#Shrink Fit tool holders
birlaprecision · 1 month
Top manufacturers of Shrink fit tool holders |Birla precision
Birla precision is the ideal name for delivering supreme quality Shrink Fit tool holders. The Shrink tool holders we deliver are famous for their superior quality, adjustable structure and high performance. Our manufacturing facility can produce superior products in large quantities. To create outstanding products, we bring together the most recent advances in technology with exceptional infrastructure.
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clebitco · 2 years
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Shop for tool holders online at Cleveland Bit Company. We provide tool holders at wide range like collet chucks, shrinkfit, or hydraulic tool holders and many more. Visit us today to see more collection of CNC tool kit.
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eufiemoon · 1 month
How to Make: Electronic Wings for Cosplay
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Hello Everyone! It's been a while since I last uploaded a written tutorial on here and since I just finished and wore my Dame Aylin cosplay this last weekend it seemed appropriate to jump back in with a tutorial on one of the costume pieces!
Her wings were the star of the show this weekend and I know a lot of people were curious about how I made them! A huge source of knowledge and inspiration behind these wings was this video by Axceleration, I made a few changes to the frame shape and electrical circuitry for mine but her tutorial was a huge stepping stone to give me the confidence to tackle them myself!
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Health and Safety:
When working with Sintraboard (as well as other thermoplastics) it is incredibly important you wear a respirator as well as goggles when heating, moulding and cutting it. The fumes this plastic will give off when heated up are no joke! Make sure you're in a well-ventilated space!
Basic tool safety knowledge is also really important! wearing gloves when using power tools can be more dangerous in most situations, so always be aware of where your hands are vs where the tools are. Always cut away from yourself and take things slowly, don't panic.
Electrical safety! You're working with live wires and circuitry! make sure your hands are dry, you aren't touching the bare wires at any point when they are connected to a power source, and if you choose to solder anything, make sure you're wearing heat-proof gloves and a mask in a ventilated space!
Wire stripper
Screwdriver and wrench
Dremel - I recommend the Dremel 3000 rotary tool personally! Some essential Dremel bits you'll need for this include, a sanding bit, drill bit (smaller or same size as your screws/bolts), and a small/narrow cutting bit. These will usually come with the Dremel!
Heat Gun (A hairdryer will not get hot enough to heat the Sintraboard!!)
Pipe cutter (alternatively you can use a hacksaw for this!)
Scissors (for cutting fabric straps)
Heat shrink Tubing
2 core electrical wire
switch (you want a three position, six pin switch, like this one, even better if it has the Screws on the pins! otherwise you'll need a soldering kits to solder the wires to the pins.
2x 8AA 12v Battery Holders
2x 12v Linear Actuators (Mine had a stroke length of 100mm)
21.5mm PVC Pipes (I got 2x 3m Lengths)
2x 21.5mm PVC Pipe straight couplers
6mm 8"x12" Sintraboard
Nuts/Bolts/Screws (I used M5 bolts for the base & Actuator connectors and M6 screws to attach the hinges to the pipes! You'll need Washers for every Nut & Bolt!)
Hinges (I used 2.5cm wide hinges that were skinny but long so they would just about fit along the PVC pipe! 3" gate hinges would work!)
50 metre Polythene Jiffy foam roll (in retrospect this was ALOT of foam, you could definitely get away with maybe a 20-30 metre roll! I now have a load leftover XD)
16 AA Batteries (I used 16 and had enough for the whole day with them on, I think They'd probably be enough for another half a day-full day too! but have spares just in case!)
Webbing strap ( I went for grey to match my base suit colour!)
Buckle - as wide as the webbing strap you use!
3 metres of white cotton fabric (or whatever colour wings youre going for!)
Zipties (for cleaning up the wires)
Lets Go!
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Sintraboard is this wonderfully stable thermoplastic that is relatively easy to cut into (with the right tools) and when heated allows you to mould its shape! I started by using a mannequin and heating the Sintraboard with a heat gun for a few minutes to make it pliable, I recommend using gloves for this part as the materials gets VERY HOT! Press the board into the shape of the mannequin's back, taking note of the edges especially! you want this board to sit as comfortably to your body shape as possible as it makes a huge difference to how long you can wearing the wings for in this backplate is comfy!
Once shaped, I placed it against my back to make sure it was a good fit, heating again and making any alterations I needed (again don't place bright hot plastic to your bare skin! wear protective clothes and wait till its slightly cooler to do this, with the help of a friend!). I then took a hacksaw and rounded the corners, before sanding the edges with my Dremel! Try to avoid cutting off loads, just enough to make things less likely to snag.
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3. I then cut in four holes, wide enough to feed my webbing strap through, two at the top and one on either side below where my arms would sit! I measured the webbing strap by firstly feeding them through the top holes and pinning them, and then bring the strap over my should to everything sits where it should and seeing where the strap hits the side hole and cutting the length there! you'll also want a strap that attaches across the chest, meeting in the centre with a buckle!
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4. After sewing the straps closed I was able to move onto the PVC pipe structure! This may change slightly depending on the finished shape you want but I needed the PVC pipes to come out from inside a breastplate so had a particularly angle as well as character references to work with! I began by heating the pipe over my heat gun and flattening a portion of it under a heavy object so it would sit much more flush against the backboard and sit better underneath my breastplate before moving onto securing the first portion of the structure to the backplate. This mainly involved lots of try-ons and measuring to make sure the angles were correct and symmetrical and was quite fiddly but well-worth the effort! I'll include a diagram of the general shape I went with below:
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5. I wanted my wings to be relatively modular for ease of travel so I needed to make sure certain portions of them could come away from other parts easily, so I popped a straight coupler on the top of the pipes that were attach to the breastplate, this also meant I could slot the breastplate over these shorter pipes and wear everything correctly! Then these second pipes slot on and at the other end they are attached via hinges to the longest portion of the pipe 'skeleton', Diagram below:
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6. Now that the skeleton was put together, it's time for the electrical stuff! It's a good idea to figure out where your circuit is going to lay on the skeleton - consider if you want the battery packs mounted the the backplate or, like me, put them inside the actual wings in removeable pockets for easy access and removal for battery changes. all your wires will go through the switch so deciding where you want to place that is very important! Mine was placed just over my shoulder on the front side, mounted to the PVC pipe with a metal cover I drilled a hole into to slip the switch through and then drill through the pipe.
I've included another diagram below that explains all the electrical circuitry, including which wires go on which pins on the switch!
Important to note: The linear actuators need to be placed and bolted into the PVC pipes at *exactly* the same angle on each side, any slight deviation will lead to the wings going up wonkily! So take your time and make as many adjustments as necessary.
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7. You can extend your wires by adding on the electrical wire, just match the colours, and put heat shrink tubing over the connections to hide the live wires! I ended up zip-tying the wires into organised bundles once the wings were done to help keep everything safe from snags.
8. Now its time for the Wings themselves! I drafted my base pattern by just draping the white cotton fabric I had over the wing when it was fully extended. I then pinned the wings to the shape I wanted them to be along the bottom before cutting along the pins. I ran the fabric through my sewing machine to close the bottom edge, leaving a gap wide enough by the wing base so I could slip the wing on and off, closing it with velcro. I also added little fabric pockets inside of these to hold my battery packs, which also connected via velcro for easy removal!
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9. Now that I had a wing base I was able to begin making feathers! I cut out a total of 800 feathers out of polythene jiffy roll for these wings, in 6 different styles and using real life bird wings to dictate the shapes I used and where I placed them. I ended up hot gluing every individual feather onto the white fabric base, going row by row until every side was covered, the wing covers themselves are super light because of the foam feathers and they shine light through them in a really magical way!
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Optional: I also ended up going over these feathers with my airbrush and some super light beige paint to help darken the shadows, this is entirely optional and may change depending on the wings you're looking to make!
When in neutral position and in extended position the wings looks like this:
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Mine had a wingspan of about 7ft total when fully extended but when in neutral position they were fairly close to my own proportions! mainly staying behind me and weren't much of a problem in a packed con hall!
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Photo by: Helloimfran (on Instagram and Twitter)
I hope this tutorial helped and if there are any questions about anything in specific don't hesitate to reach out at [email protected] or on my instagram or twitter (@eufiemoon)
Happy Crafting!
