#She grows it out and I think she'll always keep it at least to her shoulder blades but she's always been a long hair girlie to me
lucienarcheron · 5 months
I love my girl Elain with long hair and know she's 100% a long hair girlie but I saw this picture on Pinterest and am thinking about her needing a drastic change. She channels her inner I'm Just a Girl ™️ (because almost all of us immediately need to do something with our hair the second we feel something) and she does a big chop, living her "short hair don't care" life for a while. She rocks it.
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cressidagrey · 1 month
The Witching Hour - Chapter 6 - Azriel (The End)
5 Times members of the Inner Circle get absolutely terrified by Azriel's...whatever she is, and 1 (of many) times Azriel thinks that his witch was the best thing that ever happened to him.
Mention of Amarantha, Mention of Murder, Mention of torture, Rhys Bashing, Definitely NSFW, Rough but consensual sex, (I literally titled this chapter Morticia and Gomez: Acotar Edition)
(super pretty dividers by @cafekitsune)
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"I want you to keep away from her." 
Azriel held back a sigh.
He should have expected something like this probably... but it was still pissing him off.
Azriel kept his expression carefully neutral as he met Rhys' gaze. "Why?" he asked simply, his voice giving nothing away.
Rhys scowled, crossing his arms. "Because I say so," he said firmly. "I don't want you anywhere near her."
Azriel held back a snort. "Out of pure interest," he drawled. "Why exactly are you suddenly this interested in what female I pursue?"
Rhys clenched his jaw, his irritation mounting at Azriel's questioning. "I'm not interested in the specifics," he said gruffly. "I just don't want you anywhere near her, that's all'."
"You don't want me near Elain and you don't want me near Cate," Azriel said drily. “Anybody else?”
Rhys bristled at Azriel's words, his eyes narrowing. "This isn't about Elain," he said hotly. "This is about Cate. And I don't want you anywhere near Cate, understood?"
Azriel raised an eyebrow, his own irritation rising. "And why, pray tell, do you get to dictate who I spend my time with?" he asked, his voice deceptively casual.
Rhys bristled at Azriel's tone, his irritation growing.
"Because I'm the High Lord, and this is my court," he said, his voice taking on a cold, authoritative tone. "And I don't want you involved with her."
Azriel rolled his eyes, his patience wearing thin. "And what's your reason for that?" he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Afraid she'll give me cooties?"
Rhys visibly bristled, his irritation clear in his eyes.
"Damnit, Azriel, you know it's not about that," he snapped "She's not right for you. She's too powerful, too unpredictable. She'll only cause trouble and chaos."
Azriel let out a scoff, his own irritation rising. "And who are you to say who's right for me?" he shot back. "You don't know a thing about her, or about my own feelings."
Didn't know how sometimes Cate was the only one who understood him...who didn't judge him...who said nothing and just listened. 
"I know enough to say she's trouble," Rhys said firmly. "And that's all I need to know. She doesn't belong here, and she doesn't belong with you."
"Speak for yourself," Azriel answered calmly. "I know her. She knows me. I trust her."
He did know her. He knew her better than anybody else in his life. He trusted her with his life and he trusted her to act in the best interest of Prythian. 
Rhys's eyes widened, his anger replaced by surprise and disbelief. "You...you trust her?" he asked, his voice filled with incredulity. "After everything I've said, after everything I've warned you about, you still trust her? You know some of the things that she has done!"
Azriel didn't flinch.
"She isn't the only person with blood on her hands," he responded evenly.
She really wasn’t. He had done worse than her. At least Cate had always acted on behalf of Fate and the vision that came to her. She did what needed to be done to make the best vision come to life. 
He had just slaughtered people on the orders of Rhys’ father. 
Rhys bristled at Azriel's response, his face tightening with anger. "That's entirely different, and you know it," he snapped. "We may have blood on our hands, but we do what we do for the betterment of this court, of the Night Court. We have a responsibility to protect our people and our land. You cannot compare us to her."
"Can't we?" Azriel asked. As far as he cared…they were much more similar than Rhys would like. "She has her reasons, Rhys, if you believe it or not."
"She could have killed Amarantha and she didn't!" Rhys bit out.
Azriel should have realised that that was going to be the sticking point. 
He knew where Cate had spent these 50 years. Keeping an eye on Hybern. He had thought she was dead. Had thought that maybe Cate had been Amarantha’s first political murder…but Cate had always been smart enough to know when to go underground. When to hide herself away so well that it was impossible to find her, even for him.
Only after the last battle with Hybern had been fought…only then, her information trickle to him. She had been fighting her own, one-woman mission, keeping the human lands as safe as she could. 
And she had also told him what exactly would have happened if she had interfered more obviously. If she hadn’t hidden herself away in the shadows, made sure that nobody knew that she was a piece on the chessboard as well. 
“She had her reason,” Azriel said quietly. 
"Why didn't she?" Rhys shot back, his anger flaring. "She had the power to do it. She has the capability. But instead, she chose to stand by and watch us suffer. She chose to let us endure fifty years of torture and horrors."
Azriel's expression darkened. "There are things you don't know, Rhys," he said quietly. "Things that no one knows, things that she hasn't told anyone."
He knew what he asked her about…but there were some things where Cate just turned silent...just stared emptily in front of her with these green eyes an ocean of pain and suffering…and he left it at that. It was better that way. 
There were things that Cate didn't even tell him...that she never would utter to a single soul. 
Rhys clenched his jaw, his irritation and frustration mounting even more at Azriel's words. "And what exactly would those 'things' be that she hasn't told anyone?" he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
He could feel the adamantium ripped claws against the shield of his mind, could feel the deep gouges Rhys left and he held his own, clenching his teeth.
Rhys let out a growl of frustration, Azriel's mental shields holding firm against the onslaught of Rhys.
"Damnit, Azriel," he bit out. "I'm trying to protect you, can't you see that?"
"All I am seeing is that you keep trying to control me," Azriel bit out.
"Control you?" Rhys repeated incredulously. "You think that's what this is about? You think I'm just controlling you because I feel like it?"
Azriel shot him a dark glance. "What else do you call trying to dictate who I do and don't spend my time with, hm?"
First Elain, now Cate. Azriel was done. 
What he did with Cat had no political ramifications for Rhys whatsoever…unless one counted easier access to certain kinds of information. 
"I'm trying to look out for you, you stubborn, infuriating, idiot," Rhys gritted out. "I'm trying to keep you safe, to keep you from getting hurt. From getting burned."
Azriel let out a scoff, his irritation mounting. "And do you really think I'm so weak and helpless that I need you to 'keep' me safe?" he shot back. "| can take care of myself, Rhys. I don't need you hovering over me like a mother hen."
"You are the spymaster of this court! And you are colluding with her!"
"Colluding?" Azriel repeated, his tone flat. "We're not planning a coup if that's what you're implying. Actually, if you truly think that I would do something like that...then I think I have no place in this court anymore." 
Rhys froze at Azriel's words, his irritation replaced by surprise and a hint of guilt. "Don't say that," he said, his voice quieter now. "That's not what I meant, and you know it."
"Do I?" Azriel asked him flatly. 
If Rhys truly thought that he and Cate were planning to topple his throat, then Azriel should not be trusted at all. 
Rhys let out a huff, running a hand through his hair.
"Damnit, Azriel," he muttered. "You know me better than that. You know that I would never doubt your loyalty."
"Az..." Cassian piped up.
Azriel's gaze turned to Cassian, who had been watching the exchange silently from the sidelines. "What?" he bit out. "Want to call Cate a whore? Again? Or would you like to go back to implying that she is using me? Again? Do you truly take me for stupid enough that I wouldn't have noticed?" 
Cassian tensed at Azriel's sharp words, his own irritation mounting at being called out so directly. "I'm not calling her a whore," he muttered defensively. "I just think you're being reckless, that's all."
"The one thing Cate did was to help Nesta," Azriel said, his voice even. "I know you didn't like it, but it clearly worked. Nesta made that choice, Cassian. And Nesta had every right to make this fucking choice too."
Cassian clenched his jaw, stung by Azriel's words. "I get that," he bit out. "And thanks to her, I now got a mate that's so fucking furious with me that she doesn't even talk to me anymore."
"I hate to be the one to tell you, but that Nesta is angry at you, has nothing to do with Cate," Azriel snapped. "She's angry because you think you have a right to decide what she does with her own body. We have some people who think they can decide what happens to a female's body in this court. Do you truly wish to put yourself on the same level as them?" Azriel said lowly.
Cassian froze, his expression darkening at the implications of Azriel's words. "I'm not like that," he said tightly, his own anger mounting. "You know damn well I'm not like that."
"Prove it," Azriel bit out. "Cate only cast a Dreamcatcher Spell. She has cast the same on me, numerous times. The only thing it does is to blunt the emotional impact of the nightmares. Nothing else. She did that as a favour to me, Cassian."
Cassian scowled. "So she's your personal magic spell caster now?" he asked, his voice cold. "She's just there to help you get a good night's sleep?"
Azriel's nostrils flared at Cassian's barbed words. "She's my friend, not just some 'spell caster'," he said, his voice tight with anger. "And maybe if you actually bothered to talk to her yourself instead of just listening to rumours, you would see that too."
Cassian shot him a dark glance, his expression closed off.
"I'm not interested in getting to know her," he said coldly.
Azriel let out a scoff, his own anger mounting even more. "Of course, you aren't," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "It's easier to judge someone without knowing them, isn't it?"
Rhys stepped in, his voice cutting through the tension in the air. "Alright, that's enough," he said firmly. "This arguing is getting us nowhere. We need to figure out a way forward, not keep sniping at each other like children."
Azriel clenched his jaw, his own irritation still simmering beneath the surface.
Cassian grumbled to himself but finally nodded. "Fine," he muttered. "What do you suggest, then?"
Rhys let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. "Well, for starters, Azriel, maybe you could stop spending so much time with her," he suggested.
Azriel couldn't help but bark out a laugh. "No," he said drily. "I really don't care if you like it or not, Rhys, but Cate's presence in my life is not something that we are going to argue about. Either you accept it or you don't. If you don't, you'll get to find yourself a new spymaster."
Rhys froze at Azriel's words, his eyes widening in surprise.
"Are you...are you actually threatening to quit over this?" he asked, a hint of incredulity in his voice.
"It's not a threat," Azriel said quietly. "I am telling you that my relationship with Cate is not up for debate. I am telling you that her presence in my life is non-negotiable. She's important to me, Rhysand."
Maybe the most important of them all. 
She understood him. Nobody else understood him. She wasn’t scared of him. Everybody was always scared of him. She didn’t once flinch away from the things he had done, because she had done the same or worse. It was so…easy to be with her. 
He didn’t need to pull on a mask and behave like a normal person, because she wasn’t normal either. She would never judge him for some of the horrific dark thoughts that ran around in his head. She had the same.
Rhys clenched his jaw, trying to rein in his anger. "You'd really throw away centuries of loyalty and friendship for her?" Rhys asked tightly.
"If you don't trust me anymore to do my job, then there is nothing to throw away," Azriel said quietly. "You already stopped treating me like your brother by Winter Solstice, Rhysand. I did what you asked. I kept away from Elain. I only tried to help Nesta, but you don't like my methods, so clearly I must be out to destroy my brother's mating bond. Gods, do you even hear yourself?! Cate has done nothing to you, or to Nesta or to Elain. She offered her help, even when she was treated utterly reprehensible by you,” he spat out. 
Rhys bristled at the accusation, his irritation mounting. "I never said I didn't trust you, Azriel," he gritted out. "I just don't trust her"
Azriel let out a scoff, his own annoyance sharpening.
"Why?" he asked, his voice sharp as a knife. "Why is it that you're so desperate to find fault in her that you're questioning my judgement and my own ability to be discerning?"
Rhys clenched his jaw, his irritation warring with a hint of guilt. "I just... just think you're not seeing her clearly," he said, his voice tight. "She's clouding your mind, making you see her in a more... favourable light."
Azriel rolled his eyes, his irritation mounting again. "I'm not some damn swooning schoolboy, Rhys," he said firmly. "I'm not some naive idiot that falls for every pretty face. And you should know me better than to assume that I would let her manipulate me in such a way."
Without a word, he lifted the shirt he wore, lifting the glamour that kept the bargain mark from sight.
Rhys's eyes widened at the sight of the mark on Azriel's shoulder. "You...you made a bargain with her?" he said, disbelief and concern colouring his voice. It was a circle with a star that…not any bigger than a gold coin. 
"The very first time I met her," Azriel bit out. "To tell each other the truth, regardless of anything else."
Centuries ago...the first time he came across his witch...he had been a spy working for Rhys' father. He had been ready to snatch the mantle of spymaster for himself...until Cate had been quicker.
His competition had turned into dust...and he met Hecate The Undying.
They had a bargain. Even still to this day. To tell each other the truth.
Hers wrapped over her shoulder blade...his around his ribs.
Rhys's brow furrowed in confusion and consternation.
"Why?" he asked, his voice tight. "Why would you make such a bargain, with a stranger no less?"
Azriel gritted his teeth, his irritation mounting. He had never enjoyed talking about this particular subject. "She saved my life," he said quietly. "And it was the only way to make sure that we could trust each other."
Cassian's eyes widened in surprise. "What do you mean, she saved your life?" he asked, his voice betraying his own shock.
Azriel clenched his jaw, his irritation still there, but now a hint of vulnerability as well. "There was a...an incident, long ago," he said quietly. "Before I became spymaster...there was...more than one option for the next holder of that title. Some decided to team up. Take me out of the running. And she...she saved me from certain death. She offered me the bargain as a way to...repay the debt."
