#She really starts revolutions wherever she goes
redbayly · 2 months
Zutara Fic Progress
Currently trying to get my next chapter finished for "Hot Ice, Strange Snow" and I'm getting close to smashing my laptop in frustration. It's been over a month since I've updated and I'm furious with myself.
I am so close. So very close and I want to post the chapter so badly. I probably shouldn't even be distracting myself by writing this, but it's like 1:00am and I'm tired and want to ramble.
I've been reveling in Northern Water Tribe worldbuilding and developing Gran-Gran's backstory beyond just "she was engaged to Pakku and ran away because arranged marriage sucks." There's this whole thing about how regressive policies get passed and some stuff about access to education and student activism and protests.
And then I began writing in stuff about classism and bullying and academic pressure and domestic abuse and reproductive rights and how inherently horrifying the idea of forced marriage actually is. I kind of went off when thinking about all the ways NWT culture probably messes with the people who are part of it. Not that I'm making everything and everyone terrible, I've just been thinking far too much about how sexism influences and shapes culture and people.
Obviously, Katara ain't having any of this shit.
Also, I've decided to make Yugoda a more notable character because she deserved better than, like, five or six lines of dialogue and two background appearances.
Anyway, here's where I'm at story-wise.
(spoilers ahead)
I've dived head-first into Katara starting an underground waterbending class as part of her master plan for a full-on social revolution. In doing this, I ended up giving Katara a bunch of new friends around her age and made things ten times more complicated for myself by building those OCs as characters and using them to explore the effects of NWT sexism.
Aang is having some problems in Pakku's class and unintentionally offends people wherever he goes. He also gets caught up in some tension among the Water Tribe boys that he doesn't really understand.
Sokka gets to witness the effects of sexism on a society and has a proper epiphany about why Katara has always been so mad about it. Like, not just realizing girls can fight, but finally understanding the deeper problems. He has therefore decided to be a supportive big brother who aids and abets in illegal activities if they are for a good purpose. Also, he's thinking of busting out the Kyoshi Warrior uniform for good measure because non-bender girls need a teacher, too (yes, he still has the uniform. He was wearing it when they left Kyoshi and he's not going to get rid of something that important. It's a travesty that he never got to wear it again in the original series).
The main part I'm struggling to get through is the Zuko sections. I've got him into and out of a seedy tavern and onto a northbound merchant ship where he's learning that, while being a deckhand isn't great, you can't yell at people to solve your problems. I'm trying to figure out him having a meaningful chat with the captain who hired him to give him some sort of important life lesson but I'm still feeling stuck.
I'm so sorry, Zuko. You've been taking kind of a back seat in this chapter. I promise, you'll get your spotlight back soon. You just need to get up north and reunite with the Gaang (and especially with Katara).
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idrisofficial · 5 months
do a gtn x idris analysis. can be about any aspect
my worldbuilding is nowhere near as impressive or fleshed out as tazmuir's but i kinda wanna focus on that comparison! i haven't talked/thought about worldbuilding in awhile so this is a pretty good opportunity.
the dynamics between the houses remind me a lot of idris's noble houses, even if the political situation is entirely different. idris's nobles have no need to compete with each other because they all serve one government which they are (mostly) all loyal to. arguably the same could be said of the nine houses in regards to the emperor, but the goal of lyctorhood is framed as inherently competitive within gtn, their shared servitude is virtually nixed. but shit between the idrisian noble houses gets nasty too! the characters i have developed the most often have bigger fish to fry (i.e. the revolution), but for the nobles who are not first and foremost concerned with artemis, they engage in a lot of petty aristocrat drama just because they have the time for it! most want to grab power wherever they can, and step on each others' toes all the time to get it. they duel (yay swords!), they make political plans to directly antagonize their enemies, and they are completely cut off from the rest of civilization at large for the most part. it's part of why the nobility are so fucked up; the culture is and has been for hundreds of years to distance themselves from reality and engage only in what are deemed noble pursuits (religion, ivory tower academia, sparring, study of their political domain). this is, in a way, comparable to the transformations seen in first house when the adepts seek out lyctorhood and abandon their humanity in the process.
but really, it's what makes idris comparable to the ninth house. it's hard to know where to start with this in particular, because the biggest thing i have to go off of is Vibes. but the morbid, isolated feel of the house of the ninth is exactly what it's like walking around halcyon's castle. like ninth house, idris is a sparsely populated country, although idris does take up considerable land mass. only certain parts of it are really conducive to life at all, so cities become dense with people while forests and tundras are left abandoned. much like the ninth house, idris has been a sinking ship for a long time. the halcyonic values which idrisians are raised with breed a lot of patriotism, but anyone who examines the country's resources and poor international status understands that they can only go on for so long like this, with each new ruler only prolonging the country's slow death. the nobles are also raised with far too much pride to address the structural issues within government and economy. they're raised with far too much pride to even organize proper relations with other countries. unlike the ninth house, idris is not separated by planet from its contemporaries. but honestly? it might as well be. most nobles aren't even permitted to leave the country. idrisians have so much contempt for other countries' heresy that they refuse to engage even when given the opportunity. which, as far as i can tell, is also a pretty stereotypical ninth trait (although i wouldn't say gideon or harrow particularly embody it).
i do enjoy the harrow-brinne similarities as well. i love the way gideon constantly describes harrow's expressions as twisted or pinched or anything similar-- it's very brinnelike to me, even though brinne isn't really facially expressive. harrow's adamance about the face paint is a safety precaution throughout gtn, and it reminds me of two brinne things, the first being her veil. brinne's veil is obviously first and foremost her method of covering her facial scar, but it also represents her attempts to bring herself closer to halcyonic values and halcyon itself. it's not a coincidence that her scarring goes hand in hand with the nde where she hallucinates herself in halcyon's image (i.e. faceless). although the vision terrifies and traumatizes her, she becomes fixated on piety immediately following. masking half her face is a way of re-attaining the godliness of her nde, as well as keeping herself safe from the people around her. and like the reverend daughter's face paint, it is a way of altering the way she is perceived. the veil creates a similar imperviousness to the face paint.
harrow and brinne's loneliness and selfishness are also deliciously similar. they both come from childhoods where they were simultaneously idolized and isolated and that sure did fuck up their priorities! harrow is kind of a more extreme version of brinne's traumas. just one-upping her everywhere. where brinne was supposed to be the most divine of other divine children, harrow was her house's only hope for divinity at all. where brinne was expected to be the paragon among so many other living children (and failed), harrow was expected to make up for all of the children who died for her (an impossible task). where brinne was hated by all of the nobles growing up, harrow had no one left to be hated by, save for gideon, who did a damn good job at letting her know. but despite the disparities, i think the effects which these things had on them are similar. brinne is a failure to represent her lineage and her people, and the irreversibility of her blood is what prevents her from justifying herself in the first place. harrow is a failure to be worth all of the souls that died for her, a curse placed on her alongside conception itself. it's all very original sin-y.
ok im tired now and i should go to sleep but if i ever have the time and energy to add onto this i will. there are so many juicy comparisons between gtn and idris. it makes my brain go all microwave noises
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fantasiasworld · 9 months
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“Welcome to the Colorful World of Fantasia!”
Growing up, Amarie read countless of fairy tales, stories about princess, witches, mermaids, and monsters, but never once did she believe that her beloved fairy tale stories would one day turn into a reality.
Yet all that changed, when the friends she once knew before, suddenly started disappearing one by one, completely forgotten by the world, and at one point, she disappeared too.
Waking up one night, she realized that she hadn’t awoken from her bedroom, but instead found herself in a whole new world. A world where it’s much more colorful and magical than the one she came from, Fantasia.
She thought that a world such as bright and magical as Fantasia would be absolutely phenomenal, but she quickly came to realize that it’s nothing like she’d imagine it to be. The heroes that she once looked up to, the fairy tales that she stayed up all night reading, turned out to be nothing but a lie. And with tension rising in the air, and a revolutionary War heading in gear, she wonders if it’s really safe to be here?
The Mysterious Fairy Godmother
Fleur Feé — The Fairy Godmother of Fantasia, the leader of the Colorful Bouquet, and the person responsible for sealing the Dark Fairy up for all those years. While she may look kind, sweet, and motherly, don’t be fooled by her generosity and kind exterior, for in actuality she’s very sharp and cunning, and more often than not, the wishes she grants causes more trouble than not. Yet even so, Amarie can’t help but have a sense of familiarity with her, almost as she knew her before….
The Quiet Little Mermaid
Soo Anderson — The once curious Little Mermaid is nothing but a shell of the person she once was, after being exiled from the Sea Kingdom, she made a contract with the Fairy Godmother, trading fins for legs. She’s very quiet, keeps to herself most of the time, and very cynical, lacking the kind of optimism you’ve read from her stories growing up. Though she mostly keeps to herself, she can be very ill-tempered and quick to anger, if you get her to that point. Not much is known about her past, she keeps people at arm’s length, and has no intention of letting anyone get too close to her.
The Rebellious Thief Rapunzel
Hana Russo — An infamous thief who steals jewelry, money, and goods from the village people. She is the epitome of greed and the main ones calling for a revolution, the village people hate her and in attempt to drive her out once and for all, they devised an attack on her. She will do anything to achieve the freedom that she so desperately desire, so in a hasty attempt to regain control during the mass witch hunt on her head, she made a contract with the Fairy Godmother.
The Spoiled Princess of Beauty
Camellia Clermont — From Riches to Rags, this once beloved princess has been cursed to sleep for a thousand years after a dreadful accident. No one has had the courage to wake the princess up until you came along and woken her up with “True Love’s Kiss”, yet when she woke up, she was nothing like Amarie expected. Instead of the kind and caring princess that would sing your praises after being awaken from a curse, she’s anything but. Needy, selfish, self-absorbed, and demanding, describes her to a T, yet Amarie can’t deny, she is quite beautiful, but there is something underneath that beauty that hides something more sinister.
The Two Faced Red Riding Hood
Nari Reyes — The newest recruit of the Colorful Team. Full of light and joy, what’s not to like about her? She brings a fresh set of joy and happiness wherever she goes, drastically different than any person you encountered so far. Yet there’s something about her that’s not right, for all her smiles and laughter, quickly disappear when the full moon comes around, and her true personality kicks in.
The Lonely Dark Fairy
Dayanara Perez — The person who has been sealed away for hundreds of years. After living in isolation for hundreds of years, once she finally broke free from purgatory, she established “The Monochrome”, a vigilante group that was made to take down people who abused their power in society. Though people’s memories of her have been completely wiped away from existence, there have been stories and folktales flying around about a “Dark Fairy”, once she was released from Purgatory, she took on that “Dark Fairy” persona. Her fairy tale is unknown.
The Wingless Fairy Traitor
Fei Wang — Loyal follower of “The Monochrome”, and the one responsible for awakening the Dark Fairy. This beautiful fairy was once a high respected general amongst the Fairy Kingdom, if beauty could kill, then hers was deadly. But after a run in incident with the Fairy Godmother, her reputation soured, and her once beautiful wings were cut off from her back. But even so, not even that could keep them down, for that incident only fueled their hatred and anger towards the Fairy Godmother. After she found about the Dark Fairy, they were thrilled with having another ally by her side. In modern fairy tale stories, she is known as, Tinkerbell.
The Innocent Snow White
Mira Morozov — The older step-sister of Camellia Clermont, while she is not a princess by blood, she has captured the people’s heart, and was nicknamed, “Snow White, the People’s Princess”, for she was so warm and kind that even the snow melted under her touch. However, as much as she tried to be kind and caring, there are some people in the world that just won’t stand for it, and so when the cursed Sleeping Beauty, poisoned her with an apple, well what you could do? But thanks to the kind and vigilante Dark Fairy, who saved her from a fast and quick death, she was able to live another day. But even after all these years, she was never truly able to forgive and forget, harboring so much anger and animosity to her step-sister, that the once beloved nickname “Snow White”, had quickly became synonymous with her cold heart.
The Strange Alice
May Weather — A former child prodigy that was once destined for greater and better things. A normal bright student at the very top of her class, was now a closed off NEET who relies on “delicacies” to get through the day. Is the youngest in “The Monochrome”, and the strangest by far. She stumbled upon Wonderland on accident and never cared enough to leave. She doesn’t remember her past, her present, who she is, what’s her name, how did she get here, how did this happen, and she doesn’t care enough to find the answer out either, for Wonderland and the Dark Fairy is all she will ever need.
The Angelic Beast and the Wicked Beauty
Dahlia Hutchinson — Born from a family of nobility, she is the embodiment of class and prestige, with a hint of snark. Perfect in every way, yet she soon ran out of luck, when she decided to throw a ball that ruined her reputation and forever cursed her as a monstrous beast. However, after an encounter with the Dark Fairy, she broke her curse after sacrificing her beauty for her humanity, leaving her completely unrecognizable from the woman she was before, that even her beast form was
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inochinoyomikata · 2 years
Inochi no Tabekata ch 3-5 Translation
Chapter 3-5  いつか世界の終わり  The world ends someday  Otogiri-Tobi
In front of the school gate, a teacher wearing a tight-fitting suit and black-rimmed glasses called out to him. Tobi’s feet stopped.
“Good morning, Mr. Yagarashima.”
“...O-oh. Wh-what, Otogiri?”
“I... need this backpack.”
Tobi lifted up his shoulder and showed Baku, who he was carrying.
“I can’t use anything other than this guy. I’m sorry for making you feel uncomfortable all the time.”
“It’s not particularly unpleasant, but…”
“Really? Good work every morning.”
“Uh, yeah, no, it’s just my job…”
Tobi bowed lightly to the teacher and passed through the school gate. “Hmmm,” Baku groaned.
“A change of heart?”
“...Just for some reason.”
Shiratama was waiting for him at the shoe box. Tobi changed his shoes and headed to the classroom with Shiratama. It seemed that Shiratama wanted to say something, but she couldn’t seem to find the words. Tobi was the same. When he arrived at the classroom, he was relieved to see Asamiya. Shiratama felt the same.
Harimoto, the homeroom teacher, talked about Kon in the morning homeroom. Kon was absent again today, and it would take a little longer for her to recover. That was it. There was no mention of Takatomo.
Murahama and Shimomaeda, who had been good friends with Kon, joined a group of other boys and girls. Masamune, also known as Masaki Shuuji, was joking around and making the group of students laugh. Asamiya looked at the situation with disgust.
Lunch was eaten in seconds, leaving only the bun. Tobi left the classroom with the bun in one hand and carried Baku.
The courtyard was still off-limits. When he was about to go out the front door, it started to rain. It couldn’t be helped. Tobi squatted down in front of his shoe box and ate the bun.
“The world revolves, huh…”
Baku muttered. Tobi quickly finished eating the bun.
“What was that?”
“It’s just somehow. Understand? I know that much.”
What Baku wanted to say, it was probably something like this.
‘Despite what happened to Takatomo and Kon, the others were quickly returning to normal. For example, if Tobi were to disappear today, it would have no impact on the Earth’s rotation or revolution. It continues to rotate without change. The world revolves. Each and every one of us will continue to live.’
A light rain was pouring down behind the transparent glass door at the entrance. He couldn’t hear the rain. When lunch time ended and lunch break began, someone approached the shoe box. That someone crouched down next to Tobi.
The two of them watched the rain for a while.
“Have you tried looking it up?”
Tobi asked while next to her without looking at her.
“On the internet or your smartphone?”
“About zingai?”
She asked. When Tobi nodded, she replied, “just a little.”
“What did you find out?”
“Ghosts, spirits, youkai, fairies, and so on are actually zingai. Also strange phenomena that are said to be urban legends are related to zingai.”
“Anything goes.”
Tobi smiled wryly. She laughed too. Tobi looked to the side. Shiratama was also looking at Tobi.
“Chinu and I are like monsters.”
Baku made a clicking sound that sounded like Chinu. Shiratama gently caressed Chinu.
“It seems there are some people who want to connect everything to zingai. In any case, only people who can see zingai can see that.”
“Like Tobi and O-Ryuu. That seems to be a good match for the time being.”
“Most people can’t see them, so it seems there are many people who don't take them seriously. ‘Occult’ they say-”
“Baku is ‘occult’?”
When Tobi muttered, Baku went berserk. It looked like he was trying to kick Tobi even though he didn’t have legs. Or was he trying to hit him? Shiratama stroked Baku again and soothed him.
“I still haven’t tried SNS yet. I’ll try and register next time.”
“I don’t even have a smartphone.”
“They’re convenient to have.”
“That kind of thing?”
“Wherever you are, I could keep in touch with you.”
It was not uncommon for residents to have smartphones at the facility. Some people call and message friends all night long, and they get warnings from the staff.
“If something happens–”
Shiratama looked outside.
“I could talk. Anytime…”
Tobi nodded vaguely.
Baku said something. If you have something to say, say it clearly.
“Ah, that’s right!”
Shiratama took out her smartphone from her skirt pocket. She tapped the display to launch an app. She showed Tobi the screen.
“You can also see this kind of map. You can zoom in and out. You can change direction freely.”
“Ah, that's amazing.”
“No more getting lost.”
“Well, Shiratama, are you trying to sell it to me?”
“Don’t be absurd!”
Shiratama used an old-fashioned phrase that made Tobi almost burst out laughing. Shiratama looked dumbfounded.
“The map?”
Tobi muttered.
“I could also contact you.”
Shiratama said the same thing as before while fiddling with her smartphone.
“...Am I pushy?”
Tobi shook his head.
“That’s not true.”
The rain was getting stronger. It looked like it was going to storm.
“There’s something on my mind–”
Shiratama was about to say something and hesitated. When Tobi asked “what?” Shiratama put away her smartphone and took a deep breath.
“About that voice.”
There was a phrase that came to mind. Tobi also felt a little stuck.
“Maybe… that voice saying ‘Isn’t it funny?’” Takatomo and Kon thought it was an auditory hallucination or something. When the balance of the spirit collapsed, that kind of thing could probably happen. But it wasn’t just Takatomo. Nor just Kon. They both heard a similar voice. Shiratama dropped her eyes and bit her lower lip lightly.
“For me, I can’t believe it’s deafness or an auditory hallucination.”
Baku uttered a sighing sound of “huh…”. Takatomo had not regained consciousness. What about Kon? No prospects. But, there was one message. Was that it?
The world continues to turn.
If it was not an auditory hallucination, whose voice was it?
In the afternoon class, rain could be heard clearly without having to listen carefully. Occasionally, lightning flashed across the distant sky. When the thunder roared later, Masumune said something, causing laughter. Each time, the teacher warned him to keep quiet.
Tobi often checked on Asamiya, who was seated nearby. Asamiya had textbooks and notebooks spread out on his desk. But mostly just looked down. An invisible weight was placed on his back, and he was trying his best to bear the weight. It was kind of like that.
When Masamune spoke, Asamiya always lifted his head slightly. He’d turn around and look at Masamune. After that, Asamiya would shake his head and exhale deeply. Tobi couldn’t hear it, but there were times when he whispered something.
