#Silly pretty lads
sysig · 4 months
I need someone to make a post like
I'm so sick of "platonic ideal" this and "platonic ideal" that where the hell is "erotic ideal" "sexy ideal" "horny asf ideal"
so I can draw ZEX as a word bubble reblog to it
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galaxystt · 6 months
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gotta admit, I'm not immune to minecraft men....
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cherrydrop-rambles · 3 months
I swear, Dr. Starline is the coolest Sonic character EVER!!!
Like look at him and his expressions!!
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Amy Rose comes close to second of course :3
(Would it be crazy to say that this platypus fella got me into STH properly in the first place?)
He will always be one of my favourites.
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dawnbreakersgaze · 2 months
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My custom ring stack came in today and I'm ahhhhhh 😍😍
Now I can take my snowflake, my fishie, and my star with me wherever I go~ I told y'all I was a doofus and I meant it lol.
Also forgive my blindingly pale skin. I'm literally allergic to the sun lmao 🥴
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mopeytwat · 4 months
This is my new favourite Izzy pic HE'S SO CUTE
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vargaslovinghours · 2 years
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Of course they’re cute, that’s what they’re made of
#💟#Doodles#Art#Scriabin#Edgar#Cute batch time lol#Gotta keep up with my incorrect quotes! I decided to rewatch DBZA S3 again lol#I can't decide if Vegeta or Trunks better suit Scriabin voice-wise - personality-wise is pretty easy lol#He is cute regardless haha ♪#Edgar just so done with him lol#Beta Girafarig my beloved ❤️💖💞❤️💕💖💞#We were so robbed with the final Girafarig design!! Like I still love regular Girafarig they're a very good lad but Beta Girafarig......#An absolutely perfect baby I love them so much ♥ And they're so perfect for the Vargases haha#They've even got that kinda Yin/Yang little bit of dark in the light and vice versa motif it's so good#The sharp teeth on the 'arig half also matching Demon!Scriabin hehe ♪#They are absolutely tiny tho I can't believe they're only 4'11'' that's ridiculous lol#Silly comfort doodle of Edgar all wrapped up in a blanket and a hug uwu#Was thinking about self-consciousness and self-isolation - just wanna be left alone to be a miserable little blanket monster!#Not with Scriabin around he's gonna pick until he cheers him up in his own special way lol ♪#And finally a sad-sweet idea of Edgar trying to help Scriabin's hair grow#They both want it to be longer but to encourage that sometimes it needs to be cut!#Counter-productive and feels bad :( But it should reap dividends removing those dead ends <3#And with that I think I'm about at a point where I'm ready to call a hiatus#I'll still be back for the usual sketchdump in September - and hey if I get a sudden burst I'll know where to put it haha ✨#But if my math is right it's been a ~year since I've read mainfic and I feel like I've been drifting from confidently drawing them ouq#It'll be good to reengage after I've taken some time away ♥ That's what I did last time :D And it went very well lol ♪#And gosh knows I've still got plenty of a backlog to work with if I ever need ideas lol#So I'll be back >:3c I can't leave Vargas alone for good hehe ♥ I'll see you later ouo/
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rusty-gloinks · 11 months
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well that’s something!!!!! wonder if it’ll be like the double teaser/news thing they did way back in February/January (sometime before the release of the promening) that was fun :]
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lost my pet today but ok it WAS just a house spider we started calling clyde. but he was a Homespider to me </3
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exponentiate · 9 months
I haven’t exactly been bearposting all summer or anything so you’re all a bit contextless, but I just looked up at the explore.org/bears stream that’s just kind of always on at my house, and I saw a bear at the far wall, in The Office, and I recognized him as 151 Walker based on a mannerism, and I said to myself, “Oh, cool, I haven’t seen 151 in a while, I feel like it’s been all 32 and 821 and 164 the last few days”, and I went to look at the comments, and one of the comments was a picture of this bear, 151 Walker, captioned “so handsome”, and while I’m not judging anyone’s taste in handsome bears, I recognize him by how he’s constantly flapping his tongue around licking his chops or something, just, such an incredibly goofy behavior that I would not have described as handsome.
