#Silkie Chicken bitty
I lost your ask! I have no idea where it went nor do I know who you are!! And I am so sorry for taking so long!!
Hey, may I have a match-up for 1 bara bittybones please?
Living situation: small apartment, further in the country, it's peaceful, it gets hot and humid n the area a lot, I live alone so he could have his own space, no pets.
Owner personality: mellow, paranoid, has PTSD, may need a push to get goin sometimes cause depression, panic attacks I hide n the closet, realist when I'm n right head, antisocial with most but wouldn't be with him, respectful of boundaries, likes to drink wine, crochet, knit, swim, do essential oils, and I'm a model, I can get on with any way they like to give and/or recieve love, spa days all the way, sleepy quiet cuddles I adore, and I draw, patient, long fuse, can be sneaky, will cook a ton.
Wants: a companion
Doll(Tale paps neko): These bitties are super affectionate and always feel the need to be around their owner, though this makes them have horrible separation anxiety! These bitties always know what to say when your having an episode(what I often call my 'attacks' and mood swings) or going through a rough patch! These bitties do not need other bitties around and would do well in single bitty homes!
Silkie(tale sans chicken harpy): These bitties are super chill, though need at least 3 other bitties around! They are a more lazy type but still love to get up and move, they can learn how to help you quickly and are not a super loud chicken bitty, they do have feathers that often grow over their eyes but some trimming or a headband is an easy fix!
Appa(tale gaster unicorn): These bitties are a more laid-back type, though a very affectionate one! With their magic they can help get/place things on a higher shelf or just hand you things from a distaince without being underfoot or to close to something dangerous! Similarly to Satyrs their magic has a soothing/calming affect in their fur! Note that Unicorns are a more social type, so having at least one other bitty around is ideal!
Clay(Fellswap paps Satyr): With things like PTSD, depression, and paranoia I had to suggest a Satyr! They have calming/soothing magic in their fur/wool, and with Clay bitties more laid-back and affectionate nature they are perfect an keeping a level head when you need them! They need to be sheared annually or bi-annually so if you want you can make their fur into yarn and make clothes with it! Many of those with Satyrs do, either for themselves or their friends ad family! Note that Satyrs are another Social type! Though Clay's can manage just fine with just their owner!
Boelen Python(two headed(tale and fell) paps lamia): These somewhat odd bitties are super affectionate and helpful! Their patterns are simply beautiful and are great for some inspiration! These bitties are like a two-in-one deal with both of their heads having different personalities an thoughts, though they rarely fight! They will of course do their best to help you and will learn how to! They are big(being 8-12 feet tall as bara!) and give big cuddles!
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
how would skelly react to bitty sized s/o for one week? *continuation farmtale/ outertale/ all set of mafia bros
Peaches: SO cannot go outside. Literally the chickens will eat them. Peaches has seen those birds descend upon a barn rat like velociraptors. Poor SO is stuck inside unless they convince rancher to take them along for the day.
Rancher: while peaches is paranoid about the animals, rancher is confident in his ability to keep them docile around tiny SO. He winds up rigging SonOfA (attack rooster) with a little makeshift harness. And SO gets to ride on their angry but noble steed most of the day lol. The only rule is that they stay near rancher at all times.
Pluto: he- he just realized that SO is the perfect size to fit into some of his geodes. And now Pluto is practically begging SO to let him take pictures. This is adorable!!!
Jupiter: his voice is always really loud, but it can be a bit much for someone who’s only a few inches tall, so Jupiter is speaking in a whisper yell all week lol.
Snipe: SO HAS to stay by his side all week. If not him, then they must be with either Madame and Don, a brother, tempest, or his dog guard bestie. No exceptions. He doesn’t trust a lot of the other mafia members not to mess with SO or even accidentally step on them. Other than that though, he takes good care of them. He already has a plant bitty pet so he knows what he’s doing.
Bruiser: he recruits SOs help in picking this one lock of a building bruiser has been trying to break into for weeks now. Normally he doesn’t like including his SO in his work, but he’s confident that with the right disguise, no one would ever associate a tiny 4 foot human with them.
