#queer anime ship poll
animebw · 8 months
The Anime Binge-Watcher's Queer Anime Ship Tournament!
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The second round rages on! This match-up has me absolutely terrified that my number-one pick is going to be crushed by the titan that is Victuuri. But I can hold out hope, right? Right??? Cast your votes now!
All Round 2 Match-Ups
Rules and Full Bracket
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The Locked Tomb (book series) | Ace Attorney (video game series + anime)
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Palamedes Sextus & Camilla Hect:
they are deeply, insanely devoted to each other. also camilla is a very very good sword fighter, and pal can outthink most people
Maya Fey & Phoenix Wright:
1. Quite frankly I don’t think they will win. They are constantly being tormented and experiencing the horrors and this poll would be no different. 2. they literally cannot die no matter what hell canon puts them through. fall off that bridge n cliff to a deathly boy! get kidnapped like 4 times girl! when she gets kidnapped like the first time, they had to make a new sprite for Phoenix coz he didn’t look devasted and depressed enough. Power of friendship though! and she is OKI! :) 3. The most iconic attorney and assistant pair in the series. Phoenix canonically ran onto a burning bridge to try to save Maya when she was in danger. His call with her got cut off once and he left the country to go make sure she was safe. She’s been kidnapped twice to be used as leverage against him and both times she was more worried about him than herself. She once jumped in front of a taser to try to protect him. He’s also defended her from murder accusations like four times. Their relationship defines the original game trilogy even more than the Wright-Edgeworth relationship does. Other Ace Attorney games wish they could replicate this dynamic. They got added to a fighting game as a single unit where they work together to fight. They both think they’re the reasonable one in this friendship, despite neither of them actually deserving that title.
Note: This blog is run & followed by aromantics. Insisting any pairs are ~actually romantic~ will not only cause you to be blocked on the spot, but you’ll be outed as someone not safe to be queer around. No one wants to hear how stupid you look with those shipping goggles on.
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welivetodream · 6 months
This is gonna be controversial 😅....... anyways~~~
I don't really like to use the word "queer". But for the purposes of the poll that would be used (I am not meaning to be offensive!)
I was really curious as to what people think about this since almost half of the posts I see are about the gay stuff in BSD (most of which are really good posts). The shipping is also mostly leaning towards m/m and w/w (and I am a multi-shippers)
So I wondered what the actual fuck is going on? What do you people think about it? I am not long enough here to form an opinion so I wouldn't state mine.
What is it that makes bsd so.......gay?
(I know about Rimlaine being an actual couple. Nikolai and Ranpo I heard are also gay. I know irl Dazai had a crush on a boy and other BSD authors having questionable sexualities. But this poll is ONLY about BSD anime, manga etc. And not concerning the real life authors)
(Also Q is referred to as they/them and are non-binary with no one knowing their gender. I am pretty sure Higuchi says something about that in Wan)
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lunatriense · 8 months
Update on the Korrasami/Bees poll, wasps are shitting on Korrasami bc it was apparently “too vague” and they apparently didn’t kiss
One of them literally said “we should judge these ships off of which one kissed!” WHICH IS GOING AGAINST THEIR WHOLE THING ABOUT HOW THE BEES DIDN’T NEED TO KISS TO KNOW THEY’RE CANON THING THEY SAID DURING V6-V8! (Also you can’t do that with these two ships bc they both kissed)
I can tell half of these wasps are either people who don’t know how important Korrasami is to wlw representation and how it paved the way for a lot of queer couples in animation (including their precious bees), or people who are salty that Korrasami has done more for queer rep than the bees have
The Bees probably wouldn’t have been canon if it weren’t for ships like Korrasami, it’s piece of queer history that should never be ignored or shitted on, even if you don’t like it
Oh absolutely, if it weren't for Korrasami the bees probably wouldn't even hold hands
For anyone who wants to vote and win it for Korrasami, here's the link
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avidbeader · 20 days
So, I've been doing the Great Sheith Reblog for a while now, gradually reblogging almost everything I shared before that was tagged as Sheith. Lots of art, gifsets, fics and recs, old merch posts, and meta to go around with the occasional dash of salt because lord, dumbness about shipping brings out the salt sometimes. But most of the time it's a lovely nostalgia hit and a reminder of why I still love this ship with all my fandom heart. It's bittersweet sometimes, seeing the usernames that left with Tumblr's worst decision ever, the fellow fans who have moved on to other things, and yes, the hopes and dreams we had before Season 8.