Rhys gaped at Azriel's words, shock and surprise registering on his face. Cassian was similarly taken aback, clearly having not expected this revelation. "You never told us," Rhys finally managed to say
Azriel let out a scoff, a hint of bitterness entering his voice. "Would you have believed me, if I did?" he asked, his gaze fixed on Rhys's face.
Rhys had the decency to look guilty at that, his jaw clenching as he tried to find an answer. But before he could say anything, Cassian spoke up. "Azriel, you know we would have listened to you, right?" he asked, his voice tight with suppressed emotion.
Azriel let out a huff, his irritation and defensiveness faltering momentarily in the face of Cassian's genuine concern. "..." he started, but then trailed off, shaking his head. "It doesn't matter," he said quietly, his voice guarded.
"It does matter," Cassian urged, taking a step forward. "You're my brother, Azriel. We have fought together, bled together. We have shared everything. Why would you think we wouldn't believe you about something this important?"
"Because you don't believe me right now," Azriel spat out. 
Cassian reeled back, stung by Azriel's response. "That's not...that's not true," he protested, even as the guilt settled in the pit of his stomach.
Azriel let out a scoff. "Is it? You don't believe me when I say that she's trustworthy. You think she's manipulating me, that she's somehow got me under her spell. We've met 500 years ago. If she had me under her spell it would not be a new thing," he said flippantly. "She came to Velaris on my request. Because I knew that we could use all the help we could get with Koschei and with Elain."
Cassian's eyebrows shot up at Azriel's admission. "Wait, she's here because...you asked her to come?" he asked, surprise and a hint of disbelief colouring his voice.
Azriel let out a scoff, his irritation flaring again. "Yes, Cassian, she's here because I asked her to come," he bit out. "Can you believe that? Incredible that this selfish monster comes just because I say please, right?! That she is willing to help, even when she gets nothing out of it."
There was a hint of bitter sarcasm in his voice that sent a pang through Rhys' chest. "Azriel, that's not..." he started, but trailed off, unsure what to say.
"I don't want to hear it," Azriel said sharply. "Keep out of my private life. Both of you. You can trust me to act in the best interest of this court. But you will not get me to give up Cate. I'll be by her side until she decides she doesn't want me to be."
Rhys and Cassian both froze at Azriel's firm declaration, both taken aback by the fierce protectiveness in his voice.
There was a tense silence in which neither one of them dared to speak.
"General, High Lord," Azriel drawled before he turned on.his heel and walked out.
For a moment, neither one of them spoke. They just stood there, quietly watching as Azriel stormed off, the door clicking shut behind him.
Finally, Rhys let out a heavy sigh. "Well, that could have gone better."
Azriel though... Azriel went home.
Azriel stalked through the streets, his expression thunderous. He was furious with Rhys and Cassian for questioning his judgement, and for not trusting him. But he was also feeling a growing sense of agitation and anxiety over the whole situation.
As he finally approached his house, he paused momentarily, taking a deep breath to try and quell the mix of emotions swirling within him.
Not to a place. No place had ever been home for him. But to a person. A person that he knew he could trust with his life.
They had never put a label on what exactly their relationship was.
Had never bothered with it. They had always just been...them. They came together and then they went apart again, sometimes for weeks, sometimes decades...but every time they came back together it was like no time had passed at all.
But he knew what it was. Knew what it was to meet his other half...his perfect, match, his equal. And he didn't care what anybody else thought about it any longer. He was done trying to hide, done trying to behave in a way that was more socially acceptable. He wanted his witch.
He wanted Cate. 
He wanted her warm laughter, her sharp wit. He wanted her soft body to bury his face as he breathed her in. He wanted those big, green eyes of hers to look at him with affection, not suspicion.
He wanted her in a way he had never wanted anything or anyone before in his existence. And he would be damned if he let anyone come between them.
He finally arrived at Cate's townhouse, his heart thudding in his chest. He didn't hesitate for a moment, not even bothering to knock as he pushed down the handle to the door and stepped into the house.
Azriel gave the jaguar a nod in greeting, his expression softening slightly as he glanced down at the jaguar. "Hey, you," he said quietly. "Where's Cate?"
Belladonna was her familiar, bound to her through an ancient magical ritual. She served as a companion, as a focus for Cate’s magic, as protector…She was a part of Cate just like his shadows were for him.
He didn’t need an actual thought until his shadows went to swarm to her, always having liked the big cat that playfully swiped at them, claws carefully withdrawn, before she looked at Azriel and then in the direction of the bedroom.
Azriel let out a soft breath as he saw the direction of the jaguar's glance. He took that as a cue to head to the bedroom, his heart beating faster with every step he took.
Azriel let out a soft breath as he saw her spread out on the bed, asleep. He moved forward quietly, his gaze trailing over her face, over her unruly red hair, her freckled arms and slender legs. She was so beautiful, so vulnerable without her usual sharp edge.
He could see the signs of exhaustion on her face, the dark circles under her eyes, the slight frown on her forehead. She was tired, no doubt from the day's events. He felt a pang in his chest, an overwhelming urge to protect her, to take care of her in that moment. 
The High Lord went to see her this morning, his shadows whispered. Her magic forced him out of the house.
Azriel grunted, his eyes narrowing as the shadows informed him of Rhys' visit to Cate's house. That meddling bastard, he grumbled, a hint of irritation in his voice. He should've left her alone.
It must have gotten bad if Cate had forced Rhys out of her house.
He didn't hesitate as he undressed. Regardless of Cassian's worry for his manhood, Azriel had never worried about that once.
As he got into the bed behind her, he pulled her close to him, savouring the feeling of her body against his. Azriel tucked his head into the crook of her neck, breathing in the scent of her hair. He wrapped his arm around her, holding her tightly against him like a lifeline.
For a moment, he just lay there, holding her close, taking comfort in the sound of her slow, steady breathing. But then he couldn't help it, his hand began to wander. It started at her waist, tracing lightly over the curves of her body.
He moved up, his fingers tracing over the delicate skin of her hip, her ribs, the valley between her breasts. He heard her breath hitch as he touched her, her body stirring in response to his touch. He felt her press back against him, her body seeking out the comfort of his touch. He pressed his lips to the nape of her neck, his mouth moving lightly over the sensitive skin.
Cate let out a soft sigh, her body responding to him, arching slightly in his arms. He couldn't resist, his hand wandering lower, tracing the line of her hipbone, the softness of her stomach. He felt her shiver as he touched her, her fingers twitching in the sheets.
He didn't stop, his hand continuing its journey down, down to the apex of her thighs. He pressed his fingers gently against her flesh, feeling the heat…the wetness that already coated his fingers. Between one breath and the next, her eyes opened slowly, a soft gasp escaping her lips. She turned her head slightly, her gaze lazily meeting his. "Azriel," she breathed, her voice ragged with sleep and desire.
Azriel moved quickly, his lips capturing hers in a searing kiss. He poured all his desperation, his need for her, into the kiss, his hand still tracing over the soft skin of her thighs.
If Cate was caught off guard by his forwardness, but she quickly recovered and pressed herself against him, responding to his kiss with a soft mewl.
Her tongue met his, dancing against it, and he could taste the familiar hint of apples and spice in her mouth. It sent a shiver down his spine, sparking a blaze of desire within him.
Her. Nothing, nobody had ever been able to compare.
Azriel ran one of his hands down her side, her curves a familiar and comforting sensation. He deepened the kiss, claiming more, pushing her harder into the wall, pressing his body against hers.
The desire, the fierce need to touch, taste, and feel all of her, was mounting rapidly, taking over his senses.
He broke the kiss momentarily, panting as he took her in.
Cate's hair was even more tousled, her lips red and wet. Her eyes had darkened to an almost black hue, the want in them so clear that it made his very blood sing.
He leaned back in, his lips trailing down her neck, nipping and sucking at the soft skin. He could feel her body responding to his touch, the way she pressed herself into him, arching into him in silent invitation.
Her scent, her taste, the feel of her...the noises she made...all of it drove him crazy, made him want more, more...more of her. Azriel pressed himself against her, his body desperate for connection, for the feel of her skin against his.
He couldn't get enough of her, couldn't stop himself from touching her, from tasting her, from making her moan and writhe under his touch.
Azriel moved down, his lips and tongue trailing over her collarbone, her throat, and the top of her chest.
Azriel was drowning in her, his senses overrun by everything that was this glorious, maddening female. He could feel his hands shaking with the need to touch her, to hold her and never let go.
He needed her, needed to make her his, to claim her completely. His hands roamed over her body, caressing, teasing, marking her skin with his touch, marking her as his and only his.
A bite here, a kiss there, adding to the patchwork of bruises and hickeys he had already left. Cate was his.
His fingers traced over her skin, trailing over the marks he had left behind. It was satisfying in a primal way, to see the evidence of his possession of her body. His. She was his.
"Say it," he whispered hoarsely, his voice a rough, needy growl. "Say you're mine."
His hands continued their assault, his fingers trailing over her hips, her stomach, up to her thighs.
He wanted, no, needed to hear the words from her lips, needed her to confirm what he already knew in his heart to be true. And judging by the way she arched into his touch, the way her eyes darkened further at his demand, she wanted it just as badly as he did.
"Cate," he said again, his voice even rougher than before. "Say it. Say you're mine."
He punctuated his demand with a bite to her shoulder, sharp and possessive.
His hands roamed over her body again, more insistent, more desperate. He knew he was being greedy, that he was pushing the boundaries, but he didn't care. He needed her to say those words. He needed her to claim him as much as he was claiming her.
Her breath hitched, her body arching again. He could feel the heat emanating from her, the desire burning in her veins just as strongly as it burned in his.
"I'm...I'm yours," Cate gasped out, her voice ragged with need.
He rewarded her with his cock thrusting inside her, a cry coming from her, just as he bit down again. 
She hadn’t truly been ready for him, but neither of them had ever shied away from a bite of pain. Besides, he trusted her to use her safeword if she needed it. And she would. They may played rough, but they had done this often enough to know each other’s boundaries very well. 
And like this, her body quivering around him, her cunt struggling to stretch around him, her body tightly pressed against him…for once she was utterly at his mercy. 
His body thrummed with a primal satisfaction, as he began to move, his body rocking against hers. His grip on her hips was bruising, the need to lose himself in her overwhelming. His lips found her neck again, kissing and sucking the sensitive skin, drawing out soft gasps from her. The sound of their breathing and the soft wet slapping of skin mingled with the occasional thump against the wall, the only sound in the otherwise silent room. He lost himself in the feeling of her, the way she moved and writhed against him. The desire, the passion, the desperate need to be closer, more was almost a living thing, driving him to move faster, harder, claiming her and being claimed.
He was consumed by her, by the sensations coursing through his body, by the sheer need to be as close to her as physically possible. 
Azriel could feel himself approaching the edge
Her body was shuddering, clenching around him, the soft gasps and mewls becoming whimpers as she too felt the tension building. He could feel her nails biting into his skin, the sting of it feeding him, pushing him further on.
His movements became faster, more frantic. He was close, so close, but he wanted her to go over the edge with him. He nipped at her neck, the sound of her gasps and moans spurring him on. His grip tightened on her hips, his fingers digging into her flesh, desperate to hold on.
 "Mine," he repeated, more to himself than to her. "Mine," he said again, the word a low growl.
He repeated the word again and again, like a mantra, a desperate claim. As he felt her body shuddering against his, the sounds of her climax mingling with his own, he said it again, for good measure, his mouth against the shell of her ear. "Mine," he said again, his voice ragged and raw. "You're mine."
And as Azriel let his body surrender to the climax, the sensation overwhelming and all-consuming, he repeated it once more, his eyes closed, his forehead resting against hers.
"You're mine."
As they both came down, he didn't let go of her. He kept her close, his arms wrapped around her like a lifeline.
"I love you," he murmured in her ear, his voice hoarse but firm. He had never said the words aloud, but now it felt like a dam had burst, a truth that had been there all along finally spilling out into the open.
"I love you," he repeated, his eyes still shut, his face nuzzling against her neck. He could feel her heartbeat against his chest, the rapid thump slowly returning to a more normal pace.
He wasn't even sure why he'd kept the words from her for so long. Fear, maybe, of scaring her off. Or maybe because he was just so used to keeping his emotions tightly leashed.
Maybe because he knew that she thought that every other person would just keep leaving her.
He knew her well enough to be aware of her trust issues. He knew that she had walls built up, as high as the damn sky. He knew that she was terrified of putting her heart on the line and getting it broken.
It was buried deep, hidden behind her prickly exterior, her sharp tongue, and her fiercely independent spirit. But once you broke through all of that, once you earned her trust and got through those walls of hers, her love was fierce, unwavering, and loyal to a fault. 
He took her face in his hands, tilting it up so he could look at her. "Say it," he demanded again, the need to hear her say the words overwhelming. "Please," he added softly, the desperate plea in his voice clear.
He searched her face, his eyes locking with hers, pleading and desperate. He needed to hear those three little words from her more than he needed air to breathe. He cupped her face in his hands, tilting her head up so he could look directly into her eyes.
Her eyes met his, the green depths holding a mixture of love, amusement, and tenderness. She let out a soft huff, gently cupping his face in her hands. "Of course, I love you, you sap," she said, her voice warm and affectionate.
The words washed over him like a balm, soothing and healing, chasing away the doubts that had lingered in his mind. He let out a shaky breath, his eyes still locked with hers. "You love me?" he asked, his voice a hoarse whisper as if he still couldn't quite believe it.
