#Sheriff Lee Bodecker x reader
nickfowlerrr · 2 months
long way home
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GIF by lilacevans
pairing: dark!lee bodecker x curvy!reader
warnings: 18+ ONLY. cnc smut. spanking. unprotected sex. use of the word ‘daddy’ but not pertaining to lee. fluffy ending!
words: 4.7k
notes: truly cannot believe i finally finished this lol. this is as self indulgent as ever but hey that’s the way fanfic should be imo. 😌 anyway! thank you in advance for reading, and i hope you enjoy!
comments and reblogs always welcome and always appreciated. 🫶🏻
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The sirens that start sounding just moments after you pass the curve of the desolate road have your heart lurching and stomach dropping.
“No, no, no, no, no,” you mutter pathetically as you try to take a deep calming breath.
You signal you’re going to pull over and the sheriff’s car follows behind you.
It’s late and there aren’t any other cars around as the sun sets on the horizon. It’s nearly 90° out, cooler than the day had been earlier, but the heat is still suffocating. You can’t fathom wanting to pull someone over right now.
You get your wallet out and grab the envelope that holds your insurance and technically out of date registration. You’re sure you know what this will be about.
As you watch the Sheriff emerge from his cruiser, you almost pity him as he wears what you can only assume is a very scratchy uniform. Long sleeves, pants, and a ridiculous looking hat. You don’t really feel bad though, he did this to himself.
As he approaches the back of your car, he squints as he looks into your vehicle. His hands find his belt as he saunters closer, a toothpick in his mouth that he plays with.
Your anxiousness builds as he takes his sweet time getting to your window.
You greet him with a forced smile as he leans down, slapping one hand on the hood of your car while he peers down at you, getting closer.
“Hi,” you offer timidly.
“Evenin’, darlin’,” he drawls as he takes you in; clear blue eyes roving you up and down, twinkling with something…off putting. When his gaze meets yours again, his tongue moves his toothpick from one side of his mouth to the other. “You know why I stopped you?”
“My tags,” you answer, earning a squint from him.
“Your tags?”
“Was that,” your eyes round, “not why?”
He chuckles, “You got a light out, darlin’.”
“Oh,” you mutter.
“Yeah,” he responds dully. “Expired tags, ya said?”
“Well,” you start, “they’re not exactly expired. The ones on my car are old, but the registration was paid for. I just don’t have the stickers yet,” you try to explain.
“Long way from home, aren’t ya?”
“Uhm,” your brows furrow before you can school yourself at his change of subject, “I- yeah. Just passing through on my way back.”
It’s quiet between you as the air grows tense. You don’t know what to do or say, you just wait for him to continue.
“If I run your plates, am I gonna be catchin’ you in a lie?”
You stare dumbly for half a second. “Uhm, I don’t… I dont know how it’ll look or show up. I need to get my car smogged before I can get the new tags,” you admit, “but the registration is paid for. My dad paid it, he sent me the receipt and everything, I can pull it-“
“Daddy’s girl, huh?”
Your words cut off instantly but your lips stay parted in a sort of shock. Did he actually just say that? Ew. Your stomach roils at his words. At the way he’s looking at you, leaning into your car.
You titter, an uneasy sound escaping you as you give a wince of a smile. What are you supposed to do in a situation like this?
“I,” you breathe, don’t make matters worse, “yeah, I guess I am,” you shrug, offering a close lipped attempt at a smile.
Your response gets a wicked grin from him as he laughs and it makes you feel disgusting. You have to suppress the shudder that threatens to give away your agitation.
He isn’t an ugly guy, far from it if you’re being honest, but this is entirely inappropriate. You’re all alone out here with this man, a sheriff at that, and his creeping on you is verging from annoying to scary.
“Well unfortunately for you, sweetheart, I don’t think your daddy’s gonna be able to get you outta this one.”
His blue eyes are darker now and his voice is lower as he drawls his words.
Your heart stutters in your chest, squeezing as anxiety seizes you.
“What, what do you mean, sir?” you eek out through your tight throat, lashes fluttering as you search his eyes for any sort of humor, a sign that things aren’t as serious as he’s just made them sound.
“Well, you got a tail light out, old tags on your car, and your registration may be paid but that doesn’t mean it’s been renewed. I’d hate to have to take you in for somethin-“
“Take me in?” your voice raises despite yourself, “why would you take me in? You can just give me the tickets, I’m not arguing, I-“
“Did it sound like I was finished talkin’, darlin’?” he says, voice level but firm as he eyes you sharply.
Your mouth is open in your stupor before you answer, “No, sir,” you say quietly. “I’m sorry, I just-“
“As I was sayin’,” he cuts you off, spitting out his toothpick at his feet before his gaze cuts back up to you. He kisses his teeth as he stares down at you, “I’d hate to have to take you in over somethin’ that could be…easily resolved.” He tilts his head, giving you a knowing look.
You’re disgusted.
This man is disgusting.
But there is no way he’s insinuating what he seems to be insinuating.
“Right, sir. I will get everything taken care of right away,” you nod with an anxious smile. Maybe playing dumb is the way to go here.
He tsks and your stomach drops right along with your smile.
“You know, the law here states that a driver gettin’ pulled over in an unregistered vehicle can result in said vehicle bein’ towed and said driver gettin’ their license suspended.”
You swallow hard as you let him continue, trying to will away the welling tears threatening to form in your eyes while you work to steady your breathing.
He sticks his palm out expectantly. Your brows furrow as you look at him until he instructs you. “License, darlin’.”
You scramble and find it in your wallet, handing it to him. His hand closes on yours as you place it in his hand and you force yourself not to jerk away too harshly as you pull your hand from his.
He examines your license as you wait with bated breath. You wish you could just put your car in drive and forget this stop ever happened.
“Really are a long way from home,” he muses. He drawls your name and flashes his eyes back to you for a split second. “Hm. Little old to have your daddy payin’ your bills, don’t ya think?”
You don’t respond. Shame and guilt at the reminder of your folly nipping at you again - worse now under the gaze of this man. You look at his badge as he keeps reading your license. Bodecker.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m not judgin’ ya,” he smiles as he hands your license back to you, held between two fingers. You try to meet his eye but your embarrassment and anxiety keep you from holding it long as you slowly reach to take it back.
“I’ve always been under the belief that pretty ladies like yourself shouldn’t have to take care’a things like that on their own. Should have a man to take care of ‘em. 
Seein’ as that man’s still your daddy, I’m assumin’ you haven’t found someone for yourself yet,” he eyes you, “now how’s a gorgeous girl like you single?”
Your skin is crawling but deep down you’re almost grateful for the distraction from your law breaking. 
“Sorry, sir, officer-“
“Sheriff,” he corrects.
“Sheriff. Am I getting ticketed, or…?” you trail off. Agitation ticks in his jaw and you regret not playing along and answering his question immediately.  “It’s just, it’s a long drive and I was hoping to make it home by tomorrow night,” you swallow hard, unconsciously clenching your jaw as you tense up.
“Right,” he scoffs. “Well…” he takes a deep breath, “looks to me like we got two options here, darlin’. And ticketing ain’t one of ‘em. Why don’t you do me a favor,” he says, stepping away from your door slightly, “turn off the engine and step outta the vehicle for me.”
“Sheriff?'' Your voice is quiet, undertoned with the terror you feel creeping up your spine. Why do you need to get out of your car? Why did your taillight have to go out? Why did you have to open your stupid mouth before he even told you what he was pulling you over for? Why did you have to drive through this stupid little town to begin with!
“I’m bein’ nice, sweetheart. Now you can either get outta the vehicle or I can remove you from it and put you in the back’a my own.” The turn of his voice, the dark shift in his eyes, you don’t have it in you to not listen to him.
You shut off the car, unbuckling your seatbelt, and slowly grab the door handle, breathing deeply as you push it open and step out.
God, it’s hot. You hold back a whine at the humidity that surrounds you and shift uncomfortably before the sheriff. He’s tall, and ten times more intimidating now that there’s not a metal barrier between you. You pull on the strap of your tank top as you wait for his next instruction.
“Keys,” he orders, holding out his hand.
You’re frozen despite the heat as you look at him with rounded, unsure eyes. You clutch them tighter in your hand.
You stutter a breath as he steps closer to you. He stares in your eyes as he grabs your hand and takes the set of keys easily before he strides past you back to his cruiser. You follow him with your eyes, turning your head to watch him over your shoulder.
He throws your keys into his car along with his hat before he shuts the door and comes back toward you.
“Two options,” he repeats as he stands behind you. “I think I know which one would be best for both of us.”
You feel heavy hands grip your hips and you shudder under his touch, a sharp gasp leaving you as you’re yanked back into the sheriff’s body. He’s groping you. He’s groping you and there’s no one around to see or stop him. There’s no one around to help you. There’s nothing you can do.
“Either I call a tow and get your vehicle taken down to the yard and take you in the back of my cruiser,” he rumbles in your ear as he leans into you, “or,” he breathes, his lips tickling your jaw as he lowers his head toward your neck,
“And this is the option I’m rootin’ for-” he smirks, “-you get down on your knees and take care’a this,” he intones as he grinds his stiffness into your backside, earning a breathy squeaky from you as you squeeze your eyes shut. Praying to anyone who might be listening that this is all just a bad dream, that it isn’t real. “And I’ll take care’a you, darlin’,” he simpers darkly, his hands slithering down your body as he gropes you without care. You can’t do so much as eke out a word as he touches you. You want to scream, tell him to stop, to just take you to his station and tow the damn car. But you can’t. And even if you could… where does that leave you? Your parents have done so much for you already - too much. You can’t put more on them, can’t keep running to them to solve your problems. The sheriff was right, you realize, your dad isn’t gonna be able to get you out of this.
No one can.
You won’t be able to afford getting your car out, and you won’t have any way home.
He says you have two options. But it seems you both know that you only really have one.
“Mm,” he hums as he squeezes your hips and tummy, his thumb rubbing along the exposed skin at the hem of your top, “you’re soft.”
His hands slide around your body, pressing on your stomach as he works one down the front of your leggings.
It’s in the blink of an eye that you find yourself pressed against the side of your car, the sheriff firm on your back as he holds you in place. He has one arm around your waist as his other is down your pants. He forces a leg between yours as he urges you to spread them for him. Your knees hit the car as you begin to struggle and your chest squeezes.
The sheriff shoves himself hard against you and your body is forced even more firmly to your car as you cry out at the force. You grab onto his forearm as his thick fingers rub against your covered cunt.
“Ah-ah,” he admonishes, “none’a that now, sweetheart,” he rubs himself against your ass. His fingers don’t stop as they pull at the fabric of your underwear, finally getting the access he was looking for.
He chuckles and tears prick at your eyes in your mortification as you mewl pathetically, hiding your face against the car - your wetness undeniable as he delves between your folds. You groan as he pokes at your entrance. He swirls around your wetness and drags his fingers up your sex. He nudges your clit and your breath catches at the shock.
“There she is,” he smirks, his lips against your cheek. He presses on your clit and rubs the button in sloppy circles as your voice raises despite yourself.
“Sheriff, please,” you quake under his touch. You’re firm against your car as he keeps you pressed with his weight.
“You ain’t gotta beg, darlin’, I’ll give ya what you need.”
It sounds like a taunt as you teeter on the edge. His fingers work you closer and closer to your unwanted high and as you tense and a desperate moan leaves you, a deep moan sounds from him in turn. “You’re almost there, ain’tcha,” he breathes harshly. 
Your eyes stay screwed shut as you try to block him out while your nerve endings blaze in the building tension. That coil deep inside you winding tighter and tighter as it threatens to snap.
“That was a question, darlin’, fuckin’ answer it,” he growls meanly in your ear as he jerks you against the car again.
“Yes,” you cry, not bothering to lie. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,” you murmur pathetically as that coil finally snaps and your orgasm crashes over you. You hold onto his arm without thinking as you come and barely register when he kisses your hair softly, keeping you upright and against him as you come down; your soft cries like music to his ears.
He slips his hand from your pants and you let go of him, leaning on the car instead as you try to calm your breathing. 
“Much as I’d like to feel that sweet little mouth a’yours around me,” he sniffs, “be a damn shame to not fill you up when your pussy’s cryin’ for me like she is.” The sound of his belt jingling and his zipper cutting through the air has you spinning around in horror.
“No, please. You can’t do this,” you whimper, “please, sir, I-”
You’re cut off by the sheriff’s hand gripping your jaw as he squeezes harshly while you look at him with pleading eyes and puffy cheeks.
“You listen to me, and you listen good, sweetheart,” he sneers in your face, “I can do whatever the hell I want to do, whenever the hell I want to do it, you understand me?”
It’s a question you know he’s expecting an answer to as you struggle out a “yes” through his tight grip.
He lets go of your face and moves to take your arm, his grip still as tight and harsh. You can feel his strength in every move he makes against you. “Walk,” he instructs as he urges you from your car and toward his cruiser.
You can’t breathe as a renewed wave of anxiety flows through you the closer to the back of the car you get. “Wait, you said-”
“I know what I said,” he interrupts you, stopping you in your walk as he gets in front of you to pull open the back door of his cruiser. “You ain’t in handcuffs, now, are you?” 
You shake your head ‘no’. 
“Then quit your blubberin’.”
He grabs you close again, quickly and easily shoving you down face first into the back of the car. You squeal and hold yourself up on the seat as he pulls your hips against him while he stands behind you, his back to the empty road. You’re only half inside the car as you feel him tear down your leggings and underwear. If someone were to drive by right now, they’d get quite the show as the sheriff shimmies down his still undone pants in kind. You’re grateful, at least, that you can’t see anything. Of course you know what’s coming next, but you won’t have to watch it, or have him see your face in this position.
The unexpected slap he lands on your ass has you yelping at the sting as he snickers, rubbing the spot gently before he does it again. 
“You like that, darlin’? I can see you gettin’ wetter already,” he taunts as he pushes the small of your back down, arching you more while he admires your cunt from behind. You feel his fingers as he rubs at you, dipping them past your entrance, slipping them in up to his knuckle while you huff through your nose, trying to hold back a moan as he wiggles them before slipping them back out.
You don’t know why you’re so shocked when the next thing you feel is his cock pushing into you. No verbal warning, just his heavy hand on your hip as he guides himself into your tight hole. He’s thick, thicker than you’ve ever had, and you want to die at the moan that floats past your lips as he groans in his delight as you're wrapped tightly around his length. His fingers flex on your hip as he frames your other side in kind, holding tightly onto you while he inches deeper inside your walls. He gets to your limit and holds himself there for a long moment. Your body moves on its own, your hips wiggling just the slightest in search of some kind of friction. 
You feel yourself heat up more in your embarrassment as he groans again, “knew you’d like this,” he says smugly.
You gasp sharply as he begins to move again, sliding almost all the way out of you before pushing right back in, your tight resistance spurring him on as your walls squeeze him snuggly. In then out, over and over again, his thick cock filling you up. With every thrust into you, he makes sure you feel every single inch of him.
Your wetness is undeniable, you can hear the lewd sounds of your fucking loud and clear as you’re rocked between him and the leather seats. The slapping of his hips against your ass and his heavy pants and growls as he grips you tightly, it all adds to the building, buzzing sensation growing inside of you. 
“Goddamn tight,” he pants, pulling you back into him by your hips as he fucks you hard, his movements growing more erratic the closer he gets. “Gonna make me bust inside a’you, darlin’. Fill you up nice and full’a my jizz,” he breathes heavily, groaning and slapping your ass hard, groping you as he moves you back and forth on his thick length.
You mewl, fingers clawing at the leather beneath you, your eyes scrunched in your thieved pleasure as you meet his thrusts. You don’t want this, but it feels so good. His cock hits that certain spot just right, and you can’t stop yourself from fucking him back in search of more. It’s awful, and it feels like heaven.
“Fuck, I’m gonna bust,” he moans, one hand slipping from your hip down to find your clit. Your walls clench around him as he winds you tighter with his touch. You don’t have a voice as you squeak a moan, eyes rolling as you drone out mindlessly, completely cock drunk as he slams into you, chasing his orgasm.
You're overcome by your own, blindingly so as the sheriff works you through it. You quake beneath him and suddenly feel the hot spurts of his come as he lets go inside of you, curses tumbling from his lips as he does, his hold on you never faltering. 
Slowly he comes down, chuckling through heavy breaths as he loosens his grip on you, instead rubbing circles on your hip.
You’re both breathing hard and you turn around gingerly to look at him, still holding yourself up on your arms. He’s pulling his pants up and zipping his fly when you both hear a rumbling approaching from behind the curve of the road just behind where you’re parked. Your brow is quirked as you listen. Head still foggy from your orgasm, you don’t piece together what the sound is. 
“Shit,” he curses as he fumbles with his belt, working quick to fasten it. “Get in, lay down, darlin’,” he instructs, pushing you back gently and closing the door on you just as you see headlights coming up from around the curve. 
You heed his instructions and lay down on the seat, heart racing, adrenaline pumping as you strain to listen past the doors of the cruiser.
You hear the car that was approaching slow down as they come up on the scene of your two cars, clearly curious. No one ever takes this back road, not even the oldtimers - not unless traffic is really bad on the main highway. But it’s late on a Sunday night, the highway is surely clear, and so should this road be, too.
“Sheriff Bodecker,” an old voice croons, “is that you, dear?”
“Ah, Mrs. Greenly,” the sheriff greets, “how are ya, ma’am?”
“Just fine, Sheriff. Comin’ back in from pickin’ up Walter’s medicine outta town. Everything alright out here?”
“Everything’s fine, ma’am. Just an abandoned vehicle we got a call about, had to come check it out before we call for a tow,” he nods toward your car. “Nothin’ to worry about,” he smiles.
“Oh,” she accepts, “well, you have a nice night, Sheriff. Stay safe.”
“Thank you, ma’am. You have a nice night, now,” he returns.
“And tell your little lady I said hello,”
“I certainly will,” he smiles again, nodding at her as she does the same.
You listen as she drives off, picking back up her speed as she does.
You hear the steps he takes as the sheriff comes back over to the door. You stare hard at him as he opens it to you and you sit up.
“What was it you said about this road never being used?” 
He laughs, leaning down close to you, taking your face gently in his hands before he presses his lips to yours, kissing you deeply as you lean up into his touch, kissing him back just as fervently. A sudden desperation coming over you, you try to pull him down with you, to be closer.
He breaks away with a heavy breath, eyes closed as he presses his forehead to yours. When he opens them, you’re met with brilliant blue eyes gazing back at you. 
“I don’t recall usin’ the word ‘never’,” he evades as you shake your head at him.
“Lee Bodecker,” you say, pulling him down further into the backseat with you as you wind your arms around his neck, “you sir, are a menace. A silver tongued devil.”
He smirks and kisses you again before he gets off of you, getting out of the car and standing up with a groan. He holds his hand out for you and you take it as he helps you out of the car. There’s a sticky mess between your legs but you ignore it as you pull your leggings all the way back up.
Lee closes the door and turns you so your back is against it as he stands in front of you.
“But did you like it?” He asks, leaning into you just a bit.
You bite down your smile and nod, “Yeah, I did.”
“Knew you would,” he says against your lips as he kisses you again. His hands fall to your waist as he holds you. “You were real’ convincin’, too. Almost had me second guessin’ myself.”
You titter at that, “Yeah?” you ask.
“Mhm,” he affirms. “But then I heard that sweet little moan a yours.” 
“Couldn’t help it,” you murmur softly as his lips tickle yours. Just barely touching as you breathe him in.
“Well,” he kisses your lips softly one last time before he pulls away from you completely, “it’s hot as hell out here, sweetheart,” he walks around to the passenger door of the cruiser and opens it for you. “Why don’t I take you home and see if I can’t get any other sounds outta ya,” he simpers. You meet him at the door, standing before him with a raised brow. “Been killin’ me not hearin’ my name fall from your pretty lips all night.”
