#Shivering Soldier
Female Company
Pairing - Shivering Soldier Dunkirk x fem!reader
Summary - You decide to give the shivering soldier some company in hopes to make him feel better, you do indeed.
Warnings - dubcon, handjob, blow job, rough.
Word count - 1.8k
Notes - Shivering soldier Cillian is underrated, also difficult to write so sorry if horrible writing as this felt rushed.
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“Perhaps some female company would make him feel better” Peter, your brother suggested. All six eyes turned onto you, making your heart skip a beat. “Feel less intimidated and what not” Peter added. 
Since you had saved the shivering soldier from the shipwreck, he had been at mute, refusing to show any signs of communication with anyone. He was down below deck, getting warm and hopefully to become more comfortable around these friendly strangers.  
It was risky, you weren’t even really allowed on the Moonstone anyways. But you wanted to help, your father raised you properly, you were a qualified nurse for the army, you were here to help. 
“I’m sure I can be good enough company” George interjected. George didn’t like it, the thought of you being alone down there with the shivering soldier, but that was more out of jealousy than obligation. 
Mr Dawson shook his head towards George, then looked towards you. “I’m sure you’ll be able to make him feel comfortable enough sweetheart” your father gave you a pure smile. “And, God forbid if anything were to happen, we are all right here” Mr Dawson ached, raising his hands slightly at the thought of something bad occurring. 
But your father trusted you, you were a good person who followed pure morals. All your life you’ve helped others, what’s one more soldier to the list? George gave an iffy look but decided to remain silent, looking out the ocean with his fists forming under his sleeves. 
The small door creaked open as you stepped inside. “Hello?” You whispered as you lowered down the small ladder, you closed the small door behind you. 
The shivering soldier was lying on the small, uncomfortable ship bed, a blanket wrapped around his cold body. His eyes were closed but you could tell he was awake. Slowly peeking open, the soldier stared you up and down. The soldier repositioned himself, sitting up on the thin mattress. You sat down next to him, the room was swaying in motion with the waves outside. 
Sitting in silence for a while, you decided to break it. “Is there anything I can do for you? Water? More blankets?” You asked politely. 
There were already such limited services you could provide for him, being on such a small boat and all. You were used to being able to help people, especially in these desperate times, but right now you feel hopeless.  
After a short beat, the soldier mumbled his reply, “I’m okay, thank you”. You tried to read his expression, coming to the harsh thoughts that he didn’t seem to be amused to have you down here with him, that he just wanted to be alone after all, that you were intruding.  
He was beautiful, despite his worn out expression and dirty, wet appearance. There were dark bags around his ocean blue eyes, and a couple of scratches over his face. You felt horrible for him, it was unimaginable what trauma the war can cause upon a man. No one would ever understand how terrifying and ruining his mind had become over this short time. 
“Are you certain?” You checked, you’d hate that he would decline your help by either being too afraid or polite. There was no response from him. “Perhaps if you took off your jacket you could warm up faster” you suggested harmlessly, the soldier looked at you, his mouth was ajar open and eyes dark. 
War tested men’s temptations, it demonstrated how much they really depended on a woman's touch. Men needed something to feel good about in these horrible days, their urges took over their logistics if no one was there to keep them in line. And right now you were defenceless in the beast’s cage, and he was off his chain.
In his defence, you were asking for it. Why else would you ask such a thing twice and then practically beg him to strip? The soldier quickly leant in and kissed you hungrily, his arms snaked around your body to keep you still. You were frozen, not sure how to react to his assault, his tongue slipped down your throat, hands gripping against your lower back as if life depended on it. His left hand moved to your breasts and kneaded them dispairly.  
You’ve been kissed before, only once, but it was nothing compared to this, never so passionate and amorous. 
A moan struggled to break out of your combined lips. Swiftly, he picked up your body and laid you onto your back, not as gently as you could hope, your hand reached for the ache stinging from the back of your head. 
“Be a good little girl, and stay quiet, hm?” He ordered, his hand tapping your cheek to flatter you. 
What else were you meant to do? Call out for help? Start a domestic between an old man, two kids and a war soldier? Even if you did so, what would happen afterwards, you’re on a boat deeply within the ocean. 
