#Shinji and kaworu in the corner
vapefluid · 10 months
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Holy what was I on when drawing this, anyways, if you can’t read chicken scratch, it said “happy fuckin birthday”
Also I cannot draw for shit im just high af rn
I can see the fucking moon
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kafa1010 · 3 months
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It's 2024 and I just have some time to visit this show again.
and watch 3.0 + 1.0
First time to draw many characters because me back then draw only Shinji, Rei, Asuka, and Kaworu
I also like Gendo and ok it always has been Gendo is always in the corner of my mind and I just realized-
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karizard-ao3 · 5 months
Asuka drives like a maniac and Shinji in the passenger's seat is freaking out. “In Germany there is no speed limit, Shinji”. When he is the one driving, he is cautious and prudent, which makes Asuka in the passenger's seat mad mad mad “go faster!”. They keep bickering and screaming at each other about all sorts of things like which way to go. However when they're in the backseat they sleep leaning on each other. Refuse to let go, refuse to acknowledge
Kaworu starts his classical music playlist which Shinji adores. When Asuka complains, he switches and starts singing along happily with whatever is playing. Shinji sings along too. Rei is emotionless while driving, but she's actually more insane than Asuka and freaks her out. Shinji and Asuka may or may not have used the backseat for unholy purposes and pretended nothing happened. Help me with some more headcanons please! I was gonna say it was Misato's car but it would be funnier if it was Gendo's
I definitely agree it's funnier if it's Gendo's. I see him driving a Tesla or some shit, which would probably mean he would know where the car is the entire time, so never mind. No stolen Tesla for these kids.
I think Rei definitely does not have a driver's license, with the possibility of none of them having a license except Shinji (pretending that they're 16. Otherwise, they're all driving illegally, although I think Kaworu would be the type to have a fake license).
Let's see. Occasionally Shinji will borrow a public phone to call Misato and let her know they're all doing okay. Asuka catches him and they get in a huge fight about it. They drag the other two into it, only to discover Rei has been giving updates to Gendo and he wired her gas money, which puts Shinji into a snit because he cancelled Shinji's debit card (you know how you can get your kid a debit card to put their allowance on?) but he's sending Rei money. She's like, "But I'm spending the money on you, Shinji. How do you think I paid for your Takis?" in that quiet, unnaturally calm way she has, and then he stops talking and walks away and puts on his earphones and curls up in his corner of the back seat and sulks for the rest of the day. He refuses to eat his Takis.
Kaworu insists on stopping at each roadside attraction and raves about human ingenuity as they stare at the world's largest clothespin or whatever.
Also, look what I found. Imagine them going on this mother-themed road trip 😭
That's all I can think of right now. Oh, I think Asuka would threaten to hitchhike home every time she gets mad but she never does.
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harpywitharobot · 1 month
Tagged by @copperfirebird
1.-Total number of AO3 works? 4, just 4. I am still growing my legs.
2.-Total AO3 world count: 20, 200
3.-Fandoms I've written in: At the moment they are all Xiaolin Showdown, but back in the day I wrote some Kingdom Hearts one (for shame) and in some cases I even wrote some about Patapon (double shame) and ... in some cases even FnaF (guillotine)
4.-Top 5 fics by kudos: I only have 4. Ouroboros. Bois de Rose. Golden Hour. Refuge.
5.-Do I respond to comments? Not really, or not often. Mostly because whenever I feel uninspired I go to my inbox and read all the comments all over again.
6.-What has the angstiest ending? Bois de rose
7.-What has the happiest ending? Refuge? sort of. When I finally get back to Golden hour it might take over.
8.-Have I received hate? Not yet but I am expecting it.
9.-Do I write smut? And what kind? I do write smut, but I have no idea how to describe it. It's like a range between Vanilla and "What if eldritch horrors could get horny?"
10.-Do I write crossovers? I respect people that write crossovers, but...
I have to be honest- I absolutely ✨hate✨ crossovers. It takes a lot to have them well done without downplaying or dumbplaying an universe for the sake of the other.
I'd have to be completely sure I am making sense in all corners of all the implicated universes- or be truly down bad on a crack ship to be writing one.
11.-Have I ever had a fic stolen? No. But I am also aware there's a chance there might be other fics that are going to be similar because there's only so many ideas under the sun.