You smile as you touch his cheek. “You wanna hear me moan your name?” Lee purrs in your attention as he steps closer to you. You smirk and bend to get into the car. “Gonna have to make me.”
He licks his lips as he watches you, closing the door for you once you’re settled. He gets in on the driver’s side and you continues, "But first I'm gonna need a shower. And a lotta cuddles," you add with a soft smile as you peer at him with loving eyes.
"I can do that," he agrees, the corner of his lips turned up in a half smile, his gaze just as soft for you.
"Home we go, then," you simper.
He turns his head back to the windshield and huffs as he takes notice of your car again.
He looks at you in exasperation, sighing. “You and this damn car.”
You look back sharply in challenge.
“Look, I already told ya I’m not lettin’ you drive all the way across the country alone in that thing. And I know your dad already paid your fees, but…” he sighs again and you wait for him to continue as you keep your eyes on his. “What’s it gonna take to get you to finally register it here, huh? It’s been two years. And I shoulda given you a ticket for it 22 months ago,” he adds.
You laugh, “Shoulda, coulda, but you didn’t.”
He narrows his eyes at you but it only makes you laugh more.
“It’s not my fault you flirted instead of ticketing,” you grin as you lean over the console to kiss him. “But I am grateful for it.”
You sit back down in your seat and buckle your belt as Lee hides his own smile at the memory of your first meeting, putting the car in drive as he rolls up to yours. 
“Gotta grab your wallet,” he says as he stops and gets out. You watch him as he does, admiring him - and weighing his previous question.
He gets back in, handing your wallet to you before he starts driving again, heading back into town.
“It’d be a bit of a hassle, ya know,” you muse aloud, “having to register here, getting a new id, new license, all that. Seems a little pointless just to change the state I’m living in…Now if there was something else that needed changing, something more important, something like,” you sigh dramatically, “my name, for instance, well then maybe that’d get me to finally do it,” you shrug. Lee looks over to you so quick at the mention of changing your name, you almost worry he might’ve hurt himself, but the lopsided grin that lights up his face assures you he’s just fine.
“Two years is a good while,” you add with a small smile of your own. “Plus, this place,” you emphasize, hoping he gets your meaning, him, you think as you reach for his free hand while he steers with his left, “feels a lot more like home than home ever has.”
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211 notes · View notes
cadavercowboy · 4 months
To Serve And Neglect
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Pairing: Sheriff Lee Bodecker x Reader
Summary: Lee Bodecker doesn't abide by the rule of never bringing your work home with you. He just wants to hang out!
Word Count: 4.5k+
Warnings: Explicit content (18+ only). Description of reader’s clothing. Mentions of stalking. Implied drugging. Kidnapping & imprisonment. Light bondage. Brief use of ‘pup’ & ‘puppy’. Oral sex. Cum eating. Improper handling of a firearm. Dub-con/non-con elements.
A/N: Sorry. Can't explain. Feeling violent.
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The strange, unsigned letters arriving each day in your mailbox had been odd. The expensive gifts and veritable garden of bouquets on your porch, a burden. But it is the partially open window — one which your paranoia had prompted you to lock and then check three times before bed last night — that is finally a bridge too far. 
Armed with a shoebox full of evidence and an armful of this morning’s flower delivery, you march through the doors of the police department and demand an audience with the sheriff. The poor deputy seated at the desk observes your irate countenance with a pair of raised brows, unmoving until you repeat your request more firmly. You wait only a few minutes before you’re beckoned down the hallway by a tall, uniformed man who introduces himself as Sheriff Bodecker.
You stride along behind him amidst the sound of your clicking heels and the whooshing of the poofy skirt of your patterned dress, the hem of which brushes the sheriff’s thighs as he invites you to step into the office ahead of him.
As you take a seat, you lay the paper-wrapped roses across his desk and set the overflowing box of stationary and notes alongside them, being careful not to knock the brass nameplate off the wooden surface. With a heaving sigh, Lee — according to aforementioned nameplate — rounds the desk and eases his weight down into a creaky high-backed chair.
“What can I do for you, miss?” he inquires dryly, seemingly uninterested.
Smoothing the soft fabric of your dress along your thighs, you sit up straighter and look the formidable man in the eye. It will do you no favors to appear weak and frightened, even if that is precisely what you are. You hope your feigned strength will make your claim more believable. 
“I need to file a report,” you begin confidently. “I’m being stalked.”
Lee’s eyebrows practically fly up into his hairline and he purses his lips as he contemplates your bold statement. He says nothing for a long moment and you feel yourself deflate slightly beneath his scrutinizing stare. You should have known a man wouldn’t believe your unsubstantiated claim, he’d simply write you off as hysterical.
Before you can accept your fate and leave the office with at least some of your dignity still intact, the sheriff leans forward. He braces his elbows on the desk and folds his hands beneath his chin.
“And all this?” he wonders, flicking a pinky out in the direction of the items you’ve laid out before him.
Hope renewed when he questions the evidence you’ve brought along, you’re quick to lift the top off of the old shoebox to reveal its contents. You aren't sure why you've kept them all, though you're suddenly glad you had. Inside is what must be hundreds of letters, notes, and cards. Of course you hadn’t taken the time to individually count them, but it's obvious the stationary within is numerous. Reaching in, you gather several pieces of paper off the top and hand them to the sheriff who takes the stack rather hesitantly.
“Someone has been sending me all these letters and notes. At first, I thought it was just some sort of practical joke,” you explain. “But what’s written in there…there are things no one could know unless they were…watching me.”
Your throat grows tight and your cheeks warm as you recall some of the things this mystery scribe had written, knowing that Lee now reads them too. The sender had begun to mention events from your daily life that no person could possibly know unless they were with you. As time passed, their letters grew in intensity; complimenting you in an intimate manner, noting various opinions on you and your ‘unbelievable beauty’ and even going so far as to name all the things they’d like to do both to and with you. 
What began simply as a strange correspondence quickly grew eerie and obsessive. They spoke of the sort of subjects you wouldn’t discuss with a close friend let alone reveal to a complete stranger, though you know the impropriety is necessary at this point.
Lee rifles through the letters before reaching into the box himself to explore further. His face is the picture of concentration as he scans each word and gathers an idea of what you’ve been dealing with. In one particular letter he unfolds, you recognize the haphazard state of the scribbled writing and how it appears to have been composed in anger. It is a letter whose inappropriate content you remember well and you feel a sudden need to distract Lee from his perusal.
“And there’s also the flowers,” you offer, fingers tapping on the bouquet’s wrappings. “Every single day, there’s more flowers.”
The sheriff lifts his gaze from the crumpled sheet clutched in his hand and his eyes flick between you and the fresh flowers. His expression reveals nothing as he places the letter on the desk and leans back in his chair.
“So you’ve got a secret admirer.”
You flinch as if you’ve been hit with a physical blow. How could he possibly reduce your predicament to something so innocent and juvenile? Had he even read those letters?
“Sir…with all due respect, I’m concerned for my safety,” you declare. “Some of the more recent letters imply that this creep wants to reveal his identity to me! Look right here, this one especially!”
With a pointed finger, you jab the piece of paper and direct his attention to a letter that is borderline threatening. Sheriff Bodecker inhales sharply and offers a slow nod of his head as he shuffles some of the other discarded stationary across the surface of his desk. Interlocking his fingers, he reclines again and rests his hands across his belly while he regards you. 
“I suppose there are some unsettlin’ things in there,” Lee drawls. “But it all seems rather harmless and unfortunately, there ain’t much I can do if this person hasn’t taken any direct action.”
“They broke into my house,” you admit softly.
You aren’t sure why your voice wavers or your eyes moisten, but you suppose finally admitting it out loud to another person makes it undeniably real. Your stalker’s gifts had made you uncomfortable, but their gall to physically threaten you — no matter how indirect — and leave clear evidence of having done so has shaken you. 
“Broke in?” Lee nearly barks, straightening in his seat. “When was this? Why didn’t you say so?”
You explain the situation to Lee, detailing your certainty that you weren’t responsible for the open window. Having now heard something of substance, he finally takes out a sheet of paper and begins to document everything you’ve told him. You’re relieved that you’re being taken seriously, however Lee’s sudden concern has you even more fearful than before. By the end of your statement, your shoulders slump and your hands vibrate in your lap.
“I’ll have this report filed and send some officers to your address to check everything out,” he assures you as he takes notice of your distressed state. “Can I get you something warm to drink?”
You’re quick to accept the sheriff’s offer, opting for a cup of hot tea which he returns with shortly. He carefully hands the steaming mug over then disappears behind you to shut the office door with a soft click, closing you both off from the rest of the department. Before returning to his place behind the desk, Lee gently rests a large hand on your shoulder, his fingers gliding with ease as he rubs your back reassuringly.
"We'll get this all figured out, honey. Don't you worry."
Lifting the edge of the faded brown ceramic to your lips, you nod your head and take a tentative sip, doing your best not to wince. Although Lee asked how you take your tea, it tastes nothing like you expect. It’s awful, in fact. While the sweet flavor of sugar is present, the scalding liquid carries an underlying and off-putting bitterness. Still, you’re too polite to turn the drink down and so you daintily nurse the unfavorable beverage while Lee reads your statement back to you to ensure he has it exactly right. 
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It’s unclear at first whether the fuzzy memory of the sheriff’s office was a dream or if the circumstance you currently find yourself in is one. The pressure of the dirty concrete floor is agonizing against the hardened curve of your bare knees, though it’s nothing compared to the fiery ache which zips along your shoulders. The muscles are tired and over-extended, your arms pulled high above your head where your rope-bound wrists hang from an iron hook on the end of a chain that’s affixed to the ceiling. 
Slipping in and out of consciousness, it’s impossible to know how long you’ve been strung up here like an animal awaiting slaughter. Only that it hasn’t been long enough for your poor muscles to go completely numb yet. Your joints ache mightily and your mouth is uncomfortably dry. You blink to clear your hazy eyes, but even then, your surroundings are totally unfamiliar. 
Pain spears through your shoulders when you shift your weight to look around, spotting very little that helps to identify where you are. A stack of dusty boxes fills one corner and a metal shelf strewn with various tools sits propped against the opposite wall. It’s clear you’re in a small basement, though you have no idea how you got here.
From behind you, a door creaks open and a band of golden light fills the room; growing broader and spanning the length of the cramped cellar before a loud slamming shrouds you back into darkness. Wooden stairs squeak and groan beneath someone of notable heft and your skin prickles as they descend and approach. The distinguishable click of a pull-switch overhead bathes you in a blinding halo of light.
“I could have been so sweet.”
The deep voice comes from right beside you and makes you jump. While its tone sounds vaguely familiar, you’ve yet to fully regain your facilities and it feels as if your ears are full of wet cotton. It's difficult for you to make the connection as to why you recognize it.
Scuffling feet shift and begin to step around you where your body practically dangles from the ceiling. You peer upwards, squinting against the brightness of the bare bulb that shines above you until the stinging in your eyes forces you to lower your gaze back to the floor.
“I gave you so much. So much of myself. So many gifts,” the man continues. “All you had to do was accept them…accept me.”
Your stomach drops and the words hit you like a barreling freight train. Your stalker. Squirming in your binds, you fruitlessly attempt to twist away from the dark figure which slips into your periphery. The movement is painful and when you try to shift your bare feet, you realize your ankles are lashed together with even more rope. A desperate whimper bubbles up in your throat.
“I didn’t ask for much in return. I just wanted you to be mine,” he insists, as if it were a small favor. “Now I won’t give you a choice.”
The man’s words darken with anger and when the light from above is blocked out by the mass of his body, you dare to look at him. Your eyes fall upon a pair of black-booted feet before moving upwards to a pair of dark gray slacks dissected by the tell-tale black line of uniform slacks. A sense of dread spreads like a growing chasm in your belly. 
Following the expanse of a pair of long legs, you observe a standard-issue utility belt and clench your teeth to hold in a frightened sob. If not for his terrifying declaration, the sight of a uniform man would have felt like a relief. You may have thought he was here to help you with your predicament. But given what he’s said, you know his intentions are much more nefarious.
Your eyes seem reluctant to move any further and you spend a long moment observing the yellowed buttons which secure the crisp material of his white shirt. Ultimately, you force yourself to gaze upon the face of your captor, already knowing what horror awaits you.
Even with the expectation of his identity, the revelation of Lee Bodecker’s ice-cold stare is sobering nonetheless. A quivering exhale escapes through your nostrils and you feel your lower lip tremble as he looms above you with an expression of disappointment and impatience.
“Sheriff?” you ask pointlessly, finding it difficult to believe this irrefutable truth.
Lee studies you with something ominous in his demeanor. So smoldering and rife with an indeterminate fire that you can almost feel its heat upon your skin. His eyes hone in on the uncertainty blanketing your face and you notice the ghost of a smirk haunting the corners of his pinkened lips. 
“I didn’t want it to be like this,” he promises, stooping to kneel in front of you.
“Lee, please,” you beg, your voice hoarse. “I didn’t—”
He hushes you right away, furrowing his brows and bringing a single finger to his lips as he shakes his head. You snap your mouth shut and tears begin to well in your eyes. There’s nothing you can say to change his mind, that much is obvious. Your eyes return to the ground with a guilt you’re not sure you should even feel, though Lee’s demand brings your gaze back up.
“Look at me!” he barks impatiently as his hand flies out to cup your chin in his calloused palm. “Keep your eyes on me, just like that.”
You obey out of sheer terror, heart pounding and limbs shaking at the unwavering way he raises his voice. His thumb shifts from your chin to your lower lip where he toys with the soft flesh and presses the finger against your mouth until it grazes against your front teeth.
“If I let you down, will you be good?” Lee asks.
He lifts his chin upwards, gesturing towards your hands over your head. Watching intently, he smirks crookedly when you blink with wet eyes and nod in ardent agreement. The smile does little to offer you much relief or comfort. When Lee stands, you shift anxiously and the links of the chain overhead twist and pop. 
His fingers are rough but warm when he reaches for the rope wrapped tightly around your arms and begins to undo the knots. For a moment, you consider whether an attempt at escape is worthwhile.
You have no desire to stick around and see what Lee intends to do with you, though you’re uncertain if he plans to release your ankles and even provide the opportunity. Given the way your legs tingle, you’re not certain you’re even capable of outrunning him anyway. As if able to read your mind, Lee pauses and levels an admonishing look at you. Taking note of your diminutive expression, he carries on.
With your wrists finally freed, your arms drop to your sides and searing pain mingles with the relief you feel. Fire blazes through your muscles as sensation returns to your limbs and you can’t help crying out.
Lee kneels before you again and gathers each wrist, lifting them up to inspect the indentations left upon your skin. When he leans in and you can see he intends to bring your wounded skin to his lips, you yank yourself away from his grip. The momentum causes you to tip backwards where you catch your weight with your hands and begin — with much difficulty considering your bound ankles — to scoot away from Lee who watches with disapproval.
You make it only a few feet away from him before your back hits the cold, solid wall. Lee stands at his full height, taking the three steps it requires to crowd your space before he speaks.
“Now, I thought we agreed you’d be good,” he chides, his voice eerily flat.
Still following his earlier instruction, your eyes do not leave Lee’s face. Not when he sighs and tilts his head to look down at you like a misbehaved child. And especially not when his right hand drops to the front of his pants where he gropes himself through the starched material of his slacks. Even when a low groan rumbles in his chest and you have a pretty good idea of what’s happening, you still refuse to break eye contact.
Deft fingers pop open the button of his slacks before lowering the zipper with a grinding sound which seems to echo off the pervasive walls of tension that close in on the pair of you. If possible, your mouth grows even drier and as you work to produce saliva, you note that the bitterness you experienced earlier while drinking Lee’s proffered tea still remains. Lee enjoys observing the struggle that flashes across your face when his hand delves into the open fly of his pants to engulf his growing erection in his hand before freeing it from the tight confines.
You hadn’t wanted to look, but something comes over you and your eyes seem to move of their own volition. Lee allows your disobedience only so he can watch the shock and fear erupt in your eyes as he exposes his hardened cock to you, hissing as the turgid flesh catches on the coarse metallic teeth of his open zipper. 
Dragging his warm palm with agonizing slowness along his length, Lee plants a booted foot beside your bent knee, the motion causing the utility belt he still wears to shift and jingle. You want to move away from the nearness of his crotch, but with a slab of cinder block at your back, there’s nowhere left for you to go.
“You know, I planned to bring you home last night when I came to your house,” Lee admits, switching hands to work his other fist languidly over his cock. “But I got so distracted by those pretty lips. Spent all night watching them while you slept. Jerked off thinking about how they’d feel…how they’d taste. Next thing I know, sun is coming up and you’re starting to wake.”
The tears which had formed earlier spill from your eyes and roll in fat drops down your cheeks now; something which seems to satisfy Lee given his throaty groan. You’d come to the sheriff for his help and all along, he’d been the very epicenter of your worst nightmare. And now you have no way to escape him. He squeezes a shiny drop of precum from the tip of his swollen shaft before using his tight grip to angle his length expectantly in your direction.
“Show me what those pretty lips can do.”
You’ve hardly begun to shake your head when Lee’s free hand moves to settle on the butt of the gun secured at his hip. His sharp voice cracks through the air like a whip.
“Trust me, you don’t wanna say no.”
Although you’re terrified of the subtle threat he delivers with only a slight movement, you can’t possibly imagine Lee brandishing his weapon to control you. Surely, he couldn’t be that cruel.
You sniffle and let more tears fall, still making no obvious effort to acquiesce to his demand. Lee tries once more to direct his dribbling cock towards your mouth and you turn your head to the side at the last second. His tip drags along your cheek, leaving a warm wet trail across your skin.
This time, Lee’s threat is anything but idle. His gun slides from the holster with practiced ease before he’s holding it loosely, just inches away from your face. He scoffs coldly when you refuse to turn his way, outright denying him the acknowledgement you know he desires. Lee waves the revolver in front of your face, making sure he has your full attention before he opens the cylinder and shows you six clearly loaded cartridges. He watches a fresh wave of tears stream down your cheeks before snapping the gun shut once more.
“Open your mouth and pretend like you want it,” he growls. “I wanna hear you beg.”
Knowing you have no other choice, you relent. Turning back to him, you can only stare straight ahead at Lee’s thighs. You shift your weight forward and lift your hands, placing your palms against the muscles of his legs and dragging them from the tops of his thighs to his knees. Your voice is devoid of emotion or enthusiasm when you fulfill his order.
“Please, Lee.”
His chuckle is slick and cruel. Your tearful visage, scared eyes, and the humiliating way you paw at him like a pathetic animal has his blood pumping until his cock swells to the point of pain. He’s certain he’s never been so hard in his life.
“Aw, what a good little pup,” he praises, unable to resist teasing you for the demeaning way you perform at his feet. “Good puppies get treats. Are you gonna keep being good for me?”
Although you cry, you agree to his request. You’re too afraid to do otherwise and the ever-present weapon he holds prevents you from daring to deny him what he wants. Lee asks you once more to look at him, a condescending approval in his voice when he reminds you how good you are for listening.
“C’mon, open,” he prompts, the tip of his cock tapping against your mouth. “Wrap your lips around it.”
You’re hesitant at first, instinctively mashing your lips together against the attempted intrusion. He’s so close you can smell the scent of fresh laundry and feel the warmth that pours off of his broad body. Lee presses the swollen head more insistently to your mouth, though your brain refuses to allow your body to cooperate. Any inclination you had to continue defying his silent inquest is swiftly eliminated by the cold, hard steel pressing against your forehead.
As if flipping a switch, your mouth opens and allows entrance. The hot tip of Lee’s cock slides against you, just barely making contact with your tongue. His essence is slightly salty and causes your mouth to water, much to your horror. He makes no attempt to insert himself further, simply allowing the weight of his erection to rest along your lower lip.