Immediately after fifth period ended, there was particularly loud thunder, and Masamune fell off his chair with a cry of “uwahaa.” The second year, third class burst into excitement, and even the teacher who was preparing to leave the classroom started to laugh.
“It’s not me!”
It was sudden. Asamiya stood up and glared at Masamune.
The laughter suddenly stopped. Masamune’s mouth was still open, but he was still on his butt.
“You’re the one who’s funny!”
To whom did Asamiya say that? Naturally, it would be authentic.
Masamune was just playing around with the bark-like tarsier sitting on his head. It was funny. Of course, that’s because Tobi can see zingai. Disregarding the zingai, Masamune was nothing more than a frivolous person.
“I’m not crazy!”
Asamiya shouted like a bark.
“It’s not funny! It’s not funny! It’s not funny! Stop it….! I’m not crazy, nothing’s funny! It’s not me,  I’m not what’s funny! It’s not me! I’m not crazy! Not crazy! It’s not funny!! Not funny, not crazy, not funny! I’m not crazy….!”
“...No, looking at it objectively, I think you’re the crazy one right now, right?”
When Masamune made a stiff smile on his face, some of the classmates seemed to take it as a joke and modestly laughed. Asamiya began to hold both sides of his head with his hands.
“Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up! Who are you? I’m not crazy! Isn’t it you, aren’t you the one who’s crazy, it’s not me!”
Shiratama ran up to Asamiya.
It was at almost the same time that Baku called out to him. Tobi noticed it. He wondered when it began. He didn’t know, he didn’t realize it until then. That creepy zingai, depending on how you look at it, was still sitting quietly on Masamune’s head. But it wasn’t in the ‘don’t speak’ pose.
The pose had covered its mouth, and because it resembled the ‘speak no evil’ of the Nikkou Toushou-gu Shrine’s ‘see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil,’ Tobi called it ‘don’t speak’ for the sake of convenience. It was different. It did not cover its mouth. To be precise, normally there was a mouth there. Not in that part of him. There was nothing. He had eyes like those of a tarsier. It also had ears and a nose. However, it had no mouth. Was it not there originally? Was it gone? Either way, that zingai kept its nonexistent mouth covered all the time. Why did it stop doing that pose? Asamiya pushed Shiratama away.
Shiratama bumped into a nearby desk and staggered. Asamiya vigorously leaned his upper body forward and immediately recoiled. He repeated the action.
Students were upset. Some students were frightened and tried to run away. They were panicking. Of course, Tobi was also surprised. Asamiya. What happened? He was screaming that he wasn’t crazy. It’s as if he’d been told he was crazy and was trying to argue against it.
Who told that to Asamiya?
At least, Tobi hadn’t heard it. Did Asamiya hear it? Only Asamiya.
Tobi saw. Masamune. Masaki Shuuji covered his mouth with both hands.
Masamune was taking the ‘don’t say’ pose of his zingai.
“...That bastard!”
Baku spat out. Masamune narrowed his eyes and shook his shoulders. What was so pleasant? He was laughing. Masamune almost burst into laughter desperately trying to hold back.
Tobi grabbed Baku, who had been hanging on the desk. If he had left him, Baku would not have forgiven Tobi. Tobi ran between desks, chairs, and classmates. Masamune noticed Tobi and rolled his eyes. Tobi tried to leap at Masamune. He heard that voice.
(Isn’t it funny?) (It’s your fault.) (You are evil.) (You.) (You are.)
Tobi held his head and crouched down. It wasn’t just Tobi. Shiratama also screamed. “Kyaa…!” The voice. That voice. Voice? Is this the voice?
(It’s you.) (Isn’t it funny?) (You are.) (You are the one at fault.) 
Many voices were heated together until they melted into something like a liquid or solid. It turned into a metal-like state and flowed directly into his head.
(Isn’t it funny?) (You are.) (You are crazy.) (You are.)
“...Tobi! Tobii!?”
Baku called out. Above Masamune’s head, a mouthless tarsier with bark-like skin, that zingai, was covering where it should have been, even though it had no mouth.
(Funny.) (Isn’t it funny?) (It is crazy.) (You are crazy.)
Am I crazy? Funny. Is it funny? I’m going crazy.
Who is it?
That’s it. Masamune’s zingai. It’s him. That zingai, this voice.
“Tobi, I will…!”
‘I will?’ What? Baku will. That’s right. Tobi threw Baku at Masamune.
Masamune dodged at the last second. Masamune ran away while staring at Baku, who crashed into a locker in the back of the classroom. Was he going to leave the classroom? Tobi picked up Baku and chased Masamune. 
When he opened the door Masamune had forcefully closed and went out into the hallway, he was stopped by Shiratama.
“Tobi-kun, wait! Me too…!”
“You tell Haizaki!”
What would happen if she told Haizaki? He didn’t know. It was a sudden statement. Shiratama shouldn’t go. It’s dangerous. Baku yelled.
“Where are you running, you bastard?”
“You think I know!?”
Masamune wasn’t tall, but he was quite fast. He was able to close the distance a little on the stairs, but it didn’t seem like he could catch up easily. Masamune was heading to the shoeboxes. Could he change his shoes? He went through the glass front door. It was like a ramming force. Masamune pushed open the glass door and went outside. Tobi also chased Masamune in his indoor shoes.
It was raining hard. Tobi was soaking wet in no time. Masamune was yelling something while running. He couldn’t really hear it because it was mixed with the sound of the rain. But apparently he was yelling things like, “You’re wrong, it’s not me, it’s not my fault.”
“...Even so, this guy is off! It’s the worst…!”
Baku cursed. It was just like flipping a bucket upside down.
Masamune was honked at by a car while crossing a red-lighted pedestrian crossing. Masamune was about to stop for a moment, but he continued straight ahead. Tobi has to stop for a moment. Many cars were passing by. Tobi also ran through the pedestrian crossing, seeing a gap between the cars running from the right and the left. He lost him again.
Just leave him be. It’s raining heavily. I’m out of breath. Honestly, it's tough. Do I have to go after Masanume despite feeling like this?
Zingai. Was it because of the zingai? Tobi had Baku. He could see zingai.
Baku ate Kon’s zingai. So Kon suffered ‘heart desolation’ or something. That’s what Baku did, so Tobi was also responsible. But, speaking of the original, wasn’t it self-serving?
Kon had a complicated problem with her mother. Even if that was the cause, if Kon’s zingai hasn’t done anything wrong, it wouldn’t have been this important. Takatomo shouldn’t have jumped off of the roof.
Then that voice. That was also the work of a zingai. Masaki Shuuji. The voice of Masamune’s zingai made Kon and Takatomo lose their minds and drove them into a corner. If Masamune’s zingai hadn’t put in extra work, the series of tragic events wouldn’t have happened.
If you leave it alone, and Masamune’s zingai will do it again. Actually, he was the one doing it. He let Asamiya hear the voice. You should eat it.
Eat that zingai.
Masamune was heading towards the Asakawa. Did he want to cross the bridge? No. It was the riverbank. Masamune ran down the Asakawa riverbank. Commonly known as the Asakawa Den. There was a tent village on the riverbed of the Asakawa. Masamune went down to the riverbed around the edge of the tent village. The area was overgrown with weeds, and if you went down, you would find a dense thicket of trees taller than people.
Masamune turned without stopping.
Masamune no longer had the face of Masaki Shuuji. His two eyes were too big. His round ears seemed to hear well. He had a protruding nose and no mouth. He was a tarsier. Did Masamune wear a tarsier mask with bark-like skin? That’s not possible, and the zingai in question wasn’t above his head.
“Did his body become one with the zingai…?!”
He guesses it was like Baku said. Only Masamune’s head resembled that of the zingai. From the neck down, Masamune remained authentic. 
Knowing it was useless, Tobi called out to Masamune. Masamune was about to break into a thicket of miscellaneous trees. He was sure he’d go on. It was surprising. Masamune turned around.
(What are you?) (What about you?) (You are what?) (What is it?) (You are what?)
Tobi instinctively covered his ears. There was no point in doing that. It wasn’t from Masamune’s mouth. The part where the mouth should be was moving mumblingly. As if there were hundreds of thousands of maggots springing up there. But it was definitely not his mouth. The voice was not a sound.
(You are what?) (Who are you?) (You are?) (Who or what are you?) (What is it?)
His brain. Tobi’s brain was shaking. That voice shook his brain and made it vibrate finely.
(Even though I don’t know.) (Even though I say nothing.) (I am not evil.) (It’s not my fault.) (Isn’t it funny?) (It’s crazy.) (You are.) (Yourself.) (It’s you.) (Not me.) (It’s you). (Crazy.) (It’s crazy.) (The crazy thing is you.)
“----...Tobi! Tobii! Oi, Tobi?! Tobiiii….!”
Baku called Tobi’s name repeatedly. Before he knew it, Tobi was crouching in the wet grass. Masamune turned and disappeared into the bushes. Tobi’s brain was still shaking. Was it possible for his brain to shake? He felt pretty sick anyway. But I have to eat him.
Tobi stood up. Pushing through the wet branches and leaves of a thicket of trees that looked almost like a jungle, he searched for Masamune. It looked like he was headed towards the river bank. Somehow he knew that. He couldn’t see him, but it was there. Ahead.
A bit more. Shaking off the bendy branches and moving forward, there was a narrow riverbed beyond. Even though it was a riverbed, there wasn’t much sand or that many stones. It was muddy. When he looked downstream, he could see the railway bridge. There was also a footbridge over it. The Asakawa was muddy and the current was faster than usual. Masamune was in the water.
Masamune was up to his knees in the Asakawa River. He turned his back to Tobi.
Tobi stepped in the mud. It was terribly muddy. Eat him.
Him, eat. Why?
“...I’m hungry.”
Baku said with a groan.
“I’m kind of… hungry. Isn’t that how you are too, Tobi…?”
Cells. All the cells in my body are completely empty. Empty. I have to fill them somehow. Otherwise, I will not live. If I don't eat, I will die. To live. To stay alive, eat. That person, that zingai, I have to eat it.
Baku was starving. The one who was starving was Baku. However, Tobi understood Baku’s hunger. Tobi wasn’t hungry. He didn’t want to eat it in the slightest.
Could he affirm that? No one can live without eating.
Eating to live, what’s wrong with that?
That’s why I ate Kon Chiami’s zingai. Would I eat one again?
What would happen if he ate that zingai?
What would happen if he ate the zingai that seemed to be integrated into the human’s head?
What would happen to Masaki Shuuji?
“What are you doing there, Masaki?”
Tobi stopped at the edge of the Asakawa’s waters.
Don’t let him eat.
I can’t let Baku eat that zingai.
“You should come back. It’s raining and it's dangerous.”
A voice. A voice that echoes in the brain, not the eardrums.
(You abandoned him.) (That day… your brother.)
But this was Masamune’s voice.
(He didn’t look like you. He was slender, smart, and had good motor skills. He was good at games, he was good at drawing, and he could do anything. Your brother was kind. And you?)
(You were always scolded by your parents, and you were always protected by your brother. You felt like you couldn’t help it. You were a bad brother, but well, you were still a brother, right?)
(Big brother, big brother, big brother, you must have been really annoyed by your little brother walking along with you all the time. Sometimes when big brother was cold, you’d cry and scream. You didn’t care, you were mad at our parents again.)
This is, what’s— whose story is this?
(You often went camping with my family. That day was the last camp, wasn’t it? There was a river. There was a river. There was a river near the campsite. Wasn’t it your brother who said that? ‘Shuu, let’s swim. Shuu!’ Shuuji was Shuu. Was it because you were the second son(1)? But you were scared and your brother swam all alone. You were at the riverbank, piling up stones.)
Your brother? Brother?
(Your brother, who was swimming away from the shore, suddenly said, “Shuu, help me!”)
Whose brother is this? Masaki Shuuji’s?
(You… didn’t go help, did you?)
(Because I was scared! I couldn’t swim that much yet! I couldn’t help him!)
(That’s right! That’s right, that's why you watched silently right?)
(My brother… he was drowning, floating and sinking… It was a river, and there was a current, so he was swept away… While inhaling the river water, “Shuu, help me!” he kept saying—)
(---You were watching, weren't you? The voice of your brother calling for help… you just listened.)
(If I don’t help him now, brother, he’s going to die.)
(Did you think so? Even though you knew… you didn’t do anything, right?)
(My brother was completely swept away, and I couldn’t see him anymore—)
(After that, right? Yes! After that, you went to your parents.)
(While crying I told my parents “He’s gone” “Big brother, he’s gone….”)
(Is that wrong? Huh? Is that wrong? Isn’t that wrong? That wasn’t it, right?)
(Brother kept saying “Shuu, help me!” …Asking for help—)
(But even so, you ignored it, didn’t you? On top of that, you even lied.)
(I abandoned… my brother.)
(That’s right, you abandoned your brother.) (You murdered him.) (You left him to die.) 
Tobi wiped his face with his hand. The rain never abated. Lightning struck somewhere.
A voice said.
(I was) (That was me) (I was) (I) (I was) (It’s me) (Me) (Me) (Me) (It was me—) (I abandoned my brother, I killed him. I can do such a thing—)
(Isn’t that funny?)
(Wrong.) (...Wrong.) (I didn–) (Wrong.) (It wasn’t me.) (I’m not bad.) (I.) (It wasn’t my fault!) (Who are you?) (It’s your fault, you are bad, you are to blame.) (Someone is blaming me.) (I feel like I can hear it.) (A voice is blaming me.) (---It’s just my imagination.) (But my parents think that.) (I know that.) (Why. Wasn’t. It. You?) (We wish you were dead, not your brother) (---Surely they think so.) (I’m not as smart as my brother, I’m not as good at drawing, and I’m not tall and can’t grow taller…) (You didn’t listen.) (Liar.) (Your brother, you abandoned him.) (--I couldn’t do anything anyway.) (If you called your parents right away.) (Why didn’t they make it in time!?) (Are they the bad guys?) (Brother was drowning.) (Painfully…) (You pretended not to know.) (That’s ridiculous.)
“That’s enough.”
He didn’t want to hear it. He didn’t want to know this story.
“You didn’t do it on purpose! Masaki, it's not your fau–”
(It wasn’t me.) (It wasn’t my fault.) (I’m not bad.) (I’m not crazy.) (I am.) (I often remember.) (When at my brother’s memorial service, I cried, and cried, and cried—) (My face was horrible, it was so bad, it made everyone laugh!) (Even my parents laughed.)
(Brother often said it too!) (“Shuu is so funny.”) (It always made him laugh.) (Me, funny?) (Huh, brother?) (I am funny?) (I’m funny.) (I am funny.) (So laugh.) (Laugh at me.) (Am I funny?) (Laugh.) (Because I’m funny.) (I’m funny?) (I’ll make you laugh.) (I’m making you laugh.) (So, laugh!)
Masamune. Masamune was beginning to change. No. He had changed a long time ago. Masamune’s head was already a mouthless tarsier with bark-like skin. In other words, the zingai had integrated. But until now, it was the head above the neck. Now it wasn’t just the head.
(This is me.) (Someone wrote it on SNS.) ([Find your true self!]) ([Search for yourself!]) ([Let’s find ourselves!]) (I have found myself!) (The funny me.) (I make everyone laugh.) (I abandoned my brother.) (Isn’t it funny?) (I did.) (That was me.) (I did.) (Me.) (I did.) (Me.) (Me.) (Me.) (Me.) (Me.) (I did—)
From Masamune’s neck and shoulders, and even his chest, the bark-like skin was spreading. His entire outer body was wriggling.
(Takatomo.) (I thought that you would understand me.) (That guy-) (That girl.) (Even though I told) (About my brother) (She comforted me.) (Did she like me?) (Even so.) (“I’m not going out with Masamune~”) (She refused with a laugh!) (Takatomo.) (Even so, did you still worry?) (Because things were weird.) (Nevertheless—)
(That guy.) (“Huh? What?”) (What the hell, that guy!) (--Kind of crazy, right?) (It is crazy.) (Even so, it’s that guy’s fault, right?) (If he was with her.) (He’s the one at fault.) (Takatomo.) (Look at it.) (Refreshing, isn’t it?) (It was a well-deserved reward.)
More and more, in an instant, Masamune transformed. If it remained like this, the change would affect Masamune’s entire body. Masamune himself would become a zingai.
(But you never jumped off, right?) (Kon.) (That’s right.) (It's that one’s fault right?) (Asamiya.) (What were you mad at?) (Laugh.) (Laugh at it.) (Because I will make you laugh.) (Even though I read the atmosphere to make them laugh.) (Laugh.) “---Laugh at it!”
It wasn’t just the voice that shook his brain. Tobi’s brain was still shaken by that voice, but at the same time, another voice resounded.
(I am.) “I am.” (Even though I’m trying to make you laugh.) “Laugh.” (Like a carefree idiot!) 
Masamune was no longer a zingai from the top of his head to his arms and legs. His strangely plump belly popped out, writhing and wriggling, and finally tore apart. It spread out from there.
“Laugh.” (Laugh at it!) “Idiot!” (Laugh!) “Laugh!” (“Laugh for the rest of your life!”)
Is that his mouth? Rows of small teeth. It must be his mouth.
The mouth, like a huge scar on Masamune’s stomach, laughed. A big laugh.
“...Stop it!”
Tobi almost sat down. Baku said something. ‘Stay strong, Tobi’ or something like that. Stay strong? Stay strong, how do I do that? I don’t know. Masamune, the zingai, rushed in splashing up the river’s water. Tobi didn’t know anymore.
Baku danced like a large fish caught on Tobi’s back. Tobi was forced by Baku to jump sideways, and ended up rolling in the mud. He was covered in mud and was soaked, but thanks to that, he was able to dodge Masamune’s zingai’s rush by a thin margin.
“---Eat, Tobi! Eat him!”
Baku went on a rampage and forced Tobi to rise.
Masamune, the zingai, opened his hideous abdominal mouth, shaking Tobi’s brain, shaking the air and rain, and laughing idiotically as he tried to attack again. Tobi shook his head.
“But, if I eat that…!”
“If you don’t eat it, we’ll be eaten…!”
Did Baku really want to eat that zingai? That would mean eating Masaki Shuuji, who had become what he was because he had lost his brother. Tobi gripped Baku’s strap with both of his hands.
“...No good, that kind of…!”
Tobi tried to run. The footholds were the worst because of the mud, but it didn’t matter. Even if you can’t run the way you want, run anyway. Rather than running away, he had to get Masamune away from here. Baku wanted to eat. Tobi also understood that feeling. He knew it hurt. However, Tobi would surely regret it if he let Baku eat him. Masamune came after him.
(Me) “Me” (Me) “Don’t ignore me!” (Otogiri!) “Otogiri Tobiiiiiii….!”
His foot got stuck in the mud. Tobi plunged headfirst into the mud. He couldn’t see it because of the mud, but Masamune seemed to have jumped on him. On the other hand, was Baku trying to attack Masamune just because he was lucky? Masamune immediately jumped back. Just when he thought that, he grabbed Tobi’s right ankle.
