#Shuichi x Shiho
ultimateanna · 10 months
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Identity V x Detective Conan - Press
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iamumbra195 · 1 month
Detective Conan/DCMK characters in a Classroom of the Elite setting would be so interesting to watch/read.
I've only just finished the CoTE anime (Seasons 1-3) so i haven't read the manga or the light novel but the Advanced Nurturing Highschool or AHNS for short is so, so shady. If it and the White Room existed in the DCMK universe, I have no doubt in my mind that they would have some connection to the Black Organization.
So just imagine an AU where Shinichi caught Vodka doing an arms deal in middle school but didn't get caught by Gin like in canon. Imagine him trying to investigate them but coming up with nothing until he, Ran, and Sonoko are on a train ride for the first day at AHNS where he runs into Gin and Vodka, just like he did in canon episode 5.
He learns their codenames there and saves the people on the train from being bombed to hell. Unfortunately, this ends up making him, Ran and Sonoko late for their very first day. They're thankfully excused because the incident was out of their hands before being placed into their respective classes.
You can have adult characters like Jodie and Amuro be teachers and business owners while also acting as undercover agents.
Important student characters at the school:
Hattori Heiji (he can be in the same class as Shinichi where they are both antagonistic at first but later become allies and friends)
Toyama Kazuha (they were made for each, I will never seperate them)
Kuroba Kaito (who also happens to be Kaitou KID and regularly sneaks off school campus for heists. Jii Konosuke cases places for him and he contacts the man using a secret phone he smuggled in. He tends to downplay his academic and physical skill to be somewhat average so he's in Class C or B)
Nakamori Aoko
Akako Koizumi (no magic in this AU but she's interested in spirituality and shit like tarot cards and all)
Hakuba Saguru (suspects of Kaito of being KId and regularaly requests time off from school to go to the heists)
Eisuke Hondou (but only for a little while near the end of 1st year as a rival for Shinichi and love interest for Ran before going back to America to pursue the future he wanted)
Sera Masumi (would be introduced in 2nd Year when Shinichi starts investigating Bourbon as a potential subject because she somehow found out he has connection to the maker of the pill that shrunk her mother)
Important characters outside of school
Agasa Hiroshi (supplies Shinichi with spy tech)
Haibara Ai AKA Miyano Shiho (shrunken and lives with Agasa just like in canon, specifically sought Agasa out because he was a connection to Shinichi, who was involved in her sister's case and was a detective at that. They contact each other through secret phone. She also happens to be one of the failed subjects of the white room)
Miyano Akemi (During school break, Shinichi went back to Beika where he was then approached by Masami Hiroto and the rest goes like canon with her dying in his arms)
Akai Shuichi (still don't know what I'm gonna do with him but he's important)
Rena Mizunashi AKA Hidemi Hondou
Side Characters in school
Nakamichi (Shinichi's soccer friend)
Eisuke Aizawa (Shinichi's soccer friend)
Kazumi Tsukamoto (a third year in Ran's karate club)
Tashiro (Ran's friend)
Hidaka (Ran's friend)
Anyways, I imagine Shinichi being in a different class from Ran and Sonoko and just thinking about ShinRan competeing but also saving each other's asses from time to time is beautiful.
Having Kaito and Shinichi's respective Black Organization be one and the same would make it more interesting as well.
Anyways, I think these characters are fun to play around with in this setting, mixing the dramatic school life in CoTE with the looming threat of the Black Organization as Shinichi delves deeper and deeper into the case.
Idk how this would be resolved but it would be so, so fun to read if written well. Shinichi's gonna be so paranoid by the end of this lol.
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coffeeviolinist · 2 years
As anyone who's read any of my posts will know, Akam is my favorite ship in the Detective Conan fandom. It's also one of my only ships, not because I have anything against other ships in general, but because it takes a lot for me to get invested in romantic pairings anyway.
(I do like Shinran, though, and Hirorei is cute as well, not to mention tragic because of how that story ended. But that's a post for another time.)
