#Asuka is the one vomiting
vapefluid · 10 months
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Holy what was I on when drawing this, anyways, if you can’t read chicken scratch, it said “happy fuckin birthday”
Also I cannot draw for shit im just high af rn
I can see the fucking moon
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tokkias · 1 year
“Up! Up!” Asuka demands at Natsu’s feet, stomping her own, pouting, making grabby hands at him. Basically anything to try and convince him to give her uppies.
“I can’t,” he retorts, not giving into her whims so easy. “Your dad says I’m not allowed to, anymore.”
“Daddy’s not the boss of you! I am!” She huffs, and Lucy can’t hold back the laugh that she lets out in response.
“Hey! No one’s the boss of me!” Natsu spits back, unhappy with her reply.
“Then give me uppies!”
That’s all it takes for Natsu to give into her whims before she tries to bruise his ego anymore.
There’s a reason why Asuka isn’t allowed uppies anymore, and that’s because uppies with Natsu and Asuka gets out of hand. Fast.
Lucy doesn’t even have to look away before Natsu is holding Asuka up by her armpits and is spinning her around in the Natsu-equivalent of an amusement park ride. She almost wants to speak up and tell them that this is going to end poorly. Not for Asuka. She fully trusts Natsu to not let go, but for his sake.
She stays quiet just to see if the natural consequences of today’s uppies will hit him. And they do.
He lasts longer than she expects him to before she watches his face turn green and he looks like he’s going to vomit on Asuka’s hat from spinning too hard, too fast. Lucy wants to laugh, and she does, but she tries her best to hold it back just enough to make it look like she’s laughing with him rather than at him when she goes to stabilise them.
When he manages to stop, Lucy takes Asuka out of his arms before he collapses to the floor, looking deeply ill.
“And that is why Natsu isn’t allowed to give uppies anymore,” Lucy tells her, as they watch Natsu crawl to his knees, his head spinning in the process.
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guiltygearconfessions · 11 months
i NEED sol’s hatred and asuka’s guilt to be explored more than they were. strive’s story mode was so fucking disappointing for that. there was so much potential there. it’s been a while since i’ve rewatched strive’s story but i know they missed out on so much. asuka’s guilt is shown a LITTLE BIT in his arcade mode but not NEARLY ENOUGH. i want to see him rotting in guilt. i want to see sol finally get to like beat the crap out of him. i want to see them both STRUGGLE WITH THAT when they see each other. i want to see the tension between them when they’re in the same room as one another. i want there to be a fight or a struggle or SOMETHING. literally anything. sol should get to have a conclusion. i want them both to take TIME to get to a point where they can speak to each other again, even on the most basic of terms. i want them (mostly asuka) to actually have to WORK on themselves and reflect before being all buddy-buddy.
guilty gear is very much a series that shows that seeking revenge is pointless and only leads to hurting yourself. i see that, i acknowledge that, and i think that’s awesome. it’s part of how cool GG is. so YES, i think sol should let go of getting ‘revenge,’ but he NEEDS some sort of closure (not the closure given in strive that does not count to me). like please let him punch asuka or something idk. they both deserve that much.
as someone who loves both of these characters, i NEED THEM TO SUFFER. i need them to STRUGGLE!!! their relationship could have been explored so much better than it was. the conclusion just felt so rushed. (again, mostly with asuka. i Do Not like what they did with him in strive. but Augh that is a whole other rant that i’m pretty sure other people have already gone on.)
am i making sense right now?? I DON’T KNOW!! it’s late and i am tired and running on barely any sleep to begin with. but i thought about this for too long and i needed to yell about it somewhere. sorry for the word vomit bros 🫡
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neptune-lover · 1 year
Pregnant? Pt6
Author note:HOWDY sorry this took forever I've been sick the last few weeks and late last week I ended up getting an allergic reaction to something we still don't know yet I see my allergist soon about it but I've also had writers block so I apologize this took so long but here it finally is
Tag list: @hauntedpostpersona @moxkindagirl @babybatlover
Tw: talks of pregnancy, mentions of death and miscarriage, mentions of vomit/throwing up and mentions of sex, use of their real names
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It's been about a week since Rhea took the test and you guys went to the appointment and found out that both of you we're in fact pregnant about 2-2 and a half months to be exact. Both of you and all 3 of the boys were very excited but some other people didn't have the best opinions about this. Of course you guys had to tell hunter so he could plan a head and set up a promo to announce you departure from the company for about the next year. The boys decided that it was alternate 1 being home and the other two being away every week so one of them would be home with both girls. Hunter was very excited to hear the news considering he was the one who brought you to NXT from Japan all those years ago. But some of your fellow could workers were not the happiest although you had the ones who were your closest friends out side the WWE Universe like Baily, Becky, Asuka, Seth, liv and so many others but then again not all of you got along in real life like solo sikoa which was weird because the rest of the bloodline were very good friends with you and Damian. Speaking of bloodline Sami was another wrestler fond of you all because of the whole poly thing he never understood and though it was selfish for someone to date more than one person. But all your guy's friends threw a party for you and Rhea as a going away for now kinda thing which was a lot of fun Bad Bunny was there as him and Damian were still the best of friends Rey was there as he was happy he was getting 2 grand kids and he said that if Eddie was still with all of you he would be so happy for all of you and be proud if how far Dominik has come and some of your friends brought their little ones as everyone loved them like edge brought Ruby and lyric and Becky and Seth brought Roux but it was a lot if fun and you were so tired afterwards that when you got home you and Rhea got changed into some pj's and just passed out on the bed. It's been a few days since the party and currently you were sitting on the couch waiting for Finn to finish cooking lunch because you were extremely hungry and today Rhea decided she wanted to backstage with the other two because it was Finn's turn to stay home today so it would just be the two of you.
Hey guys that's all for part 6 I hope you enjoyed again so sorry it took so long I had a bunch if shit going on and I don't always also have a bunch of motivation so being sick and all that didn't help with that but hopefully I will be back to making a bunch of stuff soon and don't forget to check out my request post I'm currently working on one but please feel free to flood my inbox cuz that also give me motivation and also if you aren't sure if I do a character ask in the request and I'll DM you if I make stuff for that character or not
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dancingkirby · 2 years
The Sim(p)s GX Part 6: Someone gets PEGGED!! (And it's probably not who you think it is): Take Two
Okay, let's try this again. Yesterday I spent what must have been a solid half-hour putting this post together, only to have it be flagged immediately after I posted it. So this time, I'm unfortunately going to have to remove a few of the screencaps. Sigh.
WARNING: Discussion of morning sickness/vomiting, without pictures.
Manjoume did so well at his job that he decided to take a little snooze at the end.
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Meanwhile, things weren't going so smoothly for Asuka. She struggled a lot more with morning sickness than Ekou or Taniya did, and it wasn't confined to just the morning. At one point, she threw up three times in the span of 12 hours, then 5-6 times in the span of 24 hours. I think it was about 8-10 times total. And if THAT wasn't enough, Rachel came over one day and proceeded to spend hours playing on the computer and insulting everyone, only heading home around midnight. If I was a social worker, I think I'd be pretty worried about that kid; her parents don't seem to care where she goes/what she does when she's not at school. Although considering how self-destructive said parents are in canon, it's plausible.
One morning, Manjoume and Asuka decided to get married at the spur of the moment, and I don't like that it takes you right to the event and you have to know to make preparations ahead of time. But things went okay-ish. They had Fubuki, Neo, and Rachel as witnesses because those are the only people it let me invite.
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Immediately after, Asuka ran off to play chess with Fubuki. This went fine for all of about 2.5 seconds, and then they started arguing again.
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Fast-forward to the third trimester, and Asuka was starting to get a little gloomy.
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Although Neo tried to cheer her up as best he could.
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She went into labor on Friday night in-game, around 10:30. Manjoume was quite a bit more helpful than Misawa was. He was flirty for much of the time, but did manage to keep it in his pants! Here he is giving Asuka a back massage.
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The home birth option is new to the Realistic Childbirth mod, and may still have some minor bugs. I tried to get Manjoume to be in the birthing pool for the delivery, but his sim kept insisting that something was blocking the way. In the end, he settled for hanging out in the next room over, giving Neo a bath, while Izumi was born on 7:53 AM Sunday. (Izumi is actually the name of Manjoume's daughter by Rei in one of my fanfics.)
