#She's hella ableist
bugstung · 8 months
Never open up to a white cishet woman who thinks she's better and a good ally because she's a" feminist"
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iyote · 1 year
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mousefur canon aroace btw ^
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ripplestitchskein · 2 months
I find the general idea of Stolitz being “toxic” to be fucking hilarious. It’s thrown around so easily like it should be accepted that they fit this definition and….they really, really don’t lol. Like they have a pretty chill and common miscommunication and personal issues interfering with wants and desires conflict. Like I cannot stress how fucking chill it is. They don’t actively hurt one another intentionally, neither are trying to murder the other directly or indirectly, they are not on opposing sides of a larger external conflict save for inherent world class dynamics, they don’t manipulate each other or work against each other, etc. They say hurtful things and argue and are oblivious to the other’s issues but like, in a fairly normal neurodivergence and historical trauma driven way.
They do begin with a mutually agreed upon transactional sexual dynamic, which is often the crux of these “Stolitz is soooo toxic” arguments to the point the really intense anti’s cry SA. A transactional sexual dynamic Blitz was so okay with when it is no longer agreeable to the other party, and they communicate that and change the parameters in a way that gives him full autonomy, he spends half an episode trying to return to that dynamic. Much trauma. Very coerced. 🙄
There is a power imbalance but it only exists in the sense that one person is societally more powerful by nature of his birth and ignorant to it by nature of his upbringing. Stolas does not force Blitz into said transactional sex dynamic by exerting his power or influence so it’s largely irrelevant save for how it impacts Blitz’s personal self worth issues and it is never from a place of malicious intent. Which is what matters in media? Character intent and decisions are literally the crux of the narrative?? Stolas figures out it’s a problem for the type of relationship he really wants to have and corrects it and even goes above and beyond to ensure that Blitz will suffer no fall out from his choice if he decides to not pursue their romantic relationship further. Like, toxic WHOMST? Just, don’t talk to me about toxic until they get hot and bothered about how well the other tried to actively murder them. We have had zero poisonings or major betrayals in this ship and ya’ll throwing around toxic like words have no meaning.
“But he called Blitz his impish little plaything! He thinks of Blitz as a toy! As a sub-species!” Or maybe, just maaaaybe the sexually inexperienced character who is making shit up as he goes along based on his canonically identified incorrect perceptions of what the other wants/likes as well as ignorance of his own power and position thought he was just being sexy and cute? Just maybe? Like can we apply a smidgeon of deductive reasoning based on the sum rather than the parts? As a treat.
It just speaks to what I have observed as probable immaturity/lack of life experience driving a lot of the criticism or straight up vitriol regarding the show’s major conflicts. A very black and white application of moral purity that deems anything not rainbows and sunshine as toxic and where the ultimate goal is some nebulous and frankly hella ableist concept of “healthy”.
A similar thing plays out with regards to Octavia and the classification of Stolas as a “bad parent” because he is pursuing a relationship and has issues of his own to deal with on top of parenting. Heaven forbid a closeted gay man raised in isolation going through some late in life awakenings is not perfectly navigating an ill defined relationship and a divorce and raising a child on top of his myriad of mental health issues. What gets me the most is she’s not even a young child, she’s 17 possibly even 18 at this point in the timeline but the way people act he abandoned an infant at a flophouse to get his rocks off with someone who fears he will smite them down with his incredible Goetian might and if they refuse they’ll be living out of a gutter eating dirt because they wouldn’t perform sexually for him. Instead of the in-universe reality where the most egregious thing Stolas has done is fail to consider his daughters perspective and how this impacts her, made some inappropriate sexual comments really early on in front of her when he was still excited, and forgot, during a major life upheaval, a promise to watch a meteor shower he made to her like a decade ago. He didn’t even forget the promise itself, he just forgot what day it was. Like I forget shit I promised my kids last week much less when they were like 5.
Like there is such a huge disconnect between actual toxic behavior portrayals in media with regards to relationships and parenting, or hell toxic relationships and parents in real life, and what is going on in Helluva Boss. This is ignoring the fact that the actual universe of the show, which is what should be the metric when examining character dynamics not reality, has established real toxicity in both relationships and behavior, and has shown us time and time again how that toxicity contrasts with our characters and their relationships, be it Stolitz or Fizzmodeous or Moxxie/Millie or the parenting dynamics of Blitz & Loona and Stolas & Octavia. We have examples of toxic relationships, and we have examples of toxic parents in this world and we’ve been shown that the relationships of the main characters is in opposition to them.
But even if you were to take the, imo incorrect, position of applying real world considerations to fictional worlds it still doesn’t track as toxic.
Do you realize how many sexual transactions and power imbalances occur in relationships everyday as just a matter of course?
Like “I’ll wear that outfit you like if you do this for me?” Normal, Transactional. Accepted straight couple in a sitcom premise. I would wager “I’ll preform this sex act if you do X” is said in one way or another without anyone batting an eye a hundred times a day. And that’s ignoring the implication that transactional sex is inherently problematic. It isn’t, it’s the coercive aspect that is an issue and even then we get real handwavey about it in reality when the situation isn’t explicitly coercive.
“I’m a police officer/government agent/politician/media influencer/sole household income earner that has the ability to fuck up your entire life/reputation/financial stability just by nature of my job and how well we are getting along” is perfectly fine and normal. No one would suggest that a police office or government agent can only be involved with someone of equal systemic or social power in reality. Do my partner and I have a toxic power imbalance because I am the sole working person in our household and they are a stay at home parent and I hold all the financial power? No, that’s fucking silly.
Not to be all “sweet summer children I grew up in the trenches of toxic” about it but it’s the most baffling part of this fandom that a pretty low key conflict and relationship dynamic, where neither party is actively trying to hurt the other and has approached the entire thing from a place of earnest confusion and ignorance and is working through it in a pretty normal way is classified as “toxic”. Get back to me when they are poisoning each other, have killed several of each other’s loved ones and there is necromancy involved.
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cemeterygrace · 2 months
if you spoil tit for me i will end you
i won’t be on dnp tumblr frequently again until november 2nd
you have been warned
name: noa
age: 18
pronouns: whatever makes the joke funnier idc really
gender: formless blob idc
sexuality: attracted to women, formless blobs, and the guy that happens to be my boyfriend. just a fruity fucker honestly.
member of the grape medicine haters cult
if you’re here for a specific fandom, i’m sorry for your loss
asks are always open just don’t be gross
feel free to tag me and message me anytime!