12.-Have I ever had a fic translated? I translate my own fics from English to Spanish and viceversa.
13.-Have I ever co-written a fic? I have no idea, maybe? I dont remember.
14.-What is my all-time fave ship? Man, I don't really know. I guess I would pick the oldest one? Kaworu and Shinji from Evangelion. I think it meets my criteria of "God like creature in love with pathetic lil guy"
15.-A WIP I'll never finish Probably Golden Hour? I was doing it as a gift for a friend to motivate them. But since that friendship has lost a lot of what made it inspiring for me I am not sure if I am going to find the motivation to go with it again.
Im now going to tag the wife. If they don't answer it it's fine.
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animebw · 1 year
The Anime Binge-Watcher’s Queer Anime Ship Tournament: Round 2 Results!
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My god, I thought last round was intense. I can’t even describe how brutal the results were this time. So many nail-biting moments, so many shocking reversals, and we even had an outright tie in there! Not to mention the agony of my number one pick biting the dust in one of the most heartbreaking close shaves ever, but it’s fine, I’m fine. Here’s to another kickass round, and have fun checking out the highlights below the Keep Reading link as I set up round 3!
Most Voted Poll: There was a surprising uptick in voters in a lot of these matchups from the first round; Kawoshin vs Kumirei and SuleMio vs KuroMaya both racked up over 800 votes in their brutal contests. But far and away, with a staggering 1905 votes, the most popular poll was Hibimiku vs Victuuri. And folks, this one just about broke my heart. It’s one thing to lose in a blowout to an obvious favorite, but to run such a close race with such a tidal wave of support, vote after vote pouring in from all corners of the internet as two fandoms smash into each other full-force like the battle of Gondor, only to come just the tiniest bit short of snatching victory? Listen, this is y’all’s poll, and I’mma let you finish, but HIbiki and Miku had the single greatest romance of all time, you hear me? Of all time.
Least Voted Poll: But just as a lot of smaller polls suddenly shot up the voter counts, a lot of the more popular winners from last time took a heavy backseat this time. Madohomu and ToukoYuu’s high first round vote counts both slumped into the 200s range, and YukiTouya vs KobaTohru hit dead last with a measly 185 votes. The Dragon Maid girls went into the 400s range last time in their victory over NanoFate, but for whatever reason, very few of those fans returned to help them survive against the Cardcaptor Boys. I wonder why?
Biggest Blowout: Once again, UtenAnthy put out an incredibly dominant performance, trouncing RekiLanga 81% to 19%. But this time, it was actually Madohomu that took the biggest lead, destroying Adashima 85% to 15%. No surprises in either case, as they’re both huge legacy ships going up against far more recent and less popular offerings. Something tells me neither of them are done wreaking a trail of death and destruction just yet...
Closest Nail-Biter: My heart wants to put Hibimiku’s narrow loss against Victuuri here, as going 47.1% to 52.9% against the history makers themselves is an accomplishment to be proud of. But this time, we have the literal closest a race can possibly be: KaseYamada and AshEiji fully tying at 50% each! A genuinely impressive showing from both fandoms. Both ships will now advance to round 3 where they’ll face off in a three-way showdown with Madohomu. Pray for their souls, it’s going to be a bloodbath...
As for me, I once again ended up split 50/50 for wins and losses, with 4 of my picks advancing (including that one tie) and 4 falling short. But man, the loss of Hibimiku makes it seem so much more brutal. Oh well, more misery to come in round 3!
Full Results:
2-A: Adachi x Shimamura (15%) vs Madoka x Homura (85%), 294 votes
2-B: Kase x Yamada (50%) vs Ash x Eiji (50%), 316 votes
2-C: Suletta x Miorine (72.7%) vs Claudine x Maya (27.3%) 864 votes
2-D: Yukito x Touya (64.9%) vs Kobayashi x Tohru (35.1%), 185 votes
2-E: Shinji x Kaworu (69.2%) vs Kumiko x Reina (30.8%) 818 votes
2-F: Hibiki x Miku (47.1%) vs Victor x Yuuri (52.9%), 1905 votes
2-G: Touko x Yuu (74.1%) vs Cocona x Papika (25.9%) 223 votes
2-H: Reki x Langa (19%) vs Utena x Anthy (81%) 432 votes
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adamworu · 1 year
This is the same anon who asked about Episode 24! I'm sorry, I just remembered other things I wanted to ask. I realise I'm talking a lot so please take your time if you need!