Tobi was thrown. He danced in the air and rain. The river. He fell into the river.
Immediately after landing in the water, something entwined with Tobi. Masamune? It was in the water, in the river, what was it? Tobi desperately struggled. Baku was also trying to fight back. He was trying to push Masamune aside and head for the shore, but he couldn’t move forward at all. The depth of the river was about Tobi's chest. He could stand on his feet, but he decided to swim. It was no good. He was pushed downstream. Masamune grabbed his ankle again.
Tobi was dragged down once again to the bottom of the river. He drank a lot of water, and he honestly didn’t know how he managed to avoid drowning.
Before he knew it, Tobi was standing in a place shallower than his knees. Did he get here by himself? Was he swept away? He was under the railway bridge. A train was just running. He saw a footbridge. Someone was on the footbridge. He was leaning over the parapet and looking at him. He wasn’t alone. There were two people.
Called out by Baku, Tobi turned around.
There wasn’t a voice anymore. A deafening roar drowned out the noise of the trains passing overhead, and Tobi’s brain nearly boiled in an instant. More than half of Masamune’s body was mouth. Masamune leaped at him, opening his stomach wide enough to make him think so. He was trying to eat Tobu or Baku. Did he want to eat that much? I want to eat. I can’t help but want to eat.
Without eating, life cannot exist.
Through eating, this life is preserved.
Eat. If you don’t eat, you can only be eaten.
But unfortunately, Tobi was choking because he drank too much water. His head was half dazed, and he wasn’t excited to eat. Like this, he will be eaten before he can eat.
“I’m sorry I’m late…!”
If from the side, something, or someone, hadn’t blown Masamune away, he surely would’ve been eaten.
Haizaki. Haizaki the janitor. In his work clothes, Haizaki was before Tobi. 
Haizaki was one of the two people on the pedestrian bridge just now. From that place to there, he would have to move in a matter of seconds. Was that possible? It was not human work.
Something was wrong with his right leg. 
Haizaki’s right leg was dark. His left leg was in his work clothes, and was kind of normal. The right leg was covered tightly with leather or fur, something like that.
He heard Shiratama’s voice. Haizaki wasn’t the only one on the pedestrian bridge. The other was Shiratama. At the riverbank. Shiratama ran down the riverbank between the footbridge and the railway bridge. It looked like she would fall over at any moment. He couldn’t stand to watch. Or rather, it was a dangerous time to watch Shiratama. That voice, no, that sound that could barely be called a voice, a scream that crushes the soul rushed in.
Tobi nearly fainted. Was Haizaki okay? He didn’t think so. He bent down and somehow held on.
Masamune, no longer Masamune, a mouthless tarsier with bubbly skin, no, a zingai with a big mouth on its belly, shouted. It cried over and over. Through shouts, that zingai was blaming him. The people around him. And himself above anyone else. It had already lost the form of words. It was raw hostility. There was hatred, fear, and resentment. At the root of it was guilt. Haizaki yelled like he was being squeezed.
“Where’s the zingai’s master…?!”
“He’s inside it!”
When Baku answered, Haizaki said “Ha—” and was at a loss for words.
“...Did the zingai take over its master and go on a rampage?! Or even prey on its master….”
The zingai who used to be Masamune continued to scatter a sad terror filled with hostility. Stop it. Please stop. I’m begging you, please. Shiratama was crouching at the middle of the riverbank. Don’t try to stand. Don’t come here. Shiratama, stay there. Do not come here. Tobi grabbed Haizaki’s shoulder.
“What should I do?!”
“That– That’s—”
Haizaki shook his head slightly. His thin eyes narrowed like threads, and his jaw quivered. The look on his face told the story. It was too late. There was no way to save Masamune. Haizaki suddenly opened his eyes wide and shook off Tobi’s hand.
“Get down. This is what I do.”
Not a polite “I.” Haizaki referred to himself as “I.(2)” At that moment, Tobi realized Haizaki was trying to deal with the zingai combined with Masaki Shuuji. Could he? There was no way Tobi could know. If Haizaki wanted to do it, then he had no choice but to leave it to him. Was that okay? Really?
“It’s not the curtain that you come out of.”
Baku started to act very violently on Tobi’s back. It was a strange rampage.
Immediately, Tobi grabbed Baku’s strap and tried to hold him down. But it was impossible. Tobi let go of the strap. He had no choice but to do so. What would have happened if he didn’t let go? He wondered what would happen. He had no idea.
Baku slipped out of Tobi’s hand and pushed Haizaki away. He didn’t think it was really Baku. No matter what he looked like, Tobi would recognize him. Baku was Baku. He can’t say he wasn’t surprised. If he said that much, he would be lying.
Baku turned his back to Tobi and Haizaki and stood on two legs. He also had two arms. He had big hands. He had four fingers. He wore a long cloak of similar material to that of Baku as a backpack. Were those real clothes? Did they just look like clothes? The head was like a cylinder. When he turned around, the tubular head had only a mouth.
“...The one doing it, that is me…!”
“Go, Baku!”
Tobi said that out loud, then nodded. Baku did not nod back. The zingai that had been Masamune attacked. Instead of attacking, Baku went in first. He jumped with tremendous momentum and suddenly grabbed the zingai’s head. At that moment, Tobi noticed. Baku’s cylindrical head had only a mouth. But he had eyeballs on the backs of his big hands.
“I’ll tear it off…!”
Baku stomped on both shoulders of Masamune’s zingai with his left and right legs. By any chance, was he trying to make the zingai act like a costume or something and forcefully take it off? It was like pulling a dynamometer. Would it come off.
The zingai was quiet. Twisting violently and swinging his arms around, he splashed as he tried to shake off Baku. A large splash of water rose. The zingai fell into the river together with Baku.
(I’m not bad!) (I am.) (You are!) (It’s my fault!) (It’s yours!)
That voice had made Tobi’s brain tremble. Was he used to it? Or was the voice muted? He could handle it. Haizaki glanced at Tobi and immediately returned his eyes to the zingai and Baku.
“Otogiri-kun, that’s…?!”
Tobi didn’t reply. Baku was Baku. Only he could say that.
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Shiaratama finally reached the shore. She was soaking wet and covered in mud, probably because she fell in the riverbank. Chinu was clinging to her right shoulder.
“Do your best, Baku…!”
Shiratama understood that it was Baku. That was very reassuring. Tobi said in his heart. ‘You as well, Baku.’
Ever since his brother left, Tobi and Baku had been together, nothing but with each other. There were also people who reached out to Tobi. But the voice of Baku did not reach those people. Even though Baku was Tobi’s precious partner. Baku was more than just a backpack. Even if he explained it like that, it was useless anyway. There was no way they’d understand.
Shiratama was different. She knew that Tobi and Baku were inseparably linked. Just as Tobi had Baku, Shiratama had Chinu.
In the meantime, Baku and the zingai were wrestling in the midst of the muddy water. Tobi didn’t shout to encourage Baku as Shiratama had. He didn’t need to. Because Tobi was also fighting. It wasn’t a metaphor or anything. Both Baku and Tobi risk their lives in this battle. What would happen if Baku lost? Due to heart desolation or something, Tobi, who was there now, would disappear with Baku. Haizaki cried.
Baku held onto the zingai’s head firmly with both eyeballed hands and did not let go. His right leg was pressed against the shoulder of the zingai, and his left leg was pressed against its chest. Just below that was the mouth of the zingai. The zingai was trying to bite Baku with its abdominal mouth. Tear off the zingai from Masamune before you are eaten. A little after. It was very difficult. The zingai was growing a lot. Thanks to that, he couldn’t see the tarsier. Both of the perfectly round eyes were ovals that were very long vertically. It was the limit. It didn’t grow beyond that. 
Baku let out a roar. 
It pulled off all at once.
Despite all that hard work, it took only a moment to finish pulling it off.
The zingai was reduced to a state like a languidly stretched costume.
“Haahaa–ha! What’s going on, Tobi..! Uhii—”
Baku was submerged in the Asakawa river with too much momentum, still holding the fully stretched zingai. Was Masamune, who had been in the middle of the zingai, safe? Something different from Baku and the zingai was flowing. Was it human? Was it Masamune?
“I have to help…!”
Haizaki restrained Shiratama, who was about to enter the river, saying “Leave it to me!” Haizaki jumped up. What jumping power without a running start. Was it because of his right leg? Haizaki jumped to where Masamune was and hugged him.
As if relieved, Shiratama let out a voice like “hah…” and collapsed on the spot.
Baku walked around, carrying the costume-like zingai.
“That was good, Tobi!”
Otogiri Tobi has Baku. Shiratama Ryuuko has Chinu. And Masaki Shuuji has that zingai.
When Tobi answered, Baku lifted the costume-like zingai and held it up. The cylindrical head cracked sideways and chewed, opening its mouth wider and wider. Baku didn’t swallow the costume-like zingai. He chewed several times. But, it was only round. Baku ended up eating Masamune’s zingai.
Tobi witnessed the whole story. He didn’t look away, he didn’t blink. He tasted the sensation of tearing when Baku ate the zingai. I ate it. I have eaten it.
When Tobi held out his left hand, Baku instantly returned to being a backpack. Tobi held the strap and put it over his left shoulder, carrying the bag on his back.
Haizaki was about to return after carrying Masamune in his arms. His right leg was in the same work clothes as his left leg. A weasel-like creature was entwined around Haizaki’s neck. That guy. That was Haizaki’s zingai. Until just now, that zingai had been assimilated with Haizaki’s right leg. Haizaki was also with Tobi and Shiratama.
Tobi no longer hesitated to call Shiratama that. 
Ryuuko Shiratama turned her face towards Tobi. 
It looked like she was crying.
Was it because of the endless rain?
“You’ll catch a cold.”
Tobi said so, and she nodded slightly. Then, she narrowed her eyes, and lifted the corner of her lips slightly.
“Tobi-kun’s… Tobi’s the one who will.”
—Once, he had asked his brother.
“Hey, brother. Why did the rain stop?”
Tobi was clinging to the window and looking at the scenery outside. It had been raining since morning, but the windows were open only a little. His brother was standing by the window smoking a cigarette.
“Because there is nothing that never ends.”
His brother had replied as so.
“Everything, will it all end?”
“Everything with a form will perish. There is nothing in this world without form. Everything, it will someday end.”
“Me and brother too?”
Tobi’s brother looked down at him and patted his head.
Tobi remembers the smell of the cigarettes his brother smoked.
By the next morning, the heavy rain had completely stopped. When he went back to school carrying Baku on his back as usual, Ryuuko Shiratama was waiting for him at the shoebox. Asamiya was in the classroom. He seemed to be in a good mood, but he replied curtly when Tobi and Ryuuko greeted him. According to Harimoto, the homeroom teacher, Masaki Shuuji, also known as Masamune, would be absent for a while due to poor health. He wouldn’t be able to go to school for the time being.
Never again, possibly.
Takatomo Miyuki. Kon Chiami. Masaki Shuuji. There were three vacancies in the second year, third classroom in a short period of time. Despite this, the classmates remained calm. The teacher continued in his lessons in the same manner as before. During class, when Baku hummed out of tune, Ryuuko looked down and shook her shoulders. Tobi nudged Baku, who was hanging on his desk.
He visited the janitor’s room with Ryuuko during the lunch break. Haizaki was visibly haggard, and his work clothes were also very sloppy.
“Hi, both of you. I’m glad you are doing well. Leave Masaki to me, I’ll be fine.”
“You don’t seem to be fine, though.”
When Tobi spoke his honest impression, Hazaki let out a dry laugh and shook his head.
“I’ve been up all night for some reason. Before, I didn’t have a problem even if I didn’t sleep for two or three days, but now I’m older. In the end, I’m just not getting enough sleep, so really I’m fine.”
“Sleep is important.”
Shiratama swallowed and said something like that. Haizaki frowned exaggeratedly with a tired face.
“I’m in a position to worry about you, but this is the opposite.”
Then Haizaki called out “Oruba.” A small weasel-like animal came out from under the large work desk and climbed up on Haizaki’s body.
“I don’t think this is the first time you’ve met, but this is my Zingai, Oruba.”
Oruba twitched his nose over Haizaki’s shoulder. Baku stretched himself up from Tobi’s back and said “Huh…” as if judging him. Ryuuko politely lowered her head.
“Hello, Oruba.”
Haizaki gave a slight chuckle, and Oruba ran under the work desk again.
“As for me— I want you to spend your school life without thinking about it too much. To that end, I will do everything I can. I won't ask you to believe me. However, I intend to do so. If you feel like it, please rely on me.”
After school, when he was about to leave the classroom carrying Baku on his back, Ryuuko stopped him.
“Would you like to go home together?”
There was an itchy, ticklish, and strange feeling. He had no reason to refuse, so Tobi nodded.
The two of them walked along the bank of the Asakawa. As they approached the bridge over the Asakawa, Tobi wanted to climb onto the railing.
 “Are you going up?”
Ryuuko lightly touched the parapet and said. Tobi lightly climbed onto the parapet.
“Good grief…”
Baku muttered. Ryuuko laughed and pulled Chinu out of her pochette and placed him on her right shoulder. A railway bridge could be seen downstream. For a moment, he remembered what had happened yesterday.
Tobi was on the parapet and Ryuuko was on the pavement below, proceeding slowly.
“Everything—” Tobi didn’t know why he started to say that.
“Someday it will end.”
Ryuuko stopped and looked up at Tobi. Tobi also stopped.
“I think about that sometimes too.”
Ryuuko pressed her hand to the middle of her chest.
“For example, when life ends. Somehow, it becomes very painful and unbearable. Always, forever, I wish it never ended.”
Tobi sat down on the parapet, facing the road. Ryuuko put her hands on the parapet.
He had a sudden thought.
He thinks his brother knew. He expected to be separated from Tobi. Things without form do not exist, and the things with form perish. The lives of the two brothers will also be lost. His brother must have been prepared.
Even if something important happens, it will disappear like his brother.
Only Baku. As long as Tobi doesn’t let go, he can stay with Baku. The way it should be.
He was wrong.
Someday, Baku may be eaten. Like how Baku ate Kon and Masamune’s zingai, someone’s zingai might end up eating Baku.
That’s fine. Not very good though. That time will be that time. If Baku got eaten, Tobi wouldn’t be safe anyways.
Takatomo must have destroyed something important inside her. She was cornered, and threw herself off that roof. And Takatomo’s parents were about to lose their daughter. He hoped it wouldn’t happen. All Tobi can do is pray that Takatomo will get better.
Kon Chiami and Masaki Shuuji had their zingai eaten by Baku. Neither of them seemed to even recognize their own zingai. Even so, the zingai had always been close to the two of them. They were an irreplaceable part of them. That part of them hurt people, and was lost.
That’s why it couldn’t be helped.
He had no choice but to do it.
“If you.”
“If I?”
“If you regret it even a little.”
Tobi repeated that word in his head.
I regret.
I regret it.
“Share that regret with me.”
Her eyes were looking far away.
A strong wind blew.
Her black hair fluttered in the wind, partially covering her face.
“If you feel sad or lonely thinking about when something will end, I want you to tell me.”
“That kind of thing is…”
Tobi hung his head.
“Tell me… what will happen?”
“I don’t know.”
She bit her lip. Tobi peeked at that expression with a sideways glance.
“Just, I want you to tell me.”
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I don’t regret it.
On the contrary, I feel a little guilty about not regretting it.
Not exactly sad. Not lonely either.
What should I say to her?
Is there anything she wanted to talk about?
I don’t even know that yet.
“I've been thinking about it for a long time, but—”
Tobi looked up at the sky.
“Ryuuko, you’re a strange person.”
“You said that?”
Baku scoffed as if he didn’t like that. He heard her laugh too. Tobi sighed at the pale sky. Then he laughed softly.
To be continued
(1)  Shuuji is spelled with the characters 宗二, with the latter meaning “two.”
(2)  Haizaki says “ore” 「おれ」here. Tobi is then surprised it is not the respectful “watashi” 「私」, which Haizaki had been using until this point.
Afterword from Jyūmonji Ao
The first song I heard from Eve was “Dramaturgy.”
Ever since, I’ve listened to every new song released.
Of course, I was just a listener.
I was lucky enough to write this novel. It was then that I read the lyrics of Eve’s songs. In the past, I used to write lyrics and compose music on the side as an unskilled music lover, and I used to play and sing on the street, but the truth is I can hardly read sheet music. And I can’t remember the lyrics. Was there something wrong with me? Even if I sang it hundreds or thousands of times, I couldn’t remember them accurately.
I watched the MV many times. I read the lyrics while listening to the music.
How confusing.
Although there was definitely something to be conveyed, it cannot be grasped as a clear mass of meaning or a clear flow. I felt that this was also an indescribable charm, but when it came to describing the story from there, what should I write?
It was like solving a problem without an answer. I was perplexed. At the same time, I was excited. To begin with, there was a clear answer in the work of a writer I had been engaged in for a long time.
There wasn’t.
Even if you think you are right, it may not be so to the reader.
There are many times when the reader finds something definite in something written with hesitation.
In the end, I always find myself fumbling around in pitch darkness. After moving forward, there will be a single path. It becomes a story.
Of course, I had many discussions with Eve. A number of ideas came to mind. I received a lot of valuable opinions and advice. Writing a novel is basically a solitary task, but this time, I was not alone. There was a signpost. At a fork in the road, there was someone who helped me decide which way to choose. He would sometimes take my hand and encourage me with his delicate and warm singing voice.
Eve, everyone involved, Mariyasu, Lack, who was in charge of the illustrations, Mr. Nakamichi, the editor in charge, and everyone who read this novel, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I would be happy to see you again.
— Jyūmonji Ao
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deesfanfictionkin · 1 year
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NAME: Amber
ALIAS: Goblin, Monster, Fucking Gremlin
NATURAL ABILITY: Amber is, for all extents and purposes, a living lie detector. The ability she was born with gives her the ability to tell if anyone is lying and what they are lying about, even if it's only a half-lie or a lie by omission.
ADDITIONAL ABILITIES: Through the story, Amber also gains an additional ability, one that allows her to make herself absolutely irresistible to anyone she touches to the point that the person abandons all reason and logic and will do anything to make her happy. However, she can't just turn it off at will and the person remains obsessive, at times murderously so, about her until they see the moon.
FACTION: Deimon & La Revolucion
FACECLAIM: Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail
Amber was born and raised in Pilut. Because the Anatawi are split into so many smaller groups, she's a bit of an outlier, not born into any particular group, able to go between each and all of them. However, she does spend most of her time with Hiruma and the rest of Deimon, though she often gets sent to talk to the other groups, working as a go-between.