Long blathering under the cut: musings about the persistence of anti-shippers and what queerbaiting actually means.
But occasionally what both amuses and frustrates me is how things line up because it's 2024 and we still have klantis/antis over on the former Twitter spreading the same lies about Shiro and Keith - about their ages, about how they met, about what their relationship is. Right now over there, arguing is happening again because someone put up a clout-chasing poll about which mlm ship was the most influential and included KL but not Sheith (KL beat Johnlock and then lost to Hualian, so I'm happy twice over). Side note - I think if we take "influence" as a completely neutral term, then yeah, KL has been a huge negative influence on fandoms as it was one of the places that allowed puriteen attitudes and anti behavior to grow unchecked for so long. That helped turn some ship fandoms into cults, in which you had to believe with utter certainty that your ship would be canon or you weren't a "true" fan of the ship. That put more emphasis on opposing a rival ship through wank and harassment instead of focusing on the joy and fun of creating for the ship you supposedly love.
And that poll prodded someone to create a Google Form for soliciting answers as to what the biggest examples of queerbaiting are in media. And of course people are saying KL and Adam/Shiro, among other things that are not at all queerbait. These are examples of people guessing wrong and getting mad about it. Queerbait requires that the producers/writers/etc. say outright that a ship is going to happen and then it doesn't, without any influences from the powers above them making changes. Not received fan "wisdom". Not marketing doing things without consulting the producers.
And I just reblogged someone's ask in which they said they felt queerbaited by Sheith solely because of the "brother" line in "The Black Paladins". The answer is excellent and worth a ready if you haven't seen it on my blog already.
Breaking it down:
KL is not queerbait. KL was never planned as a potential ship and LM/JDS said so multiple times. They said it never occurred to them as a possibility and by the time KL's popularity took off they were too far along in the writing to try and go back and make changes, because animators need time to draw. LM flat-out said she was surprised that it became a thing. If the producers are telling you over and over in no uncertain terms that a ship had never been on the table and couldn't be added to the table now, that's not a case of queerbait. And they spoke of Lance's love interests as female every single time. JDS/LM never said anything that would lead fans into thinking KL was a possibility without the deliberate and willful misinterpreting of their words.
Adam/Shiro is not queerbait. Adam is a minor character in a series with a large cast. He has two functions: to be evidence of Shiro's status as a queer man and to be a "face" for all the pilots that died in the first wave of Sendak's invasion. Some people try to claim that LM and JDS queerbaited with their answers at SDCC 2018, but they're wrong. The only thing LM said was that we would see more of Adam in S7. And we did. She did not promise we'd see more of him with Shiro. That was people inserting what they wanted to hear, just like them trying to elevate Adam's status to a fiancé when again, LM clearly stated that they were serious and considering getting engaged. Not engaged. Not married. Just a couple that was serious about each other but broke up.
I don't consider Sheith to be true queerbait. It might fall under the cryptoqueer situation explained at the end of the post linked above, but JDS and LM were mostly very careful to talk of Sheith in terms of deep friendship and devotion to one another, after the initial wave of support for fan content during S1, prior to the klanti movement taking off. The only thing that skirts the line for me is a quote, I think from JDS, saying that if Shiro had a new love interest it would be someone he has known a long time. Or maybe that was about the romances in general being developed over seasons and not Shiro-specific - I would need to research. (Yet more proof that the endcard "wedding" was not planned since we didn't see the unnamed groom until S7 and they never interacted.) And that was said before studio execs started meddling and caused the trainwreck of S8.
I do think we were supposed to have an open ending for Sheith. Klantis like to point out a storyboard artist claiming that "no one wins" this ship war as evidence that KL was supposed to happen and got changed, but that statement applies if Sheith is left open-ended and Allurance happens, even without the endcards.
When I have a chance, I'll try and dig up the links for the various quotes I mention above. Thank you for reading if you made it this far!
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theluciferswar · 1 year
Do you have a favorite Lucifer ? Submit them !
Look, I know that I already have 2 tournaments in the works but why not start a 3rd one ?