I got a HUGE scare immediately after, where it seemed like Izumi had failed to spawn properly in the bassinet and I was getting warning notifications that she was getting really hungry. However, that got fixed just by backing out into Worlds and then clicking on the household again.
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Asuka: "You feed her first, Manjoume-kun. I'm tired. ZZZZZ"
Now that that storyline was over, I popped in to the other houses. Anna aged up into a toddler, although this Sim looks more like Taniya and Misawa's second child in my fics, Sasha. The "real" Anna takes after her father.
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Manjoume visited a crime scene, which turned out to be the EXACT SAME house as the first one, except this time Yubel AND Fubuki were there! (I think Rei was too but I couldn't get her in the picture.) Very, very suspicious.
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Judai and Yubel, in their efforts to have a baby of their own, went on a date to the gym and had a great time in the women's locker room, flirting with everyone. Apparently, though, Taniya wasn't feeling it.
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Unfortunately, this did not result in a pregnancy, since the sex notification popped up right when they were going home, and they both instantly fell asleep upon their return. Also, there were some other issues, which I'll detail in the next part...if I can get enough material for the next part.
And finally, what you've all been waiting for! The person to get pegged was...none other than Amon! By his loving wife Ekou, of course. My favorite thing to happen since the alien mpreg. I got screencaps, which were glorious, but I can't post them because Tumblr threw a hissy fit. :( Even though I personally added black censor bars to all the naughty bits in Paint.
All right...as alluded to previously, I've been having trouble coming up with a coherent Part 7. A lot of random stuff has happened, and I've gotten some good screencaps, but some of my plans fell apart and it's been difficult to find any sort of plotline. But I think I might finally be onto something. And now, I should probably start on my Tigershipping porn oneshot idea. Maybe if I say I'm going to do it, it'll make it more likely that I actually will, since if I didn't it would be Lying (TM).
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druidx · 1 year
Storm Force
Universe: The MOW Files (Original series) CW: Vomiting, medical emergency, alcohol, fictitious religion. Words: 2,200 Date of Creation: 2005-09-10 Context: Written for a creative writing correspondence course. Please note the date of creation; this work has not been edited from the original, and is therefore not indicative of my current skill-level.
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Asuka vomited. Her stomach heaved, projecting bile and last night’s meal through her oesophagus and out of her mouth into the toilet bowl. She sank back against the head wall, eyes streaming, gasping for breath. It was insane to think that mere moments before she’d been cosily asleep...
She’d been woken up in transit from her bunk to the floor. Alarms screeched and red lights flashed on and off. Cursing, she had tried to stand, but the floor had plummeted away from her foot. Asuka recalled how her head had swum. She’d tried again, but this time the floor had come up to meet her, but swung sickeningly away at the last. Nausea had gripped her. She’d clamped a hand over her mouth and made it to the heads just in time.
Now she sat, the deck heaving below her, as her thoughts ran: What in the hell is going on? Space Ships aren’t supposed to... to do whatever this is doing!
"Asuka!" Her cabin door crashed open. She looked over, then wished she hadn’t. A large man dressed in only shorts seemed to be bobbing up and down towards her. "Gurn, don’t do that, you’ll make me -" she vomited again. Gurn patiently held her hair until she was done. "Asuka, this is not the time to get sick. I need your help," he told her. She nodded miserably, eyes tight shut. "What’s going on?" she asked, her voice raspy from the acid assault on it. "A solar storm. We -" "Ah! You poor child." A new voice entered the room. "Asuka, I’m sorry, I don’t have time-" "I know," she told him. "Go." She felt Gurn touch her shoulder in affirmation. "Padre, would you?" Padre? "Yes, of course." That was the new voice again. She heard running water and a glass was pressed into her hands. Padre... Padre Williams. Oh yes, this is all his fault....
We, Gurn and I, we’re at the Atlantis space port on Earth, an archipelago of man-made islands in the middle of the North Pacific. We’ve just finished a job, and we’re hanging around with the other hauliers having a breather, when this man, this Padre of Gaia, turns up. I see him going around, asking something, and being turned down by everyone. I don’t really pay much attention. Until he stands in the middle of us, and begs: "Please, one of you must be brave enough -" "Or stupid enough!" yells an anonymous voice. "- to help me get this aid to the Venusians. They are in such dire need!" "No offence to you or your cloth Padre, but you’re insane." I’m surprised to see it’s Talon Dangay speaking, one half of the famous ‘Dangerous’ Dangay twins. "You’ll never get anyone t’risk life and ship out there." For a moment I’m confused about what he’s meaning, but then I remember the reports from the PlaNet yesterday: ‘Thousands feared dead in the worst storms to hit Venus yet!’; ‘The poorest Freelancers beg for aid!’; ‘MOW refusing to get involved!’; ‘’Ship owners warned away from the area, due to solar winds gusting to over 1000 kilometres per second!’.
I come back from the thought to hear the Padre say: "But, we can pay!" "Padre, even MOW don’t have enough cash to send us out there." This is from ‘Burly’ Mike Saffield, as famous as the Dangay twins. I look around. Most of the hauliers are nodding in agreement with Burly, all are avoiding the Padre’s eye. The poor Padre himself looks distraught, as if he can’t believe these men could be so uncharitable. I glance at my partner in crime. He is frowning. I know what he’s thinking. "It’s going to be highly dangerous." I tell him in a low voice. "The PlaNet reports that the weather conditions are still extremely unstable." "Those people need help." He muses, also sotto vocé. I shrug. "You’re the pilot." He gives me a look. I fix him with one of my own. "This could be a good opportunity for us." He raises a questioning eyebrow. "The three most fearless men in the system won’t touch it, and Padre here is getting desperate. It’s about time we got a reputation." I look deep into his eyes. They are smiling. "All yours Princess," he tells me. I grin back.
As I step into the circle around the Padre, I notice some of the others have begun to drift away. The Padre sounds close to tears: "Will no one help me?" I clear my throat. "Yes Padre." My resonant voice is all that’s needed to make people pay attention again. "The crew of the Narin, Gurn Tepper and myself, Asuka Rackell, will take on your contract." Silence meets my proclamation; I can feel at least 20 pairs of eyes on me. Somewhere, someone starts to laugh. As it goes from a small chuckle to an open-throated guffaw, I can see who it is: Burly. "Something funny Saffield?" Cool, and calm, emphasis on the ‘funny’. His laughter dies to a gurgle as he looks at me and tells me quite emphatically: "Rackell, you and your buddy are nuts."
As she sipped at the water, the only thought in Asuka’s head was, Yeah, we sure are. "Miss Rackell?" The Padre’s words brought her back to the present. "So, you’ve a touch of sea sickness then?" She opened an eye at him. "Padre, we’re in space," she rasped. "True, but ‘tis the rocking of the boat making you ill, for sure." "Bollocks," she told him, before the deck lurched to one side and she swallowed bile again. "D’you not have any travel pills?" The Padre asked when she’d recovered. "Top drawer, bedside locker. They ain’t travel pills, but they should do." She shut her eye again, rather than watch him sway, and shivered. Oh Gaia! She moaned to herself. At least when I have a hangover I can say, ‘I sure had a good time last night’… "It’s okay, you can open your eyes again now." The Padre was back, and pressing two stomach settlers into her hand. She swallowed them quickly, gulping down the water. "Thank you Padre."