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mymiraclebox · 6 months
In canon, the Mother Box is considered to be the most powerful box with the most powerful jewels (some are questionable at best). IF you were to create the Mother Box would you still have the same kwamis or would you replace any with yours?
The thing is if I just put all the most powerful Miraculouses into one box it would be all eight of my Alphas, plus a big chunk of Elementals and Timekeepers. Which honestly sounds boring.
So to make this most interesting and balanced I'm going to have this new Mother Box mirror the canon one, so: only 19 kwamis in the box, only 2 can be Alphas, 2 Timekeepers, and 1 Elemental, the rest being Deltas. Also I want the whole Box to be powerful together, so I'm going to choose kwamis that are both powerful but support the others in the box as well.
So anyways, here's my version of the Mother Box/most powerful box:
Panda (Life)
Crow (Death)
Unicorn (Magic)
Rabbit (Evolution)
Bear (Preservation)
Butterfly (Generosity)
Peacock (Psyche)
Bee (Subjection)
Jaguar (Imperception)
Tiger (Force)
Tortoise (Knowledge)
Horse (Migration)
Mouse (Multiplication)
Turtle (Protection)
Ox (Determination)
Ant (Cooperation)
Rooster (Vitality)
Chameleon (Emotion)
Crab (Adaptation)
So while all my Alphas are technically equal in raw power, in the hands of humanity I feel Life and Death would give them the most influence. One could make themselves live forever, and kill anyone that got in their way, and that duo alone is very powerful to have. As for the Elemental I choose once again from my Forgotten Box, because my Unicorn not only can enhance and channel other Miraculouses powers, she can create Magical objects that could be used outside of the Miraculouses too.
As for Timekeepers, the first one was easy. Fluff. Fluff is so OP, even with the limitations I added in my headcanons. For the second one though, this was a harder choice, as there are a lot of powerful time-based powers (Sass's resets, my Penguin being able to freeze time) but I decided that my Bear of Preservation complemented Fluff's raw abilities the best. My Bear has the power to make points of Time unchangeable, even by the Rabbit holder. So if someone had this box they'd be able to both change Time how they wanted, and make it so no one could undo what they've done.
Now for the Deltas, this is where we start seeing more repeats from the canon Mother Box. Butterfly and Peacock are just really powerful, even with the limitations in my headcanons. Being able to give yourself an ally with powers that can fit any situation is just a good thing to have. Then the Bee, oh the Bee. Honestly probably the best Miraculous to have in a fight, being able to instantly immobilize someone is huge, and the possibility to control them only heightens that.
Then there's my Jaguar, who has the ability to become undetectable in any form, invisibility but better. Not a big offensive power, but this opens up so many tactics. To balance this I'm also adding the Tiger to this Box, because a raw form of offensive power definitely as its uses. Then Knowledge is power. So my Tortoise, Knowledge can be used in all forms of strategy, so its a good tool to have. Combo that with being able to travel anywhere... so the Horse shall join as well. I will also be adding the Mouse, because my version doesn't shrink you down but actually multiplies you, and I think we've all wished we could be in multiple places at once.
For a heavily defensive Miraculous I was debating between Turtle and the Ox, as both have great defensive abilities, but in the end I decided on both. While I wanted to try to avoid overlap I don't think these guys overlap as much as I thought. Turtle is good for Protecting a large group or area, while the Ox's power is the one you'd want to use in the field or on the front lines. Good forms of defense for different places.
With a whole box of Miraculous you're going to need a whole team, and what better team than one that is perfectly coordinated? My Ant of Cooperation can create a Hivemind between a whole group and let them share senses. Takes all of the power of every Miraculous of the box and lets them work in perfect harmony. Then add my version of the Rooster on top of this, which lets them continually provide energy to the team then they'd never tire.
For the last two I chose my Chameleon and Crab. There were several I was debating, but with the Crab's ability to summon a power perfectly suited to the situation was just good all around, and the Chameleon's power to manipulate Emotions is just a powerful tool in someone's hands, could win a fight before it even happened. There are other kwamis that could potentially be placed in and still leave this Box very powerful, but I think these 19 would be both very powerful and a very efficient team if all are in use.
In the end about half of the box ended up being canon Miraculouses (though my version of the Rooster is different, but canon's Rooster would have ended up on this list anyways), and that wasn't including Tikki and Plagg. (Though if I had included Tikki and Plagg there would be some changes, like I wouldn't have Roaar in the lineup since Plagg's powers could fill the same role.) One kwami that didn't make the cut that I kept wanting to put in was my Axolotl, whose powers can heal anything. Healing is just such a good ability, but in the end I chose not to have it because when Life and Death are on your side, you can be brought back no matter what happens to you.
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What is H13 Steel and H13 Steel Properties?
H13 tool steel is the most popular steel grade for various Industries. The main features of high alloyed Cr-Mo-V Hot Work tool steel is high wear resistance to thermal shock and to heat cracking, good mechanical characteristics & toughness in hot condition. H13 appears excellent machinability with constant hardness during production activities.
The equivalent steel grade H-13 / SKD61 / AISI H13 normally available in the annealed condition but in some specific applications, we provide Pre-Hard H13 with its standard hardness 460-500 BHN. Utilized for ejector pins, apparatus holders and shrink fit chucks.
H13 Steel Properties
Chemical Composition: H13 steel is composed of Chromium, Molybdenum, Vanadium, and Carbon, giving it excellent toughness, strength, and heat resistance.
Mechanical Properties: H13 steel offers high hardness, good toughness, and excellent wear resistance, making it ideal for use in high-temperature applications such as die casting and plastic mold tools.
Physical Properties: H13 steel has a density of 7.8g/cm³, a melting point of 1427°C, and a thermal conductivity of 23.1 W/m°C.
Equivalent Grades: H13 steel is equivalent to AISI H13, DIN 1.2344, JIS SKD61, and GB 4Cr5MoSiV1.
Look no further! Virat Special Steels is the largest stockiest and supplier of H13 tool steel in flat, square, and round bar shapes. We provide steel in all sizes to meet your requirements.
Consult our team who will assist you with any queries you have about H13 steel. Whether you need flat, square, or round bar shapes, we have the right solution for your needs.
Contact us today to learn more! https://www.viratsteels.com/h13.html
Any further queries feel free to contact us : ☎+91 98140-21775 🌐https://www.viratsteels.com/ 📬 [email protected]
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osgcorporation · 2 years
AE-CPR4-H long neck corner radius carbide end mill for high-efficiency and high precision milling in high-hardness steels.
Work Material: STAVAX(52 HRC)
Machine: Vertical Machining Center
Main Spindle: HSK-E25
Holder: Shrink Fit
Tool size: 0.8 x R0.2 x 6
Process: Finishing
Vc 53 m/min, n 21,000 min-1, Vf 1,400 mm/min, fz 0. 017 mm/t, ap 0.02 mm, ae 0.3 mm
Cooperation: Roku-Roku Sangyou, Ltd.
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technikstoolgroupusa · 6 months
Tools to Succeed in High-Speed Machining
In the rapidly evolving world of manufacturing and machining, where innovation and technological advancements have revolutionized the industry, speed still remains a game-changer.
High-speed machining (HSM) is a cutting-edge technique that enables faster material removal rates, increased productivity, and improved surface finishes. However, it also presents unique challenges that require the right tools and strategies for success. 
In this article, we'll explore the essential tools and techniques that you must know to excel in high-speed machining.
1. Robust Cutting Tools:
The foundation of any successful high-speed machining operation is the selection of robust cutting tools. Tools specifically designed for HSM are engineered to handle the increased speeds and feeds while maintaining stability and precision. Carbide end mills with advanced coatings, such as TiAlN or TiCN, are excellent choices for high-speed applications. These coatings enhance tool life and reduce friction, allowing for faster cutting without compromising tool integrity.
2. High-Quality Tool Holders:
The role of tool holders in HSM cannot be understated. They must provide secure clamping, minimal runout, and excellent vibration damping to maintain tool stability. High-quality tool holders, such as shrink-fit or hydraulic chucks, are designed to excel in high-speed applications. They minimize the chances of tool deflection, resulting in superior machining accuracy and extended tool life.