Butch: not gonna lie, he thinks his SO looks mighty cute chilling in his shirt pocket. Butch is especially entranced by their tiny grabby hands and starts calling his SO a little sewer rat (lovingly). They better shut this down or else that might become a permanent nickname
Boss: ok hold still! He just needs your measurements!! Boss loves designing clothes and is a fairly decent seamstress so in no time he’s whipped up a full closet for SO. Mostly comfortable casual clothes, but also one shimmering ball gown/ silky two piece suit. JUST IN CASE!
Ace: he of course has boss whip up SO some clothes. No mate of his is wearing tea rags like some house elf wannabe. (Yes, ace is a Harry Potter fan). He spends most of his time with SO, but when he has to leave, he dumps them with slim.
Slim: he’s worried about all the wires and crannies in his room/office, so he gets the genius idea of tying a balloon around SO midriff. Now slim knows where they are all the time lol. A little annoying to SO, yes, but it’s for his peace of mind.
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jungshookz · 4 years
Halloween in CeeWorld
I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to post this. 
These drabbles were in Cee’s drafts, so... if I wasn’t supposed to post this, blame it on Y/N. 
Enjoy. Or not. It doesn’t really matter to me. 
                                    the little ghost (ceo!yoongiverse)
“alright, let’s get this quarantine hwalloween party started!” you clap your hands together as you step into the living room before rubbing them together excitedly, “is everyone excited??”
“as excited as i’ll ever be,” jungkook huffs as he leans back against the sofa chair, “i can’t believe we’re celebrating halloween indoors like a bunch of losers-”
“you’re very much welcome to leave-” yoongi butts in, “and then stay isolated in your own apartment for two weeks after you’re done partying as part of the safety protocol-”
“quick question- why does jungkook get to be the one with the goggles?” jimin gets up from the couch before putting his hands on his hips, “i look way hotter in them-”
you frown lightly before rolling your eyes, “does it matter who gets the goggles-”
“yeah! the goggles ties the entire costume together-”
you and yoongi exchange knowing glances when jungkook and jimin start to bicker over who should get the goggles and you know that if you don’t cut it off right now that they’ll continue to argue until the end of time
“where’s my little ghost?” you interrupt loudly, cupping both hands around your mouth as a makeshift megaphone, “oh, spooky little ghost...”
a moment of silence ticks by and suddenly-
the sound of rapidly approaching little footsteps echoes down the hallway and you grin excitedly, dropping down onto your knees before reaching up to adjust the inflatable proton-pack you have on your back  
hwayoung bursts out into the living room wearing a plain white sheet with two holes cut out for her eyes and you feel your heart basically bust out of your chest
you already saw her in her costume earlier when you were getting her ready but 
it gets you every single time! 
you were debating on cutting two holes for her pigtails but then you’d figure she’d look less spooky that way
anD you were going to cut two holes for her arms but that would completely ruin the look of the costume as well
everyone knows ghosts don’t have arms or ponytails 
“ᶦ ᵍᵒʰˢᵗ, ᵐᵃᵐᵃᵎ” hwayoung practically ramS her little body directly into you and you laugh lightly when she bounces up and down on the balls of her feet
she leans forward to boop her nose against yours through the sheet, “ᶦ ᵍʰᵒˢᵗ!”
“oh my god-” yoongi snorts, bringing his hand up over his mouth when hwayoung blinks up at him through the sheets, “that’s… that’s hilarious.” 
holy shit
that’s so cute
“i have to admit, i thought a blanket ghost was a lazy costume idea, but-” jungkook nudges you aside before looking down at hwayoung with a grin, “look how cute she looks!”
“i know!” you clap your hands before letting out a sigh, “it was actually pretty hard cutting out the eyeholes into two perfect circles.”