Of course, given that Amber is the very definition of big-titty goblin girlfriend, with a huge personality, she sometimes can make things more chaotic than they already were. A very bitey handful at times, Amber is friendly and charismatic, making friends wherever she goes. Hell, she managed to make friends of Hiruma, who she is most often found in the company of. Social, sarcastic, and the life of the party, that big persona? It's a sweet front to the spice and steel she hides from most people. With a strong moral compass all her own, she's a force of chaotic good aiming to smash the rising war in The Ever Young, viva revolution style, come hell or high water.
INSPIRED BY: This character was, of course, inspired by the lovely Amber over at @chenkari! She embraced my writing and became my first and largest friend when I first decided to start creating and getting really into fandom for Eyeshield 21, and most of my happy memories for that fandom are because of her, and she really did help me shape how I still write Hiruma!
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erigold13261 · 6 months
Wait so who does and does not end up in Vinyl City post Power Revolution:
Yes: Gwen, Hobie, Margo, Peni, Pav, Gayatri, SaShiSu
No: Miles, Ham, Noir, Ganke (Miles wants to go to VC, but he wants to stay in Visions for his family)
Maybe: Kento, Yu (these two sure as hell don't want to go back to school, but they have family)
Complicated answer kinda than just a yes or no.
Gwen: Yes at first until she reconciles with her dad. Then she kinda is in Vinyl City and England flip flopping between the two areas.
Hobie: Kinda. They are in Vinyl City to help the Arachnikids get settles and catch up with Ex-Jay but ultimately go back to England for a bit before probably traveling around a lot helping others.
Margo: Yes until Tila quits NSR and the two go to the United States (so for a couple of years).
Peni: Yes, all the way up until the timeskip is done and starts traveling around with Yinu.
Pav and Gayatri: Kinda? I see them hanging out in Vinyl City for a while but ultimately going back to India. Maybe they stay a few years but at most I see them staying like 2 years (and leaving before the whole Toji incident happens).
SaShiSu: Yes until the Toji incident happens (about 2-3 years after the Power Revolution) and then going back to Japan to start up JT.
Miles: Kinda. He's there for a few months to help Gwen, but once everything is set for her he goes back to the US to be with his family and finish Visions. I see him going to Vinyl City for college after taking a year off to help with Billie as well as visit Gwen and the rest of the polycule a lot.
Ham and Noir: Kinda no. I see them both as going to Vinyl City for a few months, not really a year or longer. These two are most likely going there to make sure the rest of the Arachnikids are in okay positions, especially Peni. Once they know everyone is good, I see these two going to Ham's aunt's house for some reason. For a while Noir just lives with Ham until they probably move out and go somewhere else (I don't know, wherever the wind takes them I guess lol).
Ganke: Kinda yes. He's in the same boat as Miles where he stays for a bit in Vinyl City before going back to Visions to finish school. He probably doesn't take a year off and ends up in Vinyl City to look for a job either at J-1 or even with Sayu's Crew working with Sofa.
Kento and Yu: Yes for a bit. These two stay in Vinyl City for a bit. They probably don't actually go home for a while (I think we established that Kento's family isn't great here, but if not then yea, Kento's fam isn't the best). They stay with the Sayu Crew, even working with them a bit (Yu does end up visiting his family once he feels ready because he probably has some thoughts of his family not wanting to see him for what he did before and during Nueva York). Once SaShiSu end up going back to Japan is probably about the time that these two follow and help out with the school as well as going to be with Yu's family (and maybe Kento confronting their own family).
So yea. Technically everyone goes to Vinyl City for a bit (mainly for Gwen, Peni, and Hobie), but not everyone stays. Really the only people who stay in Vinyl City for a long time/are there after the timeskip are Peni and Ganke. Miles and Gwen are hopping from England, Vinyl City, and Japan so they aren't really there full time (I see Miles and Gwen having been NSRtists for a bit but are lesser ones and given more freedom to travel instead of being stuck around Vinyl City for constant power output).
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mahamid110 · 11 months
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rynliadon · 4 years
some haru headcanons (what nooo I’m not projecting shh)
haru has some mommy issues on top of his daddy issues
of course he loves his mom, so much, but she can be controlling and patronizing at times and she just. doesn’t understand him.
in contrast, his dad is his BEST FRIEND. he understands haru perfectly, and while haru knows that you’re not supposed to have a favorite parent, his dad is his favorite.
his mom is there to parent him, to tell him what to do and to protect him. but he really feels like he can talk to his dad about anything. like he could do or feel anything and his dad would understand and help him through it.
he’s mildly popular in his village, he’s got a couple of friends he hangs out with when the work is done for the day. but one by one, they get taken by the fire nation for earthbending. he still knows people, but his best friends are gone.
then his dad gets taken. his mom doesn’t blame him (she never would), but she gets even stricter. more chores, less free time, no bending at all ever. without having earthbending, his friends, or his dad anymore, he goes a little crazy. much angst, talking back, etc.
one day he just can’t TAKE it anymore. he runs out to the woods near his village and smashes the rocks around just to get the turmoil in his head to stop. and it works.
he goes out as often as he can, and actually starts to practice his forms and get better. he’s no toph, but he’s better than your average earthbender. it makes the lonely days easier.
then one day the avatar and a pretty water tribe girl show up out of nowhere and his life changes for the better. (you know this part lol)
haru definitely had a crush on katara (or tried his hardest to; comphet is a bitch). badass revolution girl who brought his dad back? if he wasn't gay he'd be simping
he helps his dad and the other earthbenders rid their villages from the fire nation. and it feels right.
after that, he does whatever he can to stick it to the fire nation wherever he finds them. ruining their supplies, taking on soldiers, the works. he doesn’t stray too far from his village though, his mother (and father) didn’t want him to leave home at 15 (I hc him as 15 I have no idea how old he is canonically)
then he gets a letter from katara. well, maybe not katara PERSONALLY, but the letter said that it was from her dad.
he grew out that dumb mustache because one of his friends thought it would be funny to give him really bad fashion advice fkslfjkd
the first time suki sees him she gently breaks it to him that his mustache looks awful. and oh. oops.
he shaves it immediately
toph is his literal hero. he asks her to spar once and she beats him up. he learns as much as he possibly can from her before he has to be separated from the gaang
the reason toph thinks that haru and katara had a secret “thing” is that she notices the crush he has on her lol (or the crush he was trying so hard to have. haru ily). he tried to talk to toph about it a few times but she just went “ew feelings” and threw a rock at him
when they are separated, he goes with pipsqueak and the duke, and they keep doing what haru and freedom fighters were doing before: just generally sticking it to the fire nation
once the war is over, he goes back home. and it’s… okay. he writes to some friends he made (pipsqueak, the duke, katara, toph, teo) and misses having a purpose. his friends back home are great, of course, but they were never in the thick of things in the same way. 
in one of toph’s letters (katara still writes for her in my mind it makes sense) she mentions that she’s opening up a metalbending school! and haru says YES SIGN ME UP
he’s one of the first people to learn metalbending from toph, and she trains him beyond that too, until he’s an earthbending master nearly as good as she is.  
okay i didn’t go into this thinking of haru & toph friendship specifically but wow i love them
eventually he becomes one of the teachers at toph’s metalbending school! neither of them become cops tho bc i said so
basically just. haru is such a cool side character i’d love to see more from him
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Protective Humans.”
Saw this suggestion in my inbox from a couple months ago lol :)
“I am glad you could agree to come commander, with all of the …. Issues with the LFIL, we have had a really difficult time trying to maintain good relations with the rest of the galaxy.”
“We are glad we could come, of course, anything to help people understand humans a little bit better, plus Dr. Krill has a speaking engagement at the conference, so my coming here was twofold.”
“Ah, yes, your little doctor, when I heard about his particular speech, I have to admit I am very intrigued and excited. Anyway, we are glad that humans could come and help us with our mission. Even with human tourism growing in certain sectors of the galaxy, there are still many places were humans had never been seen, and it is in those areas where we have the most difficulty. They hear the rumors, and they see reports on the news about the worst kind of humans, and they just get scared.”
Commander Vir pulled to a stop standing next to the conference director, A Finnari by trade with a relatively trustworthy face despite being an alien, “Well, then they wouldn't be the only ones. Humans have been practicing paranoia against ourselves for thousands of years.” 
Out in the hallway of the conference center, aliens bustled by many of them staring on at the commander and his group of following humans with wide frightened eyes. Some of them pointed in excitement while others shied away to the other side of the hall.
It was still true that less than 7 percent of all aliens in the galaxy had ever seen a human, and for many of these, that fact was no different.
This would be their first time seeing a human.
The commander had to bite back his innate response to smile at them, seeing as most aliens, like most animals, considered the display of teeth to be a threat. So he simply waved a hand garnering a few flinches, and a number of curious head tilts.
Maybe someone should do a seminar on human body language, perhaps then the general public would feel more comfortable around them.
“Anyway, we thank you for coming, but your friend’s lecture is about to begin, and I am very excited to see how it goes.” The commander nodded to the Finnari director, and he, and the other three humans with him, Maverick Ramirez and Dr. Katie stepped into the room where doctor Krill was setting up his presentation.
As was becoming routine at the conference, they received a gasp and an eruption of mutterings as they appeared from the doorway. 
Dr Krill looked up from his work, as the humans inched to the side of the door trying not to be too disruptive, “Stop right there you four, and come here.”
In confusion the humans did as directed.
Dr. Krill stood up voice electronically amplified over the sound of the room, “Can everyone hear me, good, that is very good, now today I am going to be talking about a subject that, as the humans say, is very near and dear to my heart. That translates as, it is very important to me.” he motioned the humans to sit down on the stage, and they did as ordered though rather awkwardly, “Now I thought about just speaking to you for today, but have decided that, you aren't going to be able to keep your focus away from the humans anyway, so I might do us all a favor and add them into my lecture as a way to introduce you to them in a controlled environment, and hopefully, after today, you will come to see the humans as I do. Great allies, and an undeniable opportunity for friendship.”
“now , I wanted to do something a little different today, something a little off from my normal structured way of speaking about humans because I find it very displeasing the way the rest of the galaxy sees humans, and I want to change that. I tried determining a fact about humans that is the most forgiving and the most empathetic. Something all of you would enjoy.”
There was a muttering of intrigue about the room.
“Well I am going to start off with a little bit of a lecture. A lot of you may not know that humans give live birth to their offspring, not eggs like the Vrul, Rundi, or the Celzex, but more like the Tesraki or the Drev. however based on the physical structure of the human, and the slow evolution to walking on two feet. Humans are only capable of producing offspring at a reasonable size generally around six to seven pounds, and arguably no greater than twelve to fifteen pounds, though there may be exceptions. Now, as you know six pounds is very very small compared to the end result of a human, and the size of the head has the greatest bearing on this issue. The human head shape requires offspring to be born extremely underdeveloped, so underdeveloped that when they are born they can barely see or hear and have no ability to coordinate their own movements. It takes almost an entire rotation of their planet around their star in order for a human to walk. In essence it takes as much as eighteen revolutions before the average human is no longer taken care of by their  parents.”
There was a muttering from the crowd.
“Now based on the surprising helplessness of the human offspring compared to the final product, they tend to be very loud, and very difficult to take care of seeing how underdeveloped they are. Generally if any one of us were saddled with an offspring like that we would probably just give up, but the human brain is so hot wired to love their offspring, that none of those annoying things generally tend to matter. In fact, the power of a human’s bonding abilities is so strong that they can even bond to creatures that are NOT human in nature.”
Another surprised murmuring around the crowd.
“A human will have the same reaction to a nonhuman than they do to their own young, and in that case, this means that a human will protect the offspring of another species with their own lives. Human parents have been known to kill, lift objects five times their size, and fight off even more dangerous predators for the safety of their offspring, and they will do it for yours too..”
This time the murmuring around the room was almost palpable, it was as if they could hardly believe what they were hearing.
That couldn't be right.
“What if I told you that the safest place our offspring could be, is in the arms of a human.”
That caused an absolute uproar of chattering, and Krill had to wait a few minutes before the room calmed down.
The humans were looking between each other with some curiosity hardly believing what they were hearing, not sure where this was going.
“now , I have brought forward a couple of gracious volunteers who trust my judgement enough to help me demonstrate what you are about to witness .”
“Our first volunteer.” He motioned to the side of the stage were a Rundi was waiting, as she walked onto the stage, the crowd noticed at least three tiny shapes running around her feet.
The human turned to look eyes wide, to the crowd they almost looked hungry.
“Dr. Katie, can you tell me what you are thinking.”
The human looked up her wide brown eyes somewhat magnified through her glasses, “I want to hold one so bad.” She turned her head towards the rundi, “Can I hold one…. Am I allowed to do that. I’ll wear gloves.”
The rundi mother seemed surprisingly calm allowing the human to come over and pick up her little ones holding them gently in their hands running a finger over their tiny heads. One of the humans was holding the tiny creature to his chest. Patting its tiny head with one finger. 
“You see the protective nature in which the humans hold young that isn’t their own, I picked the rundi first specifically for this reason, simply because they don’t look remotely human. Arguably the humans shouldn't even connect them with their own young, and yet this is the posture of a creature that isn’t going to let anything happen to their charges.” He turned to the humans. “What would you do if someone tried to hurt these little rundi?”
The darker human looked up from the creature he was holding to his chest, “I don't know probably rip their arms off and beat them with them…. But that's probably a bit graphic so… er, i would be very very upset?”
“Great save.” The commander muttered, stroking his hand delicately down the little Rundi’s back, who seemed to be enjoying it rather happily. Of course all the humans were wearing gloves, considering that the rundi had an aversion to water, and humans had a habit of shedding it wherever they went.
They actually seemed disappointed when they had to let the tiny creatures go.
Not that they were disappointed at the next moment  when A dark blue-black tesraki brought out a fuzzy little bundle.
One of the humans made a strange squeaking noise. Again begging to hold it.
The humans seemed to be having even more fun than the rest of the crowd was having watching them. 
“You see the younger a creature of a different species is, the more likely humans are to adopt it with their social bonding.”
“Look at its little pig nose eep!” 
“Hey let me hold it. You don’t have to be a hog.”
“You can fight me.”
“Sharing is caring.”
“What if I don’t care.” The humans jostled with each other for a turn holding, petting or cooing over the creature, though their aggression seemed to terminate at a predetermined distance from the small one, and if it wasn’t obayed, there were other humans to make sure they kept in line. 
“You see, I would wager to say that your children are safer with humans than they are with you. Not to call you a poor parent. But humans will take falling impacts, jump in front of speeding vehicles, and their bodies are known to be quite durable.”
The commander was leaning over Dr. Katie’s shoulder stroking the Tesraki’s huge ears with one finger, “So soft.” 
“Though the creature does not have to be fluffy, but for some reason humans really enjoy it, despite their own young being hairless. In fact there are many humans that much prefer to have a creature of a different species than they are interested in having one of their own 
“Furbaby.” A human whispered as the tiny Tesraki was appropriated back from them.
“My next demonstration we have to thank by way of lord Celzex.”
The humans lifted their heads, eyes widening, “No!”
What came next was an excessive spectacle of human happiness characterized by a lot of squealing from both male and female humans, and a ton of tiny, angry little balls of colored fluff with massive eyes and huge feet.
Dr. Katie sat in a corner holding a handful of the little colored fluff balls in her arms, “Guys….” She moaned, “I think I’m gonna cry, this is pure happiness. I want all of them.”
Maverick lay on the ground flat on her back as at least ten of the tiny creatures crawled all over her. It was pretty clear they were trying to attack, but to the human it caused nothing more than an eruption of giggling.
The commander and Ramirez sat opposite each other trying to wrangle a small heard of the fluffies who ran about in an angry circle.
Needless to say, the humans were very disappointed when they had to be taken away. 
Ramirez held out a hand, “Wait, but, no….” 
Maverick was frowning looking down at her empty hands like she was missing a finger.
“And now for my last demonstration.” The doctor began.” Motioning his last volunteer up.
What came next was a nine foot tall male Drev, cradling a tiny shape in his lower arms.
Excitedly, the humans rushed over, and the Drev seemed to have no problem handing over his young to the pack of cooing humans.
Maverick bumped Katie out of the way, and took the tiny creature in her arms running away with it across the room.
The other humans trailed after Craning their necks over her shoulder and trying to see the tiny creature who opened its little beak like a baby bird chirping and blinking at them.
“I swear if anything happens to this child I will kill everyone in this room and then myself.” 
“I didn’t know they were so frigging adorable. Shit, I want one.” The commander grumbled playing with one of the tiny hands.
“Yeah, who wants a human baby anyway, these ones are way cuter., and they don’t smell.” 
“Maverick, if you don't let me hold it, I promise I will have you on bathroom duty for the rest of your foreseeable career.”
Maverick frowned, “Just five more minutes.”
“Fine, five, but then it's my turn.”
The doctor continued to lecture as the humans sat in a circle passing around the tiny drev, “You see in a time of crisis, a human will wrap themselves around their offspring using the rigged bones, and taught muscles of the shoulders, back and ribcage as a shield  diffusing impacts and cushioning falls. It is also quite common for an entire pack of humans to form up around younger humans to protect them.”
The commander had appropriated the tiny Drev from Maverick and was softly stroking a thumb against its tiny cheek. The small creature opened its mouth like a baby bird, chirping slightly before nuzzling its head against the human’s chest growing quite comfortable against the warm, soft human.
“Its official, I am the favorite.” The human announced 
“No no, you see, sleeping, now you can’t take him away.” The other humans pouted and the commander grinned.
“You see it is all thanks to the annoying and underdeveloped nature of the human offspring, that we can thank for human over protectiveness. Now, this effect lessons somewhat as you grow older, but generally speaking it never goes away entirely. A human will bond with anything, a broken piece of equipment, an item of clothing, and definitely you, for sure. Should you be cautious about which humans you trust? Certainly, but we exercise that caution daily with each other.”
He motioned to the group of huddling humans holding the tiny sleeping Drev.
“Just remember this image here the next time some propaganda string tells you humans are monsters.” 
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milknette · 3 years
chapter 02 - rebellion
i move slow and steady, but i feel like a waterfall.​
tumblr month: @adrinetteapril​​
links: ao3 | ff.net chapter: previous | next
ALYA'S the one to pick her up from Ms. Mendeleiev’s class, waiting outside the door so that she can’t actually get out escape her.
She smiles as soon as Marinette exits, and the latter can’t quite swallow down the grin that threatens to escape her lips as she sees her friend’s hands crossed over her chest.
“So…,” Alya starts, as they begin to walk down the hallway. “I skipped class an hour ago.”
“ Ah, ” the mermaid only says offhandedly, “you know, you shouldn’t be skipping. That’s not the kind of role model behavior you should have for your ward .”
“Right,” the girl only nods alongside her. “It’s just that I was trying to help out a friend, so I rushed down to the quad with tons of towels in hand— looking absolutely insane , might I add… and imagine my surprise when she wasn’t there!”
“Shocker!” Marinette only responds drily, eyes widening unrealistically in shock. “I mean, to her defense, she would’ve been late if she’d waited. At least one of us should’ve been a good student today.”