3. Rigorous Tool Assembly Balancing:
High-speed machining places immense demands on cutting tools, and even a slight imbalance can lead to catastrophic consequences. To avoid tool chatter, poor surface finishes, and tool breakage, it’s crucial to ensure the proper balance of the tool holder and cutting tool assembly. Since most machine shops do not have a balancing machine, it is critical to ensure the balance of the tool holder, which generally represents the greatest source of mass in the tooling assembly, exceeds the RPM requirements of the application. This way, as additional components are added to the tooling assembly such as the cutting tool, collets, and/or retention knobs, the overall balance of the tooling assembly still meets the ROM requirement of the application.
4. Advanced Cutting Strategies:
High-speed machining requires more than just pushing the spindle's RPM to the max. Employing advanced cutting strategies is essential for optimizing tool engagement and reducing heat generation. Techniques like trochoidal milling, adaptive roughing, and high-efficiency machining (HEM) distribute the cutting load evenly and maintain consistent chip evacuation. These strategies not only enhance tool life but also improve machining efficiency.
5. Coolant and Lubrication Systems:
Coolant and lubrication play a critical role in high-speed machining. Effective cooling helps dissipate heat generated during cutting, preventing tool wear and thermal deformation. Minimal lubrication systems (MQL) are gaining popularity in HSM because they deliver a fine mist of lubricant directly to the cutting zone, reducing friction and heat buildup. Proper coolant and lubrication systems are essential for maximizing tool life in high-speed applications.
6. CNC Machine with High Dynamics:
The choice of CNC machine is a pivotal factor in HSM success. Machines with high dynamics, rapid acceleration, and precise control are ideal for achieving optimal results. These machines can quickly respond to changes in cutting conditions and maintain stability at high speeds. Investing in a state-of-the-art CNC machine designed for high-speed applications can significantly boost productivity.
7. Monitoring and Control Systems:
To succeed in high-speed machining, real-time monitoring and control systems are indispensable. These systems track critical parameters such as spindle speed, tool wear, and temperature. By continuously monitoring the machining process, operators can make timely adjustments, ensuring tool integrity and consistent performance.
8. Training and Expertise:
Last but not least, having skilled operators and engineers who understand the intricacies of high-speed machining is vital. Training programs and ongoing education ensure that the team can optimize tool selection, cutting strategies, and machine parameters. Experienced personnel can troubleshoot issues, maximize tool life, and adapt to the challenges presented by HSM.
9. Material Selection and Toolpath Optimization:
Choosing the right material for your machining project is crucial when it comes to high-speed machining. Some materials are better suited for HSM than others due to their machinability and thermal conductivity. Additionally, optimizing toolpaths is essential for minimizing tool wear and maximizing tool life. Using CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing) software to generate efficient toolpaths that reduce sharp turns and sudden directional changes can significantly extend the lifespan of your cutting tools in high-speed machining operations.
It cannot be overstated that high-speed machining offers incredible potential for increased productivity and efficiency in manufacturing. However, it requires careful consideration of the tools and strategies employed. By investing in robust cutting tools, high-quality tool holders, rigorous tool balancing, advanced cutting strategies, effective coolant and lubrication systems, high-dynamics CNC machines, monitoring and control systems, workpiece, tool holder balancing, and skilled personnel, you can unlock the full benefits of high-speed machining. With the right tools and expertise, you'll be well-equipped to thrive in the fast-paced realm of high-speed machining, attaining outstanding outcomes and maintaining a competitive edge.
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neocityfics · 4 years
2096: Zodiac
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Chapter: Chapter 2 < ❝  Chapter 3 ❞  > Chapter 4
➥ Chapter List
Genre: Cyberpunk inspired, mafia, not-so dystopian, angst, slow-burn
Pairing: Doctor! Taeyong x Reader
Warnings: Violence, stalking (last part)
Note: This chapter is mostly for getting to know Taeyong and a little bit more about the Zodiacs. Next chapter will be a lot more action packed! I’m also starting a new college term, so updates may or may not be shorter, depending on how classes go. I hope you enjoy!
▶ Ambience
9am again on Monday morning, the usual routine and the usual walk, but thankfully alongside Lucas this time. Though not as bustling as it is on Friday nights, the clinic is up on its feet, ready to take in an influx of patients. First thing in the morning after clocking in for the shift and prepping some equipment for the nurses, I check to see where Taeyong might be hanging around. Lo and behold, he’s already been moving hurriedly between wings tending to patients who have been admitted overnight, many for burn wounds from a big fire in one of the cell phone stores at the other side of the building. Nurses in low voices chat about what happened, though I don’t feel the desire to butt in and join the conversations. The weekend was tiresome, and I didn’t want to start my week with more exhausting things than I needed to. For a moment, Taeyong eyes me while preparing a syringe with a pale yellow liquid. It’s justifiable that I can’t look at him the same at work, right? He’s got my best friend and me wrapped around his finger. I tell myself to try to be professional at work, but the icky feelings pop up whenever I see or think about him. That split second of eye contact sends me away, walking over to the receptionist’s desk to ask for more duties until I feel a tug at my scrub. “Dr. Taeyong wants us in Meeting Room 3 in half an hour,” Lucas starts. The serious expression on his face turns into a grand smile as he says, “and he’s got donuts! The really fancy brand from uptown apparently.” I breathe out a long sigh, though a donut sounds good to my stomach right now which is close to empty. My typical breakfast consists of an apple or orange and no more than that. As if on cue, the lions in my stomach grumble. Nodding my head as confirmation, he and I swiftly work on spraying the rooms with a quat disinfectant and wiping down surfaces. 
Time’s up, I say to myself looking at the chunky clock fixed on the wall behind the front desk. Lucas and I give each other a fist bump and start towards the meeting room. When we arrive, the door is ajar and the two of us slip inside. As Taeyong promised Lucas, on the table lies a box of donuts intricately designed with fancy yet hard-to-read lettering. Taeyong sits across from us, hunched over a few documents, a small case to his left. “Close the door, please,” he asks and beckons us to sit down. Lucas gives me a reassuring look, closing the door behind us and guides us to our seats. Without another thought, he grabs two donuts, one for himself and one for me. He remembers my favorite flavor, and I happily accept it. “Glad to see you’re enjoying the donuts. Now that the three of us are here, let me show you this.” Taeyong rests his chin in his palm, the other hand sliding a document over to our side of the table. Lucas and I lean over  to see the tiny print on the paper. It seems to be a list of tools I recognize instantly. Medical equipment? Scalpel. Vital sign monitor. Centrifuge. Why does he need a centrifuge? Twenty items. I wonder what he’s scheming. Taeyong laughs and I shoot him a glare. I look at Lucas and realize that he and I just gave the same face. “Anyways,” he clears his throat, “I need you two to find all of these things by the end of today. But here’s the catch. You cannot gather them all up at once. Space it out, leave it in my office behind my desk.” He peers over our shoulders as if to check nobody would hear his next words. “If you do that, suspicion will be raised. Remember, this is a tiny clinic and we don’t have much.” Then why steal stuff if it’s important to keep up with the patients? This plan doesn’t make sense to me, but it appears I have to comply.
“So you’re saying that I,” I pause to look at Lucas and correct myself, “we have to go on a scavenger hunt throughout the day, on top of our already tiring work?” A loud scoff escapes my mouth, maybe louder than I thought since Lucas nudged me. But I don’t care, I will air out my opinions. “I’m just a messenger. Why can’t you do this yourself? Plus Lucas shouldn’t have to do it since you’re literally experimenting on him.” Crossing my arms and leaning more forward, I stare down Taeyong who seems to shrink away.
“I know I’m asking for you two to do more than you probably bargained for. But you realize… I’m one of the very few licensed practitioners, right? Most of the others are merely college degree holders.” Those words sting as they remind me that I haven’t finished, same with Lucas whose shoulders I noticed droop at his statement. “Plus, if I do this by myself, the potential for suspicion raises. I need you two.” I rub at my forehead. He makes valid points, annoyingly. Now isn’t the time to be selfish, especially with Lucas and a possible promotion at stake. Looking at it from a broader perspective, I’d be putting my own feelings over the clinic’s as well as patients’ well-being. I’m not going to let those emotions rule over me. Taking Taeyong away from his work here would make others suffer, a scenario that would only lead downhill into chaos.
Lucas finally chimes in, “We’ll get it done! Won’t we?” He looks at me with those damned puppy eyes he does whenever he wants me to be nicer. After an eye roll and a light punch to his shoulder, I agree to take on the mission. Lucas gives me a reassuring pat on the shoulder and pushes himself off the chair. “We should get started.” He stuffs his mouth with another donut and grabs another one of my favorites and urges me to get up. “Let’s make this into a competition!” he excitedly suggests. I don’t think I can turn down a good opportunity to play games, especially since shifts feel so long and tedious. I nod, looking at Taeyong to see if anything else needed to be said. The doctor simply readjusts the glasses on his face and shoos us away. Lucas and I turn and leave the room.