Your obedience seems to appease him and he allows the muzzle of his revolver to slide from your forehead to your temple where it comes to rest firmly on the vein which throbs just beneath the delicate skin. Saliva begins to gather in your mouth and you’re on the verge of drooling all over yourself. Without prompting or permission, you close your lips around the ridged crown of Lee’s cock and he grunts in approval.
Almost on instinct, you use your tongue to form a light suction and begin to suckle gently at the first inch of the length which parts your lips. Your tongue swirls, swiping tenderly along the smooth and overly-sensitive flesh. Lee’s knees threaten to buckle as he watches you perform with uncertainty and as he feels himself edging closer and closer to orgasm, his thumb pulls back the hammer on the gun still situated at your temple.
The sound of the revolver cocking frightens you, certainly an indication that you’ve done something wrong. Worried that Lee is angered by your presumptive actions, you whimper and try to release him but his free hand swoops in to hold your jaw and keep you in place.
“Keep going, sugar,” he pleads breathlessly. “Keep being a good girl.”
He moves the gun again, this time wedging the hard barrel just under your chin. You begin to cry anew, your face twisted in fear that he may still choose to harm you even given your obedience. However, Lee shushes you and reminds you to continue what you’re doing.
“Just wanna see all of that pretty face when I cum,” he clarifies, evidently hoping his words will soothe you.
As his breathing grows labored and his thighs begin to twitch with his impending release, Lee’s demeanor changes and he becomes more intense. The fingers holding your chin tighten with uncomfortable force and he digs the revolver’s barrel so deeply into your neck that you can feel it shifting against every pulse of your artery.
“Gonna make me cum, baby. That’s it, keep sucking the tip,” he grunts. “Just the tip…that’s all you deserve. Don’t deserve the rest of me yet. But you will soon. Yeah, my good girl’s gonna earn it, isn’t she?”
Lee rambles dirtily, the vein that runs along the underside of his cock throbbing as he twitches between your lips. You suck harder then, prompting him to exclaim hoarsely and allow another inch of his erection to slip into the glorious wet warmth of your mouth. When his hands begin to shake, you worry about the loaded and cocked gun he still holds against you. There isn’t much time to consider it because Lee pulls out hastily, releasing your face and using that hand to furiously jerk himself off.
He pants and a broken sound stutters from his parted lips as the first hot spurt of his cum lands on your cheek. Whispering only to himself, Lee wrings every drop of his release over the planes of your face; each thick stream splashing wetly across the bridge of your nose and over the seam of your spit-slicked lips. When he’s finished milking his cock, Lee requests — with unexpected gentleness — for you to open your mouth yet again. Upon doing so, he uses his softening length to swipe across your face and push some of his seed into your mouth so it dribbles onto your tongue before he allows the flaccid appendage to drop from his hand.
“So good for me, pretty girl,” he praises under his breath, patting your head with something resembling affection.
To your surprise, Lee takes the gun still gripped securely in his other hand and drags the cold barrel along your cheek then down your jawline. He gathers some of the sticky drops from your face onto the black steel and lifts his weapon to observe the narrow barrel before bringing it to his own mouth. The tip of his pink tongue flicks out to trace the metal’s edge before he wraps his lips around the hollow opening much the way you’d just done to his dick and he sucks the firearm clean.
“Next time I’ll let you swallow all of me,” he offers unprompted as he finally holsters his weapon and readjusts his pants.
You’re unsure whether the invitation is meant to be some sort of reward or just another threat and your brows furrow in confusion. Though it’s nothing compared to the confusion you feel as Lee reaches to wrap the discarded rope back around your wrist. When he assures you that continuing to behave will mean he won’t have to tie you up again, you bite your tongue to stop yourself from outright begging him not to leave you in the cold and dark like his needy, forgotten pet.
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Sebastian Stan Masterlist ✦ Writing Masterpost
61 notes · View notes
littlelioncub43 · 2 years
Ok for murderer Monday 😶‍🌫️
Imagine being softdark!Lee's little housewife and getting your period and he gets soooooo protective of you esp. in public and when you're both alone and you're in pain and he's heard that pleasure can fix that sooooo....
AaaaAAAAAAH YES. It's been so long since I wrote for Lee. I need more Lee thots hehe
Home Remedies
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Summary: When your period comes with a vengeance, Lee is quick to dote on you. But when the regular methods of pain relief seem to be failing you, Lee suggests another way to make you feel better.
Pairing: soft dark!Lee Bodecker x fem!Reader
Warnings: smut (18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI), fluff, fingering (f receiving), pet names (princess, baby doll, baby, nothing crazy), period sex, bleeding (obvi), Lee being Lee which is naturally darker but still very loving, brief mentions of force feeding, dry humping, Lee coming in his pants, and a partridge in a pear tree.
Word count: idk, I wrote this on my phone.
A/N: Holy crap, I accidentally wrote a fic! Look at me go! This was supposed to be short but it turned out to be a full length fic! I'm honestly so surprised and proud of myself. I hope you enjoy it! Hehe let me know how you feel! Comments and reblogs are always welcome! 💖
Kisses 💋
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Lee made it a point to track your cycle, it made life easier for the both of you. He knew when your attitude was less than agreeable that your monthly was just round the corner, which helped him keep a level head most of the time. He knew when you'd burst into tears because you were out of lemons and he forgot to pick them up from the store, that your monthly was approaching. As much as it drove him up the walls to have you all over the place, he knew there was no avoiding it. Just as there was no avoiding the itch deep inside him to watch over you.
On a good day, Lee had a hard time leaving you at home by yourself. The worry that someone might break in, or something might happen while he's gone lived permanently in the back of his head. No matter how many times that you tell him that you're more than capable of taking care of yourself, Lee had a hard time buying it. He just wants to make sure you're safe, that's all.
So when you're curled up in bed way past the time you normally get up, that need to hover around you comes back full swing. You were certain there was a knife in your abdomen, and it was slowly but surely cutting its way through your insides. You were flushed hot, but felt annoyingly chilly at the same time. After 20 minutes of wrestling with the blankets you found a position that didn't hurt.
"Babydoll?" You hear Lee's groggy voice laced with concern from behind you. "You feelin' ok?"
"Cramps," is all you could say through the discomfort. Lee clocked the pained whine in your voice and the waves of tension that radiated off of you immediately.
"Period come early, or your tummy?" He sat up and rubbed his eyes, ready to get whatever you needed.
"Period," you grumble softly. He grunts in acknowledgement and makes his way towards the medicine cabinet, grabbing the painkillers and a cool washcloth for your forehead, he could feel the heat emanating from you.
"Here you go, honey," he whispers as he hands you the two pills and the glass of water you keep by your bedside. You swallow them down with some effort, the water settling in your stomach makes you nauseated.
"Thanks," you sigh as he sets the half empty cup down and eases the damp washcloth across your heated skin.
"Y'welcome," he whispers and mozies his way downstairs, ready to call Ida at the station to tell her that he won't be in today. He comes back to bed less than 10 minutes later, lightly buttered toast and a small plate of fruit in hand. You sigh when you see the food, knowing that it's a lot easier to just eat the food rather than argue with him about it. Last time you did, he sat there and basically forced the slices if oranges down your throat. Lesson learned.
Once Lee was satisfied with the amount of food you'd eaten, he tucked you back into bed, this time setting a red towel beneath you to catch any excess blood.
"There you go," he presses a kiss to your face and straightens up, "if y'need anythin', you tell me, alright?"
"I will, honey, thank you," you smile up at him softly. While he still was the rough and burly sheriff of Knockemstiff, you couldn't deny the fact that he loved you to pieces. He gave you that boyish smile that he knows you love so much, and went about his way.
Your little nap lasted for about an hour before the cramps came back with a vengeance. The dull ache was now replaced with piercing pains that shot through you. Deep groans pulled their way from your throat as you writhe in your spot, unwanting to move too much.
"What's the matter?" a concerned Lee ask from the door, your pained groans having alerted him. Unable to answer him, he crosses the room to sit on the edge of the bed next to you, still in his pajama pants and undershirt. "Is it bad? Want more pills?"
"N-Nooo," you whimper with a shake of your head, you knew they'd do nothing to quell the pain in your abdomen.
"What do you need, honey? Tell me," he sighs softly, his face pinched in pain, mirroring your own grimace. Seeing you like this definitely did a number on him. "Hm?"
"Don't know," you mumble, frustrated that you have no clue what could possibly make this better.
"Wanna try something? I heard it's supposed t'help make everything better," he says, a playful yet caring glint in his eye. He can tell he has your attention now, that you're just desperate enough to want relief no matter how you got it. "They say that gettin' off helps relax the muscles that are crampin', helps you relax. Don't that sound nice?"
Lee tucks a strand of your hair behind your head, smiling when you nuzzle into his palm on instinct. He read about it months ago and was just waiting for the opportunity to put it to the test. Now all he has to do is get you to agree, which he knows is going to be a piece of cake. He watches as you chew over his proposition.
"Gettin' off?" You ask softly, looking up at your husband.
"Yes, babydoll," he leans in closer with a soft nod, slowly but surely moving to hover over you, "gettin' you off... makin' you finish."
It's second nature to spread your thighs for Lee, your body welcoming his own as he cages you in underneath him. You could see the predatory gleam in his eye as he watched you, waiting patiently for your answer. You knew that this was partly for his own pleasure, but the saccharine promise of relief from the pain was enough for you.
"Ok," you nod, your arms moving to lazily sling around his broad shoulders. Lee gives you that pleased smirk that sends butterflies fluttering through your tummy, a welcomed contrast to the shooting jabs and dull aches.
"Alright," he purrs, clearly pleased with your answer, and lowers his body down to yours carefully. You whine softly at the pressure, but he's quick to shush you gently. "It's ok, babydoll, it's alright. Jus' let me take care of everythin', and you be a good girl and relax, hm? All you gotta do is feel good."
He whispers his loving promises into your skin as he peppers tender kisses along your jaw, making his way to your lips. You both let out a shared moan of relief when your lips finally slot together. The slow movements of Lee's unfairly large hands pull your mind away from the discomfort you feel, the further south they travel the heavier you breathe.
"L-Lee," you moan into his mouth when he gently cups your sex, his hooded eyes trained on your face as he holds you in his palm, the heat from your core drove him fucking crazy. He groans softly as he begins to pet you, stroking your mound in slow motions, careful not to push too hard. Your eyes stay shut as small little whimpers of pleasure fall from your lips. The feeling of his hand rubbing your sensitive parts has a mixture of arousal and blood gushing out of you, just for Lee to feel.
"That's it, babygirl," he groans, letting his own eyes shut for a moment to just feel the growing wetness of your cunt through your panties. The small sparks of pleasure are soon not enough anymore, and you try to tell him with a gentle nudge of your hips. "Wan' more already?"
"Uh-huh," you nod, ignoring the teasing lilt to his voice. He gives your lips another peck before he's peeling off your panties and discarding them to the floor.
"So wet for me, aren't ya, Sweetheart? Always so wet," he coos as his thick fingers glide easily through your petals. Lee bites his lip when he smells the metalic scent of your blood mixing with the tang of your arousal— he could get used to this.
"Oh my god," you sigh and grip his white undershirt in your fists, your head lolling to the side as he circles your clit in slow, precise movements. You were so fucking sensitive, it was nearly overwhelming. The gentle touches left you burning for more and breathless, then you had Lee above you, watching your every expression with his own hungry gaze, and speaking in that thick drawl— it was dizzying.
"Oh, fuck!" You whimper as a thick finger fills you slowly, your back arches off the bed on instinct. The deep grunt that leaves Lee has you clamping down around his forefinger, his thumb replacing his finger on your clit. Lee was certain he's never been this hard in his life than he is right now, watching you lose yourself to the pleasure he's providing. His cock flexes against your inner thigh as he pumps his finger in and out of you at a sluggish pace.
"There you go, baby, there you go," he rasps under his breath, his eyes drinking in every little expression you make. The way your nose scrunches, how your eyebrows furrow together when he touches that special spot inside you, the way your gorgeous lips stay parted to let those beautiful moans flow freely. "So fucking beautiful, y'know that? Make me so crazy for ya, Princess, can't get enough a'you, never get enough."
The stretch of another finger joining his first has your hips trying to rut, chasing the pleasure, but Lee's heavy frame keeps you in your spot. He speeds up ever so slightly, the sound of his fingers sinking into your sopping cunt over and over fill the room.
"Oh fuck, y'hear that? Hear how wet you are?" Lee growls, the slick sounds being his undoing. His fingers speed up, keeping their pressure light as he stretches you out. You gasp and moan as the pleasure builds, the tension growing in your lower tummy draws tighter and tighter with each swipe of his thumb against your clit.
"Lee, m'gonna cum!" You gasp and toss your head back, your legs squirming as he works you closer and closer to your high.
"Yeah? Y'gonna cum on my fingers, baby? Gonna make a fucking mess?" His voice is rough, his own hips beginning to rut, humping himself against your thigh for some relief. The act alone sends you shooting higher ans higher towards your crest. "C'mon, honey, I want you t'come for me."
You didn't stand a chance.
"Lee!" You cry out as you finish, your body thrashing as waves of bliss crash down over you again and again. You can hear Lee's pleased grunts in your ear as you clench down around his fingers, his thumb working you through your high. A rush of wetness seeps from your core, coating Lee's hand and dripping down your skin to the towel. It's not long until you feel his covered cock throbbing wildly against you.
"F-Fuck!" He curses harshly as his own end catches up to him, soaking his boxers and pajama pants. Throaty groans resonate through his chest as he rocks against you to milk his high as long as possible. Heavy breaths replace the moans that filled the shared bedroom. Peeling your eyes open, you gaze up at the ceiling as you try to catch your breath.
Lee sighs and pulls himself from the comfort of your shoulder to look down at you with a soft smile. His face flushed pink and sweat beads his forehead from your activities and shared body heat and you can't help but beam up at him with that same lovesick smile you give him.
"How're y'feelin', Princess, any better?" He asks in a breathless voice. You giggle softly and relax your grip on his shirt to smooth out the wrinkles you left.
"I forgot that's what this was for," you admit bashfully, making him chuckle with you.
"Well, good, then I did my job right."
"You always do, Sheriff Bodecker," you coo and give him a kiss, already feeling more like yourself. Lee groans into the kiss at the title.
"You're a little minx," he whispers in between another kiss before propping himself up on his forearm, giving his attention to his fingers still buried in your cunt. "Fuuuuck me," he groans when he sees the mess you made. A thin layer of blood coats your inner thighs and part of his hand, the glisten of your cum recognizable on your lips and his wrist. Slowly, he withdraws from your pussy, watching intensely as his fingers emerge coated in your essence and blood.
The little whimper you give when he leaves you completely empty has his dick stirring in his trousers. Lee sucks in a deep breath as he brings his fingers from between your legs to get a better look.
"Would y'look at that?" He marvels, mostly to himself, as his fingers gleam in the late morning sunshine. Your face heats up at his actions, embarrassment taking hold as he shows you his bloody, cum covered fingers. Lee's eyes are fixed on his digits as he plays with the strings of wetness for a moment before bringing them to his lips. A loud moan vibrates in his chest at your taste, his eyes sliding shut in bliss as he cleans you from his hand. He finally releases them with a pop.
"Fuckin' divine is what you are, Princess. Fuckin' heavenly," he growls, his dick fully hard in his pajama pants as he begins to rut into your thigh again, his eyes dark with hunger again as he quickly unties the drawstring of his pants. "M'gonna fuck ya all fuckin' week, make sure ya don't feel nothin' but pleasure— fuck, m'gonna take care of ya, Princess, I promise."
And he did.
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Comments and reblogs are always welcome! Hehe
I no longer have a taglist! If you wish to stay up-to-date on when I post, follow @littlelioncub-library 💖
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chasingmidnights · 1 year
Cage the Devil Masterlist
Here’s a little playlist inspo. for my titles and songs that I felt matched the mood I was going for. Take a listen!
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Also, here are some moodboards & other inspo images for this series.
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A/N: This is kind of a slow burn with this mini series. The reader and Lee aren't going to be together right off the bat. The first part is more focused on Lee and the second part is more focused on the reader! I would also like to note that this is my first time writing smut for this series so it might not be the best, I ask that you please be kind. I do not claim to be a professional writer, any and all mistakes are my own; nothing is beta read. Please be sure to read any and all warnings, minors will be blocked! Lastly, the any dividers were made by @firefly-graphics and any moodboards that you see were made by me! I hope you enjoy!
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Part One: The Beast
Part Two: Trouble Ahead
Part Three: The Devil Wears a Suit & Tie
Part Four: Dark Paradise
Part Five: God's Gonna Cut You Down
Part Six: I Will Never Die
Part Seven: Anything Goes
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Sheriff. Interrupted.
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Summary: You can’t fix him. But you can do something else…
Pairing: Lee Bodecker x fem!Reader
Warnings: language, shameless ogling, implied smut, cocky reader, we love our belly daddy
A/N: A short drabble to get back into writing for Lee.
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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“Y/N, pining over that guy is tragic. Stop staring at him,” you sip at your drink while staring at the newly elected sheriff in your sleepy town. “Babe, you lived in New York and Paris. You cannot drool all over the small-town sheriff.”
“I can and will drool all over him if I want to. He’s kinda cute with his belly. Just look at him,” your friend rolls his eyes as you watch Lee look around the bar before he stuffs another taffy into his mouth.
“I love you, but you are crazy. Babe, I know you always try to fix a hopeless case, but you cannot fix this guy.”
“Maybe I can’t fix him,” you lick your lips as Lee dips his head to look your way. He holds your gaze. You ignore your friend and lift your glass, smirking at Lee who runs his hands over his thigh, “but I can fuck him, babe.”
“I wouldn’t poke that guy with a stick.”
“I bet you’d love it when he pokes you with his stick,” you sass back. “You love a nice dick, don’t you? I bet that cute little sheriff has a big dick.”
“I got no clue about his dick, but he’s got a big belly.”
“Just imagine,” you slide your tongue over the rim of your glass, “he presses it against your back while he fucks you so hard from behind you don’t feel your legs any longer.”
“Not. Going. To. Happen,” Shevon huffs when Lee gets up to make his way toward your table. “Fuck, I’m out of this. Don’t get yourself into trouble, Y/N. Be a good girl and just don’t…”
“I can’t promise anything, Shevie,” you give your friend a wink. “Go and get that hot guy from earlier. He was drooling all over your cute ass.”
“My ass ain’t cute, it’s perfect and you love it.”
“I do,” you grin. “Maybe, one day, I’ll bite your cheeks…”
Shevon pecks your cheek. Before he goes, your friend mumbles another warning in your ear. “Be careful. Don’t go home with that guy,” he says and turns to leave. “Give me a call, babe.”
“Will do,” you giggle as the sheriff straightens his leather jacket. He stopped a few feet away from your table to check on his outfit. “Come over, sweet sheriff. I’ll have fun with you tonight.”
You watch him walk toward your table, an amused smirk on your lips.
“Miss, uh-“ Lee clears his throat. He stands in front of your table and hopefully looks at you. “I hope I don’t overstep, but you were looking at me for a while. Do you want to have a drink with me?”
“How can I say no to the elected sheriff of this town,” cooing the words you give Lee your sweetest smile. “I was hoping that you come over to talk to me, sheriff.”
“Lee,” he offers his hand. “A pretty dame like you can call me Lee. What about your friend from earlier? I hope he doesn’t mind I want to buy you a drink.”
“He’s busy chatting some nice guy up,” Lee grins now. “I don’t think he’ll remember my name by the end of the night, Sir.”
“I hope you’ll only remember my name by the end of the night, sweetness,” the sheriff leans closer to purr in your ear. “Do you want me to teach you how to scream it?”
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Tags in reblog.
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foxgloveprincess · 2 years
Going for a Drive
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Word Count: 615
Warnings: Barely Any Editing, Mildly Suggestive Themes, So Much Fluff (you might barf). Minors do not interact (18+).