Gurn was studying the controls when Asuka walked in, ashen faced and shivering. A thousand derisory remarks crossed through his brain: Nice of you to turn up; Wonderful situation you’ve gotten us into; Did I mention we’re all going to die? Instead he merely asked, in his coldest voice: "Where’s the Padre?" "I asked him to check the cargo." Asuka staggered over to where he stood, trying to make sense of the readings. They stood in silence, before: "You’re angry at me," she said quietly. "Why, specifically, this time?" Oh, I’m not angry. How could I be? You only convinced me to go on a suicide mission. You only pandered to my conscience. You’ve only made dead fools of us, stupid girl! "I’m not. We have problems though." He gesticulated to a flashing console. "We got caught in a solar wind, but our alarms didn’t go off." "Go on." "Debris, mainly large flat plates of metal, also got caught up in the wind. They’ve damaged the thrusters." "Well, that’s not too bad. We can just repair or replace them, can’t we?" "We could… Normally." "Normally?" Asuka’s voice was full of dread. "The part that needs replacing is on the outside. Have you seen the levels of radiation out there?" He flicked a hand at a bar chart, and Asuka looked. The bar was into the upper yellow. "I don’t know if I’ll be able to fix it. And there is another thing," his voice was accusatory, "I think some of the debris scratched the anti-radiation paint on the outer hull. The longer we stay here, the more at risk we are from getting poisoned." Asuka stared at the bar as it fluctuated occasionally. The hum of the engine seemed to fill her world, only punctuated with the occasional mechanical blip, as Gurn’s words sank in. "Oh," she said finally. "Yeah. ‘Oh’," he repeated sarcastically. Asuka turned slowly towards him, her eyes glazed over and staring into the middle distance. "What, then, are we waiting for, exactly?"
A shot of whisky and three coffee chasers later Asuka was feeling back to her normal self, and consequently was arguing with a barely tolerant Gurn. "Gurn, you don’t have to do this," she told him as he pulled on an artificial environment suit. "I know how to fix the thruster just as well as you do. You showed me, remember, back on Io." "I remember Asuka. But that was on land, not zero gravity. It’s very different. Besides, since you’re better, I need you in command." "The Padre can do it. You can't go out there alone!" "I will be fine. You are staying inside." "But-" "Get to the bridge." "But-" "Asuka!" "FINE!" Asuka stomped halfway up the stairs, before she checked herself. She turned back and yelled back down the stairs. "Just don't do something stupid, like getting yourself killed!"
Gurn watched her as she stamped up the stairs, before turning back to his preparations. "An interesting way of showing affection, t’be sure," the Padre observed. "I'd hardly call it affection Padre," Gurn replied, strapping a tool kit to his AE suit. "Hand me that box please." "So why’s she got you all a-fluster?" Padre Williams asked, handing Gurn the requested box. "I'm not angry." "Denial is not so healthy." Gurn stopped, and looked at the Padre. "Am I really that transparent?" The Padre smiled. "I've had a lot of practice in reading people. Part o’the job." Gurn nodded, pulled on his helmet and moved to the air lock. "Ready?" Gurn nodded again, and the Padre opened the door. As he waited for the de-pressurisation the comm crackled. "Hey, Gurn?" Came Asuka’s voice. "What?" "Whatever I did, I’m sorry. You are a-go ."
From the bridge, Asuka and the Padre watched with some trepidation as a white blob moved around a vector graphic of the Narin. Though his AE suit was the best money could buy, it was still not designed to protect from radiation this high. Asuka knew if Gurn took a direct hit of gamma rays, he was cancerous toast.
She was still deep in thought, when the Padre reached past her and pointed to the graphic. "What's that?" he asked. Asuka looked. "Holy Gaia…" She hit the comm button. "Gurn, do you copy?" She looked at how far the white blob had got. He was at the back of the ship, and had evidently started repairs. "What is it?" came the crackly response. "Gurn, there is a wind heading for us, possibly bringing debris-" As she spoke, a chunk of metal hit the ship, making it rock and sending them flying. Asuka clambered to her feet. "Gurn. Gurn!" she screamed into the comm. Static. "Gurn!" "Quit yellin'. I'm here." Asuka sank to her knees. "Oh thank Gaia. Gurn, I though -" "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shadup and let me get back to work." "Yes Gurn," Asuka replied meekly, but smiled.
Half an hour later Gurn radioed in to say he was on his way back. "How are you doing?" Padre Williams asked. "Is Asuka there?" Came the crackled reply. "No, she isn’t." "Good. I’m not so hot, Padre. I think. I think I’ve been out here too long. I think I might be sick." "Gaia preserve… I’ll get her-" "No, I can make it back. Forgive me Padre, for I have sinned…" There was hoarse laughter. "Mr Tepper, I have no intention of taking your last confession. You can tell her yourself." "Padre!" But the priest was already on his way to get Asuka suited up.
Asuka stepped out of the air lock into the cold reaches of space, and walked towards an ailing Gurn. "C’mon," she told him. "I’m fine Asuka." "Liar." She lifted his arm and put it over her shoulder, reached around his waist and nudged him forward. "Why are you doing this?" he asked her. "We’re partners Gurn. For whatever reason we’re not seeing eye to eye right now, but I want us to stay partners. That means you don’t get to die." She propelled them both forward again. "Asuka… I didn’t think we would make it. I was angry at you for bringing us out here-" "Now tell me something I don’t know." "I’m… I’m sorry." Asuka smiled at him. "Good," she told him as the the air lock opened and they re-pressurised. Padre Williams helped her bring Gurn into the hold, de-suit him and get him into bed. "Now you’d damn better get well. Padre and I won’t be able to shift all those aid packages by ourselves once we reach Venus." She squeezed Gurn’s shoulder before leaving the Padre to minister to him. "Padre, you were right," he said. "She does have an odd way of showing affection."
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randomattorney · 4 years
About the last ShinEva movie and KawoShin
My friend wrote this and I’m posting it here as a message to you:
I see people crying and bitching already and just want to tell you this if you  read the leak spoil/ers already about Kaworu’s motivation and what’s going on in this movie. This is to explain  how KawoShin is still canon and if you thought otherwise you are wrong
First of all, Kaworu is not obsessed with Shinji’s happiness in a yandere way. What happens is simply that Kaworu was trying to find his happiness through finding Shinji’s happiness. He wasn’t selfish and no one ever says this word in the script, on the contrary, he was too selfless because he kept dying over and over for Shinji and that left Shinji catatonic and wanting to die too as happens in the first hour of the new movie. Shinji keeps getting flashbacks to Kaworu’s death and is reminded of this everytime he sees Asuka wearing the DSS choker. He vomits everytime and refuses to eat or drink. He’s letting himself die here, and doing it in a slow painful way because he thinks he should have died instead of Kaworu.
Rebuild Shinji and Kaworu, in this universe, turn out to be NGE Shinji and Kaworu, they already said they loved eachother in the anime, so their love is still here in Rebuild. Kaworu remembers every time they met and Shinji gets his past memories.
Kaworu tried over and over, because he loved Shinji and made Shinji the focus of his purpose in life and happiness, to meet him over and over everytime a loop happened.
Shinji appreciates this obviously because he loves Kaworu too as he said in NGE, but this is not his happiness and Kaworu misunderstood, because Kaworu dying and suffering is something Shinji doesn’t want.
Shinji compares him to Gendo, as in that he made him and only him the focus of his life just like Gendo made Yui and only Yui the focus of his life. There are other parallels here to Kaworu. A connection to Gendo playing the piano and being lonely until he fell in love with Yui. This comparison is also one to Shinji and Kaworu’s love being real.
It’s said that Kaworu chose Shinji because he never changed no matter what, but at the same time, Qworu was able to form connections with others, in this case, with Kaji since they both were working to stop Seele/Nerv and worked for  Wille together, and having experienced that, at the same time, he’s glad that Shinji changed. Kaworu secretly wanted change too. He wants to be free too because he too is aware that no matter what he can’t escape his fate, but he’s powerless, there’s nothing he can do.
Shinji realizes that nor Kaworu nor anyone here is is control of the Eva world, and that the loops just happen and that as long as Kaworu is an angel/Adam he’ll be forced to repeat over and over and suffer over and over.
This goes for Rei too. The Eva world can’t be changed, it’s doomed to end in tragedy every time. As long as this Eva world exists, Kaworu and Shinji can’t be happy.
He talks with both Rei and Asuka separately and has closure with them and their relationship too.
In their instrumentality sequence, Shinji and Kaworu met in the same beach of ep 24 and say goodbye while Shinji (as a kid) holds Kaworu’s hands and Kaworu cries tears of happiness.
In the end, while Shinji and Kaworu loved eachother, sadly, they would never be able to be happy in a world with Evas, because as I said, that world will always end in tragedy. This doesn’t invalidate their love and it doesn’t invalidate the nice cute and canon moments they shared in NGE and 3.0
As true star-crossed lovers, the universe is the real problem in this relationship. It’s outside forces what stops them from being together.