Kaworu tells Shinji "You’re so delicate, like glass, especially your heart. [...] You have my regard for it. [...] It means, I love/like you." I agree that his relationship with Shinji is not emotionally sadistic. But I was thinking about this sentence because what he said makes it sound like he likes Shinji for his vulnerability.
Aside from that, Kaworu comments that he and Rei have "ended up in the same form as the Lilim while [they] inhabit this planet". I found it strange because his wording makes him sound like he's Adam itself. I was wondering if you had any thoughts on this.
It's because Kaworu is interested in the way humans/lilin are. Their culture, their nature. It's all very fascinating to him. Kaworu likes Shinji for who he is to the point where he wants to learn more. Only thing is, he's going about it without the prodding that backs Shinji into a corner or annoying him. He's respectful about it.
As for the Adam and Lilith deal, it's by proxy. Kaworu has the soul of Adam within him, in a way making him Adam. Rei is Lilith by way of having part of her soul. Kaworu drops these little bread crumbs meant for Rei to learn more about her identity. They're both being used to incite something 'greater' at the expense of humanity.
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coredrill · 2 years
hhhhhh well seeing as it’s nearly the last day of the year i should share that. well i started rly writing fanfiction this year (mostly ttgl ofc), and surprising no one more than me, i’ve actually quite enjoyed it!!! and i’ve alluded to it a few times on here so figured i should share links to get more comfortable with it :]
gurren lagann:
So Many Others Like Us | 1.8k | rossiu can’t figure out why he’s so different from everyone else, and asks viral for help. part 1 of 3 of “rossiu and viral and spiral power through my aroace lens”!
Those Who Will Follow | 1.9k | no one should ever feel rossiu’s brand of loneliness again, and he needs yoko’s help to prevent that. part 2 of 3!
Right Within | 5.5k | simon returns to kamina city, but he’s not here to stay. this is like my favorite thing that’s ever come outta my own brain FNDNCNJDJCJ. part 3 of 3!
Non-Verbal Communication | 1.8k | kamina’s dead and kittan’s the only one who heard his last words.
Bleeding Heart of Stone | 2.9k | one of adai’s holy days is around the corner, and rossiu decides to celebrate - for gimmy and darry’s sake, of course.
jujutsu kaisen: (the second one contains shibuya incident arc manga spoilers)
Within You, Forever | 1.3k | post jjk 0, maki knows why gojo sent toge and panda to the school, and it’s not sitting well with her.
Life After Love | 4.8k | nobara survives mahito’s attack, and just can’t figure out how.
Labyrinth | 1.2k | michael burnham, known responsibility hoarder, takes responsibility for her own actions upon the revelation of lorca’s.
eva rebuilds:
Evangelion: 5.0 You Can (Not) Be Happy | 2k | kaworu, post shin eva, as he reckons with his perception of his own & shinji’s happiness.
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gatormyst · 2 months
The End Of Evangelion
I…I don’t know what I really watched there. I had to physically move my computer back away from my face because of how confusing and just absurd I guess this movie was. It’s so hard to describe this movie. The best way is to just watch it yourself. Going in all I knew was that it was an alternate ending to episode 25 and 26 so it took place right after Kaworu was killed by Shinji. 
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So, the first half of the movie wasn’t too terribly weird besides Shinji yanking it to a comatose Asuka in the hospital. I found that weird and disturbing. It actually caught me so off-guard I paused the movie to take a breather. Within the first 15 minutes of the movie. After this Shinji is hating himself even more and what does he do best? He completely and utterly shuts down and hides in a corner. When the NERV HQ is being attacked by SEELE (some super-secret organization) he still just hides in the corner and doesn’t move at ALL. Even when a pistol is pressed against his forehead and his brains are about to be splattered across the wall. All this self-hatred and loathing is because he still feels like he doesn’t fit in with the hegemonic masculinity society which is true because he doesn’t. The rejection from everybody else of his queer masculinity just makes him go insane I guess. Especially because he just killed the one person who showed and shared the same queer masculinity as he did (since it takes place right after he killed him). So, because of that Shinji is beyond messed up in the head. 
