#She slutshames her own friends and shit
bugstung · 8 months
Never open up to a white cishet woman who thinks she's better and a good ally because she's a" feminist"
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soobinzzwallet · 4 months
Be my baby ? જ⁀➴
Jake is head frat boy and you need someone to help you get rid of your ex (frat) boyfriend. Jake loves you secretly but do you? And as much as him?
What better situation to be in :D
frat boy Jake x reader
TW: violence, rumors, abuse, slutshaming
note ♡ : Enjoyyyy! I might do part 2
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♡ 8:20 PM
Summer is back, the weather is more sunnier and warm on the skin and that means bikini's out and more house parties are back. More frat house parties. Where the craziest shits happen as in dealing,stripping and whipping out you know what.
For you hell only begun now, since you broke up with your ex "k". He has been bugging you left and right about how you're missing out or you lost a diamond. A diamond? Please he was a peace of shit. Cheated on you multiple time with diff' girls. You did Not take that.
But unfortunately for you, you couldn't just be alone and weep about the heartbreak. Your friend Yunjin obviously had to drag you to another frat party that oh by the way your ex is also part of. Yeah life sucks right now for you. But you couldn't say no to Yunjin. She'll kill you if you said the simple word of two letters n and o , " no" .
She wore a black skirt witha silver top that also had diamonds on them along with glitter. She also had black boots on along with a black and silver belt around her tiny waist and silver jewelries ofc.
You wore a black short who covered enough with ripped black leggings under the shorts. You also wore a graphic black T-shirt your dad use to own and over that a black zipper with your black converse. And for jewelries you only had your silver rings and chains. They're casual.
You don't eve know how she got them to let you in. I mean you weren't the typical girl they would invite. Even when you were still in a relationship with K, He would barely bring you. You had no problem with it tho. You felt uncomfortable going there. You'd rather read your books and stay in your cozy room and sleeping in your amazing bed.
But here you are... at a frat party where your ex is a member of. God please pray for me. The booming sounds of the music was clrear from blocks away now imagine if you were actually at the house party. When you arrived before getting out of the car you let out a big ass sigh. Because tonight was really going to be a long night for you.
♡ 8:50 PM at the frat house party
When you pulled up to the house you got hitt with a wave of smoke and a song scent of alcohol and aybe even drugs. You already begun to hate the decision you made to come to the party. Why does Yunjin have such a big effect on you? You're never able to say no to her, EVER! " Hey, let's go imma introduce you to my friends " she said.
You already knew her other girl friends who were mostly girlfriends of frat boys. They didn't like you for some reason, everyone if not most people thought you were a lesbian. And just because of a stupid rumor that K spreaded after y'all broke up. To save his ass and try to make people think he was a victim. "GUYS, this is Y/N. Y/N these are my firends, heeseung,jake,sunghoon,and jay my babyyy " she said.
they all introduced themselves and you did too. After that the one called Jake, he looked like a puppy more specifically a golden retriever. He had a black T-shirt and silver chainds and rings and a grey,blue mixed colors pants. They looked good on him, he looked good too. He was a solid 10/10 not gonna lie. He pointed at you in utter excittement " Hey our favorite lesbian ". Wich by the way he said it too loudly. You closed your eyes and internally rolled them and cursed under your breath before answering.
" I'm not a lesbian, it's just some stupid rumor!" you said trying to explain, hoping they would understand your situations. But you doubt it since they're prob friend with k. I mean they're in the same fraternity so, isn't that obvious that they would rather believe their own "brother". You just sighed again for the nth time today and decided to go look around the house and find a nice spot to chill.
You grabbed yourself a bottle of coke to have some sort of company while looking around. It was the usual college parties, drunk boys and girls. Dealers dealing , drinking , alcohol. A lot of alcohol and people being freaky in front of everyone ew. After a whie you thought you found a spot it was outside in the garden on a little secluded area from the rest.
You had a chair in hand from the bar and used it to sit on it and drink your coke while waiting for Yunjin to get done with whatever she's doing right now. You started rinking and enjoying the vieuw you had it was pretty. The stars were twinkling and they were beautiful too. It was when you almost finished your coke that you felt like you were hungry so you got back in and left the chair and the coke to go grab something to eat " maybe a cake would be good " you thought.
Your rushed trough the kitchen and trough the waves of bodies of drunk college boys and girls. It was when you almost got to your destination when suddenly a hand turned you around it was him. K grabbed your wrist and turned you around to look at him.
" Let me go! What do you want? "
" What the fuck are you doing here huh? "
" That doesn't fucking matter, let me go! "
" Oh don't worry i already know, you came here to slut around right? Trying to fuck the head frats huh? With your slutty bitch ass friend Yunjin-
You slapped him. You weren't going to take his shit anymore, no not anymore! But K didn't take that well, this time he choked you and pushed you to the wall. He put a lof of pressure in his hands that were on your neck. Since he was bigger and stronger than you, the pressure was even more. You almost couldn't breathe anymore and almost gave up when-
A bat was smacked into his head, k fell down immediatly he was now unconscious big time. You looked at your savior trough hooded eyes, the ffect was still hard on you but it became better slowly.
" Are you okay? "
you didn't respond, couldn't actually...
" Y/N are you okay? " you remembered that voice. It was jake one of yunjin's friends. The one that looked like a golden retriever. He picked you up with a little grunt and set you on a table not far from where you guys justs standed. He took your face in his hands and checked for any bruises.
" Can you please send me somewhere,please? " you asked him and he let you go telling you to lead the way. And you did, you walked back to the area a little further away from the partying people. Soon you noticed that your coke bottle was now empty. " Oh uhm yeah sorry i drank that " he paused and continued " what happened back there? If you feel comfortable telling me ofcourse. " you responded.
" My ex is crazy, i caught him cheating and he was a pussy and started spreading rumors about me and harassing me. Because he thought i would tell other people about it " you said between little pauses.
There was a long pause until he responded " there might be a solution for this " you raised an eyebrow at him and then you suddenly realised how close y'all were to each other. So close that it'll seem that you were kissing each other. You just kept looking at him. When suddenly he closed the gap between y'all and kissed you hard. I'm saying hand on your waist that also wanted to travel to your butt but didn't.
" The solution is be my girl, baby " he said smirking at you.
♡ 9:20 PM
No proofread
Also it's ike 1 AM here 😭😭 my sleeping schedule is fucked up
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Round 2
Propaganda why Zoey Redbird is insufferable:
Protagonist centered morality, slutshames other girls but has a lot of boys herself including one who raped someone else (I think at least)
She’s presented as being the perfect person to replace a bully character in a position of power because she’s such a good and pure person, and every book it’s nothing but her calling people the R slur, or sluts, or freaks, or various slurs against gay people, or talking out loud about how ugly her classmates are with her friends, or saying that certain people shouldn’t be allowed to breed if they’re too useless or gross, or saying gay men are basically women, or differentiating between which gay people are the good kind or the bad kind based on how annoying she thinks they are. And then after all of that is established in the first book, by the second she’s pushing two racist caricatures of black men in front of a truck and kills them and it is never brought up again. And every book ends with her getting a magical tattoo no one in history has ever gotten, confirming that she is canonically one of the best people to ever be alive even after murdering two people for annoying her
INCREDIBLY hypocritical, slut-shaming mary-sue of an idiot. She constantly calls one girl a hoe (for sucking a guy's dick without his consent (no, the thing Zoe disagrees with WASN'T the rape issue, it was the blowjob!!!)) Despite having a Harem of different guys herself. And no, she isn't even poly about it, all the dudes are constantly being aggro to each other and clearly want to be exclusive.