As we leave through the door, I slightly turn to him with a hushed “Also,” I whisper over to Lucas who’s already in a giggle fit, “you’re going down!” With that, we tend to our duties for the day, grabbing things on the way out of rooms we work in, and putting them in the designated area for Taeyong to collect. We keep a mental tally throughout the day, and I’m winning-- or so I thought. Lucas ends up winning the scavenger hunt, finding eleven items. I found nine. The prize? The rest of the donuts at the end of shift, which is a bummer. Though Taeyong, Lucas, and I are heading over to Electric Egg, my stomach growled embarrassingly loud while Lucas snacked on the extra fancy donuts. Shifts at Pearl Park drain you, but they always made trips to Electric Egg much more rewarding.
▶ Ambience
We arrive where Sicheng diligently works away at the grill, skewering bits of chicken onto kabob sticks while flames wildly dance beneath the assortment of meats. After Lucas and I hop out of the car, Taeyong drives it down a street to park, uneasy about where the food stalls are for fear of getting hijacked. Three of us place our orders, and Sicheng makes his own food to accompany us for a chat. Now a party of four, we sit at a round table and Lucas introduces Taeyong. “This is Dr. Lee, he’s the coolest doctor at Pearl Park! Smart and handsome guy,” he says, his elbow playfully nudging Taeyong’s arm. The doctor simply sits there and inhales his food, a sight I did not expect from him. But he must be hungry, having the top practicing position in the clinic. Thinking about the things he has seen working there must be nauseating at times, though he’s probably used to it. Sicheng nods, introduces himself as the Electric Egg man, ‘Eggman’ for short, and holds out his hand for the doctor to shake, maybe too unabashedly as the neon lights hovering over us highlight the shiny grease on Sicheng’s hand. Taeyong, who notices the slimy-looking texture, pinches his pointer finger and thumb around one of Sicheng’s fingers. They shake, timidly, and Sicheng lets out a laugh while Lucas hands Taeyong a napkin. The doctor roughly wipes the food oils off his hand. For whatever nostalgia I’m experiencing, this moment feels nice. Two friends, an acquaintance (or boss, whatever he may think I call him), and myself. Right now it feels… normal. 
Right after introductions, Sicheng boasts, “By the way, I stole this from a butcher’s shop, don’t tell anyone. It’s premium meat!” Lucas exaggerates a gasp which earns soft laughs from the rest of the table. Taeyong jokingly scolds Sicheng for stealing, though it doesn’t seem he’s totally against it. After all, we live and breathe in Neostone, a hot spot for crime. He shifts in his seat, checks his phone, and the screen turns off in a split second. Repeatedly poking my shoulder, he explains that he’s about to work a graveyard shift.
“Rent’s due at the end of this week, so I’m picking up an extra shift,” he says while he collects his coat. Paying rent at our micro-apartment complex has always been a rough rollercoaster. Some months are easier than others, and it’s getting harder especially with more acid rainfall than usual. Damage to buildings requires higher rent. I nod and tug at Sicheng’s sleeve to let him know of Lucas’s sudden departure. He notices and gets up to grab a container for the remainder of Lucas’s food. I help pack up some of the food while Taeyong also starts to put on his jacket. Lucas and Sicheng exchange goodbyes and Lucas takes off for the clinic. That leaves Taeyong and I next to thank Sicheng for the food, shaking hands as we leave. He deeply bows and goes back to the other customers.
Stopping outside of his car, Taeyong turns to me. “Thanks for taking me here, the food’s really good. Sicheng is pretty cool, too.” He softly smiles, my own lips reciprocating. It came as a bit of a shock hearing those words when I’ve gotten accustomed to his usual harsh tone. I’m glad he’s comfortable around Sicheng. Despite the low chance of them ever interacting further than meals at Electric Egg, it’s good to know he probably won’t involve Sicheng in our state of affairs. Plus, it must’ve been exhausting having to work, work, work all day. Living alone, too, and getting to know other people outside of the clinic bubble might be good for him, though I’m not one to dictate what and who he’s comfortable with. I still am wary of his behavior and intentions, but… I think it might be okay. He seems more warmed up than when we first met. Taeyong opens the door for me to slip into the passenger seat. He takes the wheel on the other side and drives us to his apartment where our plans will be sorted out.
▶ Ambience
Taeyong and I trudge up the stairs, lugging boxes of the equipment we gathered from the clinic earlier. Upon reaching the apartment, he sets down his boxes and unlocks the door, pushing through to the interior. The very few times I’ve visited here, there’s such a stark difference between his place and the world surrounding it. Warm, inviting, cozy, luxurious. Not like the cold streets or the dingy micro-apartments, a neverendless blanket of smog and musky smells weighing down on the mega city. But here, it felt like home, the one I used to have, and all the comforts that came with it. Taeyong gently tugs my sleeve to pull me  in, taking off a few of the smaller boxes off my stack I’ve been carrying. I utter a low ‘thanks’ before placing the equipment in the room where I first discovered his whole operation on Lucas. Since we’re alone and Lucas isn’t here to stop me from running my mouth, I decided it’s time to get to know Taeyong better. There’s no deadline, no timeframe, no plan provided, so if I have to continue this messenger job under him for a long time, I might as well get to understand him better. For future references. Taeyong plops down on the sofa. “Make yourself at home. You’ll be here a lot from now on, anyways.”
I comply, making myself comfortable on a plush chair adjacent to his seat. He seems tired out, but I decide to press on. “Doc— Sorry. Taeyong, since we’re working together, I feel like we should know the basics about each other. Where we came from, what life was like before 2094, why he’s a doctor, why I’m stuck at the clinic, stuff like that,” I pause, examining any signs from his face. But he’s blank-faced. He points a finger at me, insinuating that I go first. Well, it’s not like I’ve kept my story a secret. Pretty much everyone I’ve become close to, including friends from the food stall street, knows everybody else’s life before all went to shit. Sharing our struggle stories is what makes us closer. Plus, despite being one of the twelve megacities, Neostone felt small, like being trapped in a bubble with no way out. “Me?” Taeyong simply nods, and I begin to tell him every detail, from growing up to college to now after the disaster. I tell him about Lucas and our friendship to which he responds with no words, but a soft expression. Even for someone who’s most likely weary from the day, he seems to listen intently. His elbows perch on his knees, his torso leaning forward and head tilting at different points of my story. When I run out of words, I gesture to him that it’s his turn to spill. A long sigh fills the space.
“You already, don’t you?” I raise a brow at his question, a heartbeat in my chest skipped. “The page of my information, you have it.” I shifted nervously, playing with the trim on one of the arms of the chair. “In any case, you are only aware of my achievements. But I was pushed a lot as a young child by my parents. I do love them, but my childhood felt restricted. From then on, I never sought out others. I either let them come to me, or I never talk to them. Ever.” A faint chortle follows a brief silence. “Though I have one close friend who sticks with me even to this day. Doyoung, you’ll meet him this week when the shipment arrives.” He must have a personal and trusting relationship with this person. I couldn’t imagine this Dr. Lee being anything but playfully mean and cold. Doyoung must be a good person. Taeyong proceeds further, “Oh, also, I was part of the S.O.G Project.”
“What the hell is S.O.G?”
“Special Operations for the Gifted. It was a series of supposedly non-invasive and supposedly safe trials where children who performed extremely well throughout their early education were put to the test. How far can you go without breaking the limits? Natural law?” He removes himself from the prior position and relaxes his back against the sofa cushions behind him. “Do you know why I’m part of the Dragon Zodiac?” The answer is not as evident as I shake my head in disbelief. “Each person in the Zodiac has gone through the S.O.G. Those of similar abilities banded together, and now we have the twelve Zodiacs. Dragons are those who are able to manipulate objects in one way or another. For me, metal manipulation.”