- Don't submit real people
- No MCYT characters
- The tournament targets characters named Lucifers especially but they don't have to be a direct representation of the devil (Lucifer from Cinderella's animated movie can be submitted, Voland from the Master and Margarita can't)
- Characters with clearly Lucifer-adjacent names are allowed (you can submit Calcifer from Howl's Moving Castle, for example)
- Submit as many characters as you want but only once each
- Propaganda's allowed but please avoid anti-propaganda
- Be kind to one another
The form's here and the submissions are open.
Could you please reblog this ? I feel like your followers could be interested and I need more submissions
@angelicswagsummit @demonicshowdown @red-black-aesthetic-bout @its-to-the-death @divorced-tournament @childr3ns-book-bracket @i-lived-bitch-beatdown @17-million-years-of-pining-poll @the-queer-classic-lit-ship-ever @best-book-brotp
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solarianvoidthearoace · 11 months
Okay, listen– Listen! Seeing videos like this I can’t dislike Ran, she’s a strong and powerful female character. She’s badass and she’s iconic and an inspiration for little girls. (Not kidding.)
She can fight, she powers through, she can knock down guys like houses of cards. She is a certified badass woman and inspiring both due to her femininity combined with her martial arts proficiency. Because she is feminine and still wipes the floor with your average criminal.
She is whiny at times, pining for “her” Shinichi but that’s fine, I can handle a whiny main girl and strong lead woman character if they are one and the same.
I am not much of a fan of her pining and her getting whiny/ crying for Shinichi every chance she gets. Still, I respect her as a strong female character.
However, towards the end of the video… those are the scenes why I – personally – consider ShinRan to be toxic and borderline abusive.
I had originally posted this in a reblog on my KID movie poll but finding this video gave me an incentive to make it its own post.
Aside from this video, one example is the after-credit of movie 3 with Ran straight-up threatening to physically abuse Shinichi. Like, folks, that’s my main reason I dislike her.
Ran started out as a strong female character, which is awesome, but over the years she descended to 1) “Save us, Shinichi!~” and 2) physically abusive
I get that she’s whiny at times and while I generally dislike whiny characters (see Martin from TMA), I can handle that
I can handle the Main Girl(tm) being whiny and pining for Shinichi
But that drive to keep her a strong female character who needs no man lead to her being increasingly physically abusive. She cries and pines, fine.
But then Shinichi does show up and what does Ran do? Either first thing, she hits him for being away for so long. Or she slaps/ hits him when he tells her he has to go back to his case and can’t stay. I understand her upset, I understand her pining.
Nobody has a right to vent their upset through physical abuse, though.
But a girl who can knock down a lamp-post, who can kick a man trough a window, ESPECIALLY has no right to raise her hand against her love-interest!
That’s one of the first things every martial art ever teaches you, do not resort to violence if there is even a sliver of another safe option.
I get that Kogoro knocking Conan about was played for shits and giggles, it’s a thing of that time when the manga/ anime started out. And accordingly Ran venting her upset through physical violence also was a product of that time and result of portraying her as the strong/ physically tough lead girl.
But she is his love interest for crying out loud and among many other scenes the after-credit of movie 3 emphasises that Shinichi is scared of her hitting him as soon as he gets back.
That’s not funny!
Physical abuse is not funny. And a strong female character directing physical abuse at her no-show love interest doesn’t make it funny.
My main ship always has been and always will be KaiShin. But I also know that would never become canon because DCMK doesn’t do queer. It’s “kid-friendly”, it can’t do queer.
But for goodness’ sake do I wish – desperately wish – the Main Couple became MasuShin instead. Masumi is on-par with him, she’s quick-witted, she’s silly, I love her queer vibes, and she understands/ encourages Shinichi every step of the way.
That’s another thing! Ran despises Shinichi’s work. It’s a common motive in fanfic (hence played up) that she forbids him from taking cases. But her dislike for his work – his passion his calling – is there.
I just can’t see ShinRan be healthy. And that opinion hasn’t changed in the 14 years I have been watching Detective Conan.
