katy-89 · 1 month
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The only Fire Sage who wasn't a traitor!
Shyu and his family deserved better
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kidcaroline · 3 months
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Shyu! The only Fire Sage who wasn't a traitor
This guy was the real MVP Hotman!
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polls4you · 4 months
Avatar The Last Airbender: Choose your favorite character! (Round 1)
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sleep-nurse · 6 months
can't believe voicevox became utau
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piandaoist · 11 months
Roku's Temple is a place of mystery and intrigue. For some, it is the stuff of legends and stories, a place that fires the imagination. For others, it is the stuff of nightmares, a place of lost ships and of lost minds. For the Firelord's family, it is a constant reminder of the Avatar's awesome power.
Characters: Sozin, Azulon, Roku, Piandao, Ursa, Shyu, and Aang (and original characters).
Three chapters in three days!
Chapter 1 is titled "The Avatar and the Firelord". XD
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waterfire1848 · 1 year
The throne should never be empty, but that doesn't mean Zuko couldn't have appointed a regent after his coronation in order to give himself a year off to recover. The most qualified candidate for regent (other than Iroh, who very much does not want the job) would be Shyu. He has proven his loyalty to the true ideals of a free Fire Nation, and he accepts the avatar's council. Plus, the Fire Lord started out as the head Fire Sage anyway, and Shyu deserves to be promoted over his coworkers, just to stick it to them. However, this really only would have worked had Zuko not already been 16, which was age of majority in his nation at the time. So immediately taking the time off for his own mental health would've been viewed as neglect of a nation that was just coming out of an expensive war that they ultimately lost. Still, the comics imply that Shyu did get some kind of promotion, and I would like to think he's now one of Zuko's closest advisors.
Jeong Jeong wouldn't make a good regent because he's too steeped in self-loathing. And Piandao wouldn't make a good regent because...well, let's just say he strikes me as being a very sophisticated version of Spider-Punk. His life revolves around giving authority (or at least arbitrary authority) a middle finger in the most flowery calligraphy possible. Probably best not to give him that kind of power. He'd be at risk of becoming like Melon Lord.
Thanks for the ask!!
I forgot about Shyu! Yeah, give that man a crown. He deserves it. I never read the comic where he got a promotion but I'm glad that they gave the character a small ending and didn't just throw him away. Shyu should have been the Fire Sage that crowns Zuko in the final episode and be the one to help him appoint a whole new group of advisors and generals.
Zuko taking time off for mental health is the ideal, but I think you're right that in actuality he couldn't have done. Though since he is the Firelord, a position that comes with a vast amount of power, an argument could be made that he just makes the age of majority to 18 which gives him two years to figure some stuff out.
Jeong-Jeong and Piandao wouldn't make good regents. I both don't think they'd want to be in that position or power and, if they were forced to, they wouldn't do a good job. The idea of Piandao as a sophisticated Spider-Punk is hilarious to me. Zuko leaves him in charge and goes off to find his mom for two weeks or so. When he comes back, everything is on fire.
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joshuahowls · 1 year
between atlas and sisyphus
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bittersqxtch · 1 year
head empty...no thoughts...only
✨ shyu...
porang~ porang~...
linos :3 ✨
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donospl · 9 months
Pyroclastic Records, 2023 Harry Bertoia znany był za życia jako jeden z największych projektantów mebli. Po komercyjnym sukcesie swoich kultowych drucianych krzeseł, Bertoia poświęcił się rzeźbie. Jedną z jego głównych prac była seria rzeźb dźwiękowych, Sonambients, których dźwięki wywoływał dotyk, wibracje otoczenia, czy też wiatr. Sam Bertoia uchwycił to na jedenastu płytach wydanych w…
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tuktukpodfics · 8 months
Just popping by to say that 'Wanyi' and your words for why it's a good name for Zuko's ship hit me like a sack of bricks to the chest. absolutely incredible choice, I am REELING.
I'm glad you found it so touching!
I haven’t read Embers. I thought MuffinLance intentionally named Zuko’s warship 萬一 (one in ten thousand, what if) from the start. It’s been a bit bewildering to see a mistake become new fanon. 
