yanderecrazysie · 2 months
Twisted Zoo: Chapter Twelve
First Chapter: here
Previous Chapter: here
This is based on the stories of a keeper reader with the octotrio by @ashensgrotto and @merakiui .
I am no longer doing tags. Tumblr hates me and I’d rather not waste my time when there are so many! You can keep up to date on Twisted Zoo on Tumblr, Quotev, Wattpad, or AO3.
Summary: You’re a brand new zookeeper at The Halfling Zoo- a place where half-animals live in captivity. Your job is simple- feed them and study them. Your main worry is that one of the more dangerous halflings might kill you. 
Unfortunately, that may become the least of your worries.
WARNINGS: yandere themes
Note: All characters are aged up, since there will be mature themes in future parts.
Note 2: This is the final chapter before the endings. Sorry!
The eerily flickering lights of the aquarium almost gave you pause. Strange. You stepped through the employee only entrance and pressed on the light switch. Still, the lights flickered.
“Shriiiimp!” Floyd’s telltale voice cried out from the edge of the tank, his arms crossed on the concrete and chin resting on top of them.
“Shrimp?” you laughed, “Is that what you’re calling me now?”
Floyd giggled and stared at you with lidded eyes, “Shrimp!”
“What’s up with the lights?” you asked him, gesturing to the overhead electrical issues. Floyd shrugged and slipped into the water with a breathless giggle. 
You frowned, feeling a little unsettled by the way his shadow danced along the wall as the lights’ flickering became longer. You took a seat at the edge of the tank.
“Where’s Jade?” you asked.
“Right here,” his voice startled you. You swerved your head so quickly that it cricked, spotting his mismatched gaze from a few feet away. Jade’s chin was just above the surface, so that he wouldn’t get water in his mouth when he talked, “We missed you.”
“I missed you guys, too,” you said with a smile, “What’s up with the lights?”
As always, there was a cold edge to Jade’s smile, “Nothing to worry about. Electrical problem. It happens sometimes.”
You nodded, though his answer didn’t make you feel any less uneasy. “I see. Let’s hope it gets fixed soon.”
To your surprise, white hair broke the surface and piercing eyes met yours before they softened behind their spectacles. This was the first time Azul had surfaced on his own without Floyd dragging him to the surface. 
“How nice of you to come,” he said, giving you a closed-eyed smile. His gaze suddenly turned serious and he seemed to size you up. “We rarely see you.”
“It’s nice to see you, Azul,” you offered with another smile. A tentacle slid out of the water and brushed against your ankle. You noticed it beginning to curl around the appendage and quickly stood up, knocking it back into the water. 
You backed away from the edge, ignoring the hurt look on his face, “I should really check on the electrical system. It might not be safe if the lights are acting up like this.”
“Noooo,” Floyd wailed, his eyes gleaming with hidden mirth, “Shriiimp, stay! We miiiiss you…”
You felt something brush against your ankle again and stepped back from the edge. Black tentacles slid back into the tank. Jade smiled pleasantly at you, “There’s no rush. You can stay with us.”
“No,” you backed away from the tank, “No, I think I’m done for today.” The lights continued to flicker, staying dark for even longer, sending shadows playing across the faces of the tank’s three inhabitants, making their leering faces look even more frightening in that moment.
As the door slammed behind them, Azul turned to the twins in amusement, speaking in what sounded like clicks to the cameras above the tank, “I believe I have her measurements down.”
Floyd giggled, “Next time?”
“Next time, she’s ours.”
You decided that, today, you would visit Idia before the snakes. You were much too excited to give him the gift you had brought him to wait any longer.
“Idia! I have a surprise for you!” you called out as you entered the enclosure. The lizard halfling was in the very back of the terrarium, curled up in the corner gloomily.
“What is it now?” he asked, not sounding enthusiastic in the slightest.
You handed over your old, blue Nintendo DS along with a ziploc bag filled with games. Idia’s eyes widened, “What is this?”
“It’s a handheld gaming device. You just pop the game you want to play in and open it up,” you explained happily, “It’ll eventually die but-”
“It will die?!” Idia looked horrified, “It is alive?!”
“No no no,” you quickly explained, “I just mean it’ll run out of battery, but I can always charge it again for you.”
Idia’s shoulders sagged in relief and the corners of his lips turned up in a soft smile, “Thank you.”
“I’ll leave you to it, then,” you said, straightening up and turning to leave. To your surprise, an electric blue tail curled around your ankle. You turned to face the lizard halfling and were met with pleading eyes.
“Stay, teach me to use it,” Idia begged. 
With a smile, you sat down and picked a random game out of the ziploc bag and popped it in the empty compartment. You flipped open the device and turned it on as Idia watched in awe.