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fandoms: there’s a lot so have a list (or multiple)
music (these are all apple music links i’m sorry)
fall out boy
twenty one pilots
against me!
something corporate
ball park music
bears in trees
bleach lab
catfish and the bottlemen
chappell roan
dead sara
ethel cain
ezra furman
linkin park
judah and the lion
the killers
ls dunes
laura jane grace
tegan and sara
trash boat
vampire weekend
the wombats
the young veins
dan and phil
daniel thrasher
nate bargatze
kim stanley robinson
brandon sanderson
charlie jane anders
unus annus
other stuff
i’m an mcr5 truther
i am a specialty root beer connoisseur (abita root beer hell yeah)
i’m on the hunt for the best fettuccine alfredo ever send me recs
i’m a freshman history major
i am a band kid do with that what you will
i have a dog she’s a mini englishdoodle named piper and she’s precious
i am a lactose intolerant cheese enjoyer
i have hella disabilities/chronic illnesses/diseases
i am a midwestern hoe
i play cymbals in marching band
instruments i play because this post needs another list
bass guitar
mallet percussion
saxophone (a bit)
disabilities and such
juvenile idiopathic polyarticular arthritis (they can’t agree on a fucking name)
adhd (primarily inattentive type)
scheuermann’s disease
extreme hypermobility
lactose intolerant af
auditory processing disorder
my tags!
damn you’re all the way down here? neat! good job for reading all of that lmao <3 as a treat here are some fun facts
i have entirely too many books in my room send help they’ve taken over
going to tit tour and clancy minneapolis!
i might perhaps also run state-of-minnesota-official (i can’t legally bitch about wisconsin too much tho i go to college there)
i am a minnesota bitch what about it
i had chai and ube ice cream once and it was absolutely life changing
i’ve been to 30 states if we’re counting washington dc
i’ve been to 6 countries including the 3 main north american ones (america cause i live there, canada, and mexico)
i’ve been at the summit of the second tallest mountain east of the mississippi (mount washington)
tysm for reading you’re my favorite <3
dni: fascists, shitheads and bigots, israel supporters, terfs, ableists, etc. if you’re a dick about other people existing, this ain’t the place for you.
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ashsostrange · 1 year
hey y'all so i wasn't initially planning on talking about what rashad posted earlier today bc it's literally all bullshit, but i might as well! i’m not actually tripping over anything that’s going on. if anything, i’ve been laughing my ass off all day at this foolishness.
this is gna be long as hell, so don't even grab popcorn, i suggest a five course meal.
for some background, rashad became mutuals w this girl. right off bat, he’s making hella race jokes ab this girl being white. i b doing the same, but with my FRIENDS. people i am CLOSE WITH. and i don’t over do it because that’s lame and annoying. anyway, she eventually stated that she was uncomfortable and rashad blamed his behavior on the fact that he was on pain meds. she eventually blocked him and told one of her mutuals, and to rashad, that’s her “spreading rumors” about him. he did the most on his page and in ppls inboxes crying and complaining, saying he was gna eat glass and shit.
so now let’s look at his fuckass post:
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number one, how can a rumor be started about you if nobody.. knows you? like, you are not a celebrity. nobody talks about you. and nobody was talking about you “being on drugs” other than the girl you made uncomfortable and her two mutuals. i know you send yourself anons too. you make it seems like anyone actually cares about your “hot takes” for some strange reason. don’t even try to deny it, bc there’s no way you’re getting more anon msgs than my friends with larger platforms than yours.
you’re also messier than a mf, sending your own mutuals anon msgs. me and lia know you were the one sending her anon msgs bc she blocked you, and you know it too! talking ab how her username is “corny” then reblogging the posts of her clocking your ass??? acting like it wasn’t YOU.
you tried to turn two writers who were already arguing against each other even more. we sat there and defended your ass even though you were the anon the entireeee time. you made a post saying “war has begun” to try and get us to attack bree’s friend. your weird ass stayed in that girl’s inbox after i told you to block her instead of doing the most. you’re lame and you’re bored.
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it doesn't matter if you tagged her or not, you still said it. sliding into sb's inbox and telling 'em you're going to eat glass bc you made someone else uncomfortable is ABSURD. it doesn't matter if it isn't my drama, if i see bs ima say something, and there isn't a thing in the world you can do about it. your "rants" are a form of guilt tripping/manipulation. you're trying to victimize yourself and make us feel bad for you. well, we do not! i checked you once on discord. you said thank you. you said you were going to make an apology, but in that same “apology”, tried to justify your actions. i clocked that and unmutualed you. you then went to lia talking ab some "tell ash i said thanks for checking me" nd now you switched up. your thanks was revoked. all of a sudden, you're the victim again. all of a sudden, i’m ableist?? okayyyy niggaaaaaa 👎 boooo
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you say you're "blocking me for your safety" when i wasn't even planning on talking ab your lame ass again. i won't baby you about your behavior because you're not a goddamn baby! and yes, you CANNOT be the victim every time. you bitch and whine on your page when you get into it with somebody, and unless we're defending you, you don't want us getting involved! it doesn't work like that. nobody else was calling you out, so me n my girls did.
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idk why my name stays steady coming out of your mouth. my "daily activities" that i "broadcast" are what i ate for lunch/dinner and complaining about school. you run your mouth about all sorts of mess. you put every aspect of your life on your blog. we are not the same, so don't even try to make it seem that way. the people on my blog that i don't talk to outside of tumblr don't know everything about me. you cry in people's inboxes unwarranted and say explicit shit with tw's in your TAGS. i'll say what we're all thinking, NOBODY IS TRYNA SEE ALL THAT!!! coming from someone who struggles with mental health, venting on tumblr will not do anything for you. these people are not licensed professionals. invest in a diary, don't you have a boyfriend to vent to?
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you are quite literally the only one looking for drama. we never defended that girl bc we don't know her.. we know you though. and you were venting about catty, but i never said ALWAYS, so don't lie in my face like i'm stupid bc i'm not. ion know what you thought you were doing with the last part, but god bless.
