#Sick fix
marbl3z · 11 months
uh hi-
little bit of an update rq uh, im not doing the best so this is completely self indulgent and very much so just me being sick
also i might do multiple versions of this but at the moment i think diluc is the most front and center in my brain rn so he's first
Reader is not feeling good, and diluc comforts them <3
cw:: fluff, pet names, gn reader, cuddling, kisses, he cuddles you and uses his vision to help comfort you. Uhh. Not proof read.
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As you awoke you had a bad feeling about today, something was not right. You felt fine, well, for the most part at least. The trauma of waking up has still left its lasting effects on your body, you look around the room wondering if your lover, Diluc has already started his day.
You wrap the blanket tightly around your body, the air was chilly but you figured it was because you just woke up. Faint goosebumps left a trail from your feet to your head, you crawl out of your warm bed, your feet hitting the cold wooden floor causing you to cringe.
You glance at the clock, realizing how early it actually was in the day. You reach over your bed to the clean clothes you've yet to put away and grab a pair of pajama pants, probably Diluc's. You pull them over your shorts tying a neat knot and keeping them snug on your hips. You feel a dull ache in your head, pulling the curtains shut almost debating going back to bed.
It hurt to move your eyes, it was really sudden of a headache too. There was no reason to push through the pain to start today, you had nothing planned. You admitted defeat and just decided to lay down again. You laid your head down onto the soft pillow and you close your eyes and eventually sleep takes you once again.
You awake to a sound in the other room, boots on the wooden floor of the kitchen and a low humming melody accompanying it. The pain you felt earlier is back, but rather than a dull ache it's pounding. You slam your eyes closed, putting your hands on your ears to drown out the noise. You wince in pain as heavy footsteps come closer to the bedroom you're in. With gentle knock, a soft voice calls for you.
"My love? Are you awake?" Diluc stands in the doorway, walking inside of the room and closing the door gently.
"mm." You groan, the migraine much worse.
"what's wrong?" He whispers, placing his hand on yours, pulling you to him. "I'm right here," he hushes your whines of pain, stroking your back gently.
You don't respond with words just gentle whines and groans. Your stomach started to hurt at the same time and it was becoming way too much. Diluc almost freezed as he saw how much pain you were in, picking you up and holding you against his chest, unsure what to do or where to go. He calls for one of your maids, a concerned expression on his face, you fall back asleep to the melody of his racing heart. Too weak to stay awake.
Next time you awoke you were back in bed, a glass of herbal tea and medicine next to it. Diluc was in a chair next to the bed, a novel was next to his sleeping head. You reach over and give him gentle scratches on his scalp. Running your hands through his crimson hair. You felt sicker than you did before, a flash of pain going through your body and you whine curling in on yourself.
Diluc hears your whines, stirring in his sleep before waking up to press his hand on your tummy since you were holding there. He turns your head to bury in the crook of his neck, hushing your whines. His large hand nearly covers your entire stomach, he uses little of his vision power to warm the cramps up, lessening the tension on your muscles.
"I got you, Darling." He coos in your ear, rubbing your tummy and massaging gentle circles onto your back.
Your painful expression dying down a bit once he starts massaging your stomach with his warm hands. You shift back into your spot on the bed, making room for him to join you. he sits up from the chair, pulling the covers over you and holding you against his chest, your face in his neck and his hand on your stomach. Your sleepy eyes struggled to stay open, you wanted to cry but you felt warm and fuzzy. One hand was holding you secured close to him, the other pressed firmly against your tummy.
You snuggled closer to him, turning your head to be hidden underneath him, where the light couldn't make your eyes ache and your head pound. He hums softly, pulling the blanket over you both. He kisses your temple softly, rubbing your back.
"I love you," he whispers.
" 'm love you too, 'Luc.." you mumble sleepily. He smiles, keeping you close.
Eventually you both fall back asleep, the warmth of washing over you both.
Yeah, 5 months later I finally get this out.
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fernandopiastri28 · 3 months
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quand c’est - part 5 ~ ln4 x op81
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8
Damage? Fuck. Shit. Fucking shit. “Will I be able to drive again?” Lando’s voice raises and wobbles, tears he can’t even feel dribbling down his cheeks. He doesn’t want to imagine a life without racing. He’s only just gotten his first win a few months back, he can’t lose it all now.
warnings: major illness, cancer, sickness, brain damage
Lando’s body feels fuzzy- if that’s possible.