He felt a rush of emotion, a combination of joy, relief, and disbelief. He pulled her closer, burying his head in the crook of her neck once again. "Again," he whispered. "Say it again. 
Her laughter vibrated through her body, the sound like music to his ears. "I love you," she repeated, the words firm and steady. "I love you, you insufferable, overprotective bat."
He chuckled, the sound muffled against her skin. Her words felt like a balm to his soul, soothing away the last remnants of uncertainty.
"Insufferably overprotective, huh?" he asked, his lips curving into a soft smile against her neck.
She huffed again, the sound amused and affectionate. "You're a 500-year-old warrior with severe control issues," she pointed out. "What else am I supposed to call you?"
He hummed, the sound an imitation of agreement. "Severe control issues," he repeated, lifting his head to look at her again. He brushed a loose strand of hair off her face, tucking it behind her ear. "Is that really how you see me?"
"Yes," she replied without missing a beat. "You are insufferable. You are possessive and territorial, and sometimes I just want to strangle you." A note of laughter crept into her voice.
"Strangle me, huh?" he retorted, lifting his head slightly.
She laughed again, her hands coming up to thread through his hair. "You're lucky I love you," she teased.
"I think I'm the luckiest male alive," he replied, leaning in to press a kiss to her neck.
"Some people will vehemently disagree with you there," Cate said, her voice quiet.
He chuckled his lips still against her skin. "Let them," he murmured. "I'm not here to please everyone, only you."
She hummed, her nails scratching lightly at his scalp. "You're too sappy for your own good," she scolded softly. "I never want to come between you and your family," Cate said quietly.
He lifted his head, his expression turning serious. "You never will," he said firmly, his voice carrying an undercurrent of steel. "You're mine, and I won't let anyone or anything get between us."
She rolled her eyes, but he cupped her cheek. "I am serious. They are not going to like this," she warned him. "They didn't even like it when we were just...having fun."
He stroked her cheek gently with his thumb. "That's their problem," he said, his voice firm. "I don't care what they think. I care about you. And I will fight tooth and nail for us if I have to."
"You're incredible," she murmured, her eyes soft. "And I swear to the Mother, if you get yourself killed out of some misplaced sense of protectiveness, I will resurrect you and kill you myself."
He couldn't help but laugh at that.
He chuckled. "That's fair," he conceded, his thumb still tracing gentle circles on her cheek. "But I don't care what anybody thinks. Let them have their opinions. I don't care what they think. All that matters is that I have you."
She let out a shaky laugh, relief and affection warring in her eyes. "You're insane," she told him, though her voice was filled with affection. "You know that, right?"
"Only when it comes to you," he assured her, his hand moving to cup her chin. "You drive me mad, in the best possible way."
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hughiecampbelle · 2 months
The Boys Preference: Taking Care Of You When You're Drunk
A/N: Not requested, just an idea I had! Still not feeling great, but I will definitely get back to requests tomorrow :) This is just a lil thank you for your patience my loves! Feedback is always appreciated! 💜
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Butcher notices you've been drinking a lot more than usual. Ever since you found out he was dying, you've been trying not to think about it or worry about it, and the only way you can do that is by drinking. Getting drunk is just a fun side effect. He'll drive you from the bar, taking your shoes off before tucking you into his bed. He hates the idea that you're hurting yourself like this because of him, because he didn't listen to you and he took the V without regard to his or your safety. The least he could do was hold your hair while you threw up and bring you a glass of water and some Tylenol. You don't talk about it, though. You don't want to talk about him dying, you don't want to face that future, and you don't want to talk about your growing problem. You were drinking on the job, too, maintaining a certain numbness so that nothing else could hurt you.
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Hughie hates that you're drinking more. He understands why. More and more stuff just keeps going wrong. More and more issues pop up. It's hard to be positive or optimistic. It was easier to find your way to the bottom of a bottle than to come face to face with any of this stuff. He doesn't mean to pry, but he asks you a lot of questions. The main one is why are you doing this? You just shrugged. It's so hard to explain. Everything feels like too much. You were tired, and scared, and you weren't sure you wanted to do this anymore. What was the point? He tried to cheer you up. You had the serum in the severed leg, you were so close, why give up now? You wanted to be that hopeful. You really did, but you couldn't.
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Annie definitely lectures you. This is the third night in a row (this week alone) where the bartender called her, your emergency contact, taking your keys from you. You've been drinking a lot more, ever since you left The Seven and joined The Boys. You worked with Vought for so long, she knew there was a lot you weren't saying. She tried to talk to you about it, but you were so cagey, shutting her out instead. Shutting everyone out. It was awful, that much she knew. Still, everyone went through something. That didn't give you the right to get as drunk as you were as often as you were. You're barely listening, but she gives you her speech anyways. She'll keep telling it to you until something changes.
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M.M. hates taking care of you when you're like this. The biggest thing he can't stand is the vomit. He stays as far away from you as possible, yelling from the across the room if you're okay. He offers hand sanitizer and napkins and mouthwash, but he refuses to get any closer than that. The noises alone make his skin crawl, let alone the smell. He's in charge now. He feels like he has to take care of everyone, regardless of the issue. You getting drunk wasn't a problem yet, but he knew he'd have to talk to you if it got worse. Drinking every night just to function during the day wasn't you. You couldn't keep going on like this. If that included tough love, so be it. You needed to hear it.
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Frenchie drinks with you. He never goes as far as you, realizing that at least one of you should be slightly more sober. He doesn't really mind when you get drunk. Something happens with you. You become happier, sillier, more fun. You smile and laugh more. He likes seeing that. He likes knowing you're at least a little happier. Life had become so hard lately. Your past was catching up with you, and you didn't know how to handle it, so you got drunk. He understood the concern from everyone else, but he knew yelling and lecturing would change anything. At least he could be there for you. At least he could take care of you and laugh with you and be there. That's all you really needed.
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Kimiko is quite gentle when you're drunk. She walks you home from the bar and takes off your shoes and asks you questions: Are you nauseous? Are you hungry? Thirsty? She gets it. When she saw the posters of the Shining Light Liberation Army, she drank more than a few beers. Anything she could get her hands on. Sometimes, you just need a little liquid courage to face the hard things. She makes sure you have pain relief for the headache you'll feel tomorrow and gets you something greasy to put in your stomach. She doesn't like or want to villainize your actions. You were all tired of this, fighting a battle you could not win. She stuck up for you when the others thought you were being messy or stupid. You just needed some time, that was all.
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Bonus! Homelander thinks you're messy, a degenerate, and he won't tolerate it. When he knows you're drunk or hungover he makes a special point to seek you out, to punish you. You're a member of The Seven, you should act like it. The same way it infuriates him when Sage lobotomizes herself, he feels that when you start drinking. You have a public image to uphold. Even when you go out in civilian clothes, anyone could spot you. Anyone could ask for a photo or ask questions. It was stupid and selfish and reckless and as long as he's in charge, he won't tolerate it. He humiliates you, he says, because he cares. You think it's because he likes having power over you when you're at your most vulnerable.
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Bonus! Soldier Boy thinks you're a lightweight and calls you out on it any chance he can get. There's no keeping up with him. Even being a Supe, you could still get incredibly drunk. Your tolerance was a lot higher than humans, but nowhere near Soldier Boys. He doesn't really take care of you when you're drunk. It's more like lying you on your side and leaving you to sleep. He's not very caring towards anyone, let alone someone he considers lesser than himself. He's fun to drink with, but the fun pretty much stops there. If he's feeling extra considerate, he might throw a blanket over you, but that's as far as he goes. He'll leave you and keep on drinking for the rest of the night. You being drunk won't put a damper on his legendary partying.
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letorip · 3 months
Which of Jenna’s characters do you think would be the clingiest? (I loved your headcannons ❤️)
most clingy
this was a very wholesome one to think about, i had great fun. thank you the anon who submitted this. same deal as last time, if you're tl;dr my take is at the bottom
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wednesday addams:
she likes to put up a tough front of needing nobody and desiring to be alone, but once she falls for you, it's as bad as morticia and gomez
you live in a room on the other side of campus, and she's made it a habit of sneaking to your room almost every night. she scales the fucking dangerous, rickety old roof to get there each time, but she'll do it, because she'll get to sleep with you
sometimes it's to sleep with you, if you catch my not-so-subtle drift, and then other times it's because she wants to sleep with you
of course, she'll disguise it as "my room has broken air conditioning" or "enid is snoring," and you just smile, nod, and lift the sheets for her to get in
she's not a huge cuddler in the sense that she wants to lay directly on you, but she wants to be around, in the same bed
you do this almost every night, and if you don't, she's knocking on your door right when people are let out of their rooms in the morning to hang out (or make out) before breakfast starts
she's virtually moved in with you, at this point. she has a toothbrush in your bathroom, several outfits in your dresser (in her own drawer), and she leaves dead animal skulls and occult books around to "liven up the place." they definitely don't match your pre-existing decor, but you don't mind because it's wednesday
she's not super fond of pda of any sort, but she'll definitely be right by your side when you're hanging with mutual friends. she'll hold hands under the table or kiss you when there's a private moment, but she's not all over you physically when other people are staring at you both
she does definitely get super jealous
she'll make little comments like "bianca seemed friendly" or "divina finds you awfully funny." if you're tutoring someone in the library, guess who will also miraculously be at the library at the same time? sitting in a chair with a perfect angle of the table you're at and peeking over the top of her book
wednesday is almost always with you, because you're one of the few people she trusts and longs to frequently be with
tara carpenter:
you live with tara and sam, so it makes sense that you and tara slowly grow closer and closer until you start dating
she absolutely loves to have at least one point of contact with you whenever she can. she'll lean against you, lean her head on your shoulder, wrap an arm around you, just let your shoulders touch, or when she really wants to, she'll leave a hand on your knee
when you’re both watching a movie, she’ll cuddle up against your chest and start to fall asleep there, especially if it’s one she’s seen before. you turn the movie off but don’t move, because if you do tara will wake up
during the events of scream vi or any time there’s a ghostface threat levied towards her or sam, she’s especially attached to you. she doesn’t sleep as well and refuses to leave your side, as she’s paranoid ghostface will come to take you from her
you assure her that you’re okay and she can sleep, grabbing her hand and squeezing it three times (i. love. you.). it calms tara down a bit, and though she’s still worried and makes sure the apartment is locked and you’re all safe, it helps her sleep
when things calm down again, she’s not super clingy in the sense that she’s always with you. you’re both in college and have your own classes, and though she wants you near, you both can function as separate people. it doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to be with you, but your work and school keeps you both a bit more apart during the day
you both text frequently though, not because she doesn’t trust you and wants to be on top of you, but because it’s just nice to hear from you and you both love talking to each other. she’ll send you photos of cute dogs she sees on instagram or a reel she finds funny with a little note at the bottom that says ‘hope your day is going well <3’
tara does get rather jealous at parties. it’s not your fault you’re hot, but when other people approach you to “talk,” 9 times out of 10 you’re too oblivious to realise you’re being hit on
she’ll walk right over to the conversation you’re having with someone random and duck under your arm to wrap it around her shoulders. if that doesn’t work, she also has the tactic of narrowing her eyes, or if she’s feeling especially bold, just grabbing your wrist and dragging you away to shove you down on some random bed
people know in general not to fuck with tara when it comes to you. in a way it makes you her weak spot, but she will absolutely raise hell and stab whoever she needs to, in order to make sure you’re okay
shes definitely a cuddler. she’ll drag you back into bed and wrap an arm around your torso and hold you there. sam always wrinkles her nose whenever she walks past you both cuddled up against each other on the couch after a long day
lorraine day:
you meet lorraine as an actor in the adult films, when she’s still with RJ. it causes a bit of drama when she leaves him for you, but once you and her are officially together she never ever wants to leave your side
it even means she starts acting in them herself, and the best part is that with you, it’s not even really acting. she loves every minute and how free you make her feel, and because she feels it strongest while in your presence, she chases after it all the time
she’s a giant hugger, wether it be side hugging, or wrapping her arms around your waist from behind, to rest her head on your shoulder and watch whatever thing you’re doing
lorraine is so in love, and with you it’s a sweetness that shoots up her veins like heroin. you both eat together, sleep together, work together, and travel together
you always travel together except for once, when you had to go check on your father as his health declined. it was two states away and you went alone, because lorraine was due to keep shooting with jackson, maxine, and bobby-lynne. the entire time you were away after the filming wrapped, she stared out the damn window over the hill, waiting for you to pull up in your truck
it wasn’t long enough a time that she could’ve written a letter, but she felt like a soldier’s wife craving your call
when you got back she ran out to meet you and jumped into your arms. you twirl her around with a laugh and she’s crying into your hands and kissing your palms and then kissing you.