Since the universe is what is making Kaworu (and everyone else but we’ll focus on Kaworu) suffer, Shinji creates a new world where Evas don't exist so he can be free.
In this new world Shinji wears the DSS choker, that before gave him ptsd, to pay for his sins and the sins of his father. He waits years, more than 14, waiting just like Kaworu waited for him, to see with his own eyes if Kaworu made it to the new world and if he’s happy (Kaworu died for good in 3.0, Shinji talks to his soul in instrumentality and all that so he’s waiting to confirm that he was reborn as human). Shinji, now being like 30 to 40 years old, sees a young adult Kaworu (talking to Rei but the focus in on Kaworu smiling) and finally smiles after so long. Mari appears and takes the DSS choker from him. Now that Shinji knows that Kaworu (Rei too) is happy and free from the loops and his horrible fate, he allows himself to move on. He and Mari turn around and leave (the scene implies this new world is our real world where Evas don’t exist)
I still have problems with this movie, but don’t panic and say that KawoShin is destroyed or non existent. They just couldn’t be together because of stuff that wasn’t in their control.
Here you can choose to do one of two things:
You can believe that now in this new world without Evangelion, without loops and all that, Shinji and Kaworu, maybe not now because Shinji’s older and stays with Mari, but in the future once they are reborn once more after this, that they’ll find each other again and now, with no universe or pre destined fate  ruining everything, they’ll be happy together, be it as friends or lovers.
You can accept this story is over and move on from Evangelion. Appreciate it for what it is and appreciate the conclusion. Or you may not like the conclusion or aspects of it or the movie, that’s ok too.
But KawoShin is and was still canon.
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eukrasian · 3 years
theres no way this guy who made a whole 1.5 hour long video essay on end of evangelion just said “its odd that maya’s almost vomiting at the sight of a computer monitor, because in context she isn’t seeing the horror she’s seeing something shut down on a computer screen”. the scene where that happens is asuka’s eva getting ripped and picked apart (which includes a LOT of gore and pain for asuka because its connected to her and her protection is getting literally ripped off of her nerve system), and that’s exactly what maya sees. she sees a full 2d image of the EVA and blocks of it are going offline rapidly as the evas(? angels? the mass-produced ones with dummy plugs) literally pick apart asuka’s eva like they are a bunch of vultures feasting on roadkill (this is literal they are very symbolic of birds.) just because maya can’t actually see the horror of whats happening doesn’t mean she cant envision it and understand that asuka and her eva are literally getting ripped apart at the seams.
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madmanjive · 4 years
Shinji, Asuka, and QRei wander until they are picked up by a truck, transporting them to a nearby Lilin settlement.
Toji is a village doctor and father of a young child named Tsubama (with Hikari, who is also alive).
Kensuke is also there. He’s an avid survivalist and works for a smaller sub-organization within WILLE called KREDIT, developing and refining the re-vitalization tech used for Angel Sealing Pillars.
Shinji stays with Kensuke and Asuka. Asuka wanders around naked and has a few suspiciously intimate moments with Kensuke, who she refers to as Ken-Ken.
Shinji is nearly catatonic. He refuses to eat or engage, still shaken by what happened with Kaworu. At one point, he gets a glimpse of Asuka’s DSS Choker and vomits, having been reminded of Kaworu’s head exploding. Kensuke cleans up the vomit.
Asuka marvels how he can manage to throw up without eating anything. Frustrated, Asuka and other villagers try to forcefeed him meals. Village elders scold Shinji for not trying hard enough. Hikari implores that the elders go easier on him.  
Meanwhile, Shinji is slowly recovering from his initial shock. Asuka is protecting the village perimeter.Kensuke teaches Shinji how to fish, elaborating more on the Angel Sealing Pillars. According to Kensuke, ASPs do not run indefinitely. Their failure will mean the end of the Lilin settlement and its inhabitants. Here, he introduces Shinji to “Ryoji Kaji” - Misato and Kaji’s 14 year old son, who works with Kensuke on KREDIT.Ryoji wears a light blue/white radiation suit. Here, it’s explained that Kaji died during 3rd Impact by closing the Door of Guf, while Misato was pregnant with Ryoji. Presumably, the Door of Guf can only be opened and closed with a Key of Nebuchandezzer, so Kaji could have procured two Keys from SEELE, one that he gave to Gendo, and one that he kept for himself.Ryoji has no clue who his parents are - allegedly thinks of himself as orphaned (parallels with Kaji’s own childhood post-Second Impact). Misato had abandoned him shortly after he was born. 
Turns out, Rei has an LCL deficiency in need of constant maintenance. Her body deteriorates the longer she remains outside her tank. With Tsubama near, Rei starts crying as the realization dawns on her. She has no idea how to process her death and doesn’t understand why it makes her so sad.Before she dies, Rei finds Shinji and gives him the SDAT. She thanks him. Her plugsuit changes color from black to white and she explodes in a pop of LCL.Shinji decides to return to WILLE and help Misato restore the world back to its pre-Impact state.WILLE does not react to Shinji well. They quarantine him again, though this time without a DSS Choker. Asuka and Mari visit him in his quarantine cell.Mari re-introduces herself to Shinji. Asuka admits to Shinji that she’d “liked him a long time ago” when she was still a child. Asuka is relieved to be long past those childish feelings, and happier still she had the opportunity to get them off her chest.Gendo starts to make use of Eva 13. The Wunder embarks to destroy him and 13. Here, a battle ignites between a skull-Eva army and Units 02 and 08, repaired with the spare parts WILLE salvaged from Paris in AVANT.Asuka attempts to destroy Unit 13′s core, first by removing her eyepatch to unleash an energy bolt from her Bardiel-corrupted eyesocket.When that doesn’t work, she goes beast mode, only for Unit 13 to destroy her after she injects Angel blood into 02 for an emergency upgrade. Asuka dies.  
Gendo successfully merges with 13, ready to start the final Impact. Shinji demands that Misato let him pilot Unit-01.Misato agrees; the time has come for Shinji to face off against his father in Unit-01. However, Sakura and Midori are vehemently opposed to the idea.Sakura, terrified and panicked, tries to shoot Shinji. Misato intervenes and takes a bullet for him (just like in EOE).As Shinji rushes to Misato’s aid, they have a heart to heart. Shinji tells Misato he met her son, Ryoji, and liked him. Shinji hands Misato a photo of Shinji and Ryoji smiling together that Kensuke had taken moments before. Misato smiles, relieved.Mari retrieves Shinji and transports him to Unit 01. Inside 01, sits Rei II with long hair. Shinji goes berserk.Shinji and Gendo duke it out in Units 01 and 13. Shinji is positioned as someone capable of growth, someone who can move on from the past, versus Gendo, who is escapist, stagnant, trapped in old memories. Shinji resolves to create a new world without Evas. During their fight, Shinji and Gendo’s memories cycle through, pulling in random scenes from their pasts: Shinji’s middle school, Sachiel stage, inside Misato’s apartment, etc.WILLE is baffled how Shinji can pilot despite his synch ratio reading “zero” - until Maya and Ritsuko realize “zero” actually represents the number closest to zero; that is, infinity.At one point, Gendo and Shinji stop fighting and the setting transforms to reveal a train, where they both confront each other. Gendo’s backstory is explored: he was alone and didn’t care about people, until he met Yui, who made him feel for the first time. When she died, he decied he’d do anything to get her back again.  
Shinji gets right up in Gendo’s face and pops his AT Field. Gendo protests, incredulous and resisting. We see a flashback of Gendo sending Shinji away.Shinji gives Gendo the SDAT through the AT Field. Gendo, defeated, departs the train  
Shinji and Rei brainstorm how the new, Eva-less world will look like. Shinji says, in English, the new world will be a “Neon Genesis.”Rebuild is set up as a sequel/loop of the original TV series. Kaworu is the same character in every Evangelion story: when he dies in one universe he gets brought back in another.Shinji remembers the original anime inside Unit 01, which contains both the Lance of Longinus and Lance of Cassius (the lances of hope and despair, together).  