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i am a good person my nigga, i don't need confirmation! i know who i am. if you're debating suicide because you're confused about something, you just need to get off the mf internet bro. it’s never that serious. you're not gna sit here and tell me you were debating suicide bc me n my girls put you in your place. you made your own mental worse by refusing to take accountability.
he also made an edit saying he has nowhere else to go… if you have nowhere else to go, then i'd be happy to buy you a damn journal so you can write in there and leave the rest of us the hell alone. and there isn't shit to be sorry about bc you're not putting jack shit on me, all of it is on you. you wna be everything but wrong. 🚶‍♀️should’ve just kept it cute and kept it quiet.
allat being said, good riddance, r*shad. leave me and everybody else alone! and if you fw him, then there’s the door 👉🚪 good riddance to you too.
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toffeechad · 1 year
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ My new pinned!░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
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【Fictive indicators!!】
ꕥ = Major kin!
ᰔᩚ = Semi-major kin!
✬ = Partial kin!
My system's fictionkins/fictives:
Puffball (BFDI) ꕥ (my main fictive!)
Fries (BFDI) ꕥ
Eraser (BFDI) ✬
Pen (BFDI) ꕥ
Golf Ball (BFDI)
Tennis Ball (BFDI) ꕥ
Leafy (BFDI) ꕥ
Firey (BFDI) ꕥ
Winner (BFDI) ꕥ
Flower (BFDI) ꕥ
Dora (BFDI) ᰔᩚ
Hatsune Miku (VOCALOID) ꕥ
Stella (Angry Birds) ᰔᩚ
Bloody Bunny (Bloody Bunny) ✬
Mumu (Bloody Bunny) ✬
Dark Rabbit (Bloody Bunny) ✬
Rainbow Dash (MLP) ꕥ
Pyro (TF2) ✬
Dave (DFAC/FNF) ꕥ
Bambi (FNF) ᰔᩚ
Tristan (DFAC2/FNF) ✬
Bandu (FNF) ᰔᩚ
Bendu (FNF) ✬
Ringi (FNF) ᰔᩚ
Bambom (FNF) ✬
Marjia (Muse Dash) ✬
Buro (Muse Dash) ᰔᩚ
Sorbet Shark Cookie (Cookie Run) ꕥ
Timekeeper Cookie (Cookie Run) ᰔᩚ
Lychee Dragon Cookie (Cookie Run) ✬
Fettuccine Cookie (Cookie Run) ✬
Peni Parker (Spiderverse) ꕥ
Crimson (Total Drama: The Ridonculous Race) ✬
Gardevoir (Pokémon) ✬
Lightbulb (Inanimate Insanity) ꕥ
Test Tube (Inanimate Insanity) ᰔᩚ
Paintbrush (Inanimate Insanity) ᰔᩚ
Bot (Inanimate Insanity) ꕥ (3rd major fictive!)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic) ᰔᩚ
Boboiboy (Boboiboy) ᰔᩚ
Yaya (Boboiboy) ᰔᩚ
Gebura (Lobotomy Corporation) ✬
Strawberry Cream Cookie (Cookie Run) ✬
Kotoko Utsugi (Danganronpa) ꕥ
Babs (Chicken Run) ✬
Shaun (Shaun The Sheep) ꕥ
Speakerwoman (Skibidi Toilet) ᰔᩚ
Mr Strong (The Mr Men Show) ᰔᩚ (2nd major fictive!)
Tweak (Octonauts) ᰔᩚ (4th major fictive!)
Ami (Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi) ᰔᩚ
Bubble (BFDI) ᰔᩚ
Mr Nervous (The Mr Men Show) ᰔᩚ (5th major fictive!)
Little Miss Daredevil (The Mr Men Show) ꕥ
Little Miss Sunshine (The Mr Men Show) ᰔᩚ
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This is my ref sheet!
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Main alias: Toffee
Other alias: Lana (my actual name)
I'm Aromantic, so uh I'm not interested to be in a romantic relationship
My f/o's Mr Tickle from the Mr Men and Little Miss franchise! (Specifically, he's my childhood crush.)
Erm yeah I have spidersonas as well
The Object Spiders of Earth-2763 OLD REF SHEET >>
Clymene Moth
Honeycomb Spider
Green Lynx Spider
I also made a few BFB AUs too!
If you're wondering what does my persona look like, feel free to click here!
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ List of my awesome besties!! ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
◍ Cooki_Alt
◍ Exsio Picore
◍ NovaAzurite
◍ Moonsprout-sys
◍ MochaBlogger
◍ Trashbins_Stuff
◍ artismeyou-12
◍ vaap0r_wave
◍ B0nb0n
◍ wowwzaaxei
◍ heartsfortwotpot
◍ Branimator
◍ slimebottlesilly
◍ the-random-creechur
DNI if you're hella problematic especially for: NSFW, Proship, Israel supporters, UNTITLED BLOGS, fetish, MAP, Sigmas, L*licons, Ableists, P*dos, etc!
Interests: Mr. Men & Little Miss, BFDI, II, Bloody Bunny, MLP, Cookie Run, FNF, Octonauts, Muse Dash, TF2, Sonic The Hedgehog, Mobile Legends, Super Mario, Pokemon, Roblox, Angry Birds, Spiderverse, Vocaloid, Total Drama, The Amazing Digital Circus, South Park, Chicken Run, Mobile Legends, Lobotomy Corporation, Skibidi Toilet and Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi.
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shoesterrs · 3 months
VDL Gang but Animals
I know this has been done countless times, but here's my version! Some have a cool explanation and some are just,,, silly :)
Dutch Van Der Linde: Black Panther
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I think it's fairly widely accepted. He gives off the vibes of a big cat, hard to remember they're wild animals and not just big lovable kitties.
Hosea Matthews: Corsac Fox
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This one was oddly tough. It was pretty easy to make him a fox, but I had a lot of other ideas. I do think he looks A LOT like a corsac fox, and acts a lot like a fox in general, clever and cunning.
Arthur Morgan: Stag
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What'd you expect? This is just perfect for him, no other questions are being taken, thank you.
John Marston: Golden Eagle
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That picture is so. So so John Marston. It looks just like him dude. I see a lot of people say he's a wolf, and I get that, but BIRD OF PREY. Wolves are more often seen as very territorial and constantly with their pack. I see John Marston more as a loner, especially with the lonely vibes in RDR1. And going from weird little looking baby to BIG MAJESTIC BIRDDD. I don't know I'm a big bird fan. He hunts down his old friends in RDR1 and that is very bird of prey of him. And the bird symbolism? OAGH freedom and independence but also strength and courage. And they mate for life 😀
Javier Escuella: Coati
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Very out of field uhh. Okay. So in all sorts of different cultures, coati can represent change and protection, but also greed and gluttony. They're often depicted as protectors or crafty and mischievous creatures. Javier is very protective and loyal of his family, and despite trying not to, he's changed a lot throughout the years. Coati. End quote.