you laugh and say “lorraine, it’s been three days,” but she shakes her head and kisses you again. she’s so happy you’re home you go AT it that night, to the point where wayne knocks on your door to tell you to quiet down
she’s wanted to marry you since the minute she met you, and she tells you as such, even though it’s been a bit over a year
she doesn’t get super jealous, just because she knows fucking other people is just what you do for work. it feels different for you both, when you’re alone and when you’re in front of the camera. you’re both comfortable with yourselves and your relationship, and it’s the comfort she’s always wanted
i’m thinking of hourglass by catfish and the bottlemen, i think that song describes it perfectly
you’re always together, in your own perfect little version of heaven, and while it’s not clinginess from jealousy, it’s clinginess from love and being happy
cairo sweet:
cairo is not clingy whatsoever
not in the sense that she couldn’t give a fuck about you— though she definitely attempted to push that narrative at first— but in the sense that she knows she’s the best and she knows you’re both so incredibly solid. if anything, being apart makes seeing each other even better
she’s a romantic and a rich romantic at that, so whose to say she won’t go on a vacation for a few weeks without warning and then reappear at school for you to ask her where she went
part of her enjoys creating a mystery for you, and making you chase her. she likes the thrill of it, and in a weird way it shows that you care about her enough to find out where she’s been or what she’s doing. it’s somewhat refreshing, considering her parents are so careless and you care so much
she does get jealous when she sees you with other kids. you’re just as intelligent as she is, and you give tutoring advice and run several clubs, so there are always kids who need to speak with you. she knows it’s just part of your role on campus, but it does irk her a bit when she sees you talking to pretty girls who are all too suddenly interested in correcting their math test
most nights between you both are spent at her home, tangled up. she likes to drink wine, but you stay away from alcohol. that doesn’t mean you won’t kiss it off her lips, though
you both are avid readers, so sometimes she’ll lean against you while you both read separate books and sit in silence. it’s peaceful, and cairo always thought she’d want some whirlwind forbidden romance, which is why she’s so surprised she likes the quiet domesticity
she’s definitely somewhat a fan of showy pda in certain situations. she’ll sit on your lap in between classes and wrap an arm around your shoulders, and who’s to say the girl who she caught staring at your lips yesterday wouldn’t come around the corner at the same time to see you there
she makes it perfectly clear she doesn’t depend on you, though. you both exist as separate people. she finds couples joined at the hip as “vapid” and “full of braggadocio.” of course, she’s proud of her relationship with you, but cairo also values her independence and separation
not that many people were even aware you were together officially, until a good three months in. you would argue (flirt) in class during socratic seminars, but most kids thought you both genuinely hated each other
for what it’s worth, you enjoy cairo for all her cairo-isms. it may be cringe to other people, but you do fundamentally understand her in a way no one else really does, just because of how open and honest she is with you. it was a struggle for her at first, but she does appreciate you for it
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another one down. really tried to stick to clingy but it definitely branched out to other stuff too because i think there are definitely many ways to be clingy. clingiest, i would say would be lorraine, with tara not falling far behind
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
Hurt IV
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Morsa gets hurt
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You're sitting in the stands when it happens.
Momma's still not back in the squad so you're not sitting on the bench. You enjoy sitting on the bench more than sitting in the stands but at least you get to eat hotdogs in the stands so that's a win.
You're munching away when Morsa goes down. You stop chewing to stand up properly so you can see and you will Morsa to get back up.
She doesn't.
She just kind of rolls around on the ground clutching at her foot.
"What's wrong with Morsa?" You ask as if Momma would just know.
"It's okay," Momma says though her tight smile says she doesn't quite believe herself," Morsa's being a bit dramatic. She'll get back up, you'll see."
Only Morsa doesn't get back up.
She has to be helped off and you see a stretcher being prepared.
Momma takes your hand and walks you over to the barrier.
"Sam!" She calls out to Scottish Sam," Sam!"
Sam turns, getting up from the bench. She takes you as you're lifted over the barrier.
"Look after her, okay?" Momma hands her your bag. "I'll grab her in a bit."
"Go," Sam says," I've got her."
You're still in Sam's arms as you watch Momma sprint the opposite direction, to where Morsa's being loaded up onto a stretcher. She's crying and you kind of feel like crying too.
"Magda's strong," Sam says as she takes her seat back on the bench," She'll be okay."
"Morsa's crying," You reply bluntly," Don't lie. I'm not stupid."
Sam winces a little but you pay no attention because you stand up to see if you can catch a glimpse of Momma and Morsa. The stretcher is moving away now and they're holding hands.
You're glad that Morsa has Momma to look after her until you get there.
"Hey." Sam taps your leg. "Let's sit down, huh? You could fall."
You grunt in frustration but do as she says. You've no interest in the match anymore and grow a bit restless. You keep turning your head around, hoping to see Momma and Morsa returning but they never do.
Sam rummages through your bag to find something to entertain you.
"What is this?" She asks," A fancy straw? It's kind of big."
"That's my epipen," You say and Sam immediately drops it into your bag like it's burned her," Because Australian Sam gave me bad kiwi and I almost died. Momma makes sure I always have it."
Scottish Sam laughs uncomfortably. "Well...I'll make sure not to give you kiwi then."
"Or banana or avocado because those can kill me too." You think for a moment as your stomach rolls. "Is my Morsa dying?" Your bottom lip trembles. "Is that why she's not back yet?"
"No!" Sam says quickly, shaking her head firmly," She's just talking to the medics. They're very chatty. That's why they're taking so long."
You accept that Morsa's not dying but not really that the medics are chatty. You keep looking behind you all the way up until halftime.
Sam takes you back to the changing room but you dig your heels in all the way because you don't want Momma and Morsa to go back onto the pitch and not know where you've gone.
This whole situation is very worrying and you sullenly take refuge in Morsa's cubby because it's nice and small and smells just like her.
"Lea?" You ask as the woman mooches around nearby," When are my mummies coming back?"
She winces a little. "Sorry, kid," She says," I'm not too sure. Soon, though. It'll be soon."
You sigh a big sigh and huff, reaching out for Lea's hand as she gets ready to go back out. "Is my Morsa going to be okay?"
She winces again and pats you on the head. "She'll be just fine. She'll be back on her feet very soon."
In the second half, Sam has to go on so she hands you straight over to Sarah who has the unenviable job of watching you have a complete and utter breakdown.
You've decided that it's been too long, that Momma and Morsa have been away too long for Morsa to be just fine like the girls are telling you. You curl up into a little ball in your seat and sob.
Sarah looks like she's about to cry too as she wildly looks to the other girls on the bench for help before deciding that the best thing to do would be to pick you up.
It's pretty hard on her part because you won't uncurl from your protective ball and she kind of has to pace around with a little girl whose not willing to give her even an inch of help in it.
You stop crying when you hear Momma speak.
She's standing by the barrier.
"I can take her now," Momma says to Sarah," I'll take her back to see Magda."
"It's fine," Sarah lies," We've got everything under control."
"I'll take her," Momma insists," Magda's been asking for her."
"Oh, thank god," Sarah breathes out before holding you out for Momma to take along with your bag.
"Is Morsa okay?" You sniffle as Momma begins to walk back to where she disappeared too.
"She will be," Momma says," She's a little sad right now and she needs some Princesse cuddles to make her feel better. And I think some Morsa cuddles will make you feel better too."
You nod.
Morsa's still sitting on the stretcher when you arrive. She's not crying anymore but you can see where the tears use to be.
Momma settles you by Morsa's side and you look down to see her bandaged foot.
"What happened?"
"I hurt my foot," Morsa says. She crowds you into her space with a hand between your shoulders, allowing you to curl up properly against her as she rests her chin on the top of your head.
"Is it really bad?"
"I have to have surgery soon," Morsa says," But it'll be very quick."
You think for a moment before nodding, making sure to hug Morsa nice and tight so she knows that you're here for her.
"It'll be okay," You say," Because me and Momma are going to look after you."
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rekino2114 · 2 months
Gifting the chainsaw man girls a plushie of themselves
A/n: I'm still on vacation and wanted to do a smaller post while i'm free so i saw this prompt around and thought it was adorable, I'll probably do it with more fandoms let me know if you wanna see it
Thinks it's amazing and will treasure it forever, she specific keeps it on a shelf in her office (most of her subordinates are very confused to see it just sitting there around the paperwork)
She will 100% give you a plushie of yourself to repay you
Might ask you for a pochita plushie to replace the real one since she doesn't want it anymore.
"Oh, It's adorable darling you're so talented, how about I make you one of yourself to match?"
She is confused at first and asks what power (lol) you used to make a mini her but quickly grows to love it.
It's soft and cuddly just like meowy whenever you're not near her you can bet she'll be cuddling those two things to fall asleep.
Definitely brags about it to denji and aki. Where are their small and fluffy versions of them uh?
"*gasp* is that an idol of the great power? Very well I will accept this. T-thank you"
Thinks it's the cutest thing ever and immediately hugs you and peppers you In kisses as thanks
Will always keep it on her shoulder or in view in general hoping that someone asks her about it so she can start ranting about how wonderful her partner is
You have found her multiple times passed out drunk hugging the plushie and mumbling about how much she loves you
"Oh my God! Is that me? Thanks so much it's soooo cute, well not as cute as the original of course~"
Kobeni higashiyama
An incredibly blushy mess whenever you give her the plushie but thinks it's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for her.
It kinda becomes a comforter for her. Whenever she's more nervous or sad than usual, she hugs the plushie and thinks of you, and it makes her feel at least a bit better
She feels kinda bad about not giving you anything back so she'll probably save the small amount of money she has to buy you a plushie you like.
"O-oh, that's really cute. w-wait, is that m-me? I love it a lot. Thank you so so much"
Quanxi (and her harem)
You immediately got tackled in a hug by 4 of your girlfriends when you showed them plushies of every one of them, quanxi just looked at hers for a while before smiling and joining the group hug
Might genuinely stab someone if they say anything remotely negative about the plushie
She works hard with her girlfriends to make you a plushie of yourself since they thought it wasn't fair that you were the only one in the relationship without one.
"Eh, it really does look like me, you did an amazing job on the girls too, don't worry I'll keep it close at all times"
Asa mitaka
Genuinely can't fathom that you would put effort into making something so cute of her out of everyone and the fact that you gifted her that makes her fall in love with you even more
Always keeps it with her mostly in her bag at school, similarly to kobeni it helps calm her down whenever she's having a bad day, it's a reminder that there is someone willing to love her this much
Yoru once tried to draw the scars on it to make it a plushie of her (just to mess with asa) but thankfully she took control in time
"Wait, seriously? That's....for me? Wow, i- I don't know what to say. Just thank you so much"
Acts like she doesn't care that much but actually thinks it's really cute, asa often wakes up finding herself hugging it, courtesy of yoru not being able to sleep without it and taking over during the night.
Definitely brags to asa about it (not realizing it's technically a plushie of both of them)
Might ask you to add some weapons to the plushie to make it more interesting
"Hm? What's that? a plushie? I guess it does kinda resemble me, thanks it is kinda nice"
She might seem as indifferent as usual but genuinely loves the gesture and thinks it's adorable
She brings it with her whenever she eats (which is most of the time) she even puts a little bib on it, it's really cute to watch
Feels really bad when she gets it dirty (mostly when she's eating) so she'll try cleaning it even if she has no idea how
"I see, so it's a plushie of me. How cute. Thank you, you did a great job"
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mynonclicheblog · 6 months
I love Nancy Wheeler sooooo much, not for the usual empowerment reasons but for how tragic her character is. My heart absolutely shatters for her every single time.
Nancy's story unfortunately is not about growth, it's about loss. The cold, detached, "girlboss" Nancy that emerged around season 2 isn't the result of her growing into a more mature/fully realized person. It's the culmination of her guilt, her grief, the loss of her innocence -- it isn't really Nancy. At least, not all of it is. Nancy is strong and powerful, now more than ever, hell yeah. But she is also a nerd, ambitious and smart and a little prickly. She likes the color pink, she has a wild streak and a romantic one, she thinks Tom Cruise is dreamy, she'll fight tooth and nail to see justice carried out. All of these things are present in season 1 and they're still present in season 4. They just look a little different now.
We see a young and carefree Nancy for approximately 2 episodes before the catalyzing trauma of her life occurs. She is not who she became as a result of that trauma.
If this sounds different than how you've always perceived Nancy, I encourage you to rewatch while keeping this in mind because it really is a gut-wrenching experience (in the best way)! The first time I watched through this lens it gave me a whole new appreciation for her character. But my point is, we should be rooting for Nancy to get back in touch with her younger self- the parts of her that knew love and hope- not to stay trapped in this shell of a girl who deflects her pain with a barrage of bullets.
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moronkombat · 11 months
OOoo, one of the Lin Kuei trio being the father of the youngest princess's child! They meet during a covert mission before Bi-han becomes Grandmaster. Work together and stay in contact(somehow) before falling in love. By the time the story begins, the princess is carrying a tiny prince, but hasn't told them. As the symptoms grow, Sindel demands to know and the princess confesses, but begs not to tell anyone. She very reluctantly obliges, at least until the tournament is over. She does, however, send the pregnant princess to her trusted medical advisor, Shang Tsung.(Idk what his real position was, so let's go with this). Shang Tsung, seeing the opportunity, notes this for later. Which comes in very handy at the Ying Fortress, where the very same man appears.
And Idk how the three would react. I have ideas, but they don't feel that good. Smoke is terrified, Kuai Liang flies into a protective rage, and Bi-Han uses this to further out himself in 'the right'.
HCs of the Lin Kuei Bros being the father of the youngest Princess of Outworld's child as a result from a secret relationship tw: pregnacy, afab pronouns
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Kuai Liang:
Kuai Liang was tasked with escorting you somewhere on behalf of Liu Kang
He's known you before then and has always found you to be beautiful and captivating but never had the opportunity to get to know you
Now that he does, Kuai Liang still feels a bit shy and reserved when it comes to approaching you
Well, since he is in charge with escorting you, he doesn't have much of a choice but to interact with you
Your romance is sweet and simple at first, very slow to build
You two share your first kiss well into the journey and your love for each other only continues to bloom
Soon enough, you two are left unburdened and get quite caught up in the moment of each other
The two of you end up having sex and Kuai Liang is so gentle with you
Kuai Liang makes love to you all throughout the night, the two of you sharing each others bodies many times throughout those hidden hours
You really should have figured something would have...happened because of your time together but still your pregnancy comes as a shock and you're scared
Kuai Liang had returned to Earthrealm after his mission and while you two were in contact, you couldn't see each other
You keep your pregnancy hidden for as long as you can but your mother, Sindel, knows something is wrong.