Anyway, since it's the month of Valentine's Day and all that, I figured I would write a post explaining why this ship appeals to me so much. Is it necessary? Probably not. Am I going to do it anyway? Yep.
The first reason is that I love a good enemies-to-lovers story. Two characters who hate each other (well, I don't think Akai hates Rei, but you get the point) slowly learning to tolerate each other's presence, becoming friends and then falling in love with each other sets the stage for some incredible angst and drama. And the fact that the biggest driving force behind Rei's hatred for Akai is based on a misunderstanding (that might not quite be the word I'm looking for, but whatever) just makes it even better. It's incredible how Akai is willing to bear the brunt of Rei's anger just so Rei doesn't have to live with the knowledge that he's the reason Scotch is dead. I honestly feel like the fact that he's kept it to himself for so long is proof that he cares for Rei. Akai could easily have told him the truth, and to be quite honest, he doesn't benefit at all by keeping it a secret from him. If anything, telling Rei what actually happened would probably be more beneficial since it might get him off his back. The only reason he's chosen to stay silent is to protect Rei.
Another reason is that Akai and Rei have a lot of potential to be able to help each other heal from everything they've been through in their lives. Their conflict is such an integral part of their stories that I feel like there has to be a resolution of some sort eventually, and when that happens, the idea of them becoming each other's support system is just perfection. Personally, I think they would understand each other better than anyone else in their lives. Not just because they've known each other for years, but because they've both experienced firsthand just how tragic life can be. Rei had to watch as all of his friends from the police academy died one by one and he couldn't do anything to save them. Akai's father disappeared from his life when he was fifteen and is most likely dead, and the woman he loved and was planning to have a future with was murdered by Gin. On top of that, there's almost no one else in their lives who would understand just how terrible the Organization is. Everyone else knows they're a threat, sure, but Akai and Rei were both inside the Organization for years (and in Rei's case, he's still there), and they know firsthand exactly how cruel they're willing to be in order to achieve their goals. And since they both had covers to maintain, they've almost definitely had to directly commit their fair share of immoral acts. The only other person who would understand the Organization as well as Akai and Rei is Sherry, but personally I'm not considering her as a potential partner for either of them.
Third, I just love the idea of them being each other's safe space. There's something incredible about two people as dark as Akai and Rei finding comfort in each other. Both of them are incredibly tragic people, and to be honest, neither of them is a good person, at least not in the way that most of us would consider someone to be a good person. They're not irredeemably evil like Gin, Vodka, and Rum, and ultimately everything they do is for the right cause, but they're both willing and able to do some pretty terrible things to achieve said goals. Neither of them is particularly affectionate, so the idea of the two of them finding security and warmth with each other becomes even more special. And as I mentioned earlier, they would understand each other better than anyone, so they would be able to provide genuine comfort for each other. It would be a perfect case of "We've both been through hell, and no, it's not okay, and our lives have been pretty terrible all things considered, but I've got you and you've got me, and we're going to figure this out together."
Also, they would walk Haro together, and honestly I think that's beautiful.
Well, thanks for letting me ramble, everyone :)
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cozy-kjune · 2 years
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Case closed doodles
Amuro tooru huruya rei akai shuichi miyano shiho haibara ai
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birubilirubin · 1 year
Thanks to someone I rechecked the dialog in Conan
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You are going out with her.
Aren't you going out with her to infiltrate?
I'm not dexterous enough to love two women at the same time.
The plot goes like this:
Akai approaches Akemi – Approached her to gain her trust or to make her fall in love with him and began dating - Akemi introduces him to Shiho as a lover - Became close friends with Shiho- Infiltrated the organization through Shiho’s connections
In the dialogue above, we can know the timeline was that he has not infiltrated the organization, and he wasn't dating Akemi at that time, he just met her and there was a love bombing process to gain her trust or to make her fall in love for a few days or months. It was not that he just met her and then suddenly asked her out, unless she's really a love brain and crazy about him.