Divider by @firefly-graphics.
I love feedback, so go ahead and reblog if you want. No permission given to copy, translate, rewrite or post my work, at all. I cross-post to my AO3 account (FoxglovePrincess). Seeing this anywhere else means it’s been stolen/plagiarized.
Please DO NOT click ‘Keep Reading’ if you are not 18+ years of age. Thank you.
Your feet are aching. Absolutely barking. You don’t think you ever wanna stand up ever again. Even though you know it’s exactly what you’ll be doing day after tomorrow.
You sigh, head hanging low as you grab your cardigan and purse from the back and punch out. It’s just another day. Another couple hours to add to your paycheck. Just a few more shifts until you’ll have enough saved to buy your guy something real special. That’ll make all the extra time worth it.
The sun’s dipping toward the horizon as the bell jingles over the door. Hettie calls out a weary farewell from behind the counter, which you acknowledge with a half-hearted wave. And when you lift your head to look out at the road, you’re stopped in your tracks.
There he is, right outside, leaning on his cruiser and chewing on a toothpick while he checks his watch. You pause, stunned.
“What’re you doing here?” you ask with a bit more surprise and indignation than you mean.
But he just peeks up at you with his head tilted and this charming smirk that makes your heart go pitter-pat, and you know he’s taken no offense. That, if anything, he’s amused.
“C’mon over here, darling, gimme some sugar,” he beckons with a gesture of his head, “been craving it all day.”
Your lips purse, not wanting to give in even as the butterflies flutter like a blizzard in your belly. “You want some sugar, it’s 12¢ a pound. Hettie can help you right out, but I’m off the clock.”
You hike your purse strap higher on your shoulder and cock your hip out, pleased-as-punch grin on your face.
He groans and steps away from his car, stalking closer until you can smell his aftershave and the cinnamon candy on his breath.
“Don’t be like that,” he pleads, tucking his finger beneath your chin until he can fit his face right against your throat and place a buss right where it makes your knees knock. “Gimme a kiss, baby.”
He catches you with his crystal blue eyes and you can’t resist, holding onto his shoulders when he dips his head to kiss the soul right outta you. When he breaks away, you’re left dazed, lips still searching for his until you bump right against him and he steadies you by your waist.
“Gosh, Sheriff, what’s a girl to do when you treat her like that?” you ask breathlessly, feeling heady desire pool within you, tingling to your toes.
He chuckles, deep and dark and absolutely delicious. A faint pink blushes his cheeks when he looks away, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and guiding you to his cruiser. The door opens with a pop and he helps you in. A handful of daisies wait over on the passenger side, sweet smelling and picked especially for you, along with a thermos of something warm to keep you toasty inside—as if you’ll need anything more than him. A smile tugs at your lips.
“We’re going on a drive, darling,” he informs you as he dips into the drivers seat after you and pushes you across the bench seat just enough to give him room to sit.  
Leaning up against his side, hands trailing lazy patterns under his soft leather jacket, you coo as the car rumbles to life. This is it—perfection. You would live, if you could, in this front seat with him.
“Sounds perfect,” you reply with a lingering kiss to his jaw.
The road is long and open as he cruises past the town limit. No one else driving around. Just the two of you, cuddled close together as time stretches on infinitely.
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Devil in Disguise... Part 29/?
Lee Bodecker x reader
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<Part 28<
Warnings: 18+ readers only, swearing, implied murder, death, house fire, naked, office sex, unprotected sex, choking, gagging, spanking
Lee smirked proudly to himself as he listened to you explain your masterplan  whilst you sat in his lap at the kitchen table. "Damn, Sugar, should I be worried? How'd y'know know all this?" He asked looking up at you, his large hand stroking the soft skin under your skirt.
You bit your bottom lip as you played with his shirt collar, shrugging your shoulders. "I like to read crime books." You smiled.
Lee raised his eyebrow at you, "Ain't youn' girls s'posed to read romance books n' fairytales?"
You rolled your eyes, "If I was five, maybe, but I ain't." You huffed.
"Okay, darlin', I ain't mean nothin' by it." He smiled as he reached up and stroked your cheek, "I was just curious about why my sweet little sugar was such a mastermind?" He chuckled softly making you blush.
You shrugged bashfully, "I can't help it," You smirked at him, "Besides, it's your fault."
Lee's eyebrows raised, "My fault? What I do?"
You giggled, "I only read crime books so I understand your work." You admitted with a blush.
Lee's lips stretched into a wide grin as he pinched your chin between his thumb and index finger. "I love you, Sugar."
Lee shut the door of his cruiser before he began to make his way towards the still smoking house. He frowned and looked around the scene before he looked at the deputy in charge.
"Wha'cha know, deputy?" He asked, his hands on his hips.
"The neighbour, Mrs Blair, said she was woken up at one this morning by a strange sound coming from next door. When she looked out the window, she saw that the house was on fire. By the time the fire department arrived, the house was pretty much engulfed. They only just got it out not that long ago." The young deputy gulped. "And that's not all, sir. They found a body."
Lee let out a heavy sigh, "Shit."
The deputy nodded, "Sir, a neighbour across the street... Hmm, said that... Hmm, that-"
"Spit it out, deputy." Lee glared at him.
"He saw you leavin' the house just before half ten last night." He frowned.
Lee nodded, "Of course he did, Deputy. I dropped, Mrs Riley, home last night. I was down at the bar with my girl's grandpa n', Mrs Riley, was there, drunk as a skunk n' causin' problems." Lee frowned, noticing the deputy's lack of eye contact. "What is it, deputy? Don't believe me?"
The young deputy shook his head looking panicked, "Of course I do, Sheriff... I just, thought, after all the trouble she's put you through since her son passed, I thought you would just have, thrown her in the cells or something?"
Lee let out a short chuckle, "Son, I ain't gonna punish a woman grievin' for her son n' looking for someone to blame. She needed someone to help her n' as Sheriff, I have a duty to protect." Lee nodded looking down to the floor briefly, taking a deep breath, "How do they think the fire started?"
The deputy sighed, "She was laid on the sofa, sir. Looks like the fire started in the same place, so most likely she was smoking and fell asleep."
Lee reached up and took his hat off, pushing his hair back before replacing his hat.
"God damn..." His brow creased as he looked back at the burnt home. "Alright, deputy, I'll leave you to it. Keep me updated." Lee tipped his hat to the deputy before heading back to his cruiser, a smirk threatening to curl at his lips.
Of course Mrs Riley's neighbor saw him, Lee wanted it that way. He wanted people to see him being the good Sheriff, helping a drunken grieving mother into her home safely. How was Lee to know when he left Mrs Riley she'd light a cigarette and fall asleep on the sofa with it where she'd knocked over a bottle of liquor, the perfect fuel for a house fire?
"Come in!" Lee shouted out to whoever was knocking on his office door. Lee looked up and began grinning as you opened the door. "Baby girl, wha'cha doin' 'ere?" He asked as he walked round his desk.
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips as he pushed the door closed and locked it before pulling the blinds shut to give the two of you some privacy.
"I heard the news." You placed your hands on his chest, "I wanted to make sure you were okay?"
Lee nodded as he slipped his arms around your waist. "M'fine, Sugar." He smiled, "No need for ya' to come down 'ere."
You began smirking as you trailed your fingers across his firm chest. "Actually, I have another reason for comin' down 'ere."
Lee's brow furrowed, "You do?"
You hummed and stepped out of Lee's arms smirking and walked over to his desk. "What do you think of my coat?" You asked him, holding your arms out.
Lee looked you up and down with a frown. He shrugged. "Ain't it a little warm to be wearing a rain coat, Sugar?"
You bit your bottom lip and wrapped your hands around the belt of your trench coat. "You're right, Sheriff, it is." You untied it and pulled the material off your body, letting it fall to the ground around your feet. "Much better."
You let out a playful giggle as Lee stared at your naked body, lust filling his eyes and his cock hardening in his pants. He stared at your chest, watching your nipples harden from the cool air.
Lee gulped and ran his tongue over his bottom lip. "What's this?" He asked with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes playfully, "I know you've been thinkin' 'bout fuckin' me in your office with just this on." You held your left hand up to show your engagement ring. "What better time than now?" You grinned at him.
Lee let out a low growl and closed the gap between you, crashing his lips against yours as his large hands grabbed your waist, pulling you close.
He pulled back with a grin and quickly swiped the contents of his desk to the side. "Bend over, darlin'." He spun you around delivering a harsh slap to your backside making you yelp.
You bent over his desk with your heels still on, your ass in the air and gave it a wiggle. "This how you want me, Sheriff?" You smirked at him over your shoulder.
"Left leg up." He ordered as he unbuckled his belt and pushed down his pants enough to free his cock. He wrapped his hand around his cock as you did as he said. "Good girl," He smirked to himself as he reached down and ran his knuckles through your folds. "Fuck, Sugar, already so wet for me."
You let out a little whimper, "Please, Sheriff," You tried to push yourself closer to Lee's fingers.
Lee chuckled softly, "Don't worry, Sugar, I'll give ya' what you need."
Lee placed his left hand on your waist as he took a hold of his cock and lined the bulbous head against your wet core before he began to fill you.
"Relax, sweetheart," Lee slowly pulled back as he ran his hand over the small of your back soothingly. "Good girl." He whispered as he pushed back inside you with ease. "Fuck," Lee moaned as he bottomed out.
You curled your fingers around the edge of the desk. "Please, Sheriff... More." You begged softly.
Lee smirked, "Such a desperate little whore." He slapped his large hand against your packside before he reached forwards and grabbed a hold of your left wrist and pulled your arm behind your back. "Don't worry, Sugar, I'll fuck ya' just how you want."
You let out a deep groan as Lee quickly pulled out and pushed back as he held your left arm behind your back. As Lee fucked into you, his eyes were fixed on your engagement ring as it sparkled. A sense of pride filled his chest and made him move with more force.
He slipped his arm under your leg and held your wrist as he leaned over you. You let out a low moan as you felt Lee's tummy press against your back, your cunt squeezing around him. He reached round and wrapped his right hand around your throat lightly so he could raise your face from his desk, crashing his lips against yours in a needy, sloppy kiss. His tongue forcing its way into your mouth as you moaned deeply.
Items on Lee's desk began to rattle and fall onto the floor as the desk began to shake fiercely.
"Fuck, Sugar," He smirked against your lips, "Yer pussy was made for me."
You cried out, "Yes!" You groaned deeply as Lee touched that spot. "Oh, God,"
"Shh," Lee moved his hand up and forced two of his fingers inside your mouth, pressing your tongue down to silence you. "We ain't want my deputies to 'ear ya' bein' a whore, do we?" He smirked as he hit that spot again that made you cry out around his fingers.
Lee didn't care who heard. You were his girl and if anyone dared say a word to bad mouth you, he'd take care of them.
"Shit!" Lee growled, your cunt squeezing his cock.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and a muffled scream left your mouth as you felt your orgasm rip through your body.
Lee's right hand gripped your hip firmly as he hammered into, "Fuck!" He stilled and came inside of you making you moan and arch your back as you pushed yourself back onto him.
Lee removed his fingers from your mouth and replaced them with his own mouth, kissing you softly.
He pulled back from you with a soft smile. "Did I hurt ya', Sugar?" He asked and slowly began to peel himself from you.
You shook your head, your eyes tired as Lee helped you to stand on your wobbly legs. "Worth it." You mumbled, smiling to yourself.
Lee rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh. "C'mon, I'll take ya' home." He smirked at you. "Maybe I'll have lunch... Between your legs."
Tags: @hawkeyes-queen @boringandbored @lewisroscoelove @fangirlfree @am-i-rite-ladies @calimoi @wintasssoldier @gh0stgurl @chrisevanseagletattoo @hcaldwell016 @coffeebooksandfandom @buckssweetheart @adoreyouusugar @lli95s @buckysforeverprincess @povlvr @hereforthemarvelidiots @avocadotoasts-world @smash-styles @auntiegigi @smile1318
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myfictionaldreams · 11 months
Day 28: Cockbulge - Lee Bodecker
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Summary: Being the new secretary at the Police Station had been quite the adjustment, but now, you're left alone with the handsome Sheriff, Lee Bodecker.
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, dubious content (slightly), injury/blood (cut to knee), clumsy!reader, size difference, cock bulge, dry humping, innocence, protective, authority/power play, praise kink, sir kink, rough sex, creampie, sucking fingers
masterlist 📚 
kinktober masterlist😈 
AO3 Link 
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It had been a long first week at your new job as a secretary at the police station in Knockemstiff. Everyone had been pleasant and welcoming, which had calmed your nerves as you were completely new to the area, deciding to move across the country to have a fresh start.
Tonight, you decided to stay late to finish the remaining paperwork stacked up throughout the day. As you were so new, it was taking you some time to get used to filing and completing the documentation; therefore, you decided that if you stayed behind after everyone had left, you could complete it at a leisurely pace without making any mistakes.
What you hadn’t anticipated was the Sheriff had also decided to stay and sit in his office, the only light illuminating the building except for the lamp on your desk and in the kitchen. Everywhere else had a dark shadow that had your eyes flicking to check that there wasn’t something hiding in the darkness and still trying to get used to being in a new environment.
Glancing at the clock on the wall, you saw it nearing midnight and yet; there was still a sizeable stack of papers next to you on the desk. Deciding you needed a freshen-up, you stretched your arms high above your head, moaning quietly as different areas of your body popped and clicked.
You were planning to go and make yourself a coffee, but the light illuminating the edge of the room caught your eye. It was polite to ask if the Sheriff would like a coffee as well, but that included talking to him, which so far had been an unsuccessful feat as he always made you nervous enough to fumble your words. Not only was he in a position of great power, but Sherriff Lee Bodecker was incredibly handsome, from his tall stature, piercing blue eyes, buzzed hair and soft belly that was beginning to strain against his belt. Every single part of him had your insides fluttering and your mouth unable to form coherent words.
You seemed to chastise yourself constantly for being so foolish around him, knowing that he was your boss and you’d have to speak to him multiple times a day, so it was about time you got ahold of yourself. However, this was easier said than done.
Baby steps, you reminded yourself. You didn’t need to go in and ask about his childhood. All you needed to do was knock on his door and ask if he’d like a coffee.
Taking a deep breath and straightening the material of your knee-length floral dress, you moved towards his office. The door lay open as if he was waiting for you, but quickly shaking your head, you knew your mind was playing fantasy tricks. The Sheriff sat behind his desk, a tall lamp over his shoulder, the only light fixture turned on as his eyes darted around the file in his hands.
Knocking three times gently on his door, you tried not to flinch as he looked up, the crease between his eyebrows smoothing as he smiled at your presence. “Would you like a coffee,  Sheriff?”
“Yes, please, Sugar” he smiled appreciatively, and you gave him a kind one in response, turning towards the kitchen area. As you switched on the coffee machine and waited for the water to warm, you arranged two cups on the countertop, and the anxious little voice in your head began to overthink the entire interaction. Sugar? Was he calling you a cute nickname, or was he asking for sugar in his coffee? How could you not know how the Sheriff likes to have his coffee already? You’ve been working for him for seven days already; this should have been the top three things you should know as the secretary.
So lost without your thoughts, you hadn’t heard his footsteps following behind you until he asked you a question, but your squeal in fear drowned out what he was asking as you quickly spun on the spot. In doing so, your elbow caught one of the coffee cups that fell off the side and smashed on the floor.
Your eyes widened in fear as you instantly were on your knees, reaching for the tiny shards that once created a cup. “I’m so sorry, Sheriff! I’ll pay for this, I promise. I wasn’t looking where I was going with my clumsy arms and-”
“Hey, hey, it’s alright, Darlin’, it’s only a cheap coffee cup, there’s no need to fret. Here, let me pick that up; I don’t want you accidentally cutting yourself now”.
Lee tried to take the shards of the cup from your palm, but you shook your head, “No, Sir. I’ll clean it. It’s my mess; I’m really sorry. I’m never usually this clumsy, I promise.”
“Sweetheart, it’s fine! But I must insist you give me those pieces before you hurt yourself”.
He was so close to you that you could feel his warmth as his fingers wrapped beneath yours and tilted what you had collected into his hand. Looking at him through your lashes with shame, embarrassment, and guilt, you were about to thank him when a sharp pain cut through your knee as you moved positions. “Thank you, Sheriff, I- ow!”
Both of your eyes lowered to your knee as you sat back onto the balls of your feet, lifting your dress and knee to see a portion of the broken cup had lodged into your skin, partially sticking out, and blood already leaking down your shin.
“Careful! Let’s get you in the light better. I’ve got you, put your arms around my shoulders”. The pain was increasing, which only meant you were half paying attention. All you knew was that you didn’t want to move your leg, but the Sheriff was in front of you, moving your hands for you until they rested on his uniform-covered shoulders.
As he stood, his arms wrapped around your waist, helping you to stand on one leg and then hop over to the table in the centre of the kitchen area. When your arse was brushing against the solid wood, his hands once more lowered to your hips, where he was able to lift you until you were sitting on the surface.
Even with your pain, your cheeks were aflame with embarrassment at his touches. Having him so close, you could smell the reminisce of his aftershave that he’d put on in the morning hour. It had an underlying spice scent while also remaining sweet, like vanilla. Then there was the searing heat remaining on your waist and hips from where his hands had touched; it was as if his hands had burned through your clothes altogether with the lasting impression that they had left.
The Sheriff had rushed to find the first aid box beneath the kitchen sink and was standing before you a second later; his eyebrows furrowed like they had been before you interrupted his reading. The table was positioned directly beneath the kitchen light so the two of you could see the extent of the damage. The shard wasn’t as deeply embedded as you’d first thought, but enough blood had flowed that a streak of red now pathed down your leg and pooled in your sock.
The sight instantly made you feel as if you were on a boat. Nauseous and dizzy as you swayed slightly. “Woah, ok, so you aren’t a fan of blood. Just look at me, Sweet, or better yet, lean on my shoulder and look in the other direction. That’s good; now, take some deep breaths. I don’t want you passing out on me, alright?”
You weren’t able to respond with the fear that you might vomit on your new boss, so you just followed his instructions. First, by looking up into his handsome, welcoming face and then leaning your cheek onto his shoulder, looking away from the mess running down your leg. As you continued to feel light-headed, Lee held his arms around your waist, his thumb stroking in gentle circles that helped to ground you at the moment, his touches once again causing warmth to bloom wherever he was, from the hands-on your body to the shoulder against your cheek.
Long minutes go past as you breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, trying to regain any sort of control over your traitorous body. Feeling strong enough to have some composure, you realised, to your horror, that you’d been gripping onto his biceps like your life depended on it.
Releasing him with a gasp, your face tilted to look up at him. “I’m so sorry!”
“Why are you apologising? You’ve not done anything wrong” he tried to calm you with a soft stroke of your cheek with the back of his fingers, and it felt as if all air seemed to be sucked from your lungs. Lee smiled down at you before turning serious, “Why don’t you continue to lean on my shoulder, and I’ll clean your leg up?”.
Nodding your head as words seemed to fail from your mind at all the intimate touches that had passed between you and the Sheriff, you leaned your face against his cheek, looking away from the direction of your pained knee that had now turned into a deep throb of pain.
“You’re shaking, Darlin’. Just hold onto me; everything’s going to be just fine. You won’t need stitches from the looks of it. I’m just going to clean you first, then I’ll take out the shard”. Once more, you nodded your head in response and mentally screamed at the fact that you weren’t shaking because of the injury or the light-headed sensation but because you were nervous about being close to him.
Lee rummaged through the first aid box next to you and then began to clean the blood off of your leg. “How are you finding it here in Knockemstiff?” the Sheriff asked casually, trying to make small talk and distract you.
“I’m really enjoying it, sir; everyone’s been so welcoming and friendly”, you responded after a shaky breath, hands moving to grip the edge of the table so you refrained from grabbing onto him.