The pieces start to fall in together. That’s why his handiwork is so seamless. Should I be shocked? Taeyong is full of surprises, He speaks again, “There are hundreds of us in Zodiacs. Some children don’t even remember they went through S.O.G. Myself included. Doyoung, who was in mostly the same tests as me, recalls everything. It’s not fun to think about.” Questions run through my mind, but the pain in his face tells me to keep quiet. “These mutations plagued us even before 2094. I don’t know about the progress made or the research done, but the project was abandoned right before the disaster.” He detects the confusion on my face to which he brings up again that he knows nothing else about S.O.G. Another heavy sigh loads the room. “I’m sure you have questions.”
As sure as he is, I don’t want him to feel like he has to expose everything about himself to me. This already appears to be a lot for him, especially now that it’s late. But I do want to say something, though not centered on him. After a small pause to gather my voice, I ask about someone who’s close to him and seems to be comforting, “So what’s Doyoung’s special power? What’s he like? What Zodiac is he in?” Taeyong tilts his head, as if expecting me to ask more about him, but he smiles at the gesture.
“He’s a Rabbit, known for their hyperawareness. Their reflexes are out of the world and their attention to details make them very clever. Doyoung is a very calm and collected person, but is very lucky with getting what he wants. It’s annoying, really.” He rubs the back of his left hand with his right thumb. “But he’s helped me a lot through the S.O.G tests.” Listening to Taeyong talk about Doyoung makes me miss Lucas, though we have not been together for as long as the other two have. But it makes all the difference having someone, especially in your roughest patches and darkest of times. I think I can start to mostly trust Taeyong. Of course, I have to keep my guard up, but listening to him talk makes me feel a bit more at ease about us working together. Taeyong closes his eyes. The ticking of the clock becomes louder as it strikes eleven o’ clock. “Anything else you want to ask?”
It’s time to call it a night, I say to myself. But in that same thought, I remember the encounter with Jaehyun and decide to ask. It might be better to ask now rather than later, to avoid a potentially bigger mess. Johnny warned me not to get myself too involved with the man, but it’s scratching at the back of my head. “Well, do you know Jeong Jaehyun?”
Taeyong’s eyes widened in an instant, snapping his head from its resting position to look at me. “Jaehyun. He’s the leader of the Ox Zodiac. Why?” I gulp. This is serious then. “Was he at Club Zone? Please tell me you did not talk to him.”
My voice lowers to a wavering whisper, “Well… Just a little,” while I hold up to make my pointer and finger close together. Maybe it was more than just a little, but he doesn’t need to know all the details. Just that I met him. The look of concern on Taeyong grows.
“He’s dangerous. You should stay away from him as much as possible.” The uneasy feeling is back. That night is a bit fuzzy from the light drinking, the noise, the dancing, the whole atmosphere. If any information slipped that I shouldn’t have, or if he caught on with what I’m doing for Taeyong, it could mean big time. Taeyong rubs his temples, lowering his chin. “He’s a very important part of our operation.” He inhales sharply and lets the built up air back out the second after, “Jaehyun and I made a promise that if I can show him I can make a fully functional prototype, a.k.a Lucas, he will provide me more of his men. The Ox Zodiac is known for extremely enhanced strength. They’re brutes, not to be messed with.” My head starts to feel dizzy from the amount of information combined with the exhaustion from work. He continues, “He’s an assassin, but covers for himself by working in real estate. Jaehyun is the closest one could get to the top. He’s our only connection that can help, unfortunately.” To my shock, he seems very distressed at this topic. “Word spreads fast between the Zodiacs, and we can’t afford to lose Jaehyun. You need to be careful when you’re doing your messenger duties. But remember, know your boundaries. You work for me, not him. Not the entire Dragon Zodiac either.” He accompanies his demanding tone with a pointer finger firmly pressed to the coffee table. Now, I understand the true gravity of the situation. I can’t risk Taeyong and the operation going under. I can’t be careless.
Speak of the devil.
My phone buzzes loudly in my pocket, lighting up through the fabric. With a vexed sigh, I pull it out and read the name flashing across the screen from the caller ID. Jeong Jaehyun. I take a peak at Taeyong who’s staring at me. “It’s him.” He simply tells me to pick up.
“Let me know what he says.” I nod. Hesitantly, I press the accept button.
“Missed me?” Jaehyun’s voice pierces through the line.
“Jaehyun. Why are you calling me so late at night?”
“So there’s a mansion party, and I have admissions for two. But as of right now, I’m going solo. I was wondering if you’d be able to come with me. It’s a really important event for real estate agents and upper class entrepreneurs.”
I quietly relay the information to Taeyong, the phone pressed against my chest to prevent Jaehyun from hearing. Taeyong rubs a finger to his chin in deep thought. “Are you okay with going? I know I said to stay away, but this is a good opportunity for us to make more connections.” I nod, but a little frazzled at the thought of being put in another uncomfortable situation. Isn’t my job simply to send information back and forth between him and other Zodiac members?
I breathe in deeply. “What time and where?” Jaehyun the describes the location, making it seem very grandeur and huge. This Saturday at 7pm. My stomach starts to hurt again from the nervousness. He says it’s formal attire, but will have something for me upon picking me up. Taeyong paces back and forth across the room. I note all the information in my head, making myself more dizzy than I already am. What makes me freeze is Jaehyun’s next query.
“Are you with Taeyong right now?”
I stood there, Taeyong and I keeping each other’s stare.
“No. Why?”
“You’re lying.”
“How do you know? I’m by myself at home.”
“I see you with him. How’s the brown sofa? Comfy right? And that green coffee table looks exquisite. It looks like it’s from that expensive brand, what’s it called... Boca Do Lobo?”
Jaehyun continues to taunt me, my eyes verifying that the coffee table indeed is from that brand, and then lowering to the floor in perplexity. Taeyong immediately springs into action. He closes the blinds and curtains and ensures all doors are shut tight. He’s locking down the apartment.
“I have my eyes on you. I’ll come pick you up on Saturday at 5PM to get ready for the party. See you soon,” he sings into the call, ending it before I could get another word out.
The blonde-headed doctor and I both have widened eyes at what just happened. My voice croaks out of fear, “How can he see us?” Taeyong presses a palm to his forehead and pushes his hair back, revealing small sweat droplets.
“I don’t know. But you can’t go home. He might follow you and find out about Lucas and take him for himself. You need to stay here.” His tone drops low and gentle as if to not wake up his neighbors in the rooms next to his. There’s no other way, and I obviously don’t want Lucas to be snatched. Taeyong, seeing that I’m visibly shaken and overloaded with information, pulls me into a hug which surprises me. At first, the wariness from the phone call heightened, but this silent embrace makes me feel a bit more relaxed. I trust that Taeyong won’t let Jaehyun hurt me, so I think staying here will be the best option.
“Okay. I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“Camping here. This is your apartment.”
“But your safety is most important, I still need you for this project.” Though the reminder that I’m bound to this chaos hurts, I let loose the remaining tenseness in my body. I’m falling asleep in the warmth that radiates from his hug. My head is heavy. My eyes are closing. I feel myself being lifted up. Taeyong’s voice is merely a murmur. “I’ll put you in the guest bedroom. Rest up well.” The plush sheets underneath me feel like I’m laying on a cloud, my hands automatically circling the softness and gaining some sort of consolation. I can no longer string coherent thoughts. Taeyong pulls a comforter up to my chin, turns off the light, and leaves the door ajar. “Let me know if you need anything.”
I was not expecting such hospitality, but I’m damn grateful for it. The day has been a lot, and the rest of the week ahead will be nerve-wracking as Saturday will come closer and closer. There’s no way to avoid it now. I’m going to have to deal with Jaehyun again.
I wonder what Lucas is up to. I’d love to call him, but he’s still at his shift. I hope he comes home safely, unharmed, happy. The phone in my hand keeps slowly dropping, but I try to fight it to press on Lucas’s contact while my surroundings darken. But I didn’t get to press his name. I let the fatigue take over me, at least for now until the next day.
Jaehyun’s going to pay for this.
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birlaprecision · 2 months
The benefits of using Shrink Fit tool holders - Birla Precision
In the realm of machining and tooling, precision and performance are paramount. Every machinist and manufacturer seeks techniques to optimize their strategies, decorate productiveness, and make sure the very best high-quality of output. In this pursuit, the selection of device holders plays a critical role. Among the numerous alternatives available, Shrink Fit device holders stand out as a era that offers a myriad of advantages, revolutionizing the manner machining operations are finished. In this complete guide, we delve into the benefits of Shrink Fit tool holders and explore how Birla Precision Technologies Limited, a pioneering engineering corporation, is at the leading edge of this revolutionary generation.