“Hey, Jamil! Hey, Kalim!” you called out, your voice echoing in the heated terrarium. Jamil lifted his head from where he was coiled, his slitted eyes lazily studying you. Kalim, on the other hand, slithered forward eagerly.
“Yay! You’re back!” Kalim cried out, his arms wrapping around your midsection and his face burying itself into your stomach. You stumbled backwards at the enthusiastic force he put into his hug but managed to stay upright. 
“Jamil and I missed you. Jamil talked about you.”
You looked over at the viper halfling, who avoided eye contact. You stifled a giggle and said, “Well, I missed both of you too.”
Kalim’s face brightened, but Jamil’s expression remained guarded. There was tension in the air, something between the two that you couldn’t quite decipher. 
“Did you bring anything?” Kalim asked excitedly and you realized he was remembering the donuts from last time.
“I’m afraid not. I was going to bring curry but I didn’t have time to make it.”
Kalim made a disgusted face, “Why curry? Curry is gross!”
Jamil’s eyes flashed with irritation and he gave Kalim a fearsome glare, “Because that is my favorite.”
The tension between the two crackled like electricity and you quickly intervened, “I’ll bring some next time, Jamil. Kalim, can I bring you anything?”
Kalim looked puzzled as he tried to think of what you could bring. He finally smiled brightly and shrugged, “Anything but curry!”
Jamil continued to glare at his roommate as he said lowly, “Thank you, (Y/n).”
“How have you both been?” you asked.
Jamil opened his mouth to respond and was immediately cut off by Kalim, “I missed you soooooo much!”
You laughed, “I missed you too.” You looked at your watch and with a pang you realized you were running low on time already, “Have you been up to anything exciting?”
Kalim’s grin widened, “After you left, I cried. Then, I shed my skin. Then, I rested. Then…”
Kalim gave you a play-by-play of everything he had been up to since your previous visit. You watched as the seconds ticked by on your watch, fighting off boredom.
Finally, you realized you couldn’t stay any longer if you were planning to see the tigers and panthers today. You hesitantly interrupted Kalim’s droning and said, “I’m so sorry, guys, but I need to head out.”
Kalim’s eyes widened and he wrapped his arms around you once again, “Please, stay longer.”
“I can’t, Kalim. I promise I’ll be back soon,” you said, gently disentangling yourself from his grasp.
Kalim’s eyes filled with tears, “You’re always leaving! It’s not fair!”
“I know, and I’m really sorry. But I’ll make it up to you next time, okay?” you reassured him, reaching out to give his head a gentle pat.
Kalim’s sobs followed you out the door of the enclosure. You felt like a heartless monster as you closed the door, but you knew you couldn’t stay and now had to run to make it on time. 
Behind the closed door, Jamil hissed at Kalim to shut up and the boy stopped crying almost immediately. Then, his eyes lit up as an idea crossed his mind…
Meanwhile, you had finally arrived at the panthers and tigers exhibit. You hurried into the exhibit and stopped dead in your tracks. To your surprise, it wasn’t just Silver and Sebek standing near the employee entrance but, for the first time, Malleus and Lilia as well. 
Before you could question the sudden welcome, Lilia skipped up to you and linked his arm with yours, half-walking, half-dragging you over to the others.
“You’re late!” Sebek yelled.
“Sorry about that,” you winced at the volume of his voice and waved to the four halflings sheepishly, “How are you all?”
Lilia brought you closer to the other three and Malleus reached out and gently grasped your chin. He redirected your face to look at him and you frowned at his serious expression.
“Crowley,” Malleus said softly, “You cannot trust him. In fact, you cannot trust anyone here.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, suspicion spiking immediately. Sure, Mr. Crowley was eccentric, but to not be able to trust him? Wasn’t that going a bit far?
Malleus’s frown deepened, “He will allow anything to happen to you, if it is for the better of the zoo.”
You shook your head and let out an awkward, humorless laugh, “I don’t think that’s true…”
“A storm is coming, (Y/n),” Silver said softly.
“You can’t trust anyone,” Sebek affirmed.
“Least of all us,” Lilia said with an eerie smile.
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brainrockets · 8 months
Brennan broke thus far:
Murph - So tactical, so late
Emily - Shriiimp?
Ally was technically a team up with Lou - with the and everyone in between.
