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This took two days for me to make.  I hope you guys like it.  Its my first wallpaper for my Undertale AU Abletale.
I’m still unsure how this AU’s format is going to go. I know if i do it in comic format it will take it far longer then say if i do it in writing.  
As you guys see the Ref Sheets be released please have mercy on me I’m not the best at this but I am trying.
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it’s ok it’s just a little.
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cloverconsolass · 1 month
Ducktales x undertale
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Doodles undercut
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Papyrus shouldn't be in... Wait.
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bloomynmoon · 6 months
Happy new year!! 🥳
Honestly, getting into the welcome home fandom was the best thing that happened to me. I met a bunch of amazing people, i cant imagine being without them <3 To all my friends, mutuals, followers, Clown, and the welcome home team, thank you for brightening up my year 💛💐
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havockingboo · 2 years
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soft and comfort, and warm like the sun
omg Guard Dog fact that’s tied to these doodles!!
Beowulf is probably one of the only people that gets to see Papyrus like this. I guess Papyrus trusts him to be this vulnerably emotional with, especially like this. Though he’s still private about what’s on his mind, maybe he’s afraid that he won’t make sense or Beowulf won’t understand, which isn’t true! He knows this for a fact! But you know…it’s not exactly the most easiest thing for him to just, let out…so, Beowulf is more than willing to be Papyrus’ shoulder to cry on. And Papyrus isn’t complaining!! Boy can he cry, doesn’t help that Beowulf just feels so comforting to hold, and be hugged by. This tends to go on for a solid 30 minutes or so, he just really doesn’t want to let go, afraid that maybe, he won’t get a chance like this again..I mean, shoot if Papyrus didn’t force himself to stop crying and let go, they both would’ve been in his room for hours.
The future royal guardsman have to be tough!!! He has to be tough, crying won’t do! It won’t get the job done! There’s nothing else you can do besides push forward! There’s always a bright side, a brighter future, try and try again! There’s no need to cry over your failures, or how people haven’t noticed how cool you are! They will sooner or later! But…it can be, a bit hard at times to hold himself up for so long. He’s gotten pretty good at hiding it though, you know, deflecting or projecting it onto others…but Beowulf somehow helped him just, let loose. Something Papyrus is very not accustomed to!! That’s more of his brother’s thing, “let loosing” was lazy talk!!! However, he honestly isn’t complaining that he gets to sit and hangout with someone like Beowulf. There’s just something about him that just makes him feel…wanted.
Uh yeah…they’re really good friends!!
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hanzidanzi · 9 months
Why does honey man tease you?
That’s a good question!🤔
1. Simple answer is that he’s a little gremlin man.
2. It’s his love language to be honest, he loves to rile up his s/o! Loves seeing their reactions and loves being the one getting them to act/react a certain way.
3. For me personally I’m a pretty calm person, people(in real life) seem to think I can’t hurt a fly. Which is fine, but the ones I hold close will know I’m quite reactive and emotional.
4. I only feel comfortable showing those reactions and emotions around people I’m close to. (Which I know most people can recognize for themselves as well)
5. For him and I, or him and his s/o! it would basically show just how open/comfortable I am/they are with him. And he likes that. Likes that trust we/his s/o and him have with each other!
6. Basically it’s a trust thing! And also everyone can find joy in a friendly or flirtatious jab😌
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(Just a tiny sketch, is all I had the energy to do)
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Undertale surface au where sans is a doordash delivery dude
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seirindono · 1 year
its spitefully-perfect again lol
the fic
its here
chapter 1
(and now we have an oc whos a love interest bc im gay ok)
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It's here!
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Abletale wallpaper progress.  line art 75% done.
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kanene-yaaay · 2 years
not me trying to write a tickle fic w papyrus and stopping at every two sentences to scream onto my hands
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zuszab · 1 year
This is for you my dear ladies ;* ♡
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Jack: Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji dnia kobiet
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gay-hoodie-boy · 2 years
>:3 papyrus
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Mun: New event! In honor of Christmas I’m puttering my boys in the Christmas party au.
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llamagoddessofficial · 2 months
How would the Bad sanses feel about kids?
Horror isn't a fan of how children have a habit of immediately bursting into terrified tears when they look at him. Kinda rude. He copes by deliberately scaring them; if a kid looks at him he pulls his scariest face. Might even say "boo" just for effect. Deep down, though, he does like kids - before it all went wrong in the Underground he used to dream about being an uncle to Papyrus' future children. When he's around you, he catches himself thinking about it... his own kids would like his face just the way it was, wouldn't they? So long as he was a good dad, it wouldn't matter what he looked like. That sounds so wonderful.
If he somehow finds a kid who isn't frightened of him, he will go full papa bear mode. Horror's the most likely of the bad guys to find a lost child and scoop them up.
Dust... avoids children like the plague. He shares Horror's habit of deliberately scaring them. He has a lot of reasons. He's a dangerous mass murderer, that's one; he also doesn't do great with noise. The sound of a crying or shouting child grates at him like nails on a chalkboard. Not to mention the fact that he's had enough of dealing with childish behaviour after a few hours around Killer.