She also becomes a rape apologist for one of the harem guys AND the Big Bad, who is an immortal who once RAPED AN ENTIRE TRIBE OF NATIVE AMERICAN WOMEN. But he's soooooo hot! *eyeroll*
FUCKING Pick-Me girl of all time. If mysogyny was a competetive sport then Zoey would be on the olympic team.
Propaganda why Peter Pan is insufferable:
Never growing up isn't charming, it's harmful and irritating. The story isn't about Peter Pan, it's about Wendy, who has to realize she can't be a successful mother to someone who refuses to learn or grow. Book Peter is even worse than the movie or stage musical--he kills his own Lost Boys just for fun and forgets about it immediately.
He finds physical harm amusing and sees it as just a game. Then he braggs with the suffering he inflicted on his victims.
I hate Hook more but Peter Pan was a little shit who just let a bunch of shit happen to Wendy for no reason
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People: "You have no evidence!" You: "Here are archives showing exactly what she said and did." People, louder: "No evidence!" *Trump impression starts* "There's good people on both sides! Both sides are equal! *generic I'm-an-enlightened-centrist nonsense*"
It's wild how every single person Lily has ever been friends with or dated all describe abusive behaviors, everything she's ever said including shit that's still up on her blog is awful and abusive even to people she herself describes as victims of abusers, her videos are full of unhinged content ranging from screaming that staff on The Legend Of Korra got sexual gratification from animating Korra fighting to calling a NB Jewish person pro-Nazi, and every archived page from the Wayback Machine shows someone who is manipulative, violent and sexually predatory, but somehow, someway, this is a thing where the enlightened thing is to be neutral towards Lily.
Lily literally said - and this was a lie, so she said this thinking it made her look good - that her sister, who she told us was groomed by a pedophile, was psycho for having been groomed and fucked by an adult as a child. That's the kind of thing she says to make herself look better. That's the kind of person she is, she says "this person was fucked by an adult as a child so they're garbage" and the fact that it was a lie makes that statement more unhinged, not less. Most people when lying don't go, 'How do I make people doubt my sister's statements that I abused her? I know, I'll say she slept with someone as a kid and is therefore untrustworthy, and I'll use ableist language to imply that you shouldn't believe CSA victims because CSA makes you crazy.' Most people, when lying, wouldn't go with 'haha she got raped haha' because that's just not how the mind of a good person works.
And this is the person who we're supposed to be all "well people who like AND dislike her get harassed so who's to say what the truth is?" about? Uh, Lily has told all of us who she is, in her own words. That's what the truth is. The truth is that she thinks CSA makes you crazy, that she will lie to others and slutshame her sister as if being sexually abused as a child would make her a slut, and that's the kind of thing she'll say because she genuinely thought everyone reading it would agree with those takes. She said that to make herself look better.
People are really out here going, "Other than her word, the word of all her victims, the archived pages, the screenshots, her writing, her videos which are currently still up where she says in her own voice some of the most deranged things you've ever heard and shows an image of a game called RapeLay where you rape women and a literal 13 year old child - other than all that, what proof do we have she isn't a great person?"
By that logic, we don't have any proof that anyone who isn't in prison isn't a great person. If her own words still up on her tumblr and in her videos read in her own voice don't count, does anything?
I wish people would say with their whole chest, "I know she's awful, and I like it." instead of going "uhhh both sides idk"
Wait....she dug up RapeLay...? The only reason I even know about that game's existence is because it popped up on a Most Offensive Games list video back in the 2010s. That game is OLD and LONG FORGOTTEN...Which means she specifically sought it out. I WONDER WHY.
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aaliyahhves · 4 months
F1 opinions that will get me cancelled (wag edition) -
-Same people who criticized everything isa wore and did are now calling her queen and classy all the while making her comparisons with rebecca just so they can justify their hate .
- Whatever job rebecca had before is none of our concern especially when she or carlos aren't bothered by it , she's a model albeit not a famous one , still someone with a professional job that involves being an influencer on Instagram , she's probably the only wag on the f1 grid that can call herself a professional model .
- Carmen hate is so forced sometimes . She's got a good style even if it looks copied sometimes , it suits her . We don't know everything about these people's lives , you can criticize her choices without being an absolute dickhead , if she wants to quit her job and become an influencer and you're bothered by it , just block her. This includes all the current wags , most of them want to be influencers cause it's easy money and it suits their lifestyles , we can obviously criticize them but let's not normalize slutshaming and death threats .
- Since alexandra being "racist" was proven wrong , these insta pages have started clinging back to the privacy thing . It's clear some of them don't know the meaning of privacy so here's the google search
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When rumors about Alexandra and charles began , people started flooding her comments with hate and meanest questions, she went private and started removing followers , so gossip pages decided that she's not allowed to go out with her friends or boyfriend or his family , she's not allowed to post anything or say anything which is ridiculous and shows how obsessive these "fans" can be , they'd harass and make fake accounts to spread rumors about their favs partners just because they are jealous. Atp Alexandra breathes and people will hate her cause how dare she breathe the air outside when she herself went private on Instagram , fucking annoying people.
- Also Charlotte and her sister are weird , they keep hinting about a relationship that ended a year and a half ago , just so they can be relevant in the f1 community , Charlotte's got more than half a million followers , she's more focused on red cars and her ex's pics on Instagram rather than using her own account, she's got the basics of an influencer already , she lives in monaco of all places , she could be making content going to different places in monaco , making vlogs, this will actually help her account grow but noooo . Also I see people defending charlotte while they spread hate comments about Alexandra or kika , when she was the who actually started dating her besties ex 2 weeks later .
- Now kelly I can't even begin to describe , she done so many problematic things in her life , we could make a whole thread about it and it wouldn't be enough , she's careless who left her child behind most of the times before people started calling her out , has no care for her child's privacy , talks about her "magical connections" with a literal teen while she was a full grown adult and uses her fans to hate on anyone who calls her out and this isn't even half the shit she's done . It is annoying how many times she's exposed for these things but she comes back and pretends she hasn't done anything wrong .
Now for the important part , jjk returns tomorrow and if gojo isn't back by the end of this month , I'm going to make my own happy ending manga for it . Thank you .
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becauseimanicequeen · 4 months
Pride Month Watch: The Warp Effect (ep 5-6)
My thoughts on episodes 1-4.
Starting the 5th episode with my favorite pair in this series.
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A visually pleasing scene with that light in the middle of them, btw.
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Yes, sir, you are indeed. Good for you. Good for Joe. Good for us.
Who is pissy that his best friend has a new best friend?
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You tell him, Ew.
That moment when you run into your first sexual partner (even though you don't remember it) and your former fuck buddy and realize they're friends (and hate your guts)...
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I feel bad for Jean, though. She's clearly uncomfortable in this situation. What the hell did Alex do to her? Don't tell me she got pregnant and had to deal with that on her own. Or maybe she got slutshamed instead (which is more than possible since she's a girl and this world is fucked up)? Or both? I'm sure we'll find out sooner or later.
I'm sure Kat planned this somehow...
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And I love how catty she is, doing it right in front of Alex.
Oh, lord, give me patience...
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Dude, she didn't pick up the bat for PMS reasons, she did it to avoid your persistent advances. I'm not surprised she has to resort to threatening him with violence to get out of a situation that's verging towards sexual assault, though... It's sad that it's required, but not surprising.
I don't usually hate because there's enough hate in the world already. However...
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Sometimes dinosaurs like this show up, and it takes a lot for me not to lose my shit. This isn't the last time we'll see him, is it?
Nope, he's spewing his shit again. He's so far up his own ass he doesn't even realize his opinions are (or should be) extinct.
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Go out into the world, touch some grass, educate yourself. Please, Mr. Dinosaur. For everyone's sake.
Yes, Mollie!
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I love them so much!
I approve!
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This is the best thing Alex has done so far.
And this is the worst...