The soldier felt your body with his rough hands, he was desperate to feel any touch, but too impatient to take it slow. Unbuttoning your shirt roughly, you were lucky that he didn’t rip off the buttons.  The shape and look of your breasts made him believe he was already in heaven. When was the last time he’s felt a woman’s touch? How many countless nights of him dreaming for intimate touch? His mouth landed on your right breast first, then the left. 
There wasn’t enough time, to properly feel you, to worship your body, to come over and over again. Your bodies felt the friction of the waves rocking yourselves back and forwards. Head in the palms of his hands, the soldier's hips were humping against yours, your legs wrapped around his small waist, he was groaning lowly, unable to contain himself, kissing your neck and side of your face. 
Lying stiff underneath him, you couldn’t help but to moan back quietly, the fabrics between your bodies was too thick to feel the sensations fully, but this is the most touching of a man you’ve ever felt before, your back arched on the mattress. 
“The fuck are you wearing pants for?” The soldier muttered, slapping the side of your thigh harshly. “How am I meant to fuck you without getting caught, aye?” He spat by your ear. 
A lot of people still considered it taboo for women to wear pants, it took away femininity, and in this case, the easy access. 
“M’sorry” you whimpered back underneath him, cheeks all flustered from the embarrassment and overwhelming situation. 
“Guess you’re just going to have to put that mouth to better use” he sighed and sat up, he pulled you down to the ground, you landed on your knees. Repositioning you to be directly in front of him, he flexed his hips towards you. “Do you know how to suck cock?” He asked smugly. 
“N-no” you whispered.
“Ever please a man at all before?” His eyebrow was cocked to you. 
“No sir” you replied and he chuckled. 
“That’s sweet, I’ll be quick anyways” he said with another tap to your cheek. 
He gestured for you to put your hands onto his crotch, you could see the bulge through his damp pants but you didn’t expect it to feel so solid. It was like playing with a knick-knack, your hands travelled all around it, feeling its shape and size. 
“Uh, alright, pull it out now, love” he purred, hand caressing the sides of your head with his eyes closed. 
Your stomach turned at the way he called you love, you didn’t realise how badly you craved that validation. There was this undying small innocent smile on your lips, he looked down to you and gave you a smug smile back and a gentle pat on the cheek.
With shaking hands, you undid his belt and tugged down at his trousers. The soldier ended up helping you, not out of kindness, only restlessness. You gasped as he pulled out his cock, you didn’t realise it could be so – big. The soldier's cock was hairy as the base, had a couple of veins popping out at his length and had a pretty pink tip. If you knew any better about sex, you’d say that he’s already about to burst. 
It was like natural instincts, he didn’t have to say anything, you automatically took his length in both hands, staring from the base and working your way up. He groaned and his head fell back, hands in your hair as you slowly worked your hands up and down his length. In another reality, he would have loved to have you take your time, worshipping his cock. 
“Okay, sweetheart, I need your mouth around me right now” he hissed, leaning his upper body forward easily to push your head towards his member with his hands. 
You pushed against him, your lips an inch away from his tip, okay, this was getting frightening now. The realisation of what you were doing below deck, could be interrupted at any moment, freaked you out. But that didn’t stop him, he pulled harder, making you yelp and your mouth pressed against his member. But you refused to open up for him, he rubbed your mouth and nose around his firm length, your hands pressed against his upper legs in an attempt to push free but it was pointless, you were whining. 
“Fucking open up, you dumb whore” he spat, you mewled quietly, too afraid to catch anyone’s attention on deck. Reluctantly, you slowly opened your mouth and he slipped his tip in. “Ah, fuck” he muttered, the rocking of the boat, thrusted him deeper in and out of your mouth. He had no shame in swearing, muttering and whining underneath his breath, his balls already tightening. “Christ, I’m not going to fucking last-” he was breathless, eyes almost rolling back. 
Forcing your mouth right down to his base, your cries were blocked by his size. There was no space to breathe, your jaw was aching and you were gagging. With how wide your mouth was, you were afraid that your jaw would lock, it was aching, the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat over and over again. Tears were running down your cheeks as he was groaning under his breath, eyes squeezed shut, nostrils flaring and jaw clenched. 
Without a warning, he bursted right down your mouth, his legs shaking slightly, hands tightened around your hair. The soldier bit on his lower lip to silence his moan of pleasure as his cock was spurting out straight into your throat. 