Where is he?
He should be in the car, he knows he hasn’t finished the race yet. He still has a chance- he’s doing so well, he’s guaranteed at least 6 points.
So why can’t he move an inch? Why can’t he feel the familiar rumble of the car underneath him? Why can he just see chipping white paint above him for as far as he can see?
“He just- he doesn’t know when to say when, and-and it scares me,” There’s a stammering and choked voice cutting through the painful silence of the room. It’s one he knows just as well as he knows his own.
But right now, everything feels unfamiliar. His hearing feels like an old recorded tape, his teeth feel like they’ve been awkwardly shoved into his mouth, and his body- just isn’t his.
Bile shoots up his throat, and he feels immobilised. He can’t turn his head to cough or vomit it out- it’s like he’s frozen in place. He’s in a hospital, he can figure out that much. There’s an IV in his hand and a drip attached, slow trickles of water making their way into his system.
“Like- he fucking knows he’s unwell- he’s on the brink of death, but he’s too proud to ever accept it,” Who ever it is is clearly on the phone, passionately ranting about someone who Lando can only assume is himself.
Lando should’ve expected that. He let down a whole lot of people in Singapore. Himself- first off, the whole McLaren team- especially Zac and Andrea, all the McLaren fans who’d paid good money to see him race tonight and he’d just bombed it.
Most of all- he knows he has disappointed Oscar.
Maybe that’s who’s talking. “And I- I worry about him, all the fucking time. He never lets himself fully recover from anything. Las Vegas last year- he insisted on going out clubbing like two days later. In Amsterdam when he got that fucking cut on his nose and didn’t let anyone clean him up so now he’s got a permanent scar on his nose.”
Oscar’s still in the car. It must be Jon.
“He just- he won’t let anyone take care of him- even me. I just, I just wish he knew how willing I would be. I would drop anything to make sure he’s alright. Like-” Whoever it is is struggling to speak clearly, their voice stuffy and thick with tears. Lando feels awful, not just his body, but because he knows that this is his own doing.
The voice goes silent for a while, the noise of someone on the other end of the line quietly speaking sounds nothing more than a mumble to Lando. It almost feels like his ears have been stuffed with cotton.
“I’m just worried about him, Logan,” Logan? Why on earth would Logan be out of the car and on the phone. Better yet, why is Jon calling Logan Sargeant?
“Oscar?” Lando’s voice seems foreign, not attached to himself.
“Holy sh- Logan, he’s awake, I’ve gotta go,” Oscar hangs up the phone, rushing to Lando’s side to cling onto the edge of his hospital bed. “Lans,” He whispers, wiping his hand over the brit’s forehead. “How are you feeling?”
Lando spaces out, Oscar’s face becoming a blurry sight. “Why am I not in the car?”
Oscar looks away, chewing at his bottom lip. He’s being avoidant, trying to think of a way to let Lando down slowly- whatever the reason is.
“You crashed into Fernando.”
“No, Gasly.” He replies stone faced, “Of course Alonso,” Oscar’s face softens, a small smile appearing.
Lando grins for a moment, rolling his eyes. It falters when it sinks in what Oscar just said. You crashed into Fernando, not Fernando crashed into you. It was Lando’s fault.
“Why’d I crash? Was it wet out?” Memories of Sochi fill his head, fucking rain ruining his races. “Was there something wrong with the car?” He wants to be logical, and he’s trying to do that the best he can, but it all feels unexplainable. He can’t have crashed, there’s just no way.
“They think that-” Oscar shuts his eyes for a moment, and Lando can properly see his features again. Pale cheeks dusted an angry red, stained with tear drops. Brown eyes, watery and sore. A mess of hair on top of his head, much like how it normally sits after a race. “They think you had a seizure,”
What. The. Fuck.
“A what?” Lando knew what Oscar had said, but it was easier to play dumb, to pretend he didn’t have a clue as to what the younger boy was talking about. It was easier to play pretend.
Lando had never had a seizure before, nor did he have a history of seizures in his family. It just wasn’t possible.
“A seizure,” Fucking thanks Oscar, I did hear you the first time. “They’ve done a few tests on your head so..” Oscar’s tongue prods at the inside of his cheek, like he’s trying to avoid saying something. “They’re just seeing if there was any damage.
