believe her!" A gruff voice barked. "Raph! I said no!" 'raph?' you thought. 'no. It couldnt be. Could it?' you pulled your wrists apart to see how tight the rope was. It was pretty tight but tried to squeeze your one hand Through your the tight hole. Your wrist being scratched and dry rubbed by the sharp rope and splinters. Your teeth cringed. "Dudes! Now isnt the time for fighting. We literally just got out of the hashi because you two faught. Please." Mikey pleaded. "mikeys right." Leo admitted. "what do we do now? We cant hit her over the head and drop her off in an alley somewhere." Don said.  "Oooor can wweeeee?" Raph stated. "raph no." You got your hand free and then took off the bag. Your eyes widened to see these...creatures talk amongst themselves to not even notice your looking at them. "imma hit her." Raph pulled out his sai. Mikey jumped onto his back holding on by the neck. "MIKEY GET OFF!!" "NEV'A!" Leo laughed as don was fooling with his watch as it released a hologram and turned around to see you through the hologram. He minimized it "guys. We got a-um problem i guess." They all froze as they looked at you. You sat there staring not sure what to think, do or say.
To be continued...
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tracelii · 7 years
Homebound 2/?
@paperbaghero wants some more then more is the least I could do, holla holla.
 “Are you guys sure about this?” Amy nervously went though every key on the ring, flipping them one at a time, stopping at any of the extra items on the keyring. She wasn’t really looking at them, but it was keeping her busy. She looked around the group, and how unsure they looked, noting how no one answered her right away.
“I mean, no, we’re not sure, but someone has to take the cars or we’re not going to have any transportation tomorrow or even leaving your house.” Tyler pointed out. “So you take one, Kathryn takes one, and because he’s ungodly good at rock-paper-scissors, Bob takes the third car, and we all meet up at the house.”
“Listen, it’s a talent.” Bob wiggled his fingers.
“Lets leave it at luck.” Jack spoke. He was holding for dear life as the leash he had (honestly, it was just a rope tied to one of Chica’s collars that was just connected to another collar so it would fit around Mark’s neck) pulled taught, and Mark buried his head into a bush for a second, then raised his head, and trotted casually back over to the car.
He interrupted the whole conversation by sitting by Amy, looking at her, and clearly speaking “Oh, we going home now?”
“Oh, we’re talking now, are we?” Ethan asked.
“Yea, we are going home, but I’m taking the car.” Amy admitted, but reached over to sort of pat his head. “You’ll be walking with the guys.”
“Walking?” Mark asked incredulously, suddenly sounding a lot like himself. He yawned again, then shook his whole body before sitting again. “That’s gonna take forever! Why are we walking!”
“Because your furried ass is not going to fit in the car” Bob added helpfully.
“My furried-“ Mark noted the leash leading from him to Jack, who only smiled nervously. He also noted his arm, covered in said fur. “… Oh. Shit.” He started to whine now as he turned around in place, spying his tail and furry butt. “Oh man. Oh man oh man- How long have I-“
“You’ve been total wolf for about 2 days.” Kathryn noted. “You haven’t said anything until now.”
“You tried to sit Ethan and Jack to death!” Wade added helpfully.
“Oh yea, I’m ready to never talk about that again.” Jack snorted slightly. “But you cant talk while we’re walking you. You’re supposed to be our fuckin’ gigantic dog. That wears clothes.”
“I bet you’re all having a great har-de-har about this one.” Mark murmured under his breath.
“Oh yea, being trapped in an office with a huge fucking wolf is my idea of a joke.” Ethan said brightly “And putting Amy, the only person furry-you consistently listened to, in a car far away from us and you is even funnier”
Tyler looked around at the group. “We might as well get started if we’re getting to the house at any kind of decent time.” He nodded. “We’ll be fine, especially since Mark is aware of it all now.”
“Alright, lets do this then.” Mark sighed. He closed his eyes as Amy kissed his forehead and gave him a little smile.