Alya only narrows her eyes, before lightly bumping her companion to the side. “ You know , I’m thirsty,” she starts, slowly grabbing a bottle from the side of her backpack as she opens it.
Marinette takes a brief step back, and glares. “You wouldn’t dare .”
They have a brief staredown for a second, with Alya raising the bottle up… before simply taking a sip and immediately putting it away. She rolls her eyes as Marinette relaxes, laughing lightly as she hooks her arm around hers. “Come on, you didn’t really expect me to do that to you, did you?”
“Wouldn’t put it past your species,” she only responds curtly.
“Oh yeah, I forgot. All us land mammals suck, huh?”
A brief pause, before Marinette nods.
(But not brief enough— as Alya’s head flips towards her direction, an eyebrow raised and excitement almost bubbling out of her expression.)
“Hey,” she starts slowly, as they come to a standstill in the middle of the hallway. Alya moves uncomfortably close to her face, scrutinizing her friend’s expression. “What was that?”
Marinette doesn’t answer, instead looking in the other direction. “What do you mean?”
“That pause.”
She still refuses to look at her directly. “What pause?”
“When I said that you hated land mammals, you hesitated .”
She scoffs. “I did not .” Marinette struggles to get herself out of Alya’s grasp. (She has absolutely no problem swimming against strong currents in the ocean, but was increasingly realizing that her human body was largely just a useless and inefficient lump of flesh.)
“Yes, you did ,” Alya protests back, eyes squinting as she tries to make out what her friend’s expression means.
Marinette tries not to let anything show. Thinks about anything else. Not about the very cute TA, or the way he carried her, or the way his god-awful puns made her laugh like he’d just told the funniest joke in the world. Not about Adrien, and especially about the way he made her feel — ah, crap .
The red on her cheeks is subtle, but it doesn’t go unnoticed.
(Damn Alya and her investigative skills.)
“You met someone,” her friend finally deduces, voice slowly increasing in volume. “Do you have a crush on a human!?”
At that, Marinette manages to free herself (the power of embarrassment does wonders to the human body, she realizes), and pulls Alya to one of the empty classrooms. “Do humans always feel the need to speak so loudly? Mermaids are never this noisy.”
“That’s because you don’t have lungs ,” Alya only responds, rolling her eyes — before grabbing her friend’s hand, and using the other to point at the mermaid accusingly. “And don’t you even try changing the subject; I need to know everything. Right now.”
Marinette shakes off her arm, opting to lean upon one of the desks. “There’s nothing to say! You’re just making things up from thin water.”
“Thin water?”
“Yeah. Like when you make something up without any basis? Do humans not have expressions like that here — “
“No, yeah, we do, but that’s not…,” Alya pauses, then exhaustedly rubs at her forehead. “Look, we’ll get into human and mermaid language later. A lot more interesting is that a mermaid has fallen for one of us .”
“I did not fall for him…!” Marinette stops in her tracks, realizing with her friend’s smirk that she’s fallen right into her trap.
“Ah, so there is a he to fall for?”
Marinette scoffs, tries to find an excuse or brush it off, before realizing that it’ll ultimately be a fruitless effort. Running a frustrated hand down her still-damp hair, she sighs. “Fine!” She finally mutters, defeated. “Look, it’s not a big deal. I just found him cute, that’s all.”
Alya raises an eyebrow. “Not a big deal?” She asks, shaking her head. “You’ve been here for a month , and I haven’t even seen you be interested in talking to humans, much less making friends,” she points out. “Actually talking to a guy without wanting to murder him, and finding him cute… now that’s what we call progress.” She grins, then leans forward.
Personal space, Marinette figures, is likely a concept that she isn’t all too familiar with.
“What’s his name?”
“I don’t —. “
“ Marinette ,” she finally deadpans. “We both know that you’re gonna end up telling me, or at the very least, I’ll end up figuring it out with my amazing detective skills, so let’s save the time on our part and just… tell me who he is.”
(She wants to say she knows Alya’s bluffing. But the determined look in her eye and tilt to a smile, and the fact that she knew how stubborn her best friend could be when it came to getting the “latest scoop”, as it is — makes her know that the statement is nothing short of the truth.)
“Adrien,” she finally breathes. “I don’t know his last name, but — “
“Agreste?” Alya suddenly interrupts, eyes widened in slight surprise. “Adrien Agreste?”
“Look, I can’t tell you if it is — “
“Blonde, green eyes, model figure, speaks only in corny puns but somehow endearing, and basically drop-dead gorgeous?”
“I — ,” Marinette pauses, trying to get her thoughts together. “How did you know that?”
To the former’s surprise, Alya doesn’t even respond. At least not with words.
Instead, she bursts into a fit of laughter . “Of course, it’s him,” Alya only cackles. “Of course it’s Agreste, isn’t it?” She pauses, then mutters to herself: “can’t believe I didn’t figure that out earlier on.”
“What do you mean?” Marinette only insists, trying to stop herself from mentally drowning her best friend. “Do you know him?”
“Adrien?” She finally catches her breath, before cackling again. “I think the better question to ask, Marinette, is who doesn’t ?”
“ Stop laughing! ” Marinette huffs, evidently getting more irritated. “What? Is he popular or something?”
Noticing the mermaid’s growing annoyance with the situation, Alya finally calms herself down, wiping a stray tear from her eye. “Adrien? He’s not just popular. He’s like the equivalent of an actual prince we have here in Francois-Dupont.”
“A prince?”
“Ever heard of the Agrestes? His dad’s on the board of directors here, and they’re loaded . Piss off Adrien, and he could definitely have you expelled in a second,” Alya states, before shaking her head. “Not that he would ever do it; Adrien’s one of the kindest people here — there are rumors that he’s actually an angel who’d come to visit us mortals.”
“Now that’s a little farfetched.”
Alya pauses, then stares her down while gesturing at her feet. “ Really? And a shapeshifting mermaid with supernatural powers is absolutely normal?”
Marinette looks at herself, then begrudgingly nods. “You have a point. But go on .”
“Well, that’s it, really,” she only says. “Adrien Agreste’s what you’d call your token golden boy . He even has a fanclub — “
“Really? There are a bunch of girls who set up a fanclub here?”
“ Oh ,” Alya shakes her head. “Not just here. It’s an international fanclub, and they have like, different branches or arms within and outside university. I’m honestly surprised he hasn’t made it to mermaid media yet.”
“Mermaids don’t really care about the human world,” she only mutters, head still reeling from the onslaught of new information. “All they really want is to be left alone, remember?”
“Right,” Alya states, then suddenly looks at her in worry. “Are you okay?” She finally asks. “Don’t worry about having a lot of competition,” she points out. “He’s nice, but he hasn’t shown interest in any of them. You still have a chance.”
“Look, I don’t care about that,” Marinette only mutters. “I just want to be friends.”
Alya rolls her eyes. “Sure,” she drawls, “just be friends, says the girl who’s curiously asking about his life.”
Marinette stares back at her, deadpan. “Yes, and also that same girl who’s going through more than enough just by being the sole mermaid for miles.” She shakes her head, willing the thoughts of the blonde boy to escape her mind. “I’m not fanning the waves by going after someone who I’m sure has relationship drama following wherever he goes.”
“Okay,” Alya starts, “we’re going to circle back to ‘fanning the flames ’ later, but come on! Shouldn’t you chase after love regardless of the obstacles?”
Marinette can’t quite hide the disgust in her eyes. “Who talks like that? Are all you humans so cheesy?” Alya looks unimpressed with the response, but simply shakes her head. “I’m thinking strategically. Adrien’s cute, sure , but he’s not worth starting a revolution for.”
“A revolution? Aren’t you being a little too dramatic?”
“Fine then,” Marinette instead amends. “A rebellion.” She walks over to the window, starkly aware of the amount of people who’d prefer she not be here at all. “There’s already a manhunt over me, and I just want to finish the rest of this program in peace.”
She finds her way back to Alya, taking the latter’s hand and interlocking it. “See? You’re more than enough for me.”
“Initiating touch with a disgusting land mammal like me?” Alya dramatically puts a hand to her forehead, voice accentuated to sound like some stereotypical damsel-in-distress in early black-and-white movies. “Am I dreaming?”
Marinette cracks a small smile, then rolls her eyes. “All humans are so dramatic.”
“ Not all of us ,” a third voice suddenly chimes in, making the two pause in their tracks.
Leaning upon the door’s entrance, the so-called golden boy enters the room, eyes bright with visible amusement. “You know, students aren’t allowed to use the rooms without a permit.” His eyes gloss over to land on one figure in particular. “ Water you doing here?”
Oh, that’s objectively terrible.
Yet she finds herself smiling anyway.
Damn it.
“I was— I mean, we were, uh…”
Alya looks at her companion in evident surprise (she’d never seen Marinette quite so… adorable , if she were being honest), then stifles a laugh.
Marinette makes a mental note to throw her in the swimming pool later.
“We were just looking for Madame Bustier!” Alya finally responds easily, “she told us to meet her after she finished class, but we must’ve been in the wrong classroom. Sorry about that .”
Adrien looks at the two of them for a moment— perhaps looking at one not-person, really, then breathes a light chuckle. “She’s having lunch right now, but you can visit her office later if you still need to schedule an appointment.”
“Thanks!” Alya only responds brightly, choosing to skip over how easily she was caught in her lie. “I guess we should take a head start, then.” She pulls Marinette, who seems to be paralyzed in place. “Let’s go , Marinette—!”
“ Actually , if it’s okay with you, I’d love to talk to her for a bit,” Adrien says, cutting them off. They both pause, and after a mental conversation between them (more on with Marinette saying something along the lines of ‘don’t leave me with him’ , and Alya either not understanding or willingly ignoring the statement— she really bets it’s the latter), giving an obnoxious thumbs up and nodding.
“Then I’ll see you later, Mari!”
Marinette updates the mental note. Throw her into the ocean , then.
“I’m starting to think your hobby’s eavesdropping on my conversations, huh,” she finally says, hands folded over her chest in an admittedly feeble attempt to assert dominance. Then, in a slightly more meek (and panicked, really) volume: “what did you hear?”
“Just dew- ing my job,” he grins back. She can’t even comment on how awful the pun is. “Can’t have you getting into more trouble.” Then, a thoughtful pause. “And don’t worry, I only got in when you called us disgusting land mammals.”
“Wait but that wasn’t me, that was Al—!”
She pauses, noticing the amused smile on his face. “And you’re messing with me, huh?”
“You need to learn how not to take things so sea riously,” he jokes. “Just go with the flow .”
Marinette huffs. “I can absolutely go with the flow…”
“De fin itely.”
The pun escapes her mouth before she can think about it, but it’s more than enough to make Adrien grin like an absolute maniac. “Then prove it over dinner? Tomorrow?”
“I don’t want to start a rebellion, though…”
They both pause.
Now why exactly did that come out?
He laughs. “I don’t know what you mean, but what do you have against rebellions?” Adrien pauses for a moment, thoughtful. “You’ll never get what you want or need by not doing anything about it.”
“So you’re telling me that…?”
“Well I don’t want to incite a whole-out war, but I think there are some things worth fighting for.” He turns to face her, eyes still beaming with a look that she can’t describe as anything other than kind . “Don’t you think?”
Marinette stops in her tracks, thinks, then carefully offers a hand.
“What time?”
“The time,” she repeats. “For dinner tomorrow, I can meet you there.”
She hadn’t known it to be possible, but the smile on his face widens. “ Seaven,” Adrien says brightly. “I can pick you up at the girls’ apartment. You live there, right?”
Marinette nods.
“Fintastic,” he responds, still grinning as he jokingly bows and tips an invisible hat in his direction. “Until then, Marinette.” Adrien concludes, before walking away, a little bounce in his step, as she’s left to her own devices.
Marinette knows she’s going head over tails for him.
But she’s surprised to find that she doesn’t quite mind it.
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nightingaletrash · 3 years
Hey! Can I ask you Doggo, Brother and Sweetheart from the Fable 3 ask? Thank you! I really love these :)
Thank you!! I answered Doggo and Brother already, so I’ll copy-paste those below the cut so you don’t have to dig for them ^^
In my personal canon, Elliot and Elise both exist and are twins. They were orphaned at a young age and taken on by Aya as wards, and so they were raised alongside Lorna as her closest friends. And both their lives were on the line in the throne room.
As they were her best friends, Lorna just couldn’t bring herself to sentence them both to death. Logan literally reached ‘one’ in his countdown when she panicked and made the split second decision for the protesters to be executed, a choice that has haunted her ever since. It’s what motivates her to be better, to live up to her ideals of what a Hero should be, and to never be so weak again.
After they managed to escape the castle themselves, the twins ended up in Bowerstone Industrial, trying to find some absolution for having survived the throne room and they began to work with Lazlo at the shelter. Elliot ended up falling for him, thanks to his now very complicated feelings towards Lorna, and they ended up engaged. So when Lorna showed up to rescue them from Ferret, nearly a year after the events of the throne room, it was a little awkward.
Ultimately Lorna and Elliot didn’t rekindle their relationship - they’d both changed too much, they’d moved on with their lives, and Lazlo was simply a better match in the end. It wouldn’t be fair to come between them, so Lorna wished them well.
But Elise wasn’t quite so ready to move on with her life. She’d always been the more fiery of the pair, despite playing the part of the gentle, delicate lady, and she wanted to help stop Logan however she could. As far as she was concerned, he was the one responsible for what happened in the throne room, not Lorna. She all but begged to be allowed to be part of the revolution, so Lorna brought her to the Bowerstone Resistance. She coordinated with Page, providing everything she knew about Albion’s nobles and the castle’s secret passageways that she, her brother and Lorna had discovered as children. Anything that could give the revolution an edge in the battles to come.
Elliot and Lazlo focused on keeping the people of Bowerstone alive and cared for, while Elise and Page focused on giving them a future to believe in.
Logan and Lorna were super close growing up despite the eight year age gap. Wherever Logan went, Lorna wasn’t usually far behind, and he was always willing to indulge his little sister when she wanted to play with him. If she had a bad dream or something spooked her, he was the first port of call and he always did his best to be there for her.
Things changed when Sparrow passed away and Logan became King, because he was so busy running Albion, and Lorna found herself having to rely on other people over her big brother. He did try to make time for his sister, but it was hard, bless him. The work-life balance didn’t come to him as easily as it did Sparrow, and he didn’t always have the energy to keep up with his sister.
When he planned to go to Aurora, Lorna was furious and spent her time either trying to convince him to stay or just giving him the cold shoulder. So to try and make it up to her, and to give her a companion she could always count on being there without fail, Logan started making some inquiries into getting her a puppy so that she might feel less lonely.
When he returned there was a very stark shift in their relationship. While he tried to keep up appearances and tried to be the same big brother he’d always been, he just couldn’t. He needed to protect his sister no matter what, and so he eventually began to hold her at arm’s length, kept her safely cloistered in the castle and worked tirelessly to try and prepare Albion for the Crawler. For a long time, Lorna made excuses for him and his behaviour. Walter told her just enough about what he knew to have happened - that he’d lost every soldier who had accompanied him - and that he was responding to that trauma, so she tried not to take things too personally. But the first time he lost his temper with her marked their relationship and she realised that maybe he’d changed forever.
She genuinely believed she could talk to him though, on the day of the protest. She thought she could get through to him and see that what he was doing was wrong. It was a huge shock when she realised that she didn’t know him anymore, and she knew she had to do something about it. She couldn’t ignore what he’d become anymore.
And then she goes to Aurora, fights through the Darkness, nearly loses herself and Walter to it, only to survive and learn that Logan had gone through the same thing, except he’d emerged from the experience alone. He’d lost everyone. And she realises then why he’d changed, because she feels changed herself. The question she still has is why he’d made the choices he had, and why he’d done such awful things to their own people. And she decides she’s doing to get that answer, one way or another.
Ultimately she did spare Logan. In part because of his own experience as king and with the Darkness - he’s fought and survived it, they’re going to need him - but because he’s her brother. She had always known there was a real possibility that she might have to order his execution, she even spent a long time trying not to think of him as her brother so that she’d be able to do just that, but in the end she can’t do it. And she knows it’s wrong. Because no matter how justified his execution his might be, it just sets her to walk the same path as him. If she executes him, she could one day justify the executions of civilians just as he had.
So she spares him, adds him to her war council, and appoints him as an Advisor because she needs his insight and experience. It’s a few months before they’re able to move beyond professionalism, but as they finally begin to open up about the things in their heads and the things they’ve been through, they begin to mend their bridges and the wounds begin to heal. After Walter’s death, Logan is appointed to the position of Royal Advisor, and they work together to try and restore Albion as their mother would have wished to see it.
As mentioned above, Lorna’s dog was a gift from Logan before he departed for Aurora. He’d reached out to several breeders in Albion - he looked for border collies specifically because he believed they’d have the energy to keep up with Lorna - and found one in Brightwall who had a new litter of puppies that were looking for homes once they were old enough.
He was able to procure Lorna the pick of the litter, and when the pups were ready to leave their mother, he took her to Brightwall under the pretense of having a surprise for her. She was still sulking about him going away and thought that he was just making a trip to the Academy so she could pick out some books or something, so you can imagine the sheer delight when she was introduced to the litter and told that she could pick whichever puppy she liked.
She named her puppy Lexel after a character in a book she’d been reading, and they became the very best of friends. Jasper did try to have a ‘no dogs on furniture’ rule, but found himself swiftly overruled because of course he was, and Lorna brought Lexel with her everywhere. She learned to train him herself using some books from the library and with a bit of help from Walter, and she was able to teach him to search for buried things like her mother’s dog. Combat training came along a little later, which Walter insisted on as a precaution.
All in all, Lexel is a very good boy.
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the-darklings · 4 years
i raise you needy!v
well raised and highkey!canon
timeline: post-Prague, pre-Naples by a few months
The call comes just past midnight.
Most of the time—correction, all of the time—he would ignore such a call. If someone is stupid enough to try and reach him at this hour, that's their business and mistake to make. Why should he care for stupidity of others?
Especially when he has urgent reports to read and prepare for a meeting tomorrow. He is to attend this meeting on his father's behalf due to his...slipping health. 
There is a change in the air, Santino can detect it and taste it. He knows Gianna is the same. She's pulling her own strings and making her own preparations. 
Camorra is on a brink of a revolution once again and he and his sister are at the helm of it.
However, only one name could ever distract him from his family—only one and he lowers his wine glass for upon spotting it. 
Dropping his pen on the documents carelessly, Santino picks up the phone at the second ring. 
"Cara mia," he greets with a slight twitch of his lips and leans back in his leather seat. "So lovely to hear from you."
He tries to imagine you—wherever the Russian might have sent you away—and wonders what horizon you are observing. Outside, the bay of Naples glows in the pale moonlight through the partially opened balcony doors. 
Silence greets him. 
A rattling, shallow breath echoes in his ear and his slight smile crumbles as he sits up, pressing the phone closer. 