Damage? Fuck. Shit. Fucking shit. “Will I be able to drive again?” Lando’s voice raises and wobbles, tears he can’t even feel dribbling down his cheeks. He doesn’t want to imagine a life without racing. He’s only just gotten his first win a few months back, he can’t lose it all now.
Oscar sucks on his bottom lip, his teeth poking out on top of it slightly, “Don’t worry Lando,” He reaches over, hugging Lando to his chest tightly, “The doctors are taking good care of you, I’ll take care of you, I promise you will race again,”
Lando has never known Oscar to lie. If Oscar is promising that Lando will race again, Lando will race again.
A bubble forms in Lando’s throat, choking him, “I’m so sorry, Osc,” Oscar’s eyes immediately go wide with panic, unsure as to why Lando’s apologising. “I sh-should’ve listened to you, I’m such a fucking idiot,”
It’s because it’s clicking now- Oscar was complaining to Logan about how he never listens to him. He’s right, Lando is an awful boyfriend who doesn’t know how to fucking take care of himself. They’re supposed to be a couple, yet it’s more like Oscar’s his caretaker, and Lando hates himself for being Oscar in that position.
“Oh, Lans,” His voice is breathy as he drags his fingers along Lando’s cheek, soft and faint. “It’s okay, you’ll be okay, I’m not mad,” He kisses Lando’s forehead, his eyes studying each twitch Lando’s face makes.
Oscar’s not mad, but he’s definitely disappointed.
You stupid fuck, Lando Norris.
“Okay,” His voice halters, a forced response. They both go silent after that, Oscar holding Lando’s right hand in his own, kissing the back of the Brit's hand every so often.
Lando stares up at the ceiling. It’s better than looking at Oscar who just looks so broken and concerned. Lando will only hate himself more and more if he looks at Oscar, looks at who he let down.
“Mr Piastri, Mr Norris,” A doctor announces her presence in the room with a barely there knock on the door. It’s been a few hours of Lando laying and staring at the ceiling, he can only assume based on how it’s beginning to become bright outside. Lando tilts his head up, only then noticing that the pain in his head is almost fully gone.
Being doped up is a good feeling.
“Yes?” Oscar looks towards her, keeping Lando’s hand in his. He licks his lips, holding his breath in anticipation. He knows he needs to stay calm, he needs to stay strong for Lando no matter what the doctor says.
The doctor sucks in a deep breath. She looks no older than 25, which realistically she must be, but she looks only just older than the two boys. She looks like an experienced kid- just as Lando is, just like what he pretends he isn’t. "Mr. Norris, I have some upsetting news,”
Oscar looks at Lando, and Lando doesn;t meet his eyes. He knows that ‘upsetting’ doesn’t even begin to describe whatever he’s about to hear. He’s heard horror stories from acquaintances, he’s watched movies and shows. He knows they’re sugar coating whatever it is.
“So, we were correct- you suffered a tonic-clonic seizure during the race, just as you made contact with..” She trails off, unsure of the name of the driver Lando crashed into. He feels mortified, fucking crashing into the two time world champion of Fernando Alonso. Having a seizure and crashing into Alonso.
“And with the results of your recent MRI- they have detected a mass in the frontal lobe of your brain,” Lando’s eyebrows tighten and Oscar squeezes his hand, grounds him.” And it appears to be malignant,”
Lando doesn’t consider himself a particularly smart guy, and usually, it’s to his disadvantage. Yet, for once, his lack of knowledge for what malignant is means that he gets to stay in that sheltered bubble of nothing is wrong for just a bit longer.
He can pretend nothing is wrong, just for a few moments.
“We have several treatment options, including surgery and chemotherapy, which we can discuss in further detail if you have any questions about them.” Lando feels a tug in his hand, Oscar lurching forward in a sob. It’s bad, malignant must mean it’s bad.
He’s not going to let himself feel it. “Chemo?” Oscar’s voice cracks.
“We fear it has already developed to stage 1 brain cancer,”
Norris's lead is up to 4.5s now with 11 laps to go. Could his 110th grand prix be the occasion of his first victory?
“We are here to support you through every step of this process.”
Norris has finished second eight times and has 15 podiums to his name without winning. Could this finally be the day his luck turns? They're counting down the laps nervously at McLaren.
The door clicks shut and Oscar buries his face into Lando’s chest, “Oh my god Lando, Lans, I’m so sorry,”
Norris's lead ticks past the six seconds mark. Four laps to go and McLaren are practising their best poker faces on the pit wall. Not an inkling of a smile just yet on the face of Zak Brown.