“I’ll see you at home, alright?”
It brought a smile to his face, but unfortunately for his current face it was less of a smile and more of a ‘showing of his rows of sharp pointy teeth’ and it showed in everyone’s face exactly what they thought of that (aka fear). He lessoned his ‘smile’, and his tail wagged instead.
“Can you control that?” Wade was peeking behind him. “Like, can you wag it in a pattern? Or resist the urge to wag?”
“I don’t fucking know, Wade.” He stood up, first to his fill 8 or 9-foot height, then sort of… dropped onto his hands and feet. He took a few four-legged steps, then decided, out loud “this is weird.”
“It sure is.” Kathryn nodded at them, then jingled her keys. “See you back at the house”
“See ya. Play nice. Don’t eat anyone.”
“Fuck off, Bob”
“Love you too, Mark.”
Soon, it was only the 4 of them—the 5 of them ‘standing’ there.
“So…” Jack started, looking at Wade- at Tyler, and Ethan. “Better get going. Giddyap.”
“I’m going, I’m going, bow-wow-fucking-wow” Mark turned, stalking off in the presumed direction of his house.
“Listen, be grumpy all you want, just don’t blame us!” Ethan jogged to be up besides Mark. “So…. Whats it like being a furry.”
“Ok, would you like me to say dog or wolf. It’s the same question. Like, sometimes you understand us, and then sometimes its full dog mode. Barking and digging holes and everything.”
“Did I dig a hole??”
Ethan grimaced. “Uh… No?”
“I mean, unless there was always that giant hole right in front of the office building.” Wade noted.  “If so, it’s a design choice I’m not going to openly judge, but I will wonder about it for the rest of my life.”
“Hey Mark, watch your step buddy, you’re gonna take my arm off!” Jack said, picking up his steps to keep up.
“Maybe I should!” The wolf made a chuckling noise, peeking back at the company of three behind him.
“Alright, alright, now he’s just plottin’ against me!” Jack yelped as he nearly tripped on the sidewalk, and had to run a few steps to keep up. “Quit it!” He half whispered, half yelled. “Mark—damn it- Oof-“ Jack had looked behind him where Tyler and Wade could only send him semi-sympathetic looks as the speed-walking put distance between them, but very rudely ran right into the back end of the wolf, bouncing off of him and ending nearly breaking his ass on the concrete. “Oh man what the fuck-“ He rubbed his back, and looked ahead at Mark now standing before him, his ears up, his stance on alert.
“Mark do you hear something?” Ethan curiously looked around before staring at the Werewolf, who’s eyes were darting back and forward with purpose. The blue-haired boy stumbled back as Mark gave one booming bark, paused, then started to bark wildly, as if his life depended on it.
“What the heck!!” Wade exclaimed. “What set him off??”
Jack covered his ears, but reached for the leash as he started to climb to his feet.
Mark took off.
“Shit!” Jack cursed as he reached for the cord it again, but it was just beyond his fingertips as The dark-haired creature turned sharply, heading into a park. Jack jumped to his feet, but the others were already running after their friend, calling his name.
Ethan dove for the rope first, being the closest, and he certainly got it with minimal incident, landing onto the relatively soft patch of grass the park had graciously granted him, and soon after Wade had grabbed him to help, landing next to him (not as gently) and also grabbing part of the rope. This did almost nothing to slow down Mark, who gladly dragged the two screaming boys further off into the park this wild evening.
Tyler hadn’t quite reached them in time to add to the weight, and picked up his feet as he tried to keep sight of just where Mark was going and carrying his friends off to. Soon Jack had joined and overtook him.
“LET GO YOU IDIOTS!” Jack yelled out of them.
“WE’RE TRYING!” They both yelled.
“DO YOU THINK THIS IN FUN—OW,,, FUCK-“ Ethan reached up to the tangle that now had he and Wade firmly stuck, and as Mark had suddenly came to a stop (And was sniffing around a tree), he knew he had maybe seconds to get them free. He patted his pockets for his pocket knife, and elbowed Wade as Wade accidently elbowed him. “Keep still, I got this!”