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The second half or like last third of the movie was a fever dream.  I honestly had no idea what was happening for most of it. I was just along for the ride. I know Shinji tried to strangle Asuka because her hegemonic masculine traits were beating down on his queer masculine traits in the scene and he just snapped. He went full on crazy, flipping a table, throwing and smashing chairs and finally strangling Asuka as Pen Pen watched from behind the doorway. This was Shinji finally showcasing his acts of violence, finally showcasing his hegemonic masculinity. Trying to become dominant when most of the time he’s been not as dominant or kind of subservient. I don’t even know what happens next there’s Rei who fuses with that giant white guy who was crucified over the water and then she becomes it and everybody on earth dies and becomes one body and mind. No psychological walls between them so you can’t tell where one person starts or ends. I was just confused and had to go with the flow for it. Then finally he rejects it saying that he doesn’t like it and wants to go back to the way it was before even if he does get hurt. That’s what ends up happening. Shinji and Asuka wake up on the beach and he strangles her immediately but she caresses his face and gets him to stop then calls him disgusting. The movie ends there.
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It was a wild ride for this movie and I don’t know if I can relate to a single part of it. I’ve never really been depressed to the point Shinji has in this movie. I mean I’ve been sad but never THAT depressed. I really felt for Shinji even if it was hard to relate to him. Overall, this movie was weirdddddddddd and that’s all I can really say about it. If you’re an evangelion fan you should definitely watch it because it's interesting to see the alternative ending than what was in the show.
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parisiansulfur · 6 years
holy god.
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cherriiimiii · 3 years
a lil thing i made cause i love hurting myself with kawoshin, it’s an au where shinji goes back in time just to spend more time with kaworu
it hurts.
why do you need to suffer?
you live for me, and only me.
so, why do you still go?
i would do anything just to spend an hour longer with you, no, a minute longer with you. even if it’s just the two of us in silence.
“come on. I’ll sleep on the floor.”
shinji heard this before. he knew that this would be the last time he sees kaworu. he knew that kaworu was an angel. he knew that kaworu would betray him. he knew that kaworu’s blood would be on his hands. he knew this. he already saw it happen before.
so why did his heart ache so badly?
“no, it’s okay. you’re the one doing me a favor by letting me stay here. I’m fine here.” shinji reassured.
“what do you want to talk about?”
shinji didn’t want to talk about anything. he just wanted to soothe the aching pain in his heart.
he hesitantly glanced at kaworu.
seeing his kind face only made shinji’s heart ache even more.
the pain was unbearable. he even felt tears prick at the corners of his eyes.
shinji stood up abruptly, keeping his head down so that kaworu won’t see his strained expression.
he stumbled over to the bed and threw his arms around the silver-haired angel. kaworu let out a small noise of surprise at the sudden embrace.
he was so warm. it was a sign that he was alive. that comforted shinji. he breathed in kaworu’s scent. he smelled like vanilla. that comforted shinji. his arms tightened around kaworu’s waist. he dug his face further into kaworu’s shoulder, tears staining his white shirt. he wanted to savor every millisecond of this moment.
kaworu laughed. it sounded sweetly nostalgic.
“is this how you wanted to voice your thoughts, shinji?”
shinji felt kaworu’s hands gently squeeze him further into the embrace. shinji felt more tears slip down his cheeks. he didn’t want this to end.
after what felt like an hour of silence, kaworu’s hold loosened and he attempted to release the hug. shinji kept his head in kaworu’s shoulder, breathing in his scent. his hands clutched onto kaworu’s shirt tighter.
and, softly, shinji whispered:
“please, hold me just a little longer. please.”
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ladyloveandjustice · 3 years
im watching the fourth eva reboot movie while i work out despite having seen the other three nine years ago and having no desire to rewatch
Evengelion uhhh 3.0 +1.0 Thrice Upon a Time (why is that the title) spoilers
anyway ill tag it nev watches fourth eva thing
lets see how confused i get all i remember about the third movie is there was a timeskip, shinji caused the apocalypse for the 40th time, and kaworu’s headasplode after they did sensual piano playing together so shinji was like ‘you know what i give up’.