“aw, now i’m sad that we don’t get to go trick or treating! we would look so good walking out on the streets-” jimin groans, reaching down to pat the top of hwa’s head, “the ghostbusters with this little itty bitty super scary ghost-”
“ᵇᵒᵒᵎ” hwayoung sticks her arms out from under the sheets and you let out an exaggerated gasp as if she actually scared you
(you don’t miss the way jungkook jumps but you choose not to point it out) 
“okay, now what do you say?” you get up off the ground, everyone immediately going off to their designated candy stations at your signal
yoongi’s in the kitchen, jungkook’s in the laundry room, jimin’s in hwa’s bedroom, and you’re the lucky one who gets to accompany your daughter on her candy-collecting journey
“do we know if hwa’s allergic to peanuts yet?” jungkook pokes his head around the corner before holding the bag of mixed candies up, “i think i should eat all the reese’s peanut butter cups just to be safe-”
“ᵗᶦᶜᵏ ᵒʰ ᵗᵉᵃᵗᵎ”  
“nuh-uh-” yoongi opens the kitchen door, “what do we really say?”
hwayoung pauses and you frown lightly as you think about his question as well
what does he mean what do you really say?
you really say trick or treat when you go trick-or-treating
what else are you supposed to say??
hwayoung suddenly perks up and reaches up to wrap her hand around your pointer finger to get your attention
you look down at her, “yes?”
“ᵗᶦᶜᵏ ᵒʰ ᵗᵉᵃᵗ ᵖᵉᵃˢᵉᵎ” 
“trick or treat, pleas-” you turn around to send yoongi a playful glare, “yoongi, no one says please when they go trick or treating-!”
“we’re not raising an animal, y/n-!”
                              hello, playboy (secretary!yoongiverse)
yoongi doesn’t really understand why halloween is such a big deal
he’s pretty sure it’s just an excuse for people to go out half-naked anD for people to get completely wasted without being judged
sure, he supposes it can be fun for people to dress up and stuff, but at the end of the day, think about it!
you’re wasting money on a costume that you’re literally only going to be wearing ONCE a year and then you’re probably never going to wear it again because you can’t wear the same costume twice in row because everyone knows that’s lame 
he’s, personally, never had to worry about costumes before because he literally?? doesn’t dress up or do anything for halloween
but things have changed now that you’re the boss
and one of those things is celebrating halloween with a fun costume party
admittedly, he enjoys company parties because he gets to drink free booze and eat free food all night (last year they served these mini buffalo chicken sliders at the christmas party and he still dreams about them from time to time)
and yeah, it’s nice getting to mingle with his colleagues and not having to worry about any office work
but costume parties are so lame!
he knows you’re only throwing it because you’re trying to prove to people that you’re a fun boss, but if anything, this costume party will make people think you’re trying too hard to be a fun boss, ultimately making you the lamest boss ever
...no offence, obviously
he tried to explain that to you because he,,. really doesn’t wanna see you get hurt again but if there’s one thing that he’s learnt about you, it’s that you’re very stubborn 
he’s waiting for you because you’re changing into your costume in your office and then the two of you are going to head up to the rooftop together
“yoongi, i need you to-” yoongi looks over when you open your office door slightly before sticking your head out, “is that your costume?”
yoongi reaches up to brush his fingers over the flimsy devil’s horns he clipped into his hair before nodding, “yeah. i’m a demon. duh.”
“that’s… yeah, those are devil horns, alright,” you snort, “you didn’t even- c’mon, you’re still wearing your clothes from work-”
“then i’m a secretary from hell.” yoongi lowers his voice before wiggling his fingers spookily, “what did you need me to do?”
“i can’t zip my dress up. do you mind…?” you ask sheepishly and yoongi nods and turns to shut off his monitor seeing as you guys are almost ready to go
“sure thing. also, just a reminder that the party started, like, ten minutes ag- woah.” yoongi turns back around and feels his mouth go dry when he sees the costume you’re in
hello, playboy
he didn’t know that this was the costume you were going with
holy shit
the little black satin dress that you’ve got on is hugging your figure in a way that he’s,.., never seen before,..,
and you usually wear heels to work but these stilettos are making your legs look,.,. wow
black stockings usually aren’t the first thing he thinks of when he thinks sexy but you are most definitely changing his mind about that
“eh, it’s fine.” you sigh before spinning around and moving your hair to one side, “i don’t think anyone cares if i’m even at the party or not, anyway.”
yoongi swallows thickly when he notices the little cotton tail that’s glued onto the back of the dress
nice touch 
very nice touch 
his brain is telling him to move but he finds that he’s frozen to the spot as his eyes slowly trail up your bare back
you turn your head to glance at yoongi over your shoulder, “yoongi?” 
he’s always thought that you were pretty, so that’s not something that’s suddenly being revealed to him or anything  
and he’s always thought that you were cute (especially when you make a fool out of yourself trying to get his attention)
but this?
you look… sexy.
really, really sexy.