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Just when I had started to like Alex a little bit...
Btw, did they use the condom he got from Ew? If not, pregnancy is possible (I'm not sure how available birth control is in Thailand and if it's easy to get your hands on the morning-after pill). But I'm also getting the feeling the repercussions might've been more emotional after that scene. It can be a mix of both as well...
Everything Mollie says is relatable...
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Some people know what they like and stick with that to 100%. That's great for them. That's not me, though. I fall for vibes rather than a specific type (age, gender, nationality, whatever). Always have, and always will (most likely). And that's okay too.
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What's with these boys and public spaces?
And here we have the reason Joe wasn't so happy to meet Army again...
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No wonder Joe was pissed. Especially considering Army was the one who initiated this. You better make it up to Joe. For his sake. And for mine.
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It's leaning more toward unprotected sex.
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The way I fucking cackled! I love this grandfather.
The red text, though... And those drops (or is that supposed to be sperm?)... That's ominous...
Btw, when is Alex going to go find Jean and ask if she's okay after that night and the rumors that are spreading? He's climbing up the hierarchy, living his best life, while hers is going straight to hell...
The way Jean is keeping calm when she says this:
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Shows how much EI she has compared to the teacher who wants to put all the blame on her. At the same time, it's heartbreaking to watch. Jean has every right to be fucking pissed, but she holds it in.
(I've already used up the image limit, so I'll just write for the rest of this ep.)
Oh, there's Alex. Finally.
I can't believe Jean was suspended!
I'm glad she lets the anger out. And I'm glad Alex hears it (even though it wasn't directly his fault that the rumors started, only because he wasn't smart enough to check if someone else was in the bathroom and could overhear him and Ew).
Now we have some (all?) of the backstory of how things went to hell (both in Alex and Jean's case as well as in Army and Joe's).
I'm switching over to a new post so I can add more pics. Let's go!
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confessions-official · 9 months
[TW for abuse; misogyny; slutshaming; transphobia; biphobia; intersexphobia]
I dated a woman because I thought I wouldn’t have to deal with the abuse, the cheating, the possessiveness and the slutshaming. I was raised to believe that all women were like sisters and wouldn’t do this to each other.
Instead, my girlfriend Constantly compares me to other girls. I’m intersex, so I’m very androgynous looking and she talks about how she wish she had a girlfriend who had big boobs and was “actually pretty.” I never tried to conceal my intersex condition from her. I guess she thought I was binding my chest or something and got freaked out to find out that yes, I am that flat. she makes lots of comments about how I look like an ugly short teenage boy.  I was never particularly confident about my appearance but after being with her for two years, I feel like the ugliest person who ever walked the Earth. 
Found out she’s also a terf and if I had any idea I never would have dated this girl in the first place. Idk if she went terf while dating me or if she always was and chose to conceal this from me til after she moved in. She’s convinced I’m a trans woman, thinks I used to have a penis and is now trying to accuse me of tricking her into sleeping with a man when she’s the one who wanted to have sec with me in the first place
She’s called me a dirty whore for having slept with a man king before I even met her and talks about shit like “male residue” and other bullshit. She has super puritanical views about sex that I didn’t know about until she moved in with me and has been taking them out on me. She called me a slut for using tampons and sneered and was like “I bet that they made your pussy loose and that’s why your ex boyfriend dumped you.” Said sdisgusting things like she bet that to a guy sex with me must feel like “throwing a hotdog down a hallway.” I thought I would never have to hear shit like this from a woman. That’s why I dated a woman in the first place.
She seems to hate everything about me, but at the same time flips out if she catches me talking on the phone, any of my friends or family. She accuses me of sleeping around with all my friends.
Anytime something goes wrong in her life I’m to blame. If our doordash gets delivered to the wrong address, I get screamed at. If she ripped a hole in her favorite pair of pants, I get screamed at. If the screen door gets jammed shut because she kept it she fucking screams at me and sometimes hits me. The only reason I’m still with her is because I can’t afford rent on my own. If I ever break up with her, I’m not dating anyone ever again, because I feel like the ugliest, most revolting undesirable person in the world.
I don’t think I’m ever going to feel normal again. When it comes to dating, people expect you to look like one binary sex or the other, regardless of gender and when you’re something like me that has mixed traits, people freak out.  It feels like being in a relationship being the way I am is just setting myself up for abuse.  My ex-boyfriend was nasty about it too but I thought that was just because he was a dude.  I thought a woman would be more excepting of this kind of thing. She was supposed to be safe.
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casliveblog · 11 months
Custom Toonami Block Week 152 Rundown
Spy X Family: After the foreshadowing last week we introduce Fiona properly and the r34 kinda spoiled this one for me because the joke is supposed to be that she wants in on the big operation and she’s seen as a glory hound but it’s really that she likes Loid and is pissy about not being picked to be his wife the one time he needs a fake marriage. I don’t know if I’d have figured it out before the punchline but it’s still pretty funny to watch Anya read her mind and hear here thoughts SCREAM about how much she loves him while she’s wearing a stoic face. She picks at Yor’s insecurities about her home ec skills and tries to not so subtly talk to Loid in code about how Yor isn’t a good fit for the mission despite everyone telling her him suddenly getting a new wife out of nowhere would be massively sus, like we just saw Fiona vent. Also Anya gets some really good moments of propping Yor up and affirming her love for her when she finds out Fiona wants to go Tiger Mom on her and I really wish Anya got more of this instead of ‘she’s bad at everything but it’s okay because she’s cute’ like it’s way more interesting to see her leverage her unique advantage from mind-reading in her own limited way than just kinda bungle through things. Still the episode does a good job of making Fiona’s feelings sympathetic without putting her in the right, like it’d be a problem if we thought she was a heartless witch or if she really was better than Yor for the mission but neither of those happen and she’s able to see Loid has genuine affection for his new family and for now is willing to step back a bit, though she decides on the new mission she has with Loid that she’ll try again. Also the whole ass end credits play before the B-plot kicks in so idk but it’s a cute little vignette about Bond ripping up Anya’s stuffed animal and them making up after a spat, it’s pretty cute and shit.
Inuyasha: More Kohaku action this time and he is forced to kill all the castle guards and steal The Baby back before Sango comes by and is like ‘shit, not again bro’ and he’s conscious for it the whole time and actively crying about it. Meanwhile Abi’s fighting Inuyasha still and is just like ‘oh shit guess it was a normal human castle, oh well god my blood, gonna peace out’. Kohaku suddenly remembers that Sango is his sister and that he killed his parents, getting over the memory block he’s had for half the series and getting past his grief by deciding to take his chance to try and kill Naraku to atone. Sango’s back to mulling over her options because even if she gets Kohaku back there’s no telling if Naraku will still be able to control him or if he’ll even want to live (spoiler, rn he doesn’t) so she decides agaian to try and kill him herself despite deciding that was a bad idea the past few times at the last second but she runs into some of the villagers Kohaku saved and takes solace in the fact there’s still some good in his heart. Both Inuyasha and Kagura’s group come to the same conclusion around the same time that the Baby is Naraku’s heart that was split from Hakudoshi. Miroku and Sango have a nice wholesome moment where he deliberately doesn’t undercut it with a fondling joke Naraku also dispels the barrier around Abi’s nest which Abi didn’t even know was there until her mom pointed it out but yeah now Inuyasha will be able to sniff her out and come get her but Kikyo sends her little cherubs out to warn him it’s probably a trap.