Understanding Shrink Fit Tool Holders
Before delving into their blessings, it's critical to comprehend the fundamental idea of Shrink Fit tool holders. Unlike conventional methods that rely on mechanical clamping mechanisms, Shrink Fit tool holders make use of thermal growth to safely grip the tool shank. This is executed through heating the holder, inflicting it to enlarge quickly, permitting the insertion of the device shank. As the holder cools down, it contracts, creating an extremely tight and secure grip at the tool. This specific and sturdy connection between the tool and holder bureaucracy is the basis of the several advantages associated with the Shrink Fit era.
Enhanced Rigidity and Stability
One of the number one blessings of Shrink Fit device holders is their capacity to offer extraordinary rigidity and stability throughout machining operations. Traditional collet or chuck-based holders might also exhibit a few degree of tool runout, mainly due to inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the machined components. However, Shrink Fit holders provide an advanced grip, minimizing runout and ensuring that the tool stays precisely aligned with the workpiece. This stronger stress translates to improved floor finish, dimensional accuracy, and typical component exceptional.
Increased Tool Life
The unique and steady grip furnished by means of Shrink Fit device holders additionally contributes to prolonged tool lifestyles. With traditional holders, immoderate vibration and device deflection can boost up device put on and compromise cutting performance. In evaluation, Shrink Fit technology minimizes those unfavorable consequences, permitting the device to function at most suitable situations for longer durations. By reducing the pressure and pressure on cutting tools, producers can appreciably decorate their sturdiness and reliability, in the long run lowering tooling charges and growing universal efficiency.
Enhanced Cutting Performance
In addition to prolonging tool lifestyles, Shrink Fit tool holders additionally facilitate superior slicing overall performance. The removal of tool runout and vibration ensures smoother and extra solid machining approaches, enabling better cutting speeds and feeds. This, in turn, leads to accelerated material elimination prices and shorter cycle instances, thereby boosting productivity and throughput. Whether it's milling, drilling, or turning, Shrink Fit era empowers machinists to acquire greater performance and precision of their operations.
Versatility and Adaptability
Another benefit of Shrink Fit device holders is their versatility and flexibility to diverse machining applications and environments. Unlike a few specialized tooling structures which are restrained to unique responsibilities, Shrink Fit holders can accommodate a huge variety of device sizes and geometries. This flexibility permits producers to streamline their tooling stock, decreasing charges and complexity whilst retaining the ability to tackle numerous machining demanding situations. Whether it's high-pace machining of aluminum or heavy-obligation reduction of hardened steel, Shrink Fit era gives an answer for each state of affairs.
Thermal Stability
Thermal balance is a crucial issue in machining operations, particularly when managing excessive-temperature materials or prolonged cutting cycles. Traditional holders may show off thermal expansion and contraction, mainly due to dimensional inaccuracies and reduced machining precision. Shrink Fit device holders, however, excel in preserving dimensional stability even underneath high temperature versions. The homogeneous gripping pressure exerted via the holder ensures constant device positioning throughout the machining manner, resulting in advanced element fine and tighter tolerances.
Environmental Benefits
In addition to their technical advantages, Shrink Fit tool holders also offer environmental blessings that align with sustainability projects. By optimizing machining processes and lowering scrap charges through improved accuracy and tool existence, producers can limit fabric waste and energy consumption. Furthermore, the sturdiness of reducing equipment supported via Shrink Fit era reduces the frequency of tool adjustments, resulting in lower aid usage and decreased environmental effect. As industries increasingly prioritize eco-friendly practices, the adoption of Shrink Fit tool holders can make a contribution to a greener and extra sustainable production environment.
Pioneering Innovation
At the forefront of the Shrink Fit era is Birla Precision Technologies Limited, an engineering business enterprise famend for its commitment to excellence and innovation. With a legacy of pioneering advancements in slicing tool technology, we manufacture and materials high-velocity metal cutting tools to domestic and worldwide markets. Leveraging their understanding and modern-day centers, we have developed a comprehensive range of Shrink Fit device holders that embody the very best standards of pleasantness, reliability, and performance.
In the end, the advantages of Shrink Fit device holders are undeniable, imparting machinists and producers a large number of benefits that considerably beautify productiveness, precision, and profitability. From increased pressure and tool life to better reducing performance and environmental sustainability, Shrink Fit generation represents a transformative answer for contemporary machining operations. As industries continue to conform and innovate, the position of superior tooling systems like Shrink Fit holders becomes increasingly critical. For the ones in search of unlocking the full capacity in their machining procedures, we stand prepared to offer modern solutions tailored to their precise desires. Visit Birla Precision Technologies Limited nowadays to discover their complete range of Shrink Fit tool holders and enjoy the future of machining excellence.
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circularfire · 4 years
Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation
Note: The first rule and last five (or six, depending on situation) rules are generally not directly within the ability of the traditional disinfo artist to apply. These rules are generally used more directly by those at the leadership, key players, or planning level of the criminal conspiracy or conspiracy to cover up. 1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Regardless of what you know, don't discuss it -- especially if you are a public figure, news anchor, etc. If it's not reported, it didn't happen, and you never have to deal with the issues. 2. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the 'How dare you!' gambit. 3. Create rumor mongers. Avoid discussing issues by describing all charges, regardless of venue or evidence, as mere rumors and wild accusations. Other derogatory terms mutually exclusive of truth may work as well. This method which works especially well with a silent press, because the only way the public can learn of the facts are through such 'arguable rumors'. If you can associate the material with the Internet, use this fact to certify it a 'wild rumor' from a 'bunch of kids on the Internet' which can have no basis in fact. 4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent's argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues. 5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary 'attack the messenger' ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as 'kooks', 'right-wing', 'liberal', 'left-wing', 'terrorists', 'conspiracy buffs', 'radicals', 'militia', 'racists', 'religious fanatics', 'sexual deviates', and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues. 6. Hit and Run. In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to-the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism, reasoning -- simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent's viewpoint. 7. Question motives. Twist or amplify any fact which could be taken to imply that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias. This avoids discussing issues and forces the accuser on the defensive. 8. Invoke authority. Claim for yourself or associate yourself with authority and present your argument with enough 'jargon' and 'minutia' to illustrate you are 'one who knows', and simply say it isn't so without discussing issues or demonstrating concretely why or citing sources. 9. Play Dumb. No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues except with denials they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect. 10. Associate opponent charges with old news. A derivative of the straw man -- usually, in any large-scale matter of high visibility, someone will make charges early on which can be or were already easily dealt with - a kind of investment for the future should the matter not be so easily contained.) Where it can be foreseen, have your own side raise a straw man issue and have it dealt with early on as part of the initial contingency plans. Subsequent charges, regardless of validity or new ground uncovered, can usually then be associated with the original charge and dismissed as simply being a rehash without need to address current issues -- so much the better where the opponent is or was involved with the original source. 11. Establish and rely upon fall-back positions. Using a minor matter or element of the facts, take the 'high road' and 'confess' with candor that some innocent mistake, in hindsight, was made -- but that opponents have seized on the opportunity to blow it all out of proportion and imply greater criminalities which, 'just isn't so.' Others can reinforce this on your behalf, later, and even publicly 'call for an end to the nonsense' because you have already 'done the right thing.' Done properly, this can garner sympathy and respect for 'coming clean' and 'owning up' to your mistakes without addressing more serious issues. 12. Enigmas have no solution. Drawing upon the overall umbrella of events surrounding the crime and the multitude of players and events, paint the entire affair as too complex to solve. This causes those otherwise following the matter to begin to lose interest more quickly without having to address the actual issues. 13. Alice in Wonderland Logic. Avoid discussion of the issues by reasoning backwards or with an apparent deductive logic which forbears any actual material fact. 14. Demand complete solutions. Avoid the issues by requiring opponents to solve the crime at hand completely, a ploy which works best with issues qualifying for rule 10. 15. Fit the facts to alternate conclusions. This requires creative thinking unless the crime was planned with contingency conclusions in place. 16. Vanish evidence and witnesses. If it does not exist, it is not fact, and you won't have to address the issue. 17. Change the subject. Usually in connection with one of the other ploys listed here, find a way to side-track the discussion with abrasive or controversial comments in hopes of turning attention to a new, more manageable topic. This works especially well with companions who can 'argue' with you over the new topic and polarize the discussion arena in order to avoid discussing more key issues. 18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad Opponents. If you can't do anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how 'sensitive they are to criticism.' 19. Ignore proof presented, demand impossible proofs. This is perhaps a variant of the 'play dumb' rule. Regardless of what material may be presented by an opponent in public forums, claim the material irrelevant and demand proof that is impossible for the opponent to come by (it may exist, but not be at his disposal, or it may be something which is known to be safely destroyed or withheld, such as a murder weapon.) In order to completely avoid discussing issues, it may be required that you to categorically deny and be critical of media or books as valid sources, deny that witnesses are acceptable, or even deny that statements made by government or other authorities have any meaning or relevance. 20. False evidence. Whenever possible, introduce new facts or clues designed and manufactured to conflict with opponent presentations -- as useful tools to neutralize sensitive issues or impede resolution. This works best when the crime was designed with contingencies for the purpose, and the facts cannot be easily separated from the fabrications. 21. Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor, or other empowered investigative body. Subvert the (process) to your benefit and effectively neutralize all sensitive issues without open discussion. Once convened, the evidence and testimony are required to be secret when properly handled. For instance, if you own the prosecuting attorney, it can insure a Grand Jury hears no useful evidence and that the evidence is sealed and unavailable to subsequent investigators. Once a favorable verdict is achieved, the matter can be considered officially closed. Usually, this technique is applied to find the guilty innocent, but it can also be used to obtain charges when seeking to frame a victim. 22. Manufacture a new truth. Create your own expert(s), group(s), author(s), leader(s) or influence existing ones willing to forge new ground via scientific, investigative, or social research or testimony which concludes favorably. In this way, if you must actually address issues, you can do so authoritatively. 23. Create bigger distractions. If the above does not seem to be working to distract from sensitive issues, or to prevent unwanted media coverage of unstoppable events such as trials, create bigger news stories (or treat them as such) to distract the multitudes. 24. Silence critics. If the above methods do not prevail, consider removing opponents from circulation by some definitive solution so that the need to address issues is removed entirely. This can be by their death, arrest and detention, blackmail or destruction of their character by release of blackmail information, or merely by destroying them financially, emotionally, or severely damaging their health. 25. Vanish. If you are a key holder of secrets or otherwise overly illuminated and you think the heat is getting too hot, to avoid the issues, vacate the kitchen.