Bill Williamson: Javelina
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Hii he's a silly little javelina, blind and stupid but also so so horrifying. Big family protectors, travel alone or in packs, and this picture spoke to me. I LOVE JAVELINAS!!
Micah Bell: Gila Monster
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The largest venomous lizard in the US (I think), these badass lizards hunt down their prey by locking them in their jaws and biting down, slowly injecting venom. MICAHHH - Dutch is his prey, or fucking ANYONE and GOD iusghfja
Charles Smith: American Bison
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Sweetheats <3 ofc he's an American Bison. Chonky boys, very connected to Native American culture. Hella protective but so so chill. And silly.
Sean Macguire: No fucking idea maybe a woodpecker
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Lil assholes who like to swoop at me for some reason these ableist birds. Anyways. They got those strong head muscles. Perfect for him. Love to cause noise. Bird vision. Yep
Lenny Summers: Otter!
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sweethearts with an evil mind <3 They often symbolize curiosity and playfulness. Young hearts. :( gonna make myself cry
Sadie Adler: Cougar
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Often thought loners, but value their social family and friends. Purrs doesn't roar REAL Sadie's fierce as hell and a fantastic bounty hunter BAM cougar
Karen Jones: Secretary Bird
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she looks like a secretary bird finished. My sister gave me this idea and I LOVE IT. "execute snakes by stamping on them" JUST USING 'EXECUTING' IS KAREN ENOUGH. QUEEN.
Tilly: Black-Footed Ferret
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I want to put her in macaroni.
Mary-Beth: Barn Owl
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Freakin NERD. I don't like this one very much, think she's more of a cat maybe?? But neither a cat or a barn owl fits her personality. Going more with what is represents, owls representing ya know nerds and magic and all that. And I guess barn owls are real good at being sneaky and Mary-Beth is a good pickpocketer :)
Uncle: Raccoon
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Weird, gluttonous, and trash animals? Uncle. But for real, raccoons might not look threatening but they can put up a FIGHT. Reminds me a lot of Uncle.
Abigail Marston ;): Red Shouldered Hawk
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Very protective, gets PISSED. Abigail probably would kill like a bird of prey for her family. Love her. Love hawks. Also really wanted to make the Marston family BIRDS OF PREY heh
Jack Marston: Brown Falcon
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Silly little guy, but still a predator. Hunts down Edgar Ross. Absolutely a bird of prey.
Miss Grimshaw: Emu
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Miss. Grimshaw would single-handedly win a war against Australians. Therefore, emu. Cannot fly but has personality for years.
Simon Pearson: Turkey
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Very American, balding, and they represent giving and food of course. I wanted to make him a sea related animal, like maybe a Manatee or a Walrus?? But I REALLY like turkey.
Leopold Strauss: Weasel
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Evil fucker, that one weasel from Zootopia yes I just referenced that, also I want to toss him in macaroni.
Josiah Trelawny: Raven
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Very clever, often represent magic. "Spiritual messengers". Also found that they represent "divine timing" which is funny as hell to me and very Trelawny. I play a silly DnD thing where I DM and roleplay as the entire freaking Van Der Linde gang and I made Trelawny just kind of show up at the simultaneously the worse and best times.
Reverend Swanson: RED SPOTTED TOAD!!!
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MY FAVORITE CHARADCTER!!! and i gave him a toad :) BUT i like toads! Especially this silly guy <3 They represent transformation (very Swanson look at him go) and are often attached to witchcraft which I think is fucking hilarious for a reverend. These guys spend the day in rock crevices and come out during the night - they can survive 40% body water loss. Good for the morphine and alcohol :D
Kieran Duffy: Ring Tailed Cat
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Look at those big eyes and tell me that's not Kieran. They get hit by cars all the time and that's soooo Kieran Duffy of them. They're super shy and timid but also hella adventurous to the point of stupidity. I've only ever seen one in the wild in my life and it very aggressively yelled at me. Wherever you are, sorry little dude.
Last but not least, Molly O' Shea: Bleeding Heart Dove
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Another one my sister recommended. OH the symbolism, I could write a whole essay, it HURTS. Doves are obviously very common symbols for freedom and love. The plumage looks like a gunshot through the chest. HELLO!?!? CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?!??! It's a bleeding heart. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. They're freaking gorgeous majestic creatures, a symbol of resilience and beauty in the Philippines
And that's it?? I think. Would love to hear y'alls thoughts!
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the80srewinders · 3 months
I really didn't want to post this, but I have to. this situation has went way too far.
I forgot to turn off anons on my random blog, @afuckingsystemsthoughts so I logged in again to turn off my inbox. when I did that, I was flooded with hate mail. this was an hour or so after I posted about someone else (not throwing names yet) I got hella asks about her, including some that might be from her. she signed off on one, and the other anons in question look like her typing pattern, so I do think it's her. however an ex friend has been harassing me in my inbox and it wouldn't be past her to fake being this person I'm talking about just to fuck with me.
I'm sure you all know @/stevesfuzzypinkslippers. remy. well, I know she doesn't seem like this type of person, but it's true and I have a witness: she sent a picture of her dog scratch with blood, no warning. and not just to me, but to a minor.
today, I was telling her about the innocent childhood shenanigans I did. nothing nsfw or triggering. keep in mind I've told many of my friends the same things and they found it funny. well, first she says "you were messed up xd" which is really something to say to a child abuse survivor with posttraumatic mental disorders, and says the stories freaked her out. she's also hella sanist- she knows this is a system blog, so we're gonna talk about DID a lot obviously, were in search of supportive singlets as friends, yet she says "don't talk to me about your disorder." she wasn't too welcoming to an alter who fronted either. this is not what we're here for; we're here for supportive system and singlet friends, not ableist singlets. I also have suspicions she's younger than she says. she also posted nudity, which I was triggered by considering my past with surviving CSA and the fact even though it didn't show genitals it came close. I'm scared of her honestly. if you know her, I understand not wanting to end your friendship w her, but if she's done shit to make you uncomfortable, please take this post as a warning and block her. I don't want anyone else to get hurt like we did today.