“Good. Do you live alone, or did your family move with you?”
Your entire body felt as if it was floating with the overwhelming emotions going through your body with having the Sheriff’s hand running up and down your leg; occasionally, his fingertip would brush against the skin directly, and you had to bite your lip to stop an embarrassing squeak from coming out of your mouth. “I live alone. My family live on the other side of the country. It’s just me”.
The hand on your leg paused momentarily before continuing towards your knee. “Pretty girl like you all by yourself? I don’t like the sound of that”, he mutters, almost so faintly that you weren’t sure if he had intended for you to hear it or not, but it had the desired effect anyway as your body involuntarily shivers.
Your tongue suddenly felt like it was made of lead as you responded, “It can be a little scary, but at least I know I’ve got a protector like you looking after the town, Sheriff”.
The shoulder you were leaning on shifted backwards as Lee tilted his body so that he could look down at you. You couldn’t understand the expression he was portraying; his eyes were unfathomably dark in the bright, overhanging light, and they seemed to be tracking every little movement of your face. “Of course, Sweet. I’ll always be here to protect you”.
“There, the worst is over with now”. You had been so distracted with mesmerising his face this close, particularly the shape of his lips, that you hadn’t noticed that he had gripped the object in your knee, pulled it out and then quickly covered the cut in his wipe. “Sorry, I’m just going to move a little close to look at the damage”, he explains whilst shifting forward. In doing so, he pushed between your legs, causing them to spread further and him to be flush against your body.
Your mouth dried, fingernails digging into the wood. You’d only ever had one man this close to you before, and that was your ex-boyfriend, who you’d thought was the love of your life, allowing intimacy to occur because you were meant to be together forever. Then, one day, he decided he wanted that with the neighbour instead. This was the main reason for you moving across the country, but now, having the Sheriff this close felt both scandalous and yet safe, trusting your new boss as he was only helping you.
Deciding to believe this, you leaned further against him, but in doing so, your thigh pressed against something in his pocket. Assuming it was his gun, you didn’t see the need to move away from him and remained close, savouring the warmth he was providing you.
Maybe you were tired and somewhat delirious still from the current events, but it took you much longer than it should have to realise that the Sheriff’s hips were moving against your thigh, causing the sensitive skin to chaff. Your eyes had been closed but soon snapped open as your posture straightened.
Your mouth opened and then closed as you struggled to decide what to say. The hardness that was stroking against your thigh was definitely not his gun, which you realised should have poured fear through your soul, but your traitorous body reacted in another way as warmth bloomed in your panties and core.
Before you could react further, the Sheriff was moving away, “All done. You’re as good as new, Darlin’”. 
The warmth of his body stepped back as he moved to dispose of the bloody wipes and wrappers from the bandaid that now lay across the small cut on your knee. You inspected the area, mainly as a distraction so you didn’t have to look up at the Sheriff, worried that he’d see the glassy-eyed expression etched across your face or that you would see the bulge that had just been pressing against you.
“I think it’s about time we called it a night. How about I drive you home?” he suggested from across the room.
“Ye-yeah. You don’t have to drive me home, though, Sheriff. I only live down the road; I can just walk”.
As you were about to jump down from the table, he was in front of you again, that crease returning between his eyebrows as he looked at you disapprovingly. His hands rested next to yours on the table's edge as he leaned his weight on them, lowering himself so the two of you were now at eye level. “Now I won’t be having that. I’m not letting such an innocent-looking girl walk around in the middle of the night. You don’t know who is watching in the shadows. Go and get your coat; I’ll wait by the door”.
You gave him a thankful smile and embarrassingly squealed as his hands returned to your hip, and he pulled you off the table and back onto your feet. With the adrenaline coursing through your veins, you ran to your desk, trying to tidy it quickly before grabbing your coat.
Ever the gentleman, Lee held the station's door open, as well as his cruiser's passenger door open for you to get into his car. It felt odd for you to be in the front of the police car but also thrilling in a strange sort of way, and some naughty part of your brain couldn’t wait to get home so you could get the frustrations out of your body with the head of the shower between your legs.
Giving the Sheriff directions to your home, you both drove in a comfortable silence. However, being so close to him, in the contained metal box of his car, your wandering eyes kept slipping back towards him. Not only were you staring at his face, but your eyes dipped to his crotch. You would internally use the excuse it was to see if it was his gun, but this was strapped to the side of his hip, and yet, the bulge was still very evidently there.
“Do I have something on my face?” he asked innocently, rubbing his chin as your face scorched with heat; having been caught, you couldn’t find the courage to talk, so you shook your head and kept your eyes out the window.
Thankfully, the ride home didn’t take long, and he was pulling into your drive. The Sheriff looked intently at your house and the surrounding area that didn’t have many street lights as it was a private area. The trees loomed high, causing the space to look even more intimidating with shadows and darkness.
“Thank you so much for the ride home, Sheriff and for helping me with my knee. I promise I’ll buy the station a new cup. Anyway, you get home safe”. One hand on the door handle, your other was quickly gripped by Sheriff, halting your movements to leave his car as your head snapped to look at him with a confused frown.
“I don’t like you being out here by yourself. Just for my own sanity, do you mind if I do a quick check of the property? I don’t think I’d be able to sleep once I’m home to know I’ve not properly checked that you were safe”.
A gentle smile replaced your confusion as you nodded your head for him to do so, appreciating the help to make you feel safe. The two of you approached the front door, with the Sheriff helping to illuminate the way with his flashlight.
Once inside, you were quick to turn on the lights, thanking your past self for having decided to clean yesterday so it wasn’t in an embarrassing state for when your boss entered and searched the property. You waited patiently in the living area, listening to him walk throughout the house and checking behind doors that the windows and locks were secure.
“Sheriff, would you like a drink?” you shouted up the stairs.
“A coffee if you’d be so kind”, he responded quickly, and you were quick to move into the kitchen and place the pot on the stove, heating the water to a boil. You were still fresh to moving in and had already forgotten where you’d left the cups, and to your dismay, for some ungodly reason, you’d placed the nicer ones at the very top of the cupboard.
Straining onto your tip toes, you cursed yourself to hell for leaving the fancy cups so far away and the stepping stool in the other room as you tried your best to try and reach them. Just as they were a fingertip away, a solid, warm body entirely pressed against your back, and a giant hand collected the two cups and placed them on the counter in front of you.
“Than-Thank you, Sheriff”. You couldn’t help the stammer with having him practically on top of you, pushing firmly against your back so that your stomach ached from being forced into the kitchen side.
“It’s my pleasure, Sweet”, he replied with a tone you’d never heard before, low but authoritative. Before you could contemplate it any further, he shifted, and the bulge that you had once been against your thigh was now pressing against your lower back. You weren’t even breathing with the thoughts spiralling through your mind, anticipation and arousal returning with such a blow that you visibly shivered. The warm breath of the Sheriff then caressed the skin of your neck as he lowered his face. “I saw you staring at me in the car, those pretty doe eyes looking at their Sheriff in such a naughty way”.
Your mouth opened, prepared to try and defend yourself in a way you weren’t actually sure how, but his arms resting on either side of you, further trapping you in place, had any words dying on the tip of your tongue. “It’s fine, Darlin’. I was looking too. You’re just so damn breathtaking; all I’ve wanted to do this week is eat you right up”.
A mewl slipped past your lips as your eyes fluttered close and his nose brushed against your jaw. Lee smiled, hearing the pathetic noise, his body rutting against yours in response, “I know you want it too. I could feel how warm your arousal was as I was cleaning your knee, all flushed between those legs of yours. You just need someone to look after you, don’t you, Sweetheart?”
You were losing your mind, more whimpers bubbling from your chest as your head rolled back onto his shoulder, head tilting away to expose more of your neck for him. The Sheriff chuckled darkly, his lips skimming over your cheek as the two of you slowly rocked into one another, swaying on the spot.
You knew you should stop this before it escalated any further. He was your boss. Your Sheriff and you were sure it was somewhere in your contract that this sort of relationship shouldn’t form, but he was just so breathtaking, and you felt needy and lonely.
“Tell me you want this. I want to hear you say it”, he whispered against your ear, rocking his hips into your body still.
You spoke with the most confidence you could muster at that moment, “I want you, Sheriff Bodecker, I want this - please give it to me!”
He didn’t respond verbally at first. The Sheriff simply removed the water from the stove, turning off the heat. The chest against your back vibrated as he hummed his approval, one of his hands moving to cup your jaw. “Good girl. Now open those legs for me. Is this your first time?”
You swallowed audibly, widening your stance and spreading your legs, still using Lee as a support to keep you upright as you shook your head. “No, me and my ex-boyfriend, we…” your words trailed off, not finding the courage to say what you were both referring to.
Lee laughed against your cheek as he began to fumble with the skirt of your dress, lifting it at the back and gathering it around your waist. “Fucked? That’s what you wanted to say, isn’t it? My sweet girl isn’t as innocent as she looks”, he taunts whilst pulling your panties down your legs until you’re stepping out of them.
A faint buzz began to pound in your ears as he continued to hold your jaw so that you couldn't look over your shoulder at what he was doing with his other hand. However, the zipper noise that creaked through the thick atmosphere informed you of his actions. You were breathing heavily through your gaped-open mouth, knuckles aching with how badly you were clutching onto the countertop.
This was really happening. Your boss was going to fuck you against the kitchen cupboards after only knowing you for a week. How did it even go from finishing paperwork to this? You weren’t able to contemplate anymore as Lee lewdly spat into his hand and moved in between your bodies, smothering the tip of his cock with his spit, and then he was pushing up against you once more.
You jolted at the presence of his cock between your legs, fumbling to find its home, pressing between your soaked folds as Lee sucked in a quick breath. “So wet for me already. Do you really like you Sheriff that much?”
“Yes, sir”, you answered, sounding downright pathetic and needy as you tried to move your hips to help him find where you wanted him most, but his hard body kept you firmly in place.
Finally, he nudged at your entrance and wasted no time pushing within. You cried out as his thickness began to stretch you open thoroughly and deeply. Inch and inch delved between your folds as you savoured the delectable burn that came with his cock. You should have anticipated his size, considering the bulge that you’d been feeling and staring at it, but you couldn’t help but rise onto the tips of your toes as he pushed in further until both of your hips slotted together.
“Lord, you’re tight”, he praised gruffly, holding you tight enough that it was sure to cause bruises, but you didn’t care as you were completely under his control. “Bet you taste good too”. Without any warning, he eased the pressure of his body back for a moment to allow space for his hand that wasn’t gripping your face to delve down the front of your body and press against your throbbing clit, gathering the slickness onto his fingers. You gasped frantically at the stimulation and then groaned at the loss as his hand moved to his mouth, and you were praised with the beautiful noise of him moaning as he licked your juices from his fingers. “Fuck, I was right, you taste so damn good I just know I’m going to be addicted to you. Why don’t you have a taste, Darlin’”.
Your clit was being pressed on by his wet fingers once more, and then he was shoving them into your already open more which he kept open with the hand around your jaw. With your need to please him, you sucked hungrily at the three fingers wedged between your teeth, tasting the saltness of your slick and the uniqueness of his saliva.
Both of his hands remained there as he finally began to pull out and then slammed back in, causing burning pleasure to burst between your legs. Lee rested his forehead against the side of your face as he began to roughly fuck into you, keeping you entirely still with the way he had you pinned to the cupboards.
You’d never felt pleasure like this before; each thrust of his cock was never-ending euphoria, tightening and wetting your cunt. You continued to suck his fingers, using them as some kind of crutch so that you didn’t lose control completely, even though you were moaning incessantly.
Your hands moved to grip his wrists, your nails now embedded into his skin and causing crescent-shaped marks. Lee growled at the spark of pain, using this to motivate his harsher fucking movements until his hips were a blur of in and out.
The moans you were producing increased in pitch and desperation as you could feel the coil in your abdomen tightening at an alarming pace. The Sheriff could feel you becoming tighter around him as he groaned, biting the lobe of your ear that sent hot pain down your throat.
“You gonna cum for me, Sweet? Why don’t you cum on my cock, and I’ll give you what you really want” his words were promising, and you were too far gone to understand the implications behind his words.
Somehow, Lee fucked you even harder until there was no holding back anymore, and you came with a gush of fluid seeping down your thighs and screams that were muffled by the fingers in your mouth.
“That’s a good girl, feel so good trying to milk my cock. Let’s give you what you want, gonna fill you up so damn good”. As your eyes rolled back, the fingers disappeared from your mouth, causing a string of spit to drip onto your chin as Lee pressed his wet hand against the cupboard above your head, using it to hold onto so he could fuck you at a brutal pace until he was cursing, baritone grunts echoing around the kitchen as he came.
The extra fluid flooded out of your hole, joining the mess that already coated your thighs as Lee’s softening cock slipped out. Neither of you moved, though, taking these precious moments to try and catch your breath and come down from the incredible high.
Apprehension started to fill your consciousness as you feared what was to come after this, so tentatively, you asked gently, “Please don’t leave me tonight”.
You wanted him to stay; you needed to feel his warmth and know that you hadn’t just made the biggest mistake of your life. Lee kissed the underside of your jaw, “Don’t worry, Darlin’, I’m not going anywhere”.
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lanabuckybarnes · 5 months
💳💳💳 take all my money but pleeeeease write more about dirty big boy Lee who wants to give you his son because that small drabble had me sweatin already😮‍💨
Ask and thee shall receive!
Breeding Bitch
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(I do not own any photos, Credits to original owners)
Uhhh so this is fucking….maybe the warnings would describe this a bit better hehe 👀.
Pairing: Lee Bodecker x Reader
Warnings: Dark Lee!, LEE BODECKER!!, Dub/Non-Con Themes, Unestablished Age Gap but there is definitely one (Reader 20s, Lee late 30s/40s), Cheating (it's Lee), Teeny Size Kink if you squint, Names: Darlin, Good Girl, Baby, Slut, Bitch, Whore, Heifer, Girl. Handcuffing, Good ole Gaslighting, Degradation, Gagging, Dirty Talk, Cervix Abuse, Voyeurism? (Your father is in the next room), He uses the fact that your Pa is so close to his advantage, Mentions of Breeding, actually Breeding, Alcohol (Again, It’s Lee), Marking, Biting, Slapping, Bleeding (from yer cooch), Spitting, Daddy Kink, Rough P in V, Threats (Lee threatens your teeth), Dacryphilia, Panty Stuffing, Absolutely zero aftercare— if I’ve missed anymore, especially in a story like this one, please lemme know!!
Word Count: 1.2k
This is a doozy. I’ll put a lil palette cleanse at the end for you my loves ♥️
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“Augh shit you’re fucking tight” Lee growls above you, cock head pushed uncomfortably against your cervix, your hands cuffed above your head and your panties in your mouth.
You would never admit this to anyone. The almost nightly occurrences of Lee ending up in your little cottage on the hill, his pants round his ankles and his cock wherever he so chose.
It was his wife’s fault, he’d told you; she was sick, old and unable to give him what he wanted. That’s why when you moved into town, bright-eyed and innocent, he had to have you.
His head rolled with his eyes, a strained groan flowing from his lips as his tummy jiggled softly at the tightening of his core.
“Never get over a tight little pussy like this” You whined as he pushed further, sheathing his dick fully inside you.
What would your daddy say if he saw you like this, legs spread akimbo for a married man, the Sheriff no less? Your hands pulled against the cuffs attached to the headboard, the rhythmic clanging had Lee’s eyes shooting open.
“Hey now! Darlin” a huge hand smoothed over your metal clasped wrists before running down your arm to your left breast, he squeezed firmly.
“You wouldn’t want your daddy waking up now would you?” that fucking smirk, the dark look in his eyes— he had you, right where he wanted— the reminder of your feeble old Pa in the next room keeping you tamed, Lee didn’t care about him finding out about your little secret, he’d fuck you right in front of him, but he knew it would keep you pliant for him.
You stopped, hands hanging painfully from the cuffs.
“Good girl, knew you’d come around…now you let me breed this little cunt, loosen up a bit, enjoy it” The brandy on his breath had you queasy as it mixed with his residual cologne. His thick lips peppered marks all over your breast, tongue licking the flesh before biting down with a force that had your toes curling and you crying out into the cotton of your panties.
“Oh don’t be dramatic” he chuckled, slapping the reddened mark lightly. He groaned as he pulled his length out slowly, letting you feel each inch run over the stretched flesh of your heat until his cock head fell from you in a sickly squelch, his precum mixed with your blood.
“God baby, you’re fucking soaked…you like me doing this to you? Course you do you fucking slut” Lee gleams wickedly before launching a huge glob of spit over your clit and his head, his thick fingers circling your clit once, twice and then rubbing the saliva over himself.
He keeps your head still, forcing you to look at him as he pushes in again, making you watch as his dark eyes swim with amusement at your pathetic little whimpers.
“Mmmn…you know, if I didn’t have to do this, I’d feel bad for your stupid little face” Lee laughs, slapping his fingers against your cheek mockingly.
His patience had worn thin, you were lucky enough to get this much prep from him but he was over it now— the growing itch to fill your fertile little hole with his cum becoming too overwhelming.
He slams in, hitting your already abused cervix painfully. His pace is brutal, the only thing stopping the headboard from clattering off the wall being the pillow he’d so ‘generously’ placed between them.
“Oh shit! you fucking little breeding bitch, ahh I ain’t ever had a pussy this tight… fucking made for me, wasn’t it? Yeah, it fucking was” Lee rambles, as he usually does. You could do nothing but take whatever he was giving you, you wouldn’t dare fight back— did you even want to at this point? He had you all cock drunk, stupid little baby so you were.
“Mmm, baby you like this” Lee spoke assertively, punctuating each word with a hard thrust “Push me away as much as you want but at the end of the day you’re still gonna take my load happily… I mean look” he laughs as he pushes your legs from his wide shoulders, they fall open on their own. “You fucking hold yourself open for my spunk, you fucking want this, you need it… you want my son ya little slut”
The quick yank of your panties from your mouth made you gag slightly, the drool that had gathered falling from the corner of your mouth and into your tresses of hair. It amused Lee, watching you stare off into that little space you ran to, unable to control your body— you let him fuck you however he wante— no, however you needed.
Lee’s hand clasped around your face painfully, his thumb hooking behind your teeth “fucking answer me whore, or I’ll pull these out” a firm tug to your lower jaw warned you before he spat again, the hot liquid falling right on your tongue.
“I want this… wan you! Want your baby! Please Lee gimme your baby” you wailed, no longer caring about your volume.
“Good little slut, always begging for daddy ain’t you? You take this fucking baby, you take everything I give you” Lee’s pace stuttered, only for a second, but it told you everything you needed to know and you were disgusted at the way your body pled for it. The way your back arched, your pussy squeezing and frantic cries fell from your lips as your orgasm slammed into you like a train.
“Oh shit! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Lee practically screamed as he sank himself into one last time, releasing spurt after spurt of his thick, hot, cream against your bruised womb entrance. You don’t know how long his dick sat in your throbbing canal, only falling from you once he was fully soft.
“God, who’d I fucking bless to get a little heifer like you hmm?” He spoke eventually, kissing your cheek, allowing his tongue to poke out and lap at the salty tears falling freely from your big sad eyes.
“Don’t look so fucking upset at this, it’s a good thing, you’re being used for something great…I know girls that would have their panties round their ankles in no time if I let them” He chuckled while standing, fingers gripping your discarded undergarments to wipe along his cock, gathering his cum, and your slick; which had a tinge of red from the tear in your fragile skin he caused by stretching you out.
Once he deemed himself clean enough, he ran the panties through the mess pouring from your core.
“This won’t do, you’re supposed to keep it in” He tutted before pushing the soaked material into your stretched hole, his fingers stuffing the scratchy fabric into you carelessly. He made quick work of the cuffs digging painfully into your wrists, placing a quick peck over each dark mark around them.