-there is like a ten minute fight scene that means nothing to me i still don’t understand what mari’s purpose as a character is maybe this movie will tell me i bet it won’t
-okay now the AsukaShinjiRei  all met their SCHOOL FRIENDS again but they’re all adults i guess that was a plot point in the third movie??? the Eva kids can’t age? because science? I don’t know
-okay this movie is really funny just because of how casually everyone School friends reacts to everything
Shiinji: *dialup noises, crawls into a corner*
Friends: that’s cool :) eat when you feel like it :)
School friends: HI REI
Asuka: that’s not rei
School friends: oh okay we’ll call you Miss Look Alike then no further questions :)
notRei: who are you??? i don’t know what babies are??? whats a bath whats work what’s goodbye whats emotion WHatS-
School friends: aw you’re silly :) 
Shinji: *looks at Asuka’s bomb collar thing, suddenly violently pukes everywhere because he flashbacks to headsaplode, collapses catatonically*
Friends: guess he went through something traumatic! :) anyway.
Friends: that’s fine you do you girl :) cleanin’ up that puke though.
later it’s like
Friend: hey where’d shinji go
Asuka: yeah he left
Friend: oh did he eat though
Asuka: yeah i pinned him down and forcibly stuffed food into his face while screaming insults that’s probably why he left
Friend: Cool :) he won’t be hungry for a while then! :) ill get miss lookalike to bring food later
-Meanwhile notrei (I guess other rei is dead and this is yet another clone god i don’t remember anything) is having this happy cottagecore apocolypse farming lifestyle with all these old ladies they’re bonding  good for her i guess ,meanwhile shinjis just decided to live by the lake and stare catatonically across while occasionally crying but everyone like ‘well he probably just needs some space time heals all wounds’ HOW LONG HAS HE BEEN OUT THERE.
this movie is going great its making me laugh so much love it will report more later.
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kendrixtermina · 3 years
Ship Meme Time! [ReiShin / LRS]
I felt like doing this one.
How did they first meet?
Actually probably not in episode 1 - the presence of Mini Rei in the Leliel sequence suggests that maybe Shinji saw her during the nubulous “3 years ago” incident.
What was their first impression of each other?
On Shinji’s end: mysterious? slighty unnerving?
On Rei’s end: mild interest, since he’s Gendo’s kid & protecter her in ep 1, though I doubt she grasped the full implications. 
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Rebuild! Gendo’s nefarious plot does NOT count. 
I’d presume Touji & Kensuke would be on board & Misato would tease & encourage any possible relationship that Shinji would get.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
It was probably more or less simultaneous, at the end of ep 6.
It’s possible that there was some mutual vague interest/fascination before that, but it’s hard to say how much of that is just of Shinji being Gendo’s kid & maybe feeling vaguely reminded of Yui, before he gets to know Rei properly.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
They got 99 problems but being tsuntsun isn’t one. 
Though Rei would perhaps at first feel that it’s futile/doomed since instrumentality is around the corner. 
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think? What would their lives be like if they had never met?
It’s possible that Rei would have met another friend and/or love interest, but it’s not likely. She might’ve still had her doubts, but she’d probably still have gone along with Gendo’s plan, causing him to “win”. I think she’d have looked at her existence as a quasi-human as only painful rather than something that was both good & bad. 
With Shinji it’s harder to say cause he has other people to possibly inspire him & more complicated reasons to stay. I’d say he would’ve been more resentful overall, though, because he’d only have ambivalent motivators (Gendo, wanting to be needed etc.), not anyone who had no agenda & would be affected as an innocent if he “left”, & maybe that resentment woudl’ve come out as an emotional outburst at an inoportune point. 
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
I strongly believe that it would definitely be Rei, she can be straightforward enough once she got her feelings figured out. 
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
I don’t think they’d be into the whole ‘date’ ritual, it would just be a nice moment like having tea or going for a walk in nature together
What was their first kiss like?
Well there was that discarded storyboard from the rebuilds where the angel having taken Rei’s form “pulls EVA 01 in an open-mouthed kiss”... with their luck it could be something fucked up like that ^^°°
If we assume some reasonable AU, it would defiitely be all soft & tender & emotional. 