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these shrimp are literally the same color as the snails lol (its ok yellow is my fav color💛)
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these arent the ones i rili wanted (i like these ones a lot too), but slightly cheaper ones in case i still wanna get a pea puffer, and in case it will decide to kill all of them (no worries i have another smaller tank in case that happens and i have to move them)
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as for my lovely stowaway little tiny baby fish:
theres definitely at least 2 of them, and they seem to be doing fine for now
i saw some aquarium bugs small enough for them to eat
they seem less skittish, and i started seeing them more often, tho theyre still too small to photograph
their eyes are really reflective, seem to be bright cyan
still no idea what species they are
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ervitemonslip · 7 years
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riskavicia · 7 years
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#Repost @dripcolors (@get_repost) ・・・ DRIPCOLORS no Shriiimp Calendar 2018! Estamos extremamente honrados pelo convite! Já está a venda em: http://shriiimp.bigcartel.com/ ### We are on Shriiimp Calendar 2018! Thanks Vincent from @officialshriiimp for the invitation! We love it! Check out on http://shriiimp.bigcartel.com/ to buy! #shriiimpcalendar #shriiimpcalendar2018 #shriiimpcalendar18 #shriiimp #graffitiongirls #calendar
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kores270 · 7 years
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konte · 8 years
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Follow me on INSTAGRAM - www.instagram.com/konteuna
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coldbug · 3 years
they say in heaven
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that shrimp comes first
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twistedtummies2 · 4 years
C in Science, A in Boyfriend Material
THIS IS NOT MY WRITING. ONCE AGAIN, THIS WAS A SUBMISSION SENT BY AN ANONYMOUS USER. Apparently, in this case, the user has been going through some tough times in classes at school, and has been dealing with less than stellar reactions from their family as a result, and this was written partially as a “vent fic” in response to that. I felt giving the full backstory was a bit too personal, but to the user, I just want to say I hope things get better...and trust me, the global situation has ALL of us on edge. :P Anyway, thank you to the writer of this little piece, and here’s hoping some of you enjoy their work below! :)
“Mmmmmmmm…. Mmm, mmm, mmmh! Shrimpy, that meal was sooooo goooood!” You peeled your eyes away from your boyfriend’s stomach and gazed into half-lidded eyes. His olive and gold eyes slowly turned to you in a slow, lethargic manner as he rested a hand upon his bloated abdomen, a smirk appearing on his face. His stomach jutted out a solid two feet, filled to the brim with the random dishes you made that evening. Having barged into your kitchen with a small grim and downcast eyes, you were originally hesitant to share these peculiar and possibly nasty meals. With a flick of his wrist, he dismissed your concern and chucked his science goggles into the living room. He beamed at the bowl of flavorful succotash, moaned in ecstasy at the couscous salad, squealed at your shrimp and cheese ravioli, (“These little shrimp are almost as good as my little Shrimp!”) and raised an eyebrow at your attempted Takoyaki. (“You forgot the pickled ginger,” he said before dumping the other half of the plate into his mouth.)
Noting your earlier gaze at his stomach, he stretched his arms, pushing out his already-bloated belly. It churned and blorbled with incredible intensity, sending shivers down your spine. He thumped it once, twice, thrice, and the sound reminded you of smacking a ripe watermelon.
“BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP! Oh, my poor tummy… Shrimpy-chan, you filled my poor belly with too much food!” He whined as he leaned back on the couch. You raised an eyebrow.
“Oh really? Last I recall, you did seem excited to devour every single scrap and speck on the plates. Was that you, me, or your poor wittle tummy?” Floyd put a hand on his chest, and his stomach burbled lowly, as if also thinking.
“Nope! It was you! Little Shrimpy shouldn’t have made the food so so good!”
“Nah, I think it was just you and your tummy,” you said with a firm pat on his belly.
Floyd pouted before deviously raising an eyebrow. “Hm, does Shrimpy-chan want to know what my tummy thinks?”
The heat in your cheeks answered that question for you. Before you could protest (not that you would), he leaned in close and opened his mouth wide. His unusual pointy teeth glistened in the pale light while his tongue lolled out of his mouth. Strands of saliva seemed to hold the mouth together as his throat beckoned you to the great beyond.
Or perhaps it was summoning something from the great beyond…
Your eyes widened as you were blasted with an assault of stomach gas reeking of garlic, octopus, turkey (you assumed it was from the salad), and that unavoidable fishy gut-smell that was simply Floyd. When the belch finally tapered off, you could hear Floyd giggling like a schoolgirl in the background.
“Teeheeheehee! Shrimpy’s face is all red!”
You took subtle but deep inhales at his intestinal concoction before a dopy smile spread across your face.
“I suppose that means your stomach enjoy the food?”
“Immensely,” Floyd sighed as he reclined once more. You placed a hand on his cream-colored flesh and massaged the organ.
“Ooooh, little shriiimp…” Floyd moaned, his toes curling in glee. “That feels so goood…” You smiled as his eyelids shut, no longer clouded with the despondency plaguing them earlier. With one hand kneading and prodding, you felt your own eyelids drooping, ready to join him in the land of -
You gasped and whip your head up. Floyd looked down at you, eyes wide and glimmering with titillation. “I forgot about him!” He leapt off the couch and took several large steps to his coat resting on the armchair. He threw it off and revealed a long, skinny, brown box. He giggled and jumped back on the sofa, completely waking you up.