Shinji attempts to impale himself as we get flashbacks from End of Evangelion. Giant Rei returns in hyperrealistic/fantastical CGI.Misato sacrifies herself and the Wunder by colliding the ship into GNR’s giant head. Before she dies, she says “I’m sorry, Ryoji” - a parallel played straight with Gendo in EOE.Yui blocks Shinji before he can impale himself with the Spears. Two sets of arms wrap around 01, including Eva 13 (Gendo). Gendo and Yui reunite, smiling fondly at their son.Shinji gets transported into the sea of LCL from End of Evangelion. Asuka is there, her plugsuit in tatters. Shinji tells Asuka that he once liked her, but now she needs to take care of Kensuke.Asuka has an Instrumentality sequence where she confronts a giant, human-sized doll as a child. The doll removes its head to reveal Kensuke, who affirms her existence  
Final Impact commences. Shinji says “Goodbye, all of Evangelion.” Unlike EOE Impact where everyone explodes into puddles of LCL, everyone, already having exploded, regains their forms through self-discovery.Evangelions turn into humans. Humans become men, women, children, animals, and nature.Shinji is alone on a quiet, blue beach. Mari’s Evangelion appears and says, “Goodbye Evangelion 3.0+1.0.” We’re treated to another train station. Adult Shinji, wearing a business suit, waits on one side of the tracks. Adult Rei and Kaworu are on the other side.Adult Mari comes up from behind Shinji and goes “Guess who?”Shinji replies: “a woman with a big chest.” Mari asks him if he’s “ready to go” and Shinji responds with an affirmative. Then, the shot pulls back to reveal a shot of live action Ube, Japan - Hideaki Anno’s hometow 
There you have it. After all these years kensuke get to be whit the girl of his dreams. Kensuke is the man.   AsukaKkenken LIVES!!!! Good things comes to those who wait.  
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fencer-x · 4 years
Fencer’s Big Eva Review
Just got done watching the Eva finale, so it’s time to get out thoughts while they’re fresh! Caveat: Eva is difficult to understand for native speakers, and I’m definitely not a native speaker XD I feel like I got maybe half, and got the rough gist of like 10% of the rest, and the remaining was just no friggin’ clue. Would’ve gone better if there’d at least been JP subs, but you’ll have to deal with what I’ve got for now!
It should be obvious, but there’ll be HELLA MAJOR SPOILERS for the final Evangelion movie. Ready? Let’s go.
The movie very helpfully starts off with a ~2 min recap of the movies thus far. This was great because I didn’t have time to rewatch the previous three before going, and while I’ve seen them a few times, it took me a second the recall what had happened at the very end of Q, so I was glad to get a very brief recap.
The actual movie itself opens on...Paris! Or Paris post-Near-Third-Impact (Third Impact?), which is a red and black wasteland. It seems that Wille has been developing these things that look like Entry Plugs that they shove into the ground and restore everything to pre-all-impacts (so like, blue water and everything); couldn’t get HOW it managed that, but they had them and were attempting to restore Paris.
Would have been a walk in the park except for weird Eva-Angel-Machine hybrids that were trying to prevent them from activating the plugs. Lots of fighting happens, with Mari piloting her Eva to give them cover while the Wille staff set everything up. Eventually they manage it, and Euro Nerv is restored.
Then we switch over to right where Q left off: Asuka, Clone!Rei, and a catatonic Shinji wandering around trying to go who knows where. They eventually get picked up by...Touji! Yes, an older Touji now who lives in a commune of survivors, scraping out a semblance of a life in one of the areas protected by the aforementioned plugs (they had another name but I couldn’t get it).
In this community, Touji is the local doctor--and he’s married with a kid! He married Hikari, and they have an infant daughter named Tsubame. 
Now, let’s check in how our main three do when introduced to this relatively normal life they get to enjoy for a few weeks:
Asuka: Still in ‘fight mode’, ready to go at a moment’s notice. How she thinks she’s gonna fight when she has no Eva idk, but for this entire little bit, she’s either naked or in her plugsuit. She stays with Aida Kensuke, who’s kind of the handyman, and is generally just rude af.
Shinji: For 90% of this bit, he’s totally shut off. He’s incredibly fucked up from having JUST watched Kaworu die, essentially because of him, and Asuka has on a DSS choker, and every time he sees it, he collapses and begins vomiting violently. He stays with the Suzuharas at first but is quickly sent to stay with Asuka and Kensuke because they don’t really know how to deal with him. Kensuke manages to get him to open up a little bit, but eventually it’s Rei who gets him started on the path back to being himself. At one point he runs away and ‘lives’ alone for a while in what I think was either the building where he first met Kaworu playing the piano or one that looked a lot like it. He goes out to do odd jobs with Kensuke a lot, and on one occasion he’s taken to an ‘outdoor lab’ where some workers are experimenting with new gardening techniques. It’s here he’s meets...Kaji Ryouji. No, not that Kaji Ryouji. That Kaji DIED. This is the son he had with Misato (named after him).
Rei: Now, let me say I’ve never been super interested in Rei. I didn’t dislike her, like I did Asuka, but I wasn’t really interested in her either. She was just there. Guys.....I LOVED REI IN THIS MOVIE. I would have watched 2.5 hours of the Rei Learns To Be A Human show and been happy for the $20 I paid. Rei spends her time in the commune learning to be an individual. She stays with the Suzuharas and learns what different words mean, like “Good morning” and “Good night” and “Thank you” and “Goodbye”, she gets super close with a bunch of old ladies who essentially adopt her and teach her how to plant turnips and what a bath is, and she becomes her own person. When she first arrives, the Suzuharas think she’s “Ayanami Rei”, but she explains that she isn’t, so they call her “Sokkuri-san” instead (”Miss Spitting Image” essentially), and the old ladies find it amusing at first but then encourage her to choose her own name, and when she can’t think of one, they tell her to have someone choose one for her, so she asks the Uber-Depressed Shinji to choose one. These interactions are what eventually pull him back to himself, but ultimately he’s unable to come up with one, because “Ayanami is Ayanami”. She thanks him for trying anyway, returns his SD player to him..............................and then dissolves into a pile of LCL fluid, as apparently all clones eventually return to LCL. Fantastic, because Shinji didn’t need EVEN MORE TRAUMA.
Somehow, the above doesn’t break Shinji, and he resolves to go back to Wille and face his father I guess?? I’m not entirely clear on why (gotta go read some reports of my own I guess lol). Back on the ship with Misato et al., Shinji isn’t forced to wear a choker but he’s put in a cell with like explosives in it I guess. He starts having visions of Kaworu helping him accept things.
At this point it’s getting close to the climax, and Wille are going after Nerv/Gendo once and for all. During the final fight, Asuka tried to take out Unit 13′s core, and then she’s not managing it, she rips off her eyepatch, and we see that the patch was keeping the 9th angel bound within her eye, so she decides to throw away her humanity and let it take over to destroy Unit 13. Unfortunately, she’s killed in the end--how? She’s approached by a vision of her ‘original’. Yup, Asuka was a clone herself, like Rei, and she turns back into LCL and she and unit 02 are absorbed by Unit 13.
Eventually the fight comes down to Shinji vs. Gendo, who has thrown away his own humanity and bonded with Unit 13 in the hopes of completing the Human Instrumentality Project. He and Shinji go head to head as Shinji summons (???) Unit 01 from inside Unit 13, and there’s a really REALLY WEIRD final fight between the two that involves some weird animation choices. Lots of storyboards and overly CGI’d CGI, and some bits that seem to take them through the different incarnations of the Eva series.
We also get Gendo backstory by the boatload as he and Shinji have an actual goddamn conversation for once. Mari features prominently in Gendo’s flashbacks so she was definitely one of his classmates it seems, who introduced him to Fuyutsuki. I’m still not entirely clear on who she is/was.
However, through this conversation, Shinji gives the people he’s interacted with most closely/been closest with closure I guess? Gendo, Asuka...Kaworu.
So about Kaworu. Their conversation was VERY VERY WEIRD; it’s made clear that Shinji is also now aware of all the different iterations of their meeting. When they talk, it’s set at the beach where they first met in the TV series, and Shinji says he remembers all the times they’ve met before. Shinji mentions that Kaworu reminds him a lot of his father, and then there are some very strange flashbacks (????) of Kaworu’s that I feel like imply he’s to Gendo as Rei is to Yui. At one point, he’s seen talking to Fuyutsuki, trying to decide on a name for himself and settling on ‘Nagisa’ as it means ‘beach’, where the ocean meets the land. Fuyutsuki later addresses Kaworu, who’s sitting in Gendo’s desk, as “Commander Nagisa”. Kaworu reflects to Shinji that he failed so many times to make Shinji happy, but he’s realized now that that’s because he doesn’t know what would make Shinji happy and it was arrogant to think he knew better. He was looking for his own happiness all along.