Edited to add:
I also want to clarify that I am not basing my opinion off the movies (alone), in fact, any DCMK movie outside the KID movies, movie 3 specifically, and movie 18 onwards, I haven’t watched in years. I am referencing movie 3 specifically because I recently watched it but this behaviour certainly is in the anime/ manga/ canon as well. The London Arc, that restaurant date in a skyscraper where he stood her up and Conan had to apologise (which also got used for an opening/ ending), the early episodes where Shinichi makes a comeback, the “Murder Suspect: Kudo Shinichi” Arc where he hides from Ran, and that’s just off the top of my head because I was on a fandom-hiatus for around 2 years and don’t care enough for ShinRan to rewatch these things.
I’m so sorry (sarcasm) that I didn’t provide receipts for my critique of Ran. But I’m also not about to go through the series for the entire purpose of making an itemised list of Ran abusing/ hitting Shinichi. If I do a rewatch from the early episodes on, I might keep a notepad handy and jot down the instances of Ran smacking Shinichi but don’t hold your breath because I tend to avoid the romance-heavy episodes in general, no matter the pair.
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Submissions are open!
I'm sorry it took so long, but now you can finally submit your favourite magical girl ships!
But before you do so, please consider the following rules:
Be nice to each other. This is just for fun.
Propaganda is allowed and encouraged. Please tag me, so I can reblog it. But don't talk bad about other ships.
You can submit any couple where at least one person is a Magical Girl. They don't have to be from a Magical Girl Show.
Any gender is allowed.
Any kind of ship - be it straight or queer - is allowed.
Any media (except for any NSFW related stuff) be it anime, cartoon, (web)comic, videogame or else, is allowed.
There will be no "only X pairings from a certain show"-rule.
You can submit as many ships as you want, but please don't submit the same ship more than once.
I will exclude a ship if it makes me uncomfortable or if it's something like incest, minor/adult or anything else I can't think of right now
There is also no "a ship has to be submitted more than once to get into the poll"-rule. If they fulfill the requirements, they're in!
As for now I don't know how much contestants there will be. It depends on how many entries I'll get.
I consider someone as a Magical Girl if it says they're one or if they fulfill at least two tropes from the following list:
they have a transformation sequence
they have a (animal-like) sidekick and/or a magical device
the sidekick/device is used for the transformation
they have to keep their 'alter ego' a secret
they can only use their powers while being transformed
are some kind of magical warrior; they have to use their power to fight some kind of evil
So... I guess, that is everything, I can think of right now. If you have any question, feel free to ask me. I don't know how long the submission doc will stay open, but I will inform you in time before closing it.
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sh5 · 8 months
If you are pro genderfuckery and being queer and punk there are no rules to gender expression including genderbending fictional dolls anyway we want. Apologies if you’re some sort of monotheist tho I genuinely wouldn’t bother with that kind of person.
first of all, I don’t think it’s very “punk” to draw Komaeda with long hair and a skirt. we’ve watered down that word too much. punk is a total rejection of society, and those who stick to strict gender roles (especially cis people) when redesigning these characters aren’t performing “punk”, because they are relying on larger society’s genders stereotypes to create their design/write their fic. I disagree with the tumblr inclination to call anything they enjoy doing “punk”. punk is a specific subculture, not an adjective. being pro-punk has nothing to do with this.
that aside, I can see the argument from the “you’re trans, so genderfuckery should be acceptable to you” perspective. however, I have no issue with trans headcanons or genderbends that bring something interesting to the table (usually made by a trans person). if you think Solid Snake is transfem or draw him as a butch lesbian in line with his original gender expression, I think those are takes on the character which have the ability to be nuanced and interesting. but when you say the word “genderbend”, I feel like we’re imagining the same thing: an anime boy in a skirt with long hair, usually for the purpose of putting lesbians together because “aesthetic” or because you ignore the WLW ships in that fandom.
you can see the beginning of two separate arguments there, and that’s because there are so many good points against genderbending that cis people know and ignore because it’s cool again. this is the main thing I take issue with, especially in that poll; if a trans person is drawing genderbends, I’m much less bothered, because there’s the chance of nuance. still, there is nothing genderqueer or punk about putting girl Akechi in a skirt.
I’m a bit confused by the monotheist part, but I’m going to assume it was a typo.