Yu Yu Hakusho: This one’s all about Hiei’s backstory, in a nutshell Hiei’s tribe are like the Gerudo and he’s the Ganondorf of the bunch except instead of making him king they murder him as a baby and slutshame his mom. Apparently Hiei’s just that badass that he was born with full consciousness like Ray from Promised Neverland and he grew up wanting to burn down his hometown which is hard because they’re a bunch of floating ice nomads but both Yukina and his mom’s friend Rui are on board for Plan Hiei Revenge Genocide Mk3 because throwing anyone with testicles off a cliff is not exactly a stable form of government. Hiei’s also looking for his birthright, the jewel of his mother’s tear from when he was born and now carries the same from Yukina, this is a lot of sidequests for Hiei in the last like ten episodes but we’ve got some character building to do I guess. Meanwhile Mukuro has set 500 A-class demons on Hiei and considering Hiei himself is supposed to be an A-class at this point I’m really starting to think the letters don’t mean a damn thing or every time they throw them around to sound important they really mean ‘bottom of this class so we can kinda sound tough’ like theoretically every demon on that list should be stronger than Toguro and somehow I’m not seeing ‘lizard guy with a mace’ as beating Toguro. Either way it’s been six months of Hiei carving his way through nominally strong guys and getting about as much sleep as I did in college and Mukuro’s like ‘okay for real this time just one more strong dude and we’re done and you can be in my inner circle’. Turns out it’s the doctor that gave Hiei the Jigan eye because that’s the only other thing we’ve fleshed out about him at this point and he needs to be haunted by all his demons at once damnit. Like it just feels kinda weird to retcon that Hiei actively made himself weaker when he got the surgery for all the eye has done for him over the course of the series (pretty much jack shit) and then also half-retcon that the doctor told him to not tell Yukina he was her brother because he just gets off on that I guess, no idea how you run a demon back alley doctor’s office on monkey’s paw promises but sure, like Hiei mentions he wouldn’t have told her anyway but it seems like a weird thing to throw in like we’re trying to explain why Hiei was only every exactly as strong as he needed to be to look cool at any given time but it translates his growth into recovery meaning all the power of friendship and relying on others has done for him all series is sorta slightly helped him get back to where he was without it a little faster.
Jujutsu Kaisen: Now we get the Oceans 11 montage of how Mahito pulled off the Finger Heist (also a few other cursed thingies that will probably be important later) basically long story short they keep the fingers in a dimensional maze and Mahito spiritually peed on the finger they confiscated from him so he could smell his spiritual pee to find the right door and sneak into the vault and take all the fingers. So I guess that takes the ‘why don’t we just jam fingers into Yuji till he’s strong enough?’ question off the table, and also like several people are dead and Coatrack guy is just talking about coatracks so he isn’t much help. Still Todo brings up a good point that being all sullen won’t help anyone and pretending they care so much about faceless mooks they didn’t know is hypocritical so we get to the real meet of the collab event: baseball… wait, baseball? Yeah apparently Gojo sensed we needed a filler episode so he slipped baseball into the Goblet of Fire which results in me getting to see Nobara in a baseball uniform which is one of my secret fetishes so I am literally game. It’s a fun little wrapup though like just kinda putting a cap on the relationships that came to a head during the arc, getting some really funny jokes in and alleviating the sense of anti-climax that happens whenever bad guys jump into one of these Chunin Exam arcs like the people who really wanted to see the end of Sasuke vs Gaara. But yeah, Tokyo wins at the end of the day and it’s kind of ironic that The Boondocks kickball episode had more anime bullshit than an actual bullshit anime baseball episode like for the most part everyone’s just playing fair.
Zom 100: Akira’s still in his zombified state under Neo Capitalism but luckily the series is smart enough to not beat us over the head with that for the whole episode so we get the theme by proxy by finally getting Shizuka’s backstory. Her dad was… uhhh Gozaburo Kaiba I think, but yeah he’s the one that put the ideas of success by any measure, to the point where he even said her marrying wasn’t necessary (idk bro seemed like he did it at some point unless he reproduced asexually) and yeah he also killed her puppy because if you thought the adorable puppy was gonna survive the backstory this must be your first anime backstory. But yeah they make it very clear that the balance between ‘need’ and ‘want’ is the theme of the episode and the whole series really. Shizuka finds the bucket list and surprisingly Akira’s boss is willing to let her and Tencho go while gaslighting Akira into staying which is actually more decent than I thought he’d be like given he’s basically eyehumping Shizuka I thought for sure he’d be like ‘nah everyone stays’ given there’s no logic to his leadership anyway and if this was the Walking Dead this guy would have a broken bottle in his neck like a week ago. But yeah Shizuka gives Akira back the list and inspires him to be like ‘yeah thanks for everything but we’re going now and if that’s not good enough for you kindly fuck off, thanks.’ And of course as a climax the truck stop gets a zombie outbreak that Akira gets to sort out and save his boss’s life while demolishing any respect anyone had for his leadership ability and everyone gets to get the fuck out of dodge while Shizuka gets to give a good speech about enjoying the moment to show off her character development so that’s cool. I think her switch happened a little fast but I also kinda like that the way they pull her out of her mindset is by watching someone else make the same mistakes since you’re more likely to give someone else good advice than take it from yourself because psychology is a bitch.
Ranking of Kings: The time has finally come for the final battle, Bosse!Daida vs Bojji! Bosse gives Miranjo his apologize and then an ultimatum to everyone else, swear loyalty to him under his real name or die for the sake of Daida’s kingdom he had for like three days. Everyone reflects on their tragic backstories and the love they’ve shared and watched as Bojji’s grown and unanimously decide to stand by his side and reclaim the real Daida. It’s really cool how when Bojji looks around at them he sees the weakest parts of each of the Big Four, Sword Guy’s mechanical hand, Shield Guy’s missing foot, Spear Guy’s trembling knees from his torn loyalty, and he reflects on the tenderest parts of each of them as they fought for what they loved and decides he’s gonna fight Bosse solo. Everyone’s kind of nervous but Bojji FUCKING OWNS Bosse!Daida, bro can’t even TOUCH Bojji as he’s Attack on Titaning around and busting up his weapon and disabling his body he doesn’t even land a fucking hit on Bojji bro, eventually Bosse has to admit defeat and tries to smash Miranjo but Bojji’s able to stop him so they can reflect on what has to be done properly. Apparently the only way to get Daida back is to kill Miranjo which I don’t really understand since the Dad Shake she had Daida drink didn’t really have any direct link to her but I guess it’s more dramatic. Also there’s a plot about the demon also having the key to fixing Ouken but we don’t get any more on that just yet. But yeah, Bojji promises to save Miranjo from the demon and breaks her mirror, sending her and Bosse’s souls free but her’s is dragged into the demon’s stomach to be tortured by the demon’s stomach demons for all eternity.