She is your mother, after all, and is educated in the signs of pregnancy so she discovered your secret all too quickly
Your mother demands to know who the father is and you tell her on the condition that she will not share the information
Her response to knowing Kuai Liang is the father is met with mixed emotions. If it had to be anyone out of Earthrealm, Kuai Liang is the best choice but still, she is displeased
Sindels can tell you need medical aid as you progress and so she has Shang Tsung oversee you. Shang Tsung is the only one she reveals the father to
Shang Tsung is, of course, amused by this and keeps this information close until it can be used to his advantage
The time comes, Kuai Liang has been subdued but he refused to relinquish his loyalty to Earthrealm
Shang Tsung realizes that Kuai Liang will forever defend Earthrealm so he choses to taunt him instead
He saunters up to him, smirking wry. "To think Kuai Liang from the Lin Luei will be viewed as a traitor..." Shang Tsung would kick his tongue while circling the helpless pyromancer
"Whatever will the precious princess think...the father of her child someone who wishes to see Outworld burn..."
Kuai Liang's head snaps towards the sorcerer, eyes wild and shocked. Shang Tsung relishes in his reaction, a chill twirling up his spine.
"Oh?" he feigns pity, "You didn't know? How unfortunate you had to find out this way..." His words are betrayed by his tone and viper like smile. "She'll be so sad when I tell her that her dear Kuai Liang has been a traitor all this time. Don't worry though, I'll take real good care of the princess."
As Shang Tsung chuckles, Kuai Liang rages within himself. He knows not if what the sorcerer says is true but he can't take the risk and not believe it. His priority is to survive and get to you, he must protect you from whatever Shang Tsung is planning. It's a fiery and bloody escape because now Kuai Liang has everything to lose.
He isn't sure how he will be as a father, he doesn't have time to think on it. He just needs to get to you and bring you somewhere safe. Somewhere he can protect you and the child you carry. He owes you that much.
Problem is, you are well protected and guarded by Shang Tsung who has conveniently kept you out of all the chaos that's ensuing
This cannot last, however, as Kuai Liang raises hell to find you and bring you some place else
The guards that Shang Tsung has employed are dispatched by Kuai Liang and his allies which terrifies you. You don't understand why this is happening
The moment Kuai Liang sees you, he rushes to you which causes you to flinch but he takes you into a hug and checks you over
Your confusion only grows as he lays a hand on your stomach. How does he know? That shouldn't be possible...
Kuai Liang promises he will explain everything but you need to leave with him right away
Though you have your doubts, you trust Kuai Liang and he takes you to someplace where you can remain hidden away from all this conflict
Kuai Liang still worries for you and your unborn child even with you hidden away.
The worry won't stop until this entire nightmare is over and he can remain at your side and begin a loving life with you
Tomas meets the princess during some negotiations between Outworld and Earthrealm that he attends as security to Liu Kang
He sees you and is instantly drawn to your beauty and grace
Finds himself smiling when he sees you, it goes hidden under his mask but his gaze lingers to you
Tomas is lucky that he doesn't have to simply admire you from afar
The two of you get to work together for something minor but Tomas is still grateful to be given the opportunity to get to know you better
His feelings are quick to develop and he often thinks about you when not next to your side
He's day dreamy and whimsical about it, telling his fellow Lin Kuei about you and how amazing you are
They all give him a knowing look and smile among themselves but Tomas doesn't get why
Tomas gives you compliments frequently and you notice the softness of his gaze which you find yourself blushing at
However you are painfully aware of the differences between you two
You are from Outworld and he is from Earthrealm. You are royalty and he a mere member of the Lin Kuei
The relationship between you two would not be approved of but you don't care
You invite Tomas to see you in private and there is where you kiss him and he is quick to reciprocate
He'd pick you up, throwing every item on the table onto the floor before laying you atop it
You two have wild and untamed sex as the feels you share for each other are made apparent
This happens quite frequently, the two of you calling "meetings" together
But Tomas cannot say in Outworld forever. He needs to go back to the Lin Kuie which leads to a tearful goodbye but the promise to stay connected
The two of you stay as connected as you can but you're unable to see each other
Soon ,though, you begin feeling sick and you come to find you you're carrying his child
This terrifies you and you do your best to keep it a secret but you just can't, you keep getting too sick
Sindel knows what's happening and she confronts you angrily. She demands to know who the father is and who dared touch her baby girl
You try to stay tightlipped but the pressure your mother puts on you is too much and you crack. You shout to her that Tomas is the father
Sindel is shocked. An Earthrealmer? A lesser member of the Lin Kuei? She's disappointed but there is little to be done except get you care
At first Sindel believes Tomas had taken advantage of you but you are quick to defend his character and plead your case. Sindel remains...unsure
You are referred to Shang Tsung who is made aware of the identify of the father. Soon it is also revealed that you are carrying twins
Shang Tsung finds great value in this information and plans to use it to his advantage which he ultimately does
He keeps you quite isolated from your family and what is currently happening in Outworld. All for your "protection" of course
When the famous Lin Kuei brothers arrive, he is all too giddy in waiting to expose the truth. Shang Tsung may not be able to tell Tomas directly but the message is relayed to him.
Shang Tsung would congratulate Kuai Liang and Bi-Han on becoming uncles soon which is met with curiosity. Through a toothy smirk, he goes onto reveal that Tomas has been quite the "naughty boy" in sullying the precious young princess of Outworld. Bi-Han is not amused and angered at Tomas' insolence but Kuai Liang worries for his adopted brother.
Kuai Liang reaches Tomas and the wielder of smoke notices his brother's panic.
"Kuai Liang? What's wrong?" Tomas would ask, holding onto his brother's shoulder.
The pyromancer tries to explain but he is breathless and unsure of how to break the news. "Tomas...the princess...is it true?"
Tomas looks upon his brother fearful and guilty. He drops his gaze for a moment before a sigh fills his chest with air. "I...Kuai Liang what is going on?"
His brother just looks to him before revealing what Shang Tsung had told him and Tomas can no longer feel his legs. He shakes, he crumbles, falling to the floor if it not for Kuai Liang catching him.
The terror he feels, the absolutory anguish, Tomas looks so desperately towards his brother. "We need to find her. Brother, we need to."
As Tomas clings to Kuai Liang for strength, the pyromancer offers his comfort to the trembling younger brother. "We will, Tomas. We will. But we need to get out of here before anything else. If we don't then there's little hope for the future."
Although he does not wish to do this, he must. Tomas agrees and leaves with Kuai Liang to formulate a plan to rescue you from Shang Tsung's capture.
You miss Tomas so dearly and feel so trapped alone in Shang Tsung's care
When you ask the guards for news of what's happening they lie to you and you know it
But what is there for you to do? You're stuck here and in a vulnerable state
That is why you are so surprised when you hear a rough commotion happening around you
Is someone attacking? You ready yourself with whatever tool you can but when the door opens you are filled with happiness
Tomas stands there, panting and out of breath but still he runs to you and engulfs you in a hug
You return the gesture and Tomas is quick in his explanation that you need to get out of here
When there is brief moment of calm, Tomas would tell you all that happens. He also says he know you are pregnant with his child and you freeze
He reassures you. Tomas tells you not to worry one bit. He says that once this is all over the two of you will be together and that he is excited to be having a family with you
The first time Bi-Han laid eyes on you, the breath held in his lungs leave him
He sees you sitting on a throne behind your mother but all he can really focus on is you alone
You are beautiful, you are graceful and Bi-Han's thoughts begin to scold him for being distracted
But he can't help it. His eyes continue to drift to you even when he tries to look away
He continues to think about you and he begins to wonder what it would be like if you were to give a smile to him
Eyes drop his palm and it feels so...empty, cold. These thoughts threaten to engulf him but Bi-Han is quick to shake his head a and throw his hand back to his side
Bi-Han is so frustratingly annoyed with himself. Why can't he stop thinking about you?
If only he could stop thinking for a moment. Would the images of you in his dreams finally disappear? Would he truly want that?
Bi-Han is so crudely interrupted when he hears the voice he's thought about so much call out his name
There you stand, graceful and poised and Bi-Han feels like a fool caught in your light
He tells himself he should rebuff you, tell you that he is busy but he does not
This leaves room for he two of you to speak, well, it's mostly you speaking with Bi-Han giving hummed responses
Yet, the relationship continues and soon Bi-Han thinks about what it would be like to hold your hand, to hold your heart
Never has he loved, never had he even dreamed of it but now, it is all he is when he is with you
Bi-Han is restrained, determined to keep his affection for you hidden but he would not be so lucky
You draw it out of him with a chaste kiss to his cheek. A thank you to him for keeping you company
As you turn to leave Bi-Han has grabbed your wrist without him even realizing it
When he does he mutters out an apology and moves to release you but you don't let him
Instead, you hold his hand before placing your palm and fingers against his
Bi-Han is immobilized, captured in all that is you but that's alright because you will lead the way
Your lips brush, a ghost of a kiss before you truly feel his against yours
Bi-Han struggles with how to respond. He is unsure of what to do and merely stand there as if made of stone
You smile to him and tell him you wish to do this again. While Bi-Han is unable to speak he does nod
The rest is simply history as they say. Your relationship continues, you but sinners left in secrets
It takes time but Bi-Han begins to open himself to such a vulnerability that is to be with someone
The two of you end up making love in the garden, under a night full of beautiful stars
It is the first time for both of you and it is so special. His hand is locked with yours throughout it all
The love between you two goes unsaid but it needn't need to be verbalized
Yet, when Bi-Han must depart back to Earthrealm, both of you are crushed
It is a tragic yet passion filled goodbye. The two of you have sex once again
The both of you are so caught up in this moment of love, passion and mourning that him finishing so much inside you goes forgotten
Unfortunately, even if you hadn't paid attention to it, you can't deny the consequences of it
You know quickly that you are pregnant with Bi-Han's child but you want to hide it
The secrecy of your pregnancy is relatively successful for awhile but your mother, Sindel, begins to see the signs
She confronts you, saying she knows that you are pregnant and that you can't hide something like that from your own mother
You end up breaking down, dropping to your knees and crying. You say that you are sorry and Sindel comforts you
Through tears you confess that Bi-Han is in fact the father and Sindel is considerably upset by this
Sindel has never enjoyed Bi-Han, finding him to be too brash and impulsive but she keeps her opinions to herself as she holds her crying daughter
Shang Tsung is charged with overseeing your medical appointments and when he learns the identity of the father he is, indeed, intrigued
When tensions begin to rise, Shang Tsung promises Sindel that he will keep you safe and protect you but this leads you being cut off from basically all that is happening
During your time in isolation you discover you are pregnant with a son and you are happy. You hope your son looks just like Bi-Han but Shang Tsung has other plans for this information
Bi-Han lies on his knees, chained like a dog. How he wishes to rip the flesh from his capture's bones...Well, he has once wanted that but then Shang Tsung begins speaking honeyed words that hit right Bi-Han right where it should.
He could make the Lin Kuei so much greater...so much more than what it is. Finally his clan would be recognized as it should be. Bi-Han mules over the promises and Shang Tsung can see right through Bi-Han's thoughts.
Shang smiles to himself and it is a wicked smirk he hides. This is the moment he has been waiting for. The information regarding that cute little princess he's been watching over.
"And of course...there is the matter of the princess' pregnancy..." There it is, Bi-Han's brows raising, his eyes panicking with such desperation.
"Oh? You hadn't been made aware? The princess is going have child...a son." Shang adds in just to cut deeper into Bi-Han's will.
Bi-Han stiffens noticeably and while he attempts to keep himself composed he knows he so close to falling apart. The deal had already been tempting. To bring Lin Kuei power and glory already had Bi-Han ready to agree but now...
He thinks about to you. He remembers your smile, the softness of your touch...You're pregnant. You're pregnant with his son. Bi-Han is plagued by visions of you holding a small baby. You smile and look to him, you appear so...happy. Thoughts play stories in front of his eyes. You are alone now, you will give birth to your son alone...He isn't there for you.
No. That will not happen. Bi-Han had already been convinced to join Shang Tsung with this revelation his conviction is unwavering. Once he is finished here, he will see you again. He'll be able to take care of you and provide you a strong home to raise your son. Both of you will be protected.
That's how it should have gone but Kuai Liang had bested him and taken him further away from you
Bi-Han is furious with his brother and refuses to cooperate in any sort of way with him or Liu Kang
Bi-Han is anguished over being apart from you, being kept away from you
The word of Bi-Han betrayal spreads to Outworld and you rescued from Shang Tsung's care but members of the Umgadi
They tell you all of what has happened and you are heartbroken and you begin to cry so deeply that no one can console you
It is almost too much for you to handle. Your mother has been killed and the father of your child has joined forces with the enemy
Your sisters and the return of your departed father comfort you but you still long to see Bi-Han again and try to help him come back from this corruption
Bi-Han also longs to see you and it is a top priority for you to be with him
He knows you are well protected but Bi-Han will not give up on you or your son
The two of you will meet again. You will embrace one another in time. It's all a matter of how and who gets to who first
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jester089 · 10 months
(Romantic) Tadc cast x reader who's tail wag hard when near them pls
Puppy of a person
Autism brain strikes againnnn! I wasn't sure if you wanted just the tail or not soooo. I did just tail. Can be read with other animal features though.