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sysig · 4 months
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Gift (Patreon)
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grassbreads · 7 months
Everyone say a big thank you to the random russian person that put a nice photo of the inner cover of tgcf volume 5 in their product review on a Rus book-selling site, thus providing me with the only straight-on, high-quality, in-color version of that illustration that I've been able to find
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polaroid-petals · 9 days
Vaguely sad that the old nightshade community seems to be long gone and that I came in past its prime, but also grateful that I get to be in the current nightshade community
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mistergoddess · 1 month
hmm yeah in 2 weeks exactly from this moment i will be on a plane overseas for the first time ever in my life and i have put exactly zero thought into any of that like what i'm packing how i'm packing when i'm packing what i'm packing in how i'm getting to the airport what my next move is on a whole ass other continent after getting off the plane or even just. idk. general mental preparation. lmao.
i mean it's the uk and i am not solo traveling beyond the flight there so it's not that serious but fuck i have been head empty i can't even sort out getting a phone plan which i have exactly five days to do lmfaooo let alone all that. eugh. whatever. fuck it we ball mentality.
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odyapso · 7 months
shoutout to me stressing abt finishing and handing in an essay due at midnight, resulting in me not being able to chill with my family, ONLY TO DISCOVER ITS DUE ON SUNDAY. FUCK ME.
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tapiocasketches · 8 months
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A lil comic strip. Enjoy ^^
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neroushalvaus · 7 months
Tumblr in the 60s
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☮ monkeewholock follow
🎉🎉CONGRATULATIONS UNITED KINGDOM 🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉BYE BYE GROSS INDECENCY!!!!🌈🌈🌈 62 countries have now legalized sexual activities between men🌈🌈🌈
🐞 homophilespock follow
🚀 starrfleet follow
They are American, not British... But I'm pretty sure spirk has always been able to fuck since the show is set in the future.
📻 lesbianbobdylan follow
Christ, this is not about your cutesy uwu yaoi otp, go outside and smoke some grass
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🌻 flowerpower follow
Politicians are not your friends but damn Kennedy is fine, I look at one (1) picture of him and my head literally explodes
🌻 flowerpower follow
...i just woke up, why is my askbox full
🌻 flowerpower follow
🌻 flowerpower follow
guys stop reblogging this it's been like five years i've changed
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🎹 nixonsafascist follow
do you think they call him little richard because he has a little. Richard
🎹 nixonsafascist follow
easy website
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🇻🇳 shirellesofficial follow
Being the only lesbian in your friend group sucks so bad. "beatles or stones??" i will kill you
🗣 lavendermenaceisreal-deactivated72537262
Disrespecting female social groups for male validation? Typical lesbian behaviour.
🇻🇳 shirellesofficial follow
Mike Jacker isnt gonna fuck you
🇻🇳 shirellesofficial follow
Oh no I think she couldn't handle that
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✌ draftdodgerdyke
DM me for the addresses of my Swedish and Canadian friends. Do not put your personal information in the reblogs.
🙍‍♀️ silvermilk follow
You should be ashamed of yourself.
✌ draftdodgerdyke
🙍‍♀️ silvermilk follow
I said, you should be ashamed of yourself. You disgust me. I assure you, when the commies attack us, you will not find your silly little post "groovy" anymore.
✌ draftdodgerdyke
Jesus, don't flip your wig
🙍‍♀️ silvermilk follow
My father fought in ww2 for you ungrateful degenerate.
✌ draftdodgerdyke
Don't see what your daddy's unsexiness has to do with me and my lads taking a sexy sexy trip to Sweden.
#anyway only hot guys dodge the draft
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🪕 prostitutesandlesbians follow
in every interview i watch of the beatles they are so DONE and trolling everybody, these fucking annoying BITCHES, i need them inside me so badly
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians follow
#this but not john lennon #i just can't forget the heinous things he said about jesus
idk I actually think it was very sexy of him, stop trying to cancel john in my post
✝️ jesusrevolution follow
The reading comprehension on this website is piss poor. John literally didn't mean he was greater than Jesus or better than Jesus, he was just trying to make a point about the world becoming more secular. Cancel culture has gone too far.
🚷 to-hell-with-the-beatles follow
How dare you say we piss on the poor?? Jesus died for Mr Lennon's sins and it's not "cancelling" to send him a few respectably worded death threats to remind him of that. He cancelled our Lord first!
✝️ jesusrevolution follow
Girl Jesus literally said it's cool, I dropped acid yesterday and saw Him and He told me.
🪕 prostitutesandlesbians follow
help the girls (christians) are fighting in my beatles thirst post
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🛼 donovandyke follow
I will be glued to the tv today. If you don't want to hear about it, just blacklist #moonlanding !!
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🗣 claudeberger4ever-deactivated98975287
Hi I'm new to the Hair musical fandom so I'm not super invested in the whole discourse, but I just felt like this needed to be said: Friendly reminder that not being against the war in Vietnam does not make you a bad person!
🥁 ringoforpresident follow
it literally does tho
✌ draftdodgerdyke
Another win for us hot guys
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