“I need both of my arms to live!” Wade yelled.
“Hey- Hey Mark!” Tyler called for him. “Mark, you looking for Amy?”
Mark’s ears perked up, and he turned towards Tyler, who looked more than a little startled.
“Uhh--- Uh… Yea, we’re going to see Amy, arnt we?” He asked carefully. He put his hands out. “Come here, Mark.”
Mark’s tail wagged and he tilted his head curiously at the words. Tyler noted to his left that Jack was very gently heading over to the two tangled boys to either grab the leash or help free them.
“Come on, you remember me, right?” Tyler moved closer to him, hands still out, until there were mere feet apart. “I’ll take you home and you can see Amy, but we gotta head there first.”
Mark watched Tyler carefully, then stepped forward to sniff his hands. His tail started to wag as he picked back up his head, seemingly recognize him, and his tail started to wag furiously as he lowered on his front paws, and after a few seconds before pouncing.
Tyler went down as Mark landed on top of him, licking at his face and wagging his tail happily.
“Ohh--- Oh man--- Yea man, me too.” He turned his face away, but the licks kept coming.
With Ethan’s knife, Jack cut the two boys loose from the rope, but shortly after, Mark hopped right off of Tyler, spinning excitedly in a circle before running off.
Everyone currently laying in the ground didn’t immediately move, though Jack (the only one that was standing) tried to at least see where Mark was running off to.
“I didn’t sign up for this.” Wade said with a sigh, looking up into the night sky. He rubbed his wrist before slowly sitting up with a groan.
“Neither did I” The three other boys complained.
“Alright you guys, we better go get him.” Jack said, huffing air out of his nose. They picked themselves up before they got going once again.
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LA CHRONICLES: The “apparently i pissed off the phobia God somehow” edition. Or as X is calling it, when the Birds Fight back.
Okay. let me start this by saying... there are three things I am absolutely terrified of: 
Rats= I see them as walking bubonic plagues.  Totally not rational I know.
Clowns= killer klowns from outer space legit jacked me the hell up.  
phobia 3 
I can handle snakes and mice and everything else like a champ.  
And of course in the last 24 hours I had to deal with both so of COURSE here comes number freaking three. 
*sitting in the great room on the plushy sofa as I have yet to go back into what i am calling the rat room that makes weird noises. *
* Hears whining*
*looks up, sees Harry and Pupperly sitting over by the big wall of windows to the backyard*
me: you all need to go out?  huh?
Two barks and a mad dash from Monie who came out of freaking nowhere.
*goes to get shoes, grabs leashes on the way back, and peeks head into office to do one of those motion things that means the universal “YO taking dogs for a  walk” 
L: hold on a sec. 
*looks at me* 
L: take your phone
Me: im just going around the block...
L: dont care, take your phone
Me: *rolls eyes* but it's a gaa..
*glares at me*
Me: Fine DAD. 
His Agent: She always like that?
L: at home yes *laughs* but she has big brothers who will kill me if something happens to her stubborn ass. 
me: hhhmmmmpppphhhmmm 
*starts to walk out* 
*heads back to hook up the dogs, passing x on the way*
X: taking out the dogs?
me: yep. 
X: take your phone
me: omg i only got lost once and it was the first week i was here  but im taking my phone.
X: good, love you, taking a shower. *kiss on the cheek*
Me: eww cooties, ass
X: Brat (heads off to his room)
*continues back down the hallway to hook up the dogs.*
*heads to the carport door, instead of the front or back door as it's closer to the gate, giving the dogs my normal lets go for a walk pep talk*
 Me:  Now, we are going to be good. No pulling, no jumping, no getting the leashes all tangled up!!!
*heads out the door, pulling it closed behind me*
It's at this moment i have less than 1.5 seconds to realize I have made a mistake. 