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
Shinji  would definitely be Rei’s. Her first friend even since she had none before :( 
As for Shinji, ovsly Asuka and/or Mana/Manga!Kaworu/Misato got to him first, but kissing someone on a whim & bc you rly like them would be very different. 
In my experience, it really matters a lot. Romantic kissing is something very different from just foreplay kissing & compatibility matters a lot. 
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
None, at least physically. 
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Rei doesn’t have a family :(
Who takes the lead in social situations?
It depends on the situation. Generally Shinji is friendlier & more conventional while Rei is braver. If it’s a garden party, it’s Shinji, if it’s comfronting someone about a problem, it’s Rei. 
Who gets jealous easier?
Probably Shinji cause he’s insecure in a preuccupied way sometimes
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Who said “I love you” first?
Rei. Too bad she can’t seem to do it without immediate death. 
Shinji comes the closest in the manga ending or the end of 2.0.
What are their primary love languages?
Both are big on the acts of service.
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
I can see Shinji resorting to one when he’s very very nervous
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
They’d be too shy to do it in public. 
Neither was hugged very much growing up so they’d probably have to ease into this slowly. 
Who initiates kisses?
Could be either
Who’s the big and little spoon?
This is probably the one case where Shinji would be the big spoon
What are their favorite things to do together?
Just chill peacefully in each other’s presence with music
Who’s better at comforting the other?
Who’s more protective?
About equal. There have been near-apocalypses on both counts. 
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
~The handholding~
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
the OG franchise already has If I can’t be yours, Tsubada Kudasai, Beautiful World, Dillematic triangle opera, the first verse of ‘repeat’...
Otherwise, the first thing that comes to mind is The Fragile by Nine Inch Nails
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
none rly. 
Who remembers the little things?
Both. They’re all about the little things~
If they get married, who proposes?
Could be either
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
It was probably a small, private affair, with Misato, Kaji (if alive) the other pilots and the classmates. 
Gendo is probably not present.
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
Since Rei most likely can’t have kids, they took in a bunch of orphans who reminded them of their younger selves. .
Do they have any pets?
Remember the pregnant cat from the Thrice Upon a time trailer?
They adopted some of the kittens. 
Who’s the stricter parent?
Definitely not Shinji
Who worries the most?
Who kills the bugs in the house?
They probably have a strict “catch it & put it outside” policy
How do they celebrate holidays?
chill, low-key & cozy
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Who’s the better cook?
Who likes to dance?
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karizard-ao3 · 3 months
Hello! AsuKawoShin Anon here again!
I do agree that yeah the rock on the road for this one is really Asuka's jealous and possessive ways, but maybe she actually started liking Kaworu aswell?
I can imagine how their dynamic could go lol
Once again any thoughts?
Like I said, I feel like I can see it happening most likely if Kaworu and Asuka are a thing first. Like, let's say they're a bit older than canon. Maybe they just started college. Asuka and Kaworu are high school sweethearts and she assumed they would be together forever, except Kaworu's gotten a little distant and moody and they aren't really connecting like they used to.
They're living in the dorms, let me clarify that. So Asuka is rooming with Rei (don't know if this will matter) and Kaworu is with Shinji.
Asuka spends a lot of time at Kaworu's dorm so she's getting to know Shinji and she's starting to think there's a weird vibe between him and Kaworu, but she can't figure out why. At the same time, she's starting to get feelings for Shinji because there's just something about him. He's so kind to her, and he starts stopping by her campus job (she's always going to be a college barista to me. I don't know why - maybe because I hc Shinji as a coffee fiend) and asking if she wants to hang out on her fifteen. Like, there's some definite chemisty there. But there's also something between him and Asuka's boyfriend, too. Anyway, she's mean to Shinji to try to hide/ get rid of her feelings, but he just keeps coming back for more and she likes it.
Eventually, Kaworu tearfully confesses to Asuka that he's realized he's bi (but maybe with a slight preference for men because I really can't help but see him as gay af) and he has feelings for Shinji, but he still loves her. It's been really hard for him rooming with Shinji because of his feelings and he doesn't know what to do because he doesn't want to betray her. Asuka has to end up admitting that she's getting feelings for Shinji, too.
Kaworu's like, "What do we do?"