He initially wouldn't get it. I mean I seriously doubt he has ever seen an animal in his life. It confuses him. Every time you realize he's in the room your pupils grow and your tail starts wagging. He patted you once and it was a blur. After enough time he brings it up with someone (hopefully not Jax. For your sake.) That's when he realizes what that means. And nothing changes. He might intentionally fluster you now but past that nothing is different. He still has a circus to run and a very loose grasp on emotions. But he at least knows it's a positive reaction so it brightens up his days a bit. And if he's had an extra bad day he'll do something nice for you just to see your tail turn into a blur behind you.
She'll know what it means but outright ignore it. She's got some self worth problems and seeing your body start doing, that when she doesn't even do anything. It makes her all blush-y. So she tries to avoid thinking about it. Now if your talking to her that's another story. She can't just act like you don't exist. And all her ignored/bottled up thoughts pop up then. If you're able to get through a convo without her going pink, then start worrying cause that means she's had an abnormally awful day. If anyone can cheer her up thought it's you. Honestly just you giving her some attention and affection will brighten her right up. Do watch your tail though cause if it baps it it'll probably knock her over.
Their are two ways this could go. 1. It annoys her because of the sounds it makes or how distracting it is so she'll ask if you can stop. All you need to do to make her take it back is pull some puppy dog eyes and she'll feel bad. 2. She finds it cute and uses it to tease you a bit. Only a bit though, she still cares about you. For this I'm going to focus on the second one cause it's cuter. You and her would be sitting in one of your rooms doing something chill when she hears the telltale sound of you staring at her. The little whap whap whap she hears behind her. She turns around and isn't surprised by your giant eyes staring at her. She's let out a little sigh then join you on the bed knowing she's going to be covered in fur and not let go for at least the next hour.
Kinger would find it really cute. I doubt you're taller then him though so prepare to be at least a little condescended. He never means to. Your just too cute for your own good. He's also never startled by you. It's hard to be when you have a constant noise maker attached to you. He out of everyone would be the one to find all your little spots. You know when you scratch a cat at the base of it's tail and it gets incredibly overstimulated. Those. He'll find every single one. He also keeps a lint roller on hand now cause his impenetrable fortress and his robe always need them whenever you visit.
She strikes me as the kind of person who will try and hold your tail still. Then the physical touch and attention makes it wag even more. And you end up with her hair messy proudly holding your tail. She's still be gentle though, she doesn't want to mess up your fur. If she does mess it up without a doubt she'll brush it to help. She knows it wont stay brushed for long while you're with her but she's going to try. Overall she would love it. It's a little strange sure but she's a walking talking rag doll, this place isn't exactly normal. Every time she walks into a room, is relaxing in a room, or hanging out with you and she hears your tail beating against your legs or a wall it makes her smile giving her a little dopamine burst.
Oh poor you. Having a tail is basically just an easy target for Jax. But for this I'll chill him out a bit. He'll never admit it but it does make him happy. He's always thinking about how you deserve someone better or how you're going to leave him. But when he lightly yanks your tail as a joke and to get your attention. You spin around to yell at whoever it was but stop when you realize it was him. Then he gets to watch in real time your pupils expand and your tail start. It reassures him that you love him. He wont in public, but I unironically see him tying little bows around you tail then commenting on how pretty you look before switching back to usual. If you pay attention you'll notice he's kind of always staring at your tail. This can be for many reasons, wanting to mess with you, thinks it's cute, thinking about what it's like to have one. Up to you to decide which it is at any given time.
Their isn't a universe where she doesn't find it at least a little annoying. I mean their's a good chance she's face level with it and gets whapped in the face every time you're together. Moving past that though because of her smaller height she can and will lay on it whenever she can. It's always all warm and soft, and she knows that it's connected to you. Makes her feel nice. I can 100% see her having a rough day and breaking into your room and without a single word flopping onto your bed and either you or your tail. I feel like she's one of those people who will half sneak up behind a cat or dog and start petting them freaking the animal out. She of course will do that with you too. She feels a little bad when you jump but gets over it when you turn around and realize it's her. Then she gets smacked in the face by your tail again and gets annoyed. She doesn't blame you though.
(Writing this used up my burst of energy so this is it for today. Hope you enjoyed it.)
xoxo, Jester
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Hey! I wanted to know how Lisa, Yae Miko and Beidou would react to an S/O who in public is quite stoic and mature, but in private they can be quite submissive and are easily embarrassed when smothered by their affection.
(Genshin Impact) Lisa, Yae, and Beidou with a stoic but easily flustered S/O
I believe in Electro women supremacy
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Lisa absolutely adores the reactions her S/O has.
While on the outside, S/O seemingly doesn't react to her petnames like "Darling" or "Cutie", but she knows they're dying on the inside.
Especially when she suddenly hugs them from behind when they're alone in the library, hearing a soft yelp come out.
(S/O) "A-Ah, Lisa!-"
(Lisa) "Hm? Something the matter?~"
Lisa fails to contain her amusement as she sees S/O squirm under the attention she gives, always stuttering over their words or just quietly blushing.
It was a challenge to see how much love she could smother them in before their facade in public would crack, thinking it the cutest thing she's seen.
If anything, their stoic nature contrasted by their bashful one made them all the more attractive to her.
Knowing how level-headed of a person they were, and that she alone could reduce them to putty in her hands.
Now that brought a smile to her face.
(Lisa) "Where did all your confidence from earlier go, cutie?~"
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Yae knew how easily S/O could fold just by her affection, and you can bet your ass she would abuse that knowledge. (Lovingly, of course.)
She'll act as the (kinda) responsible Guuji she is well known for with S/O next to her, right before she whispers something in their ear.
While S/O's facial expressions do not budge, their cheeks suddenly start burning a crimson red as Yae chuckles.
In private, her laughter grows even louder.
(S/O) "I cannot believe you said that to me in front of the others!"
(Yae) "Hm? Which thing did I say, S/O? You're going to have to be a little more specific-"
(S/O) "I am not repeating...something so vulgar!"
Yae's hand covers her mouth as she watches S/O pout. If anyone else saw how they were reacting, their perception of them would completely shatter.
As fun as that would be, there was something special about having that side only be shown to Yae.
And she was quite possessive of that fact.
(Yae) "Don't worry, little one. I'll keep your reputation of being stone-faced safe...At least in front of the others."
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Beidou kind of gets where S/O is coming from.
She was quite the boisterous, loud, and fiery person in front of the crew, but she only really showed her softer side to very few people.
And it seemed S/O was the same way, seeing how flustered they got whenever she wrapped an arm around them.
It makes her own heart skip a beat as she snuggles closer to them in the safety of her quarters, smiling all the while.
(Beidou) "You're damn cute, you know that?"
She felt S/O fidget from the compliment, proving her correct even more than before.
(S/O) "You as well..."
(Beidou) "Heh, at least look at me when you say that."
While Beidou will still tease and mess with S/O, mercifully she doesn't unleash her full power unless it's just them.
Mostly so that S/O wouldn't explode from sheer embarrassment, because the things she did say and do in private.
Well, that was the Captain's secret, and all that anyone knows is that S/O walks out of her quarters with their hair disheveled quite badly.
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raayllum · 2 months
Opeli has always had faith.
It had just made sense as a little girl, the world so vast and wondrous, the steady turn of the Maker's Wheel and the cycle of the seasons. The call had always been there, a burning ember in her heart, her father an archivist in their small town's one House of Law. Her sneering mother had been a godless woman; it'd begun, like so many things, as a quiet rebellion. Then a career, and a life, here in Katolis. In the castle.
She lights the incense, a duty first given to her when the High Cleric before her, Naomi, had relinquished it to be at Soren's bedside as a sickly child when Opeli was perhaps sixteen. As High Cleric herself, she leads the congregation in prayer. The leaves fall and return. Ezran speaks and grows as king, his crown steady upon his brow.
The Wheel turns. Until it doesn't.
The sky is blue. Until it isn't.
Nothing could've prepared her for the hell fire raining down, for the crumbling of the castle that had withstood three proud centuries. For Soren's arm, strong and slung over her waist as he tackles her to safety, covers her from the stone, keeps her from running out into danger.
He presses the tiny glow toad into her hands, and she doesn't want to run—her heart pounds with adrenaline she hasn't felt since the Battle of the Storm Spire, but that had been with pride, certainty. Not terror and abject fear as she runs, because she wants to live, because the people will look to someone the way she's looked to Soren for the past hour, and she hopes—she prays that's not the last time she'll see him.
Opeli has always believed in miracles.
She performs last rites for the dying they cannot save, counts the heads of her Novices and doesn't let herself dwell on the the few that missing—not now, not yet. She pressed her palms together in gratitude that as many survived as they did, as she leads them towards Temple Hill, and thanks Lady Justice and her Sisters that at the very least Prince Callum, and in her heart of hearts, that King Ezran was not here, that he is safe elsewhere in Lux Aurea with his family.
The sky is yellow and red with fire, blackened by smoke, by the time she turns and sees people running through the flames encroaching the bridge most people hadn't been able to dart through once it'd grown, Opeli among the last to make it out. She cries bitter tears as she walks through the rapidly makeshift camp and wipes them away with her sleeve, but—
Heat beings are running towards her. A scream rises in her throat, but she recognizes the face of Barius' niece underneath, and one of her novices, and the way they are running, laughing, crying tears of joy amid smoky skin and firelight eyes. Magic, keeping them alive, family members hissing through the hearty embrace as they find each other in the crowd.
Her heart leaps.
Somehow, some way—
"Opeli." A large steady hand finds her shoulder, frighteningly warm, but she'd recognize that voice anywhere.
"Soren!" Opeli throws herself at him before she can think better of it, arms around his neck. His armour radiates warmth, and she pulls back, remembering herself just as he begins to hug her back, so they stay in that in between place for a moment as she studies him. His face is like stone and lava, fiery yellow cracks running down, the familiar blue of his eyes, gone, but—she can recognize him still, too. "I'm so glad you're safe."
She doesn't mean for her voice to break, but everyone's been looking to her and only to her the past few hours, and maybe she hadn't realized what a relief it was to have someone also making choices back at the castle, how much Soren had taken charge—how much Ezran has grown—until they were both gone, and...
Soren's eyes crinkle. "I can imagine," he says, his softer smile widening as he spots Hat crawling up from her hood. "Looking after Hat is a big responsibility."
Opeli hiccups a laugh, the tiny glowtad placing a tentative foot on Soren's hand when he raises it, then recoiling with saddened eyes.
"Don't worry little guy," Soren assures him. "It's magic. It's not permanent. Might take a few days, but..."
"Oh." More relief fills her lungs. "Good. Good—"
Soren raises his brows at her. "Why, High Cleric? Were you going to miss my pretty face?"
Momentary surprise overtakes her, as Soren has always been a flirty person generally speaking, but he's never been flirty towards her before. Opeli must really be exhausted, though, since she can't even be mad at him for it—and despite his miraculous survival and apparent levity, there's a flicker of shadows and sadness in his eyes, too. Something he's not telling her.
But she will wait to see if he wants to, just as they will wait together for his and everyone else's magicked transformations to change.
"Come." She briefly touches his elbow, the soft fabric covering it teeming with the same heat as everything else. Hat sits on her shoulder. "You should have some food and water. Then we can decide what to do next."
They can ask for help from the townspeople. Write a crow to King Ezran. Make more plans in the morning as the stars come out to play.
They can rebuild, together.
Opeli has always had faith.
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scribbledghost · 3 months
So in Fem!Simon’s NSFW alphabet you mentioned that she would be thrilled if she got you to squirt… care to elaborate on that 👀
You bet I can baby!
Honestly, I don't think she realizes what's going on at first. She gets sort of lost when she's pleasuring you, laser-focused on your body language and facial expressions. She drinks in your reactions, the way your body moves when you come, how her name sounds when it's wrenched from your throat.
So she doesn't even notice what's happening in the moment. She only realizes when her hand comes away from your cunt completely soaked past the wrist. Not to mention the sheets are sopping wet now, too.
You're still a bit too far gone to answer her when she murmurs, "why didn’t you tell me you could do that, baby?" into your ear, instead only offering a blissed-out hum as she engulfs you in a kiss.
Simon lets you come down easily, though she continues to dip her fingers into you, chuckling slightly as you twitch when she brushes your clit. She's always had a habit of continuing to play with you once you've come, enjoying the feeling of running her fingers through your slick. Most of the time, it leads to at least one or two more orgasms for you in the process.
"Y'really soaked me this time, love," she says when she notices you've come back down to earth a few minutes later.
"Hm, did I?" you ask softly.
She hums in confirmation, her gaze growing hungrier by the second. The next time she speaks, it's close to your ear, her tone low and tinged with desire.
"Do it again."
From then on, Simon is insatiable. Any time she's got her hands, mouth, or sex toy on (or in) you, she wants you to soak her. She wants to feel the way you clench, see the way you completely topple over the edge.
Of course, if you simply can't on any particular day (or don't want to because, let's face it, thats... kind of a mess to clean), she'll respect that. Her main goal is keeping you satisfied, after all. Though, to be completely transparent, that won't stop her from leaning close to your ear just before you come, murmuring to you to "go on love, bear down for me. Wanna feel you clench".
But if you ask her? She loves it when you squirt. She loves being able to feel your come trail down her skin, loves being able to feel your release as it pools beneath you. There's something visceral about it for her, something primal about seeing such physical evidence of your pleasure.