“yes! sorry, i just- that’s-” he clears his throat and shakes himself out of it, “that’s not true…” he steps forward before gently taking the zipper, “i would care if you weren’t there.”
the zipper glides smoothly against the silky satin as he pulls upwards, yoongi making sure not to snag any loose strands of hair or anything along the way
jesus christ 
and you smell good, too
“okay, you’re good.” yoongi steps back and folds both his hands in front of him, “zipper’s, uh, good to go.”
“thanks- also, you’re only saying that because you have to.” you turn around before rolling your eyes playfully 
“saying what?”
“that you’d care if i wasn’t at the party.” you repeat, reaching up to adjust the little collar you’re wearing around your neck, “i know everyone hates me, yoongi. you don’t have to sugarcoat it.”
“i’m not sugarcoating it!” yoongi scoffs, watching you struggle with the buttons in your cuffs for a moment before automatically reaching out to help you, “…and who cares what they think, anyway? at the end of the day, you’re the boss.” he nods firmly, looking up at you, “now lemme hear you say it.”
you chuckle nervously before looking away, “i’m not gonna-”
“come on...” your heart skips a beat when yoongi hooks a finger under your chin to turn your head back to face him, “just once? for me?”
he really knows how to pull your strings, doesn’t he? 
you let out a sigh
“i’m the boss.” you mumble sheepishly, reaching up to scratch the back of your neck  
you’re the boss
you’re the boss
...you’re the boss.
you have the power to fire all of these people. (not that you’re going to, but... you know)
so why are you so scared of them?? 
your brows knit together and you stand up a little straighter, “yeah… i am the boss…!”
“that’s right!” yoongi chirps, nudging you aside so he can quickly turn your office lights off and shut the door for you, “now, we’re going to go up to the party and we’re going to have a good time and you’re not going to sit there worrying about what other people think about you-” 
“yeah! i’m not!” you grin, reaching up to fix the bunny ears sitting on your head 
yoongi smiles before holding his arm out for you, “c’mon, bunny. let’s go show everyone who’s boss.”
                              sweeter than frosting (lveb!jooniverse)
“i’m back!” 
you look up from your mixing bowl when you hear the front door slam shut
yoongi glances over his shoulder before looking back at you, “are we really going to spend the entire day baking?” 
you nod before shrugging as if telling him that it is what it is 
you usually get a lot of orders whenever it’s a holiday, and halloween is no different because,.,. duh
halloween parties all over the city! 
the thing is, you didn’t think that you’d get a lot of orders this year because of social distancing and all of that, but you were sorely mistaken
you have forty-five orders today and you’re pretty sure you’ve bitten off way more than you can chew 
your average is like fifteen orders a day
obviously you’re super grateful for the business because money is good and nice and helps to pay for bills or whatever but 
these are a lot of orders!!!!!
and you have to do everything by yourself!! 
yoongi’s actually supposed to be helping you, but his version of helping you is sitting on his ass and occasionally handing you a tool every now and then 
at one point you asked him to hand you a piping bag and he handed you a spoon which??? how?? did he even???
how did he mix up piping bag and spOON
he also eats whatever leftover bits you shave off the top of a cake or whatever frosting is unused 
so, all in all... not very helpful. 
it’s nice to have company, though! 
yoongi even suggested to put on a spooky movie to keep the two of you somewhat in the holiday spirits while you work your butt off
he insisted that you guys watch something really scary and super bloody so he’s.,,. not entirely sure how you ended up convincing him to watch wallace and gromit: the curse of the were-rabbit
“how’s it going in here?” namjoon steps into the kitchen and almost instantly the corners of your mouth turn up in a bright smile 
he offered to be one of your delivery boys today to help out and you would’ve jumped his bones right then and there if it weren’t for the presence of yoongi and hoseok in the living room
he’s just!!!!
he gets more and more perfect every single day :’) 
“going okay...” you gesture to the multiple mixing bowls around the kitchen, “halfway done!” 