“Tomorrow, I don’t want none of this fighting bullcrap you hear? No panties, no bra, no attitude— just you, alright girl?” He pushed your cheeks together, puckering your lips in the process.
You knew that what you said to him wouldn’t matter, he’d take you all the same so you just nodded like you would every single time his cerulean stare flickered over your much smaller structure.
“Atta girl” His lips grazed over your own, and then like a ghost, he was gone, leaving you to sob in a pile of your own mess.
I’m so sorry for him, he’s not usually like this, I promise he’s a nice guy 😔 🚩
Here’s your payment~
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 3 months
Hot Traffic Stop » Lee Bodecker
Pairings: Lee Bodecker x Female Reader
Summary: Your traffic stop turns into something hot.
Warnings: Smut (18+), language, flirting, dirty talk, kissing, unprotected sex, rough sex, public sex, Sheriff kink, praise kink, size kink, degrading, handcuffs, spanking, hair pulling, naming calling (slut), pet names
A/N: This was inspired by my trip to the beach on Sunday. I seen a lot of hot cops and immediately thought of Lee Bodecker. Enjoy!
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found it on Pinterest.
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You groaned when you seen red and blue lights flashing from behind you. You pulled over on the side of the road and rolled down your window, patiently waiting for the cop to tell you what you did wrong and give you a ticket. You glanced at your side view mirror to see the cop walking towards you. You couldn’t help but notice how hot he is, making you lick your lips.
“License and registration.” Lee says.
You gave him your license and registration. You checked him out as he was reading your information.
“Do you know why I pulled you over ma’am?” He asks, giving your license and registration back to you.
“No I don’t, Officer.” You answered.
“It’s Sheriff.” He politely corrects you. “You ran a stop sign back there.” He tells you.
“Oh I’m sorry, Sheriff.” You apologized. “I must’ve didn’t see it.” You say.
Lee noticed the way you pushed your breasts together with your upper arms to make your cleavage more presentable to him.
“Step out of the car.” He orders.
You obeyed his orders and got out of your car. You stood next to it, waiting for further instructions.
“Walk to my car.” He orders again.
You walked to his car and leaned against the front of it, waiting for more instructions.
“Arms out.” He orders once more.
You held your arms out and he began yo pat you down.
“Do you have anything on you that might poke me?” Lee asks.
“My nipples.” You answered cheekily, shaking your chest a little to make your breasts jiggle.
“Ma’am…” He warns.
“You asked and I answered.” You said. “Besides, you have something in your pants that might poke me.” You say, referring to the bulge in his pants.
“Ma’am, that’s highly inappropriate.” He says.
“Oh c’mon, Sheriff.” Your voice sounding seductive. “I’m just having some fun.” You say, biting your bottom lip.
You grasped his uniform shirt and stood on your tippy toes to kiss him sloppily. You pulled away from his lips, looking in his eyes that are now clouded with lust.
“Turn around and hands behind your back.” He orders.
You turned around and put your hands behind your back, facing his car. A tingle went through your body when you heard the clink of the handcuffs. He put the cool metal cuffs around your wrists and clicked them into place. Lee put his hand on the middle of your upper back and forcefully bent you over the hood of his car.
“Ooh, you like it rough, don’t ya, Sheriff?” You say cheekily.
A moan left your lips when his hand landed a harsh spank on your covered ass cheek. He kicked your legs apart before unbuttoning and unzipping your jean shorts. He pulled your shorts and panties down in one go, letting them pool around your feet. Your bare ass and wet pussy was now exposed to him.
Lee’s fingers rubbed in between your wet folds to your throbbing clit. You moaned and pushed yourself back against his hand. That earned you another smack on your ass, making you moan again.
“Since you’re acting like a little slut, I’ll treat you like one.” Lee says.
The sound of him unbuckling his belt and unzipping his uniform pants made another tingle go through your body. Lee pulled his hard cock out of his boxers and stroked it a couple times before lining it at your pussy. He rubbed his cock in your slick before lining it at your entrance. A loud moan left your lips when Lee slid his whole cock in your pussy with no prep at all. You did your best to try to accommodate his size.
“Oh Sheriff!” You gasped. “Your cock is so big.” You say.
“You can take it. I bet you’re used to taking big cocks in this tight little pussy of yours.” He says degradingly.
Lee degrading you only made you want him more. He pulled almost all the way out, only leaving his tip inside of you and slammed back inside of you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your mouth fell open at the feeling. Strings of moans left your lips. Lee got a good grip on your hips as he fucked you against the hood of his car.
You turned your head, looking over your shoulder at him. One of Lee’s hands left your hips and was placed on the back of your head, pushing it against the hood of his car and held it there. You could feel the warmth of it against your cheek.
“You could’ve gotten away with just a ticket, but you decided to be a little slut so this is your punishment.” Lee says.
His thrusts got faster after he said that. Lee picked up one of your legs and put it on the hood of his car so he could fuck you at a different angle.
“You know…” Lee groans. “Anyone could drive by at any given moment and see you getting fucked like a slut by the Sheriff.” He says.
The thought of someone driving by and seeing you getting fucked by the Sheriff turned you on more and made you want Lee even more.
The sun and Summer heat was beating down on the two of you. Sweat began to form on yours and his skin, making it even hotter than it already is for the two of you.
Lee’s hand that’s on the back of your head grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled you up so your back was against the front of his body. Your arms were trapped between your back and his stomach. His free hand left your hip and found its way to your jaw. He turned your head to the side and kissed you sloppily. Your lips parted just enough for him to slide his tongue in your mouth, exploring every part of your mouth.
He pulled away from your lips, leaving you breathless. He attached his lips to your neck, kissing along your sweaty skin. A gasp left your lips when his teeth bit down on your skin, hard enough to mark you up.
Your hands blindly felt for his button up shirt, clutching the fabric in your hands. You were so desperate to touch him, but you couldn’t do much with your arms handcuffed behind your back.
“Sheriff, please…” You whined. “Please let me touch you.” You begged desperately.
“I told you you’re getting punished. That means you can’t touch me.” Lee says.
You whined and huffed. That earned you a smack on your ass, making you yelp.
“Quit your fucking whining before I give you something to whine about.” He warns.
“Sorry, Sheriff.” You apologized with a pout.
“Good girl.” He praises.
His hands left your jaw and hair, finding their way to the bottom of your tank top. He pulled your tank top up above your breasts and pulled down your bra, exposing your breasts to him. His hands cupped your breasts, giving them a squeeze. His thumbs rubbed over your nipples before pinching them. A moan left your lips, along with your pussy clenching around his cock, making him moan. Lee did it again, earning the same reaction from you.
One of his hands traveled down your body, stopping on your clit and began rubbing it. His fingers worked fast on your clit, applying pressure on it. Your jaw dropped and your eyes fluttered shut. You tilted your head back against his shoulder, enjoying and loving the pleasure you were receiving from him.
Your legs started to shake from the amount of pleasure you were receiving from Lee. Lee wrapped his free arm around your waist, holding you against him and to keep you from falling. Your orgasm began to build up quickly. It felt like a rubber band was about to snap inside of you.
“I can feel you getting close, darling.” Lee almost whispers. “You gonna cum?” He asks.
“Mhmm, yes, Sheriff.” You moaned, nodding your head.
“That’s just too fucking bad.” He says.
“But I’m being a good girl!” You say with pout, trying to reason with him.
“Yes you are.” He confirms. “But you’re not cumming till I do.” He says.
You just pouted. Lee’s thrusts began to get sloppy, but he regained rhythm after a moment. His own orgasm began to build up the more your pussy squeezed around his cock. After a few more thrusts, he came inside of you, painting your walls.
“Cum for me, sweetheart.” He says breathlessly, rubbing your clit faster.
A high pitched moan left your lips as you came hard on his cock. His thrusts came to a slow stop. Both of you stood there, panting heavily. After a couple minutes, Lee pulled out of you and tucked his cock back inside of his boxers, zipping and buttoning his uniform pants and buckled his belt.
He took the keys of the handcuffs out of his pocket and unlocked the handcuffs and took them off of your wrists. There were red marks on your wrists from how tight the handcuffs were.
You pulled up your panties and shorts, zipping and buttoning them back up. You turned around to face Lee, waiting for him to give you a ticket so the two of you can be on your way.
“That was fun. We should do that again.” Lee says.
“Wait… you’re not giving me a ticket for running a stop sign?” You asked.
“Nope. Consider this a warning.” He says.
You smiled and walked back to car and Lee walked to the driver’s side of his car.
“If you ever want to do this again, you know where to find me.” Lee says before getting in his car and left.
-Bucky’s Doll
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lunarbuck · 1 year
Kinktober Week 1: Thigh Riding
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header by @jen-with-a-pen
Pairing: Lee Bodecker x f!reader (any race)
WC: 917
Prompt: Thigh riding
Warnings: swearing, thigh riding, heavy petting, pet names [sweetheart]
my masterlist | kinktober masterlist | @lunarbucklibrary
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The front door slams shut, and you jump at the sound, the wooden spoon in your hand clattering against the counter. You quickly pick it back up, stirring the soup you've spent all day making. Lee thunders into the kitchen, heavy footsteps dragging slightly against the tile floor. 
You throw a glance over your shoulder, finding your Sheriff boyfriend settling in at the dinner table. He shrugs off his jacket and places his hat on the table, running a hand over his hair.
"How was your day, sweetie?" You ask, turning off the stove. Just from the way he walked in, you know it probably wasn't great, but if that's the case, he'll need to get it off his chest. It's better to ask and hear about it than for him to keep it all bottled up.
"This reelection shit is really getting on my nerves," he grumbles. "And Sandy…" You don't have to look at him to know he's rolling his eyes at the thought of his sister. "I don't even want to think about all the problems she's causin' me right now." You nod along with his words, serving up the soup into two bowls and grabbing Lee a beer from the fridge.
Your skirt swishes around your knees as you move around the kitchen. Lee likes it when you wear skirts, but honestly, you really like it too. You like the way they move, the way they hug your figure and smooth out the parts you don't love so much. As you set the table, you can feel Lee's eyes follow you around.
"Well, you're a shoo-in for the election, hun. No one pays Sandy any mind." Lee mumbles under his breath, probably disagreeing with you, but you don't bother to hear it. Lee's a stubborn man, and you know when to pick your battles. 
"Smells good," he says, watching you place a bowl of soup in front of him. He leans down and breathes in the aromatic steam, a pleasant smile spreading across his face. You move to step away, but his hand grasps your waist. "You're always takin' such good care of me, sweetheart."
"Well, you're out there keeping me safe, taking care of everyone else," you reply, resting your hand on his shoulder. "It's the least I can do." Lee tugs you down to sit on his lap, and you wrap your arms around him. He's always liked holding you at the end of a long day. Knowing that you're safe and sound relaxes him. 
You lean your head on Lee's shoulder as he tastes the soup. He moans his approval, digging in for more. You hadn't always imagined this life for yourself. Stay-at-home-girlfriend wasn't what you'd originally planned to be, but truthfully, you enjoy it. You know you want to go back to work soon, but that's a problem for future you. Current you is loving the way Lee's fingers squeeze your waist, the way he's enjoying something you made.
Before you know it, Lee's bowl is empty. He leans back in his chair and lets his eyes roam over your figure. He shifts the way you're sitting so your legs straddle his thigh, and your skirt rides up with the movement. You can't help but tilt your pelvis, relishing the slight friction of his muscular thigh against your clit.
"Sweetheart," he warns as he runs his hands up your legs. "Don't go startin' somethin' you can't finish." You grin, rocking your hips against Lee's leg and ignoring his stern words.
"Who says I can't finish this, Sheriff?" Your fingers trail down the buttons on the front of his shirt before landing on the bulge in his slacks. His grip on your hips tightens, increasing the pressure on your clit.
Lee's eyes are fused to the spot where you're grinding against him, and he pushes your skirt up higher to see more. You know your panties are soaked, the fabric sticking to your sensitive flesh. You're desperate for more contact, to feel the rough texture of his slacks against your pussy.
"Fuck, sweetheart. You look so perfect, riding my thigh with that perfect pussy." Lee's words make your clit throb, and you grip his shoulders tighter. "Lemme help you with that." He reaches between the two of you and tugs your panties to the side, and groans, running his finger over your clit.
Each grind against his muscular thigh sends sparks shooting through your body, and every brush of his finger against your clit sends you plummeting closer to the edge. Lee's eyes are dark and hungry, watching you take your pleasure from him. 
"Lee," you whimper, tugging his head closer to kiss him. The moment your lips find his, he's devouring you. His tongue slides against yours, and you speed up your movements on his thigh. His fingers dig into your flesh, guiding your hips closer and closer to your orgasm.
"Come for me, sweetheart. Come for me and show me how perfect you are." His voice is raspy and deep, desperate. Your whole body tightens, and you hold your breath as you come. Lee watches with hooded, lust-filled eyes, drinking in the sight of you.
As you come down from your high, Lee hooks his arms under your ass, picking you up. He starts toward the bedroom, and you cast a glance at your bowl of soup, long gone cold.
"I'll reheat it, and you can eat it in bed, sweetheart. Let me take care of you first."
@flightlessangelwings | #fawktober2023 list
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I am discontinuing my taglist, more info to come! Follow @lunarbucklibrary and turn on notifications to be alerted of my new works. Must be 18+
Everything tags: @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida @emi11ie @paulasocean @silverfire475 @lovingchoices14 @nekoannie-chan @late-to-the-party-81 @chibijusstuff @midnightramyeoncravings @wickidlady @buckyb-stan @adoreyouusugar @sebastianstanisagod @kayden666 @km-ffluv @winters1917 @buckysprettybaby @youdontknowmegls @marvellover31415
Lee tags: @v-velvetykisscs @Aussiegurl1234 @Silly60sblog @wintasssoldier @hallecarey1 @jbucb @pattiemac1 @saiyanprincessswanie @purple-vegan @cope69seethe
Kinktober tags: @casa-boiardi @writing-for-marvel @harleycao
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urdepressedslut · 1 year
The Honeysuckle and the Thorn
♡ Pairing: Soft!Dark!Stepdad!Sheriff Lee Bodecker x Innocent!Fem!Reader
♡ Summary: He knew it was wrong to want his new wife’s daughter. He knew it was sinful to imagine him doing the most unholy things to her— but because it was wrong only made him want her more.
♡ Warnings: dark, innocence kink, age gap (reader in 20's), masturbation (both fem and male), dark sexual thoughts, pls read warnings
series masterlist ✧ part two
* You are responsible for your media consumption. Please do not proceed reading, if you have any kind of problem with any of the above written warnings.
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It was only fair that he deserved just a bite. One simple taste of your lips— one long caress of your skin. The sensation of your hair threading in between his fingers as he tugged harshly on the strands. He deserved to hear the sweet cries that would fall from your lips— the sounds he would undoubtedly hear if he ever had his way with you.
He knew it was morally wrong, the thought sickening to want you as badly as he did. But the fact was, the more reasons he tried to tell himself that it was wrong to want you. Sparked more reasons he should have you. The thoughts of missed experiences, missed relationships— moments he'd never get to have if he didn't have you. He wasn't the perfect man, but he was deserving of something good— pure.
Lastly, maybe because it was so forbidden is what made it so desirable— made you so desirable.
Truthfully, he didn't want you at first. The infatuation... well more like obsession— burned slowly. The flame always lit, but it was until a specific moment had the flame raging into a passionate fire.
Lee had started to see your Mother, the two flirting shamelessly when the Sheriff would visit the diner that your Mother worked at. It was romantic at first— Lee coming to visit with flowers in hand. Compliments that he knew would make your Mother flush. He always knew how to leave her speechless, and he hadn't even had her yet. A couple dates fly by and Lee had finally devoured her— finally finding someone to soothe his fix. Someone to satisfy his hunger... for now.
The two were inseparable, never wanting to leave each others side. As your Mother craved Lee, his heart and mind— he only craved your Mother for one thing at first. As time passed, he could feel himself start to care for her. Not only did she satisfy his hunger— but she also listened to him when he needed to vent about stress at work.
A year passed and the passion slowly started to fade, but didn't vanish completely. He found himself busier at work, and at the same time your Mother was taking more shifts at the diner. Although the passion was fading, things seemed to be getting more serious as Lee and your Mother moved in together. Your Mother already had a beautiful home, small but charming. It was then Lee discovered she had a daughter— you.
Lee was frustrated upon finding out about you, knowing that kids only added stress to his life. He was unhappy— and you seemed to start a series of constant fights between Lee and your Mother. The fights seemed to happen almost every night— and despite the frustration and growing toxicity of it all. They still wanted to be with each other. It was becoming a use for company— a way to not feel so alone at the end of the day.
Tension lingered constantly until Lee had met you finally one day in the kitchen. He hadn't known your Mother let today be the day for the first meeting. She wasn't even here. Lee found himself trudging into the room for some much needed coffee before he left for work— when he found you in a silk nightgown. A very see through nightgown, in fact. It left little to the imagination.
"Morning darling." The sheriff greeted, watching you jump and almost drop the mug you were holding.
"Oh my— you scared m-me!" You gasped, holding a hand to your heart. "Good morning... uh what would you like me to call you?"
"Lee's fine sweetheart. You're the (Y/n) I hear so much about." He thought out loud, giving you a once over.
"Hopefully all good things." You tried to joke, but deep down were afraid your Mother had said something bad about you.
Lee chuckled to himself, not wanting to really tell you that he hadn't heard much about you. The more recent interactions between you and your Mother fights— instead of conversations.
"Mother wanted to be here when you woke up— but she was called for an emergency at the diner." You informed him and he grunted in understanding. "It's nice to meet you Lee. I just wanted to thank you for making my Mother so happy. I'm sure we are going to get along just fine— I promise I won't be any trouble."
Making your Mother happy? Lee thought. She must be putting on a front for you— because things hadn't exactly been a walk in the park. Overall he appreciated you not being a demon child. In fact— you were much older than he was expecting you to be.
"Pleasure to meet ya darling— we will get along just fine." He told you with a smirk.
You smiled his way, before moving around the kitchen— trying to busy yourself from his intense stare that had your cheeks flushing.
Lee didn’t know why, but he suddenly felt an itch burning— a craving that needed to be satisfied. You were so young— so new to the big bad world.
He hummed and let his eyes roam over your figure again, taking in the way your nipples were poking through the nightgown. He had to bite his lip to keep the groan from escaping his lips. He could feel his pants growing tight from the sight of your eyes glancing up to him— so innocently like you weren’t standing here practically half naked in front of him.
“Does your Mother usually let you wear stuff like that?” He asked, speaking down to you.
You bit your own lip, looking down at your nightgown, the silk hiding very little of your body. You knew to never wear it out in public— but he was your Stepfather so you assumed it was okay.
“Y-yes… why do you want me to change?” You asked shyly, feeling insecure about what you were wearing in front of him now.
“Of course not sweetheart— you just gotta be careful dressing like that in front of strangers.” He pointed out, “You don’t have to worry when I’m around— I’ll protect you.”
You smiled at his protection, knowing you and your another were in good hands. If only you got a glimpse inside his mind.
“Thank you Lee, my Mother and I are lucky to have you around.” You told him, watching his smirk grow into a larger smile. “Would you like some coffee?”
He nodded and hummed, sitting down at the kitchen table, watching your body through the nightgown as you worked around the kitchen, getting the coffee prepared for him.
You finally set the cup of coffee down in front of him, standing close enough where Lee would get a whiff of your vanilla, buttery scent of your skin. The faintest smell of strawberries from your shampoo. It was like your scent was a drug— the smell filling his senses and pulling him into a trance.
The itch burned worse— the craving intensifying.
“Thanks darling, look at you being so helpful. Such a good girl, helping your stepdaddy get ready for the day.” He cooed, placing his free hand around on your back, stroking the exposed soft skin of the open back of the nightgown.
His touch made you shiver, the skin he was touching buzzing pleasantly. His hands were rough and textured, lightly scratching your smooth skin.