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shaunamilfman · 7 months
when the sun came up
Summary:  “So,” Jackie trails off sheepishly. “You, uh– You know how vampire’s need blood…?” A/N: the "jackie's a vampire 😍" fic in question
“What are you being so weird about, Jackie?” You ask finally, getting irritated by her constant glances. She looks surprised, almost as if she truly believed you wouldn’t notice. With a roll of your eyes, you lean back on the chair, setting your phone down on her desk as you give her your full attention. Jackie starts fiddling anxiously with her fingers as she glances around the room in a pathetic attempt to feign innocence.
Acting was never her strong suit, expressions always unconvincing and exaggerated; More reminiscent of a cartoon character than a real person. Despite her failure, there’s still something undeniably charming underneath it all even as Jackie’s awkward energy ends her ruse before it can even begin. While she hasn’t succeeded in fooling you she’s definitely succeeded in getting your attention.
Watching Jackie attempting to shake your attention is bizarre, to say the least. Never once have you seen her shy away from soaking up every bit of approval and attention you give her. Yet she seems almost eager for you to move on to something else which makes you grow more concerned by the second. You’re filled with a strange mixture of curiosity and unease, both vying for your attention.
“Jackie?” You prompt again, smiling invitingly at her as she finally meets your eyes.
She clears her throat awkwardly, fingers resting against her legs as she starts rolling the edge of her shorts back and forth between her fingers. “So,” Jackie trails off sheepishly. “You, uh– You know how vampires need blood…?”
You nod your head, lips twitching as you suppress your smile. You know exactly where this is heading. “Yeah.”
“Could I… Could I have some?” Jackie asks, quickly flushing with embarrassment. She watches you closely, hope evident on her face.
“Like… from me?” You ask slowly. Unlike Jackie, you were good at feigning innocence.
“Yeah. Just like a little bit,” She pleads, gesturing with her hands as she holds her thumb and index finger just barely apart. “You won't even know it was gone, promise.” 
She's utterly fixated on you, staring at your neck like it holds the secrets to the universe. You hum in consideration, enjoying the way Jackie squirms in desperation as you pretend to think it over. After a moment you hold your arm out invitingly toward her and she's across the room and in your lap before you can blink, literally. 
You forget just how strong and fast she's become, and sometimes you think she does too. The chair rocks dangerously on its back two legs as Jackie slides in your lap. You close your eyes in wait for the inevitable crash but Jackie's reflexes are just fast enough to plant her foot firmly, sending you crashing back forward as the chair settles. It rocks ominously for a second before stilling, Jackie quickly taking the chance to scoot up your legs. 
Your hands rest loosely on her hips as you try to make sense of what just happened, just a hair too fast for your mind to fully make sense of. You can feel the thrum of your heartbeat in your fingertips as your heart races through your chest. Jackie makes an apologetic noise as she slips her arms between your back and the chair, pulling herself snugly against you. 
You squeeze her hips in a gentle sign of affection as you slip your hands up the back of her shirt, wrapping your arms tightly around her bare back. If it has the side effect of pulling her shirt up, well that's no one's business but your own. You hear a snort of laughter that you'll know she'll deny later– and threaten to tell people about the incident if you don't keep it to yourself– which makes you grin as you bury your head into her neck. You breathe in the familiar scent of her perfume, slowly relaxing back against the chair as it calms your racing heart. 
You bite lightly at her neck, barely grazing the skin before you hear a petulant noise coming from Jackie. “That's my job,” She complains, slapping at your shoulder as she leans back and pulls her neck out of reach. 
“Oh? Is it?” You tease, a smile splitting your face as you watch her. 
She nods eagerly, just a hint of her fangs peeking out of her smile. Your eyes narrow at the sight, leaning forward to get a closer look. She practically preens as she widens her smile, clearly appreciating your admiration of her fangs.
You reach up to cup her jaw and Jackie immediately nuzzles her face into your palm as she closes her eyes with a contented noise. You roll your eyes fondly as you end up supporting the weight of her head, adjusting your grip to press your thumb against her lips.
Jackie just barely peeks her eyes open as she presses a kiss against your thumb, the beginning of a question forming on her face. You press your thumb against one of her sharp fangs, sighing quietly as it pierces the skin and draws a drop of blood. You watch her expression closely as her tongue flicks out to taste the blood, teasing at the edge of the cut as she lazily draws the remaining drops in her mouth.
You shudder involuntarily as she swallows, the intimacy of the action catching you off guard. You’re not sure that you’ll ever get used to the sight of her drinking your blood. "Tastes good," Jackie finally says, licking her lips as she pulls away.
Jackie’s gaze flits down to your neck, her eyes filled with longing. She leans forward and inhales deeply as she buries her face into the crook of your neck. Her hand cups the other side as she tilts your head, her warm breath caressing your ear. “Please?” She whispers, voice a soft plea tinged with her desperation.
Jackie's lips just barely graze your skin, sending shivers down your spine as you feel the gentle pressure from the tips of her fangs. “Go ahead, Jackie,” You say, hissing in surprise as she doesn’t hesitate to sink her teeth in. She presses herself impossibly closer to you with a muffled moan, her fingers clenched tightly at your shirt as she greedily sucks at the wound. You thread your fingers loosely through her hair, cradling her head as you relax limply against the chair. 
“Fuck,” You murmur slowly, tilting your head back enticingly as Jackie makes use of the available space. With each drop of blood she takes from you a heady mix of exhilaration and vulnerability washes over you, both intoxicating and unnerving at the same time. It’s a strange intimacy, a connection borne in the exchange of life; the knowledge that your blood is what sustains her, what gives her the strength she wields over you. 
It should make you feel weak to be entirely at her mercy, but you’ve never felt stronger than you do when Jackie drinks from you. You revel in her desire for you, eagerly embracing the weight of her unending hunger.
You'd majorly psyched yourself out the first time she'd asked this of you, thoughts of her teeth digging into your flesh had left you such a nervous wreck that your hands were visibly shaking as she descended on you. You were pleasantly surprised at just how good it felt once you got past the initial bite. There was barely a difference from Jackie's more possessive moments, intent to mark you up at the slightest sign of interest from someone else. You were sure that it could hurt if she wanted it to, but your girlfriend was steadfastly gentle in everything she did. With her arms wrapped around you, even the act of feeding became an intimate exchange, another bond that only the two of you would ever share.
You take a shaky breath as Jackie drinks her fill, trying your best to ignore her breathy noises of enjoyment in favor of keeping your eyes open. You get more lightheaded the longer she's attached herself to you, her lack of the need for air never more apparent than in these moments. She pulls away as you begin to slump back in the chair, soothing the bite with her tongue as she savors every last drop. You blink wearily up at her, faced with the impossible task of keeping your eyes open.
Jackie stands up happily, watching herself in the mirror over your shoulder as she licks at her thumb and rubs the stray blood off her face. A quiet laugh escapes your lip, more of an exhale than a sound. “Messy,” You murmur with a weak smile on your face.
“Shut up,” Jackie defends, pulling on your hand as she tries to coax you to your feet. You let her pull you up, but quickly slump into her arms as your shaky legs betray you. Jackie grunts as she catches you, grunting dramatically in exertion even as she effortlessly guides you back to her bed.
She climbs up excitedly to straddle your lap as you recline back against the pillows. You make a surprised noise as she leans down and kisses you, pulling back after a moment when she realizes you aren’t reciprocating. “Y/N,” Jackie whines, pouting down at you. 
You lazily shake your head, not bothering to open your eyes. “Too much,” You accuse weakly.
“Did not,” Jackie protests. “You’re fine. Look!” She lifts your hand pointedly, staring in dismay as it falls limply back to the bed.
“Oh,” She murmurs sheepishly. “That's… That’s my bad, really.” 
You make a vaguely amused noise in response that turns into a contented sigh as Jackie settles down on top of you. She buries her head in your neck, placing a tender kiss against the bite mark she’s left as she maneuvers your arms around to wrap around her.
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evillandscaper · 6 months
Okay guys I'm gonna do a breakdown of a few of my personal hcs for the main 3 of both s1 and s2!!! This includes little doodles of how I draw em differently !!!
Let's start off with Olive :3 there's a LOT under the cut.
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Okay, so Olive's really active, right? To me, she's always been brains AND brawn. So since she's out in the sun all the time, she has a tan!
She's also lightly scarred in my version, if you look carefully. Those were gathered out on cases. I hc that she has a LOT of battered uniforms that Otto sews/embroids together. Also, if you squint, you can see my version has light eyebags. It's not that she doesn't sleep, she's just fed up with everyone.
Her hair is messier! She comes into work all prim and proper, but leaves it all disheveled. If it's a more tiring day, she'll run her hand through her hair. Also, red hair tie instead of black, just cause I find it cuter.
Miscellaneous hcs:
- Olive is half Quebecois, half Vietnamese
- Her last name is Tremblay
- Her full name is Olivia, she just shortens it
- She's terrible at English and can't write an essay to save her life, but is very good at analysis
- She eats green skittles first, and thinks the purple ones are awful
- For their halfiversary, Otto got her an olive branch shaped tie pin that she wears whenever she feels fancy
Next up: OTTO!!
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The urge to change his hair was carnal in my soul. It's the Asian canon event. It happened to me, and it happened to him. Just to make things a little bit more fun for me to draw, I let his hair grow out a little bit... yknow the awkward stage after a bowl cut grows out a bit? Yeah, that.
Downturned eyes! Just so he and Olive can contrast a bit more. He's soft, she's sharp. They're silly!!!
I also make sure his mole is always at least partially visible. It's such a cool part of him, and I can't believe they cover it up most of the time in canon...
Miscellaneous hcs:
- He always has his blazer undone
- He's an excellent cook, but becomes immediately incompetent once someone is watching
- He's strangely good at identifying plants, and has a habit of picking edible ones and eating them straight from the ground
- He's good at English! Not the best, but better than Olive
- His last name is Garcia
- For their halfiversary, Olive got him a cast iron pan. He doesn't use it to cook, and instead swings it at anyone who makes fun of him or Olive
Next up: OSCAR!!!
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I honestly don't have much for Oscar. I love him, but don't think about him that much.
He has messier hair and is just a LOT more disheveled in general!!! Close your eyes in the bullpen at any given moment and I bet you could hear something in the lab blowing up.
He's perpetually sweaty. Damp palm guy. Maybe that's why he keeps dropping gadgets...
Miscellaneous hcs:
- He's very bad at telling the time. On vacation, he'll never know what day of the week it is
- He knows how to play the otamatone surprisingly well. He can make them talk, and has conversations with one the way one would with a sock puppet
- He never knows what significant figures to use, so he ends up just ballparking everything and just not measuring in general. Maybe that's why everything in the lab is always blowing up
- He has a full denim outfit saved up for formal occasions. I'm talking denim hat, shirt, jacket, pants, shoes, all denim
- His last name is Collins
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Okay so there's a lot of hearing me out you guys will need to do.
Anna Cathcart is half Chinese and half irish!!! Thus, I gave Olympia monolids to accentuate that factor. I also downturned her eyes and thinned her "lashes" to make it more obvious that I'm portraying her as wasian!
I gave her freckles and rounder glasses for the vibe. She's just a soft character to me, and I really want to make her look the part.
She's got messy hair!! It's based on the little half fringes she had in very early s2, which I thought were adorable. Her ponytail's also higher just so she looks different from Olive!!
Miscellaneous hcs:
- Olympia knows floriography, and will get very hurt if you give her the wrong flowers
- Conversely, she thinks she's being really rude if she puts a tansy on someone's desk to show that she's upset and will feel bad about it all day
- She always carries a little salamander named Josh in her pocket
- She can speak Yiddish
- She has a massive storage of those flippable sequin shirts and has one for every occasion
- She put her hair into a ponytail bc of Olive (this one is courtesy of @/starboundsingularities!!!!!), but the more she found herself, the higher up she tied it
- Her last name is Carter-Ng
Next up: Otis!!!
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I draw him a little sickly for no particular reason. He's just silly like that.
He's not that different from canon tbh! I have his hair in an undercut because I think it looks cool on him (plus it's easier to draw), and he has eyebags because of ... the vibe.
He has a notch taken out of his ear due to an injury! From what, he won't say .
Miscellaneous hcs:
- He listens to royalty free music unironically
- He's going through his Alan Walker phase
- He has barely legible handwriting, but can draw surprisingly well
- He types like an old man, with the "............" and everything
- His last name is Otis. His full name is Otis Otis. This one is also courtesy of @/starboundsingularities I love it so much
Last but not least: OONA!!!!!
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She's really going through it.
Fun fact: Olivia Presti has curly hair!!! That means that Oona should have curly (or at least wavy) hair... but she doesn't. Which is honestly so sad.
But I can always mitigate that, so I draw her hair wavy. I guess it's more extremely frazzled than wavy, but it's the same effect in the end.
EYEBAGS. She doesn't sleep after The Incident. She also has downturned eyes, just because she gives off that vibe.
Miscellaneous hcs:
- Oona is a regular customer of a local rage room
- She knows how to use a crossbow to a mildly terrifying extent
- If a flight of stairs has a railing, she'll slide down it. She almost always ends up falling
- Her last name is Silva
- She says she knows how to speak Polish, but she only knows a select few words and doesn't know what they mean. They're all curse words.
- Subsequently, Oona is banned from several Polish restaurants across the city
That's all!! They're all so silly :3
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phoenixlionme · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel S2 Theory: Vaggie's Loyalty Being Questioned
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I think I figured out more of why I always found the Chaggie fight so hard to watch. It wasn't just because of Charlie's cold anger at Vaggie or how she questioned her loyal girlfriend's loyalty, the latter which visibly shocks and hurts the latter. And I also found another reason: Vaggie did not tell her side, at least onscreen, and of right now we don't know if the couple actually had an actual conversation about Vaggie's secrecy. Now, admittedly the crew had only 8 episode to work and did the best they could but hopefully season 2 will have more episodes. And I want it to come back to this for a number of reasons.