At risk of ruining the sentimentality of the name Wanyi, I would issue a few caveats to people adopting it for their fics. It’s really more of a retrofit of the old name—something to rebrand while sounding and looking similar enough to Wani to not be distracting. 
Wanyi is pinyin romanization, used in the People’s Republic of China. You could just as easily spell it Wan-i or Wani. Canon uses a mix of romanization methods. However, if the goal is rebranding, Wanyi makes sense.
Wanyi isn’t an Authentic™ historical Chinese boat name. That would be something like Galloping Clouds or Tranquil Seas. 
You might want to use a different culture instead of Chinese for Zuko’s warship. Canonically, there are Fire Nation characters with Chinese inspired names, like Zhao, Piandao, and Shyu, but if your fan-fiction is drawing more inspiration from Japanese or Thai culture, maybe a different name is more suited. 
Wanyi is often used for negative what-ifs. An unlikely disaster. Zuko is, after all, a disaster magnet. And the cause of many misfortunes. 
Wanyi literally means one in ten thousand, but it is grammatically used to indicate an extremely unlikely possibility. Like finding the avatar. To me, it feels ominous, anxious, yearning in an unrealistic sort of way, which I think all speak to Zuko's character arc. Idk, what do other Chinese speakers think?
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zeno-zero · 5 months
Avatar Roku rant/rambles:
I love him, I love him in such an insane amount. Had me on chokehold since 10 years old like goodness me! What the fuck H-E-🏑🏑 !!
Nobody understood his character and that would've been greatly fine with me but the amount of mischaracterizations, misinterepations, and wishes that he's more like Kyoshi has always made me upset. Roku is a good man whose position as an avatar is poor in terms of writing and expanding his story further.
Roku outside of being Aang's mentor and guide - he was nothing more than just being kindhearted, wise, and pleasant while also acknowledging his indecisiveness, and faults. He even has a flawed perspective on the four nations, that the four nations should always be remained seperated, and still. Yet, I still continue to adore him a LOT. He have so much potential, there are rooms that people could always explore his character than just on the surface/visual level. His airbending and waterbending teachers weren't even named in the late 2010's until some informations were finally out !!
The gene yang comics are not my cup of tea but Roku telling Aang that he should end Zuko's life because he couldn't bare the thought of seeing Sozin? WOW. His friendship with Sozin has always mean something to Roku - so much so, he trusted him to the point it was his downfall. The thought of Sozin's redemption after he left him with the rubble is definitely what Roku had in his mind. But we're talking about the conflict between the Avatar and the Fire Lord, never Roku and Sozin.
His bending abilities are fucking awesome too !! Destroyed an entire palace with airbending + avatar state alone? Created a massive wave in one single move that sent his teacher flying up all the way on top of the chief's palace? He can even be quiet and and silently burrow to the ground to suprise attack enemies with earthbending? Lets not forget that the entire island that Roku was in used to be a huge one until he cut it into a cresent island !! There used to be two super volcanoes !! There's only one remaining !! His firebending shown on the show is also interesting! His fire made Zhao's crew literally run away while incinerating thd metal chains that Katara, Sokka, Shyu, and Zuko were wrapped around with,, unharmed. Him simultaneously bending all four elements at once without the use of the avatar state? Gosh,, people underestimate him sooooo much !!
"But Roku died to a volcano! He should've evacuated-" He was minimizing the effects of it! He died as a hero in that night because no other people held power his power just like he has. The citizens and his wife would've died if it weren't for him, because while it isn't explicitly explained in his wiki and show -  Lava entering the ocean creates a distinctive set of hazards that have seriously injured or killed unsuspecting people eager to see up close the interaction of hot lava and cool seawater. As hot lava boils cool seawater, a series of chemical and physical reactions create a mixture of condensed, acidic steam, hydrochloric acid gas, and tiny shards of volcanic glass. Blown by wind, this plume creates a noticeable downwind haze, known as "laze" (short for lava haze) <- [From "Lava entering ocean" | U.S Geological Survey - USGS.gov] ||And to also answer the dragon part that died with him? I have no answer for that other than the plot has to move on /or the dragon relies on his orders, and to Roku's dying breath, he would rather stay with him.