You looked away from him, trying to hide your flustered state. His touch and his words had you feeling fuzzy— a pleasant haze floating around your brain. It confused you.
“W-will you make it home in time to have dinner with Mother and I tonight?” You asked him, despite the butterflies floating around your tummy.
He moved his hand from the middle of your back to your hip, squeezing the flesh in his massive hands palming almost the entirety of your hip. The action made you gasp, your lower abdomen tingling.
“I’ll be there darling.” He whispered as he was even closer to you now.
You felt your body warming up from his body heat, despite the house being cool. Every time he’d touch you, your body had an odd reaction— one that you didn’t understand. But it had you squirming uncomfortably, not from him. From the fact that you suddenly needed something to soothe this tingle that kept creeping up.
“O-okay.” You breathed out, escaping him once he let you go, paying attention to his coffee.
You used that as your opportunity to leave the room without another peep, heading towards your room where you would lock yourself in— trying to understand this itch you so needed to scratch now. You sat on your bed wondering why you felt so unsettled, so incomplete. You were frustrated and decided to jump into the shower, get yourself fresh and clear your mind— then you’d head to the library.
You took your time in the shower, scrubbing your body all over— making sure every inch of your flesh was clean. You washed your hair, and soon as you found yourself done with your routine— you stayed standing under the water. You stared blankly at the shower wall as you were deep in thought. Your hand had a kind of its own, and you found yourself palming your tit.
You let your finger drag ever so slowly over the bud, and you had to bite your other hand to keep the gasp from escaping.
You felt utterly filthy. Even as you stood squeaky clean in the shower— you knew Mother would be so disappointed at your doing such sinful acts. You knew you should stop, drop your hands and get out— but your thumb continued to swipe and circle your bud, the sensation making you sigh into your hand.
It was something you had never felt before and you wondered— if it was so bad, why’d it feel so good?
The water started to turn cold, going unnoticed by you who was slipping into a blissful state— drowning out the world with the delicious sensation.
Little did you know, Lee had picked the lock on your door and was watching your silhouette through the curtain from the doorway— his own hand palming himself through his pants.
He watched with lust blown eyes as you played with yourself, the delicious quiet whines escaping your lips in a sweet melody. God he wanted to be the one to pull such sounds from you.
He didn’t know how this was going to work, he wasn’t sure he could control himself around you with your Mother around. He guess he would find out soon enough.
For now he scurried off with an aching member, heading into work— the only image of your bare body in his mind.
A/N: this series is gonna be filthy, get ready👀
TAGLIST: @lillytracy6996 @sebstanwhore
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chasingmidnights · 1 year
Cage the Devil Series
Title: God’s Gonna Cut You Down 
Summary: War has broken out between Jones & Bodecker and your family ends up getting in the crossfire. 
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Warnings: minors DNI, this is for 18+ only!! Amateur smut writing, unprotected p.i.v. sex; mentions of homicide/murder; mentions of character death & character death; mentions of guns/weapons/gunshots; mentions of blood; mentions of alcohol consumption/alcohol; minor swearing; Lee Bodecker (he’s a warning alright!); and I believe that is everything you should be made aware of for this part. I apologize if I missed anything but you are responsible for what you read so by clicking “keep reading” you accepted these warnings. All mistakes are my own, this is not beta read. I’m very much an amateur writer and I’m still very new to writing smut so please bare with me! 
Author's Note: the gold glitter divider is by @firefly-graphics
Wordcount: 4,875
The temperature continued to rise in the small town of Knockemstiff but that wasn’t the only thing that was rising. Lee grumbled to himself in his office at the Sheriff’s Department, it wasn’t even noon yet and he could tell this was going to be a shit day. He was going to need something stronger than coffee when he got home later. The paper he was reading broadcasted the most recent rise in murders in Knockemstiff. The paper was also slandering his name and how he wasn’t doing a good job as Sheriff. He sighed  as he put the paper down and took another drink of his luke-warm coffee. He generally didn’t care what people thought of him but more recently, he was starting to care about what a certain individual thought of him, you. In fact, he wished he knew what you thought about the most recent events.
You had done what he asked of you and had accepted Jones’s offer. Meanwhile, he had kept true to his word and stationed his best men at your mother’s house. He also became curious about your father’s death and started to do some digging. Lee was just graduating from the police academy when his death occurred. Lee vaguely remembered meeting him before he was assigned to his field trainer. He sighed and just as he was about to get up and get some work done, his phone started to ring, causing him to groan. It was probably the press wanting to pick his brain about these most recent homicides, which he already told them he couldn’t release at this time. He took a deep breath before he finally answered the phone. 
“Sheriff Bodecker.” He internally groaned when the person on the other line said that they were a reporter for the Knockemstiff Gazette. 
He ran a hand down his face as he thought how he was right. 
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You were sitting nervously in Jones’s office when he finally walked in, a smug smile on his face. It had been a few weeks of you passing along information, even if it were false, you couldn’t help but wonder if he bought any of it. As he walked over to his desk, you narrowed your gaze at him. He simply continued to smile at you in return as he pressed down the front of his suit before taking a seat in his luxurious, brown leather chair. You glared at him even more when he took his time writing a few things down before he even looked in your direction. The two of you stared at one another as a thick silence filled the room, the only thing that could be heard was the ticking of the clock. 
“So, anything new to report?” Jones inquired as he folded his hands together and placed them on his desk. 
You held his gaze for a moment before you spoke up, doing your best to keep your voice even. “He’s sending out a shipment up past Meade, this upcoming Friday morning.” 
You held your breath as you watched Doug jot down the information. Doug then let out a sigh, you could practically hear the disappointment in it. ‘Shit, this couldn’t be good,’ you thought to yourself as you felt your stomach drop. 
“Ya know, the last information you gave me was no good. You sent me to an EMPTY FUCKING WAREHOUSE!” Doug slammed his hand on the hardwood of his desk. The loud bang caused you to jump, not expecting this reaction from him. All you could do was watch as he took a deep breath and collected himself. “Now, would you care to explain?” 
“I don’t know, they must’ve already cleared it out or maybe Lee gave me wrong info-”
“DON’T LIE TO ME!” Doug interrupted you and he slammed his hand on the desk again. 
Before either of you could say anything else, a knock came from the door. You watched as Doug took another deep breath as he glanced towards the obnoxiously, loud ticking clock. Another knock sounded from the door, this time sounding a little more hurried than the previous one. A devilish smirk curled up onto the corner of his mouth as he finally answered. 
“Come in.” 
The door creaked open as it swung inward and your jaw nearly dropped at who you saw in the doorway. It was Lloyd Hansen, looking as smug as ever as he chewed on a toothpick. His cream colored pants cut off right at the ankle and his light pink and yellow striped collared polo shirt hugged him perfectly. His brown loafers scuffed across the hardwood floor as he strutted into the office. Your eyes followed him as he walked over to the drink cart and you didn’t miss the gun that stuck out from the waistband. When he turned around with a full glass in hand, he looked directly at you, eyeing you up and down as he did. A shiver ran down your spine as he looked at you, an uneasy feeling coming over you. Lloyd then walked over to the empty armchair that sat across from you and took a seat in it, he crossed his legs as he sat down and made himself comfortable. He smirked as he took a drink from his glass just as Doug spoke up again. 
“I take it the two of you are already acquainted with each other?” 
You rolled your eyes at Jones's remark causing Lloyd to chuckle.
“Oh yeah, well acquainted. I think sweetness here is probably one of my favorites, at least out of all of the women Lee has had. Caught a little preview of them fucking the other day when I went over to meet Lee to talk about some business. She’s quite the little screamer.” Lloyd answered before you could, he sent a wink in your directions as he took another drink. 
You felt like you were going to be sick as you tried to cover yourself, folding your arms across your breasts. 
“Well, this is awkward.” Doug commented as a thick tension rose in the room. 
A heavy silence filled the room, this time, you were the one who broke the silence. You were over this meeting and you were quite ready to leave. “Are we done here?” 
Doug started to click his tongue at your eagerness to leave. “You don’t even wanna know why I called him here?” 
“To torture me even more?” Your voice was laced with sarcasm as you answered. 
Lloyd chuckled at your boldness to use such a tone right now. “See, isn’t she just feisty? I love it.” 
Doug chuckled at Lloyd’s comment before he spoke up again. “No, well, in a way. I want you to understand the gravity of this. Lloyd is here because since the information you gave me was no good last time, let’s just say he’s here as an enforcer. One word and he’ll take a hit out on your mother.” 
Your stomach dropped at the threat as you glanced over at Lloyd. He had a smirk plastered on his lips before he hid it behind his glass as he took a drink. He sent you another wink which caused vile to rise up in your throat. 
“No, please-” 
“Then next time, give me something useful. I’d hate to have your only family member left killed.” Doug had cut you off, not giving you a chance to even try and plead. 
All you could do was stare at him in disbelief, your mind started racing as you did. You watched as he took this moment to write down a few things in his notebook. When he was done, he folded his hands together before he placed them on his desk. A thick silence filled the room once more and you felt like you could vomit. After a few tense moments, Doug finally spoke up again. 
“You can go now.” 
It took everything in you not to bolt out of the office when he told you that. You’re not sure why but you gave him a slight nod before you stood up and left. As you left, you could feel a pair of eyes on you, you didn’t have to guess whose they were. You knew that if you were to turn around, you would meet Lloyd’s gaze. You tried to keep calm as you walked out the door before bolting down the hallway and out of the building and towards your Bel Air. When you got close enough to your car, your feet gave out and you practically skidded on the gravel ground. All of your emotions caught up to you and you couldn’t hold back the urge to vomit any longer. What you didn’t realize at the time was that you were being watched by Curt Goynes. He had stepped out to take a smoke break and as he watched you, his conflicting feelings returned. You didn’t deserve any of this, he thought to himself as he took one last hit of his cigarette before flicking the butt away and headed back inside. 
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The drive home felt ridiculously long as your mind raced about everything that has happened recently. The radio played quietly as you thought about how you should’ve stayed in California, then just maybe you wouldn’t be in this mess. Right now though, you wanted nothing more than to see Lee right now but you knew that wouldn’t be an option right now. As you drove, you couldn’t help but feel hot, even with the cooler evening air blowing around you. When you finally pulled into the driveway, you threw the Bel Air into park and rushed inside. Rogers and Barnes were stationed outside the front door when you bolted past them, looks of concern formed on their faces before they quickly followed in after you. You were frantically searching the house as you called out for your mother but weren’t getting a response. Taking a few deep breaths, you placed your hands on your hips, you felt like you were going to be sick again. You thought back to Jones’s threat, surely he wouldn’t act on it so quickly?
“Miss, is everything alright?” 
Your head snapped to the blonde as he spoke up but you didn’t say anything. A single tear slid down your cheek as you looked at Deputy Rogers. You’re not sure what Lee has told them so you decided to lie as you quickly wiped the tear away. You gave him a small smile as you spoke up but your voice gave you away as it wavered. 
“Yeah, of course. Um, do you know where my mom went too?” 
You watched as Deputy Barnes took a small step forward, his voice was calming as he spoke. “She just stepped out to the store for a bit, Deputy Wilson is with her. Are you sure everything’s alright?” 
A big sigh of relief left your lips as Deputy Barnes explained. You nodded your head in understanding as you took another deep breath and let it out. “Okay, okay.” 
“How about some tea to calm your nerves?” Deputy Rogers suggested, you could see the concern in his blue-green eyes as he looked at you. 
“Yeah, I could go for some tea.” Your voice still wavered as you talked. 
You then let Deputy Rogers lead you into the kitchen, the two of you were followed by Deputy Barnes. You were about to get the kettle ready for tea when Rogers stepped in and took over. He had noticed how shaky your hand was and thought it would be better if he did it. 
“Here, let me. You have a seat, alright?” The blonde then took the kettle from you. 
You took a seat on one of the bar stools at the kitchen peninsula before you rested your chin in the palm of your hand. As Rogers got the tea ready, you stared off into space, a heavy silence filled the kitchen. The two deputies exchanged looks of worry as you remained silent, when you usually made conversation with them. Deputy Rogers nodded to his partner causing Barnes to speak up, breaking the silence. 
“Hey, is everything alright, sweetheart?” The brunette inquired as he arched an eyebrow, taking a seat next to you. 
“Hmm? Oh yeah, sorry, I just have a lot on my mind is all.” You gave him a small smile as you spoke, you weren’t quite sure what Lee had told them. 
Before either one of you could say anything, you heard the front door open and you nearly bolted out of the kitchen when you heard your mother’s voice. When you reached your mother, you immediately embraced her and pulled her into a tight hug. A sigh of relief escaped you as you held onto her. Her voice was soft as she spoke up, she rubbed your back as she did so. 
“Honey, is everything alright?” 
You pulled apart to look at her, a small smile formed on your face. “Yeah, of course. How about I help you with the groceries and then I cook us all something to eat?” 
“Sounds nice my little Spirit.” Your mother agreed as the two of you took the groceries to the kitchen.
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A few days had passed and all you wanted to do was to see Lee. Your emotions were high and he was the only one who could calm you down right now. You were thankful when he called and asked you to come over for the next few days. He had wicked you up in his black, Ford Thunderbird and you were practically in his lap as soon as you got into his car with a small overnight bag. Lee didn’t mind the neediness though, he had missed you just as much and it felt nice to be wanted in this way. When the two of you got back to his house, the two of you didn’t last five minutes before clothes were being removed and flung all over the house. Lee had you pinned against the wall in the entryway as he nipped and sucked on your neck. His hands had a firm grip on your waist as he squeezed them, he couldn’t have been more thankful for the fact that you were in a dress today. As Lee continued his attack on your neck with his mouth and teeth, he had started to grind his hips into yours causing you to moan when you felt how hard he was. 
You made quick work to get his belt undone, you needed to feel him inside of you, you were desperate and honestly, you didn’t care. You had missed him and by the way he was acting, you could tell that he missed you as well. If he wanted to fuck you right here in the front hall, you weren’t going to deny him that. When you finally had his pants pulled down, you immediately started to stroke his large member. He practically growled in your ear when you started to stroke him. The brunette pulled apart for a brief moment and as he did so, he stared deep into your eyes. An intensity filled the room as the two of you stared at each other. Lee then crashed his lips into yours, kissing you passionately, his tongue instantly entered your mouth and you couldn’t help but moan and welcomed the intrusion. His tongue easily dominated yours and as he swirled his tongue around yours, he ripped off your panties as did so. He teased the entrance of your weeping cunt with the tip of his cock and he let out an animalistic sound with how wet you were for him. 
“Is this all for me, doll?” His voice was deeper than normal and filled with lust, it sent a shiver down your spine and all you could do was moan. You had started to nod your head but his free hand flew up to your neck and he put a firm grip on it, which caused you to stop. He started to click his tongue at you before he spoke up again with the same deep voice. “You know the rules doll, now use your big girl words.” 
Lee had stilled himself as he waited for you to answer but he kept his cock right at your entrance. You swallowed the big lump that had formed in your throat before you could speak up again. 
“Y-yes, it’s all for you.” 
A smirk curled up on the corner of his mouth as you said those words to him. “Good girl.” 
Lee then pushed the head of his cock through your wet folds. You arched into him and moans started to slip out of you as he entered you. You could feel every bit of him as he suddenly slammed into you causing you to cry out in pleasure. He let you adjust to his large size before he started thrusting his hips, ramming his cock inside of you. Every thrust from Lee caused a moan to fall from your lips. He still had you pinned to the front entryway wall and the fact that someone could walk in and find you in this state only excited you more. The sounds that you and Lee were making filled the hall as Lee continued to pound into you. You could feel yourself getting close to your climax as Lee lifted a leg and you wrapped it around his waist. He pressed his forehead against yours and you could feel his hot breath fan across your face. 
“Doll, I need you to cum, shit.” Lee said in between heavy breaths before he started to rub circles onto your clit with his thumb. 
Your body started to shudder as your orgasm approached and your words came out breathless. “Don’t stop, please, I’m so close.” 
“Fuck, I can feel it, doll.” Lee practically growled as he doubled his efforts to make sure you got your release before he did. 
It didn’t take much longer for your entire body to start spasming around Lee. Lee held onto you tightly as he worked you through your orgasm. Your vision went white as he continued to fuck into you, you were on cloud nine and you didn’t want to come down. When Lee’s hips started to falter, you could tell he was getting close to his own release. Lee grunted as he continued to snap his hips at a fast rate. He took one of your breasts into his large hand and squeezed it with a firm grip before he plucked on your nipple. A loud cry of pleasure escaped him as he reached his orgasm and spilled deep inside of you. He stayed like that as he tried to catch his breath before he slowly started to pull out of you. You feel him gently cup your cheek as you begin to come back down from your orgasm, you couldn’t help but lean into his touch as a small smile formed on your lips. 
“You with me doll?” Lee asked, his tone gently as he started to caress your cheek with his thumb. 
You nodded your head as you spoke. “Y-yes.” 
“Come on, let’s get you some rest.” 
Lee then scooped you into his arms and carried you bridal style to his bedroom. He cleaned you up a little bit before he tucked you in and watched as you fell asleep. A small smile crept onto his lips as he sat there for a moment. He still couldn’t believe that someone as perfect as you wanted to be with someone as devilish as himself. He brushed some fallen hair out of your face before he got up to take a shower to clean himself. 
When you woke up, you noticed how chilly it was in Lee’s bedroom without him in there. You stretched out your arms before you climbed out of bed and you put on one of Lee’s white t-shirts. It may have been a bit big on you but you didn’t care about that, especially since it provided you comfort. When you were satisfied after you cleaned yourself up, you went to find Lee. A small smile curled up onto your lips when you found him working in his office. You leaned against the doorframe as you watched him work and just as you were about to speak up, his phone rang. He answered his phone quickly but as he did, he glanced over at you and motioned you to come over. You quietly walked over to him and as he listened to the person on the phone, he pulled you into his lap. You curled into him as he started to rub your back, you enjoyed moments like this with him. You planted small, soft kisses on his neck as he talked on the phone and you did your best not to eavesdrop. 
“Alright, thank you Gatsby, I’ll be right there.” Lee finished the call by hanging up the phone and letting out a deep sigh. 
You planted another kiss on his neck before you spoke up. “Is everything alright honey?” 
Lee held you close before he looked down at you and you could tell something serious was going on just by looking into his eyes. 
“Would you hate it if I ran into town? Gatsby has some information that could be beneficial.” Lee glanced between your eyes to get a read on you, as far as he could tell, you didn’t seem to be upset. 
“Only if you promise me to bring back some chocolate, I’ve been craving it a lot lately. I think at work the other day I had two chocolate milkshakes.” You gave him your best puppy dog eyes and pout, hoping to persuade him. 
Lee chuckled at your request before a smile spread across his face. “Of course, anything for you doll.” 
You gave Lee a peck on the cheek before climbing off of his lap so that he could get up. When Lee stood up, he finally noticed what you were wearing and a smirk curled up on the corner of his mouth as he eyed you up and down. 
“Is that one of my shirts, doll?” 
Lee started to walk towards you, as if you were his prey, and when he was close enough he placed his hands on your hips. He looked down at you as if you were about to be his last meal. 
“I hope that’s not a problem.” You looked up at him with a slight smirk of your own. 
“Of course not, doll. It looks better on you anyway.” 
Lee then crashed his lips into yours and he instantly stuck his tongue into your mouth. You couldn’t help but moan as he quickly dominated your tongue with his. When the two of you finally pulled apart for ait, Lee rested his forehead against yours as he took a minute to catch his breath. He gave you a soft peck on your nose before placing one on your forehead. 
“Such a tease, doll. I’ll try no to be too long but you never know with Gatsby.” Lee gave your hips a firm squeeze. 
“I’ll be here waiting when you get back.” You gave Lee a small peck on the lips. 
“A tease, a menacing tease. Behave for me while I’m gone.” 