Me: Oh Shiiiii
*at some point has thrown leashes up in the air and has run to the other side of the carport*
Me:  *blood curdling scream
4 hours later (wasnt really most likely 2 minutes later............. maybe)
(door slams opens, out runs L followed a few seconds later by a dripping, towel around his waist X. Door closes) 
L: The fucking hell??
X: what what?
L: FUUUUUUUCCCCKKkk *ducks* (this fucking rat with wings is dive bombing people) 
X: Bloody fucking hell! (turns to open the door)
X: Oh you have GOT to be fucking kidding me
L: WHAT NOW!??!!
X: doors locked
L: FUCK!!!!  
Pupperly and his dumb ass brother think it is a game and are running through the carport jumping up at and chasing the bird that is flying around like a lunatic because apparetly when i threw open the door and stepped out i completely forgot about the new birdsnest and that was why i was avoiding going out that door like the plague. 
Me: *literally sitting on the ground in the carport screaming*  KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT!!!!
L: FUCK!! grab the damn dog
L: close you fucking eyes then.  (yells at X) GRAB THAT DAMN DOG. 
At some point L has made it across the carport to me
L: Up UP come on
me: NO No no 
L Up ! come on, if we get out of here she will calm down and go back to her nest
Me: NOOO kill it!!  kill it!   
L: Im not killing a fucking bird
Me: It's demented it's bouncing off of everything, her brain is scrambled anyway
L: because you scared the shit out of it. 
X: Get her out of there and help me get these fucking dogs.
(at this point apparently L had enough cause he drags me up, picks me up and manhandles me out of the carport all the while im screaming no no im too high she gonna eat me)
*L dumps me (liteally) into a spot on the side lawn and goes back to help X, who is barely hanging on to that towel around his hips, to catch the dogs*
(they both manage to snatch a dog about the same time the flying monster with wings manages to figure out how to get out of the carport flies right over my head)
* I dive flat in the grass* 
(bird flies up into the tree) 
(L and X walk over and plop down in the grass next to me.)
(we all just sit there for a minute or two trying to catch our breaths)
*feels staring* 
*peeks up and sees both L and X staring at me*
Me: i dont like birds.. 
X No shit you think?  L: You dont say?
Me: *sniff*
X: omfg is she crying?
L: shit you made her cry!
X: MEE???? You are the one yelling at her?
L: IM NOT YELLING  Im talking loud.
me: *wails* stop yelling at me
L: look what you did
X: Me? this is your fault.  
L: The hell you say? 
X: You know she is afraid of birds you should have taken out the dogs 
L: I was on a business call, with my agent.  which i ran out on when i heard her screaming, YOU could have taken out the fucking dogs 
Me:  *blinks looks from one to the other:  ummmmm
(they still yelling at each other) 
me: UMMMMM excuse me (tugs on towel and shirt)
L and X: WHAT
me: hehe... i forgot
(L and X look at each other, then back at me) 
L:.... you.........   forgot
Me:  yeah?
L: youve talked about nothing  but the bird nest and you FORGOT
me:................ welll...
X: Well???
Me:  .........................Yeah????
X: jesus fucking christ. 
me: sorry sorry
X and L sigh huge sighs
X: we are locked out.  
L: Is lucinda still here?
me: dont know??
(we all get up and head around the house to the front)
(Lucinda loading her bag in the car, looks up)
X: Hey Lu....
L: Hey
Me: *looks everyone where but at the woman
Lucinda: I dont know what kinda kinky shit you all into but you need to keep it down
L: what no... X: OMFG Me: WAAAAA no EEEWWWWW
X: *glaring at me* Eeewww? Eeww??????? the fuck you mean Ewww. 
L: ANYWAY  we had some trouble with that bird off the carport,and got locked out can you open the front door before you leave.