And nobody talks about how painful and traumatizing Roku's death is - pyroclastic flow is apart of volcano, he either died burning alive, suffocated, or even buried alive! On the margins of pyroclastic flows, death and serious injury to people and animals may result from burns and inhalation of hot ash and gases. Archaeologists have found that some people perished in a pyroclastic surge, a wave of superheated gas and hot ash that literally boiled their blood and caused their skulls to explode, reports Neel V. Patel at Popular Science. <- [Pyroclastic Flows move fast and destroying everything in their path" | U.S Geological survey] AND ["Mount Vesuvius Boiled Its Victims’ Blood and Caused Their Skulls to Explode" by Jason Delay]
But in a summary, I love Roku and I would die to honor his name. Thank you for reading through all of this. Love you guys !! /platonically 
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zuko-always-lies · 5 months
ATLA Overall Character Stats
One thing I have been wondering for a while is how many lines of dialogue each character has in ATLA. I recently figured out an easy way to calculate it, so here are the stats for the entire series. You can look at the stats for Book 1, Book 2, and Book 3 at those links.
There are 9985 total lines of dialogue in the series. They are divided up as follows:
Aang 1796 lines, 17.99% of total lines Sokka 1635 lines, 16.37% Katara 1433 lines, 14.35%(this increases to 1439 lines and 14.81% when you include "Young Katara") Zuko 776 lines, 7.77% (this increases to 809 lines and 8.10% when you include "Young Zuko) Toph 508 lines, 5.09% Iroh 337 lines, 3.38% Azula 211 lines, 2.11%(this increases to 232 lines and 2.32% when you include "Young Azula") Jet 134 lines, 1.34% Suki 114 lines, 1.14% Zhao 107 lines, 1.07% Mai 82 lines, 0.82%(this increases to 83 lines and 0.83% when you include "Young Mai") Hakoda 77 lines, 0.77% Roku 67 lines, 0.67% Ty Lee 64 lines, 0.64%(this increases to 66 lines and 0.66% when you include "Young Ty Lee) Bumi 55 lines, 0.55% Ozai 55 lines, 0.55% Yue 53 lines, 0.53% Hama 49 lines, 0.49% Long Feng 46 lines, 0.46% Piandao 43 lines, 0.430645969% Mechanist 42, 0.420630946% Kuei 40, 0.400600901% Bato 38, 0.380570856% Pathik 38, 0.380570856% Pakku 37, 0.370555834% Teo 35, 0.350525789% Chong 33, 0330495744% Warden of Boiling Rock 33, 0.330495744% Young Zuko 33, 0.330495744% Jeong Jeong 32, 0.320480721%
More obscure characters below
Guard 29 0.290435653 Haru 29 0.290435653 Joo Dee 29 0.290435653 June 28 0.280420631 Wu 28 0.280420631 Zhang leader 28 0.280420631 Xin Fu 27 0.270405608 Zei 27 0.270405608 Chit Sang 26 0.260390586 Sozin 26 0.260390586 Shyu 25 0.250375563 Gan Jin leader 23 0.230345518 Fong 22 0.220330496 Smellerbee 22 0.220330496 Ursa 22 0.220330496 Young Azula 21 0.210315473 Actress Aang 19 0.190285428 Gyatso 19 0.190285428 Yu 19 0.190285428 Arnook 18 0.180270406 Meng 18 0.180270406 Sun Warrior chief 18 0.180270406 Wan Shi Tong 18 0.180270406 Canyon guide 17 0.170255383 Captain 17 0.170255383 Jin 17 0.170255383 Lee 17 0.170255383 Oyaji 17 0.170255383 Tong 17 0.170255383 Actor Sokka 16 0.160240361 Actress Katara 16 0.160240361 Fisherman 16 0.160240361 King Bumi 16 0.160240361 Li 16 0.160240361 Tho 16 0.160240361 Tyro 16 0.160240361 Warden 16 0.160240361 Yon Rha 16 0.160240361 Bully guard 15 0.150225338 Due 15 0.150225338 Actor Zuko 14 0.140210315 Chey 14 0.140210315 Lao 14 0.140210315 Male guard 14 0.140210315 Pirate captain 14 0.140210315 Chan 13 0.130195293 Dock 13 