“mm, would you look at that.” yoongi mutters to himself as he keeps his eyes glued on the laptop screen, “that is indeed a were-rabbit...”
“are you- are eating the frosting or are you helping y/n frost the cupcakes?” namjoon pauses to look at the bowl that yoongi has cradling to his chest, yoongi humming as he sucks off the remainder of the frosting off his spoon
“eating!” “helping.” 
both you and yoongi speak up at the same time and you two look at each other before exchanging knowing glances
“eating.” “…yeah. eating.”
yoongi leans over to pause the movie before turning in his stool to look at namjoon 
“waht are you thuppothed ta be?” yoongi asks, the spoon hanging from his mouth carelessly as he turns to look at namjoon
namjoon perks up when he realizes that he must be referring to his super fun halloween costume
he reaches up to brush his fingers over the little beansprout clip he has in his hair with a grin, “a sprout!”
he was trying to think of a creative plant-based costume but there weren’t a lot of options for grown adult men like himself 
there was a broccoli costume that he could’ve pretended was a tree, but… it’s very clearly broccoli
so this was the next best thing!
and it was pretty cheap too, so that’s a bonus
“i think it’s cute.” you giggle, leaning up to press a kiss to namjoon’s cheek, “very cute!”
“mm, i think you’re cute-” namjoon grins cheekily, slinking an arm around your waist and pulling you in closer so that you can give him a proper kiss
yoongi immediately groans and looks up towards the ceiling, “god, you guys are sick-”
“uh, says the one eating frosting by the spoonful-“ namjoon pulls away for a split second and laughs lightly when you turn his head to get him to kiss you again
                                  wa-hoo! [roommate!taehyungiverse]
“alright, people, let’s get this show on the roa- oh, jesus-!” namjoon immediately spins around as soon as he barGEs into the apartment, his face going bright red
he just got a very good look at taehyung’s bare ass which was the last thing he was excepting when he walked in here
maybe not the last thing he was expecting
“what the fu- ever heard of ringing the bell?!” taehyung rolls off of you before pulling his overalls up so that namjoon doesn’t see both his ass and his dick in the span of three seconds, “this isn’t even your friggin’ apartment anymor-” he turns to look at you, “hey, why does namjoon still have a key, anyway?”
you get up off the couch before pulling your skirt down a little, “in case we both lose ours! he’s also my emergency contact number.”
“okay, but- wait, why aren’t i your emergency contact number?” taehyung frowns, placing both hands on his hips
“okay, we don’t have time to do couple’s counselling- are you two ready to go or not?” namjoon turns his head a little to make sure that everyone’s clothed and no body parts are carelessly hanging out
he’s in the clear
oh, jesus
what makes things worse is the fact that you guys are dressed up as mario and luigi
“yeah, yeah, we’re ready to go-” taehyung raises a brow as he sticks his green hat back on, “why are we even going barhopping anyway? it’s not going to be fun having to get our temperature checked every time we go into a building-“
“it’s halloween!” you hand him his mask (you guys stuck the moustaches onto the mask, which you think is a pretty clever way to deal with the whole mask wearing situation) “and now that conditions are slightly better, we have to take advantage!”
“c’mon, mario, get your heels on-” namjoon claps his hands to get your guys’ attention, “i’m parked out front and i do not want my car getting towed-”
“okay, gimme a sec-” taehyung gives your bum a swat when you bend over to step into your heels and you let out a gasp as you shoot straight back up with pink cheeks, “taehyung!”
“what?” taehyung raises both his hands in defence, “i couldn’t not smack it-”
namjoon’s face twists in discomfort
he’s completely fine with the pda
what he’s bothered by are the costumes and the mental image of luigi smacking mario’s ass that’s now burned into his mind forever
he’s… going to stay away from super smash bros for a while.