Lucinda: (giving us the eye like we lying) okay. (mumbles all the way to the door) 
L: there will be an extra tip in your next check if you keep this quiet
Lucinda: SI
(we go inside and lucinda heads home)  
L:  YOU (points to x) get dessed and take out the dogs and you (points to me) sit down on the sofa and dont freaking move until my meeting is over
X and Me: *eyes wide*  Yes sir/ Yes sir.
L: Good...... (stomps off back to his office)
X: hmmm.
Me: hmmm?
X: He kinda sexy when he all mad take charge like that
Me:  I know right? did you see him pick me up? if i wasnt feaking out, that would have been hot 
X: it was still hot
L I can fucking HEAR you you know.. Do what i said. 
X: Got it. 
X (whispers) sexy right
Me: Yep yep
L: NOW!!!!  
*bang as he slams the office door* 
X and I are sitting on the couch reading when L comes out of his office. 
Sits down. 
*i look at him* 
L: *sighs* what?
Me: Can you go check on the bird?
Me: well she hit her head pretty hard. and got disoriented. 
L: is she serious?
X: as a heart attack it's your turn I already checked. she said i didn't check right.
Me: you came back too fast, you just peeked out the door. 
X gives L a look like SEE?
me: Please 
L: Fine. 
L starts to walk out of the room, turns around and leans down in my face
L: baby?
me: yeah?
L: you make me so glad to be gay (walks off) 
ME: hmmmmppphh  well that was rude. 
X: well so was scaring us to death but you dont hear us complaining. 
Me:  ..........
X: what? no snappy comeback?
me: *grumbles* i cant think of nuffin. 
 I really really really hate birds. 
Im going to need tomorrow to be boring, cause damn. 
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no2da · 7 years
dream dream dream dream drema drnamnfne (warning for violence and gore and maybe trypophobia? if that can be triggered through description)
i had to write an essay about my mom based on a form with questions and the first part was easy like i wrote about her depression and her shitty childhood and how it worried her that her eyesight got worse and then i got to question 7 and it was just. 7) BAD THING HATE. and i didnt understand? i felt like that question was already asked but   properly worded so i looked up and wanted to ask the teacher what that meant but i noticed i was on a volleyball court and my trainer yelled at me to not get distracted during a match. it was like a 4 vs 4 match but. two people had to act like one and play. hugged together. and then the other team did an exchange and the next player that entered the court. wasnt human? like. he was labeled as player 2 [no limbs] and he had. no fucking limbs. but crawled like a spider i cant describe this like there werent prosthetics or anything and he also didnt float but in the dream it very much evoked the image of a spider. he also looked exactly like the player he replaced, except no limbs. and then the match continued and we were losing big time idk how having no limbs was of advantage but it was and it was so hard to play hugged together.......
 then i woke up cause my roomie got up but i fell asleep again after a bit and next dream
not rly sure anymore of the order in which things happened or how they related, so
i was in some home and we were moving out and i had to clean out a room and the bed was painted pink like my old one and covered in love live stickers like even the sheet with all the holes from the stickers, someone just put that on the bed too and i had a shower head but i could plug it into the electric outlet and water would come out and i turned up the water pressure and just. sprayed of the pink paint from the bed but the stickers were still intact.so i went to the next room and wanted to plug in my shower head but the only outlet was taken by a night light so i wanted to plug that out but. then there werent any holes in the outlet it had just a tiny button so i put the night light back and. didnt know what to do and decided to leave that room out
ok another thing i remember i was at my parents home going in my room and my sister is sitting at the desk at the computer and is talking to her friends in discord and i was about to sit on my mattress where my laptop is and join them when i notice how something hurts my foot with every stop so i sat down and looked at the underside of my foot and there were a few very fine thorns stuck so i took my tweezers from my toilet bag and wanted to remove them but now that i looked again there were a lot more and some so close together that it looked like one big thorn in my foot and when i tried to pull one out it stretched like chewing gum and then my mom burst in talking about my feet and the thorns and i could hear my sisters friends laughing cause her volume was so high up and she didnt mute herself so they heard everything and i looked at my foot again and my skin was looking rly weird and i tried to pull out several thorns at once but again they just stretched and i just wanted to scream.