... He also doesn't like being reminded of all the kids that used to live in his Underground. He doesn't like looking at little faces and remembering how Papyrus used to smile at him, the big brother who was supposed to keep him safe, the exact same way. The thing about having high LV is you get very used to being numb... those stabs of emotion, when they do get through, are too much.
He likes seeing you interact with kids, though. You're much better than he is, softer and kinder. Makes him think about what could've been.
Killer is great with kids. He's exciting, he's funny, he's got endless energy. He perfectly channels the 'fun uncle who clearly wants kids and would be an amazing dad', and the presence of children grounds him, taking the edge off of his worse traits and continuously pulling him down to reality. But he's also a terrible influence when left unattended. Give him an hour, and he'll be showing them how to properly hold a knife, telling them how crime isn't really that bad, and that they should totally just bite their bully as hard as they possibly can.
If a child lets him pick them up, Killer will constantly be trying to catch your eye. His huge grin speaks volumes; so when are WE gonna make our own one of these?
Nightmare says he doesn't like children. He definitely acts like it, too, he's cold and intimidating. But deep down, he's always wanted kids of his own - and he's bitter, because before he was corrupted he used to be really good with kids. Dream was (and still is) better at entertaining children but Nightmare could comfort the introverts; shy kids who cried around Dream would happily fall asleep on Nightmare's shoulder. Not anymore.
The thing is... when kids are around him for a while, you'll start to see hints of something underneath the grump. You'll notice he never raises his voice. You'll hear how his tone slips into something stern, yet calm. You'll see the 'strict but fair' edge to his sockets and mouth, you'll notice how despite all the talk of not caring his tentacles will ALWAYS catch anyone whose tiny feet are unsteady. There's a dad under there.
He's in no place for kids right now. But he does think about it - when you're around he thinks far more than he'd ever admit. He imagines giving someone the childhood he never had. If only.
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orbital-inclination · 2 months
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Moltendreams - Error Sans Alias - Static Pronouns: he/him, they/them Personality: Petty, holds a mean grudge, Big Tsundere, Complete Shut-in, Quick Tempered and Moody, fanatic with his interests, externally aggressive when in actuality he is quite shy. An absolute troll. His favorite passtime is messing with others. Paradoxically touch starved and suffers from haphephobia. Reckless with his own well being.
This variant of Error is capable of both love and compassion, he just hides it under a grumpy exterior and several layers of denial and self-destructive dogma. Other Notes:
He is reluctant to harm Papyrus directly, and will generally avoid encounters with him in any given AU.
Had a good relationship with his dad/W.D Gaster, actually.
Relates to "pest" pets; rats, mice, snakes, spiders, beetles, he loves them all.
Would have a pet rat of his own if he wasn't afraid of it shocking itself by chewing on his wires.
His favorite kind of chocolate is mixed with a hazelnut filling.
Considers Frisk to be a younger sibling.
-More Info undercut! -
Abilities: Error uses wire instead of string. Wire and summoned attacks can and do hold an electric charge. His presence alone messes with electronic devices. Residents of a particular AU may get a few minutes or seconds of warning as sweaters get staticy, computer screens glitch out, and anything with a battery spontaneously dies or gets super charged. By creating a circle of alternating RED and CYAN bones, Error can create a sort of reverse faraday cage. While Error can produce electricity, he can't directly control the voltage. He can only hope to direct it. If you do touch him, you will find his clothes zappy with static. Do NOT attempt to fight him in humid or watery environments for, hopefully, obvious reasons.
About: Fed up with the anomaly's time looping shenanigans and watching his family torn apart, Sans injected himself with modified DETERMINATION magic and began messing with things he really had no business messing with: his late father's research, all in the hope of separating the anomaly from Frisk. He wanted to save the kid too. But something went catastrophically wrong and as a result he was ripped from reality, and caught in the space in-between. Eventually, he escaped but not unscathed. Error doesn't remember much, he doesn't remember the events described above, at all, but has vague memories of Papyrus, Frisk and his father. They were good memories. He misses them. He can't find his original AU and secretly fears it may have been the first world he destroyed.
He is still looking for it.
Outcode Politics: Error views all outcodes the same way he views every iteration of the original timeline that even slightly deviates: as glitches to be terminated. Bugs in the code he needs to hammer out before it all goes to hell. Error believes that by destroying deviating timelines and AUs, he is preserving the original. He is “saving’’ it by trimming the branches back. Despite his position as the self proclaimed Destroyer, Error is not above biases and making exceptions. 
Error believes he is one of the glitches in the code that must be destroyed, but he won’t let just anyone dust him for good. Ultimately, he wants someone in his family to do it. That is, if he can find them first. Error has a different view on the Spirits of Creation that Fable/Ink does. (Spirits of Creation are in-universe term and stand-in for the creator of an AU). He calls them eldritch parasites. Abominations that should be avoided at all costs. And absolutely should not be encouraged or interacted with. Though he won't admit it out loud, Error is terrified of them. OG Error @.LoverofPiggies/CrayonQueen) Moltendreams @.me Edit: he has been named!
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