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human-sweater-vest · 2 years
an exercise in reasons to exist:
friends who write you love notes and prose, fairy lights, collaborative spotify playlists, promises of shared apartments because rent is too high and wages are too low, over the garden wall watch parties each fall, writing music-both good and objectively bad, memes that make you laugh unexpectedly, moths on windows, dried roses in vases, set lists from concerts, relearning to love reading, seeing people’s comments in google docs of scripts, queer fiction podcasts, leaves changing color, history focused youtube channels, dogs, cats, teaching people how to play games, cribbage, putting stickers on things even though it makes you anxious, photography, playing live photos back months after they’re taken and hearing laughter, indie music, bookstores, chamomile tea, live theatre, the soundtrack to 36 questions- the podcast musical, twitter polls crowning the best shade of pink, the best avatar ship (zukka), the #1 tumblr sexyman, and more, crab rave, candles, decorative sewing scissors, the sparkle emoji, the moon, the sun, discord servers with strange names and even stranger channels, deer, embroidery, lesbians, binders, people who use your pronouns, sharing headphones with friends on busses, going for walks, dandelions, vintage teacups, the trumpet, getting dressed up incredibly fancy to go to the store, discovering a new favorite book, bald eagles, tchotchkes, music boxes, hugs, holding hands, kisses on knuckles, bonking your head against someone like a cat, lavender, having flowers you associate with people, calling fictional middle aged men “babygirl”, internet fandoms, writing meta, tumblr mutuals, fanfic, running jokes, kissing the homies goodnight, blorbos, office hours with your favorite professor, crows, ravens, raven boys (of the raven cycle), literary analysis, conversations at three am about god, ghosts, and the pando tree, the world’s largest organisms: a forest and a fungus, fly agarics poking out of the ground, instagram meme accounts, receiving playlists as gifts, being sent songs because they reminded someone of you, family photo albums, notes in the back of yearbooks, journals, buying journals you’ll never fill because they’re pretty, painting nails on floors, favorite songs, seeing pride flags in public, animated tv shows, poetry, mechanical pencils, meditation, willow trees, one day being able to see fireflies, lists of things that are good and worth staying around for
please add on if you’d like <3
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animebw · 8 months
The Anime Binge-Watcher's Queer Anime Ship Tournament: FINAL ROUND!
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It all comes down to this. Weeks of struggle, countless losses, and two final queer anime ships remain to duke it out. Madohomu vs Utenanthy. Witches vs witches. The ultimate gay magical girl smackdown. Which titan will come out on top and claim its throne as the champion of queer anime ships? Cast your votes now!
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Wander Over Yonder (tv show) | Ace Attorney (video game series & anime)
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Wander & Sylvia:
These two pals travel the galaxy together, exploring and having adventures! If their friendship can defeat the evil Lord Hater, it can defeat a bunch of other friends too!
Maya Fey & Phoenix Wright:
1. Quite frankly I don’t think they will win. They are constantly being tormented and experiencing the horrors and this poll would be no different. 2. they literally cannot die no matter what hell canon puts them through. fall off that bridge n cliff to a deathly boy! get kidnapped like 4 times girl! when she gets kidnapped like the first time, they had to make a new sprite for Phoenix coz he didn’t look devasted and depressed enough. Power of friendship though! and she is OKI! :) 3. The most iconic attorney and assistant pair in the series. Phoenix canonically ran onto a burning bridge to try to save Maya when she was in danger. His call with her got cut off once and he left the country to go make sure she was safe. She’s been kidnapped twice to be used as leverage against him and both times she was more worried about him than herself. She once jumped in front of a taser to try to protect him. He’s also defended her from murder accusations like four times. Their relationship defines the original game trilogy even more than the Wright-Edgeworth relationship does. Other Ace Attorney games wish they could replicate this dynamic. They got added to a fighting game as a single unit where they work together to fight. They both think they’re the reasonable one in this friendship, despite neither of them actually deserving that title.
Note: This blog is run & followed by aromantics. Insisting any pairs are ~actually romantic~ will not only cause you to be blocked on the spot, but you’ll be outed as someone not safe to be queer around. No one wants to hear how stupid you look with those shipping goggles on.