here are the asks:
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tsunflowers · 1 month
I picked up "hella" by david gerrold bc the title was funny and the cover also kinda made me laugh but the thing is I just don't think it's a very good book
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it's kind of a big dumb action movie of a book. which was just right for me to read while I was tired and avoiding screens to prevent triggering a migraine but outside of a situation like that I don't think it's worth it. it's an easy read that moves quickly but there were so many things that made me annoyed to angry. the main character has "a syndrome" (clearly autism but never named) which his mother tried to help him with by putting a chip in his brain that let him access the internet (?) and when the chip is turned off near the end of the book he can experience emotions more strongly (???). transing your gender is fast and easy to the point that the main character decides to become a boy bc his brother did and then later offers to his boyfriend that he'll change back to being a girl if the boyfriend wants him to (?!). an older teen calls the main character the r slur multiple times and no one ever reacts to it (?!??!)
also I feel like the book kind of hates women. kind and trusted adults keep calling this older teen girl a bitch and like yeah, she is one, she keeps calling the main character ableist slurs. but it really rubs me the wrong way to have the beloved heroic captain calling a teenager a gendered slur without comment. though i guess it's consistent with how no characters ever react to slurs. then the teen girl's dad is the main villain of the book bc he wants to consolidate power and become the dictator of their previously socialist colony BUT everyone keeps saying it's not even his idea and his three evil wives are telling him what to do. except I don't think any of the wives ever have lines. he says something evil and then everyone is like "his bitch wife told him to say that." the head wife is nicknamed "bruinhilda" bc she's such a monstrous witch and at first it was presented as a nickname the kids have for her but then every adult throughout the book just calls her that. the level of hatred for this woman who appears maybe three times and doesn't say anything is wild
also the ending was just a big wet fart. so don't read it
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ABOUT ME!!! (strawpage for more info(?))
Names: Ace, Obsequious, Oliver/Oli (Oli being a nickname that I like for that name :3) + any nicknames idrc (as long as they're not weird)
Pronouns: he/they/it
Art blog: @ace-draws-stuff
Matching icons/pfps with @/projectcolorcast right now!!!! :D
.> Vocaloid
.> GHOST And Pals
.> Project Sekai
.> The Post Traumatic Manifesto (WeevilDoing)
.> Slime Rancher
blue = current main hyperfixation
red = current hyperfixation that will NOT leave my brain and I will reblog lots of probably XD
Project Sekai Player ID (feel free to friend req lol): 443164046783647750
I have a youtube channel btw :3
and a soundcloud acct :3
Art Requests: OPEN!!!! X3
Just put a request into my ask box and I'll get to it eventually. But rn I'm only accepting requests from mutuals/followers (sorry other ppl) and it has to be a character from a fandom I know OR an OC (bcuz yeah I don't trust myself to draw characters I don't know 99% of the time- sorry :/)
FEEL FREE TO DRAW MY OCS AND SONAS!!!!! ^^ Just credit/tag me in the art pls!!!! :]
Tags (or whatever they're called idfk): #COOL ART ALERT‼️‼️ <- Art reblogs, #my art <- self-explanatory but it's my art :3
If I go offline for more than, like, three days or smthng, just assume that I'm either hella busy, or my mom took away all my technology because she found out I'm on this site lol
DNI (do not interact) if ur any of the following:
• Nsfw/kink blogs
• TERF/RadFem/Gender Critical
• Racist
• Proship/Anti-Anti
• Any Exclusionist
• Ableist
• Anti-Neopronouns / Xenogenders
• Anti-Kin
Other stuff:
This blog is MAINLY Ghost and Pals and vocaloid stuff (maybe occasional pjsk stuff idk)! :)
My ask box IS open... Pls ask me stuff I'm lonely /hj--
I POST RANDOM SHIT IDFK (Also I talk in all caps 85% of the time >:3)
Oh yea I swear/cuss (idk which one is the right word) sometimes btw
If I start typing/talking differently (ex: more/less emoticons, more/less all caps, ect.) it either means I'm just feeling REALLY SILLY (probably a kinshift)!!!!!! or I'm just really eepy/just woke up lmao
I tend to make humor out of my own problems- sooo when I make the occasional vent post (I usually don't tho) and I put 'lmao' and stuff in there, I'm NOT making fun of anything, I'm just brushing off my own problems :3
I apologize. A lot. If I THINK I did something wrong I WILL apologize profusely-
If I say something like "Sorry I'm so stupid XD" or smthng like that, it's not in a pick-me way- Idk how else to explain it?? Idk I make fun of myself all the time tho lol
ANYWAY fun fact: My birthday is May 14th :3
yea I think that's all you need to know! :]
Side note: If we're mutuals, expect a LOT of interaction from me :3 /silly
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whollysensei · 1 year
I hope I'm not going to sound mean because I know tone sometimes cannot carry through anonymously online but I want to share that I find your latest depiction of Murky, as someone who once was an autistic girl with what the doctors found "worrying" language/movement/cognitive delays, to be rather... at least, tasteless, and at most, ableist. Depicting her with the language abilities of a toddler (even younger, as children typically stop saying "dada" around 1yo) when she is 8 (across both Pathologic classic HD and Pathologic 2) and is shown to have a very solid grasp on language, speaking relatively eloquently and forming sentences able to pack an emotional punch, is not only OOC but it is OOC in a way that serves nothing but an ableist stereotype about autistic children. This is not to say autistic children of that age cannot have language and cognitive delays that do make it so their speech is closer to a toddler's, I was one of these kids, but Murky is not, has never been depicted at being this way, and stripping her of her eloquence and grasp on language as an autistic child is at the very least tasteless. I (have to?) assume you didn't have in mind the fact that she was autistic when you depicted her with the verbal capacities of a toddler younger than half her age, but it is a canon trait of hers, and infantilizing her either based of, influenced by, or even completely forgetting that is... distasteful. I think your art is beautiful and I love Dankovsky & Murky father-daughter interactions but seeing one of the very few canonically autistic characters there are (ever) who's interesting and complex and both emotional and emotive and verbose in weird, typically-autistic ways being reduced to a toddler stereotype is somewhat disheartening.
I hope you don't stop drawing her, I just wish you'd be more mindful with her, and how she canonically is, because she means a lot to a lot of people.
Hello! I hear you, I think that’s a very fair statement you’re making! God knows i’m not very knowledgable in correct depiction of autism as well as correct addressing of family members in english language(and whats considered weird/wrong/etc) since it’s not my native language. I didn’t mean this to come across as offensive nor did i wanted to infantilise her as a character bcs of a specific characteristic. To me, Murky is hella smart. I just found a funny meme and wanted to draw it. Poor me. Should’ve thought this through haha All in all, I’ll try to read more about so thank you for this take!