器用な性分じゃない =不器用/ 無器用
不器用 (Not very dexterous / Bad at doing things)
It means that he is not good at communicating, not good at socializing, not good at getting along like a couple.
So 愛せる doesn't refer to the literal meaning of "Love", but it refers to the contextual meaning of "Doing all the things that couples do", and he's not good at handling it. So, the indication is that he was not in 2 boats at the same time.
So the 2 women are still referring to Akemi and Jodie.
Because it's hard to find the original text. So, I only heard from the animation. So maybe there are wrong words.
I'm 84 years old, kidding, actually I....
Interrupted by Ai's hat falling off
You're getting more and more interesting and fascinating (because Conan can figure out the bomber from just a few clues).
I don't want to be praised by an 84-year-old grandmother
I'm 18 years old just like you, I'm kidding.
The full sentence becomes like this
I'm 84 years old, it's a lie, I'm actually 18 like you, Just kidding.
Huh?? (You're really 18 years old??)
(So it's not ambiguous right)
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The thread has not been cut (Their destiny has not been cut)
糸= 運命  (thread = Destiny / Bond)
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Title of this chapter 運命の人 (The destined person)
This chapter tells a lot about Akai Shuichi, from the appearance of the fake Akai, Jodie and Akai’s past, and Subaru also appears. So, the destined person refers to Akai Shuichi.
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Shiratori is the one destined for Kobayashi.
Aoyama also used Ayumi's mouth to explicitly say 放っとけない人は、好きな人です (The person you worry about is the person you like).
Who is the person who worries about Haibara the most, installing bugs everywhere, having his subordinates guard her or tap her when he has to leave Kudo’s house, forbidding her from going to the crime scene, picking her up when she didn’t come home?.
Akemi said "The only thing to worry about is you, Shiho", and Akemi loved Shiho.
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The title of this chapter is ‘白い雪黒い影’ (White Snow Black Shadow). All chapter titles are clues, it applies in Conan.
When Shiho first appeared the chapter was titled 白い世界 (The White World).
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Thanks to Gin, we know shiho is White Snow 白い雪, and she likes Scarlet 緋色
The kanji is the same as the kanji in the chapter "The emergence of scarlet". 緋色
白い雪 White Snow refers to Shiho. It was because Shiho still has her own sense of justice although she's been in the dark world since she was a baby.
黒い影 The black shadow refers to Akai. At that time, Akai was still suspected of being black.
So the narrative trick played out like this:
Akai saw Ran, and he thought of a stupid woman (×)
Haibara saw Ran, and she thought of Akemi (×)
So X = Stupid woman = Akemi.
The animation/movie team and the most fans’ logic are like that.
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"I knew it was the wrong person"
Akai probably heard that a brown-haired girl (Sonoko) was following the doctor (He already knew the doctor was Vermouth)
When Subaru met Ran and Sonoko, he immediately noticed Sonoko first. "You, browned-haired girl", he said it to Sonoko.
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It can be seen that the buildings marked in both pictures are very similar, and there is no fence on the street. So it was the same place where Miyano Shiho first appeared and was shot by Gin.
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The most important point is that there is a phone booth in that place. Akai also came out of the phone booth.
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Then, in Vermouth's apartment there was a Shiho photo, but during the full moon chapter, Akai met Haibara, but he still said "The person I was waiting for didn't show up".
So, I assume Akai has two different targets from the FBI, I.e:
1. Finding Shiho
2. Confronting Gin
He probably thought he could find those two people with him following Vermouth, but the FBI knew nothing about them.
So his revenge on Gin was not for Akemi.
The only witness to Akemi's murder was Vodka. How could Akai know the person who shot Akemi was Gin?. It could have been another member.
That's why Akai's actions towards Gin were all related to Shiho not Akemi. These three people have a story, and only they know about it.
Then, I look at the vocabulary he used was complex and romantic, and have many implied expressions, and comparing his dialog with Ayumi's, his dialog was rarely used in daily conversation (Well, although it's an Oresama character's dialog, and don't use this grammar in daily conversation, or you will get slapped by others). Every dialog box of every character is always carefully thought out, right. So I think Aoyama designed Akai's character as a character who is quite dark, deep and has hidden feelings (deep affection).