Vinland Saga: We find out that Leif’s been making as much money as he can to buy and liberate as many slaves as possible but given that slaves are really expensive and all you have to do to get one is capture some dude he’s not really making a dent. Meanwhile he’s in York while Canute is making his entrance for the big meeting he’s gonna have with King Daddy when he gets shot. But aha! Askeladd’s pulled a beginning of Attack of the Clones on everyone and instead of effeminate Canute it’s slightly more effeminate big titty female slave Canute that took the crossbow arrow. Meanwhile Thorfinn tracks down the assassin and murders him in front of Leif with all the chance meeting grace of a high schooler falling on a titty. He begs Thorfinn to come back and see his dying mother but Thorfinn’s just like ‘yeah how’s that fairy tale world you told me about doin’ huh?’ still Leif says he’ll stay in town if he reconsiders. Now we get the full extent of Askeladd’s plan which is like five layers of ‘but he knows what I know that he knows what I know that he knows’ and essentially they wrapped up the king in the Chains of Commanding and make sleighting Canute a bad look while making Canute seem important and feeding his spy info that will make him complacent and put up a false sense of security. Now for the final scene we have a pretty cool deal of Thorfinn getting his duel with Askeladd again but meanwhile Thorfinn still has a broken fucking arm, now I have two theories as to why Thorfinn’s pushing for the fight right now (aside from just wanting to get it done because he’s a revenge-driven murder monkey). 1. He just saw Leif and is genuinely wanting to get the revenge out of his system so he can take Leif up on his offer and return with him under the false assumption that killing Askeladd will heal all the turmoil inside him. 2. Seeing Leif reminded him of how little progress he’s made in the past eleven years and he’s just an angry little pissbaby with the encounter refreshing the pain and memory of his father’s death that has at least dulled somewhat into a low heat of hatred in his heart. But either way Askeladd has some other shit to do first and Bjorn’s off his deathbad long enough to be killed by Askeladd’s hand, saying all he wanted was to be Askeladd’s friend even if it was a lie in the end. He did it not because he wanted to go to Valhalla because I’m pretty sure Valhalla still counts as long as you got the wound in battle even if you die days later, but because Askeladd was the ideal man to him and that’s how he wanted to die. Askeladd admits Bjorn was his only true friend, maybe sincerely, maybe just to put him at peace before he dies, but he puts his second in command to rest either way. Then he fucking turns to Thorfinn and basically goes ‘okay I got my adulting done, guess I have to deal with your petty childish bullshit now huh?’.
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thestobingirlie · 2 years
your own words.. “first of all, it isn’t even a real relationship” yet you’re acting like steve and the ship is and you’re making scenarios in your head. literally fighting headcanons with headcanons. and it is WEIRD to make a sapphic ship about a man. “Yes a MAN is at the center of a relationship between two WOMEN.” bc yeah!! Robin is not her OWN character she’s property of Steve’s character and she needs to do what he says. and likes only what he approves even if Robin’s heart wants what it wants!!! Best friends forever <3 in canon Robin is pushing Stancy but yeah!! Let’s make a fuss about a NON CANON ship !!
Also "if nancy was the man people would hate her" is so funny because that girl has been overhated since season 1 even when Steve slutshamed her. Also if my boyfriend slutshamed me to the whole town (no matter if he cleaned it up bc people already saw it to change the way they view me) and if he expected me to get drunk to get over my best friends death i wouldn’t love him either !! Fuck that guy. last thing: if you LOOOOVE Steve is so funny you try to erase his development with the “steve s1 defender” like he was an asshole even his bff robin said it <3 but yeah let’s defend him while i shit on nancy for everything at this point (things i’d love and defend steve if he had done it!! < that’s literally u)
this ask was kinda incomphrensible, but i’ll do my best to answer it anyway!
so, i suppose my point wasn’t clear enough, but “it isn’t real” is that not only are they fictional characters, but it is a FANON ship. there is no evidence for it in the show. so these people getting annoyed at men being inserted into a sapphic relationship, are just making up things to be annoyed about. there are no real lesbians being harmed.
also, this isn’t just to you, but it is so strange to me that people think considering other people in a relationship is making that ship about them. you can’t use the fact that r//nance is a sapphic ship just to say they can do what they want and it doesn’t matter who gets hurt. that’s not how life works.
i’m not sure what headcanons you think i’m making up, i honestly can’t think of anything. i’m just talking about r//nance and why i think it wouldn’t work. i don’t think you know what headcanons are tbh. i was just explaining basic character traits and how they would work against the ship.
and yes, steve is quite firmly involved in this relationship. nearly every conversation robin and nancy have is about steve. because their interactions are used almost solely to push steve and nancy together
steve would never tell robin to do or not do something, nor have i ever said he would! oddly enough, when i write posts, i’m writing from MY perspective. not steve’s! steve would do quite literally anything to ensure the people he loves are happy, even at the expense of himself. steve, while being unimaginably hurt, would step aside for robin. he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. he wouldn’t be the one to stop the relationship on account of him, robin would.
now, robin can do whatever she wants. however, i think it would be a terrible thing to do to your best friend. it isn’t that i think robin is incapable of dating nancy, or that steve would stop her, it’s that i don’t think robin would do that. she loves steve, she spends the entire season trying to get nancy to date steve again, because she wants him to be happy. so no, i don’t think she would do something that would cause him pain. because he is her best friend. you can think that robin would actively hurt her friend like that if you want to, but i think that’s a very sad view of her character.
and the only reason I’m criticising this non-canon ship, is because i saw people bashing people that didn’t ship r//nance, which is honestly such a joke. i, however, tagged my posts so people that did like the ship wouldn’t see them. if you chose to willingly engage with discourse about a ship you like, and then got annoyed about it, that is your problem.
“the heart wants what it wants” is such a weird excuse. first all, robin doesn’t even have a crush on nancy, so it’s laughable you think that’s a problem. but the heart can want something that the head knows is wrong. at the end of s2, steve’s heart is still in love with nancy, and wants to be with her. but his head knows they don’t work, his head knows she wants someone else. so why pursue the relationship? let’s say robin had a crush on nancy. her heart may want it, but her head knows the relationship would be devastating to her relationship with steve. and i think she would consider that relationship more important then a possible girlfriend.
and yes, people hate nancy for a variety of reasons, some because of her character traits, some because of her actions, and some because of sexism. however, i was talking about s/ancy. people largely blame steve for how bad the relationship was, my point was that if you make nancy a man, but keep all the beats of the relationship the same, it would be nancy that would come out of the show looking bad. i think she made a lot of mistakes in her relationships, with both steve and jonathan, and the boys made mistakes too. but i wasn’t making a post talking about them, i was talking about nancy and robin. so, if i’m making a post explaining why i don’t think r//nance works, i have to mention her pitfalls, not theirs. unless you want me to centre a sapphic relationship around two men?
now, i like nancy! she’s cutthroat, and unempathetic and does what she wants even at the detriment of others, she’s driven and sometimes she’s so focused on doing what she wants she forgets to consider other characters. i think that makes her an interesting character. what i don’t like is that those flaws are never spoken about, nor even recognised as flaws. the show pretends she doesn’t even have them! which is a terrible way to treat one of the main characters.
people like to bring up the slutshaming a lot, which was super wrong and deserves to be called out! but nancy willingly chose to date steve after s1. so it would be fucked up if she continuously held that against steve after choosing to date him again. but also, she clearly doesn’t hold it against him! it is never mentioned again after s1, and nancy is over it. also! steve did not force her to get drunk. nancy has freewill, if she desperately did not want to go to the party (and considering she was trying to entice jonathan into going and she had planned out costumes with steve, she did), she did not have to! it is not on steve to try and solve nancy’s trauma, and she’s a big girl in control of her own actions.
i don’t think you understand, i know steve’s done bad things. we all know. i just think he’s overhated within the fandom for them, so i defend him. but if you notice, i’ve still called him a cunt, because he was a cunt in s1. but i still like his character! it’s possible to do that, you know? like a character but still acknowledge their faults. i honestly think they make a character more interesting. i suppose it’s fine you want your characters lovely and pure, who’ve never done a thing wrong. but i think you’re watching the wrong kind of shows. like… i’d recommend watching shows for toddlers if you find it hard to understand a character doing a bad thing and still being a good person.
so, yes, i do say i’m a s1 steve defender. people try to separate that season from all other seasons when saying they like steve and i think that’s dumb. s1 steve is brave and caring and over-protective and willing to sacrifice his life to try and save jonathan and nancy. it’s not that i love steve’s bad actions, it’s that i think they’re interesting. steve flipping out at the cheating, and goading jonathan into a fight just because he wants to punch him and be punched, is interesting! i like analysing those aspects of steve’s characters.