It tasted salty and bitter, your face scrunched up at the taste, but he didn’t pull out his member until you swallowed it all, it was difficult to swallow with his cock covering the entirety of your mouth. Slowly slipping himself out, he tucked himself back into his trousers and ran his hand through his hair. 
Tears were slowly running down your cheeks, you felt your aching jaw softly and sniffled, the soldier pulled you up onto the bed and wiped your face clean with his bare hand. He sighed, looking you up and down. Giving you one last kiss, he murmured to you, “thanks for the company”.
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tiredkitten · 1 year
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Cillian Murphy in Dunkirk (2017) hits differently. So goddamn gorgeous!
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cillianmesoftlyyy · 3 months
Wary Sailor Pt. 3 | Matthew Joy x fem!reader
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summary: A storm is coming to threaten the Essex and her crew, and not even second-mate Matthew Joy is ready for the toil that it will cause. When he's thrown overboard, his sweet Siren saves him, but she begins to understand the danger of their relationship.
warnings: Thalassophobia, drowning, and bodily harm.
word count: 2210k
I'll Believe in Anything- Wolf Parade 🎶
Asleep- The Smiths 🎵
shout out to @everandforeveryours for helping me with ideas! More to come 🖤
That night the sea was rough and the captain called for all hands on deck. Matthew did not sleep that night or much of the day. His thoughts of the girl were incessant and his body still held the memory of her, making it even more difficult to focus on the important tasks of the day. Through the turbulent waves, the Essex sailed with the help of her crew. Their calls and shouts could barely be heard over the roar of the sea around them. Matthew wondered if Y/N was watching from the sea, the waves a place of safety even in the worst storm. 
As rain pounded the deck, Matthew stood at the railing and looked out at the storm, his hands gripping the edge. They’d lowered the sails and were preparing the ship for storms. 
“Joy,” Owen’s voice pulled Matthew from his thoughts and he looked over his shoulder at the Essex’s first-mate. Owen stood beside him at the railing and looked out at the sea. 
“You alright, mate?” He asked quietly, not meeting Matthew’s eyes. Matthew furrowed his eyebrows and looked at his friend’s face. “You’ve been… off since the morning we spotted the pod of whales, and you were down in the boat alone for a long time last night. You and I both know how we can get after years at sea…” Owen cleared his throat and waited for Matthew to speak. 
“Do you believe in Sirens?” Matthew asked him instead and Owen scoffed, taken back by the random question. 
“What?” Owen shook his head, “no, I don’t believe they’re real. Why? Do you think you saw one?” Owen shrugged light-heartedly and scratched his mustache.
When Matthew didn’t respond, Owen lowered his hand and sighed slowly. 
“Be careful, Joy. Don’t let the sea play with your mind, at least for our sake,” Owen patted Matthew on the back and stepped away. “I’m going to help secure the sails for the night. Captain wants us to continue straight, he thinks we’ll clear the storm before it gets bad but I don’t know, Joy. No whale is worth testing the sea and her temper.” 
“Oh, Joy,” Owen turned back, remembering something, “do you remember what they say about seeing a Siren? Seeing one likely means the ship will sink,” Owen set his brow, his voice dark like a warning. 
Matthew glanced back at his friend and nodded, “I’ll make sure my men are ready if anything happens tonight.” 
Owen walked off to help the younger sailors fasten the sails in place and chain the barrels of fresh water below deck. Matthew pinched the bridge of his nose and silently cursed the Captain. Joy had been on the water long enough to know that the storm clouds in the distance were not a good sign for a ship. The sea was already riled up, so heading beneath the dark gray and greenish sky seemed the worst decision to make. 
Could she see him now? He wondered. 
Matthew managed to get a few hours of sleep before the ship entered the storm. Matthew was not alone in his frustration. Every sailor groveled over the Captain’s poor direction, knowing this trip would cause more harm than good. Matthew climbed to the top deck and began scaling the rigging system of ropes. A mast had been knocked from its place by the wind. Matthew directed the men, calling for help in fixing the massive piece of wood. The Captain watched from below, his nice uniform ruined from salt water and the rain. 
“Joy! Come down from there and help secure the mast’s rigging!” The Captain yelled up at him and Matthew cursed below his breath. The wind whistled in his ears as he climbed down the rope system, slick and slimy. Landing hard on the deck of the ship, Matthew helped a few other men lift the bundle of cord used to hold the mast in place in case of emergency. The ship plunged between massive waves and one of the ship’s Booms swung around, knocking Matthew over the railing. There was no time to hold onto anything or try to save himself as he was forced over the edge and fell down, down into the sea. 