“I love you Lando, I love you and I’m gonna- we’re gonna do this together, you’re gonna get better,”
Three laps to go for Norris. He's under no pressure from behind.
“You’re gonna race again, I promise you,”
Two to go now before F1 has a new race winner.
“You’re gonna win again, we're gonna be on the podium again together,”
Norris is onto his final lap. He can almost push it home from here.
“You’re gonna be a champion, Lans, a world champion,”
Across the line comes Lando Norris to win the 2024 F1 Miami Grand Prix! It's the first grand prix win of his career, and the first for McLaren since Monza 2021, when Daniel Ricciardo hit the top step.
Oscar’s a fucking liar and an idealist. Lando’s not gonna race again, if the brain cancer doesn’t kill him, it’s gonna leave him a shell of the man he once was.
He’s already not the Lando Norris, he’s hardly even Lando.
He’s just sick.
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arinmoss · 4 months
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Elliott!! :3
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duckprintspress · 8 months
Urgent: Help Us Not Get Screwed
Anyone who follows us has seen us screaming from the hill-tops about our current crowdfunding campaign for Aether Beyond the Binary (17 aetherpunk stories! Outside the gender binary main characters!). We've only got 50 hours left...and we just got screwed.
Our Anthology Kickstarter is being scammed.
About two hours ago, with us still roughly $1,500 from our goal, we got a junk pledge for almost $2,000. This pushed us into being marked as "funded" but there is zero chance it's a real pledge, it's from a shell account marked as being in Turkey. This kind of money doesn't just fall like a miracle into the laps of small business like ours.
The timing on this attack is devastating. The final 48 hours of a campaign are absolutely critical, especially for one as close to meeting our goal as we are. We were very likely to hit our target, but doing so was going to require appeals to y'all that started with "hey, we're so close, please help spread the word." Further, the campaign has hundreds of followers who will get a notification at the 48 hour mark, and many who might have backed to help get us to the finish line will now think "oh, they're there, they don't need me," and not back. Meanwhile, one of two things will happen with the spam pledge: either it will get removed by Kickstarter, which could take hours or a day+, totally nuking us during this crucial window, or it won't get removed until the payment bounces post-campaign, at which point we won't actually have enough money to do fulfillment.
Either way, we are fucked.
Please, please don't let these dipshits ruin the love and passion that 30+ people have poured into this project for over a year.
Our campaign IS NOT FUNDED, and it won't be without help. I'm begging, help spread the word about how we're getting screwed, and help spread the word about Aether Beyond the Binary (visit the link for so much info!) so that we can get enough real pledges to fund this project we've poured our hearts and souls into.
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soft--dogs · 1 month
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puppy pool party!
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pbnmj · 1 year
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noir fanartists deliberately ignoring how he doesn't need glasses anymore is so funny to me. i hope we all think he's blind as a bat
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sqlatoon · 1 year
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girls that are sick and in love
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idontwantrobyntodie · 6 months
“Oh we’re SUBVERTING the damsel in distress/princess in a tower trope!!” for 100 US dollars, tell me the last time you saw the trope played straight
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
you ever think about how the horrific thing dorian almost had done to him... is exactly the thing iron bull went to the reeducators to beg them to do to him. yeah. me either. for ten years straight now. what the fuck. wanna be my narrative foil dude. we could fuck about it if you're game and single
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medicalunprofessional · 4 months
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never change, man !