For example:
愛しい愛しい宿敵(こいびと) 愛しい and 恋人 can not only be interpreted as dearest love, but can also be interpreted as the person he misses. So it can be interpreted as (Gin who I miss).
So 恋人(こいびと) is not referring to Akemi.
Aoyama is traditional Japanese. The use of these words is often found in classical Japanese literature (Osamu Dazai, Akutagawa, etc)
The shadow is very deep, right.
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File 874
From what Bourbon said, "I met your mother and your sister".
Then Shiho (Kid) said, "You are the rival of my sister's boyfriend, Moroboshi Dai. I heard from my sister that you don't get along."
"My sister's boyfriend" in Ai's mind this misunderstanding is still not resolved. Ai didn't know it was just a fake relationship. So it wasn't Shu-Ake's official CP hammer.
"I heard from my sister" We all clearly knew Akemi is just an outsider, she wouldn't know the problem with Rye and Bourbon. Based on Rye's character he wouldn't tell her about it either. Then based on Aoyama's interview, he said "Akemi didn't remember Bourbon". It is a contradiction.
It can be inferred that "I met your mother and your sister" was when he was a child, and Akemi has forgotten about him.
So this "I heard from my sister" is Aoyama's narrative trick. Because Aoyama wanted to hide Shuichi-Shiho's close relationship. He used a patch sentence (I heard from my sister) to cover up the original information.
Then, I saw some theories from Chinese fans who argued, the dialog probably like this because I also forgot it, "Like two sisters (姉妹), I know your action".
Actually, there is no need to use complex logic to analyze the dialogue in Conan, just use simple logic. "Sisters" still refers to Shiho and Akemi not Vermouth and Yukiko. "Your action is just like two sisters" This action doesn't refer to Haibara's action of crying silently, but Haibara's action of sacrificing herself for others just like Akemi sacrificed herself for Shiho, and Akai clearly knew it. So this dialog doesn't describe Akai knowing Akemi well (because cring silently). So, the girl who cries silently still refers to Shiho (Haibara). Akai only knew Akemi sacrificed herself for Shiho (from the message she sent).
Then, In Conan, the information we get from each character is not synchronized. It happens in the case of Subaru and Wakasa's identities, so you can't line them up linearly, but you have to look at each character's perspective.
Some of Ran's behaviors can refer to several characters depending on the perspective of each character describing Ran, so Ran doesn't just seems like Akemi because they both have long black hair.
For example, in one of the daily cases. A murderer saw Ran and he saw his girlfriend's shadow because Ran's voice was similiar to his girlfriend.
In Ai's mind, Ran's characteristics, bright, kind-hearted, protect her, was the same as Akemi.
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Ran wanted to go home because she was worried about Conan. But Ai suddenly shouted at her to stop her, seeing her sister's shadow. This is Ai's guilt for Akemi because she couldn't stop her at that time.
But for Akai who only always saw Ran crying alone was similar to Shiho.
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And in Ai's mind Ran's behavior of always holding back her crying, pretending to smile was just like herself. So that's why Ai understands Ran's feelings because they have the same behavior like pretending to be strong.
It's in chapter 335 A Gift from The Wife, sorry I don't have a picture.
This chocolate is smiling, but its face is sad.
A face torn with pain and tears, she pushed herself too hard
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Mistranslation in the English version
It should be a dialogue box for Yamamura
The dialog should be like this
"If you get in contact with Hiro-chan again. You'll talk to him about me..."
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Look at the angle when Shinichi said to Ai. It has the same angle, and it's a lens language where the conversation doesn't use subject and object if there are only two of them there.
In the English version the object becomes "Her"
"I will protect her......"
If he loved her, Akai should have gone to save her when he knew Akemi was in danger, or he can spend 1000 episodes taking care of her grave. But instead he appeared to meet her younger sister with a smiling face every day.