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hisuianwilds · 6 months
toxicc . . or tox, toji, volo to some. other names to others. she/they/any
very seriously just some entity roaming earth
audhd + multiple dys (includes words/numbers) + eds... be patient
my main fandom is pokemon but my interests are versatile. I like jujutsu kaisen, card captor sakura, doctor who, and cookie run kingdom at least once on a yearly basis.
despite being hella tired and busy I stay an extraverted at heart, feel free to hit me up if you want to chat !
dni : gojohime shippers, proshippers, ableist + basic dni criteria.
im also @okitoxicc and @bandagedmoron — (my social medias)
current pfp — one of Louis Wain's paintings
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Aight now that my aspec blog is finished I’m gonna actually do an intro post.
I am Dustpan. I’m a transfem autistic aspec panromantic nerd. I am, at the time of writing, 20+ years of age. You may refer to me as “Dustpan”, “Dust”, “Dusty”, and basically any variation of that. I enjoy mathematics, physics, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, and most sciences. I’m hella leftist (we be anarcho communisming up this place), I’m hella queer, and I have a wonderful aroace girlfriend who for some godawful reason goes out of her way to do her best and loves me as much as and in the ways she can. You probably know me for my “you’re queer as fuckin’ hell” post which the aforementioned girlfriend decided to blaze because tumblr is a pvp hellsite.
Please leave me alone if you are in any way transmisic, homophobic, aphobic, racist, sexist, ableist or otherwise bigoted. We get it, you hate people different to you, you can leave. Authoritarians and fascists are also not welcome, y’all’re cringe as hell and can go jump off a microwave.
I don’t do much on the internet that I feel like sharing here but I occasionally do pixel art, so I might post that, please criticize it if you have criticisms I want to grow uwu.
Uhhh how do I end this type of post?
No that’s not right, despite it fitting with the beginning
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ashsostrange · 1 year
I'm honestly surprised at the amount of people who are still supporting him.He's got his little ((whats left of them at least)) fan base wrapped around his fingers.
“ He’s a minor he cant think for himself, his brain ain't developed!!” “ You don't know what it's like for him at home!” my fav so far “y'all are ablest and racist!! Yall don't care about black people!”
Bitch no one gives a fuck that he is black!! Motherfucker is telling people/threatening to eat glass to get away from what he's said to people. Calling someone out for gaslighting and trying to manipulate people with that shit ain't racist. Also using self diagnosis and laying about taking pill that will “get you high” as a way to get out of all his call outs. This is the stupidest shit I have seen while being on tumblr for the past three or so years like damn!!💆🏾‍♀️
perioddd!! lemme talk my shit again
i honestly giggled when his bf tried to say “y’all hate black people” when pretty much everyone speaking on him is black. why would i do that bc he’s black?? i’m black, not to mention a darskin girl. do with that info what you will.
ppl wna make us seem like bullies so bad. this isn’t just about what happened w catty, hell, it’s hardly about her at all! it’s ab his behavior in general. it’s inappropriate! if he would’ve just owned up, there wouldn’t have been a problem. i’m not obsessed w this nigga, i don’t care to go out of my way to make a post ab him everyday. he’s the one who escalated this further. he only wants us to “mind our business” when we’re not coming for his neck.
ab his mental health, if he doesn’t have a real diagnosis, he needs to not claim mental illnesses like that, but rather acknowledge that something is wrong with him. if you make a mistake, you need to not blame every damn thing on your said mental illness. if anything it’s a justification, but never an excuse. take the initiative to look at yourself and decide if you’re in the right headspace to be on the internet or not. i struggle with mental health, but not in the way he allegedly does. if ik i’m not in the right headspace for something, i step away. he needs to do that. and invest in a diary.
i genuinely don’t know why people are defending him when he did this to himself. if woulda stopped riding my dick like beyoncé rode that surfboard, then maybe we wouldn’t be here right now. accountability isn’t a bad thing. we’ve all made mistakes. i know i’ve made many, it’s about how you address them that matters.
i was literally defending his lame ass when he was sending inboxes as an anon to cause more mess between these two girls. yao was saying he was behind the anon and obv i didn’t believe her bc it wasn’t making sense to me at the time, and there was no real way to prove it. but then he started sending her hella inboxes and tagged all his mutuals saying “war has begun” a whole day later. when i tell you i showed one of my bsfs that post and we LAUGHEDD 🤣🤣🤣 nigga this is tumblrrrr, not a battlefield! from that day i’ve been watching him lmao. didn’t wna say anything about his behavior until i gathered more info cuz i’m not a mean girl (and didn’t want his army bombarding my inbox), but this is ridiculous.
and i’m so glad lia dmed me one day so we could discuss his weirdness. we literally played his ass and he didn’t know. bro was sending her msgs talking ab “i liked your new fic, but you blocked me” and he was the only one she had blocked recently. he sent so many hateful msgs under anon after that, nd he was reblogging it acting like it wasn’t him like… ok weird nigga.
i’m not ableist or “racist” (i’m literally fucking black!) fuck i gotta b ableist for? i’m the last person to rock w any kind of tomfoolery, and all my mutuals and irls know that. i’m unapologetically me on this blog. what you see is who i am.
“he’s a minor!!” so are the rest of us dealing with his bs bro. i’m literally SIXTEEN 😭
like i said, in most situations, if multiple people (with good morals) are telling you that you’re wrong, you can’t be right. i was never disrespectful with him to begin with. you get disrespectful with me, i get disrespectful with you. don’t care who you are ✌️like thank yewww
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cutepastelstarsalior · 9 months
Clone high season 2 live blogging
Episode 6
:( the dinner is going to be sold
Yeah I can see why some people don’t like the dinner because of the racial segregation….
Did some guy just buy to eat the dead wife????
👀 disabled Joan!??? Let’s goooooo!!!!! Detective Joan!!!! Awe cute Joan had a cat <3
“Psylly legs is build up nostalgia the legs get psylly”
….So Joan is just stimming???? (I thought she’d had restless leg syndrome)
If people bullied Joan because of her medical stuff, why didn’t Joan help Ghandi when people hated on him for his adhd? Also man does this town have an ableist history…..