#phantom of the paradise#potp#swan potp#nightmaretheater#65 layers and about 24 hours . Eeeyyuppp#Look into my beautiful mind boy#Its a bit unusual to what i usually draw#but i had to push a specific look for this piece#hopefully you all are picking up on the corperate look . the advertisment look#Sneeze. Anyways my point is industry destroys creative people. This includes swan#I feel like phrases like these ; how he was put on a pedistal…. it lead him to be Like That#as awful as he is he desperately needed help#it might seem like vanity on the surface#but i think its… more than that#long story short: we need to destroy the beauty industry. the skincare industry. the anti-aging industry#It ruined his psyche forever and he cant let go of the ideal version of himself he will never truly be again#i dont think he can at this point. hes in too deep and hes suffering for it no matter how much he feels hes fixed his problems#he cant accept a version of himself that isnt that perfect young man. because he never confronted his problems. he just ran away#anyways . Hi swath *punches him**kicks him*#i dont care if nobody gets me lalalalla my truths and headcanons are awesome forever and i live in my own reality lallaallal#sorry i think im gonna be posting about swan alot for a few months hes making me sick#i wass gonna post this earlier but my internet was real bad#*lays down in my pile of pillows* eat up boys. haha#sidenote: drawing white blond people is horrifiying. Boy your skin and hair are the same color. Introduce some contrast to yourself. Please#adding on: its inportant to note this focuses on him looking st himself in the mirror alot on purpouse#to remind himself what he ‘’’’really’’’’ looks like#the 4 middle pannels all represent that too . u have to be in my brain ri get this#sorry for unleashijg another swan essay in my tags. will happen again lol
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Every day I’m haunted by the fact the boys happily swim in sewer water
Even if it’s filtered somehow there’s no way it’s not still nasty 😭 Bet they can defeat any of their villains just by accidentally giving them diseases I swear
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#bless their hearts but they’re nasty#it’s funny because like#each and every one of them has moments#where they’re a typical disgusting teenage boy#and then the next they have STANDARDS#can’t blame Leo for being so determined to go to a spa#even if he nearly licked his own foot that’s prob cleaner than anything else the boys have been up to in years 💀#thank you shelldon for all your hard work cleaning after then 🙏#they’re all gross teenage boys!!!#even Donnie he is NO exception here#bro was DRINKING A BEVERAGE while wading through sewer water he is just as gross as his bros#bro also talks with his mouth full he is no more refined than his equally gross bros fr and I love it#but yeah no way that water isn’t disgusting even filtering it would still leave grime on the walls of the sewer for yearsss#pros of them moving into an abandoned subway system is fixing their sense of smell enough to not be as gross#100% that’s part of why they didn’t mind being so filthy pre shelldon#because I mean they were literally raised in the sewers and they’re teenage boys like that’s a double whammy#THEY ALSO DONT WEAR SHOES#the few times any of them do the shoes are discarded before heading home 💀#I love them tho they are endearing anyhow#April’s immune system must be godlike just being around them fr#honestly no joke Mikey’s probably the cleanest of them all#just by virtue of being a chef#Leo I see as a mixture since he no doubt loves to pamper himself so he’s clean like#a percentage of time before he goes out and ruins his own hard work#Donnie is similar in that he’s just VERY SELECTIVE about what he thinks is too gross#Raph may be more on the stinky end but it’s not his fault he has his stinks and eats things of dubious origin(esp since his bros ate poison)#Donnie and Leo really have the gall to be sick about Raph eating the origami salami but they have no room to talk#all their villains are prob like please stay away from us we have salmonella now
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dimensionzero · 1 year
so why are none of us talking about how peter parker from miles' universe wasnt actually supposed to die
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 281
I had a wonderful Ghosts are Dragons idea thanks to @fairy-lights-and-blobs 
Nocturne, the great feathered wyvern of dreams, son of Morpheous, created of the sands of dreams itself, might be a bit, oh what’s the word, stumped. He had been twisting through the smog of the living world, and honestly should have been unseen. Keyword being should. 
There’s a tiny? Hatchling? Growling at him when he slips into a warehouse, having been searching for a… misplaced item. And he says it with a question mark because? This is a hatchling, he knows his own senses, but they’re also… seemingly stuck in a human form. 
Dear Dreams, this is worse than how Phantom was- and he had been so injured from too much ecto at formation, even for a baby Primordial, that… Ugh, Nocturne wants to slam his horns against the ground repeatedly. 
Alright tiny red hatchling, let him just scoop you up aaand… alright, off to the Zone to see doctors, because really, he wasn’t expecting to get another child, but he’s also not going to just leave the equivalent of a chronically sick toddler!
Jason, currently Red Hood? No clue what the Fuck is happening, he just got kidnapped by an overgrown owl-lizard thing! And his comms are out and genuinely what the fuck-
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peachfruitcake · 7 months
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From late November
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amelia-yap · 8 months
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persuasion skills 101
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leafie-draws · 1 year
not to sound dramatic or anything but if I had billions of dollars to spend on nothing i would just give it to people tbh if i were a billionaire I'd achieve feats like fixing the housing crisis, preventing earth's termination and feeding every person on earth forever and I would be so so silly about it
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