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chocolate-failure · 5 years
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Okay... so this is gonna sound a lil like DID but I assure you it isn’t. It’s just the product of a very vivid imagination, depersonalization, and an overwhelming need to compartmentalize my interactions with myself. I think this is an experience that many can relate to if not entirely at least tangentially because we all in some way project versions of ourselves that may or may not be authentic but are augmented in some way to adapt to world around us. As a person who is very much inclined to efficiency, deliberation, and consolidation I have 3 such selves excluding my “self” self, the person who is both at the helm of and in the back seat of this series of experiences and perceptions. The value that these individual selves impart onto my life is difficult to quantify. I find that I toggle between invaluable and absolutely worthless as these people aren’t actually people and just systems of thought informed by different experiences. But lets assume they aren’t. Let’s assume I’ve spent all this time compartmentalizing my experiences as a person so much that I have fractured my sense of self to the point I’ve formed various processes of thinking independent of each other with, not to much lives of their own, but enough perceivable consciousness to influence my thoughts and actions.
I think of myself as creative, able to create, but not particularly imaginative. I always tell people I have no imagination but that’s not true. I am not spirited away on flights of whimsical fancy. I don’t have colorful thoughts but my imagination runs deep, vivid even. I like to think of it as electric beige. Everything is dull at the surface but the compartments have compartments and those have trap doors leading to corridors with more compartments. I joke around about it a lot be it’s true, my proxies have proxies. So it is only fitting that the way that I navigate both my inner and outer worlds would involve people other than myself in some capacity. This isn’t a case of unconscious personality shifts, I am well aware and orchestrate how I act around others it’s more like holding hand of cards where I decide which to use but more often I just converse with myself. It’s pretty much just thinking aloud only I’ve assigned my different ways of thinking with defined individual personalities because I spend so much time in my head.
So who are these people? It’s both easy and difficult to describe them because they are very much me but the lines are blurred in some places and stark in others. The oldest is Angelica. Angelica, as one may infer from her name is my first me, the me that was spoon fed to me from childhood. Angelica is a liar but is very necessary to my experience as a person because Angelica is the me that is best equipped to survive in the world and endure pain. And of course Angelica has proxies like Acilgna and Angi but those are less defined and serve little purpose beyond when they were used. I try not to rely on the thinnest branches of the tree as they have a tendency to break but I’ve had the thickest ones break (hell even the trunk) as well so it’s a bit of a crap shoot. Angelica is xSTJ, a perfectionist with a very high sense of duty, work ethic, and inflexibility. She’s the strongest by far, the person I present to strangers or when I’m in an uncomfortable situation. Angelica is very palatable to most and similarly to AJ everyone likes her. But it’s not because of her confidence like it is with AJ it is the lack of confidence, the need to people please and bow to everyone’s will that makes Angelica attractive to others. Angelica’s main preoccupation is safety, how can I exit a situation with the least damage to myself and others.
fin is a me who was nameless for many years but is definitely the first visages of me borne not from being told who I was but figuring it out myself and not liking it. Angi played a major role in the creation of fin with her unrelenting self hate. I grew up very sheltered and very much cut off from a lot of experiences but fin has always been associated with the most painful of experiences. fin is the culmination of all my trauma and has no proxies as fragmenting a manifestation of trauma seems like a very fucking bad idea. So while Angelica endures the trauma fin is the toxic sludge reservoir of unprocessed trauma. It is extremely negative and tends to inform my world view. They are INTJ. He’s quick thinking and decisive. fin is the one of me who doesn’t give a shit because they feel that existence is entirely without purpose. The only thing it values is comfort. So fin will always make decisions that assure her comfort regardless of how it affects the world around me. I don’t use fin lightly. It only comes out when I am in a position of great discomfort be it physical pain or mental. fin as a concept is diametrically opposed to Angelica and her proxies as she dedicates most of her energy to prolonging other’s comfort at the expense of my own. When I have discussions with myself fin is the bluntest and quietest but usually contributes the most valuable and succinct points. fin initiated The Big Shrink which seems counter intuitive as it causes me discomfort in many ways but it is a tool, a means to an end that requires objectivity and patience that neither AJ nor Angelica possess. TBS kind of runs like a background program at all times which I appreciate and try very hard not to employ Angi’s methods of... motivation. fin is business cas’.
As I grew older I experienced a renaissance of sorts in introspection and identity. For the most part I didn’t give a shit about understanding myself. The inner workings of my mind vis a vis my identity meant little to both fin and Angelica 1. fin didn’t find comfort in knowing who I am because it fears that upon further inspection that I am as empty as I feel 2. Angelica had no use of understanding me because she dislikes me and who I am doesn’t and can’t matter in being the person others want me to be. The conflict between wanting to be the person others find reliable and likable along with my new found need to understand myself bore AJ. They are a manifestation of the integrating fin’s unyielding apathy and Angelica’s perfectionism. This is why I often say I’m confident in my utter lack of confidence because fin’s not giving a fuck combined with Angelica’s penchant for giving all the fucks results in this weird sense of confidence bordering on invincibility. AJ is INTJ but a lot closer to t than a while fin is INTJ-a, which are less likely to indulge in self exploration. AJ is a bit more optimistic than both Angelic and fin. While things are invariably hopeless there is always this dwindling thought that perhaps life does have a purpose but not within the outside world. AJ is ever curious and constantly maintaining their identity which prompts more engagement form both fin and Angelica. AJ is the youngest and most active and kind of evolved from a self named Angel who served as a place holder for me as I began questioning things. Above all AJ values understanding both within themselves and from others, though neither is necessarily afforded to them.
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Looking for top-notch #H13 tool steel for your projects? Your search ends here! #ViratSpecialSteels is your go-to destination, boasting the largest inventory of H13 in flat, square, and round forms. Unleashing Precision with #H13ToolSteel – Your Trusted Partner in Quality and Reliability!
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Virat Special Steels proudly stands as the largest stockist and supplier, offering H13 in flat, square, and round bars to cater to your every requirement. Our commitment to quality ensures that you receive steel in precisely the sizes you need. Whether it's flat bars for stability, square bars for versatility, or round bars for seamless integration – we've got you covered.