In the end, after all these goodbyes, Shinji is left with the decision of what to do with, well, reality. He decides, in a conversation with Rei, that he’ll reset everything--create a ‘neon genesis’--to a world without Eva or Angels.
Our last shot is an older Shinji meeting his (presumed??) girlfriend Mari on a train platform. On the opposite platform waiting for their own train are Kaworu, Asuka, and Rei. Shinji and Mari hold hands and run, laughing, from the train station.
My final thoughts:
Okay I’ll say it: the fuck with Shinji/Mari endgame? Believe me, it was completely out of left field even in this movie. They just happened to be the only final survivors. Mari flirted a hell of a lot more with ASUKA and was distraught at her death than she did with Shinji. They were a kind of cute couple in the end, but very ????? 
I’m disappointed Shinji wasn’t the one to give Kaworu his happiness in the end, after Kaworu spent so long and so many lives and realities trying to make him happy and failing. I’m choosing to believe, since these multiple realities/resets are canon now, that he did it in one of them. They all deserve the happiness of their choosing, not just Shinji’s, and Kaworu showed us time and time again that his happiness definitively involves being with Shinji.
I’m sure I missed a lot, because yanno, Eva, and it was long enough as is, but gosh I wish I could’ve understood more of everything that was going on, cause there was SO MUCH WEIRD SHIT.
If I watch this movie again, I will 500% just be watching those “Rei learns to be human with the help of a bunch of old cackling biddies” bits :> Those were THE BEST PARTS OF THE MOVIE.
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mediioxumate · 4 years
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lesbian asuka hours. 
jo, have another lesbian muse with comphet issues? more likely than you think. 
it is canon, ofc, that asuka has serious issues around attention, and what it means to get attention, whether that be positive or negative. mix that with a good dose of comp het and you get asuka langley-soryuu. 
cw suicide ment, abuse, sexual trauma, emetophobia
so obviously this all starts with her childhood - her mother’s mental state, her father, her stepmother, the hospital staff. she felt ignored and worthless - only more so once her mother commits suicide. 
she grows up alone, feeling ignored and worthless. it means she learns to act out for attention - anything to be noticed. anything to feel seen. asuka is already a rather abrasive person without mixing in her trauma, so being rude and mean gives her two benefits - always gets attention, and slowly helps her build a big lie wall around herself that she doesn’t need other people, and that they’re all below her or not worth her time. can’t be lonely if she doesn’t want other people around. 
additionally, she learns young (too young) that she can get attention and validation from men who think she’s cute and fuckable, that she just has to present herself and receive what she wants. it makes her feel a little gross, but if they’re looking at her like an object, at least they’re looking at her. 
prior to being taken on as second child, she’s undergone many layers of csa, and internalized all of it. her parents didn’t notice or care, and it slowly taught her that her worth was tied to her body. to be noticed, she needed to flaunt her body. 
she also has a complicated relationship to it, however, considering it’s so thoroughly from her trauma - she wants to be looked at, but it also makes her feel gross and dirty and powerless. it’s why she seemingly baits the looks before slapping anyone that looks at her wrong, and it makes her feel broken, only building up the wall that she needs to be alone more and more. 
then, we have her being recruited as second child and EVA pilot - it’s a dream come true. she has a chance to prove herself, and has something about her that’s undeniably special. that makes people look at her and respect her. 
but, of course, this comes with the caveat of reinforcing that her worth is tied to her body. she needs to be in shape to pilot the eva. needs to be able to take pain - and oh, she’s good at that already. she’s long learned to push her body to it’s limits again and again, and at NERV that earns her all the praise she’s been craving her whole life. oh how dedicated she is, what a wonderful pilot, so talented. who cares if all she does is train and sleep, or that she ends up vomiting after most training from pushing her body way too far
then ofc there’s the matter of ryoji kaji. asuka is used to being wanted and objectified and kaji... doesn’t. and she doesn’t understand why and it feels like her father all over again. he just nods when she talks, gives empty praise and it drives her insane. drives her to the extremes we see in canon with her p much harassing him just to get a reaction - any reaction. kaji is, objectively, her kryptonite. 
she’s so thoroughly internalized that her worth is tied to others desiring her, and it makes her just fixate on kaji. why doesn’t he want her? why won’t he use her? why does he treat her like a kid when every other man compliments her on how mature she is for her age? 
moving forward, there’s also her relationship with shinji. she has this dichotomy in her relationship to others that’s rooted in her inferiority complex - we see over and over how absolutely pissed she is when she feels he’s outperformed her, but she also has to keep that she’s better than everyone or what’s it all worth? if she isn’t better than everyone else, she’s worthless. 
then misato tells her that her and shinji are equals. that they have to communicate, and asuka has been operating on her own as long as she can remember, and has no experience relating to someone as an equal. it doesn’t compute. her feelings towards shinji are... complicated. 
he makes her feel inferior with his natural affinity. but she also sees his relationship to his father and thinks that maybe he understands. and slowly, she sees him as an equal, even if she won’t say it. and that’s even more confusing. 
then on some level, shinji seems interested in her. and a boy her age that she sees as an equal... she should like him, right? they should date or something, right? and then she kisses shinji and it... sucks. she doesn’t get anything from it, and that just pisses her off, because anything she doesn’t understand just immediately translates to rage. anger is... easier. 
which leads us to the actual point here: asuka’s big fat lesbian crisis. 
all in all, she doesn’t want men so much as she wants men to want her because it makes her feel valuable. it doesn’t matter who’s on the other side of that so long as she’s getting the attention she wants. 
then between kaji and shinji she has to confront all of it a lot more seriously. the way men touching her feels... disgusting. wrong. defensive and vulnerable. 
there’s a shade of revelation with rei. the way rei seems to see her - even if it’s right to her ugly and rotten core. and it doesn’t make her feel threatened, and some part of her wants rei to see more. 
and ofc. there’s mari. who calls her princess and your highness and teases her - treating her like an equal in a way she’s never experienced before. and that has her feeling SOME type of way. flustered feeling. like she wants mari to tease her... all the time? 
and suddenly the way she’s avoided other women makes sense in some kind of twisted way. mari makes her vulnerable in a way that’s utterly unfamiliar. she finds herself wanting her close, and starts thinking more about not just mari but girls. the way she felt like the men who used her when she looked at them, like she was just as disgusting. 
but with rei and mari she... doesn’t feel that way. and she doesn’t know what to do with that. she just knows they’re really pretty and kissing them sounds a whole hell of a lot better than kissing shinji.
in all likelihood, in most timelines, asuka likely never comes to the realization enough to call herself a lesbian, but she certainly is one. 
thanks for coming to my ted talk asuka likes women thank you and goodnight
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bubblegumlefty · 4 years
Alright. Now that I have calmed down and everything, I'd say Extreme Rules was average. Not fantastic, but not god awful either. I'm sure the whole champion debacle with Asuka and Sasha will be addressed tomorrow. Also Drew retained, which is good, and the match was interesting to see with the whole stipulation thing. Heck I'm suprised that nobody had thought of it earlier over the years.
As for the eye for an eye match, it's half and half for me. On one half, it sounded cool in concept, but on the other it horribly fell apart in execution. No doubt both men did their absolute best with what they were given. I didn't see the so called "extracted" eye until someone posted pictures of it. (BTW, if you're going to try to pull this off, couldn't you at least make it believable? The eye looked like it was a decorative piece that came from a dollar store. I mean how much do fake eyes actually cost? And I mean the realistic kind, like glass. Do those even exist? At least add some blood on the stairs or something. Otherwise, what's the point?)
I did like the part with Seth vomiting out of disgust/nervousness(?)and realizing what he just did, as if things got real for him. Makes it more realistic in a sense than gloating in victory. Reminds me of that moment way back where JBL hit John Cena with a car. Anybody remember that? Though the "vomit" itself kinda looked like oatmeal to me, IDK. The crowd yelling "Shame" at him was a nice touch. (Even though it's kinda ironic.)