"Where are you?" he demands softly. "Are you injured?"
You don't sound fine. 
You're not fine. 
But you were. You've been doing well. No relapses, slow but steady progress since Chicago. Fewer nightmares, more genuine smiles. He barely checks in with Winston anymore, and the last time he did has been as awkward and as stilted as all the times before it but necessary.  
She's doing well. There was the Casablanca incident but it was harmless. She's stronger now. I think she's finally starting to let it go. 
You are. 
Casablanca has been a small setback—more worry that it was worth because you were fine. When he tracked you down, you had clung to him, arms around his shoulder and soft pants against his neck.
He had chewed out the manager who sat through it all with gritted teeth and pinched expression—apparently your newest friend, and he couldn't help but wonder how you always win loyalty so damn easily in a world where none is given.
Still, he's Camorra heir and she was a newly appointed manager who did not need an enemy. A smart woman if not a highly unpleasant one. 
You had needed him though. 
Didn't allow anyone else to touch you or help you, and through the uncomfortable roll of something he didn't dare to acknowledge as worry in his chest, shone something close to...happiness.
He's been hated, cursed, scorned. 
Never needed—not genuinely. Not without deals or favours or expectations. Not with a sleepy smile and crinkling of eyes as he helped you to bed. 
A vast difference to what he witnessed in Chicago. 
An emptiness still but softer this time. More bearable. 
Now though—
"Water?" he guesses, tense. "Is it getting bad again, cara?"
Santino is not quite sure which question you're responding to but it doesn't matter. 
"Where are you?" he urges, trying to keep his tone calm. Patience, as you always remind him with a judicious grin, is not his strong point. "Tell me where you and I'll send Ares with the jet, amore. She can pick you up and you can stay with me for a few days, hm? Or New York, whichever you prefer."
Somewhere safe. Somewhere where this won't be used against you. 
He feels like punching something. He should call the old man now, warn him. Winston has...something with you that Santino doesn't quite understand. It's an odd bond but you trust the man and Winston has proven that he...cares. 
"No. Can you..." you breathe and he steps from behind the desk, marching towards the balcony. He needs fresh air—your voice— "Could you...just...stay on the phone with me, Santi?"
He hates the fact that even now you calling him that makes lightness bloom in his chest. 
Fuck, fuck. 
He has a mountain of work to get through but your voice—
Tiny and scratchy with pain. He doesn't hear tears and feels selfishly grateful for it because he can't imagine not tearing the world apart to find you if he did. See with his own eyes that you will be fine. It's only been three weeks since he's last seen you but it feels like an eternity now. 
"Of course, amore," he reassures and steps into the warm Italian night air, running his hand through his hair. He swallows, listening to your unsteady, slow breaths through the line. "Are you counting?"
A pause. "Yes."
"Ah, that's my girl," it slips out before he can control it, and he rushes ahead before you can comment, "Keep doing that, bella. Would you like me to talk?"
Another breath, steadier this time. "Please."
He's imagined plenty of scenarios in which you may use that word with him but none of them involving this damned pain. 
He fucking hates it.
"My birthday is in a few months," he says conversationally, forcing the loftiness into his words, but his fingers keep flexing against the railing. He stares out towards the sea and wonders where in this wide, wicked world you are. How long it may take to reach you. After Tokyo, every time something goes wrong, he's always intimately aware of the particular disadvantage that is you still being on Tarasov's chain. "I am planning a party. Would you care to come? As my honour guest, of course. Perhaps my plus one as well, yes?"
He wants it. 
That dream of you beside him. 
One day soon you will be free of Tarasov and after that—
Oh, after that. He has every intention of offering you a place in his family, beside him.  
His father's reign is coming to an end and one day he will sit at the very top. 
The Camorra crown will sit on his head and he will spill all the blood needed to get it. 
And when he's Head you will be free. 
Even if it means shredding Viggo Tarasov and his family to pieces. Slowly. For all he's done. 
Blood for blood. 
"I would like that."
He leans over the railing, his fingers rubbing against his temple. 
"Good, amore. How are you? Do you need anything?"
Because he never knows what to expect or what he can do to help with this. 
It's uncomfortable and pitiful to admit his lack of know-how when it comes to these matters. He doesn't understand your demons, not really. He tries but fails most of the time.
Caring is exhausting. But it's you. 
A muffled rustling, and then he hears your voice clearer like you're speaking right into the receiver, "Would you stay with me?" you half-ask and half-plead and it's like a kick to the chest. One of your blade between his ribs. Sinking deeper, deeper, deeper— "On the phone till I fall asleep. Please, Santi."
You are so very, very dangerous. 
Special. Dear.
"You don't need to ask, (Name)."
He's only returning the favour, he reasons, for back when you stayed with him on the phone as he rang you drunk and in need of company. He's never had someone before he could trust with grief. 
He's only returning the favour, he forces himself to repeat.
Over and over.
Like that might change the fact that you could ask him anything with that subdued need in your voice and he would give you everything. 
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purplerose244 · 4 years
Thoughts journal Ninjago season 13!! 🖤🖤 (4/4)
Here we are, at the end of just another season of Ninjago! And I've gotta say, until now it has been very good, I think I'm liking this season better than Prime Empire and Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu. I liked them too, but this one feels more complete and deep, also LILLY GOT A BACKSTORY HECK YEAH 😍😍
Prime Empire had one really great ending, so I'm very curious how this season will conclude! Spinjitzu burst? Some last minute plot twist? Cole and Vania confirmed...? 🙄
Here we go!!
So I'm guessing the guys aren't doing too good at the moment 😅
I know this is kind of a tense situation, but honestly Kai looking so confused at having to lead cracks me up 😂 "Do I have to say it? Is that what being in charge means?"
Lloyd: YOU
Kai: NOT
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I have no words, that was such an obvious reference in full Zane style so in character, I have tears. Beautiful 🤣🤣
Also they all look SO COOL 💚💙❤🤍
My ninja babies fighting together screaming NINJA-GOO!! Really this season feels like we're back in the old days, so cool! And they are so in sync, Kai lifting Lloyd up and Zane pushing others away and I LOVE THE FIGHTING ANIMATIONS 🤩
Poor Skull dude, he's trying to do his big bad guy monologue and he keeps getting interrupted 😂
It was cute that both tribes immediately refused to surrender, not sure if it was for pride or they actually care about their new ninja friends, but it was nice
Aahh, near death life experiences, the best way to elicit teamwork 👍 Nice scene, nice cute scene
Nnnnnyyyggg, Lloyd, that's the sacrifice look right there 😱 At least they just turned themselves in peacefully after reuniting the tribes... aaand of course he was lying, I hate that Skull dude 👿👿
Back to team Cole! Back to the Upply! 🖤 Quick guys, we're only three episodes left!! NEED TO GO BIG!!
Heeeeeyy, Wu back in business! I kinda missed him a bit taking control of the situation, it used to be him because he was the master. It really is a jump into the past this season! 🤩🤩
Sure let's go with the explosive cart, not like Cole and the other ninja haven't been piloting a falling apart rocket back to Earth before 🤷‍♀️
A Mech on rolleskates, why not? Does Cole even know how to go on those though? He was already out of the Tournament of Elements during Chen's Thunder Blade so I don't really know...
Lolz the monster was actually waiting staring at the wall, guess you don't get much fun in this mine 😅
And a poor old couple of civilians traumatized. They need to be trained by the people of Ninjago City on how to deal with weird appearances 💪
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I guess we're doing this 😅 Gonna be honest, this is the first very evident sweet look I see from these two. I like Vania, a lot, but another classic love interest? Uuuuhhh, Idk, Imma see the rest of the season and see what happens 🤷‍♀️
A baby dragon on a giant spider, one of my favorite things ever on one thing I fear... I'll let it pass just because Adam is a good boy 🕷🕷🕷
I really like these DnD guys, they've grown on me, let's see what they have in store! 😁
Munce and Geckles under chains, ninja in a cage, the Skull dude has the control, we're back when we started... sucks to be a ninja sometimes 😅
Omg I'm loving that this dude is trying so hard to be menacing and he keeps getting ignored 😂😂 Aww cute, you think you're the first that wants to destroy the ninja? Such a special little snowflake 😘 Evil monologue, we've been going for 13 seasons now with various specials and a movie, we heard it already 🤷‍♀️
Also the reveal, and he's all "Your friend Cole is dead" and Lloyd "That's what they all say, buddy" 👌👌
Poor Cole just wants justice for his mom HELP EMOTIONAL AGAIN
I'm all for Cole's personal team, they should do missions together, like Jay's team in Skybound!... that technically never happened, BUT STILL COOL 🖤💙🖤💙
Oh boy oh boy oh boy got the swords, confrontation ready, BRING IT!! Ninja team is all in for this!! ❤💚💙🤍🌊
Swords aren't usually Cole's weapon of choice... BUT DANG IT HE CAN SWING THEM, HOLY GARMADON!!! THIS IS THE FIGHTING SCENES I WANT!!! 😍😍
How is this the episode prior the finale? It already feels like the finale! What else is going to happen?
Oh with a title like this, it's a given that I will not survive. Oh boy, here goes, the FINALE!
Chaos, chaos, beautiful dragon of death and distraction, also gently reminder that Mino is also a very good boy 💕 Are the skeletons connected to the skull? Are they gonna stop reform when Cole defeats the Skull Sorcerer?
The swords are not actually magical? Huh, first weapon in this show that turns out to be a fluke, apart maybe the Dragon Armor of the Firstborne... that one stayed intact at least 😅
HERE COMES THE VALKIRIES!!! *classic related music plays*
THIS. FIGHTING. SCENES. ARE. SO. FREAKING. GOOD 😍 Also wow sensei, full kamikaze with a dragon? I guess the sacrifice gene really runs into that family 😅
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A bit red, could mistake it for Kai's, but it's an orange earth lava burst so I understand
Cole: okay guys, done my part
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Cole: wake me up when next season is out
Okay, since there weren't evident references to Nexo Knights this season, can I pretend Fungus shooting fireworks is one? Merlok used to do that almost at every season finale... IMMA PRETEND 🙃
She is so adorable, I really love her. Wished we've seen more of her bond with her father, it felt a little easy her giving up on him. Idk, Sky and Chen didn't have that much of a bond but she struggled a lot! But she is super cool and cute, I ADORE her 💕
This sounds like a pretty good experience for Lloyd who FINALLY spent a season without being scarred for life!!! He even met a princess who didn't plan his death!!! Montgomery things are getting better 💚
Well, that surprised me, I guess Cole and Vania like each other but not heavily? Just a very light mood, like they care a lot but no other step further. I'm very happy about this choice, you can see it as a couple if you want, but you can also say they are just good friends. Nice 👍
Oh no, Wu got his midlife crisis, SOMEBODY STOPS HIM 😱
Wherever the wind will take them okay, wherever the producers will decide to torture them 😗
Overall, great finale! 😁
I think I enjoyed Prime Empire's finale more than this one, but this season with all of its episodes was absolutely AMAZING 🖤
The Skull Sorcerer wasn't necessarily a bad villain, but the story kinda went into another direction in my opinion so his part wasn't fundamental. Which isn't a bad thing for me, it's actually new and exciting see the attention to the story instead of the villain, and I did enjoy how they made fun of how cliche he was being 😂
Vania was GREAT. Wished we had more time with her father to really establish what kind of bond they had, but overall I loved her, new best girl acquired 💛💛💛
FREAKING ROCK MOM!! FREAKING LILLY!! I'm so emotional just thinking about this family, omg, THIS is the content I want for Ninjago! Impactful, that makes sense, connected to the heart that makes you so much closer to a character! Finally the Rock family is getting more complex 🖤
I think this season really gave Cole justice, we got her mom's story, we've got him leading a team again, we've got him with a cool new power! 😍😍
For the other ninja it was okay, I really liked the shenanigans with the tribes and the cultures were really fun to explore. Was kinda like a side quest and for me didn't bring that much to the main story, but it was fun and it's fair, Cole had all the attention he deserved 👌
Beautiful designs for the characters, in particular the Shintaro citizens, and also wonderful backgrounds and sceneries, that I thought were starting to lack but here seems much nicer to look at 🤩
What can I say? Ninjago still knows how to mess with my heart, and I'm so very happy about it. I think the so wanted Cole season was definitely worth it 🖤🖤🖤
Now, I heard voices about a possible Nya season... ABSOLUTELY YES, YES TO EVERYTHING, QUEEN GETTING HER OWN SEASON YES YES YES!!! 😍😍😍🌊🌊🌊 Besides that apparently Maya will come back, which is a dream coming true, if they give Nya the same attention they gave to Cole this season, I will be happy 😊
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falling-feuilles · 4 years
Chapter 1
CW/TW: Physical Abuse
1805 St Petersburg
The air outside was brisk and cool, not enough to warrant a thick coat, but enough to remind the citizens of the approaching winter. The daytime ambience of the party offered a sense of dissociation from reality, a distraction from the impending forces of Napoleon and his army. Despite the approach of such a powerful adversary, the usual fear and anxiety associated with such situations was missing from the faces of the guests. Most of the guests, that is. Two young women talked quietly in the corner, both around 20 years of age. The ladies were recognizable by those in society as the two daughters of Prince Karlov Meininov; Princess Elisabeta Bolkonskaya, the younger, and Princess Y/N Zhudova, the elder, by a year and a half.
“Sister,” began Y/N, “It will be alright, you’ll be with myself, Marya, and-”
“I know, I know, but… I worry for Andrei, N/N. You of all people know he hasn’t been himself as of late, even Pierre has-”
A small commotion interrupted the woman’s words, drawing the attention of the two, as well as the attention of the surrounding guests. A young man, no more than 20, argued with a small number of other, older men. Y/N sighed, knowing the likely cause for the debate. The man in question was Pierre Bezukhov, an old friend and stalwart companion. He was just over two and a half cubits tall, stout, and bespectacled. Lise gave her a knowing look, nudging her in his direction. She gave her sister a gentle pat on the arm, moving swiftly over to Pierre just as another man caught his attention.
“Pierre, old friend,” greeted the man.
“Andrei, it’s so good to see you here” he sighed. The two embraced, breaking apart, not aware of Y/N standing nearby, smiling softly at the two.
“Getting a taste of high society?”
“Yes, and making a fool of myself, as usual…”
Pierre turned, finally noticing the woman standing off to the side; he broke out into a wide grin, moving quickly to kiss her outstretched hand. Andrei did the same, greeting her with a small smile.
“How are you two enjoying the salon of our dearest Anna Pavlovna?” Y/N asked, smiling playfully.
Pierre chuckled, looking nervously around for the woman in question before continuing.
“She thinks me some sort of ill-mannered beast, but considering the conversation I just had she is not the only one.”
“Think nothing of it, I find it endearing.” He blushed, smiling a little, “But, you are right, you know,” she continued, seeing the confused looks on the men’s faces, “Russia is in need of a revolution of its own, although preferably one with fewer beheadings.”
Pierre smiled, making to continue before something caught his eye. That something being a beautiful, dark-haired woman in a Grecian dress; Helene Kuragina.
“She’s ravishing… No hope for me though. I see her every day and she hardly notices I’m there.”
Y/N sighed, looking upon the woman disdainfully. Helene was a cruel, snake of a woman; she had been immeasurably hateful towards Y/N in the past, calling her mother a “ruble-seeking gypsy of a woman” on more than one occasion. Y/N’s mother was a peasant girl of English descent who had fallen in love with a wealthy Prince, her father. They married in secret, but after Y/N’s grandparents discovered the union, they immediately broke it off, marrying him off to a wealthy Princess from the Capitol. Little did they know, Y/N’s mother was already with child and was forced to care for the child with no help from the Prince, who had no knowledge of his previous wife’s condition. When Y/N was 12 years old, her mother became ill with consumption and passed soon after. Before she died, she sent word to the girl’s father, begging him to take her in and care for her. Her father was more than happy to, welcoming his child with open arms.
“But your lovely wife? Is she well?” Pierre directed his and Y/N’s attention away from Helene, back to Andrei and each other.
“See for yourself,” Andrei gestured to where Lise stood, making small talk with a group of other women.
“She’s enchanting,” Y/N nodded, agreeing with Pierre.
“She brings happiness wherever she goes, you’re a lucky man Andrei, and my sister is lucky to have you.”
“You think?”
“I know, she cares for you deeply.”
After some time, and a number of enlightening conversations regarding the politics of modern Russia, Lise beckoned Y/N over, reminding her to be at her house at the appropriate time the following morning.
“Lise, I’ve already told you I’m attending Natasha Rostova’s name day ceremony tomorrow, I’ll arrive the day after you do.”
“Oh yes, my mistake. Wish her a happy name day for me.”
“I’ll be sure to.”
“Where are the two of you off to?” Pierre questioned, adjusting his spectacles. Y/N lifted her hand from his arm, moving to assist her sister down the stairs.
“Hasn’t he told you? He’s going off to the war and sending me away to the country to have my baby all alone. That’s the sort of husband I’ve got.”
“Are you really?” Questioned Pierre, turning to await Andrei’s answer.
“She won’t be alone,” he began, “She’ll be with my sister as well as her own.”
“But to have my baby in that bleak place, with people I hardly know?”
“Lise, we have been through all this, it’s for the best.” he continued, “Now, take the carriage home, the doctor said you should rest. We’ll walk with Pierre.”
Lise huffed, looking towards Pierre and her sister.
“You see? He treats me like a child.”
“No, I don’t care if they hear. You have no pity for me; you were never like this before.” she stopped, noticing Andrei’s irritation, “You see? I don’t believe he loves me anymore.”
Y/N sighed, she could tell Andrei off and she knew he would listen to her; he had always valued her opinion very highly. Alas, they were in public, in front of a number of people. She decided against it, as there were reputations at risk; not that she herself had much of a reputation to maintain, it was more for the sake of Andrei and Lise.
Pierre tried, desperately, to comfort Lise, as was his nature. He quickly abandoned that attempt, realizing his inexperience and lack of tact would, undoubtedly, do nothing to ease her mind. Y/N could tell, however, that the attempt was appreciated by Lise, nonetheless.
“No, no, don’t. I’ll be good,” Lise chuckled, “I know Andrei wishes to speak with you. You won’t be too long?”
“No, my love.”
“Goodnight Pierre. I’ll see you soon, Y/N.”
Y/N moved forward, pressing a kiss to each of her sister’s cheeks before the two men began once again to walk down the final few stairs. Pierre offered Y/N his arm, her gloved hand resting upon the dark wool of his coat.
The trio walked along the street, passing beneath street lamps and small trees. The silence was comfortable, familiar. They crossed a small, cobbled bridge before any of them dared to speak.
“You’re really going to the war? You don’t think Napoleon’s the antichrist like the rest of them?” Pierre asked, looking to Andrei.
“It’s got nothing to do with Napoleon.”