And Asuka is like, "I don't know... Do you think he'd be interested in a throuple?"
He is.
I have no idea how they'd bring it up with him. Like, I'm sure he's spent this whole time crushing hard on both of them and trying to ignore it because they're in a relationship with each other.
Actually, Asuka and Kaworu are so straightforward they'd probably just corner him and be like, "Would you like to go on a date with us?" and Shinji is like, "Oh, okay! Yeah, that would be great!"
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kurisupersonalblog · 4 years
Kawoshin Symbolism
A lot of people who totally distort the relationship between Kaworu and Shinji, (being discreetly homophobic or trying to put Kaworu as a manipulator villain or Shinji as “””"emotionally dependent on Kaworu"”” or some other non sense thing) never stopped to analyze the symbolism and complexity that this beautiful couple has, they think people like these two together for superficial reasons, but the true is: 
they are soulmates, that were not meant to be.
Lovers from different backgrounds (Angel x Human) and at the same time Star-Crossed Lovers  
Star-crossed lovers
Most of you knowledgeable about loop theory and Kawoshin fans, should know that Shinji and Kaworu are part of the "Star crossed lovers" trope, which is one of the most depressing couples tropes that has
Star-crossed lovers are soulmates but unfortunate lovers, who love each other but cannot be together by external forces, something bad always happens in this trope...
and the Rebuild 3.33 poster itself proves that Kawoshin is part of that trope, because in the poster of 3.33, we have the stars “altair and vega” behind Shinji and Kaworu, but for those who don't know, the stars altair and vega are one of the most famous stories about star-crossed lovers in asia, I will talk about it now:
The tanabata legend is a tale that originated in china, it is about two people who love each other, the princess and the shepherd
The princess was the star Vega and the shepherd was the star Altair, both lived in two opposite corners of the Milky Way. Although they were many differences and light years away, the love between the two broke all these barriers
the Princess's father forbade this romance and spilled stellar water in the Milky Way. Until then, its bed had a shallow current that could be traversed on foot, but as it poured out so much stellar water, the Milky Way ended up becoming a deep and dark river.
Sad with the fate she would have to take, Orihime locks herself in her room in tears, stopping to weave the clouds for the starry sky. What would cause great problems on Earth, such as lack of rain, climate warming etc.
Fearing the worst, Rei ends up allowing her daughter to see the pastor once a year. That day would be the seventh day of the seventh month of the Lunar calendar, also known as the 7th of July, the Tanabata.
And on the day that Shinji and Kaworu went to see the stars, after playing piano ... they were seeing Altair and Vega
In the poster for 3.33, behind them was Altair and Vega
Shinji under Altair and Kaworu under Vega 
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credits: https://www.reddit.com/r/kawoshin/comments/hn0am7/altair_and_vega_happy_tanabata/
this 3.33 poster and this "star-crossed lovers" thing can be seen as proof for the loop theory, how the loop can be one of the external forces that tries to stop their love
but this is already a topic for another post (also, if you want to know what is loop theory, pls read this: Loop Theory )
This information is not new in the kawoshin fandom, but I needed to talk about it again
Kaworu and Shinji are soulmates but unfortunate lovers, they love each other, they were made for each other, but always something bad happens, Kaworu always ends up dying for humanity... (but will it be broken in 3.0 + 1.0?)
Their love love goes beyond everything, they love each other, but did you know that they were not meant to be soulmates? because ... Kaworu is an angel and Shinji a human.
Lovers From Diffent Backgrounds or Opposite Attraction
Humans and Angels are enemies, they try to kill each other, these two beings try to see which of the two will really have the right to live on earth, they are two opposite beings, made to fight and hate each other.
Angels are the mortal enemies of humans, however ... the impossible happened  a human fell in love with an angel
I find it so curious that in the anime, angels and humans are enemies but an angel and a human fell in love
no hate, no fear, just love
an angel with human feelings, human body
he is not like other angels or like other humans, he is special
a fragile and sensitive human who saw more humanity in an angel than many people he has ever met
this angel and this human are not enemies, they are friends, they are lovers
this angel is not an enemy, is the love of your life
I find this very curious and intelligent, it is as if destiny had contradicted everything in the world of EVA making an angel and a human being soulmates and loving each other
they are soulmates that were not meant to be, they were supposed to be enemies, to fight each other, but that didn't happen at all, this symbolism of angel and human falling in love and unfortunate lovers is so deep and beautiful
that's one of the reasons why i love Kawoshin, they are born to meet each other
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thebiscuiteternal · 3 years
If you are still accepting writing prompts can I get shinji and kaworu on their first date?