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unpopularshipbracket · 10 months
Round 3 Match 5
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Rashmi Jamil/Amelie Macon (Entropic Float)
Fic count: 0
Kate Shadow/Emilyko (Shadows House)
fic count: 10
"So. Kate is a shadow royal and Emilyko is "living doll" (basically a servant). And together they're planning revolution to free all living dolls. All shadow/doll pairs in the main cast develop friendship and respect for each other, but their relationship is one of the strongest. Emilyko thinks Kate is amazing/beautiful/smart/etc and is not hesitant in expressing her affection, while Kate is more reserved, but admires Emilyko's optimism, courage and compassion and is motivated by her. She literally refers to her as "dearly beloved Emilyko" one time <3 And in the anime opening, she daydreams about hugging her and running through the flower field with her while holding hands?? They're in love"
Rashmelie propaganda under cut!
"this essay is going to be reused whole cloth from the submission of them to the 17 million years of pining poll! because unfortunately i do not have the energy to go insane enough to write up anything new oh.
my god. where the fuck do i start with them for real.
okay so, theyve been friends since early childhood, and before either of them came out (Rashmi is agender, they/them, while Amelie is a trans girl, she/her, and they are both mspec which is a bit less relevant but is also there). the earliest time that we know that they have feelings for each other is when theyre both 14, and Rashmi - already out, with their entire family (parents and grandma) supporting them without question - is moving. uhhh 90% of american geography names are the same to me so i might lie there. from Nevada, where they both grew up, to New York, where Rashmi is planning on studying dance further, which has always been their plan; around 14 is when they ran out of teachers at home.
they quietly hope Amelie doesnt confess her feelings for them, as they fear it might tempt them to stay, which they cannot allow themself to do. Amelie, meanwhile, is very carefully not thinking about gender, because her parents are quite frankly the worst. over the course of the years before they meet back up, Amelie has had some dates, but each time, they dont work out, and in her own words, put logs on the flame she carries for Rashmi.
Rashmi, meanwhile. gets married. one of Rashmi's biggest struggles in their romantic pursuits has been the fact that they are both Indian and queer. it has been a struggle for them to find someone who respects both - someone who respects their gender identity while not throwing their culture under the bus. that is one of the factors contributing to the way their relationship with "Ajay" (we learn that this name isnt his real one, but it was magically replaced in Rashmi's memories of him and we dont know it) played out: he is also Indian, and the first thing he asked them upon meeting them was what their pronouns were. and it was all good.
until it wasnt.
i would love to get into that deeper, but the important point is that "Ajay" is kind of a piece of garbage, whose crimes include finding Rashmi's address when they didnt give it out, deliberately not sending Amelie her wedding invitation because Rashmi told him they used to have a crush on her, driving them to drop out of dance school, and general possessiveness (notable being the fact that, whenever he is home, he always asks them to stay home too, which leads to them dropping their social circle and their hobbies). one of the places it grows from is "Ajay" being ace and not quite believing that Rashmi accepts that. he also has a substance abuse problem.
all of that culminates as they return from a short visit to their parents, and he in a fit pushes them down a long flight of stairs.
in the meantime... god, i cant even figure out what parts of information are important about Amelie here. i would put as notable the fact that she only figured out she was a girl something like a year before the events of the game - and only ever came out to Rashmi, who in turn told their parents...
and who didnt realize that Amelie's workplace didnt know. her workplace is just. terrible in social terms. she loves the work itself (its food industry, a restaurant in a casino, dont remember the exact job description) but her coworkers are being the absolute worst. a cesspool of toxic masculinity. also an environment for Amelie's undiagnosed psychosis. she is prone to auditory hallucinations.
after being outed to her boss while also hearing from Rashmi's parents that their husband is... lets just say bad for them, she, while safely at home, hallucinates that her boss or maybe her father is breaking down the door.
simultaneously with Rashmi as they are falling down the stairs, they make Wishes.
these are not widely understood; from the context of the game, it seems as though some people get a Wish when in significant peril, or in distress. you do not need to use the Wish immediately as you get it, but they both did.
essentially, what Rashmi Wishes for is a way to escape from their husband that wouldnt raise a fuss; and Amelie Wishes for a place where she and Rashmi can both be safe. (i am very muddly on the details there) their Wishes create the anomalous clocktower where the game takes place."
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
wip wednesday: Blood and Other Lusts
Because @that-tall-queer-bassist fixed the polls (and got me to vote. they'e tricky like that.) Here's one of the art pieces they've done of this unfinished wip cause L be like that.