His body sunk below the surface of the angry sea. Waves engulfed him, forcing him down whenever he almost swam to the top. The sea was dark green and blue, so much so that he couldn’t see anything around him. His coat and boats weighed him down but he couldn’t take them off in his determination to swim to the surface. The air had been knocked out of him when he landed, his back was surely already bruising. Without any breath in his lungs, Matthew’s lungs began to spam, trying desperately to pull in air. Soon, he could feel himself sinking further, no longer making progress to the surface. He could feel his muscles loosening as he began to lose consciousness. Matthew was a good swimmer, and yet, he was no match to the severity of the sea during a storm. 
Y/N, he thought as swallowed some of the water around him in his instinct to breathe. His arms were stretched out in the water, reaching for the Essex and safety. 
You shouldn’t be here.
Matthew tried to open his eyes when he heard the familiar voice in his head. Between his eyelashes, he saw a ray of soft light. As his eyes opened more, he realized the ray of light was the Siren, the woman he’d begun to love. 
You can’t be here, Matthew. I need to get you back to the surface. 
He didn’t remember closing his eyes but could feel Y/N’s arms wrap around his shoulders, dragging him with her. The action was swift. Her tail was pure muscle that propelled them as fast as she wanted it to. In what felt like seconds, Matthew’s head cleared the surface of the water. 
Breath, Matthew. 
Matthew heard her in his head and tried to breath but he already felt dead. 
“I think that’s him, sir!” A sailor yelled from the deck. Men gathered at the railing to assist, piecing together a rope ladder for their lost second-mate. It was raining so hard that the men on the deck could barely see Matthew nor the woman-like creature beside him.  
The sound of his crewmates awakened something else inside Matthew: duty. 
They need you Matthew. I’ll never forgive you if you don’t breathe right now.
Matthew’s eyes snapped open and he began to cough, clearing the water from his lungs. His arms began to instinctively tread the water to keep himself afloat. She appeared beside him at the surface, keeping her head low. It took a few moments for Matthew to clear his head and catch his breath. 
“Y/N,” he croaked and gave her a crooked smile, pain in his eyes, “thank you.” 
“You’re welcome, sailor.” She released a sigh of relief and glanced up at the rope ladder the men were trying to detangle. “Your men are lowering a rope. You’re going to be fine.” 
Matthew looked between the rope and the woman who had just saved his life.
“Come with me.” Matthew’s blue eyes flashed as he spoke, “I’ll look after you. We can be together after they know what you did to save my life.” 
She shook her head and bit her lip. “I can’t, Matthew. That’s your world, not mine. And besides,” she glanced up at the rope ladder starting to fall, “I can’t survive up there… for short periods of time, sure, but not forever.”   
“I don’t think I can be away from you,” Matthew admitted and coughed again. 
“You must.” 
The ship tossed and turned in the rough water. The men threw down the rope and it landed in the water yards away. He’d have to swim to it, fighting the massive waves. 
“This is getting dangerous. I should have never come aboard your boat. This is all my fault…” the Siren closed her eyes. 
“What do you mean, love?” Matthew tried to reach for her face in the water. 
“It’s bad luck for a woman to board a sailor’s boat. I knew it was unlucky and I still did it because I needed to meet you. I’m so sorry, Matthew.” 
“Don’t say things like that,” Matthew furrowed his brow, ignoring the calls of his crewmates, “you saved my life.” 
“We’re tempting fate.” 
“Fuck that! I love you. I’m- damn it- I’m in love with you, Y/N. Come with me, please.” 
The Siren smiled painfully and closed the distance between them. She kissed Matthew deeply, their lips sliding into place against each other as they were meant to do. Her nose was crushed against his as he kissed her back. He sucked desperately at her bottom lip, pulling her mouth closer to his. His hands held her face painfully tight, boring into the flesh on her cheeks, somehow still staying afloat as he did so. Finally, she pulled away but kept her face close so that she could speak quietly to him. 
“I don’t trust your Captain Pollard, sailor, and neither should you. Be wary.” With a sad expression on her beautiful face, she slipped below the waves. Her silver tail flipped up into the air, sending a wave that carried Matthew the few feet closer he needed to swim to the base of the ladder. 