Lee then gave you a quick peck on the cheek before he left the office. You watched him as he left and let out a sigh of content. You stood there for a moment before you decided to freshen up. 
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Lee walked into the Tecumseh Bar and a few patrons milled around as he walked over to his normal booth. He arched an eyebrow when he saw Gatsby sitting in his booth with a black man he didn’t recognize. When Gatsby noticed Lee, he got out of the booth to greet him with his usual, firm handshake. 
“Lee, buddy, good to see ya ol’ sport. I would like to introduce you to Curt Goynes and boy does he have some information for you.” Gatsby explained as he led Lee over to the booth. 
“Sheriff Bodecker.” Curt stuck out his hand for Lee to shake as Lee was sitting down. 
Lee was skeptical of this Curt guy but eventually, he gave in and took the man’s hand. Before either man spoke, one of the waitresses brought over drinks for them. Lee gave her a short nod as a thank you before he took a sip of the whiskey neat he was brought and waited for her to leave before he spoke up. 
“So, what seems to be this important matter of business I called for?” Lee glanced between the two men that sat across from him as he waited for an answer. 
Curt studied Lee before he spoke up. “Jones is getting restless, he’s planning something big. You need to stop him.” 
Lee nodded his head in understanding. “What do you want in return for this information?” 
“Immunity. And I’ll leave town, head back home to Detroit.” Curt answered curtly and with a straight face. 
“Can you tell me anymore about this plan?” Lee questioned as he considered Curt’s request. 
“Only that it’s going to flatten Knockemstiff, that’s all I know right now but as soon as I know more, I’ll let you know.” Curt answered before taking a drink of his own whiskey. 
Lee narrowed his eyes at Curt over his glass as he took a slow, long drink of his whiskey. He sucked his teeth for a moment as he thought about how odd this whole meeting was. “Why are you giving me this information? If Jones ever finds out, he’ll probably kill you.” 
“I know that, but look, I want out. I have a family back home and this whole thing is messed up.” Curt took another drink of his whiskey, finishing it off before he nodded at Gatsby. Gatsby got up to let Curt out of the booth and just as Curt was leaving, he stopped right next to Lee. “I’ll be in touch.” 
Once Curt had left, Lee ran a hand down his face before he polished off the rest of his whiskey. Gatsby looked at his business partner intently as he took a seat across from him.
“What are you gonna do ol’ sport?” 
Lee didn’t say anything, he simply got out of the booth with a grunt and left the bar. When he got into his Thunderbird, he pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a heavy sigh. “Shit.” 
Lee took a moment to try and collect himself before starting up his car. When the radio came on, the tail end of a Johnny Cash song was playing. Lee recognized it almost immediately as he turned the radio up, Cash’s deep, gravelly voice filled the car. He started to drive off as the song played. 
“....Go tell that long tongue liar… Go and tell that midnight rider… Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter… Tell ‘em that God’s cut you down… Tell ‘em that God’s gonna cut you down…” 
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The next morning was just like any other day in Knockemstiff. People got up and got ready for work or whatever they had planned for the day. The temperature didn’t seem to be quite as scorching as it had been and it had been a week since the last murder. Lee pouted as you got ready to go have lunch with your mom, he was practically begging for you not to go. You simply let out a small laugh and kissed him goodbye, you were already a few minutes late due to his neediness that morning. When you arrived at the diner, your mother was getting out of her car and you smiled at her when she waved over at you. You had looked away for a brief moment to shut the car off and to grab your purse when a loud gun shot rang out. You looked over to where your mom was and the sight horrified you. Blood trickled down from the center of her forehead, she stood there for a moment before she collapsed to the ground. 
You bolted out of your car, not caring if the shooter was still around. Your only thoughts were getting to your mom but before you could, Ari had rushed out of the diner and he grabbed ahold of you. You tried to fight against him but he was too strong, he did his best to hold you up but as you collapsed, he slowly bent down on his knees as he continued to hold you. Tears had begun to stream down your cheeks as you cried out for your mom. The whole scene was gut wrenching for the people in the diner as they stared and watched. Shock was written all over their faces as they tried to comprehend what happened. Darcy was in the middle of calling for police as she felt her own tears begin to form. The only thing that could be heard throughout the street were your sobs. Your vision had started to blur the more you cried, eventually you found yourself leaning into Ari as you grieved for your mother.
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buckybuckyboo · 1 year
The good sheriff
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Word count: 940
Sheriff Lee x reader
Summary: Was there ever a last time when Sheriff Lee was involved?
Warnings: Smut. MINORS DNI (18+). Fingering (female receiving)
A/N: I DO NOT give any permission to translate or post my work anywhere else. Please enjoy reading and feedback is always appreciated
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You swore you wouldn't end up here again. You were telling yourself last time that it was THE LAST TIME but when he pulled up beside you, the window already down. He leans over on the back of the seat and smiles at you "Hey sweetheart, hop in" Ugh that smile, always makes you weak at the knees. You fiddle with your bag fighting the urge to say yes to him. "Come on sweet pea, don't keep me waiting" That smooth voice of his, grabbing the handle of the door and opening it, and sliding into the seat. You see that smirk on his face as he turns back to the wheel. "That's my good girl," He says turning the car out and speeding off. "Why don't you come a little closer baby? What are you doing over there all by yourself?" He smirks.
You smile sliding over and placing your hand on his thigh. Leaning in and kissing his neck. Sliding your hand over the bulge in his pants. He pulls into your favorite private spot and shuts the car off. Turning and grabbing you by the neck and smashing your lips to his in a heated kiss. "Who are you wearing that little skirt for huh? You love having all those little boys after you?"
"No sir, I wore this for you"
"Oh yeah? All for me?"
"Yes sheriff, all for you"
"Such a good girl for me. Take your panties off for me sweet pea". Lee watches your every move, watching your hands slide up your thighs and pull your panties off. He quickly grabs them from you "These belong to me now"
You chuckle softly "I don't think they are your color sheriff."
He smirks shoving the panties into his pocket. "They might not be my color but you know what is? This pretty pink pussy of yours" He grabs you by the ankle pulling your pussy closer to him. Rubbing his middle finger and ring finger through your folds getting them wet with your slick. "Oh baby, all this mess for me? So pretty" He sinks his two fingers into you before you can answer, your back lifting off the car seat. Leaning over you and attacking your neck and collarbone with kisses. You swore you wouldn't end up here again, but here you were with the handsome sheriff once again with his fingers buried deep inside your soaking wet pussy. Slowly slipping in and out of you.
"Please Lee please fuck me" You whimper out. He buries his fingers deep inside you and keeps them there.
"You're not ready for this cock yet baby, you're so tight but so wet and warm." He feels your pussy clenching around his fingers as he speaks.
"You like that baby? Do you like how wet and warm your pussy is? It's just perfect for my cock isn't it?"
He curls his fingers inside you, hitting your sweet spot and making you moan out. Your eyes are closed as your hips move against his fingers. "You gonna cum baby? Squeezing me so good, I know you're close. Look at me sweet pea." Your eyes open and focused on his as he starts pumping his fingers in and out. That coil in your stomach snaps and you cum all over his fingers. He crashes his lips to yours as you moan, your hands pulling him even closer to you.
Slipping his fingers out of your pussy, he brings them to his lips and sucks "Hmm, tastes so good"
"Lee stop teasing" He leans back smirking at you "Well, if you want it so bad honey, come and get it!"
You smile crawling over and undoing his belt buckle and pants. His cock straining against them. Taking his cock out and stroking it slowly. Licking your hand and using it on his cock, getting him wet and ready for your pussy. Climbing into his lap and slowly sinking down on his cock. A mixture of pleasure and pain as he stretches your pussy out. His hands gripping onto your hips, his fingertips digging into your skin. He buries his head in the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent and kissing your skin. "Good girl, that's it, take it deeper. Fuck you feel so good!"
His hips start to move making his cock hit your sweet spot deep inside.
Lifting his head back so you can kiss his lips. Your hips start to move in rhythm with his making you moan against his lips. His hands holding onto your ass helping you move. As his thrusts start to become harder you feel that feeling in your stomach again.
"Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum again Lee, please don't stop. Your cock feels so good!"
His thrusts become sloppy as he reaches his release.
"Squeezing me so good baby, gonna cum in that sweet pussy of yours!"
In moments you both cum. You cum first with a loud moan and he follows after. His seed coating your walls. When you both catch your breath again you share a sweet kiss. "Let me take you home sweet pea" You smile and nod as you lift yourself off his cock and fix your skirt. Lee fixes himself up and starts to drive you home. He stops outside your house and throws his arm over the seat and smiles at you.
"Lee, I need my panties back"
"No, they're mine"
"Lee, you're gonna be dripping all down my legs! What will my mom say if she sees!"
"It's best if she knows that the good sheriff is taking good care of you" He smirks.
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sashaisready · 1 year
Lee as your boyfriend
I know he’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I have a real soft spot for Lee Bodecker (Sheriff Daddy) so here’s a little fluffy drabble about dating the big lug. This is Soft!Lee and he’s much cuddlier than canon Lee…
(Some light smutty references - 18+)
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~ He’s a traditional man at heart so on your first date he came with flowers and insisted on picking you up, protesting when you told him you could just meet him there. You were happy to go straight to the venue but he was having none of it, shutting down such suggestions borderline aggressively - outraged at the notion of you travelling by yourself when he’s the one who asked you out, so he’s going to pick you up. You soon acquiesced, there was simply no room for argument. 
~ Later, he drove you home at the end of the night with no expectations but a chaste kiss and a big smile. Not that you should be fooled into thinking he’s a puritan or anything like that…
~ Once you see more of each other and get to know one another better - it’s like a switch has been flicked. He’s all over you - fingers dangerously low on your back, his nose nuzzling your jawline at the movies, his arm tight around your waist as he approaches you from behind…(‘Can’t help myself around you darlin’). He holds you possessively when you’re out in public, a clear indicator to any wandering eyes. His touch is such a constant presence that you find yourself longing for it when he’s not around.
~ He’s brash and straight talking on the job (‘I gotta be, buttercup’) - asserting his authority with no fear of raised voices and ruffled feathers if needs must. But for you, and for you alone, he’s soft. Gentle. A sucker for the pleading in your eyes and the way you look up at him longingly. He’d give you the moon if you asked him sweetly enough. The locals joke that you must be made of strong stuff to date the hardass Sheriff, and you smile knowingly, but the truth belongs only to the both of you.
~ You bicker sometimes. Doesn’t every couple? Nothing big, just the usual squabbles. Chores. Money. Sometimes his brashness gets the better of him. But he hates leaving fights half finished, a flash of panic in his eyes when he thinks you might walk away with this dark cloud still hanging over you both. (‘My mama didn’t leave me much, but she taught me never go to bed mad’). He doesn’t mind if you yell at him, or need some time to walk it off, but he sure as Hell won’t let you sleep without at least one of you saying sorry first. 
~ In bed he’s insatiable. It caught you off guard the first time. Despite the extra heft on his frame his stamina is unmatched. You feel like you’ve run a marathon each time he’s finally through with you. Every inch of your skin thoroughly kissed, every freckle explored and caressed, every sound or gasp wickedly pulled from your lips. He leaves no stone unturned, the intensity of his care for you only matched by his sheer desire for you. He likes it from behind. He likes it laying down. He likes you on top as he lazily rolls his hips and looks up at you through hooded eyes. His gaze burns into you as if he can’t believe you’re here. You’ve never felt so attractive in all your life.
~ He makes self deprecating jokes about his weight and insists he’s giving up candy, playfully prodding his tummy as you lay side by side in bed. You scowl and chastise his criticisms. He’s perfect as he is. He wouldn’t hold you half as well if he were just skin and bones, you tell him. You kiss the softness of his belly and grip the sturdiness of his thighs and make it clear that you love all of him - no matter how much candy he eats. He almost blushes, surprised by your forthright speech, nodding in submission - ‘Well I know better than to tell a lady she’s wrong’ he plays it off, chuckling, too embarrassed to let vulnerability peer out. But underneath his heart tugs and thumps, almost dizzy with the knowledge that you unashamedly desire every part of him. 
~ One evening you walk through town, happily full from a late dinner and lightly buzzed on a couple of glasses of wine, you catch him smiling at you and you smile right back - doing everything you can to try and remember this moment. Keep it in your back pocket for when times are tough, a snapshot of when you felt perfectly happy and at ease with your life and desperately in love with the man you shared it with. Something to retrieve again and again when you need it, a soothing balm never too far away.
~ Little do you know he’s got a diamond ring in his jacket, burning a hole in the fabric as he tries to pick the right moment to ask you the biggest question of his life. He wanted to wait for a special time - but how can he pick just one when all of it is? If only you knew he picked it out just a mere few days after your first date…
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Devil in Disguise Part 28...
Lee Bodecker x reader series
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<Part 27<
Warnings: 18+ readers only, swearing, darkish!reader
"Ain't ya' think I'm a little over dressed?" You asked Lee as you looked down at the new dress he'd bought for you.
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It was an engagement present Lee had said, to which you had rolled your eyes at him playfully.
"Sugar, ya' look beautiful and I want the whole damn town to know I'm the luckiest guy in the world." He grinned at you as he leaned over and pressed his lips against yours. "Besides, that dress is gonna look ten times better on my bedroom floor." He winked at you making you blush and giggle.
"Lee," You slapped his chest as he chuckled. "C'mon, grandpa is waiting." You pointed over to where your grandpa was stood by the church gates.
Today would be the first time you and Lee had been out in public together since he proposed. Sure you'd been to the hospital to pick your grandpa up but you didn't know anyone there. You'd invited Lizzy over to join you for lunch the same day to share the good news with her, which resulted in her almost screaming the house down with excitement and making Lee and your grandpa disappear outside grumbling, making you laugh. Other than that, no one else knew yet.
Lee didn't want to tell anyone at the station until you were with him and he could proudly show you off, maybe give you a nice hard fuck on his desk in nothing but your engagement ring.
Sunday service was the best place to share your news. It meant you only had to tell one nosey house wife and by lunch time everyone in Knockemstiff would know that Sheriff Bodecker was engaged to his Sugar.
"G'mornin', George." Lee shook his hand as he smiled.
"Mornin', Sheriff." Your grandpa smiled and looked at you before pulling you in for a hug. "Mornin', honey. How ya' both doin'?" He asked.
"We're okay, grandpa. How are ya' feelin'?" You asked.
He nodded, "Good."
Your brow furrowed, "How did yer meetin' with the bank go?"
George nodded again, "Good. They said the house is worth enough to get me outta the debt, with a little left over to get me some place small."
"Oh, good," You smiled at him. "Isn't it?"
George signed, "I guess." He grumbled. "It only means, I ain't gonna be able to give ya' much for the wedding, honey."
"I don't care about that, grandpa."
He frowned, "I do... Yer grandmother would too. She'll be rolling in her grave... Probably come back n' haunt me too..." He huffed making you and Lee smile.
"Y'ain't gotta worry 'bout the weddin', George." Lee put his hand on his shoulder. "I got it covered."
George frowned at him, "But the father of the bride is supposed to pay for it."
You felt a lump in your throat. "Oh, grandpa," You smiled softly at him, holding back your tears. "I'm happy to marry, Lee, in his living room. I don't need anything big. As long as I have the two most important men there, I'm happy."
George cleared his throat and nodded, "Still... I'm getting haunted by your grandmother for sure." He gave you a smile making both you and Lee laugh. "C'mon, before all the gossips start."
The three of you made your way inside. You followed behind your grandpa, your left arm linked with Lee's as you walked down the middle of the pews towards where Lizzy was sat, waving at you.
You smiled brightly at her as you slipped into the pew beside her and her parents. Lizzy silently took your left hand with a grin and pulled it across her lap to show her mother.
"Congratulations." The older woman whispered with a smile, elbowing her husband. He nodded and reached over to shake Lee's hand as he gave his congratulations to you.
You were glad Lizzy's parents still liked you after everything that happened. In fact they were grateful that you were there with their daughter that night.
You snuggled into Lee's side as he slipped his arm around your shoulders, the pair of you settling in for a boring morning. As you sat listening or pretending to listen, you could feel the stares of others and almost hear the whispers from those behind you. With Lee's arm around your shoulders protectively, you didn't care.
Eventually the service came to a close and it was time to leave the stuffy church. And you were more than eager to do so. It had been a while since you'd visited your grandmother's grave, life having gotten a lot more hectic since dating Lee. But you were sure your grandmother wouldn't mind, she did always like Lee... Liked to tease you too about your little crush you had on him.
"Oh, Lee, I forgot the flowers." You frowned looking back to his Cadillac.
"No matter, I'll get them, Sugar." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead before walking back to his car.
You turned around and began to make your way across the graveyard toward your grandmother's grave, smiling to yourself as you thought about her and your mother. You wished she had been able to be buried with your grandmother but because she'd killed herself, she wasn't allowed to be buried in the church graveyard along with your grandmother and was buried somewhere out of town. Another reason why you hated the backwards shit hole that was Knockemstiff, they still lived in the dark ages.
"It should be, Bodecker, down there."
You frowned and turned away from your grandmother's grave to glare at Mrs Riley. "Excuse me?"
"You heard." She walked closer to you, "He's a crook. I know he was behind, Bobby-Ray's, murder." She glared at you.
You huffed, "Don't be ridiculous. What happened had nothing to do with, Lee. Maybe if yer son wasn't such a wrong 'en then maybe he wouldn't have been there in the first place."
"LIAR!" Mrs Riley snapped at you.
You scoffed, "Please. That no good son of yours was bad news n' y'known it." You glared at her. "Then again, so are you, ain't ya'?"
"I'll make the pair of you pay for what you did."
"We did nothing!" You snapped at her.
"Bodecker, is nothin' but a crooked fat fuck of a cop." She glared at you. "I'll make sure he rots in hell for what he did to my son."
You lunged forwards, wrapping your hand around her throat and shoved her against the wall of the church so the pair of you were out of sight.
You squeezed your hand around her throat as you got in her face. "You shut yer fuckin' mouth." You hissed at her as she tried to claw at your hand. "Everythin', Lee, did was to protect me n' within his duties as the Sheriff. Yer shithead of a son was nothin' but a worthless scumbag that tried, multiple times, to assault me. He also attempted to drug me, successfully drugged my best-friend so his friend could do what he liked to her. And just like yer worthless, son, you were blackmailing my grandpa. Now, out of the four of us, which two were breakin' the law, hmm?" You smirked at her. "You best be careful what you say and do from here on out, ya' hear? Don't forget, Mrs Riley, my mother was a murderer, and what is it they say... Like mother, like daughter?" You glared at her, smirking to yourself as you watched her eyes widen with fear.
"Sugar?" Lee stepped round the corner of the church with a proud smirk, looking between you and Mrs Riley. "Everything okay?"
You smiled and let go of the older woman, nodding. "Sure is, ain't it, Mrs Riley?" You asked looking at her with a sweet smile.
She gulped, nodding, "F-Fine. Ex-Excuse me." She quickly scurried off, getting as far away from you as she could making you smirk.
"Did you hear everything?" You asked looking up at Lee.
He hummed and nodded, "She needs to shut her mouth." He grumbled and handed you the flowers.
You thanked him, kissing his cheek before turning back to your grandmother's grave to place them down. "I have a feeling, we may have to do it ourselves." You sighed and turned back to look at him. "She's started drinking a lot... Especially on payday."
Lee raised his eyebrow with a smirk, holding his arm put for you. "Sugar, have you been thinkin' of ways to shut, Mrs Riley, up?"
You shrugged, "I read things..." You smirked up at him. "And accidents do happen, Sheriff."
Tags: @hawkeyes-queen @boringandbored @lewisroscoelove @fangirlfree @am-i-rite @calimoi @wintasssoldier @gh0stgurl @chrisevanseagletattoo @hcaldwell016 @coffeebooksandfandom
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