Now, besides being a glutton for the emotional pain of fictional characters, I also have legit reasons. First, Vaggie's arc hasn't even begun; and I think the writers did that to further her development in S2 but planted the seeds in the first, namely how Vaggie is emotionally closed off from other, even to Charlie to some extent and we don't see her go through any growth yet. Second, I personally don't believe that Charlie is fully over this - I mean, yes, she did talk her feelings through with Rosie but, again, we don't see her and Vaggie have a full-on convo, and I think Charlie may still be hurt over it. And, lastly, as I mentioned in the previous paragraph, we don't hear from Vaggie's side - Judging from her body language, Vaggie is ashamed over her prior lie and Charlie had every right to be upset by it but as mentioned in this post from an AU (long story), I do think Vaggie should (and hopefully will) have had a moment to explain why she did what she did. Heck, her reason might be more tragic than what Rosie hypothesize - Not just out of shame but also out of have a strong self-hatred for herself that even Husk (who accurately pointed out Vaggie's self loathing) didn't fully comprehend.
And the question is, "How will this be brought up?" Simple, Alastor's allegiance. To explain, it's made clear that whatever "harmless favor" Alastor has planned, it might be harmless physically but not emotionally. Now, before I get ahead of myself, I'll give my prediction for S2:
Sir Pentious' ascension will be known early on. And while rejoicing over him being alive with everyone else, Charlie will also develop a more reckless drive to redeem Sinners now that she has proof. However, her recklessness will cause her to lean on Alastor's surface level trust, (possibly) the Vees or just Vox, and not listening to Vaggie's legitimate concerns.
Vaggie's suspicions of Alastor will come up again. Maybe Husk warns her to not trust him or maybe she sees Alastor in a VERY untrustworthy light but since she has no proof, she'll probably keep to herself until she has something concrete
Following from this theory, Vaggie will develop a closer bond with Carmilla. Maybe in exchange for the huge weapon supply, Vaggie didn't make a magic binding deal but a verbal promise to assist Carmilla that would equal the number of weapons she gave. I mean, we didn't see their entire convo, or maybe Carmilla will do this in S2. Either way, Vaggie will grow closer to Carmilla; in contrast, Charlie might be wary of Carmilla given how the latter knew of a way to defeat Exorcists but shared nothing. And I think the Overlords might be oppose to ascension or not want to help the Princess despite the proof. While Vaggie might not agree with Carmilla's stance perhaps Carmilla would bring up a good point - why would they go to a place that killed them without remorse yearly and still think lowly of them? And it'll strike a chord with Vaggie. Going back to Charlie, she'll feel hurt that Vaggie is agreeing with someone who against their dream, even though Vaggie is simply acknowledging the Overlord has a good point. But an emotional Charlie (with possible emotional manipulation from Alastor) will see it as Vaggie siding with someone else and it'll cause friction. Not to mention, since Vaggie is helping Carmilla when she's not at the Hotel, this will cause Charlie to feel neglected by her girlfriend/partner.
On Vaggie's side, besides growing in herself without it being tied to Charlie or the Hotel, she'll also voice her concern of trusting Alastor. Pointedly reminding Charlie that Alastor ONLY helped her when she was at her most desperate and has constantly mocked her dream while doing VERY little to actually help in the past.
The couple get into an argument over this: Vaggie upset with Charlie not listening to her and only listening to Alastor because the latter tells her the things she wants to hear even though he's not being actually helpful; on the other hand, Charlie is angry that Vaggie is SEEMINGLY not on her side and is siding with someone she's barely known (at this moment, Charlie is being unknowingly hypocritical).
Then the big hit that causes a major damage in their relationship - An angered Charlie coldly states something along the lines of, "Maybe the reason I'm trusting Alastor is because unlike a certain someone he's never lied to me. Maybe he's been helping me throughout the whole 'we finally have proof that Sinners can be redeemed' and NOT helping those against it. I mean, fuck, Vaggie, you're supposed to be on MY side. Why are you trying to ruin this?"
And the room goes quiet. If there's anyone present, they are stunned silent. No background music. And Vaggie is left speechless and Charlie quickly realizes her mistake and tries to apologize. In a move that shows how hurt she was at Charlie's words, Vaggie rebuffs Charlie's attempt to apologize and leaves.
I know it may sound like I'm making Charlie more gullible and meaner to Vaggie but I think it is possible. We don't know Charlie's full opinion of Carmilla is; hell, for all we know, Charlie may harbor some distrust given the Overlord's huge secret that could've helped the Hotel. Plus, I think Charlie feeling ignored by Vaggie could work if written properly. I don't know I just think it's possible and I DON'T want them to break-up but have a conflict and grow from it.
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You always have the best thought out and researched Hobie takes, so I have a punkflower question for you. How does Hobie respond to his boyfriend's father being a cop? I feel too many fics and creators tend to brush it under the rug. How do you think that situation would pan out?
Miles, Hobie, and Having a Dad In Blue
[I'm gonna be transparent like Miles - there's no open romance in this. This is mainly a short thing about Hobie helping Miles heal from the pressures of his family - just wanted to give a heads up so no one gets to the end and gets disappointed lol]
Honestly, when I think about it -
I think Hobie's first reaction would be more about Miles, than it would be his own feelings.
Like I don't think his first thought would be 'ew' or 'that's horrible' . I think automatically his first thought would be -
'That makes a lot of sense'.
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First thing that pops into his head.
Hobie and Miles come from two very different universes, and the ways they handle their shared identity of Spider-man is really different too.
We hear it directly in Hobie's introduction - He's NOT a Role Model.
But earlier in the movie, Officer Davis' biggest gripes with Spider-man - with Miles - is that he is not enough of a role model.
Miles is trying his best. He wants to be a good hero for his dad's sake - knowing one day the cat will be out of the bag.
That's different than Gwen and her father. Her father already knows GhostSpider as a murderer, and there's no reversing that. Gwen knew her father would never accept her - so she hasto keep it a secret - in definitely.
She'll never be a role model to her father - and she's not trying to be anymore. That's Gwen's arc.
An arc Miles hasn't gone on yet. He still wants to be a role model. He wants his dad to idolize and like Spider-man because he doesn't plan to keep it a secret indefinitely.
Unlike Gwen, he wants his father to know who he is.
But he can't - he still feels like he has something to live up to - a code of honor he feels he isn't reaching.
Miles wants to be good enough.
So Hobie sees him going through this struggle all the time, of wanting to be like Peter, wanting to impress his dad, worrying about telling his parents. And not knowing the source -
And then Miles is like "OH By the way, my dad's a cop."
I feel like it would just click for Hobie. He'd be like "That makes a lot of sense, if I'm being honest."
If anything I think he'd feel for Miles first and foremost. That's what Hobie does.
He'd immediately see Miles, and the effect his dad has on him, in both good and bad ways. His dad helps Miles strive to be better - but that also leaves him feeling guilty and alone.
I think he'd go on to be like "That's gotta be tough. Is that the reason why you X, Y, Z?"
And Miles - Poor Miles probably wouldn't even pick up on this until that very moment. Having Hobie say to this him would probably leave him a little shook.
But it'd be SO relieving.
Gwen and Miles don't talk about their family. Gwen isn't a talky person. Miles doesn't really have anyone to talk to about his family dynamic or his situation at home.
Like even Miles!42 - His uncle Aaron KNOWS he's Prowler. Miles doesn't have that support.
And then Hobie would give it to him, and be like 'I understand', 'That must suck', 'You don't have to be a role model, you just have to be yourself.'
Hobie offers that support all without Miles asking - (Miles is finna cry)
All because Miles having a cop as a dad immediately explains a lot of the struggles he's going through. And Hobie can see that. It makes him frustrated and he'd want to at least be someone Miles can talk to.
Like police corruption and oppression aside, living in the shadow of someone with a black and white view of right and wrong, or good and bad, sucks.
Growing up under someone who abides by order and swears by it SUCKS, because the world in unorderly. The universe is.
Hobie knows this. Him meeting Officer Davis however is a whole thing -
Honestly speaking, I'd think he'd look at Miles dad with pity. Like 'Damn you're a good father and a good husband - but you're a cop'.
He'd probably turn up to the cookout, make himself and his views known (not changing the laces) and if Miles' dad really finds a problem with them he can ask.
Hobie will happily tell him "I'm not from here. The place I'm from is a lot less nice and a lot more corrupt than this one. What I did ain't fun - but it was in the name of liberty. I guess you know all about 'defending liberty', don't you? You wear a blue uniform to remind you. I wear blue laces."
Because it's the truth. Hobie will say that shit without blinking. Standing there like
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'Now is there a problem, officer?' Just because he wears blue laces DOESN'T mean he lacks a moral code.
Hobie has a moral code. A VERY strong one - and simply in the way he carries himself, you can tell that he's committed to that code.
Maybe even more than Officer Davis. They have two different moral codes, but I'm sure Miles dad can identify on sight - and respect - 'We both are the type to stand by what we think is right'
Because by Hobie not changing himself, he's showing that he won't bend his morals for Miles' family. But there's differences in the way they operate and that's okay.
I think Hobie learning about Miles' Dad would
Bring them closer together. For the first time Miles has words and reason behind the pressure he feels. Why he looks up to his dad and is annoyed with him at the same time. Hobie would catch the connection right away, and open the discussion. And Miles is open to talking, we see it in their scene before Miguel's office. I think having that outlet would help Miles SO much. I feel like he'd become more confident over night. Hobie telling him there's no rules or laws or academy when it comes to being Spider-man. There are certain circumstances where the police just can't help. That's what Spider-man is for. To go above and beyond the black and white authority society has created. It'd be so liberating for Miles.
Garner some respect between Officer Davis and Hobie. It kinda sounds backwards. But lets be honest, if they're at the dinner table and Officer Davis asks about one of Hobie's political patches - he's gonna tell him what he thinks straight out. Hobie's wearing a 'Dearm the Police' patch and Miles' dad asks about it - Hobie's gonna be like 'Yeah, they don't need those weapons. The lot of them are already weapons themselves.' And of course Officer Davis is gonna want a conversation about it, and Hobie loves hearing himself talk. But it never gets heated. It's them going back and forth dropping these huge points and citing examples and bringing up theoretical scenarios. It's just - THEY KEEP TALKING. Rio is like 'Hun, please your food is getting cold.' And Jeff is like 'One second - *Turns to Hobie* In 1983 there was a court case about a cop- *continues his long as counterpoint*' What even more interesting - HOBIE HAS A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF HISTORY THAN JEFF. Yeah, all those cases in the 70's that Jeff was a baby for. Yeah, Hobie was there and a teenager - the equivalent of cases still match up. So Jeff is debating at the dinner table with a dude who is technically older than him - but he doesn't know that so Hobie keeps catching him off guard with that SMUG ASS GRIN Miles is sighing under his breath like 'Hobie COME ON let him win PLEASE' So for Miles, and ONLY MILES, Hobie lets it slide. Until Jeff turns on the TV. And the first thing they see on the screen is s report about politics and NOW THEY'RE BACK AT IT AGAIN FUCK Hobie pointing at the screen like 'Case & Point, m8. Thats exactly what I mean!' Fuck outta here, Hobie will debate till the cows come home.
It'd help Miles and his dad a lot Officer Davis would probably be left with a HUGE amount of respect for Hobie. Because yeah he looks like a delinquent - to someone obvious trained by the system. But Hobie knows his shit. He knows how to maneuvour in conversation, how to pick peoples brains, and understand their reasoning. He GENUINELY wants to have a conversation. Because he genuinely believes he can back himself up in a calm and logic way. So why not talk about it? After Hobie leaves there would always be a silence - and that's because yeah they went back and fourth for 40 minutes, but Hobie ALWAYS leaves you with something to think about. Or consider. Or re-evaluate. Honestly Miles has NO idea what his dad thinks. Usually his dad would be ranting still - but he looks more thoughtful. Just replaying the discussion he had with Hobie. Miles might ask his dad what he thinks - but his dad might say something vague like Officer Stacy did - call him a 'piece of work' It isn't until later when Miles' dad knocks on his door that he realizes how much Hobie has an impact. Even if his dad didn't know about his secret identity - I think he would see how much his police training effects his home and Miles in specific. How much pressure that can put on someone. Officer Davis would replay the story Hobie told him of the unnamed girl whose father shot at her. And he'd consider how anyone could choose their badge over their kid. Maybe he has a discussion with Miles, apologizes for the pressure he puts on him, telling Miles he's proud of him.
And Miles would know it's all because of Hobie. Because Hobie cares about him and Hobie knows how to approach people, all type of people.
Officer Davis would KNOW how Hobie feels about cops. And he's know why. He'd at the very least understand Hobie, or respect him. Hobie would make him realize - 'Oh hey, you don't have to be a role model to be a good person'.
Because Hobie Brown is NOT a role model. He's something better.
That's just how I see it. I think Hobie is a great mediator tbh. It's his strongest talent. It's the reason why Miles trusts him to much to begin with.
ANNNDDD As per usual if you made it this far - THANK YOU!!!! The gift shop is to the left. As courtesy here is a photo of Hobie with a bonus photo of Miles that I think is really really funny.
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I don't know why that photo of Miles is SOOO funny to me- I think its the fact his hands are in fists his expression is so unreadable IT LOOKS LIKE HES ABOUT TO SOCK ME IN THE MOUTH Im in legit tears laughing at that
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