“Y/N!!” Matthew screamed into the wind, spitting salt water from his mouth. 
“Joy! Climb the god-damned rope right now!” Owen ordered from the deck. After a moment Matthew forced himself to swim to the rope ladder. He released an angry yell and slammed his fist against the side of the boat, his hair sticking to the side of his face as he looked back at the sea. 
“Joy!” Owen’s voice was louder now that he was closer. Having no other choice, Matthew found one of the rungs and dejectedly began to climb. 
He choked on the water still in his lungs when he fell back onto the deck. Hands grabbed at his clothes and dragged him away from the railing. Owen crouched beside him and slapped his face with both hands, stimulating blood flow. 
“You alright, second-mate?” Owen tried to joke. Matthew coughed up more water before wiping his mouth and nodding. 
“I’m alive.”
“Barely. Take him below!” Owen ordered a smaller boy to help Matthew to his feet and escorted him below deck. There was a small sick-bay between the sailors’ berth and the Captain’s quarters. No doctor worked there, but it could be used for quarantine when necessary. At that moment, Matthew was placed there more for comfort than anything. After he was helped onto the shallow bunk and the boy left him alone, Matthew began to remove his wet clothes. Dropping them on the ground, he looked for injuries, Y/N’s words still echoing in his head. 
Yes was leaving him, probably forever. And they had parted with one last warning: don’t trust Captain Pollard. Matthew didn’t trust him very much to begin with and now he disliked him even more. The man had no tangible experience with commercial sailing, especially not whaling boats. Owen should have been Captain and Matthew should have been first-mate. Things would have gotten done, they would have never entered a storm like this. 
He was changing into dry bloomers when someone knocked. For a moment, Matthew watched the door, expecting to see the girl on the other side but when the visitor entered, it was not her. 
“Everything is secured. There are men still keeping watch but I’ve ordered everyone else below deck until we clear this storm.” Owen stepped inside and closed the door behind him. “Pollard?” Matthew cleared his throat and slowly sat back down on the bed. 
“He’s… doing some calculations, navigation.” Owen waved his hands about and sighed. After a moment of silence, his eyes returned to watch Matthew and he drew in a strained breath. 
“Joy,” Owen started ominously and Matthew looked up, his icy blue eyes drowned out by the darkness, “I saw… well how do I say this… I saw who saved you, Joy.” 
Matthew looked to the side and nodded absently. 
“So you were right then, they’re real. She… saved you?” Owen grimaced as he tried to confirm what he saw. 
“Yes, she did,” Matthew laughed tiredly, his smile falling short. 
“Why?” Owen asked hesitantly. 
Matthew turned his head back slowly to look at his best-friend. His pale skin looked yellow in the light of the whale oil lamp. His hair was still damp but it had begun to dry where it had fallen in waves around his head. 
“She loved me,” Matthew answered with what he believed whole-heartedly to be the truth and wrapped a blanket around his shoulder, hissing as his back muscles clenched in pain. Owen looked Matthew up and down and nodded, understanding that he was supposed to leave.
Once alone again, Matthew sat with his knees drawn up to his chest and looked up at the ceiling. Rainwater managed to sneak through the cracks between floorboards above his head. He watched it drip around him and sat in silence. 
End of Pt. 3!
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
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How come I’m not seeing this GORGEOUS photo all over tumblr?? Like… hello look at this Greek Irish God 🥰♥️✨
Am I the only one drooling or what?
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cillianslvt · 24 days
it’s so unfair that cillian’s hottest roles are the ones where he’s in the movie for like 10 minutes.
like what do you mean jonathan crane has a combined time of fifteen minutes in the batman trilogy? what do you mean shivering solider is only in dunkirk for like five minutes?
why must we be cursed with this lack of screen time?