“Open it, open it!” You did, and almost squealed.
“Floyd… Is that a snake?”
“Yup, a corn snake!”
“… Floyd?”
“How and why did you get a snake?”
“Well, Striped Beakfish made me clean out his cage as punishment for… Getting a C in his class.” His eyes widened, pupils shrinking in pinprick proportions.
“So I waited until he left while I cleaned the accursed cage. Then I stuck him in that box. I’m going to teach Striped Beakfish not to mess with me.” His hands twitched, and you tittered as you pried the box away.
“So, uh, what do you intend to do with it?” With that, he relaxed and blinked.
The mischievous grin didn’t help you relax.
“Eat it!”
Of course he would.
The snake was either asleep or apathetic as ginger hands pulled the creature out of the box. It stuck out its tongue but otherwise made no move. You couldn’t help but compare the constriction tendencies between the two creatures. Floyd opened its mouth and exhaled slowly.
He blinked; even he didn’t expect that one. He giggled and lowered the very-unimpressed snake towards its mouth. All the while, you kept your eyes glued to the show. He raised an eyebrow and winked.
Oh boy.
He placed the snake’s head on his tongue and gave a loud
With the one slurp, he managed to get a third of the reptile into his mouth. You gasped, and he couldn’t help but slurp slower to prolong the show.
His stomach had other ideas.
A crude, bassy, pungent belch reverberated in his puffed-up cheeks, which he swallowed back down, giving the descending snake a double preview of what was to come. Your insides heated and twisted as you imagined yourself in the snake’s place.
His throat obtained a mild bulge as the reptile crept towards its doom. You assumed it sensed its dangerous environment because its tail thrashed madly. This made Floyd’s golden eye glow with giddy excitement as he gave a final powerful
And sent the snake to its dark, dungey doom.
“Pah…” Your eel boyfriend sank deep into the couch, caressing his agitated belly. It quivered and roared in anger, now having to deal with yet another addition.
“So… Full…”
You placed a hand on his belly once more without a moment’s hesitation. He whimpered and groaned as you kneaded out a few gurgly, wet burps. As ‘exciting’ as it was, you knew it wasn’t giving Floyd the relief he was desperately seeking.
“Bu-HUuuuUuUuUUUUuuUUURLk… Ugh, so f-fuuuul…” His golden eye flickered dully as he rested a hand ontop of yours. You blushed and grinned before finding an especially taut spot. You pushed.
His eye flickered before growing dim. Both of them widened as you saw a bulge rising up his throat. His face took on a sickly green hue. You came closer, worry etched on your face.
“Hey hey, are you ok-”
Easily the longest, loudest, and most certainly the rankest belch of the night rocketed out of his body. The odorus aroma of peppers, onions, cheese, octopus, old fish, and the general smell of guts permeated the air as it roared on for a whopping dozen seconds.
And he did it point blank in your face.
He collapsed with a languid groan, cross-eyed from relief.
“Oh my gooosh, that felt gooooood…”
You didn’t bother trying to fix your disheveled hair, too busy cataloging the odor haunting the living room. Floyd chuckled as he licked a few grains of couscous off your face.
“Ah, but Shrimpy-chan is still the tastiest one of all…”
You flopped back on the sofa with him, and he drops an arm around your shoulder. You gazed up at him. His eyelids were slowly drooping closed once more.
“Thank you… So much… For everything, Little Shrimp.”
“Anytime, Floyd. You may have a C in Science, but you have a solid A+ in Boyfriend Material.” His face softened as he gave you a genuine smile.
Which came closer…
And closer…
And closer…
He blasted one more raunchy, wet belch into your face, speckling it with drool.
“Sleep well, my Little Shrimp,” he cooed as he licked your face once more. He smiled against your cheek 
“Sleep well.”
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autoplaysdigimon · 5 years
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Oh no, someone is drowning!
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Better go out and save them!
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In a year that ends with a 20 a merman will try to get chummy He may look like a watery wimp When in fact he’s a bloodthirsty shriiimp
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my-gender-is · 5 years
my gender is
And a Truckload of Bubbagump Shriiimp
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too-gay-for-marvel · 3 years
How’s everybody’s Saturday night going?
Shriiimp how is your night?😏
Sick, but pretty chill, how about you, bestie?
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timmarsh13 · 7 years
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Shriiimp . . . . #photography #canon #mycanon #80d #50mmstm #crete #shrimp #macro #food #basicallyafoodbloggernow
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jackstockhypno · 5 years
Body Mod Lover Hypno for tattoos, piercings, implants, modifications
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