Blood pack!!!!! Same big mood with the doctor not handling blood 😩
Yay Joan’s weird French films!!!! DAVID FUCKING TENNANT???!!!!!! <3 ohmgggg I love him as 10
Heyyy trash Mandy Moore lady is back!! :0
Did I meant I love the colors in this show? I do…
Noooooo jfk cheating on Joan? Wait…or not? Hmmm I feel like kissing another girl is bad…..FUCK is this is Total Drama and the Bridgette and Geoff scene >:( damn it!!! (Yes I know that they are 2 different shows but listen……hyperfixation™️ also my mom thought CH was TD lol)
Yay jfk and Harriet told Joan the truth….oh no Joan is going through so many emotions and drinking :0 hmmm 👀 (idk why but the little montage of Joan going rapid through different emotions feels like something bpd???)
Episode 7
Confucius parents took his sister to Bali but not him :( awwww his family didn’t care if he got lost in the dessert. Man Confucius family sucks, no wonder he tried to hard to be popular online, he just wanted attention :(
:( Abe and Joan army friends anymore noooo. Damn. Abe lost Joan and Ghandi, this dude is going through it….
My favorite background clone is Cathrine the Great, I think her design is so cute <3
The bus crash and now JFK brain is bigger….i think you have internal bleeding there bud…
“As a woke straight male ally let me put my lips on this unconscious black women to show how woke and straight I am” ……..topher bud….
Why is George Washtion Clever peanut man getting bigger??
Mr b using a short to cover his head <3
Ew why is jfk vice like that….
“Lo-fi haunted ghost screams” 👀
Smart jfk…Joan taking the lead. I feel like something bad will happen OR this is a dream.
:0 DJ Mr b!!!!!!
Cannibal dessert zombies….. scary!!
JFK calling people darling is cute :) <3
If jfk brain is smarter while in hot weather/if he’s overheating why didn’t this happen when he’s in the gym or doing sports? 👀
Smart jfk face : ☺️🫤
The husbands trying to snort each other 😏👀
Arroyo are gully in southwestern us….meaning the clone home is somewhere between Texas and California….
Joan wants someone who is emotionally intelligent and emotionally available….she and Abe become friends again……I’m guess they’ll end up together?
Episode 8
Oh snap they actually broke up! Also they co-own a tortoise? Cute
..,,,making the whole school sexual……😬 interesting…
“Where do you want the seaman to drop their load”
“For starters in my mouth” HA….🫵🤨 I know what you are doc
Frida having a crush on Cleo! Was not expecting that…Cleo doing her weird flirting again…was DEFINITELY not expecting that….
Harriet x Confucius is a cute ship….their such nerds <3
😬😬😬 the teacher flirting with Abe…:ma’am that not ok
“Virginity is a social construct” asexual Abe real!!!!!!!
I was going to say seaman I love you but I realize that sounds absolutely horrible out of context….
Singing pirates I love you and you talking about lgbt identity..
Topher the pirates thing you’re into Abe….. 👀
JOAN DONT PUT THE TOURTISE IN THE WATER JOAAAAAANNNNNNN!!!!!!! Oh thank goodness Abe rescued the pet
“It’s ok if a minor and a teacher are together” not the fuck it’s not lady!!! Topher why are you filming this???? Call the police????? Topher please 😬😬
Oh thank god she dead. But ahhhhhhhh still hella uncomfortable!!!!!!!!!
The “statutory-rape-death-by-orgasm situation is very troubling” MR B WITH THE FACTS!!!!!!
“So we’re not telling the police?” You can Mr b! Please call the police. Mr b I love you so much for looking out for the students.
Topjer blackmailing Abe because he (topher) is into Joan…..🤨🤨 are you topher?? Are you really??
One one hand, I’m like this is a stupid subplot, Abe just tell Joan how you feel who care about topher and his blackmail. But on the other hand, this situation kind of feels realistic? Like a weird way to talk about victim blaming?
Oh thank god something positive in this shit show….yippie Cleo and Frida got together!!!
Joan underwater with the emotional music…her screaming underwater…..cinema™️ :) Joan and jfk having a nice talk :)…:noooo rip Shelly the tortoise
Background gay couple yay :)
Episode 9
Noooo the husbands are fighting AGAIN….oh yay Joan and Mr b time!!!
Omg Mr b lore!!!!
He has a human twin brother??? HES RELIGIOUS????? Oh snap biracial Mr b 👀
Wait nevermind…. Awww Mr b didn’t know he was a robot :( and nether did his twin
:( noooooooo!!!!!!!! He left his brother 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
OH MY FUCKING GOD Mr b was a sex worker
Noooo Mr b please contact your brother!!!!!
Awew yay Mr b life getting better!!! :0 he got married!!!
Noooo his wife cheated on his and his son wasn’t biological his!!! :(
YES!!!! The twins reunited!!! :0 awew he’s an uncle now!!! Wow 2 nices and 2 nephews!!
👀 Mr b was an actor!!!!
🥺 awww he thinks of Joan as his daughter!!!!!!
NO MR B DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!
Oh thank god doc saved him!!!!!!! 🥺
Oh my goddd…..the cliff!!! The choices!!!!!!!
Favorite episode!!!!!!!!
Episode 10
Oh thank god, it’s the last one!!!!
Ponce’s dad is back!!! :)
It’s the last day of the school year…the teens are 16, so there sophomores???
Clone high college :0 oh!!! I was wonder what would happen to the senior class!!
West Dakota?????
Since the sisters didn’t make it into the death maze, do they life? Get immediate killed? I forgot that the government is trying to groom the most successful clones. So I guess this is a survival of the fittest….and since the OG clones were from the first project, this is a very new things. (Trying to make a mental timeline thing.)
The four amgias….
4 boys who are friends-ish
4 girls who are friends
Battle of the sexist 👀
Also both groups are the main cast….ok not topher he’s more of a side character…but still..
Yay Abe and jfk friendship :)
Ok so this is my 2 favorite episode.
This gives me minor hunger games vibes. The whole government watching kids fight to the death part; not the trying to stop the government and corrupt dystopia part…
Oh hey! That weird one type flute thing, forgot about that! :)
Frida has 2 different shoelaces :)
Joan leaving the group because Frida chose her girlfriend over Joan. I mean, that understanding to be angry, but I don’t think she should leave the group….
Yessss jfk breaking topher phone!! :) now Abe won’t be blackmail anymore!!!
Gay energy jfk x Abe
Lone wolf Joan….hmm maybe she is the most powerful/sussefual clone they made? 👀
Joan setting traps to capture her friends!!!! She IS the most dangerous clone!!!