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Haibara said 守ってくれるんでしょう to Conan
....んです is an emphasis sentence.
She's emphasizing that Conan will protect her right?. Because there was someone who wanted to protect her, but he didn't keep his promise.
Spoiler M26
Many of the character settings are very OOC and slightly out of the manga. First, Akai's reaction when he found out Ai was kidnapped was calm, while in the manga he was looking for her all over the city with a sad face. Second, How could he miss it, so all those bugs are useless. Third, Ai heard Akai's voice through the intercom of the diving goggles, but she didn't respond at all, and after Conan started answering the call, but her attention was only on Conan, and she only responded with "Kudo-kun", it is not Ai-chan who will think of Moroboshi Dai when she hears that someone likes to drink black coffee. Fourth, Conan said "そんな颜してんじゃねーよ" (Don't make faces like that) to Ai-chan. The production team seemed to run out of ideas and just Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V another CP's phrase and pasted it on the popular CP, although the structure is slightly different from Akai's "そんな颜するな". Fifth, the Conan-Ai kiss that seems like a copy-paste of the Conan-Ran kiss in M2. My first reaction after reading it was that there were a lot of character setups that didn't make sense and didn't match the plot of the original manga, and it was again a recycling of the previous plot.
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fatherfigurefusion · 2 years
DanganSEKAI AU Cast List (For Now)
Aries/Quad (Leo/Need): Kaito Momota (as a mix of sorts between Ichika and Saki), Kaede Akamatsu (as Saki), Shuichi Saihara (as a mix between Ichika and Honami), Maki Harukawa (as Shiho)
Sunny-Sunny-Sprout! (More! More! Jump!): Makoto Naegi (as Minori), Sayaka Maizono (as Haruka), Leon Kuwata (as Airi), Celestia Ludenberg (as Shizuku)
DRAGON ARMY CAGE (Vivid BAD SQUAD): Chihiro Fujisaki (as Kohane), Mondo Oowada (as An), Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu (as Akito), Peko Pekoyama (as Touya)
Garden Grandness! (Wonderland X Showtime): Erika Akamatsu (as Tsukasa), Gonta Gokuhara (as Emu), Kiibo (as Nene), Miu Iruma (as Rui)
HPF/Midnight (Nightcord at 25:00) Chiaki Nanami (as Kanade), Hajime Hinata (as Mafuyu), Natsumi Kuzuryuu (as Ena), Ultimate Imposter (as Mizuki)
(It's merely a draft, so roles might change.)
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shihomiyano · 2 years
Top 5 noncanon DetCo/Magic Kaito ships?
thank you so much for sending one, anon ♡ I should probably say that I'm aromantic and I just don't ship a lot of characters in general agdshaj so I honestly don't have strong feelings about any dcmk ship except maybe one agdhsja but here we go
shiho x shuichi let's ignore the part where they are cousins LOL
shinichi x heiji
masumi x ran
masumi x sonoko
shinichi x kaito
ask me my top five/ten anything!
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lesbianjodie · 3 years
M24 storyboarders were like we're going to make a movie with so many close up shots of Akai's pretty eyes. And that's so sexy of them.
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shuxjodie · 4 years
Where is she?
After Shuichi and Heiji met. Part-1
Heiji meets Akai Shuichi for the first time. After a brief introduction-
Heiji- So where is that lady FBI agent?
Conan-You mean Jodie Sosaka?
Heiji- Yeah! That lady with big bust, where is she?
Haibara- I got it! You came all along to meet her again, basically to look her like that.
Heiji- Aaho!
Haibara-Too bad, that was her undercover disguise😏
Heiji sighs*
A few moments later Jodie enters.
Heiji thinks- Shuu?! Don't tell me.....
Shuichi now looks at Heiji.