“Then why, Andrei?” Y/N interjected, stopping to face him. Her face was calm and retained all the composure expected of a woman of her standing; save for her eyes. The E/C orbs were hard as iron, unafraid to stare him in the eye. Despite looking upon Andrei as a brother, her sister came first. Always. Lise had always been her first priority, since they had first met she was always responsible for her well-being, despite being older by a mere year and a half. In all honesty, she wasn’t angry at Andrei, as Lise was, or concerned for his safety, as Pierre was, although that was certainly a priority. Pierre stood beside her, looking at her face. He recognized the disappointment and confusion in her eyes. The three of them had been close long before Andrei and Lise had begun courting. It was an unconventional friendship, but it had lasted for far longer than any of them had expected.
Andrei took a moment before replying, formulating his words
“Because I can’t bear any more of this life. Drawing rooms, gossip, balls, vanity, night after night.”
Y/N continued walking, shaking her head. Her hand began to tremble lightly as it rested on Pierre’s wrist. At this slight shaking, Pierre looked down, noticing the movement and the distress palpable on her face. He rested his other hand on hers, gently squeezing it. She looked up at him, gratefully. Her body pressed closer to his, as though he was a rock, anchoring her in the sea of frustration and distress that was closing in around her.
“Don’t look at me like that, it’s the truth,” he continued, swiveling to face Pierre, muttering under his breath, “Never marry, Pierre. Don’t make my mistake.”
Y/N turned to face him, face distorted in anger. Never had she expected that Andrei would say such a thing in front of her, Pierre clearly felt similarly. She lifted her hand gently from beneath Pierre’s, and promptly slapped Andrei across the face.
“You will NEVER refer to my sister as a mistake!”
Pierre was shocked, he had never seen Y/N this furious before. She had always been very well-mannered and calm, even when people insulted her heritage, choices, or her appearance, but this was nothing like he had seen from her before. Andrei lifted a hand to his face, cupping the now-reddening mark upon his cheek.
“Honestly Andrei, you don’t want to fight because you can’t bear any more of your life as it is, you want to fight because you can’t bear yourself any longer. You think no one loves you, or cares for you, or gives a damn about your well-being. We do! You are stuck in such a state of self-pity and self-hatred that you no longer recognize when people, your friends and wife for a start, are concerned for you. I just…” she paused, calming herself before continuing in a quiet voice,”You have so much Andrei… more than so many will ever have, and you’re willing to throw it all away for… for nothing.”
“Y/N, that’s not fair-” Pierre began, but she held up a hand.
“Life’s not fair, Pierre. You and I know better than most, it’s time he knows. Until then, I must take my leave.” She turned to leave, head held high despite the sadness in her eyes. Pierre grabbed her arm, she paused for a moment. Their eyes locked, solid E/C meeting deep brown. Pierre himself knew that life wasn’t easy. He was the bastard son of a Count, but he had been raised as close to a legitimate child as a natural son could be. Y/N, on the other hand, was raised in a poor town, by a woman whose only source of income after her father’s departure was the sale of her own body; while Pierre and Andrei wanted for nothing, she wanted for everything and it had showed.
He could see it in her eyes; the anger at Andrei’s willingness to abandon his family for a cause he didn’t believe him. The envy of his early life, and the ease with which he had lived it. And finally, the sadness that he couldn’t appreciate the life and opportunities he had been given. He released her arm, allowing her to walk away.
She reached the end of the street, making her way back to the salon to retrieve her carriage. Her feet travelled the familiar streets, easily carrying her back to the event, which was winding down. Guests wandered steadily out, the women escorted by the men into their carriages. Y/N made her way through the crowd alone, searching for the familiar carriage she had arrived in.
A hand on her back distracted her from this pursuit, causing her shoulders to clench as she whirled around. A man stood behind her, tall and dark. Y/N recognized him as Prince Anatole Kuragin, standing beside him was his father, Prince Vassily Kuragin. She curtsied, offering up her hand as was customary. Both men took it, the younger Prince lingering far longer than she would’ve liked.
“Princess Y/N, you look as lovely as ever. I have been trying to get into contact with your father in the hopes that we, meaning my son and I, could visit with you and your father. Unfortunately, he hasn’t returned my letters.” He paused, allowing her the chance to respond.
“As much as I appreciate your interest in the lives of myself and of my father, we don’t often receive guests; much less guests who we haven’t personally invited. If my father was interested in meeting with you, he would have done so already. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I am rather tired and would like to return home, have a lovely evening gentlemen.” She moved back to her carriage, noticing her driver standing near it, waiting to assist her.
“Dear Princess-” started Anatole, only to be cut off by his father.
“Are you sure you wouldn’t be able to squeeze us into your busy schedule? We are rather eager to visit.” she sighed, turning back to face
“Prince Vassily, forgive me, but even if I was available, I can assure you neither my father nor myself are interested in whatever proposal you may have for either of us. Good day.”
This time, she was allowed to walk uninterrupted back to her carriage, stepping in with the help of her driver.
“Are you alright, my lady?”
“Yes, Sergei, I am. Thank you for your concern.”
As soon as the door was shut, she placed her head in her hands. She undid the pins keeping her plaits in place, allowing them to fall past her shoulders to her lower back. As she slowly unravelled the braids, her mind began to wander; back to the argument. Had she overreacted? Probably. Had she ruined her friendship with the two men? Most likely. But, was she right? Most definitely.
She resolved to draft two letters when she returned home, addressed to Andrei and Pierre. As she neared the gates of her house, she noticed the lamps were lit in the Western-most Room of the building. Father was still awake, despite the late hour. After exiting the carriage, she began to hear the distant melody of a piano. As she approached the double doors, she recognized the familiar tune of Dussek’s Piano Sonata No.18, Op. 44. It had been a long while since she’d heard her Father play the piano.
Her Father suffered from not only the early onset of the memory loss and confusion associated with old age, but also a failing heart. Thus, he had lost much of his knowledge and ability to read music, but was physically unable to do much else. Her Father had always valued music very highly, considering it a necessary part of a child’s education. Following this ideal, he had enrolled both Lise and Y/N in piano lessons, as well as the flute and the violin, respectively. While Lise was competent at playing the flute, Y/N was considered by many to be a very talented violinist, even at a young age. This was one of her few talents deemed recognizable and praiseworthy by the upper members of society.
She entered the doors, quickly hanging her cloak and heading into the parlor. Her ailing father sat on the bench, arthritic fingers moving across the keys to the best of his ability. The sheet music in front of him was haphazardly placed on the stand in front of him, distracting him from her presence. She looked around for her violin case, noticing it sitting, open, on the sofa.
The sound of the violin was a frequent one in the Meininov household, and a welcome one at that. Very rarely, however, was it accompanied by another instrument. This was one of those rare times. While there was no true accompaniment to the piece being played, Y/N certainly made it sound like there was. Her movements were sure and precise, easily providing a more prominent melody to the piece.
This continued for the next couple minutes, until her Father, while turning the sheet music, knocked the papers onto the ground. He did not seem to recognize that fact and continued playing, if one could call it that. His piece of the music became more and more discordant; his memory of the piece having faded as quickly and abruptly as it had fallen on the floor. Y/N set her violin down quickly, moving to restrain her Father. At this rate, he was going to damage his fingers and the piano. He became still, opting to grab her wrist in his hand and stare at her, showing no recognition in his face. While the pressure started out light, it quickly became unbearable.
“Father, you’re hurting my arm… Father, let go…” she let out a hiss of pain, feeling his iron grip continue to grow tighter. “Alexei! Mikhail!”
The two men came into the room, noticing her struggling in his grip. They moved forward and grabbed his arm, attempting to pry his fingers off her. After a minute of this struggle, he calmed down, released her, and walked out of the room as if nothing had happened. Y/N cradled her arm to her chest, noticing the mark already beginning to bloom red beneath her skin.
“Are you alright, mistress?” asked Alexei, moving to her side.
“Yes, yes,” she pulled her sleeve over the marks, “Thank you for your help.”
They nodded, leaving the room. She could hear whispers emanating from behind the doors they had left from. As her footsteps drew near the door, the whispers stopped and hurried feet moved quietly away from the doors, back to their respective positions within the household.
When she reached her chambers, a young woman was waiting inside to help her prepare for bed. She made to dismiss her, but the maid, a girl named Alexandra, approached her, taking her hand gently. She pushed up the sleeve of Y/N’s dress, exposing the injury. Despite being newly made, it was already painfully red and extremely tender to the touch. Alexandra led her over to the pair of chairs residing in the corner of the room.
“What are you-?” Y/N began, but a sharp pain in her arm cut her off. She grimaced, looking to where Alexandra was carefully prodding the bruise, feeling the area around the mark.
“I think you might have sprained it, my lady,” she answered quietly, tucking her hand into the pocket of her apron, drawing out a roll of clean cotton. The two sat in silence while Alexandra deftly wrapped the bandages around the bruise, obscuring it from sight. After tucking the end of the bandage into itself, finishing the task with ease.
Y/N lifted her newly wrapped appendage to her face, noticing the skill with which it was bound.
“Who taught you medicine?”
“My mother, she was a nurse before… before she got sick.”
“I see; is that why you came to work in our household?”
“Yes she has been suffering from consumption for the past few months and we don’t-” she hesitated, voice breaking. After a moment, she continued. “We don’t have the money for her medicine so my sisters and I had to find work.”
“I’m very sorry to hear that, where is she being treated?”
“At our aunt’s house, she was a nurse too, but we can only do so much without the proper medication.”
Y/N nodded, moving quickly over to the desk seated in the adjacent corner. She withdrew from one of its drawers, a sheet of paper and a small box. The box contained a quill and an inkpot, as well as a wax imprint with which to seal letters. She quickly drafted a note to her family’s doctor, instructing him to provide all necessary medications and assistance to Alexandra’s mother, and to charge all costs to her personal account.
After a few short minutes, Alexandra was given the letter, now sealed and addressed to the physician. The girl examined the letter, clearly struggling with the words on the outside.
“Can you read?”
“I… no, I can’t.”
“This letter is addressed to my physician. I’ve instructed him to provide your mother with the necessary medical care. I’ll inform the carriage driver to bring you there tomorrow morning.”
“But, I can’t afford it, we-”
“You won’t be paying, he will be charging it to my account.”
Tears brimmed at the edge of her eyes, threatening to spill over onto her cheeks.
“Thank you so much, you’ve no idea how grateful I am,” she placed her arms around Y/N, hugging her tightly. She smiled softly, patting Alexandra’s back gently.
“Now,” she released the girl, wiping the tears from her face, “Run along, you should be getting to bed soon.”
Alexandra nodded, holding the letter close to her heart as she left, closing the door behind her.
Y/N brought her hand closer to her face, tracing the bandage with the tip of her finger; writing the letter had been painful, far more than she would have imagined. So, her apologies would have to wait for the time being.
A/N: If you find any spelling mistakes, please message me the part, chapter, and sentence. I’ll do my best to fix it, thank you!
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adrenaline-roulette · 5 years
Four Eighths
Pairing: Four x Eight (Reader) Word count: 3.5K+ Warnings: Course language, mentions of suicide (Faked deaths) 
*Disclaimer, the first chapter was basically just setting things up and introducing the character of our reader. This chapter is much more dialogue based, so hopefully you all like it! Also be warned, as of the next chapter, y’all are gonna being seeing a hell of a lot of nerdy jokes. You’ll see what I mean at the end of this chapter.
Catch up with Chapter One here!
Chapter Two: We all die one day
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Screaming, that’s all you could hear when you woke up, your ears ringing with the shrill cries which echoed inside your head. Who was screaming and why? You don’t remember anyone screaming before you fell asleep last night, though to be fair, you don’t recall falling asleep either. The last thing you could remember was signing off from your walkie talkie, promising to meet your team once they had made it out of the museum safely. Had you fallen asleep in your hotel room before you got the chance to find your team?
The screaming was interrupted by an odd poking and pulling sensation at your bicep. The feeling was dulled, and you struggled to place what could be causing such an odd feeling. With a groan, you try to stretch, and familiarise yourself with where you had allowed yourself to fall asleep. Wherever it was, it didn’t feel like somewhere you had slept before, and to your surprise you find that you are unable to sit upright, or really move at all! Your heart hammers in your chest as fear sets in, your fight or flight senses kicking in, as your mind immediately comes to the conclusion that you were in danger. Eyes flying open, it takes you a few moments for them to adjust to the dim lighting of the room you were in. From what you could make out, laying on your back and blinking up at the ceiling, this was not a room you were familiar with in the slightest. It hurts to do so, but you tilt your head to the side, coming face to face with one of the most beautiful women you had ever laid eyes on, and stood right behind her, peering over her shoulder at your bicep where her fingers were working, was someone you recognised.
“Good, you’re awake. Try not to move too much, I need to get this all stitched up first.” The woman informs you, her eyes darting up to meet yours briefly, before focusing intently on your arm once more.
‘All stitched up?’, her words echo in your mind, until you feel your brain go into overdrive, memories of last night come flooding back to you at full speed. That man, the one here now, he shot you! The screaming in your head when you first woke up, that was yours. You remember vaguely that you had screamed for a solid ten minutes after the bullet had pierced your flesh, you would’ve screamed longer, but the man had marched up to you and clamped his hand over your mouth, preventing you from going on. He had then wrapped his arm around your waist, as you made your slow lumbering way out of the hotel room, dizzy from the sight of your wounded arm. He had turned to shoot one final bullet through the window, why he did that, you honestly had no clue, but you didn’t have the strength or energy to ask, and the last thing you remember was falling into the corner of the elevator as you both rode it down to the basement parking garage.
The woman wrapped a bandage around your arm, taking a step back and clearing the tools she had used on your arm. “All done, I would say you can move now, but it looks like One has other ideas.” She shrugged, taking one final look at you, before turning on her heel, and walking out of the room.
Once again, her words had struck a chord, ‘One has other ideas.’ The hell did that mean?  It struck you however, that the woman was right, and when you attempted to move anything below your neck, you were unable to do so. Something was keeping you bound to the bed you were on, at least you think it’s a bed…. “I would say sorry about your arm, but I won’t. You deserved it.” The man, your attacker, shrugged, his voice dripping with thinly veiled sarcasm, arms folded across his chest, as he paced back and forth in front of you.
“What the fuck do you mean, I deserved it?” You hiss out, trying one last time to break free from your restraints. It was no use, your body was aching, and the more you struggled, the more pain shot up through your injured arm.
The man paused in his pacing, looking directly down at you, his brown eyes meeting yours as if challenging you to get up. “I thought we covered this last night? You’ve been steadily draining my bank account for months now. You’re lucky I only shot your arm, I was half tempted to aim one at your leg too!”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better? Do you expect me to thank you for only shooting me once?” You spit, a hard glare glossing over your eyes. Sure, you may not be able to move right now, but that sure as hell wouldn’t stop you from fighting with your words if necessary.
What happens next honestly surprises you, the man laughs, the corners of his eyes crinkling in mirth. “You’re sassy, I like you.” He grins, picking dirt out from beneath his fingernails. “In all honesty, I’m actually rather impressed with you. I don’t know how the hell you managed it, but the fact that you were able to get into my account in the first place, jeez, that takes some serious talent.”
You blink slowly, taking his words in, your confusion written clearly across your features. “I really don’t know what you want me to say, or do for that matter. Like, I’m sorry that I stole from you, but I didn’t think anyone was using that account. I figured it was just money floating in limbo.” If you could, you would shrug, but with your aching arm, and restrained body, it simply wasn’t an option.
He nods his head, the light smattering of gray hairs on his temples catching in the dim lighting. “Yeah, that’s one of the downsides to being dead, people assume you’re not going to be using your money anymore. Funny that.” He smirks, crouching down to be eye level with you now. “I have a proposition for you. A job offer to be exact.”
You perk up at this, thinking better of asking questions over his comment on being dead. “What’s the gig?”
He grins, teeth shining brilliant white. “There’s a team of us, people who have select skills, who when put together in a group, become unstoppable. We do the dirty work the government doesn’t want anything to do with, we get rid of the people who are capable of mass destruction, while our government sits back, and waits patiently for things to simply, blow over.” He pauses, watching you for a few moments to ensure you were listening. “Did you hear about what happened in Turgistan last year?”
“That was where that Dictator was orchestrating attacks on his own people, yeah? The country revolted against him and then, I think they killed him didn’t they?”
“Mhm, that’s right, and the only reason why any of that happened, was because we were there. Our team found his brother, and helped him take control, to be the leader Turgistan needed. Our government wanted nothing to do with Rovach Alimov, and couldn’t care less that he was killing his own people. So we took matters into our own hands.” He pauses to take a breath, eyes clouding over for a moment, before pressing on. “If it isn’t happening to their people, or on their land, then our government doesn’t give a shit about anything else going on in the world. Until the threat spreads to them, they refuse to help.”
You take in his every word, unsure if you could possibly believe that this man had orchestrated one of the largest revolutions of the past few decades. “That’s incredible, if your team did all of that I mean.”
“We did, we really did. There’s plenty more where Rovach Alimov came from, and we plan on removing them all, before they can destroy anyone, or anything else.”
Your arm tingles, the anaesthetic that had been used now clearly wearing off. “I appreciate what you’re saying, really I do, but I don’t see what this has to do with me?”
The man stands up once again, hands resting in the pockets of his jeans. “Look, here’s the thing. You managed to break through god knows how many security measurements I had set up, just to get to my bank. And that heist you pulled off last night, I saw the whole thing. You were tapped into the entire museum, you could see everyone, and you were across the street! Not to mention the fact that you disabled the security cameras for half of the street out the back for your team to escape. Now, just imagine what you could do with all my funds at your disposal, and with months of prep time, and a team of six working right beside you, feeding you all the information you could possibly need.”
Your mouth goes dry at his offer, the adrenaline you had felt during the robbery last night, it was intoxicating and addictive, you craved more. “How can I help?”
The man, or One as you now knew him as, had shown you around the base, which was where you had awoken close to three hours ago now. He explained that he had brought you here with the hunch that you would accept his offer, he had taken you into an abandoned aeroplane, which had been converted into a crude infirmary,  it was a far cry from a hospital, but after snooping around the drawers and cupboards, you  had discovered just about everything that could ever be needed for a medical emergency.   “I can hear you thinking from here.” One smirked, turning back to look at you, as he showed you around, pointing out different trailers, planes, and empty shipping containers, all of which either housed one of his teammates, or equipment for their missions.
Your eyes go wide, staring at the man in front of you. “I don’t know what you mean…” You begin, before One cuts you off.
“You want to know why I shot out the window in the hotel.” It’s not a question, rather a statement, one which was entirely correct. You hadn’t stopped thinking about it since One had started his grand tour. The nod of your head is enough for One to carry on. “Remember what I said about being dead earlier?”  Once again you nod. “You see, for us to do these missions, we have to be invisible, untraceable, we can’t exist. We’re ghosts. And the only way to become a ghost?” He trails off, allowing you to answer.
“You have to die…”
“With death comes a clean slate, no history, no records, you cannot be tracked.”