I rewatched the ending to the raw women's championship match. I've accepted it, maybe I even liked it. And to be fair, it's not the first time that WWE has done this sort of thing. I think they did it once before during the attitude era, I'm not sure.
And of course, the Swamp match was just something else. There was also a fake out at one point where the ending logo showed up, only to fade away.
I know there were a few other matches on the card, but these are the ones that I can recall the most. Overall I'd rate Extreme Rules a 5/10. Hopefully when Summerslam comes around, things will be a bit better.
(Also side note: I saw one guy in the audience with the mask only covering his mouth. Like sir, the nose needs to be covered too. Does WWE not even look after them to make sure that everything is properly taken care of? Honestly I don't know why I'm even asking this, I think we all know the answer. It just bugged me quite a bit.)
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bnha-eras-zine · 5 years
hey! could y'all release year ranges for the time periods to make it less vague? there are multiple interpretations of what constitutes as the "Middle Ages" or an "ancient" era, and having a range of years would be super helpful!
Hello there Anon-san!
We are aware that the way we have divided the time periods is rather vague, but that was actually our intention. By saying “the Middle Ages” without specifiying any definite boundaries, we allow our contributors more creativity and a wider range to choose from! We actually plan to assign several artists to one era and let them choose different regions and times in this certain period for diversity:) (For instance, the Middle Ages could be not only castle and knights, but also Vikings and the Age of Discoveries!)
For reference, though, here are the approximative centuries/years for each era:
Egyptian Era: from the early prehistoric settlements (yes, they were geniuses and no, we still don’t know how they built the pyramids) to the Roman Conquest (30 BC)
Classical Antiquity: this is actually a broader term for the Greco-Roman world and it spanned from around 3000 BC to the early Middle Ages (400 AD)
Ancient Japan: poetic as ever, the Ancient Japan Era is thought to begin with the discovery of pottery (14000 BC - no, I did not add too many zeros) and lasts until 538 AD, when the Asuka Period marks the beginning of Classical Japan.
The Middle Ages: 5th to 15th century - begins with the Fall of the Roman Empire, as all stories tend to do, and ends by merging into Renaissance (it is divided into three periods, the first of which is also known as the Dark Ages)
The Victorian Age: this is considered to span ove the course of Queen Victoria’s regency (1837 to 1901), but its echoes are pretty clear even further into history (because lemme tell you, woman had *a lot* of offsprings and they ended up infiltrating most European bloodlines)
The Roaring 20s: shortest era in our lineup, but so wild that it worths being explored. (1920-1929 is, as the name implies, the time we’re referring to). From Gatsby to the Prohibition to the Mafia, you find them all here.
The Contemporary Era: this is the era we’re living in right now, so there isn’t a definite limit to it - just think of it as a Modern AU!
Sorry for the word vomit, I get quite passionate when it comes to history. I hope this clears things up a bit and have fun applying~ There are less than two weeks left!
-Mod Lo
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moodforanime · 5 years
The Nomad| The Possesions of the Wild(Naruto fanfic)| Volume 1
Chapter 8: Akari's Appearance
Word count: 2.1K
A/N: /
Tags: @insanity-is-always-fun
'Lord Hokage!' An woman said, as she rushed into the Hokage office.
The woman wore nurse clothes and, for a moment, she tried to trim her brown hair while catching her breath.
'Hey, Hey, hey!' An guard entered panting, following the nurse. 'At least knock, now will ya?'
The woman came running from the hospital as soon as her boss let her do so that morning. Of course she wouldn't let some guard stop her from reporting to the Hokage the results she received with just a couple of hours ago. The Hokage made an sign to the guard, who exited the room, not forgetting to close the door behind him.
'What's the rush, Asuka?' The Hokage asked.
'As you may already know, an girl named Kaiya is at the hospital in recovery after an surgery she had yesterday afternoon.' The woman spoke at fire-fast speed.
'Yes... I heard.'
'We took some blood and DNA tests while she was out in order to see how exactly should we proceed with her body, and you might want to see what we got.'
The Hokage's eyebrows each formed an perfect curve. He had his doubts on it, but the girl wasn't very different in any way. Her appearance was seemingly ordinary, she didn't act too repulsive or much-to-herself and, from what he heard from her team, she did her best and protected her team on the last mission.
If she had, by any chance, an ugly past that gave her doubts on her loyalties, she might've not hesitated and wouldn't risk her life. She either truly wants to be a shinobi of Konoha, or she is a really good actress. He wondered which one it could be.
Asuka walked closer to his desk and layed an notepad full of writing in front of him.
'We saw that she has an O-type blood. It isn't that uncommon, but it would get complicated if she would be in need of blood.' She explained, pointing to different notes on the page. 'Leaving that Aside, it's her DNA that's funny.'
'How so?'
'You know how we can, with a little work, identify someone's family tree through their DNA. Well, while the origins of 49% of her DNA are still unknown, we could still pair 51% percent of it with an clan, well, somebody actually, from here.'
'Did you Really?' The Hokage asked, truly surprised.
Asuka nodded.
'Who, then?'
Asuka pointed an name standing at the end of the page. The Hokage's eyes widened. From all the families possible, he couldn't bring himself understand how it happened to be this one. He had to delay finishing some paperwork and the meeting with Danzo and the other elders in order to check on something.
'Alright, then. You should return to the hospital now, I'm sure people wait for your assistance.'
Asuka nodded and picked her notepad, before bidding an goodbye and exiting the room.
'I need to talk to you, Asumi.'
Lee did as he said and visited Kaiya the next day as well. The only difference was that he was alone this time. This time, Tenten, Neji and Guy joined him, much to both Kaiya and Lee's relief. They entered the room, guided by no one else but Asuka herself, who just returned from the Hokage's office.
'You're a lucky one, you know?' Asuka told Kaiya. 'Most shinobi don't get this many visitors. Especially ones who bring them food.'
Kaiya looked away, feeling her cheeks boiling. Asuka puffed in disagreement, before exiting the room.
'What?' Tenten asked in oblivion, looking at Kaiya and Lee, who avoided eye-contact.
'Never mind that.' Neji said, figuring out the situation and tensity in the air as an smirk escaped him along with an amused puff, before changing the subject. 'So, Kaiya, how do you feel? We heard from Lee that you had some... surgery?'
'Yep.' Kaiya answered in an strangled voice as she nodded while turned her head, hoping that her cheeks didn't appear as they were set on fire. 'I'm pretty good, to be honest. I hope that they'll let me go by Wednesday.'
'I don't think that'll happen.' Lee said quickly as he looked at Kaiya, blinking slowly.
All heads turned to Lee, who almost regreted his choice.
'I-I I mean, most people need at least two weeks to recover enough from an surgery to do most of their activities.' Lee tried to explained.
'Well, I guess you could say that I'm not like most people.' Kaiya retored in the most serious manner.
While Neji and Tenten began to giggle, Guy felt an smile grow on his face as he watched Lee block. It wasn't unusual for Lee to be verbally attacked, but it was unusual for him to be blocked like that, to make it even worse, he appeared like he didn't attempt to with any of his comebacks.
Kaiya looked at Lee, raising her eyebrows. As she opened her mouth to say something, an quite audible creak stopped her, announcing that someone entered the room. All eyes turned to the door that opened, letting two familiar faces enter the chamber.
'H-Here it is, Asu- Akari-sama.' The blonde nurse said, letting an young woman enter.
'Thank you, Kenta.' Asumi answered, without giving Kenta a single glance. 'Hello, everyone.'
Kenta quickly closed the door, along with an screech of terror.
'Hello... who are you, may I ask?' Guy asked, narrowing his eyebrows.
'Oh, I'm Akari.' She smiled. 'You must be Might Guy, am I right?
Guy slowly nodded, overflowing in suspicion.
'I've heard alot about you. It's nice to finally meet you in person.' Asumi stretched one of her hands towards Guy, who took his time in answering to her gesture.
Akari turned to Kaiya, whose eyebrows, just like everyone else's, almost touched each other.
'How... How did you know I was in the hospital?' Kaiya asked, doing her best in sounding calm.
'Word travels fast between the genin team leaders.'
'You're a team leader?' Kaiya asked.