also. his bff robin called him a douchebag for not knowing who she was, eating a bagel messily, and because the girl she liked had a crush on him… so…
i think you must’ve only read one of my posts, because of lot of what you’re saying directly contradicts things i’ve said before, which is kind of embarrassing, but to each their own. but anyway, if i’m gonna get criticised for not liking r//nance, and told that means i don’t understand the characters, i’m allowed to make my own post about why i don’t think it works :)
pushing love and light out into the universe, hope you learn that people are allowed to have different opinions <3
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anadrenalineslut · 1 year
i know we're not in the 'defend taylor swift' train right now but something about that rolling stone headline just
vexes me.
they said we've been 'holding taylor accountable for her boyfriend's actions'
but like.
no? like, both from a social justice standpoint taylor rarely gets held accountable for shit EVEN WHEN SHE DOES IT
but also 'holding her accountable for her boyfriend's actions'
is like
a really fun and not at all rug sweepy way of saying 'yeah we've been slutshaming this woman for ten + years but we can't say that because our readers will get mad'.
because no one ever wants to fucking admit that' what happened and continues to happen. 'who's taylor swift dating now? what number boyfriend is this? subtly imply taylor sleeps around. joke about how much luck she's gonna need to hold this one. speculate about their break up. lowkey make fun of her for not being able to keep a man. rinse and repeat.'
and it just bakes my fucking biscuits that the ONE FUCKING TIME people are criticizing her en masse for shit she has ACTUALLY DONE, someone has a problem with it.
i guess the slut shaming is fine but we draw the line at calling out racism.
thank you so much for this really well thought out ask, friend.
I agree that the rolling stone article is messed up is more than 1 way but yes, this is very much the case with that headline. something about it was offputting to me too because my first reaction is... hold her accountable for whose actions??? when have they ever held her accountable for her own actions, let alone for the actions of her friends?????
but yeah, this *is* exactly what they meant by "hold her accountable." they mean fucking slut shame her for being abused and hurt by these fucking weirdos for a fucking decade. it's also intriguing to me that they dont actually outline the ways in which they unfairly held her accountable, they don't even mention her past.
they just fill the article with the most vapid white feminist bullshit excuses about "who hasnt dated problematic people" and "we wouldnt be having this conversation if she was a man," in order to protect the most powerful white woman singer in the world from accusations of racism.
it's the double edged sword of misogyny and racism, you know. abuse, slut shame, and terrorize a white woman into complicit silence and then stick up for her when she does something racist because that's "going too far." this whole thing has just proven to me that we desperately need critical race theory to be taught and the cornerstone of policy in our society because that article was really fucking just... unnecessary and racist and gross.
i love your last line about "i guess the slut shaming is fine but we draw the line at calling out racism" because this is the entire thesis of that article. nobody in media actually cares about progress, they just know thats what's the most profitable for them at the moment.
i hate everything about this situation so much.
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bubblebbunch · 4 months
I’m quite selective with who I write with as to not overwhelm myself and burn myself out, so therefore I am mutuals only. You can send asks and anons regardless of course, but please don’t push yourself onto me through IMs or pressure me into writing with you. IMs are reserved for mutuals first and foremost.
I am multiship! Each ship is its own universe, I value chemistry, and I love love love a good slow-burn, I will not get into it if it isn’t earned, I’m a bit quirky like that. I generally do not do cross-blog polyam ships, I’ve got bad experiences with communication between more than 1 mun, even amongst good friends.
I love writing with Canon characters, as well as Canon characters turned human!! That's after all what this sorta is.
If I haven't seen the show that your muse is from/based off of, I might decline to write together.
No godmodding or hurting/killing my character without permission, but don’t be mistaken… I’m a total whumper, you just gotta ask nicely. You are quite likely to get hurt yourself, but I will always let you know about it ahead of time, and ask if it is alright.
Mun is 21+ so there will be nsfw on this blog (most likely I’ll put it under a read more or tag it, maybe a sin-blog in the future who knows). Even so, I take quite some time before I get comfortable with smut RPs, and you shouldn’t expect that kind of stuff at all unless we’re good friends. I’m an on and off again sex-repulsed ace, and while I can take nasty talk in small dozes, I can also get overwhelmed, and you might scare my ass off. I love nasty shit! Just in moderation, please.
Follow up on the last rule: This blog is 18+, and mun is 21+. If you are below 18, please unfollow, I do not want any minors on this blog.
This blog will deal with a lot of heavy topics like sex work, s/h, self-mutilation, blood, gore, s/a, physical, emotional and mental abuse, objectification, violence, death, drugs, transphobia and homophobia from external sources, as well as existential and suicide-related topics.
Corwin on this blog is a yandere, both in romantic relationships, but also in friendships. He's gonna be a rough ride if you want your muse to have a normal relationship with him. His muse is also the main source of gore and horror on here, and he's quite fond of teeth. There will be teeth pulling. A lot of it. Both to others, but also from himself, for this is how he copes with heavy emotions. He may also be taking advantage of your muse being drugged up from anaesthesia to nab a tooth, however I will ALWAYS talk with you first before he hurts them, it will never be sprung on you out of nowhere. If you want more details, you can ask or look at his tags, I'll be tagging the posts with #gore cw if you want to avoid them, and if you need a more specific tag for the teeth or his social behaviour don't hesitate to let me know!
Minnie is an abuse survivor. Emotional and physical, she has been through quite a lot, and is now healing and coming out on the other end stronger and willing to love herself. Her abuser used her identity as a trans woman against her and hindered her coming out, now she runs an OnlyFans where she is focusing on loving her body and going through her journey of transitioning. While transphobia and slutshaming is going to come up in roleplays, I ask you to navigate this delicately. I'd like to focus on her healing, not just the misery. It's time for her to love who she is.
Hard triggers for me are noncon/dubcon, I do NOT want to write out any such scenes with anybody, directly or in flashbacks. Hinted at is fine, fleeting memories or sharing experiences, but no writing it out. My other trigger is certain situations involving suicide and s/h. I can write it from my side, but when someone else does it, I might react poorly. Please be patient with me if the roleplay is going there, I might have to dip out if it gets too much, let’s communicate best we can.
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tetsunabouquet · 7 months
I'm currently stuck at trauma memory lane so I need to vent for a bit. The inciting moment was remembering how my mom isn't coming home during the lunch break as she's going shopping when I really wanted to do so with her tomorrow so we'd have a nice moment together as with my exam stress and her working, we have very few family moments currently. Sunday she is already 'taken' as she is going to meet up with someone she hasn't seen in years. I wouldn't mind this at all if it was an old friend or something, but no, the person she's seeing (and why she is shopping right now) is her hag of an older sister. She's one of the primary reasons why I'd like to be a family person but I am not because of the hurt. Whilst she never said it to my face directly, my mom due to her BPD, shared some instances where she talked with my aunt about me and my aunt said crude remarks about me, likely because it hurt my mom but it only caused me to share the pain and hate my aunt. There are three instances where her remarks are unforgivable to me. I am not sure if I mentioned the 1st in a post or if it was just in a conversation with a mutual but in chronological order here they go; My birth. My mom didn't even want her present but her friend who was present called my aunt anyways. Know that my birth was a traumatic experience for my mom. I actually got stuck in the womb during birth and was basically suffocating to death inside of her. By the time the doctors got me out, my skin had already turnt a dark blueish purple and I had to stay at the IC for a while. I do not know all the details, but they did allow my mom to hold me before they took me to the IC. The first thing my aunt ever said to me? She called my feet weird- I have a toe deformity remember? Her sister was lying there traumatized and her niece dying! Yet judging her niece for her deformed toes was the thing that was on her mind?! I am sorry, but how big of an asshole can you be in that moment?! The second thing was how unsupportive she was to my mom before I was diagnosed with autism. Because I grew up around drug violence, had a deadbeat dad and was shunned by most of the other kids, I was already walking around with suicidal ideations at the tender age of 5. Aside from the few kids who were nice to me, my memories prior to my diagnosis are one big blur because of the trauma. If I try to focus on that blur, I feel like I am falling into a pit of darkness and get the intense urge to cry. My aunt? She only wrote me off as a manipulative liar when my mom sought her support. As someone with (C-)PTSD, those words really cut deep. That period in my life is the start of my history with trauma and I'd never lie about something like that. I'd never lie about the suicidal ideations I struggle with since my literal childhood. The tears are flowing from my eyes at that accusation as we speak. Whilst the third trauma isn't as severe it is really complex on its own. Her oldest daughter is only 6 months older then me and because ours moms look alike and I've got strong Roma genes through my dad and her father being Indonesian, we even both have that 'do you have Asian ancestry or not?' thing going on. Which led to us being compared from instance to another and developping a bit of a rivalry during childhood and because my cousin also has BPD there were times where she would become violent with me and my mom would need to take me home from family gatherings so my cousin could calm down. Aside from my aunt never apologizing to me on the behalf of her daughter for these things, there was this one instance where I, when I was like 6, had stuffed my shirt and pretended to have big boobs. My aunt immediately wrote me off and made the prediction that I would become horribly promiscuous and whatnot. Unlike her, I don't mean to slutshame so quickly but 20 years later and I am still a virgin. Whereas my cousin did shit like posting a picture of her kissing her female friend on social media, not because she's queer but for attention when she was in her teens...