i also remember that i was out and about at night in my best friends neighborhood with a group of people in halloween costumes and we got to a bunch of trash containers with lots of graffiti on them and one of them had like, aids information sprayed on it and the girl in a nurse costume had silver spray paint with her and just sprayed over the existing graffiti and i was like, hey thats important you cant do that and she was just, oh sure and laughed and took my arm and pressed it into the still wet paint. on anther trash container was like, one of those really misogynistic facebook posts and janelle monaes face next to it and i said, you should have sprayed over that one and tried to wipe my arm on it. the weird thing was i had like a cross shaped spot on my arm where the paint didnt stick.
and now the last thing i remember, i was watching a black family and they had a white adoptive daughter and had to pack and flee cause some gangsters were threatening them, and they had a pet bunny from their grandma and everyone in the family was like, we cant keep it we need to abandon it but the white girl really loved and it the father was like, just let her keep it we will manage but the sons had a lready put up posters that they were giving away the bunny. so mom, her sister and father went out at night so remove the posters again and at one point they almost ran into the gangsters, like they were just around the corner and coming in their direction so they, very quietly retreated and they could overhear the gangsters conversation about going on a hunt tonigh and then started running and the father ran a different path than the sisters and the gangsters started running too but not cause they had noticed the family, just for their hunt or whatever and they split up too, the neighborhood was really maze like and the taller gangster ran into a grandmas garden and yelled hes police and doing a random search and he had a gun and the grandma opened the door a bit and he was about to shoot her when her dog jumped out and barked, and it was such a huge dog, like it looked like a bulldog but the size of a saint bernard. that scared the guy and he ran away, the grandma said something to her dog what a good boy he is and the dog ran after the guy cause he knew he was out to kill people tonight. what a good boy. then cut to the scene were the other gangster had caught up the the aunt and she was hiding in an empty building behind a bathroom door and he was walking in and pulling the shower curtain thinkin she was hiding there and in that moment when he was about to shoot she stabbed him WITH A BROOM FROM BEHIND ALL THE WAY THROUGH HIS TORSO full on blunt force and so much fucking blood and bones peaking out and she was shaking and crying and about to vomit. then another cut to the mom and she had found her husband and they both knew that the aunt had taken down one gangster so now they were like, determined to kill the other one too. but they still had to find him. and then like, 3 angels??? wizards??? came flying down from the sky and the gangster was now at the end of the road and the first wizard just. pulled out a gun and shot him lol, that struck me as weird, why wasnt he killing him with magic. then they landed in front  of the family and said something like, were beings from another realm yet we can still kill humans in this world. ???? okay. then I finally left my position as an observer stepping forward towards the second wizard being, who. was freddie mercury with violet skin and he was wearing fishnets and high heels and i told him, you have such a 4th century decadent renaissance flair around you (WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT?????? dream me, think before you speak please) and he embraced me and then i knew nothing bad could happen anymore,
 thank you wizard freddie mercury for letting this mess of a dream end on a good note. 
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230east · 8 years
sinking silently in my submarine
 peeking up my periscope 
periodically perusing the passing 
photosynthesizing plankton 
pulsating plasma membranes 
eight legged tentacular suction cup
Pill popping percolating
positive vibrations
shaking up foundations
rock rolling down
to the bottom again.
just out of reach
water will recede
Cyclone circling the drain
so thirsty
get thee
to a nunnery
habit forming
thot-like behavior
instant gratification
think in new ways
get in formation
Shakespeare compares thee to Beyonce
woke up flawless like a diamond
dumber we round down
to the lowest denomination
algorithm assisted living
marketing machines
suggestively shaping
what you see
programming your point of view
the screen you pass through
is a filtration system
profile picture profiles you
feed back looping
it's the sine of the times
like a wave crashing systems
conversations conspiratorial in tone
the sinking suspicion that not so fresh feeling
and douching in general is a maladaptive marketing
mechanism to make you insecure and unsure.
they planted the product in your periphery
you think its your own idea
evolutions going backwards
survival of the photoshopped.