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I'd like a matchup please–not picky in any way. I have a perseverance soul and I can be very cuddly, but I’m okay with little contact. I have ADHD, Depression, and anxiety. I struggle with self esteem + anything social. I am a night owl and a realist who loves stars and sweets, with a dark sense of humor. Don't mind blood, hate loud noises. In online school, so I’ll be home often. No current bitties, but I have experience with many pets. Not the best memory, but can follow recipes. An introvert.
This is going to be looong since you didn’t specify any types- so here we go!
In no order:
Doll(Tale paps Neko): Doll bitties always know just what to say to help their owners feel better and are super clingy and don’t mind helping you remember anything you need to! They're cats so they like night just as much as actual cats! They are super cuddly with their owners but can easily and always take no for an answer if you don’t want cuddles! They also don’t mind doing most of the talking in public if you want them to!
Ornate(Outer paps Lamia): These bitties love stars and the night! They don’t mind being home more often as long as they arent alone to often and can get bored a little easily too and totally get being a little forgetful!
Blue Racer(Tale sans lamia): These bitties are super laid back and are perfect for new owners/being the only bitty! They are pretty lazy and don’t mind staying home most of the time either and don’t mind if you arent the best cook, they'll eat just about anything anyway!
Argos(Tale sans Hellhound(Demon)): These bitties love cuddles and do perfectly well as the only bitty around, they like being the protector and wouldn't ever mind helping you remember things or with things like cooking or chores, and they never feel ignored when guarding so when you get busy or hyperfixate on something they will just stand guard and wont mind! But they are a bigger bitty!
Mexwing(Swap gaster butterfly): These bitties are very cuddly and always small! And with their ability to just flutter around you can just open a window on a nice day and let them play outside, and with their flight you can easily keep things for them out of the way!
Silkie(Tale sans chicken harpy): These bitties are super social and do best in groups of 3 or more but they are very easy to care for even if you get more than one! They are pretty cuddly and they don’t mind being dyed so you can easily make them super colorful!
Simber(Fankid type: Normal sans x Normal Grillby): These bitties are laid back and pretty blunt, meaning you never have to worry about not knowing what they mean! They love to cook and bake and would love to help in the kitchen! They can easily remember recipes perfectly by heart!
Eevee(Pokebitty): Eevee bitties are super affectionate and love to spend time with their owners doing anything and everything! They also wouldn't mind entertaining themselves for awhile if you're busy! They do need at least one other bitty around but a pair of Eevee's will divide and concur! And the things they will be trying to concur will be your self esteem issues and anything else! Even if they can only help for a little while they count it as a win!
1.0 Moon(Fnaf bitty): These bitties can easily help you remember things and help with scheduling if you want them to!
They arent super strict about their schedules and don’t mind keeping it loose, they can also help you clean, they can get overstimulated by loud noises but having a Sun bitty around can help them and the Sun! They will also both help you the best they can! They also don’t mind entertaining themselves while you're busy of course!
Regius(Soft au JTK lamia): These bitties can be a little skittish and get spooked by loud noises(even something like a sneeze) but are very cuddly and despite being a Jeff the killer type they hate fighting and would much rather talk it out!
Ben(Normal Ben Drowned bitty): These bitties, of course, love video games! And are known for getting very easily distracted by their games, so can easily keep themselves busy for hours on end! They aren't very loud but arent as spooked by loud noises either,
Virid(Izuku Midoriya lamia): These bitties are note takers, and can easily help you take notes on anything you want! From recipes to things for school to hype fixations and more! They are also very hardworking and will do their best to help you in any way they can!
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If you don't mind having another fandom matchup I'd love one for Aziraphale and Crowley from 'Good Omens'~ You can choose any au you would like, though I would love to see the normal Aziraphale and Crowley from the book/show and maybe a reverse au where Aziraphale is a demon and Crowley is an angel?(and sorry for the odd spacing I am on pc and you can't space things out very well!)
Honestly, you gave me many versions I could do-
But im going to just do the show! I know it the best!
Honeybun: These laidback goats are great for helping clean up and sort books, and with their love of climbing they can even do well in mini size! They are still satyrs and like being in herds/groups but don't mind being in a pair or even the only bitty if they can stay with their owners most if not all the time!