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cinnamonest · 3 years
//extra toxic fuckboy behaviors especially at the end, impreg, slutshaming, blackmail, mildly sexist But anyway instead of Childe drugging post have Childe drunk sex post Childe with a cute fem subordinate darling. The thing is, he doesn't actually drug you, per se. It's a little more deceptive than that -- you're certainly under the influence, though. Like Kaeya, he's only doing this if he's reached a point where he's desperate. You've turned him down over and over, he's tried everything he can to get you to fuck him and you won't. He's frustrated and blueballed and that's a very unfortunate combination for poor darling, because he's considerably less nice when he's frustrated. But that's what you deserve. If you were good and just let him fuck you all those times he tried before -- and believe him, he tried a LOT -- then this wouldn't have to happen. He tried so many times, and he tried everything he knows! All the lines he rehearsed in his head didn't work, and he came on pretty heavy, leaving him just feeling sad and bitter. Obviously you want him, how could you not, so he’s just doing something wrong. He's your superior, he could just, dunno, demand it? But that would feel kinda emasculating, to be honest, at least, more so than the plan he does settle on. And that's why you won't be knocked out, not all the way. He's very particular about it. He doesn't have anything against this morally, no, it's normalized to him, and it's not like he'd get in trouble. Granted, he has plenty of drugs available. It's pretty well known that the Fatui guys do this kind of thing pretty frequently, the men go in groups to taverns in Mondstadt and pick through girls and even some young guys to find the most naive and gullible to spike and lure away when they start swaying. Luckily for those, at least, it's a one time ordeal they can forget and move on from, but you aren't going to be so lucky. Nor does he need to drug you to get what he wants. He thinks you're a little stupid, really. You accept his invitation so quickly. Camped out in the wilderness with nothing but liquor and your own two selves. For a moment, it occurs to him he doesn't even need to put you under the influence, he could just force you right here and you couldn't do a thing. Still, he did have to pay a bit to get this nice stuff, so he might as well, and he can't afford you screaming and drawing attention from a potential passerby. So he watches you take the cup designated as yours, and before you can even take a moment to question or doubt, he challenges you. You can't outdrink him, he says. Bet you're a lightweight. You'd probably get sick a few shots in. Where he's from, people actually know how to hold their alcohol, unlike you weak-livered people. And of course, you scoff, you fold your arms, you insist he's wrong, just as he knew you would, just as he hoped you would. And he just smiles at you. Ok, prove it then. You glare back and say you're on. You don't question that he's pouring out of two separate flasks. You can't see the color difference between the liquids in the darkness of the night sky, nor the grimace on his face as he drinks -- maybe he should have brought water from the town rather than filling his flask out of the river, yuck. Your determined face is so cute. Your eyelids start to get heavy. You scrunch your face as your blink and try to stay alert. You drop one of your shots on the ground and he smiles and says maybe you should just accept defeat. You shake your head and keep going. Admittedly, he's actually a bit impressed, you got more than he thought you would by the time you finally drop the glass for good and slump on the ground. Whew. About time, he was starting to get sick of drinking so much water. And you do twitch a bit, open your eyes and stumble around and mutter something about not accepting defeat, you'll prove him wrong, but he just laughs and picks you up and drags you into the tent with ease. He likes it when you're not blacked out all the way. That's why drugging you would have been no fun. This way, your eyes open just a bit, heavily lidded and blinking, you mumble out incoherent words. You protest just a bit when you feel your clothes slide off -- what are you... but you don't finish the question. He's a good guy, really, he cares about you, which is why he does a quick check and feels your skin to make sure you're not actually under any alcohol poisoning or something, but your skin is warm and dry, not clammy. Good, now you can get to the good part. He thinks about how grateful you should be. His friends and subordinates even have teased him for the longest time because he won't just go out with them to try to get lucky somewhere or participate in their drugging of randoms, no, he's whipped, they snicker, obsessed with this one little bitch that just won't put out. He can't say they're wrong, and that irritates him even more that you humiliated him like that. Which is why this isn't just a one time thing, no, this is part of the plan. He talks to you while he fucks you, maybe you'll remember some of it, maybe not. Actually, hopefully not everything, since he more or less admits how desperate he is in his lust-hazed rambling, how much it's irritated him that you wouldn't just be his and let him fuck you. Why can't you just admit you like him? Why do you have to play hard to get? He rambles about how soft your body is. How good pussy really does feel, holy shit, those guys were right, it's so warm and grips his dick so nicely. Not that he'd limit himself to that, while he's got you like this he might as well put his dick in your limp mouth, but admittedly he imagines that would feel a lot better if you were awake and actually sucking on it. Your mouth moves just a bit, and in your nearly-blacked-out state your tongue runs over the intrusion and you let out the softest confused little sound, but that's all you do. But he makes sure to breed you, cumming several times, all deep deep deep inside of your tight cunt. Again, part of the plan. Just not the most important part of the plan. The most important part is the kamera. It captures moment after moment. The first round he just leaves it aside, takes time to really just live in this sweet, precious moment... and then he breaks the kamera out. Gets all the nice shots with his dick in your holes. Gets a few full body ones, makes sure it's unmistakable as you. Captures your cute drunk face, with your eyes open just a bit, it looks like you're just awake but eyes lidded from arousal. You look awake. Willing. And so, when he finally goes to sleep, he does so very very happily and confident. And when you wake up, he was so rough that there's absolutely no doubt as to what transpired. Your throat and pussy are sore as hell, you're both naked in bed and his cum is still leaking out of you. The regret and shame comes crashing down, holy shit, you slept with your boss that's been trying to fuck you for ages now and your life is over. You'll have to transfer or something. But then... you know you drank on your own choice, but something feels... wrong. He's heavily snoring away, so in morning light you spot the flasks from last night. Your head is pounding, but you make your way over to the first one, and take a swig and spit it back out, yeah, that's the stuff you had... and then take a swig from the other... and when you taste water it all clicks. Bastard. You shake him awake in fury and immediately start telling him off, cursing and snarling. He was half expecting that, to be honest. Sure, obviously you want him, but he gets that you'd be a little mad over the way you got what you wanted, and you’re just embarrassed because you were so dumb, you're just hysterical like that. And you’re just naturally ashamed after fucking, like most girls apparently are, he gets that. But he just smiles and laughs in your face. It cuts deep, it's like a knife in your stomach, because you know why. He's untouchable, even if people believed you, nothing will happen to him, and he knows that. He has nothing to fear. You grit your teeth and your eyes tear up and your lip quivers and you finally drop your head and sniffle, asking him to just take me back. You'll quit, transfer to another department, and then, you tell him bitterly, I'll never have to see you again, at least. And that's what makes his smile drop. You're not gonna do that, he says. Your eyes widen with some new horror when you see the pictures. He talks to you like a child, in that dumb oversimplified way of speech, it's degrading and dehumanizing. Explains that this is how it's gonna go. You're gonna keep being his little subordinate. You're gonna be his girlfriend, publicly. And you're gonna fuck him whenever he wants. If you decide you don't like that, the entire branch, hell, the entire organization sees these photos. You have a very easy, simple choice. It's up to you to decide what happens. Oh, and you're probably pregnant, by the way, he timed this whole thing based on that calendar you keep that he snuck a look at. Would hate for you to have to deal with that on your own, right? People do envy you, down the line. How easy your job must be, since you're nothing more than an assistant now. Everyone knows you're just fucking the boss, that's probably how you got that position in the first place, right? And it's not like he doesn't make it obvious. Whenever he gets with the group of guys at his own level, when they all start saying horrendous things about the women they work with and sharing over-embellished tales as men do, he has plenty of very detailed stories to brag about the cute girlfriend he has. How she drops to her knees at any given moment, and how good and tight she is, and how eager she is, how much she loves fucking him, worships him, he's not like the pathetic bastards that have to go drug some poor unsuspecting thing once a month or so, no, he can get all the sweet, devoted pussy he wants at any time. He has the pictures to prove it! They roll their eyes because they've seen the pictures a hundred times now, everyone has, he shows every guy he works with, and they all know not to tell her that they've seen them. Even if they did, it wouldn't matter, she'd be dumb to leave him this late into pregnancy anyway.