I’d rather be a monkey.
but ive evolved past tense
see triple in 3D
I trace your trajectory
parabolic path leading back
tragic swag. so sad these days.
no surface only substrate
sound of echoing rippling water
then a gasp for air breaks the  waves
reverberating ringing tingling
beat tympanic tamborine man
oscillting ossicles translate
fluent French kiss my derriere
rare special edition
one of a kind its just like mine
same old samo
saying the same thing
eat your drugs
don't do school
stay in vegetables
various variations on the theme
every verse a throw back
vintage vino veritas
theres truth in that
cliche et tu brute
wino forever never left me
so retro back in style again
stranger things have happened
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees
still singing that song flowing through me
swinging in the breeze in fields elysian
exceptional on a hill past daffodils
narcissistic point of view image conscious
selfish gene pool self interested kin selection
consciousness superficial
on the surface floating
like a glacier melting
oblivious to  the tension growing
till it bursts through the glass mirror ceiling
 distorting  the image in circular ripples of pixels 
impressionistic audience
glitch in the system program
its all conditioned
when i ring the bell 
cerberus salivates 
it is fate
three bitches barking
measuring me out by string
three weird sisters 
by the cauldron bubbling
on the lyre 
lyrically i am lilting
you can’t stop me
you can’t stilt me
im always growing 
 Fibonacci flow
 spiraling out of control
fractals follow golden ratio
chaos creating destruction 
entropy at equilibrium
Here we meet 
Apollo and Dionysus
combined in catharsis
pupils open to see pathways
 parallel past the point 
of no return to normal vision 
vanishing point out of view 
past pluto out the solar system
on my way to cross the river 
STRANGE FRUIT Southern trees bear a strange fruit Blood on the leaves and blood at the root Black body swinging in the southern breeze Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees Pastoral scene of the gallant south The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth Scent of magnolia sweet and fresh And the sudden smell of burning flesh! Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck For the sun to rot, for a tree to drop Here is a strange and bitter crop. -- Music and lyrics by Lewis Allan, copyright 1940
I have heard of your paintings too, well enough. God has given you one face and you make yourselves another. You jig and amble, and you lisp, you nickname God’s creatures and make your wantonness your ignorance. Go to, I’ll no more on ’t. It hath made me mad. I say, we will have no more marriages. Those that are married already, all but one, shall live. The rest shall keep as they are. To a nunnery, go. -Shakespear
In the end, we are self-perceiving, self-inventing, locked-in mirages that are little miracles of self-reference.
— Douglas Hofstadter,P363
And there he, on the the stark, dark marker  Atop his parents' graves, shed tears,  And praised their ashes — darker, starker.  Alas, life reaps too fast its years;  All flesh is grass. Each generation,  At heaven's hidden motivation,  Arises, blooms, and falls from grace;  Another quickly takes its place.  And thus our race, rash and impetuous,  Ascends and has its day, then raves  And hastens toward ancestral graves.  All too soon, death's sting will get to us;  Aye, how our children's children rush  And push us from this world's sweet crus
And then with verse of quickened sadness  He honored too, in tears and pain,  His parents' dust... their memory's gladness...  Alas! Upon life's furrowed plain —  A harvest brief, each generation,  By fate's mysterious dispensation,  Arises, ripens, and must fall;  Then others too must heed the call.  For thus our giddy race gains power:  It waxes, stirs, turns seething wave,  Then crowds its forebears toward the grave.  And we as well shall face that hour  When one fine day our grandsons true  Straight out of life will crowd us too!