Hot damn, what a throwback. Warning: I have not written anything Evangelion in, like, at least five years, but here's a little sweet treat.
After all the chaos and debriefing, they end up at a little noodle shop he's been gathering up the nerve to try for months. Kaworu takes his hand as they wait their turn at the counter, and it's enough that his voice doesn't shake even a little as he puts in his order.
They settle into a table in the back corner closest to the kitchen, and before he's even cracked apart the cheap disposable chopsticks, Kaworu reaches over and drops a shrimp into his bowl.
His face is hot, but he grins as he returns the favor with a slice of pork.
As far as romance goes, this is barely anything at all. It's certainly no grand gesture, nothing like they write about for books or tv.
(Neither of them brings up the fact that the museum they had planned to spend the day at was now closed and under heavy renovations because of the Angel attack.)
But it's comfortable and Kaworu seems happy.
And he finds himself thinking that if they could do this -this shared peace, this shared quiet, this shared comfort- every day, then he could be happy too.
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ladyvgrey · 3 years
Reactions: Watching Neon Genesis Evangelion for the first time (25F)
Episodes 1-24
- Oh wow, good show. I feel like I'm being thrown into an actual world with no preamble, but I like that
- Cool to have a protagonist that's not a super badass child genius
- Ok so they really just said "we have 20 minutes of footage and 24 minutes to fill, let's just take this one frame and extend it by 3 minutes more than could possibly be comfortable. Let us do this several times throughout this series, for reasons
- Oh new character, she's loud af but alright
- Wish the dub used "child" instead of "children"
- This show is making me feel uncomfortable and upset, but in a really interesting way, this is the shit language teachers would have a field day with when it comes to analysis
- Kay so is Rei both Gendo's replacement child and replacement wife? Is he grooming her? Man, he's such a dick
- Holy shit glad Toji is alive but man is Gendo ever an asshole
- Wait, Ritsuko and her mom were both sleeping with Gendo?? Ew
- Holy shit Gendo is SUCH A DICK, hopefully he'll get some development
- Okay even with the ambiguous dub, Kaworu is REAL GAY and Shinji does not dislike that
- This is absolutely great, there's a lot happening but I don't get how the conclusion can possibly be as bad and confusing as everyone says it is
Episodes 25-26
- Oh I wonder where they're going with this
- Oh I guess the style is changing for this scene
- Oh no it kept going
- Yeah ok it ended I guess, and Gendo is still a massive dick, that's it that's his arc, "asshole dad acts like asshole"
End of Evangelion
- I was not ready for that hospital scene, I feel violated and gross, Shinji you dick, I believed in you, can't you show the fact that you're an empty shell by sitting quietely in the corner instead
- I don't like Asuka much, but damn is it badass to see her chuck a whole ass ship at enemies
- Wait why the FUCK did grown ass Misato kiss Shinji and imply she'd fuck him later, I get that she probably thinks it's going to motivate him and that she'll die anyway, but NO MISATO YOU WERE MY FAVOURITE (no more, no more), you were supposed to be like a mother figure to him, kid's gonna be even more fucked up than he already is, noooo, nooooo!
- Ok not sure why Gendo had to get to Rei's insides by the tittay
- Giant naked people
- Ok wait so is Shinji imagining choking Asuka to death, seeing as she just died in a different way? It's a vision?
- 'Ight, now everyone is exploding like oranges in the microwave
- Well at least we got a smidge of reason for Gendo
- In conclusion, infinitely more satisfying and informative than eps 24 and 25, still a confusing acid trip
- Is this epileptic seizure inducing montage what they show people à la Clockwork Orange style when they want to brainwash them?
- We've transcended into live action?
- Is this a dream? Is this the end? Did things work out for the best, or did Shinji fuck over the whole world? Idk there's just a lot of lights and exploding things. Everyone is dead? Or everyone is immortal? Everyone is one?
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