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I am far far far to attracted to the shivering soldier…
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your-nanas-house · 9 months
Cock headcanon part 1
Headcanon created with @mrkdvidal1989
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Lenny Miller: Pink tip and top half of it, curved upwards, longer than normal but average girth, fully shaved package, circumcised, shower
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Jonathan Crane: Average length and girth but bigger tip, 5.9 inches, completely pale, way more veiny than usually, dark thick hair, uncircumcised, shower
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Davin McDerby: Slightly bigger and longer than usual, 6 inches, not very veiny, uncircumcised, freckled, a little hairy, grower
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Robert Fischer: Average length but thick, 5.5 inches, light pink colour all over, fully shaved, circumcised, grower
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Tommy Shelby: Really thick and longer than average, 7 inches, light brownish colour, veiny, short and groomed hair, probably circumcised, shower
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Shivering Soldier: curved upwards, average length, 5.7 inches, bit thicker than average, hairy, not well groomed, uncircumcised, dark pink and big tip, shower
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Jonathan Breech: straight, longer than average length, 7 inches, average girth, completely pale, pinkish, grower, darker balls than dick, groomed but hairy
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Jackson Rippner: Curved to the left, large in both ways, whooping 7.5 inches, a bit darker than the rest of his body, shower, circumcised, some hair left above it but groomed
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Raymond Leon: much longer than typically but average girth, 7 inches, shaved fully, completely pale with a couple freckles, bigger tip, shower, uncircumcised, straight with no curves, veiny even soft
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William Killick: Curved to the right, average length and thicker than normal, 6 inches, pretty hairy, he tries to keep it groomed but he doesn’t have time all the time
@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj @wife-of-magic-monkeys , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @sleepycreativewriter , @mrkdvidal1989
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thevelvetvampyre · 3 months
I remember being 13 at the Dunkirk premiere dying to see Harry Styles only for Cillian Murphy to walk past me and the air literally leaving my lungs. I genuinely stopped breathing and got light headed. The first and only time I’ll ever experience love at first sight. My life hasn’t been the same since.
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hagarsays · 4 months
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HAPPY 48th BIRTHDAY TO MR ACADEMY AWARD WINNER CILLIAN MURPHY!! Hope all of your wishes come true and you have an amazing birthday
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feasibilities · 4 months
i've gotten sick (sinus bs from allergies) so i spent my time rotting in bed and rewatched dunkirk. i have unfortunately fell in love with shivering soldier.
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august-diehl · 1 year
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CILLIAN MURPHY as Shivering Soldier in Dunkirk (2017) | dir. Christopher Nolan
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This will not be the official master list post, but here are my prompts and characters for this years kinktober. Any interaction with this post will have you added to my taglist for October :)
Would love to know which one you’re most excited for !!
Also if you’ve read any of my fics you’d know what type of warnings i’ll be using 👀
01.10 Blood with Jackson Rippner
02.10 Red Riding Hood AU with Emmett
03.10 Car Sex with Neil Lewis
04.10 Wax Play with Jonathan Crane
05.10 Shoe Worship with Tommy Shelby
06.10 Professor AU with Cillian Murphy
07.10 Hate Fuck with Raymond Leon
08.10 Mirror Sex with Robert Fischer
09.10 Mr and Mrs Smith AU with Jackson Rippner
10.10 Cunnilingus with William Killick
11.10 Marking with Robert Capa
12.10 Sex Tape with Jonathan Breech
13.10 Regency AU with Tommy Shelby
14.10 Pet Play with Jonathan Crane
15.10 Caught Masterbating with Jim (TDS)
16.10 Little Mermaid AU with Matthew Joy
17.10 Mind Control with Tom Buckley
18.10 Body Worship with Lenny Miller
19.10 Spit with Emmett
20.10 Marvel AU with Cillian!Dr Doom
21.10 69 with Darren (Pig)
22.10 Overstimulation with Tom
23.10 Hogwarts AU with Jonathan Crane
24.10 Outdoor Sex with Tommy Shelby
25.10 Spanking with Martin
26.10 Somnophilia with Mike Kieran
27.10 ABO AU with Raymond Leon
28.10 Dumbification with Jim (28DL)
29.10 Facial with Shivering Solider
30.10 Romeo and Juliet AU with Robert Fischer
31.10 Double Penetration with Jonathan Crane & Jackson Rippner
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Dunkirk (2017) Dir. Christopher Nolan
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elk96 · 1 year
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New highly emotional moodboard for Henry Wilson aka Shivering Soldier and William Killick because they are in pain and they deserved better and I love them.
It's almost midnight. I can hear the waves crashing on the shore. I got the vibes. The night's perfect.
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mikhayhu · 10 months
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pedroam-bang · 7 months
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Dunkirk (2017)
“We shall never surrender.”
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