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samgiddings · 3 years
“Evil” Sam Giddings Headcanons
**note: this isn’t actually about making Sam evil, it’s about looking into her potential flaws**
Sam having a saviour complex
Sam mainly being friends with Hannah because she feels Hannah needs her as some sort of “protector” since she’s so naive
Sam thinking she’s too good to be friends with most of the group because of her morals
Sam never taking any responsibility for Hannah and Beth’s disappearance despite being the one who discouraged everyone else from even going after them
Sam being fake nice to everyone then talking shit behind their backs
Slutshaming Jessica
Mocking Matt’s intelligence
Making fun of Hannah’s crush on Mike
Calling Emily a bitch
General complaining about any and all relationship drama
Only reaching out to Josh to clear her own conscience 
Sam never really forgiving Josh for his prank
Sam being self-righteous about her part in the Washington triple-tragedy
Sam heaaaavily considering running to the switch to save herself as soon as she sees it as an option
Sam being just as cruel as Emily, she just never says anything to anyone’s faces
Sam acting like she knows everything about anything, and being condescending towards the others about it
Sam thinking she’s too “mature” for the group and judging the rest of them for their immaturity 
Sam thinking she’s blessing the group with her presence, but in reality they all just tolerate her for Josh’s sake
Sam not standing up for Josh when Mike is tearing him apart because she thinks he deserves it
In general Sam just having a “you made this bed, now lie in it” attitude towards people.
Sam getting upset when a restaurant gets her order wrong and includes non-vegan ingredients 
Sam trying to guilt the others into also becoming vegan
Sam being judgemental towards people who are “only” vegetarian 
Sam putting zero effort into properly dealing with her emotions and letting them flare up so that she lashes out at others
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shopcat · 2 years
omg wait can you give me the background context on the camera stuff or why your thing is right or whatever i will never watch that show because its so long but im so curious now
not only can i but i MUST it is literally so funny how right i am also its hilarious how people keep calling steve a thing. he is a thing. this isnt complicated i just can't be concise and talk a lot so vvvv
OKAY SO PICTURE THIS... the su.. the fall.. i dunno of 1983 you're just some normal sort of douchey jerky junior in highschool u invite ur girl over for a party and afterwards u get together in ur bedroom. a guy whos brother is missing (sad) (gay little brother) is looking in the woods for him with his camera and comes upon ur backyard and ur bedroom curtains are open ur girl is UNDRESSING in front of the window and this fucking guy TAKES PHOTOS OF HER on his fucking camera.
then some plot stuff happens but not to YOU because to YOU all you find out is that some guy has taken photos of your girlfriend taking her shirt off IN YOUR BEDROOM and he would've NEVER been found out until he got found out so obviously when you confront him you're mean to him and you obviously break his camera so he can't do it to anyone else or HER again. OBVIOUSLY. immediate comeuppance. it was literally such a normal thing to do and i think he should have hit him as well but thats just me. but ppl are always like he shouldnt have done that jonathan is literally poor :( jonathan was literally being a dickhead
then later on when u go over to ur girlfriendss house to comfort her all you see is THIS FUCKING GUY with his arm around her in her bed. i would have killed myself like what r u even supposed 2 think here. so like YEAH i guess u tell ur friends and ur friends spray paint her name in town calling her a slut which is definitely mean and douchey but people also try and say thats slutshaming (?! not even what slutshaming is LMFAO) he was just like. being a cunt.
but then she slaps u in an alleyway and u kind of break up so u pick a fight with the camera guy cuz hes there as well and u say a bunch of mean shitty stuff but again not even THAT BAD it was literally a HIGHSCHOOL FIGHT and the camera guy actually beats the absolute shit out of you for it anyway so thats also immediate comeuppance and you realise like 20 minutes later ur friends are deranged assholes and u leave them in a parking lot and go and clean the sign off yourself which apparently takes like 4 hours because you kind of suck at tasks but u just wanna help
and then after agonising and moping u go to camera guys house to apologise to HIM but unbeknownst to you theyre actually about to fight a demon and ur like why is ur hand bandaged WHY ARE U BLEEDING and u freak out a little bit bc why is she even here then she points a gun at you and ur like WHAT and she tells u to leave (so u dont get eaten by a demon) so u do but u turn around at ur car and go back in and u end up immediately accepting and helping beat the shit out of a demon and help the camera guy commit arson inside his own house. and when his little brother is found again even though you have no connection to this family you wait for hours in the hospital waiting room with everybody. also after all of this you buy him a new and better camera and have ur girlfriend-again give it to him so its not so awkward. that is the entire story.
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bpdjennamaroney · 3 years
If RENT were written today:
Benny would be like "Muffy is not transphobic, her father is a close friend and donor of Caitlyn Jenner."
The parents still leave voicemails but after each one, the kids roll their eyes and say "Boomers."
"Santa Fe" is now about opening up a weed dispensary.
"La Vie Boheme" adds Bernie Sanders and/or Barack Obama to the lyrics.
Maureen accuses Joanne and Mark of slutshaming her when she flat-out cheats on them.
Anderson Cooper wants to interview Mark and Maureen.
Maureen: We are gonna ba~ang. *shakes ass*
Mark: I'm pretty sure he's gay.
Maureen: Sexuality is fluid, babe.
"What You Own" ends with Mark throwing an Iphone away and deleting Facebook.
Roger uploads "Your Eyes" to Youtube with the tearful backstory that he sang this song to his dying girlfriend and there are 5000 comments telling him his song about not being able to write a song was better and calling him a cuck.
I'm sorry but Angel has an etsy shop and she has absolutely culturally appropriated some shit and gets called out for it. Her response is a very long and very misspelled Instagram post that asks why we can't just tear down social boundaries and love everyone. She says something like culture is meant to be shared. It takes four more call-out cycles for her to apologize but she doesn't really mean it.
*anthony rapp voice* hey~ officer,
why don't you COOL it
with your classist
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