0.130195293 Herbalist 13 0.130195293 Ghashiun 12 0.12018027 Huu 12 0.12018027 Ticket lady 12 0.12018027 Calm man 11 0.110165248 Female guard 11 0.110165248 Kay-fon 11 0.110165248 Lo 11 0.110165248 Lo and Li 11 0.110165248 Ying 11 0.110165248 Actress Azula 10 0.100150225 Earthbender captain 10 0.100150225 Gan Jin tribesman 10 0.100150225 Great Fire Sage 10 0.100150225 Headmaster 10 0.100150225 Jee 10 0.100150225 Kanna 10 0.100150225 Oh 10 0.100150225 Qin 10 0.100150225 Senlin Village leader 10 0.100150225 Song 10 0.100150225 Yung 10 0.100150225 Dai Li agent 9 0.090135203 Fisherman's wife 9 0.090135203 General Sung 9 0.090135203 Gow 9 0.090135203 Hahn 9 0.090135203 Haru's mother 9 0.090135203 Koh 9 0.090135203 Pipsqueak 9 0.090135203 Shinu 9 0.090135203 Soldier 9 0.090135203 The Boulder 9 0.090135203 The Duke 9 0.090135203 Xu 9 0.090135203 Gansu 8 0.08012018 Kenji 8 0.08012018 Kwan 8 0.08012018 Mother Superior 8 0.08012018 Old man 8 0.08012018 Shuzumu 8 0.08012018 Yagoda 8 0.08012018 Cabbage merchant 7 0.070105158 Fire Sage 7 0.070105158 Fung 7 0.070105158 General How 7 0.070105158 Koko 7 0.070105158 Male student 7 0.070105158 Man 7 0.070105158 Pao 7 0.070105158 Tashi 7 0.070105158 Than 7 0.070105158 Trainer 7 0.070105158 Villager 7 0.070105158 Warden Poon 7 0.070105158 Due to Tumblr limatations on length, I had to put the remaining characters(those with 6 or fewer lines) in a two separate posts .
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nyxelestia · 4 months
I finally wrote for the first time in months and instead of any of my WIPs…:
Shyu groaned when his old knees slammed onto the deck of Commander Zhao’s ship, but neither Prince Zuko nor Sokka made a sound when the same happened to them.
“Unhand me!” Prince Zuko shouted from Shyu’s right. The teenage prince tried to puff up his chest, but ended up coughing instead; no doubt his lungs were still full of the volcanic ash from the ruins of Roku’s temple. On Shyu’s left, the other boy looked around as soon as the soldier behind him released that water tribe version of a phoenix tail. Sokka’s sharp gaze combed over the deck with a level of scrutiny that Shyu would have been surprised to see if not for the circumstances of their first meeting.
No matter how young this boy was, he was still older than the avatar.
“Or what?” Commander Zhao answered Prince Zuko’s empty demand with a cocky raised eyebrow. “You’ll tell your father about being arrested in fire nation waters, and violating the terms of your banishment?”
That made Sokka’s eyes widened and his head whip around in surprised. Despite the shock written so clearly on his face, he still didn’t say a word.
“What difference does it make if you’re planning on tell him, anyway?” Prince Zuko snarled. Despite his best attempt at bravado, Shyu could read the fear on his face — which meant Commander Zhao could, too.
“Well, I haven’t decided, yet, whether or not I will,” Commander Zhao crooned. “Depending on how much information about the Avatar you have that I can’t extract from the little savage…” The slimy smile he briefly shot towards Sokka sent shivers down Shyu’s spine. “…perhaps you and I can come to an arrangement.”
“Never!” Prince Zuko shouted, trying and failing to yank on the shackles holding his wrists behind his back.
“Ditto,” Sokka quipped…then grimaced. “Much as I hate to be ditto-ing Prince Angry Pants.”
Shyu wanted to swallow his tongue at the blatant antagonism of their captor, but thankfully the commander just rolled his eyes at the youth.