Ok Joan keeps putting people into holes, either she doing that so she the only one to hit the button and go to college OR she doing that to save everyone from the death maze?
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHJHH Joan foster mom standing by Joan, using her daughter and grooming her to be the next leader!!! AHHHHHH I love it!!!!!!! Sidhaisn
!!!!!!!!! Them using the clones as backups!!!! Me think how it was weird that the government would let a clone die so easily!!! They won’t!!!!! The government controlling them to be successful puppets!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! The angst, and tension!!! The betrayal!!!!! Love it!!!!!
👀🥺 doc think of the clones as his children!!!!!!
They lost their memories!!! But Joan giving it back!! Her caring about her friends!!!!
Oh my god the stupid little hands gesture!!!!!! <3
That’s it??? THATS the ending? The mother showing everyone what Joan did during the death maze? And everyone being anger at her?
Ok, I feel like the twist to that, if there a season 3 is that her friends will forgive her.
Ok! Thought time!!!!
Ok, the fist half of this so is ROUGH! Like it has an idea (government wanting to groom the kids to be a successful leader) but the comedy and drama got a bit out of hand for the plot. I think want to say around 7-8 is when the show gets more, lore like? Or as close to plot as possible.
This season is VERY Joan centric. It gave her SO much character development. At first I thought it wouldn’t work, it made Joan feel like one of those not like other girls, and loser girl gets popular troupe. The whole love triangle with jfk and Abe was a bit rough. It was weird that Joan decided to be with jfk, after sleeping with him on prom night. But I guess since Abe was with Cleo and Abe only paying attention to Joan after she change herself, it make a TINY bit of scene.
The writing try to make it seems like Joan still loves Abe with that sexual dream she had, but I feel like after that episode, it wasn’t brought up again until episode 7. When Joan wanted jfk to be more emotionally invested in her. Also the whole Abe being in love with Joan? Also the random Abe getting mistreated it felt…..odd?
As for the other characters; out of the OG cast (Abe, ghandi, Joan, Cleo, jfk) only jfk had some character development. At first he was sexual with some emotional intelligence (when he comforts Joan at prom, him and Abe talking in the thinking dock, the whole ponce situation)….in season 2 he was more sexual with some minor emotional scene. I feel like episode 7-10 is were jfk is the most emotionally here.
Cleo….she basically only has 2 episodes for her character development. Episode 4, and Episode 7-8. In episode 4, she gets the crown and gets power hungry, after Joan apologizes to Cleo, she and Joan become friends-ish. In season 1 Cleo and Joan spend a lot of time together, because their parents were dating. They mostly argue but were friends-enemy? So Season 2 feel both a continuation of their season 1 relationship AND just a way to re-write Joan and Cleo relationship.
As for the other episodes? It basically her and Frida because friends to lovers. To be honest while the ship is cute, I wish it was more slow burn?
As for the new clones Harriet and Confusious. I’m mixed. Togher they make a cute couple. But separately I like them more as individuals. Harriet is the most developed out of the 3 new clones. She was awkward and a bit anxious (I think?) around episode 1, then as the show progressed she only hang around Frida, then she became closer friends with Joan. In episode 5 it’s really were Harriet feels the most….developing? She gets angry and worried over feeling Joan about how she feeling about the play! But she expresses herself and that cool!! She also has a weird little friendship with Frida, the 2 of them make a weird little group.
Confusions. At first I didn’t like, he was just a random guy who I hate his outfit. By episode 5, he gets some personal! He wants to have people pay attention to him! And by episode 6- 7, that when you know I bit more about him! He has a rich family who ignores him! His family likes his sister more and seem to emotionally neglect him. He’s a bit lazy and like to go with the flow and not have to work.But besides that…..I can’t think of anything else to say?
Frida. She’s…..there. She hangs out with Abe and Joan and Cleo sometimes. She paints, skateboards, and is the most popular girl in school. Besides that? There not a lot of info about her. It seems like this season had a few too many characters so they made Frida fade into the background…
At first I hate the new Joan new mom. (Candid? I can’t remember her name) I felt like she was a random character that didn’t need to be there. I felt like she was just there to replace the doc and just be annoying? But as the show progressed she was more of a background character that was silly. As for the final; I feel that were she shines the most!! Her wanting her foster daughter to rule the world, that idea is so cool!!!!! I love how she talk to Joan, how proud she was, and how she was going to use the clones as backup or to try to make them more perfect!!! She’s a character a feel like could work If she wasn’t stuck in a comedy.
My b my beloved <3
Topher is a dick. Hate how he blackmails Abe and try to push him and the gross teacher thing. Hate hate the show decided to do that. Like man!! If topper was really into Joan and wanted to blackmail Abe he could have done it a different way!!!!
The humor in this show….don’t feel there? I had like, a few chuckles but that was mostly because from the Doc. Or like from physical gags like the slow float or the couch catching on fire. The animation is fluid and I could see it like, a few times. The colors are a bit brights but I love the background!!! As for the voice acting….its a hit or miss.
Very Rough start but love the final 3 episodes.
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
The sister that is a piece of shit that we don't talk to for being both an abuser, hardcore victim blaming, and fucking just general god awful twice-done-pedophile-enabler is SCARED of us because we have DID
Like that bitch was aware of our DID enough to basically program us and make us her little attack dog, and now she's tucking fucking tail now that oh no the attack dog got let off the leash and bears its fangs at it's handler
Like fuck hell mate, that's hella ableist (which is ironic cause I know for a fact she has DID as well but shes undiagnosed and just ignores it) but you aint fucking wrong
Being around us activates PVP mode. I won't go physical if you don't initiate (though I do beg and hope you do) but I will make you and your husband cry with the fuck ton of knowledge we know on both of your vulnerabilities from being your fucking therapist.
Like good god you are SO fucking ableist but so fucking right like bitch
You literally trained us to be like this, you encouraged this aggression and behavior, you wanted this shit you little bitch
Cry at the hole you dug bitch
Like if it wasn't for the fact we don't want to stress our mom out who is doing good minimizing damage and issues, I'd love to invite her over to fucking verbally tear her throat out and make her never show her fucking ugly face here unless shes ready to own the fuck up.
Like I've sworn off pointless and unnecessary violence and sadism in like 95% of places because most of the time it is more self destructive and pointless and hurts everyone + bystanders; however, I can make an exception here cause lil bitch is the reason we're like this like sorry not sorry, have a taste of the medicine you made hoe
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