You cut One off before he can continue. “But you’re not actually dead.”
“Yes, well spotted. All of us here faked our deaths, it’s the only way to take yourself off the grid entirely. No one ever goes looking for a dead man, most people think it would be impossible for the dead to do what we do.”
Your mouth opens, ready to speak once again, though the look in One’s eyes causes you to clam up instantly. “I shot out the window so to set up your death. If you had declined my job offer, all you would need to do would be return to the hotel, and pretend you had gotten into an argument with a boyfriend, who had thrown something against the window in a fit of rage. However, if you accepted, we required your death to be organised.  The suicide note I left on the hotel bed addressed to your parents, would easily explain why you did what you did. We all know how stressful school can be… You just happened to be in a building that was exceptionally high up and had rather weak windows. You took your chance and jumped.”
You can’t take another step, your feet cemented to the ground. Out of all the deaths One could’ve come up with, he chose suicide. Your family, friends… They would be gutted. “You didn’t even give me the chance to say goodbye…”
“Y/N, you can go back home right now if you want. See your family, your friends, continue taking underpaid freelance gigs, robbing museums, whatever else it is you do in your free time. If that’s what you want, then fine. I don’t care, we can find someone else. But we want you, we want you here. But this offer, it will not come around again.” One warns, his long steps closing the distance between you with only four steps.
Tears sting the backs of yours eyes, threatening to spill down your cheeks, though you refuse to cry in front of One. You won’t let him see just how affected you are by this situation. You straighten your aching back, before marching ahead of him, climbing the stairs of a trailer you had not yet looked through. If you wanted to change the world, this was the cost, and it was a price you were willing to pay.
Looking around the trailer, it had been gutted out entirely, the walls now lined with drawers from floor to ceiling. You gaze around, trying to understand what you were looking at. “Everyone gets ten drawers. You can put personal belongings in there, the things that tie back to your old life. Whatever you want really. I have a contact who can get what you want from your home, just let me know what you need, and where it is, and we’ll get it to you.”  One nods, gesturing to the drawers, each labelled with a number from one to seven.
You nod, shuffling your feet against the floor, trying to think of what you could possibly want here with you.  “I’ll let you know.” You finally reply, before following One back outside.
completing the ‘Grand Tour’, One had shown you to a mostly empty trailer, welcoming you to your new home. You had spent a few hours alone after that, just trying to collect your thoughts, and wrap your head around the whirlwind that was the past twelve hours. There was a bed built into the trailer directly beneath the line of windows on the left wall, the mattress was thin, and the blankets had certainly seen better days, but as you lay down, staring up at the clear blue sky, it honestly felt like laying on a cloud.
Falling asleep had not been part of the plan, though you supposed your body needed the rest, it was trying to heal a gunshot wound after all. Though impromptu nap or no, being awoken by One as he threw a glass of water over your face, was not how you wanted to be greeted back into the world of wake. “I’m getting really tired of waking up to your ugly face, One.” You mutter, pushing yourself up into a sitting position, before you scrub your palms down your dripping face.
A deep chuckle rolls through your sparse trailer, one that you weren’t yet familiar with. “Well, you’re alright in my books kid. Anyone who is as fed up with One after only five minutes as I was, means you’re gonna fit in just fine here!”
One turns around and directs a glare at the man leaning against the doorway, who in turn, responds with a cheesy grin.  “Can I help you Seven?” The man, Seven, shrugs off from the doorway, turning to step half out of your trailer. “Everyone’s waiting for you two, they wanna meet the new recruit.”
“What do you mean everyone wants to meet her? How does anyone even know that there is a new recruit?!” One cries, eyes darting from your miserable wet face, to Seven’s smirking one.
“Of course they want to meet me. I’m fucking fabulous, everyone should want to meet me.” You huff, rolling yourself off the bed, a feat which takes far more effort than you would care to admit.
Seven chuckles once again, his eyes meeting yours through the dim lighting of your home. “Again, credit where credit’s due. You seem pretty fab to me.” He turns his attention back to One, shrugging his broad shoulders lightly. “Five mentioned she’d helped patch someone up earlier. Someone who you’d brought into camp. According to those who have been here longest, the only times you bring someone here who’s not dead, is when you’re trying to recruit them.”
“Does he shoot all new recruits?” You pipe up, folding your arms across your chest, lifting a brow at One.
“No, you got special treatment.” One smirks, the corners of his lips twitching in an effort to school his features. “Right then, follow me. We’ve got a meet and greet to attend apparently.”
You follow behind Seven and One, across the open expanse of desert, noting how each of the trailers now had lights on inside, lights that seemed to be far more appealing than the fluorescent bulbs that hung from your ceiling. The men lead you into a large shipping container, it looked to be three containers that had been merged, the doors wide open to allow the evening breeze access. Voices echoed inside the sparse room, all falling silent as the three of you make it to what appears to be a briefing room. A large square table sits at the front of the room, and pinned up on all of the walls are what you can only assume, are photo’s of targets.
Four people and a dog stand around the table, all clearly interested in your arrival, though the dog appears to be the most intrigued, the English mastiff bounding across the room up to you. You can’t fight the grin the invades your face as the large dog moves onto his hind legs, massive paws pressing against your chest as he licks your face. You bring your hand up to ruffle against his head, the dog barking happily at the attention you so happily supplied him with.
“No, bad Wally! Get off Eight!” One directs, locking eyes with the mastiff. Wally either doesn’t understand the command, or ignores it, as he continues to express his adoration of you through kisses.
“It’s fine! If this is how I die, then I am totally okay with this!” You giggle, you had been a Ghost for only a few hours now, and it already seemed like you had made a new best friend.
Finally, after a few minutes, Wally leaps off you in search of something else to do, leaving you now dog free, and covered in dog hair and slobber. “Right, so now that Wally has accepted her, I guess? this is Eight. Eight, meet everyone.” One declares to the room, four sets of eyes landing on you once again.
“We’re still using numbers then?” Asks a thickly accented man. Looking over, you find him to be tall, handsome, and frowning at One with a look of disdain.
“Yes, yes we are. Three, meet Eight. Eight, meet Three. He’s our Hitman.”
You wave shyly at Three, with him returning the gesture with far more gusto, a broad grin sweeping over his lips. At his side, with an arm resting over his shoulder in a casual yet possessive manner, was a thin, platinum blonde bombshell. “Hello Eight, I am Two. It is a pleasure to meet you.” The sentence flowing freely, and in a beautiful manner with her French accent.
“Two is Ex CIA.” Three declares proudly, looking down at the sighing blonde.
“You’ve already met Five.” One is gesturing to the young woman who you had woken up to earlier that day.
“Oh, um thank you for, well… You know, thanks.” Fuck, why were you so awkward? You gesture limply at your still bandaged arm, sending a small smile her way.
“No worries, next time I stitch you up hopefully you won’t be out cold. That way you get to pick what pattern I do when I put the sutures in!” Five laughs, sitting on the edge of the table.
One shakes his head, rolling his dark eyes. “Five is our Doctor, among other things. She likes to stitch our wounds up in fun ways, so they scar in designs.” He shrugs, clearly this was a normal thing in this group.
“Seven’s the one who you were bonding with back in your trailer.” One jerks his head towards the man you had followed in just before. “Ex-Military, good with a sniper.” Seven nods at you from where he is crouched down, giving Wally belly scratches. “And over here, is Four. Parkour master.”
Before you have the chance to say anything, Four cuts in, his deep British accent sending chills down your sine. “We’ve discussed this, I’m a Skywalker, thank you very much.”
You should just keep your mouth shut, you don’t know these people, making silly nerdy jokes is not the way to make a good first impression! Not to mention the fact that for some reason, you really don’t want to make a fool of yourself in front of this stunningly attractive Brit. His tousled blonde locks brushing his forehead, as his emerald eyes flicker to yours the moment you speak. “Oh, so you’re a Jedi then?”
Four Eighths taglist: @not-the-cleavers​ @jinxfirebolt18902​
Chapter Three My Masterlist
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kprciffdw · 4 years
Ratchet and Kim Possible Chronicles: The Solanian Revolution-Part 18
They arrived at Metropolis. As soon as they landed into the city, they immediately noticed that the city was already under attack. Ron: "Whoa!" Ratchet: "It's already started!" Kim: "Looks as though Nefarious has struck here first, just like we suspected." Ratchet: "No kidding! He has to be around here somewhere!"
Clank, however, was looking towards the sky as though he was in some sort of trance. Ratchet took notice of this. Ratchet: "Uh…Clank? Are you…OK?"
Kim pulled out the Kimmunicator.
Meanwhile somewhere in Metropolis, the group was being monitored by what was revealed to be the point of view of Clank, or rather a Clank look alike. Dr. Nefarious had been holding the real Clank in a cage all this time. Dr. Nefarious: "How do you like my special creation, Clank? I call him Klunk! Your dopey friend seems to be quite fond of him. Say, maybe they'll change the name of your show to "Secret Agent Klunk". (laugh) Did you hear that, Lawrence? I made a funny!" Lawrence: "You put the "wit" in "twit", sir." Dr. Nefarious: "Yes, I do! Don't I? (laugh) Today you will witness the dawning of a new era! For years I plotted in secret, suffering endless disappointments, but soon, it will all be worthwhile." Clank: "You will never succeed. Ratchet, Miss Possible and Ron will put an end to your madness." Dr. Nefarious: "The only end in your squishy friends' futures will be the end of their lives. (laugh) And you will have a front row seat. (laugh)"
At that time, Ratchet was still examining Clank's look-alike, Klunk. Ratchet: "Uh, perhaps we'll have Al take a look at you once we're done here." Kim: "Oh, don't worry about him, Ratchet. I don't think that will be necessary. The little guy is…probably just exhausted, that's all."
Kim placed her hand on Klunk's back. Kim: "There, there, Clank. It'll be OK."
She appeared to be tending to him, but in actuality, she was attaching a small, barely noticeable device to his back. She looked at Ratchet and smiled. Ratchet: "Well…OK…if you…say so, Kim. Let's go, we have to find Nefarious."
He rushed off. Kim: "Yes we do."
She smiled at Ron, he chuckled a bit. Ron: "Nefarious will have no idea what little surprise we have in store for him." Kim: "No, he won't."
They went after Ratchet and caught up with him.
As they made their way through the city, they found themselves fighting through many more Tyhrranoids. They could tell that Nefarious was really raising the stakes as well as his forces. Despite that, it wasn't something that the group was really worried about. Knowing that Nefarious' weapon, the Biobliterator, was operational and ready to be used, they were expecting to see it sooner or later.
As they made it far enough into the city, they spotted the horrible weapon rise before them. With one zap, all of the nearby Tyhrranoids were transformed into robots. Ron: "Whoa! All of the Tyhrranoids were turned into robots!" Kim: "And I have a feeling that the city's entire organic populace will follow after them." Ratchet: "Come on, guys, Dr. Nefarious can't be too far off."
They continued their way through. This time, they were faced with the newly robotisized Tyhrranoids. They were shown to be a lot tougher than their organic former. The fight through the city seemed as though it lasted much longer. However, the group wouldn't give up so easily as they worked together through one brutal fight after another.
They were eventually able to find Nefarious. Ratchet: "Look, guys! It's Dr. Nefarious!" Ron: "Yeah and that butler guy!" Kim: "And there's Clank over there with them." Ratchet: "Wait! Clank's over there? Then who is…oh, boy, I should feel pretty stupid right now."
Soon enough, Klunk giggled in a sinister manner as his eyes glowed red. Ron: "Evil look-alike! I knew it!" Kim: "Huh, you were actually right about this, Ron. And here I thought Nefarious reprogrammed him to make him work with our enemy." Ratchet: "Hold on! You both knew he was an imposter? Why didn't you guys tell me?" Kim: "Um, in all honestly, we weren't really sure ourselves, but we've had our suspicions and now they have been confirmed."
Nefarious was laughing as Klunk walked over towards him. Dr. Nefarious: "I must admit, Ratchet, you and your friends have proven to be far more worthy adversaries than that imbecile Qwark."
Klunk then turned around to face the group as he stood next to Nefarious. Dr. Nefarious: "But alas, I have a galaxy to conquer so this is the end for you; and the same goes for Kim Possible and that…that…that…blonde boy." Ron: "Uh, Ron, Ron Stoppable. I mean, come on, is my name really that difficult to remember?" Ratchet: "I don't think it is."
Ron smiled at Ratchet. Dr. Nefarious: "Well, whatever, it won't matter, anyway. I shall leave you to face your demise while I exterminate every single organic life form in the galaxy." Kim: "Oh, don't think that you'll be leaving without a little parting gift that we made especially for you."
She pulled out the Kimmunicator. Kim: "Now, Wade!"
Just then, the small device that was attached to Klunk brought out a small claw. Dr. Nefarious took notice of this. Dr. Nefarious: "What the…?"
It then attached a small device to his rear end, emitting high amounts of electricity that shocked him repeatedly. Dr. Nefarious: "Gah! What is…gah! What have you…gah! What is this…gah! Strange device…gah! You've…gah! Placed on me!?"
At that moment, Wade's vendor appeared, displaying his image. Wade: "You could call it a device of my own special design." Ratchet: "Wade!" Dr. Nefarious: "What? Who are you?" Kim: "Dr. Nefarious, this is Wade. He's a super genius who works with us on all of our missions." Wade: "Kim and Ron found out about your Clank imposter, so Kim asked me to build something that would help out in their fight against you. It's a tracking device that also acts as a shock emitter to get on your nerves. Your Clank doppelganger was actually nice enough to deliver it to you for us. You might even call it a "shocking surprise coming from the rear". (laugh)"
Everyone else laughed along with Wade. Dr. Nefarious, however, was greatly infuriated, which really wasn't surprising. Lawrence: "That was…actually a good one." Dr. Nefarious: "You annoying brat! Ack! Get this thing off of me! Aagh!" Wade: "Sorry, no can do. That thing is built to last and stay on you for an extensive amount of time. I couldn't remove it even if I wanted to. You'll have to figure how to remove it yourself." Dr. Nefarious: "Why you…argh! Lawrence!" Lawrence: "Yes, yes, I know."
Nefarious and Lawrence warped out, Klunk transformed into a massive mech, much like an evil version of Giant Clank. Ratchet: "Oh, boy, this is going to be a tough fight."
The group went on to fight that massive Klunk. The giant robot was shown to be very tough as well as extremely merciless. It really did all it could to eradicate them, but they served a much better chance against it then the other way around. It was a long and enduring battle, but they were finally able to bring down the massive behemoth of a robot. Ron: "We did it! Take that, you Clank imposter! Nobody lies about my best friend, KP, and gets away with it!" Kim: "Come on, let's go get back the real Clank." Ratchet: "You don't have to tell me twice."
They rushed over to Clank and freed him from his cage. He walked back to the group, sad. Ron: "Clank! How's it going, buddy?" Kim: "You OK, Clank? What's the matter?" Clank: "I am sorry, guys, this is all my fault." Ratchet: "Knock it off, Clank. Nefarious did all of this and he is going to pay for what he did. For Metropolis and for what he did to Qwark and Skidd." Ron: "Skidd especially!" Kim: "Of course." Ron: "And besides, we're glad to have you back, even though…we had no idea you weren't with us…for the most part."
Clank looked up at his friends and smiled. Ratchet: "Come on, let's get out of this city before we end up dead or worse." Ron: "Robotisized?" Ratchet: "Exactly!"
They made their way back to the ship. Kim held out the Kimmunicator. Kim: "Hey, Wade, how's the device we've attached to Nefarious working out?" Wade: "It's working like a charm. We will be able to track Nefarious wherever he goes so he won't be able to hide from us." Kim: "And the shock emitting feature?" Wade: "Still functional. It even has a built-in audio receiver so that we'll be able to hear Nefarious complain each time it goes off." Dr. Nefarious: "Gah! This confounded annoyance! Once I get it removed, I'll throw it back at the kid who built this thing! Gah!" Wade: "(laugh) Just hearing him gripe so much is just too funny." Kim: "Oh, I hear you, Wade; it's absolutely priceless."
She put the Kimmunicator away. Ratchet: "So, how long have you known about that imposter being with us?" Kim: "We've had our suspicions since back at Holostar Studios, but Ron managed to figure out that he wasn't really Clank when he lied to him about why we were really dating." Ron: "Yeah, he told me that Kim only dated me to back-stab me by going for you behind my back." Ratchet: "What? He said that!? Clank would never say that!" Clank: "No, I would not." Ron: "I know and I also knew that KP would not do something as horrible as that. So, that's when I realized that he was an imposter or he was reprogrammed by Nefarious to work for him. I told KP about this and she realized this, too." Ratchet: "But why didn't you tell me?" Kim: "If we did, you would have smashed him to bits. Besides, Wade wanted us to get close to Nefarious so that we could deliver that device for him." Ron: "And what better way to do that than to get that imposter to do it for us?" Ratchet: "Huh, not bad. You guys are devious, aren't you?" Kim: "Well, you do know the saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer", right? Nefarious tried to do that to us so we decided to do the same to him." Ron: "Sorry we didn't tell you about this, Ratchet. We were planning to, but Wade wanted this plan to go as smoothly as possible." Kim: "And he was worried that telling you would be too risky." Ratchet: "Don't worry about it, guys. What you did to Nefarious back there was so worth being left in the dark. Besides, I understand what you guys were getting at." Kim: "We were hoping you would say that, because we think it was worth it, too."
Ratchet smiled at them, as they did with him. Clank giggled.
They made their way back to the ship. Just then, Sasha transmitted to them. Sasha: "I can't believe it! The city's entire population has turned into robots, even the Tyhrranoids!" Kim: "The entire city!? Huh, that Biobliterator really is powerful." Sasha: "I need you guys to get back to the Phoenix so that we can come up with a plan to stop Nefarious before he uses that weapon again." Ratchet: "We'll be right there."
They transmission was shut off. Ron: "Oh! Uh, Clank? We just want to let you know that KP has been sitting in your seat during…your absence. It was so I could look after your imposter that I thought was you at the time. So, I hope you're cool with that." Clank: "It is alright, Ron. I understand. That was very smart of the 2 of you. Ms. Possible may continue to sit in the front with Ratchet."
Clank proceeded towards the back seats. Ratchet: "Are you sure about that, Clank? I mean she doesn't have to." Clank: "I am positive. She may have that seat." Ron: "Hm…you know what? I agree with Clank." Kim: "What? No, that's OK, I don't need to…" Ron: "KP, you should sit in the front with Ratchet." Kim: "Ron…are you sure? I mean, you don't mind, right? Like seriously?" Ron: "Absolutely. I don't mind at all." Kim: "Uh…OK…"
She went on to the front, right next to Ratchet as he climbed on to his. They looked at each other in a concerned manner. Ron: "(whispering) I especially don't mind if you choose him over me. I know you want to be with him, KP; stop being so afraid."
Ron climbed on to the seat behind Kim, they took off and let the planet, making their way back to the Phoenix.
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