'I used to. My team absolved to jounin last year, but I still keep in touch with my ex-colleague's.'
Guy felt his brain pumping blood. He was a jounin for quite a few years already, but didn't remeber the girl. More importantly... How did she know Kaiya?
'Ex-colleague's? What do you mean by that?' Lee asked, the only one brave enough to do so.
'Oh, let's just say that... I got some business in which I had to leave my past behind.' Asumi shrugged, as she set herself on an chair, looking at Kaiya.'But let's not talk about what I did or not. Tell me more about how you got here.'
It was just enough for Guy to shot an look at his students for his message to be heard. The three students looked at him and nodded lightly. Although he felt uneasy with It, it was best if he would leave this to Kaiya. The woman wore an forehead protector with Konoha's symbol on It, and it was difficult to get such thing if you were an outsider.
'Well, we will leave you two to it.' Guy said, as he, along with his students, slowly walked to the door.
Kaiya looked down, unsure of what to say. She didn't really want them to leave because Akari came along, but she wasn't sure of what to say, without making things uncomfortable for everyone. Her teammates each mumbled an goodbye, to which Kaiya tried to answer with an forced smile and an hand wave.
It was after they left that Kaiya felt how her visitor appeared to relax a bit. It wasn't a lie; Asumi did, in fact, feel less tense than when they were in the same room. In truth, she knew who Guy was ever since she was a kid, but she figured just a while ago that Guy wasn't as stupid as he liked to appear and that it wouldn't take much time for him to add one to one and realise who she was. She wouldn't talk to him ever again, if she could help it. She turned her attention back on Kaiya, whose expression was now blank.
'Say, Kaiya...' Asumi stopped herself, noticing how Kaiya didn't even mind to give the impression of listening. 'Is there something wrong?'
It was then that Kaiya moved her attention back to Asumi.
'Oh, I-I'm sorry, Akari-san. My mind drifted off to something.' Kaiya rested her head in her palms for a few moments, before fully turning her head to her visitor, forcing a smile.
Asumi looked at the girl. Although the girl seemed to be in an rather stable situation, she had an surgery just an day ago. She would get much out of her in this state. She was now very much aware of how gentle the mission was and how it required a lot of time, maybe even years, and she hated it. Because of her rather short patience, most of her missions don't last more than a month or two, but nobody could say nothing. They were all very effective.
'It must be boring here, all alone.'
'I guess.' Kaiya mumbled.
'I'm sorry, it must be horrible.'
'Don't throw that pity on me.' She suddenly demanded. 'It makes me vomit.'
She didn't like when people tried to see through her point of view and make it pitiful. She needed various things, it was true, but pity was, for sure, not on the list.
Asumi rised her eyebrows in surprise. You didn't see this everyday. On her missions, she saw plenty of people who were suckers for pity and attention.
'You look tired. Maybe you should rest.' Asumi suggested after a few moments' break.
Kaiya looked up to Asumi, her face blank. Everyone told her to rest, but it was easier to say than to do. Looking at the blank walls became boring sometimes, but the quietness, loneliness and safety offered Kaiya something she didn't get very often; time to think.
Her mind could drift off as it pleased, and could settle some things down. The fact that people refused those chances just because they wanted to stick with other people were things Kaiya could never understand.
She watched how Asumi opened the door and left, just before another familiar face to enter.
'At last!' Asuka exclaimed. 'It was me who got tired of them.'
Kaiya simply tilted her head into Asuka's direction as she walked towards her with an plate in her hands. Asuka placed the plate on Kaiya's laps.
'There.' She said. 'I'll pass by later to take the plate. I hope it'll be empty by then.'
'Yes, miss.' Kaiya mumbled.
Her meal consisted of some potato puree and a thin schintzel. It didn't look very appetizing, but who was she to comment? Not so long ago, her meals looked worse than She could've easily comment on it, but she couldn't bring herself to it, knowing the answer; eat it or starve.
She began cutting her schnitzel and, without even realising, the piece of meat was gone. She let an burp escape her mouth as she put the plate on her nightstand. She let herself fall into an comfortable position and did the only reasonable and possible thing she could do at the point; letting her mind wander.
Around that time, the thing that crossed her mind the most was the encounter with Temon and Kana. Even though she did what she did, the idea of killing someone didn't hit her as hard as Temon's words.
One of her worst fears was her reaction when someone would bring that subject up, and she felt ashamed with it; she should've controlled herself better. Her colleagues asked about it, something completely natural, but she couldn't bring herself to explain it to them when she couldn't explain it to herself.
In the end, how could she, without making them any more curious? For Now, it was good that they didn't know much on her backstory. If they were to know, they wouldn't be put in any particular danger, but it couldn't be gulped all at once and it may create resentments and fear, rejection an even exile, even. For all she knew, if she were to tell them, she must feel the trust from the bottom of her heart.
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morteem · 5 years
Character sheet
repost. do not reblog.
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.    Shirotsuba Akame (Last; first) NICKNAME.    Shiro; Doll; Monster; Ice-Ice-Baby GENDER.     Female HEIGHT.    5′1″ AGE.     756 years old ZODIAC.  31st of October; Scorpio SPOKEN LANGUAGES.  Demonic languages;french,english and japanese. Knows a tiny bit of spanish and korean.
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.  Pure white EYE COLOR.    Bright blood red SKIN.      Pure white BODY TYPE.     Fit. Quite chubby on the stomach and thighs. Trains herself with a sword just for fun,so her arms have a bit of firm muscles. DOMINANT HAND.    Left POSTURE/BODY LANGUAGE.    Shirotsuba always stands straight,and will slouches only when she’s near people she has faith in. SCARS.   Some scratches around the thighs from an old wound. TATTOOS.    No ones. She’s actually quite terrified of needles.
MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).   Her red eyes tends to attire the eyes in the middle of a pool of white.
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.   Hell HOMETOWN.  SIBLINGS.     Corvino Hellsmith (first little brother,alive); Kurow Hellsmith (second little brother; deceased); Ceaurbo Hellsmith (younger little brother; alive) PARENTS.  Raven Hellsmith (adoptive father,status depends of the verse); Annie (mother, status depends of the verse); Rouge (biological father,alive); Hisame (grandmother on biological father side,alive); Malphas (great grand father on mother’s side; status depends of the verse)
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.     Librarian (occuptaion); Special Police Force 2nd commander (real job); President of Hell (position in Hell) CURRENT RESIDENCE.   Lives in her quiet house/library. CLOSE FRIENDS.    Viridi Eyu; Azrael; Haru Asuka and Lucas Valheinem. (they’re all muses on this blog) RELATIONSHIP STATUS.     Multi-ship FINANCIAL STATUS.     Unknown. Said to be wealthy due to her newfound position in hell. DRIVER’S LICENSE.     No CRIMINAL RECORD.     None
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.     Heterosexual (though questioning) PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.     submissive  |  dominant  |  switch | top |  bottom | vers. LIBIDO.    Because of her succubus blood in her veins,she libido is greater than a regular demon,but she conceals it. It’s incredibly high when in heat. TURN ON’S.    Blood, biting, scratching, being pinned, being complimented TURN OFF’S.    Anything that touches scats,piss or vomit. Talking about another person during sex. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.   She has never been in any relationships,thus is completely oblivious to these.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬  !
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.   Reading,reading while flying,reading outside. MENTAL ILLNESSES.    mild bi-polar PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.     None. She’s in great condition. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.     Right PHOBIAS.   Needles SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.     Low VULNERABILITIES.  Fire and heat. Mental attacks as well.
TAGGED BY: stolen long ago. It was sitting on my drafts so I don’t remember where
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cindysuke · 6 years
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Name : Ahn Jeonhyeo
Age : Stopped counting since 15
Former job : A hair stylist working in his mom’s salon
Mains : Video games, tokusatsu, mecha, anime, hentai, eye beam and soccer
Hates : Catching cold, vomiting, too much romance, censorship, bad localization and Imperial Japan flag apologists
Fav character : Can’t choose one
Fact : Probably the most childish one of the gang. While his body is not very strong he is very energetic and does everything with eager. He didn’t go to army because of ACL rupture he got from playing soccer with his friends. He throws up a lot. Most of the stuff he says is some kind of reference. Prefers Asuka than Rei.
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