let me sing a tune up tempo to the groove in the recording turn up the gramaphone and listen bro I am the best alive aliviate the symptoms but wont cure the pain killers murdering meat cleaver cut you into filet a deux lets dosey do lets hula hoop lets lasso the moon for you betty boop bop dop dap zap zippy zippering witty whimpering sassy syllables trashy talkative locomotive combusting and composting reusing and recycling reducing so compact disc DVD player ipod 3D glasses pixilation pointelissm glitching itching for a scratched surface scar face so Miami mami papi chulo lean low dow ho and hit the floor on your knees looking up at me like asking will you marry me run away with the beat and drop it down sinking silently in my submarine peering through my periscope periodically perusing the passing photosynthesizing plankton pulsating plasma membranes eight legged tentacular suction cup overfloweth with the fluid flow so Fibonacci spiralizing  spiritual feeling so free too carefule calculated in the risky behaviors bitch yap yaw yippy yay you only live uno dos tres stress the alliterative alternative alternating current events talking heads heaven is a place where nothing happens above us only sky and satelittes revolving evolving electrical signal transduction travertine stone up your nose rock the boat overboard emotional so emo what she yelling for in such a monotone drone dramatically durgical and clinically clergical sentences so sequence shimmering laser bean landing site fly a kite thunder and lightning bug chirp
on the path charted through the sky
chariots of fire Apollo s
in pediatricians
we all follow direction and its counting down from ten to scale model student pupils open to see pathways parallel past the point of no return to normal vision vanishing point of view on point the point is people like you postulate pictorially snap back to reality whomp there goes gravity I am above it all I see through all it. i saw the signs of the times so many signals overstimulating the market so similar to something the remix of ignition is cool again until its overplayed out of style so retro im coming back like vintage vines wino forever in vino veritas theres truth in that touché et tu brute brutalist
zoot suited tooted and boot leg boozer buzzer
cycle seasons
tick flick off
membrance awesome oscicles oscilation
it's the sine of the times cant you see it pay attention
double visionary view from above
The next thing I woke up still singing that song the one you hear flowing river styx Cerberus salivating salty seas soylent green is algae plants are people im a dafodill on a hill let me sing a tune up tempo to the groove in the recording turn up the gramaphone and listen bro I am the best alive aliviate the symptoms but wont cure the pain killers murdering meat cleaver cut you into filet a deux lets dosey do lets hula hoop lets lasso the moon for you betty boop bop dop dap zap zippy zippering witty whimpering sassy syllables trashy talkative locomotive combusting and composting reusing and recycling reducing so compact disc DVD player ipod 3D glasses pixilation pointelissm glitching itching for a scratched surface scar face so Miami mami papi chulo lean low dow ho and hit the floor on your knees looking up at me like asking will you marry me run away with the beat and drop it down sinking silently in my submarine peering through my periscope periodically perusing the passing photosynthesizing plankton pulsating plasma membranes eight legged tentacular suction cup overfloweth with the fluid flow so Fibonacci spiralizing  spiritual feeling so free too carefule calculated in the risky behaviors bitch yap yaw yippy yay you only live uno dos tres stress the alliterative alternative alternating current events talking heads heaven is a place where nothing happens above us only sky and satelittes revolving evolving electrical signal transduction travertine stone up your nose rock the boat overboard emotional so emo what she yelling for in such a monotone drone dramatically durgical and clinically clergical sentences so sequence shimmering laser bean landing site fly a kite thunder and lightning bug chirp
The American Dream is a product.
Lassoing up that freedom and mass producing it in metal.
I grabbed the reins and hoisted up on the saddle.
Perhaps he was too dumb to run.
Perhaps he was trying to protect me.
Graffiti on the door to the private room.
He shaved his face with a hatchet.
They placed bocce on the boat
Dressed in white.
Looking up at the billboard by the highway
Trying to communicate
He ran with a baguette]
I aint going outside. she said to the dead air left lingering in the cigarette soaked airwaves still circulating
The smoky air swam circular warning skylarks illuminated by a stray sunbeam. light littered in lateral patterns.
lyrically i am lilting you can’t stop me you can’t stilt me
well I’m majoring in business administration and I’m thinking of minoring in communications
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