Orchid: These caring goats love to help care for others and love baking/cooking too! They do prefer being in larger herds/groups but can easily help care for everyone, they are also quite tidy and find cleaning therapeutic so can help clean up after messier bitties!
Tiel Inu: These energetic alarez bitties are full of energy and can easily help get to high shelves, though they often get zoomies and can zip around!
- Crowley: (You can't convince me this man wouldn't want lamias)
Black Mamba: These danger noodles are very friendly and also a bit lazy! They wouldn't mind just hanging out and chilling! They might get a bit spooked by his yelling at his plants but they'd get used to it!
Green Mamba: These bitties love to garden and literally have to have something to care for so they would do well if Crowley doesn't mind them helping out with the gardening! They could also help the plants not be so terrified all the time-
Saw-scale Viper: These hard working danger noodles are just as sassy and eccentric as Crowley himself, they also enjoy gardening and these bitties are known for yelling at or ranting/talking to plants as well, though they are rarely as intimidating to them!
- Together:
Timor: These loyal noodles can easily put up with Crowley yelling at his plants and can be very affectionate for Aziraphele when need be! They are super chill and can handle pretty much anything these two would throw at them!
Bush: These laid back danger noodles do great in libraries and can be a lot of help when it comes to keeping up with a lot of books and stuff! They are laidback jokesters and don't mind yelling as long as it's not swearing, but even then some Bush bitties can put up with swearing very well!
Silkie: These chill chickens can be a little skittish but can put up with a lot! They can get lonely and do best in groups of three or more(though they don’t have to be Silkies as well) and can get lonely with just one or two other bitties around, though they nap in really strange places and it can be really amusing finding them!
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UnderTale Sans Chicken
Name: Silkie
Species: Silkie chicken
Size: 6 - 8 Inches tall(Mini), 1 - 2 Feet tall(Fullsized), 4 - 5 Feet tall(Bara),
Personality: Lazy, jokester, laidback,
Likes: naps, pillows and blankets,
Dislikes: aggressive people/bitties, being alone, people/bitties that don’t like jokes
Compatibility: Silkies are known for having feathers growing over their eyes, meaning they sometimes have trouble seeing, but they don't mind! Nor do they mind if you wanted to pin them out of the way,
They can be a little skittish sometimes but will tolerate pretty much anything(being picked up, being chased, having their feathers pined/tied up or dyed, etc.)
They do best in groups(3+) and can get lonely with just one or two other bitties/people around,
They will take naps in all sorts of strange places, and being able to hold on the things like branches even while asleep means that it can sometimes be hard to find your Silkie,
Feeding habits: They are not super picky and will eat just about anything, though do like having easy access to snacks!
Additional info: Silkies feathers take dye really well, and they don't mind being all sorts of colors!
They can not fly but they can use their wings to give them a small boost when jumping,
Zone: N/A, Inside, Plains,
In Universe: They are seen as a perfect bitty for almost any home by most, and with their super chill temperament and their super soft feathers, many are inclined to agree!
Difficulty: Beginner
Main colors: White, blue, brown, black,
Secondary colors: White, blue, brown, black,
Extra: N/A
Additional info: Solid patterns,
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abigailmarkov · 7 years
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This baby is a fighter. The first to crack shell, but from the wrong end. (Which makes it a LOT harder to hatch.) We gave them 30 hours or so, and then slowly began pulling off small bits of the shell, but leaving the membrane mostly intact. Bitty birdie here pushed out and began to run around not long after. Some naps are of course in order. Three eggs left; two with cracks, one still a few days out from due. I've been trying to wrap my head around silkie genetics (again) all day, trying to work out how we got two black birds from either a black x buff or black x splash crossing. Black x splash should have been straight blue. Black x buff should have thrown everything but black. Unless the buff is buff with a recessive black, which I'm still trying to figure out if that's a thing. #TabulaRasa #Florida #chickensofinstagram #chickens #silkies #silkiechicken #punnitsquaresonlyworkifyouknowtheexactgenes #silkiecolorsarecomplicatedyo
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