Heiji gulps*
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placebogirl7 · 4 years
Chapters: 31/? Fandom: 名探偵コナン | Detective Conan | Case Closed Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Akai Shuuichi/Jodie Starling Characters: Akai Shuuichi, Jodie Starling, Kudou Shinichi | Edogawa Conan, Shiho Miyano, James Black (Meitantei Conan), Andre Camel, Mary Sera, Sera Masumi, Akai Tsutomu, Agasa Hiroshi, Shounen Tantei-dan | Detective Boys, Mouri Ran, Suzuki Sonoko, Vermouth (Meitantei Conan), Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: Life after the Black Organization, Relationship(s)
Main pairing: Shuichi x Jodie
Link to the original Italian version: https://efpfanfic.net/viewstory.php?sid=3969128
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deuteriumuniverse · 4 years
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“Don’t make that face. I’ll protect her with my own life.”
- Shuichi (as Dai Moroboshi)’s promise to Shiho that he couldn’t keep
Detective Conan Episode 675: Won’t Forgive Even One Millimeter
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ultimateanna · 11 months
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Identity V x Detective Conan - Emotes
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coffeeviolinist · 1 year
Dinner table shenanigans with the boys
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cozy-kjune · 2 years
This is how I ship Akai x Amuro (?) and also Huruya x Shiho
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birubilirubin · 2 years
I would like to share some good news for this CP fans. First of all I want to share the point of view of some fans in other countries about Shu-Ai CP. I actually don't care about sister’s ex-lover setting, after all her sister died. This CP fans in China has grown a lot. Chinese fans have actually been realize of this CP shadows for a long time, and they no longer attribute Shuichi's actions to Ai because of Akemi. Everything is purely Shuichi's own personal desire, because they see Gosho always has a single mind for love. Unfortunately, Japanese fans have not realized it at all, they are still carried away by the perspective of the plot made by the animation team, which changes many comic plots. Like Shu-Ake's car accident, Shuichi's expression when he saw the text message was changed to be sad, turning the red and black chapters into a tragic love story plot, affecting the audience Shuichi was the one who killed Akemi, making Ai clench her fists with an angry expression as she remembered M.Dai, etc. Luckily, Subaru-Ai CP has a lot of fans in Japan. They also don't care about Akemi and “cousin”. I don't know why Chinese fans are more able to find their shadow than Japanese fans.This is very funny. For international fans, Uhmm... it might be the same. They care too much about Carasuma, RUM, and guessing the future plot, only few people are realize of Shu-Ai CP shadow. Most of them are still cursing you, if you comment "I want Haibara to be with Shuichi at the end". Then they kept saying "Aren't they cousins, that's disgusting", "Shuichi can only get back with X", "Why does Haibara have to be with an old man, she should to get a guy the same age as her", “Haibara is a great scientist, does she want her child to be disabled”, and another foul comment, and still looking for a guy for Haibara which suits her. Hey... that character already appeared 20 years ago.
As for the cousin setting, I don't think Aoyama wants to destroy the love line he's been building for over 20 years. First in the early stages there is no cousin line. This cousin line may be he wants to open a drug plot or Elena. Haibara didn't know about the drug list. So, he had to get someone to know about it all, and pass this on to Haibara. I read Hannin no Hanzawa where it is a side story of Conan and checked by Aoyama. There the protagonist also likes his cousin, and also Conan in the early case there is a pair of cousins ​​who like each other and get married. So, I think this cousin line will not destroy Shu-Ai CP love line.
In terms of age, I also want to refute one of fan theories that said Tsutomu is the same age as Mary.
Tsutomu and Mary have a big age gap. Mary is 53 years old. Tsutomu is a friend of Haneda Yasuharu who has a son in the mid 20s, 17 years ago. Tsutomu and Haneda Yasuharu were supposed to be in their 60s supposedly, and Tsutomu was older than Mary. Kohji's age if he still alive should be same age as Yusaku. Mary was in her 20s, and Tsutomu was in his 30s when they had Shuichi. 
Is Akai couple a shadow of Shu-Ai CP.
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Subaru: *walks into the room*
Shiho: Why is he here? No one likes him.
Shinichi: Be nice.
Shiho: *loudly* Why are you here? No one likes you.
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