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ao3feed-zukka · 6 months
land of the midnight sun
Read now on Ao3 at https://ift.tt/zIYnhXl by 136108 The year is 99 AG. The Southern Raiders have not been seen in the South Pole for decades. A tiny ship, bearing the future of the Southern Water Tribe, braves its way north to reconnect with their Northern counterparts. The year is 102 AG. The Fire Lord is dead and treachery abounds within the royal family. A small procession of Fire Sages, surrounding a boy who was once a prince, leaves the palace and makes its way up the rim of the caldera to the High Temple. The year is 106 AG. With the Hundred Year War brought to a stalemate, the Fire Nation finds itself impoverished and largely cut off from the rest of the world. In a desperate attempt to salvage his rule, Fire Lord Ozai sends a delegation to the South Pole led by his former son, the Fire Sage Zuko. Their objective is to form an alliance with the Southern Water Tribe, the group in control of global trade routes—at any cost. (Unbeknownst to Fire Sage Zuko, this is not their only mission.) Words: 2875, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Last Airbender (Live Action TV 2024) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M, Gen Characters: Zuko (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar), Azula (Avatar), Ozai (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar), Hakoda (Avatar), Bato (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), Toph Beifong, Shyu (Avatar), Yue (Avatar), Suki (Avatar), Kanna (Avatar), Pakku (Avatar), Zuko's Crew (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar) Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Azula & Zuko (Avatar), Aang & Zuko (Avatar), Toph Beifong & Zuko, Katara & Sokka (Avatar), Iroh & Zuko (Avatar), Ozai & Zuko (Avatar), Hakoda & Sokka (Avatar), Sokka & Yue (Avatar), Sokka & Suki (Avatar) Additional Tags: Minor Aang/Katara (Avatar), Minor Azula/Toph Beifong, Minor Bato/Hakoda/Kya, There are more platonic relationships I just can't tag them all, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-100 Year War (Avatar TV), Fire Nation politics, water tribe politics, Fire Nation culture, southern water tribe culture, Arranged Marriage, Cultural Differences, Manipulative Ozai (Avatar), Canonical Child Abuse, Canonical Character Death, Fire Sage Zuko (Avatar), Demisexual Zuko (Avatar), Nerd Zuko (Avatar), Fire Nation 41st Division (Avatar), the Fire Nation loves Zuko, Zuko accidentally becomes Ozai's rival and sparks a civil war, Even when (especially when) he tries not to, Nerd Sokka (Avatar), genius sokka (avatar), Oblivious Sokka (Avatar), Bisexual Disaster Sokka (Avatar), Sokka's nerdiness lowkey shifts the tide of the entire war, If I had two nickels for every trauma bonded codependent pair of siblings…, Please can these siblings be normal about each other for one second, Zuko Takes Himself on a Life-Changing Field Trip, Aang has decided he is Zuko's best friend (Zuko's opinions on this are irrelevant), Toph Beifong is a walking lie detector and she is making this Azula's problem, Appa Adopts Zuko, Obscure references to centuries-old Fire Nation history, The spirits will not stop fucking around with mortal matters Read it on Ao3 at https://ift.tt/zIYnhXl
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piandaoist · 11 months
Apologies. The one time I set a deadline to upload a fic and I don't meet it. :( When I went to upload chapter 3 to AO3, I thought I lost my story, or Microsoft Office ate it. I ended up rewriting the third chapter from (bad) rote memory yesterday as soon as I noticed it was gone. Then I found it under a different name. (Probably changed it when I was half asleep.) But I like the rewrite better, so everything turned out well. :D
Chapter 3 is titled "Folly". Ozai, Zhao, Piandao, Ursa, Shyu, and Aang make appearances.
Chapter 1 "The Avatar and the Firelord"
Chapter 2 "The Temple of Terror"
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ruemxu · 1 year
hello!! im in LOVE w your newsprints series. im rereading the first book for like the 5th time for my first quarter outside novel in school, and i was wondering if i could get pictures of jack, jill, mayor nancy, and muffy for my book report? im sorry, i know its a long request, but its hard to find good pictures of these characters when theres an upsettingly small amount of content for this series online :(
(also how do you pronounce your name? i wanna make sure i get it right when i present my project,,)
Hi, I'm glad you've enjoyed the series! Let me see what I have handy in my folders atm...
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I go by Ru Xu ("Roo Zoo"), though "Shyu" is closer to the correct pronunciation of Xu. xD
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