What sets H13 apart? Its exceptional heat resistance, durability, and toughness make it the preferred choice for die casting and forging applications.
When precision matters, trust Virat Special Steels to deliver excellence. Elevate your projects with the reliability and quality that H13 Tool Steel brings to the table.
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osgcorporation · 2 years
AE-CPR4-H long neck corner radius carbide end mill for high-efficiency and high precision milling in high-hardness steels.
Work Material: STAVAX(52 HRC)
Machine: Vertical Machining Center
Main Spindle: HSK-E25
Holder: Shrink Fit
Tool size: 0.8 x R0.2 x 6
Process: Roughing
Vc 75 m/min, n 30,000 min-1, Vf 1,800 mm/min, fz 0. 015 mm/t, ap 0.05 mm, ae 0.25 mm
Cooperation: Roku-Roku Sangyou, Ltd.
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The Single Best Strategy to Use for Stainless Steel Buckles
High voltages need to have better set up and servicing using resilient products. The substantial-high-quality steel wing clips on Alibaba.com have compact designs to manage comparable predicaments. Indeed, the solutions are many and assorted in their utilization.
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Our Rally Call - Fanfiction as we know it is dying. It was dying in 2010 and it’s dying now.
If you are anything like most fanfiction readers, you spent a large portion of 2010  on Fanfiction.net, browsing, reading your favorite fics, writing or dreaming of writing. And like most people, you never noticed that with each passing year the world of fanfiction was shrinking.
“12% of all accounts on [Fanfiction.net] have at least one published story and are actively engaged in fandom activity. 88% of members on Fanfiction.net are currently not shaping any fandom.”
“Even if you have written a story, it is most probable that you will not be on [Fanfiction.net] longer than six months.”
“There were more fandoms being idle [on Fanfiction.net] in every category than becoming active in 2010.”
In 2011, http://ffnresearch.blogspot.com wrote “1814 fandoms did not receive a single new story over the last six months”.
In 2012 ToastyStats told us “Fanfiction.net activity is declining. Peaked in 2012 and fading ever since. People are posting fewer stories every year.”
The happier thought comes quick: maybe our beloved fanficcers have just found other places to write, places where we have to follow? Archive of Our Own prompted a mass migration, of course. But Archive still doesn’t have half the population Fanfiction.net did – and it has its fair share of dead accounts too.
Maybe they went to Tumblr?
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Google Trends shows us that even if writers and readers migrated to Tumblr years ago, newbies just aren’t following. And given how short-lived most fanfic accounts are, we need our newbies in order to survive.
There are fanficcers on Wattpad, but they’re not our Fanfiction.net people. Wattpad is established as a forum for Real Life Fictions – boyband and celebrity stories – with a demographic that doesn’t match that of older fanfic sites. So where are our Fanfiction.net and Archive of Our Own dead account holders?
And we’re not getting new readers to replace them. We’re stagnating. Failing to replace those we’ve lost.
As you can see below, searches for “fanfiction” are 50% less common than they were 4 years ago.
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Fanfiction sparked in the 1960s, it grew into a flame by 1998, and started burning out in 2010. Now in 2018, it’s looking at being nothing but ashes. Old fandoms without new stories, no reviews, no readers. Dead archives, dust to dust.
Take a moment to stare at that in horror. Then ask: What’s happening? What’s not happening?
We can rise up out of these ashes for one simple reason: fanfiction is incredibly powerful. Uniquely easy to pick up, its characters instantly familiar, its stories instantly engaging, fanfiction is a perfect fit for a fast-paced, low-patience, highly-digitalized population.
It’s unparalleled as a writing tool. Fanfiction offers unheard-of writing support: characters, plot, setting, tone, everything a new writer needs to get started - alongside unconstrained creative freedom, in one pre-packaged structure, ready to inspire, encourage, and bolster a new creative mind.
So what’s smothering it? If we can conquer that, we can rise up with wings outstretched.
Let’s ask this: why is fanfiction still obscure?
Or let’s look at that a different way: why doesn’t fanfiction win writing awards? That’s our hidden enemy. We publish novels and put them on our resumes – why aren’t our fanfics already there?
Fanfiction, no matter how intricate, beautiful, or intense, is seen as either simplistic teen literature or glorified porn. And it’s not flourishing underground anymore. Fanfiction’s obscurity, fueled by its tabooness, is slowly suffocating it.
We need to make a change.
Be excited about fanfiction again - be excited to share it with new readers, with your friends and siblings. We need to be proud of what we write and proud of what we read.
Taboos, strict genre definitions, banned subjects, and word count maximums are all fading from traditional publishing - but they’ve never existed in fanfiction’s culture. We can be proud of that too.
Encourage writers. Comments and reviews have become less common. Let’s rebuild that culture. Review new author’s fanfics, offer to beta, make podfics. Let us know what’s stopping you - maybe we can do something to make all of that easier.
Help new readers and writers access fanfiction. We need to have open hearts again, eager to guide newbies through the archives and teach them how to manage filters and bookmarks and subscriptions. Empower them. If you don’t have time, if you’ve met them on the subway and it’s your stop, send them to me. My email is [email protected] and this is my thing.
We’ll make rec lists and covers of completed fics with incredible appeal. We’ll be on Tumblr, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter, looking for new fanficcers. We’ll explain the history of our inside jokes and memes so newbies can join in.
Start a Movement - tell people about fanfiction, about its decline, about what you're doing to save it and how they can help
We can turn our fate around. With fanfiction’s power as a genre and a writing tool, if we can make it well-known and accessible and give it wings, it’ll soar beyond our wildest imagination.
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vd-tool-holder · 3 years
10 Tips for Improving Tool Holder Performance
Tool holders are essential to carry the operations precisely and smoothly and to maintain their rigidity; it is necessary to take care of them. Four significant factors needed to be taken care of: clamping force, rigidity, concentricity, and balance. To minimize downtimes and have a longer life for tool holders, it is essential to consider the following facts:
For long-reach milling, always balance your tool holders as a complete assembly. Many people pre-balance their tools which is not adequate for long-reach milling processes.
Minor wear and tear can lead to adverse effects and downtime; hence it is essential to have daily inspections for your tool holders. Scratches and dings can be harmful in the long run, and it is vital to cure them in the first stage.
If you want to avoid vibrations caused in the milling or turning process, try using a tool holder with the largest diameter and shortest length.
The rigidity can harm the tapping operations; it does not benefit from the imposed thrust loads.
Balance in the full five-axis is essential for keeping the cutting edge of the milling machine with the material surface. It prevents poor surface quality and chatter.
If you have to choose between shrink fit and hydraulic holders, consider the spindle speed required. If the hydraulic chuck exceeds its rated RPM, the fluid is pulled away from the holder’s internal gripping gland resulting in loss of clamping force. But when the tool holder is operated at its recommended operating range, it will help to increase the tool holder’s performance. Shrink fit holder has about 0.0003-inch runout, and hydraulic chuck offers 0.001 inches.
The tools also have a significant effect upon the tool holders like polished shanks, and cleanliness helps reduce the fiction and Lubricant decrease the gripping capacity of the tool holders.
If you are looking for Big-plus dual contact tooling, make sure you buy the original one from a licensed supplier.
Many times we hear that people didn’t know they have a BIG-PLUS Spindle. The easiest way to find it is to place a standard tool into the spindle and check the difference between the tool holder flange face and spindle face. If it is a BIG-PLUS spindle, the gap shown will be comparatively less than any other spindle.
Always use positive offsets during holder setup.
Holders act as a bridge between the machine and the tool, and they need to be robust in structure for a safe grip. It becomes essential to look out for your tool holders and has regular inspections. VDI tool holders are made according to highest industrial standards to provide best products to the customers. 
Many types of tool holders are available for different industrial applications. The many types include quick-change tap holder, radial floating collet chuck, Jacobs taper tooling, morse taper tooling, custom tool holder, VDI Live tool holders, Driven tools, static tool holders and many others. All the tool holders offer different purposes and are ideal for CNC and turn-mill machines. It is also essential to choose a manufacturer who can provide you with high-quality tools; for example, Sphoorti India is a CNC tool holder manufacturer, making high-quality tool holders for their customers. If you want more information regarding live tool holders or any other type, you can visit the following site: https://www.sphoorti.com/
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