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Double Life, the ship has burned, not quite everything has burned yet. Etho has been incredibly distracted (and confused) by Joel since they turned Red, and he's the most off balance he's ever been. It's only going to get worse.
“Etho… are you hungry?” 
Joel’s voice wasn’t flat anymore, but it also wasn’t any of his normal voices - not gruff, not condescending, not animated, not excited. It was a new Joel voice altogether and Etho was a big fan. He sounded smooth and incredibly deliberate, and maybe teasing? Was that what this was? He didn’t know Joel could sound so deep. 
Etho didn’t understand what the emphasis Joel put on his name meant, but it only solidified his plan to kiss Joel as soon as possible. 
Etho took a cautious step towards Joel, trying not to look as awkward as he felt. 
“Uh, yeah.” Etho might be dumb about figuring out people’s desires, but now he knew what was up. He attempted to sound confident and maybe even sexy. “I’m definitely… hungry.”
Joel paused long enough that Etho wondered if this was the time to kiss him. Just before he stepped forward to grab him, Joel spoke.
“Good.” Joel’s smile changed again, to something inscrutable to Etho. Etho took a small step towards Joel as he continued speaking, voice low and quiet and, Etho thought, full of promise. “So am I.” 
Joel did not step towards Etho. For reasons Etho couldn’t begin to fathom, Joel instead turned his back and walked away. 
Without turning his head, Joel cheerily called back “Let’s make dinner!”
What the fuck. 
Maybe Etho didn’t know what was up.
this is the third wip i've posted from this one, so if you wanna hodgepodge it together....
Blood and Other Lusts - DL, they’ve just turned red https://www.tumblr.com/blocksruinedme/708757448316616704/wip-wednesday-blood-and-other-lusts-dl?source=share Blood and Other Lusts - etho casually watching joel threaten cleo https://www.tumblr.com/blocksruinedme/709392382858313728/wip-wednesday-im-in-bed-and-on-my-phone-but?source=share
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anqelbean · 7 months
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Hello there! Read this BYF, please!
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~♡☆~General Information~☆♡~
Name: Eva, Angel, Theo
Fandoms: Scum Villain, Tian Guan Ci Fu, Mo Dao Zu Shi, The Husky And His White Cat Shizun*, Boku No Hero Academia, Maho Shoujo Anime (Precure, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, etc), Taylor Swift
Ships: Bingqiu, Moshang, Hualian, Wangxian, Bakudeku
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*follow my danmei side blog @anqelsrolltheireyes for reblogs, I only post original posts on here
|Sketch requests open!|
|Username pronounced: angel-bean (the "q" is for aesthetic)|
— Homophobes
— Overall bigots
— Antishippers
— Anti-AO3
— Think using "queer" is wrong
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~♡☆~Tagging System~☆♡~
— #anqels ramblings
Posts that aren't my art or writing, random thoughts, mostly
— #eva.txt
Textposts, used as a filter for #anqels ramblings
— #eva.png
Image posts, same as above
— #eva.mp4
Video posts
— #eva.mp3
Music recs, mostly
— #eva.poll
Polls, go figure
— #anqeldraws
My art tag
- #anqelwrites
My writing tag
— #theo's reading corner
Live blogging books I'm reading
— #theo's going insane about taylor swift
Taylor Swift posts
— #theo's aliens
Posts about my pigeons (yes, pigeons)
— #koki the bun
Posts about my bunny, Koki
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8 notes · View notes
dudefrommywesterns · 7 months
mike and pete work together at the circus. mike falls first and is very insecure about pete’s interactions with jill and saadia. pete eventually realizes he likes mike, because the animals tell him. mike tells him they’re going on a date in humorous fashion. a very summery, humor heavy ship.
mike and dude are originally friends when mike first meets the sheriff’s deputy. they have a big falling out after dude goes off with the stage girl and returns drunk and broken hearted. mike tries to house and care for him but he runs them dry out of money and patience. they don’t speak for 2 years. when he’s sober again, he’s very sorry and the situation with nathan burdette forces them to be around each other and allows them to heal their relationship (and realize they are very much in love). they care for each other and lean on each other. also: queers in cowboy get up. need i say more?
6 notes · View notes